#reversed ace of swords
yea-baiyi · 6 months
people on twitter are discoursing about whether xie lian’s chastity-based cultivation is a form of abuse (?????) which is so backward to me like huh???? yes jun wu’s thing about xie lian being a virgin is fucking creepy and weird and part of his overall obsession and desire to control him. but did they just completely miss the part where xie lian chose this method of cultivation bc the abstinence wasn’t an issue for him? he got hit by sex pollen and never once thought of sex? he didn’t even cultivate for 700 years and just never had sex because he never wanted to and as soon as he found a guy he wanted to fuck he just went for it? literally didn’t even pause to consider the cultivation thing at any point. if this were any other character it might have been used against him but the whole point is xie lian once again perfectly dodging jun wu’s manipulation attacks by just being a weird little guy with autism
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numinously-yours · 2 months
Pick a crystal: Messages from your inner child
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I've been doing a lot of my own inner child work lately and really felt called to channel all of (well, as many of) yours as I could. This reading is looking at:
What did you need as a child?
How is your inner child now?
What do they want you to work on next?
I also gauged the time of your childhood that I think these feels really became a part of you - but the ranges are large and don't necessarily mean it's not for you!
Choose a crystal and see below the cut for your reading
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Pile one, stability is the world I would use to describe what you needed as a kid. It feels like every time you ALMOST felt settled, your caretaker would get too scared to commit and you were off to the next place. You never got the chance to really make connection. Yeah, you've always had friends but you never had that connection that really showed you what friendship was. I'm here to tell you that all of the people you were worried about liking you are thankful you were a part of their lives, no matter the length of time.
I REALLY hope my intuition is correct about how your inner child is feeling right now. It is beautiful energy. It's either a relatively recent happening or it's happening very soon, but your sense of emotional fulfillment is so strong. Since this time in your childhood, you have finally started to understand what unconditional love feels like. I want to cry, pile 1! There is a huge sense of relief coming over me. You're realizing that it doesn't matter how long you've been somewhere, as long as you are your authentic self and you allow others to be their authentic selves, that is all you need space for.
What your inner child wants you to work on next is believing that others know this too! In your heart of heart, you know it's true. But you wonder if you're being an imposter of your own self. Are you making up that this is the truth?! Nope. This is only your ego talking. It's trying to protect you, but you don't need it this time around. Take your time learning this, remembering this, and giving yourself grace when you forget it. It will come back easier each and every time.
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Pile two, I don't think you were allowed to actually be a child when you were a kid. It's not that you weren't able to have fun, but I think your parental unit guilt tripped you a lot and sometimes made you the parent. You may have heard phrases like "You don't appreciate what I do for you", "I'm a terrible mother/father/etc", "You'll never be able to make it on your own." It can be any parental figure, but I am feeling strong feminine energy. This person wasn't like this ALL the time,. In fact, you have a lot of fun memories from your childhood. You don't think your childhood was bad by any means, but you wish it didn't still affect you like it does.
I absolutely believe that you've grown a lot. I think this person still does this and, while it doesn't always get to you, every once and awhile you feel really let down. You may be having some trouble trusting your instincts, lately. You're wondering if you're saying "yes" to the people you love because you WANT to or if it's because you're going back to your old ways? Your inner child wants you to know that you're allowed to trust your gut. You will know when you're doing something for yourself versus for other people.
What your inner child may need now is the chance to grow on their own, without the influence of this person. It might be time to take a brief separation from this person if possible. It will be difficult, and you may need to grieve, but I think the grief is really toward letting your childhood hopes go versus feeling badly about hurting this person. I'm sorry you have to worry about this step, but it's so going to be worth it.
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As a child, pile three, I think you have to leave someone you love and, even if you didn't have control over the situation, ou still feel guilty. For some of you, you feel like an outcome would be different if you never left. For others, you haven't had much contact with this person since leaving and you feel like it's something you did that didn't make you "worthy" of being reached out to.
Right now, your inner child knows you're putting in the work to heal this wound. I'm proud of you! Sometimes, though, when you feel yourself feeling unworthy, you can tend to be hard on yourself. "I know the cause of this feeling, so why can't I just get rid of it??" But you are doing a GREAT job of being patient with yourself. You're taking initiative in your own healing. You are continually finding new ways to take care of yourself. You are confident that there is always a way to make it through.
Next up on your healing journey is letting others help you, too. I think you are afraid that if you let someone get close that you'll just end up leaving them again OR that if you get to vulnerable you'll see why the person above never reached out to you, and anyone you let in is bound to leave you instead. Your inner child knows exactly what you've been working on and wants you to know that this work has made you strong enough to let someone else in.
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Hey pile four. First, I wanted to make note that this is the only pile I felt like I was really talking TO your inner child versus asking the universe for information. While shuffling for the first question, I said "you're can tell me" ; while shuffling for the last question, I said "you're allowed to work on yourself, babe." I think things are feeling tough right now for you and your inner child and I hope this reading helps brings some insights.
First, something you needed as a child was someone to commit to you. You may be a child of divorce who split time between your parents' houses and there were multiple times where one of the parents didn't take you for their assigned times. If your parents/parental figures were together, it seemed like they could commit to everything else, but not you. They could commit to work and they could commit to other relationships, but never showed up for you. All you wanted was the adults in your life to just BE there.
At this point in time, you seem to be indulging in the needs of your ego. In an effort (conscious or not) to not worry about your traumas, you push your sad/angry/disappointed feelings into the shadows. What your doing seems like it should be fun, but are you actually enjoying yourself? Your inner child is telling you that you're holding back in an effort to protect yourself and it's time to think about what you REALLY need to help you feel better.
Pile four, you deserved to be loved the way you needed and I'm sorry that you didn't get that. But, it's not too late to love yourself this way. Be gentle with yourself when you start your new phase of healing. You have the capabilities to see beauty in the drabbest of places and you'll find the beauty in this, too. It isn't going to be easy, but damnit, if little you doesn't deserve this healing <3
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pidgeonline · 5 months
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sword symbolism angst :’)
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tarotbykim · 11 months
I am actually very confused with my life goals and career choices right now.
Can you help me with that?
Hi dear♥️,
Let's get into this reading!
It seems perhaps you are trying too hard at this moment. You’re moving too fast, and therefore the confusion appears. Be patient for just a little bit longer, slow down & reflect. The right opportunity will show up for you soon.
Good luck! 💪♥️😇
(PS. This reading is free, and I hope you've found value in it! In case you wish to sponsor my work you can buy me a coffee! Of course, this is not mandatory nor expected! I also really appreciate any constructive feedback!💫)
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forgotten-tragicomedy · 3 months
trying to get better with tarot. itll be going so well then boom. nine of swords jumpscare.
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dmystfy · 1 year
Tarot is so clear with its messages for me. So much so I cry sometimes.
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n3xii · 3 months
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This reading will focus on the following topics:
-who you were
-who you are now
-who you are becoming
One question, 2 question, aura readings etc are all available for purchase right now. Book here for a same day/next day reading!
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who you were- "six of pentacles"
who you are now- "8 of wands"
who you're becoming- "knight of cups reversed"
As represented by the Six of Pentacles, you were once characterized by a balanced and generous nature. I feel like this card symbolizes that you were giving, even at the expense of yourself. You may have been someone who valued fairness, compassion, and giving back to others. Your focus may have been on maintaining harmony in your relationships and making sure everyone received their fair share of time and energy, even if you weren't getting the same energy in return. The Eight of Wands indicates a shift towards greater momentum, action, and forward movement in your life. At this point in time, you becoming more dynamic, assertive, and decisive in pursuing your goals and ambitions. i feel like this is a transition from being giving and compassionate to being focused on your own growth, rather than the growth of other people. the 8 of wands is direct, forward, this feels like you are currently embodying the ''keep it pushing'' mentality. you are no longer delaying your momentum to help or give energy to people who dont even deserve it. and because your energy is being harnessed for your own growth, you now have more energy in general. The transition to the Knight of Cups reversed signals being self indulged. i dont know why but intuitively, i just feel like you are shifting from being dynamic and giving with your energy to being more protective of your emotions. you are becoming someone who indulges in themselves more than you indulge in others. your well being takes priority before you invest in other people.
who you were- seven of pentacles reversed
who you are now- ace of cups reversed
who you are becoming- death reversed
the seven of pentacles reversed tells me that in the past, you were someone who was disillusioned with the lack of progress or results in your endeavors. when tings didnt move at the pace or direction you desired, you felt disappointed and frustrated. This card suggests a period of impatience, dissatisfaction, or setbacks, where you may have been questioning your efforts and wondering if your investments of time and energy are yielding your desired outcomes. The Ace of Cups reversed reflects a shift in emotional energy. right now, you may be experiencing a period of emotional stagnation, disconnection, and disappointment. the stagnated and disillusioned energy of the 7 of pentacles reversed is manifesting as emotional issues. you desire progress and movement, and because you're not seeing the movement you think you have earned, you may feel depressed and apathetic. This card suggests that your heart may have felt closed off or unfulfilled. right now, you may be struggling to find emotional fulfillment or to experience genuine connections in your relationships. However, the transition to Death reversed indicates a significant turning point in your journey. While Death typically symbolizes endings and transformation, in its reversed position, it suggests a resistance to change or a reluctance to let go of the past. You may be clinging to old patterns, beliefs, or relationships that no longer serve your growth and evolution. you are becoming someone who will have a wakeup call about the things and people you are clinging to, and this wakeup call will make you aware of why you have been feeling stagnant.
who you were- page of pentacles reversed
who you are- the empress
who you are becoming- king of swords
Beginning with the Page of Pentacles reversed, in the past you may have once exhibited traits of immaturity, insecurity, or lack of direction in your endeavors. This card suggests a period of uncertainty or delays in your pursuit of your ambitions. To be honest, I feel like in the past, you may have struggled with self-doubt and a lack of confidence in your abilities to manifest your desires effectively. This lack of belief in yourself manifested as a lack of dedication and inspired action. However, the Empress signifies a shift towards a more nurturing, abundant, and fertile energy. inthe present moment. you are embracing qualities of creativity, abundance, and nurturing in your life. You are exhibiting belief towards yourself and nurturing what you want to manifest/ The Empress represents a period of growth, fertility, and expansion, right now you are tapping into your inner resources and creativity to nurture your dreams and cultivate abundance in your life. you could be tapping into your feminine energy and trying to develop the understanding that you dont have to force things to happen, that progress can occur naturally if you are receptive to it. You may be finding fulfillment in creative pursuits, nurturing relationships, and connecting with your intuition and inner wisdom. As for who you are becoming, the King of Swords indicates a further evolution towards greater clarity, authority, and mastery of intellect and communication. you are becoming someone who embodies qualities of intellect, logic, and rationality. You are becoming more assertive, decisive, and authoritative in your approach to problem-solving and decision-making. You wont be flimsy or impractical towards your practical goals, instead you are becoming someone who uses rationality and objectiveness to take action. You are becoming someone who beliefs in their intellectual ability to make things happen. You are embracing your inner wisdom and leadership abilities, using communication skills to navigate the path towards what you want. you ae basically going from ''i dont know how to make this happen'' to having the intellectual ability and resources that instill you with more confidence.
