#posting it on the right blog this time (:
caruliaa · 1 year
staff still hasn't given me polls, what should i do?
🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪 their moms 69%
🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪 their dads 31%
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grace image os i get to look at her
#edit: edited the og post to what i want but to set the record straight i edited to the post to be mathematically correct right after the#first person pointed it out which was like ten mins after i posted the og post. now fuck offf !!!!! the rest of the tags r from the og post#for some reason i feel very immature making your mom jokes about tumblr staff. which i shldnt !!#bc they suck nd they still havent given me polls. but i ig i feel imature bc it a your mom joke 😭 but still i tihnk its kinda funny#EDIT: edited the post to what i want bc yall were getting annoying . but to set the record straight i edited to post to be mathematically#also its *mum* not mom okay i am NOT !! an american . but if i say mum everyone will j be like 'omg british' like i dont know i am#anyway. i want polls please. give me the rigght to force my mutuals chose between the most inane things#also i tihnk it wld b cool for the cs weekly blog. like w each episode#i cld do a poll of like. out of five stars what do u think of this ep#and it wld b a cool thing of which eps r ppls faves#also i cld have like. whose ur fave in team red whos ur fave in acme etc#id prob just have to go with vile faculty bc theres more than 10 ppl in vile. and ppl wld kill me if i didnt include nel the ell or whoever#it wld b fun !!!#oh btw csweekly thats i thing i want to start. prob on uhhh the 11th of feb ill post abt it more but its basically#a tag/blog for watching cs one ep a time watching one ep every saturday#ya !! :3#flappy rambles#inaccessible#ask to tag#(<- idk. just in case)
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rainbowgaez · 1 year
may the 1st be with you lol
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humming-fly · 10 months
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Just like Justin Mcelroy's callbacks to the chilean miners I have once again emerged to deliver this, More Team Greed Nonsense, this time featuring stupid questions ed asks to get out of work
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ngl drawing this is the most clear headed I've felt in weeks if i go longer then seven days without drawing greedling I start going through withdrawl
to that end have a second bonus:
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Team Greed Doodles Masterlist
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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I want you whipped into shape!
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hipwell · 2 months
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Commander Cody
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skeletoninthemelonland · 11 months
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a glimpse of what their early dynamic looks like
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soundsfaebutokay · 1 year
The Amazing Devil moments that made me wonder how Joey Batey is even real
those album credits on Bandcamp where it's just Joey Batey's name listed repeatedly for a ridiculous number of instruments
the beautiful tongue-twisters in Love Run (reprise)
his voice around 5:50 on New York Torch Song: "It starts off like a pin prick, a trick of the light oil slick"—that. was. obscene.
the stunning simplicity of his performance in Elsa's Song
his character work in Two Minutes. His singing is brilliant, yes. But also the acting.
This man really just said with his whole chest, "Sex is better when you're unemployed" and refused to explain anything. Iconic.
wearing a dress and looking absolutely fantastic in it. Case in point: THATW album photos
"Welcome to the storm, I am thunder. Welcome to my table bring your hunger." CHILLS. The very best kind of chills.
the instant serotonin hit of "Could be ghosts or monsters or a robot vampire, I dunno!" Incredible.
Welly Boots and the number of times he's made me cry with it. This man is a hazard.
That part of Farewell Wanderlust. You know the one.
How dare you make me equate romance and tenderness with a that's what she said joke, Joey. How very dare you. The worst of his many crimes, surely.
the exquisite menace of "No no, not I."
burning Nicholas Sparks' entire filmography to the ground with just one (1) love song that lasts all of 6 minutes and 15 seconds
that quiet little "I’m doing fine" that sends me wailing into the wind
"Welcome to ruin." I would keysmash, but that's far too civilized for how that line made me feel.
laughing at himself for making three mistakes that no one else can hear in Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious
the powerhouse musical theater performance of Blossoms. You can hear his facial expressions. HOW.
all of The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace. Just. All of it.
"I will be the man my father never was." SIR.
Just. How are you even real, Joey Batey?
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wizard-finix · 6 months
LU Star Wars AU: Part 1
So I got the idea of what the Chain would be like if they were converted to Star Wars characters, and it's been really fun to play with concepts for all of them?? I have had this idea occasionally rolling around in my brain like a marble for a month and I'm about to make it everyone's problem. let's go!!!
Starting off with everyone's favorite downfall duo, Legend and Hyrule!!
EDIT: here's links to the rest of the gang!
PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5
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Legend is a traveler and technician that runs a shop with Ravio, who buys and sells any valuables and junk he can get his hands on. He's something of a jack-of-all-trades; if you want something done, he’s got an item for the job. Legend is surprisingly accomplished for his age, and has seen more of the galaxy than most ever do.
Agnahim was the first run-in with the Empire he had, and things haven't improved since; he's had encounters with Empire soldiers more than once. He doesn’t like the Empire or any kind of authority, but Fable is an exception to the latter.
He got his hands on an old saber on his travels and fixed it up, but it’s not the only weapon he has.
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Hyrule hails from an unnamed desert planet in the Outer Rim with very little law enforcement. Resources are sparse, and life is hard, but he is determined to do some good.
At first glance, Hyrule appears to be a plainly-dressed kid; however, he is easily the most in tune with the Force out of all the Chain. He keeps his abilities hidden because he’s heard of the Empire’s keen interest in hunting down all remaining Jedi. He’s already had encounters with some bounty hunters that call themselves the Eyes of Ganon.
He’s very scrappy in a fight. He does not own a saber of his own, but his raw Force abilities more than make up for it. His ability to use Force Healing and Force Lighting have gained some negative attention, despite his efforts to keep them secret.
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Louis & Armand • Do you know what it means to be Loved by Death
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kaeyacollection · 4 months
Who's ready for my Master Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Crepus Theory!!
I originally posted this over at Hoyolab and people there seemed to really like my favorite joke theory that Crepus just tries to gaslight the whole of Mondstadt right after obtaining Kaeya
Majority of this will be the same but with little tweaks for the wonderful tumblr audience
This joke stems from Kaeya's introduction:
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and the use of the word "rumored"
Cause it's not like it said beyond Teyvat or the seven nations just Mondstadt
And I mean like c'mon how many families are living off the grid in Mondstadt
(Actually... Don't answer that I forgot Glory's boyfriend is just
Out there in the bush with Razor...)
Initially I had the idea of Crepus walking around the markets one day carrying Kaeya with Diluc beside him running into Varka who asks:
"Who's the boy?"
"You mean my son?"
"Not Diluc the boy you're carrying"
"I have two sons? You know this??"
But then the Caribert quest came out mentioning Kaeya ran away from home near immediately and was dragged home by Crepus just as fast and it became even funnier
Cause imagine you're by the docks one day and richest man in town gets off the boat with no cargo but instead a tiny child you may not have seen before that Crepus seems to be very cross with at the moment and threatening to turn him into a leash kid if he runs off again
In a small town that loves gossip do you know how fast that information is spreading? Cause I do and Varka's knocking on Crepus's door 30 minutes later like:
"Is this what we're doing? We're just taking kids now?"
Both paths lead to Varka asking where Kaeya comes from and getting hit with a
"I think you're a bit too old to still be confused about the birds and the bees Varka"
Varka getting frustrated to the point he just starts demanding Kaeya tell him what's up
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Love to see him following in his fathers footsteps of stressing Varka the fuck out
And upon hearing how his birth father left for juice and didn't return Varka went
"Good! That was ALL I needed to know!!"
Follow ups on if his father intended to abandon him or got lost in the storm and needed a search party?
Don't care!! You weren't kidnapped!!
Welcome to the knights! 🤝
Which bringing it back to it only being a rumor
In a town of alcoholics, who's gonna call out the one guy with the winery?
Here's some add ons that got sparked from the comment section 😘
Bonus panels would have included Varka showing up with Rosaria one day mimicking Crepus about "wHaT you ForGot I haD a Kid" sparking a trend within the community of just adopting random children to the point posters are made saying "In Barbatos name: See a child Take a child"
Alice seeing it and pulling a "when in rome" tucking both Albedo and Diluc(who is yelling he is an adult) under her arms and telling Klee if she ever sees someone in need of a mom let her know she'll send over the paperwork right away
And then the last bonus: Venti wakes up, walks in through the gate while playing a tune, and stops when he sees the poster, not sure if he needs to start yet another revolution, or if this one is fine actually
I imagine the posters had to be taken down because visitors were losing their kids left and right and the solution of parents pinning a note saying "not dead & still want custody" to their kids shirt didn't catch on but the saying still lives strong in the hearts of Mondstadt's citizens I mean look Bennett and his 27 dads Mondstadt may have a lot of orphans but the demand is even higher
Comment on original post:
"I have a headcanon where Kaeya fooled first Crepus, then the rest of Mondstadt but.this is too funny!! I want to see this happening!"
