#recommend landscaping company landscaping
ms-demeanor · 4 months
So I love your computer information and advice - but I have never used a password manager because I’ve always figured it’s just putting all my most sensitive information out there to be stolen when someone gets into the password manager. What am I missing here?
The primary thing is that, in the normal course of time and space, given the limitations of computing technology, if you are using a decent password manager, nobody should be able to get into your password manager.
Good password managers (I recommend Bitwarden) are essentially impossible to access through cracking the encryption. It just won't happen. It's not going to happen.
In a decent password manager, your data also will not be available to the company that made the product. They can't get it. They don't have access, and anyone who breaks into their systems doesn't have access.
So there is one way that someone could get into your (decent) password manager: if they know your password.
That's why it's important to create one complex, memorable, unique password for your password manager that you do not share with anyone except in the most dire circumstances with someone you are 100% certain that you can trust (I've used the example in the past of my spouse giving me the password to his password manager when he was being prepped for an emergency bypass surgery - outside of situations like that, my spouse and I don't share passwords with each other).
Now, let's look at the flipside: if you do not use a decent password manager (which will generate nonsense random passwords for you on demand), you are probably creating passwords that are comparatively very easy to crack either through dictionary attacks or effortless to crack with credential stuffing.
Part of the problem here is that our data and security landscape is garbage. You have almost certainly had personal information leaked in a data breach that you had no say in participating in. You have almost certainly had your email address and multiple passwords exposed in breaches over the years. You have almost certainly used the same answers repeatedly for security questions, and there are only so many sites that will allow you to update those questions and answers, and those answers have almost certainly been exposed in previous breaches.
And the thing is, people are predictable. People reuse passwords, which makes credential stuffing extremely easy, because someone just has to find a leak from 2009 to identify your email address and then see if you used your 2009 password on any other accounts that you also registered with that email address. If your email address shows up in multiple leaks, they can compare the kinds of passwords that you used with different accounts.
Did you use the "unique password" hack that so many people do of "[site abbreviation][basic password][birthyear][punctuation]"? FBpassword95! TWTpassword95! TMBLRpassword95! - that's really, really common because passwords are hard to remember and people behave in predictable ways when they're trying to save themselves some labor.
Perhaps you are an XKCD reader and learned the CorrectHorseBatteryStaple trick, but unless you read the follow-up studies after the fact you might not know that those passwords are actually pretty crackable unless you're using words that are more like IndubitablyNematodeErlenmeyerRisome. And if you're using a unique combination of uncommon words it's going to get pretty hard to remember a hundred of them. And you'll start repeating. And then it's back to credential stuffing instead of dictionary attacks.
The point is that you are substantially more at risk of having your accounts accessed if you are repeating or using non-random passwords than you are if you are using a password manager. Some people do actually sit down with dice to roll up random passwords and write them in a book, but the vast majority of people are relying on their predictable human brains to come up with "complex" passwords and we are just not good at that.
Password managers also make it a lot easier to change things after a breach, and they make it a lot easier to generate and store random gibberish for your security questions (which you should be doing; at this point security questions are a liability, not an account recovery tool).
Using a password manager would make most people's passwords significantly more secure AND more accessible than something like writing randomized numbers and characters in a book (because a good password should not only be difficult to remember, it should be unnatural for you to type because there shouldn't be any words in it and it should require a lot of use of the shift key). A properly used password manager can also help to protect you from phishing sites by recognizing the correct site and not allowing an option to fill on a phishing site (which is why using a password manager with a browser plugin or an app can be a better option than one that is stored on your desktop and needs the password copy/pasted instead of filling the field for you).
So yes, if someone gets access to your password, they can get access to your password manager and you now have one point of failure instead of hundreds of accounts. However, because of the way that human brains work and because of how balls-to-the-walls uncrackable a good encrypted password vault is, you are likely to be more secure with that single point of failure than you are using the kinds of passwords that most people make up (we are really, really, really not good at making up nonsense passwords; go look at the top thousand passwords and think about how many of them you've used as a PART of any of your passwords. Most languages have a very small number of words that people use on a regular basis and it isn't that hard to get a computer to scan for a few thousand words if it has unlimited attempts to get into your account - mix that in with the fact that there are SO, SO many breaches out there and it is frighteningly easy to get into a lot of accounts).
However, you can then also make your password manager even MORE secure by setting up 2FA to access it. At which point the only way someone is getting into your password manager is if they know your password and have access to your 2FA account.
Generally I find that what most people are worried about isn't that their horrible ex or an abusive parent will get into their password manager, they're a lot more worried that the contents of their password vault will be exposed in a breach. And that is just not going to happen if you're using a securely encrypted password manager (like bitwarden).
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guillotinebypierre · 7 months
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*Knock Knock*
"Are you ready, jagi? I just finished preparing all the cameras and the lighting. We're good to go if you are."
I stood in front of the 'dressing room' of the star of the show. It was inside a small trailer set up at the cliff of a hill near Seoul, overlooking the city. It was pretty dark outside, naturally, as it was already night time. The city lights lit up the surrounding area, creating a breathtaking view, and the scenery for todays episode of my girlfriend's show, 'Chuu Can Do It'. Normally we'd have a whole crew with us, but due to this episode being a special (and kinda difficult one to film), they tasked me with doing the filming part alone.
What was once just a small project made to get people to become more environmentally conscious and start helping our planet eventually turned out to be a huge project that helped during very dark times and very annoying lawsuits. I met Jiwoo a little after graduation. My goal was to pursue a career in filmmaking, or really anything where I could use my photography and filmmaking skills.
Jiwoo was a year older than me and a walking ball of sunshine. When I met her, she was starting to become a trainee in order to pursue her dream of becoming a kpop idol. I didn't know much about the industry back then as I mostly listened to western music and didn't really care much about the often foreign concept of Korea's celebrities, but for her I learned about it. I also met the rest of her friends, all 11 of them, and things just kinda evolved from there.
Me and Jiwoo became close friends almost immediately, her happy and extroverted personality starkly contrasting my rather quiet one, yet somehow we completed each other. Opposites really do attract, or whatever that saying says.
I asked her out on a date after we'd been friends for almost a year. It was probably the scariest thing I'd done up to that point, and in retrospect it was really stupid because I didn't even ask about dating bans beforehand, but she was insanely ecstatic about me asking. She jumped on me and became all giddy talking about what she wanted to do for our date.
I've been with her through literally everything, from the highs of her career until the deepest and most depressing moments. She never told me anything about her contract because she thought I'd be worrying too much, but I wasn't blind. I could tell that she wasn't feeling well and the stress was getting to her. This is why I was the first one to encourage her with suing that disgusting company.
On a happier note though, Jiwoo was the one to recommend me to do the filming for all her content. I was the one doing her photos, her group's photoshoots, everywhere I could I helped.
Today I was tasked with helping Jiwoo do an episode on smog and air pollution for her channel. The episode required me to do some basic landscape and sky shots, comparing the air out in the city and in the 'wilderness'. The first portion of it was already finished, seeing as it was needed to be done in the morning. We also filmed an interview with a scientist and were now supposed to also do some shots of the sky during nighttime.
Jiwoo and I also decided to just stargaze after finishing the episode as a small celebration of her and her members winning their lawsuits.
"Yeah just come in for a second, I need your help", her muffled voice came from behind the door.
I walked in and saw her still in her bathrobe and doing her make up.
"What's up, Jiwoo?"
"Sit on the couch, Y/n.", she told me.
I walked over and plopped myself on the small couch in the middle of the trailer.
"*Sigh* I can't believe we actually did it.", she said while tearing up.
I immediately got up and hugged her, letting her cry herself out on my shoulder.
"What do you mean, jagi? Are you talking about winning-"
"Y-Yeah", she cut me off.
It killed me to see her like this. To see my own sun be riddled with sadness. Nobody deserved to go through all the shit she and her members had to go through, especially not her.
"I know, I'm so proud of you girls for doing it and winning that lawsuit. You can't imagine how many idols you're helping by showing that they shouldn't throw away their humanity for random company."
She cried even more, her tears soaking my grey pullover as I just held her and waited for her to calm down.
Jiwoo's cries soon faded and I really thought she had fallen asleep until I heard her voice from my shoulder.
"I- I wanted to thank you, Y/n", she said, her voice slightly cracking
"You've been such a big help throughout all this and with the show and filming, taking photos-"
"Jiwoo you don't have to thank me for anything-"
"But I want too."
Her voice shifted slightly, her teary, breaking voice being replaced by something more playful, something more daring and teasing. She looked up from my shoulder while smiling slightly.
Her smile had always been my weakness, it had always been. It made it easy to trust her, easy to melt into her, easy to feel safe, easy to feel comfortable around her.
Her robe fell to the floor, exposing her nude body, while her hands palmed the outside of my sweatpants, feeling my bulge as I slowly crept back towards the couch. My legs soon hit the welt of the couch as I fell back, Jiwoo falling on top of my lap. Her hands moved around and interlocked behind my neck before pulling my head forwards and smashing our hips together.
Her kiss was delicate, much like her personality. It was deeply soothing, relaxing, even a little nostalgic. It was something raw, something reminiscent of driving through the city of Seoul in the night, something we had done oh so often. The kiss was passionate all the same, it was as if she was finally letting go of all of her pent up emotions, all her pent up frustrations.
Our bodies moved in one fluid motion, complementing each other, completing each other. My hands danced around her naked skin, touching and taking in everything.
We soon separated, both panting for air as a string of saliva connected our lips. I looked at Jiwoo, once again seeing that beautiful smile that made my heart do backflips every time, making me fall harder and harder for her.
