#scourge: thinks about how his birthdays have never had the love and care put into them as sonic's
fleetsonourgecentral · 2 months
A request: Ebony celebrates Fleetway Super birthday along with the freedom Fighthers celebrathing Sonic's birthday (so Super and Sonic share a birthday celebration :D) but Scourge IS jealous because he doesn't get any gifts
Adfjdasfjds Scourge being jealous for petty reasons my beloved
"This doesn't seem fair," Scourge grumbled, folding his arms and glaring at his surroundings like he could set the decorations alight with his eyes alone. Unfortunately, getting zapped by the Master Emerald didn't seem to grant him those powers, but hey, it was always worth double checking.
"Life isn't fair," Sonic said, smug smirk fully plastered on his face as he lounged on his throne for the day. The throne in question was nothing more than an old armchair fished out of the dump, and was covered in rips and clearly falling apart, but it was clean (thanks to Tekno's efforts) and it was the nicest chair the Freedom Fighters owned, so they made do.
Scourge was surprised they were putting in the effort at all. Sonic's ego was so big it was a wonder his head didn't swell and become too heavy for his body to carry; there was really no need to stroke his ego by giving him a throne.
For some reason, though, the Freedom Fighters, despite usually being extremely enthusiastic about keeping Sonic's ego in check, had decided today was an exception. It was his birthday, after all.
"How did you even get all this?" Scourge said. Thankfully, none of the cheesy "happy birthday" banners had been strung up on the wall - those were dumped on Ebony's doorstep - but in their place were custom-made banners proudly congratulating the Hero of Mobius on another year of victory over Robotnik. Over the top and unnecessary, considering the victory in question was mostly just his continued survival, and thus his continued ability to be a future pain in the ass.
Not that Robotnik didn't have it coming, but still.
"We made them!" Tails chirped from where he was stringing up another banner, this one declaring today as Sonic Day. "Tekno designed most of the banner so it would look cool enough that Sonic won't complain, and then Amy and I helped decide what they should say, and then we all painted them together!"
"And you didn't invite me?"
"We both know you would've told us all to fuck off if we asked you to help," Amy said, although the teasing smile on her face showed her comment was light-hearted instead of irritated. Gross.
"These aren't new, anyway," Tekno said. "We made these before you arrived, so you couldn't have helped. Unless you found a way to time travel. If you find an easy way to time travel, let me know?"
"Sure, whatever."
And now that Scourge was looking, the banners did seem a little worn. Small rips on the edges, colors dulled, the paper crinkled; obviously reused over the years. He nudged one of the banners crumpled on the floor with his foot, then picked it up to inspect it, holding it with his thumb and forefinger. Sonic's painted winking face greeted him, and Scourge sneered at it. On the back of the banner, he could see a cluster of signatures. Some he recognised - Tails and Amy - while some he'd never heard of - who in the world was Shortfuse? - and some... well, some were just initials, none of which he recognised. He certainly didn't remember any friends of Sonic's who went by J.L.
"Are you going to stand there, or are you going to help?" Amy said, lightly elbowing him as she passed, snatching the banner from his hands.
"What's it look like? I'm gonna stand here."
"No you're not. Help Tekno bring the gifts in."
"I'm not participating in this. You do shit like this then wonder why he's an arrogant dickhead."
"Is it arrogance if it's justified?" Sonic said.
"Justify my foot up your ass," Scourge said, just as Tekno dragged him away.
The pile of presents was bigger than it had any right to be. The Freedom Fighters didn't have much money - apparently fighting for the safety of the entire fucking planet doesn't pay well, or at all, which is bullshit and all the more reason for Scourge to find the whole thing stupid - so none of them could really afford to go all-out with the presents, but the bulk of the pile came from local civilians who had caught wind of the celebration and wanted to express their gratitude. Over the past week during their travels, civilians would stop them, shyly handing over presents and telling them they were for Sonic's birthday, a token of their appreciation for constantly saving their asses, because they couldn't be bothered to do it themselves.
No one said that last bit out loud, but Scourge always made sure to mentally add it.
Why they couldn't express their gratitude with some fucking cash, he did not know.
"Grab the presents by the table?" Tekno said, scooping presents into her arms. For what it was worth, although the pile was bigger than one would expect, at least most of the presents were small.
Groaning with all the contempt he could muster, Scourge shuffled over to the table and started tucking presents under his arms.
"Did you drop off everything at Ebony's?" Tekno said. Her voice was low, hidden by the rustle of the presents, only loud enough for Scourge to hear. Not that he thought Sonic could hear them when they were out here, but better safe than sorry.
"Whaddya take me for? Of course I did," Scourge said, voice equally low, although that was more for Tekno's peace of mind than his own. She'd shush him if she thought he was being too loud, but she was also really bad at shushing people quietly, and ended up attracting attention with her shushes more often than not. It was really counterproductive. Scourge didn't know why Sonic had let it slide for this long.
"Just making sure."
Scourge grunted, but he did give the rest of the presents an obligatory once-over, just to be sure there weren't any that shouldn't be there.
Super's birthday fell on the same day as Sonic's. It was why all the cheesy banners had been dumped on Ebony instead of in the trash where they belonged. The Freedom Fighters - okay, mostly Tekno - thought it was a good idea to send a few presents over from all of them, as a gesture of goodwill and minor bribery to please not turn evil and try to kill them all again. It was a plan Sonic had been conveniently left out of; even with their less strained relationship (although that really wasn't saying much) it was blatantly obvious he still wasn't fond of Super. He wouldn't stop them from giving him birthday presents, or wanting to wish him a happy birthday, but he would wrinkle his nose and mutter a comment under his breath, which was apparently a problem, although Scourge hadn't figured out why.
Ebony had asked if they wanted to stop by, even tentatively offered a joint birthday celebration if that would make things easier, but she was swiftly turned down. Presents were a safe bet, the Freedom Fighters had agreed, because they could be dropped off at any time, and Sonic would never have to know, and they could wish Super a happy birthday without ever leaving Sonic's side on the actual day. And they could send Scourge to be their little delivery boy so none of them would have to do it; despite the olive branch, Tails and Amy were still wary of Super. Apparently Scourge and (somehow) Tekno were the only ones who weren't little bitches about him.
Well, Sonic wasn't a little bitch exactly, but he wasn't as cool and casual about Super as he wanted to be. So he didn't count.
"I'm just saying," Scourge said, hefting as many presents into his arms as he could, "if you're going to make the decorations look like a 'congrats on kicking ass without dying' celebration, we should all be getting presents."
"It's not your birthday, though."
"I'm his boyfriend, though. Shouldn't I get, like, a solidarity present?"
"No, because it isn't your birthday."
Scourge bit back a comment about how if Super got to have a birthday just because he was another Sonic, then logically, so should he. Because, well, it wasn't his birthday, even though all the celebration really made it feel like it should be. He thought birthdays for Sonics were the same across all dimensions - he was pretty sure he shared a birthday with Prime, eugh - but apparently not.
With another exaggerated groan, he shuffled back into the living room with the presents towering high above him, because second trips were for chumps, and dumped them at Sonic's feet. His own gift wasn't in there, but only because he'd already given it to Sonic this morning. The moment he woke up, in fact. Scourge wasn't about to be beaten by anyone in anything, including being the first person to give Sonic a gift.
Not that it was anything special. Scourge wasn't exactly rolling in money either, and Sonic was a pain in the ass to shop for. Humiliation had nipped at his heels when he handed the gift over, ready to burn him, but Sonic seemed to really like it - underneath the obligatory layer of snark - so it was fine.
He eyed the pile of presents again, and tried not to gnaw on his lip.
Some of the civilians who gave them presents looked... well, not well-off, but comfortable. Not rich, not even close to rich, but able to at least afford something nice for the Hero of Mobius. More than Scourge could afford.
More than any of the Freedom Fighters could afford, though, and Sonic didn't really give a shit about his fans outside of the inherent bragging rights that come with having fans in the first place. None of those civilians knew what Sonic liked. The Freedom Fighters did. Scourge did.
He doubted any civilian signatures were on the back of the banner he picked up.
A party thrown by civilians probably wouldn't look like this at all. That would be far more elaborate, with more people pitching in to help, even more vomit-worthy banners and decorations hung from every wall and banister, singing the praises of Sonic the Hedgehog. Over the top, and licking his ass, and making a huge deal out of him. Exactly the kind of celebration Sonic would like; he always loved it when people lavished him with praise for his efforts in saving the world, the arrogant bastard.
Sonic didn't have any of that, this year. Oh, sure, the party would stroke his ego, but it wasn't lavish. Compared to what he could have, it was almost humble.
But. He didn't look upset by it. Didn't even feign annoyance that it wasn't as big as it could be.
Scourge couldn't remember any of his own birthdays looking like this growing up. No friends surrounding him, bickering as they hung birthday banners or fetched presents or argued over the cake. No shitty birthday chair fished out of the dump. No lavish party to sing his praises. His birthdays weren't humble like this one, but they weren't extravagant, either.
They were... cold. Empty. There was no soul in the presents, no warmth in the candle of the cake. No signatures on the back of a hand-made birthday banner.
Scourge swallowed down the ugly feeling in his stomach.
Whatever. He didn't need any of that shit. He was Scourge the fucking Hedgehog, he knew exactly how great he was. Who needed a giant party? Not him. He wasn't that fragile.
"Scowl any harder and your face will get stuck."
Scourge flipped Sonic off without even looking. "Eat shit, birthday boy."
"Are you sulking because Pixel Brain jumped on you this morning when he came to wish me a happy birthday?"
"He crushed my fucking ribs," Scourge complained, glad for something to focus on. The interruption had been rude, and Tails was fortunate they were already awake; had he done that shit while Scourge was still asleep, he would've gotten an ass full of quills.
"Right. And you're definitely not sulking because you wanted to cuddle."
"I don't cuddle."
"Bullshit you don't."
"I don't. You have no proof."
"Then you're gonna start."
Before Scourge could say a word of protest, Sonic grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him onto his lap.
"Fuck off and let me go," Scourge snapped, shifting to get comfortable.
"It's my birthday," Sonic said, smirking his stupid, smug, victorious grin. "That means you have to do what I say."
"I'm not doing shit, you can't tell me what to do, birthday or not," Scourge said, leaning further into Sonic when he wrapped an arm around his waist to pull him closer.
"You'll get the chair when it's your birthday, if it's any consolation."
"Fuck the chair! What about my presents?"
"We'll see."
"Asshole," Scourge grumbled, biting Sonic lightly on the shoulder to emphasize his point, but he only got an amused chuckle in return.
"You're getting off when the cake gets here," Sonic said.
Huffing, Scourge snuggled further into Sonic. They'd see about that.
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the-reaplet · 1 year
So also like Salsa if you're interested who is Scourge? That green hedgehog guy everyone wants Zonic the zone cop to smooch (also is zonic a guy? Like a human?)
Thank you for your patience, Anon. First of all, Zonic isn't a human, but he is indeed a guy. He's a hedgehog, just like normal Sonic. Now as for your main question.
First thing's first, I am not gonna go over the IRL drama that involves his original creator, Ken Penders. And I'm not really gonna talk about Ian Flynn either. That kind of drama is really something I couldn't care less about. I have 0 opinion on Ian Flynn's writing style for characters, and I just dislike Ken Penders in general.
Now! The big question! Who is Scourge? To answer that, we need to talk about Evil Sonic.
Scourge was a true blue "evil" version of the normal Sonic we all know and love. I say evil in quotes because back in the day when he wasn't green, he was a really lame villain. That is, if he was trying to be evil, he didn't really put his all into it. There is something to be said that maybe Evil Sonic never really wanted to be evil, and I subscribe to the theory that he was a bad guy due to peer pressure. Now, "Evil Sonic" (or Anti-Sonic) is from the Reverse World, where Bad Guys were Good Guy and Good Guys were Bad Guys. He led a group called the Suppression Squad (the Anti-Freedom Fighters), and he sought out to be king of his world. He was eventually arrested by Sonic Prime and Zonic the Zone Cop.
Fast Forward! Anti-Sonic had since escaped from jail. One day he teams up with Rouge the Bat and they go after the Master Emerald, which was guarded by Knuckles's father Locke. (Don't ask me about him, all I know is that no one really likes Locke because he's a bad dad.) Now, that day was Sonic's Birthday. Which means it was also Anti-Sonic's Birthday. So, to celebrate, he decided that he deserved a treat. He betrayed Rouge (who was already planning on betraying him so it's whatevs) and gave himself a power boost with the Master Emerald. The results being that he turned into the Mean Green Machine we know him as today.
Now, this is purely conjecture, and I have little to no proof of it, but I think that the Chaos Energy he absorbed affected him mentally. I think it drove him off the deep end. After being attacked by Locke, thus gaining his chest scars, he decided he was no longer just a copy of Sonic the Hedgehog. He gave himself a new name. Scourge. From then on, he was vicious. He was much more aggressive and a threat than ever before. And could've been downright lethal if the writers had the guts to show him killing people on-screen.
(One thing to note is that at some point, Scourge sneaks into Sonic's parents' home at night to get the jump on our hero, and he was confronted by his father. From there, we are given a piece of Scourge's past. His own father was a big time politician who was neglectful at best to his son. Scourge says that his father "just isn't", which implies a multitude of things. Some think he's dead, others think this was a comment on how he just wasn't a dad for Scourge. It's left vague, but this story seems to show that Scourge associates Peace with his father's neglect, making him bitter toward the idea of it.)
He was once again arrested later on, and the next time we see him, he's been the punching bag of the No Zone Prison. He was fitted with an inhibitor collar that took away his powers, his quills were shaven, and the Warden, Zobotnik, was putting him through "aggressive rehabilitation". He was having a horrible time. But, his girlfriend, Fiona Fox (who honestly deserved better than how the prime Freedom Fighters treated her), got a group together and busted him out. The last time we see him, he's returned to his home world, and Zonic notes that he could only hope he stays there.
hAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Hope that answers the question of who Scourge is. He's a really fascinating character, and I recommend you do your own research on him.
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bangtan-madi · 4 years
All Of Our Lifetimes — Interlude: First Life
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Pairing — Taehyung x Reader
Tags — boyfriend!Taehyung, husband!Taehyung reincarnation au, lovers to strangers and to lovers again, established relationship, implied soulmate au
Genre — fluff, angst, crime (ish)
Word Count — 3.4k
Summary — Does love ever truly end, or does it simply take another form in a new life? The cycle is like clockwork: your lives end and you’re reborn again. You’ve lived it over and over. Each cycle, one of you loses your memories and is tragically unaware until the other finds and awakens their lover. After all these eons, all these lifetimes, is it possible to find each other again—even when neither of you awakens with your memories? 
Part — 3.5 / 15
Warnings — relatively none, minor language, brief mention of death in childbirth
Previous — Next
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{Paris, France — 1789 a.d.}
If there's one place on earth that you feel safe in, it's the garden surrounding the Chateau. With the large trees giving shade from the afternoon heat, the overgrowth of flora that attracts a variety of birds and insects, and the expansive maze of roses that covers the remnants of the grounds, it's a magical wonderland that's kept private for your family alone. When your father is away on his lengthy excursions around France, and the staff is busy keeping up with his home, you're left in utter peace to recline amongst nature and contemplate the state of the world.
You've concluded that there are a lot of things that have gone terribly awry in recent years. The citizens of Paris go hungry every day. Children are left without parents. Families are torn apart by famine and war. Endless war. Fear, anger, and hopelessness run rampant through the streets like gutter rats. 
Even in the modern year of 1789, the aristocracy to which your family line belongs has refused to do anything but suck the lifeblood of your country dry. They consume and destroy and tear the meat off the bones of your beloved France.
And your father is one of the worst there is. Your grandmother, the one who raised you, always told you to trust in yourself and in her family's power. She promised you that no matter how cruel or unkind your father, or the world, might be, you can always count on yourself.
"You have magic inside you, mon cherie," she would tell you every night. "One day, that magic will lead you to love."
"Why didn't it lead Mère to love?" you'd asked one day.
Your grandmother merely stopped what she was doing and laid her leathery hand on your head. "It led her to you, did it not? To you...and the garden outside your window."
Ever since then, the garden has been the place where you feel your mother's presence, but it's also the place where you harness her family's magic. The power that flows in your bloodline grows stronger every day, and when you reach your early twenties, it multiplies ten-fold.
Without control, your grandmother warns that your only escape will start to wilt and wither. And though you never intended, she's right.
One morning, you awake to a shriveled garden outside your balcony.
And a very angry father.
"What the hell happened here!" he shouts, storming out of the doors below your perch and into the supposed greenery. His eyes are wild and angry, nostrils enlarged as he fumes at the groundskeeper for not doing his job properly for a full five minutes.
You'd been on the end of that rage yourself. Not wanting to be caught in the cross-fire, you pull back the curtain and shield yourself from his view.
"Sire, it's become a terribly dry year," the groundskeeper says, giving one last attempt to console your father. "Everyone is suffering. It's part of the reason that the Third Estate is so restless."
"I don't care about the peasantry!" he bellows. "The Third Estate is the scourge of France. The only reason they exist is to keep the wheels greased and the treasury full. Drought or not, my garden should be blossoming. You find someone else that can properly do your job and you make yourself scarce! I never want to see your face again!"
Your grandmother finds you on the floor next to your balcony window, partially shielded by the curtains. She gives you a soft expression, extending her hand to you to help you to your feet.
"It's growing again, Grandmère," you whisper. "My spells are getting more powerful. I—I almost killed the garden this time. If Père ever found out..."
Your sentence trails off, and Grandmère puts her palm against your cheek. "Mon cherie, if you ever get the chance to leave this place, promise me that you'll take it and never look back."
"But I wouldn't leave y—"
The elderly woman shakes her head, moving a single finger to your lips. "—Never look back. Promise me."
Despite yourself, you nod once, and your grandmother places a kiss on your forehead.
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True to his word, before the week is over, the usual groundskeeper is nowhere in sight and a new one has taken his place. You meet him while in the garden, though the last thing you expected was for a boy your age to sneak up on you while you were collecting a few herbs for your next spell.
"You must be Princess [Y/n]?"
Jumping back, you turn and face the strange man with wide eyes and hands clasped tightly around a handful of Mimosa blossoms, Yucca leaves, and Life Everlasting blooms. 
The person standing in front of you isn't bad looking. Quite the opposite. He has an alluring aura about him that goes beyond the wavy black hair and honey skin. Behind his warm eyes and boxy smile, there's a uniqueness to him that you've never seen before. Even with a mother that wasn't French, you'd never seen someone like him.
"Who the hell are you?"
The man smirks a little before responding. "I'm the new groundskeeper? Your father hired me this morning. I hate to think of what happened to the other one. I saw him leave through the front gate when I arrived. He didn't look the best."
Your eyes soften, and your guard drops. "If you knew this job was going to be hard, if you knew my father was cruel, why did you take it?"
"We all have our reasons, right?" He gestures to your hands. "Such as why you're holding all of the living things left in this place?"
You shove the flowers and herbs into the pocket of the white apron, laid over your casual dress. "This is my garden, Monsieur..."
"Kim. Kim Taehyung."
"You're not from France, are you, Monsieur Kim?"
"What gave it away?" You gesture to all of him, which makes Taehyung laugh.
"Well, if we were going by appearances, I never would've known you were the lord's daughter. You're dressed like a servant."
"You called me 'princess.'" Your head tilts to the side, eyebrows pulling together. "I have no such title...but how did you know I was his daughter?"
Taehyung shrugs and nods to your open balcony door. "I saw you this morning while you were reading on the balcony."
Your face pulled into a scowl. "Why you—"
Taehyung raises his hands in mock surrender, the smile never faltering. "Calm down, Princess. All I'm saying is that you might want to keep your doors closed. You never know when someone might be peaking in."
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From that day onward, an unlikely friendship blossoms between you Taehyung. The man is odd, there's no doubt about that, but he's just about the only normal person in your life. The only one you've ever known, actually. He's real and kind and lovely in every possible way.
He comes to the Chateau several times a week for the next several months in an attempt to get the garden back to normal. The winter had been cruel, and the drought unforgiving, but Taehyung brought with him knowledge from other lands, especially from his homeland of Korea. If you hadn't had him explain the science behind his tricks of the trade, you would have thought he had magic in him, too.
"You have to irrigate them well, starting at the upward slopes so that the water can drain back down. Use gravity to our advantage. Then the new system I created will take the excess and bring it to the herbs, which tend to be more resilient than Mimosa, Yucca, or Life Everlasting."
You stare at him with wide eyes of curiosity, watching him as he takes water from the well and pours it into the starting container of the extensive irrigation system. The pipeline crawls all over the garden, out of sight as to not distract the eyes from the beauty. The precious liquid flows and forks into the various braches, giving lifeblood back to the garden.
"I've also been adding phosphorus to the soil," he tells you, placing a hand on his hip with a pleased expression. "That should aid the root systems so that water can be absorbed easier."
You shake your head, amazed and awestruck at what he'd accomplished in a short few months. Turning to Taehyung, you throw your arms around him and hold him tight.
"You're magic, Taehyung. Just magic!"
He laughs at your sudden outburst and embraces you tightly to him. "It helps when you're from a family of farmers. Not magic, Princess, just practice."
Spring comes with thunderous applause and unconfronted feelings. The rain stays, but Taehyung's ingenuity has all but brought the Chateau's surroundings back to life.
Your beloved garden blooms, as does your love for its savior—both of which despite your magic, not because of it.
As spring marches forward, you find yourself spending more and more time together. And while it was as friends or mutual curiosity before, these days you spend in the garden are more than that. There's an underlying yearning for each other, but for reasons you both know, neither of you moves on it.
"Isn't your birthday coming up?" Taehyung asks, out of the blue, one afternoon. He's sorting through the various seeds that he'd purchased using the allowance your father gave him, kneeling down beside the arrangements on the ground.
Reclining against one of the Mimosa trees, you place the pen and paper on your lap. You'd been messing around with a spell idea for a few weeks now, but it's been difficult to get it onto paper. Being with him in the garden aways brought about inspiration, so you came prepared today.
"I overheard some of the staff discussing it," he adds, seeing the question on your face before you verbalize it. "How old will you be?"
You sigh, "Twenty-one."
Taehyung sorts the rose seeds from the marigolds, ensuring that the two plants don't end up in the same soil, which he says will ensure both of them die early on. "Why do you sound so glum about it? Isn't your birthday worth celebrating?"
The side of your mouth tugs into a tiny smile at the sweetness of his last sentence. "Not when your father's insisting that he find a suitable groom for you once you turn twenty-one."
The dark-haired man's hands halt suddenly, his eyes transfixed on the layout in front of him. He slumps back, resting his weight entirely on his knees and lower legs. "And you're not happy about that."
You shake your head and wrap your arms around yourself. "Not at all. Especially since I have a sinking feeling I know who his selection will be. He's a son of a wealthy lord on the other side of the Seine. It would be a strategic marriage, completely in my father's favor."
"You don't love him." His observation is not a question.
"Of course not," you scoff. "I hardly know him. I've only met him a few times. He's the last person on earth that I would pick to marry."
Taehyung finally shifts his gaze from the seeds to your face, meeting your eyes. "Who's the first then, Princess?"
His question catches you off-guard and brings heat into your cheeks. "I—I hadn't thought about it, didn't have anyone in particular in mind. Only for love. That's my only requirement."
The foreigner nods once then relinquishes his intense gaze, seemingly satisfied with your reply.
There's a pause before you continue. "This is exactly what happened to my mother. She wasn't French, a foreigner who married my father because it was beneficial. She was forced into this marriage and died in childbirth."
"That's terrible," he murmurs. "I'm so sorry."
You offer a grateful nod, turning your eyes to the clear blue sky. "Taehyung...have you ever thought about running away?" The question comes out of you, surprising you with your honesty. It's as if it has a mind of its own.
Taehyung cracks a smile. "Princess, I've been running my whole life. I ran away from my hometown to travel the world, to see it all. Never thought I'd end up stuck in France, in Paris of all places, and yet I'm still trying to run towards the New World."
You turn to stare at him in awe. "You're so brave. I don't know if I could do that."
"Do you want to?"
"Of course. I want to be free from this place, free from the future my father has set up for me. My greatest fear is becoming my mother, engaged to a man I don't love and dead after giving birth. My mother wanted the same thing, but she died before she could arrange it. I was lucky to survive being born. Grandmère tells me that I lived because of—"
You catch yourself before you continue, knowing that this story goes into a secret that only you and your grandmother carry with you. You've never told another soul about your magic, not one. Not even your father knows. What would he think if he did? Or worse, what would Taehyung think? Would he think you a freak, something wicked, a pawn of the devil?
"Because of...?" Taehyung prompts. He sees your hesitation in your bit lower lip and shifting gaze. "You can tell me, [Y/n]. Whatever it is, you can trust me."
Taehyung almost never calls you by your real name. It's almost always "Princess." That little bit of reassurance pushes you to continue your story. If this relationship is going to go forward at all, it's time.
Now or never.
"Grandmère tells me that I survived because of my mother's final...final spell. A spell of love."
The brunet tilts his head curiously, obviously not expecting that continuance. "A spell?"
You nod, trying to keep your nervous voice even and controlled. "My mother's family has a secret, one that's passed down from generation to generation. We're witches. Magic runs in our veins. I've been magical all my life, but the past year or so, my power has grown a lot. I've been practicing and trying to get a handle on it, and Grandmère has been teaching me, but sometimes that power is...too much."
His gaze softens as a smile of realization tugs at his mouth. "Hence the garden suddenly wilting overnight. I thought there was more involved than the drought."
Your breath catches in your lungs as Taehyung puts the pieces together. "You're not freaked out? You don't think I'm evil?"
"No," he laughs, scooting closer as to sit in front of you. "Why would I think that? Back home, we have soothsayers and card readers and all kinds of magically-inclined people. I don't think you're evil or anything of the sort."
A wave of relief washes over you, and you slouch back against the tree. Your companion gives an amused chuckle at your state, but you're too drained to make a comment."But if there was magic involved, then the garden shouldn't have come back on its own, even with my help. Did you, I don't know, cast a spell to heal it?"
You shake your head and sit straight once again. "Nothing of the kind. I think...I think it had something to do with you."
"Me?" he asks, surprised.
You nod. "The more time I spent with you, the better you made me feel, the more of a friendship bond we created, the more I felt my magic wane. In a good way! I felt balanced, for the first time in my entire life, and then the garden started to bloom again. I can't explain it. It's like you made me feel like I was safe enough to express magic in a healthy way, not just in a way that could destroy."
Your heartfelt confession makes Taehyung lift his hand to your cheek, cradling your face in a tender way that only your grandmother has. "And you said I was the magical one. Princess, I've got nothing on you." He leans in closer, his warm breath brushing against your face. "Can I kiss y—"
Taehyung chuckles and closes the distance between you. His lips graze yours, hesitant at first. His are soft and delicate, just as you'd imagined they would be. The hands cupping your face pull you closer, and yours move to his shoulder to balance yourself. Though gentle, the gentle push and shove causes you to smile into the kiss.
It doesn't take long for the gesture to shift from shy to needy, from sweet to passionate. All the pent up emotions you'd both kept inside these past few months come pouring out in the form of hands on waists and hips, fingers desperately gripping clothing and grazing skin, teeth greedily nipping at lips and elsewhere on the face. Taehyung is a passionate individual, but you never really knew how much until now.
Moving closer to you, he pulls you into his lap, adjusting your dress as to let your legs slide to either side of his hips. Pulling you ever closer, he continues to fight for dominance. One hand shifts from your waist to your neck, tangling in the hair at the base of your neck. You slide your fingers through his hair, inadvertently tugging at a few curls and dragging an unconscious sigh from Taehyung.
After a few moments, the brunet pulls back. Both of you come up for air, breathing heavily and feeling dizzy. A euphoric feeling rushes through your body, something much closer to magic than you've ever felt. All around you, new flowers begin to bloom. Taehyung's gaze flickers from you to the new flora around you, watching in awe as the flowers grow taller to encase you both in a cradle of spring.
And it's there—in Taehyung's arms, sitting in the middle of a revived garden—that you realize you've fallen in love with him.
His next words come out softer and more tender than anything you've never heard. "Come with me."
He shakes his head, resting his forehead against yours. "Don't do that."
"Where could we go?" you reply. "France is falling apart. The Third Estate is going to rebel before summer's end; it's all anyone can talk about. There's not a place on earth that my father won't find me. Find us. You know what becomes of us both if that happens."
Taehyung brushes the tears away from your eyes with his thumbs. "He can't follow us across the sea."
The weight of his offer hits you. The sea. The New World. America. Could it really be true? Could it really happen? Freedom and love and life, all at once?
"What about Grandmère? I couldn't just leave her here with that monster."
"Then we'll take her, too!" He presses another kiss to your mouth, pulling back after a brief moment. "I'll have the money by the end of July. That's not too far away. I will do anything to keep you safe, Princess. Anything. Run away with me. We can start over. I've fallen in love with you over these past months, and I know you feel the same."
You nod fervently. "I do, but..."
"But what? But nothing. You said it yourself: if you stay here, your future is that of your mother's. Wouldn't she want you to spare yourself of it?" His hands cupping your face tighten ever so slightly as he sees his argument making an impact. "Come with me. I can protect you. I love you, magic or none. Don't make me lose you."
"I love you, too."
"Say you'll come. Say you'll run away with me."
Heaving a heavy sigh, your place your hands over his and look him in the eyes. "I'll go anywhere with you."
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We Move Lightly - 10
Pairing: Modern!Ivar x reader
Description: Y/N moved back in with her parents, after 7 years of taking care of her grandparents in another town. She had no idea how her neighbors would be, or who would they be, or even that she would fall in love with one of them.
Warnings: swearings.
Word count: 3,285
A/N: you can keep up with the fic with the link to the masterlist in my bio! The music in question is Bloom by The Paper Kites. Enjoy the chapter x
It was no wonder that saturday you woke up by the Lothbroks’ screams. You remembered when you first moved in, how much you hated them. You didn’t hate them anymore, but it was sure as hell that you didn’t grow fond of them so much. Not so fast, boys, you thought. But it was a strong fact that somehow you were related to them as much as you wished to - all because of Ivar Lothbrok.
“Look where he put me into,” you said, not really measuring your words. By the time you said them to yourself they didn’t mean a big deal.
You grabbed your earphones on your nightstand and put on some music so you could fall asleep again - it was too early for you to wake up, but not for the Lothbroks, who had to prepare a massive birthday party.
Ivar told you to be there at 3 P.M. You thought it was too soon for a grown-up party to begin, but he reminded you that, grown up or not, it was more of a family gathering and they had kids. The real grown up thing would be a couple of days later.
Ivar and Ubbe had succeeded at making their brothers minds up by agreeing to celebrate their birthdays on different days, so that way all of them could go to both events. Of course that Ivar invited you to all of them, but you were still thinking about it. Clubs aren’t really your thing, and Sigurd’s taste in music didn’t quite match yours. You didn’t want to leave Ivar alone, but you weren’t excited to go to neither of them.
Plus - and thinking about this made your heart shrink a little - you and Ivar weren’t a couple. Of course that, clearly, you were more than friends, but not a couple, not exactly. You bit your lips and shut your eyes, trying to sleep again, but with these thoughts it was impossible. You liked Ivar - god, you liked him so much. It was obvious that he liked you too, but sometimes you felt too much involved in his family. Like a girlfriend would be.
But you weren’t his girlfriend. You were just a girl he was seeing.
In your mind it was crystal clear that you were the only one that he was seeing, but what if it wasn’t?
In your attempt to sleep you received a message. It was Amy.
I’m gonna be late for today, I’m so sorry. Shit went down here at home. Just go without me, I’ll be there later.
Wait, you think you gonna be that late?, you replied.
Well, sure as hell I’m gonna be there at 3 or even 4.
Is everything okay?
Yep, just my stupid brother. I’ll be there later, don’t worry hun. xx, and that ended the conversation.
Well, now you weren’t sleeping.
You showed up with your parents at the Lothbroks’ backyard precisely at 3 P.M.
“Folks, I’m impressed! You didn’t get any traffic, did ya?” Hvitserk greeted you. Your father handed him his present and then Sigurd’s. “Thanks, sir! Hey, Y/N.”
“Happy birthday, Hvitserk,” you hugged him.
Hvitserk told you that Ivar was in the kitchen, in case you wanted to see your boy - Hvitserk’s words. With your cheeks burning you excused yourself from your parents.
“Ivar?” You called when you couldn’t see him anywhere, then you heard what it looked like someone hitting their head in a shelf.
“Ivar?” You could see his silhouette inside the pantry. “Oh, are you okay?” You helped him getting out.
“I’m fine, it was just the scare,” he was rubbing his head. You got his hands and held them, gently pressing a kiss on his lips. “Hey, girl. It’s not my birthday, but I’m starting to feel that it is,” the look on his eyes and his smile reminds you to breathe. And, as quick as like that, his eyes shine and he starts talking really fast, all excited. “Damn Y/N, you should’ve seen what I did this morning! Remember when I told ya that Sigurd was a pain in my ass about moving to my room here, downstairs?” You nodded. You did remember this story. “Sometimes we exchange for a night when my legs are really hurting, so I came up with this plan last night.” Ivar guided you to the kitchen island, where you could sit in one of the barstools. “I whined like crazy to do this exchange last night, so Sigurd would sleep in my room. With this grumpy face he accepted,” Ivar imitated Sigurd’s face, making you laugh. “I know, it’s ridiculous, right? So, two hours before Sigurd or Hvitserk would wake up, I got a rope and tied their doorknobs, so no one could open the door.”
“You did what?” You asked laughing, Ivar with you.
“They got so fucking mad! They drive me crazy all year, I had to do this on their birthday party day,” Ivar was smiling like a little boy - more like a brat, you might say.
“Why do I have the feeling that you are the black sheep in this family?” You touch his hand.
“I’m the scourge of this family, honey,” he said. “Although I couldn’t say which one of us was the most terrible.”
“Was?” You teased him.
“We’re all pretty shit now,” he raised his shoulders. “But not Ubbe. He’s the oldest, so he kinda grew up fast. But not Hvitserk, he always had it in him.”
“Had what, exactly?”
“The childness,” you laugh at the sincerity in his tone.
“And what about you? Ubbe’s seen to be the mature one, the only one here with the brains; Hvitserk’s the child; Sigurd’s is the one grumpy brat; what about you?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m the prince here,” he opened his arms to the kitchen.
“Oh yeah, the Prince of the Great Lothbrok Kitchen,” you mocked him.
“Hey, don’t be so mean,” he pointed a finger at you and leaned in for a kiss. “Where’s Amy? I thought she and Ubbe were hitting good.”
“She didn’t give him her phone number.”
“What? You know, your friend is one of a kind.”
“What can I say? Sometimes I don’t understand her. Actually she said she only wanted Ubbe to be a ‘Kattegat thing’, if you understand it.”
“It’s not common, but I see her point. Kinda weird, though.”
“Yeah, but she’ll be here. She’s gonna be super late.”
“I’m glad you arrived super in time,” Ivar held you in his arms and kissed you one more time.
It wasn’t a surprise that Ivar was very attentive with you, but not like this, every five minutes. You weren’t complaining, of course, you were just pointing out the new things.
You liked it.
“I’m picking Amy up!” You announced to your parents, showing them the car keys.
“Hey, hey, hey…!” Ivar called for you. ��Let me do it, it was my idea after all to invite her.”
“It would be weird for you to go…”
“Of course you would be going with me, silly,” he opened a smile. You nodded, agreeing.
And once again you were in a car with Ivar. His car was different - it had all the technology he needed, since his legs were used to have bad days.
“I’m not getting this relationship of theirs,” Ivar tried to pull some conversation.
“There’s no relationship, that’s the point,” you looked over the window, seeing the traffic. “That’s what she’s been trying to tell me, at least,” you completed after some time. “She thinks that there is some excitement to see a guy every once in a while in this weird little town, a guy that she never talks to over the phone.”
“Like the old days?” He asked, quickly turning his head to you.
“I think so. Like the old days.”
The trip to the train station was quiet, but not an awkward silence - you were just enjoying the view as someone else drove the car, and Ivar knew it. He grabbed your hand and you smiled at him, enjoying the gesture. He definitely was coming more around.
“Amy texted, she said we don’t need to get out, she has only a backpack.”
“I think she finally learned how to pack for a weekend,” you laughed. “I remember the first time she came - I saw you guys struggling with all her luggage.”
“She’s… unique,” you said as you saw Amy coming, all smiles and waving at you.
“Hey-a little doves!” That was the first thing she said. She kept rambling all the way back about what happened that made her late, until she said something that made your heart skip and freeze. “Look at you… picking me up, sitting there in the front, just like a couple. You guys are adorable, make me sick.”
There it was. The couple thing. You closed your eyes and smiled as Ivar held your hand once again. You got the courage to look to his face - he was attentive to the streets ahead him, but he had a smile on his lips. A sweet one. You slightly squeezed his hand and he responded with a bigger smile.
“Yuck,” Amy said, joking.
When you arrived with Amy at the Lothbroks she hugged everyone like she already knew them.
“Oh, Y/N, I would like to introduce you to the rest of the family,” Hvitserk said.
“Okay…” you agreed, thinking it was weird this coming from Hvitserk.
“This is Bjorn, our oldest brother. He’s from the first marriage,” you shaked hands with a tall, huge blonde guy. He was serious, but his blue eyes were warm. “This is Torvi, his wife,” she hugged you. “And his kids are running around,” he opened his arm, pointing to the huge backyard.
“Nice to meet you,” you said shyly.
“So you’re Ivar’s girl,” Bjorn said. You choked. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean it,” Torvi elbowed Bjorn and he gave her a funny look. “What?” Hvitserk pulled you with him - he was a little drunk, yes.
“And this is our only sister, Gyda. Also from the first marriage. Gyda’s actually nice.”
“Hey! Bjorn is nice too, you loved him when you were a little boy!”
“Bjorn. Serious,” Hvitserk said. “And this is Aud, Gyda’s friend. They share an apartment together.”
“Nice thing to add, Hvit,” Aud said, hugging you like Gyda did.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” Gyda said.
“Let me borrow her now, asshole,” Ivar said to Hvitserk, coming out of nowhere.
“All yours, brother. Always have been,” Hvitserk left drinking from his glass.
“Did he bother you?” Ivar asked you.
“No no, he just… introduced me to your other siblings,” you and the girls smiled.
“Typical Hvitserk,” Aud said.
“Aud, you’re here. That’s nice. Have a great time you two,” Ivar said politely to the girls. “Annoying backstory with Sigurd - I didn’t think she would come. Anyways, Floki is here and I would like you to meet him.”
“Oh… wow! Okay. A lot of meetings today, I guess.”
“Is that a problem?” Ivar’s eyes went from amused to worried. “Are we pushing too hard? I’m sorry, it must be weird for you to meet all these new people…”
“Ivar, it’s okay. Really. I was just… not expecting it. Let’s go meet Floki,” you gave him a reassuring smile and cupped his hand. He guided to the very end of the backyard, where Ragnar was with his friends.
“Y/N!” Ragnar greeted loudly, opening his arms as he saw you coming. “How ya doing? Enjoying your summer?” He hugged strongly, making you go out of breath.
“Sure am, Mr. Lothbrok.”
“Please, it’s Ragnar.”
“Y/N, this is Floki, my boss and my father’s best friend.”
“So this is the girl that gave me a hard time?” You blushed at Floki’s words. “Don’t worry kiddo, I know how to keep this Lothbrok on the line,” he pointed to Ivar. “Since this one is unstoppable,” he pointed his head to Ragnar, who laughed.
“Oh, stop it,” you could see the light shine on Ragnar’s eyes and teeth, how his smile looked even more beautiful in the dark. “I’m a perfectly good old man.”
“Old is for sure,” Ivar said, laughing and making all the other men laugh.
“You think you’re funny, huh?” Ragnar slapped the back of Ivar’s head, making the boy laugh.
“What did you boss mean back there? About me,” you asked Ivar when you were in a safe distance.
“Oh, that? Don’t worry about it.”
“Did I… I didn’t want to cause any trouble…”
“You didn’t, sweetheart. Hi, I’m Helga. Floki’s wife.”
“Oh, hi,” you smiled at her and, of course, she hugged you.
“Can I talk with her?” She asked looking at Ivar. He nodded and left. Helga hooked her arm to yours and you started walking. “So you’re Y/N.”
“How come does everyone know me?”
“Ivar’s quite a lonely boy. When his brothers started to spread the word that he met a girl, well… You would imagine what this means,” the thought of being the reason of gossiping drove you nuts. “But that’s not a thing to be worried about. Only family knew.”
“It doesn’t need blood to be family.”
“Oh god…”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Helga laughed at your reaction. “I assure you that only the siblings and me and Floki knew about you. I heard what you asked Ivar. He mentioned you to us - he was so radiant. Floki was afraid that this new thing would slow Ivar down, but the boy knows how to keep things straight.”
“I didn’t see him for days. Weeks, even. Only quick things, but we texted a lot.”
“I’m sorry you couldn’t see him. The company had a lot of work and Ivar is the only intern there.”
“That’s fine, I understand. I think it’s great that he’s that compromised,” you looked down at your feet, smiling.
“Ivar is a good boy, and I’m sure you’re a good girl. We’re very close, you see,” you nodded.
“He told me a lot about you two,”
“He’s that kind of person. He wouldn’t shut up about you, it drove Floki crazy,” you two laughed. “I’m so glad he found a girl like you. You’re very lucky to have meet him,” Helga squeezed your hands before going.
I think I am, you thought. You looked for Ivar above all those heads - you found him, speaking to some guys. You recognized Sigurd with him. That’s one you rarely see - Sigurd -, so the sight of him felt a bit strange. They were all laughing. They fought a lot, that was true, but they still loved each other. Just imagine, a house with four brothers. All men - the mess that probably was. You smiled at that view, looking all around.
Ubbe with Amy, laughing. Ivar and Sigurd and their friends. Hvitserk messing around. Bjorn and Torvi, along with a blonde, mature woman. Aslaug and Helga. Ragnar and Floki. Gyda and Aud. You parents were mixed in the crowd, but everyone was there.
You saw Hvitserk getting up on a table - he was trying to get everyone’s attention.
“This is a tradition of every damn gathering here,” everyone laughed. “A birthday is not an excuse. A party is not an excuse. It’s all about… all of us together,” Hvitserk tried to put his drunk words together. “I would like that bastard Sigurd to come up here since it’s his birthday too,” everyone screamed, calling for Sigurd. He showed up at Hvitserk’s side, and you felt someone touching your shoulder. Ivar. You smiled at each other.
“I’m happy that everyone could show up today. Or tonight,” Sigurd looked at the sky. “It’s night already, isn’t it? I’m terrible at these things, even though I jump on a stage and I’m great there,” people laughed. You remembered that day at Bragr’s, with Ivar. “I just wanna thank to all the presences here. Our friends, our family. Our neighbors and their daughter, because after Ivar met her he’s being less of a pain in my ass.”
You covered my face, wanting to dig yourself in the ground.
“Asshole!” Ivar screamed. Everyone laughed.
“But what the heck, I love my little brother. That’s the thing about being in a big family - you get to mess around and you still love everyone.”
“Wow. Nice words coming from Sigurd. I think it’s the whiskey,” Hvitserk said. Everyone laughed. “Here’s,” he said even louder, raising his glass. “For the handsome and the musician,” everyone shouted and raised their glasses. You didn’t have one, but Ivar raised his. “Here’s for everyone here tonight. May we all be together next year,” more shouts and everyone drank from their glasses. Ivar gave you his so you could take a sip.
“Now, if there’s anyone interested, I’m going to play some songs with my band, so just keep doing what you do best,” Sigurd announced.
As everyone shouted you turned over to Ivar. “I didn’t know Sigurd was playing.”
“Oh, he is. Only because it’s his birthday. Here, I made a little request,” Ivar put his glass on a table and pulled you over to him, your bodies really close to each other.
“I’ll start with a song that was a secret request. Don’t look too much around, otherwise it won’t be a secret anymore,” Sigurd said over the mic.
“Ivar…” you said, sounding surprised.
“Just c’mere,” he held you close.
Sigurd started with his guitar. He was solo.
Ivar started to guide you by the rhythm. 
“In the morning when I wake,” Sigurd’s voice sang. His voice was very smooth, different from that night at the café. “And the sun is coming through…”
“How is everyone?” You buried your head on Ivar’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. Just enjoy it,” you bit your lips and stared at Ivar.
“Shall I write it in a letter? Shall I try to get it down?” Sigurd continued. It was the kind of a song that made you feel good, calm.
“Oh, you fill my head with pieces… Of a song I can’t out,” Ivar was mimicking the words. He was slowly guiding you, gently making you spin. You felt the grass under your feet. When you got closer to him again, he rubbed the tip of his nose on yours, closing his eyes. It looked a lot like eskimo kissing, but for a moment he rested his forehead on yours.
“Can I take you to a moment - where the fields are painted gold? And the trees are filled with memories - of the feelings never told,” as Sigurd sang the words you remembered of the lake Ivar took you. You held your breath and opened your eyes. Ivar was there, looking at you. He was discreetly nodding his head yes, because he knew what you were thinking.
Now Ivar followed Sigurd, but in a tone that only you could hear. “Can I be close to you?” You bit your lips, your mind working at full speed. You weren’t sure if it was that but, even if it wasn’t, it was something. 
Maybe that was his way to confess. Or maybe that was his way to ask it.
But it didn’t matter, because by the time Ivar said the last “can I be close to you?” he whispered, now by himself, as Sigurd finished in the guitar: “Can I?”
You whispered back: “Yes. Yes, you can,” so Ivar hold you tight against his body and kissed you, passionately.
You had no idea what that was about, but it was something. And, for you, it was all that mattered.
Taglist:  @mblaqgi @akamaiden @dangerousvikings @oddsnendsfanfics @deepdarkred @irishhiggins @tinypuppysoul @kingbouji3 @i-war-s-boner @capitanostella @loothbrok @noaor @thehuntress26 @sassymcgonagal1651 @hoodirwin5 @attorneyl @collecting-stories @certainobservationwasteland @dreams-in-different-colours @3x5gurl @readsalot73 @action-adventure-and-cheesecake @titty-teetee @cutiedaij @austenkingmylady @ivarthesweetheart @golden-pickaxe @lokis-sunflower-anna @bill-istvan @cynthianokamaria @slut4hazeleyes @chinduda @hallowed-heathen @cherryblossombaby69 @paintballkid711 @bisexual-dane  @youbloodymadgenius @fuckthatfeeling
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mobius-prime · 4 years
235. Sonic the Hedgehog #167
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Mobius 25 Years Later (Part Two): Tempus Aeternus
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley Colors: Jason Jensen
Lien-Da is incredibly happy with herself on this fine evening, sipping a glass of wine and bragging about how she and King Shadow orchestrated the arrests of Tails, Lara-Su and Sonic, and how as a result she's had a hand in "bringing down the line of Edmund." Rutan watches silently from the nearby stairs, looking conflicted and upset, while Dimitri (still confined to being a head in a bubble) coldly remarks at how ashamed he is to be related to her due to her behavior, even more ashamed than when he in the past worked with Dr. Finitevus. Wait, what?! That hasn't happened yet! A hint of what is to come in the main comic, perhaps…? After all, though Lien-Da implied that Dimitri was dead during the Return to Angel Island arc, we know he can't actually be if he appears in this future. In the dungeons beneath the castle, Sonic, Tails, and Lara-Su have been chained up next to a despondent Rotor. He is frustrated that the three of them don't seem to be taking their position seriously, as the first two mostly joke around about this "bringing back memories" while Lara-Su complains that Rutan will make fun of her for all this. At that moment, Knuckles walks in, looking very stern.
