#ok i'm outta here again bye
toodrunktofindaurl · 2 years
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I put up a little survey but no one answered it. How dare you all go on living your lives when I'm posting important things like whether or not I should post this all at once or break it up. So, this is YOUR fault it's been released as a whole ;).
A/N ::: NOT EVEN GONNA FUCKING LIE this was about 15 pages on Google Docs. BUT IN MY DEFENSE I have been working on this for 3 days. And if I'd been left alone like I wanted to be, I'd have not carried on and on like this. So, blame everyone around me that insists on interrupting me while I'm tryin' to write this story that wasn't supposed to be this damn long. ANY-DAMN-WAY. I hope someone out there reads this, despite it being the size of a damn Steinbeck piece of lit.
Disclaimer ::: This is NOT literature.
Seriously, please ... someone enjoy this.
C/W ::: Chifuyu x F.reader x Baji, cheating, sneaking around and sex.
MDNI under the cut please and thank you.
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When Chifuyu introduced you to the man he looked up to - his mentor - his hero, you didn't really think much of it at first. It didn't register how he stopped breathing when he shook your hand and said hello. How his eyes blew out, fully black. Lacking the subtlety of a man who wasn't your lover.
You weren't anything special. At least, you didn't think you were. Chifuyu introduced you as "the most pretty girl he's ever laid eyes on" and Baji couldn't deny that was the loudest truth he's ever heard. He'd never been so jealous of anyone as he is right now. But what could he do about it? Take you away from the man who was like a little brother to him?
He didn't want to. But he couldn't help how he felt when he was around you. He couldn't help how his mouth went dry when you said "Hi, Baj'! How are you today? Lovin' the hair as usual!" And you would wink at him thinking you looked like a total dork and then you'd skitter off to find Chifuyu.
It was easy to fall for you. Especially when you were so sweet, always asking how his day was, making him laugh, smiling that pretty smile at him. His heart was yours. But he knew yours belonged to Chifuyu. And it was getting to a point where he had trouble being around you two at the same time. He wasn't angry or anything. But his heart hurt.
It'd beat out of his chest whenever you'd sit down next to him on the couch or in the back seat of the car. He started to not come around as much.
And one day, you went over there to find Chifuyu because Mikey said that he was at Baji's place and it'd be fine if you popped over to get him.
So, you did just that. Except Chifuyu wasn't there. It was just Keisuke. And he was sitting on his bed with a book in his hand and a sad look in his eyes. 
He seemed surprised to see you when you approached his room. 
"Hey, Baj'," you said softly, "I'm sorry for coming over without calling first but I don't have your number." You leaned against his doorway with your hand on your hip. Smiling that goddamn smile of yours at him like you have absolutely no idea how he feels.
He shook his head. "It's okay. Chifuyu isn't here so if you were looking for him … you’re outta luck."
"Oh. Do you know where he is?"
"Nope. I don't think he's coming back here anytime soon either."
"Ah," you said, "so we're both out of luck."
Baji swallowed hard. "Yeah, ok. Well, bye, I guess. It was nice seeing you."
You smiled again. "Oh! O-ok, Baj'. Maybe I'll ... see you … I’ll see you ‘round."
He only had the strength to say "yeah, maybe" as you walked out of his room and out of his place. Because if he opened his mouth the only words that were going to come out were "I love you, y/n. Please give me a chance. I feel like I'm going to explode every time I'm in the same room with you and I don't get to touch your soft skin."
But he didn't say that. He couldn't. And he spent the rest of his night alone, wishing he had someone to hold him. Someone to tell him everything was going to be okay. Someone who loved him as much as he loved you. Someone who loved him as much as you loved Chifuyu.
You eventually tracked Chifuyu down and you told him about how sad Baji seemed tonight.
"Do you think I should go talk to him?" He asked.
"No," you replied. "I don't think he's in the mood to talk. He seemed really sad, though. He looked like he wanted to cry."
"Should we just leave him alone?"
"Yeah, I think so. But let's check on him tomorrow. Maybe he'll be more up to talking then."
"Ok. I hope so."
You didn't mean to, but you caught a glimpse of Chifuyu's face before he turned away. It was like he knew something. Like he knew that Baji had a crush on you. And maybe he did. Baji wasn't subtle at all. He was obvious and open and loud about his feelings. He wore them on his sleeve. And Chifuyu is the type to notice things. Especially about someone he already paid such close attention to. But none of this could be helped. Not really.
So, you left it alone.
A few weeks later, all the boys came over to hang out. And you sat down next to Baji on the couch like you usually did and you leaned your head on his shoulder. He tensed up and then relaxed. And you heard him sniffle a bit.
"Baj'? Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," he said, voice breaking.
"You're crying."
He turned his face away from you and wiped his eyes. "Sorry, y/n. It's nothing. Don't worry about it."
"Hey, I'm your friend. I worry about you. What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Just ... just … stupid shit. Ok? I don't wanna talk about it."
You nodded and patted his knee. "Ok, well, I'm here if you need me." And you got up and walked down the hallway to your room to grab a sweatshirt.
What you didn't know is that Baji got up and followed you. And when you turned around, he was standing there. He reached out and grabbed your hand. And he brought it up to his mouth and kissed it.
"I'm sorry, y/n. I can't do this anymore."
"Do what?"
"I can't ... I can't sit here and watch you and Chifuyu be all lovey dovey. It's fucking with my head, ok? I don't want to feel this way but I do and it's killing me inside. I've tried to stop it. I've tried everything and nothing works."
You pulled your hand back. "What are you … Baji? I don't understand."
"I'm saying that I like you, ok? And I don't know how to stop."
"I understand that but why the fuck are you telling me this now? Jesus, Baj'." You sat down on your bed, folding the sweatshirt up on your lap and holding it close to your chest.
Baji sat down next to you and put his hand on your arm. "I know it's stupid and I know you and Chifuyu are happy together. But I need you to know. I need you to know how much you mean to me. How much I wish it was me instead of him."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You didn't know Baji felt this way. You didn't think he ever looked at you like that. And you didn't know what to say. You were speechless.
"I'm sorry, y/n," he said again, "I'm sorry I fucked everything up. I'll go."
But before he could get up, you grabbed his wrist. "Wait," you said. "Don't go."
He turned back to you, face red and impossibly handsome. How had you never seen this before? How completely fucking beautiful he is. And how could you have missed the way he looked at you?
"I'm … sorry, Baj'. I'm sorry I never knew."
"It's not your fault, y/n. I don't blame you for anything. You can't help how you feel."
You nodded.
"What does that mean? Why are you nodding?"
You took his hand and held it in yours. "I don't know." The look in your eyes made him feel something he hadn't felt in so long. And he couldn't help but process that as some fresh new hell. Some new hurt. But still, he was stupidly hopeful.
Even though he didn't want to. He didn't want to think that maybe you could be his. But the way you looked at him right then gave him the tiniest bit of hope that maybe it was possible.
"Y/n? Babe? Where're ya at?" You pulled your hand from Baji's and put them on your lap.
"Sh-shit!" Baji said. "We're in here, Chifuyu. The bedroom." He said as casually as he could muster.
"Tryin' steal my girl, asshole?" Chifuyu laughed half-heartedly.
Baji did not. "Nah, man. Just talking. Catching up."
"Yeah. Ok. Well, Mikey says time to go."
"Shit, already? It's only been an hour."
"Yeah, he wants us all at his place. So, we should go. Don't wanna keep the boss waiting."
"Right. Ok, let's go." Baji got up and walked past Chifuyu without looking him in the eyes. "See ya around, y/n."
"Bye, Baj’-i. Baji." you said. You didn't know what to say. You didn't know what to do.
Baji left and Chifuyu looked at you with a frown. "What's wrong, babe?"
"Doesn't look like nothing."
"It's nothing, really. Baji was just telling me about some ... something. No biggie. So you're leaving?" You got up and hugged him, trying not to think about the few minutes you and Baji had alone in your room. Holding hands on your bed.
Chifuyu hugged you back. "Yeah, sorry. Mikey says it's important. So, I gotta go. But I'll be back in the morning. Promise."
"Ok, well, I'll talk to you later, yeah? Be safe, Chi." You kissed him and he kissed you back like it was as easy to do as breathing and that broke you down a little bit more than you had anticipated.
What the hell is happening, you wondered. No, you knew what was happening. What is happening. And it was bad. It was so fucking bad. Because you couldn't stop thinking about Baji and his sweet face and his sad eyes. And how it would be nice to hold him and kiss him and make him feel better.
But that was insane. Wasn't it? You loved Chifuyu. You didn't want to be with anyone else. But then why did you feel this way? Why did you want to call Baji and tell him you felt the same?
You didn't know what to do. You were lost. And it was getting harder to pretend you were okay. Especially when you were around Baji. Especially especially when you were around Baji and Chifuyu at the same time.
So, you got into your bed and you texted Chifuyu a good night and a "miss you already" and you waited for him to text you his usual good night text.
It wasn't long and your phone vibrated. You smiled and picked it up next to you on the bed. Picking it up, you were anticipating what cute little thing Chifuyu was going to say to you.
Your smile only grew more wide when you saw it wasn't Chifuyu who'd texted you. 
It was Baji.
"What you doin', y/n?" He asked.
"Hi Baj'. I'm in bed. What you doin'?"
"Same. Just wanted to say g'night."
"Oh, ok. Well, thanks. G'night, Baji. Sweet dreams, yeah?"
"Gonna try and dream about you. And you can't stop me so don't come over here and try to or anything dumb like that, y/n. Got it?"
You surprised yourself: not only with how hard you laughed but that you were up and out of your bed before you knew what happened. Throwing on some leggings and a hoodie and heading out the front door.
Apparently, heading to Baji's place.
"Jesus Christ," he laughed when he opened the door. "Did you sprint here? You're a fucking mess."
"Yeah? Thanks! Anyway, I did run here. And I'm here, aren't I? You're not the only one who can't sleep." Your breathing started to level out after a minute or two of standing there with him.
He couldn't deny that he was missing how your chest heaved when your breathing was heavy. Even behind the baggy sweatshirt. He was missing the way your eyes sparkled in the dark. The way your hair looked messy and adorable. He was missing everything about you.
