#packing my shit up and moving it all here like that one ant image
kkomsed · 8 months
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LMK season 3 poster!
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durrzerker · 4 years
Taskmaster: The Line. Chapter 5: Secrets
The old Masters of Evil headquarters was still intact. It had not burned down, been bombed, or been swarmed by supervillains. There weren't even rats in the walls.
That was the totality of the good news.
Everything else, in summary, had completely gone to shit.
It was a ragged party that crossed the threshold of Baron Zemo's former home. Laura and Black Ant were leading the pack by now, as they were the only ones who weren't limping or nearly collapsing with exhaustion. Black Ant had caught up with the group shortly after shrinking down to escape the chaos that he had spawned during the Bagalia Freedom Festival, and it was a good thing, too; Akeja had silently collapsed a quarter mile from the gargantuan mansion, and the other children weren't faring much better. Carrying Akeja and Mara across his shoulders like a pair of sandbags, Eric had been uncharacteristically silent as they stopped in the dank foyer of the abandoned building. "Amazing no one's taken this place over yet," he finally said.
"They've been trying." Taskmaster was favoring his wounded rib a bit more now; without time to rest and with the increasingly desperate pace that they had set to finish out their journey, he was in a good deal of pain himself. "I hadn't decided what to do with the place, so I've been letting ol' Tessie clear them out to keep her weapons in good shape. An idling warbot is..." He trailed off; he couldn't even finish the joke. The spot where Laura had stabbed him was throbbing in the way only an adamantium blade could, the same way it had when she'd gored his hand a year back. It was like every nerve had been cut in half with molecular precision. Pulling off his dirty cloak and setting it into a pile against the wall, he collapsed against it. "Role call..."
Laura, whose healing factor at least allowed her to remain in peak shape, set Malakai down on a huge old Corinthian leather couch. "Everyone's here. I've been keeping track. You don't look so good, Taskmaster."
"No shit? Maybe it's because you fucking stabbed me." He wasn't mad about it. Really.
"I'm not going to feel guilty about that," Laura replied, her ears visibly burning. "You had done nothing to warrant the benefit of the doubt, and you left Black Ant behind to ambush me."
"I left him behind to ambush the person -stalking- us," Tony countered. "How was I supposed to know it was you? How long had you even been following us, anyways? Didn't you see us -helping- the fucking kids?" Tony closed his eyes behind his mask, even as he argued. To Laura, it still looked like the ghoulish visage was staring her down.
"...Truth be told, yes. But from where I was, it just looked like you were fighting over them -- and you did crash their vehicle."
Tony could tell that she didn't like when she had to try and get a bead on how he was feeling. The man's airtight costume blocked his scent from her, and he could alter his body language whenever he liked; it was one of his most useful skills, the kind that wasn't as obvious to people as other applications of his photographic reflexes.
"Well, whatever," Tony replied with a grunt. "The Hub's agent ain't here and I need to sleep, alright? Wake me up when they arrive -- I think we could all use a little rest."
"I don't think we should..." Laura pursed her lips and stopped when she heard the crinkling of a wrapper behind her. Eric had finally found use for his remaining honey buns he'd swiped earlier. He was passing them out to the assorted Scions, who had piled together on the couch in the living room. While Akeja had gone right to sleep, the others' hunger had won out - they voraciously assaulted the treats with the kind of shamelessness only starvation could inspire. "...Yeah, alright. Only for awhile though, Masters." She turned around and headed towards the kitchen with that, likely to look for more food for the children.
Tony watched her go, but before she'd even made it out of the living room, the mercenary had passed out. He dreamed of the Scion children.
He was in the middle of some kind of nightmare in which all six of the children were surrounding him, throwing accusations that he couldn't understand in their unique language. He wasn't quite sure exactly when he woke up, because when he did, the children were arguing loudly in that same tongue.
"Hey, hey!" Eric called out. "Come on, people are trying to sleep here -- namely my very ill-tempered partner."
"Fuck you, Man of Ants!" Shouted the sixth child that Tony had never heard speak yet, and now it was evident why; a girl with red hair and a deeply thick brogue, she was barely understandable even when trying her best. "Y'think ginna scrap o'fud makeus even?! Not a'er what you did, nay, him neither!"
What him and Eric did...? Taskmaster didn't move from where he was, kept his breathing slow. His perfect control of his body's actions came in handy here -- especially when Laura joined the conversation, returning to the living room to figure out what the big screaming match was about. "What's going on? What -did- you two do, O'Grady...?"
"It's none of your business, Wolverine." Eric's voice was surprisingly serious, more harsh than almost any time that Tony had heard it before. "If these brats really want to tell you, I can't stop them; but I'm not turning on him like that."
There was a pause. Tony opened his eyes, opting to keep his mask's optics dimmed in the process; all part of how he could easily pretend that he wasn't paying attention, even to Wolverine's highly enhanced senses. Laura was pacing, glancing to the gathered children and then stopping before Eric. "I'm going to get to the bottom of this one way or the other, but I'm curious; why -do- you do this, O'Grady?"
"What do you mean?" He snapped back defensively.
"Why do you follow Taskmaster? I've seen your relationship. You call yourself his partner, but he treats you more like a sidekick. You were an Avenger once; you were a hero, even if you had your problems. Why follow a jerk like Masters?"
Clearly trying to deflect, Black Ant turned away from her. "Keep your voice down, huh? You're gonna wake him up."
"He's completely passed out. I'd be able to hear it if he was up."
Realizing he wasn't going to get out of this, Black Ant hesitated, then explained, "Look...you don't know him like I do. I -don't- follow Taskmaster."
"--Stop. You want to know? Then let me talk." Eric stepped forward, accusingly prodding her in the chest. "I don't follow Taskmaster, I follow -Tony-. Even when he trained me back with the Initiative, I could tell something was different about him compared to other supervillains. He -got- what it was like, you know? To want to do one thing, but to feel drawn to another. Then, when I was with the Secret Avengers, I found out about everything...his memory problems. His -wife-."
"He's got a WIFE?" Laura nearly shouted, then covered her mouth. Taskmaster's breath nearly hitched, giving him away. It took all of his self-control to maintain the illusion that he was asleep, doubly so when Eric turned to look his way.
"Yeah, he does; and he doesn't even know it. It's The Hub. You know, the lady who's supposed to be sending our fucking -help-? The way his powers work, every time he copies someone new, like he did to get your stupid foot claws, he loses everything else. As far as most people are concerned, Taskmaster's all that's left; the mercenary, the guy who will kidnap anyone or fight anyone for hire; but when you work with him like I do, you -see- him every day...it becomes obvious that ain't the case."
"Bullshit," Maya snapped, sounding wounded.
"...It's true," Eric insisted. "Look, don't get me wrong! Tony -- not Taskmaster -- isn't a saint. I'm not saying he's some kind of heroic good guy underneath it all. But you don't realize how -easy- he goes on you fucking people," the mercenary accused, glaring at Laura as he started to anxiously pace in a circle. "Did you know that? He'd rather let himself get stabbed through the hand than actually risk really hurting you, because even though -he- doesn't understand it...this is self-flagellation. He's punishing himself every time he takes a job, and his fucking wife LETS him! He doesn't know any better! He's in...factory settings, as he calls it!"
Falling silent for a moment, Laura pressed her hand to her mouth in thought. When she finally responded, her tone was somber and disbelieving in equal measure. She wasn't buying this at all. "So, what. You're saying he wasn't -trying- when he attacked my sisters and I? He shot them in the head!"
"No, I'm saying that he was trying -- to commit suicide by superhero. Look...I've seen him when pressed, okay? He does -not- go down easy, and there's a reason that he's actually feared so much in Bagalia. He doesn't half-ass it here; you piss him off, you're dead. You do something he finds distasteful, you're dead. If you were watching us, you saw how we shut down that Jason Waterfalls jerkoff. He'd never fight like that against you, against Spider-Man, against any of you 'hero' types." Slumping down onto the couch, planting his palms against either side of his helmet, Eric took it off. A mess of unruly red hair, a to-the-atom perfect replica of the appearance of his original body. Tony knew that he'd often questioned if he was the 'real' Eric, or some kind of facsimile created in his image. Tony had always argued the former, maybe against his better senses. He just wasn't sure that he himself liked the alternative. Was that selfish? He considered it before focusing his attention on his partner's continued speaking.
"I've seen him pin his boot to Captain America's face. He had him dead to rights. But when the time came, he didn't finish the job, even though he could have. And if you corner him about it, he'll claim it's because he doesn't want the 'heat', or he'll make excuses, but when it really comes down to it..." Eric looked up at Laura; Taskmaster was too far away to see his expression, but his tone gave away everything that he needed to know. "...That's Tony in there, under The Taskmaster. People don't see Tony, he hides it so well. They see that stupid fucking costume, that ridiculous cape...and a grim echo of the guy I know who taught me; who's ignored every rule he sets for himself for my sake."
"Why, though?" Laura asked, sounding skeptical. "It's easy for you to make these claims, but have you ever considered that he's lying to you? That he's just pathetic and lonely, and keeps you around so he has control over someone?"
"Shut the hell up," Eric snapped back at her, nearly rising. "I'm not the only one who knows this. He'll pretend he's forgotten, but Cap does, too; can you believe Taskmaster still admires him? Hell, have you ever even SEEN him copy a supervillain's moves? I've seen him throw like Bullseye, like...once. But day in, day out? It's Rogers. Daredevil. Black Knight. Hawkeye. -You-. And you wanna tell me he's faking it, when he tries to be like you on a level even he doesn't realize?"
Laura looked ready to bite back, to respond to Eric's accusatory tone, but after a moment she simply stopped walking around and regarded the children. While they still looked annoyed, still seemed ready to argue with Eric, they'd all shifted to listening intently. For some reason that Tony couldn't fathom, they were invested in this. What did Black Ant know? What wasn't he telling him?
"He wants to be the best, and I don't just mean at fighting. Every time, before he forgets, he becomes a little more like you, a little less like Taskmaster," Eric murmured, barely loud enough for Taskmaster to hear. "And then he goes back to it, gets his next job; but I'm not stupid. I've been watching people who were better than me my whole life. When he -really- has a reason to fight, you can almost see Tony in there, like a reflection in a lake. And then he has to copy someone new, or gets pushed further than his mind can take, and --" He mimicked a popping sound with his finger in his mouth. "...The next pebble drops, and it's gone."
The room fell silent for a little while, interrupted only by the sounds of the Scions grabbing the food that Laura had brought them on a tray and starting to dig into it. Looking conflicted, Wolverine finally threw her hands up. "So, what? You're saying that I should trust him? That he's 'not so bad'?"
"No," Eric replied coolly, putting his helmet back on. "I'm saying that I'm keeping my cards to my chest for a reason, and that I'm not telling you about what happened with these kids for the same reason I'm not telling -him-. Like I said, if they want to share? I can't stop them; but you won't understand why things went down like they did. What I will tell you is this: You need Taskmaster to save these children. Even they know it; it's the only reason they haven't ratted us out already. And if he finds out what he did...he's gonna run. He'll snap, he'll disappear, and then we're all fucked."
"He can barely move. He's hardly going to carry this team." Laura's tone wasn't proud, just factual.
"I'm not talking about fighting," Eric replied vaguely. "Just...don't trust me, okay? I don't give a shit. I don't even like you, Logan had better hair. Talk to the kids if you want, but I'm done explaining myself." He started past her, only for the smaller woman to plant a palm on his chest.
"This isn't finished, O'Grady," Laura warned. "Not by a long shot."
"I know," he responded, "...And I'm sorry, I spoke out of turn. Your hair is -amazing-." Taskmaster couldn't see them anymore, but he heard the distinct sound of Eric attempting to lean in and smell her -- and Laura punching him in the stomach.