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What, did you think Knuckles was gonna be the villain of this piece? Nah, he has way too heroic of a spirit to end up like that! (I mean, so does Shadow, but we already saw how that's being ignored in this arc, so.) Apparently, he was even counting on Lara-Su to overhear his conversation with Tails, precisely so that she would rebel and allow him to set up a coup like this without Shadow realizing that his head enforcer wasn't loyal. Tails says that he'll hack the castle's security systems to allow the others to get a clear path to the throne room, and Knuckles says he'll keep Queen Sally safe while Sonic battles Shadow. Lara-Su wants to come along, but Knuckles convinces her that now the best way for her to help is to get the injured Rotor to a hospital, which she reluctantly agrees to. Sonic and Knuckles race along the hallways to the throne room, where Sally quickly follows Knuckles to safety. Apparently, she too seems to know about the other timeline, surprised that her husband does as well. With Sally safe, Sonic tries to attack Shadow, but his punch has barely any force behind it.
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Ouch. I mean, yeah, saw it coming, but ouch. Things are looking bad, until suddenly Lara-Su bursts in, ready to continue the fight on her own terms. Shadow becomes irritated at her smack-talk, and reminds her that he wields Chaos powers, only for her fist to glow as she smugly invites him to "join the club." Shadow tries to fire off some Chaos Spears in her direction, but she merely dodges them while reciting Tikal's prayer (you know, the "Chaos is power enriched by the heart" one) and performs a Chaos Control, freezing Shadow in place.
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Bit of an ignoble ending to Shadow's story, don't you think? I said it last issue, but again, I'm really not okay with how this AU just wants to turn Shadow into this brutal villain. I mean, especially considering his whole character arc in the games - the only times he ever acts truly violent and uncaring of others' wellbeing is when he's being manipulated by an actual villain or otherwise brainwashed, and once he discovers who he truly is he's never anything less than a goddamn hero. I just think that turning Shadow the Hedgehog into Shadow the Evil Dictator is doing a huge disservice to him as a character, and not even bothering to try to work in an ending where he realizes the error of his ways is at this point just spitting in his face.
Meh, whatever. Knuckles comes running back in, concerned, but Lara-Su just excitedly informs him of how she defeated Shadow. She then says a seemingly nonsensical line about how she "already took care of him" that only makes sense if you assume that Knuckles asked her something along the lines of "But I thought you were taking Rotor to the hospital," so I can only guess that they forgot to include that dialogue bubble. Sally and Sonic walk into the next room, and she tells Sonic how Knuckles explained all the timeline shenaningans to her, and how she always felt that something wasn't right all these years. She then awkwardly explains that she never married Shadow for love, but only to try to bring stability to her kingdom. Frankly, I find that to be a pile of crap. Sally Acorn, the lifelong ringleader of the rebellion against not one but two different Robotniks, passively married an evil autocrat who likes to use torture on his enemies? Not fricking likely. Sally would have been at the head of the resistance against Shadow from the very start. It seems that even under a different writer, Mobius 25 Years Later is doomed to have every member of its cast acting completely out of character.
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Wow, it's that easy to get back together after twenty-five years apart? *sigh* Look, I think the reason this two-part arc fails is because it's ultimately working off an already-flawed base. I understand that some closure needed to be brought to the tangled mess that Kenders set up at the beginning of this era, but hell, I think it could have been done a lot better. Some people do like the whole King Shadow and dystopian future thing, but personally, I think it's just as inexplicable and out of character as everything in Kenders' version of events. I'm just glad to be done with it, as next issue we actually get to go back to the normal, interesting stuff.
Hedgehog Day
Writer: R. Chacon Pencils: Dave Manak Colors: Josh Ray
Well, we do have this little story before that happens. Apparently everyone in Knothole has decided to put together a second birthday celebration for Sonic several days after the previous one, the one Scourge crashed. Sonic wakes up at 10am on the morning of the make-up party, and begins his morning routine as his alarm clock informs him that Mina's latest hit "Soldier Boy" has just finished playing (note that this issue came out one year before "Soulja Boy" was released, so it's not a reference), that it's going to be in the mid-70s (Fahrenheit) today, and that many important people will be at the celebration such as the king and queen and Mina herself. However, the announcer on the radio then says that everyone is wondering where Sonic is as the party has already started, which wakes Sonic up out of his sleepy daze. He realizes that he accidentally set his alarm for the time the party was to start rather than when he actually wanted to wake up, and rushes to get ready, racing out the door and nearly barreling into a bunch of reporters looking for him.
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Ouch! Well, at least there's always tomorrow, right? The next morning, Sonic wakes up at 10am on the morning of the make-up party, and begins his morning routine as his alarm clock informs him that Mina's latest hit "Soldier Boy" has just finished playing, that it's going to be in the mid-70s today, and that many important people will be at the celebration such as the king and queen and Mina herself. However, the announcer on the radio then says that everyone is wondering where Sonic is as the party has already started, which wakes Sonic up out of his sleepy daze. He realizes that he accidentally set his alarm for the time the party was to start rather than when he actually wanted to wake up, and rushes to get ready. However, he hesitates before he races out the front door, struck by a strange suspicion that there's reporters outside waiting for him.
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Hmm, something's a bit fishy here… The next next morning, Sonic wakes up and shuts off his alarm, a bit disappointed that he didn't wake up in time to listen to "Soldier Boy." He asks the alarm clock if it's going to be in the 70s for his party today, and the announcer dutifully reports that it will be, repeating the same spiel from the past two mornings.
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I mean, maybe if you walked instead of ran, you might make it there in one piece, bro. But then again, this is Sonic we're talking about. He buries himself back under the covers to avoid the prying eyes of reporters looking in through his windows, but that doesn't stop them. They start looking for another entrance, ultimately climbing on top of his roof, which buckles and collapses under their weight. This time, Sonic isn't the only one stuck in the hospital, as all the reporters are injured from their fall as well. Finally, the next next next morning, Sonic has had enough and wakes up three hours before his celebration, making his way there and sitting in one of the folding chairs as everyone sets up around him, confident that now, there's no way he can miss the party!
Though the title of the story is a parody on the movie Groundhog Day, I do find it kind of funny that despite this clearly seeming like another fantastical and silly plot device, stuff like this actually does happen to people. They're called false awakenings, and consist of dreaming that you wake up and perform your morning routine, only to then "wake up" into another similar dream, and this repeats until you finally do regain consciousness for real. They can also be paired with stress dreams, meaning that you might wake up in a panic that you're late for school or work, only to wake up into the same situation again and again in a bizarre loop. So, in a way, this story is actually one of the most realistic in the entire comic! I'm sure that wasn't the intention, but the point still stands!
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thestoryofhiccstrid · 5 years
So today is a very very special day!! Indeed, it's the birthday of my bestie @foreverandalwayshttyd , and I wanted to write you a little something sweetie ♡ I really hope you will like it, even though it will never be as good as I wish it could since you deserve the very best! Love you lot, you make me the happiest and I'm beyond grateful to have you! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY GIRLIE!!! I WISH YOU A YEAR FULL OF HAPPINESS, UNFORGETTABLE MEMORIES AND LOVE <3
Now, as for the context, it's taking place in rtte, after season 3 episode 5 :) I'm so sorry for all the mistakes I've made (hopefully not too much!!) Enjoy :D
Astrid couldn't stop turning around in her bed, and her hut had never seemed so nerve-wracking and scary. There was sweat dripping on her forehead and her temples. It seemed to her that the bedroom was burning and that she couldn't do anything to make it stop, to put an end to this agonizing heat.
Her heart was racing, as if he was threatening to get out of her rib cage at any moment. Her headache and her arms shaking did not help to realise her overwhelming urge to find a normal breathing again and a less blurred view. She just could't focus on anything else than herself on the brink of death.
She was about to cry, and she hated that. Indeed, she couldn't cry just because of a nightmare! She was a strong and fierce girl, undoubtedly fearless! She was Astrid Hofferson for Thor's sake!
Well, even if she was repeating to herself this anchored thought of her, her shivers wouldn't stop, just like her heart pounding. It looked so true, she could feel the huge pain of the Scourge of Odin all over again, and it was simply so exhausting.
Suddenly, she heard someone knocking on her door boldly.
_ "Astrid, you forgot your knives on the table of the central pavilion. I ... I wanted to give them back to you... Can I come in?"
She immediately recognized the familiar nasally voice of Hiccup that she liked more than she would admit, always shy about her increasing feelings for him that were quite scaring her about how deep they were, and the last thing that she wanted was him seeing her being a total mess.
Since he didn't get any reply, he soon started to worry and decided to knock again, the want to make sure that she was okay devouring him.
But still, no reply at all.
_ "Astrid? Astrid! Are you okay?" he said, his voice full of concern for the girl that, only a week ago, caused him the fear of his life, but also the same girl that was always the main character of his craziest dreams (that may or may not include a passionate and all so desired kiss), since... well... since as long as he could remember.
_ "Yes, don't... don't worry Hiccup, I will take them tomorrow. But thanks."
She felt so guilty about not opening her front door to her... best friend? That was what he was to her, right? Or maybe more? No, what was she thinking about! And even if she had developed feelings for him, which is clearly not the case, would it be mutual?
She didn't know anymore... Another thing she wants to figure out, since there were so many different feelings rushing in her heart at the same time whenever his cute face full of freckles was in front of her. And his bright emerald eyes, those that looks at her like nobody else do, and that definitely were her weakness. She could litteraly get lost into them.
She thought for so long that he was just her best friend and nothing more than the guy who share with her the taste for adventure, the guy that completely changed her opinion about dragons and war, the guy the most awkward yet cute she ever met, the guy the most caring and protective and faithful to his convictions, and attractive...
By Odin! Did she just admit to herself that she found him attractive? Her?? And meaned every word she said, if not more???
She was so not the type of girl paying attention and importance about looks, but she had to admit that Hiccup was no longer a pretty boy with a sweet smile. No, he was so much more than that.
She just didn't want to put words on it, so afraid that it might reveal her obvious feelings for him, her uncontrollable want to be with him, to make him understand how much he means to her, how much she couldn't picture herself waking up without seeing his usual grin with his adorable crooked teeths, or his excitement about a new exploration that obviously imply rescuing dragons (and she wouldn't want it any other way).
How much she couldn't imagine doing any mission without him, get some sleep without saying him goodnight, eating if she was not sitting on her usual chair because then she would have to deal with the twins stealing her food or worse, having Snotlout teasing her about how she can't live without him.
How much she cherishes every single thing that makes him him.
She didn't know how long she had been lost in her thoughts, but she was unquestionably really shocked to hear him again, testifying that he was still here and that he won't give up. Why she's not even surprised? He's definitely stubborn when he wants to, and she also deeply love that part of him. As most as she find his determination heartwarming, her flushed cheeks and her dilated pupils clearly don't want to confront his gaze, not now!
_ "Astrid, I don't want to appear intrusive or anything, but I feel like you was trying to avoid me today... Did I do something wrong? If it's the case, I'm so sorry! You know I'm here for you and that you can tell me anything and... yeah I really hope you're okay after everything you've been through this past few months. I... I miss spending time with you..."
That was it. She couldn't take it anymore. She let hot tears rolling down along her blushing cheeks, trying her best to choke her sobs. She felt so weak, so vulnerable, so fragile at this very moment.
And him, he was so nice to her, so receptive at any move she make, at any tone of voice she use. He was always there for her, exactly like he said, making sure she feels alright, happy and surrounded, offering her all the support she could wish for and even more than that.
And her? What did she do? What did she do to deserve this amount of goodwill and kindness and this unstinting support ? Was she really losing her self-confidence?
She obviously didn't wanted to be an emotional wreck. She had to believe that those horrible nightmares will come to an end with all her might!
Thus, she wiped her tears with determination and decided that the bravest thing that she could do right now was to open the door to him. After all, if there is someone in this world that won't judge anyone, it's him for sure.
_ "Hi Hiccup! Don't you worry, you didn't do anything wrong, like at all! Hum... Well... it's not you that have to apologize... I mean, I don't know where I would be without you... you litteraly saved my life and I can't think of a way to thank you enough, to repay you... I am so sorry, I didn't wanted to hurt you!!!"
And with that confession out of her chest, quiet sobs returned in spite of herself.
Instinctively, he pulled her against his chest, wrapped his arms around her waist and cradled her delicately while drawing gentle circles in the small of her back.
She immediately relaxed and put her head in the crook of his neck, taking the time to breathe his woody scent, which reminds her so much of the forge and all the hours of work he spends inside. Everything became more peaceful and bearable. It was as if this place in the hollow of his arms was meant for her. It felt like home. The precise place where she can be herself, and she was definitely overwhelmed by love right now.
She opened her eyes and dared maintaining his gaze but what she found was no longer determination. It was without a doubt hesitation.
_ "What is it? Are you feeling uncomfortable about this?"
_ "What? No! No, no, no, no, no! It's just... argh!"
_ "It's just what?", she replied, squeezing his hand in order to encourage him to continue.
_ "Forget it, it's not that important anyway", he answered, trying to avoid her gaze.
_ "What happened to you?"
_ "What are you saying?"
_ "We promised to always tell each other the truth!"
_ "Are you telling me that I'm lying to you?! Seriously Astrid?!"
_ "Up to you to convince me otherwise!"
_ "Is it the lack of sleep that makes you say things like that?"
_ "WHAT?? Say that again to see!!!"
_ "I'm just saying that I'm not hiding anything from you Astrid! But what about you, huh? You haven't told me anything lately!"
_ "Okay, well, what do you want to know?!"
_ "I don't know! How are you feeling, why are you avoiding me, how do you manage to make me feel so insecure about our friendship..."
_ "Our friendship? You question our bond?!"
_ "NO! OF COURSE NOT! It's still not my fault if everything you do makes me doubt!"
_ "I don't follow you... doubts about what??"
_ "About us!! I... urgh! I just... I just... let me show you"
Without another word, he crushed his lips againt her own, and both of their hearts skipped a beat. He said he wanted to show her, that's what he will do. He cupped both of her cheeks, leaned a little more and tilted his head a little for having a better angle to take control.
Her lips were so soft, so perfect, so addictive! He felt like he was in heaven. He took the time to memorize every new sensation, every little sigh and moan, exploring every inch of her divine lips who had become in a quarter of a second his favorite place of all time, as if they were meant to be pressed against him own.
Paying attention of any possible sign of reluctance, he definitely felt more alive than ever when she answered fervently, wrapping her arms against his neck, which send shivers along his spine and made him groan of pleasure.
She even intensified the kiss, brushing her lips against his own languorously while mobilizing an infinite tenderness at each new meeting, full of anticipation.
They kissed with passion until they were forced to part to catch their breath, which they did grudgingly.
He scanned her face and found an Astrid grinning from ear to ear, with cheeks flushed red and pupils blacker than ever. As for him, his blissful smile and the soft tingling on his lips were the proof that he only wanted one thing: repeat this delightful moment as many times as she would allow him.
_ "This sounds kinda familiar" she said, her eyes sparkling and focused on his reaction.
_ "I think I'm definitely more comfortable when I directly show you what I mean. Note that this time I didn't throw you on a branch" he admitted with a teasing smile.
_ "I think so too, and I appreciate it, really", she confirmed, letting out a chuckle that made his heart melt instantly. He wished he could hear her laugh on repeat.
_ "I'm so sorry Astrid, I feel so dumb to have waited this long! I was so scared about losing you, I- I..."
_ "Shhh.. that was amazing! You are amazing Hiccup, and if there is someone who must apologize, it's really me! Wanting to repress my feelings was propably the worst idea I ever have! The only thing holding me back was the fear of ruining our friendship, and I would never have forgiven myself if that had happened! But I definitely want to be more for you" she confessed, eyes filled with hope.
_ "And I definitely want you to be your boyfriend, you insomniac", which earned him a light punch in the shoulder, but it was all worth it because what followed made him feel high, as if he was able to touch the sky, and this time, Toothless wasn't there to make fun of him (but he'll catch up eventually).
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angelkitty54 · 4 years
Someone on AO3 requested it, so here’s part the next of This AU. I have so many ideas for this AU... this ended up being really long...
Also here’s some songs that make me think of this AU: “Bad Idea” and “You Matter to Me” from the Waitress musical.
So, there’s no scourge or prophecy in this AU but the war with Nifflheim is still happening. The Oracle is a religious figure, and much beloved by the people, hence why the Empire originally wanted to obtain control over Tenebrae. But lately the Emperor is feeling threatened by Lunafreya.
She’s is beloved by the masses, and though her brother has been indoctrinated, and she lacks any real power, it’s clear she still has a mind of her own. So it’s decided that Luna ought to be replaced with a younger cousin, who has also been indoctrinated and is far easier to manipulate.
It doesn’t matter to them that this girl doesn’t possess the powers of the Oracle. The powers that be in Nifflheim are not religious. They couldn’t care less about the magic’s of the Oracle line. If nothing else, they’ll just have Ravus (who is a beta btw) marry and produce a kid at some point.
But first, Luna must disappear. It will be a tragic accident, or perhaps even a plot by the enemy. Either way she has to go.
And yet, for all that Ravus has been thoroughly brainwashed by the Empire, he still loves his sister above all else. He’s not just going to stand by and do nothing while Luna’s life is in danger.
So, swallowing his pride and hatred for the Lucian King, Ravus secretly makes a deal. Luna is spirited away to Insomnia seeking political asylum. To her it feels a little like abandoning her duties and her people, but (as it’s been since the Niffs invaded years ago) she has little say in the matter.
Life is Terrible for omegas in Insomnia, and in Nifflheim it’s just as bad. The only difference being that the Niffs are open about their cruelty, whereas Lucians like to sugar coat it. Luna can’t tell which is worse.
Luna knows exactly what would have happened to her had she presented as anything other than an alpha. And like Noctis, her status and birthright would not have been enough to save her. But she never would have thought such a thing would have happened to him.
Her magic and status as Oracle is the one thing that Nifflheim couldn’t take form her. It strikes a cord in her, seeing Noctis stripped of his own magic and status as prince. And Luna, well, she knows better than anyone what it’s like to be a prisoner in your own home...
The first time she met Noctis he was a shy, damaged child in a wheelchair. The second time he is a boy still not yet a man, yet he is pregnant and far more damaged, for more broken, than the child she met ten years ago. 
She just can’t understand how this could have happened.
It’s typical alpha behavior to offer food to omegas (to show they are a good provider, someone who can put food on the table), but Noctis won’t eat anything Ignis or Gladio give him.
After everything they’ve done to him, all of Noct’s instincts scream that Ignis and Gladio are unsafe alphas. He physically cannot eat the food they provide, which means he’s not eating period. They’ve started force feeding him, which only causes him more distress and he ends up throwing it all back up again.
Furthermore, Noctis hasn’t been sleeping. How can he when he sandwiched between two unsafe alphas (his captors, his rapists) at night? There isn’t a single place safe from them in his home. He’s trapped in an unsafe home with two aggressive, untrustworthy, dangerous alphas. Sleep is impossible when he’s on high alert at all times.
The pregnancy is hard on his body too. He doesn’t want this baby. It’s little more than a lump of cells, not even a person yet, and he already despises it. To Noct, it’s nothing more than a parasite, slowing draining his life away.
“It’s just hormones.” The so-called experts say. “Everything will be fine once the baby is here.” They diagnose him with prenatal depression, and largely brush it off as being “normal” for omegas experiencing their first pregnancy.
Nevermind that Noctis is miserable, that he’s wasting away. That he has been suffering ever since he presented.
And it’s ironic, but before Noct presented, Ignis and Gladio had actually been good alphas. Ignis made Noct feel cared for, while Gladio made him feel safe. They had a healthy dynamic before. If they just stayed the way they were, then Noct would have felt safe with them, might have even accepted them as his alphas. But they didn’t.
The fact of the matter remains, Noctis is dying, and nothing seems to help (naturally, given their version of “helping” is just to be more abusive and controlling).
As an unmated alpha, Luna would normally never be allowed near Noctis, but as it’s the Oracle’s duty to offer guidance and healing, well...
Luna knows how to navigate a conversation peacefully while holding an unpopular opinion. She knows how to probe and question, without rocking the boat. She’s had a lot of practice after all, though she never thought it’d be like this with the likes of Regis and Noct’s friends...
She’s able to gain access to Noctis, alone, without guards or his alphas hovering threateningly over their shoulders. She’s the Oracle, and an old friend. Who is more trustworthy than her?
The fact that Noctis seems so much better after speaking to her just once helps her case quite a bit too.
Luna is the only person who speaks to Noct looking him in the eye. She doesn’t talk over him, or at him, or to his alphas instead of him. She doesn’t touch him without permission. She doesn’t crowd him and keeps a comfortable distance. She’s the only person who truly sees him; sees whats happening to him and understands it’s wrong.
Luna is a good, safe alpha. More than that, she’s still his friend. Where everyone else abandoned him, Luna did not. Even if it’s only for a few hours every other day, she provides a safe haven.
She tries to undo whatever Regis did to seal Noct’s magic, but is unsuccessful, and Regis isn’t sharing what he knows either. Every time she brings it up, he manages to brush the topis aside. Sometimes he even makes his actions sound quite logical.
But Luna knows it’s not right. One look at Noctis is all it takes to realise the truth. It seems that no one else is willing to truly see him though...
Noctis has been her closest friend and confidant over the years, even when they were apart. She wants so badly to help him, but it seems she’s just as powerless here beside him, as she was when they were separated...
As Noct’s pregnancy progresses, his mood swings violently from one end to the other. With Luna he is almost happy, hopeful even. But at other times he is utterly inconsolable. All the while, the pair grow closer and closer.
They don’t mean to fall into bed together. It just sort of happened. They know what they’re doing is a terrible idea, dangerous even, but it’s difficult deny their feelings. Noct has always provided an escape for Luna, and visa versa, and this is just one more way of escaping from their unhappy lives.
For Luna, she has been trapped in a cage for so long, even now, she’s simply traded her old cage for a somewhat nicer one. For Noct, well if he had no choice but to belong to someone, he’d rather belong to Luna. They both want something that’s entirely theirs.
Still, is dangerous and if they get caught, well, never seeing the other again will probably be the least of their worries...
Noct’s 18th birthday has come and gone. In the past he would have faced it with pride and trepidation for the future for it had meant he was one step closer to being king. Now though, well, there’s very little for him to look forward to...
And while others celebrate, dread begins to fill his entire being as his due date is fast approaching...
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seductresses-temple · 5 years
He was betrayed Drarry please 1k preferred, but whatever you can right will be fine X)
This ask has been sitting here for forever and six days but I FINALLY did it. I was so uninspired by this prompt at first, I’m not even going to lie, but then an idea sparked in my head and next thing I knew, I couldn’t stop writing. So here we go.
Pairing: Drarry (Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter)
Rating: Teen for a bit of foul language and some snogging 
Words: 2,771
Harry crumbled the Daily Prophet in his hands and chucked it across the room. He watched it catch fire amongst the remaining kindling, burning lowly. He couldn’t remember if there had ever been a time in his life when he had been this livid. His memories came up empty handed - nothing compared to the hurt settling over him like dust in an old house. He didn’t understand how someone he trusted so deeply could betray him this way. Seething, he stalked through Grimmauld Place until he’d grabbed his coat and was out the door and disappearing from the Apparition point with a resounding
Emerald eyes burning, Harry landed near a quiet street in muggle London and stalked toward a small flower shop. He chose to ignore the startled and perplexed glances of passersby as he threw open the door beside the shop and stormed the stairs two at a time until he reached the top landing. With a nonchalant wave of his hand the door to the upstairs apartment swung open noisily on its hinges -opened wandlessly and without care for privacy, the law, or any manner of decency.
“Axel!” Harry’s voice sounded foreign to his own ears but he didn’t care.
Axel came padding out into the living room moments later. His messy black curls were pulled into a loose bun and he looked to have just rolled out of bed, standing around with his head cocked to the side in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs and a crumpled button up. He smiled slowly, stepping closer despite the murderous look in Harry’s eyes and placing a kiss on his cheek.
“How could you?” Harry seethed, stepping back and wiping his cheek with the back of his hand.
Axel chuckled, shaking his head as he turned away from Harry and made his way into the kitchen as if they were having a perfectly normal conversation.
“It was just an interview, Harry, relax.” Axel picked up an orange from the fruit bowl, hopping up on the counter and kicking his legs back and forth as he peeled it. He seemed completely unfazed by anything he’d done which only set Harry off further.
“Just an interview? You told those- those vultures personal things, intimate details about my life things that took me YEARS to open up to you about and all you have to say for yourself is that it was just an interview!” Harry balled his hands into fists, trying to keep tight reins on his magic. He could feel it bubbling up just below the surface but he refused to lose control. He didn’t want to give Axel the satisfaction of knowing just how deeply he’d hurt him.
Harry still couldn’t believe it had come to this, all of his secrets splashed across the pages of the Daily Prophet...how he actually had died during the war, how Voldemort had been in his head all those years, how he had been a Horcrux, and probably more. All of it was out for the entire wizarding world to see, leaked by a man that supposedly loved him. They had been together for almost four years and now…now, Harry couldn’t find it in his heart to forgive it, but he still had to know what would make Axel stoop so low after all this time.
“Why?” Harry forced the word out of his mouth, knowing no answer would ever be good enough.
Axel stopped peeling his orange. He looked at Harry, long and hard, his fingers trembling as he picked at the orange rind again. “You forgot my birthday, you know,” he muttered, voice suddenly small.
“You did all this because I forgot your birthday?” There was a sharp crack and the mirror over the mantle crashed to the floor making Axel jump slightly.
The air was thick with Harry’s magic, almost suffocating, but Axel pressed on.
“You missed my birthday, you’ve missed date nights, you even forgot our anniversary this year, Harry. I had to do something to get your attention.” Axel stared down at the floor, Harry’s magic whipping around the room like a strong wind. It was hard to breathe against it.
“Draco, he- he warned me about you...the day I introduced the two of you, I didn’t want to listen. He told me and I didn’t-” Harry ran a trembling hand through his hair, a high, shaky laugh escaping him.
Axel threw the orange down into the sink, stalking over to Harry “Do not bring up that scourge in my house!”
“What does Draco have to do with any of this! He’s my friend!” It was true. Sometimes it still caught Harry off guard that he and Draco could be as close as they were but it had happened in its own due time. After the war, Harry had been in a dark place and after he’d broken up with Ginny so that she didn’t have to choose between following her dreams or staying in a relationship with someone who barely knew themselves...Harry had been at an all time low. He’d begun seeing a Mind Healer and after every session he’d go for a walk in a nearby park to let everything sink in. That’s where Harry met Scorpius for the first time after he’d gotten separated from his father. He’d been a tiny little thing back then, no more than six. He noticed Harry’s scar and asked for help from ‘The Great Harry Potter,’ and he was so small and scared, only a truly heartless person could have denied him.
Harry and Scorpius made quite the pair. They managed to find Draco right before he’d resorted to ripping his hair out from worry. Draco had been ridiculously grateful and invited Harry out to lunch before he even fully realized what he was doing. Scorpius was thrilled and before Harry or Draco knew, it became a weekly thing. Watching Draco raise Scorpius alone after Astoria’s death, Harry saw just how much the war had changed his former rival for the better and there was something about the new Draco Malfoy that brought Harry a great deal of peace.
The only time Harry had seen even the slightest glimpse of the old Malfoy was when Harry had introduced Draco to Axel. All of a sudden Draco was back to being the same scathing, rude, pompous git he’d been all through their Hogwarts days.
“There’s something about him I don’t trust,” Draco had told him.
Harry should have listened. He wished he had listened. He felt his magic deflate around him like a balloon hissing out air until it slipped somewhere unreachable. He looked at Axel who was staring at him intently, unmoving, and annoying resolute.
“You know, Harry, sometimes,” Axel sighed softly, brushing past Harry to grab his wand from the coffee table. He Vanished the shattered remains of his mirror before turning back to Harry, tears in his eyes. “Sometimes I wonder if you’re just willfully ignorant, tragically oblivious, or just toying with me but either way, you came to break up with me and I can’t do this anymore so just- just go home Harry, or better yet? Go see Draco, I’m sure he’d jump at the chance to comfort you after ‘The Big Bad Wolf’ hurt you, yeah? But just go.”
“Just go, Harry, there’s nothing for you here, hasn’t been for a while.”
With one final look, Harry left Axel’s apartment in a fog. He left with his relationship irreparably broken and no real clue as to when it had started to break, where it had all gone wrong. He’d been busy lately, sure, he was in the process of starting his own company. It required a lot of his attention and devotion. Maybe he had been...inattentive, as of late, which was wrong of course. Axel had been his boyfriend, someone special to him, he shouldn’t have let work come before his relationship, they both needed to be a priority in his life. But something in the way Axel spoke made Harry think the entire thing ran so much deeper than just a few missed special occasions.
He was betrayed...by his own boyfriend, and for what? Vengeance? Attention That wasn’t the Axel he knew. A part of Harry was half tempted to go see Draco, maybe he could connect the dots Harry just wasn’t seeing, or maybe Hermione could. Everything felt like a giant jigsaw puzzle with just enough pieces missing to make the final picture so unclear. All he knew for sure was there was no fixing this. Even if he could find it in his heart to forgive Axel -of course he would forgive Axel, eventually- he would never trust him again though, and what was a relationship, any relationship, without trust?
In the end, Harry headed back home to Grimmauld Place and was met with a pleasant if not confusing surprise. He followed the smell of warm treacle tarts down into the kitchen, head tilting to the side as he took in the sight of Draco humming to himself as he bustled about Harry’s kitchen. Harry forgot at least once every few months that since Grimmauld Place was no longer the headquarters for The Order of the Phoenix, Draco’s Black lineage allowed him to come and go as he pleased. The only thing thing capable of putting a stop to it was Harry changing the wards which seemed like far too much work on Harry’s end. Plus, it wasn’t like Draco would ever abuse the right, he just had the tendency to show up unannounced but it almost always ended in treacle tart for Harry so who was he to complain?
“Honey, I’m home?”
Draco stopped short, a tray of biscuits in one hand and his wand in the other, keeping two cups of tea afloat in front of him. He gave Harry an arch look, harrumphing in the back of his throat as he continued to set the table with tea, biscuits, and treacle tart.
“About time you made it back, Potter. Please, worry me half to death next time, I’ve clearly nothing better to do with Scorpius away at school.” Draco brought plates to the table before sitting down at the head of the table, resting ankle over knee, lounging ever so slightly against the back of his chair as if he owned the place.
“You are aware that this is my house, you git?” Still, Harry sat down and cut himself a piece of treacle tart because he couldn’t resist.
Draco rolled his eyes, grabbing a biscuit off the tray and breaking it in half “Circumstantial,” he murmured around the edge of it before taking a bite, chewing slowly as he regarded Harry with a steady gaze.
They sat in silence for a moment, Draco sipping his tea and Harry eating a slice or two or three of treacle tart before either of them said a word.
“You were right,” Harry whispered to the treacle tart, gripping his fork unnecessarily hard in a vain attempt to keep the tears from rolling down his cheeks.
“How are you always right?” he added quietly, an afterthought.
Draco set both his feet on the floor and scooted forward, gently sliding his hand over the top of Harry’s. “Being the sort of person that’s made his fair share of horrid mistakes, well-” Draco smiled sadly, caressing the top of Harry’s hand with the pad of his thumb. “I suppose, I’m just very good at spotting the worst in people. Rest assured, I don’t take any pleasure in it, it’s a terrible burden, to see the people you care about in a position where they’ll eventually be hurt.”
“Did you really come all this way just because of what was in the paper?” Harry murmured, still talking to his half eaten slice of treacle tart.
“Well, once I read it, I firecalled and you didn’t answer,” Draco did his best to make the statement sound as accusatory as he could but it lacked any real heat behind it. “Then, I had to go through the arduous task of making actual phone calls just to make sure you hadn’t gotten yourself detained by the DMLE and then, I came here, hoping you’d come to your senses and come home instead of doing something reckless like getting yourself carted off to Azkaban.”
Harry thought about the shattered mirror on Axel’s floor, how hard it had been to keep a handle on his magic. He’d almost lost complete control and in the moment -until Axel had kicked him out- there was a large piece of Harry that simply hadn’t cared. He could have hurt someone. Sometimes he truly was just as reckless as when he was a boy. “Am I really that predictable?” He sighed, Draco’s expression telling him all he needed to know.
“You’re an absolute Gryffindor,” Draco muttered as if it were painstakingly obvious. When he managed to at least get a chuckle out of Harry, he set to work clearing the table, resuming his quiet humming.
“Yes Harry?”
“What- what made you so distrusting of Axel?”
Draco froze, back to Harry. He let several moments pass between them before turning around and leaning against the counter. Some expression Harry couldn’t read passed over his face before he finally spoke. “The day you brought Axel with you, I had made some joke about how you and I weren’t swingers and how dare you bring some random stranger out on our date and Axel just, well, he froze and there was this look in his eyes that I knew all too well. I had seen it in myself so many times. Possessiveness. Jealousy. Insecurity. From then, I just took to watching him and the more I saw you two together the more I realized he just wasn’t right for you, he didn’t deserve you.” Draco turned around quickly, busying himself with the spices all of a sudden.
Harry tried to think back. It had been four years ago, so much had happened since then, but hearing it from Draco he did remember the way Axel had tensed beside him. He thought it was just nerves. Butterflies. He knew Draco’s sense of humor wasn’t particularly for everyone. People either thought he was hilarious or a prat, there tended to be little to no in between. Except for Ron, he would always think Draco was a prat but at least now he thought he was a hilarious prat. But Axel…
It was pointless. The more Harry dwindled on Axel the more he just wanted to curl into his bed and not come out until the day was through. “He was the only guy I’d ever dated that saw me as just Harry,” he lamented, finishing the last of his tea and staring into the bottom of the cup as if he’d somehow find answers at the bottom.
“That’s part of the problem though, isn’t it?” Draco turned to Harry, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. It wasn’t like Draco Malfoy to not say the first thing that came tumbling to the forefront of his mind.
“What is it?” Harry rested his hand on Draco’s shoulder, peering into his eyes and that one small gesture seemed to be all it took.
“You deserve to be with someone who knows the duality of you, someone who knows that as much as you’re just Harry, you’re also The Boy Who Lived and you’ll always hate. You don’t take any pleasure or pride in it. You deserve to be with someone who knows that they’ll have to share you with the world but only they would get pieces of you that no one else will and they should cherish that. You deserve someone who would never betray you. You deserve- you deserve,” before Harry truly knew what was happening, velvet soft lips were crashing into his.
The kiss was rough, passionate, and so heartbreakingly desperate. Harry realized, with a shock so huge it seemed to root him to the spot, that Draco was crying, his tears wetting their cheeks as Harry’s brain slowly caught up with him. He pulled Draco into his arms and held him close, kissing him back just as fiercely, just as desperate, trying to pour years worth of love he hadn’t even realized had been blooming inside of him into it. His nerve endings felt raw, electrified, alive -the tumultuous events of the day crashing into him all at once - yet and still, Draco in his arms was the first thing that felt right in such a long time. 
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thecastcompany · 3 years
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The Writing Prompt given to the Cast Company was....
What was your childhood like? What was Azeroth or your Planet like when you were a child? Share a nice childhood story with us.
Here is the stories of: Lora, Rak'kaba, Zaneryne, Vida, Selth, Sam, Lyla and Maddi
Lora reaches up to adjust the dark red hat on her head, "Vol'dun wasn't great, but I had big sister there! At least...when I was little I did. A story?" She pulls down on her hat, almost covering her whole head with the brim. "Well, there was this one time our caravan stopped near some ruined building or something. The adults said we were gonna stop there for a few day and asked Nika and me to go find supplies and food and stuff! So Nika had a great idea to go explore all the buildings! Of course I wanted to follow my big sister on a big adventure! So we set out and started digging around the rocks and stuff." She seems to lean forward a bit as the memory of the story makes her more and more excited.
"Anyway, I didn't really find much but Nika found this, like, door or something. Me being much smaller, I could fit into the crack in the door, so Nika stood watch while I climbed through! When I got inside, there were these stairs that led underground so I followed them. When I got to the bottom, it was...amazing! All kinds of crazy paintings and broken pottery and stuff! I never found out what anything in there meant but there were these holes in the ceiling that shined light on all the walls and stuff!" Her tail begins to move erratically behind her as she continues to describe the walls in exhausting detail.
"Anyway, we didn't find anything useful, but I think Nika just didn't tell anyone what I had found and just said the place was empty. Maybe someday I can try to find that spot.." Her voice trails off as she starts talking in her native tongue about who knows what for a while...
click, click, click A singular, weathered talon taps against a table. It fills the silence, but leaves the interviewer wondering if they are speaking to a Mercenary. . .or a Bird of Prey. The bird in question hums, the talon finally pulling away from the table. "Hrm. Childhood? I do quite like talking about myself.  I will enlighten you on how I became a Solar Priest. Hrah! No questions, only listen." Rak'kaba begins to pace the room, making wild hand gestures as they speak. "As a hatchling, our Elders decide our fates. However, we can also decide ourselves. So I did whatever was necessary. Like tossing the flightless ones over the Spires." It's hard to tell what sort of emotions are expressed with the bird, but one thing is for sure - they think it's hilarious. "As a hatchling I excelled in the arts of Solar energy, I can make Night into Day with just myself and a particular ritual. Hrm, yes, I suppose I learned it to throw off the competition mainly. The Elders were impressed by my talents at such a young age. Hrm, you are impressed by my talents, correct? You should be. I am very important." The Arakkoa continues to speak for quite literally hours on end about themselves, making sure the interviewer understands just how important they are and not so much about the home they were exiled from.
Zaneryne smiles slightly to this question, "Well as all noble children of the Sun our lives were filled with schedules, schedules and more schedules....sure I grew up with a silver-spoon in my mouth, and had a lot of stuff to do, like school, mage training, this or that, but it was still a good life. I don't really know what the rest of Azeroth was like, I just knew what Quel'thalas was like. It was a golden palace of silver and golds and the finest of stones, everyday felt like a fairy tale and that you were the Princess of the city...but my most cherish childhood memory was.....a picnic we went too....it was my mom, me, my sister Zainstra and our father, we all day sat in the sun and ate cakes and sandwiches and chased geese and had some chase us back, and it was not until night when we made a fire and my parents told us the story of how they met and fell in love and had smores together, and my father was so particular about not having chocolate of anything smudge his face cause appearance was EVERYTHING!" flutters her eyes before rolling them.
She giggles a little, "He had the smallest smudge of chocolate here..." taps the left corner of her mouth, "my mother pointed it out by kissing it and saying he tasted sweet, he quickly went to wipe it away and this started a huge food fight, my mother smearing her smore into his face, and then me joining in, Zainstra at first was a little afraid to join in, but the tickle monster, aka my mother dragged her in and smear chocolate on her and we left the park looking a mess."
From Vida:
"Alright strap in, this is a story from like 20 years ago!" She said as she sighed nostagically. "So before I got into modeling and all that mess, I had a talent for tinkerin!  I mean at the time I could build a whole bunch of fun things!  I build a dancin robot, a music box, and explosive!"  She said as she laughed "the noise and sight were fun to watch!"  She said as she got comfortable in her seat.
"So at the time my old man and my ma lived in Dun Morogh.  My dad had this job he had hated working for this gnomes corporation.....I mean yeah he made a lot of money, but he had zero fun doing his job!" She said passionately.
"My ma didn't care about his happiness cause she was out spendin his money!  Man I wish she would die already!!!!" She said as she snapped before calling down.  "Anyways!"  She said happily
"So my dad took me to work for bring ya kid to work day and showed me some of the stuff they were workin on, and thats when I saw it!"  She said with excitement. "In my dads bosses office they showed a device powered on pure mana!  The goal of it was to help mages power interdimensional portals or somethin...who cares!" She said as she leaned closer.  "So when no one was lookin I decided to sneak back in and well....ya know play around with it!
"My daddys boss had a whole lot of cool things to tinker with, So I started really goin to town!" She said as she raised her goggles up " and after a hour later, my greatest creation was active!"  She said proudly.
"Daddy and everyone were lookin for me but when they found me my daddys boss flipped out!"  She laughed "like he saw what I made and panicked calling all law enforcement and nearly evacuatin the city we were living in!"  She said as she busted out laughing "apparently I made a dirty mana bomb that was SUPER unstable!" She said as she fell out of her chair from laughing "can you imagin it!?  Me making a dirty mana bomb!?  Man I was a stupid kid!  If I were more mature it wouldn't  had been dirty!" She said as she still laughed as she got back up.
"Anyway, they were able to defuse and everythin, dad was proud of me, ma was pissed and my dad lost his job.....oh as we were banned from ever enterin that city again!"  She said as she snickered
"Whats funny is that a shit ton of years later no one would be able to enter that city!  I mean I may have almost blew up gnomergan, but atleast I didn't irradiated the hell out of it!" She laughed
The forsaken man smiles as he pets his rather massive stitched abomination hound. "Ah, Lordearon, used to be so nice back then, less volitale plague, more green and normal mind you." The man tosses the hound a snack of a leg that still looks a big bloody, it appears to be an entire bear's hindleg. "I grew up on a farm, I spent many days helping gather crops, herding sheep, occasionally riding with my father to sell at the market, truly it was a better time."
The forsaken man smiles at his hound a moment, patting the head of the beast laying next to him chewing on the bone of the leg. "It was around my fourteenth birthday my father gave me Cerberon, an early birthday present, I loved him as much as I still do! He was always just an adventurous pup, and grew into a very strong dog, why he once helped me move a small tree that had fallen in the road on the way to the market." He frowns a moment as the next distinct memory comes to mind. "Then the scourge came..." he snaps out of it. "Apologies, a story best saved for another time I think."
Sam growls, getting in the interviewers face, baring his night elven fangs, "Drop it..." Sam storms out of the room leaving a young night elven woman behind looking apologetic. Lorianda Moonfury sighs, "I am sorry about my father's reaction. His childhood is a very sore subject, one he rarely even confides to me about." The young woman smiles, "Still, he is a wonderful father, he took me in after my family was killed by the Scourge and gave me a wonderful childhood."
Lori smiles fondly, "I remember one year around this time, though he was still stuck in his cat form he put on a beard and red suit and played Greatfather Winter for me. I believe it was the year after he adopted me and I was still suffering from the heartache of losing my family. He did everything in his power to make me smile and laugh, the man he is right now I don't recognize. I still see flashes of that wonderful father, but they are buried behind whatever mask he is wearing right now. Please do not think badly of him."
Lyla sat back and sighed “Honestly most of our childhood was amazing. Full of love, and compassion, and family. My brothers were always picking on me, always. I sort of grew used to it and now that all of them but Teav have sort of given up I miss them picking on me. It was full of laughter and pouting. We did tons of farm work, and learned what working hard meant. We were responsible for the animals and crops but I learned the value of hard work.
I think one of my favorite moments include all the pranks we would play on each other. I gave Teav a box of crickets for Winter’s Veil. He squealed like a little girl. We were all laughing, my mom was in tears. That was also the year we got our horses. Teav and I were given really rare twin horses. The last gift from my mom before she died. I miss Westfall and the way things were, now I just hope to be able to give these two a life as grand as mine. She places her hand on her belly and smiles
Maddi smiled “My childhood itself was … entitled. I was an only child, my mother died so my dad made sure I had the world. I had the best dresses, the best teachings, the best training and tutors. My father raised me towards the light, I would say the teachings were more like brainwashing, but it didn’t work. All I wanted to do was fight” She laughed “I would spar with the soldiers at night because they gave me everything I wanted. Even sweets. I was on a strict diet, and schedule. I  had amazing holidays and birthdays and literally got everything I wanted...I remember once I sat down with my dad and he asked what I wanted for my birthday, I told him a sword like his. He refused, so he got me my horse. And I fell in love with him, he was my only friend most of my life. I learned to do handstands on him and everything. He’s getting old now, but I love him. When I went back home after everything, he was still there being loyal. He was injured from many years before and his leg didn’t heal right but we rehabbed him and he only has a small limp now.
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Neither Snow, Nor Rain, Nor...
Written for my DL server Bingo Card prompt: Delivery Person AU. 
Tbh, struggled with this one. But I think this little thing is decently cute and silly!
The lads take up helping John deliver parts for an electrical supplies shop he works at, to bring in extra money for them all as a band (and also to survive in general, with money being tight.) 
That’s easy. You take the package, deliver it to the person, done! Can’t be messed up, right? 
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
“Long story short, it’s a really easy gig, we can all take turns at it, and they’ll pay us decently for each delivery we make,” John said. “So long as we’re careful and the various bits and bobs get where they need to be safely. I mean, it’s electrical components and things like that, so it isn’t that they aren’t sturdy, but all the same, we don’t want to roughhouse with them.” 
“You like this job, right?” Roger asked.
John nodded. 
“Yet you’re telling us about the opportunity to join you in doing it,” Roger continued. 
John nodded again. “Your point?” 
“I ask because I feel like if you enjoy the job...you wouldn’t want to introduce us to it...” Roger said. 
“I trust you all to do your best,” John said. “Also, unrelated, don’t check the shared bank account if you don’t want to be incredibly depressed.” 
“We’ve got enough for the week at least,” Brian said. 
John shook his head very, very, slowly. 
“...So when can we start helping move their deliveries?” Brian asked brightly.
“Now,” John replied, and starting handing out boxes. “We’re behind at the shop, by nearly a week. If we weren’t, I wouldn’t have been allowed to bring these home to be delivered, but the owner doesn’t care right now so long as they get to the right people and places.” 
“It’s nearly four in the afternoon,” Freddie said. “Surely that’s too late?” 
“Doesn’t matter,” John said curtly. “If people don’t like it, too bad.” 
“And if they complain to us and want an explanation?” Freddie asked. 
John shrugged. “Say sorry, hand the package over, and move on.” 
“That’s...I don’t think that will work,” Freddie said. 
“Done it before, they’ve all come back in for more parts,” John said. “Don’t waste time giving them extra words to argue over. Apologize politely, hand it over, walk away.” 
“It’s all been paid for in advance, right?” Brian asked. 
John nodded. “Literally, just hand them the package and go.” 
Roger raised his hand.
“No, you cannot toss it to them,” John said. “Or to their door. Set everything down nicely, please.” 
Roger put his hand down. 
“I’ve got maps,” John said, and handed them out. “I couldn’t have made this any easier for you.” 
“Couldn’t have made this any harder,” Roger scoffed. The borrowed messenger bag full of parcels bashed into his hip with every step, as he plodded down the sidewalk with the map open. “Why not give us routes all in a straight line? On to one block, then back to another, then over again...honestly, Deaky...” 
“Why do you have all those?” 
He jumped a foot at the tiny voice by his side. “Who the fuck?” 
The kid was all of maybe six, a little boy with a lolly in hand...held by the candy itself, not the stick. “Why do you have so many boxes?” 
“It’s for a job,” Roger replied. “I’ve got to go now.” 
