#she went from being hysterical to devastated *cries*
shyvioletcat · 2 years
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~ PART 2 ~ Fragile Hearts Masterlist
A/N: Fixed the flaws and tags added. Thanks so much for reading.
Aelin held her daughter while she cried, desperately trying to keep the tears back herself. The past half hour had been a shock to her system and she was hanging on by a thread. Elsie was the one reason that she hadn’t fallen apart just yet, that would be later tonight when the rest of the house was asleep and she would look at Rowan and he would open his arms and hold her until they worked out what to do next. Right now Aelin had to be strong for her daughter and needed to be a person she could rely on. It all just broke Aelin’s heart, a parent could never bear seeing their child in pain in such a helpless situation like this.
Rowan stepped into the bedroom and the two parents shared a look. His brow was furrowed in concern, highlighting the lines that ageing had given him. Before this was all over Aelin was sure they both would be looking even more careworn.
“What can I do?” Rowan asked, making Aelin's face crack into a smile. The man was always fussing, always wanting to help.
Aelin cleared her throat just to make sure it was as clear of emotion as it could be. “Can you get dinner started? The others will start getting hungry soon.”
“Yeah, of course,” he said and let them be.
For a little while longer Aelin just ran her hands over Elsie’s hair, from the crown of her head and down her back. When Elsie’s breathing calmed down she pulled back and wiped her own tears away. She looked so tired and more than a little devastated. The only thing Aelin could do to stop herself from crying was to reach out and hold her daughter’s hand.
“Elsie, darling,” Aelin said and gave the hand she was holding a squeeze. “Are you ready to talk?”
There was a loud sniffle but Elsie nodded. “It’s my fault.”
Aelin made a face. “Well…”
“No, this is on me. This is my fault,” Elsie said with more conviction. “It was my idea. I wanted to have sex and like… I didn’t want it to be with some random. I wanted it to be with someone that I trusted so I asked Korby and—”
“I do not need details,” Aelin blurted out.
The flush on Elsie's cheeks deepened. “Gods, Mum. No.”
“Just making sure,” Aelin tried to interject some levity to the situation.
“Anyway,” the word strung out longer than it had to be. “It started months ago and now I’m here. Knocked up and alone. He just… he just walked right out on me. He didn’t even look at me when I told him. I know he doesn’t feel the same way I do but he’s my best friend,” Elsie’s voice broke on the words. “He was my best friend and he couldn’t even talk to me about this. Gods, Mum it hurts so much.”
Elsie was nearly in hysterics by the end and Aelin thought he might be able to hear the cracks fracturing her daughter’s heart.
“What he did wasn’t right,” Aelin told her. “Men are dumb, that never changes, but young men are even dumber. He’s probably scared and that’s not an excuse but that’s all we’ve got to work with right now. You’re the one with the baby in there so we’re going to look after you, first okay?”
Elsie put her hand on her stomach. “That’s so weird.”
That made Aelin laugh, things were going to be a hell of a lot weirder as time went on. “Lay down and have a nap, it’ll be good for you.”
“That sounds good,” Elsie said and started to lay down.
“I bet it does.”
Without being asked, Aelin helped tuck Elsie in and resumed running a hand over her hair. It was what had soothed Elsie to sleep since she was a little baby and it did the same thing now. Aelin didn’t leave until she was sure her daughter had fallen asleep before she pushed off the bed and closed the door behind her. She considered a nap herself, she was emotionally exhausted but there was no way she’d be able to stop her thoughts racing. Besides she had too much to do so she ended up downstairs instead.
Aelin let out a heavy sigh as she walked into the kitchen, glad to find that only Rowan was in there. He’d done as she asked and was prepping dinner, his back to her as he fussed over the bench.
“She’s asleep,” she announced.
Rowan threw a quick glance over his shoulder. “That’s good.”
Walking up behind him she wrapped her arms around his middle and pulled in close, burying her face between his shoulder blades. Rowan gave her arms a reassuring pat then went back to chopping vegetables. They didn’t say anything, the rhythmic chop, chop, chop was the only noise. When that stopped Aelin let her husband go so he could slide the tray into the oven.
“I can’t believe that just happened,” Aelin said. “What even just happened.”
Arms crossed and leaning on the counter, Rowan shrugged. “It’s nice to know I want the only one blindsided.”
Aelin let out a sardonic laugh. “How could he do that to her? I just want to…” she mimed ringing a neck.
“Somehow I don’t think that will help Elsie’s cause,” Rowan said, but Aelin knew he had the same sentiments as her.
The boy had fled. Three words and he had legged it out of there, not giving Elsie any time to explain or tell him how she felt, or what she wanted. Honestly, Aelin had expected more from him and that just filled her with so much anger and disappointment. Scared or not, Korbin needed to face up to what he’d done, what they’d done, if any progress was going to be made. And if Aelin had to drag him back here herself, so be it.
“What are you doing?” Rowan asked as she grabbed her keys from the hanging rack on the wall.
“Eamon needs a ride home,” Aelin said casually. “And Korbin left his bag behind. I’ll make sure he gets it.”
Moving through the house Aelin found the bag where Korbin had dropped it by the door as he was prone to do, like he’d done it hundreds of times. Aelin picked it up by the loop at the top and called out up the stairs.
“Eamon, it’s time to go home!”
A minute later Eamon appeared and took the stairs two at a time. “Are you driving me, Aunty Ae?”
“Yeah, grab your stuff,” Aelin said.
Rowan appeared before they could leave and he kissed Aelin’s temple. “Remember murder sends you to jail.”
Aelin snorted. “Noted.”
Not long after that Aelin was in her car, driving Eamon the few blocks to where the Salvaterres lived. He hadn’t said much, just read a book he’d pulled out of his bag, so when he spoke it jarred Aelin out of her racing thoughts.
“Am I in trouble?” He sounded apprehensive.
Aelin glanced at him in the rear view mirror. “No, sweetie.”
“Is Korby in trouble?” Eamon asked.
Aelin stewed over her words for a few moments deciding she didn’t want to lie to Eamon. “That depends.”
They didn’t talk after that and when Aelin pulled into the driveway Eamon unbuckled himself and ran off inside. Aelin was slower, she lent over to the passenger seat and picked up the bag. That anger that she had kept under control was starting to bubble to the surface right now. How dare this boy who had been part of her family since the moment he’d come into the world turn his back on her daughter. The car door slammed, Aelin all but marched through the front door without knocking or ceremony.
“Korbin!” She yelled from the entryway and up the stairs. “Get down here now!”
Lorcan appeared a moment later, looking adequately confused. “Is there a reason you’re yelling at my son like that in my house?”
“Your son,” Aelin threw the bag at Lorcan, “Left this at my house.”
“Okay,” Lorcan had caught the bag. “That still doesn’t explain what I asked.”
Aelin ignored him in favour of yelling up to the upper level of the house again. “Korbin Rowan Salvaterre, get your arse down here.”
“His middle name isn’t Rowan.” Lorcan’s tone was flat, probably due to his confusion.
“With his level of dumbassery, I’m surprised,” Aelin said, not losing her momentum.
Lorcan’s laugh was gruff. “What is going on?”
Aelin ignored the question and angled her head back to the stairs. “If you do not get down here in the next 30 seconds I will come up there and get you myself and it will not be pleasant!”
“You don’t speak to my son like that,” Lorcan said lowly.
Aelin turned, touched by Lorcan’s concern for his son but too angry to let that stop her. “Well, your son got my daughter pregnant and has yet to face up to that, so.”
She watched the shock wash over Lorcan’s face, it went completely slack before he blinked once and a similar kind of fury that Aelin was currently all too familiar with filled his face. Later she would probably regret the way she had told Lorcan he would be a grandfather but the longer Korbin remained holed up in his room the brighter Aelin’s anger burned. And from the look on Lorcan’s face it was apparent she had just acquired an ally.
Lorcan didn't know what to say, he didn’t know what to think. He just wanted his son down here to explain.
“Korbin!” He bellowed this time.
That finally seemed to get things moving and he heard the tell tale creak of Korbin’s door and feet shuffling across the carpet. Still too slowly Korbin appeared at the top of the stairs, his dark hair sticking up at all angles and his face looking haggard as it could for a 17 year old boy.
“What, Dad?” He said, completely ignoring Aelin’s presence.
“Don’t you ‘what, dad’ him, I’m here to speak to you,” Aelin said. “What in the name of every damned god were you thinking when you ran away like that?“
Lorcan looked between the two of them, waiting for the missing pieces to be given to him. Korbin was surely asking for a death wish when he just crossed his arms and shrugged. Indeed, Aelin did start moving up the stairs but Lorcan caught her by the elbow.