Her hands moved and started pulling at my shirt, trying to take it off at an awkward angle. I moved to make it easier for her before she squatted slightly in order for me to slip off my pants and underwear. My erection stood tall and proud, hitting against her bellybutton as I now felt her wet juices coating my thighs. Jiwoo once again pulled my face down and started attacking me again.
Her hips moved in a circular motion, rubbing against me, the friction causing tingles down my spine before she finally stood up slightly and aligned myself with her wet pussy and squatted down.
A familiar sensation spread around my body as all my senses were overwhelmed and shut down. Her body clamped down on my as her upper body held us close, each body part rubbing against each other. Her legs wrapped around my torso as her vagina moulded itself around my dick. My hands moved onto her ass before grabbing it and raising and slamming herself onto my member.
Her legs soon started to spread as her brain couldn't focus on keeping them around me, her mouth opening as lewd noises filled the room we were in. Her head was thrown back as I continued attacking her body with kisses and hickeys. Our skin slapped against each other with each thrust, each time melting us into each other even more.
My body was on fire, my chest rising and falling in rapid succession as if fuelled by a motor as it tried to breathe in all the oxygen I was exerting. My head was also leaning on the backrest of the sofa, groans and moans coming out of me like a symphony of crude noises. My hips pumped myself into my girlfriend, letting go of all the frustration and stress I had as a familiar comfortable burning sensation started boiling inside my stomach.
My thighs were soaked, the wetness creating squelching noises every time Jiwoo landed on me, due to her arousal. My girlfriend's screams grew louder to the point where other campers in the nearby area could probably hear her before she finally hit her high, a high pitched scream coming out of her throat as she hugged me so tight I might have been crushed.
Her pussy tightened around my, creaming on me as it leaked onto my lap, the insides of her milking me as if I were a cow. My stomach felt warner and warner as my own climax neared. I continued fucking her through her high before finally unleashing myself inside her, filling Jiwoo up to the brim while falling over on her.
We both breathed in heavily, desperately trying to catch our breaths. We stayed in that position for a while, just enjoying each other's company before finally getting up and getting dressed.
3rd Person POV
The two got out and onto the designated filming area. Y/n quickly took out the necessary equipment, which he had put away before knocking on Jiwoo's door, and started going over the whole filming session with his girlfriend again. He walked over to the lawn chair and started filming.
The sky was beautiful on this side of town, the stars were visible, tempting him to start counting each of them as he started doing the cinematography for the episode.
Time passed and Y/n was about to finish filming before he suddenly felt someone playing around with his pants. His vision shifted quickly, looking down at himself as he was met with the familiar smile of his girlfriend. She simply nodded up, indicating for him to focus on the footage before sliding off his underwear, being hit by his semi hard member.
Her hand wrapped around the base, stroking him a bit until he reached her desired hardness. Jiwoo then continued by sucking on the tip, mixing her saliva with the leaking pre cum as Y/n gathered every ounce of self control he had to keep a steady hand on the camera.
Jiwoo's head bopped up and down as she moved her tongue all around Y/n's dick, trying to suppress any noise that could be heard on the footage. Her cheeks formed an vacuum around her boyfriends cock as she licked from the shaft up to the tip, throating as much as she could before tightening around him.
Y/n tightened his grip on the camera, using whatever little self control he had to not throw it away and give all his attention to the woman on her knees in front of him.
Jiwoo, determined to make him mess up, decided to spice things up and started using both of her hands to jack him off in a twisting motion while also sucking and slurping him off, creating a kind of cycle of pleasure.
This combination almost led to Y/n coming undone right then and there but he still had one trick up his sleeve. He grabbed Jiwoo's head with one arm and pushed her down, making her take every single inch of his length while also silencing her. Her throat tightened around him and gripped every part of his member, subsequently making him climax in a geyser of hot, sticky, liquid that coated her entire oesophagus.
With a shaky hand, Y/n pressed the button on the camera to finish the recording, before putting the camera to the side and exhaling.
Jiwoo stood up, her cheeks puffed, filled with Y/n's cum, before she stood up and gulped, showing her tongue afterwards.
"You're going to get one of us fired one day, you know?"
"As if. Relax, jagi. I don't even have a boss anymore~"
"I just hope nothing was captured by the camera-"
"Relax, Y/n. You can just watch it back later and cut it out or we'll just film again later. Now how about you go put that expensive equipment away and join me back inside? I think our celebration isn't finished yet."
Y/n sighed before standing up and cleaning up while Jiwoo walked back inside their rented trailer.
"It's going to be a long night.", he said before opening the door and locking it.
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elodee · 8 days
ReNDoG x Borderlands
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For Rendog I chose the first-person looter shooter video game series Borderlands!
Ren's base this season reminds me a lot of Borderlands (at least so far). With its desolate landscape, eccentric naming conventions, and industrial buildings put in place by a morally questionable mega-conglomerate, it would fit right in as a setting in one of these games.
Borderlands is an incredibly fun (and funny) game series that I highly recommend playing if you've never picked it up before. However, the games have a lot of adult humor and are very violent, though the violence is played for laughs. If you're familiar with the character Deadpool, Borderlands has a very similar energy.
To learn more about Borderlands and see my style references, continue below the cut.
(Congratulations on crushing the Gamers Outreach fundraiser goal!)
Borderlands is a series of first person looter shooter games set in an open world with a procedurally generated weapon system. The plot of the games follows a group of protagonists with various abilities who complete missions and explore the planet (usually a place called Pandora) in order to find and unlock a fabled treasure trove called a Vault. These Vault Hunters (shoutout Iskall) are not exactly heroes, but as the player you have the option to help people along the way.
There is a lot more to the Vault Hunters' adventures throughout the games that just looking for treasure. Each game has an engaging plot and memorable characters, but the the core gameplay for the entire series is this: shoot, kill, loot a badass new gun, rinse and repeat.
Borderlands is a blast to play and no two playthroughs are exactly the same. It's also great fun to play with your friends and has an excellent multiplayer mode. The series also has a unique aesthetic that makes it look like you're playing in a 3D comic book. The effect is really cool.
Style references:
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The games take place mostly on Pandora, a desert planet which has a lot of abandoned industrial buildings and machinery from various intergalactic corporations. Most of what the companies left behind have since been looted and incorporated into ramshackle towns populated by the locals.
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This is Handsome Jack, the primary antagonist from the second game. The games use hand-drawn textures for the characters, which create the comic book-like feel.
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The Borderlands title design.
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practicalsolarpunk · 8 months
Hello! I live in a very small efficiency apartment where there is not a lot of wi dow space/the window is glued shut and the land is exclusively owned and maintained by the company. What can I do to incorporate more solarpunk practices into my life? Are there any plants that can still grow well indoors? I'm afraid to start up a water station or anything like that outside because I'm afraid maitenance will mess with it/remove it. Would it be better for me to do something like knitting/embroidery that I can more easily do indoors?
Hello! As a fellow apartment-dweller with not a lot of window space currently, I feel your struggle here. If you're concerned that maintenance will mess with anything you put outside, then it probably is best to focus on things you can do indoors. However, there are quite a few things you can do indoors!
Plants: If you're looking for experience growing things, there are a variety of plants that grow well indoors and with low light - here's one list. (I've heard spider plants and snake plants recommended to beginners a lot, but I've never personally grown either.)
Fiber crafts: If you're more interested in crafts like knitting and embroidery, go for it! I also recommend people who are interested in those types of things learn about mending as well - it's a great way to extend the life of your old clothes (and other things made of fabric) and reduce the amount you need to buy.
Cooking: Cooking is a great skill to have, but it can be a challenge in an efficiency apartment. If you have a cooktop or a crock pot, you can look for simple recipes that you can make with the space and tools you have.
Building community: One of the foundations of solarpunk is that it's about community. My favorite way to start, especially in apartments, is by meeting the neighbors. Introducing yourself is a great way to open a relationship. Tying in with the previous idea, if your entire building is full of efficiencies and you can cook a big batch of something in a crock pot, that's a great excuse to have some neighbors over for a home-cooked meal.
Share: Part of building community, it doesn't require any outdoor space. You and your neighbors could put together a shared pantry in your building. You could start a Free Box at your workplace. Talk to the people around you - what do they need?
Get involved: Solarpunk isn't just about growing plants and mending clothes - there's also an activism component that is how we change society as a whole. Volunteer with an organization doing things you care about. Find a local mutual aid group (here's some tips for how to find them) and see what you can do to get involved. Start your own mutual aid project. The size of your apartment is irrelevant if you're out doing things.
Research: Not being able to do things outside right now doesn't mean you can't learn about them. And many of those "big picture" ideas have a lot of concepts that can apply to the efficiency apartment life. Looking into the "7 R's" or permaculture can help you come up with ideas for more things you can do.
Also if you're really set on doing stuff outdoors, don't necessarily discount it, especially if you plan to be in this apartment for a while! You can propose outdoor projects to your apartment complex's manager. They may be more receptive than you think, especially if you can spin it to sound beneficial to them. (If you're proposing a community garden for residents, for example, it could be a draw for new residents, convince current residents to stay, be managed by you the residents so they don't have to do much to maintain it, and they won't have to pay their landscapers to mow/maintain that space anymore.)
Check out more ideas in these tags:
#apartment solarpunk
#dorms and small spaces
#community building
#fiber crafts
There's also some additional tips in this post and this post, which are earlier responses to similar asks.
I hope this helps! Followers, feel free to chime in with your best tips!