Which prompted one of my new favorite lines at the end:
"Wait by fool Crepus first do you mean like Crepus finding him out in the storm bringing him inside to ask him where he lives and Kaeya's just
"? I live here? You adopted me? Are you feeling okay?"
Cause I'm absolutely cry laughing over this that's so good but that also means when Kaeya runs away Crepus is just
"hey no no l'm not misplacing you a second time come home" "
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front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
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katkat030 · 2 months
A wild Karnasas makes an appearance…
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>Shows up
>Babysits stream
>Chat are enablers
>Chaos ensues
>Pearl’s minecraft language is changed to pirate speak
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Forming the Pack - Part 1
Autumn Embers Master List
Pheromones aren’t everything, of course, but you’ll get more cohesive group dynamics if everyone has scents that go together. Scent blockers and diffusers are everywhere in common spaces, so it’s not like people who’s scents don’t mesh can’t be around each other. Lots of people with subtler or hard to pin down scents only go au naturel on special occasions with family and their special someone.
Of course, the military is a whole other beast.
Almost every person serving active duty is an alpha, which lends itself to clashes. And alphas, who already tend to have stronger scents, put out even more aggressive pheromones in close proximity with one another. Industrial strength scent diffusers can only do so much. It results in proximity packs forming, alphas who are scent compatible spending more time with each other.
The 141 doesn’t form because of scent compatibility. When Price finds Simon and forms the task force, he doesn’t much care about what they each smell like. Their scents being on wildly different parts of the spectrum is better than if they were too close, Price reasons. His gear smells a bit spicy, Simon’s always has an earthy undertone. It’s easy to avoid squabbling, and only made easier by the way Simon readily assumes his position as John’s second. No muss, no fuss.
The first year passes. It’s hard work, but Simon makes it undeniably simpler. The Ghost has a presence that demands deference from the temporary members of the task force. And because Ghost follows his captain, that deference extends to Price. The two times someone had tried to upset the balance, Simon had reacted with such swift ferocity that Price hadn’t known there was a problem before it was resolved with a neck under a boot.
“Stand down, Ghost,” Price says around his cigar, the third time.
“'S soon as he acknowledges his superiors, Skipper,” Ghost rumbles, staring down at the sergeant who’s face is going an interesting shade of purple with shame and a lack of oxygen. “Yield, corporal.” The sergeant frantically taps Ghost’s boot. Ghost gives him just enough room to heave a breath, and snarls down, “Yield to the Captain.”
“Captain, I yield,” the young man gasps.
“You ever flout orders again, I’ll kill you myself,” Ghost growls.
After that, the mission had gone smoothly.
Days later, it’s just the two of them again, walking home from the pub. It’s a nice enough night for it, and they’re both too jumpy to call a car. Simon follows without comment, just lights a cigarette and falls into John’s wake, like always.
Four blocks from the base, Simon says, “Gotta piss.”
John snorts. “What, you didn’t go before we left? Hold it.”
“Alright,” Simon drawls. Without breaking stride, he lights another cigarette.
Of course, within another block, John becomes too aware of his own bladder. If Simon hadn’t said anything, he could probably have made it. Annoyed, he steps into an alley and behind a dumpster. His nose does not appreciate the assault on his senses, but he’s a soldier, he’s smelled worse. Simon stands guard at mouth of the alley as he does his business.
When he emerges, he tips his head. “Goin’?”
Simon quirks an eyebrow and exhales a cloud of smoke. “Am I?”
Price hums, takes in Simon’s relaxed posture. Without the skull covered balaclava, he’s softer. Not civilian soft - he’s still almost 2 meters of alpha, hardened by military training and torture. But where most military As balk at taking orders when they’re not in the field, Simon looks for ways to let Price lead.
Simon will do what ever John tells him. It’s a realization that probably shouldn’t thrill him the way it does.
John waves him into the alley. “Be quick about it.”
Without comment, Simon hands his half-finished cigarette over and steps into the alley. John contemplates it as Simon does his business. He prefers cigars, but he takes a drag and tells himself it’s just to keep it lit.
But when Simon re-emerges, John doesn’t hand it back. And Simon doesn’t ask.
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grumpygryphon · 11 months
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Do you think dragons sometimes go to pick up their kobolds and then they do that looooooong cat thing?
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bizarreandjarring · 1 year
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thats gay
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duskerot · 3 months
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i disappear inside myself / my friends don't know it can't be helped
[Pure You - Nothing But Thieves]
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