“Is it true? Is Elsie pregnant and it’s yours?” What a bizarre thing to say and he hoped his son would deny every word.
“So she says.” Korbin was the embodiment of belligerence.
“So she says? How dare you,” Aelin seethed.
Lorcan could see his son was chewing over what to say next, wondering what boundaries he could push.The fact he was running from this made Lorcan feel ill. He’d raised him better than this, this was a matter of respect and responsibility. Now he was lashing out to protect himself. But if Korbin was going to get mean, he’d find that his father could be twice as bad. Not to mention Aelin who had fully formed into a wild mother bear.
“You’re all acting like this is all on me. This isn’t just my fault. You’ve got like 10 kids between you, you know how babies happen,” Korbin threw out.
Lorcan saw red. “I’m well aware it’s not just your fault, but you share in some of the responsibility. And this is Elsie for Mala’s sake. You owe her something.”
“Stop acting like a child and own up to your part in this.” Aelin looked ready to snap.
“I just did,” Korbin answered.
“Korbin,” Lorcan growled, he would have kept going but Elide walked in with their daughter dressed in her dance class gear. Her clever eyes surveyed the situation and she slowly pulled herself up to stand between Aelin and Korbin.
“What’s going on?” she asked, no doubt reading the tension in the room.
“We’re going, that’s what,” Lorcan announced. “You coming or staying, Elide?”
“Oh, I’m definitely coming,” Elide said, intrigued but Lorcan could also sense some defensiveness.
“I’ll take the little ones so you can talk to your son,” Aelin suggested. Although it was probably closer to a command. “Melanie and Eamon, come on I’ve got lollipops in the car somewhere.”
Melanie didn’t need much more convincing than that and Eamon appeared from where he’s been playing on his iPad in the living room. Aelin led them out, sending a deadly glare back towards Korbin, making Elide’s brows rise in question. When the front door closed Elide’s full attention snapped to Korbin.
“Someone better tell me what is going on immediately,” her tone brooked no argument.
Still at the top of the stairs, Korbin looked like he was ready to barricade himself in his room.
“No you don’t,” Lorcan said. “Get down here, right now.”
He did as was asked and walked down the stairs like the sullen teenager he was, nearly stomping on each step. It reminded Lorcan of just how young his son really was. Determined not to say a word, Korbin just stood there, not making eye contact with either of his parents. If this was the way he wanted to play it, that was fine. Lorcan would be the one to condemn him to his mother.
“Elsie is pregnant, Korbin was the one to do it,” Lorcan explained simply.
Elide choked, her hand landing on Lorcan’s arm. “She’s pregnant? And it’s yours?”
Korbon just shrugged.
“We can continue this in the car.” Lorcan said. “Out.”
Miraculously Korbin complied and walked out the front door, Eldie was a step behind him and it was Lorcan who locked up the house. On his way down the front steps Lorcan saw that Elide was trying to talk to their son but he ignored her and just got in the backseat of the car, shutting the door in her face. That disrespect had Lorcan’s already hot blood boiling. He got into the driver's seat and started the car. It wasn't until they were on the road that the real conversation started.
“Boy, you better start talking,” Lorcan ordered.
“Why?” he asked insolently.
Elide jumped in before Lorcan could snap again. “We just want to understand this from your point of view, Korby.”
“Everyone has already decided, what’s the point?” Korbin added.
“Korbin, just tell us,” Elide urged.
“We wanted to have sex so we thought, might as well,” Korbin said.
“Might as well,” Lorcan ecoed bitterly.
Korbin was still adopting a tone of deference. “We were friends, we trusted each other and we wanted to have fun, there was nothing wrong with that.”
Lorcan made a sound that conveyed that he disagreed. “This is the consequence of your having fun. And what? You can’t bring yourself to own up to it?”
“Lorcan,” Elide said softly.
“What? I’m just calling it how I see it,” Lorcan said, a few more turns and they would be at their destination. “I'm just trying to get to the root of this before we get there. Why did you run, Korbin?” Lorcan asked, glaring in the rear view mirror. “Why has it got to this point?”
Korbin didn’t answer and didn’t look likely to, as crossed his arms and stared out the window. Lorcan returned his full focus to driving and within a few minutes he was stopping the car on the street. Lorcan was the first one out, then Elide, and then he was halfway to the door when he realised Korbin wasn’t following. He turned and spotted his son in the car, looking up at the house like it might eat him. Whatever patience Lorcan had been holding onto withered away, and he had enough, it was time to face the music. Lorcan stormed back to the car and wrenched the door open.
This time Korbin complied. Lorcan took a moment to himself, trying to get his anger under control. He put the loss of control down to the shock. It had always been hard watching the kids grow and change, but it had been something wonderful too. Korbin had been his pride and joy, holding that special place in his heart from being the firstborn—the first one to open his heart like that. Korbin had grown and was his own man, but it was hard for Lorcan to reconcile who this person was in front of him right now. There was some part here that he was missing.
Lorcan blew out a breath in a stuttering rhythm and started his own trek to the front door. The house was fairly quiet when he walked in, he could hear a TV playing upstairs, probably to entertain the younger kids and keep them out of the way. Rowan, Aelin and Elsie sat on the long couch, Elide and Korbin on the two seater. Lorcan stood even though the armchair was free, he was far too restless. The room was tense, the teenagers couldn’t look at each other, but Rowan was glaring at Korbin. If looks could kill…
Elsie looked worn thin. Her eyes were red rimmed, starkly brought out by the paleness of her face. She looked terrified.
“Alright,” Elide said, ever the presence of measured reason. “There are things we need to talk about. I think Elsie should go first.”
The girl took in a deep breath. “I’m pregnant. I took a bunch of tests everyday for a week. I didn’t want to believe it but I couldn’t ignore it anymore.” Elsie glanced up at Korbin, but quickly looked away when he kept staring at nothing and her cheeks burned red. “I’m keeping it, Korbin. I want to keep it. It’s what I want to do.”
Lorcan’s head snapped to watch for Korbin’s reaction. He nearly went as pale as Elsie had been. He was staring at imminent fatherhood right in the face.
“What about what I want?” Korbin’s voice was so quiet that nearly everyone in the room missed it. Elsie hadn’t, her eyes were wide and worried. “Why is no one asking what I want? Why are you all planning my life for me? I had plans.”
“What is it that you want then?” Aelin asked, still holding onto some of that earlier anger. “Because the way I see it you should have thought about that before you made stupid decisions.”
“This isn’t even my fault,” Korbin became more animated, sitting up straighter and shuffling forward on his seat.
“You were the one with the loaded gun,” Elsie said and for the first time the two of them really looked at each other. Everyone in the room just waited on baited breath. “The way I remember it we both decided to take the risk.”
“Your stakes were higher,” Korbin shot back.
“The no protection was a decision we both decided on,” Elsie added.
These details were things Lorcan rather not be hearing about, contraception or—lack of it—was their own business. But when two idiotic teenagers got themselves into this kind of trouble, awkward information was bound to come out. Right now Lorcan’s main concern was the line of argument his son had chosen. He was walking into the lion's den without weapons or armour. And Lorcan wouldn’t deny that he was a lion himself.
“I’m the one on road to a scholarship if I can keep up this year and next. And what? Now I'm supposed to drop everything and stick around for something I don’t ask for?” Korbin argued.
It was a race to see who spoke first. Lorcan won. “You were careless, she’s supposed to be your friend. This isn’t some random girl we’re talking about, this is Elsie. You know the one who’s been by your side your entire life? And now you’re just not going to take any responsibility for your part in it? You have no care for her feelings at all? Gods son, you can barely even look at her. I raised you better than this.”
Any lingering bravado fell away at the words and Korbin withered, his voice was small when he spoke the next words. “I don’t want this.”
A ripple of shock went through the room, and it was Elsie’s quiet sob that broke the rest of Lorcan’s resolve. He loved Elsie, almost like she was one of his own. What Korbin had said and done was so wrong that Lorcan was failing to see reason. “Then I won’t have you in my home.”
“Lorcan, no,” Elide hissed.
All eyes once again shot to Korbin as he let out a humourless laugh. “I’ve always known Elsie was the favourite child. She doesn’t need me when she has all of you.”
Korbin stood after that, didn’t give anyone in the room a second look before he was fleeing the scene and out of the front door.
“What the hell just happened?” Aelin whispered, but the room was quiet enough that it was heard loud and clear.