- Mod J
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nostalgebraist · 1 year
@oakfern replied to your post “it's going to be fun to watch the realization...”:
i feel like this is going to play out very similarly to voice assistants. there was a huge boom in ASR research, the products got a lot of hype, and they actually sold decently (at least alexa did). but 10 years on, they've been a massive failure, costing way more than they ever made back. even if ppl do think chatbot search engines are exciting and cool, it's not going to bring in more users or sell more products, and in the end it will just be a financial loss
​(Responding to this a week late)
I don't know much about the history of voice assistants. Are there any articles you recommend on the topic? Sounds interesting.
ETA: Iater, I found and read this article from Nov 2022, which reports that Alexa and co. still can't turn a profit after many years of trying.
But anyway, yeah... this is why I don't have a strong sense of how widespread/popular these "generative AI" products will be a year or two from now. Or even five years from now.
(Ten years from now? Maybe we can trust the verdict will be in at that point... but the tech landscape of 2033 is going to be so different from ours that the question "did 'generative AI' take off or not?" will no doubt sound quaint and irrelevant.)
Remember when self-driving cars were supposed to be right around the corner? Lots of people took this imminent self-driving future seriously.
And I looked at it, and thought "I don't get it, this problem seems way harder than people are giving it credit for. And these companies show no signs of having discovered some clever proprietary way forward." If people asked me about it, that's what I would say.
But even if I was sure that self-driving cars wouldn't arrive on schedule, that didn't give me much insight into the fate of "self-driving cars," the tech sector meme. It wasn't like there was some specific deadline, and when we crossed it everyone was going to look up and say "oh, I guess that didn't work, time to stop investing."
The influx of capital -- and everything downstream from it, the trusting news stories, the prominence of the "self-driving car future" in the public mind, the seriousness which it was talked about -- these things went on, heedless of anything except their own mysterious internal logic.
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They went on until . . . what? The pandemic, probably? I actually still don't know.
Something definitely happened:
In 2018 analysts put the market value of Waymo LLC, then a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., at $175 billion. Its most recent funding round gave the company an estimated valuation of $30 billion, roughly the same as Cruise. Aurora Innovation Inc., a startup co-founded by Chris Urmson, Google’s former autonomous-vehicle chief, has lost more than 85% since last year [i.e. 2021] and is now worth less than $3 billion. This September a leaked memo from Urmson summed up Aurora’s cash-flow struggles and suggested it might have to sell out to a larger company. Many of the industry’s most promising efforts have met the same fate in recent years, including Drive.ai, Voyage, Zoox, and Uber’s self-driving division. “Long term, I think we will have autonomous vehicles that you and I can buy,” says Mike Ramsey, an analyst at market researcher Gartner Inc. “But we’re going to be old.”
Whatever killed the "self-driving car" meme, though, it wasn't some newly definitive article of proof that the underlying ideas were flawed. The ideas never made sense in the first place. The phenomenon was not really about the ideas making sense.
Some investors -- with enough capital, between them, to exert noticable distortionary effects on entire business sectors -- decided that "self-driving cars" were, like, A Thing now. And so they were, for a number of years. Huge numbers of people worked very hard trying to make "self-driving cars" into a viable product. They were paid very well to do. Talent was diverted away from other projects, en masse, into this effort. This went on as long as the investors felt like sustaining it, and they were in no danger of running out of money.
Often the "tech sector" feels less like a product of free-market incentives than it does like a massive, weird, and opaque public works product, orchestrated by eccentrics like Masayoshi Son, and ultimately organized according to the aesthetic proclivities and changing moods of its architects, not for the purpose of "doing business" in the conventional sense.
Gig economy delivery apps (Uber Eats, Doordash, etc.) have been ubiquitous for years, and have reported huge losses in every one of those years.
This entertaining post from 2020 about "pizza arbitrage" asks:
Which brings us to the question - what is the point of all this? These platforms are all losing money. Just think of all the meetings and lines of code and phone calls to make all of these nefarious things happen which just continue to bleed money. Why go through all this trouble?
Grubhub just lost $33 million on $360 million of revenue in Q1.
Doordash reportedly lost an insane $450 million off $900 million in revenue in 2019 (which does make me wonder if my dream of a decentralized network of pizza arbitrageurs does exist).
Uber Eats is Uber's "most profitable division” 😂😂. Uber Eats lost $461 million in Q4 2019 off of revenue of $734 million. Sometimes I need to write this out to remind myself. Uber Eats spent $1.2 billion to make $734 million. In one quarter.
And now, in February 2023?
DoorDash's total orders grew 27% to 467 million in the fourth quarter. That beat Wall Street’s forecast of 459 million, according to analysts polled by FactSet. Fourth quarter revenue jumped 40% to $1.82 billion, also ahead of analysts’ forecast of $1.77 billion.
But profits remain elusive for the 10-year-old company. DoorDash said its net loss widened to $640 million, or $1.65 per share, in the fourth quarter as it expanded into new categories and integrated Wolt into its operations.
Do their investors really believe these companies are going somewhere, and just taking their time to get there? Or is this more like a subsidy? The lost money (a predictable loss in the long term) merely the price paid for a desired good -- for an intoxicating exercise of godlike power, for the chance to reshape reality to one's whims on a large scale -- collapsing the usual boundary between self and outside, dream and reality? "The gig economy is A Thing, now," you say, and wave your hand -- and so it is.
Some people would pay a lot of money to be a god, I would think.
Anyway, "generative AI" is A Thing now. It wasn't A Thing a year ago, but now it is. How long will it remain one? The best I can say is: as long as the gods are feeling it.
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was i the asshole for refusing to pay a private contractor what they claimed i owed?
preface: i rent a townhouse that has both a front and a back yard, and the lawn mower broke (landlord refuses to fix it), so i was forced to find a landscaping company locally who could mow the grass in spring and summertime. i hate mowing so no real loss, plus i get to support local small businesses! score!
everyone around here sucks at communication (as in they just don't show up or respond to any texts, calls, or emails even when Maureen From The HOA is breathing down your neck) except for one company i've been using religiously ever since i found them. love these guys. quality work, excellent communication, affordable, flexible, these guys are the best and i have referred my neighbors to them as well.
at the beginning of spring 2023, money was kinda tight so i asked if they could only mow every three weeks. they told me no dice, only in two-week increments because they have a rolling scheduling of which neighborhoods get hit up on certain weeks. fair enough. i ask for a mow every four weeks. sure, the grass will get a little tall, but the HOA can shut up.
they come every two weeks instead and text AFTER they've already done the work, so i have to pay for it. i pay them promptly, but ask if they can please honor my wishes for it to be every four weeks, as we discussed. they honor that... once. and then go back to every two weeks. by this time, the grass is shooting up faster than expected and i still hate the HOA, so i sigh and let it go. every two weeks it is.
fast forward to late autumn as winter's rolling in and i'm writing the check for the last mow of the season when the guy calls and says "oh btw you owe hundreds of dollars we never told you about until just now".
somehow, they got it in their heads that they mowed my lawn every single week, and should be paid for that. not once did that happen. not only was there no communication about them having been there OR needing payment (remember how i said they were so good about communication? i have texts going back the entire season where they message me "hey we mowed your lawn today" every two weeks exactly, and what sense does it make for them to forget to say anything every other week on the nose?), but i think i would have noticed grass getting shorter for no reason. also remember how i specifically told them i wanted a mow every four weeks and never actually rescinded that request? it's in writing. it's in the text log. at no point did i ever approve this "weekly" work, even if they'd actually done it (which they didn't).
thing is, these guys are prompt and reliable. they're the best option i've got around these parts. they really don't strike me as the types to pull a fast one on me or scam me. i think it was a genuine, honest mistake and they got my house mixed up with someone else's in the ledger, and now they're out the money for work they legitimately performed... just not for me. i recommended them to my neighbors, remember? not impossible they got the house numbers for my street mixed up. a 6 can look like an 8, or a 7 like a 1 if your handwriting smudges.
i got so caught up in my kneejerk response of "hey what the fuck do you mean i owe money for work i told you i didn't want and you didn't actually do" that i didn't work with them to try to figure out what actually happened here, and now a local business got screwed over. WITAH?
What are these acronyms?
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
Hi there! ^^ Can I request Zhongli/Kaeya/Dainsleif (separately) x artist reader headcanons? I’m not sure if it was once requested, if so just ignore it
Also if it’s too much characters just pick two
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Zhongli is appreciative of basically anything. He loves to learn, and also loves to give his knowledge to people. One thing he hasn't done for a while is draw or paint. He's just never really had the time to explore the field, but he does love watching people paint or trying to figure out what the image is trying to convey.
He happened to come into your studio one day, planning to drop something off for you. You'd never really invited him in as you never found a reason to and he never pried into this part of your life. He felt that you'd let him in when you were ready.
When he knocks on the door you quickly run over to let him in, smiling brightly despite the paint that stained your face. He comes inside, trailing after you as he drops off the supplies he noticed you forgot in the morning. You thank him with a kiss on the cheek and get yourself set up again with the supplies you were missing.
He finds a seat you leave for models when you require one, curiously glancing around at your works. When you ask him what he's looking at he starts to point at specific ones and ask you questions about your process and inspiration. You find yourself talking incredibly animatedly about your process, not even noticing the enamoured look in his eyes as you talk at him. He's making mental notes to see if it'll help him plan out future gifts to buy you.
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Dainsleif travels a lot, so he definitely sees very many scenic landscapes. With the creation of Kameras he was able to record them and bring them back to you to see, something you really appreciated. You don't think you'll ever be able to see the sights he does, so being given the photos whenever he returns is something you always look forward to.