“Is it a good job?” 
“Jobs are just...jobs,” Roger sighed, keeping on down the pavement, the kid beside him, little legs jogging slightly to keep up. “You’ll understand when you’re older. Where’s your mum anyway?” 
“Somewhere,” the kid shrugged. “Like everybody else.” 
“And what does that mean?” Roger laughed. 
The kid shrugged again. “Can I have one of ‘em?” 
“No, they’re for the people I’m delivering to,” Roger said, and shifted the bag to his other hip, away from the kid. 
“You seem mean,” the kid frowned. “My mummy says mean people end up all alone.” 
“You should tell your mummy it takes one to know one,” Roger muttered. “Why don’t you head home?” 
The kid reached for his bag, and he swerved away wordlessly. 
But the kid tried again, dropping their candy to the ground and reaching with both hands. 
“It isn’t even anything interesting!” Roger shouted. “It’s electrical bits and what not. Nothing for kids!” 
“I don’t care,” the kid said simply, as if it should have been evident from the start. 
“Well, I don’t care that you don’t care!” Roger cried, swerving again away from the kid’s grasping hands. “Stop it!” 
He took off down the sidewalk, the kid on his heels, and swore under his breath. 
How much money could this hassle really be worth?
“Erm,” Brian was squirming inside, uncomfortable with the whole situation. “It’s already been paid for, or so I was told.” 
“Mold?!” the bent-over, elderly man in front of him shouted. “No, we’re free of that scourge.” 
“Oh lord,” Brian muttered under his breath. “No...I mean you can take your money back.” 
He held out the bills for the old man, who stared at him. 
“You already paid for the parts,” Brian said loudly, slowly. 
“I what?” 
“You don’t have to give me money!” Brian tried again, desperately, pushing the money towards him. 
“Young man, that’s how selling things works! I’ve got the parts, so you get money! Don’t let your boss man hear you trying to give things away for free!” 
“No!” Brian groaned, frustrated. “Please take your money back!” 
“Slack?” the old man tilted his head. “I don’t think you’re slacking off; I didn’t say that!” 
“I know!” Brian said. “I didn’t say you did!” 
“Then what did you say?!” 
“Take your money back!!” 
“A snack? Well, that’s your own problem whenever your lunch is, young man! You can’t just ask people for food like that!” 
Brian sighed, and checked his watch. It was the first house he had stopped at, and he had now been there for twenty minutes. The end of the delivery was not in sight. 
He took a deep breath. “Sir, you already paid for the parts...” 
“Hello!” he said cheerfully as a new tail wound itself around his legs, a tiny head butting against him. 
He wasn’t sure if John had given him a route with cats all over it on purpose, or if it was a happy coincidence, but either way, it was lovely. 
Freddie had a small army of cats following him from house to house now as he dropped each package off. The people he delivered to were delighted by it, and he was pleased as punch to have company. 
He reached the end of the block, and looked to the cats at his feet. “Now, I’m going to the next few blocks over. I’d imagine that’s a good way from home for all of you, so back you go, darlings!” 
The cats stared up at him. 
He frowned, and took a step forward. 
The cats followed. 
“No, you lot need to stay near your homes,” he tried again. He knew cats tended to wander, but these had all emerged from backyards and door ways as he’d passed, so he knew where they each belonged. 
He took another step, and half of the cats mewed angrily. 
“Oh...” he sighed. “Would you like me to deliver you all home as well?” 
The combined purring was ridiculously loud, and louder still as he picked one of them up, the one that had last joined their crew. 
“Alright. Now, you belonged to that yard with the little girl in it, and she’ll be happy to see you, won’t she? So let’s get you home...” 
“Thanks,” John said as the door slammed in his face. 
He was used to that. It was an equal balance of normal folks making repairs to their homes, and odder ones who seemed a bit reclusive and/or like they were building something weird with all the parts he delivered. A day without a door slammed in his face after he handed over a package was a day that simply did not exist. 
He fumbled in the messenger bag for the next package, but came up empty. 
“I hope they keep up with this,” he murmured to himself as he started for Roger’s assigned set of blocks. “I’m done faster, and by now, they must be too! We’ll never be behind on deliveries again.” 
“You are terrible!” Roger’s voice carried over the next street, and John raced towards it. 
There, in the center of the street, stood Roger, arguing with a child. 
“I do not like to say that about a kid!” Roger continued. “But you are so mean! Do you treat your friends like this at school?” 
“My mummy says-” 
“Oh my god, your mummy can stuff her opinion up her fat fanny!” 
“Roger!” John called out. “What the fuck?” 
“This little shit!” Roger pointed to the kid, who smiled, showing off missing front teeth. 
“Did you get anything delivered?” 
“A few,” Roger replied desperately. “I’ve been trying! This fucker tries to snatch every package as I hand them over to people! And worse yet, people think he’s mine! Or a little brother, or something! It’s horrible!” 
“I’m only trying to help,” the kid said, lower lip stuck out. 
“Oh you are the worst,” Roger seethed. 
“Enough,” John sighed. “You go on home.” 
“M’kay!” the kid said cheerfully, and trotted back the way he’d came. 
Roger did a double take. “You’ve got to be joking. He wouldn’t listen to me at all; I begged him to go home!” 
“How much have you got left?” John asked. 
“Four,” Roger muttered. 
John nodded. “Not bad. You know, you can’t acknowledge Thomas like that, or he’ll follow you all the way back home. His mum gets distracted with his siblings, and I think he gets bored.”
“You know that tiny devil?!” Roger asked, aghast. 
“Attended his birthday party last year,” John smiled. “At his request. Mum said I made his day, doing that.” 
“I...” Roger sighed deeply. “I should get to delivering these.” 
“We’ll get them done on the way to Brian,” John said, and took the lead as they found the last four houses on Roger’s route. 
As they left the last house, they could hear Brian, shouting hoarsely. 
“Sir, please, take the fucking money!” 
He was knelt in front of a closed front door, knocking on it rapidly. 
“Oh no,” John winced. “You didn’t go to Melvin first, did you?” 
“Who?” Brian croaked as he turned around and stood. 
John nodded to the front door. “Melvin. Deaf as can be, with dementia or something to boot.” 
“Yes,” Brian said slowly. “Yes, he was my first delivery.” 
“Ah, rookie mistake,” John laughed. “But my fault, I didn’t think to warn you. We’ll help you get the rest taken care of, and now you know for next time.” 
“He paid me!” Brian scoffed, showing John the bills in his hand. 
“Yeah, like I said, his memory comes and goes. We just hang onto whatever money he gives us when we deliver to him, and his daughter comes by to collect it at the end of every week. Usually lets us keep a bit, to get a treat for everyone at the shop that day.” 
Brian looked ready to cry, and handed the money over to John as Roger trotted to him and led him to the sidewalk. 
“If it makes you feel better, I met a fucking gremlin on my route,” he said. 
“Thomas isn’t a gremlin,” John chuckled. “He’s six, and he gets bored easily, and thinks any adult wandering about during the day on their own are very cool.” 
“He’s a gremlin,” Roger hissed as they followed John to the next house on Brian’s route. 
“I’ll take your word for it,” Brian said. 
Ten houses later, Brian had no more packages, and they were on to Freddie’s route. 
“Wonder if Freddie had it any better,” John mused happily. “Since you two had such a rough go of it.” 
“Now, where is your home?” Freddie’s voice drifted towards them, and he nearly crashed into them, his eyes on the cat he was talking to, held in his arms. “How come we haven’t been able to find your home?” 
The cat meowed, and he moved past them, not even hearing their laughter as they stopped and watched him go. 
“Fred!” John called out. “Where are you going?” 
Freddie turned rapidly. “Oh! When did you lot get here?” 
“You just nearly ran into us, and walked past us,” Roger replied. “Who is that?” 
“I don’t know,” Freddie said sadly. “I’ve got all the cats that followed me round my route home, except for this one. And I can’t recall when he joined up.” 
“Did you get them all delivered?” John asked, gesturing to the messenger bag Freddie wore. 
He nodded. “But this little one was along for all of the deliveries, every block. No one knows him! I can’t believe it.” 
“Well, maybe if you set him down, he’ll find his way,” Brian said, though he didn’t look convinced of his own words. 
“No,” Freddie said. “He just follows me then.” 
As proof, he set the cat down, and rushed over to them. 
The cat followed, meowing excitedly at the chase, and purring as Freddie picked him up again. 
“There are a few strays,” John said. “On this route. Possible he’s one of those. And even if he isn’t, I’m sure we could run up some posters about a missing cat, and until we find an owner-” 
“Oh, I’ve got a spot already picked out for a bed for you,” Freddie interrupted, snuggling the cat close, who somehow purred even louder. “And we’ll get you toys and a blanket of your own so you can cuddle whenever I’m not home, and-” 
“And Freddie is going to spoil you silly,” Roger interrupted with a smile. 
“Yes, yes I am,” Freddie agreed. “He was a very good delivery cat. It’s the least I can do for him!” 
“Maybe he can come with on the next one too?” John asked. 
“...You want us to do this again?” Roger asked, clearly puzzled. 
“Yeah, if you’d like to,” John replied. “We’ll all get paid for it, and you did fine for your first time. Why not keep it up?” 
“You consider this good?” Brian chuckled. “Roger fought a child-” 
“He started it,” Roger grumbled. 
“Freddie became a cat father on accident-” 
“Happy accident,” Freddie interrupted, giving the cat a soft kiss. 
“And I...well,” Brian sighed. 
“Yeah,” John said. “Usually the delivery people end up stealing shit, and never actually deliver anything. I’m the only one that hasn’t been fired yet; that’s why the owner trusted me to bring in new people for this. None of you do any electrical work as a hobby, so you won’t steal anything, and at worst...well, what happened today would happen, and that’s really not bad at all.” 
“So...more tomorrow?” Roger asked. 
John nodded. “If you lot are up for it; there’ll be more to pick up and deliver.” 
“Are we proper delivery people now?” Brian pondered. 
“Not yet,” John replied. “Not until you meet the dog on route seven, and see if you can outrun him.” 
“That’s not funny,” Freddie laughed. “Trying to psych us out like that.” 
“Yeah, really,” Roger chuckled. 
“Honestly,” Brian shook his head. 
John didn’t laugh, and they spent the rest of the walk back home hoping beyond hope they wouldn’t get assigned route seven the next day. 
John spent it quiet, having a private giggle inside with the knowledge of the existing routes one through six written down in the notepad in his bag. He meant no harm, but it would keep them from getting overconfident. 
Plus, he couldn’t guarantee something like that wouldn’t happen on any of the actual routes. But for their sake, his sake, and the sake of the shop, he hoped it wouldn’t. 
He didn’t want to go back to doing the deliveries alone, not when having his friends with made it that much more exciting. 
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Between the Lines
You can also read this on Ao3 --> click me
The dusty gravel was crunching beneath the soles of his heavy boots as he made his way for Cotisse Haven. How often had this been their path and how often had they laid down under the starlit sky, making plans about what to spend the Gil on they would make with the next hunt just before Ignis had suggested to finally get some sleep. Prompto would have whined and Noctis probably wouldn’t have moved an inch if it hadn’t been for Gladio, threatening him with a kick in his „royal ass“. Today nobody was talking. He was making his way alone, carefully placing every step and cautiously pricking up his ears in case anything unpleasant would be approaching. The hunters had told him it to be madness, leaving Hammerhead without a torchlight but he had only tilted his head defiantly, pulling up his lips into a torn smirk. They had fallen silent instantly. Gladly enough they had handed over the supplies he had asked for without any further comment. It was exhausting having to persuade and to hear them talk all the time.
So here he was, back straightened and step gracious as ever. Anyone who would have crossed him now probably would have mistaken him for any honourable man who was bold enough to walk around defenseless in the dark. Not that any demon would have cared. Besides he was everything but defenseless. Some were calling him senseless, yes, but ironically he couldn’t blame them. He indeed had lost his senses, one of them being crucial. Or was it? In times of darkness what was there to be seen really?
The path started winding up and announced the haven to be close. Carefully, one step after the other, he made his way to the top of the haven. It had been quite some years already since he had gotten rid of that ridiculous walking cane, but there were still times when he feared to stumble and sprawl onto the infested ground before him. He always hoped that he would never have anyone to witness this humiliating sight. But he was not stumbling today. Tonight. Whatever bloody time of the day it ever was.
Once arrived on top, Ignis paused for a moment, allowing the soft breeze dishevel his styled hair. It smelled foul, heavy of sickness, decay and despair. There would be no starlit sky for him tonight. Not anymore. The hunters had been talking about sickly green clouds blocking out the light and black snowlike flakes dusting down from them. There were quite some times when Ignis had been wondering if those black flakes would deliver him the Scourge but even though they had fallen onto his garb and melted into the skin of his face he had always been spared. It was not yet proven if the Scourge was even spreading that way but the people around him considered it a miracle. They spoke of guardian angels. Gladio too had put his hand on his shoulder once, telling him that it was a sign. A sign he could not just wither away. A sign for the purpose, the meaning his life still had. That he had a reason to carry on. His only reason.
Ignis heaved a sigh, stripped off his gloves and knelt down to unpack the supplies he had brought with him. It was not much, really but just enough for what he had in mind. It all fitted in one of the typical leather bags the hunters were carring around to stock their few remaining potions and antidots and what else they needed to keep them alive. When he first took out a few sheets of paper he uttered an unpleased sound. He probably had not been walking carefully enough, as he could make out folds and creases on the smooth surface. Well, it couldn’t be helped. With another sigh – he had adopted this habit of frequent sighing over the years – he took out a pen, carefully unscrewed the cap and put both on top of the paper. When he reached into the bag for a third time he took out a small box, opened the lid and placed it next to his writing utensils. Inside there was what he himself found a poor excuse of a pastry. Gladio and Prompto had assured him that they didn’t see or taste any difference from the ones he had made for practise when they had met up some time ago. Must have been after one of the more perilous hunts, or something similar. It had grown rare for them to spend much time together. So this was all Ignis was capable of right now. Even though it was nagging on his mind not to be able to have a clear view on his performance, he was always determined to excel as perfectly as possible. With all those supplies laid out in front of him Ignis finally sat down, taking both pen and paper into his hands. He was about to start writing but then hesitated. A broken smile ghosted over his face as he looked up to the starless poisonous blanket of clouds whose ill colour would always remain but imagination. He lowered his arms to the side of his crossed legs and let out a bitter laugh. Pressing the sheets of paper down onto the ground of the haven with one hand, he started writing words into the sky, bravely voicing each and every single one.
„Dearest Noct, I wish I would have done this earlier but neither the time nor the place felt right. To be honest, a part of me was afraid of this, because... Well, you can imagine that for me writing turns out to be quite cumbersome and requires some kind of creativity. Which I must add is rather scarce these days. These years to be precise. Most of the people lost track of time but I am counting every day and every minute, every breath in your absence. It is still hard to believe that more than ten years have passed by since you were taken by the Crystal. But here we are, still standing, hoping and fighting for the Dawn. At least this is true for the most of us. For I, you must know, am standing, hoping and fighting for the return of my King, the return of my friend and the return of the most precious person in my life.
So, hoping the stars might grant me this wish, I am out here at Cotisse Haven writing this. Even though the stars have gone blind, I thought they might still have a little sympathy left for those alike. But it is not only my wish to the stars that is being written down tonight. There is another wish, almost even in importance. You might as well have noticed but we write the 30th August 766 and so I am also here to wish you a very blessed birthday. I have been celebrating all of them in secret to be honest, to not hurt Gladio or Prompto or anyone else who would see this. But I wanted... to spend time with you and I knew you would have appreciated it. So, today we mark your 30th birthday, truly an impressive number. I am sure you have been growing into a fine man and I can only imagine what you would be looking like now. Alas I will never be in the position to really see you with my own eyes. A pity if you ask me. The Noctis inside of me—the You that departed ten years ago is still vibrant and alive, sometimes smiling the most radiant smile I have ever known. Even when I thought that it had faded, that you had... left for good, this You proved me better and kept me going. I still remember the times in the Citadel, when I took responsibility for your scribblings on the paintings of the Prophecy, times when I took the blow for our nightly excursions and how happy we were with all of it. Call it foolish but I find myelf longing for those long forgotten days, or just the simple things such as staying over at your apartment or embracing each other secretly in the tent when the other two were fast asleep.
Oh Noct, I cannot even fathom the amount of words needed to tell you how much I miss you. Though it would only take all but one touch, I could never adequately express.
There are so many times that I am reproaching myself for not having been better, not having been able to protect you, to care for you the way I should have, the way I have sworn to you. I deeply resent my own self for this and maybe this is why the Gods decided to punish me by taking my sight. Yet I would have gone through anything necessary to protect you, to bring you back. And I still would. Noct, please believe me that all of this time I have been deperately trying to find you, but again I only saw me failing miserably. All the hope I still have, the thought that is helping me carry on is that maybe you will be finding me instead. All the time I felt as if I was about to shatter, that I could no longer carry on, I felt your presence lingering in the air. I pray to the Six that I am not mistaken and that your magic still persisting is no farce of the man whose name I will not utter.
This magic of yours is the only thing remaining of what used to be your touch. And Gods, it feels so lonely. If I was allowed just one more selfishness, I would wish for you being back at my side. No talks about the Night, the Dawn or the line of Kings. Gods Noctis, you are all I am thinking about, all that keeps me going and what still kept me alive all of those years. Laugh at me for this weakness, say that it is not like me and joke about it. I would most gladly show you more of what I have become, if it only was to have your laughter reach my ears. It would be beyond all measure to ask for us to be united in love. But merely to be able to stand by your side right now would be more than enough.“
Ignis lowered his hand and brought the heel of his hand to his forehead, letting himself grieve silently. It took some time until the shaking of his shoulders had stopped and the tears had run dry.
„I so much hope you are alright and that you will come back here soon“, he continued.
„Please know that I will always have your back, that I will always be awaiting your return and never let you down again. I solemnly vow this to you by all that I am.
Yours ever Ignis“
When the words had been taken away by the breeze, Ignis just sat there in silence for a few heartbeats. After he had taken off his visors for a moment to wipe away whatever remains of tears would have been visible, he stoically started packing his supplies together. All those words he had written into the sky, in hope they might reach Noctis somewhere—none of them had found their way onto the paper. Only white sheets, filled with silent screams of loneliness, devotion and affection. After another heavy sigh, Ignis forced himself to bring down the tip of the pen to the paper lying on top and delicately scrape some words onto it.
Before Ignis took his leave he tugged the sheet of paper into a small crevice on the campsite ground, secretly hoping for it to be gone the next time he would come here. Maybe even hoping for it to reach its destination, even though he would have never admitted publicly.
The letter which was supposed to convey his deepest thoughts and yearning ultimately consisted of nothing more than four simple words in deliberate handwriting.
 Be waiting in Hammerhead.
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guestbusters-blog1 · 7 years
Sometimes you don't realize
Just how much you love someone
Until they're gone
"I'll be back in a week," he had told her just a few days ago, preparing to take off on Toothless near the clubhouse. "I can't ignore Dad's birthday… but I can't ignore the Edge's safety, either, so I'm leaving you in charge while I'm gone."
Astrid had felt worried at his leave, and to be honest, sad. She understood why Hiccup had to leave. He loved his father, and wanted to be there for him on his birthday. But Astrid felt uneasy. What if something happened while he was gone? What if he crash landed with Toothless on a deserted island and no one knew? What if he was captured by Viggo and Ryker? Too many horrible possibilities ran through her mind, and she hated all of them.
"I know," Astrid had sighed. "I just wish I could come with you."
Hiccup smiled, patting Toothless on the head. "I know. I wish that too. But if the Edge comes to be under attack while I'm gone, you're the only one who will know how to set up the defenses." At her concerned expression, he added, "I promise I'll hurry back."
Astrid nodded. "Okay. Just… be safe."
"When am I not safe?" Hiccup grinned. He paused when Astrid sent him a glare. "Fair enough… well, I see you in a week. Bye!" He took off the landing strip with Toothless, and the two soared through the air, perfectly in sync with one another. They glided up to the clouds, and a minute later were out of sight.
Astrid still stood there for an hour after, though, feeling too worried to do anything but watch her friend go.
And the next few days weren't any better. Astrid was miserable without Hiccup around, and she discovered just how much she depended on him. The other Riders, of course, complained at her often sharp tone, but she barely acknowledged them as she stormed away.
Okay, first thing's first… check the perimeter for weaknesses, and fortify the parts that need work… She whistled for Stormfly, and stood at the doors of the clubhouse, watching the sky. Astrid knew that Hiccup wouldn't come back today, but there was still that faint hope… oh, gods, she missed him.
Stormfly landed beside her, the dragon squawking with excitement at the thought of a flight. Astrid frowned when she went over her plans to check the base. Everything seemed… bland, almost. Unimportant. Without Hiccup around, how did she know exactly what needed to be done and what didn't?
Confused, Stormfly shuffled on her feet, waiting for Astrid to climb on. The girl was snapped back to her senses, and shook her head. Stop being a baby, she told herself as she slid onto Stormfly. Hiccup will be back in a few days. You can last that long. You did it before when Hiccup, Snotlout, and Fishlegs went to help Johann from the wild dragons last year… She paused before nudging Stormfly to take off. So what changed?
"Let's go, girl," she said.
Stormfly cooed, and leapt off the platform with a powerful push of her claws. Astrid was about to direct the dragon towards the coast, when a pang of loneliness hit her. Hiccup and her used to make these rounds together, and it felt odd not being able to do it with him.
She found herself flying Stormfly towards Hiccup's hut, and bit her lip. Maybe Hiccup had laid out a list of things he wanted to get done, and then Astrid could do them. At least then she'd have something to do that Hiccup needed.
When the girl landed Stormfly next to Hiccup's hut, she hopped off and slowly walked inside after pushing open the door. The interior of the room was bland, but there were many of Hiccup's wild inventions laid around. The loft where Hiccup slept in loomed above her, and she knew that was the place she needed to be.
Astrid climbed up to the platform that Hiccup slept in, and looked around. Of course, everything was in a mess, as it usually was when Hiccup was working recently. "Now, where would Hiccup keep a list of chores?" she whispered, walking over to his untidy desk. It was littered with crumpled papers and sketches of new inventions, but Astrid sensed she could find something useful if she looked.
Maybe in his notebook? she guessed, frowning. After a minute of searching, she finally found it buried under the rest of Hiccup's papers. "Ah! Here it is," she muttered, and flipped it open.
She was surprised to see what was first in the journal.
There was a detailed drawing of Astrid on the first page, every mark carefully drawn. Astrid could even count every hair on her head that Hiccup had stroked down with his charcoal, and felt her heart thud faster as she examined the sketch more.
The picture of herself was so lifelike… her eyes were full of eagerness and determination, and she had her usual faint smile decorating her face. But the way Hiccup had so elegantly drawn the girl… it took Astrid's breath away.
All of the sudden she felt curious, and wondered if there were any more drawings inside. So, if a bit sheepishly, Astrid turned the page.
The girl sucked in a breath when she realized what was there.
Journal entries.
"I shouldn't be reading these," she said, against snooping into Hiccup's private works. "They're his own thoughts, and…." Astrid trailed off when she noticed her name in one of the paragraphs. Well, she reasoned, if my name is in there, I should have the right to see what it is.
With a nervous swallow, she began to read.
Dear myself,
Astrid looked really pretty today.
I wanted to compliment her about it, but the last time any boy said that she looked nice got a bad twisted wrist, so I held off. I want to tell her someday, though. I'm just not sure how she'll take it.
Astrid's getting prettier by the day, I think. I'm not sure she notices it yet, but it's still easy to tell that she's still the same Astrid she was all those years ago, if not on the outside anymore, then on the inside.
I thought about asking Johann for a pearl necklace to give her, but I quickly decided against it. Astrid isn't the one for necklaces. Maybe I'll get her an ax instead.
Until the next entry,
Astrid froze, and a breath caught in her throat.
Hiccup thought all of these nice things about her, but had refrained from saying them in case of offending her. Which he could never do, because he was Hiccup. It just wasn't in his blood to insult someone.
Astrid took in a deep breath. She wasn't sure if she wanted to read any more, but was soon lured in by the entry.
Dear myself,
I almost lost Astrid yesterday to Odin's Scourge, and every time I look at her now, I want to hold onto her forever. Of course, I can't do that or she'd strangle me. Or attack me with her ax. Either way, it'd be painful.
I wonder how she feels about almost dying. I want to confront her about it, but she already seems to have forgotten the incident, so I don't mention it.
My fears are worse at night. I dream about what would have happened if we hadn't gotten to the Buffalord in time… what if I had failed? Toothless comforts me when I wake up from a nightmare, but he can't erase the memories- or those terrible feelings...
I hope Astrid doesn't feel this way. And if she does, I wish she'd talk to me about it. I hate seeing her suffer when I can help.
Until the next entry,
Dear myself,
It turns out, Viggo put a bounty on me. Yep. Great news, I know.
You know what's even greater? I got kidnapped last night, and was only rescued today. I have to admit…. I was scared during the whole thing. I honestly thought I was going to be killed.
But then Astrid, my father, and the other Riders appeared. They saved me, and I'm really grateful. I had lost my prosthetic once the Riders arrived, but didn't expect to get any help. So when Astrid came over and helped me up, it felt nice to know she cared, because she always seems to put on a warrior face, not letting anything bother her. Yet when I was slightly injured, she lowered her walls and revealed concern for my well being. It was a new thing to experience, and I'm curious to see if she'll do it again.
Tomorrow, I'm looking forward to seeing her. You know, to thank her. I hadn't realized how much I missed seeing her until we were separated. But, she'd probably kill me if I told her that. Maybe in the future I'll ask her if she feels the same way.
Until the next entry,
Each word felt like an arrow to the chest.
Hiccup… did he actually feel this way? Did he truly miss her when they were gone, like she felt right now? Astrid's eyes darted down to the next entry, and she read it. Then she read another one. And another.
In each one, Hiccup mentioned Astrid and a piece of how he felt about her. His writing touched the girl deeply, and tears formed in her eyes. She'd be so selfish… never giving a second thought of her relationship with Hiccup. Sure, she had always loved him as a good friend, but never stopped to ponder if there was something more going on between them.
And right here was proof that there was. Well, at least in Hiccup's mind.
Suddenly, it felt like he was a million miles away from Astrid, making her almost wilt with sorrow. She'd have to wait days until he returned… and right now, that felt like forever. When he got back, she promised herself, she'd confront him about this.
Yes. She finally would.
Blinking back hot tears, Astrid closed the journal and placed it back on the table. "Come back soon, Hiccup," she whispered. "Please."
Rain slammed against the top of Astrid's hut, making her grimace from her seat in the room.
It was late at night, and Hiccup was supposed to have been back by now. In fact, he should have arrived hours earlier, which caused Astrid to begin a small panic. What if something happened to him in the storm? What if he was hurt or in trouble?
Astrid got up from the chair, and started to pace. She couldn't imagine living in a world without Hiccup. No, nothing had happened to him… she was just overreacting. He must have gotten caught up, that was it.
Stopping her footsteps, Astrid stood in the middle of her hut, and hugged herself.
After a sigh, she took a breath in as she stared at the floor. He'd be back soon. He had to be. After everything she had learned about his feelings, she wasn't going to give up. It wasn't too late.
Oh, if only I told him sooner…
That faint, playful, yet stern voice echoed across the room, traveling over to the girl. She shivered, daring to hope that her pleads would be answered. Wanting the speaker of the voice to be him.
It had to be.
She looked up, tears evident in her crystal blue eyes. A hand flew to her mouth when she saw him in the doorway.
With rain-soaked hair that dripped freely onto the floor, he looked a bit awkward. Every strand of his auburn hair was pressed flat against his head, and his eyes were like two green jewels in a sea of white sand, both welcoming yet set back.
Before she knew it, Astrid ran at the boy and threw her arms around him, placing her chin on his shoulder. It felt nice there, despite the recent wetness of the rain. "Don't scare me like that again!" she whisper-scolded. "I didn't know where you were, or if you were in trouble… gods, Hiccup... "
Hiccup winced. "Sorry. Toothless had a bit of trouble flying in the rain, so we had to stop on a couple of sea stacks on the way here... so, what happened while I was gone?" He chuckled. "Well, anything besides the twins and Snotlout blowing up things?"
Astrid closed her eyes, clutching him tighter. "Hiccup, I… I found your journal."
She felt Hiccup stiffen in her grip, but he didn't pull away. "A-Astrid… I can explain. If it offended you in any way-"
But Astrid had had enough of Hiccup's protesting, of his selflessness. So, she planted a kiss on his cheek, smiling when she saw his dazed expression. "That's for everything you wrote in the journal," she told him.
Hiccup smiled weakly in return.
Then, Astrid leaned in and kissed him again- this time on the lips.
"And that's for everything else."
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((Another part in this @tinyredartist RP line, and guess who fucks up yet again? The answer is Scourge, because Scourge is always fucking up, but this is a particularly extreme example))
After her breakup with Scourge years before, there were many things that she expected to call Scourges in her life. Losers? Enemies? Targets? All perfectly normal in her mind. Being acquainted with one wasn't something she ever expected to happen, and to get close enough that they would be called friends? Unthinkable. The thought alone was enough to make her emotional.
As usual, Fiona and Scourge were talking in Fiona's apartment. A meeting that always came with plenty of alcohol and plenty of trauma. It was always a gamble, how would Fiona feel about seeing Scourge that day? Amused, depressed, angry? Thankfully on that day, she seemed happy to see him, and Faolán was certainly glad to see someone else.
"Hi!" He greeted excitedly. Fiona smiled from her sitting room as she saw Scourge enter and watched Faolán run up excitedly with his game device in his hands. "Look! Look, I beat the last constellation guy!"
"Did you finish your math homework?" Fiona asked from the sitting area, clearly a little amused with herself. Scourge could watch the child's tail stop wagging and his ears press against his head in embarrassment.
“That’s awesome! Congratulations. Now how about you go get started on that homework and if you need help come and get me, okay?” Scourge insisted, ruffling the boy's quills.
Scourge bowed to Fiona, in more of a mock tease than anything formal. She got annoyed it when he did that, which is why he did it.
“Hi there Red. What’s up?” He smiled, handing her over a bottle of good wine. It was his turn to bring the booze this week, and he didn’t mind. The therapist was so proud of his progress that she actually encouraged they drink, in hopes of some sort of emotional connection between the two. Fiona almost scoffed off the bow, and happily accepted the wine. It wasn't a brand she'd heard of, but she knew anything he would bring would end up being good. "Things are good," Fiona said. She got up and started walking to and from the kitchen, grabbing a pair of wine glasses. "Someone was caught trying to cheat at the casino's poker tables. He thought no one would notice if he got four straight flushes in a row." The wine was poured, and Fiona had to let out a smug chuckle. "It was the same flush each time, too. I almost didn't want him to be caught, I would have loved to watch that game." The wine was rich, and the flavor held for quite a while. Another high-end choice from Scourge. "Fao asked if he could make a play casino with his board games and video games... don't ask me how a casino would gamble over a game of clue." She smiled and sipped again. Every visit, she seemed to get more comfortable, to the point where she was now draping herself over her chair. "You've seem happy. Is your therapist finally fine with us drinking?" “She’s so fine with us drinking she encourages it. That’s who the bottle is from. Thank you.” He took the glass.
He swirled the glass a bit and drank, humming at the flavour as the fox ranted about her day. He liked it when she was in a good mood. The little bit of emotion, of life in her eyes, was the most satisfying thing he had ever seen.
“Someone wants to be just like his mom… That’s actually adorable.” He chuckled, relaxing in his chair. "He's old enough that he's starting to mimic other people. I might want to stop drinking. Maybe." Fiona punctuated this point by blatantly drinking again. "But if your doctor insists." "Speaking of mimicking, he's started calling me Red, too." Fiona glared down Scourge, but her stare made it obvious that there weren't any ill feelings about this point. "If he doesn't cut that out, he might pick up a new nickname for you." The meetings had been getting gradually easier for them both, even with Fiona's normal relapses in her feelings. There visits weren't just therapeutic for Scourge, and Fiona had someone who was willing to sit and listen or give space if she needed it. It worked like a charm for them both. But in the end, not everyone was going to end up being happy with these little meetings. Meetings didn't just dredge up emotions for Fiona, and they didn't stop with the king, either. Still, they spoke. The night went more or less as they expected. Pleasant drinking and laughing about the nonsense in either of their lives, a little TV to talk over, and some more hard hitting emotions from them both. With regular breaks from Faolán either asking for help with his arithmetic homework or just wanting to talk to his new friend. Neither really wanted the king to go, but Fiona was getting tired and had drunk too much anyways. "Be sure to thank her for the nice bottle," Fiona told Scourge as he moved to leave. “Of course, Red. Imma just go say bye to Faolan.” He put his empty wine glass in the sink and peeked into the room. As expected the child was sitting up in bed, playing video games while he waited for his mom to tuck him in.
“Hey kid, Imma head home. Sweet dreams.” He paused then added in a whisper, “Might wanna hide that, she’s right behind me”
Faolán did as was suggested so the game looked to be off. Him and Fiona passed each other near the doorway to her son's room. "Good night, Scourge." She said. With another warp, Scourge was back at his castle. Sure, the day had its rough patches, but for the times he'd spent with Fiona, it was one of the best days for them both emotionally. That day was good, and the next day had the promise of seeing Aria and the Castillos. A great way to end the day, and a great thing to look forward to that next day. For the most part. But from hours away, the other Scourge was quietly tapping away at his phone. Just as the king was getting ready to sleep, he would receive a message. {How was Faolan) Scourge relaxed against his headboard and answered the text with a chuckle.
{Like a tint version of you, except not as sassy. Not yet anyways)
{He’s doing fine. You know you’re more than welcome to come along when I go see Fiona so you can keep Fao company, right?)
It was not lost on the king that he saw the boy more than his alternate did. For weeks he had gently tried to press her to let the other Scourge around more. When she would react negatively, he would step back, only to return to pressing the next time around. But some weeks the pressing stopped. He was having too much fun and forgot to think about other people for once. Scourge reread that message to himself. He was allowed in, right? Fiona was always cautious about letting him see their son. He knew why, at least a little. The pause was enough to have him be caught off-guard by his manager. "Hey, Scourge!" The sparrow shouted from down the bar. "Put your phone away, we've got customers!" He still took the time to send one last message before getting back to his shift. They could always talk about it the next day. {Tell me the next time you're going) If the words were spoken, they would have been spat straight in the king's face. Scourge, drunk off wine and very sleepy, didn’t notice the bite that the words should have left. Rather, he yawned and sent a text before rolling over to go back to sleep
{Will do. I’m off to bed now, goodnight)
The next text in the matter was sent to Castillo half a week later.
{Hey. I’m cooking dinner for Fao and Fiona and bringing it to her apartment. There’s enough for you if you wanna come. Some for Manic too.) When they received that text, Manic and Scourge weren't on the job. They were at some nearby fast food restaurant, trying out the spiciest tacos and seeing who could go the longest without drinking something to take the heat away. Scourge lost almost immediately. Manic took the chance while Scourge was guzzling his drink to playfully steal his phone. The two jokingly fought as Manic read the text not meant for him. "Oh, dude, Maybe we should pack up. Looks like Scourge wants to..." Would dinner with Fiona be a good idea? No, not at all. But Scourge wanted to see his son. Manic handed the phone over. "Uh, looks like you've got a chance to see little brumby again." Scourge read the text, and contemplated. He wanted some kind of extra back-up, just in case Fiona snapped, and there was only one person they knew who could warp them in a second. {There gonna be enough food for Aria?) {Yup. I really don’t know how to measure pasta dude)
That being said, he had already asked Fiona is all of this was okay. She was hesitant, almost mad at him. But he offered up the purest of explanations, and used logic to back himself up. He was a king. Negotiations were his specialty.
“Come on Red, please? It's my birthday. All I want is a nice dinner with the people who care. Come on, you wouldn’t deny me the only birthday party I’ve ever had, would you?” He teased her, but his words rang true. Depressing and there wasn’t any wine out yet. Truly a party mood. He could hear Fiona tapping her fingers on the side of her phone as she thought. She'd barely met Aria. She was a friend of Castillo's, and she had probably heard all the rumors about her. But she was willing to dive into a frigid river to save the king, so she could probably trust her. Maybe. No, Aria wasn't important. It was... the other Scourge. She never wanted to be guilt tripped, but she already had a connection with the king, anyways. "When are you coming, and do you have wine?" Fiona finally asked, clearly annoyed. “I’ll bring two bottles. White for the rest of us and you can have a whole bottle of that fancy red you like to yourself. Thank you Fiona. It means a lot to me.”
He rarely used her name. It left a bad taste in his mouth sometimes, stirred up too much bad feelings. But her attention and his sincerely warranted the usage, and that bitter taste was short lived.
“There anything you need me to pick up for tonight?” He asked, holding the phone between his cheek and shoulder as he fried up some veggies. Another silence. Would she be able to finish the deals with her club in the market square before...? Yeah, she had the time. "I have some business to finish first," Fiona said. "I might be late. ...You're on thin ice, don't mess anything up." The call ended shortly after, with Fiona only taking a short break away to see her son before leaving. He was practicing guitar in his room with his normal instructor. The fox put on a brave face for her son. She didn't want to be a cruel parent, after all. "Fao, your father's coming over with some friends," Fiona told him. He didn't seem sad about it, but he certainly wasn't excited. His other parent wasn't jazzed about this, either. He was currently on the phone with Aria while getting another drink to get rid of the heat. "Keep an eye on her," He warned Aria. "Make sure she isn't pulling any tricks on you, I ain't seeing that crap in front of him." Aria just laughed as she got dressed, phone sat next to her in speaker mode. “Relax Castillo. She probably means us no harm… Or at least me no harm. You, that's up for debate… I wonder why she let all of us come over? Scourge must have said something.”
Scourge warped to the apartment carrying the food, and set it all on the stove to keep warm. “Fao? Red? I’m here”
The gentle strumming of a guitar could be heard and Scourge popped his head in the room, if only to notify Faolán that he was there.
Within half an hour, Fiona had returned and everyone was slowly showing up. Fiona didn't greet Scourge formally, more of a nod to say she was there and wandering to her room with a bag from some high-end clothing store. She would stay back there for quite a while, making some business related phone calls in private. Aria was the first to show up through one of her warps. Scourge and Manic would end up using the warp ring the king kept in his castle. Their arrival was a bit more delayed, as some of Fiona's men had to triple check and make sure they really were allowed into her apartment. Scourge had closed up his usual jacket and made an effort to look more cleaned up for his kid, who was certainly happy to see the guests. "Hey there, Fao." Castillo decided to forget about the situation for a moment and squatted to get on the same level as his kid. "How are ya, pipsqueak?" 'Fao' pulled away from the hug smiling. "Good! Mom's gonna let me go to Wick's house on Sunday!" "Speaking of 'mom'," Manic asked the king while his husband and stepson spoke. "Where's Fiona at, anyways?" “She’s in her bedroom taking some business calls. Should be out in a second. Its nice to see you two again.”
Scourge smiled at them both, blissfully unaware of their feelings for now. Dinner was plated and set, waiting for everyone to sit down. As Aria hugged the boys in greeting, Scourge walked to Fiona’s bedroom door and knocked gently. “Hey Red, dinner's ready and everyone is here…”
Scourge wasn’t sure how to seat everyone. Fao could sit wherever, but how far away would Fiona want him? Or the other Scourge, what about him? "I'll be out in a second," Fiona said firmly. "Tell them all to sit... ..." Fiona's instructions were followed carefully. Scourge sat at one end of the table. He was to Faolan's left, with the seat to his right set but empty, left for Fiona. Manic was partnered up with his husband, and Aria and Scourge were partnered up together. All that was left was for Fiona to arrive. "I had some business to take care of," Fiona said bluntly from down the hall. Scourge and Manic were the to who had the best view of Fiona while she approached the table, and Scourge was clearly concerned. She was wearing a short black dress with a bit of her midriff visible and a lower-cut collar. Even her strut was flirty. But she wasn't here to hit on anyone, she just wanted to quietly make her ex as jealous as she could. Her seat was on the opposite side of the entrance, giving her plenty of time to strut across the room and to have Castillo stare. She sat down in her spot, patting her son on the back. "Thank you for cooking, it smells great." Fiona completely glossed over her outfit and little walk. Scourge and Aria exchanged a quick look and the older male took a drink from his wine glass to mull over his options and word choice. Aria just checked her phone.
“Thanks... You look nice.” He finally decided on, a very blunt but sweet statement. After a moment of awkward silence, the king coughed. “So uh, I can’t measure pasta to save my life so have as much as you want. Bon appetit.”
The meal then started, but the tension was so thick it could have poisoned the food. Aria tried to lighten it a bit.
“So Faolán, how’s school going?” "It's alright," He said. He could definitely tell something was wrong, but didn't know what. "We're learning how to read words." 'Words like tease?' His dad stopped himself from saying. "Words like dipthong?" Manic did not stop himself from saying. This elicited an immature chuckle from the kid that Manic wasn't far off from sharing with him. "No, words like animal words. Like fly!" He said, not quite getting the joke immediately. He kept smiling as he spoke. "I'm not allowed to buy milk anymore after last time, though... but Wick promised not to dare me again." Aria rolled her eyes at Manic's teasing, elbowing him gently in the side in a playful manner.
“Reading hmm? I remember learning that. It wasn’t very easy for me. But I was much older than you are. I bet you’re gonna be super good at it.” Aria said, eating a forkful of pasta.
While he explained his inability to buy milk, Aria chuckled. “Maybe that’s for the best. Could someone pass the bread please?”
As Castillo handed the basket of carbs to Scourge, there was a sense of animosity. Not one that Scourge understood, and he gave the very familiar ‘you okay there?’ look that Castillo had seen many times before. Castillo returned with a glare he had seen before, but never targeted at him. It was a generic angry glare which belied no more information. He looked away and sunk his teeth into a slight of bread, using the crunch of the thick crust to help him calm down. Faolán looked at his mother for a moment before saying, "Thank you." As soon as the words were out, his smile started growing again. "It's really... boring. I like learning about nature stuff more." "Then why ain't you doing your work?" Scourge asked with a smile. He looked down sheepishly, and Scourge just ruffled his fur to cheer him up. "Yer fine. I'm exactly the same way. What kinda nature stuff?" Fiona rolled here eyes, thinking something sarcastic. "Like... Like our teacher walks us in the wood behind the school!" He said excitedly. "And there are neat birds, and we get to run, and I once found a quarter...!" Scourge sat back, confused and a little insulted, but saying nothing. He looked to Manic to see if the other had any clue why his husband was angry at the king.
Aria listened intently, feeling just as tense and out of place as Faolán did. But talking to the only source of innocence in the room was easier. She lit up as he talked about nature. “Oh that’s wonderful! I actually grew up in a forest, so I know exactly how you feel little one. What other things have you seen?”
The adults contesting over seeing Faolán failed to actually notice him. How ironic. Manic just shrugged at the king. He had his suspicions, but he'd have to talk about it with them both at another time. The child was now talking as he ate his pasta. "There's a water... a water... a river that goes through it, but it's dry a lot. But! But, there are cool bugs and flowers! And we got to go to a farm on a field trip, and they had the same flowers! I picked one but then a goat ate it." "Don't eat and talk at once," Fiona said softly. She patted him on the back, letting him know she wasn't too harsh about it. "What's your forest like, uh..." He leaned over to his dad and whispered to him momentarily. He whispered back. "What's your forest like, Red?" Oh, this was gonna get confusing. Aria shared a quick glance with Fiona and then smiled at Faolán. Letting him know that he had done nothing wrong. “My name is Aria, sweetie. And it's huge. It's got three rivers and a ton of lakes and trees taller than some buildings. Would you like to see some pictures I have on my phone after dinner?”
Scourge relaxed a bit, trying to not poison the atmosphere. So much for a nice birthday dinner. If he hadn’t promised Faolán cake, he wouldn’t have mentioned his birthday at all. But he now had to deal with it. "Yeah!" Faolán almost cheered out. "Thank you!" The words came out more naturally this time, much to his mother's relief. "Hey, kiddo!" Manic said from a few seats away. "We always see you up here, when's the last time you got to play outside?" The question seemed uncomfortable for Fiona to hear. "I don't know," Fao said. "There aren't a lot of parks we can go to." “Well then maybe one day we can take you to see my forest then, if it's okay with your mom. The area is actually owned by me and it's completely secluded and safe. My clan let anyone between ages 21 and 4 run around completely unsupervised,” She assured Fiona.
“What happened when you hit 21?" Scourge joked and Aria shrugged a little.
"Ah… Usually you were married and doing work to support the culture, or a priest / priestess or a warrior.” Arias attention returned to Faolán. “Does visiting sound good?” "Would I have to be a priest or a warrior?" He asked sincerely. Fiona smiled at him, turning her attention to Aria. In her mind, Aria seemed... trustworthy enough. "That would be fine," Fiona said. When her son's attention was diverted, she made a motion with her hand to indicate her answer was a bit more complicated than that. Manic ran a slice of bread through the sauce left on his place. "Hey, I was gonna say I wanted him to see some of your art," He offered as he chewed on his bread. "Two birds one stone, or summat." Castillo was happy to see his son planning for a trip, but said nothing. He didn't want to talk to Scourge, and certainly not to Fiona. He just kept stuffing his face like nothing was wrong. "Ah, unless you’re the shortest 21 year old in the world, you should be fine,” she joked. She saw Fiona’s need to give a more in depth explanation and merely nodded. They could talk another time, when the tension in the air wasn’t as thick.
“Why my art? Not that I mind, and you’re more than welcome to see it if you like Faolán, but why?” The artist merely tilted her head, confused. "Cause you're a hella good artist!" Manic almost laughed out. "Hell, he likes nature stuff and music stuff, maybe he'd like seeing your drawings and crap! That sound good, little man?" "Yeah!" He added, excited from all of Aria's encouragement and Manic's joking attitude. Scourge wasn't saying anything, so Fiona was keeping a close eye on Manic, and wasn't sure what he was planning. "And when would this happen?" Fiona asked. "I'm a busy woman, and Fao had school to worry about." "Well that’s really up to when your schedule allows it. I don’t work Sundays and I’ve got a few Saturdays off because the casino I work for is undergoing renovations. One Friday, maybe we could all go camping? I haven’t spent a night under the stars in far too long.”
Faolán looked excitedly up at his mother, eager. Scourge actually had an idea from this.
“I think that might be a fun thing… For you four. I'm not a fan of camping and if Fiona is busy… But I mean, that’s just my opinion.” "I'm not a camping woman," Fiona said simply. She wanted to end the statement there, but she did feel sorry for how much time he had to spend inside. And in this situation, she didn't feel she had a choice. "But if he wants to go camping with you..." Her son was excited at the prospect of going camping. Manic and Scourge were excited at getting to spend time with him. Fiona wasn't jazzed about the idea. While the boys were busy making silly jokes and entertaining Fao after the meal ended, she pulled Aria aside to speak with her in the side hall. "Just being related to me makes him a target." She was deathly serious. "And I don't trust Scourge alone with him. I want to know where this is happening, and if it's not 100% entirely safe for him, I'm sending some guards along to make sure nothing happens to him. Got it?" Her words might have seemed angry, but her tone was mixed with total concern. "Of course Fiona. I couldn’t imagine not taking all precautions. I may not look like it, but I’ve had my fair share of worrying about the people around me becoming targets… The area is within magical limitation. There are anti-warp systems in place, and the whole thing is guarded by four men on rotation two at a time. There are a few wild animals like squirrels and deer, but no large predators. There’s… There’s one more thing that really only you can judge. Um… Part of that magical limitations is basically what you would call a graveyard. Normally I wouldn’t take him there but the trees are all different types and I was thinking maybe Faolán would like to see them…”
Aria pulled out her phone and showed Fiona a few photos of the many organized trees and all the portraits that hung on them. Then as she further explained, she switched to an overhead map.