After that, the group scattered. The Hub's agent -- the agent of his wife, Tony forced himself to try and internalize without much success -- was still not here, and everyone was occupying the time they were forced to wait differently. Eric was playing on his phone, Laura checked on the Scions and then went to explore the enormous mansion, and the Scions huddled together, finally well-fed and trying to catch up on their immense lack of sleep.
For his part, Taskmaster had a lot to think about now. Waiting another half hour or so before 'waking up', he finally rose and staggered out of the living room, heading for the armory. When he'd been working as Zemo's prison warden, he had stashed some equipment here, including of the medical variety. He could patch himself up a little better, get fighting fit again.
He'd barely opened the door of the safehouse and stepped inside when he heard footsteps approaching; small and quick. Grabbing a kit full of strange syringes, his personal supply of advanced first aid from his on-staff scientist Albino, Taskmaster turned in time to see one of the Scions approaching. It was the last he didn't recognize, all fire-colored hair and intense features that he quickly recognized as a strange mixture of Chinese and Scottish.
Tears in her eyes, she stepped forward, fearlessly grabbing for the first weapon she could find - a Desert Eagle, already loaded for haste's sake in case of emergency, barrel pointing straight at Taskmaster's forehead. When she finally spoke, it was through tears. "D'ye really not remember what ya did to us?" She asked him accusingly.
He didn't know how to answer.
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rotzaprachim · 5 years
the closest to heaven that i'll ever be (Kanej Guardian Angel AU)
From @elorcaning‘s prompt of Kaz just being an idiotic human getting in trouble all the time and inej is his guardian angel just trying to keep him from dying while doing stupid shit, which I thought was a BRILLIANT idea and kinda ran with. At 1 AM while on jetlag so I Apologise. 
Props to @kettvrdams for not killing me when i sent an incomprehensible WIP for her to beta. All accidentally unfinished sentences and spelling errors are entirely My Own Fault 
On AO3 - 1816 words, Teen
In her illustrious career as a guardian angel, Inej has learned several things. The first is to believe in the fundamental good of all people- well, almost all people. Almost. But really, she likes to think the best.
The second thing is that no matter how hard she tries- and damn, she really tries hard- humans will still find ways to screw their own lives over, and even if her role is supposed to be more hypothetical or spiritual than anything, she always finds herself getting involved in more practical ways.
But still she thinks, as the poor Dutch farm kid tries to eat fertiliser from the container for the third time, only to be shooed away by his older brother, that this is going to be a challenge.
“Organised crime? Really?” sneers a figure in the corner of the precinct station with their dark hood pulled down low. Kaz glances around. There isn’t anyone else around aside from the beat cop who’s just let him out of the holding shell with a glare and a kick to his good shin.
The figure pulls their hood down. It’s a girl about his own age. Looks like a university student, with a purple jacket and a rain slicker.
She holds out a plastic Albert Hejn bag. Ah. So this is what it’s about. Per Haskell, Pekka Rollins, whoever the fuck it is this time, want him to move something. Cash, drugs, fucking tulip bulbs for all he knows. He doesn’t really care, as long as he’s alive on the other side of it.
But it isn’t really heavy enough to be either of those things.
“You haven’t eaten anything in over twenty four hours.”
He doesn’t know how she could possibly know that, but when he looks inside, what he finds is a cheese sandwich and a bottle of orange juice. Sealed, so it would have been goddamn hard to hide a USB or whatever it is Pekka wants out of the country inside.
“Who sent you? Pekka? Ferry Bouman? Sonny Castillo?”
“Are those the only things your mind goes to?” Now the girl just sounds annoyed.
“I’m not in the habit of beautiful girls meeting me in police precincts without having some other angle they’re working. So what is it? Who do you work for?”
Beautiful girl. He didn’t mean to say that. He’s a lot of things, but a flirt isn’t one of them. Yet even in the yellowy light of the precinct, he can tell that's what she is, with her heart-shaped face and the fan of her oil-dark hair.
“Eat your damn sandwich” she says, and is gone before he can say anything else.
“Don’t get too involved,” says Zoya.
“The job description is guardian angel, ergo, I guard.”
Organised crime. Really. Perhaps not in the highest echelons, and it’s fucking Amerstedam, but still, organised crime.
Sometimes she really doesn’t think he’s organised enough to get mixed up in organised crime.
“Genuine Givenchy. Also got Rolex watches, Hugo Boss shirts-” he offers the middle-class housewives out on a girl’s trip to Amsterdam. The back of the florist’s he’s operating out of is packed with genuinely decent-looking fakes. It’s also on Sonny Castillo’s territory.
“Best space brownies in Amsterdam,” he promises a group of tipsy Erasmus students from Manchester with a smile that’s the image of sincerity. The coffee shop is on Ferry Bouman’s territory.
“Now this is a real Vermeer,” he tells the new-money-oil-don looking for a bit of old-school, Cultured, flash for his new penthouses in Dubai and London. The art gallery is on Pekka Rollins’ territory.
“He’s going to get himself killed,” Inej tells her boss.
“You think I can’t smell a rat, Brekker? You don’t fucking think I can’t tell when some bastard ratfuck tries to fuck me over?”
There have been many points during which Kaz thought his ass to be well and truly cooked. Almost drowning in the harbour in Rotterdam when he was twelve was certainly one of them, but it was also far from the last.
But now he’s got a gun to his temple and there’s no more talking he can do, not one more trick more trick up his sleeve or one more secret he can leverage into five more minutes, ten more minutes, another day to make things right.
There’s just him and a dark alley at the edge of the city and the freezing rain, pelting down and soaking him to the bone. And the angry hands slamming his face into the alley wall, over and over again, until blood runs down his face and chest and the rainwater tastes salty.
“Please. A week. No, a day, I’ll make it up-”
“Like last time you promise me, huh? Promise me twenty thousand? And then I find out you shelling out ten thousand Euros to Ferry Bouman to keep selling on Pekka Rollin’s turf. He ain’t gonna forget this, boy-”
“Ten thousand. I can get you ten thousand, you know I can-”
He sees the flash of a gun being raised, can almost feel the air change as the man pulls back the trigger, and then-
Like a flash of lightning, the moment after the fireworks go off. Light everywhere, the snap of sound of thunder, condensed, and then-
In the moment after the light, Kaz can’t see a thing. And then he can: the three grunts Pekka sent after him, lying in an alley, and the remains of several guns, incinerated to crisps. And the flash of something, a person maybe, going around the corner.
“THE FUCK ARE YOU?” He screams into the pouring rain, but no response comes back.
Sometimes, Inej wants to scream at him so loud he can hear it.
“And what were you expecting, exactly? Why can’t you just. . . .” she thinks of the words she hears people using, these days, “stay in your darn lane? You waste your mathematics scores dealing. You waste your German scores on conning tourists. You just . .. you waste your life.”
He’s had the pinched face of a businessman, and an older man, since his parents died. Since his brother died, and he spent his youth pinballing between foster homes and getting increasingly involved in things that the Korps Nationale Politie tend to take a rather dim view of. In all that time, though, she’s rarely seen fear on his face like this. She almost wants to reach out, across the train, tuck the edges of his carefully slicked-back hair back behind his ear, but she doesn’t.
“Why couldn’t you have just . . . stuck to selling overpriced marijuana to tourists or designer knockoffs from behind a tulip stand? Forging Vermeers? Stealing actual Vermeers?”
It’s only when he gets off at Utrecht Centraal that he notices an unfamiliar weight to his jacket pocket.
A neatly folded wad of cash. He flips through it gingerly. Twelve thousand euros.
“You can’t save his ass every time. Otherwise, he’ll never learn, and he’ll go beyond the point where you can save him.”
“But if I don’t save his ass now, he’ll die before he can learn.”
“Ah. That’s the eternal conundrum, isn’t it? Of the teacher and of the guardian angel.”
It’s not a particularly big country, but every time the train ride seems to last all day, and stretch into the night. Inej, at least, doesn’t need to buy a ticket. He buys flowers at Amsterdam Centraal. Changes trains at Maastricht and then again to a rural line, until he gets off at a station that’s nothing more than a strip of concrete alongside the track in a rain-soaked wheat field. There’s no taxis, no buses, only a long road through the countryside and the remainders of a life he’s tried to forget about at the end of it. He unfolds his walking cane and gets a move on.
On a hill, on a farm where the apple orchards have gone to seed and the roof of the house fallen in:
Annemarie and Jawad Rietveld. And a scratched out stone for Jordaan Rietveld.
He leaves the flowers, not particularly giving a fuck about the fact that he could be shot, right here and now, by Pekka Rollins, because this is Pekka Rollins’ land, even if it was Jawad Rietveld’s land first, and then Albert Rietveld’s land before that, even if, on a day so far removed from Kaz’s present life that it feels like someone else’s life entirely, Kaz thought that it would be Jordaan Rietveld’s land in the future.
He feels, in a way, her presence before he can see her.
“I know you’re there.”
She sighs and makes herself visible.
“It’s you. The girl on the train.”
“I don’t think so-” she says, taking on a heavy Flemish accent just in case he remembers her from the police precinct in Groningen. “I’m from Ant-”
“You. Your face.” I could never forget you face, he thinks. The police precinct, and then the train to Utrecht Centraal. A rare sunny day in this pit of gloom and rain, and the way that the sunlight hit her lashes, the curve of her cheeks, the splash of her dark hair, made him think that it was impossible there wasn’t something divine and benevolent in this life, and this world. “Police precinct up North. Gronigen. Train. Amsterdam. Everywhere i go you’re always-” He thinks about pulling the shiv from his pocket. Anyone so interested in following him certainly has ulterior motives, and yet-
“What are you? Why are you always- there?”
“I don’t think, Mr. Brekker, that your . . . theological opinions would permit you to believe me when I tell you what, exactly, I am.”
He shrugs. “Grandson of lapsed NHK’ers and Javanese Sunnis. No god helped them a whit. I don’t think God, if they ever existed, ever looked at this drowning spit of dirt.”
“I think there are many who wouldn’t disagree with you. Some of them, like myself, being of a divine persuasion.”
“Why are you here?”
She doesn’t answer, just turns towards the graves. A light rain has started to fall.
“Do you think you’re following the path they’d be proud of?”
“You know I count as a fucking mature student? Mature.”
Even she has to laugh.
“I’m fucking twenty three. Twenty three. I got carded trying to buy a beer yesterday.”
“But now a student.”
He flashes his new, shiny plastic student card at her. The photo on it still looks like a mugshot.
“What are you studying?”
“Politics. International Relations. How different can the European Council be from the mob, really? Common Agricultural Policy, pay off Europol, work some backroom deals to get shit done.”
Inej resists the urge to burrow her forehead in her jacket sleeves. There are, it turns out, many, many ways for a human to get themselves killed, on this world.
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iambuckyrogers · 6 years
Too Good To Be True
Summary: An unlikely friendship blossoms between you and the coolest guy in school just in time for homecoming.
Word Count: 1663
Warnings: none
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Authors Note: This is my first request and first time at trying to write an AU so I hope I did it justice 🤗 proposal scene inspired by this 10 Things I Hate About You scene when Patrick sings to Kat. I love Heath Ledger and that movie is a must see!
Prompt: From @carolyn-stark-91 Hello, I was wondering if you could write a Tony Stark story for me. I’d like a high school AU where tony is the usual popular tech nerd and I’m a theatre geek who doesn’t really have any friends but homecoming or a dance is coming up soon. Please and thank you. If you need anymore info or have any questions just go ahead and ask me.