He's known that you create for a living, almost wishing that he could settle down and do something so human. Spending his days creating might be something he could find himself enjoying, but he's got a responsibility to maintain.
One day, you take out a sketchbook that looks a little bigger than he would expect it to. It was almost the size of you and before he can ask you what's in it you start flipping through the pages, showing him some of drawings you did of the photos he gave you. Each of them has something he distinctly doesn't remember photographing, focusing more on them as each drawing continues to host them.
Finally, he realises that it's the two of you. Every iteration he's holding you, and the two of you are just enjoying each other's company. He gets a slight pang in his chest at the thought that you miss him so much you resort to drawing him, but he also can't help admiring the way you draw him. The way you see him is so sweet, Dainsleif melting a little.
He loves your works a lot, and asked if he could have some smaller prints to carry around. They help remind him that there's someone waiting for him to come home, folding the sheets of canvas carefully to avoid their ruin during fights or perilous conditions.
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Kaeya is a little annoying but in the most endearing way. He loves seeing you draw, or looking at the finished products if you don't like having someone watch your creation process. He does get a little antsy if he can't watch, but he's very good at giving you your space and being ready to wait for the final product.
He's your biggest fan, proudly displaying your drawings around his office. Whenever people ask him who made them he always directs them to you, recommending that if they've ever wanted to get some artwork done you're genuinely one of the best people to consult.
Your confidence is really bolstered thanks to his constant praise and support, feeling better to experiment or create things you normally wouldn't. It leads to your portfolio diversifying wildly and you loved it all. Of course you still had your favourite way to paint but that doesn't mean you didn't like the experimentation part of it.
Sometimes, you like to ask Kaeya to model for you. He's great at doing so, totally working his angles and giving you looks that make your heart melt. It can be a little distracting at times but it's all worth it whenever you see the soft look he gets in his eyes when you show him the finished product.
He loves seeing himself through your eyes. You always draw him in such an ethereal manner, almost unrecognisable to him at times but he knows that it's him because whenever you draw him your pieces always take on a different quality. He can feel the love you have for him, and he won't admit it but he keeps every single rough draft you give him of him. They all remind him that you love him, and when he's having a really bad day just a glance at them can make it all better.
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trulybetty · 8 months
oct' 03 x full of colours
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Prompt: full of colours Pairing: tim rockford x f!reader Word Count: 1,530 Warnings: 18+ we've got our first mention of smut for the month, un-beta'd is the name of the game, true crime + murder mentions (no graphic detail), mentions of food, P in V, no contraceptives but this is an established relationship, wrap it up, mentions of consuming alcohol. Summary: tim, hitting a roadblock in his case comes home after work has kept the two of you away from one another too long. both of you could do with unwinding from your current work loads, good thing for walk in showers
x. masterlist
A/N: day three and no Marcus Pike... should I be worried? Or is he ready and waiting in the wings?
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The drive home was uneventful, his restored 1968 Mustang GT Fastback was smooth, its recently tuned engine purring as if content. Tim's focus was split between the road and the true crime podcast playing through the car's upgraded speakers, a modern touch in a classic ride. While he generally steered clear of the trendy world of true crime podcasts, this particular episode offered some eerily accurate insights into the cold case he was diligently piecing together.
Pulling into the driveway he was happy to finally be home for once this week at not only a decent hour, but before the sky turned dark. The fall weather had swept in, summer disappearing before he had even had a chance to acknowledge it. Work had brought him another case that had him burning the candle at both ends. Some nights never making it home and catching sleep between leads on the beaten couch in his office.
There was a crunch of fall leaves under his foot as he climbed out of the car. Full of colours, a multitude of fall shades at his feet and over the modest front yard. A blanket of orange and browns between shades of green of the neighbouring lawns.
It served as a further reminder that he hadn’t been around enough to even get a start on prepping the yard for the fall months and he’d put off your insistence at hiring a landscaping company despite a local one coming highly recommended. Your work deadlines had picked up too meaning his slack you usually picked up around the house was going further neglected.
Closing the front door behind him, he spied the dining room table littered with paperwork. Telling him all he needed to know about your deadlines. If you had moved your work from the modest office you kept in the spare room upstairs, one that looked out to the backyard and the lakes beyond, to the wider formal table meant things were just as pressing for you.
Tugging his tie loose and pulling it off in one smooth movement he called out your name, but got no response. Before any concern could be had he heard the shower turn on upstairs. Slipping out of his suit jacket and hanging it at the end of the stairs he made short work of heading up the stairs to your shared bathroom. A smile graced his lips when he saw the ensuite door left ajar.
Tess, his long-suffering secretary, had left him a voicemail earlier, reminding him about the outstanding expenses report that was due this week. He planned to knock that out tomorrow, but for now, he relished the notion of a quiet evening. Something that had become a rare luxury for him these days.
Tim stood at the threshold of the bathroom door, steam billowing softly through the gap. He couldn’t remember the last time the two of you had spent any time together where there wasn’t one of you with an eye on the clock.
Without any hesitation he quickly stripped, leaving his clothes at the doorway, slipping into the sleek tiled room he could make out your silhouette through the fogged glass doors.
He stepped into the shower, a warm embrace of steam and cascading water. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you against his body, his cock already stirring at the missed skin on skin contact. You gasped at the sudden presence but the familiar feel of his lips at your neck, his ever present patchy beard, told you enough to know it was Tim.
The two of you stood there for minutes just enjoying the moment, both understanding how rare these moments were becoming and very thankful for the walk-in shower that could comfortably fit three more people, and the two of you would still have space.
Tim softly kissed behind your ear, feeling your body relax as he continued to run his hands across your back. His fingertips tracing circles at your hips before running up to massage your shoulders. He could feel your soft exhales against his chest as he moved lower down your back letting out a content sigh himself when he felt you reach down and ghost your fingers over his stiffening member.
Turning you to face him he kissed you with hunger for you on his mind, while his hands found their way to your hips as he manoeuvred you back against the shower wall. Despite the heat of the water the tile felt cold at your back and you hissed. But it was quickly forgotten when his body pressed into yours as he deepened his kiss, exploring every inch of your mouth with his. His hands roamed your sides before moving upwards to cup your breasts.
You moaned into his mouth as one of his hands trailed lower, skimming over your stomach before dipping between your legs. Your body quivered as his fingers found their way inside of you, stroking softly with increasing pressure.
He kept stroking until he felt the tension leave your body before turning you around so that you were facing away from him, your arms braced against the shower wall. You could feel the heat you'd left behind against your palms. Bending you over slightly, so that he could have better access to you. He ran fingers lightly up and then back down your spine while placing soft kisses at the nape of neck and shoulders before finally pushing himself inside of you from behind.
You gasped at the sensation but had no time to dwell on it as Tim started to move slowly at first at a tantalizing slow and tender pace as your body adjusted to him. The shower soon filled with gratuitous moans from you both as the pace increased, highlighted by a call on his name when he let his one hand drift from your hip to find home between your legs, teasing you with his fingers.
He could feel his own body tensing as you arched your back pushing back against him. He was close, his breathing growing heavier as he fought to concentrate on giving you what you wanted. But he didn't need to focus for long as he felt your body tensing around him. You came with a low moan and soft cries of his name, your body trembling as you rode out the wave.
He followed soon after, his loud groan mingling with the water as he emptied himself inside of you. He pulled out, the sound of the shower water quickly drowning out any other noise that he made as he ran his hands up and down your back as he tried to catch his breath.
You turned around, your arms finding their way around his neck, “Hi,” you said gently, your smile signifying your happiness of having him home.
“Hi,” responded just as quietly, his dark brown eyes taking you in before his lips found yours again, soft and lingering.
“I missed you,” you said up against his lips.
“I missed you too.”
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Tim headed downstairs to the kitchen. He settled on something simple—grilled cheese and a salad. Comfort food. As he laid out the ingredients on the counter, he pondered over the case that had consumed him for the past weeks. It was a twenty-year-old murder case, cold as they come, but he had found something everyone else had missed—a faint pattern that suggested a serial killer at work. The only trouble was the red tape he was facing, halting any further progress that was so desperately within his reach.
Your footsteps announced your arrival into the kitchen. “Something smells good,” you said, eyeing the skillet on the stove.
“Almost ready,” he replied, flipping a sandwich with expertise.
The table laid, dinner served, you jumped up from your seat, “Before I forget!” you said as the sound of the scrape of your chair against the floor filled the room.
You returned moments later with a manila folder and slid it across the table as Tim took a sip from his wine glass, his eyes on you, “I thought we said no work at the dinner table?”
You gave him an apologetic smile, it was after all your rule, “I know, but you’re going to want to see this.”
He raised an eyebrow, his curiosity peaked. He placed down his glass and opened the folder.
A moment or two passed and you waited with baited breath for his response.
“This legit?” he asked looking up from the papers, “you’ve crossed referenced this?”
You nodded eagerly, “Everything is cross referenced and triple checked.”
He took one more look at you before he bowed his head and returned to reading, his furrowed brow and grunts of approval told you that your hard work met his meticulous standards. There was a reason cold cases made their way to him when no one else could follow the cold trails.
Finally he closed the folder, “When is this getting released?”
You grinned as you took a satisfying bite of your grilled cheese, “The episode goes live tonight at midnight, meaning everyone is going to know and they’ll have no choice but to lift that red tape that’s holding you back.”
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cyrusthemagician · 20 days
Name: PoPPi
Age: 21 (joined at 18)
Gender: female
Pronouns: uses any ………………………………….