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cozycottagetarot · 2 months
Your Future In-Laws First Impression of You
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Pile 1 🪸 Pile 2 🛩️ Pile 3 ☔️
This reading covers Your future in-laws (married or long-term partner) first impression of you as well as how they receive you. It's purely for entertainment purposes only. Take what only what resonates be it some, all or none.
I've been feeling mildly scatterbrained when it comes to organising my thoughts and I didn't have the mental capacity to design any graphics. Hopefully, this reading is still clear though.
Elle 🍃
Reading Masterlist | Patreon | Paid Readings -- Open 🥂
Photos From Unsplash: Pile 1 image source | Pile 2 image source | Pile 3 image source
What do they think of you?
Cards: Cat’s Claw (Purification), Lion’s Mane (Leadership), Lavender (Weaver), Ace of Swords, King of Cups, Four of Swords
Your in-laws first impression of you is one of being impressed and intrigued. From the cards pulled (including the next section) it feels like your future in-laws will be a very tight-knit family, so your future long-term partner/spouse introducing you is very much a big deal. I feel like it could be at a family gathering or you’re invited to an important event where you meet them there. You could give off the impression of being very regal and revered. I think your future in-laws will be very satisfied with you and see you as exactly what they want for their child/relative. They could also be cautious of you in the sense that you may give off the energy of calm but not to be messed with. They could view you as someone who is very balanced energetically. You could give off an enticing blend of masculine and feminine qualities.
You could also give off the impression of someone whose intelligence comes from observing a situation first. The only card that didn’t quite 'blend' as seamlessly initially for me here is the Four of Swords. You could give off a very unfazed vibe at times… or seem as though you’re uninterested in what’s going on all while simultaneously being on high alert. It could come from past experiences though that leaves you this way and I think your in-laws will be able to pick up on that as well. For others, you could just have this attractive, leadership energy and your in-laws' first impression of you could be “This person is great, but they sound like they need to rest.”
How will they receive you? Cards: Tobacco (Offering) , Arnica (Teacher), Saint John’s Wort (Radiance), Death, Six of Pentacles, The Hermit reversed
Your future in-laws will receive you with open arms. Right off the bat they’re going to take you in and share with you their wisdom and their love. Even if you and your in-laws may have differences, they’ll show you from the start that they are willing to get to know who you are and build a relationship with you. For them, your presence welcomes the start of a new beginning in their family. I feel like your in-laws may be very traditional but also open. They will want to help nurture you. For some of you, they may give a physical gift for you or offer you an opportunity of some kind.
What do they think of you? Cards: Rosemary (ancient memory), Gingko (breakthrough), Psilocybin (commune), Knight of Cups, Two of Swords, The Emperor, Knight of Wands
If you were drawn to pile 1, you could consider checking out that pile as well after.
I don’t know if you’re sleepy or what pile 2, but something to do with sleep is coming through for you. I figured maybe some of you may meet your in-laws at night, for others you may have an intense intellectual energy and it’s like “Wow, does this person ever sleep?” Your in-laws may see you as someone charming, playful or good fun, but overall super focused and fixated on a specific thing. For some of you, you may not have the best social skills? You might say things that catch them off guard, but I don’t think they���ll think less of you for it. Your person could have a big family, so there may be many in-laws you meet. They definitely see you as committed to what you set your mind to and that when you make a decision about something, it’s not one you make lightly. You give your all to projects and people. They may see you as a visionary, someone with lots of wisdom and brilliant ideas. I think that you might even influence them, if not completely change their perspective on a matter. If there are children around you may interact with them well, almost like a mentor and I think your future in-laws will be pleased with that. You may not directly interact with them when they form their first impression of you, they may simply observe you from a distance. For others, it could be that you flit back and forth between intellectual intensity that makes you seem older than you are one minute and embodying a child-like sense of wonder and whimsiness that makes you see younger the next.
How will they receive you? Cards: Rose (love), Cannabis (detachment), Tulsi (wealth), 10 of Cups, Page of Swords, 6 of Wands
*If you’re struggling with anxiety or sleep, there’s a message here to take time and care around cultivating inner calm. Quick fixes might do more harm than good currently.
There’s not one uniform energy here, like I mentioned before, it feels like various people I’m picking up on (so forgive me if this feels slightly scattered). For some, they might seem a little bit detached or unexpressive but they like you. It could be that they quite honestly didn’t want to like you but they do, or the initial getting to know one another might be rocky before you finally get to a point where it's like "yeah, y/n is pretty great.". Regardless, you’ll feel welcomed and you’ll be received with grace. I’m also picking up on some may want to get on your good side because they see you as someone successful or capable of great success so they may try to wow you. They may want to learn from you as well. I definitely pick up on someone seeking you out in hopes that you’ll teach them about something. They may welcome you by striking up a conversation.
What do they think of you? Cards: Palo Santo (Guardian), Jergón Sacha (Transfiguration), Chamomile (Inner Peace) reversed Four of Wands reversed, Ace of Swords, Two of Wands
It's not quite clear who's energy is what but I did my best. I think both you and your future in-laws may kind of flip back and forth feeling the same way about each other because I did pull some cards to represent your impression of your in-laws and was getting the same vibes and their impression of you.
There are multiple scenarios here so I split it up into bullet points.
Your future in-laws might need a minute to process who you are (aesthetic/interest-wise). (I also got they may need a couple years to come to terms with you? 😭 However, editing this it could have been that it took them a while to come to terms with their child/relative's type?)
I think you take everything they expect and flip it on their head, for better or worse.
I don’t sense any malice, but I definitely think that they may feel slightly avoidant of you at first? I don’t know why but I keep envisioning when you watch those movies and there’s someone coming over and the couple is in a panic and trying to act natural… I’m not sure that makes sense, but that’s what I keep getting. It’s not like 'Oh, we don’t like this person’. It’s more of an "X is coming and I didn’t have enough time to mentally prepare’. Some people just have a big personality, and even if you do like them you just kind of need to prepare yourself for them still 😅
For some of you, it could be that they’re worried you’ll lead their child/relative down a path they don’t agree with??? There’s fear here and the words aren’t coming out right because your in-laws like I said may not be able to immediately process you. I just get this weary sense, and that they know well enough there is no need to be weary of you.
Another possibility that comes to me is your person/future spouse may have also been one of those kids that leave their parents stressed 24/7 (like my sister), so your future in-laws try to run every scenario through their head trying to prepare themselves for what their child's partner could be like. They could also be relieved that you’re nothing like what they expected.
It could also be that they could feel like you’re the one who's guarded and has a wall up, or you’re anxious about meeting them and they pick up on that?
How will they receive you? Cards: Ashwagandha (purpose), Ginseng (magician), Sage (blessing), Mandrake (sensuality) The Magician, The Hierophant, Queen of Swords
While I was pulling the cards, “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” from Mulan suddenly started ‘playing’ in my head. Your future in-laws may kind of see you as their pet project of sorts. Not like you need fixing in any way, you might just seem like a good candidate for something one or both of your in-laws have in mind. Good or bad thing that’s on a case-by-case basis. You’ve got the hierophant and magician and for whatever reason, the imagery especially kind of put that in my head. They may have certain rules or values that they will communicate are important to them. Those two cards, as well as the queen of swords, are all holding an item and I heard a 'talking stick'?? Maybe it means something to someone or maybe I just need to rest lol. I think your in-laws will do their best to form a relationship with you. One thing that definitely feels evident is that they will know you’re their child/relative's person. Their initial feelings from their impression of you may completely switch when it comes to interacting with you. They’ll put a genuine effort into getting to know you, and not just a courtesy get-to-know-you type of interaction. They genuinely want to connect with you and understand you. They’ll try to release any preconceived notions towards you and they may even verbalise this as well.
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vivisviolets · 2 months
what do you need to hear right now ೀ⤷ except i have a headache
↪its been 3 fuking days i swear to goddddd 444
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖-pick an image that you feel drawn to- if nothing stands out quickly then close your eyes- breathe- and ask spirit/the universe/god or your intuition/higher self to show you what a pile's content would best suit you, don't be shy!! read through more than one if that's what you are called to do!! i love youuuuu-˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
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⋆。˚ *pile 1 ⚬
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⚬. Five of Swords (reversed), Nine of Swords (reversed), Six of Swords, Three of Wands, Judgement, Ace of Pentacles ⚬.
⚬. ☄️Number 5, 555, initials/letters H-M-A, sun ruled/dominant, Aries/Sag/Leo/Aquarius Placements, dark coloring or light coloring, face/body freckles, pale or sunkissed, thick hair, loud/blunt tone of talking, action-oriented ☄️⚬.
⚬. As I shuffled I picked up fire energy, I'm feeling you guys might come across a little intense personality-wise, like blunt or hardheaded in your opinions- you guys make other people feel like the shy or softer friend in comparison to you- I just got interrupted- I think you might have dealt with people in the past who stepped into your energy in an attempt to influence you or give you the impression they care but actually have the intentions to "change" you- I'm seeing someone smiling at you gently with this mask of innocence so you lower your guard down and give them control over you... This might have happened recently- and that's just it. They want to control by feeling that they are molding you into something they find more correct or tolerable. I don't mean to make you paranoid or even more un-trusting of others than you already are, but more to listen to and address inwardly why someone triggers you like that. I'm also hearing that in the past you might have felt you scared off some past friends or connections because they made some pretty lame excuses to avoid you- I'm just getting that you have a very masculine energy, very strong and coming straight from the chest. You guys have solid walls of inner self-concept and that can make people feel very small or meek compared to you, or trigger them to try and control or fix you, thinking you need some healing- when really it's them being triggered because of the self-healing they need to do on themselves... you guys might have mother issues (just finished watching Black Swan it's very much that suffocating toxicity coming from underdeveloped feminine energy) or have butted heads with female family members in your life (if not mothers especially aunts, maybe stepmother? Or grandmothers- female adults in your life)- and you guys are definitely not perfect in the way you handle certain things, regarding releasing control over certain situations peacefully. you guys can be impossibly stubborn, but that's because you stick to it with your whole chest, you just know- and so you bulldoze right ahead- I'm hearing a quote from Fiona Apple's '97 VMA speech, you "go with yourself". Other people's opinions be damned if you see something as your truth you follow it. From that, I'm hearing very Aquarius energy with how much you've mentally formed your own path (air energy with all the Sword cards), but again lots of fire energy I'm feeling. So you could have Aries placements with how youthfully blunt and truthful you naturally are- Sagittarius with how much natural luck and abundance you feel with opportunities being yours- but I'm getting very much lion energy, so Leo- "Lion-heart" "King of the Pride"- is really what your inner energy embodies! I heard some of you are more introverted or might not relate to this description fully because you may not think your external actions reflect that- but I NEED you to know what this is your inner emotional strength and land that you can, and should- tap into!! ☄️☄️☄️ because it's freaking natural babyyy ⚬.