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image isn’t mine
The bell chimed loudly causing students to scurry like ants into classrooms along the corridor. You were one of the last into the chemistry lab, scanning the room for a spare seat. Midtown High was like any normal school, broken into social groups which interacted with an unspoken hierarchy, which was why you ended up being sat alone at the back of yet another class. Being one of the theatre kids, most of the other groups tried to avoid you, occasionally that’d give you a sideways glance or engage in disinterested small talk but you tended to keep to yourself. You felt like theatre was the only place you could really let loose. You were able to express yourself fluidly through movement and song, getting lost in the lyrics and transporting yourself into another world where the rules of society didn’t apply. You stared idly out of the window as time crawled past. The monotonous droning of your teacher’s voice sending you to sleep. You had no intention of listening to the lesson so you decided to do something productive by practising your lines for the upcoming play. You ran through them repeatedly in your head, visualising the way you would deliver them, your tone and gestures. Right in the middle of your dramatic monologue, you were snapped from your rehearsal by the chair next to you being roughly pulled out and a body slumping down defeatedly. You were shocked to see Tony Stark, the unofficial leader of the tech kids, next to you.
“Next time, Mr Stark,” the teacher scolded, “if you and Mr Rhodes disrupt my teaching, it will be detention for the both of you.” James, or Rhodey as most people called him, turned around from his new spot at the front of the room and mouthed sorry back at Tony, who just snickered and shook his head. With the distraction successfully dealt with, the teacher resumed her un-amusing presentation. You were still sat unmoving, not sure how to react to being so close to arguably the most popular guy in school.
You could feel his gaze on you, turning you met his eyes, his mouth curled into a smug smirk and you felt your face begin to heat up.
“It’s (Y/N), isn’t it?” He asked.
“Y-yeah it is. You’re T-tony Stark,” you bumbled over your words.
“The one and only,” he winked, “shame that the old bag ruins such an interesting topic,” Tony nodded towards the teacher, making you laugh softly.
“(Y/N), is Tony distracting you now?” The teacher asked, clearly fed up with Tony’s antics. All eyes in the class snapped to you.
“N-no Miss, it’s all good,” you replied, lowering your head in embarrassment.
Tony was quiet for the rest of the class and you tried to concentrate but it was damn near impossible being sat so close to him.
Lunch was spent like any other day, sat alone at your favourite table in the back corner of the cafeteria. You had your headphones in, listening to the soundtrack of The Greatest Showman and practising your lines again when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You almost jumped out of your skin, heat hammering in your chest as you ripped your headphones out, ready to give a mouthful to whoever scared you when you saw Tony straddling the bench next to you, trying hard to suppress a laugh.
“Sorry, sweet I didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologised after composing himself.
“Oh. Um no i-its fine I was just, ah- was in another world,” you stammered looking at your hands fidgeting in your lap, feeling your face grow warmer for the second time that day.
“It was quite funny to watch,” he joked giving your shoulder a playful push. He was absolutely gorgeous close-up, wearing a dark turtleneck sweater under a brown suede jacket. His chestnut eyes were framed by printed glasses and a dazzling smile danced across his face. He ran a hand through his dark, dishevelled locks as he looked at you quizzically.
“You alright doll?” He asked, concern evident in his eyes. Your eyes widened in response, you didn’t realise you had been staring.
“Um yeah, just brain fart moment you know?” You laughed uneasily, hoping he would leave.
“Right,” he laughed, “Anyway, I just wanted to apologise for distracting you in class earlier, that wasn’t fair of me.”
He could have knocked you over with a feather, you were beyond shocked.
“Really it was no worry, I wasn’t paying attention to her long before you were moved.” You assured him, making his shoulders relax.
“Good,” he replied, squeezing your leg. He swung himself to sit on the seat properly, dragging his tray of food in front of him. Frozen still, you looked from him to his food and back again.
“Oh, hope you don’t mind but I decided to sit here for lunch,” he said though a mouth full of food.
“Yeah n-no worries,” you replied, returning to your own neglected food. Much like chemistry, the rest of the time you spent with Tony was in silence, which you didn’t mind, it saved you from embarrassing yourself further.
For the next few weeks, Tony continued to sit next to you in chemistry. Your conversations got longer and less awkward and every now and then Tony would join you at lunch, continuing on your conversation from class or spouting on about some other random topic. A friendship began to flourish, built on a mutual hate of teachers, bad jokes and plenty of banter. You felt at ease around Tony, for the first time in a long time you allowed yourself to enjoy the company of another person without worrying that you were boring them with your incessant talk of musicals and drama. In return for putting up with your theatre talk, you listened to Tony rant on about things that you didn’t understand, engineering and robotics, all of that sciency stuff that got him excited, fascination shining in his eyes. Your friendship felt right, despite being from 2 completely different social groups, it was like you belonged together.
The school year was coming to a close and preparations for homecoming were underway. You were never a fan of social events like these because you usually ended up being stood alone all night, swaying to music that you didn’t like and regretting ever letting your mum talk you into coming. As the days flew past, more and more people were delivering elaborate proposals to get their dates. It was only a matter of time before Tony chose his girl and your heart seized at the thought. Don’t be stupid, you told yourself, he’d never ask you.
“Hey (Y/N),” Tony asked, disturbing you from your deep concentration.
“Hey Tony,” you mocked, drawing a laugh from him.
“Are you going to the homecoming dance?”
“Probably not, it’s not really my scene. If they played the Hamilton soundtrack well, maybe I’d reconsider,” you joked, turning to look at Tony, “what about you?”
“Yeah I don’t know,” he shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked like he opened his mouth to say more but the bell rang. Quickly packing up your books you bid Tony goodbye and hurried off to the gym to get changed for p.e.
“Alright, take a lap,” the teacher grumbled. As a pack, the class slowly made their way around the track. As you neared the final bend, loud music began playing over the speakers in the grand stand.
“You’re just too good to be true,” someone sang, “can’t take my eyes off of you.” Everyone slowed to a stop, looking around to with puzzled looks on their faces. The singing continued.
“You’d be like heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much.” Slowly a figure rounded the corner at the top of the grandstand.
“At long last love has arrived. And I thank god I’m alive.” You squinted at the figure, trying to make out who it was. They started walking down the stairs towards the ground.
“You’re just too good to be true,” you sucked in a sharp breath, “Can’t take my eyes off you.” On the last word, Tony Stark pointed at you and winked, making you damn near fall over. The school band materialised from god knows where and began playing an upbeat tune which Tony danced along to goofily, swaying his hips to the beat, twirling dramatically all the while looking at you with a mischievous grin.
“I love you, baby,” he sang, “and if it’s quite alright I need you, baby.” Two teachers had spotted him and made a beeline to where he was performing but Tony continued singing.
“To warm the lonely night. I love you, baby. Trust in me when I say,” he dragged out the last word as he was surrounded by the teachers who made a grab at his arm, only for Tony to skilfully dodge them and run further up the grandstand. Everyone was captivated by Tony’s show as he weaved up and down the steps to avoid capture while belting his lungs out. More teachers came to help, eventually circling Tony and managing to get a hand on him. As he was being dragged away he struggles the mic up to his mouth one last time.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), will you go to the homecoming with me?” He looked at you hopefully, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face.
“Of course” you yelled, fighting back tears that threatened to spill down your face.
“And that’s how you get the girl,” he declared before dramatically dropping the mic and being led away, an impossibly wide smile never once leaving his face. A similar one crept onto your own as the realisation sunk in. You were going to the homecoming with the most brilliant, kind and funny guy. Surely this was too good to be true.
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catch22inareddress · 6 years
Sassafrass Chapter One
The newest Avenger is feisty and just what everyone in the tower needs. Everyone that is saved, Bucky. He's not quite sure how to take the foul mouth beauty who dishes it out to everyone and doesn't take his shit. Will she be more than Sargeant Barnes can handle or just or the perfect dame for the job?
The team came off the quinjet battered and bruised after the last mission, but let's be honest it went with the territory. Saving the world and shit came with the price of not looking good in shorts or bikinis. While the mission was an overall success and no one was lost, everyone was damaged in some way or another. Tony had some deep gashes from the suit being crushed. Cap was shot, Bucky was knocked from a second story building and had a head wound. You were stabbed in the shoulder, and Nat had her shoulder dislocated. Clint had some broken ribs and Sam a twisted ankle to everyone's snicker. After the med bay just about everyone had found themselves piled into the elevator going to there respective rooms.
Cap was the first to address everyone in the lift. "Alright team. Needless to say, exceptional job. I think everyone needs some r and r. So rest up and here's to an extended mini vacation. I pulled some strings and courtesy of---" Tony cut him off and with flamboyancy added. " Your favorite billionaire. We are flying out in a few hours to Barbados to my house for a long weekend. Pack up kids and get ready. Also, we pull names or of a hat on the plane for bunk buddies."
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He let out a typical Tony smirk. "Here's to you and me babe." He reached out to grab your hand and you flicked him off. "The only action you get if we bunk Stark is a throat punch, you gutter slut." Everyone laughed as he mocked gasped and put his hand to his chest. You were too tired for Tony's shit. While you loved him, he had gotten out of control lately and spiraled after the last off again with Pepper.
"Now would you say that to Capsicle here should he pull your name." The elevator chimed on Wanda your floor signaling your exit. " Well, Cap isn't the first choice out of this sorry bunch of misfits. Sorry, handsome." You winked at the blonde wall to your right, and he grinned in return. "But I would happily pop his cherry any day." You quickly jumped up ignoring the screaming pain in your body to give him a chaste kiss on his thoroughly red cheek.
You could've sworn Bucky growled from his direct right as you did so making the exchange even more victorious. You loved torturing that man with every fiber of your twisted being. You and he locked eyes as the door shut and the look of pure anger sent chills through you. You lived for the moments when you could get a rise of the soldier.
"Fuck me, Wanda." You turned but stood there for a moment while Wanda kept walking. "Sorry love, you know I don't swing that way. Plus there are plenty of attractive men that would do your bidding." You shook your head and smirked. "Or do you have only one in mind." You waved off the saucy minx comment and continued walking.
"What the hell is it with that ass badger Bucky?" You huffed as you threw your bag in your room and leaned against the frame awaiting her answer. She turned around with a knowing smile. " Don't pretend like we don't know who your first choice would be."
You wave your hand dramatically in the air. "Yes. Yes. Sam. But with his devastating injuring the man may never walk again. That's a huge  responsibility, and I'm too young to care for an invalid ." She laughed at your avoidance.
"Maybe he was jealous of Cap and your kiss." You shrugged your shoulders. "Pfft. Kiss? He doesn't know what this mouth can do." You wiggled your eyebrows, and she laughed. "Whatevs. I seriously doubt he's interested in me and since you refuse to go mind spy for me, I'm on my own. Now leave me be woman! I need to go pack some sexified clothes for this weekend."  You could hear her giggle as you slammed your door to get ready for the vacation.
You were comfortably seated next to Nat and across from Wanda having Y/F/D on the jet while Tony prepped the hat full of sexy, as he liked to call it. Maria, Sharon and some juggernautslut friend of Sharon's that was currently sitting next to Bucky, had joined your merry crew. Thus evening out the dick to chick ratio, so now everyone was bunking with someone from the opposite sex. Now your not one to slut shame- no. You could care less how many people one person chooses to be with, hell you're no saint. You just didn't care for said tag-a-long because of the way she was eye fucking a specific metal armed soldier.
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Wanda smirked, and Nat elbowed you. "Ah. What was that for?" She nodded in the direction of Buck and Laura. " If your superpower was killing with your mind that girl would be long gone."