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Likes: fashion, having a new outfit everyday, talking to others and being the center of attention, BUGSSS, nature, flowers, exploring the circus grounds, reading, decorating her room with random things she finds around the circus (if you have lost something randomly after she visits you, no you didnt)
Dislikes: reminders of her situation, the color yellow, having two pairs of arms (feels weird and she sometimes forgets she even has them, has to cut holes in clothes she steals from others for them),people asking her if she is an ai, when she buffers, people yelling, loud noises, violence
Personality: buzzing with energy, PoPPi is a lively person. She often spends her time talking with kinger, bonding with him like a father and daughter duo. she is protective of herself, being a hard shell to crack open. she often spaces out or buffers.. which is just her pop up add head flipping to a "connection error" screen for short periods of time. she is loyal to her friends and protective of them, often overdoing it and getting aggressive.
Backstory: PoPPi was known as Paris Riley in the real world. She was rather spendy with her money, while she did make a good amount with her previous job she was unable to keep up and fell short, eventually being fired and going into debt. Coincidentally at this time a friend recommended a company to him. A few months in they asked him if he would like to be a designer for the avatars and or characters that would be in the game. He accepted, not knowing that he would be making the prisons that would house her and the rest of the games victims.
!Relationships chart!
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gets confused for an ai more than she would like
a pretty good artist! she enjoys sketching the odd shapes and landscapes of the different worlds they go to
playlist: PoPPi
Likes bringing people random bugs, critters, creatures, or plants they find from god knows where
Similarly to zooble they have a new outfit everyday, usually being some variation of a suit
!More art!(au vers included)
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shes hard to draw for me okay 😭
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junkheaded · 19 days
that post going around about how networking is like an evil fucked up thing is so weird… like “networking” isn’t only corporate schmoozing and family connections. sometimes networking looks like “i got drinks with a childhood friend and they mentioned a job opening at their place of work, so i applied and they vouched for me” or “my partner’s sister heard about my small business idea and wants to invest” or “this guy i met at the gym has a landscaping company, and he was really nice to me once, so i recommended him to a friend who needs help with yard work”. like not to sound too capitalist-hellscape but literally everyone you know is part of your network & it is in fact part of being human to help each other out
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andhumanslovedstories · 10 months
Hello! I love your blog very much. I too am a second degree nurse. I just graduated from an ABSN program and I'm struggling to get my foot in the door anywhere despite good grades + honor society membership + in state license already secured. I live in NYC and the nursing shortage here is CRAZY but for some reason no one wants to talk to me. Would you recommend home health nursing for someone in my situation? I did my preceptorship in the ED and that's 100% where I belong, but the bills are really piling up and I have no prospects. How long did you do home health before you went bedside? Thank you for any advice you have!
(Disclaimer though for all this, I'm across the country from you and have no idea the landscape of nursing jobs in NYC.)
I worked in home health for 18 months. If my goal was to get to the hospital as quick as possible, I didn't need to be there that long. I wasn't in any particular rush to move on. Plenty of people worked less than that and got hired at a hospital, I think something like a year was the average. I know the different between sending out my new grad resume and sending out my home health nurse resume was night and day. As in: literally anyone wanted to interview me.
I'd encourage you to at least apply and see if you can interview. You get to interview the company right back, and that'll let you know the kinds of work they expect from you. There are two main types of home health: the kind where you visit a lot of patients in a day and the kind where you're with one patient for the entire shift. The first kind is doing stuff like dressing changes, medication management, or periodic assessment. The second kind is more like general caregiving with nursing related requirements. I mostly did the second one, and worked night shift. So I fed a patient dinner, I gave them a bath, I got them dressed for bed, then tucked them in and stuck around until morning for their needs in the night. But within that was trach management, seizures, G tubes, medications, central lines, ongoing assessment, all that stuff that got this person nursing hours. I'm not gonna lie--it was often very very boring. I read a lot of books.
(btw west coast disclaimer again, but if you're willing to work nights, you'll get hired more easily. Everyone everywhere in the world doesn't have enough night shift coverage. also, oops! this got long and became an essay on home health!)
For downsides, in home health you can get limited training and orientation before you're alone, responsible for a patient. And then it's all on you. I had some gut-dropping moments early on where I encountered something I didn't know how to handle and didn't know how urgent it was. There's supposed someone you can call at all times, but multiple times when I did call, no one picked up. It can be super stressful and frankly dangerous as an inexperienced nurse. Luckily, many times you have the patient's family as a resource. It's likely they've been doing this years longer than you have. Though it's worst thing in the world when you wake someone up at 3 am because you're unsure and concerned, and then have that person explain in a really supportive tone of voice that these frequent, very brief seizures were probably just hiccups. Hypothetically speaking.
You can get too entwined with the patient and family's lives. It's hard to call out sick because you know no one can cover you. It's easy to cross emotional boundaries. Imagine spending 40 hours a week with someone and their family. They'll occupy a spot in your brain.
And I don't think it's a great place for a new nurse to stay for years and years, just for like professional development reasons. You won't get exposure to a variety of patients (unless you work that other type of home health in which case enjoy seeing eight different patients a day, hope traffic doesn't suck), so it's easy to forget stuff you just learned. I never had to think about transfusion reactions until I started at the hospital and shit now it's relevant all the time. I had to completely relearn how to hang an IV piggyback. Plus, since you work alone, you don't get the chance to see how other nurses work. It's hard to figure out a profession when you practice in complete isolation. It's easy to learn bad habits and have no one ever correct you.
But there's a lot I like about home health. You really do have a perspective on patients and patient care that is unique to home health and long-term care. In the hospital, you don't always get that long-term perspective. If you work with someone for a while, you can track how they progress or decline. Why do some clients stay at home for years and others keep going back to the hospital? What's different about their conditions and cares? You see all the work it can take to keep them steady. That's perspective that easy to lose. It helps you put the patient on a timeline that extends beyond the hospital. If you click with a patient and/or family and work with them for a while, it can be very satisfying working with them because you see so clearly the impact you're having.
Also! I read so many fucking books! I listened to so many podcasts (played so so softly). I knitted and learned sudoku and practiced yoga, looked up vacation spots, put in my grocery orders, and organized my playlists. I also could research and research and research. I had time to look up everything about every condition my patient had, and once I felt more comfortable with those, I moved on to looking up whatever other disease process and patient experience seemed interesting. I'd make myself a little curriculum and, after my patient was tucked in, and be like "tonight's class is vlogs about having a trach."
There were plenty of shifts where I bustled all fuckin night, and sometimes those shifts seemed to be in one endless hellish row, but often I had a lot of time to myself that I could spend however I wanted, as long as I was still in the room with the patient, able to meaningfully hear and see them, and keeping up with the night routine. I fucked around a lot and got paid for it because the job is to be available when needed, and you're not always needed. (I'm not saying slack off! I'm just saying even colicky babies sleep peacefully now and then.)
Anyway jesus christ that got away from me, but like please know that I was in your exact place, and I know how much it sucks and how crazy it makes you feel because I THOUGHT WE WERE SHORT ON NURSES DON'T ANY OF YOU FUCKERS NEED A NURSE, and know that all the other job hunts after this should and will be easier than this.
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Sol I have the burning NEED to know how Cassie feels about A-Town.
[For everyone just tuning in: A-Town is my idea for a shitty postwar sitcom inspired by Jake Berenson's life, much to Jake Berenson's disgust.]
So there's two related questions here: How does Cassie actually feel about the show, and how does the public think Cassie feels about the show? Because Jake is the only Animorph stupid enough to give the press his real unfiltered reaction.
Rachel tells blatant, unconvincing lies about liking A-Town every time she's asked, citing nonexistent plots as being her favorites. Marco cites it as "truly one of the shows of our time" and "containing several episodes that were certainly filmed". Jake has zero grasp of the subtleties of the media landscape, which is why Jake can always be counted on to launch into an hour-long rant about how offensive and disrespectful it is when asked.
Tobias will simply demorph and fly away if an interviewer brings it up. If they persist in asking after the first time, he'll pause to barf up a chipmunk skeleton on their desk before he goes. Ax seems completely unaware that the events of A-Town could in any way be inspired by the events of the Yeerk-Human War, and continues to appear blissfully ignorant even after several attempts to disillusion him. Whether he's faking it, playing his usual games with verbal irony, or just deep in denial is anyone's guess.
Anyway, I imagine attempts to ask Cassie about A-Town go something like:
Interviewer: So. A-Town. Have you seen it?
Cassie: Yes, and my opinion on A-Town is related to PETA's use of shock tactics to advance what they claim is a pro-animal-welfare cause, but in reality is just the front for a for-profit company that actively harms the cause of real animal-welfare organizations like the SPCA and the WWF.
Interviewer: Where is this going?
Cassie: You see, Barry, when PETA falsely presents animals as having the same needs as humans, they encourage dangerous myths of predation as inherently harmful when in reality —
Interviewer: Okay, okay, what does this have to do with A-Town?
Cassie: Oh, I've forgotten what the connection was. But to know how I feel about A-Town, I recommend going to the World Wildlife Federation's donation page —
Interviewer: And let's go to Melinda with the weather!
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THEME: Ironsworn/Starforged Hacks
This week’s recommendations are all inspired by Ironsworn, by Shawn Tomkin, or Starforged, its science-fantasy successor.
Inspired by PbtA games, Ironsworn stands out because it can be played solo, GM-less, or as a traditional roleplaying game - and the PDF of the rulebook, a work of stellar quality, is free. It uses unique mechanics such as Vows, Momentum, and Supply to support play - Vows being personal goals that drive the character’s story and generate progression, Momentum being an asset that can be used to track your character’s general level level of success, and Supply being a representation of how prepared or energetic your characters are.