⚬. You really need to chill with how un-trusting you are with other people's opinions. And I know that is so hard to hear because of the very valid reasons (◉ bitches) you've been dealt in life to have those trust issues- but I don't mean collapsing all your walls and becoming whatever anyone is saying, no. This is about you truly standing in all that inner power you have by allowing it to influence how to interact with others- there's knowledge to be gained everywhere, especially when you come from a place of such a strong self-concept. I'm really seeing you guys need to be allowing and being open to support- and I keep getting interrupted so I think you're really on guard with someone or the people you have around you. Again, look inwardly at that trigger and address it so you can take away what is valid in that trigger and also what is your own emotional walls- once you address it, you detach.~ and it's beautiful.~ but anyway, again-again I am also picking up that your suspensions are correct with whoever you feel is fake. So focus and be around people who you actually want to be around- I'm hearing a lot of you hang by yourself out of not finding anyone who interests you... Please do something different than what you normally do- you can find people who don't wish to change you or shrink next to you. You can and will find people who you can exchange knowledge and information with- with SUCH mutual respect like wow- you'll feel so fulfilled in a way you haven't even allowed yourself to think or consider-...might even be co-workers or just people you might have looked over (not trying to paint you as feeling above others or anything like that- you just have big high achiever energy). -Find and share with people who trigger you to become stronger, not weaker,- etc I'm really hearing that you guys being so in tune with your fire energy is really getting you to the places you want to be, it's really aligning yourself to those goals and your motives are really giving your actions a step up- but also you need to give energy to those ideas by sharing them- with the right, positive people (even neutral ppl would be rlly good) Because the support that you'll receive will not only be an energy boost to your goals, but also it will do some powerful work for you inwardly and align you to be more open to so many blessings and even more opportunities.-- I know you guys don't care hearing it because you don't need to, nor want to ask for it- but you are deserving as everyone is of hearing it- I love you ♡ and everything is turning out in your favor just by you continuing to follow your heart ❤️‍🔥. continue to open it up and remember to look and enjoy the next sunset you see!! ⚬.
⚬. "I am not afraid to finally say shit with my chest" - "I paid all my respect to those who taught me how to make it And now I reap the benefits with no confrontation" ⚬.
∘˙○˚‧.ೃ࿔ pile 2 ⚬
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⚬. The Hanged Man, Queen Of Swords, Strength, Three of Swords, Eight Of Wands, Six Of Pentancles ⚬.
⚬. 🐚 Number 3, 333, 3333, 1313, 303, 313, bubbles, Powerpuff Girls, girl/boy/kid next door, approachable/young/soft appearance, temu, Pisces/Cancer/Scorpio/Taurus/Leo placements, Neptune ruled/dominant 🐚 ⚬.
⚬. Bubbles!!!! I'm hearing bubbles- so you know, bubble baths/bubblegum/soap bubbles- oh, and of course you might have gone through a Powerpuff Girls phase and you chose Bubbles as the one most like you!! Obviously- right off the bat, you guys are adorable- you're seen as very adorable at least, you might have a very young face or you just give off very playful energy... So I'm mostly getting what other people see you as, so you definitely have a set image in people's minds-... I'm hearing though you might not like to hear that? A lot of this perception of you is largely online and in online groups, so you have curated a certain personality + an aesthetic for online and in said online groups (hearing for a lot of you it's Discord, but I'm also hearing Instagram group chats + Instagram engagement)... Maybe you've been regretting portraying that online persona? in those online spaces specifically- I will say this pac is all ages but I'm hearing that a lot of you might feel like you made some "bad choices" in how you portrayed yourself or who you interacted with that made you come across naive, and that can be a lot of things like- having weak emotional boundaries and being too emotionally open to people (like being the one who people trauma dumped to), getting wrapped up in some shady trading or in group business, or ignoring red flags of certain people in the effort to be the kind and sweet one of the group (you might of had a problem with a lot of creeps in your energy.. and dms ugh ew ◉ ◉ ◉)- I don't care what your age is, don't be hard on yourself!!! For this reading, you are literally my baby and I will not be harsh to you, idgaf if you came for harsh advice. I will only be saying things to guide you forward. because literally, I don't see you doing anything genuinely wrong. I think this situation you got in made you feel like you were some stupid baby duckling- it made you feel like your inner strength was weak and worthless- and you're putting a lot of self-blame on yourself- and that's just what that is, self-blame for how other people chose to engage with you.- I'll just tell you, you are so precious- no matter the reason you engaged in what you engaged in, you came in with pure intentions and creative eyes!! you felt like testing your waters regarding your own self-expression and wanted to give to others along with that ♡ and that's wonderful and ok to have wanted!! You guys are highly creative btw, and very interested in how you can express yourself- the first cards I drew were associated with water, so you may have prominent water placements of Pisces/Cancer/Scorpio- any of those are very you. You might have been deemed as the "cutesy artist" by others,- you might do something creative like drawing (I'm seeing some supaa cute digital art), cosplay or make up, maybe even music?- Very dreamy~ and also very giving of yourself emotionally- that's not a harmful thing my darling☆!! it's not "weak-minded" or deserving of being taken advantage of- nonono STOP THATTTT-... you really had something happen that threw you into a tailspin. You might be the overthinking type- you're taking everything to be a defining moment of your emotional intellect, or your very worth as a person... noo baby stop that- I literally need you to brew a cup of tea or a little treat, -I'm getting straight up teary-eyed with a lump in my throat rn- take a few deep breaths, drink a little cup of water, watch some youtube or anime- and just let yourself shed some tears if you want to.. freaking obviously feel however you want to feel because that's healthy to do but please stop placing all the blame on yourself like that's the full picture of what happened. ⚬.
⚬. ok so- you're gonna freaking reinvent yourself. Because I know you want to, but- 👏 you 👏 will 👏 not 👏 do 👏 it 👏 out 👏 of 👏 self👏 shame 👏.......👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 - nah booboo, because there was nothing wrong with you to begin with, inwardly you are SO pure-hearted to yourself and those around you- AND THERE IS NOTHING that should be deemed wrong about that, holy shit. let me chill- this reading is peace and love🕊 only ofc... That's exactly it btw- you will be reinventing yourself out of peace and love- for yourself. out of peace and love for the version of yourself who felt vulnerable- taking what has made you feel vulnerable, and turning it into strength. And I'll just say, the actions that you'll be taking will be very much inward- and so you may see your "glow up"/transformation as too slow, but honey- that is exactly how what's needed in becoming SO secure in yourself. You might even go dark in a lot of your online spaces- if you haven't already which btw, process and remove any shame connected to having left certain spaces. how things fell apart was how it was meant to happen and has now gotten you to this point- which is amazing and awesome because you're gonna transform to be completely badass ★!!!! And I know you're thinking and worrying about how you won't be around to give to others to which i say- kiss your sensitive heart for being so precious~♡ because this is about you now. and everyone is going to feel that, no more placing your self worth on how happy you make others- its time for you to actually take enjoyment in yourself!!! and you are going to be looking so good- your inward growth is going to reflect your outward appearance, if you want to start switching up your style now's the time to go for it!!!!- but again, big focus on your inner self-love and growing your self-worth- and if you do choose to share your journey, make it in a smaller circle of people you can trust!! definitely send those new style pics to the inner circle if you feel free and fulfilled inwardly- you'll totally be praised like "omg (x) is really evolving they're looking sooo good..."- but anyway, just trust me ok ♡ because you're going to look back on all that you're feeling- all the hurt, confusion, negativity- and you're going to be stunned like- omg, if i hadn't felt and experienced and processed all of that, i wouldn't be feeling this good rn. So start that process!!!!! Get yourself a cute journal if you don't already have one with cute pens (record yourself to look back at later), start watching youtube videos on self-concept and emotional processing, saturate your mind with all that self-improvement- self-discovery- and building yourself up to be all the joy and love you bring to others (and hotter than evaaa😎), all for yourself ♡. I freaking love you~ now go get your sweet treat!!!!! (or two, that's totally ok~ just for today~) ⚬.
⚬. "And nothing hurts like you do- like the way you say I love you" - "See it on your face you won't ever change in your ways" - "When your torn apart you'll destroy me again"
⚬. *tw: themed song is dark for this pile like wuttt, but it just kept replaying in my mind during the reading so maybe it'd be your thing? idk lollll ⚬.
。⭒⭒˚ʚɞ˚。˚pile 3 ⚬
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⚬. King of Pentacles, The Tower (reversed), Two of Pentacles, Queen Of Wands (reversed), Knight Of Swords, Seven Of Swords ⚬.
⚬.🕷 Student life, number 1-12-6, 1111, 1212, 666, lawyer or law practice type degree, thin or medium length hair, natural eye bags/under eye veins, INTP/INFJ, monochromatic clothes, cotton loungewear, Sagittarius/Virgo/Taurus/Capricorn/Libra placements, mars ruled/dominant 🕷⚬.
⚬. Okkk pile 3s, I must talk about your appearance and aura because... Wow!! I am enchanted- I see you are very statue-esque, so you may be on the tall side, especially for my women/afabs it's a very noticeable trait about you, of course you can be a normal height but there is just something about the way you are built that is very statue-like. And that appearance really shows who you are inside and your inner energy because you are soooo calming, mature, and also very spiritual in your self-concept- like if you were my friend and I had you in my inner circle I would trust you with so much, like you're held high in your own inner circle/peers. Maybe you don't feel that way because while you guys are very much givers of your time and nurturing nature- you know to put yourself first on your list of priorities, and that, not only is what makes you so good at your time management (like how do you it??? Please teach meee), it also gives you this air of independence- very natural independence too like, you're again a nurturing and giving being but you treat yourself with that same energy. I'm seeing a large tree in the middle of a expansive and dense forest, and all that magnificent health flowing through that forest is thanks to that tree right in the middle self-regulating and thus creating all that health that all of the life around it can benefit from… So yea self-care is a big thing for youuuu~ I'm seeing the routines you have are very simple so they just blend in so effortlessly into your daily life, and it is literally what is making you into that magnificent tree full of self-regulating energy. Again really simple, minimalist style of self-care- I see morning walks/jogging and journaling to clear and refresh your mind space, you may like to read, and prefer audiobooks or mindfulness-centered podcasts over other forms of media to help you relax and refocus, I'm seeing you like to not be strict with your diet but instead add to it things like fruits-veggies- and more purely sourced foods- your skin care is very simple with few-if any- products and your consistent with it as you are with everything else in your life. Even if you feel like you're "failing", you aren't. and deep down you know that you aren't- you've grown so much and that's really tapped you into not just self-responsibility/regulation but also to give yourself the grace to breathe. That's so beautiful!!!!!! ugh. And like- all of this natural self-focus you have, it's so spiritual- it's not grounded in your ego. You're just so in touch with your highest self. And lovely, they/she/he is so proud of you. I have to say again, if you were my friend, you would definitely be the person I'd go to- to take care of my puppy for 2 weeks in complete peace, and someone I'd have a drink with on a Saturday night all made up and done up talking about the deepest of topics. ⚬.