"Har. Har. Good one Nat. I'm territorial what can I say? Plus I can tell she's a cumguzzling Fuckslut and he could do better. Call me a wolf, and this is my pack...... Although I could suck the air out of her lungs."Nat's eyes widened when knowing that with your specific air bending superpowers, that was a possibility. "First. If it were the whole pack, you'd be pissed at Maria and Sharon also. Second. You scare me Y/N." She laughed and then Wanda spoke up. "Don't worry Y/N. I have a few tricks. She won't room with him. "Your shoulders relaxed. " Finally my wicked witch is on my side. Fuckin' A! All I had to do was threaten someone's life. ...Huh?" Wanda just shook her head when you elbowed her, so she at least knew you were kidding...a little.
You all stood around the bar on the jet with everyone relaxed and drinks in hand. You lovingly looked at Wanda and Vision. Steve leaned in and smirked at you. "I knew you had a soft spot Y/N." You scoffed loudly gaining Bucky and Nat's attention. "Shut your virgin mouth, Roger's. I have no such things called feelings." He blushed and bit his ridiculous plump lower lip. "You're a terrible liar. You may have a mouth like your mentor, Wade, but you're not like him. You're a misfit like us." He lovingly threw an arm around you and made dumbass faces per usual to get you to loosen up. 
You and Deadpool were in the same program. But while he turned into a sausage casing, you didn't. You had the ability the manipulate air. You could levitate, move objects, suck the air out of lungs. That sort of thing. You did try flying, but that was disastrous and had Wade laughing so hard he nearly shat himself and instantly regretting not filming it and putting it on YouTube.
Tony held out the hat making your insides flustered and your heart was beating fast. "OK ladies pick! Nat your up first my deadly assassin." She reached in and pulled out an envelope and opened it. A smirk graced her face, and she looked towards our favorite archer. He laughed out loud. "I'm finally going to wear my favorite ginger  down." She took a drink of her beer. "Honey you've been working that game for years." I smiled " Oh Clint darling, you can't be a gentleman with Nat. Tsk Tsk. Our favorite ginger likes it rough." He nodded, "Noted. Thanks, Y/N." Nat pegged you with a handful of peanuts so naturally you opened your mouth and scolded her after only catching one. "Terrible aim!"
"Hey! This is how we get ants! You're up Wanda." Tony yelled. Wanda opened her envelope already knowing who she had since she was rigging the game in our favor. You took a drink smiling. " Vision"
He cleared his throat. Dozens of dirty images went through your head of how those things work.
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"So Vis, you got the equipment for my Wanda here?" He looked my way confused. " Pardon?" Everyone snickered. Wanda glared, and you heard her voice in your head.
" Fine, you're in your own."
Before you could plead she was gone. Your heart rate picked up while Steve's arm was around you as Laura's turn came up. Steve and Bucky no doubt could hear your heart rate. Steve leaned in being his fucking cute self as always. " You OK doll?"  You stole a glance at Buck and your eyes met. "Yea. I just don't like new people and I swear to God if I get  bunked with Tony I'll sleep in fucking the tub with my knife."
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That earned a booming laugh from Cap with his signature left pectoral grab. Bucky spoke up his voice so low. "If your uncomfortable with that Fucktard you can bunk with me.....or Steve. No matter who pulls our name." Although your excuse was a partial cover, you felt at ease from his caring comment. You forgot that these guys were old school gentlemen in a world full of boyginas.
Laura pulled put out Sam's name causing you to let out a sigh. "Thank fucking Odin." Bucky laughed and Steve smiled. Wanda hadn't abandoned you after all.
Your name came up.
"Here's to you and me darling you've never been with a billionaire." Tony said in a charming voice. "Oh, honey. You know money doesn't matter to me. Size does." Bucky laughed, probably confident in his super serum. You blushed. You actually blushed. Shit. "So you would trade a billionaire for a super soldier. Huh? I see how it is. Here I thought we had a connection." He showed mock hurt and frustration, and you smiled. All the flirting but you knew his heart was with Pepper he just needed to get his shit together.
You reached in and pulled out Bucky's name and silently thanked Wanda and her Witchery ways. "Looks like it's you and me, Sergeant Barnes. Now, what .ever will you do with me." Steve smiled while Buck hid behind his chestnut locks. Steve removed his arm and pushed you two together. You were always surprised by how he could do a 180 in a hot second. One minute a gentleman, one minute a cocky asshole, and then another a shy broken man that you wanted to hold and coax out of his shell. All three of the versions you wanted to do dirty things to, just at different speeds and fashions.
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You leaned into his ear and caught Laura glaring your way and saw Bucky's fist clenched. "You ok there, Sergeant?" He looked up at you, and he was biting his lip. But then he surprised you in the best and worst way. Taking you off guard. He leaned back in his chair. "Better than ok doll, I get to a room with you and not ...what did you call her? Cumguzzling fuckslut?"
You gasped. Unsure what to do. But then two can play this game. You went closer between his legs and he tensed at the close proximity but to your dismay quickly recovered. "You sneaky little bastard and your super soldier hearing. What else have you've been eavesdropping on."
He put his hands up in mock surrender. "Honestly that's it. And thank you for wanting to protect my virtue from such an....unsavory woman." He genuinely laughed, and you felt a victory at the sweet sound. You turned around but remained between his knees but now facing the bar. You looked back at him. "Who said you're safe from me Sergeant Barnes?"
You felt him lean in and his breath was on your ear. "Keep calling me Sergeant and you'll find out how successful that serum truly was."
Your breath hitched as he laughed and leaned back in his chair with your ass on full display snuggled right between his thighs.
Check fucking mate.
This is a multi-part and fun series. Message me if you want a forever tag. Bucky or Steve only tag or just this series. Love you all !!!
Forever Tags @mscaptainjones @ssweet-empowerment @shynara51 @loislp @dragonselene
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cutiesonthehorizon · 6 years
Blue Bloods Fic - Just Peachy
Written for the Winter Whumperland Fic Exchange. My recipient is @thebluejayawe 
Thank you for the awesome prompts you offered, I hope you’ll enjoy the results. Also want to thank @the-wandering-whumper for a beta on such short notice. All mistakes left are of course mine:D 
You can read the fic here, or over at ff.net or AO3.
For such a large and bulky man, their perp was surprisingly fast. Both Jamie and Eddie realized that when they saw him turn into a side street and then up into a dark alley. He had a pretty decent headstart and their chance of catching up with him once he reached the other side of that alley leading towards warehouses was rather small.
“I'll go on foot, you try and cut him off in the car," Jamie said, already out of the car, and Eddie gritted her teeth.
"Be careful," she shouted after him, but Jamie was already out of earshot. Cursing, Eddie stepped on the gas and took a sharp left turn on the street above. She hated it when they separated during pursuit, yet her partner didn't seem to share the same concern.
Jamie entered the alley at full speed but he quickly slowed down.  He looked around, but he couldn't see any movement. Which meant the perp had either vanished into thin air, or was hiding somewhere between the numerous trash cans. With a grimace, gun held at the ready, Jamie called out.
"NYPD! Step out with your hands in the air!"
There was no movement, not even a rustle. Well, it was worth a try. Jamie continued walking, wary of the corners and trash cans that could be used as a hiding place. What he didn't count on was that suddenly the cover of one of the smaller bins would come flying right at him. Years of instinct honed by living in a house with three older rowdy siblings taught him to duck anything and he managed to get out of the way of the flying cover, but it cost him dearly. His foot slipped on some trash and he staggered, losing balance. Next thing he knew, there was a pair of meaty hands fisted in his jacket, the gun lost on the dirty ground and he was being raised into the air. With an angry growl, the perp, who looked like a giant from this close, slammed him against the wall. Jamie felt his back hit the bricks, his head slamming against the unforgiving wall so hard his teeth rattled and he saw small stars as breath rushed out of him.
"That stuff is mine! It is mine!"  The perp screamed into his face, spittle flying from his mouth and Jamie could see the pinprick pupils. Suddenly he was regretting his decision to split up with Eddie.
"The phone is MINE!"
"Y-yeah, okay," he said, trying to placate the man, even as he was once again slammed against the wall.
"Hey, I said... it's okay," he grunted and tried to raise his hand in a sign of 'I give up', but the guy didn't seem to catch that. He was sputtering about people in the shadows trying to steal his stuff and that he had enough, all the while pinning Jamie against the wall maybe a foot above the ground.
It wasn't a good position to be in and Jamie wracked his brain trying to figure out how to get out of it, but his moves were rather limited, not to mention the perp seemed to be hopped on something that gave him enough strength to kill a horse. Jamie didn't want to test that theory, so he just kept talking, trying to sound as unthreatening as possible. It was maybe a minute later when he noted movement behind the perp.
"Police! Let him go or I'll shoot!" Eddie shouted, but the guy didn't seem to hear her. He kept muttering, his hands wrapping tighter in Jamie's jacket and Jamie knew he was gonna be slammed against the damn wall once again. His body tensed in preparation for the crash, but then the perp froze, his eyes going wide as his body started shaking and in the next second he crumpled to the ground, bringing Jamie with him. With an oomph, Jamie landed right on top of the man, then rolled away as the perp’s fingers went slack and he finally released the grip on Jamie’s jacket.
"Reagan! You okay?" Eddie asked, even as she was rolling the perp over and cuffing him quickly. Which was a good thing to do, because the shock from the taser was wearing off fast and the guy started thrashing around. Jamie wasn’t a fan of using the taser they received as new gear a few weeks ago, but this time it seemed to serve its purpose well.
"Yeah, just peachy," he grumbled, taking a second to catch his breath, then with a groan got to his feet and went to help his partner.
Eddie gave him a quick look, but Jamie waved it off.  It took both of them to get the struggling man into the nearby parked car and lock the door. Once inside, he seemed to fall into some trance and became pliant like a baby. Jamie huffed.
"Of course," he grumbled and leaned against the car to take a moment to pull himself together, while Eddie was calling in the arrest. Jamie ran a hand over the back of his neck. His whole back felt like one big bruise and he could feel a small lump at the base of his skull, but there were no cuts and no blood. He didn't even have a headache... well, not worse than after a heated discussion at the diner table.
"Sure you okay, Jamie?" Eddie asked and Jamie straightened, giving her a reassuring smile.
"I'm fine. He just slammed me against the wall and held me there like a rag doll... no biggie."
Eddie rolled her eyes.
"You're such a lightweight, I bet he didn't even use both hands," she teased him and gave a pat on his shoulder. Jamie managed to look offended instead of wincing when the move seemed to send a shockwave straight up to his brain.
"Yeah well, next time you're running after them and I'll sit in the comfy car, how's that?"
Eddie raised an eyebrow, leaning against the car door.
"Are you insinuating that I weigh more than you?"  She asked and Jamie knew he was on dangerous ground. He ducked his head and climbed in behind the wheel.
"I would never dare," he said and closed the door, hiding his smirk.  Eddie pursed her lips, a warning glint in her eyes as she walked around the car and sat down in the passenger seat.
“You better watch it, Reagan,” she said and Jamie started the car.
Two hours later, they were out of the precinct and back on the road, four hours of shift still ahead of them. When they brought the perp in, calm as a cucumber, there was paperwork to be done so he could be processed. Jamie still managed to get a five minute shower and change of clothes, though he wished he could just have stayed under the hot spray. It helped his back, which was already starting to bruise up, if the glance in the mirror was anything to go by.  Having to sit in a car behind the wheel, however, made his muscles stiffen up and after twenty minutes Jamie was trying hard not to squirm in his seat, biting his lip to hide the grimaces.
"Damn, Reagan, do you have ants in your pants or what?"
Apparently, he wasn't hiding his discomfort all that well, or maybe it was just one of the hazards of having an observant partner.
"S'okay, just my back getting a bit stiff," he admitted and Eddie narrowed her eyes.
"Maybe we should get you checked out after all. The guy seemed to pack a mean punch."
"First, he didn't hit me, and second, we shouldn't get anyone checked out. I'm fine, just... need to stretch my legs. And maybe get some coffee," he added when he felt a twinge in his neck run straight into his brain. Eddie eyed him from the passenger seat then nodded.