Until you got there, that is.
"Come in," he said, "make yourself at home."
"Thank you. So, what's up? Why can't you sleep?"
He shrugged. "Don't know. Just thinking too much."
He rolled his eyes. "You know about what."
You nodded. "I do. And I think we need to talk about it, yeah? It's getting weird."
Baji swallowed and nodded. "Yeah. You're making things really awkward, y/n. I don't know how much more I can take - going on like this. You're a real pain in my ass."
You gasped, exaggerating hurt feelings and pushed him over on the living room couch. You climbed on top of him before you even knew what was happening.
And though you were only intending to tickle him and make him suffer in the most innocent way, it quickly evolved into something neither one of you had any business exploring with one another.
You felt his hands on your hips and his lips on yours before you had time to process it. And you had no idea what was going on.
You didn't know what to do.
But you knew you didn't want to stop. You didn't want to stop him.
"B-Baji," you said, pulling back just a bit. "Ffffuck! Baj'! Wh-what the hell!"
"I don't know," he said, "I just ... I couldn't help it."
"Yeah, well … neither can I. But we have to stop. We can't do this. We can't do this to Chifuyu! Fuck, man!"
You pulled back and jumped off him. And you started pacing around the living room.
"We can't do this, Baj'. We can't do this to him. We can't."
Baji got up and grabbed your waist, spinning you around to face him. He pulled you flush against the front of his body and kissed you again.
Harder this time.
With more purpose.
And you didn't have the strength to push him away.
You gave in.
Because you wanted to feel him. You wanted to be touched by him and you wanted to touch him. And you couldn't help yourself.
But you knew it was wrong. You knew it was bad.
"Baj'," you said, "we can't. We can't do this." You said between breaths and smashing your lips against his. You had your hands twisted and tangled up in his long, dark hair. Pulling on it as though it would get you even closer to him than you already were.
But it wouldn't.
It couldn't.
And you knew that. You both knew that.
But you couldn't stop. And it didn't matter that you had no idea what was going to happen after tonight.
All you could focus on is what was happening right now.
And right now, you were kissing Baji like it was the last thing you were ever going to do. Like he was the last person you were ever going to touch. Like he was the one who mattered the most.
Like you were never going to be the same again.
Because you weren't.
And you knew you weren't.
So, you did the only thing you could do in this situation:
You said fuck it and kept kissing him.
You said fuck it to what you and Chifuyu had.
You said fuck it to your morals. Fuck it to your conscience. Fuck it all.
Nothing had ever felt so right.
Not in a long time.
Not since you started dating Chifuyu.
And that's when you knew. You knew it was never going to be over, this thing that was blooming between you and Baji.
And you weren't sure what you were going to do about that.
So, you let Baji kiss you and hold you and make love to you that night. You let him because you needed it. You needed him.
And you knew that no matter what happened, it was never going to be the same.
Because you couldn't live without Baji.
Not anymore.
Not now that you'd seen him and touched him and loved him.
No, it wasn't going to be the same. Not ever.
And you were okay with that.
You were okay with it because you knew that it was always supposed to be like this.
Baji was always supposed to be yours.
And you were always supposed to be his.
You were always supposed to be together.
And it felt like the universe was finally putting everything back where it was always supposed to be.
You were complete.
And you had no idea what that meant or what it was going to lead to.
A couple of weeks after this started, Chifuyu asked you to go out with him and Baji. He said it wasn't going to be anything special. Not a date, though, just the three of you going out for dinner, maybe drinks.
You said yes.
Because you couldn't say no.
And Baji couldn't either.
You couldn't look at Chifuyu because you felt so bad.
But you had to.
You had to look at him.
You wanted to tell him.
You wanted to tell him everything.
You wanted to tell him how you felt.
You wanted to tell him how you were feeling about Baji. About him. About you and Chifuyu's relationship as it stood now. About you and Baji's relationship. That shouldn't even exist.
But it did.It does. 
And you weren't sure how to explain that.
You weren't sure how to tell him that you'd fallen in love with his best friend.
You weren't sure how to tell him that you were fucking said best friend and that it wasn't just sex.
It was love.
It was so much more than anything you’d ever experienced.
So, you sat there.
You sat there next to Chifuyu, holding his hand.
And you sat there across from Baji, your feet touching under the table at the booth. Your eyes staring back at the other's for longer than should have been acceptable.
"I'm gonna go grab some water," Chifuyu said, "you guys want anything else?"
"Nah, I'm good," Baji said.
"Me too," you said.
He nodded and walked over to the counter.
And Baji leaned forward. "We can't do this, y/n. We can't keep this up. I can't keep going like this. I can't keep sitting across from you and pretending like I don't want to rip your fucking clothes off and eat your pussy for the next 4 hours. That I don't want to fuck you stupid. I'm fucking getting hard right now just talking about it, y/n! Fuck."
"I know. I know, Baj'. This is killing me. I feel like I'm going to explode."
"What are we going to do? I can't lose you. And I won't lose Chifuyu. He's my best friend. But you're my, goddamn it y/n ... you're my soulmate."
"I … what?"
He nodded. "Yeah. And I know that sounds crazy and stupid but it's the truth. We were made for each other. I feel it. Do you feel it?"
"I , Baj'. I do. But we can't keep this up. We can't do this to Chifuyu."
Neither of you noticed him walk up to the table. "Do what to me? What are you guys goin' on about?"
Baji and you looked at each other. "Nothing," you said.
"You were talkin' about me, weren't you? Did you guys have a fight or something? Is that why you're over here whispering and shit?"
"N-no!" Baji said. "No, we didn't have a fight or anything like that. We were just talking, man. Just talking."
Chifuyu didn't seem to believe him. He squinted his eyes at the two of you and then shrugged. "Ok. Whatever. Anyway, here's your water. What do you guys want to eat?"
You didn't know. You didn't know what you wanted to eat. You didn't know if you wanted to eat. Ever again. All you could think about is how much this was going to hurt Chifuyu. And how much it was going to hurt Baji. And you.
But you had no choice.
You had to tell him.
You had to tell Chifuyu.
And you couldn't put it off any longer.
"Chi, Baj' has something he wants to tell you!" you yelled out so loudly the whole restaurant stopped whatever they were doing to stare at the disruptive girl.
"The FUCK, y/n!" Baji yelled back at you. "What the fuck are you doing?!" He hissed at you.
You shrugged. "I can't do this anymore, Baj'. I can't keep hiding it. I can't keep lying. It's not fair to him."
"You're gonna fucking do it now?"
You nodded.
And Chifuyu looked between the two of you. "What the hell is going on? What are you guys hiding?"
"I ... um ... we ... we've been sleeping together," Baji said, hanging his head.
"You fucking what?" Chifuyu looked at you. "You've been fucking my best friend? Behind my back? Are you fucking kidding me, y/n? You're fucking kidding me. This isn't funny. This isn't funny at all."
"I'm sorry, Chi. I didn't mean for this to happen. It just did. It's not like we planned it or anything. It just happened."
"Yeah, it just happened! That's real fucking convenient. You just accidentally fell onto his dick. Real fucking nice, y/n. I can't believe you. I can't believe either of you. You know what? Fuck this shit. You guys deserve each other. I hope you're happy together." Chifuyu threw his napkin down on the table and stormed out of the restaurant.
Leaving you and Baji at the table and everyone in there staring at you again.
You got up and started to chase after Chifuyu. Baji just sat there, taking a sip of his drink. "Fuckin' shit," he said, "this was a bad idea."
You found Chifuyu outside, sitting on a bench next to the entrance of the restaurant. "H-hey," you said, sitting down next to him.
"Leave me alone, y/n. I don't want to talk to you."
"I know. I'm sorry, ok? I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you, Chi. You know that, right? You know I would never want to hurt you on purpose."
"Yeah, well, you did. You did hurt me. And you have been hurting me for weeks."
"Chi, you have to under- wait, what did you just say? You've known about this? Chi!"
"Yeah, I fucking knew about it. I'm not an idiot. I could tell you guys had something going on. And I let it go because I thought it was nothing. I thought it was a crush or something. I thought I could trust you BOTH to do the right thing here. Instead, you've been fucking each other - behind my back, for weeks and NOT telling me how you felt. You know, the worst part is, I'm not even that surprised. Baji is great. You're great. It was inevitable that you two would find your way into each other's arms. I mean, come on, now. You'd have to be fucking blind to not want to be with either of you."
"I'm so sorry, Chi." You had tears running down your face. But you weren't sure why you were crying. It was all just a lot to process. Chifuyu's reaction, Baji's lack of reaction. All of it.
"It's fine. I'm not mad at you, y/n. I'm mad at Baji. And I'm mad at myself for not seeing this coming. For not stopping it before it went too far. For being in love with you when you're clearly in love with him."
You didn't know what to say. You didn't know what to do. So, you just sat there.
And you let Chifuyu talk.
"I think I knew it was happening before it did. I tried to ignore it. I tried to pretend like it wasn't a big deal. But it was. And it still is."
"I'm so sorry, Chi. I … honest to God never ... ever never wanted to hurt you."
"But you did. And I can't forgive you for that. I don't know if I ever will. And we can't be together anymore. Not now."
"I understand." You had to choke out those words. They were getting caught in your throat as you tried not to sob.
"Fuck. Don't cry, y/n. We can still be friends. I mean, I don't hate you or anything. I'll just never trust you with anything important. Ever again. Like, ever."
"I know. I know, Chi. I get it."
He nodded. "Ok. Well, I'm gonna go. You should go back in there and talk to Baji. Tell him what happened. He deserves to know how badly he fucked up."
"Y- … I will."
"Good. Take care, y/n. And tell him I said good luck with you. That he's dating a whore, liar and cheater. Tell him I said to have fun with that."
You forced yourself to laugh. You knew Chifuyu well enough to know he didn't mean everything he just said to you. Maybe ⅔’s of it. Though you wouldn't bet money on which ⅔’s he was referring to.
Walking back to the restaurant you saw Baji sitting at the table. His shoulders slumped down and his head hung over the table.
"Hey," you said, sitting down across from him.