⚬. Very interesting personality and image I was getting and building up compared to the cards I pulled- I'm getting you might not have always been this balanced in your personal life and emotions, in fact you might have been very much the opposite… Because you grew up in an environment very unlike the one you are currently building for yourself- you may have had a toxic and vicious mother or other feminine figures that really put the fear of God in you and also made you fear yourself with the thought of one-day exuding and feeling such damaged feminine energy…. You might have also had a lot of friend drama- for those older reading this, this happened in your youth (middle-high school) and to those still in mentioned youth, you're freshly out of it (-good for you ily), said dramatic struggles was a reflection really of all the chaos of your home environment and all of the pent up intensity of it… I'm just hearing so many arguments and you feeling like you're being set on fire over and over again... So I'm getting with how much of a shift you made, you feel this coldness in your heart space- partly due to how fiery and emotional your past way of existing was, and also because while this shift that you made for yourself is excellent considering where you came from, it also happened very suddenly- and while you have implemented many new healthy habits… I'm seeing your past wounds still remain open. You can't bring in the new without clearing out the old... while you've done the work of shifting from the old habits to new- that's only half of the battlefield within you that has been fought and conquered, and now you need to face the other half instead of journeying away from it. Because even with all the peace you've found and created for yourself, what you have not faced, felt, and processed for the final round still remains… Maybe you fear your peace and balance being threatened by opening up your hurt, and that's totally understandable and valid. But if you wish to build a peaceful future, you must make peace with the past version of yourself. They/she/he who's still wrapped up in the chaos around them, mimicking that chaos back out of fear, feeling completely alone-that version of yourself needs your attention and healing more then ever. And I know you like to journal or record your thoughts, so allow those darker feelings and wounds into the space- keep the learned peace you have found and treat yourself with that gentleness past you wished they had been given-address them and ask them what memories stick with them most vividly and ask how it made them feel-how it made you feel at the time. Ask yourself what traits you feared most about the people who hurt you and analyze them- the emotions behind them and their cause and effect- and look within how you may be playing out those same traits stemming from the trauma of experiencing them.. I know I'm getting really heavy now, but that's just it- as you are growing upwards and becoming lighter, what no longer serves you grows heavier- and it needs your addressing, so you can become all that you want to be and exist as. You've already shown yourself that you are capable of finding and attracting peace, so now it's time to give yourself the peace of healing. Be the bigger girl/guy/person to yourself, allow yourself to feel it and address it in this safe space you've created. OK BESTIEEE I'm wishing you so much love and joy in your inner discovery journey- I loooove youuu ⚬.
⚬. "There's a fine line I've been walking" -This is where you fuckers pushed me, don't be surprised if shit gets ugly" - "-there's a fine line between broken and breaking- spent my whole trying to change what they say about me- sick of walking that fine line" - "I feel safest in the silence" - "-my whole life I've had something to prove, to you" ⚬.
⚬. *Bonus song*: Too Far Gone by Kesha ⚬.
⚬. oh my- okkk you got to the bottom- hiiiiii- byeeeee 👋
love, vi~♡
455 notes · View notes
sierraissleepy · 3 days
mini future spouse pick a pile ‧₊˚ ༘。˚
hi, i am back !! I hope you'll enjoy this reading and that it resonates
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 1
Pile 1
cards: 2 of pentacles (r), page of wands, 10 of wands
I see that your fs is really cheesy and cute. they are not afraid to be cringy to make you smile. in this way, I feel like they are going to help you through those 10 of wands, burdensome, tough moments. its almost like they the perfect companions for u in ur tough moments bc they are going to help you through it all.
the 2 of pentacles in reverse indicates that you might be really out of balance in ur spiritual life and one way to manifest this person if to be more open to developing ur spiritual practise. with the page of wands spirit might be asking u to go through a learning process with your spirituality that will help u bring your fs into ur life !!
signs and other messages: Yellow Submarine by the Beatles, jazz music, higher studies, 999
Pile 2
cards: the emperor, 5 of swords, ace of swords
ur fs will come in when there are lots of new beginnings in ur life. i am hearing that it will come and sweep u off ur feet, you wont know what hit you.
with the emperor, ur fs has a strong aura and presence. when they walk in the room people take notice. but ur fs does not take advantage of this power. u know those people who know their hot and so their actions and attitude make them unattractive, I am getting opposite vibes from ur fs. oblivious and kind hearted.
with the 5 of swords, i am seeing that ur fs may come in when u are GOING THROUGH IT. like just when u feel like giving up they will show up and flip the script. that is so cute !!
signs and other messages: vinegar, fish n chips, angus thongs & perfect snogging
Pile 3
cards: 6 of wands, 3 of cups (r), 8 of pentacles
first, a separate message from ur spirit team that ur going to be getting a victory in whatever you've been manifesting. this is super clear to me in the 6 of wands. so ur doing amazing and keep going !!
okay so with the 3 of cups reversed, u and ur person have opposite personalities, one is an extrovert and one is an introvert. but this is so cute bc u guys r gonna introduce each other to new activities and are always gonna have a date idea or something to do. never a dull moment. you guys are super ying and yang which is amazing. you have been put here to help each other grow and evolve into better people. power couple vibes.
with the 8 of pentacles, u guys could meet through work or something surrounding that.
signs and other messages: stars, silver, cool for the summer - demi lovato
Please take whatever resonated and leave what did not :)
360 notes · View notes
uyuforu · 4 months
Pick-a-Card: Your Future Spouse
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pile 1 -> pile 2
piles 3 -> pile 4
pick an image and scroll down to read your reading
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Pile 1 - ₊˚⊹♡
Ekta Oracle: The medicine; The bunny; The arts; The road + The mind
Celeste Astrokiff Oracle: Winter; Aries; The man; Treason + Pluto
Original Tarot de Marseille: The tower; 3 of pentacles; 7 of swords; Queen of wands; The moon reversed; 5 of pentacles reversed + The lovers
Botticelli Tarot de Marseille: 8 of wands; The lovers; 5 of cups; 6 of pentacles; Ace of wands; 10 of wands + The stars
Lenormand Oracle: The choice; The fox; The well; The ink; The howls; The storks + The ring
Love Languages Oracles: A place to live; The unsaid; To be peaceful; Social medias + Wing of change
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𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> Just starting with the reading and I can feel it right there, you and your FS are soulmates. This is a divine union, a protected relationship, and nothing was a coincidence in your meeting. It seems like this person will make you very much happy, you will feel blessed to have them in your life. You will feel so much lucky, it seems like this person was the magical cure you needed in your life. Now, I don't see a Prince Charming kind of vibe, I see this as an angel here helping you grow and evolve, and just being your daily dose of sunshine. This person will help you motivate yourself on life, they will be such a good supporter, even your number one fan. I feel like you might even become a leader or just even more motivated in your projects because of them. They will help you out to realize and use all of your inner potential. You might often run from reality, finishing your tasks or projects, or just refuse to be too serious, and this person will help you accept reality. They will help you realize this is not such a bad world as you may think it is. They may even help you be more stable in your life, they will literally be a wake up call from the universe. You will feel so thankful for the universe to have them by your side.
-> It's definitely a planned meeting, divinely organized. You may have been lovers in a past life too, so it will fee like you already know this person who you meet them. Some of you may have met this person before, and so you know them already. Some didn't meet them already. This person will help you a lot regarding your career. They could be a future or current co-worker of yours, but it doesn't seem like this detail really matters. What matters is that this person will make you develop all of your big potentials in your career. You will feel very successful because of this person, and you will definitely have a lot of money. This could also mean they are successful and so have any contacts, they will help you a lot with all the resources they have.
-> This person could be born in winter or spring, or you could meet them at that time. Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini, Scorpio are important signs here. Your FS could appear quite cold and distant at first, but they have a very warm heart. They are someone who fight for what they want, they are not scared to make a move or change things, they will get what they want. Very ambitious. A go-getter. Very. masculine energy. They could be scared of treason too, could have enemies. So they might protect their back often, to earn their trust you need to prove yourself. This person might be a fast talker, or they just walk very fast. They have a very quick energy. They could work in the arts, medical fields. They are not scared how long the road is, for them the destination is what matter the most. Also, they don't care because they will run there lol. They are very quick minded and very smart too, could be a very logical person too. Very mature person. I feel like they are very stable in their life. You could meet them on social medias, or they are active on social medias. Social medias seem important here. This person will be your home, and you could feel like home from the first time you meet them. Even if this person seem very busy, it seems like they are not stressed, and they will also help you with that too.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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Pile 2 - ₊˚⊹♡
Ekta Oracle: The time; The ribbon; The balance; The mind + The knight
Celeste Astrokiff Oracle: Treason; Saturn; The guide; Earth reversed + 3H reversed
Original Tarot de Marseille: The tower reversed; 7 of cups; The hanged man reversed; The pope; Ace of wands reversed; The chariot + King of pentacles reversed
Botticelli Tarot de Marseille: 7 of cups reversed; The hang man; Queen of cups; Ace of pentacles; The empress; The hermit + King of wands reversed
Lenormand Oracle: The ship; The ink; The dices; The knight; The woman; The man + The cross
Love Languages Oracles: Trickery; The impediments; The key of destiny; To feel attractive + The reconciliation
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𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> There is a very masculine vibe from this pile, and it feels cold, distant, and very logical. That person is someone who value timing, and being patient. They could have a lot of wisdom and think patience is the real thing in life. So they could be slow, or just a person who is considered slow, but only by rushed people. They don't car much about other people. This person is very logical, they don't work with their hearts but mostly with their head. The could be a lawyer too, or work with Justice, the government, something similar to that. I think this person is very collected, they are not emotional or don't show their emotions that easily. When I pulled the first card, I got such a Capricorn & Saturn energy, so funny that I got the Saturn card too, it's a confirmation. This person is attached to their routine, and they don't like changements. They may also loving that everything is balance, and living an healthy lifestyle is important to them. They could appear older, or are older than you. I don't think this person is spiritual, but they are guided, and they may feel it but it doesn't seem like an awaken soul. This person is also an introvert for sure. They may feel awkward with strangers and don't open up easily at all.