“Could he handle that? Or would you rather we say a little but off to the left in this clearing? It's not near enough any bodies of water to be dangerous and the filed is large enough that he shouldn’t be able to wander out of eyesight while still being able to explore…. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to back you into saying yes earlier… Its just very rare that someone else has such a drive for nature.” Fiona thought. And thought. Her son needed to get out of the house more. If it wasn't so protected, she would have immediately said no to letting him go with Scourge. If she hadn't pretty much promised Fao already, she would probably have immediately said no. But here she was, actually considering it. "He wouldn't understand it," Fiona added, still not believing she was agreeing to this. ◇        ◇        ◇        ◇ "Be careful, Fao." Fiona wanred her son as he ran up to the trio at the entrance to Scourge's castle. He was wearing a kindergarten backpack overstuffed with clothes and his various games, even  if he knew he wasn't going to be playing them much. Castillo was saddled with his sleeping bag and a cooler full of goodies for him. "I don't want to see any cuts or scratches on him," Fiona warned the three. "If he gets hurt, you're telling me immediately." Aria nodded and held up a large first aid kit. "Gotcha. Here’s a map of the area and where we will be going around. I’m not sure if my girlfriend will join us later, it depends on how much of a day she’s had. But she’s a perfectly safe individual, I promise. She worked at the same casino I do.”
They had discovered through planning and chatting about the trio, that Aria actually worked for Fiona’s chain of casinos. If nothing else, Fiona knew she was at least trustworthy.
Scourge was waiting with them, leaning against the van and talking to Manic. Fiona was greeted happily. The therapist had suggested that they switch up the location, so the castle was their new drinking spot. "Yoooo, hey, buddy!" Manic said, kneeling down to say hello to his son-in-law. Faolán's disneyland smile was enough to show how excited he was to get to spend a day with his fun parents. The two shared a hug while the three others followed him to the van. Fiona had a grip on the back of Castillo's neck while her son wasn't looking. "If anything happens to him, the same thing's happening to you. Got it?" She threatened under her breath. Castillo acted unfazed. Manic lifted up Fao in both arms to get him into the van. "Don't worry, he's gonna be fine." Manic assured her. He didn't need to hear Fiona's threat to be scared by it. "We're just gonna find some gross bugs and like, make some smores or something." He didn't get a response. Faolán was the only to get a response, in the form of a kiss. "Have fun," she told him, wanting to at least leave on a better note. "I will!" He assured her. Aria helped buckle the little one in, then waited out in front of the van for Manic's okay. When everything was packed and she was given a thumbs up, she started scratching open the portal. Faolán received a bit of a show as Aria finished the scratches off with flair, leaving a sparkling and shining portal for the car to drive into.
Scourge walked up next to Fiona and held up a key. "To the wine cellar. Your turn to pick, Red. Don’t worry about him too much. He’s safe.”
Aria followed the van as it drove through the portal, and closed it with a snap once she hopped through. He was gone that quickly. With Scourge. If the king wasn't more or less dragging Fiona into the castle, she would have tried hopping through that portal herself. She just had to trust the king, she just had to trust a... Scourge. It was clear from Fiona's walk that this visit was going to be a bit angrier than usual. She lead the way through the castle and towards the cellar entrance, storming down the stairs and desperate to get some kind of alcohol in her system. She'd just make a quick choice and- That was going to be harder than expected, with just how much wine the castle had. This was going to be tricky. "And you're certain he's not going to get hurt there." Fiona said quietly, knowing he was safe logically but not emotionally. Was this wine label supposed to be legible? She took it off the wall, not particularly caring and a little curious. "I shouldn't have agreed to that nonsense." Her comments towards Scourge seemed annoyed after watching her son leave, but she was still stopping to look for a wine he would have liked. "He’s totally safe. Aria may not look it but she’s had experience with kids. She had 3 younger siblings and then moved into a house with 17 other kids. She’s responsible. Careful, that stone is loose.” The king gently guided her off, barely touching her.
“Besides, she’s excited enough with having someone else seeing her forest, and there’s a meteor shower tonight so he’s gonna be getting the full package. Trust me. He’s safe. And he is gonna be so grateful when he’s older that you let him go.”
He took the wine bottle and inspected the label. “Yup. This is a good one. Shall we go back upstairs then?”
He offered her his hand to help her back up the rickety steps. The fox cautiously followed Scourge up. Would he really be grateful? Would he be grateful if Scourge and Manic drove off with him and disappeared? When that felt like a real possibility, "very thankful" was the last thing she was concerned about. All she could really do was trust he was safe, and she wasn't giving him any of her trust. Her shoes clacked loudly against the castle floors as she stomped through the building. This was going to be another night of Scourge needing to lecture Fiona into calming down, and she knew it. All this really meant was the quicker she started drinking, the better it would be for them both. "So... How's the kingdom?" Fiona asked, not convincingly acting calm. The glasses were poured quickly and Fiona was sure to fill hers to the brim. She was gonna need it. He let it slide. As wonderful as she was when she was happy, when she was angry she wanted very little to do with him.
"Very well. There isn’t a lot that I can do really, were basically a democratic monarchy. But if you’re trying to sell any property, do it now. The royal advisers are worried about markets crashing… I’d ask if you’re okay but clearly you aren’t. Come on Red. He’s gonna be fine.”
He put a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her as best he could. She wasn't about having the hand on her shoulder, but she wasn't objecting to it, either. In fact, she wasn't saying anything, greedily chugging her glass of wine and delicately putting the glass down like she hadn't just done that. It was partially to drown out the anger, and partially to savor the taste. It was strangely spiced for a wine, but in a pleasant way. "He knows nothing about raising a kid," Fiona said. "He just shows up, gives him gifts, and leaves. He's gonna come back, he's gonna be spoiled on garbage foods and his stupid jokes, and he's gonna go back to calling me the boring parent." She spat out, having trouble speaking calmly to anyone at this time. "He's not gonna end up like those punks, he's gonna be successful. I don't want him stealing shit." Every word poured out naturally, with little regard for how open she was being. "He's my son, and now Scourge is gonna show him some magical meteor show and I'm some lecturing asshole he's forced to live with." She was already eyeing the bottle, thinking of having another glass, but the warmth and flavor were still lingering. "Easy with the wine. It's older than you,” he insisted. Thinking quietly.
“Look… I can't speak for Faolán other than to tell you that he does love you. Even if Scourge does spoil him, he’s still your kid. And at dinner last week… I don’t know, I was picking up some less than thrilled expressions from him concerning his dad. I’m not sure if that was because he sensed the tension or whatnot. I guarantee you if he lived with Scourge and Manic full time he would find them boring and you as the fun one. Yes, Castillo should be helping to discipline him, as well as letting you spoil him too. There needs to be a balance and it's tough because Fao doesn’t see him often.”
He drank his wine down. “But what do I know, hmm? I mean, I would have killed for a parent like you when I was a kid. At least you pay attention to him. I had plenty of people like Castillo. People who tried to spoil me to gain my father's favor. But the second that bastard "punished” me, I was suddenly alone. Nobody ever thought to actually talk to me, or ask me anything of worth. The point I’m trying to make is that Faolán is lucky to have you, and when he gets older hes gonna realize that.“ Fiona was suddenly disappointed she'd drunk that glass. Now she couldn't hold something to her mouth so she couldn't be asked to speak. She just awkwardly sat there and listened to everything Scourge said, digging for some tiny flaw she could cling to, something she could do to fight this alternate. "Damned right, he's going to know it." Fiona said, spinning her glass around in her fingers like she was swirling a drink. "But I need something for now, I need him to feel loved now! And all he's doing is talking about how 'fun' his dad is and how 'cool' his skills are and- Yeah, we know he'll be happy, but he ISN'T happy! I've been trying to keep him safe and some half-baked snot family comes in to make that look boring! You don't know what it's like to have your kid ignore you like... that..." She didn't want to finish that sentence, realizing her mistake as it was coming out of her mouth. The wince Scourge gave was visible. Hand withdrawn from Fiona’s shoulder, the king almost pulling back into himself as he drained his glass.
"You’re right. I don’t. I have no idea. But maybe you should try doing something fun with him? I dunno, let him teach you how to play his video game, or sit in on his guitar lessons or take him to a park. Do something he likes. Something fun. Hell, I bet even watching his favorite TV show with him would be enough, just add in some popcorn and that makes it special! I may not have ever seen my son, but while I was in jail I was reading every book on parenting I could find so that I wouldn’t become anything like the evil my father was. And while you’re doing a phenomenal job protecting him, you’d have to ask him about everything else. You know the easy remedy? Let Castillo come over more under supervision. Let him see him and have to punish him sometimes. He’s only picking favorites because seeing his father is a treat.”
Scourge suddenly regained his composure. “Sorry… That was… Out of line. I shouldn’t meddle in your life.” Fiona didn't say anything. She sat there as Scourge got gradually more passionate without getting angry at her. He gaze at her glass was hollow, like she was looking through the glass rather than at it. She stood up and walked to the bar near the back of the room. "I shouldn't have had that much," Fiona admitted quietly, filling her glass with water. "that's strong." Her walk back highlighted how odd her movements tended to be. If she was happy, sure, she could seem elegant and flirty. When she was angry, or sad, or anything else, she was no less elegant or dainty, but it looked hollow and false against whatever grim expression she was forcing herself to wear. This walk of shame was no different, and every movement looked somehow ethereal and clunky. "I'm tired." Fiona sat down and sipped the water, the creases under her eyes suddenly looking more defined. "I'm tired of trying to figure out what best and I'm tired of not having it." She admitted. It was good advice. Very good advice, but opening up to anyone without the aid of alcohol or sleep deprivation was always hard for her, even to her own son. She sipped this water slowly and tried to relax yet again, but relaxation didn't come easy. "Do you still have those." Fiona finally said. "The books." "A few of them. Want me to go get them for you while you try and relax a bit?” He was getting up already, but got up too fast and collapsed back on the couch, holding his head.
“"Ooh…kay. Not gonna.. Not gonna do that again. I’ll get them for you once the world stops spinning.” He sat back, closing his eyes and leaning with his head back.
“You’re a good mom. Fao is lucky. And in order to keep him lucky, you’re either warping home or staying the night. If you’re feeling half as drunk as I am right now, I won’t let you drive.” Fiona's laugh was at least a little happy. "You can't be drunk, that's a baby dose." She smiled for at least a bit. It was a large glass, but really? It was that potent? "Fine, you ask one of your castle men or whoever to find them," Fiona said, sitting back. "I don't want to think about this crap now." She was getting dangerously close to bringing up her stress again, while she was laughing and distracted from herself. She was just going to milk these good feelings and hope nothing happened to dredge up the worse ones. Fiona felt her feelings towards Scourge change again, and she was never going to be used to how her emotions jolted. He had similarly stressed wrinkles, and Fiona felt just a bit more at ease seeing them. "I haven't gotten drunk with someone in years," Fiona admitted, going to pour herself another glass. "You want one more?" "I don’t drink often. Especially not something so strong…. Yes, another glass please. And I’ll have one of them do that in the morning. Everyone has gone home for the night.”
Scourge had the added stress effects of lighter quills. Especially at the base, they were turning white, as was the rest of him. Running a kingdom aged you it seemed, but that couldn’t have been it. The king had seen so much hardship that it was only natural for him to be so stressed out.
His face flushed a little as he took another sip, clearly feeling the warmth of the drink in his body. He held up his glass to his drinking buddy.
“To avoiding our problems.” Fiona smirked and hesitated, considering clinking the bottle to his glass and drinking straight from the bottle. But she did the less impolite thing and toasted her glass. She was more inebriated than she would have admitted, even to the king. The wheels were starting to come off, and their conversations became a steam of tangential topics that kept veering in wildly different directions. "And then...!" Fiona was smiling and laughing before the punchline was even delivered, totally drunk at this point. "He tried to run through some bamboo... so I pulled it back and it smacked him right in the face...!" Even if she would never admit it sober, getting to sit and laugh with Scourge was nice. The king burst out laughing, face flushed and seeing double, but having the most fun he had in a long time. He had forgotten what these moments of closeness had felt like. Hell, the alcohol numbed all his senses and his memory, and so for the first time he was seeing Fiona as she was, not as how she compared to his late wife.
The bottle was empty and now they filled up on water to dilute the wine in their guts.
"I would have paid to see that!” He insisted, laughing and leaning back on the pillows. Fiona was actually fun when she wasn’t stressed. "He didn't want to talk to me for weeks!" The fox waved her hand in front of her in an exaggeration gesture. "There was a bruise right up his face for a few days, he looked like such an ass!" It felt nice to let go of all her baggage and have fun. Drink too much, wrap one arm around Scourge and laugh their guts out. If she saw herself doing this sober, she wouldn't have been happy with herself, but she didn't care one bit. That night was just about making stupid jokes with each other and enjoying someone else's company without trauma getting in the way. They weren't the Castillos, they weren't going to go out and commit petty crimes, they were having good harmless fun. For an hour or two. "Oh shit!" Fiona's own drunken stupor had stopped her from drinking any more. She spilled her glass, and the midriffed dress she got to make her old lover jealous was now soaked in wine. "I'll clean it tomorrow, you got a shirt I can borrow?" He nodded, setting his wine down and slowly attempting to get up.
"Think I can make it up and down the stairs?” He asked, joking as he swayed just a bit. “Guess we can find out. Dun drink anymore without me.”
He managed somehow to stumble up stairs and grab one of his casual shirts for her to change into. He slid down the banister on the way back, and other than a shaky dismount met with laughter, he was fine. Fiona would find the king soon bent over the back of the couch, handing her the soft cotton tee to wear, then drinking some more wine.
“S’ a shame. It looks real nice on you.” "Thanks." Fiona pulled off the top of her dress, turning around to give herself some privacy. "And why shouldn't I drink without you?" She said as she put on the shirt, looking slightly ridiculous with her dress bottom. "You get drunk on two drops of wine, I've got to catch up!" That comment about the dress was still making her smile. The wine was getting to her head, much more than she thought it would, and she found herself saying words she didn't want to ever say again. "Thanks, you look real good in that leather jacket. I'd look better, though, lemme see it." And there were things she didn't ever want to do with Scourge, like play around with trying on his jacket or him trying on her stained dress top. They were too drunk to care about anything other than having fun... ◇        ◇        ◇        ◇ Fiona looked strangely peaceful where she was, given how she normally acted. Her elegant actions carried into how she slept. Her barely opened mouth, her arm draped over Scourge, it was all very gentle. Her refined pose and nudity draped in bed sheets almost looked like a renaissance painting. The fox unconsciously nuzzled up to Scourges chest and scratched gently at his fur. Scourge was frozen in panic. His head throbbed from the hangover, his heart rate sped up even faster when he realized that not only was she laying in his bed, but that she was both completely naked and extremely beautiful.
He turned his head slightly, and caught sight of a used condom in the trashcan. Whew. At least he wasn’t stupid. He was, however, a dead man. If Fiona didn’t kill him, Castillo would.
As much as he dreaded her pulling away from him, and proceeding to slaughter him, he still had to wake Fiona.
"Hey. Red.” He whispered, moving slowly as to not disturb her headache or his own. He gently kissed her forehead, greedily soaking in her proximity because he knew what they had was gone. Fiona woke up slowly. She didn't seem to realize the implications of the moment for a few moments, keeping her eyes closed and nuzzling up to Scourge more. But Fiona was aware. Oh, she was fully aware, and just trying to justify this to herself. It was just because she was drunk, right? But she couldn't convince herself she'd done the right thing and slowly sat up in the bed, moving away from Scourge and not saying good morning, or not asking what the hell happened. She sat there and thought, knowing nothing could make this better. "My name's Fiona," she informed Scourge gravely. She reached down to the clothes near the floor and put her underwear back on. One hand reached into her purse and pulled out her cigarettes. She was struggling to find her lighter and an excuse for her actions. He rolled over in bed, handing her his lighter and winced. Dried blood had pooled on his back and after he pulled on underwear he inspected the scratches that she had left, and the scars they had opened. Nothing a good shower wouldn’t fix.
"I… I’m sorry. Last night was my fault. I should have picked another bottle. I ruined what little tolerance you had for me and I’m sorry for that.”
Really? Taking the blame for something so small? The king was eager to hear her say that it was alright, even though he knew no words like that would come.
“Bathroom is on your left if you want a quick shower.” Fiona lit a cigarette right where she was, smoking for a few moments. She didn't particularly seem to care that the king was there, and lazily threw the closed lighter at the nightstand. "Damn right, it was your fault." She said, grabbing onto those words and determined to run with them. She put out the cigarette shortly after she's lit it and chucked it towards the trash can. She held her clothes in front of her for some kind of privacy and locked the bathroom door almost immediately. The fox's shower wasn't short. She spent plenty of time shampooing her fur and thinking. Could she tell Castillo and make him jealous? No... no, he probably wouldn't believe her. Besides, she wasn't letting anyone know she did that with a Scourge. The first time she'd slept with someone in years, and it was this ponce. What a waste. But there was nothing she could do about it now, it was done, and it was all his fault. That's what she was going to keep telling herself, it was all his fault. All his fault... Steam billowed through the door when Fiona finally exited, not caring about the stains on her dress top anymore. "When is Fao getting back?" She asked bluntly. "Aria said they should be back around nine. Its 8:30. Did you want me to warp you home so you can change? I’d rather keep this between us if you don’t mind. I rather like having my head attached to my body.”
He had sat with a wet washcloth and started rinsing dried blood off, hissing when the water soaked into an open wound. All that time in the shower and he was still scrubbing. Surely his back must have elicited some pity from her, even if she wouldn’t show it. He still craved her approval in every way, even though he knew he would never get it.
“Re-… Fiona? Did you hear me?” "You're right. No one's ever going to find out." Fiona threatened, readjusting her clothes one more time. "And you're forgetting everything that happened. I'm going outside." She didn't even want to look at Scourge, and didn't know if his grunts were actually out of pain or some attempt to imply he wanted more. But she was done. He'd taken a woman with serious emotional issues, gotten her drunk, and slept with her knowing what could go wrong. She'd tell herself that time and time again, but she knew she was at fault in some part of her mind. She knew she wanted to spend the night with him, she knew this was just as much her fault, but convincing herself that the kind was some kind of manipulative man-whore made everything set in easier. Easier was relative, of course. Going out in front of the castle and sitting on some bench wasn't going to help her problems, either, and she just had to think about what had happened. She'd been fucked by a Scourge. It almost felt like she had violated herself by letting this all happen... she shivered in disgust. She didn't care Scourge played it safe, she was downing plan B the moment she got home. "I wouldn't do that. There’s paparazzi like crazy out there-”
And she was gone.
Scourge dried his hands of his own blood and pulled up the draft of his will he kept in the work desk. Checking it over to make sure it was accurate, he signed it and left it there, going to get dressed.
He came downstairs, brass knuckles hidden in his pocket. He sat on the step, smoking a cigarette.
“Paparazzi are gonna have a hay day with this… The second Fao gets here, take him and leave. Castillo is gonna figure out what happened and I don’t want Fao to see what’s gonna become of this… It was nice being your drinking buddy and your friend while it lasted. But you also need to realize that while I didn’t stop the alcohol, you weren’t innocent either. The way I remember it, you were the one who kissed me.”
He got up and went down the castle steps as the van warped into the courtyard. The king was not looking to fight but he was prepared. Fiona acted calmer when the van started to arrive, not wanting to make a scene in front of her son. But she wasn't going to stay completely calm after everything that happened. When the car was stopped and the portal was closed, Manic opened the car door and got Faolán out of his booster seat. The boy's eyes were glowing with excitement. He hopped out and ran up to his mother, looking like he'd just won the lottery. "Mom, mom!" He yelled, gleaming with joy. Fiona smiled and hugged her son as soon as he was near her. "Mom, it was so cool!" Faolán started while the others started to carry Fao's things over. "There was a really big lake, and we got to go swimming... and then! And then there were a bunch of shooting stars! I made a ton of wishes! And there were a lot of-" "One at a time, hon." Fiona told him, patting his shoulder. "How about you tell me all about it when we get home?" Her son could tell that something was bothering her, but the happier she was, the better it was for them both. "Okay!" He said, still grinning widely. Scourge wasn't completely awake yet, still yawning and streting. He put his son's sleeping bag near his mother, and ruffled his hair. "You tell her about the stag beetle?" "There was a real big beetle bug, and- and it flew up and landed on Ari's face!" He said, giggling with amusement. Aria shivered at the reminder and looked at Fiona. Wasn’t that the dress she had on yesterday? Why was it covered in wine? She decided to ignore it and bent down, receiving a hug goodbye from Faolán.
"Thank you for letting me come to your forest!” The little boy exclaimed.
Aria hugged back and then returned Faolán to his mother's side. “Oh you’re welcome sweetie. Any time. Maybe next time we can go for a day trip and your mom can come too.” Fiona glanced to her side. Scourge was standing close, but not too close. He knew exactly how protective she could get of her son. "Maybe another time," Fiona said vaguely, knowing she wouldn't want any of these green hedgehogs tagging along. But Aria? She didn't have any beef with Aria. Yet. Castillo squatted down and opened his arms, letting Faolán come over to him for one more hug. "Sorry, squirt, you know how your mom gets," he said pointedly. "You wanna go camping again, I'll go camping, kid." Even when Fao let go of his own hold, Scourge held for a few extra moments before removing his arms completely. Fiona reached for the king's warp ring, and activated it herself. "Come along, Fao." She said, ushering her son through. Manners, right! She had to stop acting rude so her kid wouldn't be rude. She turned her head towards Aria and said, "goodbye." Simple, professional, and entirely distanced from her emotions. It was as emotional and vibrant as a concrete block. One leg stepped through, then the other, and Fiona and he son were gone once again. Castillo watched as the opening closed and he was distanced from his son once again. Scourge grew nervous. Had Castillo noticed yet? Her state of undress, his formality? He was ready to make a break for it as soon as his alternate showed any signs of knowing.
Aria noticed the flight mode the king was set in, and tilted her head gently. "What’s the matter? You look green… Greener that usual… You feeling okay?”
Scourge froze and decided to cough gently. “Nah nah I’m fine… Just a little chest cough, nothing a nap and some cough syrup won’t fix… I’m pretty tired I… Didn’t sleep well last night. You guys good to use the warp ring to get home?”
The king badly needed to call his therapist and sort out his emotions. Oh, Castillo definitely noticed. He noticed Fiona acting exactly as cold as she normally acted around him. She was gone, and so was his kid. Castillo walked up to the king and patted his back, smirking. "Don't worry about her," he said, seeing right through his act and coming to the wrong conclusion. "She's a bitch to everyone. Thanks for helping." Manic wandered up. Out of everyone, his clothes were covered in the most dirt and mud stains by far. "Hell yeah, dude, that'd be awesome. Uh... You take care, dude. You sure you didn't catch whatever the baby wolfman got a few weeks back? You didn't drink any bad milk too, right?" "Nah nah… Not sure what it is. Maybe best for you all to stay away for a few days in case I’m contagious. I’ll be fine, I’ve got a castle of people to help take care of me.”
He tossed the warp ring open for the green couple to drive through. A whole castle of people and a bed that was still warm. The memories from the night before trickled back slowly, causing him to blush randomly. Aria took it as a feverish sweat and checked his forehead.
“You’re warm. Go back to bed and get some rest. I’ll make soup." Manic and Scourge shared a look. Scourge's immediate thought was that Fiona had slipped Scourge something rancid to make him sick. Manic's immediate thought was to try and restrain light chuckles from seeing him blush so much. "We might drop in with like, some kinda food... Oh man, my mom'd make the best spicy salmon when I was sick! Oh man, I have to ask if she's still got that recipe... Yeah, yeah, we'll bring you something soon, dude. Take care!" Manic gave a two finger salute and stopped his rambling while Scourge drove through the portal, and back to their home city. The portal closed, and the two let out sighs of varying weight. "So what do you think she did?" Manic asked, genuinely concerned for the king. "Probably spilled that wine on her dress," Scourge thought. "She's ended friendships over stupider shit." Aria helped Scourge upstairs even as he insisted he could get up there on his own. Still she forced him into bed, laughing at the tousled sheets.
"Had a friend over after your wine with the fox?”
“Something like that, yeah.” The king shrugged. Aria was trustworthy.
“Pfft. No wonder she looked exhausted. If she stayed in the guest room, she wouldn’t have gotten any sleep.” She wasn't entirely wrong, she wasn't going to get any sleep. But it wasn't the previous night she wasn't sleeping, it was that night. That day, in fact. Even as she curled up in her own room and tried to sleep off the pain for a while longer, she knew it was her fault. She knew she kissed Scourge, she pushed him too far, she instigated everything. She just had to try ramming it through her head that it was Scourge's fault to maybe help ease the pain. But the pain wasn't easing. Could she actually follow his advice and spend time with Fao to feel better? She wanted to, but it was Scourge that put that idea in her head. Even if it was good advice, she didn't want to have to thank Scourge for any kind of advice, and out of sheer spite, she pushed that idea aside. As much as she wanted to spend time with Fao to calm down, She wasn't indebting herself to Scourge. The situation was lost on Fao entirely. All he knew was he was brought home, his things were unpacked, and his mom was gone again. He was used to it, even if he didn't like it. It's just how his life went. As Aria left, Scourge laid back in his bed, trying to sleep as well. It was hard, Fiona’s perfume was everywhere, soaked into the sheets that he had, dare he say it, lovingly wrapped around her form as she snuggled up to him.
He wondered a lot too. Was he only using her as a body substitute for his late wife? A way to feel her embrace again? No. Not last night. Maybe it was the alcohol, but that night was different.
He didn’t sleep much, but managed to reach out for his phone and call his therapist. He needed someone to talk to.
Tabloids. Always the fucking tabloids. He made a mental note to sue for defamation.
Fiona and him were plastered all over the front page, her entrances and exits. Thankfully the van protected Faolán. But other than that, they was all over it.
“Sergio. I’ll be in my chambers. If Castillo shows up, come tell me.” He orders his solider out of the room. Castillo was going to show up. Much later. A full day passed, giving Fiona and Scourge time to mull over their mistakes countless times, and the Castillos enough time to finish their shifts. Castillo would drive up alone, having gotten that recipe Manic wanted to give him and an old bad movie. Besides, the many long drives he'd taken with Manic made the van feel comfortable... almost homely to him. All he needed to do was stop at some grocery store to buy ingredients for this recipe... "Manic, you won't believe this crap." Scourge laughed into his phone as he checked out. The insinuations of the tabloids weren't just wrong, they were utterly devoid of any knowledge of Fiona. "Yeah, seriously, with Fiona!" "Make sure she doesn't find out," Manic teased back. "Or she'll find some reason to blame you~" A few customers and employees were watching the loud customer laughing at some random tabloid. "Holy crap- Hey, lady! Yeah, I'm buying this mess, too!" He handed the tabloid over to the cashier. "God, he's gonna find that crap hilarious." "Hm... Are you SURE it's wrong?~" "Don't even joke about that shit," Scourge warned him. The food was bagged, the call was ended, and Scourge was off, anxious to hear just how ridiculous the king would find that claim. Scourge was actively hiding in his room, having a panic attack. He was so tired. His doctor had made him feel better about the whole Fiona thing, but even she was worried for his well being.
“Sergio! Change of plans, just tell him I’ve gone out. Say I didn't say where.” The king insisted, retreating to his bathroom to heave up his stomach contents. He was as scared as he had ever been, and he didn’t like it. There were far too may trauma flashbacks to his childhood.
Sergio denied the alternate at the door when he showed up. Saying the king was out and would return for a while. "Really? Shit..." Castillo said. There was something off about the guard's behavior. "Fine, can you put this crap in the kitchen? Just some stuff for a recipe." The guard complied and was off. The door almost slammed, stopped by mere inches by his finger. He waited until the guard's footsteps were distant, and strolled in like he owned the place. Scourge quietly closed the door behind him and slinked right into the closest room, weaving through Scourge's usual spots. He wasn't in the library, not the sitting room, not his wine cellar... was he actually out? Maybe he was overanalyzing the situation again. All he knew was he was here to make something for the king, he deserved a little reward. And hell, he just happened to be in the king's sitting room, and just happened to be near the bar... Scourge would understand, right? One glass of whiskey later, Castillo was on the sofa, recipe abandoned to his side and the television turned to some bad overbudgeted action movie. Scourge finished heaving into the toilet bowl and wiped his mouth. Feeling a bit better, he got up to wash his face. How was he gonna handle this? He stared at himself in the mirror and plotted.
As Castillo chilled in the sitting room, he would notice an empty wine bottle and a spill on the carpet below that didn’t look like it was going to come out anytime soon. Must have been the wine Fiona had gotten all over herself. Two wine glasses, one with lipstick on it. Probably Fionas, or maybe even the fwb that had stayed the night before.
Aside from that, what was that black lacy thing peeking out from behind the couch? Whatever it was, it was definitely more interesting than the nonexistent plot on screen. One hand reached over to what looked like a piece of lace... "The hell, he into some kinky stuff...?" Scourge looked at the thin pair of panties that was wedged in the cushions. Black lace with decorative straps, petite. Even if the king was into this stuff, this would be way too small for him to wear. They were a women's size anyways, they must have belong to his friend or... ... Out of grim curiosity, he looked a bit closer at the panties. There were two things that concerned him. They already looked like something Fiona might have worn, but the brand label have it away. "X Effects," some posh brand where so much as sneezing in the store would cost hundreds of dollars. These were always Fiona's favorites. The tabloid was just a joke, right? She hated Scourges, though she did get along with him, and she had been drinking... bah, she must have gotten plastered and took them off, she wouldn't sleep with the king, and he wouldn't want her! That's what he wanted to think, but he wasn't convincing himself. He tried to look away, but it was obvious what was on the front of the underwear; A stain. Sergio snuck upstairs and told his king what was going on, and Scourge's plan of attack formed instantly
He was ready to face his alternate, or so he thought. He grabbed an unopened bottle of over-the-counter nausea medication and hopped though a warp ring into the front hallway, shutting the ring behind him.
“Sergio? Sergio, I’ll be in the sitting room! Can you get me some water?… Oh hey dude-… Look I don’t give a shit about the shit you’re into, but Manic ain’t here so put it away.”
He made the wrong assumption and collapsed in a chair, rubbing his eyes gently. The glass of water was brought and the medication taken. Sergio cleaned the glasses and sent a maid in to handle the spill.
“So, what’s up dude?” The maid was cleaning the floor pretty thoroughly. That stain wasn't coming out any time soon, and Scourge needed a chance to talk. He stashed the underwear in his pocket and started talking. "Manic was getting worried about you, wanted me to drive up here and make you some kinda meal he had when he was sick." Scourge shrugged, the lack of a smile unusual for him around friends. "Stuff should be in the kitchen, lemme check. You coming?" He motioned for the king to follow as he walked towards the kitchen, not really giving him a choice. They went through the main halls, down a servant hallway... No one was here. Scourge stood in front of the kitchen entrance, pulling the panties out of his pocket. "These ain't my clothes," Scourge almost roared at Scourge out of nowhere. "So you tell me why you've got Fiona's underwear, and why it's got your jizz on it."
Scourge was surprised by the yelling, jumping backwards a bit. When the other finished his sentence, he pretended to be disgusted.
“DUDE! Why the fuck would I sleep with FIONA?! Do you know what that would do to my brain? I’m already fucked up I don’t need that kind of stressor! Besides, those aren’t hers. You think I stopped inviting my ‘friends’ over just because she was here? No way! She didn’t sleep because I was up all night banging one of them! And while yes, I do feel like a bit of a douche for that, I still ain’t sorry cause she flipped her shit when I accidentally spilt wine on her!”
The king leaned on a wall, hand over his stomach. Once again, greener than usual. Looks like the nausea meds didn’t take effect. He was so thankful that he had the foresight to tip Fiona into his story and another friend.
Of course his prior message to Fiona mentioned that she could loose custody of Faolán in any court system if they could prove she wasn’t a fit mother, and that sleeping with her ex boyfriends alternate and friend could make her look bad. Did Scourge know this? Hell yes, he did. The problem was, he was just as unfit a parent as Fiona in the eyes of a court system. It was two former drug users, knee deep in criminal activity. Fiona was barely fit enough herself. There were many things concerning Scourge at that moment, and it wasn't custody. "I'm sorry, is the king of the manwhores feelin' down?" Scourge scoffed off the comment. "Yeah, she got angry at spilled wine, so why was the bottle empty, huh?! There were two glasses, what, did your friend not need a cup? I don't give a shit who this other friend is, I fucked her for years. I know what she wears, your other friend have the same exact taste as her? Your other friend buy hundred dollar underwear, too?" Scourge grabbed the tabloid from under your arm. "These assholes think anyone who comes into your castle is banging you. They sure saw Fiona... so where the hell's your friend, huh? No one saw 'em enter, they didn't use a glass... seems like the only people fucking in your castle were you and Fi." “It was damn good wine, it was the last glass that split. And did you forget that I can warp anywhere at a moments notice with a ring? I warped my fwb in, and warped them out, AFTER we finished the wine. As for their taste in underwear, I’m sure Fiona isn’t the only one who shops there. Now get out of my castle. I don’t have to take this shit from you and I’m far too sick for this”.
The king tried to simmer down, storming up the castle steps. Sergio was ordered to stop the other if he tried to go anywhere other than out. "You get back here, asshole-!" Scourge screamed and fought against Sergio, but it was no use. Even if Scourge was strong, this guard was physically much taller than him, he couldn't do much of anything when he was more or less lifted into the air. So Scourge conceded, and left out the front door, screaming down the hall until the doors were slammed in his face. There were many things he could have done at that point. He could have tried breaking in through one of the servant entrances. He could have even tried grappling up one of the balconies with his bike chain. He could have called manic and ranted to get his emotions out. But he did none of that stuff. He was absolutely furious, and he knew exactly how to get back at Scourge. Through the tabloids. And that next morning, Scourge and Fiona was still the hot story. Only this time, they had something more tangible than a few loose photos of someone entering the building. They had a stained pair of Fiona's panties, and a Scourge alternate as a witness, talking in detail about hearing them from the other room. The special affair edition of the news was unexpected by Castillo, but a pleasant surprise. A less pleasant surprise was a copy of this paper being left in front of the castle. Scourge took one look at the headline when the paper was brought in and started growling. Teeth bared, he called Fiona. “Tell your son he’s gotta start looking for a new father because I’m about to rip Castillo’s head off!” "Send me the head," Fiona told him, not entirely against the idea.
The pleasant sleep Castillo was having would be interrupted by Castillo being dragged by the quills out of the van, and shaken around for good measure.
“WAKEY WAKEY SUNSHINE! I'VE GOT A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU, FUCKER!!” More quill tugging with a foot on his spine, bending the hedgehog backwards. "Ah, shit- Get the fuck offa me!" Scourge grunted and protested against the sharp pains to his scalp, knowing exactly why the king was doing this. How did he even find him? He parked out in some random parking lot... was there a search to find him? Scourge took the first opportunity to curl up and have his spines sticking out, pricking the king as he tried to touch him. He just had to wait for the perfect chance to really run. "You wanna bitch me out?" Castillo said from the pavement, not changing from his curled position. "Do it." “Oh I’m beyond bitching you out. And fighting fair.” He got off of him, only enough to throw him against a wall. His hands were bleeding but the king didn’t notice. He shut the vans doors to get the warp ring behind them and opened a warp.
“Well since you wanted to do a little tell all, that leaves me to do the showing. What bothers you so much about it, hmm? Even if I DID sleep with her, did you have to go that far? Are you so fucking jealous because of a woman who hates you? And what about Faolán? He may not understand it now, but he’s gonna grow up and see that his father is a DIRTY HEROIN ADDICTED THIEF. I’ve got to hand it to you, you make my dad look like father of the year.”
He taunted him, then jumped through the ring. He was beyond being the peaceful royal. Time to start some drama. Castillo was tired. He was tired of the constant, beckoning hand trying to get him addicted. Was he a thief? Hell yeah. Was he jealous? Hell yeah. And he had accepted all this. But compared to the line about the heroin, those tiny tinges of truth didn't even phase him. He reached under his jacket, pulling out a trusty old friend- No. A whip-like object would be a weak move. This was between him and the king, no one else, and he left the bike chain on the ground. Like a bull watching a matador's flag, he charged into the warp with no regard for his own safety... and no regard for what was on the other side. On the other side was the area just outside of the castle grounds, where reporters and similar snoops would always gather. Castillo didn't care if anyone was watching. If Fiona was trying to make her jealous, she won, and he wasn't going to deny that. Scourge's fighting was full force, guns blazing. The moment he was through that portal, he rammed his knee square into the king's crotch, not caring about aiming for a low blow. His head was gripped tight into both of Castillo's hands, and rammed incessantly onto his right knee. "Try and fuck her again with snapped balls, you limp dicked geezer-!" Scourge grabbed the king by the base of his quills, hurling him towards the ground. The reporters got plenty of good photos as the king's nose made a sickening snap. Scourge merely laughed quietly, only for Castillo to hear, spitting up blood as he struggled to stand again. His vision danced but the adrenaline rush blocked the pain. Scourge spun and took his alternates legs out with a kick, starting to get up slowly and back away… Away? That couldn’t be right. Scourge was tougher than that. And while the knee to the crotch must have hurt, Scourge was definitely prepared for that kind of attack. Why did he look so defensive? What was the king playing at?
Cameras clicked incessantly, taking all the shots they could get. This was gold for them, a billion dollar paycheque if done right.
Meanwhile at the back of the crowd, Aria and Manic tried to push through. When that didn't work, Aria just scratched a portal open off to the side. She was weak from warping Manic over when she heard the news, but this was a situation worthy of risking her health.
“Manic come on! They’ll kill each other!!” "Come on, Ari, calm down!" Manic said, patting Aria on either shoulder. "You're gonna wear yourself out, lemme handle this!" Castillo knew exactly what the king was going for. The whole parade of reporters, the wariness to fight... he was trying to play himself up as the victim to the cameras. All the defensiveness really meant was Castillo wasn't going to get hit back. "I'm Fao's DAD!" He screamed, rushing the king and throwing him to the dirt. It was time for his revenge for his little wake-up stunt. "What's he gonna think now, huh, asswash?!" One knee was rammed into the small of his back. It was Castillo's turn to pull Scourge by the quills. "You come into my van, try and rip out my fucking quills, and brag about fucking Fi?" Something was seriously wrong. It felt like Castillo was legitimately trying to tear his scalp. "That's my fucking kid, an' you're gonna try and come in and-" There were actual tears in Scourge's eyes as he tugged harder and harder at the king's head. "And try and REPLACE his dad?! What kinda mental issues you think that's gonna give him, huh? You ain't making her your fucktoy, you ain't making him your son... I'm gonna be his DAD!!" Scourge tugged back once more. The king could feel a horrible pain to his scalp, and Scourge was left with a handful of bloody quills still attached to the torn skin. “I’m not trying to replace you! I lost my chance to be a father years ago. I lost my Fiona years ago! Your Fiona was only a friend, nothing more! Whatever you think happened didn’t happen! I'M NOT TRYING TO REPLAC- AUGH!”
The king screamed in pain as his quills were ripped out, managing to toss Castillo off of him. The kings shirt was bathed in blood from his face, scalp and back. He lashed out at Castillo, angry without a good reason. The alternate would receive several brass knuckled punches to the face, as fast and as hard as the king could throw them. Teeth were probably lost.
Aria brushed Manic off easily. “They’ll kill each other! We have to stop this before some serious damage gets done.” Manic and Aria rushed the scene, but it was too late to stop it from getting too serious. Manic rushed the king, still trying to swing with his brass knuckles. The wounds on his back, face and scale bled down onto Manic, his broken nosed and twisted arms stopping his attacks from being too effective. Aria held back the screaming Castillo, determined not to give up. They'd come just in time, he was clutching a knife in one hand. He wasn't covered in as many wounds as the king, but his face was already starting to swell, and he wasn't giving up. Two more minutes, and one of the two would probably be dying on the floor. "Ari, make another warp!" Manic screamed, digging his claws into Scourge's back to help restrain him. "Anywhere!" Aria grabbed the warp Scourge had made, still open, and willed the direction to change.
Castillo was thrown through into the forest where they had camped the night before, a peaceful place for him to calm down. The portal was slammed shut and Aria rushed to the kings side, helping him lay down.
The damage to the king was assessed and Aria reopened the warp, shaking a little. “Manic! Go get my brother! He can help!”
The media kept taking pictures but no one called for an ambulance. "What are y'all doing?!" Manic yelled to the reporters. "Get some kinda- Damnit, guys!" Manic pulled out his phone, calling the ambulance himself and impatient to call Aria's sister next. The ambulance arrived for Scourge as soon as they could. Due to the severity of the damage, Manic was not allowed to ride in the back of the ambulance. He was left alone, watching the car take his friend away, while his lover was miles and miles away.
When Aria would hop through the warp, Scourge would desperately be clawing to try and get back through the rift she'd come in through, but it had already closed before he could get close enough. She could just see the anger seething through his gaze, the grip on that knife tightening. "Gonna fuckin' kill him..." Scourge growled, before screaming. "I'm gonna fucking KILL HIM!"
“Calm down Castillo. He’s down and out. You’re not gonna kill anyone. He’s learned his lesson. He’s gonna stay away. You don’t need to fight… Its over… Give me the knife-.”
Aria held her hand out, afraid of the beast that was once her friend. Afraid of what he would do. But then she turned and looked with horror upon what he had already done.
Aria made some sort of choking noise as she took more notice of her surroundings. Her stomach turned as she surveyed the damages. She didn’t realize she was crying.
The ground shook. She didn’t notice. Scourge had tried to run outwards in shock, not sure what to think. Some urge to keep fighting was still raging in his mind, and he felt the need to get out of there, even though there was no way. So he ran. Ran as far as he could through the woods, and hacking. His knife hacked through countless branches, countless shrubs, anything soft enough for that blade to sink through. He heaved rocks and anything large enough to get energy out. And he didn't realize quite where he was going. He didn't even notice the first sapling. Or the second. In fact, he didn't realize just how much damage he was doing to the graveyard. Saplings were toppled by randomly heaved stones, lovingly drawn portraits crumpled on the sands. He hacked away at anything, including the large patch of her family's favorite flowers. The sight of Aria crying certainly phased him, but he was so far beyond anger that he couldn't calm down entirely, only pause in his blind rage. Aria sank to her knees, gently reaching for the destroyed trees, but unable to move from shock. Her parent's portraits were torn and she held the pieces to her heart as she bawled on the ground. Another rumble. The trees branches moved as if in a wind, but there was no breeze in the clearing. No birds sang, no insects buzzed. It was silent and still, except for the occasional rumble and Aria's cries for her family.
She reached out, collecting all the pieces of paper that she could find and weakly attempting to push boulders off of tiny saplings. Trying to fix what had been broken. When the task proved too difficult for her, she merely burst into tears again.
“If you’re so driven by bloodlust then just kill me instead! I don’t care anymore!” She yelled at Castillo between sobs. She could only stare at the pieces in her hands. There were only one or two tears for the ruined portraits, but that's all that they needed to be ruined. Most of her siblings still stood perches to their trees, and the trees of the parents were gone. But this was a burial site, and in one way or another Scourge had already ruined many of the graves. "I don't care about YOU!" Scourge screamed, flailing his arms out. "YOU didn't fuck her, I ain't hurting YOU! Now you're gonna warp me back to the king and lemme- RrreeAAAAGHH!" He couldn't to mch else but fling his knife wildly. The hanging portrait of Aria's mother was going to be the unfortunate target- The knife was stopped. Not by Aria. Not by Scourge. And it certainly wasn't in the portrait. Rather, the knife was caught by a branch. As if it was an arm, a branch of the oak tree that belonged to her father reached out and caught the knife.
The rumbling from before grew to violent earth tremors and all of the trees started to move of their own accord, throwing the rocks that pinned them down, grafting the broken branches and rising like soldiers from an enchanted sleep. They took on vague forms of the beings that they drew magic from, except 8 feet tall and misshapen. As the guardians rose, an almost sickening detail would be seen. Imbedded in the bark were the skeletons of her people, all of them spread like the figureheads on a boats stern with arms spread wide. Some trees that had wound together merged into one being with two faces, and the corpses they drew their magic from were settled in a lovers embrace. Aria's parents were one such being.
Gently, the being pried it's missing piece of portrait from Aria, whose crying had only gotten worse. Sticking it back into place, all the guardians turned to look at Scourge.
Without much warning, they attacked. He didn't have a chance. To say Scourge's wounds were going to match the king's would be an understatement. A single blow to the head pulled out quills, leaving him screaming and clutching, but not down just yet. What had he done?! He gripped his knife and darted, knowing fully well he was going to lose any fight with these beings. With a single swing of one gargantuan arm, Scourge was flung across the sand and towards the once still lake water. His back was burning from four deep gashes penetrating through his flesh. He could barely move from the intense pain, but he had to keep going. A two-figured entity was getting ready to rught Scourge. His last ditch effort was to roll into the water, hoping to hide for long enough. The blood rose to the surface from his now stinging wounds as he tried to hold his breath and hide. The beings stopped at the waters edge. Rumbling between them as they thought of what to do.
The tinier saplings, Aria's younger siblings, had tired to comfort her back at the gravesite, even though they towered over her now. When she realized what might be done to the alternate, she warped herself to the lake in a panic.
“WAIT! WAIT DON'T KILL HIM!” She called to the monsters, waving up at them. Her native tongue rolling off her lips as of she hadn’t ever stopped speaking it. The dual entity that was her parents bent down, offering a hand for her to jump on. She was lifted so that she didn’t have to yell as loudly to be understood. She clung to the beings thumb tightly, afraid, but adrenaline helped her ignore that.
“Please! He’s married to my best friend! I don’t want my friend to be sad! He has learned his lesson!” She called out in her native tongue.
The rumbles faded and the beings seem to have yielded. One reached into the water where Castillo’s blood had spread and lifted the thief (and a dozen fish or so) out of the water. Scourge laid limply in the hand, struggling to get out of the splintering grip. He was bleeding profusely and totally drenched. His face had swollen further, 'til it could barely be reacognized. The king was merely beaten up. Castillo was beaten within an inch of his life. The body was laid on the sands of the beach, blood clumping and clotting to the sand beneath his body. Breathing was heavy, movements reduced to mere twitched. But inside, beyond the fear, beyong the impairment, some speck of rage was still burning. The forest guardians had finished their jobs. All they could offer was comfort to Aria, hoping for her comfort. But torn branches weren't the only things they could handle. The wood pulp at the heart of the portraits was familiar, and the rips and tears were slowly and carefully mended. The portrait of Aria's father began to reform, the locations of the tears just barely visible with a close eye Manic was desperate to get a call through, but Scourge wasn't picking up. His waterlogged phone fizzled and refused to work. Manic was left to hide in the castle away from the press and worry. He was boiling over again. Where was his Scourge? He hadn't hurt anyone, right? Had something happened to him? Aria would get a call long after the fact. Manic was practically blubbering into the phone. "Where the hell is Scourge?" He almost screamed. She could almost hear how much he was crying in fear and anger. "What's going on anymore?!" Aria picked up, bursting into tears again and motioning to be put down gently.