"What happened? Did you find Chifuyu?"
"Yeah. He was outside. He left"
"Oh. Ok."
"He knows, Baj'. He knew all along."
"Fuck, y/n! Why didn't you tell me that? You should have told me that. Jesus Christ, man! That changes everything."
"I didn't know he knew! Stop yelling at me! You're just as responsible for this shit as I am! Maybe more!"
"Yeah, ok. Whatever. It's done. Let's just go home."
"What? Home? Where is home?"
"You know where it is. My place. You know, the place you've been fucking me every night for the past 2 weeks. The place where you've been sleeping with me and lying to my best friend. Yeah, that home. You remember that one, right?"
"Yeah, I'm familiar." You scowled at him.
"Ok, good." He stood from the table and walked toward the exit, not waiting for you.
You followed him out, running to catch up. You walked next to him in silence, the tension thick in the air around you.
Neither of you had any idea what was going to happen next.
You didn't know if you were going to be together. after this. If you should be together after this.
And you didn't know what to do about it.
So, you did the only thing you could: You kept walking until you got to Baji's house.
And when you got there, you went inside.
Because you didn't want to think about anything else.
The emptiness you felt in the fresh absence of Chifuyu was so painful that you wanted to escape this reality. And the only way to do that was to let yourself be whisked away by Baji in the little fantasy world the two of you had created a couple of weeks ago in his room.
He pulled you down onto the bed and rest his hand on the curve of your waist and he put his forehead against yours.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"Sorry?" You whispered back to him. All the while, thinking about his lips and the rest of him and how it was all yours for the taking now. You could have him in his entirety.
You didn't know what you were going to do with that.
"Yeah. I'm sorry for all this. I shouldn't have fallen in love with you. I knew better."
"Baj'. You're not the only one who fell here. I love you too. So hard and so fast. I don't know what the fuck happened."
He kissed your mouth, his lips just grazing yours. It sent a jolt down your spine. You know that kiss. You know what it means. The look in his eyes. On his face. You'd become well acquainted with Baji's everything over the last few weeks.
Except now, it didn't hurt to acknowledge it. That you liked it. That you sat around, fantasizing about it when you weren't together. And that you thought about him more than you wanted to admit to yourself.
You wrapped your hand around the back of his head and held him tightly by the hair, pulling him on top of you. He pushed into you, grinding his hips against yours as he kissed you with a ferocity that you couldn't deny.
You were never going to be the same after tonight.
Not ever.
Not after Baji.
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@kazutora-kurokawa @katkusuo @viburnt @arlerts-angel @darkstarlight82
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thirstytrashblogger · 12 days
Allan x Reader Meetcute Oneshot Adventure
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A/N: God gave me the power to write and weed so I’m making stuff. 
Summary: A Allan Adventure redone scene so he can avoid that long-ass day. Really half of this is just the transcript from wiki but I had fun with it. 
Warnings: Mentions of quitting smoking, Smiling Friends shenanigans
Allan had stepped into the local Office Crap in search of some paper clips. He speaks to an employee with six arms who was stocking shelves to quickly ask where he could find the paper clips. 
Allan: Um, excuse me.
Armzo: [interrupting Allan] Wait, wait, wait, hold on man, I'm do- I'm in the middle of something here.
Allan walks up to Armzo while he continues to stack cans.
Allan: I just need some help.
Armzo: I'm warning you right now dude, keep screwing around and bad shit’s gonna happen, man.
Allan scowls at the rude attitude. 
Allan: You don't need to be rude.
Armzo angrily puts his cans down and walks up to Allan. Tapping his foot impatiently.
Armzo: Ok, what's up man, what do you want, huh? What’s going on, what do you need, man? Don't get nervous now, man, what? Ask your-ask your question, go ahead, what?
The two talk over each other, while the armless manager in the background notices the argument.
Allan: Look, asshole, I'm just wondering if you have any-
Armzo: Asshole?!
Allan: Yeah-
Allan and Armzo: Asshole!
Allan: You-
Armzo: Did you call me an asshole?!
Allan: Yes, I did, because you're being an asshole! Why didn't you help me?
Armzo: Bro, you’re being an asshole! I'm in the middle of something right now!
Allan: Fuck you, don't you work here? I'm just a customer!
Armzo: You walk up to me and you literally just start bugging me with stupid questio-
Allan: I'm not "bugging you", I'm just asking- you- you spider, you ass-
Armzo: What do you need?! Wha-
The manager runs over.
Manager: ARMZO! Who told you to stop stacking with your six arms? He wiggles his arm stubs.
Armzo angrily continues stacking while scowling at Allan.
Allan: Sir, do you know where I can find some paperclips?
Manager: Paperclips? No, sorry. Unfortunately, we're sold out.
Allan: Sold out?
 The manager nods.
Allan: Hmm, is there somewhere else where I can get them?
Manager: Hmm, the only place that might have them is that computer repair shop over in Crimeville.
Just then another critter appeared setting down a large box that was blocking them from view.
Y/N: W-wait, boss, what do you mean sold out? I just hauled in all these crates of paper clips.
Manager: O-oh ya did?
Y/N: Yeah for like the last 2 hours I've just been hauling these crates in. You told me to, remember?
Manager: Oh yeah. I thought that was Billy's job.
Y/N: Billy didn't show up today. Only Armzo and I did and since he has six arms and I don't he got stacking. He always gets stacking. We knew we were getting a big shipment today after that last guy bought the whole stock. Look at all these crates. That’s all metal in there. Look at how short I am. I could’ve used some help.
Manager: Uh huh. Look, y/n I really don't want to get into this right now. We have a customer.
Y/n looks to see Allan turn slightly revealing his presence. They mistook him for a load bearing pole painted red. 
Y/N: Oh, didn't see you there, man. My apologies.
Allen: Um yeah. I just needed some paper clips.
Y/N: Oh yeah yeah isle 7. Just over here. 
Manager: And Armzo, if you screw up again you're going BACK TO THE PSYCH WARD!!!!
Armzo starts quickly stacking cans in fear, the manager walks away before he turns back to a smiling Allan
Armzo: Thanks, man. Thanks for getting me in trouble, two armed piece of shit.
Allan: Sure thing. Hey goodbye spider. Goodbye. Keep stacking, keep stacking. Bye bye. Bye. Goodbye.
Armzo: [at the same time] Goodbye! Bye! Bye bye! Bye bye! Bye bye! I will, I will! Bye bye!
Armzo flips off Allan with three of his arms as he leaves to follow Y/N to the paper clip aisle. 
Armzo: Get outta here man.
One of the cans fall on Armzo's head
Armzo: WOAH-
All of the cans fall on and bury Armzo.
Y/n began leading Allen to isle 7.
Y/N: Look, man I'm real sorry about my outburst back there.
Allan: Oh, it's cool.
Y/N: Like I've just had a really rough morning but I'm trying to not project that onto people. You don't need to know about all that. Anyway, here's the paper clips.
Allan: No, I don't. Thanks for the paper clips though
Y/N: Yeah man. I can ring you up when you're ready
They turned to go to the register.
“Hey” said Allen getting y/n's attention. Now walking to the register with them, paper clips secured.
Y/N: Yeah?
Allan: (he looks to read their nametag) Y/N, you were much more helpful than that other guy with the arms. 
Y/N: Oh thanks, dude. Don't worry about Armzo, he's just been super irritable since the psych ward made him quit smoking. Called me a %$^#%$&@#&$^^$@^#^$@(!^&#%@@% yesterday so i put a dead fish in his locker. Anyway, that'll be $4.39, sir.
As Allan handed them the money their hands brushed a second longer than needed. 
Y/N: And 61 cents is your change. Would you like your receipt?
Allan: Sure.
Their hands brushed again as Allan was handed his receipt and his change. Static shocking them both.
Y/N: Have a nice day, sir.  
They waved off with a smile.
Allan: Yeah. You too. I guess I'll see you around.
Y/N: See ya around.
With that, Allen turned to leave with his paper clips. Upon closer inspection of the receipt, allen noticed y/n had written down their number.
Meanwhile in Crimeville, DJ Spit waited outside of the computer repair shop for Allen to walk out with the paper clips. After waiting a while he called up the landlord who hired him.
DJ Spit: (on the phone) Hey man, I don’t think this foo is coming, holmes. 
Landlord: WHAAAT?? But he should’ve been there by Now!!!!?
DJ Spit: Uhhh yeah man, no I don’t see him nowhere around. It’s already been like a couple hours. 
Landlord: OH Woah is me! Now who will I get who is cool enough to HANG out with me and smoke weed and fill out bellies with DIET soda and play Burnout Revenge for the PS2?!
DJ Spit: you got weed man? That’s cool I remeber playing PS2 with my primos after school. 
Landlord: Hey Dj Spit, Would you like to HANG out with me and smoke weed and fill out bellies with DIET soda and play Burnout Revenge for the PS2?!
DJ Spit: Would I still get paid, man? 
Landlord: Oh ABSOLUTELY!
DJ Spit: Oh fuck yeah man, I’ll be right over. My soundcloud about to pop the fuck off with this one. Hey ya want me to bring like beers or anything while I’m out. 
Landlord: No it’s cool. I’ve got the DIET soda. I just have to make a quick call to cancel the other stuff. I might still be able to get my DEPOSIT back. I guess what I really needed wasn’t a smiling friend but a friend who would make me smile. 
DJ Spit: Uh cool, so I’ll see you in like 15. 
Landlord: HEHEHEHe cool. See you in 15, PAL!
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fandomwe1rd0 · 2 months
Some Rick and Morty quotes that make me SOB
"I'm calling it...the adventure's over..."
"We can't leave now, Morty! I'm on fire!"
"Look I wanna leave now. You win the bet ok? Just get the portal gun and let's go home please! Please...I just want to go h-home..."
*Rick sees a beaten Mr. Jellybean leave the bathroom and realizes what that sick fuck did to his grandson*
"Listen Morty...I just won a bunch of shmeckles...how about we use 25 of them to pay Slippery Stair here for a ride, then we'll give the rest of the shmeckles to the villagers, huh?"
"Sure Morty, yeah, a good adventure needs a good ending."