A moment later footsteps were thundering down the stairs and Finnian shot past the living room to the front door. He must have been listening on the stairs and if he’d heard everything the chances are he would be filled with that fiery Galathynius anger. That was proven by the yelling that came from the front lawn a moment later.
“Shit.” Rowan muttered as he pushed himself off the chair.
Lorcan was right behind him and when they stepped out onto the front porch it was clear the two boys were squaring up. Finnian was 14 but he was still willing to fight on behalf of his sister. He was getting himself off his knees where Korbin had evidently pushed him down.
“How am I supposed to take care of a kid? I’m a kid myself?” Korbin said, readying himself for Finnian to recover and throw the next attack. With a few years' age difference, Korbin had size on his side but he had the sense to only defend himself. He wouldn’t be go after the boy in an unfair fight.
Shame cut through the disappointment and anger Lorcan was feeling. He was seeing it clearer now, Korbin was just a kid unprepared and scared out of his mind. As a father Lorcan had been too hard on him, had gone too far by kicking his own son out of his home. His anger was his folly and he’d pay for it. He still didn’t think Korbin was right in his actions, but he sure as hell had let his anger get the better of him.
Korbin’s head was down and he was shaking his head. “I didn’t ask for this.”
Finnian was on his feet again. “Neither did she.”
Whatever brotherly bravado he was running on was stopped by Rowan stepping in between the two boys and grabbing Finnian around the shoulders as he took off running.
“Inside, now,” Rowan said lowly.
Finnian shot Korbin a hateful glare, not quite ready to give up the fight. “You think she should have to do this alone? Elsie will have all of us, she doesn’t need you. So stay away from her.”
Finnian went to say something else but his father was not having it. “I said now.”
The silver-haired boy looked like an angry puppy as he pushed his father off and sulked his way inside. Rowan shot Lorcan a brief look and nod before he went back into the house as well. That left the Salvaterre to themselves.
“Your father is not kicking you out,” Elide said to Korbin, sounding furious but they all knew it wasn’t directed at their son. “Do not listen to him.”
“Korbin, I’m sorry,” Lorcan said, trying to bridge the divide he’s taken.
“Whatever, Dad,” Korbin said bitterly. “We all know that you speak your truest when you’re mad.”
“Doesn’t mean I don’t regret it and that I was wrong,” Lorcan told him.
“Doesn’t malter.” Korbin sounded dejected.
“Korby,” Elide said, taking a few steps forward. “We still don’t understand why you’re acting like this. We want to understand.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Korbin repeated.
Lorcan was going to push the matter, he was ready to keep at it until Korbin cracked and whatever it was that he was holding onto came out. But then yet another car pulled up to the curb and parked outside the busy house.
To Lorcan’s surprise it was Fenrys that got out of the car, “what’s cracking?”
“Finally,” Korbin muttered and started walking toward the car.
Elide followed him, jogging a little to catch up. “Korbin, wait.”
Lorcan knew he’d done too much damage already so he left it to Elide to try and fix this. All Lorcan did was sigh and ran his hands through his hair. Today was hellish and he was ready for it to be over.
“Why’d your son call me asking to stay at my house?” Fenrys asked.
Lorcan turned, not showing his surprise at the newcomer being so close. “None of your godsdamned business.”
There was a moment of tense silence then Fenrys asked, “Okay, what is happening?”
“If Korbin wants to tell you he can,” was the only answer Lorcan was willing to give.
Fenrys looked up at the house like he was contemplating going in for better answers, but then thought better of it. “I’ll look after him, you won’t have to worry.”
“Thank you,” Lorcan said and Fenrys gave his shoulder a squeeze.
He watched from a distance as Fenrys drove away with Korbin in the car. Elide had talked to him as long as she could, even giving the window a knock at the last second to say one last thing. Then she stood there on the footpath, fingers on her lips as she watched the pickup truck disappear from sight. When it was gone she turned back to Lorcan, her face clouded and raging like a storm.
“He told me ‘you obviously don’t want me here so I’ll go somewhere else,’” Elide said when she reached him. “You did so badly today Lorcan. That is our son, our son and he no longer feels welcome in our home. You better fix this Lorcan Salvaterre, or I swear Hellas himself won’t be able to save you.”
With those final, damning words Elide left him to go back inside—no doubt to help with more damage control. Lorcan stayed outside, needing a moment to himself to figure out what he needed to do. Elide was right, he hadn’t done right by his son today and considering that maybe some time apart would be good. Everyone would have time to cool off and to think about things more rationally. Lorcan had a sneaking suspicion as to why Korbin was lashing out so violently. And that was something his son would need to discover on his own.
I know it looks bad... BUT
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eliziethegirl · 1 month
agent 4s full backstory
Agent 4 had grown up in a small town about 40 minutes away from Inkopolis Square. For most of her life, she grew up in a half fun, half work environment. Her parents, who were originally known for their smartness with her father being a math professor at a high-ranking college near their town before his retiring, had 4 be work-inclined so she could have a successful future for her own children. Agent 4 loved her father very much due to the time they would spend together on weekends after school. However, as time progressed, Agent 4's father found a job and slowly came home later, leaving her with her mom. So 4 would not worry, her mother hid many things from her, including the messages her father had left behind. At school, 4 became increasingly known, yet had no friends to be with. One day, her father disappeared without a trace, leaving his things behind at 4's house. She was left devastated but still loved him. Her mother, although reluctant to,  promised to hide the reason of his leaving from Agent 4. This remained secret for a long time until...well, later. We'll get there. At home, Agent 4 devoted herself to studying and fulfilling her father's dream of her future success. Her mother pressured her more in the process. By the time she had turned 14, Agent 4 had passed enough to enroll in advanced courses at Inkblot Art Academy. Her family had helped her rent out a small apartment in Inkopolis Square, and in a few days, she would leave to take summer courses at Inkblot. Days later, 4 goes on the train to Inkopolis Square when, in an empty cabin in the back of the train, she breaks down because her father would not be there to see her dream. That day, 4 chickens out and decides to go to her apartment first. The day is spent doing close to nothing besides unloading for her apartment. Before going to sleep when night comes, Agent 4 stares at the ceiling, almost in longing for something. The next day, 4 takes a walk through Inkopolis Plaza to clear her mind before encountering Marie. Curiosity gets the better of her and, well, Hero Mode begins. Throughout the adventure, 4 becomes more outgoing and energetic, finally getting to see a world outside of the school-inclined world she had been used to.
After the adventure, it is midnight, but 4 runs to her apartment without a care in the world. For the next few weeks, Agent 4 becomes more open to the world around her and becomes grateful for where she is at. Instead of going to school, Agent work becomes more influential in her life. One day, 4 meets Off The Hook and becomes almost instant fans of them. They introduce Agent 8 to her, who will be living with her. The two like each other after a day spent, but don't know if they will actually be able to become friends. Both of them are dealing with their own internal struggles-8 is trying to come to terms with the horrible things she went through in the Metro and attempting to rebuild her life and make peace in this new place that is known for its history of prejudice against who she is. 4, on the other hand, wants to be useful to 8 and help her work her way through this new life but worries that she may only be an inconvenience to her and that her efforts to have 8 feel welcome will be in vain. 4 and 8 are just working through their relationship a few months later when 4's family calls her back to her hometown for a family gathering. Upon arriving, the family is ecstatic to see 4 again. She wanders around the house but stumbles upon the notes that 4's mom had hidden from her, that he willingly left was all a lie and 4 had been chasing a dream all this time that she's only now realizing won't come true-that her father may be long gone. 4 and her mother have a heated argument over dinner, with 4 being able to vent out her emotions on how her father still loved her but didn't want to leave them. After this 4 leaves and goes back to Inkopolis Square. She returns to her apartment and cries hysterically on her bed. 8 arrives and sympathizes with her, and the two hug and are finally able to accept each other as friends. In spite of this 4 decides to attend Inkblot while also matching up with her Agent work. She and her mother do not speak to each other until the end of 4's school year, in which they make amends. 4's mother is deeply sorry for her actions. 4 cannot forgive her, but she is on better terms with her mother. Near the end of 4's freshman school year, 4 and 8 have become extremely good friends and think of pursuing a romantic relationship together.  For the rest of their school years, 4 and 8 balance out their Agent work, school work, and spend time together with the rest of the Squidbeak whenever they have free time. (Captain goes to a different school from them.) During Splatoon 3, 4 is now an adult. She has moved to the Splatlands and bought out an actual house with Agent 8. She works multiple jobs in order to pay for her house, but is able to work with her schedule. Then Side Order (normal AU, not a Villain AU) happens, 8 fights her way through, 4 is freed, and the two become closer than ever. Around this time, 4 begins to have a little sister relationship with Neo 3, and the two basically become chaos twins. And that's all for now.