-> Now, do you know this person? Could be for some of you, but I don't think so to be honest. This person has quite a story to me. It seems like they got brokenhearted. I think they literally had some sort of treason in their life by their ex partner. This could be cheating, lies, have been manipulated, gaslighting, etc. But something similar. It deeply hurt your Future Spouse, and they feel blocked for relationships now. They feel like they should keep their heart guarded, and not let anyone in from now on. This experience literally crushed their heart and destroyed them. I think it was def a lesson for them, but it created a trauma. For them, it was the end. And once you have a trauma, it's very hard to face it again. Almost impossible for a while. And this person seems like they are walking away from it, but their pain is still there. Deeply, I think this person still wants to get married later, but is def super scared. They feel like giving up, and they feel like they should move on from this idea. It seems hard for them to actually let anyone else enter their heard again. Very pessimistic at this idea. To them, it seems like humans are no good, and everyone is full of bad intention. Pretty sure this person was either married or engaged, or at least it was a strong commitment, a serious one. It wasn't just a random partner, they actually thought the person who betrayed them was the one. So I think this person now is trying to move on, but it seems like they prefer to move on alone. They can see selfish, or just cold, awkward by other people who don't know them, because of what happened.
-> Now, let's talk about you! This is my favorite part of the reading. I told you this person was ready to give up on the relationships, but that's because they don't know you yet! The thing is, you'll enter this person's life like a savior, like a knight. You'll come and rescue them from the darkness. It's def something that is destined, like it's organized by the divine. You are the key to this person's heart. Now, will it be easy? No lol. But you will def change this person's opinion on marriage and relationships. This person has been broken and you'll help them collect the pieces and heal their heart. This person will start to see a different point of view in life and even in themselves, you'll help them being more confident. You'll help them believe in love again, because they will fall in love with you. You will def get married later. They will see you as a gentle soul, a romantic person, such a nice and sweet heart, you will be their sunshine. There is a lot of feminine energy to you, but could be also in their point of view. You will make them so happy, and they will literally worship you? Like seeing you as their queen/ king, their loved one, they will be so proud to have you by their side. They will learn a lot from you, and they will have so much respect for you, my god I have so much love right now in my heart :(((( You will help this person open up, so don't be surprised one day if they literally cry in front of you, it's literally the most beautiful thing that will happen. They will let it all out.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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Pile 3 - ₊˚⊹♡
Ekta Oracle: The bee; The link; The office; The couple; The man + The heart
Celeste Astrokiff Oracle: Uranus; Chiron reversed; New moon; Solar eclipse + The ruin
Original Tarot de Marseille: Ace of sword reversed; Temperance reversed; The strength; The pope; The devil reversed; The justice + 4 of cups reversed
Botticelli Tarot de Marseille: 5 of wands reversed; Death; Ace of cups; Jack of pentacles; The fool reversed; The empress; Jack of wands + The high priestess
Lenormand Oracle: The bridge; The book; The moon; The well; The lucky charm; The scythe + The swans
Love Languages Oracles: The unsaid; Magnetic relationship; Break-up Total Success + Cheating
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𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> This pile is pretty confusing to be honest. I think you know this person? And something happened with them. Here is what I'm seeing. This person is someone who is busy, they may work a lot, or just has a busy life. You guys had a good connection, you were very attached, and maybe still are today. You may have dated or be a couple before, or you could have had feelings for each other. You may have wanted or been in a relationship with this person. This person can be a man, or have masculine energy. But there is something that happened, like a fight? It's like someone suddenly can't do it anymore and just go away? (I have the image of people fighting and one just throw stuff off a table lol). You could have been coworkers too. Or you could still be. This person may also be like a butterfly style of person, meaning they like to visit a lot of different flowers... you know what I mean. It means they may not have been ready for a relationship before, they prefer to flirt with many people, go on many dates, enjoy being single like that. And it may have hurt you. If you were in a relationship, there could have been some sort of cheating?
-> So you guys are not talking right now, and if you were in a relationship, you broke up now. You guys had such a good and amazing chemistry, and even you remember that. But it seems like despite that, things just ended. I think there were some lies, if not cheating. This person lied to you about something, or avoided the truth. You could have done that too. Maybe also not being honest with each other's feelings. Someone could have cheated, or it felt like it. Or maybe someone thought the other cheated why it wasn't the case. In any ways, there is a separation now. And I think you are not talking at the moment. But, there are still hope. To be honest, it feels like the connection is not over (obviously, this is your future spouse) but what I mean is that you can even feel it. There is a feeling of still having hope, and still feeling the link. And it seems like the separation was meant for you both to realize what went wrong, and how can you fix it. Despite whatever happened, you still love this person and they still love you. You may be not talking, but you guys think about each other a lot.
-> I think this is a divine union, like you guys have a soul link, whatever it is. The "break-up" or separation was meant for you both to work on yourself. What triggered you in this connection is what you should work on. Any toxic patterns, any triggers, work on it. Heal and work on yourself. It seems like you think there is no hope for the connection, but there is still. It feels like something is about to start over, but with good intentions. Like as if there were a huge storm, and it needed to rain, and once the rain is over, there is sunshine. It feels like that. Starting over. You guys can't move on from each other. Now, it feels like this person will message you or contact you. You will not. I think this person is seeing you as their divine counter part. It could also be that once you start working on yourself, they may want to contact you. You will def receive a piece of information from this person, something you had no idea about. They may have kept a secret, or they may reveal what they really feel for you. Or it may also be unexpected contact or message. It seems like they will take a chance, like contacting you, and revealing something to you. And it's something you didn't expect. You really will not see that coming. I think there will be some sort of long term proposition, and you will accept it. You guys will see each other again, and there is high hope for reunion!
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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Pile 4 - ₊˚⊹♡
Ekta Oracle: The brain; The island; The 3 bamboos; The deer + The fire
Celeste Astrokiff Oracle: The happiness; 12H; Earth; North Node + 11H
Original Tarot de Marseille: 5 of pentacles; 7 of wands; 6 of pentacles; Ace of cups reversed; Temperance reversed; The hermit + The stars reversed
Botticelli Tarot de Marseille: The justice; Knight of wands; Jack of pentacles; 6 of wands; The judgment; Ten of cups + 5 of wands reversed
Lenormand Oracle: The scythe; The dices; The lucky charm; The sun; The ring; The doors + The man
Love Languages Oracles: Softness & Tender-sweet; Home; Total Success; Karmic Connection + The beginning
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𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> This person may be someone smart, someone who knows a lot, someone curious. They could also love to travel, and love to learn from this. They could also love to be alone, or the be in their own bubble, their own world. This person is pretty optimistic, and they could also have a lot of intuition. Could be a fire sign. Or could just be passionate. I also have the masculine energy here. But it's someone who has a balance energy. This person can be spiritual, or they could be religious. They feel a sort of link to a divine force. They could also be intuitive and connected, without actually calling it spiritual. I feel like they could also have a balanced natal chart, meaning the earth, air, water and fire energies are all balanced. They could be good at organizing their finances. Extrovert person. I don't think you know this person yet. This person works hard for their money, and they are someone right when it comes to work ethic. They will not lie, not cheat, and they want justice. They could work in something related to money or finances. They could also have their own business or their own company. They are good at handling stuff, tasks, projects, and they are hard working. A natural leader. And because they work good and make smart move, they can actually make any of their projects successful? This person is generous too when it comes to their money, and they know where to place it.
-> I don't think this person is focused on relationships right now, and I think they are single. They could have a hard time to balance their life between work and personal life, so I think it's unbalanced right now. Meaning they may spend too much time at work, and not enough with their loved one. It will be something you will teach them to do. Or remind them to do. They could have honestly lose hope about relationships? Or just felt like it's a waste of time. Despite that, I feel like they will be the one to give an offer, you guys could meet at work or related to money. When you meet, they could be the one asking you on a date, or just making you see they are interested. Of course, you will be in a relationship, obviously. But I think there is not resistance, I mean that you will also be interested. There is no games with this person. This will feel like a great love. A sort of love at first sight could happen too. But you guys will feel like you are in a fairytale. The honeymoon phase will be long for you. You will feel so at home with each other, this is definitely a divine connection. A lot of love and pda. And to be honest, you guys could be in a relationship together quite fast. And a proposal could also happen fast.
-> I think this person will ask you to marry them very fast, because they love you so much and they will just feel so euphoric about their feelings for you. They will just take a leap of faith, and ask you to marry them. But as I said, it will be fast. Like not even a year of dating? Pretty sure more fast than that. But you will hesitate. Not because you don't love them, you will LOVE that person. But it seems like you will be logical at that point, and may feel like it's too soon? You may say no, and this person will see that as hardship. They will feel sad about it. I don't think you will break up, this person will see that as a challenge. Mostly because everything turned out in their favor before, and you are the first hardship? Lol. They will wait again and make sure to ask again later...
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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numinously-yours · 3 months
Messages from your spirit guides
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Thank you all who voted on my poll and let me know what kinds of readings you would be interested in getting. The topic with the most votes was "Messages from my guides" so that is the one we're starting with!
Pick the pile that feels right. If you're not sure which to pick, you can view the full photo, the song that was playing for your reading, and a single sentence on each one to see if those help you feel more called to a pile (some lyrical, some a general sentence).
Like, reblog, or reply to let me know it resonates!
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Based on the way that your cards fell out, it feels like you are transforming. It’s been tough lately to see the bright side of situations. It’s felt like you are just getting by, rather than living you’ve been surviving. But, my loves, your guides want you to know that a breakthrough is on its way! You may even be starting to see the rays as the sun starts to rise in an upright position. As you make your way through the clouds, pay attention to the needs of your inner child. There may be opportunities for healing them, and by doing so, you’re going to unleash a part of you that you never knew existed. In addition to the sun’s transformation in your life, the ten of swords is also being transformed. You’ve felt a bit helpless lately. You’ve wondered “what’s the point of getting up?”. But, you know what the point is? As the sun begins to shine on you, you will realize the beauty of the world. You’ll see that even in the times that seem darkest, the sun can still be seen lighting up the world in some capacity. Maybe it’s going to happen in a “click” moment. One day you’ll wake up and see how amazing life is. Or it may begin happening over time. Day by day you’ll start feeling lighter.