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While Ironsworn is a game of fantasy adventuring, Starforged takes cues from space fiction and science fantasy, and comes with unique character pieces and a planet generator.
Let’s take a look at some of the hacks created out of these games!
Iron Valley, by M. Kirin.
Iron Valley is a cozy solo ttrpg hack for Ironsworn and Starforged.
In this game you take the role of someone moving into a small community and starting their life anew. Maybe you’ll restore your family’s farm. Maybe you’ll explore the mysterious forest just beyond town. Maybe you’ll fall in love and get married! This is a game about living a cozy life with good company, one day at a time.
As a farming simulation, this is a great example of a cozy game. Follow the course of a year, making a new home for yourself using a simplified version of Ironsworn. Fundamentally, the game revolves around the promises you make to your friends, losing track of time instead of hit points. 
This is a chunky game that takes some set-up, that a single can play over many days or weeks. It’s something that requires a bit of work to put together, but you can pick it up a little bit at a time if you’re looking for sustained play, and you don’t have to work with a group to try and schedule game time.
Stonebound, by S0ra.
The Dawnlands are filled with various groups of palaeolithic humans, all trying their best to survive in this prehistoric world, where they are far from the top of the food chain.
You are not like them.
You will venture forth from your home, rise up and challenge the monstrous creatures who roam this land, discover secrets better left forgotten, protect your people from the feral horrors that rise in the night, bind your will and your word to the sacred stone of this land and become Stonebound.
This isn’t much of a departure from the original Ironsworn: the author describes it as a re-skin, with new assets and foes to make the system fit in a stone-and-sorcery kind of setting. The game is still in development, so changes might continue being added, but the game is Pay What You Want for now! In Stonebound, stone replaces iron as the way by which you make vows, and as a result stone becomes a vital part of the landscape. If you really like the way Ironsworn plays but are interested to see how it looks in a new setting, you might want to check this game out.
Cybersworn, by Homebrewster, and Hyper City, by Thomas Manuel.
You’ll need to know how Ironsworn or Starforged works in order to play these hacks. Cybersworn is meant to fit a number of different flavours of cyberpunk; from high-magic settings, to low-magic settings, to settings with cyborgs or a virtual other space. It provides new pieces to slot into the basic ruleset to make the game neon and gritty. And just like Ironsworn, this game is free!
Hyper City is a specific corporate dystopia that you build based on a real city that you’re interested in. It uses Burning Questions rather than Iron Vows, it provides a mode of play that focuses on investigation and exploration, rather than action and adventure. Hyper City is also designed to be played “solo together,” as described by the designer. Each player is playing their own solo journey, but their characters can interact with each-other via messaging apps or something similar to trade information and give each-other updates. 
These games aren’t designed to necessarily be played together, but since they’re built for the same system, it’s likely easy to steal a little from one to place into the other. If you’re into cyberpunk and building your own city, these might be worth checking out!
Silversworn, by fyret.
This is a hack about being a werewolf (possibly in space). It is a hack about rage and trying your best to hide it. It is a hack about finding what lengths you'll go to keep the beast inside, and what carnage you'll bring when it is unleashed. 
This game specifically alters the rules of Ironsworn to allow you to play as a werewolf character. One of the basic moves, Face Desolation, is replaced by Face Rampage, which is meant to replicate your struggle to keep your human form. Apart from mechanical changes, this hack comes with some tips about playing as a werewolf, especially when you’ve transformed. The game also comes with a new series of Truths and Assets, to help you build the world you want, whether you want to tell a story within the fantasy world of Ironsworn, or the galaxy of Starforged.
If you want to see more genre hacks of these games, I’d recommend checking out the Starforged 2023 Jam on Itch.io. 
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germanpostwarmodern · 5 months
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„Berlin kommt wieder“ was a well-known saying in postwar Berlin and referred to the (political) will to restore the metropolis to its former glory. In view of the city's  massive destruction this task was ambitious but also accelerated the fantasy of planners and architects, two of which were Paul Schwebes and Hans Schoszberger. The two joined forces in 1956 and decisively shaped the old City West between Kurfürstendamm and Tauentzienstraße through their buildings and related urban plannings.
Schwebes, a former collaborator of Bruno Paul, and Schoszberger, who formerly collaborated with Ernst Neufert, complemented each other on both the business level and architecture-wise: grid-like facades alternate with tiles, elaborate color schemes and subtle architectural details, e.g. in the well-known Haus Hardenberg.
But despite their undoubted importance for postwar Berlin there have never appeared any substantial publications on their work, a major gap that has recently been closed by the present monograph: „Berlin kommt wieder - Die Architekten Paul Schwebes und Hans Schoszberger“, written by Karin Wilhelm, Johann Sauer and Nicole Opel & published by Jovis Verlag. The book not only contains a profusely illustrated work catalogue but first and foremost focuses on the architects and their contribution to the postwar architectural landscape in Berlin: in her detailed essay Karin Wilhelm outlines the biographies of Schwebes and Schoszberger, carves out their architectural personalities and follows their close involvement with the politics and economy of Berlin. Sauer and Opel in turn e.g. discuss Schwebes’ activities for the Aschinger AG, a food service establishment and hotel company, that date back to the 1930s or Schoszberger’s involvement with the theaters on the Ku’ Damm.
With the present book the authors close a major gap in the history of Berlin and German architecture and with the comprehensive work catalogue for the first time offer a complete overview of Schwebes’ and Schoszberger’s work. It thus establishes a basis for further research into particular aspects and buildings and is warmly recommended to anyone interested in German postwar architecture.
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missfrieden · 1 month
Tech as a father Chapter 46
Honestly, I am not ready for the final. My nerves are on edge, so many unanswered questions... I hope it will be a longer run time.
Chapter 46: Broken surprise
“Hey Tech, could you fix my datapad? Seems I fell asleep watching something and kicked it out of my bunk?” Crosshair walks over his brother, already handing him the datapad. Tech nodded as he took Crosshair's damaged datapad in hand, examining the dents and scratches. "Don't worry, Crosshair. I'll have your datapad fixed in no time." Crosshair raised an eyebrow, a hint of scepticism in his tone. "You sure about that? It took a pretty good kick."
Tech smirked, confident in his technical skills. "I've dealt with worse. Now, in the meantime, keep an eye on Orion for me. He seems to enjoy your company." Crosshair grunted in response. "I'm a soldier, not a babysitter." Tech chuckled as he began disassembling the datapad. "True, but you're also an uncle now. Embrace the role, Crosshair. You might find it more enjoyable than you think."
Crosshair rolled his eyes but couldn't hide a small smirk. As Tech focused on repairing the datapad, Crosshair observed Orion, who was happily babbling and reaching out for him. Despite his initial reluctance, Crosshair couldn't deny the unique bond forming between him and his tiny nephew. So he picked him up and walks back to the bunks.
Like every time, something his brothers are well aware of, Tech checks for corrupted data. To see if the damage is worse than what meets the eye. Tech couldn't help but smile as he scrolled through the images on Crosshair's datapad. Amidst the usual snapshots of missions, landscapes, and the occasional candid shots of the squad, there was a gem that stood out, a selfie featuring Crosshair with Orion on his lap, both seemingly enjoying a quiet moment.
The toothpick detail caught Tech's attention, a quirky touch that reflected Crosshair's distinct personality. Uncle and nephew both sporting a toothpick. It was these seemingly mundane yet heart-warming instances that added depth to the bond forming between the members of Clone Force 99 and Orion, the littlest member who had effortlessly woven himself into their lives.
As Tech examined the photo, he marvelled at the camaraderie that had developed among the Bad Batch. It was a stark contrast to their initial dynamics, a testament to the unspoken understanding they had for each other, especially when it came to Orion. The child had become a focal point, a source of joy and shared responsibility for the brothers. Tech's smile deepened as he continued scrolling, realizing that in these simple moments lay the essence of family. The toothpick detail symbolized more than just a shared prop; it embodied the unique bonds forged in the crucible of their experiences. Even in the midst of war and uncertainty, there was room for laughter, bonding, and the unexpected joy of finding family in the unlikeliest of places. And after Tech has made sure there is no corrupted data, he goes to fix the hardware.
Crosshair approached with Orion in his arms, dangling over his uncle’s arms, the little one seemingly thrilled by the change in perspective. Orion's gurgles and babbles of delight filled the air, creating a contagious atmosphere of joy. Crosshair, ever the vigilant uncle, ensured that Orion was securely cradled, preventing any discomfort or mishaps. Tech glanced up from the datapad, his smile transitioning from the sentimental to the amused. "Enjoying the ride, Orion?" he remarked, appreciating the light-hearted moment. The sight of Crosshair holding Orion with care and the baby's infectious happiness had a way of lightening the mood, even during the most routine tasks.
As Crosshair lowered Orion back to a more conventional position, the little one's tiny hands reaching out in curiosity, Tech returned his attention to the datapad. "If you ever need assistance with your devices, Crosshair, feel free to ask. Though I recommend avoiding sudden kicks," he added with a playful smirk, alluding to the incident that led to the datapad's need for repair. “You say.” Crosshair rolls his eyes, acknowledging the unspoken understanding among the brothers. Orion, seemingly undeterred by the mention of the incident, continued to explore the world around him, a beacon of innocence and joy in the midst of their unconventional lives.