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happybird16 · 2 years
could you do “aot characters get their wisdom teeth removed” headcannons?
this might seem like a weird request, but it’s been at the back of mind lately 🌚
thank you! ❤️
Okay so I’ve thought about this at work for a couple days and here’s what I have:
Historia: Cries. Just hardcore sobs about everything and everything. Everyone’s just been so nice!!! And her mouth hurts and she’s so sleepy!! She thanks everyone, the nurses, random passersby’s on the street, Ymir who’s driving her, all while sobbing hysterically. Once she gets home she cries into her cats fur repeating the word soft.
Ymir: Deliriously brags about her girlfriend to anyone and everyone, including Historia.
Connie: Having seen the hilarious videos of people post surgery, he has Sasha ready with a camera to catch his hilarity. Theres absolutely no doubt in his mind that he won’t be a riot, he’s even hyped up his TikTok followers. Instead he’s just so swollen and tired he just sleeps the entire time. He’s devastated.
Sasha: An absolute champ. Doesn’t even tell anyone that she had surgery that morning, meets the entire friend group for dinner later that evening. Just eats and eats unbothered, her friends are only concerned once she has to swipe away some blood. She just shrugs it off and eats a second serving of chips. (I had a friend do this. SHE DROVE THERE AND EVERYTHING)
Jean: Acts all tough but is genuinely scared of the surgery and has his mom take him for comfort. Has a bit of a panic just as he goes under, but just wakes up groggy and a bit sore. He whines a lot afterward, despite talking big game.
Armin: An absolute light weight. The doctors were even surprised by how fast he went under. The entire ride home is just silence. Doesn’t even make it to his room, just collapses on the couch. The pain meds have him pretty much out like a light for most of the day, though he somehow manages to get a ton of books next to him, most of them on him.
Mikasa: A tank. Unbothered, doesn’t mention the surgery to anyone. Follows the correct diet and actually eats soft foods and drinks soups for a couple days, but it’s really not a big deal. She doesn’t even bruise, but does try to go back to school too soon.
Eren: Whines. Hardcore. Swells up and bruises like crazy. He has to drink nothing but broth for days. Calls and texts Mikasa and Armin way too many times during school hours to complain, both about the pain and not being there with them. Borderline demands that they come over and comfort him after school. Tells Jean it was nothing.
Hange: Goofy x 1000. Very confused about what’s going on and where they are, asks a lot of questions and tries to get the gauze out of their mouth way too soon. Spends the car ride home with their head out of the window because the cool breeze helps with the pain. Takes out their own stitches. (This was me)
Erwin: Wants to go back to work!! Now!! He’s totally fine (he’s not) and stubbornly refuses to take the pain meds because he’s fine (he’s not). The entire car ride home is him insisting to be driven to work. Has to be physically restrained in order to be kept from his desk.
Levi: Suffers in silence. He’s a real big baby about the pain and the swelling, but doesn’t say anything to anyone. Chubby chubby cheeks 💕Refuses to take the meds at first but eventually concedes. On the way home the entire squad is packed in to the car, which confuses and upsets him because he thought it’d just be Erwin and Hange. All the kids are pointing cameras in his face expecting something hilarious, but he’s just super tired :(( He just wants to sleep :(( Once they’ve all settled down he starts muttering nonsense about tea flavors and brands of bleach.
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starryhiraeth · 2 years
Then there were two…
Fenrys x Reader x Connall
Sad one again (Not sorry😉)
(Lol probably some spelling mistakes)
TW-death and Mention of SA (not reader) and whippings
Part 2 coming soon…
You could remember the last time you saw your mate,of course you could. It was after you and Fenrys had escaped Maeve’s grasp and joined Aelin’s court.
Maeve had taken an interest in you when you were a mere child of 6. Your family lived at the sea and on an incredibly stormy day,the oceans killed your mother and father,leaving you washed up on the hard gravel floor until Another Fae found you.
She took you to Maeve after seeing glowing read lines of liquid fly and glide around you in your sleep.
An extremely rare ability and Maeve was loving it,having you trained every single day until you turn 50 then you joined the Cadre as one of Maeve’s bloodsworn. It was there,you met your mates.
Fenrys and Connall.
Complete opposites,whilst Connall was brooding and protective,Fenrys was playful and never failed to make you laugh.
Over the years,serving Maeve was hard,you’d have to torture a lot of people because of your Power and as well as that was horrible,the thing that kept you up at night was the fact that on most nights,Fenrys was being forced into Maeve’s bed. At first it was Connall and you remember running into his Arms and both of you breaking down. He had a hickey,a hickey you didn’t make…
You tried to make excuses for him to be busy in the times Maeve wanted him but eventually she caught on,thank gods she didn’t find out you were mates but she figured out that you were trying to stop their meetings.
As a result you were whipped in front of him,5 jagged lines forever down your back…Forever.
After that he visited you everyday,just holding you and when Fenrys came back from a mission seeing his brothers state and your scars,He was horrified.
The three of you spent days talking about it,only to come to the conclusion there was absolutely nothing any of you could do unless you wanted maeve to strike again.
But what happened next broke your heart even more.
Fenrys took his brothers place and wouldn’t tell you when it was happening so you couldn’t anger maeve when trying to stop it.
And over those years,you would like to say that your mating bond got stronger but alas that wasn’t the case,every time Fenrys came back,you tried to best to make him feel okay,little did you know Connall grew jealous of this attention,grew resentment towards his brother and maybe even you.
The last time you saw Connall is when you were sent with Fenrys and Gavriel to hunt down Lorcan and instead ended joining Aelin and her court.
Then,the worst day of your life came,your best friend had been taken by Maeve and so had you mate.
Both of them were.
You couldn’t explain how much you missed Connall over the time you were with Aelin.
The only thing keeping you going was the fact that when Maeve was gone,you would have them both back in your arms.
But no.
She had taken them from you again and it was killing you.
You were called to the forest and found an injured Fenrys,when He took the blood oath to Aelin and she ordered him to live,he awoke but gave you the most devastating knews of your immortal life.
Connall was dead.
Maeve forced him to kill himself.
You were in a tent when he told you.
“No…” you said in denial,eyes watering
“Y/N…”Fenrys said calmly trying to
“NO…no.please tell me it’s not true,please please please,it can’t be true!” You we’re hysterical,running makeup,crying,you couldn’t even see anything through your own tears until eventually you fell to the ground in a pathetic puddle,crying your heart out as Fenrys held you close and cried his own silent tears.
You couldn’t even rejoice,yeah Maeve and Erwan are dead but so was Connall. Balls and Banquets were thrown in honour of Dorian,Aelin,Manon and their courts but you attends none.
It was too painful to see how life went on without your mate.
“Y/N” Fenrys said,looking around the corner of the room
You would still,numb
Ever since the reality kicked in that you no longer had Connall,it’s like you were dead inside.
The only people who you could talk to would Fen and Rowan.
You and Rowan had always been friends and you remembered every night he cried himself to sleep in your arms over Lyria’s death.
Now he did the same for you.
Fen kneeled in front of you. You loved him more than anything but you couldn’t help but see Connall’s face. So your broken solution? Don’t look at him.
Rowan followed him and stood by you as you sat on your balcony.
“Sweetheart,we think maybe it would be good if you went out,there’s a ball tonight,you don’t have to stay long,just come out for a bit please” Fen almost started to cry seeing you like this,he had never felt more alone
You just looked at him and saw Connall,your breathing speeding up and tears started flowing down your cheeks and suddenly it all clicked for Fenrys,he was identical to his brother expect for his hair. Everytime he tried helping you,it just hurt you more.
He was hurting you.
Tears started flowing from his eyes and you had the horrible realisation that he blamed himself.