"Okay, why don't we stop at Denny's to grab something to drink and eat? I'm quite starved. It doesn't look like it, but doing paperwork takes a lot of energy."
"Right, paperwork," Jamie grinned, but was relieved that Eddie seemed to drop the issue. He was also really looking forward to that coffee.
They were on a busy four-lane road and Jamie was just planning to cross into the next lane, when the car before him seemed to grow a double, blocking his way. Jamie blinked, but the image didn't vanish, though the lane seemed to waver and blur.
"Shit," Jamie breathed out, instinctively slowing the car but not daring to stop, because there were cars behind them as well.
"What's wrong?" Eddie asked and he could hear the concern in her voice. “Jamie? What's wrong?"
Jamie felt the blood rush from his head and bit down on his lip, the momentary pain clearing his head just a bit. Sweat broke out on his forehead as he was trying to keep the car straight on the road, but they must’ve been veering off into the next lane, because Eddie grabbed the wheel and steered them back.
"What the hell?"
"I can't.... something's wrong. Everything's blurry," Jamie said, panicked. "You need to take over."
"No shit," Eddie snapped. "We're in the middle of a four lane, Jamie. We can't just stop the car."
Jamie seemed to realize that. He shook his head and rubbed one hand across his eyes. Still a bit blurry, but at least there were no twin cars in front of him.
"Okay... I think... I think it's better. Just... need to pull over."
"Yeah... go slow. The right lane is free now and there's a shoulder coming up in a minute..."
Eddie kept her hand close to the wheel and ready to act if Jamie suddenly lost control, but they were lucky and made it to the shoulder without as much as a blaring horn. Being in the police car might've helped that. The moment he threw the car in park, Jamie leaned his head back on the seat and closed his eyes, taking in deep breaths.
"Okay, that was scary as hell," Eddie said, trying to calm her breathing as well, while trying to figure out what was wrong with her partner.
"Jamie? Talk to me. What's wrong?" She reached out, touching his neck, feeling his pulse. He didn't have a fever, but he was clammy to the touch and his heart seemed to be racing, just like hers. "Come on, partner. You're starting to scare me."
"I think I might've hit my head before," Jamie muttered with a grimace and opened his eyes, only to see Eddie watching him with concern mixed with anger.
"Oh, and you thought it was a good idea not tell me and sit behind the wheel? Are you trying to kill us?!"
Jamie winced at her raised voice, but acknowledged she was right.
"Sorry. Didn't... I didn't think anything was wrong," he said and looked so pitiful the anger left Eddie's eyes and there was only worry.
"You didn't lose consciousness? In the alley?"
"No, he just... slammed me against the wall... a few times. That's all."
Eddie growled, muttering something under her breath, but Jamie didn't have the energy to try and figure it out. The headache seemed to come back with vengeance and even Eddie seemed to gain a twin once or twice. Jamie actually had to close his eyes to stave off the nausea.
"So your vision's wonky? Anything else?"
"Mhm, headache, dizzy," Jamie muttered and felt one of Eddie's hands on his face, the other touching the back of his skull, looking for lumps and quickly finding one.
"You're an idiot, you know that?" Eddie said with a sigh even as Jamie winced.
"Can you look at me?  ...Please?" she added when he didn't seem listen. With a sigh, Jamie opened his eyes, squinting when the sunlight hit him just wrong. Eddie peered into his eyes until he started blinking.
"I'm pretty sure you managed to get a concussion," she said and let him go. Jamie rubbed at his eyes and cursed again.
"The Serg will kill me," he moaned, mostly because the man asked him outright if he needed to see a doctor or not and Jamie lied to his face.
"Nah, I think your dad or Danny will manage that first," Eddie tried to cheer him up and obviously failed. Jamie haven't even thought about his family getting wind of this.
"Okay, time to get you to the doctor. Scoot over, your driving privileges are revoked till further notice." Eddie stepped out of the car, letting Jamie scoot into the passenger seat while she went around the car.
"Are you gonna hurl?" Eddie asked once they were back on the road and heading to the hospital. Jamie wanted to glare at her, but he did feel a bit peaky, so he decided keeping his mouth shut was for the best.
"That bad, huh?" Eddie sighed and focused on driving. She cast worried looks at her partner, who had his eyes closed and looked decidedly greenish. Her foot itched to step on the gas.  On the other hand she knew if she drove the way she wanted, they would definitely have to clean up the car afterwards. Thinking they would get enough flack as it was for this little stunt, she kept going within the limit, even slowing down at turns.
They finally reached the hospital and Jamie opened his eyes, at first relieved that the car stopped, but then groaning.
"Come on, there was no other place?" he asked pitifully when he saw they were at Linda's hospital. Eddie just rolled her eyes.
"Don't be a child. You think this won't get back to your father? We might as well use some preferential service," she said and stepped out of the car. Jamie wasn’t in any haste to move though, so she opened his door and pulled at his arm.
"Come on, partner. Don't be a chicken."
"I hate you," Jamie grumbled, though there was no real feeling behind it.
"Yeah, yeah. You'll be singing my praises once you get off your feet."
Jamie still didn't want to get out.
"Come on. You owe me for that stunt on the road," Eddie said, her voice losing all the amusement.  Jamie had the grace to look ashamed.
"Sorry," he mumbled and pushed himself to his feet, grateful for Eddie's supporting hand.
"Yeah, you can tell me how sorry you are when we explain this to Serg. You owe me big," she said, even as she put his arm around her shoulder and they headed into the emergency room.
Jamie wasn't sure what gave him more preferential treatment, the fact he was a cop in a uniform wavering in from the street, the fact he was the commissioner's son, or that the grapevine worked so fast, Linda knew almost immediately he was there. When she saw him, there was a look of panic in her eyes, which quickly turned into relief and confusion. There was no blood visible, no bruises.
“Hey Jamie,” Linda said softly as she reached him, her eyes giving him a quick once over. “You know you don’t have to get busted up if you want to chat with me, right?” she joked, touching his face and looking into his eyes.
“Yeah well… Eddie here thought you might have a slow day…. Said we should visit you,” Jamie tried to joke, squinting as the hospital lightning made his headache worse.
“Ah well, if Eddie thought that… maybe we should have a talk. Come on, buster.” Linda helped him stand up from the uncomfortable waiting room chair. Jamie wobbled a bit as the change in position made his dizziness return, but Eddie was right beside him, once again offering her shoulder as support. With Linda on his other side, he was led into a small exam room.  
"Don't even think about falling asleep before the doctor comes in," Linda warned him, when Jamie sat down on the bed and eyed the pillow wistfully.
"What happened?" she asked and Jamie opened his mouth to answer, but Eddie, who was standing by the door with her arms crossed, spoke first.
"He got slammed into a wall by a giant... several times. Then he decided it was a great idea not to tell anyone he was hurt and get behind the wheel. We almost crashed."
Well, there was not much else Jamie could add to that. He noted Eddie still seemed a bit pissed at the last part and grimaced, realizing she wouldn’t forget this anytime soon.
"Jamie!" Linda glared at him and Jamie winced, raising his arms in supplication. Having two angry women in the room when his head was already trying to kill him wasn't all that ideal.
"Okay, I messed up. Can you all just... stop shouting?"
Linda let out a huff, but didn't comment. Instead she helped Jamie take off his uniform. She walked to the other side of the bed to assess the damage to his back.
She gently touched one of the bruises and Jamie hissed.
"Really... you didn't think you were hurt?" Jamie could hear the reproach in her voice and cringed a bit. It was usually just Danny who got that tone when he said something stupid.
Eddie stepped closer and caught a glance at his back as well.
"Come on, Reagan!" She exclaimed, indignant, and Jamie decided that if he lost consciousness just then, he wouldn't mind at all. But he wasn't that lucky, so he just shot a pleading look towards Linda.
“You’re on your own here, buddy,” she smiled, long years of being Danny’s wife obviously making her immune to it. Linda just tsked and kept checking the bruises on his back and the lump on his head.
"You're unbelievable," Eddie muttered. "Am I going to have to strip you down after every chase to check if you're okay?"
Linda paused, then coughed, trying to hide her chuckle. Jamie blinked and looked at Eddie, as if trying to figure out if she really said that.
"Well, if you're offering, I won't mind," he said finally, his lips twitching in a smile. Eddie blushed, muttered something about having to call the precinct and left the room. Linda snorted.
"Smooth, Jamie. Smooth."
Jamie sighed and his shoulders slumped down. Eddie was gone and he could stop trying to pretend he wasn't hurting like hell.
"Okay, why don't you lie down and get some rest?" Linda offered, seeing that he was a moment away from slumping over on his side, whether he got permission or not. Jamie nodded gratefully and with Linda's help, maneuvered himself into a position that didn't hurt his back.
"I'm going to see when Dr. Richards can see you, then I'll call Frank, okay?"
"Can't we just... keep him out of this?" Jamie asked a bit pleadingly, even though he already knew the answer to that.
"If not me, your Sergeant will call. I'll make sure he knows there's no reason to worry, I promise."
"Oh, okay. Thanks, Linda," Jamie mumbled, his face half hidden in the pillow and eyes already closed. Eddie was right... lying down was the best thing to happen to him in the last few hours and he would have to buy her all the coffee her heart desired... once he woke up from his nap.
The End
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junker-town · 4 years
Every Marvel Cinematic Universe villain, ranked from forgettable to iconic
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Photo by Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images for ReedPOP
From Malekith to Loki, we covered them all.
All week, we’re having a little fun and diving into the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The MCU exists thanks to endless battles between our heroes and the villains that torment them. Some of the villains — hello, Vulture — are fantastic. They’re well-rounded, they have depth, and there seems to be a method to their madness.
Then there are the other villains. Their backgrounds aren’t particularly explained, you’re not entirely sure what they’re doing — looking intently at you, Malekith — and motivations seem weak at best.
As part of our Marvel Week, we took the 26 primary villains from the 23 MCU films and ranked them from 1-to-26. Warning: THERE ARE SPOILERS BELOW, so act accordingly. Let’s get to it.
26. Ivan Vanko (Iron Man 2)
Be honest. The only thing you really remember about Ivan Vanko is when he said “I want my bird.”
25. Aldrich Killian/Maya Hansen (Iron Man 3)
This movie had far too many plots, and therefore far too many villains. There’s one point in the movie where it’s revealed that the Vice President is in on Killian’s plans, and then it’s not mentioned again. Surprise! Maya Hansen is actually bad. Surprise! The Mandarin is an actor! Surprise! The VP is in on it! I need this movie and its collection of villains to do a little less.
24. Zemo (Captain America: Civil War)
Zemo’s motivations are clear — he is driven by his rage and sadness over losing his family in Sokovia — but he’s little more than an accelerant to get the real conflict of the movie going between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers.
23. Emil Blonsky/Abominable (The Incredible Hulk)
The only really nice thing that you can say about The Incredible Hulk is that the fight scene between Abominable and Hulk is pretty cool. Tim Roth is high key the best part of this movie.
22. Kaecilius (Doctor Strange)
Dormammu didn’t have enough screen time for him to be ranked here, but we do get Mads Mikkelsen’s Kaecilius. The fight scenes are awesome, but I spent a lot of time wondering if he was going to start weeping blood.
21. Malekith (Thor: The Dark World)
Malekith? More like Male-kiss-my-ass, amirite? Sorry, trying to delete.
20. Johann Schmidt/Red Skull (Captain America: The First Avenger)
Red Skull is the most cartoon-like villain of the movies, but there’s still something about the first time he rips that Hugo Weaving face off. Also, being a Nazi gets you an automatic top-20 spot. This dude was evil.