As a certain smell hits Crosshair’s nose he holds Orion a bit away. Tech couldn't help but chuckle at Crosshair's expression, a mix of mild discomfort and amusement. "Diaper duties are an integral part of caring for Orion. Perhaps it's time for Uncle Crosshair to face that challenge," he suggested, a playful glint in his eyes. Crosshair, however, seemed to have reservations. "I signed up for babysitting, not the messy part," he retorted, glancing down at Orion, who was oblivious to the impending discussion about his diaper. “Now you are a babysitter?” Tech asks raising an eyebrow. “No, I mean... Shut up.” Crosshair tries to track back.
Tech raised an eyebrow. "Parenting involves both the delightful and the messy. It's a package deal," he stated, finishing the repairs on Crosshair's datapad. "There you go. Fully operational." Crosshair accepted the device, eying Orion with a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity. "Fine, but I get to choose the next mission details when looking out for Orion," he declared, adjusting his hold on Orion, who seemed content in the arms of his uncle. Tech smirked, understanding that Crosshair's terms were more about maintaining a tough exterior than any actual aversion to caring for Orion. "Deal. Just be prepared for the unpredictability of parenting," he remarked, glancing at Orion, who cooed happily, oblivious to the negotiations happening around him. Crosshair carefully hands Orion back to Tech, who will probably go and change the little one, who is more amused to try and stomp his tiny legs with all his might against his fathers thighs.
Tech chuckled at Orion's enthusiastic leg stomping. "Someone's in a lively mood today," he remarked, adjusting his grip to ensure Orion's comfort and safety. Crosshair observed the father-son interaction with a raised eyebrow. "You're not exaggerating about the unpredictability, are you?" he commented, a hint of amusement in his tone. Tech smiled. "Nope, this is just a glimpse. Parenthood is a dynamic experience," he replied, appreciating the joy radiating from Orion.
Crosshair, while maintaining his tough exterior, couldn't help but crack a small smile at the sight of Orion's infectious happiness. "Well, you're on diaper duty. I'll stick to missions," he declared, as if securing his place in the uncle-nephew dynamic. Tech nodded, understanding the unspoken agreement. "Fair enough. Just remember, Orion might surprise you. Parenting tends to have that effect," he said, giving Crosshair a knowing look. As Tech continued to engage with Orion, Crosshair, although feigning indifference, seemed intrigued by the tiny, energetic human in his brother's arms. Parenthood, it seemed, had a way of breaking down even the toughest exteriors.
As his brother leaves to go back and relax in his bunk, Tech watches him. “And Crosshair, please refrain from giving Orion toothpicks.” Crosshair's eyes narrowed at Tech's amused remark. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" he grumbled, clearly not thrilled at the prospect of his secret antics being uncovered. Tech raised an eyebrow. "I simply value Orion's safety. A toothpick in a baby's mouth isn't exactly recommended," he pointed out, maintaining his calm demeanour.
Crosshair huffed, clearly unapologetic. "It was just for a quick picture. He's fine, nothing happened." he retorted, defending his questionable actions. Tech couldn't help but smirk. "Just stick to the uncle duties. No toothpicks, no questionable accessories," he advised, finding amusement in the peculiar circumstances of parenting within the Bad Batch. Crosshair grumbled something unintelligible, but Tech could tell he was reluctantly agreeing to the terms, even if just for the sake of keeping the peace in their unique family dynamic.
Chapter 47
Reblogs are very welcome and I am open for feedback, as english is not my first language, so maybe my sentences may be weird sometimes, or I write a word wrong even with google, or I use a wrong word for an item.
Tag: @spectacular-skywalker @aalizazareth @neyswxrld @clonethirstingisreal @sleepycreativewriter @moonwreckd
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naughtynoodle · 2 years
Fire Night
Description: You're allergic to the birth control tonic so you stay far away from the party but Tamlin finds you during Calanmai/The Great Rite and there is nothing anyone can say or do to stop him from taking you into that cave.
18+ only
Tamlin x f!reader
Warnings: NSFW 18+, dom!Tamlin, slight dub/con?, unprotected sex (not recommended bbs), breeding kink, Tamlins absolutely filthy mouth, porn with 1% plot (maybe)
A/N: Be kind pls this is my first fic. We are also going to act like nothing is wrong and that there is no threat looming :) Minors DNI
You could hear the deep beats of the drums in the distance. It had been so long since you had enjoyed the company of all the Fae during the night long celebration, ever since you first bled and shortly found out you were allergic to the birth control tonic. What had it been? Four years since you were able to stay out all night and celebrate? 
You’ve had your fun with some of the other Fae men, always careful but you had found you could never fully enjoy being with someone due to the looming cloud of pregnancy. Of course it wasn’t as easy to get pregnant as the humans but one could never be too careful.
You sigh as you look into the distance that was the Spring Court, a very beautiful territory. You had cut it very close this year, waiting until the last moment possible before forcing yourself to leave, right at the beginning of the High Lords dance.
You were now on the other side of the Spring Court manor admiring the work of the landscapers, they always did a marvelous job with the gardens. You let your mind slip away in thought as you admire your dress, the light pink satin flowing over your curves. 
The straps were braided with gold and it leapt down into a plunging V-line which stopped directly below your belly-button and you had two very high leg slits for easy movement for all the dancing. A single gold belt wrapped around your torso keeping the flimsy dress formed to your body. The belt matched the golden ribbon tied in your curled hair.
You were so lost in thought that you didn’t hear the footsteps approaching behind you until it was too late. You felt his breath behind your ear first and your whole body goes rigid.
“I was wondering where you’d been hiding.” His deep, husky voice caused an involuntary shiver to rake down you. “But I must admit that I quite enjoyed hunting you.” 
If the way his voice sounded hadn’t already got your body tingling, those words set you on fire. His lips were so close to your delicate ear that whenever he said certain words they would graze ever so lightly on your skin.
“My Lord-” you started to say but get cut off by the sound of a panting Lucien coming up from behind you both.
“Tamlin.” His voice had a slight warning to it which made the High Lord growl lowly, “She is allergic to the tonic.”
That alone would do enough to talk the sense into any Fae male in search of a bed buddy during Calanmai. Any male but Tamlin.
“It is true.” Your voice was soft at first and you didn’t dare turn fully around at them both, you stayed as still as possible, “I could fall pregnant with your child.”
He slightly hums behind you, as if the idea sounded marvelous and it made your head spin but you had to think with your head and not with that aching burn in your groin.
“You should find anoth-” Your sentence once again gets interrupted when he brings a hand around your throat, stopping whatever else was going to come after.
“I have already made my choice.” He nips at the lobe of your ear and heat pools between your legs. “Leave us.”
You knew the order wasn’t for you and Lucien made a sound of protest but the snarl that left Tamlin’s throat was enough for him to leave. Your eyes meet and he throws you a worried glance but you give a slight nod - as if to say it was okay. And with that it was only the two of you once more.
He made quick work of that opportunity and his lips immediately found the base of your neck which had a gasp escape your lips. You feel him smirk against you. Cocky bastard, you thought.
“How should I deal with the little minx that has been escaping my grasp every year for the last four years, hm?” Your eyes widen at his statement, “Maybe I should tease you as you’ve been teasing me. Make your squirm and beg for release.”
A shaky breath escapes you as he laughs darkly. He brings his hands to your hips before bringing his lips right next to your ear once more.
“You are going to turn slowly for me so I can drink up every ounce of your body before I ravish it.” You bit your lip to keep from gasping. His hands release your hips and you feel him step away. 
You start to slowly turn as instructed and you felt his eyes burning over your figure and it had your gut churning with need. You stopped once you were facing him fully and watched his hungry gaze rake over your body multiple times before he stalks back towards you and grips your chin in his hand and forces you to look up at him.
The normal shade of green was barely noticeable due to whatever magic had possessed his body to bring plentiful harvest to your people. His eyes connected with the red shade of your lips and his lips form a sinister grin.
“I can’t wait to see those lips wrapped around my cock.” 
And with that he whisks you back to the crowd to announce his chosen maiden and you could almost feel the glares of the other women. You didn’t have to ponder on it long before he was once again hauling you away to the cave. It was lit by a single torch and there was a small mat thrown across the floor for comfort from the rocky ground. Your feet touch the ground once more and you turn to face Tamlin.
He says nothing for a moment so you take that as a hint. Your hand reaches for the straps of your dress when a growl halted those actions and you stare back at him with confusion.
“I never said you could unwrap my present for me.” You felt a deep flush all the way to your breasts at the slight compliment. “On your knees.”
You obey and silently thank the Gods above that they put the mat in this cave. You crane your neck to look up at Tamlin and he groans at the sight.
His thumb and index finger grasp your chin as he drinks in the sight of you. Big eyes and perfect pouty lips just beckoning him.
“Be a good girl.” Is all he says and you knew what he meant. With the release of your chin your gaze drops down to the enormous bulge that was in front of you. You take his belt in your hands and unclasp it and untie his trousers and release the throbbing member from them.
You glance up briefly once more and he places a hand on the back of your head. Maybe to encourage you or reassure you but also maybe a silent command telling you to hurry up.
Of course he was big, he was the High Lord. His tip was beat red and you could see the pulse of neediness as he stood before you. You open your mouth and run your tongue on the bulbous tip which causes him to groan. You bring your head lower and flatten your tongue to make one large swipe below his shaft. With that you quickly take him into your mouth and take him down your throat.
His hips stutter with pleasure as he swears under his breath. You had to be a dream, he thought. So long he had thought about this moment, how he longed to find you every year only to have to settle. And now here you were, on your knees for him and sucking his cock like it was candy. He thrusts his hips to meet your bobbing head and to his surprise you don’t gag at the size of him, which only added fuel to the fire.