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Your guides have been sending hints that you are not being given the reciprocation you deserve. Although nine comes before ten numerically, the nine of wands came out after the ten and I think that is actually quite representative of what’s going on. In your ten of wands state, you are carrying so much. You’re carrying the expectations of others. You’re carrying the emotions of others. You’re carrying what you feel is your responsibility to take care of everyone else around you. But when the nine of wands energy comes in, you’ve set down these heavy wands. You’ve created a steady boundary of these wands, rather than a heavy load. Your guides want you to know this is possible. I think that you are picking up on the hints, but are scared of what happens once you set the wands down. What your guides want you to know is that, once you start creating the boundaries for yourself, you’ll really step into the role of creator. Creator of your own happiness. Creator of your future.
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Hey threes, this pile might be for me, too haha Our guides want us to remember that the feelings of inadequacy and doubt that we have is just the fear talking. We’re so used to convincing ourselves that we’re not good enough that we forget to see all the cool stuff we’re capable of. We’re inspiring, we’re strong, we’re creative. We are adamant about following our dreams. If you’re like me, you get excited and then you realize HOW excited and start holding back. Our guides want us to trust the excitement! At first, I thought the quote “no regrets, just love” from our pile’s song meant this reading would be about love. It can involve love, but I think it is ultimately our guides telling us to fall in love with the process. Ruminating on our “mistakes” only takes away from our ability to live in the now. I think that some of us are starting to practice. And I know that all of us are at least starting to understand this is something that will require practice and can’t just be done by the snapping of our fingers. Investing in ourselves, especially when it feels uncomfortable, is what is going to produce long term results. Our guides are here to remind us that we’re not only capable of doing this, but that the rewards are going to be soo worth it.
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You know that your guides are telling you something, but you are resistant to believing them. Sorry to say it, but they’re not going to stop 😉. They are trying to show you that your new ideas and longing for knowledge are AWESOME. It is a sign that you’re growing. It seems like whenever you have a spurt of energy and inspiration, it’s quickly followed by pessimism and the idea that you’re not capable. So, you stop. Then your guides try to tell you in another way and you’re like “eh, maybe I’m reading the signs wrong.” But you know you’re not. I know how hard it is not to believe in yourself. Especially if you’ve been shown/told all of your life that your ideas are no good, or if the accomplishments you have made, and you were really proud of, get shut down. That wasn’t fair to you, number four. Your guides are here to cheer you on and make sure you feel the least amount of self-doubt as possible. You’ll still have the moments that the doubt comes through, but try your hardest to knock down that wall. You’re hearing your guides on the other side of that wall and they’re just waiting for you to tear it down and celebrate with you – FOR you.
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a-d-nox · 2 months
tarot cards and their key phrases: swords
this is just a beginners guide to the swords suit - i won't go into imagery, color use, etc. these are key phrases that come to mind when i think of the cards - NOT how they should be directly applied. they needs to be thought about situationally and the cards / when they are in combos they can change or alter their meanings of any reading.
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ace of swords (1)
astrological equivalent: gemini sun
upright: bright ideas, clarity, insight, swift action, consciousness, clear thoughts, take action, victory, divine insight, important conversation, confrontation, next steps, intuition, and encouragement
reversed: confusion, miscommunication, more information is needed, overanalyzes, defeat, indecision, and feeling unheard
two of swords (2)
astrological equivalent: aquarius mercury
upright: indecision, fear of inadequacy, fear of making the wrong choice, analysis paralysis, holding pattern, needing support, needing to listen to your intuition, and needing to flow your will
reversed: trusting others over yourself, lack of individuality/independence, too many soups in the pot spoil the soup, and needing silence to think
three of sword (3)
astrological equivalent: libra moon
upright: heartbreaking truth, pain, past that harms the present, needing more emotion to match the thoughts or needing more thoughts to match the emotions, compassion, and needing release and healing
reversed: recovery, release of pain, freedom from disappointment and heartbreak, and hope
four of sword (4)
astrological equivalent: gemini mercury
upright: recovery, sleep, relaxation, calming, introspection, meditation, making space for new ideas and thoughts, and needing self-reflection
reversed: restlessness, avoidance, quiet time is needed, needing to take a break, and close to burnout
five of sword (5)
astrological equivalent: libra mercury
upright: conflict, arguments, quarrels, needing to understand your triggers, needing the last word, power struggle, and needing to walk away
reversed: lay the past to rest, having an unnecessary grudge, needing to compromise, feeling intuitively guided, and create closure
six of (6)
astrological equivalent: gemini mars
upright: reprieve form conflict, mental and emotional release, physical travel, and the healing journey
reversed: delay, inability to move on, a need for resolution, and needing to focus on your present and less on the future
seven of swords (7)
astrological equivalent: gemini neptune
upright: deception, lying, taking only what you need, essentials, needing to leave some things behind, someone is being dishonest with you, lying to yourself, strategy, manipulation tactics, needing to identify wants over needs, needing honesty, and a need for confrontation
reversed: plan/strategy that isn't working, needing to reproach something/someone from a new angle, don't give up, paranoia, and misguided beliefs
eight of swords (8)
astrological equivalent: aquarius mars
upright: feeling stuck/trapped, a fear of uncertainty, feeling separate from others, struggle to express self, inability to move forward, feeling like you are holding everything inside, feeling powerless, needing to reclaim your power, be patient with yourself, and know that you can persevere
reversed: releasing yourself from self-imposed restrictions, procrastination, and hesitation
nine of (9)
astrological equivalent: gemini moon
upright: anxiety that clouds reality, stress, worries affecting health, needing professional guidance/help, having racing thoughts, and temporary struggles
reversed: despair, depression, panic attacks, passing feelings, extreme anguish, and a fear of reaching out for help
ten of (10)
astrological equivalent: libra mars
upright: end of a painful cycle, transformation after acceptance, everything has its purpose, surrender for peace, have gratitude for what leaves you, and create space for new things
reversed: refusing to let something go, needing to move on, clinging to the past, and getting in your own way
page of swords
astrological equivalent: earth and air
upright: needing practice, needing to pay attention to the world around them, needing to be careful, opportunities for new communication and perspectives are available, feeling apprehensive, and needing a plan
reversed: gossip, manipulation tactics, be wary of what you share with others, and people telling your secrets
knight of sword
astrological equivalent: air
upright: something that needs to be dealt with head on, unavoidable confrontation, needing to be more assertive, focus on you goals, and someone who is trying to start drama
reversed: aggressive ambition, pushing yourself to the extremes, running out of steam, feeling disappointed by something, and needing to take a step back
queen of sword
astrological equivalent: water and air
upright: protection, fairness, balance, speaks the truth, intelligence, wisdom, needing to make a decision, and needing a logical response not an emotional one
reversed: overly critical, self-criticism, and defensiveness
king of sword
astrological equivalent: fire and air
upright: authoritative, logical actions, using reason, intelligence, and using your voice
reversed: overblown sense of superiority, judgmental, controlling behaviors, and needing to learn to let go
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic." button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next! if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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pink-amethyst-tarot · 7 months
♡ What's Coming Next For You In Love ♡
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P I L E 1 ~ P I L E 2 ~ P I L E 3
♡ P I L E 1 ♡ All I really need to know is that you believe
Ten Of Pentacles, Seven of Wands, Nine of Pentacles (Reversed), Eight of Cups (Reversed), Page of Swords
Bottom of the Deck: Knight of Swords
This Relationship will be a prosperous one and this person will fight for you. They will let you know that you are a top priority for them. I'm getting that you will be so very dedicated to this person coming in BUT you are being warned to no lose yourself in them and to no be too in your own head when it comes to this relationship. It's fine to daydream and to be in love but it's important to remember that you matter, too. Your family and friends are just as important as your cutie pie.
Something you'll love is how intellectual this person is and will love talking to them. I can see you two sitting closer together and talking and smiling. I have a feeling that this person will not want to be open at first or will be scared to let their guard down. They may have had people tell them to "tone it down", so they won't show all of themself all at once but once open up, they'll really see how special they are.
I'm also getting a channeled message saying that some of you need to let go of an ex before getting with someone new. If you don't you could lose someone really great.
Channeled song: I Would Die 4 U by Prince
I'm not your lover // I'm not your friend // I am something that you'll never comprehend // No need to worry // No need to cry // I'm your Messiah and you're the reason why //
♡ P I L E 2 ♡ Come out of hiding, I'm right here, beside you
The Star, Seven of Wands, Strength, The Sun, Page of Wands (Reversed)
Bottom of the Deck: Nine of Cups
In the past, you may have been in lack luster relationships; relationships that lacked passion or chemistry. WELL, THAT'S ALL IN THE PAST NOW BAYBEEE!!! The person coming in for you is a wish come true. Like, imagine the person you wrote about in your diary in middle school but so much better. They are all you ever wanted and more! For many of you, I would even say this is a soulmate connection! (AMAZING!) In this next connection, this person will see you as their hope and their inspiration; you are their muse. Not only will you being in love with your person, but you will also be best friends with your person!! I'm getting that a lot of you already know who this person is.
This person has some serious "golden retriever" energy! You may take trips together too but it's not just the both of you but with friends too because you guys are like a big family and you all just love being together. I'm getting that this person could be a Leo (Sun, Moon, Rising, or Venus). I keep coming back to the "golden retriever" energy! They just have a bright personality, and they are so warm and inviting. They are just so fun to be with and they are the life of the party. This person also has such a weak spot for you. You're their kryptonite. They will do anything for you and will fight to keep you if they have to. I feel like even when the two of you are official, they want to still prove to you that they desire you and they still care about you. They want to make it really clear that they want you always and always will.
Channeled song: You Matter To Me from Waitress: The Musical by Sara Bareilles ft. Jason Mraz
because you matter to me // simple and plain // not much to ask from somebody // you matter to me // I promise you do, you // you matter too // I promise you do // you'll see // you matter to me //
♡ P I L E 3 ♡
Ace of Pentacles, Five of Cups, Queen of Cups (Reversed). Six of wands, Ace of Wands
Bottom of the Deck: The Chariot
What seemed like a hot fling, is going to quickly change into a stable relationship. I can hear you now. "What do you mean? I'm having fun! I don't want anything serious right now!" Well, too bad. This love is ready for you, and I think you're ready for it. You may be scared of settling down with someone because of a past heartbreak. I'm getting that this person was kind of a bum, for lack of a better word. This person was not good for you nor were they good to you and they really did some damage when they were in your life. They didn't give you what you needed in the relationship. They didn't provide balance to the relationship. You gave all of yourself to this person, only to receive nothing in return. It won't be like that with this new person. This is a love worth celebrating and trust me when I say that you will feel celebrated by your beau. They are going to show you off and remind you of how important you are, how special you are. They are going to remind you of how much they love you and care for you every single chance that they get. While writing this, I'm channeling that your person wants to say that you have a beautiful heart and they are going to keep it safe. Know that this person sees being with you as a great victory.