"Oh heros! We'd like to introduce you to our beloved king so that he may thank you personally!"
*Mr. Jellybean is on a throne, waving*
"U-uh no i-it's cool. Rick. Portal. Hurry."
~ Meeseeks and Destroy
"Morty, where's your collar? I'll fix it."
"I dropped it!"
"...." *Rick puts his time collar on Morty and Morty gets to safety*
"I'm okay with this. Be good Morty. Be better than me."
~ A Rickle in Time
"So let me get this straight...for the rest of your life no matter how much it hurts you, no matter how much it destroys our children's futures...we're going to do whatever Rick wants, whenever he wants?"
"Because I don't want him to leave again you fucking asshole!"
"I was thinking I'd go to the gloppy drop system...get some ice cream..."
"D-do you want me to come with? D-don't you need my brainwaves for camoflague or something?"
"I'll be ok...bye Morty."
"Rick...you're not leaving right?"
"Yes I am...to get ice cream."
"So you're coming back?"
"Morty, if you go to where there's a bunch of ice cream and don't come back, you haven't actually gotten ice cream, you just went to where ice cream is."
"Rick...I can handle it if you go...but you'll break Mom's heart...and I won't forgive you for that!"
"...Where's the car, Morty?"
"Look...I'm doing what's right for the galaxy by calling you...so...if I come back to Earth...can my family have a normal life?"
"We only want Sanchez sir, your family will be fine."
~ The Wedding Squanchers
"Because he (Rick) doesn't care! Because no one is special to him Summer! Not even himself!"
"C'mon girls the ice cream's gonna melt!"
*Diane and Beth get blown up by a bomb*
~ Rickshank Redemption
"Morty, not that I give a shit but are you alright?"
"Jesus Chirst it hurts!"
"Relax! Quit your bitching! You're gonna be fine! Grandpa's here."
~ Rest and Ricklaxation
"Have fun with this toliet you get to use all by yourself now! Have fun while you sit there and think about how nobody wants to be around you, and how you ruin it all for yourself because you're a huge piece of shit! King shit on his throne of loniness. All hail his majesty! The saaadessst piece of garabage in the entire cosmos!"
~ The Old Man and The Seat
"Holy shit I'm a terrible father."
~ Star Mort Rickturn of Jerri
"What we had was toxic, don't you see? I'm a bad partner because I never made you a true partner. The crows made me see that. I thought they were a joke like you, but it turns out that they are more enlightened than any of us."
"Ok...so what's the undercut?"
"You're not hearing me Morty, I will never be the same because of these two crows. So I need to leave with the crows and see what more they can teach me."
"Oh. ....Oh."
~ Forgetting Sarick Mortshall
"You can come with me if you want, don't blame me if you don't."
"Ugh..from where I sit Morty, that's the best deal on the table...I-I don't have a real plan."
~ Rickmurai Jack
"If you don't care if you die, why do you care if I die?"
"Knock it off get outta here! You did this last season! You're like a suicide bomber!"
"Takes one to know one!"
"Well you get it from him (Rick Prime) not me!"
"I don't know him! You're my grandpa Rick! Rick and Morty 100 years!"
~ Solaricks
"I MADE you! I showed you infinity! And what did you do with it? Hang out with MY grandson!? Raise echos of MY daughter?! What's your life without me?"
"Let's find out."
"Admit it, you would've been me! I just walked into your garage before you walked into mine! But eventually you did! YOU LIVED IN MY HOUSE!"
~ Unmortricken
"Come on, we'll get through this!"
"I-I'm staying here..."
"No we're Rick and Morty. I'm not leaving without you."
"....What did you just say?"
"I said I'm not leaving without you! C'mon! You're irreplaceable!"
(Echoing) "Irreplaceable...Irreplaceable...Irreplaceable..."
"Oh god...I know what I'm afraid of...I'm afraid you'd never say that in real life! I'm afraid that if I jumped into a hole you wouldn't even bother jumping in after me! This entire thing has been about me! YOU'RE NOT EVEN IN THE HOLE ARE YOU!?"
~ Fear No Mort
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tllgrrl · 1 year
Snitches by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones & @shellyac75 aka Shellyac
Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes | Rated: G
Summary: “I know what I’m doing, Sam. It’s not nearly as far as that time when I—what…what’s that? Waitaminute. Who are you calling?”
Sam looks Bucky dead in his blue-grey eyes and says the last two words Bucky wanted to hear right now:
“Hey, Sarah?”
* * * * * * * * * *
“Cap, Buck…I mean Sarge. COMM Check. We’re at altitude. Coming up on Jump Point in 60…”
Sam sets the volume on his COMM. “Thanks, Torres. Loud and clear.”
Bucky, following Sam to the door of the plane, grabs a COMM device, puts it in his own ear, and throws a thumbs-up at Torres.
“Look. I’m just saying. You better not jump outta this plane without—and I don’t care if it won’t kill you. I know you’ve done it before, but I’m telling you, Buck! I don’t want to have to hear about it from—”
“You don’t—“
“I mean it, man. Don’t make me do this…”
He pulls something out of a hidden upper mid-chest pocket of his suit.
“I know what I’m doing, Sam. It’s not nearly as far as that time when I—what…what’s that? Waitaminute. Who are you calling?”
Sam looks Bucky dead in his blue-grey eyes and says the last two words Bucky wanted to hear right now:
“Hey, Sarah?”
“Sarah?!? Are you kidding me? You’re telling Sarah on me? How old are you?!?”
“Yeah, Sis. No, no! Everything’s fine. But Bucky—“
“OKAY! Okay! I’ll get a ‘chute, DAD!”
Torres, watches the whole scene, trying to look like he’s keeping an eye on the digital display so Bucky won’t see him laughing. It’s always something between those two. They’re comedy gold. Even more now that Bucky’s dating Sam’s sister.
“Here. See? I’m gonna put it on. Now, hang up the pho—no wait, gimme that—“
[His voice changes, going softer and sweet.]
“Hey, baby? It’s me. Ou konnen mwen sonje w, wi?
Thanks, sweetness. I been practicing. Yeah, I miss you too—“
“Man, shut up.”
[Sam grabs the phone and pushes Bucky out of the plane, not even partially buckled into his parachute.]
“Au revoir, cyborg.
Sarah? Hey, guess what Bucky did…”
Later that evening…
“Yeah, Baby. I figured you saw it. Sam got Redwing to…yeah…in 4K.
I know I promised I wouldn't do that anymore, I just forgot at first…
But I did have my parachute! I was about to put it on, then Sam pushed me out of the plane.
I'm really sorry, nandi. It won’t happen again. Hug the boys for me—hey, they didn’t see—? Good. Don’t want them to…yeah, get ideas!
Ok I'll tell him. Ndiyakuthanda, sweetness. Bye.
Hey, Samuel? Sarah said to tell you a’ight bet.”
“I'm a dead man.”
* * *
The next day…
“Hey, Sam, Torres says we’re stopping off in Wakanda before going back to Delacroix. Why?”
“Because I value my life enough to know that I gotta bring back something nice for Sarah so she'll actually be happy to see me. If you were smart you’d do the same.”
“I already got something that’ll make Sarah happy to see me when I get home.”
A few minutes later...
[Bucky opens his eyes and sees Redwing hovering above him, just out of reach.]
“Very funny, Sam. Oh! Hold on…”
“What…what’s that? Who’re you callin’?!”
“Hey, Sarah? Guess what Sam did…”
* * * * * * * * * *
Ou konnen mwen sonje w, wi? (Haitian Creole) You know I miss you, yes?
Ndiyakuthanda (isiXhosa) I love you.
nandi sweet, tasty, delight
* * * * * * * * * *
NOTE: For now, Snitches is also posted HERE on AO3 for members. Hopefully they’ll get their whole AI thing worked out, but for now over there it’s locked unless you’re Registered.
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thecrypticphone69 · 1 month
"Why did you make me start this."
ooc intro woagh!!! Fuckin' cool!!!
Ok so, sup, names Dave, ya can call me mod dave on 'ere tho! Uh, I don't got much to say-- I am a fuckin' minor n' shit but idfc for sexual or weird asks; just nothin' too outta' pocket!
at the time I'm makin' this I'm doin' a redesign of the blog; old posts are gonna' be up but 'm removin the old, goin' in with the new! So 'eres some basic fuckin' info for ya':
Mod goes by he/him, Phonegingi goes by he/they/she 'cause 'm pretty sure he has no idea wtf pronouns are ("It's just a social construct." - Phonegingi)
this is a multiship blog, and we have no set 'ship' 'round 'ere. Just Gingi bein' Gingi and me bein' me
Again, sexual / weird asks are allowed, just don't be too fuckin' gross. 'm all up for dirty jokes but when it goes too far it goes too far.
I don't really gotta' DNI, they don't really work but I do block freely, so if your like anythin' weird (ex: pro, zoo, etc.) fair damn warnin' if ya' got it in your bio or somethin'.
Heres my Straw.Page to see more 'bout me before ya interact!
Anyways, 'm gonna let the cryptid take over the fuckin' blog now, BYE YA-
"get the fuck away from my damn blog You stupid piece of shit."
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chelsea-xxx2003 · 10 months
Chapter 4
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(Part 4)
It was now late. Aarons phone hadn't had a call or messages. That must meant that he had no job to do tonight. He could just chill at home. That conversation with Miles about her was running through his memories. He stands and goes to the bedroom. He lifts the mattress and pulls some sort of book from under. His sits at the edge of the bed and opens the first page and sees her. Its a photo album. It has a lot of pictures the two of them. Now he sits there reminiscing on the good times with Maya.
He notices a photo of Maya smiling with paint on her cheek and him with paint him his neck and arm, another of her kissing his cheek and another photo of both of them admiring their work. He smiles as recalls the memory.
Maya's POV
I finish doing the dishes when my mom comes in dressed in her nurse uniform.
"Alright sweetie I'm going to work now. Make sure your siblings go to bed ok?"
"Ok ma, see you tomorrow."
She comes over to kiss your cheek and says her goodbyes. I did everything to the best of my ability to help my mom around the house. I'm the eldest being 18 years old and I have three younger siblings, 16 year old Tasha and two 12 year old twin brothers, Kiran and Shiro.