“I-I don't know but.. Ca-castillo attacked the forest… He destroyed parts of it and woke up the guardians, magical beings… Far too powerful… I forgot to warn him about the damage that the guardians could do… I’m warping him to the hospital, are you near the warp ring? Get Damian… If anyone could fix this it's him.”
Aria looked up at the guardians and instantly ran to her friend, checking that he was alive and breathing. “Castillo! Hang on, we are gonna get you to a hospital!”
Aria scratched at the air, able to open up one portal that lasted ten seconds. Her powers exhausted, her body running on adrenaline, she was useless.
“Please, help me!” She called up to the remains of her people, desperately yelling for their attention. “I’ve run out of magic! I need a boost! Anything! Manic are you still there? Please, open the portal to where I am right now, I’ve run out of energy!” The warp ring...! Manic's footsteps could be heard desperately slamming against the floor in a jog to get to the king's chambers. Up the stairs, through the halls, he was there in a matter of almost seconds. A few button pushes told Manic that this device wasn't anywhere near as simple as the king made it look. There were tiny buttons with numbers and a series of unmarked buttons Manic wasn't sure what to deal with. He turned it on a few times, only opening a warp to outside of Fiona's apartment. He had no idea how this thing worked, and he needed to learn quick. "Come on... Come on, what the hell's this thing, how's it work?" He yelled out, sadness giving way to frustration. Panicked mashes of his finger looked up information on this forest, the location... Coordinates! The numbers must have been for geographic coordinates! There was no time to lose, he rammed the number buttons as fast as his brother, slamming down the centermost button after. The warp began to whirr to life. "Ari, I'll get him now, send him through whenever!" Manic screamed out. He ended the call and started searching for Damian's number as the portal opened, all the way down the beach from Aria. The numbers were too vague, and the portal opened too far from the bleeding hedgehog. The older eldritch horrors started to make their way back to their placements, but the younger ones like Aria's siblings helped as best they could to carry the bleeding hedgehog through the portal. Aria stopped them as they were about to go through.
“I’ve got it. Go rest. You’ve done enough,” she insisted, hoisting Castillo on her own and stumbling with him through the portal. The younger ones lumbered back to their resting places and aside from the upturned dirt, the forest returned to normal.
“Manic! Here, take him, I can’t.” Aria panted, handing the alternate off to his husband as she struggled to remain awake and conscious.
The warp was closed, and Aria spun the dials that gave coordinates for the hospital. Likes Manic, it took a while as she wasn't used to it, but soon the warp was tossed open for them. Manic had so much to do to carry the three, he wasn't sure what to do first. He gave his husband over to the doctors. He carried in Aria to get medical attention. He closed the warp. He called Damian to deliver the news. He called Fiona to warn her about what happened and tell Castillo. He filled out paperwork to help the three get admitted into the hospital. His mind went beyond thinking and into flowing from one task to another, so entirely emotional that he couldn't act even a little emotional. And as soon as Damian was in to check on the two, Manic flopped down, emotionally and physically exhausted from all the drama. ◇        ◇        ◇        ◇ The king was going to finally waken to another bouquet of roses. Unlike his last, this wasn't a cheap bouquet. Actually, it came in an expensive lookinx presentation box, each rose looking carefully picked and grown to perfection. They were vibrant peach tones, all looking in the prime of their bloom. This clearly wasn't a cheap bouquet. And it wasn't just the bouquet that was more thoughtful, the delivery was, too, as Fiona sat in one of the waiting chairs personally. Blinds on the hall doors into the room were closed, so Castillo wouldn't see her again and lash out. She looked tired. "You look like hell," she told the king. Scourge stirred slightly, not quite processing the flowers and the woman in the room. He had a concussion, so it wasn’t a surprise that it took him a while to remember what had happened. Or for his vision to finally focus.
“Probably. So does the afterlife look like a hospital room or did I actually survive that whole ordeal?” He joked, looking over at the fox. He lost his laugh when he saw how tired she was.
“How long have you been here? You look exhausted, you should go home and stay with Faolán in case Scourge tries something. He’s super mad, you two could be in danger.” His voice's cheer dropped into the caring tone that she had only heard him use with her the night they were drinking and ended up in his bed. A tone full of care.
Even after all of this, he still worried about her, even if their friendship had ended the second they had spilt that wine. Fiona was back to her icy tone and exterior. Was it what she was about to say, or the king's current state? Whatever it was, her cold stare wavered, and some honest concern leaked out of her exterior. "I'm the only one in danger," Fiona said quietly. "Even if Fao didn't live hours away, my men could protect him. Besides..." She stared for a moment, looking for the words. "He just got out of surgery. Doctor's said he'd be out for hours. He put the roses on the side table and sat back down in the guest seats. She closed her eyes, inhaled, and exhaled heavily. "Fao would be heartbroken if his dad died." She said gravely. "I had to make sure he was going to survive. I thought I'd stop by." The impressions on the cheap couch made it obvious she'd slept there overnight. "What did you do to him?" She finally asked. ”… He put us in the papers. I tried to lie my way out of it, especially since I don’t think you want the paparazzi knocking down your door… Got in a couple of punches and grabbed a quill and let him beat me for the cameras. I don’t know what I did, I passed out when Manic and Aria separated us but it couldn’t have been that bad… Why did he need surgery for that? Did he break his foot on my ribs?“
Scourge sounded… Unsympathetic. Almost as if he didn’t realize the damage that had been done to Castillo. But then again, the king's bruises went far deeper than Castillo’s did. Something subtlety shown heartbeat on the monitor, producing a song of its own.
"I wouldn’t have hurt him too badly even in a fair fight. Frankly I was hoping he’d kill me instead, save me the trouble. Oh, there’s a- oh what’s it called again…. A pardon. On my desk back home. He’s gonna need it if he wants to avoid jail for assault of a monarch.” Fiona tried to hide it, truly. "I was hoping he'd kill me..." those words reverberated through her body like an echo down a monastery hall. She didn't have sympathy for her former lover, he could rot in hell for all she cared, and she pushed the thought of that pardon aside. That wasn't the important thing now. "He got into an attack after," Fiona said quietly, clearly shaken by something. "Aria said there was an incident with some spirits... I don't know, it was some new-age shit." It wasn't delivered with the same blatant disgust she would have normally spat that line out with. Or any line, for that matter. "What do you mean, save you the trouble?" Fiona said. Her voice cracked slightly, almost in fear for him. "You've said you've dealt with worse crap, you aren't serious." He was quiet suddenly, not looking at her. Rather focusing on the beeps of the monitor and their meaning.
"I … I wasn’t looking to die, but I was willing to if it kept him away from you. I’ve lost one Fiona, I can’t lose another. Even if you never wanted to see me again at that point. But I’m fully serious, why do you think I had a legal document written up that was clearing him of any harm that came to me? I went into this fight not knowing if I would come out. And I didn’t even care, I was more worried about Faolán and Manic being without Castillo.”
He looked back over at her, shrugging. Without an answer to give her that would make her feel better. He was never good at that.
“So… How are you doing?” "Not great anymore," Fiona admitted pointedly, not realizing just how bad that was going to sound. There was a pregnant pause while she moved to speak, but stopped herself. "Don't hurt yourself for me. Scourge couldn't hurt me if he tried." The words 'thank you' never left her lips, but the thought to let them out lingered. Fiona's shoulders went stiff. "That was my fault," Fiona forced herself to say. "Sleeping with you, not Scourge's- not his psychotic actions." Her eyes were closed as she tried to get the words out. "I kept pushing you too far. I'm careful who I sleep with, and I hadn't slept with anyone in years... I should've known you didn't want to sleep with some Fiona." She grumbled under her breath. "Damn gossip rags..." Even her anger towards those magazines couldn't be kept up for long, and she knew what she came here to say. "I'm sorry." He smiled softly at her. "Hey, its okay. Not like you’re completely at fault. I could have stopped what happened that night, but I didn’t. And you’re not just ‘some’ Fiona…”
Was he blushing or having a heart attack? Hard to tell with the rapid, irregular beats of his heart on the monitor. But his smile and thanks was genuine and he seemed in no distress.
“So, mind doing me two favors? One, stop worrying. And two, hand me the charts on the end of the bed. I wanna see what’s wrong with me this time.” Stop worrying? She could try, at least, but she couldn't make any promises to herself. She wasn't worried about his current state, but if anything changed... she hoped Scourge would calm down. Handing a chart over was much simpler. She handed the papers over, one of the few things in the room she had to entertain her as she waited. She could almost recite it by memory at this point. "Concussion due to blunt force. Broken nose, fractures in jaw, along forehead. Gashes to scalp, forehead requiring stitches. Cuts and bruising over back, chest, face, hands." "I saw those sleazy papers." Her rolling eyes were almost audible. "Scourge deserved what he got, frankly. He's in worse shape then you." She sat down and pointed as she gossiped, hoping that she could detract from the more obvious topic. "I think Aria messed him up and doesn't want to admit it, so she came up with some crap about forest guardians. Wouldn't blame her." "Was he cut up? Aria's main defense is her claws, if there aren’t any scratches on him she’s telling the truth… She mentioned the forest guardians once while she was drunk. Could possibly be a magic defense…” His eyes skimmed the papers, frowning.
“Did the doctors give me any medication for my heart? My cardio-vascular meds aren’t on the list of things they’ve given me. Looks like the damage aggravated my arrhythmia, at least that’s what it sounds like. On the bonus side, now I don’t need music to dance to. I’m my own beatbox.”
He was joking at a time like this? Really? When he handed the chart back, he looked over at her. “Thank you for the flowers.. And for coming. I think you may be the only person who wants anything to do with me right now. Manic for sure doesn’t. Aria too.” "I wouldn't know what meds you got," Fiona responded, "it should be written somewhere in those papers." Fiona smirked just a bit at the little joke, in spite of the circumstances. Grim humor was her favorite kind. "Don't worry about it," she said to his final comment. "I just had to see. You're lucky I warped in, those reporters are sleazing around outside." Her claws tapped impatiently on the cheap material of the couch. Everything they said was exceptionally awkward for her. "I should have gone back to find those stupid panties," she growled. "So what's your plan for the rat if it's not jail? You aren't going to let him run around beating people up." "I don’t know. Remember, I didn’t think there would be an ‘after’. My main concern right now is your safety. I’d offer you to hide with me but Castillo would get in easily, and I don’t think he wants me near Faolán​. You’d be best to stay at home with double the security… Don’t blame yourself for that. If I hadn’t been in such a bad mood I would have remembered to clean up after us… And his anger isn’t your fault either, okay? This is all his overreaction.” He wanted to offer some physical comfort, but it hurt to move. Not that he would let that show or stop him, and he sat up, placing his hand on her shoulder as he usually did when he comforted her.
“Seriously though, put this down as a beat for a rap song.” He joked, trying to make Fiona smile a bit more. She certainly smiled, but not for the reasons the king intended. She smiled and let out a single snort, her nose scrunching up gracelessly. "You already used that joke," she teased back. Some of her warmed was back. The hand on her shoulder had done a lot to heal her, it seemed. "Fao's at school," Fiona said, "and my men know everything about Scourge. He couldn't get in if he tried... and if he gets near Fao, I'll make sure he won't again." That red fur bobbed as she turned to look at the door. "Some of your castle guard are outside to keep Scourge away... but he's strapped to his bed and unconscious." She shrugged. "I'm safe, and I'm making sure Fao is safe." Fiona gave Scourge that same hollow glare. That glare that always said she was reliving memories of Scourges as she looked at the king, seeing past him and into her trauma. The same way Scourge could look at Fiona. But Scourge normally couldn't look passed that and lean over into- a hug? Not a full-blown bear hug or anything intimate, but on arm was wrapped around the injured hedgehog in a close, friendly gesture. She'd never been so upfront with her affection sober. "Don't go killing yourself, Scourge." She said, not even believing she was saying it herself. "I'd miss you." He blushed a little bit, but hugged back and smiled at her. "Well… Fine. Only cause you asked nicely.”
He was teasing of course and reluctantly slid out of her hug to lay back on the pillow. He grunted in pain, trying hard to stay quiet about it. Her worrying wasn’t something he wanted. However his eyes drifted to the flowers and he chuckled.
“Upping the ante are we? Guess I’ve got to step my game up” He joked, clearly touched by the gift. Scourge's first thought was to do his normal reaction to gifts from people he was interested in, and kiss Fiona’s hand like the prince he was. But he hesitated on that. Thinking it may be too much. "You will." Fiona said as she pulled away. She was smiling again, slightly cocky and completely self assured. It was obvious who she must have gotten those traits from. "I prefer ruby and amethyst. Get to it." She chuckled quietly at her own joke. "I should probably leave," Fiona added. "Scourge could get up any time now, and we shouldn't be together." She stood up to get her things, but she wasn't done yet. Was she actually going to say this? She could trust the king, sure. "I'm going to let Fao go to a sleepover on Saturday," Fiona said as she left through the door. "If you need a place to hide from him, my bed's open." Every word was delivered with total confidence, and with her door and offer open, she left the room and the king to his thoughts. The king chuckled at her joke, thinking up ideas, but his brain short circuited when he was invited into her bed. His face turned bright red, and the irregular beeping of the monitor got faster.
When the nurses came in he watched them refill his IV. "So… When do you think I’ll be out of here?”
Aria had needed minimal care, and in fact when she woke up, assured Manic that being taken to the hospital was appreciated but not necessary, unless she hit her head on something in her post warp fall.
Terra had brought Manic dinner, a giant bucket of chicken for them all as they waited by Castillo’s side. Aria couldn’t look at him, so she focused on Manic.
“Do you need anything other than a hug and two weeks paid vacation?” "Like I get paid vacation. I'm a part time player, man." He tried to smile and joke it off, but the facts weren't comforting and the situation was horrible. He was sitting closest to the wall. The curtain around the bed was closed so only Manic could see his unconscious partner. Occasional officials were coming and going, talking about a pardon and whether or not it seemed official, but the trio was mostly uninvolved in those discussions. "I don't need time off, dude. Music's my life, I LOVE it." He munched on the fried chicken while he spoke. All the salt and fat felt theraputic. "And drumming's real involved. You need to get out some emotion, play a drum solo and cry. It ain't gonna fix anything, but it's better than nothing." He munched in silence, using far too much of that weird dipping sauce only he seemed to like. "You think they'd mind if I wheeled them in?" He joked. "We want him to wake up, anyways." "The little old lady who’s asleep next door wouldn’t like that very much, I don't think. Are you sure you’re going to be okay? Because with everything that’s been happening and the fact that you’ve been taking care of everyone but yourself ,you’re worrying me a lot.”
Aria leaned on his shoulder and looked over at him. “I’m sorry. I should have stopped the guardians the second they formed… This is all my fault.”
A nurse came in and paused at the door, waiting to get their attention. “Your friend has woken up and the woman sitting with him has left, if you want to see him.”
“You gonna be okay if I go? I don’t wanna leave Scourge alone.” Aria turned to Manic, asking permission. "Dude..." Manic smiled at Aria. "Both of them are pretty guilty here. You go make sure he's alright, I might... I dunno, I might talk with mom or something." He held up the bucket as one more gesture to Aria before she left. "You want one?" The king and Aria were the only two people conscious with someone else then. Manic just stress ate and watch Scourge's vitals passively, hoping for some sign of progress soon. Scourge was unconscious, and dreaming of nothing. And hours and hours away, Fiona was getting back to her usual work, wondering if her offer was a good idea at all... ... It wasn't going to be until much later that afternoon that Castillo's vitals would show signs of progress. Manic wasn't as good with the loneliness as he thought, and he needed someone to talk to. He wanted to be there for his Scourge, but the silence was driving him mad. "Get well for me, babe." There was a light kiss to Scourge's cheek. He didn't rustle in his sleep. Manic sighed and started to leave, down the halls and searching for wherever the king's room was. Scourge was awake, playing cards with Aria. She was beating him it seemed, and scourge laughed, all the better for it. A bland, untouched hospital meal sat beside the bed, and the irregular beating of the kings heart played as background music.
When Manic came in, Scourge gave an odd expression. Glad and relieved to see him, afraid of what he would say, worried about the drummers mental health.
"Manic… I’m… I’m sorry” he apologized, feeling guilty as hell. His actions, no matter how much he tried to avoid it, directly lead to his alternate's conditions. He felt like shit for doing that to his friend, even worse as he saw Manic in person. Manic just glared at him for a moment. not a judging glare or an angry glare, a calculating glare. A glare as he tried to pull his own thoughts together. He'd seen the videos, read the articles. He more or less knew the entire situation, and still wasn't sure what to think. He glared for longer than he would have cared to admit. The door closed. "Look... I'd've done the same thing." Manic admitted. "Like, if he started getting angry at me and wanted to punch me out, I'd beat his face in, too." The click of his tattered shoes on the linoleum was in perfect time to his nervous pacing, and didn't mesh with the irregular beeping at all. "But I need time, dude. I just... I need to be with someone while I figure this mess out. This is all his overreaction... alright?" The pacing had finally stopped, but his nerves were running into overdrive. "Was that visitor Fiona?" He blushed and his heart rate jumped. "Y-yeah it was… She came to see how I was doing and we talked about… All this…” He motioned to the area around them. Neither Aria nor Manic were quite sure if he meant the hospital equipment or the situation, but it didn’t matter much. The roses and messed up couch said it all, as well as the faint scent of perfume in the air. The chair she had used, still close to his bed.
“I…I’m sorry. I wish I could do something to help… But I don’t know how I would be able to.”
Aria nervously shuffled the deck and said nothing. She was still feeling guilty over the whole guardian thing. Thoughts silently swirled around their heads, but none of them knew what to say exactly. They knew they were all sorry. They knew it was awkward for them all. Manic fidgeted with his pendant as he tried to think of what to say. "I mean, I guess we all screwed up... but like, we screwed up on our own. Scourge is the only one who screwed up intentionally, and I'mma have to talk to him for a while when he gets up." His right hand twirled the pendant around subconciously. "I'm gonna forgive you guys eventually... I'm just trying not to be a dick right now." His laugh was weak, but real. "You can figure something out when you're out of the hospital, dude." Mention of Scourge didn't help, and only dug up the negative thoughts they were all feeling towards him right then. "Do you guys think Fiona's gonna get messed up?" "I object to that. You haven’t done anything wrong.” Aria insisted, and Scourge merely nodded. The king was focused on what the red fox would probably do next.
“I don’t think… She won’t lash out for sure. She may not be happy with him, but he’s still Faolán's father… And she wont go near him at all… For now I think… I think we all just need copious amounts of therapy."
Aria reached over and hugged Manic, trying to offer support. Scourge merely sighed. "If you wanna hate me right now, that’s fine. I deserve it.” But he didn't. Manic was angry at Scourge, but he wasn't going to show that to the king. It wouldn't help him. Manic stayed where he was and let Aria hug him, grateful for the closeness but still uncomfortable. "I'll... figure it out." Manic said vaugely. Bile was starting to come up again, and Manic didn't think it was worth hurling at the king. Aria's arms let go of Manic when he started to walk away, closing the door behind him quickly. They were all going to need time. Time for Scourge to heal and regain consciousness, time for the king to be dismissed from the hospital and let the tabloids die down just a bit... And time for Scourge to come to terms with his own actions. "You're lucky he thought to write that pardon," Manic admitted to his lover as their car idled outside of the castle. "Come on, you can't stay in here forever. Thing's ain't gonna get better if you don't do anything." "That's what you do all the time," Scourge grumbled back. Manic slapped his arm. "Seriously, dude, come on." His urges went mostly ignored, and the two sat in silence as they waited for the other person to bend. Scourge ran past the van, shaking it a bit as he stopped at the castle doors, laying down after his workout. This warm castle marble felt nice and the photographers hiding in the bushes took all the shots they wanted.
He barely noticed the van until one of the ‘hidden’ paparazzi in the area screamed as he fell out of a tree. Scourge got up to help, but took a wide circle around the van. He didn’t know who was driving. Through the drivers side window, he could clearly see Manic sitting silently and trying not to say anything to Scourge. Both of Manic's hands tapped impatiently on the wheel as they waited for the other person to promise to change. "So you gonna calm down and actually listen, or what?" Manic said just to break the silence. He would have barely looked at Manic, had he not seen the resting king out of the corner of his eye, tensing up slightly. "Kingy's here." He said silently." Manic checked his rearview, and sighed. "Any bullshit and I'm dropping you off at a motel," Manic said. He opened the door, and stepped out to give the king a smile. "Hey, man. Uh, Scourge is with me like you wanted." "Oh, okay. Lemme just make sure this guy is okay.” He motioned to the photographer who was just getting up, going for a quick check of the guy.
The king was nervous, how would his alternate react? What would he say? What should he say? Would he attack him? All these questions ran through his mind as he returned to Manic's side.
“You two wanna come in? Rosy made pie.” He motioned to the castle and tried to pretend he was only sweating from his run. "Sure, dude." Manic said. "Come on, babe, get out of the car." The passenger side door opened, and Scourge walked around to where Manic and the king were standing. The two had to take a moment just to look at one another. The events were still fresh in their minds, and time hadn't made things easier for the two. It was easy to put blame on either of them, and they both knew exactly who they were gonna put the blame on. "Morning," Castillo said quietly. The air was heavy while the two walked towards the castle, with Manic in the lead to distance himself from the inevitable awkwardness between them. He stayed quiet as he opened the door, almost silently forcing the two to actually talk to each other. Scourge didn’t know what to say. It was painfully awkward, almost more painful than the scars that were still healing up. The only noise was that of kicked pebbles skidding along the intricate stone pavement
His heart pounded in his chest, the arrhythmia a constant reminder of the fight. The other hedgehog didn’t look that great either.
"So… Um… How you healing up?” He didn't respond immediately. Had he already said something wrong? Manic glared back, just to remind Castillo of the threat he gave in the car. "Doctor said I shouldn't run, might open up my back again." He looked forward, not facing the king head on but not insulting or ignoring him. "Dental stuff felt like shit, but the doc fixed my tooth. Ain't gonna leave nothing but scars." When he worded it like that, it almost sounded like he hadn't done anything wrong. Manic left them to their awkward talk and opened the door to the kitchen, presumably where the pie would be. "You doin' better?" "Not as bad. The doctors are thinking of giving me a pacemaker because the arrhythmia got worse.” The king sat down at the kitchen table, rubbing his legs gently. He was a bit sore from his high speed run around the countryside.
Pill bottles spread along the counter. Mostly painkillers or cardiovascular meds, but also his anti depressants. It was jarring to see. The pie was sitting on the window ledge, cooling, ready to eat as soon as possible.
Scourge didn’t know what to ask the other green male and turned to Manic. “So, how you doing Manic? Feeling better?” "I ain't the one who got messed up." Could a little joking make things better? Manic sure hoped so. "Yeah, I'm doing fine. You'd be surprised what a bucket of fried chicken can't do." Manic walked towards the pie on the window, looking over the crust, and spinning around. "It's just been tense. I'd be better if you guys talked it out for once." His mood went serious over the span of a few words. He stood inf ront of the pastry like he was guarding it. Even if there was a wall of medicine for Scourge, Manic knew Scourge was doing just as much for Scourge's recovery. It was excruciating as Manic forced the two to settle somehow. "You're not a kid, dude." Manic shot at his husband specifically. The words could be seen hitting Castillo hard, but definitely not too hard. "He threw me outta the van," he told his husband. "Yeah, right after you blabbed your mouth to the tabloids. You know how hard it was for the rest of Parliament to take me seriously? Everything I did got pulled into question, it was AWFUL. We could have passed at least ten bills by now, but someone gave them a reason to question my motives. I was supposed to present some big changes to healthcare to make prenatal care more efficient, but now I can’t, cause that will start even more rumors. Way to go.”
Scourge got up and took his medication as his phone alarm went off to remind him. He was clearly pissed, but they were still banged up from the last fight. The worst this would probably get was verbal abuse.
He hoped. "I didn't give 'em reasons." The alternate responded. "I didn't make you bang her." Manic stepped forward. "Scourge-" "And I didn't stop you from passing bills. You wanna be taken seriously, then act serious. You wanna pass bills, don't let some chucklefuck bring up something that's got nothing to do with nothing. Most people in there are banging people, you ain't special. And if you're weak enough that you're gonna let that shit stop you, then don't bang everything that moves." "Scourge!" The alternate stood up, quills starting to stick up in anger. "And if you're enough of a whore that you can't stop, then don't sleep with an alt of your goddamn wife!" There was a crisp, loud sound as Manic gave his partner a quick smack to the face. The king let Manic hit scourge once, then pulled the drummer back. "That’s enough. It's not worth it.”
He let the drummer go and turned to his alternate. “Do you know how fucking creepy and dickish you sound? Like seriously, you’re obsessing over your ex’s sex life. Even if I wasn’t the guy in question, you’re still getting way too close to this. And don’t give BS about protecting Faolán, you know that she’s damn good about that at least. Seriously, your so focused on this one event that you’ve driven all of your friends away! When was the last time you talked to Aria? Did you even apologize for the damage you almost did? Or did you stalk and make comments about her sex life too? Hell, if you’ve got such a problem with it, why aren’t you bringing it up to Fiona? Oh that’s right, cause she’ll call you out on your bullshit, while I’m an easy target because you happened to marry one of my best friends. So now kindly remove yourself from my property or be removed by force. And I can assure you I will not allow you back next time, even with Manic.”
The king turned to leave the room and then turned back with one more thought. “You imply that I haven’t moved on, but I think you’re confusing me with your mirror. Now stop obsessing over an ex and go be a better husband to the man you married. Hell knows he deserves it for putting up with the both of us.” In a moment, Castillo was up against Scourge's chest, inches away from his face. "You think I ain't tried talking to them?" He growled. "Aria didn't wanna hear it, and Fi ain't taking my calls. So no, don't talk like you know the first thing about me." He pushed him back, just enough to let him know he was still serious. "And don't tell me that protecting Fao's bullshit. I don't care what she thinks of you, she HATES Scourges. You think any kinda liking you don't mean this is gonna keep digging up trauma? And what's Fao gonna think when one Scourge ain't allowed to see her kid and another's porking his mom, huh?" "Don't tell me how the fuck I should feel." Scourge barked at him, Manic running up to restrain him. "I love that kid, I ain't having you replace me! And I've always loved Fi, and you ain't gonna traumatize her worse - Manic, get your hands offa me!" It didn't take long for Scourge to be out of the castle. And it didn't take long for him to be out of the van, either. At the first chance, Manic stopped at the side of the highway, dropped off Scourge at some no-name motel, and rocketed off. Scourge was alone with his thoughts. In his mind, there weren't any innocent players here, and the king's total thoughtlessness wasn't helping. Still, many of the words did hit home. He hit autodial again, hoping Aria would pick up this time and actually listen. "Beeeeep. Your number has been blocked from this device. If you feel this is a concern or mistake, please take it up with the owner of this device or your service provider.” The automated voice said, and then hung up with a click.
Aria got the notification anyways and sipped lightly at her water, displeased. A text from the king explained everything. She looked up at her host with a thankful smile. “Thanks for letting me hide here for a bit Fiona. It means a lot. I promise I’ll stay out of your way and pick up after myself… How long do you think it will take for this to all blow over?”
Aria had come to Fiona for advice on how to avoid the speedster, especially since he visited her home looking for her. Temporary lodgings had been offered and Aria had offered to pay rent, help clean, and babysit Faolán when Fiona was busy. "Things don't blow over him, he just stops being as angry." Fiona huffed out. She wasn't expecting to have anyone as a guest, and setting up a guest room last second was a pain, but Aria seemed fine to her. Her speech about taking care of Fao was finally over, and the two were sitting down as Fiona looked over what looked like some kind of sales figures. "Don't expect any apologies, he's too much of an ass. Cut him out of your life." Scourge was desperately tapping out messages, in some vain hope that they would get through to Fiona. "You know this is a bad idea... You're gonna drive yourself mad... What's Fao gonna think?" But every text miraculously failed to send, as usual. Messages from almost any phone couldn't get through to her, unless she specifically unblocked them. In frustration, he smacked his phone down on the counter and wrenched the cheap pillow around in his hands, feeling like screaming. Fiona didn't seem concerned with Aria staying. "I need all the help I can get with Fao, I'm a busy woman. You can stay as long as you need." She poured herself a glass of water and sat down. "Especially if he did all that to your home. He really destroyed a burial ground for no reason?" "Yeah… I’m only thankful that the magic in the land managed to fix everything… I couldn’t live with myself if all that damage was permanent. It's… It's really the only family I have left aside from an estranged brother half a world away… I wish I could cut you-know-who out of my life, but Manic is a good friend and I don’t want to hurt him any more than I have to… Frankly he’s juggling the two Scourges and their butting egos and it just got worse.” She showed Fiona the text from the king.
“Looks like the king tried to settle it but Castillo wouldn’t let it go. He just wanted me to make sure you knew and that you were okay. How are you doing anyways? This can’t be good for your stress levels.” Aria looked concerned for the other female and her mental health. Even if she wasn’t Scourge's Fiona, she was still a person who didn’t deserve this kind of treatment. "I deal with heaps of stress daily, I'm fine." The papers were put away into a folder on the kitchen counter. "My men can keep Scourge out no matter what, and I'm not going to take his calls. Fao doesn't know anything that's happening." She sipped at her water slowly, putting her thoughts together. Eight o'clock. Fiona opened one of the kitchen cabinets, searching for a bottle of pills for her son. "Cut them both out of your lives," Fiona told Aria like she didn't have a choice. "They're both assholes." "Who? The Castillos or the two Scourges? Either way, I can’t. I owe Manic and the king my life many many times over. It wouldn’t be right. However, I have no qualms with cutting a certain green one out of my life. That’s why I came to you. If anyone knows how to avoid him best, it's you.”
It was awkward and quiet before Aria set her dish in the sink. She leaned against the counter and played with the end of her hair, wondering if her comments went too far. “Anything you need me to do here? Wash dishes, vacuum?” "Clean your own messes, and you're fine." Fiona told her. She leaned back against the counter, looking up into the air and closing her eyes. Her expression never changed, but she was clearly deep in thought. "He won't give you space for a while," Fiona stated. "Block his number and call the police if you see him. But he's not going to leave you alone if you still talk to Manic, so you need to cut him off, too. YOUR Scourge is fine, but Manic? It doesn't matter what you think you owe him, cut him off before they stab you in the back." She took another sip of water. "His husband already back stabbed you, don't tell me you don't think he would do the same." The redhead pulled off the gloves she was wearing and washed the dishes by hand, thinking about what the fox said. She bit her lip and thought.
"I think that he’ll understand radio silence… But they may not be talking. Manic is a more stand up guy than Scourge is. He’s probably fought with him about this already…”
The dishes were soon clean as they stood in comfortable silence and Aria drained the water and rinsed them off. Then she dried her hands, set the dishes in the dish rack to dry and put the gloves back on. Judging by their bulk, they weren’t ordinary gloves. "Anyone's a stand up guy next to Scourge," Fiona said as she started to fill a second water glass. "That doesn't mean he's not an asshole. Cut them both off, or let them destroy you again." Aria could watch Fiona as she left the kitchen through the main room, disappearing into a hall and moving towards her son's room. "Fao, it's eight." She says as she enters the room. She hands the pills and glass over to Fao, and he obediently took the pills. "Mom?" He asked as the fox stood up to get the lights. "Are you mad at dad again?" She balked at hearing the words out of his mouth. "Good night, Fao." She said, flicking down the light switch and quietly closing his door. ◇        ◇        ◇        ◇ Those weren't his... right? They couldn't be. But as Aria helped wake up Faolán and help him get ready for school, she couldn't ignore the boots by the entrance doors. Those definitely belonged to the king. Aria tried to ignore the boots as the little one directed her on the daily routine. Pills, breakfast, brush teeth, back lunch, get uniform on, go. Still, it wouldn’t have bothered her at all even if he was there. Fiona’s personal life was not something she needed to nose around in.
Faolán didn’t seem to notice either, and soon he was out the door with Aria walking him to the bus stop. Faolán was chattering about bugs and nature, as he usually did. Seems like something was on his mind.
"What’s wrong kiddo?” He started to look at the sidewalk as he talked, distracting him from the normal sights he'd look at on the way to the bus stop. "Dad hasn't been home in a while." He clutched to both of the straps of his backpack as he walked. "I think mom is angry at him. I don't like seeing this other guy, I want to see dad." The bus stop was only a short walk away from the entrance to the casino hotel area, and the only real nature there was to speak of were plants growing inside and the occasional trees lining the sidewalk. A few other students in identical vests were already at the stop. Fao stood near the bus stop and waited with Aria, the silence just a little bit too tense. Faolán watched a caterpillar crawl up the bark of a tree in the sidewalk. "Did he get hurt?" He asked innocently. Aria knelt down to meet the little boy’s eyes. "Ah… I’m sorry about that sweetie… Frankly I’m not sure what’s going on with your dad. We had a fight so we aren’t talking. I know you want to see him, but I don’t know if that’s a great idea right now… But I know he loves you very much, and so does your mom. It’ll all work out. So don’t you worry about a thing pumpkin. You just focus on your schoolwork and have fun today.”
The redhead tilted his chin up to look at her with a soft smile. “Everything will be fine. Now, which bus is yours?”
Back in Fiona’s bedroom, Scourge was just waking up. He had come over the night before to check on her, and had fallen asleep consoling her. Everything was a mess, and deep down he felt guilty about whatever was between them. But he couldn’t deny her feelings as well. "Get out." Fiona's feelings were very clear. When Scourge would wake up, Fiona had changed her clothes for the day. The previous night had been angsty, sure, but it had been angsty in a comforting way. The two spoke about their lives and issues. There was little communication here, and no comfort. "Fao's leaving for school and Aria's watching him," Fiona told the king professionally. "Grab your shoes and leave." It had been a long time since Fiona had been this blunt with her distaste for the king. "As you wish.” He got up, stretched out and grabbed his shoes from the front door, a warp ring readily available. He had learned her limits, the littlest clues that she wasn’t being honest. However she was stone cold today, even after the night before. He could barely understand her mood fluctuations.
Didn’t mean her bitterness didn’t hurt.
“Have I done something wrong, or is work calling you?” He asked, not so much teasing as curious. The night before maybe pushed her too hard? She may have regretted the things she had let spill to him? Regardless he still bowed to her the way she hated.
"Both," Fiona said. She didn't stop to face the king, instead going to the kitchen and looking over those same papers from the night before. They weren't all that interesting, but they were genuine enough to make people think she was busy. "I have a lot to do today, and no offence, but I don't leave anyone alone in my home. Goodbye."
She watched coldly as the king said his goodbye and left through the warp. She put her papers back down on the counter and sighed loudly. What was she going to do? What was she supposed to think of the king anymore? She was fuming in anger, on the verge of a breakdown...!
When Aria finally arrived back, the penthouse was a disaster. Furniture had been shoved over, fragile decorations heaved at and broken over the walls and floor in a desperate fury. It was almost similar to the scene from the forest, with a clear general area where all the heaving and destruction was caused and things seemingly thrown at random. Broken decanters and vases drenched whatever they were on or happened to fall onto. Fiona sat placidly in the center of the room, staring out the massive broken window as though she were patiently waiting and totally calm.
Aria walked in and stared at the once perfect living space. Judging by the various wines spilt around the room and on her hands, it was obvious the fox did this to herself.
"Fiona? Fiona what happened?” The hedgie asked, delicately stepping over broken glass and soaked pillows until she reached the woman. She was scared. For the fox, for herself, who knew? She grabbed a broom and gently swept a path to the door so Fiona wouldn’t step on any glass. "Scourge came here last night, and I didn't want to talk to him." Her voice was whisper quiet. Cold air rushed in from the broken window. "And I think I lost control..." The way her clawed hands gripped to the cushions on either side of her indicated that she was so utterly furious at someone, she had somehow transcended anger into a kind of anger driven calm. "I am so sick of hearing Scourge's name, and seeing Scourge's face." She mumbled. "I hate that king so goddamn much..." "Then you don’t ever have to see him again, he will understand. Whatever he did to offend you, it will not happen again.” She did not challenge that the king had stayed the night. Fiona was not well. She was a little unhinged and needed to relax.
“Come on. Let’s get you into bed so you can relax. I’ll call someone to fix that window… Is there anything else I can do for you?” Fiona seemed hesitant to move from her place, but followed Aria as she was lead to her bedroom. Fiona sat on the edge of the bed, mostly looking calm but her claws begging to sink into something, deciding on the bedspread. "Just have it picked up before Fao gets home from school." Fiona said, laying back onto the bed and putting both hands over her stomach gently. "I'll clean the stains later." It definitely was a lot of damage, but it wasn't hard to clean up. Most of the damage really was the furniture being toppled for decorations being broken, and since Fiona gave the all clear to throw all the shards away, it mostly came down to sweeping the floors and readjusting the furniture. The window was the only damage that seemed out of place. Aria's phone went off as she swept up the shards from some decorative vase. Manic. "Hey, Ari." Manic sounded tired and worn out, not that anyone could blame him. "Scourge was trying to call you last night... I dunno, I'm just calling before I pick him up from some motel. The king told me where you were staying, is she treating you alright?" "She’s treating me fine… I’m sorry, I just… I didn’t want to talk to Scourge at all. I haven’t anything to say to him. And after last night I’m not surprised you dropped him off somewhere. We are all so damaged it’s scary. I think we all need intense therapy… I have to call you back, there’s a mess to clean up and a wolf to pick up from the bus stop. I’ll talk to you later Manic.”
Aria sounded and truly was apologetic. But it was 2:50 and she had to finish cleaning and pick up Faolán from the bus stop at 3. And the young wolf couldn’t come home to glass all over the floor. Somehow she managed to get it done and was downstairs in time for Faolán to come home. There was a small number of parents waiting at the bus stop already, and none of them seemed to bat an eye at Aria. But when Fao got off the bus and started walking with Aria to his home, people seemed to take notice. The only one who didn't surprised was that Gorilla who Aria was almost certain worked for Fiona. Maybe he was there to make sure Aria didn't walk away with Fao... or worse yet, that no one else would. Fao was excited to see Aria, and was recounting the day to her gleefully while they went to the penthouse elevator. "...And i got all of the C words right!" He said excitedly to a phonics test. "It can sound like a K or an S, and I didn't know for all of them, but I got it right!" When the doors dinged open, Fao ran into the main room. "Mom!" He yelled, excited to show off a perfect score on a worksheet. He noticed that the room was more empty than before, and that there was a temporary cover on the broken part of the window. His eyes belied only mild confusion, and his tail stopped wagging as quickly. Even if his mother tried to hide it, he knew what he would do sometimes. "Yes... yes, sweetie?" Fiona walked out of her bedroom, looking like she'd only just woken up. Aria hadn't seen her all day, but had she really been asleep for so long? The young wolf perked up and ran up to his mom to show off his worksheet. "That's great, Fao." She smiled weakly. "Do you have any homework to do?" "No." He said with a smile. Fiona rustled his hair. "Great," she told him, feeding his enthusiasm and walking to the living room. Fao rushed to his room to change out of his school uniform while Fiona looked over the living room. "Thank you for cleaning," she told Aria, emotionally detached from the situation. "When should the repairman get here?" Aria happily fed off of the young boy’s enthusiasm as he rambled about his day. She intently listened, providing Faolán with praise and attention, two things she wasn’t sure he got enough of. She grew worried for a brief second when his tiny tail stopped wagging, but he didn’t seemed all that bothered by the window once he saw his mother. The genuine affection Fiona showed her son, even in her state of mental anguish, was refreshing and would warm any heart.
"Within couple of hours. I can stay here and wait if you wanna take Faolán​ out for some ice cream or a walk? You could use the break and he could use a treat I think, especially after he did so well,” she mumble to her hostess as a suggestion. Fiona thought and thought. That's all she could really do when she wasn't asleep, was think. She tried to force herself to move forward. "Yeas... Yes, we should do that." She said aloud, clutching her forehead in her hand. She stood for a moment, looking like she wanted to talk but not saying anything. "It's been a busy day," she blatantly lied, but still visibly exhausted. She turned around and walked towards her son's door. "Fao?" She asked from behind the door. What places were there nearby? "Do you want to walk to the ice cream store in the hotel?" "The snowbunny?!" He could be heard yelling excitedly. "Yes!... please. Yes please!" "Whenever you're ready." Fiona walked back to the main room and leaned against the wall. They could hear Fao running around his room to get redressed in a hurry. Fiona didn't say much, only stare at he hole in the window blankly. Fiona's foundation had smeared, and Aria could see the creases she normally kept covered. Her eyes might have semed fine at a glance, but they looked red and slightly swollen, like she had been crying. "Fao always talks about you." Fiona admitted. She did her best to sound cold despite her situation. "He showed me all the colorful rocks he found at your beach. He collects them... little colored rocks. I don't get it." "Um, your foundation is a little smudged…” Aria started, as a little bit of advice, given in a helpful tone. If she wanted to act like she was fine, then she should do a better job of it.
The hedgie chuckled as she refluffed some pillows. “Ah, I noticed. There really isn’t much to get. They’re pretty and colorful and even when I was a kid a collected a few. Back in the day they were as good as currency to the other kids. I got out of a lot of chores because I was the best diver… But anyways, it's a rather cute hobby. I think its one of those things that adults and more mature kids don’t understand.”
Aria paused and looked up at her temporary land lady. “Stop me if I'm crossing a line but… You know… If something is bothering you I’m always available to talk. And if not to me than to the therapist that I know. If something is bothering you it would be good to get it out before Faolán notices. I mean, he might have already, he’s pretty smart… Point is, I’m here if you need someone to talk to, no strings attached and completely confidential”
She let the offer hang in the air as she cleaned up and Faolán was ready as fast as he possibly could be. Fiona said nothing else. She let the offer and the moment awkwardly sit there and fester. She immediately went back to her old ways when Fao came running out of his bedroom, now in a t shirt and shorts. "Can we go now?" The wolf's tail was whapping excitedly against the couch as he ran up to his mom. "Yes, we'll go. Let me get my purse." Fao ran up to the elevator door and waited impatiently for his mom as she went to her bedroom. When she left purse in hand, there was a stare between the two redheads, like Fiona was considering Aria's offer seriously. The few silent moments weighed heavy over them both. But without saying a word of what she was thinking, she walked towards the door. She opened her purse and rustled around for her lipstick. "Are you coming?" It shot out of nowhere. "I can have someone escort the repairmen in. You said you wanted to talk." Fiona asked Aria, Fao's little face lit up at the sound of his friend getting to come along, too. "Oh! Well if I’m not intruding, I’d love to.” Oh she couldn’t resist an invitation that made Faolán smile so much. Aria grabbed her wallet and phone. Happily following the two out.
The elevator ride was full of Faolán’s chatter about his day and his tail thumping against anything within range. That included his mom, the walls and Aria. Adorable but boy did it hurt.
Aria would pull out her phone to text someone, giggling gently at the text response and blushing. Seems like the bat was on break at work. And Fao would keep talking excitedly as they would finally leave the elevator. The casino hotel was lavishly decorated, but not quite busy this early in the afternoon on a weekday. Fiona was smiling a little more by the time their trek to a small circle of restaurants for the patrons to enjoy. The sign for the ice cream shop was small, but stuck out considerably. While Faolán eagerly ran up to look at all the ice creams and flavors he had to choose from, Fiona seemed just a little amused at Aria's texting. She was so happy with her lover and with seeing Fao... she was jealous, sure, but Aria hadn't wronged her, and wasn't an alt of anyone who had. She couldn't be too jealous. "If you're still there... what ice cream would you like?" The words came out a little harsh, but there were dashes on humor to her delivery. "Oh! Sorry! Umm… Chocolate please. Let me pay for this one, its my treat.” Aria insisted, readying her wallet. She was a little blushy from being caught, but the bat's messages were too sweet and adorable for her to control the blood rushing to her cheeks.
To distract from her joy, she bent down to talk to Faolán. She knew that she had no reason to suppress her joy but she knew that it might rub the fox the wrong way and that wasn’t what she wanted. “So little one, what flavour looks best?” His paws gripped the counter as his attention was drawn to a few particular flavors, like the bright pink raspberry ice cream and the multicolor rainbow sherbet. "Mom, can I get two?" He asked his mom. She nodded back after a moment's hesitation. "Can I get one scoop of the... Of the birthday cake, please? And one of the.... the... The brownie ice cream please?" Fiona was hammering in the manners, it seemed. The fox was still collecting herself, and spoke curtly to the clerk. "Just a cone with a scoop of strawberry," she said. The two employees on staff were quick to get the order together for the three, and Fiona was quick to grab some napkins before Fao made a mess of himself. She kept a close eye on him from a distance while he wandered up to a table and greedily started scooping away at his treat. "This was a good idea," she admitted as Aria paid. Her smile made it look like she was trying to warm up to her and failing. But watching her son wasn't something she had to force a smile at. "I figured it would be. Ice cream makes everything better except lactose intolerance.” She joked, looking back at the fox as she bit into the scoop of ice cream.
“He’s so carefree and innocent… I miss being that age. No cares in the world, no drama, everything was an adventure. And now everything is tinged with mental illness and cynicism. That’s fun too, but not in the same way you know?…. Fiona, what’s going on? I don’t mean to pry but I’m worried about you.”
Concern? Aria barely knew the fox and yet she was worried about her? Her tone was that of a mother or a friend, a close relationship based off of wanting the best for another. It seemed that the hedgie did indeed what to see the fox happy, no strings attached. "But I'm worried about you." Those words meant many things for Fiona. The king was the last person to say that to Fiona. Did she want to say something? Sure. But right now, Fao was happy. Fiona ate her treat slowly, not in the mood for sweets but taking the chance to relax. As always, there was a pause, but this pause came attached to a chance of some kind of confession from Fiona. The two walked to the side, letting Fao sloppily enjoy his treat while she sat not far away from the table, motioning for Aria to follow. "I'm scared for him," she said as she looked at the little wolf. "He keeps wanting to see his dad more often, but I'm not letting him in after-" She stopped herself from finishing that statement and collected herself. "And he doesn't like seeing the king anymore, he's only making everything worse." She tried to act unaffected through it all. Not wanting to add any more details, she started licking her ice cream in silence and let the points sink in for Aria. Aria mulled over the situation, thinking. "What about a neutral third party like a social worker that supervises his visits? You know, so Fao gets to see him and you also know he’s safe? As for the king, he’ll understand if you tell him what stress he’s causing. I know he wouldn’t want to hurt you if he could help it.”