OMG, I hope you like a flirt because they are gonna make you blush like you committed a sin! It will be like two teenagers in love but with more stability and maturity. This will be something very long term. This person is dedicated to you and your relationship. I'm getting that not all of you are the type to want to get married but for those of you who do, expect to hear those wedding bells ringing! The colors, emerald green, gold, pink, white and a cool grey could be significant to you.
Channeled Message: "Baby, our love is older than this life we live in now. It dates back further than our human minds can comprehend. Don't run from this; from us. We choose each other every lifetime. Don't let this time be any different."
Channeled song: Still by Tamia
Feels like the first time we met // When I kissed // and I told you I love you //
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If you want a personalized reading, you can get one on Etsy at PinkAmethystTarot
Page Divider by: @eloquentreverie
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THESE READINGS ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. no guarantees are implied. these readings are not a substitute or replacement for any professional help or services. My readings are not a substitute for any form of professional legal, medical/psychiatric, relationship, religious/spiritual or financial/ business advice nor consultations. You should always see a professional legal/trained adviser for help in any matter. I am not responsible for any decisions/ actions you take.
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PAC: What makes you so sweet + who's sweet on you? 🍓🍰♥️
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This spread was inspired by Strawberry shortcake :D! A childhood favorite of mine. You are allowed to choose one or more pile for each question! Use your intuition to decide 🥰 Please leave a tip if you can $$$
Pile 1:
Your songs -
I Don't Wanna by Aaliyah
Konclusions by YG & Kehlani
Crushcrushcrush by Coco & Clair Clair
Your dessert -
Pumpkin spice latte 🎃
What makes you so sweet?:
The Empress, Three of Pentacles (reversed), & Six of Pentacles
You are so loving and caring pile 1! 🥰 people could think that you have a "big heart" and wish they could give back all that you do for them. You could have venusian qualities or Libra/Taurus placements. You are a very selfless person and for that in exchange you just really desire friendship and loyalty! Your love language could be acts of service or gifts. You could also be very physically attractive 🤭 but you may not realize this??? You could be more self conscious about how you look and possibly put others on a pedestal for their appearance. You might question if you're actually pretty at times because people might not compliment you much but it's just really because you make them shy 🥺! In private, others could consider you their muse. People could like to draw you or write songs about you. It's giving girl next door energy. The way that you dress could be modest too. You could like to wear long sleeve shirts, sweaters, cardigans, flowy dresses, etc. Fall/autumn could be your favorite time of the year because it fits your taste in style! People could think that you give off a very warm and cozy aura. So comforting 💞
Who's sweet on you?:
Page of Swords, Ten of Swords, & Two of Swords
Lmao poor pile 1 😭 I feel bad so your secret admirer is someone who's ghosted you recently or who you just lost contact with. This person has attachment issues (avoidant I'm feeling?) Whenever they get close to love or start developing feelings for someone, they run away. They could be younger than you or they're just inexperienced when it comes to relationships. This person feels regret for ghosting you and wishes they could just reach out. They wish to tell you how they feel romantically but everytime they try to type out a text or get close to calling you, they chicken out. This person will eventually have to make a decision on if they should contact you or not but they're kind of stubborn 💀 good luck!
Pile 2:
Your songs -
Daisy 2.0 by Ashnikko & Miku Hatsune
Black eye by Vernon
Little Bit by Drake & Lykke Li
Your dessert -
Dark chocolate 🍫
What makes you so sweet?
The Devil (reversed), Ace of Cups, & The moon
Pile 2, you could be alternative??? Or just have a very intimidating/non-conventional beauty. Your style or overall appearance could be unique and that makes people weary to come near you. You possibly have a resting bitch face or you have "hunter eyes" (feline, snake, etc). Your features could go against European beauty standards as well. Contrary to what people think, you are actually so compassionate and sensitive. You could be secretly a hopeless romantic and be into romance novels, films, etc. I'm getting that you like to read or are into reading mangas. You could also like to watch anime or do cosplaying. Your geekiness is adorable 🤓! People like to hear about your interests and want to get to know you more if you feel comfortable. I see that you could have wounds from the past or currently are dealing with depression :( I'm sorry to hear that ❤️‍🩹! Just know that you aren't alone and you have people who care about you (including me!) Your guides want to tell you that you don't have to be so secretive dear. I'm getting that you possibly might have been bullied growing up? And they want you to understand that not everyone is going hurt you. People could think that you are beautiful in the nighttime or your beauty reminds them of the moon. Your skin could be luminescent and glowy when the light hits or your irises are big or have a unique color. You could possibly have Capricorn or Cancer placements. When you allow people to get close to you and gain trust, they appreciate it so much! Your talents, hobbies, and skills is what makes you so special 🥰 This could be only for a few people but some people here are musicians or should learn to play an instrument.
Who's sweet on you?
King of Cups, The Lovers, & Queen of Swords
This is good news for your love life :D! This person wants to come in with a offer and ask you either to be their partner or go out on a date. They are willing to court you and show how much you mean to them. You and this person could be very different than most couples. I'm getting that you guys could be a interracial couple, same sex couple, or just express yourselves differently when it comes to styles, aesthetics, and love languages. Don't be afraid to let this person in pile 2! They seem to really care for you and I can see once you fall in love with them, you're never gonna want to let them go ❤ What's cute about your dynamic is that this person is affectionate and outgoing while you're the more protective and reserved one LOL. I guess opposites do attract.
Pile 3:
Your songs -
While We're Young by Jhené Aiko
Child's Play by SZA & Chance The Rapper
Come by Doja Cat
Your dessert -
Lemon meringue pie 🥧
What makes you so sweet?
The Fool, Three of Wands, & Four of Wands
I feel like my pile 3 people are good singers 😳 if not, their voices are very soft and melodic 🤭 You love to listen to music a lot, for some of you I'm seeing that you like to listen to indie music or r&b. You're a very mellow person and radiate this down to earth energy. There is a lot of yellow on these cards as well so you could be connected to your solar plexus or that could be your favorite color/it suits your skintone. I'm seeing sunflowers 🌻 some of you might worship Oshun or should start doing research on her. You could be spiritual or religious. You have a carefree attitude because you know that the universe got you - period! You could be very knowledgeable on manifestation as well. People wonder what's your secret to life because you seem so lucky. I heard people even want to "rub you for good luck" 👀😂 you could like to dress in a bohemian or hippie style. You could wear like vegan leather backpacks, sandals, beads, feathers, rompers, and also dye your hair unnatural colors like blue, pink, etc. People could like that you're well traveled as well or you're knowledgeable about others cultures. You could speak more than one language. They like to hear about your travels or want to hear about your stories. I'm getting Leo, Sagittarius, or Virgo placements. You make friends where ever you go and it's very easy to talk to you 🌞! You radiate such a positive and divine energy. I just love that!
Who's sweet on you?:
The Emperor, Page of Wands, & King of Pentacles
This person could be older than you. They can be athletic but also act childish. They might have Aries traits or they have have it in their birth chart. They are creative, hard working, and . They take on traditional masculine qualities and would want to be a provider for their family. You could depend on this person and build able to form a secure and stable relationship. This could also signify that you and this person could get married in the future! Expect good news when it comes to your romantic endeavors.
Pile 4:
Your songs -
Favorite by HUNJIYA
Little Little by Red Velvet
Hymn For The Weekend by Coldplay Ft. Beyoncé
Your dessert -
Angel food cake 🎂
What makes you so sweet?
The Star, Strength, & Knight of Cups
Pile 4, you're giving me very much earth angel or starseed vibes 🌈🕊 something about you is very ethereal and angelic to people. They admire your elegance and healing energy. You could look good in the color white or pastel colors. You could have a nice physique as well 😋! Your hair could be very long with waves or curls. Some people fantasize about you naked because of how naturally beautiful you are 😅 It exudes something in them and your sex appeal is very arousing. I'm getting that you could also be nurturing and motherly, very wise. You could have Aquarius, Leo, or Pisces placements. People like your awareness on things and your acceptance of how people are instead of trying to change them. You could be very observant as well. You notice the little things in life and pay attention to the fine details that other don't. You have a keen eye for art or fashion. You could care for the environment and have a connection to animals or babies 🦋 You just embody a lot of divine feminine qualities and that makes people feel welcome and at ease around you.
Who's sweet on you?
Ace of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, & Nine of Pentacles
For you pile 4, I see that you're actually sweet on yourself (period self love)! I feel like as for right now in your love life, you're not looking for a commitment or should be focusing on committing to yourself and your goals. You could be coming out of a relationship or have been single for quite some time - no worries! I'm seeing finacial abundance coming to your life and your personal endeavors. I see that you're mostly gonna keep your options open for now and see different people. I'm seeing a lot of good sex as well ❤️‍🔥 There's gonna be fun dates and partying happening in your life. (Clarified by Justice) this could be for a few but some of you might hear or will start dating a Libra. I'm not seeing anything too serious but I'm getting that they could help you further your career. They could be a sugar daddy/mommy, you know them from work (boss, supervisor, or coworker), or they could work as a counselor, legal advisor, lawyer, etc.
Pile 5:
Your songs -
20/20 by Lil Tjay
On My Own by Darci
Into It by Chase Atlantic
Your dessert -
Red wine truffle 🍷
What makes you so sweet?
Nine of Cups, The World, & Temperance
Your self assurance, patience, and drive for success is what makes you so sweet pile 5! I'm getting badass energy from you and you have a very nonchalant, idgaf, rebellious attitude. I feel that growing up those in authority underestimated you and you managed to prove or will prove them all wrong with your achievements. You could have trophies, good grades, or receive a lot of praise for your work at school or your job. You could possibly be an athlete or participated in some sort of competition (dancing, mathlete, etc). You're beauty and brains, pile 5, the total package! You could have Scorpio, Gemini, or Aries placements. People wonder how you did it or overcome such hardships. You're someone people can look up to. You motivate them and make them want to do better. You could be the older sibling in your family or could have cousins younger than you? I'm having a vision of little kids looking at you and they're just in awe, how cute 🥹! Your independence and self confidence is so admirable.
Who's sweet on you?
Four of Swords, Knight of Wands, & Eight of Wands
Pile 5, when it comes to romance it could make you nervous or give you anxiety. You may not have time for it or whenever you go out on dates you overthink about it. There's no need to be nervous! Just be yourself sweetheart 💕 I feel that you know this person as well or already currently seeing someone. They could be on your team or they are in some sort of team (at work, in sports, etc). They like to move things pretty fast. You both could hate the talking stage and just wish to skip to the part where the both of you are best friends in love! I'm getting like coming of age love story and it's adorable ☺️ This person could like your hair or compliments you a lot on your hair. They could like your tattoos or piercings. There is going to be a lot of passion early on in the relationship and they will be very infatuated by you. Just be careful not to rush into thing if you want more of a serious relationship! If not, I feel that this would be a fun fling.