Me and Tasha share room and the two boys share their own room. We have a bunk bed and I sleep on the bottom. Our dad is absent because he is in the military and has been deployed 2 months ago. He has a good income that supports all of us.
"Alright guys time to go to bed ya'll got school tomorrow."
Once the three had gone to bed, I went to chill on my bed. I laid on top of the covers and switched on the lamp next to bed and read a magazine. I read the celebrity gossip and trendy fashion statements. Then I hear subtle tapping on the window. I must be imagining things and I ignore it. I hear it again. I quietly get up and look through the window. There is a figure standing by the emergency fire exit. We live in apartment on the fourth floor. I'm scared at first until I notice it's Aaron. I slide up the window and step outside.
"Aaron what the hell. You scared shit outta me."
"Sorry baby. You busy?"
"No why?
"Come out with me. I wanna show you somethin."
"This late? I got work tomorrow. Don't you have to work as well?"
"I do but it'll be very quick. I got some stuff by the sidewalk."
"Ok let me change."
I quickly but quiet change into my Adidas tracksuit and put some sneakers on.
"Just go. I'll make sure the boys won't be up to no good."
I squeeze out the window and walk don the stairs were Aaron is waiting for me.
"You ready?"
I nod my head and he starts walking. I start to follow next to him. He had a big bag on his back and a boombox in his hands. Its a cold night so I wrap my arm around his. We keep walking until we reach the subway station. We walk down to the platform.
"Are we going on the train? Aaron you know I can't go too far."
"We ain't going on the train."
He walks to the edge of the platform. Then he hops down on the tracks.
"What are you doin?"
"You comin?"
Now I was contemplating everything. What if we get caught and arrested. That thought haunted me.
"What if we get caught."
"We won't, I promise."
Well if he said so, then so be it. I hopped down with his help. We walk through the tunnels and then we turned a corner. I didn't even know a place like this was here.
"How do you know about this place?"
"I do an engineering job down here."
We walked to a fence. Great a dead end. He looked at me and gave a smirk. "We have to jump over."
I turn around and start walking away. I can hear him laughing and it echoes through the tunnel. "Aww come on ma. Don't be like that. Look I'll jump over first, then you throw over the bag and then you climb and jump. I'll catch you."
His tone sounded so convincing. He went ahead and climbed and jump so quickly I almost missed it. I was shocked. I pick up the bag. It was so heavy.
"Jeez what's in here?"
"For you to see when you come this side."
I huff and use all the strength I have to throw the bag, in which I almost trip over my own feet, for him to catch it with ease. Sometimes I wish I had the strength of boys. I start to climb up the fence, and may I say my arm muscles are totally useless. I eventually get to the top and jump down with easy. Now my leg muscles could never disappoint me. Aaron gives me a look saying that he's impressed.
"Come one we don't have time to waste."
To Be Continued
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beetlebugdash · 10 months
Miraculous awakening thoughts and live reaction! (Major spoilers!)
- holy crap we made it to a movie
- I'm so excited
- Remember back in season 2 (I think) that a live action movie was coming
- Good times
- Anyways this
- Netflix presents tears
- No magic
- we've been known thanks for explaining
- Dark butterflies and angry? Wanna see the counterpart
- stronger than death?
- PARIS!!??!)
- classic movie intro is classic
- the road????
- Marionette wears a watch?
- I love her dad
- 10/10 diversity
- Daddy??? Ok Chloe
- Listen to my chest???? Idk what u mean
- Christina that isn't your singing voice
- love the painter's design
- It dosent sound like her
- Lotta unique background character designs
- iconic locations beauty
- other friends???
- I wanna know
- Gabriel designs, you'll soon hate him
- Polka dot dress before ladybug
- Ooo sparkles
- fireworks ooooooo
- "Here's some perfume”
- NATALIE And Gabriel
- Love that persons hair
- I thought Gabriel is never in public?¿
- Chloe's voice sounds odd?
- oh it's Gabriel agreste sweater
- A+ to alya
- recorder
- ugh she looks so pretty
- Odd
- Rude ugh
- Oh i hate Chloe
- At least we know school layout kinda
- Little bit of luck? Yea here allergies
- Alegies or dust WE NEED TO KNOW
- theyre trying to make everyone fall for Adrien
- ukulele music?
- oooo amusement park
- Depressing Adrien
- Natalie I love
- i smell a sad song
- long entry hallways
- Wow Gabriel has very pretty nails
- oh she was a performer omg
- ooooooooooo
- nooroo????
- master fu knows whazzup
- This movie is going really fast an lots of jumps
- Oh plagg and tikki fight????
- Marinella????
- 10/10 BREAKS
- uh crazy man bye
- creepy hall? Sure!
- Poor Chloe
- Sabrina is a wingman OOO
- random window opening? Sure!
- failed proposal?
- oh no first akuma attack
- well evil spirits
- Oooo a ladybug
- ooooooo
- “Who saves a life saves the world”
- can you say kwami
- Tiny genie sure
- "I'll hide in a tree"
- Aw marinette has doubts
- "Im out of patience"
- that poor security guard
- "first a song now a yoyo what's next a tea set???"
- oh hi cat noir
- bonjour
- "Do I know u?"
- omg cat noir will always me my fav
- CAT PUNS!!?!
- oh no cat noir
- "Not on the first date!"
- Omg I love him
- "Is that a watermelon"
- wet haired cat noir
- 👍
- little Adrien lol
- cat noir outta breath lol
- 2-0 gargoyle
- "Thank goodness marinette is at home" lol
- WO
- zag news LOL
- oh no loose akuma
- master FU
- Miraculous: tales of watermelon and insane
- coooooooool
- Hawkwho?
- failure is not your enemy, fears are
- New cat singing voice
- I like this voice (no offence Bryce)
- oh I love this song
- Bounce from the clouds
- and moon cloud
- Oh it's a swan cloud
- Transitions are horrid
- rosemary?
- stinks
- ewwwww
- Natalie hears PLAGG LOL
- And cat puns!
- Hey he has picture in his room!
- "she knows her stuff" *proceeds to screem*
- mic drop marinette out
- can't get rid of it lol
- haHaHA
- poop
- ugh fear
- nooroo ily
- “I have nothing to loose” ADRIEN??
- Shakespeare hawkmoth
- Butt kicking girl superhero WOO
- how did u get some of those
- stealing money????????
- Dr love nino
- Roses means desperate
- oh I love marinettes dad
- Dr love more like Dr not
- why did u look at her sketches
- man duck Gabriel
- oh no poor nino
- 0.0
- oooo chaos
- Ironically I just saw a magician today
- I think?
- anxiety ridden Marinette
- eh it’s ok I guess?
- Animation still looks cool
- Tikki scare is scary
- creepy baby balloon
- what is with ladybug and cats voices
- boo you Chloe
- nino confession goes out the window
- At least their adding sounds to the bell like come on it is annoying
- whoops
- this is the ladynoir I’ve been missing from the show
- glow=danger?
- broken heart
- love song love song love song love song
- “I wouldn’t get close to anyone after my mom died” “I got close to you” AAAAAAAAH
- oh i love them
- OW
- Follow your heart AND THEIR THE SAME PERSON!
- ow
- aw
- She wears a tank top?
- “I dreamed of calling Paris home” uh you live in Paris?????
- Where did they get the ladybug and cat noir shots?
- creepy eepy
- yOOooOooo
- wow this got dark quick
- dude look outside
- selfie it truly is gen z
- no don’t do this now
- stronger together????
- oh no
- Another fall for the Eiffel Tower yet this feels different
- oh no oh no oh no
- ow
- flashback
- love over death
- Marinette watching like 🧍‍♀️
- oooooo pretty music
- master fu where did u come from
- LADYBUG LADYBUG (and cat noir maybe)
- ok that’s different
- aaaawwww it’s nearly over
- Sabrina’s just like “meh”
- post credit sequal?
- SEQUAL??????
- Overall: harsh transitions, hate ladybugs voice, and a bit rushed, and I despised the ending was anticlimactic with ladybug, but overall for a miraculous movie was alright it has amazing animation
- They somehow made it cater for both the old and longtime fans and young and newbie fans good job (for the most part)
- I don’t have a rating since it’s a stand alone movie so I’m just gonna go cry in the corner until season 6 or more ladynoir
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sixosix · 5 months
"Reader needs to learn how to stay, and Lyney needs to learn how to let go"... (i'm prepared to have my heart ripped out straight from my chest). I'm here just to say @deadman Aether anon, ily, i admire you 🫡💕 tysm for putting your thoughts into words. It's always been so fun to read them!!! All i know is to scream the life outta me bc Thawed ruined my capability to speak comprehensively (i'm not complaining).
AND SIX tysm for another great chapter!!! I've reread it three times, and my brain and heart are still exploding.... i was reading it while eating outside just now, and i couldn't hold back my squeal so my sis was just side-eyeing me like 'girl, what's wrong with you????' 😭😭😭😭 Nevertheless. I will shamelessly fangirl about every single piece of your writings. Reading your fics should be a sports with how fast my heart is beating when i reach the end (i guess it makes up for the lack of exercise i do irl????). Anyway.... I'm a sl*t for your writings hehe 💗
HIII!!!! omg yes youre right i adore deadman aether anon’s asks so so much!! theyre always so well-thought out—and as a writer, its so heartwarming to see people reading my works comprehensively
THANK YOU ANON!!!!! omg.. Its ok ur sister just doesnt get it…… but we get u. BYE LMFAO i cant believe id ever hear that compliment “your fics makes up for my lack of exercise” thats actually so funny THANK U AGAIN ❤️❤️❤️
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autismsubway-remade · 2 years
life or death (tc*st/general freaks dni you know who you are GO AWAY)
tws for: blood, violence, injury, minor character death, panic attacks, emeto, guns
please don't read if you can't handle these things!! totally understandable!! this is just an exploration of how i think the turtles would react in a life or death situation (specifically donnie) bc im tired of people thinking donnie would like. kill as a funny haha. it wouldnt be funny nor haha ok bye
It all happened so fast. Too fast.