Gods,you never wanted this to happen
“Wha- Fen-no,no,no that’s not-”
“It’s fine” he jumped up and kept looking down trying to his face from you “don’t you have to come…I’m sorry” he voice broke as he pretty much ran away
You ruined it,
One mate was dead
One mate thought you hated him
And you were a grieving mess
Looking back at Rowan you heart sped up too your makeup dripped down your face. You’d finally broke. Your best friend scooped you up in his arms and you stayed there and let your pain swallow you whole…
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ojosdeongos · 8 months
Only the truth will set you free pt 2
The day I decided to move out, (the next day I came home from the hospital) is unfortunately branded in my mind forever. I had called my sister in a panic, asking for her help. She did not yet know what I was going through behind closed doors. I also called one of his friends because I was desperate for insight from someone who I thought may know better than I did (turns out no one really knows him well enough) to inquire whether or not he would become violent if he knew I was leaving. His friend's only response was that he thought my ex was "doing better" and that the only thing he ever heard was a rumor that my ex had burned his former girlfriend with a cigarette while intoxicated (that rumor later came to light as being true). At this point in time, he had already crossed my physical boundaries by slamming his hand on my chest during an argument one night (there was never a real apology for that). What was I supposed to believe about the person I thought to have loved but who became a stranger in the blink of an eye? I recall being so utterly confused, hysterical, scared, and devastated. All of my stuff (my whole little home + cat) was packed and gone within hours of an afternoon. My mind and body completely burnt out.
As soon as he caught glimpse of an empty home, I get a phone call from him begging me to return. He claimed he would give up everything to have his "best friend" back: his band, his music, his vices, his lies. Never in my life would I have allowed him to give up the art I knew he loved, for that was never the real problem. I did believe, however, with all the internal conflicts this person had, his obsession with being popular in a dark scene like punk, was a slippery slope into self destruction. I was too fucked in the head to even give him an answer.
Day and night for a month, I cried myself into my greatest depression upon my sister's couch. Probably the lowest spiritual point in my entire life. So low, I, for the first time ever, envisioned early death through various causes. Car accident, cancer, falling off a cliff, a graze to the vein. I do admit, it definitely was a bad, impulsive idea to flee from one toxic place to another. My sister and I have had a tumultuous relationship for as long as I can remember, and grieving was not something I was able to do, let alone be ashamed for (more on that relationship another time). Regrettably, I was still in contact with my ex (we spoke about therapy). And after a horrible falling out with my sister (over being in contact with him), she kicked me out. My ex offered my place back at "our home". It was either that or become homeless, as I didn't have anyone that could help support me at that time. I really wish my sister could have been more compassionate and not have given up on me so easily.
So back I went. I confess, I was somewhat relieved to be back in a place my cat and I had made our home. It was a gorgeous home, owned by his wealthy grandparents up by the mountains. He never appreciated that place, but I had never grown up with that type of privilege, so I was completely swooned by the canopy of oak trees and variety of birds that surrounded us. Wrapped back around his finger I definitely was, for familiarity exceeded the safety that should have been present.
We continued many long conversations, talked about therapy, and concluded we really did want to work things out. He attributed his anger on his self loath. Credited his self loath on his fetishes. And his hyper-sexual nature was blamed on his traumatic upbringing in a strict, religious cult. It really gave me hope listening to his deep introspection and sharp self awareness. But eventually, I became enlightened to how that keen "self reflection" would be used as a key tactic in manipulation. Nevertheless, I thought this to be a breakthrough moment, a second chance for a brand new beginning. Amidst the scandal of lies and betrayal, my spirit was hungry to experience what a relationship with him could be like if I could just overcome a short walk through hell with my lover. Well, hope was the biggest bitch, and I know now that hell does not exist within the walls of real love.
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yinyangswings · 3 years
Hanging off the Ledge
Fandom: Assassin's Creed Unity
Characters: Arno Dorian, Reader, Elise de la Serre (mentioned)
Pairing: Arno x femReader
Notes/Warnings: Implied thoughts of suicide, drinking, mention of vomit, used Google translate for my French so forgive me on that
Word count: 3088
Summary: You knew that there would always be trials when you fell in love with Assassin Arno Dorian. Knew that he had demons within him. What you didn't know was that your own demons would rear their heads at a vulnerable moment after an argument with him. Nor did you know that it would be Arno who finds you standing on the ledge of the South Tower of Notre-Dame, staring down at the streets of Paris.
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She wandered around the streets of Paris. The moon mingled with the lamp light, the sound of men singing from the bars, dogs barking, a cat hissing from an alleyway.
She didn’t really notice.
“You’re going to get yourself killed if you keep being reckless like this, Arno!”
“For fuck’s sake Elise, I’m not a child!!”
She frowned, wrapping her arms around herself. The argument itself wasn’t a new one. She thought he was being reckless and he, as usual, didn’t appreciate being coddled. And if she was being truthful with herself, this hadn’t been the first time he had called her Elise by mistake. Right after she had died, he would call her that on a nearly daily basis. She had red hair. Elise had red hair. For a man who had been drinking away his sorrows, it hadn’t been a surprise to get the both of them confused. But as a few years had gone by and he had grieved correctly he had stopped. She had thought, naively apparently, that maybe he was beginning to move on. When they had gotten together she had thought that maybe he actually loved her. That, while Elise would always have some part of his heart, which she had expected, she could share with the ghost of his former lover.
But that seemed like it was a lost cause.
He doesn’t love you. He loves Elise. He’ll always love Elise over you. If he could save her by sacrificing you, he’d do it without hesitation.
She felt her eyes begin to burn and she roughly rubbed under them, pointedly ignoring the voice whispering in the back of her mind, but was pushing into her mind like a nail. She slowed when she found herself in front of Notre-Dame, the large building looming in the square. It wasn’t a church anymore. Some cult now ran it. The Cult of Supreme Being, if she remembered correctly. It was dark, signifying no one was likely in there.
She worked the door open and slid into the shadowed building. She remembered being a child and coming here once with her father and brother. It had been a beautiful cathedral, the stained glass glistening down upon the pews, the statues, the soft hymns of the choir.
She had gotten in trouble for staring too long, but she couldn’t help it. It had been a comfort for her.
It was now a shadow of what it once was. A daily reminder of the mistakes of this country. Of the change that had happened.
Just like you. You’re a mistake.
She found herself walking up the stairs in the back, her footsteps echoing despite being as quiet as she could. Several staircases, unlocking some doors, and climbing more stairs later she found herself in one of the towers, staring at the bells.
It was so quiet, only the wind passing through the room seemed to sing its song. She slid her hand across the one bell near her, feeling the chill of bronze soak into her hand. She jumped when her foot kicked something and she looked down to see a small crate of...wine bottles?
“Oh for God’s sake. Really?” She muttered, bending down to look at it more closely. It looked like someone had had the idea that no one would look for wine in an abandoned church.
Well...at least no one who wasn’t an assassin and knew how to pick locks.
She hesitated for a moment before she flipped the bottle over and looked at the label. It wasn’t even a good year. But it would do. She worked the cork out and took a swig, grimacing at the taste. She took another swig.
You’re useless. It’s no wonder your father died hating your existence. Why your brother died hating you.
And another.
You’re a disgrace to the Creed and the Brotherhood.
And another. The wine tasted bitter and she knew that she should stop, but it was helping with the pain, numbing it.
Arno will never love you. He will never see you as anything more than a replacement.
She coughed violently as she choked on the wine, not able to tell if the burn in her eyes was because of that or something else. She sank back, sniffling slightly and coughing at the burn. The voice was relentless.
Usually she could ignore it, plaster on a smile and carry on her day. But now…
Wouldn’t it be better if you just ended it?
As though to bolster the suggestion a sharp breeze rushed past her, creating a mournful sound through the tower she was in and she looked towards the opening.
And she took a step forward.
Arno Dorian was not in the greatest of moods as he jumped from roof to roof. The argument was still fresh in his mind. He understood Y/N’s point of view on the whole thing, but he felt that he wasn’t a child that needed to be coddled. He was an assassin, just like her. He hadn’t appreciated her scolding him, but looking back it hadn’t been a critique but more of a worry of hers. And he yelled at her, making her leave their room and the Café. Which was why he was running around Paris like a lunatic in the middle of the night looking for her to apologize. He had considered waiting at the Café but after three hours, he began to grow worried. Even at her angriest, she hadn’t been gone that long.
His desperation was growing in stature when she wasn’t in any of her normal spots that she would go to. He was about to head back and see if she had made it back to the Café when the moon peeked out of the clouds and illuminated Notre-Dame. He spotted a flash of red on the top of the South Tower. He stumbled to a stop, looking up, squinting to get a good look, before hurrying over to the church, making short work of getting to the top.
Sure enough it was Y/N, sitting on the railing of the tower. She glanced over her shoulder, before looking back out towards the city.
“Bonjour Arno.”
“There you are.” He huffed, landing on the roof of the tower, a frown on his face. He took a step and blinked as he kicked a wine bottle, watching it roll away from him.
“...Fancy a drink tonight?”