19. Ava/Ghost (Ant-Man and the Wasp)
You could make the argument that “The Feds” are actually the villain in Ant-Man and The Wasp, but for our purposes we’re just going to go with Ghost. Ghost is visually a stunning villain as she phases in-and-out while simultaneously kicking serious ass. She’s not higher up on this list because she’s actually ... not a bad person and is instead trying to find a way to end her crippling pain.
18. Yon Rogg (Captain Marvel)
Wow, they really cast the MCU well. Jude Law is the perfect smarmy guy that you think is on your side til you realize that actually he’s a psycho and is trying to kill an entire group of people. Captain Marvel is more about the origin story for Carol Danvers and less about the villains, so not much to write home about with Yon Rogg.
17. Justin Hammer (Iron Man 2)
What a jerk. This guy just stinks. It doesn’t make him much more of a compelling villain, but he’s the perfect insecure guy that isn’t as smart or creative as his competitors. He brings on Ivan Vanko, gets him his bird, and basically lets a murderous mad man easily take over his whole fleet of replica Iron Man robots. His ambition coupled with the “I will literally do whatever to get that government contract” vibes moves him up this list a little.
16. Ultron (Avengers: Age of Ultron)
I might be alone in this, but I found Ultron far too boring to be a super compelling villain. He goes from zero to murderous in a matter of seemingly seconds, and he is really only saved by James Spader delivering a stellar performance with voice work. The movie actually gets better upon rewatch (especially after watching Infinity War and Endgame), but Ultron just doesn’t do it for me villain-wise. His motives felt rushed and under-explained, and there are far too many monologues.
15. Lieutenant General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross (The Incredible Hulk)
Don’t be fooled. Lieutenant General “Thunderbolt” Ross is 100% the villain in The Incredible Hulk. On the annoying-but-not-that-bad end of the spectrum, he’s an overbearing dad trying to interfere with his adult daughter’s dating life. On the other end, he directs soldiers to open fire TWICE in areas infested with civilians. First, they have an open-field battle ON THE CAMPUS OF A COLLEGE. In the third act, when trying to track down Abomination (a creature he helped create, mind you), Ross has a helicopter — with his daughter on board — shoot at what appears to be an apartment building in Harlem. This man would not only NOT be the Secretary of State later (he makes a reappearance in Captain America: Civil War among other films), he would be in prison for war crimes.
And this dude tries to arrest the Captain America side for not signing the Sokovia Accords. This guy sucks.
14. Mandarin (Iron Man 3)
They really could have done so much more with The Mandarin, especially considering they got Sir Ben Kingsley to play the role. Kingsley is really the only thing that saves this performance, going from a cruel, murderous terrorist to gassy, beer swilling fool in a moment.
13. Supreme Intelligence (Captain Marvel)
ANNETTE BENING IN A BOMBER JACKET!!! Bening plays both Dr. Wendy Lawson and the artificial intelligence being that rules the Kree, but it’s her turn as the latter that gives us some pretty intense evil. Let Annette Bening play more sinister characters, imo.
12. Ronan (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Maybe it’s because I remember Lee Pace as Ned from the quaint 2007 TV drama Pushing Daisies, but I loved this performance of Ronan. He’s shadowy enough that you still get that air of mystery about him, but he’s also just straight-up a mad man.
11. Darren Cross/Yellow Jacket (Ant-Man)
This guy literally goes into the bathroom at work, melts Frank into a small glob of former human, then WIPES HIM UP WITH A TISSUE AND FLUSHES IT DOWN THE TOILET. The biggest of yikes.
10. Obadiah Stane (Iron Man)
Obadiah Stane wanted to run Stark Industries so badly he helped orchestrate a kidnapping of Tony. Some good came from that — namely the creation of Iron Man and all the tech that went with it — but Stane also did some super dastardly stuff. The betrayal of a guy that looked up to you after his father’s death is one thing, but all the war profiteering is just too much.
Oh, and him yelling at and firing William Riva (AKA Ralphie from A Christmas Story) for not being able replicate Stark’s arc reactor leads to Riva joining forces with Quentin Beck in Spider-Man: Far From Home. It’s like a coaching tree of villains.
9. HYDRA/Alexander Pierce/Dr. Zola/Rumlow (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
Those backslashes are doing a lot of heavy lifting here, and honestly this collection (HYDRA) could have been a little bit higher as they have a lot of tentacles (pun intended) in a lot of places. Robert Redford as Alexander Pierce is one of the best castings, and the “elevator scene” is perfection that somehow gets even better in Endgame.
8. Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
IT WASN’T BUCKY’S FAULT. Cap’s best friend in the whole wide world, Bucky Barnes, was somehow rescued after plummeting from a moving train, frozen, un-frozen, and brainwashed to become a brutal assassin. While Bucky is a hero, Winter Soldier is a war machine (no, not THAT War Machine) that even murdered Tony Stark’s parents. Big yikes.
7. Ego (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
The mystery around Peter Quill’s father spanned both Guardians of the Galaxy movies before we got Kurt Russell dramatically riding around on the top of a spaceship as Ego in Vol. 2. It doesn’t take long to realize something is super fishy, and that that something is Ego spreading his seed — literally — on multiple planets in the hopes of creating a part-god child to help him take over the universe. Quill turns out to be that offspring, but he is able to break Ego’s spell when Ego TELLS PETER HE GAVE HIS MOM CANCER. That’s messed up, man.
T5. Quentin Beck/Mysterio (Spider-Man: Far From Home)
T5. Adrian Toomes/Vulture (Spider-Man: Homecoming)
I don’t know what it is, but the solo Spider-Man stories have gotten two of the best single-movie villains so far. Michael Keaton’s Toomes is perfection as the arms dealing, jet-pack wearing Vulture, but the added depth of him being the father of Peter Parker’s crush is fantastic. They manage to establish him as a guy with a somewhat relatable story (he’s just trying to make things work!), and the car scene between Keaton and Tom Holland is one of the best moments of the whole movie (and top-10 in the MCU).
Beck is low-key horrible. Anyone who tricks poor, sweet, grieving Peter Parker is on my shit list automatically, but Jake Gyllenhaal plays it so well. All Peter wants to do is tell MJ he has a crush on her, and he gets duped into fighting battles and handing over Tony Stark’s glasses. If that wasn’t enough, Beck literally shoves him in front of an oncoming train and leads to Spider-Man’s identity being leaked.
He does give us J.K. Simmons’s J. Jonah Jameson back, though. That’s a point in his favor.
4. Killmonger (Black Panther)
It was really difficult to rank these top eight or so villains. All of them have intense back stories or more character development than we got in the early movies of the series. Michael B. Jordan’s portrayal of Eric Killmonger in Black Panther was fantastic, and delivered some of the most meme-able moments of a villain (IS THIS YOUR KING?!).
While the rage and hurt felt by Killmonger over his father’s death is understandable, his actions as the movie’s antagonist are brutal.
This scene is so powerful:
3. Hela (Thor: Ragnarok)
The long-lost sister of Thor has some serious family issues. She’s absolutely ruthless, crushes Mjolnir (and therefore Thor’s spirits for a bit), and has an admittedly very cool wolf pet. Cate Blanchett knocks it out of the park with her portrayal. Hela is horrible and evil and also kind of badass, which shoots her up these rankings.
2. Loki (Thor/The Avengers)
Ah, the anti-hero. Loki is a pretty terrible dude most of the time, but he has his moments of actually doing the right thing. He’s petty, jealous, and the most untrustworthy person in the MCU. In Thor, he tries to kill his brother several times. In The Avengers, there’s the whole opening a portal in the sky to let the Chitauri in to kill a bunch of people and destroy half of New York thing. Oh, and don’t forget about when he faked his death, pretended to be Odin, and was content to hang out on Sakkar with the Grandmaster without helping Thor escape the gladiator-esque games.
1. Thanos (Avengers: Infinity War/Endgame)
We get glimpses of Thanos’s lilac tinge in a handful of the MCU movies, but he’s clearly the pièce de résistance of the culmination of Phase Three with Infinity War and Endgame. Josh Brolin plays the genocidal maniac perfectly, even leaving some viewers after Infinity War saying, “you know, Thanos might have a point about how we’re destroying the planet.” He’s willing to kill billions of people on countless planets to get a little peace and quiet, and is the reason we lose a lot of characters we really care about.
Thanos gets the benefit of a multi-movie arc to explain the full extent of his cruelty, ambition, and willingness to do anything (including kill his own daughter) to achieve his goals.