One moment they were just on a normal mission, fighting the dregs of the foot clan that had somehow stuck around even after the Shredder and Kraang disasters and then the next Leo and Mikey were on the ground.
Donnie hadn't even seen it happen, but they'd heard it. A loud crack, popping in their ears like a firework had just been set off.
Except it wasn't a firework.
Raph made a small, choked-off noise. Donnie looked at the foot goons.
Metal glinted in the moonlight and all too soon Donnie realized what had just happened. What had happened twice.
Leo, or Mikey, or fuck even both, had just been shot.
With a gun. A real gun, with a real bullet.
Mikey wasn't even sixteen yet, and they and Leo had only just turned seventeen.
Donnie locked eyes with the goon who held the gun.
"Raph. Turn Leo and Mikey around."
He heard shuffling, small sobs and even quieter shushing. Leo was comforting Mikey, but Donnie could barely hear it over the blood rushing in their ears.
They could smell blood.
The goon raised his gun again, aiming at Raph.
Donnie lunged, near feral, teeth bared as they swung their bō down as hard as they could.
They heard a loud sickening crack as it connected with the goon's head, the shell of mystic energy just as hard as high grade titanium. The gun skidded across the alley and another goon scrambled to pick it up, but Donnie was faster. They felt blood splatter onto their arms as they swung their bō like a bat, hitting the goons head sideways.
Donnie heard their neck snap.
There was only one more. Donnie moved again, but a strong hand scooped them up and refused to let go. They kicked and screamed, biting and flailing as their bō clattered to the ground.
"-Onnie, Donnie, it's just me! It's Raph!"
"Hey Dee. It's okay, the last one ran away."
"Leo, Mikey, are they-"
"They're gonna be okay. Leo portaled 'em both outta here. Might need stitches, but nothing fatal."
Donnie felt all the fight drain out of them. They looked down.
Their stomach lurched.
"I- Raph, they aren't-"
"I know, Dee."
The goons weren't breathing. Blood pooled under both of their bodies, splattered across Donnie's face, hands and plastron.
The second goon's neck was bent at an angle Donnie never wanted to remember.
"Raph, Raph put me down, I think I'm-" They gagged loudly, and Raph gently set them down as they emptied the contents of their stomach onto the already dirty ground of the alley.
Raph rubbed their back soothingly, like he hadn't just watched his younger sibling commit murder.
Oh god, they were a murderer.
Donnie heaved again, eyes burning with tears and the smell of blood. Blood that wasn't their own.
There wasn't even a scratch on their body.
Donnie looked back at the bodies, the weight of what they had done hitting them full force. They sobbed, dry heaved one last time and scrambled into their big brothers arms.
"R-Raph, wanna go home now, please. Please."
Raph held them tighter and Donnie buried their face into his neck, shaking. They curled into themselves as much as possible, still-wet blood smearing further.
They killed someone. They killed two people.
And they had been about to to kill three.
Why? Just because one goon had a gun? One goon who'd shot two of their brothers? Their brothers who could fight for themselves?
Donnie burrowed further into Raph's chest, clinging onto him like it'd somehow erase what they'd just done.
Raph had been shocked when Leo and Mikey had been shot. It was obvious that the goon with the gun had been aiming to pick them off one-by-one, starting with Mikey.
Donnie had frozen when they heard the first gunshot, and seemed to barely notice the second.
They had turned to look at Leo and Mikey, going pale at the sight of their blood before snapping their head towards the goon holding the gun. Obviously Donnie had noticed something Raph hadn't, because one second they were right in the guns trajectory and the next they were wrapping their staff in mystic energy and cracking it over the goons head, snarling so loud their voice cracked with it.
Raph had turned Mikey and Leo around like they'd asked, but he was still watching. Watching as Donnie brought their staff down on the goons head again before turning to the next one.
The second goon ran towards the fallen gun, but Donnie beat them there and swung their bō like a bat and Raph heard a loud snap, then a thud.
Donnie turned towards the third goon, already in the process of running away. They still hadn't stopped hissing and snarling.
"Raph, go get Donnie. Me 'n Mikey are okay."
Raph didn't need to be told twice. He sprinted towards Donnie, grabbing them as tightly as possible as they hissed and spit, flailing wildly.
"Donnie, Donnie it's just me! It's Raph!"
The hissing stopped. Their eyes cleared.
"...Raph?" They croaked out, body still thrumming with tension.
"Hey Dee. It's okay, the last one ran away."
Donnie looked at him, and Raph tried to ignore the blood smeared across their face.
He assured them that their brothers were okay and subtly tried to angle them away from the bodies.
It didn't work.
Donnie saw.
Raph watched them go pale, paler than he'd ever seen as the realization dawned on them.
They frantically wiggled in Raph's grip, gagging loudly. Raph let them down and averted his eyes as they vomited on the ground, shaking and sobbing.
"I'm a murderer. Fuck, I'm a murderer."
They puked again. Raph rubbed their back.
They looked at the bodies again and made a pained noise, choking on their own sobs. They scrambled into Raph's arms, clinging to him and trying to hide their body from the rest of the world.
"R-Raph, wanna go home please. Please." They begged, voice wracked with sobs.
Tears soaked into his scales as he walked back to the lair.
Donnie kept mumbling to themselves, claws digging into their arms as they tried desperately to burrow deeper into Raph's chest. They were shaking so hard that Raph thought they might shake out of their shell.
The lair was quiet when Raph walked in. Donnie was hyperventilating worse than Raph had ever seen.
Casey rushed into the main room, hockey stick raised in the air.
"Case, it's just me, no need to worry!"
Casey took one look at Donnie and dropped his hockey stick.
"Shit." He swore.
He looked up at Raph.
"That's not their blood, is it?"
Raph shook his head. Casey's face fell.
"CJ? You look like you know something."
"Yeah..Uhm." Casey coughed. "This happened in my future. Or-Well, something like it. Leonardo and Michelangelo got hurt and Donatello just... Snapped. Sen-sorry, Leo told me about it once. They..." Casey cut himself off.
Raph didn't need to hear more.
Donnie made another loud, pained noise, akin to a wail. Raph hugged them tighter and Casey winced.
"I'm. I'm gonna grab their weighted blanket and maybe call April? If you want me to."
"I think...I think we'll call April later. Could you get pops for me?"
Casey nodded and shuffled out of the room, posture tense and uncomfortable.
Raph sat down on the floor, cradling his second-youngest sibling.
God, they were all so young.
Raph rocked back and forth in a way he desperately hoped was comforting, he'd never seen Donnie like this.
Sure he'd seen Donnie in similar states of distress but...
Never like this.
Splinter walked into the room, eyes locking onto Donnie, then flitting up to Raph.
"Is that-"
"Not their blood."
Splinter sighed.
"You are all so young. You shouldn't have to deal with this. What happened?"
"Leo and Mikey got shot, and-"
"Raph. Raph was next. I saw, I saw the guy aiming at him and I couldn't, I couldn't think I was so scared and- And angry. I-"
"It's alright Donatello. You don't need to explain yourself. In your situation many people would do the same thing. Situations like those are based less on logic and more on emotions and instinct."
"But- But I killed them. They're dead. I did that."
"Yes, you did. But tell me, if you were not in mortal danger would you have acted differently?"
"Of course! I just-"
"Didn't have time to think. Sometimes when we are scared and in danger we act differently. That's just life my child. It does not make you a bad person, you were defending you and your brothers lives."
Donnie sniffled.
Splinter gently pressed a kiss to the top of Donnie's head and patted their back.
"The only thing that matters to me is that you are all safe and alive."
Donnie relaxed, if only slightly. Raph was still worried about them.
Casey came back into the room with Donnie's weighted blanket and a packet of wipes, along with hydrogen peroxide.
"Um. It helps blood not stain." He explained, and then flitted over to the living room, still tense.
For a kid who grew up in the apocalypse, he was suprisingly...Squeamish.
Raph wiped the blood off of Donnie's skin as they averted their eyes and splinter unwrapped their mask and brought it to the lair's makeshift laundry room.
Raph wrapped the weighted blanket over the younger turtles shoulders once they were clean enough (for him anyways, Donnie would probably take a shower later. Or three.) and stood up again.
He walked to the infirmary where Leo and Mikey were sat in an impromptu turtle pile on the larger bed. Mikey's side was bandaged, while Leo's leg seemed to have fresh stitches.
Mikey chirped to Donnie who quietly chirped back. Leo joined in, then Raph, and soon the infirmary was filled with the sounds of various chirps and squeaks.
Raph set Donnie down on the cot next to their brothers and Leo immediately wrapped his arms around Donnie and squeezed while Mikey gently drummed on their shell. The tension fully faded from their body and they were asleep in seconds, exhaustion finally claiming them.
Leo idly pet their shell and looked to Raph.
"So, what happened after I left with Mikey?"
"Donnie finally got to go lethal is what happened."
Leo sucked air in through his teeth.
Raph sat down on the floor with a heavy thump.
"Shit is right. Never seen Dee so...I can barely even explain it. They were scared of themselves. I never wanna see 'em like that again." Raph wrung his hands together, worry not abated yet.
Mikey placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Worrying ourselves sick isn't gonna be much help to them. Though, I also don't think Dr. Feelings is qualified for this. Honestly, we should all probably see a therapist anyways."
Leo and Raph nodded in agreement. Donnie snuffled in their sleep before nuzzling further into Leo.
"Well, if I never see a gun again it'll be too soon. Nearly gave me a heart attack seeing you go down like that, Mikey."
"Yeah, it was really scary for all of us I think. But we're all okay for now, and that's all that matters!" Mikey gave his older brothers a tired yet vibrant smile.
"Yeah. We're okay."
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Once upon a time, there was a funny blue man who loved a funny red man. The two were rivals, opposites in just about every way, but their mutual respect for each other's strength and their common goal of protecting others led to their final duel being a respectful meeting of spirits and wills. One walked away, the other fell to the ground. Regret lingers, giving us a look at the finality of one's own demise, and how sudden it truly can be.
And now we have Duel 2??? The second one?
Spoilers, I guess...
-We had a lot of wacky goofy nonsense last episode!
-I expect to be left crying on the floor by this one's ending.