“Casse-toi. Like you’re any better.” Y/N slurred, taking another swig from another wine bottle, swaying slightly in the wind.
“Y/N, get off the ledge.” Arno said evenly, despite his heart threatening to pound its way out of his chest. “You’ll fall, Cherié.”
She cackled, though there didn’t seem to be any humor in her voice.
“Wouldn’t that be…” She hiccuped. “Wouldn’t that be une tragédie? I’m sure my funeral would have a grand total of...one attendee; moi! They might even bury me, or they’ll just dump my body into the Seine.”
She laughed again though he frowned.
She glared at him, before rolling her eyes, and pointedly ignoring him, taking a swig from the bottle in her hand. She was silent, staring at the few people of Paris wandering around, unaware of the two assassins sitting above them.
“Suppose I’d need to avoid some random passerby though, oui? Can’t...can’t hurt an innocent because of the Creed.”
It was as if cold water had been dumped on him.
She couldn’t mean...she wasn’t seriously considering...
“Y/N, get off the ledge.”
It wasn’t a gentle request anymore. She scoffed, standing like a child who was being called home during a riveting game of tag and didn’t want to. She swayed and stumbled on it, drawing closer to the edge.
“And if I do that by jumping off? No stacks of hay down there that I can see.” She asked good naturedly, her voice amazingly calm.
“Y/N, don’t joke like that.”
“Who’s saying I’m joking?” She hummed, twirling in an unsteady circle, swaying backwards. Arno dashed forward, grabbing her arm and yanking her back onto the roof, the bottle falling out of her hand and disappearing over the edge. He could only hope it didn’t hit anyone below as his arms folded around her, holding her close as she began to fight against him.
“Avez-vous perdu la raison?” He snapped. “Why would you even consider killing yourself?!”
“Because the place would be better without me!”
Arno staggered backwards as she kicked at his legs, his mind reeling, trying to catch up with the situation, but unable to comprehend it.
“What are you talking about?! Do you know how devastated we’d be if you died?!”
“Who, Arno? Who would fucking miss me!?” She cried, fighting against him. “My family is gone, Arno! My brother died hating me because of the reason I was even brought into this world! Father hated me because I killed Mother! Name on fucking person who would care if my brains splattered on the steps of Notre-Dame below!”
To that she let out a laugh that could have been a sob.
“You? YOU!?” Her voice went into hysterics. “You don’t give a damn about me! You never did!”
“Y/N, what’s gotten into you!? Of course I-”
He went still and he released her in shock. She stumbled away, but didn’t attempt to jump off the ledge again. She seemed to curl into herself, tears sliding down her face as she looked at him.
“You think...you think I’m stupid? Or blind? You don’t think I don’t know that you see Elise every fucking time I fucking turn and you see my hair, or when we spar, or...or argue? You think I’m that blind to not see that ache in your eyes every damn time you even look at me?? For fuck’s sake Arno, you’ve called me her damn name tonight!” She inhaled sharply, trying to stop crying, but failing. His eyes darted from side to side, replaying the argument earlier in his mind, before his eyes widened.
“Y/N, I didn’t-”
“Do you know how much it hurts trying to pretend I’m happy, when I’m reminded daily just how unnecessary and unwanted I am in this world? How much better you and this world would be without me? You want Elise back so much but I’m not Elise. I can’t be her. I can’t even begin to compare to her.” She whimpered. “I’m an assassin, but I was literally only born to be that because my brother was too sickly to be one. And despite that, despite working day in and day out to prove to him I could be a good assassin, I know that my father didn’t even want me! So...so why even bother being here? No one wants me, Arno. I’m just...just this big mistake...I...I…”
“Ma Cherié…” He said, his voice suddenly rough and he hurried over to her, pulling her to him again. She struggled for a moment, beating at his chest to get him to let go. He did not, digging his hand into her hair to keep her still. “Ma Cherié, no.”
“Let go, Arno!”
“No. Not until you listen to me.” He said. “I know I make mistakes. Too many to count. I hurt you so much without even realizing it. And you are the most patient woman to not murder me in my sleep for that.” He trailed off, swallowing noisily, “Oui, there are times I think about Elise, and wonder what life would be if she was still alive, and oui sometimes there are moments where I see her in you.”
She struggled against him again and he thanked the wine running through her right now. At least he could get her to listen to him.
“But that doesn’t mean I’d be better off without you. That I don’t want you here.”
She went still.
“I love you Cherié. I love you so much. You don’t deserve all this pain and weight I’ve put on your shoulders. Especially with Elise. There are similarities between the two of you, but the differences outweigh them. Christ...I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve anything you give me.”
He moved her head away, cupping her face in his hands, brushing away the tears that were sliding down her cheeks.
“I don’t deserve waking up with you curled up to me and if I try to leave the bed, you hold onto me because it’s not yet time to wake up in your mind. I don’t deserve listening to you hum as you’re fixing a stitch in our robes while leaning against me, or your laughter when you’re sparring and you’ve pinned me. I don’t deserve having you scold me for being an idiot on a mission, yet having my back on said mission. I don’t deserve any of that.”
She stared at him and he gave a desperate laugh, his eyes glittering in tears.
“But even though I don’t deserve it, every day you bless me with those tiny memories. How could I be better off without you?”
She inhaled sharply, tears sliding down her cheeks. She let out a soft keening sound, closing her eyes tightly as a sob tore out of her throat, silencing the voice that was begging her to just pivot and jump.
“I can’t Arno...I just...I…I...I don’t know what to do.”
She heard him inhale shakily and felt him kiss her brow. He seemed to be shaking as well. He pulled her back into a hug, and she didn’t resist this time, just sobbing, face pressed into his shoulder.
“...Let’s go home.” His voice whispered into her ear after several minutes, rough as though he was holding back emotions. She nodded weakly, and he lifted her and carried her away. Before she could even object, he was walking down the stairs and past the bells of Notre-Dame.
She didn’t remember how exactly they got back to the Café Theatrë. She did remember having to stop several times in alleyways to puke her guts out from all that damn wine she drank. She remembered that Arno’s touch never seemed to vanish. Whether it was holding her hair away from the vomit, rubbing her back as she heaved, or holding her close to make sure she didn’t fall flat on her face when she stumbled away, he was always touching her.
The last thing she really remembered was going up the stairs to their room, being laid down on the bed and feeling a kiss against her temple. The next thing she knew, the sun was beaming into the room and her head felt like it had been used as a drum.
She let out a groan and curled up under the blanket, trying to rid herself of the headache. Distantly she heard a soft chuckle and then the clink of a cup on the nightstand.
“Can’t say I envy you. I know from experience it isn’t fun. Though this is a change in roles from what I usually remember.” Arno’s voice said softly. She muttered an expletive and peeked her head out from the covers. Arno sat down on the edge of the bed, offering a smile.
“It’s close to noon. I figured with the amount of drinking you did last night, you earned your sleep.”
Y/N groaned, covering her face with the blanket again.
“Come on. Let’s get some food into you. I promise you’ll feel much better.”
“If I ever go towards a wine bottle again, you are free to spank me.” She muttered, finally leaving the cocoon of blankets and Arno smiled.
“Oui m'dame. Granted, while it is a tempting offer, I have a feeling that’s not going to happen anytime soon.” He said and she snorted, instantly regretting it and cursed under her breath. He chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead before handing her a pastry.
She wasn’t really hungry, but nibbled on it anyways, glancing over at him as he watched her. He was just staring at her as though making sure this wasn’t a dream and she was actually sitting in their bed alive and well, despite the hangover. He had dark bags under his eyes, which were curiously bloodshot. He was wearing the same clothes he had been wearing the night before. Almost as if he hadn’t...
“Did you stay up the entire night?” She muttered in surprise, realization dawning slowly in her hungover brain.
“...I wanted to make sure you didn’t try and leave to go back to Notre-Dame.” He finally said and she grimaced, looking away.
"Je suis désolé, Arno. I didn’t-”
“No! No, don’t apologize...just...is that the first time you’ve...that you’ve considered that?”
She shrugged.
“I’ve never gone as far as I did last night...but there’s always that voice in the back of my head saying that everyone would be better off if I wasn’t around...I don’t usually listen to it. But it was just...so loud last night. It drowned everything else out.”
She shifted away, embarrassed. He swallowed roughly before cupping her face, brushing a thumb against her cheek bone. She leaned into his touch, finally looking up at him.
“If it does happen again, if that voice becomes too loud?” He asked softly. “Find me. I meant what I said last night. I love you. I don’t deserve you, but I love you. And I’ll spend every day I have remaining telling you that. So find me, and I’ll put to rest any worry you have.”