Aria kept eating her ice cream, lost in thought as well. “Faolán has expressed his concerns about everything with me too. It’s bothering him. I think it might be best to keep your …. relationship? quiet. It’s probably for the best.” "It's not a relationship," Fiona said. "We're friends." Although with the way 'friends stumbled off of her tongue, it was clear even that word was a bit of a stretch. "I don't know who I could call in to do that for me. With your... social worker idea. I don't want to get CPS involved, Scourge might try to pull him away from me." Her mind wandered, but not for long. There were very few people in her life she was close to in any way. She looked to Aria. "Maybe-" Fao surprised them both by loudly scooching his chair back and running up to the two. He only just noticed that his mom and Aria weren't sitting with him. "What are you talking about?" He said, sprinkles and melted dairy smeared around his mouth. "Boring grown-up things," Fiona told her son. She reached one hand over to dab the ice cream away with a napkin, Fao resisting. "Do you like those flavors?" She derailed the point completely. Not that the topic wasn't important to her, but she didn't want to ask Aria directly, and hoped she would get the point without being told expressly. Faolán nodded, squirming as his mother cleaned his face of remains from the cold treat. "Yeah, they’re really tasty!”
Aria looked up at the fox biting her lip. “As for what you were saying, I don’t know of anyone who could help in this way. I'm sure there's a legal loophole about placements of certain individuals and their well being, as well as the way the individuals time should be split. Considering all the outliers I doubt you have anything to worry about in terms of permanent placement. However, if you don’t take the professional route I don’t know if I can help you. Everyone I know is a stranger or too opinionated. But I’m sure we can think of something… Right after my brain thaws.”
Aria had finished her ice cream and was holding her head a little bit. Seems like someone had brain freeze. However, her overtly complicated sentence was good enough to confuse Faolán while getting the point across to Fiona. The little wolf nodded along, listening intently and pretending to understand as he absolutely did not. Fiona just nodded, knowing all these points were true. She could be seen mulling the point over again and again in her mind. "Maybe I'm just stubborn." Fiona's confession was utterly caked in disgust as she was forced to come to terms with herself. "I really should." She let the heavy point carry for a few moments, before noticing exactly how her son was eating. "No- No, that's not how you use a spoon, Fao!" "Huh?" Fao responded, holding one of the two scoops on his spoon like it was a potato on a fork, taking bites out of the side instead of scooping it. "No, you need to... here. Here, let me-" Fiona showed him how to scoop, laughing the whole time to herself. The time she spent with her son was the only time Aria had seen her genuinely smile, and laughing this much was still new to her. But when the malice in her voice was chipped away, there was a genuinely sweet person at her core. Aria laughed a little, trying hard to hold back so the wolf wouldn’t feel foolish. However she did use Fiona’s phone to snap a picture of the adorable habit before it was corrected.
It was nice, seeing Fiona’s smile in that photo too. Laughter and joy were needed in the fox’s life and her child seemed to be the only source. Of course that wasn’t a bad thing, but still it was something that brightened the whole mood of the conversation. For a moment, all was well. It was well, and Fiona wanted to keep things well. Their little conversation over the ice cream turned more blithe, and while her attempts to be casual could come off clunky, there was an attempt. Not opening up to Aria like she did with the king, but she was making progress. And the three would sit around after their treats had been finished and spoke for a short few minutes. Even if it wasn't the serious discussions Fiona and Aria had had before, they didn't need to be for them to make progress somewhere. Fao normally would have been a little sad to be heading upstairs again, but it wasn't often he got to talk with someone other than his mom or her help. Because that someone was Aria, he was able to project all kinds of enthusiasm and have someone enjoy it. The normally long ride to the penthouse was shorter than usual as he rambled on and talked with Aria about another likely passing interest of his. "And... And Mrs. Phelps said we could get them anywhere!" His clawed feet clomped over to the kitchen and reached into a drawer, pulling out a box of children's craft markers. "And I've been trying to draw, too! But I don't have a skin color, so everyone's chins end up yellow..." Aria shared his obvious and passionate enthusiasm, and for a second it was like she was a much younger child. Fiona would notice the reserved giddiness as the hedgie struggled to not get excited too much. From what she could guess, Aria hadn’t had much of a childhood.
“Give me one second. I think I should have a color or two,” she hinted, rushing to her room and returning with a ziploc bag of markers. They were the same name brand as Faoláns, and Aria handed them over.
“Now you can borrow mine, but please don’t get the yellow all dirty, okay? I need these for my artwork, but since I haven’t gotten anyone ordering at the moment, you’re free to borrow them.” This was many more than the ten or so Fao had from his set, and Aria could see his greedy eyes suddenly get massive at the offer. Fiona seemed shocked as well, but said nothing. "Yes, I will!" Fao promised. "Thank you!" The words flowed with the sentence for once, and his paws dashed down the hall towards Fiona's office, off to give all of his attempts at portraits proper flesh colored chins. The ice cream and markers were nice, but getting to spend time with his mom and his friend was what really cinched the deal for him. Fiona sounded more concerned about the situation. "That was sweet," she had to admit, "but are you sure you can trust him with your markers if you don't want them to get dirty?" “Oh I’ve got quite a few sets at home. I was the 7th of 8 in my family and my… Uh… My "adoptive mother��� has 18 children, not including me. I’m the fourth oldest so whenever she needs a break I take care the kids for her. I have amassed quite a few sets of child friendly supplies. It's more so that if he wants to use the yellow again its still clean… Works every time"
Ah, so that’s why she was so good with children. How tragic then, that she was left with almost no one to call her own family, save for the bat who held her heart in her hands. However, Aria had realized something and called out yo Faolán.
“Fao! Please just draw on the papers, okay?” "Okay!" She could hear him call back from down the hall in the office. He started stomping back with a handful of printer paper in one hand, rushing down to the living area. He flicked on the television and started casually watching some cartoon as he scribbled out his own drawings of the characters. By the looks of it, he was determined to use as many of these new colors as he could. Fiona talked back to the kitchen, starting to brew herself a cup of coffee. "Fao knows not to make messes," Fiona told her, "I don't like cleaning up gunk off the walls. He's very well behaved. Don't know where he learned it, definitely not from-" Even through the kitchen window into the living room, Fao didn't seem to hear them. Fiona sighed heavily. "I shouldn't keep bringing up him and the king, you don't want my life story." “If it helps you, I don’t mind listening for a while.” The red hedgie admitted, putting on a pot of water to boil for a cup of tea.
She studied the fox's expression for a while, thinking. This woman was not innocent, but she sure as hell wasn’t deserving of any of the strife that came from Castillo. Her pettiness could be explained, so could all of her actions.
“I’m sorry. When I first met you I thought you were a horrible person. I only listened to one side of the story and that side was the wrong one. Now that I know a bit more, I’m sorry I ever thought of you that way.”
The hedgie poured herself tea and motioned for Fiona to come sit at the table with her. “Shall we?” She wasn't totally comfortable with Aria just yet. And sure, the noise of some kid's cartoon playing in the background wasn't the best way to set a serious mood. But she wasn't saying no. Far from it, she was pouring her coffee. It almost looked like she had aged a few years in a matter of seconds, with how much her exterior deflated. She swirled the dark coffee around the mug, letting th ehead from the mug warm her hands. "There's a lot to tell you," she admitted. "Such as..." ◇        ◇        ◇        ◇ "...There are guys at my door asking about you?" It had barely been a week since Aria had started staying at Fiona's house when Manic called her out of the blue. "Yeah, they showed up at my apartment, and they started asking about you and where you lived... Fiona isn't getting you involved in any of her businesses, is she? She's not- They're not clean operations, dude." “No, Fiona isn’t getting me involved with anything. Ask them to leave a name, number and message and if I recognize what they want or who they are I’ll call them back. It could be people from my old job, or from my days on the street. I wouldn’t worry.”
Aria was hand washing pots that hadn’t fit in the dishwasher, phone tucked between her shoulder and ear. Fiona was working that night, and Faolán was at a sleepover, leaving the hedgie alone in the lavish apartment waiting for her mate to arrive for a romantic dinner. As Manic expressed further concern, all Aria did was chuckle.
“Manic I’m in the highest security building in the city. You couldn’t even get in here if you tried. So relax okay? Everything is going to be fine.”
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junker-town · 6 years
NFL Dad, Week 16: Pay it forward
On Christmas, SB Nation’s RedZone diarist looks back on a season of football and parenting
Christmas is difficult, even if you like it. As the days grow shorter, the responsibilities mount. You need to buy more gifts than is financially responsible. Buy and decorate a tree. Purchase and send Christmas cards. Arrange travel during the most difficult season to travel. And if you’re a parent, there’s a whole other slew of things to be bought and baked and dropped off at school.
Perhaps you are the kind of person who buys gifts throughout the year, then labels and stores them in a logical place. Maybe you can come home after a long day of work and crank out 30 Christmas cards while listening to Bing Crosby. I am not that person. I abuse my Amazon Prime membership to get gifts delivered in time, and I still end up shopping on Christmas Eve, which is also when I wrap gifts. The holiday cards we send — kids smiling, bullet points about the family — inevitably get mailed in the days after Christmas. (They say “Happy New Year” for a reason.)
On Friday, my grandmother had a massive aneurysm near her heart. She survived surgery but lost a kidney; the doctors said that similar conditions are fatal 90% of the time, and of the 10% who survive, 90% never leave the hospital again.
And of course I hadn’t sent her card yet. I dashed off an attempt to be positive, commending her toughness through the ordeal, which wasn’t over. I dropped it in the mail, and she died 12 hours later.
She never met my kids, but that didn’t stop her from lavishing them with gifts on their birthdays and Christmas. I called infrequently and visited less. And because of who I am, a bullshit deadline artist who can’t work ahead of schedule, a nice old lady didn’t get to see a couple more pictures of her great-grandchildren before she died.
I woke up to the news on Christmas Eve morning. My wife asked if I needed a few minutes. “I think so?” I said, and she went to get the kids up. But they were attuned to my absence. My son caught a glimpse of me in the doorway, and he ran to me yelling, “DADDY! DADDY!” with my daughter in hot pursuit. I gathered them in my arms and told them that I loved them, and if they didn’t see my tears, it’s only because they don’t yet understand that I’m fallible, flawed.
I wept because I can never repay the love I’ve gotten. I wept because I can only pay it forward.
In lieu of play-by-play of Week 16 RedZone action, this week’s NFL Dad is a retrospective on the season so far.
Week 1: Tony Romo’s announcing debut
Football: Tony Romo in the announcing booth is “like breathing pure oxygen after YEARS of Phil Simms leaking carbon monoxide into my home.” Elsewhere, Tom Savage gets mauled by the Jags for six sacks in the first half, and Bill O’Brien accidentally discovers that Deshaun Watson is his franchise quarterback.
Quick story from the kids’ birthday party. One of the dads there had a thick orange cast on his hand. He was a bookish guy: slim, glasses, graying hair and gray beard neatly trimmed — a Brooklyn Dad like many other Brooklyn Dads. One of the other dads gestured to his cast and said, “What happened?”
He sighed. “I smashed it pretty bad at Burning Man.” A long pause, and none of us interrupted it. He added: “... as one does.”
Week 2: Sick kids and dog vomit
In Pittsburgh, Sam Bradford is a late scratch due to his knee rejecting last week’s touchdown implant. Case Keenum will start, and if I had a bookie I would put my salary on the Steelers today.
My daughter broke her clavicle last week. It’s a common injury for young children, not just Tony Romo. She fell out of a chair a few minutes before we had to leave for her second day of preschool, and I didn’t think it was a serious injury at the time. “We have to go! Can’t miss the second day of school!” was my thinking. I should be an NFL team doctor.
So she’s in a sling for Week 2 of the NFL season (and for the next four weeks) while my son happily toddles around the house. Just kidding! My son is battling a 102-degree fever and an ear infection. Ha HA! Let’s watch some football!
Week 3: Protests, Naps, and Guacamole
Football: The 0-2 Saints start doing wild stuff like playing defense in their win over the Panthers; the insane ending to first half of Steelers-Bears deserves revisiting; Deshaun Watson’s brilliance isn’t enough to overcome the Pats in New England; the Eagles need a 61-yard field goal at the end of the game to beat the Giants.
My son’s other obsession tonight — besides smashing his face into the couch — is the hokey-pokey. He’s no good at putting his hand in and shaking it all about, but he DOMINATES at turning around. He spins around in circles until he careens left and crashes into the credenza. He thinks it’s hilarious. He is correct.
Week 4: Disney Princesses are a scourge
Football: Antonio Brown gets angry and flips a Gatorade cooler; the Dolphins get shut out in London while Jay Cutler’s no-effort Wildcat play goes viral; Dalvin Cook’s season ends with an ACL tear; the Jets beat the Jaguars in overtime; the Bucs defense is so bad that Eli Manning scores on a 14-yard scramble.
With the exception of Moana and maybe Frozen, the rest of the Disney princesses are a scourge on parenthood. The Disney Princess Industrial Complex essentially operates like the anti-vaccine movement. No matter how many parents want to raise their daughters to be action-oriented, independent problem solvers, there’s always a nanny or a grandmother who’s pushing Sleeping Beauty or Snow White (which are the SAME DAMN STORY), and that shit spreads like the plague.
And regardless of your feelings on feminism, the message isn’t a great one to send your kids. “Got a problem? Just go to sleep and someone will take care of it.” That only works if your dad owns an NFL team.
Week 5: Apple picking season
Football: Myles Garrett gets a sack on his first NFL snap; the Browns finally get their first lead of the season (it doesn’t last); Ben Roethlisberger throws five INTs, including consecutive pick-sixes, in a blowout to the visiting Jags; Odell Beckham suffers a season-ending injury; HOOOOO-WEEEEE look at this Cassel-Cutler shootout at the half.
Matt Ufford
My son is up from his nap. He sleepily staggers over and throws his arms around me in a big hug. I know that doesn’t really pop off the screen as anything special, but trust me when I say my brain is FLOODED with dopamine from his carefree smile and chubby arms.
This is the bone that human biology throws to parents. “Oh, is every day with a young child the hardest thing you’ve ever experienced? FINE, bathe in the warmth of infinite love.” And all of us stupid parents are like, “Oh, yeah, that’s good. This is worth surrendering my house to childproofing measures and chiming plastic bullshit.”
Week 6: Daughter’s birthday party; Aaron Rodgers injured
The Falcons were 11.5-point favorites at home, and they lost to Jay Cutler. Gonna have to fumigate the whole stadium after that one.
My daughter runs into the room wearing a pink cape. She eats a tortilla chip that my son discarded on the couch. “I’m a superhero!” she says.
“What’s your superhero name?” I ask.
“HMMMMM.” She has obviously not done the groundwork on her origin story.
“Are you the Pink Crusader?”
“Yeah!” She runs out of the room, then runs back in. “I’m a superhero!”
“What’s your superhero name?” I ask again.
She yells, “The Pink Crusader!” Again, she runs out of the room.
She runs back in and stops in front of me. She casually leans an arm on the couch and says, “I’m the Pink Crusader.”
Week 7: Pumpkin flavored everything
The Bears earned zero first downs in the second half and became the first NFL team to win with fewer than five completed passes since ... the last time John Fox coached in the NFL. I’d rather have a block of cement coach my team.
Also, Joe Thomas tears his triceps :(
My sister had kids years before I did, and I was the typical ignorant drunk uncle when it came to her devotion to the kids’ naps and schedule. “What’s with the schedule? Why can’t the kids just power through this one time?” Because the schedule is GOD, man! The schedule is all powerful. It is the weather; it is the earth beneath your feet. Reject it and your life will be untethered from reality, a nonstop maelstrom of tears and tantrums.
Week 8: Halloween is my daughter’s Super Bowl
The Texans-Seahawks barnburner owns the late afternoon games. And while Deshaun Watson and Russell Wilson will rightly be remembered as the stars of the game, I’d like to point out that at one point Pete Carroll challenged a Wilson incomplete pass, claiming it was a fumble. The challenge was successful, and the fumble forward was good for a first down. That game was WILD.
MIRACLE: Both of my kids are eating their dinner without complaint or hesitation. They ignore the TV to pay attention to the Halloween book my wife is reading. Years from now, when their grade school teacher praises their attention spans, I’m gonna get up in the middle of the parent-teacher conference and do Mick Jagger’s rooster strut.
Week 9: Daylight Savings and Football Fights
Football: Julio Jones drops a wide-open touchdown in the end zone on 4th down; Tyreke Hill scores on an end-of-half Hail Mary that was 40-plus yards short of the end zone (the Alex Smith special); A.J. Green and Jaelen Ramsey are both ejected after Ramsey provokes the normally calm Green into an MMA takedown.
I want to make it clear that when your 18-month-old child usually naps for 2-3 hours in the afternoon, then circumvents that with a 25-minute doze before noon, you don’t just have an awake kid instead of a sleeping kid. You have a walking tire fire instead of two hours of silence. I will run for office and/or lead a revolution to eliminate seasonal clock changes.
Also, this memory would be lost forever if not for this dumb column:
[My daughter] brings over a small bowl of cashews, climbs onto the couch, and sits next to me. I say, “Oh, you brought me cashews!” as I take one, because Stock Dad is the role I was born to play. But then she feeds me a cashew, so I feed her one. And we go on that way until the bowl is empty. There’s football on TV, I guess.
Week 10: Poop. Poop everywhere.
Football: In the fantasy crime of the year, the Saints score six touchdowns on the ground while Drew Brees throws for none; rampant stupidity at the end of Chargers-Jaguars leads to overtime; John Fox challenges his team having 1st and goal at the 2, resulting in a Bears turnover. Coaching Move of the Year.
It’s weird the different stages kids can be at despite being similar sizes. My daughter, at age 3, is capable of having a conversation and expressing her feelings with words. My son, 18 months, understands everything we say, but is less a human than an organic chaos engine. The kid does forward-facing trust falls off stairs.
Week 11: National Interception Day
Football: Jay Cutler throws three interceptions in the first half, Alex Smith throws two against the Giants (including one on a shovel pass), Shane Vereen and Travis Kelce both throw picks on trick plays, and Nathan Peterman tosses FIVE on 14 passing attempts in a single half against the Chargers. Also, this Brock Osweiler interception is my favorite play of the year:
PICK-6-OHHH NO! Dre Kirkpatrick nearly has a 101-yard PICK-6... But fumbles inside the 5. Wow. #CINvsDEN http://pic.twitter.com/zUyPI5Q0xZ
— NFL (@NFL) November 19, 2017
My daughter is 3 years old and has still never seen Moana (or any movie), but frequent exposure to the soundtrack and a couple of plot points — “Moana has to save her people” — gives my daughter enough information to guide her body language, and we can see it in the way she play-acts.
When she’s Cinderella, I have to pretend to put a gown on her, and we dance together at the ball. When she’s Rapunzel, she flips her hair around; Ariel, and she holds up a scarf as a bikini. But when she’s Moana, she throws her shoulders back, struts with purpose, and thrusts her fist into the air — something she’d only previously done when saying, “I’m Batman!”
Week 12: Things fall apart
Football: Alex Smith implodes (again); Julio Jones destroys the Bucs; Broncos-Raiders is barely underway before the main event, Crabtree-Talib II: The Re-Snatchening.
I’m familiar with the schools of thought that say you shouldn’t incentivize potty training, and that’s how we started off, too. Then my daughter started holding in poops for several days before struggling to crank out the hardened rock in her butt, and we implemented a multi-tiered system of bribes that would put FIFA to shame.
Week 13: Christmas season!
Football: Tom Brady yells at Josh McDaniels; Eli Manning’s ironman streak is snapped by McAdoo-induced self-benching; the Jets-Chiefs shootout ends in Marcus Peters throwing a referee’s flag into the stands.
The kids play Ring Around the Rosie, and at the end of the song, only my daughter falls down. She looks at me from her back. “I just scored a touchdown.”
“Oh yeah?” I ask.
“I’m the Seahawks!”
My wife cuts in. “If you were the Seahawks, you wouldn’t get in the end zone so easily.” HARSH, WOMAN.
Week 14: SNOWBALL!
Football: LeSean McCoy carries the Bills to an overtime win over the Colts in a blizzard; Cam Newton single-handedly defeats the Vikings; the Browns choke away a two-touchdown lead against Brett Hundley’s Packers to keep their winless record intact; the Eagles-Rams heavyweight bout lives up to its billing, but Carson Wentz is lost to a torn ACL.
Before I had kids, diapers were the thing I feared most about parenthood. Which is stupid, because the thing you end up fearing most in the entire world is your own mortality. Diapers are fine.
That said, I just changed a diaper filled with the scent of death and campaign promises.
Week 15: Get used to disappointment
Football: Aaron Rodgers returns to save the Packers’ season, but the Panthers win to kill their dreams; Nick Foles coolly throws four touchdowns in his first start in relief of Wentz; catch rule shenanigans continue, with the ending of Patriots-Steelers the most pear-shaped; Teddy Bridgewater retakes the field to throw an interception.
Two- and 3-year-old kids have moods like the weather: Sometimes a thunderstorm hits, and there’s not much you can do but hole up and wait for it to pass. Eventually, the sun breaks through like nothing happened. As a parent, you feel your child owes you an explanation or apology for the 30 minutes you just lost, but you’ll get none. The weather has changed. You may as well shout at the sky, demand an explanation from the passing clouds.
Merry Christmas, everyone. Thank you for dealing with me and my kids this season. NFL Dad will be back with an especially loaded Week 17 edition next week.
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mobius-prime · 4 years
228. Sonic the Hedgehog #160
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Birthday Bash! (Part One): Giving and Receiving
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Jason Jensen
Welcome to the beginning of Ian Flynn's reign, everyone! As many of you will know, Ian is a fan favorite amongst readers of the comics, and for good reason. Objectively, I'd say he has a much better sense than any previous writer of how to construct dynamic and interesting stories, as well as a great head for writing dialogue. Every character has their own unique voice when speaking, and as someone who takes a particular interest in dialogue in her own writing, it's something I admire a lot, especially given how stilted and unnaturally formal a lot of dialogue by Karl and especially Kenders often sounded, regardless of who was speaking. That said, I think that it took a good year or so for him to fully come into his own as head writer for the series, so some earlier issues are a bit strange and not up to par with a lot of his later work. Some of this, to be fair, is due to him essentially playing clean-up for this first year, untangling a lot of the bizarre leftover plot threads that Karl and Kenders left behind, and generally trying to make the world of the comics conform a little better to that of the games. All that aside, anyone reading the comics will likely notice an immediate and apparent improvement in the overall quality of the work starting with this issue. This is helped along, in addition, by none other than the very talented artist Tracy Yardley! who always (well, almost always) introduces himself in the story credits with an exclamation mark. It's kind of his calling card. Tracy took a while to really improve his art as well, so while his earliest issues sometimes have some strange proportions and poses, later on his style became easily one of the most visually attractive and recognizable ones in the series, simplifying a lot of the inconsistencies that many character designs had as well as doing away with the strange pseudo-human proportions that some artists tended to favor, particularly with the female characters. All this said, I will say that Ian isn't going to be immune to my criticism, as while I do recognize his skill as a writer and the good things he brought to the table, there are definitely some problems I have with the way he handled certain things. We'll cross those bridges when we come to them, however, so for now, let's dive into the new world he's creating and see how he does!
Elias and Sonic are walking on the outskirts of Knothole as Elias explains why his father approved the Metal Sonic troopers from last issue. We don't even really get to hear the explanation, but to be fair, we hardly need one, as the idea was so insane to begin with that the only true explanation is that Kenders needed a plot device. Sonic tries to make Elias promise that "you royals" won't hit him with any more weird surprises, and Elias says they only have one more, leading him to a building next to where the Great Oak Slide into the village ends.
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I mean, canonically he's supposed to be turning seventeen here, even though realistically he should be turning eighteen, because remember, for him to have turned sixteen in StH#68, had the Robians be deroboticized in early June in StH#123, and still have managed to spend close to a year in space before turning seventeen, literally everything in between the two aforementioned issues would have had to take place in the span of a few weeks - yes, that's counting the month-and-a-half time span that Sonic was confined to Knothole, as well as major events like Eggman's return and the entire Green Knuckles saga. You can see why this huge discrepancy still bothers me, right? Hmph. Anyway, no sooner has the party begun than an explosion destroys the door, and two new players enter the scene - Bean the Dynamite and Bark the Polar Bear from Sonic the Fighters! Nack's been part of the comic for long enough now, so it's cool to see these two make their first appearance. Bark is totally silent - as far as I remember, he never says a single word during the entirety of the comic - but Bean, in the absence of an obvious personality to draw from in the game, has subsequently been given the personality trait of "criminally insane" in the comics.. He's erratic, he talks to himself, he cracks jokes where jokes really shouldn't be cracked, and most importantly of all, he loves his goddamn bombs. Bean starts chucking said bombs left and right at the various Freedom Fighters in the base, while Sonic tangles with Bark. He seems to think these guys are only after him due to something Evil Sonic did in his place, something which he has by now apparently finally explained to all the women of Knothole, and manages to break away from Bark to stop Bean's bombing spree by pinning him to a wall and asking about Evil Sonic. However, Bean happily insists there's been no mistake and he wasn't even aware of Sonic having an evil twin, nor does he particularly care. Oh, speaking of Evil Sonic…
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Huh, it seems that Evil Sonic has actually explained his true identity to Rouge in between their previous failed attempt and now. I'm surprised she hasn't outright abandoned him by now due to Rouge not exactly being evil-aligned to begin with, but I guess the pull of the shiny is just too strong for her to resist. And as it turns out, Bean suffers from a similar insatiable need! Fiona pulls out a ring of keys and shakes them around, completely distracting Bean from his current activity of bashing Sonic's head in, and throws them out the hole he made in the wall, prompting him to immediately abandon everything to chase after them. Fiona then advances on Bark, who by now has gotten himself cornered by every Freedom Fighter in the room, and convinces him to stand down as he's outnumbered. Outside, Bean plays with the keys and talks to them, seemingly convinced that they're a beautiful woman with an "adorable accent" who wants his number, when a suspiciously-Shadow-shaped shadow converges on him, prompting him to try to invite him into smashing Sonic as well. Good luck there, buddy, I don't think Shadow usually runs with crazy…
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Geez, Sally, cut Fiona some slack. Not everyone had a squeaky-clean record - hell, just look at Shadow! Back in the Chaos Chamber, Rouge and Evil Sonic begin to battle Locke, who tosses Evil Sonic to the side as he perceives Rouge to be the bigger threat. However, that turns out to be a bit of a bad idea, as with Rouge tied up in the fight, Evil Sonic takes his chance to go after the Master Emerald without her, obviously recognizing it as more than just a shiny trinket.
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Back in Knothole, Shadow explains that he's only here to thank Sonic for saving Hope, as he knows he wouldn't have been able to do it on his own, and reminds him that as soon as he leaves this building they're back to being enemies, as Shadow's still aligned with Eggman for now. Sonic, to his credit, seems to recognize that Shadow is only allied with Eggman because he doesn't yet know better, and cheerfully invites him to come back here whenever he cuts out on that deal in the future. It's at this point that everyone realizes Bean has quietly snuck into the brain trust's comms room to casually let Eggman know that he and Bark failed to take Sonic down, and when Fiona ushers him back out of the room, Eggman is only too happy to let Sonic know personally that he wishes him a happy birthday and he's sending him a new, more metallic present. Within seconds a thud outside alerts them to the arrival of this present, and everyone rushes out to see a strange figure emerging from an egg pod - a figure which resolves itself into the combined forms of Crocbot and Octobot, now merged into the singular entity of… Croctobot! (Don't worry, Ian knows just how silly this is and even acknowledges it next issue.) But what of Evil Sonic and Rouge? How is their fight faring against Locke after the former got knocked aside? Well, Evil Sonic takes his chance to dramatically emerge from behind the emerald as the other two get ready to continue their fight…
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Plot twist! How many people actually didn't know by now that Evil Sonic and Scourge were the same person? I'm guessing there had to be at least a few of you. You can actually already see Ian's new plans being put into action - it's very telling of his intentions when the very first issue he ever pens immediately makes a point of distinguishing a rather tired and boring character into a new and improved version of himself, with a unique name and new, visually distinct look. Apparently Kenders, who if you recall is the original creator of Evil Sonic, never liked this and continued to insist on referring to him as Evil Sonic, but screw that, Scourge is a much more interesting character and this was a change that sorely needed to be made.
Sonic Rush (Part One of Two)
Writer/Pencils: Tania Del Rio Colors: Ben Hunzeker
So unfortunately, Sonic Adventure 2 isn't the only case in the preboot of a partial adaption of a game being included without any actual ending. Sonic Rush, the game, introduces Blaze, a cat from an alternate dimension that is controlled by the Sol Emeralds rather than the Chaos Emeralds, and most of the plot revolves around the Sol Emeralds ending up in Sonic's dimension and her trying to recollect them to bring back to her own world. However, things are a bit different in the comics universe. In this story, Blaze comes to Sonic's dimension because, apparently, she's been having nonstop dreams about him, dreams which show her visions of Eggman threatening the Sol Emeralds and Sonic helping her protect them. She's frustrated that she would have to rely on anyone else to help her protect the emeralds at all, believing them to be her sole responsibility, but nonetheless she's tracked Sonic to Knothole. However, while deliberating her next move, a squad of swatbots - yes, ordinary ones, it's been a while since we've seen them rather than shadow-bots - happen upon her and decide that they should take her in for interrogation.
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Yeah, I guess Blaze doesn't understand the dangers present in this universe yet, does she? An hour or so later, Rotor sends for Sonic, informing him that they caught the aftermath of Blaze's capture on their video surveillance. Neither of them know who she is, but they decide she can't be from their village, since she left several disabled swatbots behind, while most people in Knothole are noncombatants and those that aren't are accounted for elsewhere. Sonic rushes out to find their trail and tracks them to a nearby facility set up amidst the trees, and while he begins fighting his way in, the scientific robots in the building go about studying their new specimen.
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Sorry, but why the hell would Eggman be looking to add some random Mobian to his team? He only likes robots anyway, and tends to either betray or enslave every living being that comes to him. Blaze suddenly awakens and becomes furious - not that she's been captured, mind you, but that they took off her coat while studying her. She must be really goddamn attached to her coat, because she starts absolutely trashing the place, exploding into flames and screaming so loudly that Sonic becomes genuinely worried about her wellbeing, rushing to where he last heard her. The door of the lab she's in is completely blasted off its hinges by the force of Blaze's explosions, but thankfully after this she seems to have found her coat, because the blasts subside and she appears in the doorway wearing it once again, staring down at an utterly shocked Sonic with a look of fiery fury (the literal flames coating her entire body probably help with the "fiery" bit). Uh… good luck dealing with that, buddy boy!
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((This ain’t a full RP like most of these, but more an RP that’s inevitable going to be longer that I’m just cutting up in the name of keeping things concise, so keep an eye out for more additions @tinyredartist and I make!))
Where had these guys taken Aria, anyways? It wasn't a BAD restaurant, it didn't look like, but it seemed like such an oddly... bland choice. It didn't look like they were a bad place, just not really the ritz, either. A perfectly middle of the road restaurant in her own city. It was a surprise, just not really the best surprise she'd ever gotten.
Don't go flagging down that benz Don't kiss that garnet cartier
It seemed like that night, they had some kind of live singer there. It was no wonder that it was these two that had some kind of surprise for Aria. The only accompaniment was guitar and keyboard, so their missing keyboard player must have been playing here that night. And it clearly wasn't a vanity gift just for his sake, either...
Those red flags are dyed with blood from guys who didn't get away
...because that singing voice was clearly Manic.
As bland and quiet as it was, this place might as well have been the Ritz for the hedgehog. She rarely ate out because she didn’t have time, so this was already a treat. And the fact that the boys had remembered her birthday gave her a warm and fuzzy feeling on the inside. In fact, she even forgot. Her ears perked at the keyboard, the trio having walked in during a lyrical break, so she didn’t hear the singer at first.
But she recognized his sound.
She stood on tiptoes, trying to see over a partition if that was Manic. When she heard the green hedgehog’s singing, she squealed quietly. “I didn’t know Manic was playing a show in town! You guys this is the best!!” She had been texting back and forth with the green hedgehog for a while, but he never seemed to be in town on her days off.
They were lead to a table, front and center, but not too close to the amps. The perfect spot to watch. Manic sat on a small stage, clearly not designed with musicians in mind but set up well nonetheless. Detour, the group's keyboardist, nudged Manic slightly when he saw Aria enter. Manic was sitting down guitar in hand, performing some more down-tempo songs for a more down-tempo crowd. Manic looked up at the nudge, and smiled at Aria without breaking up the set. Surprisingly, he was playing unplugged for once. I've already died for you, no, no one's got a clue Pick me up at Shana's Tavern and we'll shift to overdrive You can find our stolen kisses hidden underneath my "grave" They can pry it from our corpses when we burn alive One of the songs off of the album he was selling at Dasvidania, but adjusted for the smaller instrument set. Mellow with a slight reggae vibe, it had a nice rhythm to it. It seemed she'd just arrived a short while after the show started, so she got to hear him cycle through all kind of style experiments and lyrical stories. Aria smiled back, clearly content with the surprise and the music choice. The relaxed music fit the vibe of the venue, the music choices simpler than what a full set would be, yet fitting.
She brought out her sketchbook and did a few rough sketches of Manic and Detour. Art made her happy and the lights were set up perfectly to get good detail from her seat. The sketches were influences by the music and when a particular favorite would come up, she would stop drawing to devote all her attention to listening. "Tell me all about your violent history 'Bout your scars and all your little fights" Original songs and covers were stitched throughout the set so the general moods would flow well together. No angsty songs leading directly into peppy songs, although Manic would have loved to do something like that just to watch the audience reactions. The final song of the set was a cover of a fairly popular soul song at the moment, even though it barely got much pop radio play. A solid choice. Take me to the marble gardens Gonna have to beg your pardon But I can't wait another night" Once the songs were over (far too soon for Manic's tastes) he disappeared into the back of the building with Detour and their instruments. Barely a minute later, they popped up behind the three sitting at Aria's table. "Heeeey, dude, happy birthday!" Manic said, giving her a friendly slap on the back. "Sorry I didn't say anything, but these guys said not to talk." He gave an exaggerated pout at the bat specifically. The two exchanged equally sassy glares for a moment, before laughing off the joking tension as usual. The audience clapped and cheered for the two as they walked off stage after their set. The tip jar Detour had put up filled quickly and was taken by a waiter to the backroom as well, added into the money from the gig itself.
Manic would be greeted with a hug, Aria's tail wagging. “Thank you thank you thank you! This was an awesome surprise!”
Dante, Detour and Drench would all receive hugs and a thanks from the small hedgie. She felt so loved and wanted. It was nice. "Wait, wait, this was a surprise?" Manic clearly didn't know. Drench just gave a toothy smile in response to that comment, blushing and getting embarrassed from the sudden hug. "You're welcome," Detour said, amused from seeing his crocodile bandmate looking uncharacteristically bashful. "But Manic pulled all the strings on this, he should get the credit." "Pulled the-? I just got the first open gig here I could get, I didn't know till cheetah bungy here told me offstage!" Manic pushed his quills back. "Ah, crap, I didn't get you a gift!" "You'll be fine," Danté assured him while receiving another hug from Aria. "She clearly doesn't care that much." Manic still felt a little guilty, but was temporarily distracted by a small warp activating near the entrance of the restaurant. This would have been terrifying to him most days, but from what Aria said, this was a completely normal thing for Scourge to do. As melodramatic and frivolous as it was. Aria was distracted by the band members, thanking the trio and Manic multiple times. She was blushy and happy, perfectly content. The waitress brought them bread and the band sat down with the birthday girl, leaving the two open chairs.
Scourge looked around for them from his portal, spotting Manic and waving. He made his way over, smiling. “Hey Manic. Haven’t seen you in a while… Oh hey guys. And hello birthday girl!!” Scourge briefly acknowledged the band before picking up Aria from behind in a bear hug. She whined and squealed, almost dropping her bread
“Scourge!!! I almost dropped my food!” She pouted, clearly still pleased with the affection. The band members either greeted Scourge with a nod or a wave of some kind. "Hey, mate," Manic greeted. He was going time to get used to how sociable Scourge was. His presence didn't even seem to give off too much of an edge, but today wasn't Scourge's birthday. Aria was the girl of the day, not that she had much competition at this table. And he had to come up with something personal, or at least that he thought of! Manic didn't touch the bread, still thinking as the five spoke between themselves. What did he have on hand? All his normal CDs and musical gubbins in his car, but nothing that interesting. A song...? Nah, he couldn't even write custom lyrics worth singing, and he wasn't giving a half-finished middle-school tier poem as a gift. But he didn't have anything else in his van! His van... "Uh, guys, how good's the food here, anyways?" Danté wiggled his fingers and shrugged. "It's kind of okay?" "Alright, cause I've got an idea." He pointed at Aria when she wasn't speaking. "You got any plans after this? We could just like, have the three of us pile in my van and drive for an hour, see where we end up. They could all come along too, if they ain't busy. Come on, a bland meal ain't exciting!" Scourge joined in on the bands conversation, mostly teasing the group and Aria. Around these people he wasn’t a criminal. Around these people he was a friend. An older brother figure. It was relaxing.
Aria herself was thriving in the attention. The boys knew she needed the night off, seeing as she hadn’t had a day off in two weeks. The hedgie turned to look at Manic as he spoke, and tilted her head to think. “I don’t think I’m busy… But yeah that sounds awesome!! Let’s do it!”
The boys in the band unfortunately declined. “Not that we wouldn’t love to celebrate with you, but we have a flight out east for my sisters wedding tomorrow.” Dante explained, getting up and throwing a tip for the waitress on the table.
“See you all when we get back?” The cheetah asked, as Aria gave them all hugs again. "Yeah, gimme a call when you wanna jam again!" He gave Dante and Detour their usual fist bumps, and Dante his usual high five. It was a bit disappointing to only be traveling with the three people, but it was three people who cared about one another. They didn't waste too long getting to Manic's van. It wasn't the cleanest, but it was just some litter. Nothing compared to the kinds of messes Aria had doubtless needed to clean before. Aria took front passenger seat, of course, with Manic taking the wheel and Scourge sitting behind Aria. "Alright, let's get this mess on the road! Manic revved the engine, and whatever old garage rock CD he was listening to came right back on as the van sped and trundled away from the restaurant. "Alright, so what kind of adventure are y'all in the mood for?" Manic asked, turning to Aria more directly. "You wanna roam around the city and see what comes up, or you just wanna get away from here?" Aria lacked her usual hesitation to get into a car and climbed in happily, turning up the music a bit. The beat of this song was good, as Aria's foot tapped to the music. The car drove off and Aria barely thought about her answer. "Out of the city,” she decided, settling in for the long drive ahead. Turning to Manic, she smiled.
“Thanks for this Manic. It means a lot… This is the nicest birthday I’ve had in a long time.” Her smile was a little sad, but it was covered up quickly.
Scourge agreed and leaned back in his seat inspecting the vans contents. The state of the interior was clean of course but Scourge had a sneaking suspicion that Manic had spent many nights here. He decided not to ask. It was Aria's birthday and he didn’t want to ruin it. "Hey, no problem, you should celebrate!" He was getting into the groove as well while the three turned onto some highway interchange. He wouldn't drive all the way out here without getting good driving music, after all. Dated and explicitly 90s, but still good music. Judging by the ways Manic tapped his feet and fingers to the beat, he must have listened to these songs many times. Manic wasted no time getting into the left lane and speeding up, just barely gracing under the speed limit. There were signs indicating towns that were nearby, and some that seemed much further away. He had no idea what any of these places were, and he wasn't going to find out for many of them. Still, if there was a sign indicating a city that was an hour away, there must have been something there to see. He silently made his choice. "Buckle up, I think we've got a looong ride going." Manic stopped himself short of actually singing along to some of the music. He didn't wanna annoy them, this was Aria's day out! But instead of Aria, his attention kept drifting to Scourge, who seemed to be checking out the back of the van. All that was back there now was his guitar and some miscellaneous garbage. A travel pillow, some old jacket, what looked like spare drumsticks, and some loose litter. It looked like he was thinking something... but kept his trap shut. If he had any questions, he could just ask them. And if he had any sass, he could drive himself back. Aria herself was getting into the groove, happily bouncing a little in her seat. She wasn’t as on beat as Manic was, but then again with all the driving Manic must have done, he knew the songs better. The red hedgie glanced at passing signs, super excited. Her tail wagged and she relaxed in the passengers seat. She barely recognized city names, perking up suddenly as they drove past a richly forested area. "Oh I know which way we’re going! I used to live there!”
She was pointing to a wide expanse of undeveloped land, not a house in sight. Judging by the sign they passed, the land was protected. There’s no way she could have lived there… Could she?
Scourges attention was on Manic, a little concerned. When he happened to catch the others eyes he raised an eyebrow as if to ask if he was okay. Before he could get a visual answer, his attention was drawn to Aria, and he leaned over to peek out the window.
“Oh yeah. Guess you did.” Manic just stared. This wasn't a home, this was... what, a park? A preservation area? Whatever it was was guarded, and Manic was curious about just what laid within. He almost wanted to stop and break in, but those guards either meant they were trying to keep people out, or they were trying to keep something in. And committing a felony and getting hurt wasn't generally a good birthday present. Manic slowed down a bit as they drove past, leaning over to stare out at the empty land. "Are you sure this is the right place? Maybe-" Aria seemed certain, though. He could watch thoughts billow, but couldn't tell what a single one was. There weren't any houses here now... maybe it was demolished? It was hard to believe some natural event could take out that much land. "Woah, dude..." He didn't say much, and didn't say it fluently. He tried to keep her happy by avoiding the obvious questions, and instead going to that same happy smarm. "So do you already know what's down this way, or is it still gonna be a surprise?" Manic focused on Aria for a short while. Scourge had definitely caught him peeking, so he kept turning away and saying nothing. Maybe if he acted natural, Scourge would think it was just a casual glance, nothing more. And he didn't want to stir up any drama on a trip for someone else. "Nah, I have no idea what’s down this way. Because of the rapids I wasn’t allowed to come anywhere near here. We should be coming up on the river soon,” she mused. Sighing dreamily at the forest. “I remember my siblings teaching me to climb trees over here so we could watch the cars.”
“The same siblings that pushed you out of said tree?” Scourge asked, amused.
“Well yeah but I got them all back.. Eventually. If we get back early enough, can we go for a walk?” Aria asked, turning around to ask the two for permission. If Manic wanted in, this was the only way. "Dude, it's your birthday!" Manic reassured here. "We can stop right now and walk around, do whatever you want!" They would need to drive a bit further before they could get on roads that lead to anywhere they could park. Maybe a short drive wasn't exactly a road trip, but they could always drive into the night and see what the city nightlife had to offer. Besides, Manic was curious about what was behind these gates. Telling Manic he couldn't go somewhere was a surefire way to make sure he ended up breaking in anyways. The place they found to finally park was just a patch of dirt with a few tire marks. They were the only people parked there, and by just how few treads there were, it didn't seem like many other people visited, either. He stole a few more looks at Scourge through his peripheral vision, making sure he wasn't up to anything. Thankfully not. He couldn't help but not trust him completely yet. "So, how're we getting in here?" "Really? Thanks so much manic!! Don’t worry about getting in, we just have to walk to the gates.” She got out of the car and Scourge did as well, waiting for Manic to join them. When he did, the trio walked over to the guards. Rather than speak, she rolled up her sleeve to reveal a barcode tattooed on the inside of her forearm. The guards scanned it and let her in with the boys.
Before she pulled her sleeve back down, Manic would see how scarred and red the tattoo was. Like it had been done by someone who was not a professional. Or like Aria had struggled during it.
The forest itself was beautiful, lush and green. Untouched by development.
How did she live here? This was wrong. Manic didn't know what this forest was, but it felt wrong. She needed identification tattooed into her skin to enter. It was heavily gaurded, it was a home, it was many things. Whatever this place really was, though, it definitely wasn't a simple lush forest. Either some thing bad was here or something bad happened here, he just knew it. "I've never seen this place before," Manic said, stating the obvious. He kept staring upwards at the tree canopy. It really was incredible, but Manic just knew he had to be on guard from... from what, exactly? Aria certainly wasn't nervous, so he should be fine with just a stroll. Especially if she calls this place her home. So they just kept walking through the rows of trees and local wildflowers. Manic fell behind, just so he could pull Scourge aside. "You get the feeling this place is... off?" The wind that blew through the trees carried smells of flowers and fruits. Like an orchard was nearby. Aria followed the smell.
Scourge looked at the other, a little sad. "Its not …off.. Just scarred. There was a… A very bad thing that happened here a long time ago… And this is the result of it all. Careful where you tread when we get to the trees that have posters on them.”
Scourge's statement was cryptic at best, and Manic couldn’t have understood until they reached an orchard of trees that were native to the area. It was breathtakingly beautiful, yet that off feeling in Manics gut was even more pronounced.
The portraits of all different people. The trees one of a kind. It felt like a sad place. A holy place….
A graveyard. Manic didn't even bother to step forward when they reached the orchard. He was terrified he'd stumbled on something that he shouldn't have. He couldn't take his eyes off of the posters. They were drawn with simple lines and shading, but were astonishingly lifelike. He could make out all the small bumps and curves of their faces, even from a distance. He didn't even want to keep going into these woods, it felt as though he was disgracing... someone. Disgracing someone by intruding into a history he wasn't a part of. But Aria was already walking forward, clearly not with any of the same complaints Manic had. What happened here, and why did Manic feel like this environment was choking him? Was it just his nerves acting up again? He tried to pull back Scourge, visibly shaken by his surroundings. "I feel like I shouldn't be here, dude." He confessed, letting his eyes dart to the side to look at the posters and ground. "Is she gonna be alright here?" Aria patted some trees gently as she navigated roots that stuck up from the ground. She shared quite a few cultural signifiers with the portraits. The portraits all had paper of varying age up until a certain point. Then all the paper was the same kind, the same age. Rips on the bottom of one portrait could be seen on the top of another one. The ages of the people were getting younger too. People killed in their prime, not of old age.
What had killed so many people? And why was Aria so at home here?
Scourge saw the nervousness in Manic's tone and whistled to Aria. "We forgot something in the car. Go on head we’ll catch up!” He called, and Aria walked deeper into the forest.
He turned back to Manic and placed his hand on his shoulder. “Deep breaths okay? Aria will be fine. If you don’t want to go in you don’t have to. It's overwhelming the first couple of times… ”
Another wind though the trees. Cherry blossoms and lavender smells wafting through the air. The scent was calming and soothing. In, out. He focused on calming down for once, but once a bit of anxiety crept through, he wasn't going to calm down completely. He appreciated that Scourge was trying to help him stay calm, but the fact that a Scourge was this understanding was screwing with Manic even more. Who the hell WAS he? Who the hell was Aria? Where the hell had they stumbled into? He stood up after a moment, having let some of his anxious nerves pass by. "Alright... I'm cool. Are you sure it's alright for me to- Well, she let us in, I guess." He faced the path leading up to the cemetary again. If it wasn't so grim, it would have been a lovely place to visit. But a place that clearly must have held many emotions for her on her birthday? Moreover, her not even being bothere by something so haunting and personal? Manic didn't have even one part of the story, and he wasn't sure if he wanted it. There were many, many thoughts going through Manic's head. But if he wanted answers to most of his questions, he was going to need to ask Aria herself. Scourge could only answer a few of Manic's questions. "Who are you?" It came out of nowhere as they started moving into the forest again. "I mean, I've never met a Scourge like you before. So... who are you?" Scourge was taken aback by Manic's outburst, his sudden spring back from an anxious state.