-Your boyfriend's siblings seek your blood.
-As for how this happened...
-Sonoza is having himself a stim. Very based.
-Sononi's mad at him for just sitting around. That's very good, I'd have been upset if it was for something else.
-Kill the red man.
-Ahhhh, autumn~! Finally, reasonable temperature!
-Sononi of the Noto People.
-Oh god that smile
-Our duty as the Noto.
-Be free, Murasame!
-Good morning, buddy!
-Y'know, you could've given him a moment to think, Mother.
-Jirou's here!
-Always up for a good staring contest.
-Oooh... that hurts, buddy.
-Tell him, Jin.
-Fusion dance?
-Two guys. Fighting as one guy.
-Goddamn, girl!
-Wait, is that...
-That's the ninja guy! And the wizard guy! Minoru!
-Is he... is he gonna be a now?
-Man, this guy's got one hell of a masculine identity crisis.
-Oh! That's the old lady who bonked Tarou!
-Oh, his mom! Wow... there really is a bond.
-He really doesn't give up, huh?
-We're really doing this whole song and dance all over again, huh guys?
-Don't worry, Haruka. Momoi Tarou do the funny sword techs.
-Yes Shinichi, Momoi Tarou! He hangs out here a lot!
-"Don Momotaro... you worm!"
-You could've like... called.
-Part time delivery, bitches.
-God, even a meal. ...though I don't quite recognize this old dude, I think he's different.
-Finally, it's time to duel!
-Tiger Jirou with the interruption!
-Aaaaaaand Minoru, right on cue!
-Start Up!
-Ohhhhh, that's the Boukengers call!
-Alllll over again!
-Yes Tarou, your companions. They love you. As do I <3
-Ooooooh, their coordination!
-Murasame's time to shine!
-Ohhhhh, here it comes
-A festival.
-Loving the new contacts, Sonoi!
-We're alive again!
-Ohhhhhhhh, the transformation. That's sick.
-Ohhhhhh, the moon in the background...
-Yeah this is some crazy shit
-hkjhlgv Shinichiiii
-"No, bad tiger, stay!"
-Oh, that's new!
-The water.
-Because YOU'RE alive!
-Damn, busting that romantic-ass line outta nowhere.
-Ohhhhhhhhh, he's gone.
-Minoru's been Noto'd.
-Don Murasame! Kill his ass!
-Black Oni what now
-Ohhhhhhhh fuuuck
-Ohhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuck
-Dai Gattai!
-Okay, bye Murasame!
-We did iiiiit!
-Oh fuck.
-Hey, fellas, I understand this is kind of a thing you two do, but you gotta think about this, one of you is gonna...
-...do that... yeah...
-And Jirou comes to pick him up...
-Our next story!
-Ah, yep, don't worry folks, Tarou's A-OK! Maybe, probably, who knows, he ain't dead at least!
-Ooooooh, he gold.
-...I think I love the look of this form, but I'm not totally sure yet.
-Either way, we will be meeting again soon for the next episode!
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robinrunsfiction · 2 years
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Killer Lux was one of the best known killjoys in the Zones, both with BLI and the other 'joys, after becoming the literal face of one of the most brazen attacks on a BLI facility. She never let that fact go to her head though, in fact it sometimes made her nervous to be so well known. But for the most part, the attention from other killjoys was nothing but positive.
It was a usual supply run to Tommy Chow Mein’s for the Fabulous Killjoys. There weren’t too many others in the store and Kobra was digging through the rack of magazines.
“Do my eyes deceive?!” he heard someone exclaim. He turned to see a killjoy he didn’t recognize moving in on Lux. “Are you the Killer Lux?”
“Depends who’s askin,” she retorted, and Kobra couldn’t help but smirk.
“Vinyl Victor,” the killjoy replied, looking her up and down, as she quirked her eyebrow.
“Alright,” she replied, her tone asking why she should care.
Kobra wasn’t sure why his feet wouldn’t move, why he couldn’t bring himself to intervene, or even just stand next to his girl. He knew Lux could handle herself in just about any situation, but the voice in the back of his head was screaming at him that if Lux didn't want to be talking to this new guy she would have already walked away. The voice screamed at him that maybe that tall, muscular killjoy was someone she’d rather be with. Maybe he wasn't enough for her, maybe she felt like she needed someone with something more. Maybe he wasn't loving her the way she deserved, maybe he should have tried harder to protect her from BLI back then. No, no there was no way he was good enough for a killjoy like Lux, he was-
“Ready to get outta here?” Party asked, pulling Kobra from the spiral in his mind.
“Huh? Yea,” Kobra shook his head in an attempt to clear it.
“Ok, go grab Lux, we need all hands for this load of supplies.”
Kobra nodded before hesitantly heading toward his girlfriend. “Hey, Lux? We’re going.”
“Great!” She smiled at Kobra. “Bye,” she said before hurrying away from Vinyl and over to her other gang members, Kobra following shortly behind her.
Kobra stared blankly out the window as they drove back to the diner, the doubts and insecurities screaming at him in his mind. Yes, Lux was right there, pressed against his side, but he couldn't help but wonder when that spot would be cold. When she'd find someone she deserved and he'd lose her for good.
That night Lux watched as Kobra stalked off to bed much earlier than normal. "Did Kobra say anything to any of you today?" Lux asked. "He's been sorta… off."
The others shook their heads or shrugged, not really offering Lux any help. As she made her way to the back room she couldn't help but wonder what she'd done to upset Kobra. He hadn't really ever been mad at her before so it was new territory for her, and territory she didn't like being in.
She pressed the door open as silently as she could muster and the light from the hall cast on Kobra's back. Lux hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath and walking in.
"Kobra," she said, her voice wavering. "I'm sorry."
He turned to look over his shoulder and sat up. "Wha, for what?"
"I… I dunno exactly, but whatever I did to upset you."
Kobra's jaw dropped before he jumped to his feet, hurrying over to her and wrapping her in a tight hug. "No! Shit, no Lux, I'm sorry."
Lux blinked in surprise at finding herself suddenly in such a tight embrace. "For what?"
Kobra took a step back and sighed. "For letting you think this was your fault at all to start."
"To start?"
Kobra sighed again, running a hand through his blond hair as he sat back on the cot they shared. "At Tommy's today, I saw that other 'joy talkin to you and it made me think about all the things he had goin for him that I don't, and how you deserve someone better than me, and-"
Kobra was cut off by Lux throwing her arms around him in a hug that knocked him off balance. "Shut up. You shut up right now."
Lux sat back and took his face between her hands so she knew he was listening to her. "I said shut up. I never wanna hear that you were thinking anything like that ever, you hear me? I love you so fucking much and there is no one in these stupid Zones better than you, end of story."
"I don't want to hold you back fro-"
Kobra was again cut off, this time by Lux kissing him. "The only place I wanna be is with you Kobra," she said when she pulled back. "I love you, you're my person, and I'm not going anywhere. Deal with it."
Kobra pulled her back into a tight hug, burying his face against her neck. "I love you Lux."
"Love you too babe," she whispered back.
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imy2 · 5 months
again w notes
3-6 ok ngl s3 so far has been mid.. i think i'm paying attention less.. high10k was funny•
3-7 murphy looks cool this ep.. •
"it's weird." "how?" "well - everybody likes him." ..... "that's f'd up." •
hector looks cute this ep, so does kaskae ... also kaya :-) •
"fear no more" on van w 'fear' repeating on speaker n 'fear' on back was a cool bit .. •
i meant to note it then(2-6) but didnt so will now bc theyre going to her.. when murphy left lucy, just no one questioned it.. they rly thought he killed her ? interesting. . •
the man watching murphy eat this brain rn feels sexual .. lmfaoo then he puts a gun to him •
operation bite-mark need a spark, did u carry on need to hear ur call we've been gone - you've been gone too long c-z wannabe, that's me i need to see murphy talk to me - please don't freeze on my knees beggin hear my plea whoo! • ready? i'm kaya on the wire can't get by ya, why ya try it ain't a liar, mama mercy is my business and my business is on fire still alive at the northern lights we had a fright but we alright we ok, we hold tight every day, day by day x5 day by day • kaya in the sky-a B)
lol the man leaving his hand w his middle finger up for murphy•
3-8 sketchy n skeezy r baack .. tbh they r worse than i rmbr .•
"lost causes are worth dying for! yeaahh, wooo!" my lovr (inmydreamsofc)•
"fear turns us into monsters; no less violent than the enders and no more alive than the z's." •
"who won the election anyway?" "everyone wrote in the same thing.. 'that weed doctor'" •
3-9 i forgot abt vasquez... ahh damn... well hi n bye vasquez :/ .... i feel like if roberta warren n teresa mendoza could team up, in either of their worlds.. pheww ... o hi lucy .. wth's happenin w hector •
3-10 murphy -_- 10k :(.. here we go w lucy.. doc looked cute this ep•
3-11 doc at the table ... •
oh hell no..