She nodded, closing her eyes as he kissed her forehead, her cheeks, the tip of her nose, and then very delicately her lips, before resting his forehead against hers.
It wasn’t a clean fix. There were still problems that needed to be discussed. Issues that needed to be talked about. In the future he would have nightmares of wondering what if he hadn’t gone looking for her, if the next day they had found her body at the steps of Notre-Dame, and waking up in a cold sweat to check and see if she was still there next to him, still breathing. For a while after, she couldn’t go near Notre-Dame, couldn’t even take a sip of wine before her stomach revolted at the contents because it reminded her of that night.
But right then and there, it didn’t matter.
She was sitting there breathing, and in his arms.
And that was all Arno Dorian cared about.
Bonjour : Hello
Casse-toi: Fuck off
Cherié: Sweetheart
Une tragédie: A tragedy
Moi: Me
Oui: Yes
Avez-vous perdu la raison: Have you lost your mind?
Ma Cherié: My Sweetheart
Oui m'dame: Yes Ma'am
Je suis désolé: I am sorry
121 notes · View notes
spooky-z · 4 years
This story contains: sexual harassment, attempted rape, panic attacks and language. Proceed with caution.
Important info: in this au, Hawkmoth was defeated and Gabriel was never Hawkmoth (nor Natalie-Mayura), but don't worry, he will have karma in his ass.
I didn't tag anyone again, because of the possible triggers.
I wrote this story listening in the dark by bmth in the replay.
You will find things wrong about the law and things like that, but I'm not a lawyer or a police officer so ignore it. This is only a fanfiction.
Maribat by @ozmav
Adrien felt numb.
He knew that his heart was beating normally, his lungs working as usual, but the sensation of being suspended... The extra-corporeal sensation he was experiencing, caused these two facts to be left in the back of his conscience.
There was something.
There was someone.
Someone was talking to him.
But Adrien-
"He's having a panic attack!"
Adrien was choking. The air entering his lungs made his chest hurt, his eyes were open - he knew - but he could see nothing but shapes; the wet on his cheek said that he had cried, that he was crying.
His body was freezing, the taste mixed with blood and bile in his mouth made him sick, the sounds seemed distant and the smell-
The smell of her perfume.
Was too much-
Too much-
Someone was touching.
Someone was touching him.
It was like he was still there.
As if she were there.
"Shit." Marinette sighed. "He passed out."
"Sorry!" Chloe was crying heavily in Kagami's arms. “I'm sorry, Mari! I did not know-"
"It's all right, Chlo." Kagami rubbed the blonde's back. "You were just trying to help."
"Chloe, it's okay." Marinette said, trying to put Adrien on the sofa. “We are going to let him rest. I need to clean up this mess.”
The mess being the vomit spread on the wooden floor, the lamp shattered on the table, apart from the torn tablecloth.
Adrien, trying to stop himself from falling or, trying to find something to act as an anchor, had pulled the tablecloth tightly, tearing the embroidered details from the hem. And when he hit the ground, he slammed against the table with the lamp.
This was all because Chloe had touched Lila's name.
And Marinette knew at once, that Lila had crossed all lines. Even without knowing what had actually happened.
The three girls were surprised by the sound of the door opening, but soon relaxed when they saw that it was just Luka.
Luka who didn’t know what had happened and was looking at the calamitous state of Marinette's house with horror.
"... What?"
"Adrien." Kagami sighed.
"He had a panic attack." Chloe elaborated.
"What was the trigger?"
"Lila." Marinette responded with disgust.
"What the hell did she do this time?" Luka narrowed his eyes, eyes in which the pupils were a little more... sharp. Like a reptile. A snake.
"We don't know." Chloe sniffed, still shaken. "The only thing we know is that when I touched her name, he started to freak out."
"When he got here, was he acting weird?"
"A little less cheerful, but we thought it was Gabriel acting like absolute trash again." Kagami replied.
Luka approached the sofa, eyes sliding over Adrien's sleeping figure. Noticing the reddish spots under the eyes and how the hair was a little oily; which was not normal, since Gabriel did not accept Adrien less than perfect.
"Didn't Plagg say anything?"
"Plagg is hiding with Tikki on the gramophone and doesn't want to leave at all." Marinette sighed. “He barely stopped to speak to us when Adrien arrived. He just dropped the transformation and disappeared into my room. "
"So, he knows what happened and for him to be acting like that, it means it wasn't just one of Lila's lies bothering Adrien." Luka said, fingers stuck in the foam of the sofa. “And apparently it was something really serious. Serious enough to break Adrien.”
"I knew we shouldn't have left Paris without him!" Marinette growled. "If I had just-"
"Marin, please, this is not your fault." Luka said, approaching the girl. “It is not our fault. Adrien even encouraged us to make this trip.”
"He knew you missed Damian." Chloe pointed. "He wanted us to get away from Paris a little bit to celebrate our transfer."
"Even so!" The girl protested. "If I had taken Kaalki, perhaps I could have avoided what happened here."
"I am afraid." Marinette murmured, tears flowing freely and Luka hugged the girl. “Afraid that Lila has broken Adrien beyond repair."
The scent of chamomile tea was what woke Adrien out of a dreamless sleep.
At first, he shifted in confusion because that was not his bed. That mattress was a little harder than the mattress on his bed, besides being very narrow and the ceiling was too low to be his home.
But then he heard Marinette's voice whispering something close to him, the blond of Chloe's hair over his stomach, the distinct red of Kagami's fencing uniform and the comforting blue of Luka side by side.
"..." He moved, stretching to sit and Chloe was quick to lift her head. He noticed that her eyes were slightly red. "Good Morning?"
"Hey, Chlo."
He was at Marinette's house.
Adrien had gone to the Dupain-Cheng house after fleeing the Agreste mansion.
After running away from his father.
After running away from Lila.
His memory of the day before coming back like an avalanche.
Just like tears.
Marinette, Luka and Kagami hurriedly got up from the table after hearing Chloe's voice.
"Hey, Chlo." They heard Adrien's voice, hoarse and weak, before they saw him.
The model looked the worst for wear. The deep dark circles, the hair pointing in several possible directions, oily and the vomit stains on the shirt, gave a much worse look than he had before passing out.
Marinette was distracted by the tears running down the boy's face.
"Adrien." Kagami sighed, devastated. Eyes shining with tears.
The model bent over his knees before he started to cry hysterically. With painful sobs, snot running down his nose, fingers digging into the blanket Marinette had thrown over him the night before.
Adrien's body shook with the force of sobs, his skin had turned an alarming shade of red.
"I-I-" He tried to say.
Luka was the first to approach him, cautiously so as not to overburden the blonde further. He had no escape when Adrien threw himself on him, arms tight around the musician's waist and his face buried in his chest.
Luka put his arms around Adrien's shoulders, returning the hug as tightly as he could.
Chloe sat next to Adrien on the sofa, gluing his legs over her thighs and crying silently.
Kagami approached, but preferred to sit beside Chloe, one arm on the girl's shoulders and the other hand making circular motions on the skin of Adrien's foot.
Marinette was the last to approach, sitting on the arm of the sofa next to Adrien, her hand making comforting movements on the boy's back and his blond hair.
They waited for Adrien to finish crying - Kagami having gone out once to make more chamomile tea - to give the boy a mug of tea.
When Adrien put his feet on the floor and leaned back on the sofa, giving Luka space to sit next to him, Kagami sat on the coffee table where Chloe joined her to be closer to the boy. The four around Adrien.
But it was only after he finished half the tea that Adrien started talking.
"Remember when I told you that I was going to talk to my dad about how Lila was making me uncomfortable in photoshoots and at school?" The four nodded. “Yesterday, before I left for school, I spoke to Gabriel. I told him how I was feeling about all of Lila's harassment and how I didn't want to have contact with her anymore and- “
Adrien took another sip of the tea, fingers tight on the porcelain.
“He said that I shouldn't complain. That an Agreste doesn't run away from a problem, he faces it.” He focused on the amber liquid in the mug. "That I shouldn't complain about my fiancée being sticky."
"What the fuck!?" Chloe whispered angrily. "Fiancée? Gabriel was classier than that.”
Adrien cringed at Chloe's words and the girl squeezed his knee in regret.
“I went to school; the day went by smoothly since Lila didn't show up for classes. I even got excited, even after the conversation with Gabriel. So, when I got home- “Adrien took one hand from the mug to intertwine with Luka's. Trying to anchor. “Lila was there, saying that my father had invited her for a romantic date with me, so we could get to know each other better... I ran away to my room. I-I don't know, I panicked I think.”