"Who am I? Well that depends on who’s asking. To Aria I’m a good friend. To my people, I am a king who tries hard for a job he wasn’t trained for. To my enemies, I’m a force to be reckoned with. To myself, I’m a mix of all of those and more…. The reason you haven’t met anyone like me, is because of the way this place sits in the vast expansion of the multiverse. Most Scourges are opposites of Sonics. The evil used to balance out the good. In our case. I’m the good used to balance out the evil. So don’t expect me to follow the patterns you’re used to, because I don’t think I could… As for this place, I understand how you feel about it and I wouldn’t worry. Aria is desensitized in a way, sometimes I catch her forgetting not everyone had the tough life she did. She came out of this tragedy a fighter and she will still be one for as long as she can.”
He started walking down the path. “Don’t be afraid of this place. Their deaths may have been sad, but from what Aria told me, the trees as gravestones are sort of meant to make this area better to be in.”
Aria's head popped around the edge of a tree further down the path. “Everything okay, Manic?” It was a lot to take in at once, and a lot to hear. He had so many more questions he wanted to ask Scourge, but he hadn't asked Aria any of the questions he had about her or this place, either. He couldn't focus without feeling like he was leaving something out. So he stopped focusing on asking questions, and decided to start going with the flow. "Yeah, turns out I had the thing with me all along!" Manic shouted back, putting on a small smile. Just big enough to seem natural to Aria, given how he'd reacted before. "Yeah, we're catching up!" He did exactly as Scourge had asked before, tip-toeing through the grounds carefully. He did his best to match Aria's own footsteps through the dirt. He didn't want to step on anything that wasn't supposed to be stepped on. His attention kept shifting back towards Scourge as he walked, but there was too much to focus on for him to keep staring at one person. The serenity of the area was somehow more uncomfortable than a disturbing, gnarled forest may have been. It was like the whole forest was lying about it's intentions. Aria lead them through a clearing. In the center was a cherry blossom tree wrapped up and intertwined with an oak tree that grew crooked. Surrounding those two was a small semicircle of six other trees. Unevenly spaced, they looked like there was room for two more. The portraits on these trees were different. They looked like a family. A group of siblings and their parents. The parents portraits were the only two he would see facing each other, the look shared between them was one of love and devotion.
Scourge guided Manic away quickly. The other would be overwhelmed by the sight. They kept walking until the posters disappeared and they came upon water. A lake, crystal clear and perfect.
"Ah. Much better! This is my favorite place to go for a walk! Sorry that it's not as exciting as the city” Aria apologized, taking off her heels and walking along the beach. What was being hidden from him? His gaze was averted when they came up on another patch of trees, although he couldn't see any details. Maybe it was another gravesite? Maybe those portraits were meant to be comforting, but they only made each gravestone more personal. Manic might have tried to steal peeks, but He couldn't see anything that seemed too unique about this site from a distance. This couldn't have been TOO bad, right? Still, Scourge's sentiment was nice. "Go wherever you want, dude..." Manic said, still somewhere between awestruck and confused. The lake was so bizarrely... perfect. That's what this forest was, it seemed perfect. The water was so clear, he could see deep into the bottom of the pool at the lowest reaching sands. There weren't waves or large ripples, only light movements from the light breeze. It was gorgeous, in spite of everything. But the sight of the bed going deeper and deeper under the clear water was somehow terrifying. That lavender breeze came back, pushing the water slightly in a different direction. He took a deep breath, trying to keep calm. "It's a gorgeous place," Manic said to no one in particular. Scourge didn't know how manic would react. His first time here, he freaked at the sight of those trees. Scourge didn’t want Manic freaking out about it. Not here.
"Thank you,” Aria smiled at Manic's compliment. Then splashed at Scourge a little bit.
“HEY! ” Scourge whined.
He was let go, and Scourge sat to take his shoes off, joining Aria to walk along the beach. Neither was paying attention to Manic, so if he was really curious, he could go back and check to see what Scourge was hiding. But the spot they were on right now was perfectly beautiful. The sky was just starring to turn purple as the sun set, and the lake reflected it all. Manic needed to know. What was this place all about? Clearly, the intertwined trees and rows of portraits in the small grove were more meaningful, or even important. He was used to taking plenty of things he shouldn't have, and used the first opportunity to steal a chance to run. He ducked into the small area, once more careful to step on the bare ground and nowhere else. At first, he didn't quite seem to understand anything about this patch. It didn't just look like trees were cut or burnt down, it looked as though they weren't ever planted in the first place. Once more, the artistry of the portraits struck him. The refined but loving glare between the couple was subtle, it was intense, it was a complicated set of emotions that carried perfectly through the paper, and all of their presumed children carried some kind of elegant or regal air to them. A proud family. Family? The more he looked, the more it dawned on him just who these pictures were. Was this child someone he... no, she wasn't anyone Manic could have known, but she looked vaguely familiar for some reason. All of them did, in fact. And the more he looked to find an answer, the more he focused on the pencil work. Not that he was an art snob, but he knew this pencil work as Aria's. Had she really been drawing these kinds of portraits for years upon years, cataloging the faces of deceased friends and neighbors for years? He just leaned over, examining the features on a portrait of one of their sons to try and find an answer. Aria had noticed that Manic had left, and walked away from the splash fight to follow him, peeking around a tree.
She was surprised to see him inspecting the work she had done and redone for years. Every other portrait was fine, only done once. Her family had been redone more than three times at least. Even on the portraits, everyone’s looked like they had been redrawn or changed at one point or another.
The emotion here was strong, and the lavender breeze blew again. The first tree on the right was surrounded by a bed of lavenders. That’s where the smell came from. This tree was of a women who could have been Aria, but not quite. An older sister.
“Manic? Everything okay?” Aria stepped out from behind the tree as if she hadn’t been watching. Manic kept staring forward at the portraits. There was no doubt in his mind that these were relatives of Aria. The sound of her walking into a small area like this startled him. He would have hated walking somewhere like this, but Aria had taken this entire trip so blithely. How was she not even a little sad? Manic turned around, not moving his head at first. "Your drawings are incredible," he said. Yeah, Aria's face was too similar to many of these hanging around him for it to be a coincidence. He still wasn't sure what to make of the empty spaces where trees seemed to be missing entirely. As though they had never been planted in the first place. All he could do was smile and carry on. He couldn't smile convincingly. His eyes belied his sadness, his worry. He didn't know what to say about this that wouldn't likely make everything worse. He walked towards Aria while still trying to force a smile out. "I'm really sorry, if I knew what was here, I wouldn't've driven us..." He held his forehead in his hand, taking a deep breath and trying to relax. "I don't think I should've come in, dude." It seemed as though he thought he somehow insulted, or even offended Aria just by being in what was clearly a personal place. “Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you…” She paused as Manic complemented her work, the portraits she had spend hours on to get just right with only a single photo and her blurry memories to go on. “Oh, thanks… That means a lot. I’m still not happy with them. I can’t get the eyes right.”
Her smile dropped as she inspected his face. He was trying to keep it together and under control. She drew closer, concerned for Manic. “No, I’m sorry Manic… I shouldn’t have brought you. I keep forgetting that people aren’t as desensitized to this as I am… We can go if you want, go to the city and see if we can’t find something better to do?” Aria seemed worried about Manic now, and wrapped her arms around herself.
“Guess I ruined the fun tonight, didn’t I? I’m sorry…” "Ah, Aria..." Manic held his arms out and walked forward at the apology. "Dude, you don't need to apologize, Scourge warned me. I mean, Scourge tried to stop me from looking too hard, you didn't do anything. I'm just being a butthead." He said with that joking tone. Manic sighed, and peaked behind himself once more. "I dunno, I guess if you want to see this place again..." He turned around and put on another smile. "It's your birthday, dude. If this place makes you happy, then yeah, you should come here! Celebrate however you want, I'm just trying to make sure you're having a good time. I'll be fine." He didn't know what else to say, so he just offered her a comforting pat on the back. "Come on, don't you have a splash fight to win or something?" “Actually I think we should head to the city and see what the nightlife has to offer. Come on, let’s go find Scourge.”
She lead the other back to the lake, where fireflies were just starting to emerge. Several had landed on Scourge and he was admiring the view of the lake. Aria slowed to match Manic's pace. “I owe you drinks and an explanation, but not tonight.”
Scourge got up and waded back over to them, looking at them both and raising a brow, asking if they were both okay in a nonverbal manner. Aria merely nodded.
“Wanna head back to the highway and go to the city?” Aria asked.
Scourge shrugged. “Whatever the birthday girl and driver say.” "Hell, I wanna head down there, too! Come on, let's go make some mistakes!" Manic put on some excitement to help lighten their moods just a bit. He waved his hand towards Scourge as he waded out of the water, motioning for him to follow the two. Aria lead the way of course, leaving Manic to keep glancing back at all of the strange things they passed. He took one more look over the various portraits in the family graveyard. How could she have been unhappy with those eyes? He took one more look at the many, many hanging pictures in what must have been the community graveyard. Who were these people, their names, their stories? He supposed he might never know. He took one more look at the guards as they exited the gates. Why on earth did she have that tattooed into her arm? Why not a simple ID card? Manic kept his mouth closed and stopped himself from saying any more. Aria was doing better, and he wasn't ruining the mood. When he got into the drivers seat, he reached under his chair and pulled out a book of CDs. There was a surprisingly random mix of genres throughout it - Manic's driving music, clearly. "Come on, it's your birthday, what're you in the mood for?" The car was already pulling out of the spot, restarting the long drive towards whatever that city was. "Trust me, they're all worth a listen." Scourge pulled on his shoes and they all passed through the orchard again. Scourge unable to stop Manic from looking this time. Another lavender wind. Soothing. Gently ruffling the papers and making them wave in the wind. Almost as if they were saying goodbye.
The fireflies danced around them, natures flashlight so they didn’t trip in the dark. They got to the gate and Aria held it open for the boys. One of the guards, the younger one probably, cleared his throat.
“Uh, Miss Aria? The scanner said it was your birthday soon… So happy birthday.” He stuttered a little, nervous. Aria responded with a sweet smile and a pat on his cheek. “Thank you hon. See you next week.”
In the car, she flipped through the CDs. Unable to care about artists or genres, she looked for pretty CD art or anything by Manic himself. “Got any of your stuff in here?” She asked, stopping on a page to inspect art. "This binder's like, all my usual listening music." He looked over with a slightly judging grin. "Don't you think that'd be really pretentious?" He held a stare with her for a moment. "Anyways, yeah, they're all in the first few pages." The three were already speeding down the highway towards whatever this city had to offer. The CD reader took it's time reading through the CD, before starting to churn out some vaguely familiar songs. Don't go flagging down that benz Don't kiss that garnet cartier The version of the song with full instrumentation was very heavy on the piano. In fact, it seemed like the vast majority of the instruments had been cut out entirely, or reduced down into a modified piano backing track for his earlier show. He wasn't getting into it as much, but hell, he'd listened to this song tons of times before. He kept thinking about everything he'd seen, feeling the time virtually slip away through the incandescent streetlight glow and smooth synth grooves. "Knew it.” She giggle as she put in one of his CDs. She bounced around in her seat and hummed along. “I have to say. As much as I like the live version, I like this version better. Piano alone doesn’t get the vibe across.”
The drive ended quite a while later on a bright, bustling city of neon lights and flashing signs. Aria was awestruck by the sights. Scourge was quiet. He’d been here before years ago so he knew the general layout. But hey, if the two in the front wanted adventure he would let them adventure.
“Its beautiful! Look at all these lights!! And all of these people!! I don’t know where to focus on first? Where do you wanna go Manic?” "Oooh crap, this is awesome!" He almost wanted to drive on the highway circling the city just to see how ridiculous the city lights could get, but he was too impatient, and immediately started looking for the nearest exit. "It's like, the tackiest garbage, I LOVE tacky garbage! I've got no idea, let's just see what there is!" As they turned down the ramp, they started to realize just what kind of a city this was. There were casinos and resorts dotting the city, surrounded by all kinds of flashy hotels, grand restaurants, all decorated in groteque, almost baroque over-the-top ornamentation. It was a delightful, thrilling kind of tacky. An off brand Vegas, essentially. But Manic was expecting a normal city with tons of interesting stores and sights, not something this exciting! He was just as taken back by how energized it all seemed. They could stop for a real meal. They could explore the casinos or resorts. They could check out the show venues or even just walk around and see what the most ridiculous thing they could find would be. Manic couldn't decide, and given Aria's reaction to it all, she certainly liked the sights, too. "How about we just park at random, wander at random and see what kinda nonsense we can run into, hm?" Aria drew off of Manics excitement and started wagging her tail super fast. Bouncing around. Super excited. Scourge chuckled at Aria's wiggled of excitement, knowing how much she would love this place.
"That sounds awesome! But can we go get food? I’m starving!” Aria suggested, looking for a restaurant in the bright lights. Scourge leaned forward to suggest a restaurant he’d seen on TV a few days before.
“It's Italian food. So we're looking for an Italian flag or a sign that looks like Italy. They have this lasagna that’s supposed to be heavenly. I know that’s your favorite, kiddo.”
Aria squeaked happily and looked out the window for the restaurant. Oh, it certainly had an Italian flag. In the prevailing local style of throwing everything all together at once as much as possible, they soon came across a restaurant whose exterior was aggresively italian. From down the street, they could already see the massive green, white and red stripes up the building. That was to say nothing of the massive statue of the Leaning Tower protruding from the exterior, or the giant central window mimicking the Milan cathedral. For some reason, they put this exterior on a building with what was clearly strangely elegant and comfortable decorations. A normal day in whatever the hell this place was called. "I'm like, ten percent sure we've found it." Manic said, pulling around to look for some parking space. It seemed that the night life in this place was stunningly busy, but they still managed to find a parking space that wasn't ten miles from their destination. It was out of the way of the casinos, after all. The CD abruptly cut off in the middle of yet another song that had been drilled into Manic's memory, and the three hopped out of the car.  "You go on ahead, I'm just gonna check something quickly." He waiter for Aria to disappear behind the corner, before leaning against the car and letting out a long sigh. "Alright, that happened, it's over. Don't let it get to you." He pinched his forehead for a moment, and then stood up tall. "You'll be fine, Manic. "Only ten?” Aria snorted a little, staring at the classy building that had been redecorated, and made just as tacky as the rest of the city. Her stomach made a bit of a growling noise. Aria put her heels back on in the car, then hopped out of the van. When Manic told her to go on ahead, she did so. A little concerned albeit, but if Manic needed something he would ask. She walked into the restaurant, asking for a table for three. She was seated in a booth by the front window so she could see when the boys were coming.
Scourge wasn’t as eager to eat and placed a hand on Manic's shoulder. “Hey, you alright man? You need to sit down or something?”
He understood what the other was feeling. Overwhelmed. Confused. If Manic wanted to say something, Scourge was the best person to say it to.
Well. In theory. "You said you didn't really handle Aria's home that well the first time you visited, right?" He let out a chuckle. "I guess I'm just not over that stuff." Just from the way Manic stared at the ground, it was clear he didn't know if he wanted to say something or not. But Scourge was patient. "Hey... I don't want this to make things awkward, right?" He said more quietly this time around. "I've just known a bunch of Scourges before. Most of them were just assholes, but some of them were really- just the worst people. More than some Finitevuses. And some were just-" He paused again, trying to think of a way to say it that wouldn't have been too terrible. "Some of the best guys I've ever known. Scourges are all... there are a lot of emotions there, you know? All of the emotions, actually." He more joked out of instinct than a need to be humored. "I'm just not used to it yet, dude. If I ever do anything stupid, just..." He chuckled again. "I don't care, punch me or something." For 'just checking something,' he was spending a lot of time outside. "Come on, I ain't leaving Ari hanging." "Yeah. Dealing with that place is hard. And Aria showing you was definitely a sign of trust. If you need a few minutes to process without me here I can go.” He motioned in the direction Aria walked off in, then stopped.
“Manic. This is the second or third time you’ve told me this. And this is the second or third time that I’m telling you, its fine. I’m not gonna hit you. You’ve been nothing but kind and I know that if you do say something mean spirited, that you’ll recognize and apologize. So please stop. It’s not needed.”
Scourge looked back towards the restaurant that Aria had gone into.
“$5 says she’s already eating the bread." It did mean a lot to him that Aria trusted him enough to show him somewhere that personal to him. And it did mean a lot that Scourge was putting so much trust into Manic. There was a swell of emotions, and many, many thanks in order. He needed to think hard to find the best way to say thank you. "Five bucks says she's not eating the next basket." And then he stopped searching. Yeah, Scourge already made himself clear, Manic knew he was going to be fine. Maybe it hadn't sunk in entirely that, but he knew that logically. As long as he forced himself to have a good time, the fact would sink in eventually. It didn't come through to him in words, just in loose thoughts, but he knew exactly what he was doing. He started back towards the building. Most of his strong emotions were simply replace by other strong emotions. Relief, primarily. But for now, he had a day to enjoy. And judging by what he saw through the window, Scourge was about to have five more dollars to enjoy. Aria was a bit of a stress eater. When Manic and Scourge stayed behind she felt this ugly feeling in her gut. A little bit of a bubbly, burning sensation that announced the start of what she knew as anxiety. The bread she had been given served dual purpose as a distraction and to calm her biology. She had learned years ago that ones flight or fight response could be overridden with food. Ingesting food tricks the body into thinking one is safe and calms anxiety.
The feeling slowly went away as she caught sight of the boys walking towards the restaurant. When they came in, she wouldn’t notice the exchange of money under the table or Scourge's smirk as he pocketed the five.
"The bread good?” He teased her, grabbing a piece from the basket. She merely stuck her tongue out at him.
“Everything okay Manic?” Manic smiled at her. "Yeah, I'm doing fine." Not entirely a lie. Given the outside of the building, the inside was unfittingly comfortable. Good design, good atmosphere, it seemed like the outside was just some attempt at making it a tourist trap. They meshed terribly together, but they weren't here to judge the design. They were here to choose what to eat, and the menu made that a serious task. Every of the extensive menu items was given a flowery description and some kind of a professional photo that made them look absolutely divine. It was more than enough to keep Manic's mind off of his still settling emotions. "The hell is this menu, War and Peace or something?" He kept flipping back and forth, looking through the excessive number of pages. "Ah man... I think I'm definitely going with these little ravioli boys, but dang, this was a good choice." Maybe he was going to be somewhat uncomfortable, but he definitely wasn't going to be miserable here, especially with friends to put up with his stupid jokes. The menu made everything look appetizing. Aria had picked the lasagna already, and Scourge was settling on the three cheese Alfredo.
"The outside and the inside do not match,” Scourge mused, saying what Manic was thinking. The inside was made to feel like home because that’s what was being served. Food that made people feel at home.
Aria shrugged a little. “I dunno. I kinda like it.” She had her sketch book out and was drawing the city from their window view. Settled into comfortable silence. Manic couldn't see the invisible shapes and guides Aria already had laid out in her head. To his eyes, she somehow had the shapes of the city already down on paper somehow, and was carefully tracing over every line with detail. He didn't want to stare, but he couldn't help for just a minute. Watching what looked like vague squares and nondescript lines take on new forms in a moment was more than fascinating. If her earlier portraits didn't already say how good of an artist she was, this certainly gave it away. But he realized she might not have enjoyed having her art watched from a distance, so he turned back towards Scourge, giving Aria a clear view of the street behind him. "Hey, I love that kind of nonsense out there, but I don't want to eat my food on a chair-shaped mishmash of Italian stereotypes. I'm glad the stupid stuff's staying out there." It wasn't a great conversation starter, but it was quiet enough that it shouldn't have distracted Aria from her work. Besides, Scourge was cool, and he wasn't going to get comfortable if he didn't bite the bullet and talk to him. Aria didn’t mind someone watching her draw, her mind engrossed in the action of the art and the street itself. The people were drawn in a different way than Manic would be used to seeing, instead of details they were quick gestural figures.
Scourge nodded. "Yeah. The stereotypes are kinda offensive. But this place is run by Italian people so I guess that’s why it's not in here at all. Anyways, the food here is supposed to be worth being blinded by the signs for.” "Hey, the tacky stuff's the memorable part, at least. Now you get your horrible 90s and 80s tacky stuff, THAT'S the good stuff." Manic and Scourge would shoot back and forth with these comments, discussing tacky design and the various kinds of nonsense of the area as they placed their orders and continued emptying basket after basket of bread with Aria's willing help. But he was starting to get calmer as the night went on. Was it the good company or just the light drinking? Maybe a little of both. Either way, Manic was feeling better. And as time passed and their orders were started, Manic started watching Aria draw more and more. He didn't know much about art, but he knew this was good art. The figures were oddly simplified in a good way. He thought that maybe she specialized in landscapes, but her portraiture was clearly great, and the light sketches he could see through the paper of himself and Detour performing showed she had a good grasp on bodies, too. "How long have you been drawing?" Manic felt like he had to ask. She seemed to have a great grasp on many different areas. Even if he wasn't watching her drawing process live, he would have still appreciated it. Scourge laughed at one of Manics jokes, sipping at his wine. The other male was fun to be around. Still a little stressed maybe, but fun. The night was a good one this far. And the company was lovely.
Aria's ears perked and she looked up at Manic. Then her nose scrunched up as she thought. "Well I don’t know. I’ve been drawing since I was a baby. We used to have one designated person who would draw all of those portraits on the trees. Like a job. My grandfather was best friends with the man who did them, and when my parents would leave me and my siblings with our grandfather, he would leave me with him and I would sit on his lap and watch as a little baby. When I got older I would hand him art supplies and he would teach me basics. He taught me basic sketching, painting, everything really. Then I didn’t do much because I was out on the streets and didn’t have a place or money to keep supplies. When I got older and got a steady income the first thing I treated myself to was art supplies. And I haven’t stopped since.” Manic listened intently, darting his eyes down to watch her continue drawing from time to time. The implications of the story were quite depressing, but she presented it all so romantically. The same way she treated her little home. It felt as though she was using the terror to build fond memories. An odd, odd concept. "Hey, me and drumming?" He spoke as she finished her story. "It's the exact same kinda love story." Even with only a vague idea of Aria's history, he knew that if he was in some kind of similar situation, he wouldn't have been able to continue drawing, or drumming, or whatever his hobby would have been. But here she was, enjoying her time spent with her art. It was pleasant, even if he couldn't help but feel just a little jealous. Of her reclamation of her emotions, her raw talent- Okay, he was very jealous. But he was used to it by now. And at least this particular jealousy came with a nice night out with friends and a good meal. She smiled at the thought of tiny Manic smashing away on a tiny drum kit. It made her smile. "So who taught you how to drum then? I imagine you as that kid who would steal pots and pans and pretend to play on them.”
Scourge stayed quiet. He didn’t have an interest like the other two did. Didn’t have the support system. Aria was not the only sad story at the table, but he kept quiet.
They could compare battle scars another day. Their food was ready. "Who taught me how to drum? I taught me how to drum," Manic said with just a bit too much pride. "Trust me, I just had drum sticks with me all the time. Pots and pans? Drums. Buckets? Drums. That smashed up old car outside no one ever towed or took back or anything? You'd better believe that crap was ten kinds of drums." He looked down at the table, with another large grin. "I was the worst kind of kid." Scourge didn't seem to be talking much on the topic. Maybe he just had some kind of weird hobby he didn't like talking about. Manic was about to pry into an open wound... And then immediately forgot everything. "Oooooh dang nuggets!" Manic was immediately distracted by the arrival of their food. The menu photos didn't do them justice. Fresh, warm and clearly plated with plenty of care. Every piece of food was clearly prepared with a lot of love and care, and cooked with just as much. This wasn't the kind of food that reminded people of home, this was the food that reminded them of old childhood memories where everything was fun and exciting, and every little detail of life was perfect and beautiful in it's own way. As though someone had reached into those memories and pulled them out. It was almost a shame to start eating and ruin the plating. Almost. Aria put her sketchbook away and perked up, trying not to drool at the sight of dinner. A perfectly plated, hearty lasagna. Scourge's Alfredo was just as tasty looking, rich and creamy with mushrooms on top.
"Bon appetite!” The girl said and started cutting up the lasagna. Scourge snapped a picture of Aria eating and the two had a small play fight over the phone and deleting the image. He held it put of her reach and mused.
“Hey Manic who should we send this photo to?” He teased her. In moments like these, he forgot his loneliness. "Hmmm?" Manic had gotten lost in the dish. Every part of the cheese, sauce and sweet pasta exterior meshed together perfectly. Each texture complimented the last perfectly, overtones and subtle spicing playing off of one another perfectly. It was perfectly cooked, perfectly prepared, a simple experience. Manic hardly realized just how much of it he had eaten already. He would have continued eating like this, if there wasn't an opportunity to mess with someone. "What, you sending that to a food blogger now or summat?" Manic asked, looked up at Scourge with his usual sass. "Don't you send that to me, I don't wanna look at this kind of awesome food when I'm cooking dollar store raviolis in an empty soup can!" Although he kind of did want the photo. He knew he was going to remember a day like this for a while, but a few mementos were always nice. Even if he did have to see them while cooking in a soup can. "Scourrrrgggeee!” Aria whined, having been disturbed from her pasta induced food coma by the green hedgehogs. She pouted, crossed her arms and glared holes into Scourge's head. The older male only laughed.
Manic would feel a whoosh of air next to his leg, and Scourge dropped his phone to grab at his shin, trying not to curse in the family friendly restaurant. Aria stuck her tongue out and grabbed his phone off the floor, happily deleting the picture and returning to her lasagna quietly. Looking up at Manic.
“Why do you cook in an empty soup can? Do you not have a pot?” She seemed concerned as she ate her pasta and hid Scourge's phone in her shirt so the other wouldn’t grab it and take any other pictures.
Scourge stopped as well. “Well then you’re definitely coming over for dinner at the castle next time you’re in town.” "Really, dude? That'd be ace." Manic was more than fine with the idea, as long as he didn't need to be too formal for a royal visit. "Nah, I can but cooking stuff, but like, I cook so little it ain't worth it. Besides, it's like, a really big soup can. It's more like a really big bowl. I think-" He stopped himself. "I think it might just be a paint can." Manic didn't speak too much. He definitely wanted to keep eating his heavenly meal, and he didn't want to gnash it all with his mouth open after knowing people for barely a month. Month and a half? Probably, but he wasn't there yet. "Oh my god, this place is incredible." He regularly took sips of wine, probably just a bit more than the driver should have. "Ah man, that's good. I wouldn't expect this from how this whole place... you know, looks, but damn, this was a good choice." He was grinning ear to ear, silently happy Aria's sketchbook had been pushed far away from the table. He didn't have to worry about ruining her sketches in a delicious manner. Sketches! That was it, he hadn't gotten to ask his question. "Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, dude!" He turned back to face Scourge mid bite. "Yeah, I mean, I'm a music bloke, she's a drawing type, are we all artsy types here? You got anything of the sort?" He gleamed at him as he ate, impatient and excited for an answer. Aria was appalled when she found that he was cooking in a paint can. "Manic that’s super dangerous!! The toxic chemicals in the paint could kill you! Until you get a better pot you can just take one from my place.”
They all savored their food, Scourge unusually silent during his meal. That usually meet he liked it a lot. “I agree. This place was just as good as they said. Definitely going to come here again. Next time though, Imma go easier on the bread…” Still he finished his dinner and used some bread to clean his dish of the extra sauce.
Aria tensed as Manic asked about Scourge's hobbies, wondering if that would prompt a bad reaction from her friend. Scourge stiffened as well, but tried to hide it behind a relaxed façade. “No. I don’t usually have time for hobbies.”
Short. To the point. Manic probably hit a sore spot. He should drip the topic and move on to something else. Oops. "Alright, fair enough. Gotta do what you've gotta do," Manic added. He could see some of the tenseness, but wasn't about to push him too far. Scourge was gonna be patient with him, Manic had to be patient with him. So he just played along and acted as though he hadn't seen some of those sudden nerves. He thought he might as well finally address that point Aria brought up and shove that aside. "And yeah, I'll get something that isn't a paint can, but I ain't taking some kinda pots from you, I ain't a charity case over here! I can afford this kinda meal, I ain't broke!" Well, usually not, but that was beyond the point. He wished he could keep eating, but any more and he was likely to hurl. "Speaking of, where's our waiter? We've got a whole city worth of weird nonsense to discover!" Payment might have been a little more than Manic would have liked, but he could definitely afford it. Hell, that show went spectacularly, he knew tonight was gonna be on him. "I don't wanna mooove," he moaned as he stood up, forcing himself to not fall asleep in an explosion of italian stereotypes. The short walk back outside hit them all in the face with exactly how ridiculous the streets looked again. To their left, a mass of performance halls for magicians, musician, all covered in a small island nation's worth of light bulbs. In front of them, streets leading to flashy shows with clothes, jewelry, all kinds of luxury goods. And to their right, the mass of glass and neon lights that loosely formed into some kind of post-modernist casino. "So," Manic mused, "what kinda nonsense are we getting up to?" He wasn't just curious to sees what Aria wanted to do, he also wanted a moment to step away from her and wonder just what was going on with Scourge. There was a squabble for payment between the two green males, the green king offering to cut the bill. He relented, by making both of them promise that the rest of the nights purchases were on him. Aria agreed quietly, and only because she knew her measly pay couldn’t cover anything the city had to offer.
"It's not charity. You’ll give it back when you have the money and time”, she insisted, walking out of the restaurant. Staring in awe at the glittering lights again. Just admiring. Scourge joined her, leaning against the building and taking all the glamour in. Manic had hit a bit of a sore spot. He needed to readjust his personality.
Aria's ears perked as she looked towards the casino, tilting her head. “How about we hit the casino first, rake in some cash, then go to the shops, then the music hall? Sound good?”
Scourge nodded and glanced down at the takeout container that aria had. That also upset him, as did her talks about money. Aria had, in the past, eaten in portions like this to prolong food when they were younger and she was short on cash. He had a feeling she wasn’t being honest with him…
“Manic. Can you unlock the van so Aria can put her leftovers away and I can grab something I dropped in there?” He borrowed one of Manic's excuses. Aria noticed and stated quiet. Chances are scourge was going to be talking money and didn’t want to embarrass her in front of Manic with how little she actually had. "Yeah, dude, take your time." Manic pulled his car key out of his pocket and chucked it over to the two of them. "I've gotta call someone up, anyways." He watched them go towards the van for a moment, before taking a break and walking in the other direction. Just a few steps, just far enough to lean against the side of the building without leaning on the window. How long were they going to be searching for whatever Scourge dropped? Hopefully long enough so he could finish talking to him. He went straight to speed dial, and waited as the phone rang again and again... "Yo, Sonic." Manic said, quieter than usual. "Yeah, we just headed out for dinner, we're doing good. ... Dude, I'm not a kid anymore, I'm- No, I can take care of myself. You're lucky I'm putting up with this, don't press your luck." There was a wait as he listened to Sonic speak. "Yeah, they're both fine! They're good people, Sonic, you can cut it! You've already told me- Yes, nerves in spines and that garbage, but- No, YOU listen, you aren't alone with that! You don't know what-" He sighed excessively loudly, making sure every bit of air was plainly audible. "Alright, you can choke. Piss off." He didn't just stop at ending the call, but turned off his phone completely, leaning against the building and breathing deeply to keep himself calm. Aria and scourge walked to the van, aria placing her leftovers inside. Scourge grabbed the door, blocking her path. "Talk to me. You’re not eating. Why?”
She pushed her hair out of her face, unamused with her friend. “Too much bread.”
“Don’t lie to me. I’ve seen you portion like this before. When you were homeless and broke. You aren’t getting paid, are you?” He challenged again, knowing Aria couldn’t resist correcting a mistake in his story. She did not correct him, merely glared.
“You’ve been working your ass off. Why aren’t you getting paid? Is the bat harassing you again? Do I need to file a complaint?” Scourge was getting angry and Aria pushed him back, walking around the car to go back to Manic. Scourge stopped her with a hand on her wrist.
“If I find out you’re hiding something because you didn’t want to worry me, you are gonna be in so much trouble.”
Aria was furious, drawing herself up to her full, still short, height. “You are NOT the boss of me,” she declared, and stormed off back to Manic. Manic had since bottled up his emotions, mucking around with some random game on his phone when he finally saw Aria returning from the car. He definitely had enough time to talk, so he wasn't going to ask what made them wait. All he knew was that Aria was definitely making some kind of pout from a distance. "Hey toffee, why the grumpy face?" He said, giving her a confusing sentence and a joking ruffle of her hair to try and get a smile out of her. "Are you sad you aren't gonna get five more baskets of bread?" In usual Manic fashion, sticking his tongue out as he toyed with Aria while Scourge trailed behind. "Come on, let's go see how ridiculous this place gets!" Manic was happy to let Aria take the lead on the short walk over to the casino area. Of course, there were a lot of emotions being pushed aside for the time being. Aria's money, Manic's conversation, and Scourge's mess of burdens, but they all pushed through their real feelings for no real good reason. Some better than others. "Not a fan of casinos?" Manic said, turning to Scourge while Aria charged ahead. "Yeah, they're kinda skeevy, ain't they?"
Aria's pout disappeared when she got close enough to Manic, giggling and purring as he messed up her hair. "Yeah just upset that I couldn’t finish that meal, it was so good! But I wouldn’t say toffee, maybe more red licorice,” she joked back, inspecting the red hue of her hair.
Aria jogged up ahead to inspect the entrance. The lights were blinding but beautiful. She felt like a little kid in a candy store. She also stuck relatively close to the boys. Just as protection.
Scourge shrugged at Manic's question. “I don’t gamble. Only been inside one once and that was years ago for a diplomatic meeting when I was far too young to gamble.”
Aria fell into step with them and nodded. “Yeah, I don’t know much about anything like this… Never had the opportunities.” "Alright, so y'all already know that you're gonna be at disadvantages, right?" Manic said. "House always wins, and all that crap. All you've gotta know is, don't push your luck. Quit when you're ahead. Like, you guys hit fifty bucks or something, that's it, don't go any further. We're just here to have fun, y'know?" It was pretty much all common sense, but Manic had to learn these things thought a complete lack of common sense, so he felt like he had to tell them, just to be safe. There was no mistaking that this was a casino lobby. The over-the-top marble and glass, the bright lights and classy patterns used in tacky, delightful ways, it was all there. Not to mention the blasts of sound from the various casino halls and a ridiculous resort area. Bells and chimes and all kinds of exciting sounds to make it sound like everyone was making money in some capacity. It was an instantly thrilling atmosphere, promising that someday, this could all be yours with just a few lucky pulls of a lever and a few hands of cards. Manic had been to plenty of casinos, but usually not to gamble. It was an atmosphere he'd come to love, in spite of all of the underlying tragedy that was doubtlessly present. "I was just gonna hit up some slots and maybe stop at the bar a bit. You guys wanna come along, or you wanna find your own adventures?" "I think I’ll stick with you. I feel like an open target.” Aria said, staying close to Manic. She stared in awe at the glamour of the marble and gold, in awe of the beautiful architecture. The card tables they passed on their way to the slots were full of people and Arias eyes lit up. She had found the perfect drawing place. Thankfully the open bar tables were in perfect view of the card games.
“Actually.. Imma stay here. It's a great view!” She sat at a table by herself and started drawing. Rough sketches and such, to be used as inspiration for a painting. In her element. They left her as she ordered a water from a passing waitress and made small talk.
Scourge merely came along with Manic, watching the green one sit at a machine and leaning on the chair slightly. “So how do you play? Coin in slot and pull the lever?” "Yep, it ain't exactly a nuclear reactor over here." Manic shrugged, reaching into his wallet. "You kinda gotta choose lines to change your bet and all that, but that's pretty much what it comes down to." It looked like he had a lot of small bills ready. Actually, a LOT of small bills. He didn't stop at an ATM... not that Scourge knew of. Maybe he went when him and Aria were at the car. The machine quickly processed the bill, lighting up the vast number of lights decorating the machine even brighter than their neighboring companions. With a few presses of a button on the bottom of the machine, rows lit up between the slots. Manic happily wrapped his fingers around the head of the lever, giving it a swift pull and sending the wheels spinning. The various technicolor pictures soon stopped in a row, leading to what appeared to be some kind of a win, even if it was just enough to break even with the cost of a spin. "Ah, come on, don't give me that crap, machine!" Manic said in jest, giving it another spin. "So I'm guessing she's always looking for things to draw?" He asked as the wheels stopped again, appearing to break even again. Manic pressed the button to light up more of the rows and columns. "Trust me, I tried for a bit... there's a reason I don't any more." He said with a stupid grin. "Man, that kind of talent's... anyone can appreciate that." Scourge had seen the tip jar at the gig Manic had played, and didn’t question the small bills. He watched the spinning lights with hidden enthusiasm. "It does seem rather simple. I can see why people come here… Did you know that casinos are designed with no clocks and no windows to trick you into staying longer? Always thought it was fascinating…”
He raised a brow at the second win but said nothing, lest he break a streak. At Manic's question, he turned to look at Aria. Odd, she was still talking to the waitress. Laughing. She had actually put her pencil down.
“Weird… You’re right, she’s always one to draw what she can.. She sees the world through an artists vision. Occasionally that’s a bad thing, she’s a little naive. But she’s never not looked at the world like that. I think it’s a coping habit… But she doesn’t usually talk to people while she’s working unless she likes them…”
The waitress left and came back with a purse and a jacket on, sitting at the table and looking as Aria drew. The hedgie's view had switched from the tables to the girl beside her.
“…or they’re flirting with her and she just thinks they're being friendly.” Manic really wasn't winning much, but he wasn't losing much, either. Maybe he was hoping for a little thrill, but with one friend taking a break to sketch and another just watching how slow machines worked, it didn't really have the same kind of thrill. It was one thing to be with someone reveling int he same kind of excitement, but alone? It didn't carry too much of a thrill. He wouldn't let it, either. He had enough issues without bringing gambling into it. "I guess it does make sense. She's always drawn, she's always had an interest in drawing. It just makes sense you're going to look at things in an artsy way, like when the making gives you a bell at the WRONG TIME." He feigned annoyance, it was just some stupid fun. "Seriously, though, I get it. When everything's gone to crap, sometimes you've just gotta polish a turd and call it pretty enough. Besides, she's pretty clearly-" Manic pretended to stumble in his seat and push the lever, instead of just stopping his sentence. It have him time to think of a better retort than his obvious response. "She's clearly kind of working in a crappy place, you know? Gotta take what you can." The wheels stopped again, blinging and making all kinds of flash sounds at a small win. "You- That was kind of a stupid cover, wasn't it?" They both knew what he was originally going to talk about. "Yeah, that's... I dunno what all that meant, but I know she's seen a ton. You kind of have to take what you can, you know? People deal with trauma in all kinds of bad ways, but she's taking it... really well, I guess." He looked away from the machine, things having gotten heavier than he expected. "I'm almost jealous of how... healthily she seems to be taking it all." "That was an awful cover. But you’re right, on both counts. She’s had a lot to deal with in the past, and she’s stuck in a shitty place now… And what’s she’s doing isn’t healthy. She’s bottling it up as best she can because she doesn’t like people knowing her business. Her anxiety is bad. So are her nightmares. She refuses to take help or see a therapist. All in all, she holds up well from a distance, which is the line you crossed about three hours ago. Once you start looking closer you start to see all the toll her trauma has taken. And let’s just say that the events you think you know were far worse than you can imagine… I for sure can’t, and I know the whole story.”
He watched Aria check her phone and excuse herself from the pretty girl to take a call. From someone who she was speaking to in a language that Manic wouldn’t recognize. The conversation grew heated, and Aria held the phone away from her ear as if she was being yelled at.
Scourge growled. Deep, throaty, and protective. Stopping once he realized he was doing it. “Sorry. Just.. That’s her brother, the only sibling left alive. He’s a bastard. Wanted nothing to do with her from the age of zero to about 18. When he didn’t have to legally support her anymore. If he wasn’t half a world away I’d beat him senseless.” Hearing this much about Aria all at once wasn't what Manic expected, and it certainly what he wanted to hear. But he listened. He listened to each word intently, playing less attention to the machine he was playing and barely pulling half as much. He knew things were going to get real if they kept talking about her, he didn't expect them to get half as real as they did. But he listened anyways, wondering what he could say to stop there from being some kind of an uncomfortable silence. Although he didn't want to share his own stories, so he said nothing. The call from Aria's brother wasn't what he expected, but it gave him a chance. "I mean, I don't know what that'd be like, but trust me - I know shitty brothers." He let out a laugh, and help up one hand as he spoke making simple gestures. "Now my sister? She's a snob, but the GOOD kinda snob. She's the kind of snob that donates to charity and gives thoughtful cards and good hugs. She's ace. But him?" Manic let out a laugh more for effect than any kind of humor. "He didn't like this one guy I used to date, and now he acts like the gatekeeper to my genitals or summat. Anyone sneezes near me, he needs their name and occupation and favorite shade of brown." He exhaled. "Which kinda sucks, because he's actually really talented? Yeah, like, he's a really good athlete and- well, just a great athlete, I guess." He stopped short of actually saying 'agent.' "But like, REALLY great. Shame he ain't half as talented with shutting his mouth." Manic gave Scourge one more sassy glance. "You think I could get a recording of that growl?" Manic joked. "I need a ringtone for him." Scourge laughed a bit nodding. "Sure thing. Hell, I’ll even go out of my way to freak him out of you want. I enjoy messing with people and being petty when they deserve it… But your sister sounds nice at least, and it sounds like she’d be the type to not care about who you were with so long as you were happy. But my advice is to not bring your brother around here. Alternates of the Blue Blur aren’t usually welcomed in this zone.”
He watched the wheels spinning, eyes flicking up to look at Aria every so often. When she hung up, he made a move to go check on her, but stopped.
“I’ll ask her if she’s okay later. She’s kind of mad at me right now anyways… Besides, I think the short stack finally got the hint.” He gestured to Aria's table, drawing Manic's attention to the now very blushy hedgehog and the very flirty squirrel she was talking to. He had to stop with his little games to turn around and watch her try and figure out a way to squirm out of the situation. "Ooooh my wow, I wanna get a picture of this, but she'd probably steal my phone, too." He couldn't help but keep peaking over his shoulders while still continuing to pull the lever, waiting for a chance. "Oh my god, ain't that the worst? I remember when I was- Aaah, you get the story already, I've been there." He glared at Scourge. "Besides, it's always fun to see just how flirty you can get before someone realizes it." "And trust me, no one can keep Sonic in line, messing with him'd be bad news." Manic said, just a bit surprised he knew his brother's name. "He hates Scourges. He sees you helping me, he's gonna try and fuck you up. And he don't give up easy." He looked back to the machine, some frustration getting through his acting. "Hm... Usually, I just jump out when I've got some kinda profit..." He'd won about fifty dollars at this point, more than he'd honestly expected. "Cause once you've started winning, you wanna stop. But I guess if tonight's all about making dumb choices..." He quickly rammed some of the buttons, until the bet was up to all fifty dollars. He leaned away from Scourge, motioning towards the lever. "Wanna give it a pull?" Aria seemed to be flushed but enjoying herself, laughing and giggling at the others jokes. Something was written in her sketchbook and she received a kiss on the cheek before the other left. Aria just watched her go, flustered and a little shocked. She eventually returned to drawing
"I was never that kind of a guy. My wif- … My version of Fiona wore the flirty pants in our relationship. I was so smitten it didn’t matter though. Either way, I think that may have been Aria's first serious flirt.”
Did he almost say wife? They got MARRIED? Suddenly Scourge's story got a lot more complicated than expected. His ears dropped a little. “Your brother will be putting himself in danger if he comes here. Everything is backwards from what you know."
He shook his head no when Manic offered the pull. "Nah, its your money” Manic wasn't surprised to hear that Fiona was his wife. Even through the many layers of terrible people Scourges were, they almost always had a Fiona by their side. And he wasn't surprised to hear the word 'was.' All the remaining Scourges had gone through horrible breakups somehow and sometimes one of them disappearing entirely. He wasn't even too surprised to hear that Aria had hit on Scourge, Manic certainly couldn't judge. What surprised him was just how hesitant he was about it. But heavy questions got heavy answers, and tonight was supposed to be fun and happy, even if conversation after conversation brought troubling questions for Manic. "You sure?" Manic said, moving back towards the machine. "Alright, if you say so." He didn't actually pull the lever, instead changing his bet to something lighter before making a few final spins. "You've been kind of edgy all night, dude." Manic said. "You doing good? You wanna talk about something that's, like... not deeply personal and terrifying?" He didn't use his normal over-the-top sassy grin, but the smirk was still there. "Unfortunately not. Seems like most of the conversations tonight have been deeply personal. Either way, at least the food and company are good. Speaking of company..”
Aria walked over to the boys, having collected her things. Still a blushing mess and hiding her face behind her hair.
“Heya munchkin. How's it going?” He feigned innocence, as if the boys hadn’t been watching her little romantic interaction.
“That was, I think, the first time I have ever flirted with someone. How do you two do it without getting all red?? Did I do something wrong?” She covered her face, which was almost as red as her hair. Scourge merely chuckled and patted her head.
“If ya made her laugh and you got her number, you did just fine. And looking like a tomato is part of the process. You get all your stuff off the table?”
Aria nodded quietly, still very embarrassed. Watching the wheels on the machine turn. The lights lit up and bells rung from a win on Manic's machine and she jumped a little, not expecting it. "Okay, alright, I think I've pushed my luck faaar enough!" Manic said, looking away from the machine victorious. "Like, I wasn't expecting to even get this far, let's get this baby cashed before I get even greedier." He pounded a button on the console, printing a small ticket from the top. Manic usually stopped at winning less, or if he was on a definite losing streak. But Scourge's company had made him want to draw it out a bit more. Eighty bucks wasn't too much, but given he was playing small bills machines, he was more than lucky to have his victory. "So what, are you just gonna leave us hanging?" Manic said, prying his nose into yet another life he shouldn't have been privy to. "So what's her name? What's she like?" He leaned over on the console, his elbow pressed against the buttons making the machine command him to put in payment first. "We ain't gonna tell anyone, I'm just being a snoop." Satisfied with his smarmy little nothing, he stood up. "Let's go and get this cashed. And while we're going over there... How'd your sketch turn out?" Aria blushed heavily, squeaking as they walked over to the place to cash up Manic's winning ticket. She tugged on her ears nervously.
"Terra. She’s really nice and super kind… She doesn’t work here normally, she’s covering for a friend.” She blushed heavily and squeaked more. Looked like she’s gonna be blushy all night.
“The sketch turned out okay. I’m gonna make a painting out of it.” She insisted, watching Manic get paid for his ticket. “Where now?”