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joseyfeli1-blog · 7 years
Camren is endgame Pt.2
The Healing Yep super original to use CC1 to title this right? Anyway I write this to show one of the infinite universes where camren is true and the fact that there are still many parallels and I am trying to show them off but really those aren't important. Now I hope the VMAs are close to this, as in I hope camren will be free soon. Cause my heart is in Fucking pain cause of them. But I digress and do side quests :P Anywho I hope anyone and everyone could enjoy at least some if this ~~ -Camz? Tell me this isn't true, there are so many questions, why do you want me to suffer?- Luaren's voice cracks as she tears up and crunches a letter. Camila that had been packing to go to Miami to meet up with Joseph before the performance. -Laur, it isn't, oh gosh I can't do that, listen it isn't about our relationship, okay?- Craddling Lauren while they are both on their knees in the hotel room of their last time being together for the night. In the public knowing degree, cause whenever they have open days they are racing to reach each other in open arms.-Listen this is was a long time coming. You know I'm not happy, not as much as when we were kids. When we could be very free and very much in love. Even when we couldn't. Hell I never was mad about you not wanting to hold my hand. Show me your unrelenting love. Just saw you love me outside the walls we made to keep us together away from the real world. But I can't do that anymore, from everything that's been going on, I need to leave. Too much has been toxic to the both of us.- Tears marking her fave as Lauren keeps crying into her neck. -I know its horrible to say this to your other heart, but we need space. We need to be far apart so when everything is far away, camren, our music careers, our support from our fans, our contracts, everything that refills the cup of poison we are supposed to drink for our breakfast. I can't be apart that anymore. I need to be the kid again, I need to grow up. Away from all this shit.- Lauren has yet to stop any crying, if anything she is crying more and more.-But just know, that through everything and the worst if the worst that will be created out of this, it is all for you, For you Lauren.- Camila bites her lip as she can see Lauren moving her head up to see she has cried a lot, but they are okay. Complicated as all hell, but okay. -So through all the news and management shit, it's all for me?- Lauren looks up with such adorable puppy eyes that would melt anyone's heart but with the added puffy eyes and wet marks searching for her chin. -Wow all if that and you heard it was for you? And they think you top?- Both of them holding, embracing each other shared a small yet genuine laugh. -Yep, that is what is gonna get me through it, and you know I'm greedy. That's why Lucy left me in the fucking dust. She thought that I was not giving back enough in the relationship.- Lauren brought up her ex to get a reaction out of Camila. -You mention that bitch again, especially where she was calling you out on 'your shit' I swear to ally!- Lauren loved poking the bear. She hugged Camz harder and with a big dumb smile. -Aww you care about me!- -I will never stop.- ~~ -Wait what! This has been in the works since fucking 2014!?- Camila asked with suspicion.-Well no, maybe, no probably not, but as you can see they have been all working together, before so maybe they were hoping that someone that would bring a huge new crowd, a crowd that wouldn't question the companies, people that would be confused, anyone with enough money to be stupid and fun. They wanted Fifth Harmony. They needed you guys, if not there wouldn't be given as much money as they are. You see all these rappers had a fellowship but not of any comparing size. Once they get in touch with someone, in this example its fifth harmony, that have more people, they know that people with a lot of time on their plate will support the collaborates because they believe all the five girls do.- It was late night, They had been talking about why everything was going on and why everything was happening the way it was. There must be an Answer! It was a tinfoil hat kinda night. -They knew this would happen, that there would be a split, they wanted it to happen. More money to circulate. Fresh, new, young money. Cash money Baby!- Joe couldn't resist. Even at a moment of complete seriousness he would still find a joke to make. Camila simply rolled her eyes with a smile. -What assholes...- Camila mumbled.-Right! Well know that we know we maybe a step ahead of them, or just one step closer to them than they thought. Eaither way, its progress Camz!- they finally found something yo bring up to the stage and something they were both sure that no one else could have noticed.-No wonder Laur and Ty were 'vibing' off each other.-Camz said with distaste in her mouth. Quoting a magazine that interveiwed fifth harmony after their VMA performance. Declarungbthat 'Tyren' is officailly dead before it was real.-Yeah and that makes sense he won, you kidding me, thousands of young minds thinking she's happy with him, cause of some posed and made up photos! Hell she hated him from his soul to the skin. He made her skin crawl every moment of every day.- Showers would not be enough for a stain like him. The moment he called her a bitch and claimed her, was when Lauren needed to be with Camila the most. It was a hard day. Much of her fans stopped being okay with the idea that they are together, even though she is probably required to do so. All she needed was her Camz, so for that whole day they never tried to look at it, they ignored the whole world for a day. It was pleasant and taught them that they do need each other very much. -Yeah she needed me more than she ever could that year. She's string and independent but when it comes to me, I need her just as much as she needs me. We deserve each other.- -Well that's sweet and all and it brings me tears, but really you had grab her?- -Gotta show whom owns her.- Camila said with a wink and a laugh. Joe then proceeded with a smile and looking for a way to use this information to their bidding. -Well,- Joe started,-They will deffenately believe in camren now, so they womy believe us, they'll think its to uphold your straight image. Even though I'm sure you have made no real effort to keep that up.- He said with a suggestive eyebrow raise.-But we can make it louder. We can be together more, be together in interveiws, everything! All the stops, and once the album drops,- -They will still know its about Lauren.- Camila interrupted.-Because it is, its always been for her.- Joe gives the girl a solemn star from across the hotel room. He can see that it is already becoming morning.-Hey lets sleep on it alright? We might not be tired but we need our brains to be paying much more attention on this issue. Use our dreams to help us. Abuse the dreamscape!- Joe said as he jumped to the bed.-Ahh. Well come on. You get cuddles,- -No, I don't deserve cuddles,- Camila said sadly and lowly. -Everyone fucking deserves cuddles.- Joe stated sternly.-Come on! What you the only one to be wanting the human touch? Get over here, I'm cold!- -Alright fine.- she laid almost cradling the man laying with her.-Isn't it weird that I'm the big spoon here?- -As weird as it is true that you are top. So not weird at all. Hell I love strong independent women. Why do you think I'm trying to help? My own personal gain?- Camz thought for a second. -Well no you were never like that.- -Exactly I just care top much about all of you. Want you to be happy. With what ends up being, or whom you end up with. You all deserve the best.- And with that they lay there not talking only drifting slowly to sleep. ---- -Huh!- Camila was awoken with a brilliant idea.-Joe! Joe wake up! I have it! I know what to do!- Camila was too ecstatic for sleepy people she needed to tell this plan to someone whom is all there awake and all. -I'm up I'm up!-Joe takes a deep breath as he is nearly blinded be the bright light coming into the room. Closing the blinds before bed would have been a great idea. Joe gets up to close the blinds with a grunt. But fortunately, for Camz, he is awake. -What, is the, grand plan now?- He said wiping at his tired eyes. Walking towards the bathroom to stick to a  schedule to help him wake up. Camila digresses as he wakes himself up. -Okay so this will end being all about camren in the end right?- -But of course,- -Right soo, instead of starring away! We hit it with all we got and give the shippers all they can take.- Joseph was so taken back. He never thought to bring more into the fight. Just use the ammo that they were given. The perfect plan to ante up and use every nine-yards of ammunition they can bring back up. -So what though? We bring back dead news of camren? Or we reuse? Or we use your album and the interviews and performances you'll be apart of soon?- Camila states into the perplexed man with all seriousness and so much giddy. -Everything.- It was so simple. So clean. Such an idea would not be on the minds of fat cats as they believe coming out will only be a bad idea. But It isn't. Its more better than living with so many people watch as you are still closeted. Of course there would be repercussions, hell thousands, for Camz, for Joe, and for Lauren for sure, not many people are her fans any more. Well not the people she would like to consider supporting her.
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sparemeyourpity · 7 years
Dunno why I’m writing this down. Dunno if I’ll even keep this up long, but I guess its me thinking tonight about how utterly fricked my life has been. get ready for rambles I suppose.
I guess my earliest memory is of a plane flight. I remember chewing gum and according to mom I was 2 and it was a flight to georgia. The next thing I remember was when I was 3 I think. I had really wanted to go to school so I escaped the backyard while playing and ran up the hill. It apparently took a half an hour for the cops to show up and find me halfway to preschool and I cried because I really wanted to go. 
I remember living in the green houses and my best friend at the time, Ashley. I also remember when I was around 4 or 5 that I chased a squirrel up a tree and it jumped on me and clawed into my head. I also scraped my knee really bad after. I think I cried for half an hour.
I remember the doughnut shop that was there for years. When I was like 6 was when things started going badly. Because moms house was a pig sty, I got pink eye. I remember hating it so badly. Cps got called on mom and me and my younger brother adam got taken into foster care. 
The first place I ended up at wasn’t nice. Me and adam weren’t together in foster care. The first place, they made me strip in the van under the pretense that they were checking for bruises. I hated it so much because there were boys and the father in the car. At that house I was also put into a toybox and pushed down the stairs. I was taken out of it after that.
The second place I don’t remember anything of. I just know it wasn’t nice as well, because I was pulled out. The third one was by far the nicest out of them all, and I think I was 6 then. But my kleptomania had started and it did get me into a lot of trouble. I liked to steal candy mostly. The people were nice. So was the school, but I remember it being really bright white. While I was there, I got a single piece of sand stuck in my eye and needed surgery because the adult dose of valium did nothing to numb the pain so they had to put me under.
I remember later stealing a whole pack of gum from a store and the foster parents made me take it back I got into a lot of trouble with it. We were finally back with mom the same year because everything was cleared. We lived near my grandmas house in orchards. Mom was married to mike, joshs dad. I remember getting locked in the room and adam making a hole in the door to get out. By this time Joshua was born. I adored him because he couldn’t beat on me like adam did. Eventually mom split up with mike and we moved to camas.
We weren’t in camas long before we were taken away from mom again to live with jesse, moms ex husband and adams dad. We lived with him in aunt debbies house with my cousin, debbies husband and an uncle. There was also a time we lived with grandma and grandpa too. At aunt debbies was when the abuse started, but I’m not gonna go into that particular topic. I was about 7.I remember trying a cigarette in the bathroom because the adults did it. I didn’t like it, but I got caught and had to eat a whole pack of cigarettes and I was sick for a while. Mom was pissed, but cps did nothing. 
I used to have a princess clock that was also my alarm for school. It was my favorite clock. Its music invaded one of my dreams once and it was the strangest thing. We finally moved into the apartment in orchards and I went to image elementary. We lived next to a really big field. I remember one time walking down the gravel road and finding like $20 in ones. I also climbed a barbed wire fence and cut my side open, but jesse got pissed that I was trying to show him. I remember waiting for visitations from my mom, but jesse told me many times that mom didn’t want to visit because she was too busy to take me and could only take adam. Found out later jesse told her I was sick and couldn’t go, which was a lie.
I stole like $100 from the neighbors truck once. They weren’t too happy. Got grounded for a week. I remember adam getting his head stuck in a tree. I was blamed for it when he was the dumb one who stuck his head in it in the first place. Summer of like 2004 Jesse and my uncles and neighbors were drinking for 4th of july and ended up setting the field on fire. It was chaos. That same summer, me and some of the neighbor kids pissed off a beehive and ended up attacked by a swarm. My friend launched the hive off a 2 by 4. It was glorious. Painful but glorious.
Winter of the same year was one of the worst and froze the entire field. We ice skated. I remember a frozen possum. We moved from there to jantzen beach into a pigsty of a home. That was when I started really watching inuyasha and all the late night cartoons and anime. That was also the year I got my fear of ants because one crawled into my ear and beat itself on my eardrum. That halloween I also ended up with my first stitches because I stepped on a broken porcelain doll. I was deathly terrified of needles.They needed like 6 nurses or something to hold me down.
I remember a plastic bin being kicked at me because I woke up jesse in the middle of the night. I remember the mornings before school when his girlfriend alicia would stop by starbucks and send me in with money to buy her coffee so she didn’t have to leave alyssa adam and me in the car alone. I always got a tiny cup of whipped cream. It was the best because I didn’t have to share. 
When visiting my cousin later on, I told her some things that resulted in mom regaining custody of me and adam. Uncle eugene was bunking there for awhile. I got my own room for the first time. I had my first real boyfriend and girlfriend in camas. Michael, the boy next door, and my best friend ceecee. That was when I first realized I wasn’t straight. 
I started running away a lot and stealing a lot more. Cindy, our old house cleaner and babysitter hated me because I kept escaping. I hit the neighbor boys a lot. I tried running away with ceecee once, and an old boyfriend andy. He got caught, which foiled our plan. 
I finally learned about my real dad when I was 11. I got to meet him in the summer and went camping. He found missy, little puppy wandering camp and the owners didn’t want her so we got to keep her. She passed away 2 years ago. She was such a cute puppy. I watched dad fire spin and it was the coolest thing. 
I got violent a lot and was suspended often so eventually I got moved to a special ed school. Serendipity. I threw desks at teachers. Punched kids. I had a lot of anger issues. I would’ve stabbed someone with a pencil, given the opportunity. I do remember one of the years there, we had an assignment to pick a football team as a favorite, but me not being a football fan, I picked colts because horses. That happened to be the year they won the super bowl, so I was hella smug. I also won a ben and stimpy shirt. Joel was nice at that school. So was big john. He always played santa at christmas. That was also the year I wore crocks all the time. What was I thinking?
I finally quelled my urge to beat the shit out of people enough to convince the heads to let me go to normal school. Still on an iep, but public school. I had a whole graduation ceremony. I remember winning a burping contest. I ended up at jdz. Did more running away and stealing. All the cops knew me. Officer dickerson knew me most. I started going to juvi. A total of 3 months for 4 total offenses. Got caught stealing 3 times, and hit a teacher on accident with a purse I had taken to school that I wasn’t supposed to because of my stealing. 
I caused a lot of problems in juvi too. Breaking combs. Picking at walls. I ended up in solitary the first time because they had to do a TB test, but I wouldn’t because of my fear of needles. Came back the second time and finally got over my fear because I was allowed to hold another girls hand during it. Third time was new years and I couldn’t watch the fireworks. I was so pissed cuz I had missed my birthday too. I ended up getting really sick because of the lack of sunlight.
I’m just gonna cut it here. It’s midnight and my brains derping. I might finish writing later, Or I’ll just delete this and forget about it. Congrats if you made it this far I suppose. Dunno what would be interesting reading about my fucked up life.
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tiffstasiaarchive · 7 years
things i’ve never said | bianca
a glimpse of the mind of a girl who lost everything, including herself: a year in the life of bianca adriana nova
I keep seeing you everywhere. In the grocery store, on the street, in the darkest corners of every room I enter. I feel like everything I’ve grown to become in my adult life died with you. I feel like a kid all over again - lost, vulnerable, and clueless. I’m not myself.
Today, I had to remind myself that you won’t be sneaking in unannounced anymore. I can’t bring myself to delete your number from my phone, but I finally closed the window.