Pile 6:
Your songs -
Jasmine by DPR Live
I Wanna Be Down by Brandy
Who Can I Run To by Xscape
Your dessert -
Galaxy raindrop cake 💧
What makes you sweet?:
Ace of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles, & Wheel of Fortune
Pile 6, I see that you're someone who's very generous with their wealth. Very similar to pile 1, you could be good with your finances, and have a lot of high quality material items. You're someone who takes value in the finer things and show gratitude for everything you have because there are those who are without. Whenever someone is struggling or is in need of help, you're always there! You're someone people can count in terms of an emergency. When people get asked about you they have fond memories of how much you been there for them (shit even me, I need more friends like you pile 6 😭). You're a down ass bitch! I feel that fortune is always on your side because of how selfless you are. Like pile 3, I feel that you could also know about manifestation, and use it to improve your life. You could do this without knowing. You could visualize yourself being rich or you affirm that you're lucky when it comes to money. I heard that your parents are very proud of you as well! You could really have an old soul pile 6. Your style could be more casual or reminiscent of the 80s/90s. I'm seeing mom jeans, crop tops, high top sneakers, jelly bracelets, henna tattoo chokers, gold chain, and mini hoop earrings.
Who's sweet on you?:
Six of Swords, The World, & Ace of Cups
Aw pile 6, so I see that a lot of people can depend on you but you don't have many people that you can turn to when you need help or need to take a load off 🥺 you could feel stressed because of this but don't worry someone will be coming in your love life soon! You could meet them overseas or while traveling. I'm getting military vibes so either you or this person will be in the military, if not the job requires traveling or dealing with foreign people/places. You and this person will have a harmonious relationship. So expect a new chapter and a good change in your love life!
Pile 7:
Your songs -
Generous by Doja Cat
No Silhouette by DPR Ian
Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Rey
Your dessert:
Cannoli 🥖
What makes you sweet?:
Pile 7, your style is reminding me of mirror palais, summers in spain/Italy/mexico, or "bible study" outfits. Your style could cater to your religious beliefs or it's reminiscent of a holy figure. I feel that you could also dress very preppy. I'm seeing crosses, rosaries, cloaks, scarves, concho belts, a necklace with some sort of significant pendant (crystals, cross, buddha, etc), slippers/flats, stockings, long skirts, headbands, and button up tops. You have a very innocent and holy appearance. Some of you could be very sophisticated as well (its giving "my name is Bella Hadid"). People could think you're so pure that they're afraid of tainting you (in a nsfw way 😭). You make people blush because of how attractive you are. You could have a babyface, look younger than your actual age, or you have a youthful personality. People consider you "God's favorite" because of how perfect you seem or think God took their time with making you. You could be into modeling or you look like a model. Your lips could be nice and plump. They have a alluring shape with a vibrant color (they could be cherry red or they have a nice pink in the center of them if your lips are two toned). I am reminded of Monica Belluci in the role Milena where she had ginger hair and all the men were so seduced by her without her even trying (the scene where they were lighting her cigarette) and Salma Hayek in Desperado (where she caused people to crash their cars because of how hot she was 😂). You exude this femme fatale energy and could be becoming more "grown woman/man/person fine". This could also mean if you're underage, you could have major glow up after you're finished with puberty. You could also pray or be very devoted to your faith and people find that admirable.
Who's sweet on you?:
Five of Cups, The High Priestess, & Knight of Pentacles
You've been disappointed a lot in when it comes to your love life. You feel as though no one can satisfy you. You could have had your heart broken in a previous relationship so therefore you decided to stay single. I do feel that someone wants to come in though to show their love for you and will back up their words with action taking. They could be intimidated by you but they won't let their self esteem get in the way. They're gonna be persistent until you give in. Although pile 7, I suggest you heal wounds from your past relationship as well, it could cause you to self sabotage in your dating life, and prevent you from ever moving on. You deserve to be loved and receiving the pleasures of being in a happy relationship. So make sure to give them a chance when they come along.
Pile 8:
Your songs -
Headlines by McClenney
10% by Kaytranada & Kali Uchis
Jungle by Drake
Your dessert -
Creme Brulé 🍮
What makes you so sweet?:
Five of Pentacles, Justice, & Ace of Swords
Wow pile 8, you are someone who is fair and fights for equality. You hate to see people being kicked down and mistreated so you would do anything in your power to make sure others are safe. You're honestly a hero. For some people in this pile, you guys could have been abandoned by your parents, or was a orphan so because of this would you do your best to make sure that doesn't happen to anyone around you. You could do community service or take time out of your day to do activities with the kids that come from low income families. That's so sweet and I'm sorry that you went through that 🥺. If not, you have had really greedy people in your life. Whether it's a family member or authority in the workplace, they take from you a lot. Whether financially or emotionally. You could use your knowledge from these past situations for activism or fighting legal battles. You could work as a social worker, activist, politics, human relations, or in the legal system. Also people appreciate you for your great advice! You are very logical but at the same time optimistic. You know how to balance your brain and your heart, which not many people can do. You are a very strong person, pile 8.
Who's sweet on you?:
Ten of Wands, The Chariot, & King of Cups
You and this person could have broken up? I feel that this an ex who is wanting a second chance with you or a friend of yours who wants to be more than friends. You could have rejected them and they feel burdened by this because they still have feelings for you. It made them retreat and hide but they are not going to give up on this connection. You could have broken up with them because or their lack of vulnerability. They could have been uncomfortable with talking about their feelings or avoided having serious conversations, it triggers them. They are going to come back with a open heart to tell you how much you mean to them. For some people in this pile, this person might even propose to you 😲 if not a proposal for marriage, they could just ask you again to be their partner.
Pile 9:
Your songs -
Don't Hurt Me by DJ Mustard, Nicki Minaj, & Jeremih
Come Into You by Jimmy Brown
I Like U by Niki
Your dessert -
Gingersnap cookies 🍪
What makes you so sweet?:
Six of Cups, Page of Pentacles, & Seven of Cups
Pile 9, you are so cute😆! I feel like out of all the piles you are the youngest either in age or maturity. You could be someone thats very bubbly, clumsy, and full of energy. You have a childlike charm and your expressions are very sweet. I'm getting like how when little kids ask a question and they tilt their head while they do it. You just have this innocence to you but I also feel that you can be very mischievous. You could like to tease your peers and people find it very funny 😂. You could be very smart as well and do/did well in school! I'm getting that you're a teacher's pet and you always get good grades. You could give your teacher a hard time sometimes too (some of you could have talked too much in class and that would stress your teacher out LOL 😭). This pile honestly has me cracking up. You could also have a very big imagination. You could daydream a lot or fantasize about things a lot. People often wonder what you're thinking about when you do that. You could also have a lot of goals or are very creative. This pile gives off main character energy. It reminds me of Devi from Never Have I Ever or Jess from New Girl.
Who's sweet on you?:
Four of Wands, The Lovers, & Ten of Pentacles
I see that there's two cases for this pile. On one side you guys have a crush on someone or the other side they have someone who has a crush on them but despite that I'm seeing that the feelings are mutual for both parties! You know this person already and could be in the talking stage. I'm getting like a light, fun, flirty, playful energy between you and this person. You guys might have even already go on out on a date or will make plans to go out on a date soon. Which is so cute because as things develop and get more serious you both will realize that you're in love with each other 🤭. I'm having a vision of a couple blushing and being nervous to make eye contact 😭💓. This is going to be a long term relationship for sure and your families will be happy to see you guys together. I'm seeing like your families getting together for the holidays or coming together for dinner. For my younger kids in pile 9, this could mean your parents will allow you to date them, and when they introduce you to their parents, they will approve of the relationship so yay! 🥰
Thanks so much for reading! Have a nice day, here's a little treat 🍭🧁🍨🍬🍡🍦🧋🍧🍩
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overandundertarot · 3 months
pick a tattoo; message for you
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pile 1; Queen of hearts, The Hermit reversed, Ace of swords.
Pile 1 I feel you are taking time to cultivate a specific state of mind. Stillness, being present while at the same time appreciating such intense aspects of human emotions and meeting them with kindness and love. Right now, you are considering pursuing a solo journey, it's not something everyone will understand or that you can even explain. This can be physical or mental; you want to incorporate a potent source of creativity and connection to source in your daily experience. Keep at it, you're still wondering how to go about it. It feels like a half formed idea in your conciousness but let it marinate. You will arrive at a conclusion soon. For some there is something to do with cutting it off with/reaching out to another person. I heard making the best decision for both of you; do what you know and feel is right.
pile 2; 10 of cups, Ace of cups, Ace of swords.
Wow Pile 2! Romance is in the air! You have a romantic prospect right now(or several!) and are trying to be discerning. If not one is coming towards you very soon. You want to protect your heart, but are a secret hopeless romantic! You want in your deepest of hearts to get lost in the feeling and go crazy with love; experiencing the joys and exhileration of being with another person. You hope your partner can be an escape from reality for you, if not a soothing balm to the exhausting end of your day. You want a partner, a family and domestic bliss. Message for you is to give them a chance; let them show you how good it can be. Say yes to that movie or that trip! It seems too good to be true, but it's all you deserve. Enjoy it. So much happiness in in store for you pile 2! Ahhhh I wanna hug you, my heart is feeling full with it.
pile 3; Queen of pentacles, 9 of wands, King of wands.
Pile 3, how're you feeling? It's important to check in with yourself every now and then. You're working hard on a journey but you need to give yourself appropriate time to rest. I'm hearing that you romanticise the suffering. Not to a toxic degree but to make it all the more bearable. You likely already know your message. Keep going. You're doing wonderfully. This pile reminds me of Victoria Monet's words at the recent grammy awards. To paraphrase she explained that her receiving that award last night was a process years in the making; she was growing roots, laying ground. And she's finally begining to sprout. It's the same for you. You are patient with yourself, tending to to your work that you know will put you at the top one day. You have this regal air about you, keep your head held high. Some of you are facing a decision, I'm hearing to go with the shocking option lol.
pile 4; 6 of wands reversed, Queen of cups reversed, Ace of swords.
Things are very much upside down for you pile 4. There's been a thwarted victory(or a hollow one at the very least). It left you feeling empty. I get the feeling like you're crying out to the universe for help but it seems like no one is listening. You're keeping all these things bottled up; refusing to open up. There are people in your life who want to reach out to you but you are not trusting them, very guarded though i feel like its not obvious. Many people may not even know that you are struggling; they think everything is going great for you. The message for you is basically what you just read; you didn't know how to pinpoint what you were feeling. Reframe the situation; are you satisfied with those conditions? That's a no, open up to the people around you, or find a channel to process these emotions. Let yourself bloom again. There's also a big theme of turning your pain into profit. Perhaps use your experience to create art or to find a new persepctive in your work. There are solutions available to you. Use them.
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