Scourge motioned to the exit. “Why don’t we go see the shops then? Maybe you can buy something for your girlfriend?” He teased Aria, ruffling her hair. "Come on, if you're gonna have an ambiguous girlfriend, you need to be ambiguously generous! You said you wanted to go there after, right?" Manic said. He was almost sad to leave the dread-tinged casino atmosphere, but he was used to the crappy downtown casinos that were simple organized crime fronts. Aria did not know she was being flirted with. It was probably best to get her out of there. "Hold on a sec," Manic said as he let the two take the lead on the short walk. He turned his phone back on. Three missed calls from Sonic and a few robocalls. Pretty much what he expected. "Voila! More nonsense!" Manic announced, but he reveled in nonsense. Many of the stores were large but mostly empty designer labels, supposed to give off the illusion of glamour the city promised. Of course, there were many other overpriced stores hoping to cash in on rich tourists and the occasional lucky gambler. Strangely many nice stores. Jewelry shops, art galleries, even a rare books store. There were much mroe affordable stores further away, but it was no coincidence all of the high-end shops were close to the casino. "Dang," Manic said, looking at his grand prize of about eighty bucks. "I could buy, like, half of a shoe here." Aria's blush only worsened from that comment. Once they got the full effect of the shopping district, Aria's eyes lit up, so many of her favorite things in one place! Books, art, and even a live band! She was just so excited she barely noticed Manic step away.
Scourge did and raised and eyebrow at the cell. Since Aria was distracted he turned to Manic quietly. "Being harassed by the cockblock king?” He joked. Turning back to look at Aria, he realized she had walked away.
“Shit… Where did she go?” He looked around from the smaller red headed female, catching her walking into a book store. “Guess she's decided where she wants to go. You coming or do you need a minute?”
Aria meanwhile, had walked in and was talking to the owner about rare books, specifically old, handwritten ones in dead languages. "Eh, he's not being pissy anymore." Manic shoved his phone back into his pocket. "Yeah, I'm coming." It wasn't a large store, but it made good use of the space it had. A nice healthy number of shelves, some nearer the back locked being glass screens. It was all warm woods and elegant whites in the standard modern geometric design of the area meant to invoke luxury. It was clear that everything in this store was meant to be handled gently, and with Manic's penchant for ruining things in these kinds of places, he wasn't about to go touching anything. He still gave in to his curiosity by taking his time glancing over the names of the various books. Embossed and engraved in elegant scripts on many types of binding material. Manic didn't bother looking at the price tags, he knew he couldn't afford most of these things. Not that he was much of a reader, anyways. It was more Aria's interest in dead languages and handwritten books that kept most of Manic's attention, as he listened from a distance. "Well my dear, we usually don’t get such enthusiastic readers here, especially not ones who know exactly what they want. The section you want is over here. ”
The old man used his cane to gesture to a section and he walked them over to it. Aria scanned them quickly, pulling one or two and reading them. She finally found one, a small red book weathered with age. She started reading it, smiling fondly.
“How much is this one?” She asked, checking for a price. Ears dropping. Far too expensive. “Never mind. Can’t afford the luxury”. She sighed and put it back. She went to another shelf and Scourge took the book down, checking the price. Relatively inexpensive, less than $50. He raised a brow and showed it to Manic too before looking at the direction she had left in. Scourge turned to the owner. “Mind if I get this?”
The owner cashed up the purchase using an antique machine and Scourge paid with bills. He then pulled Aria off to the side, where Manic could hear and see through the book on the shelf.
“Here. This is your birthday present. But this is a present with baggage. You gotta let me help you out a little bit more.” Scourge held out the book and Aria lit up until he explained his claims.
“Scourge no. I can handle myself. I’m just… Tight on cash.” She took the book anyways. Hugging it close to her chest.
Scourge voice got a little lower, a little more protective. “Bullshit. You’ve been tight on cash before. But you’ve always had food. Now you’re squirreling things away, just like you did when you were on the street. Are you even making rent?!”
“Yes!… ” she declared, and after a look Manic couldn't catch, her ears dropped and she cuddled her book again. “… For this month.” Squirreling food away? He hadn't assumed it was anything more than taking some leftovers, was this normal? Clearly not, judging by what Scourge was saying. He hadn't realized just how poor she was. Living in a crappy apartment, working a crappy job? That had been Manic for years, even with himself buying little luxuries to keep himself happy with stolen money. But he was happy, and healthy. This was clearly neither. And then he hatched a plan. A plan neither of them would be happy with if they knew the details, but a plan nonetheless. He wasn't going to see Aria this poor, and he'd make sure they didn't know he was interloping. With a press of a button on his key, a tiny red LED started flashing. Manic walked up and spoke as if he hadn't heard a thing, holding up the key for show. "Uh, guys, the van's panic alarm's going off. I'mma be right back, just making sure everything's alright." He didn't even give them a chance to agree to come along. He rushed outside, running towards where they parked... and turned off the alarm with his key. How long would seem natural, like he actually went to the car? And would Scourge call him out after all of his excuses? For now, it didn't matter. He started a casual walk past nothing, pretending to take in the sights as his hands danced in and out of pedestrian's pockets. Not the whole wallet, of course, just taking the cash and slipping it back. He didn't even think about it, the muscle memory of thievery burned into his limbs. Aria looked to Manic as he walked in on their private conversation, surprised at the flashing lights on the key ring. "Okay, be careful. There’s probably plenty of car thieves around here.”
When he left they returned to their quiet squabble over money. Aria eventually leaving the store with the green hedgehog in tow and the rage of the argument being continued outside.
“Scourge I’m not a little girl on the street. I have things that I can sell to make up the difference!” She turned on her heel to face him, fuming.
“Like what, your body? Cause I know you won’t sell your books or anything else you own!” He challenged, then immediately regretted it. Dodging Aria's sudden punch and grabbing her by the wrist to stop her from throwing any more. He was clearly unamused.
Aria tore her wrist away and stormed off in the direction of the van, going to catch up with Manic. Scourge waited a bit, then followed. The couldn't see Manic yet, but they knew where he was going. It shouldn't have been a long walk, but tense nerves made it almost unbearable. Soon enough, they ended up back at the van... ...and Manic wasn't there. Neither was any kind of car thief, or damage, or anything. Down the streets leading up towards the casino, they could just barely make out Manic's ridiculous fringe and his casual strut walking down towards the shopping area, and turning on his feet the moment he reached the corner. Why was he going back? Whatever the reason was, the car alarm was clearly some kind of lie. And just from Scourge's vantage point, he could start to notice that Manic was running into the coats and purses of a lot of the people he was passing by. Was he safe? Yeah, he should have been safe right up ahead. He ducked into some coffee shop, sitting down far in the corner and pulling out the wads of loose bills he had, sorting them out quickly and anxiously. He didn't have time to waste, they were bound to get suspicious any moment now. Aria looked around. Anxiety getting the best of her. “Where did he go?” She asked, scanning the crowd, nervously.
Scourge inspected the van for marks but found nothing. “The van is safe. Calm down, I’m sure we can find him..” He scanned the crowds and spotted the other. “I think he’s a little too tipsy. He’s running into everyone.”
Aria had hopped up on a box in the alleyway, now about Scourge's height and able to see Manic. “No, he’s walking normally… Maybe our fight put him in a bad mood? Come on let’s follow him.” Scourge helped her down from the box and the two walked off towards the coffee shop.
They saw a few people check around for something on the ground, or pat their pockets. Several wondering where their money had gotten off to. Aria gripped her book and purse tighter. “Thieves in this area by the looks of it.”
They reached the coffee shop but Manic had already left, and Scourge scanned the crowd again. There wasn't much surprised that Manic was going towards the book store again. Scourge couldn't see beyond the corner of the shopping district, but he was only gone for a few minutes and he said he would be right back, he didn't have any reason to go or think they would be anywhere else. What did surprise was the sound of some car alarm going off again. Was Manic pulling this crap again for whatever reason? Scourge and Manic collided with one another on the street corner, fumbling back and stopping short of falling over. "Scourge!" Manic shouted, almost frightened to see him. Especially coming from the direction of the coffee shop, what else had he seen? There was a tinge of genuine fear to Manic's voice. This fear was soon shoved aside for simple anxiety. "Dude, were you just over there?" Manic said, pointing towards the lot. The key clutched in his hand was blinking again. "My alarm's going off again." He could see some level of distrust in Scourge's eyes. He must have pieced together that the first was a fake. "Look, for real, this time! I dunno what you're angry about, but it's gotta wait." Aria helped the boys up, then took off running towards the car when Manic explained himself. She had more of an idea of what Manic had been doing, but wasn’t gonna say anything.
Scourge tried to calm Manic down and took off, a little confused but full on ready for a fight. He couldn’t use his super speed in the city, she he just had to settle with faster than an average person.
Aria had gotten to the lot first and got defensive, looking around for what caused the alarm. Her class were out and her quills were standing straight, more prickly. Scourge approached from the opposite side. They both saw him at the same time. Some brand new, very expensive shoes that left a clean shoe print on Manic's tires after a firm kick. An old letterman jacket he wore for appearances rather than any kind of alma matter. And most importantly, a head of carefully sharpened, aerodynamic blue quills. "I knew it," Sonic said, stepping back towards Aria as he saw Scourge walk around from the side of the van. Manic was right behind him, half-expecting to see Sonic here. "Aria doesn't exist, you've just been dating again." "Shut the fuck up, Sonic!" Manic yelled. "We ain't dating, and Aria's right behind you. Can't I have, like, FRIENDS?! I'm not a slut over here, can't I just have a night without you trying to protect me from shit-all?!" Sonic grabbed Manic's arm, and stared him right in the eye. "I know what you're like, I'm your brother, and I know-" "No you DON'T!" Manic reached his hand around Sonic's head, giving a harsh tug on his sensitive quills. He pushed him to the ground, continuing to pull back on them as though he was trying to remove them. "You don't know ANYTHING about me, or anything about not being an ass! Is that good?! Is that 'going easy' on you?!" Sonic was desperately trying to scratch back at Manic and get him to loosen his grip - with M anic standing on his legs, he couldn't use his normal speed to his advantage. The screams he made told them this wasn't just having their hair tugged, this was some kind of deep, visceral pain. Scourge wasn't surprised to see the Sonic alternate that Manic called his brother here. He had a feeling he would show up eventually. If Manic hadn’t stepped between him and Sonic, Scourge would have hit him by now. When the two started to fight, Scourge almost stepped in until he realized Manic was on top.
Aria meanwhile, had lost her bravado when she saw it was a Sonic alternate, instead backing away slowly. She was terrified. But when Sonic grabbed Manic and claimed that he knew the musician, she got angry. Projecting her feelings for her own brother onto the similar situation in front of her.
So when Sonic managed to get out from under Manic and out of arms reach, he wouldn’t have expected Aria's sudden tackle from behind. She knocked the other face first into the ground and pinned him down with her knees, pulling roughly on his quills and ‘accidentally’ smashing his face into the pavement once or twice.
“This is what happens when you mess with my friends, in my zone!” She exclaimed, tugging a little harder.
Scourge was checking on Manic, worried about the other green hedgehog. “You alright?” "Yeah, I'll be fine." Manic said, shaking his hand to try and let off some of the sting from touching Sonic's quills. They were tiny pricks in his hand, but still large enough to be annoying. He grabbed Scourge's arm as he stood up again, turning around to watch Aria beating down on Sonic. Every hard tug at his quills lead to him screaming out again and calling uncle, begging to be released. A small crowd had started to form on the edge of the parking lot. "Alright, let go of him, we're good." Manic knelt down and pulled Sonic up to his feet, now visibly bruised and hurt. He was still angry, but clearly not in any position to fight again. "What the hell are you thinking, this is an anti Mobius! Don't you know not to come to these places, ain't I supposed to be the simple one here?" "Yeah, you're being real smart, bro." He spat out, seemingly realizing some amount of defeat. "You're not any safer in these places, don't you know not to hang out with Scourges?" "It's just a friend! It's Ari's birthday, we're just hanging out with her friends, what are you trying to stop?" "I'm stopping you from dating ANOTHER Scourge, kid!" Manic didn't say something immediately. Actually, he took a subtle step forward, something he knew meant Manic was trying to hide some kind of anxiety. Did this Scourge not know that yet? The small crowd cheered as Aria beat him senseless, the hatred for Sonics rampant through the people of this world. She got off, satisfied with her actions as she rubbed the sting out of her hands.
The crowd dispersed as the fight ended and Manic picked his brother up. Aria's growl was low and quiet in the background. “Actually Blue balls, in this town, you’re the bad guy. So watch your tongue.”
At the sudden revaluation of Manic's dating history, Scourge didn’t bat an eye, merely stepped up between the two and grabbed Sonic by the front of his jacket, lifting him off the ground. Scourge was taller, stronger and older than this version of Sonic, and held a more dangerous attitude.
“Listen up buddy. You’d better start treating your brother with a little more respect, lest you get me angry. Now I’m going to put you down, and you’re gonna apologize and ease off being such a fucking voyeur on Manic's life, or Imma give you back to the little red head, and we’re gonna see how badly getting those sensitive little quills cut hurts you, okay?”
Arias claws came out and she inspected them, making sure they were sharp. “Hell, if we film and sell it, we could make a fortune,” she mused. The look she gave Manic, one that Sonic couldn’t see, indicated that this was all for show. There were many feelings going through Manic's mind the moment Scourge picked Sonic up off the ground. Dread that he was going to get his face broken in. Terror that Scourge would flip at the news. Impatience as he waited for whatever threat he would deal out. And some form of strange relief as Aria got her claws out again. Sonic was dropped to the ground, visibly confused at pretty much everything the two had said. At its core, Sonic was still getting beaten up by a Scourge Manic was hanging with, and he knew that this would reign heavier in his mind than Scourge actually being good. Every action had told him that much, yet some shred of stubbornness in his mind would still keep it from sinking in. Manic just glared back at Sonic, his body language saying that he would never her the end of this. It was a deafeningly silent wait. "Jet." Manic said when he realized Sonic wasn't going to get out an apology, pointing his thumb behind him towards the street. "Bro, hear me out-" Another shove back at Sonic. They stood around for a moment and stared, before Sonic realized Manic didn't even want an apology, revved up to his usual speed, and hobbled down some back roads out of the city. Manic took a deep breath, running his hands through his large fringe as he calmed himself down. He was feeling just as many mixed emotions as his brother. "Thanks," Manic said genuinely, finally allowing anxiety to enter his voice. "What... have they done here, anyways?" The second the blue blur was out of the way, Aria walked over to Manic, checking him over with motherly concern. “You’re not hurt are you?” She asked, checking his hands and face.
Scourge looked like he was ready to sucker punch something, but calmed back down into the relaxed person he was before the night had taken its sharp turn. Manic's question was met with a tense Aria and a silent Scourge.
“I wouldn’t worry about it, Manic. It's a long story. I think I should get you and Aria home. You’ve both had far too much excitement tonight.”
“I agree. I think I can make us a big enough warp to get us and the van home,” Aria insisted. Manic was on board with all of the concern and attention for a while, and was even fine with the tense reactions to his question. If Scourges were the good guys here, were Sonics their equivalent of the real Scourges? It was an odd logic that made surprising sense to him. And then Aria mentioned warping. "You can make-?! Uh, Ari, but I'm still not completely fine this all this warping stuff. It ain't- There are crimes you just don't mess with, you know." He crossed his arms, looking down at the ground. "I dunno... Is in-zone warping not the same kind of crime? Zone jail ain't nothing I want to mess with." But hell, Scourge evidently warped all over the place, and he was supposed to be the good guy in this place. "Eh- Eh, I guess it's fine." He stepped towards the van, leaning against the side and sighing heavily.. "I'm sorry, guys. I just wanted to show you guys a fun night." Aria nodded to Manic's questions. “Don’t worry. Scourge and I have in-zone warping clearance. But I do mine differently.”
Scourge put his hand on his friend's shoulder “Well I for one had fun… Until the end that is.. Uh.. Maybe you two should stay at my place tonight just in case Sonic tries something?”
“Good plan. Now, get in the car boys.” Aria insisted, standing behind the van.
"Let’s go home." Manic climbed into the car again, sitting in the front seat again. Maybe he wanted to object about Sonic. Sonic got angry at Manic, he didn't like to physically fight them. He knew when to run from battles. He was figuring out that this wasn't the zone for him. There were many, many things that Manic could have said to object to needing to be safe from Sonic. Yet he didn't dwell on any of it specifically. "Sonic ain't gonna hunt us out, we're gonna be fine. Unless you mean-" No, he already brought up this zone's Sonic, and that was another of many sore wounds. "Eh, forget it. I didn't want a heavy night, but I guess that's what we're stuck with." He turned towards Scourge and smiled, like he was finding some scrap of enjoyment in all the nonsense that was going on. But things were starting to get better with Scourge. He knew the worst of it, they were getting more comfortable around one another, they were hopefully going to be alright. But when Manic looked out the window at Aria, he had to move away. He'd seen warp rings being used before, and he never dealt with that nonsense. Seeing a warp being summoned without that kind of assistance was completely different. And seeing one of this size was... terrifying. It felt like this should have been impossible. His eyes were wide, his mouth virtually to the ground. “There’s alcohol at my place, I intend to drink some of it. You’re both free to join me.” Scourge commented, stretching out.
Aria backed up, estimating size of the van. Backing up, she turned with her back to the van and pulled out her claws. She started scratching at nothing until the air just… Ripped apart. Through the rip Manic could see the swirling colors of a portal.
She started pulling at the edges until it was wide enough to fit the van. She hopped through and then came back, motioning for Manic to drive through.
She had the other end of the portal drop them off on the driveway of the castle. The perfect parking spot. Manic was more than cautious about heading through a warp, not quite knowing what to expect. Some strange hyperspace? A mess of swirling colors and sparked as they traversed a long distance? In fact, it wasn't anything that grand. The moment he passed through the portal, he was simply... there. Outside the castle, no drama, no sparkles or flashy lights, no nothing. It didn't feel right at all, because it simply wasn't. It was a rip in reality, by the looks of it, it wasn't going to feel right no matter what it was. He was grateful that the parking spot was right where he exited the portal, he wanted to get out of the car immediately and get used to the idea of what just happened. While he stepped out of the drivers seat, he shook his head and put on a smile. "Was that it? Like, where are all the bad special effects and laser light shows?" He stared up at the castle. Again, these weren't the imposing anti Mobius castles he'd seen before, this was just a castle. Rather normal (at least, as normal as a castle could be) with no tinge of bad intentions or dread. He'd maybe encountered a good Scourge once or twice before, but he never got chummy with them. "So where's the booze, mate?" “Sadly my dear Manic, I’m not a warp ring. The fancy bits that are added into those things aren’t something I can do. Do I look like a rave?” She joked, grabbing her stuff from the car.
“The booze is inside Manic, let’s go.” Scourge insisted and they walked up to the large building. Scourge unlocked the door and they entered the green hedgehog's home.
The entryway was classy, marble floors and old stone walls. They were lead to a living area, a room with an open bar, a pool table, a TV and a small selection of books.
“Make yourselves at home,” he insisted, and Aria kicked off her shoes and faceplanted into the soft couch, purring quietly. Once again, a pleasant, lovely room. The alcohol certainly helped with Manic's opinion in that regard, even if he would have like it without the open bar. Manic was just happy that he was starting to trust this Scourge. He was pleasant to be around, a good friend, with a bit of a heart for adventure. Clearly damaged in some way, but coming out of it with some amount of decency. Just like his old Scourge... Manic crammed that aside and walked up to the bar, happy to see some selection of drinks that weren't probably twelve dollars an ounce. He wasn't the kind of expert bartender Aria was by a long shot, but he knew how to make a few good drinks when he wasn't drinking cheap, over sweetened alcohol from the bottle. A little orange juice, a little vodka, a few little touches, a simple harvey wallbanger. Nothing grand, but good enough. Aria seemed like she was planted into the couch quite comfortably, her purse discarded mindlessly. He wasn't going to have a chance just yet. "Hey, you guys want anything while I'm over here?" On the bookshelf, easily viewed from the bar, was a picture of a much younger Scourge. In this photo he was still blue, his old leather jacket that he had just taken off was brand new, and there was a Fiona alternate in his arms. It was a heartwarming photo. Scourge looked so happy. In another photo next to it, a younger Aria covered with paint as she worked on a large scale canvas, oblivious to the camera. Happy memories, at least 10 years old.
Scourge was laying in the armchair next to the couch, loosening the bandages wrapped around his chest a little. He had his eyes closed and his feet up on the ottoman, relaxed. “I’ll just take whatever you’re making. Bring the sugar vodka for aria, I think she needs it.”
Aria just gave a thumbs up from her place on the couch. There was still an open loveseat next to Scourge or another armchair next to Aria for Manic to choose. "Yoooou got it," Manic said back. His glances kept turning towards those photos. It was nice to finally see some more generally happy sides to these two after such a dour night. It would have been nice to see Fiona here being all schmoopy with Scourge, or to see Aria getting really passionate about painting once again. But any kind of happiness was fine, even just three friends sitting around drinking and being exhausted. It wasn't a hard drink to make a second of. A few ingredients crammed together and shaken up, not rocket science. And by the looks of its position on the shelves of bottles, sugar vodka was drunk regularly in this place. Not that Manic was going to judge. The trashier and more intensely sweet or flavored, the more Manic would usually like it. Where to sit? Well, Aria looked like she was virtually conked out for the night, and Scourge was likely to have some questions or concerns for Manic after everything that happened. He might as well go for the more awkward conversation and get it out of the way, he thought. So he left Aria her bottle of sugar water and gave Scourge his golden-orange drink. Manic slunked down into the armchair, FINALLY getting a chance to relax. "You guys wanna watch anything, or just hang out and get drunk?" There were more photos around the room, mostly of Ari, Acourge and their friends. Odd, only one of Fiona or really anyone who seemed to be romantically involved with Scourge.
Aria picked up the bottle and rolled over, undoing the top and drinking right from the source. She swallowed and set it down, waiting for the fuzziness of intoxication to set in. She wrapped herself up in a blanket and leaned on the armrest.
“Thanks.” Scourge sipped at his drink and clicked a button on a remote that lit up the fireplace. Both hedgies shook their heads, fine with just alcohol and the flames.
“You feeling okay?” He asked Manic, concerned. Manic started to drink the moment Scourge started to speak, and drew out his sip just a bit longer than usual. Not just to think of an answer, but to get some more alcohol in his system. A lot had already happened, and he didn't want to keep feeling tense. "Nah, just- Just still kinda tense, you know?" He leaned back in his seat and let the flames warm him up as he relaxed. "But the worst of it's over. Sonic's gonna head back home and vent to his guy friends, we ain't in any danger." He exhaled heavily. The alcohol was starting to mix with the fire and keep him comfortably warm. "I guess we've both got a ton of questions," Manic said, looking down. "Any answers you need now... or do you wanna let it pass?" He took another sip, not entirely sure which response he'd prefer. “No questions come to mind. At least, no questions that are any of my business…. Did you wanna ask me something… Or talk about anything?” Scourge continued to sip st his drink.
Aria scooted over to their side of the couch with her vodka. She drank some and listened into the conversation. She didn’t say anything though, just watched them talk. Her purse was left unattended. If Manic needed to grab Aria's purse he could do it now.
“Is this only questions relevant to tonight or just in general because I wanna knew how doorknobs were invented." Manic let out a weak chuckle at Aria's joke, smiling for a few moments before fizzling back down to his serious expression. Not the serious of some kind of government agent tasked with protecting their leader, but serious in a more self-reflective kind of way. All those Scourges he'd so much as heard about, let along the ones he'd known hadn't prepared him for someone like this. And being slightly delirious from how late it was and slightly tipsy, Manic wasn't able to focus on anything other than his thoughts when nothing was going on. He didn't even care about her purse anymore. He'd just have to be careful with what he asked. What didn't seem to open a wound? What could he ask that he could likely get a straight answer out of? "Uh, when you went to threaten Sonic, you only moved in after he talked about my old boyfriends." He started rubbing his hands together. "Did Aria... already tell you about that?" He paused, before finding some speck of humor to ease himself at least a little. "Or did I get drunk and text you, and I just don't remember it?" “No, nobody told me anything. But I know that older brothers like that need to be put in their place, that bringing up past relationships can hurt. You’d been hurt by a Scourge in some way and that you clearly were uncomfortable when he brought it up. So I stepped in to give you some breathing room.”
Aria downed a little more alcohol and listened to the story. Snuggling up tightly in her blankets. “N’ I hit him cause he was being a dick… Nobody messes wit’ ma’ friends…” She slurred a little. She had just downed half a bottle of vodka after all.
Scourge patted her head “Yes yes. I’m very proud of you for standing up to a Sonic. Go drink your alcohol.”
“Okiiiii.” Manic just smiled at the drunken Aria. "See, that's how I was planning on spending tonight anyways." He made a silly face and raised his glass as though he was giving a toast, and gave another drink. When he put it down he was smiling genuinely. There wasn't the same heaviness that there was just moments before. "Honestly, I was kinda worried you'd flip," he said with a smile. "Maybe I just need to stop listening to everything he says about Scourges?" He knew he still had to... for the most part. But This clearly wasn't another Scourge in the garbage pile, he was just Scourge. The same thought he would give to any halfway-acceptable Scourge he would meet. "Honestly, though? As much as I rag on them... you're completely wrong." He looked down at the ground, and smiled a glowing, reminiscent smile. "Yeah, he was a Scourge, but he didn't hurt me. He was a butthead, yeah, but that's just how every normal Scourge is." He fidgeted with his hand, toying with a tiny plastic ring. "This thing here was just something he gave me when we were trying to piss off Sonic. Man, we had so many dumb schemes! He got it. He was... the best lover I could ever hope for." Aria met his toast with a swing of her own. Scourge sipped at his drink. Someone had to put Aria to bed after she passed out. Scourge smiled softly at the look in Manic's eyes, remembering when he had the same one. Aria was a lot less graceful and merely slurred her words
“Awwwww. Someone’s in love~” she teased, giggling. Scourge merely watched her passing through the stages of being drunk.
“If she starts speaking another language, we cut her off,” he whispered to Manic, playfully, returning to the more peaceful topic.
“This guy sounds like a riot. And she’s right, you care about him a lot. Its… Refreshing to see someone speak so highly of one of my alternates.” He patted Manic on the shoulder and took another drink. "Then trust me," Manic started, "you should be reeeeal glad you handled my brother. I got some crap with Scourges, but he's got ALL the crap with Scourges." He just smiled and brushed his hair back, realizing he was a bit more drunk than he thought he was. He'd forgotten about the wine he drank earlier, evidently. "I dunno, you know there are all kinds of horror stories about 'em. Just back in my home city, there are all these stories of this one purple Scourge who just- Just the worst, in every way. I try not to be too closed minded about it." He smiled and looked down, not worried about the ones who, to his knowledge, were just urban legends. "But friends trust friends, no matter what. You'd be surprised who you can meet through the right people... and the right drunken hedgehegs." Aria was still flopping about like a fish out of water who had just had a night out and was now relaxing at a friend's castle and getting drunk. Manic leaned over. "So how drunk we gotta get her before she cusses us out in ten different languages?" “Oh yeah, any that are purple are batshit insane. The beryl went to their heads. Incredibly powerful, incredibly dangerous. We’ve got similar legends. Except ours are of a sonic without pupils and glowing in black flame. That ain’t real though”
He chuckled at Manic's question and looked over at Aria. “As far as I know she only speaks two. And one of them is a dead language so I couldn’t tell you if she’s cursing… However if she wants to start snuggling up to you, then she’s full on blackout drunk.”
Aria mewled and looked over at her friend. “Are you talking shit about me?” She asked, trying to focus on Scourge. "Nah, dude, we're just shit talking you. Totally different," Manic assured. He normally would have walked over and wondered exactly how strong that sugary vodka was, but given that she drank about half the bottle, maybe it wasn't as strong as he suspected. Or she was just a heavy weight. Either way, he just needed to stay sober enough for a little longer. Not totally sober, though, since he was still drinking his half-empty drink. even as convenient as it would have been, Aria was still half awake and fully drunk, if he was going to hope for an honest answer from her about anything, it was going to be right now. So he swirled his drink in his hand for a moment, and thought. "Hey, Ari!" Manic asked, putting on a happy tone to try and lighten the question a bit. "Didn't you tell me you were strapped for cash a while back?" He lied. "Why'd you come along to a casino, anyways?" “Mkkay~” She slurred as Manic explained himself, scooting over on the couch. Scourge laughed, face getting just a little flushed from the alcohol. Aria laughed too, but for no reason.
When manic asked his question, Scourge's laughter stopped. He looked between the two, a little offended. “She told you? I had to figure it out on my own”
She crawled over the arm on the couch to reach across Scourge, booping Manic on the nose. “Silly hedgie… I ain’t broke.. My boss just isn’t paying me cause I won’t do what she wants,” she slurred some more, laying limp across the arm of the couch and Scourge's lap. The green hedgehog didn’t seem too uncomfortable with the sudden movements.
“B'sides my favorite green herghergs are here,” she purred, content. "Well then, start doing what she wants, dude!" Manic teased, hiding his genuine advice as some smarmy nothing. "We don't wanna see our favorite red horgharg going broke!" He ruffled Aria's hair again. Evidently, Scourge was at least used to Aria's brand of drunken shenanigans. Manic looked up at Scourge while Aria was distracted, mouthing 'I'll explain when she's asleep' and putting on a more serious face for that moment. "You sure that vodka ain't, like, ninety proof or summat?" Manic joked. "Cause you're looking really sloshed right now." Not much more than she was before, but now that she seemed to be trying to cuddle with Scourge, she was probably completely drunk by now. He could get her to go to bed to get some time to talk with Scourge, or... "Or do you want me to grab your sketchbook and stuff outta the van?" Her being asleep would be more convenient, but her making drunken pictures? THAT would be entertainment, no matter how it went. “Nmm… I don’t wanna… M'not a whore” she lisped a little, an accent of some kind slipping into her words. She purred more as Manic ruffled her quills.
Scourge was a little angry at Aria, but he didn’t let it bug him yet. That was for a sober Aria and Manic to explain later.
Manic was not safe from her affection either as she nuzzled into his hand. When he asked if she wanted a sketchbook, she nodded. “Yes please Manic~” she cooed.
She gulped down the rest of the vodka and snuggled up to Scourge. The green hedgie picked her up and set her down on the couch, cleaning up. Just a short walk to the van and back. No biggie. Manic was kind of tipsy, but he didn't get drunk easily. He was more of a heavyweight than his small body would suggest. 'M'not a whore.' That said many, many things a sober Aria would never have said. Even if they didn't like it, they had their answer. They had many challenges to try and work through with Aria, but they had a starting point, if nothing else. Aria was going to be very, very unhappy when she knew what they found out, but tonight, she was happy. Aria clearly needed all the happiness she could get, and if she loved drawing, bringing her her sketchbook was the least Manic could do. But he couldn't help but flip through some of the sketches. Once more, gorgeous linework on the casino sketch... at least, everything she could get down before being hit on. He flipped it open to a blank page - he wanted to see how Aria would paint it, and he didn't want it to be ruined because she was drunk. "Here you go, dude," Manic said as he handed it over. Scourge seemed somber, as Manic would expect. "I'mma bring your stuff to the front," Manic said, picking up her shoes and purse. He turned to Scourge, speaking slightly forcefully to get his intentions across. "Scourge, could you show me where the coat room or whatever is?" Aria squeaked happily, taking out her pencil and starting to draw with intense concentration. She almost appeared sober as she worked, clearly used to the artistic process while inebriated. Her small travel kit for painting was pulled out of her purse before Manic took it away and she mixed bright greens and blues and rich purples
Scourge led Manic away from the living room into a simple walk in closet beside the front door. Unlike the hallway, this room was drywalled and insulated. His hands were shaking with rage, and Manic would be able to see the flames in his eyes.
“That fucking bat!! I swear, next time I see her I’m gonna kill her! This has gone on for far too long! Fucking bitch can’t get laid on her own so she’s gotta pull this shit to get some!”
He punched the wall, frustrated. It broke the drywall, a large crack forming. That seemed to calm him down a fair amount. He sat on a bench and put his head in his hands, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He suddenly seemed much older than he was, the bags under his eyes a little more noticeable. Manic felt no less intensely than Scourge did, but he didn't know much of anything about Aria's employer. All he knew was Aria was in an awful situation. He didn't feel anger intensely, but intense sympathy. Years of anxiety had taught him how to act through his emotions, so he seemed to keep his head for Scourge's sake. "Dude... We've got an answer." Manic said, sitting down across the bench from Scourge. "Even as bad as things are, we've got some kind of answer. At least we know what's going on with her. We can come up with a plan, we're gonna make sure she's gonna be alright, okay?" He smirked for just a moment. "And if you wanna punch her out... let's wait til we get Aria to quit." Scourge had given him a glare when the two ran into one another. There were many things this could have meant, but in Manic's mind, it only meant he knew exactly what he was doing. So he swallowed his pride, and stood up to walk over to Aria's purse. "Friend's help friends, no matter what." He said, as he opened her purse and started to hide the many loose bills he'd pocketed at the bottom of her purse. "You won't tell Aria, got it?" Scourge popped his knuckles, growling. He was unhappy, angry and just generally annoyed. For Mani'cs sake, he calmed down. He looked up at the other as he watched him empty his pockets.
“Dude, let me sneak her cash instead. That’s your tip money and money from the casino. You earned that.”
Was he serious? Did Scourge not realize what Manic had been doing at the casino? The look in his eye said that he didn’t. He did take in the amount of small bills and looked up a little confused.
“Geez. Either the tippers weren't stingy or you’re secretly a stripper cause that is a whole lot of cash*
In the other room, Aria had finished an intense painting of the room she was in and got up. Drunk, she grabbed onto the couch to steady her spinning head. Then she walked in the direction the boys had left in.
"Scourge? Manic?” Manic's ears darted up as he heard Aria and hastily crammed the rest of the money to the bottom of her bag, shifting everything into essentially it's original position. How close was she?! Either way, Manic had a perfect opportunity to play this off. He peeked out the door to the room. Nowhere in sight. He closed it again, and spoke as softly as he could manage to Scourge with a level of determination, almost fury, to his voice. "I wasn't checking the car, I was getting a withdrawal." Manic said sternly, trying his best to make sure Aria wouldn't hear. "I heard what she said in that store, she needs every cent she can get, and I've got more than I look." He commanded quietly as he walked towards Scourge to make the severity of his sentiment obvious. "Friends help friends. No. Matter. What. Understand?" He looked up at the wall, and back at Scourge. The way he spoke was too severe, the situation was too severe, there was no reason he should have been pretending to be calm. "You ain't the best actor. You're still furious at her boss, aren't you?" Was Aria nearby? There wasn't any reason she would give up looking this soon after starting. "Aria's looking for us. Or... You not ready to talk to her yet?" Scourge was surprised, but put his hand on Manic's shoulder. "Then let me help you after this is all dealt with. You may not be broke, but you could use a little boost. And some decent cooking supplies..”
He followed Manic's eyes to the wall and sighed. “Let’s put it this way. If I was given the chance I’d shoot her dead and put my thumbprint on the bullet so they knew it was me. Aria is like my little sister, I’m supposed to protect her when she can’t do it herself. I just feel like I’ve failed her…” He looked up at Manic from his seated position.
“You’re a good person, you know that?” Scourge asked. “I mean, we barely know each other and you’re already helping her and you’re being so nice by taking her out and letting me tag along. You’re a rare breed Manic. One of a kind."
Aria herself was disoriented. "All the halls look the same in this castle” she slurred, walking down a random hall way. She patted a marble statue of a dog, absentmindedly as she came to a dead end. Aria was starting to get scared. Her anxiety rose and her drunk mind created people in the shadows, causing her to run as fast as she could, attempting to work her way back to the light of the living room.
“SCOURGE? MANIC?!?” Ahe sounded panicky. Where were the boys? "Uh..." Manic seemed almost bashful at the comment. He played it off as such, sure, but his own nerves were stopping him from taking the compliment at face value. It was still built around the fact that Manic was just well-off, without telling him HOW he was getting this money. It would be one thing if he needed to be in someone's good graces for just long enough to finish a job. But Scourge wasn't just some schlub, and if he was going to keep hanging out with him, he was going to have to find out sooner or later. There was a genuine embarrassment as he repressed the anxiety. He was used to off-handed or simple complements, not heartfelt ones. "Thanks, dude... It's just being a nice person." He sat down next to Scourge again, looking down at the floor. "You said you'd do the same for her. Anyone'd do the same." But it was clear that as much as he tried to play it cool, he was taking it to heart. 'You're a good person.' 'You're a good person.' "I'm a thief." Some kind of shred of fear pushed him over the edge, blurting it out as Aria ran through the halls, covering the sound of her loudest echo. He didn't want to screw this up, and the longer he lied, the worse it would get. "I'm a thief, I'm just a pickpocket. You think- I wouldn't withdraw that much in fives and tens." He almost sounded angry, but a burning, inward anger. He didn't even bring up the nice restaurant cutlery and other small valuables he'd taken during their little trip. "It's a casino area... they'd lose it anyways."
He was surprised at the sudden confession. The mood turned cold, Scourge just a little shocked.
"A thief? Wh-why? Never mind, I can guess why but… When? How I… I’m trying to understand and I don't know how…” He paused and looked up at the other. “What I said still holds. You’re still a good person… Just help me understand-”
Aria had gotten close enough, running from something that wasn’t there. In her drunk state it all felt horror movie-eqse. Like she was an actor in an r rated movie.
“SCOURGE!! MANIC!!” She shrieked voice hoarse from screaming. She was in the main hall now, close enough for the boys to hear over their conversation.
Scourges ears perked and he got up, motioning for Manic to follow him as he ran into the hall. “Come on! Aria??” Manic would have tried to say something to help Scourge understand, if it wasn't for the sudden shrieking. Sudden nothing, her shrieking had been a background hum for Manic, even if he couldn't register it over his own mind's anxious yelling. But now he had another set of anxious screams to worry about. "Aria...?!" Manic stood up, his hurried walk quickly escalating into a jog towards the hall. Sure enough, Aria seemed to be running and screaming from nothing, down some kind of corridor through the main hall. Manic didn't even bother asking Scourge if he knew what was going on, he clearly didn't. Manic exited through the same door Aria just ran through. "Aria, wait, it's us!" Manic screamed as he hurried up towards Aria, panicked and red in the face, and by the looks of it, exhausted from her run. Scourge ran up towards the two soon after. Manic wrapped one arm around her shoulders, holding her close without being too mushy. "Ari, are you alright?! We're here, we're alright! Did something happen?!" Aria clung to Manic, shivering from fear. She felt weak and a little limp, still terrified of what she thought she saw. She was unable to speak, crying just a little bit. Her inhales were shaky, her skin clammy.
Scourge had his phone out, calling someone and ordering a full security sweep of the castle and a nurse to be sent to the living room. Several other people that Manic didn’t know came running in.
"What’s going on?” The pair asked. A pink hedgehog and a black one, still sleepy and a little confused. The male had a sword belt on, and the weapon rested in its sheath. Judging from his voice, he was clearly the other person Scourge had called.
“We dunno. But whatever happened, you’re safe now kiddo.” He insisted as Aria looked up at him. What in Chaos was going on? Manic had no idea what to make of any of this. Aria was spunky, she was brave, she wasn't the kind to just breakdown at nothing. SOMETHING must have happened, but what? All Manic knew was Aria clearly needed to ground herself in reality, and the alcohol wasn't going to help. He looked around the room Aria had run into. Some kind of small sitting room. Manic walked her over to a couch, patting her back to try and comfort her. "Hey, you're okay, we're all here!" Manic said, not quite knowing who 'we' was. Who was this black hedgehog? No idea. Some kind of royal guard, maybe? Who was this pink hedgehog. Probably the nurse? And even though he knew Scourge, a lot had happened in a few minutes, and he had no idea how he was going to react. "What happened, Ari? You gonna be alright?" The pink hedgehog sat on the coffee table, checking Aria's vitals. "Pulse is fast but still within normal parameters… She’s drunk for sure. Nothing else is out of the ordinary. What happened my little lamb?” She asked, petting Aria's cheek. The red hedgie nuzzled into her palm.
The black hedgehog got a message on a radio that was looped onto his belt. “The castle is secure. So either whatever scared her is still in the house, or there’s nothing tangible scaring her”
“Like a ghost?” Scourge asked, clearly off put by the idea of a spirit in his house.
“Or a hallucination. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen this happen to someone. Regardless I think we should get her into a bed. She can sleep it all off.”
Scourge nodded and looked to Manic. “Sorry, looks like the trio’s down to two. Help me get her to bed?” "C'mon, let's get you somewhere else." Manic said, helping Aria to her feet. She seemed frightened still, but walking with two other people seemed to calm her nerves a bit. While Manic lead her by her hand, Scourge actually directed them through the castle, with it being Manic's first visit and all. But soon, Aria was in what looked like a guest bedroom curled up safely. "Here, Ari." Manic handed his phone to Aria, smiling. "We'll still be here. You need anything, just give Scourge a call or text or whatever, okay?" But even as they left the room, they didn't go too far. Manic sat down on one of the benches in the corridors, exhaling loudly. "Is that a normal thing for her?" He was wrenching his hands around uncomfortably, trying not to say anything stupid or thoughtless. "She didn't seem like that earlier... you think somethings actually in the castle?" He wanted to keep asking questions, but Scourge was already trying to ask his own earlier. "I guess I've still got a lot to tell you, don't I? Where do you want me to start, dude?" Aria's shivers died down slowly, but by the time they got to her room, she was still gripping onto his hand. Scourge lit the fire in the fireplace so she would be warm. She nodded in thanks and curled up into a ball to try and sleep it off.
Scourge sat next to Manic and thought. "I think Glare, the black hedgehog, was right. He’s my head of security, if he says the building is secure, it's secure. I don’t think whatever Aria saw was… Physically present.”
He clarified. “This place is haunted as shit, but only the old wing. Maybe Aria got too close to one of the entrances.”
He looked at the other, thinking back to their conversation. “The beginning I guess? I mean, I’m guessing you started stealing out of boredom or desperation.” "Well, I'm a sucker for danger, maybe I've gotta see the old wing sometime?" Manic said, not completely joking. But inevitably, things were going to loop around to his own confession. "Well... yeah. More necessity, but desperation, yeah. Out mom isn't- We kind of had to take care of her for a while. And she couldn't get a ton of money to support us, so we found our own ways to help. Sonic and Sonia found jobs, but thievery was so... easy, y'know? We got enough to live off of, enough to have some fun... and it became kind of an addiction." He sighed, smiling. "And you know? That's how I met Scourge. He actually stole my car, and things went... weirdly well. Two great thieves living out of a crappy van and a worse apartment. It's so damn fun, you wouldn't believe." His eyes were closed, his body barely moving as he spoke. "I've been trying to stop, but there are some things- I love it. I'm perfect at it, I love it, there's nothing else even close. When you're that good, it's impossible to stop." "Besides." Manic stared at the floor now, his face bittersweet and reminiscent. "Scourge'd want me to have fun." "The old wing has been locked up, boarded up and abandoned for… 15 years? And whatever… WHOever is down there is angry. Its too dangerous.”
Scourge watched the others face as he spoke. An honorable reason for a bad deed that slowly got worse. He tried to think of a good way for Manic to get his kleptomania out in a healthy way, but found none.
“I kind of understand… The first but anyways… But Manic, you do realize that some of the people you’re stealing from are in just a bad of a situation as Aria, right? I know you might need that money, but for now maybe stick to uppity rich people. Okay?”
He patted the other on the shoulder. “Thank you for telling me. I think you’re brave and what I said earlier is still true. You’re still a good person.” "I'm not dumb," Manic said with a smile as he got patted on the shoulder. "You can tell who's got cash to burn... but thanks for your concern." He closed his eyes again. "Thanks for everything, mate." There wasn't any hiding the pain in Manic's face. Scourges always got some reaction from him. Yeah, this Scourge was entirely different in personality. But he sounded ALMOST the same, looked ALMOST identical. It felt less like an alternate Scourge. More like a kind person piloting a Scourge's behavior from a safe distance. It was comforting words from the one kind of person that could have made anything of the sort utterly devastating for Manic. "I don't know who I should feel sad for now," Manic desperately chuckled. Manic put one of his hands over Scourge's, not just to show some kind of closeness, but to actually feel his hand. He still had all his fingers. It wasn't his Scourge. He was talking to someone else. He was talking to someone else. "I'm kind of terrified for all of us, dude." "I haven’t done much to help. I could always do more, just say the word… And yeah… We’re all fucked up in 19 different ways… But we’ll get through it eventually.” He smiled at the other.
Looking at details in his face, it was obvious that this was not his Scourge, even if the fingers didn’t give it away. This Scourge was older, quills starting to loose their luster and go grey around the ears. He also had more stress liken, worry wrinkles and a few pale facial scars. Those bandages around his chest and back hadn’t been removed, but one could assume that there were scars there.
Silence between them, the comfortable kind. Scourge glancing at the others hand. “I’m sorry about your Scourge. I don’t know what happened but I know you miss him a whole lot… If there’s ever anything I can do, or if I do or say something that hits too close to home, lemme know okay? I know how tough it is to be around alternates of someone you love who’s no longer around.”
Scourge got up cocking his head towards another door in the hall. “Now bedtime young man. I think you’ve had enough excitement for one day.” "Not knowing what happened's kind of the whole problem," Manic said as he spoke about Scourge, "but I'll tell you all that some other time. I guess this isn't how we wanted Aria's birthday to turn out, yeah?" He agreed completely with turning in for the night. Their day had been emotionally exhausting, and he needed a chance to lay down and try to relax after everything that happened. "Think I've had enough excitement for like, one month," he joked. "You mind if I check in on...?" They slowly opened the door to Aria's room. It seemed like she'd calmed down and started to fall asleep. Manic strolled up quietly. Sure enough, out like a light. He picked up his phone, thankful she didn't feel like she had to call for help. As soon as he was out, he started speaking again. "Guess I can't drive down if we've got all these questions?" He pointed his thumb behind him, down the stairs. "Hey, I'll just be conked out in my van if you need anything. Night, dude." "Yeah.. Tonight did not go as planned. But we always have a chance for a do over, her actual birthday is this Thursday and were having people over for dinner. You’re invited.”
Scourge checked in on Aria from the door, then came in to pull up the covers and pet her gently. She merely curled up in the sheet a little more. Wrapped up in sheets like that, she looked much younger than she actually was.
Scourge looked at Manic like he had three heads. “Manic there’s over a thousand rooms in this castle, and about 100 are being used. You are not sleeping in a van tonight. Come on. You’re staying in style.”
He lead Manic down the hall, past a set of grand doors, then a smaller set of doors that stood out from the rest. “The big doors are my room. Knock if you need anything.” No mention of the small doors. Interesting.
“…and this one is yours for how ever long you want it.” He opened a plain door to another room, similar to Aria's. "Aw, dude...! Like, I literally don't mind sleeping in there, it's weirdly comfy? But thanks, dude, this is awesome!" His normal enthusiasm was knocked out some by simple exhaustion, but the sentiment was clear. He looked over the room again before turning back to Scourge. "Thanks again, mate. Like, for everything." With a two finger salute, he closed the door and walked over to the bed. Normally, it would have been the kind of night where his thoughts kept him up. Everything he'd learned about Aria, about Scourge, about this castle, there were clearly whole lives going on that Manic wasn't privy to. And maybe he would have wanted to ponder everything he heard and tried to deduce anything. But that door was very strange. One of two unique doors in the castle, and Scourge went out of his way to pretend like it didn't exist. He could try and find answers, sure, but something told him there were a lot behind there that Scourge didn't want him to see. Normally, it would have been the kind of night where curiosity got him out of bed. But that day was VERY strange. He'd processed enough, and as soon as he laid down on the mattress, he realized just how tired he was. It didn't take more than a minute for that night to take its toll on Manic.
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