I had to leave home. We talked about me moving out 100 times, but it was never under these circumstances. I’m not mad at anybody - not really - although my grief has been stuck in the ‘anger’ stage for awhile. I just can’t look at my father the same anymore. I close my eyes and he’s got my heart in one hand and his pistol in the other - and he pulls the trigger every time.
Are you haunting me? I can’t sleep for anything but every time I manage to get an hour or two, you end up visiting me in my dreams. It got to the point where I yelled at you last night - in the dream, I mean. I said, “I’m never going to get over this if you keep coming back,” and maybe that’s true. You’re not even here and I didn’t even yell, but it was so malicious in my head that I feel bad about it. I miss you.
I think everyone still looks at me like I’m a little girl. Like my emotions are silly and that if I just got over myself, everything would go back to normal. But I keep thinking about that week in Venice, when we talked about getting married there and having our honeymoon in Paris. Travel the world and raise our kids in Berlin. Or Milan. Melbourne or San Francisco. We were going to get away from the world that took you from me. Our kids were never going to be the wiser. 
I bought you a Rolex for Christmas back in July and I found it last week. I haven’t taken it off since.
Last night I dreamed about your birthday in Paris - remember that? You took me to the top of the Eiffel Tower to tell me you loved me. I told you were insane.
I called my mom today and talked to her for like five hours. We didn’t even notice how long we were on the phone until it got dark and we checked the time stamp. I miss her so much, Ant. I almost packed my shit and went home.
I have to find a way to let go of this anger inside of me. I have to stop holding on to something that isn’t there anymore. I’m losing my mind and I’m losing myself.
This storm was crazy! Mari and I went outside to shovel and the snow was up to our thighs. We’d shovel a path and the next thing we knew it was covered again - how frustrating right? But it was so fun. I hadn’t laughed that hard in months.
I wish you got to hang out with my cousins. You would have liked them.
You joked about joining the 27 club...even kept a white lighter in your left pocket to keep the image up. I thought it was bad luck, but I didn’t think it would come true. When you miss me, I hope you have Amy Winehouse sing that song you used to sing when we’d dance in the kitchen making brownies. I hope it sounds even better every time.
New Year, New Me has a morbid ring to it these days.
Mari and I drove to South Carolina on a whim just to chill on the beach for a couple weeks. No work, no worries, no guilt. I felt like the sun lived inside me and shone through my skin. For once, I felt like myself again.
I went on a date today. His name was Mike and he had a gap in his teeth. The whole time I heard you in the back of my mind calling him a schmuck. 
I know you would want me to let myself fall in love again. I just don’t think I’m ready.
The twins keep trying to tell me I should be a model, but they’re definitely more suited for that shit than I am. But I told them I’d take headshots if they took some, too. They banned together to do my hair and makeup and help me pick out a dress. I felt like a princess. Celebrities have it made.
We were supposed to go to Vegas for my birthday. Everything’s a little dimmer today...but at least I got to see my big little sissy! She brought me red velvet cake and a pile of Nicholas Sparks movies and that alone exceeded my expectations for the day. I swear every time I see her, she looks more like me - but tall. Aka better than me. What a bitch.
I promise this year I will find happiness within myself. I promise I’ll make you proud.
I went to Camp Starlight with Mari, Wyatt, and the twins for a week. I hadn’t been there since I was a kid, but I swear it hasn’t changed. I decided I feel most alive by the water. Maybe when I settle down and have kids, I’ll end up near Cape Cod.
I miss my brother. I think I’ll text him.
I think what’s hard about this year is that it’s been a year of firsts, you know? My first birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc - without you. And as we come up to the first anniversary of you leaving Earth, it reminds me that it’s my last first. My last reason to be openly sad. I feel like I’ve grown so much over this year, learned so much about myself - but now the crutch is gone. It’s almost been a whole year. My grief has lasted longer but those who haven’t lost a loved one feel like I’ve milked this for too long. But I didn’t just lose a loved one, you know? I lost my partner. My best friend. My first love. 
Maybe Mari’s right. Maybe I should look into therapy.
I saw my dad today and it almost felt like I never left. I hope he knows how sorry I am for putting him through hell and, still, I hope he knows he put me through hell, too. But, I’m ready to forgive. How long do we really have on this earth, you know? I don’t have the time or the energy to hold this hate into my heart any longer.  I have too much love to give. I have too much I want to do.
I’ve made a decision - I’m starting fresh. I’ve been mulling it over for awhile, maybe use the eighth of September as the start of a new chapter, but no. I’m starting today. No more living in the past, no more writing in this journal. No more trying to keep you alive within the pages. I love you...part of me will always have love for you. But I need to move on. I need my life to begin again.
Thank you for everything.
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When in India
I just had to go to India. My great-grandfather was the main reason. His life was more than influenced by Indian culture, politics, and by exceptional people he met during his travels. After submitting my master's thesis, a month of volunteering in India seemed to be a perfect excuse to turn off, to smooth the ego through the help to others. No, really. I was looking forward to it. To stop and live for the moment. During the dissertation writing, my head continued to fly off and thought of the future only. I was only looking forward, the brain simply did not want to shut down. IVHQ is an organization that enables people from around the world to volunteer in countries that need it the most. Location: Delhi, program: English teaching in slums and orphanages. I could also teach yoga, but I could not fill up more of the obvious saviour complex clichés. Despite about five rounds of vaccination, I felt unbeatable. Despite the fatigue, I put on a confident look on and after leaving the plane I devoted my spare time to such a wonderful country to take me into its arms. It was tough, finding the driver in about 5 (sweaty) minutes. Then I was only waiting for the pickup car packed with other volunteers for two hours, and then we headed to a gray and hot drift towards Faridabad where our accommodation and "base camp" was. In the car for 4, it was 5 of us. The ride was exactly as shown by BBC documentaries on mad transports. Cows and buffalos were everywhere, and they owned all roads and motorways. The motorway lines do not exist at all. Cars move as they need to in order to make Delhi move... Drivers are like dancers, they create choreography through their tough rides full of unexpected obstacles. Everywhere was a flood. In the car with volunteers from Portugal, Lebanon and America, we rolled our eyes out on people who (indeed!) were swimming next to their bikes, families trying to get from one side of the road to the other and swimming dogs. The water was brown. It was a violent brown! Even though we had wheels completely immersed, before we got to Faridabad, the rain stopped. It's a shithole. I'm sorry, but it is. Our "base" is so far away from everything! Best connections? Uber, which takes us within 15 minutes to the last line of the purple station of the Delhi metro. Accommodation is not bad. The mattresses are incredibly hard, but it has its own advantage, the fact that your back stops hurting and is beneficial. It's just a bed and that's enough. The walls are painted with slightly pathetic Gandhí wanna-be inspiring quotations, which large companies put on the workers' toilets to use as a prevention for burnout syndrome. Yay. In the room it was me and two ladies from Mexico. They are both super nice, one is a nurse, who helps in the local clinic and the other volunteers as a nanny in a nursery. Our volunteer group of people was composed of fairly decent people that led interesting conversations. Everyone is completely different and I adore how everyone brings something new to this program. There are people not only from Mexico, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, but also from England, Spain, New Zealand, Poland and Kuwait. The first day we had an orientation day to prepare for a cultural shock, a briefing on how our programs will work, and how to drink no tap water in any situation. I was at primary school for the first week and got 3 year olds. I was just thrown into the scene next to the teacher who was correcting the children's´ notebooks. The class was screaming, but once when little people found out that the redheads do not bite it was fun, but that was it ... To teach them something or show or explain any game was unreal. That's why I ended up showing the pictures, taught "head, shoulders, knees and toes" in English, sang songs and danced mini disco. It was a success, even teachers joined, but I knew that they did not need me as a volunteer. We were there with the girls just as nannies for the afternoons, when the lessons are finished, the teachers want to chill, get some fresh air, and the children just needed to have fun. With such a massive language barrier, I knew I was not learning anything here and asked the IVHQ office for moving to the proper elementary school for slum children. We work every day from 8am to 3pm. It's a pretty long day, but in the afternoon we have a time off, with a group of people we share an Uber that takes us to the center of Delhi. I was a little disappointed. Walking and dailly wanders were not happening for me. Everything is so far away and there is still an uncomfortable risk for a girl to walk somewhere alone.Especially in Faridabad. We've traveled so far to a lot of markets and street "restaurants". The first "Delhi Belly" (translate as a violent diarrhea) came within 2 days. It took about 3 days. I cleaned myself inside out and was ready to hit the road again. Indian cuisine is 85% vegetarian, containing chappatis and rice. Nutritional values ​​are mainly based on carbohydrates, which does not matter, it feels like I need them after the whole day burnt with heat. Papaya, mango and bananas are the seasonal fruits.In our accommodation we have a local chef- Ragu, who cooks traditional Indian recipes, he is like our mum in the kitchen to all volunteers. Every day we have something else, but mostly the meal is from masala, beans and white rice. After two weeks, my taste buds begun to be truly immune to all sorts of spicy food. At the end of the program, I need to  ask Ragu to give me some recipes, because the art of understanding spices is important when one stays in India. Every weekend most volunteers go for a trip. At least once every 14 days there is at least one Hindi festival is celebrated in India. Last weekend we went to Jaipur for two days, where Raki was celebrated. A day when sister makes a bracelet for her brother, and he has to give her a gift in return. That's how Hindu marketing works. Jaipur was quiet, pleasant, clean and cool. The hostel where we stayed was incredibly cheap. We saw a magnificent ruin, a former palace, temples, a Pink City, and a monkey temples. We went to many restaurants, ate some comfy Western meals such as  pizza (in my case it was humus with a fallafel) and (only one!) beer. The most beautiful things on such trips is that you meet many curious and genuine people. Indians like to stare. It's good to be the source of a conversation that will last for at least 14 days. Traveling with Ann from Ireland, a blue-eyed blonde, is an adventure - haha, but it has always been worth it! You can not rely on anything in here. Everyday you see images that you just have to accept and let them go past you. Do not analyze, do not ask unnecessary questions. It's hard when you see a guy on a motorbike who's carrying a huge dead bull on his lap, blood flowing from bull's mouth that leaves red floods behind, a cheerful dog having a deep skull cut open, or wild pigs digging down in the garbage and happily chilling in the local canalisation. Literally lying in the shit. But all the animals look like they are just incredibly happy, free, running all over the place. It's just a shame that the Indian climate is so badly polluted. I have not seen through my whole stay so far at all. It was always covered with a layer of gray. The subway is surprisingly incredibly clean, with air-cons - almost sterile. You may get everywhere, and because it is quite new, there are not as many people as you would expect from Delhi. Unfortunately, I did not have enough time options to explore Delhi enough, one afternoon is terribly short, and getting from point A to point B takes at least an hour. As I mentioned earlier, it was mainly the markets we saw, and then Akshardham - a beautiful Hindu temple where every day they organize a water show, where they take away your phone and camera. Great idea! For four hours, we found ourselves in a reflection on dependencies, addictions and living in the moment. Oh...India. In general, I am having a great time. I do not check the news, not just the social networks. I take a lot of pictures, but I'm saving my clicks. I try to engage all the senses and put them in my head, not in my phone. After a long time, I also enjoy a community of people, which wants to help people but not to change the world in order to have a footage for Instagram. They are doing their best and it's beautiful to watch it. Even if there are bad long days, when it´s raining and no one wants to do anything, the locals truly value any help. And especially children! It is so beautiful to see how much they care about education and are actively craving it. Finally, I report my 14 days spent in Delhi - purified, rested, learning every day - not only from people, culture, but also from all of those bizarre pictures. Expressing my gratitude towards small, and sometimes to us obvious things like instant coffee once a week, ants in bed, yoga on the rooftop and in general and most importantly the opportunity to be here at all.
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