You dared a glance up at him and his eyes were wild and they were drinking up everything before them. His lips were slightly parted as soft pants passed through them. Your cheeks hollowed even more and you worked him further down until your nose nestled against his pubic bone. You swore you almost had him there when he yanks your head away from him and you gasp for breath as you look up at him.
You were sure your lipstick was smeared and your cheeks even rosier than before. Whatever was possessing the High Lord seemed to be leaking into your skin and your neediness grew larger.
“As much as I want to come in that pretty mouth,” he says as he kneels down and pushes you onto your back, “I have another hole in mind.”
He watched as your pupils blew even wider at his comments and he smirks. He could’ve smelled your arousal from miles away.
He smashes his lips to yours and you gasp at his sudden movement. He takes the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth and he explores every inch of it. Your breathy moan causes his cock to twitch with need.
His hands explored your body until he finally slid one under the fabric surrounding your breast. Your nipples had been taut since he whispered in your ear in the garden outside the manor. He twinges one between his fingers which makes you cry out and arch into him.
His chuckle shakes your already aching core as he continues his assault on your chest. You were already panting at this point and he breaks the kiss off to blaze a trail down to your neck. He nips at every turn and sucks even harder on the sensitive spots he finds. Your moans echoed in the cave and no doubt everyone could hear but you didn’t care.
He continues down before coming eye level with your breasts and he growls as he grasps them in his hands.
“Such perfect tits.” He mutters as he rips the fabric away from your chest to reveal two taut nipples for him to explore. He gives you a devious look before giving the right one a little kitten lick.
The moan leaves your lips before you can even attempt to control it and you arch your chest into him, aching for more. This seemed to only encourage him so he continues giving little licks and pecks to both of your breasts.
Just when you thought you were going to go crazy for more friction he takes a full nipple into his mouth and swirls his tongue around it and you swore you just about came from that alone. The groan that left his lips is feral and you soon realize you said that out loud.
“Shall we see if this is true, little vixen?” He smirks against your skin and you whimper, “I bet I could make you come with nipple play alone.”
He took your other neglected nipple in his mouth and your moaned once more, toes curling.
“Maybe that would be a fitting punishment for you? Make you come until you can’t stand it anymore.” Your eyes widen and your pants become heavier, “Oh, you would like that wouldn’t you? You want to be my my little whore?”
You couldn’t even stop the frantic nodding and he chuckles darkly before going back to your chest more feverishly. His bites slightly more painful, but in the most sinful way.
“Oh I’m going to take my time with you. I’ve been waiting for this, to make you writhe under my touch and hear you moan my name.” His mouth was filthy and you loved every word that left his lips, “No one else gets this kind of attention from me on this night, only my little whore.”
You whimpered his name bucking your hips up at nothing.
“Patience.” He tuts at you and you almost rolled your eyes but you caught yourself before you did it. You feel his hand trail up your thigh and you tense in anticipation. His hand working slowly and drawing ragged lines on its way up to where you wanted his touch the most. His mouth found its way back to your nipple and he sucked on it slowly and you could feel every flick of his tongue as you moan beneath him.
It was almost as if your senses were heightened and it made you so much more aware of what he was doing to you and it made the pleasure stronger than anything you had ever felt before.
“Tamlin.” You whisper and your eyes flutter shut as you felt your release approaching. He seemed to have caught on to what you didn’t even say and he switched over to the other breast while drawing small circles on your inner thigh - teasing you. Your breaths become quicker and felt that low pressure before saying his name again, pleading him.
“You’re very sensitive, little minx. Let go.” He mutters into your chest and you do and let out a strangled moan as he sucks harder. You look at him with hooded eyes and he just smirks down at you. You were about to say something when his fingers finally made contact with your sex. You gasp and buck your hips up and he looks at you with surprise.
“No underwear?” He takes his fingers away from your groin and looks at the slick that now coated his fingers, almost fascinated, “You were practically begging for it. Waiting for me to come find you and take advantage of you.” 
Your eyes widen as he sucks on his fingers and groans before he looks at you wickedly, “You taste divine.” 
Your chest heaves up and down as you slowly lick your lips in anticipation and he places his hand on your belly before grasping the thin fabric of your dress and ripping it off your body. You watch as he drinks in your naked form before spreading your legs even more. If it was even possible his eyes darken even more at the sight of your sopping wet cunt before growling lowly and diving head first.
You let out a startled gasp when he takes a long swipe of the tongue up your pussy before landing right on your clit which makes you let out a deep groan in satisfaction. He laps at you and as much as you try to buck your hips against his face he uses his arms to hold you down firm. Nowhere to run, you thought.
“Oh!” You shout out and you swore you felt him grin against you as he continued his work. You weren’t even sure if he could breath properly, his face was practically shoved in your cunt and every so often you could feel his nose bump your clit which would make you jolt.
“Tamlin please! Please!” You beg, writhing in his touch. His mouth finally left your sex as he looks up at you. A beautiful mess, he thinks.
“I’m not done tasting you, so you are going to be a good girl for me and take this.” He didn’t leave any room for arguments and hastily went back to licking your cunt with expert technique. 
Your mind was so hazy you were going crazy. At this point you were really debating begging with your whole heart when you feel a finger wiggle at your entrance and you suck in a breath.
You let out a light groan when he slowly pushes it in, flexing towards him. He was still teasing you, slowly pumping it and bending his finger to hit certain spots. His tongue assaulted your clit at this point with light licks, making sure to flick and grinning when you jolted every time. Your hips fought against his grip but he held strong.
He pace grew faster as did the amount of pressure he pressed against your poor abused clit. Your head was thrown back and your mouth open with pleasure. Your hands were tangled in his hair, gripping tightly.
Slurping sounds echoed throughout the cave as well as your moans.
“Tamlin!” You gasp and you were right on the cusp of release when he pulls away. You didn’t even have time to complain when his mouth was on yours again with a hungry kiss. His finger drew lazy circles on your clit and you moan into his mouth, bucking your hips toward his finger.
“Needy little whore.” He growls into you, going to find a weak spot in your neck. You feel his canines dig into your skin which makes you hiss with discomfort yet in pleasure. “Look at you, a whimpering mess beneath me.” You shudder.
He takes your legs and spreads them wide, drinking in the sight of you. Your hole quivering, begging for something - anything to fill it. A sight he wants to remember forever. 
He finally settles between your legs and you hold your breath in anticipation, but he still wanted to tease you just a little bit longer. He ruts his pelvis into yours, groaning when he feels your slick coat his length. He rubs it between your lips, bumping into your clit with the bulbous head and you moan.
He slams into you without warning and you scream in pain and pleasure, trying to adjust to his size. His mouth makes work of your nipples, licking and sucking.
“Tamlin, please!” You beg, for what you didn’t know. He tuts at you, gripping your chin and making you meet his eyes.
“Say it.” His voice was lower than ever, and you didn’t know what is was that he wanted you to say. You knew that he could see your confusion, but he didn’t say anything else. He pulls his hips back and slams into you again, making you cry out. “Say it.”
It clicked for you.
“Claim me. I am yours.” You gasp, and he hums with approval. Nothing could have prepared you for the rapid fire of his hips as he slams into you. The groans that left his mouth were sinful.
“You are mine.” He growls out, his hand wrapping around your throat and his eyes were watching as your tits bounced at the force of him pumping into you. He couldn’t remember the last time he actually enjoyed fucking whoever he chose during The Rite. But seeing you under him, crying out his name ignited something within him.
“Oh gods!” You cry out and Tamlin grunts out your name. His pace never ceased and it was making your head spin.
“Such a good whore for me. Letting me ruin you.” His words just unraveled you and made you even wetter. His eyes concentrated on his cock entering you and his grip on your neck tightens ever so slightly and you clamp down even harder on his dick.
Your release was close and so was his. You pant his name, gripping his arms tightly.
“I want you to look at me when you finish, look at who makes you feel this way.” You met his eyes and didn’t dare look away. His stray hand reaches between the two of you and rubs your clit. “Come for me.”
And you did, crying out his name. It was a chain reaction from watching you scream his name and feeling your pussy clamp down around him and he groans when he releases inside you but it wasn’t enough for him. You feel him yank you upright and whip you around to your hands and knees. His palm on your shoulders forces your upper half down to the floor.
His cock lines up at your entrance once more and he slowly pushes in, moaning lowly as he falls onto your back. You could feel his muscles twitching in his abdomen as he laid on your back as he moans your name - something that you never thought you would hear from your High Lord.
“Your cunt was made for this, for me.” He says lowly, kissing the skin of your shoulder and your pussy clamps down at his words, “You like being owned by me, don’t you?”
You nod and he chuckles and he picks up his pace, filling you even deeper than before.
“Say that you’re mine. That you want me to fill you up with my seed and knock you up, making you mine forever.” You moan at his words, working your hips back to meet his pace.
“I’m yours.” You pant out, “Please take me, do with me what you wish. Claim me, Tamlin.”
“Good little whore. Gonna make you mine forever.” He reaches around and furiously rubs your clit and you cry out, bucking your hips. “So good for me, milking my cock for my seed.”
He leans up and grips your hips and slams into you with a brutal pace and you feel the tip of his dick nestle up against your cervix. You reach down and rub your aching clit and he growls at the sight.
Soon you both release together and his hips stutter as he comes in you once again. He stays deep inside you to ensure his seed stayed where he wanted it, he wouldn’t leave this cave until he was sure he had enough in there to plant a baby into you.
He murmured sweet words to you as you shook beneath him, and in your blissed state you didn’t notice the new tattoo that adorned your left hand.
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