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3-12 perhaps murphys best look.. damn he changes sm.. lets see 1. s1e1-4, skin - white, hair - br/shaggy . 3/5 2. s1e5-12, skin - white, hair - bald 2/5 3. s1e12-s2e12, skin - blue, hair - br/buzzed 2/5 4. flashback s2ep14, skin - white, hair - br/fancy? 3/5 5. s2e13 - s3e6, skin - blue, hair - bl/shaggy 3.5/5 6. s3e7-s3e11, skin - blue+white, hair - bl/shaggy 4/5 7. s3e12-?, skin - lavender?+blue, hair - wh/fancy 5/5•
ahhhh murphy n warren purpleroom scene... the tension, the looks! ooo when warren pulls out the brain n looks at him like :/ •
lol 10k n red r cute but sun mei bein completely over them is funnier •
"you dont understand." "if i did, i'd kill myself." ooof. .... "you know what they'll do to us." "i know." "we need you. - help me, warren." n warrens facee :') •
•^i need to rewatch killing eve.... n mayb the 100 but idk abt that.. but gahh enemies to/and(lol) lovers •
3-13 lucy ep, fun.. doc n addy at end were cute•
3-14 man ending the season w not 1 but 4 ppl jumpin off a cliff + 2 ppl shot. incredible •
• overall .... 2.5 .. not my fav apparently •
4-1 "2 yrs later, things have gotten worse" then showing warrens helldream, so funny •
intro - bulletbulletbigbullet.. •
aww warren n murphy this ep r so cute •
4-2 addy n 10k bullet moment, cool ... hi sarge •
4-3 "no one said anything about frickin canada!" "you got a problem with canada?" "yeah i do it's far" murphyagain •
4-4 "well if you're going im going. idk what's going on in that head of urs but i'm gonna throw a little faith ur way." murphy n warren 🤝•
4-5 warren n this elevator is reminding me of beef.. man that still is one of the most surprising n disturbing scenes ever .. i think beef was the best show i seen in 2023.. outta 66 •
10k "i love dog food! puppy chow's my stuff, man!" sarge waking up - "we saved u some puppy chow" "oh! *eats it quick* *notices bird w her* bird? bird. bird! i found a bird! *shoves fist w bird in air* it was alive when i got it." doc n murphy n warren "hey, let me see that." .... "murphy?" "hmm?" "did you eat the bird?" "*coughs feathers* no." "never mind that." lmaoo one of the funniest scenes •
"well now what are we gonna do?" "i don't know abt u but i'm just gonna curl up and die." doc lmao •
"what is our fate?" .. "i'm not sure. i just feel it. it's like i felt the first time i laid eyes on you, murphy. i didn't know the how, why, or any of the what was coming next. the second i saw you i knew my job in life was to get you wherever the hell you were going." "..when you put it that way." warren n murphyyy •
4-6 sarge is so pretty ugh, warren ofc is gorgeous .. aww lucy :( ughh murphy n warren </333 "goodbye july, hate to see u go - so fast that i got a bloody nose" •
4-7 warren n murphy getting pissed for each other.. warren when theyre zapping murphy 2x, murphy "you son of a bitch, i'm gonna beat you til the clown meat shows" •
4-8 awww kaya n jz :') nana tooo.. •
warren n murphy being in mindscape together but her seeing dreamhell n him seein a nice field , til he burns "i felt it - what she's feeling. it's excruciating." n them lookin at each other ....... •
"you think this will be over? i call that faith." "nah, that's just basic survival. you gotta believe this will end, right? if you don't - hug a zombie." pftt •
4-9 awww kaya n cz n jz :') •
0 notes
tllgrrl · 2 years
by Nefertiri Jones aka @tllgrrl & @shellyac75
Summary: Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson know who runs the world.
* * * * * * *
How it started over on DIscord:
ShellyAC: I like the idea of both of them being scared of Sarah's wrath so the biggest threat they lob at each other is "I'm gonna tell Sarah".
Me: [cackles with glee, picks up the gauntlet]
So, after riffing bits of dialogue back and forth, here’s how it ended, in about 500 words::
* * * * * * * * * *
“Cap, Buck. COMM Check. We’re at altitude. Coming up on Jump Point in 60…”
Sam sets the volume on his COMM. “Thanks, Torres. Loud and clear.”
Bucky, following Sam to the door of the plane, grabs a COMM device, puts it in his ear and throws a cursory thumbs up at Torres.
“Look. I’m just saying. You better not jump outta this plane without—and I don’t care if it won’t kill you. I know you’ve done it before, but I’m telling you, Buck! I don’t want to have to hear about it.”
“You don’t—“
“I mean it, man. Don’t make me do this…”
He pulls something out of a hidden upper mid-chest pocket of his suit.
“I know what I’m doing, Sam. It’s not nearly as far as that time when I—what…what’s that? Waitaminute. Are you…? Who are you calling?”
Sam looks the man dead in his blue-grey eyes and says the last two words Bucky wanted to hear right now:
“Hey, Sarah?”
“Sarah?!? Are you kidding me? You’re telling Sarah on me? How old are you?!?
“Yeah, Sis. Oh, fine. No, no! Everything’s fine. But Bucky—“
“OKAY! Okay! I’ll get a chute, DAD!”
Torres, watches the whole scene, trying to look like he’s keeping an eye on the digital display so Bucky won’t see him laughing. It’s always something between those two. They’re comedy gold.
Even more now that Bucky is dating Sam’s sister.
“Here. See? I’m gonna put it on. Now, hang up the pho—no wait, gimme that—“
[His voice changes, going softer and sweet.]
“Hey, baby? It’s me. Ou konnen mwen sonje w, wi?
Thanks, sweetness. I been practicing. Yeah, I miss you too—“
“Man, shut up.
[Sam grabs the phone, and pushes Bucky out of the plane, not even partially buckled into his parachute.]
Au revoir, cyborg. Sarah? Hey, guess what Bucky did…”
“Yeah, Baby. I figured you saw it. Sam got Redwing to…yeah..in 4K.
I know I promised I wouldn't do that anymore, I just forgot at first.
But I did have my parachute! I was about to put it on then Sam pushed me out of the plane.
I'm really sorry, nandi. It won’t happen again. Hug the boys for me—hey, they didn’t see…Good. Don’t want them to…yeah, get ideas!
Ok I'll tell him. Ndiyakuthanda, sweetness. Bye.
Hey, Samuel? Sarah said to tell you 'aight bet."
“I'm a dead man.”
The next day…
“Hey, Sam, Torres says we’re stopping off in Wakanda before going back to Delacroix. Why?”
“Because I value my life enough to know that I gotta bring back something nice for Sarah so she'll actually be happy to see me. If you were smart you’d do the same.”
“I already got something that’ll make Sarah happy to see me when I get home.”
A few minutes later...
[Bucky opens his eyes and sees Redwing hovering above him, just out of reach.]
“Very funny, Sam. Oh! Hold on…”
“What…what’s that? Who’re you callin’?”
“Hey, Sarah? Guess what Sam did…”
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mtnkat3 · 1 year
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12.03pm. Bullseye my loves.....?
Blushing shyly grin.
I also had a lightbulb moment. To move carefully too.
An apt must be at the very least clean & quiet. The ones that had seemed ideal have reviews that were scary in some cases.
It seems I need to tour about six to see what's normal & what to expect. I mean an apartment isn't ideal for me in the first place. Only experience with was bad. But I had hopes that new places would be good. Sigh. Especially when up in the lake area & away from the metropolitan areas. Up into the farm & such areas! Sigh. Shortest lease possible, quiet, clean. Light. Size/price.
So. I give this to God again. Because I am not going to move for any amount of time where I feel unsafe. Been here. Done that. Not gonna again.
But as soon as I'm in your . . . . .arms. bye bye world! I'm gonna be in paradise! Blushing shyly bashful grin.
I'd rather rent a house but that's not a short term option. And with the economy, out of my league.
And as the cramps remind me...
I have to pinch myself because I feel like you . . . . . are outta my league, & in the stratosphere. I just.. my body hurts, my emotions are🤪🥴😳🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ & I need .. your control. Because I am sensitive & kinda scattered.
Just.. fyi... you . . . . . thoughts, feelings, words, actions... affect me. Bowing head. You enflamed me, ignite me, make me curl up in a ball, & make me wanna bury my face in your hearts.....& never show my face to anyone else ever again.
It is you . . . . .
Soul connections.
Only your . . . . . & God's opinions matter to me.
I am the crocus.. snowdrop.. hibiscus.. daffodil.. rose... ..... I feel ... fed. Watered. Moved into the light. And yeah, sometimes smacked
but maybe that's to reenergize.. humble.. focus.. & remind me?
Breathe. Relax. Focus. Calm. Endure. Repeat.
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[The finger is to..ahem. Too perfect for focus & f you ahem. Blushing beet red grin. ]
Ok. Deep breath.
Gotta get a couple of.chores done then shower & dress quickly!
I love you . . . . .!!!!!
Beyond measure.
Yours . . . . .
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix.
W.1.18.2023 12.33pm.est.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
From :- 🥀
*i hv a crush* 😭
Yes and no he's not seonghwa or possibly better than him but damn he make me feel some type of way
Our first interaction was straight Outta drama fr , we were playing volleyball and the ball just rolled to the side of the bench of the ground and i went to pick it up I HAD NO IDEA THERE WAS A GUY STANDING THERE!! And when i picked the ball up , we had the most awkward, intense eye contact EVEUHHH!!!
I embarrassingly got back while my bsf was legit wiggling her eyebrows and teasing me
THEN , once again , we had eye contacts and the series doesn't seem to end. Honestly , he's so tall and he rolls his sleeves up like 😩 SIRRRRRR
I don't rlly fall for guys easily and that to real guys uh-uh but this one got lucky
But like he's also so shy among girls AJSGAJVWAKBWOW idkkk
But why does it lowkey feels like I'm cheating on hwa like wut on earth-
Ok , yk about Indian schools right? They don't want u to slay so no-no to makeup. But i for once in a lifetime wore the littelest amount of blush I've ever known to feel more secure about myself and because I wanted to. It's my life.
You won't believe a guy in my fine arts class freaking called me out YES U HEARD IT RIGHT A GUYYYY
He said "yo you're wearing blush right?" IN FRONT OF THE TEACHER 😭 i was embarazzed for some reason bcz ofc dude i don't like this type of attention , one of my frnds was like no she just had a reaction , ur seeing wrong (i luv her 😔) and that to you're literally telling the teacher that i wore makeup!!!
But turns out the teacher supported me in all favour and scolded them for being a 'tease' . I mean honestly they shouldn't care if i wear blush or the whole ass makeup kit. Mind your own business 🙂
But anyways today was crazy and i ofc have no energy to do anything so I'll just simp on ATEEZ like always.
Also , everytime i try to open them damn video edits links they tell me tik tok doesn't work here anymore 🌝 *pain* OH and I've been watching 'she was pretty' gorl eye am already hooked 🤧
Alright gtg
Buh-bye 👋 (this is the most abrupt ending I've ever done tho-)
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HELP THIS IS SO CUTE BUT RHJWHDEKWHY HE DO THAT IN FRONT OF THE TEACHER 😭😭😭 omg yo i do,,, i rmr panicking to clean the dirt on my shoes and fixing my hair during the assemblies,, them girls schools were crazy 😭😭
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