He shook his head, looking confused.
“I locked the door, I'm sure of it, but Lila managed to get in anyway. She saw Plagg.” He gasped; eyes wide. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't want to-“
Marinette put her arm around the boy's shoulders, pulling him into a hug.
“Shh, it's okay, chaton. It was not your fault." She whispered against his hair.
Adrien remained with his face buried in Marinette's shoulder for a few minutes before moving away, his eyes fixed nowhere.
“L-Lila was surprised, but she understood what that meant in some way, I don't know how! So, she threatened to tell everyone if I didn't do what she wanted and I couldn't let her tell everyone about Chat Noir! I couldn’t!" Tears started to run down Adrien's face again. "So, I accepted."
"Adrien." Kagami sighed.
"I thought she would force me to fake a relationship or support her in her lies, I don't know!" Adrien's eyes became more and more glazed. “But that wasn't. That wasn't it. That wasn't it. That wasn't-” His voice trailed off; his lips trembled.
"Take a deep breath, baby." Luka stroked the model's hand, squeezing when Adrien did what he asked. "This, like this... We are here for you."
"She asked me for a kiss." He said weakly and Marinette felt her blood run cold, dreading Adrien's next words.
The other three, having the same reasoning as Marinette, had frozen.
“I didn't want to, but I did what she asked. But then...” He took a deep breath. "But then she said that a simple kiss wouldn’t be enough to keep such a big secret and that she wanted more..."
Adrien placed the mug of tea in Luka's hands, before covering his mouth tightly. Eyes fluttered, but Marinette was quicker.
She took the bucket she had left near the sofa, in case Adrien felt sick again and handed it to the boy, who violently poured all the tea with bile.
When Adrien sat back on the sofa, tired of being sick, Chloe took the bucket and set it on the floor. "Do you want some water?"
Adrien shook his head. "Not yet. I don't think I can keep something in my stomach.” He looked at the ceiling. “... I think I blacked out when she started kissing me, because all I remember after that was Plagg shouting my name and hitting my face. I was undressed, but I still had my underwear on and Lila was lying on the bed just in lingerie. I think Plagg knocked her out.”
Marinette rose from the arm of the sofa, unable to contain herself.
She had tears - like all of them - rolling down her cheeks, her fists were clenched and her nails digging hard into the skin of her hand, she had to use all her restraint to keep from catching Tikki and hunting Lila all over Paris.
Adrien didn't notice the girl's action, his eyes unfocused and still immersed in the story.
"So, I got dressed and used Chat Noir to get away." He continued. "I didn't really think about it until Chloe-" Adrien looked up. “Now I don't know what to do. I don't want to go home because my dad is going to be there and I don't want to go to school either because Lila is going to be there. I also can't stay at your house because I'm sure you will be the first suspects, but it's not like I have much of a choice, so-”
"Adrien." Luka said, barely managing to control the tone of his voice. "Don't you dare suggest going back to that house."
"You are not going back there, Adrien." Kagami stood up, hands running through her hair before she sat down at the table again. "What happened here was not something frivolous. That was very serious.”
"But-" Adrien tried to protest.
"You are not going back to that house." Marinette interrupted anything he could say. “Not if I have anything to say about it. What I have."
That's when Chloe's phone rang with a message received. Five messages in a row.
She got up to check, trying to distract her mind from everything Adrien had told them. Chloe was not coping well with the fact that Gabriel had let Adrien be abused just because he didn’t accept that his son was gay.
Of course, she didn't mention it to her four friends. But she knew that Gabriel's sudden interest in Adrien and Lila becoming more than classmates or co-workers, was linked to Adrien's announcement about being in a romantic relationship with another boy.
Gabriel had smiled and acted like the father of the year on camera, but they knew the truth, of course.
Adrien was on a call with Marinette when Gabriel broke into the boy's room demanding that Adrien retract himself. Demanding that he go to the press and say it was a mistake.
Because Gabriel would not accept his only heir to be in a relationship that, in addition to not bearing fruit - children - would be dragging the Agreste name in the mud because Luka was not someone of high society.
Luka Stone was not a fact known to everyone, only close friends and family. So, the man thought Luka was just a gold digger.
Not that it mattered to Adrien.
So, Gabriel was an old man, homophobic and traditionalist. He wanted Adrien to marry a woman, one who would give him grandchildren and was rich. Someone like Kagami Tsurugi. But Kagami had dodged that bullet by telling Tomoe that she was not interested in romantic relationships, wanting to focus all of her time on fencing.
Which was a complete lie, but it had worked.
Chloe thought Gabriel would try to negotiate Adrien's hand with Audrey, since the first option was out of the question, but he never contacted either Audrey or André about it, so she thought he had finally come to his senses.
But apparently, he felt so trapped that he sold his soul to Satan. The talk of finding someone in high society left out, focusing only on the 'woman who could give grandchildren'.
Chloe tilted her head, taking deep breaths to calm herself.
She couldn't break. Not with Adrien needing all possible support.
The phone rang two more times, the screen lit showing seven unread Sabrina messages.
Brina <3
[3:25 PM]: Dad showed up with another police officer and Mlle. Sancoeur looking for Adrien, did you see him? [3:25 PM]: Apparently, he ran away from home yesterday and nobody knows where he went [3:26 PM]: Lila is saying some very strange things... I don't know if I believe her. [3:27 PM]: She's accusing you and Marinette of kidnapping Adrien for being jealous of their relationship... But that can't be true, can it? Adrien is dating Luka! We all know that! [3:28 PM]: Chlo, I don't like what she's implying. Is Adrien okay? Did she do something to him yesterday? Is that why he ran away???? [3:29 PM]: Nino said that Adrien doesn't answer the phone and doesn't know where he might be. [3:30 PM]: If you are with Adrien now, let him know that they are going after him. They left for the Dupain-Cheng bakery.
"Mari, we have a problem!"
"What's it?"
“Gabriel pulled the strings and the police are already looking for Adrien. They are coming here.”
Adrien stood up from the sofa abruptly, his hands shaking and his face pale.
"I can't go back there." He stammered. “I know I talked about going back, but I can't. Don't make me go back there.”
Luka stood up, placing his hands on the boy's shoulders and forcing him to face him.
“Adrien, calm down. We will not send you back there.”
"What are we going to do, Marin?" Kagami asked worriedly.
"I know exactly what to do." Marinette replied, determined.
She wouldn't let Gabriel or Lila get away with it. They would pay for hurting Adrien.
Chloe jumped in surprise at the sound of the doorbell ringing, but Kagami was quick to kiss the girl's hand in comfort. Trying to calm her down.
Marinette sent a look at the two of them, before getting up from the sofa and answering the door. Where M. Raincomprix, Mlle. Sancoeur and another police officer, one she didn’t recognize, looked at her critically.
“Oh! Hello M. Raincomprix! Mlle. Sancoeur and...”
“Berger. Louis Berger.” The man introduced himself.
"M. Berger.” She repeated, smiling sweetly. “What brings you here? I hope it's not for our pastry, because Mom and Dad are in London on vacation!” Marinette joked.
Sancoeur frowned in annoyance, Raincomprix looked increasingly uncomfortable and Berger was the only one who was courteous enough to smile pleasantly at her.
"Unfortunately, we're not here to-" Raincomprix started, but Sancoeur was quick to cut him off, almost pushing Marinette to the floor as she passed through the door.
"Where's Adrien?!" She snarled.
"Adrien?" Marinette murmured in confusion. "I haven't seen Adrien since last week, before I left."
"We received information that Adrien Agreste would be here." Raincomprix said, being more polite than Sancoeur when entering the house, followed by Berger.
"I don't know who could have informed you about this, but it is impossible for Adrien to be here." She answered. "I arrived from Gotham just last night."
Sancoeur grunted like a furious dog, looking like she was about to hit Marinette. Which was a surprise, since Marinette never saw the woman less than composed.
"Don't lie to us!" She spat. "I know that you are obsessed with Adrien and crazy enough to try anything!"
Marinette frowned, feeling offended. She was trying not to break the insolent woman's nose.
“Mlle. Sancoeur I really don't know where Adrien- “
"Adrien?" Chloe's voice cut the tension between the two. And the four turned to face Chloe standing in the middle of the room, Kagami beside her holding hands. "What's with Adrien? Something happened? He’s fine?" She was frantic, almost panicked.
Marinette had to admit that the girl had a talent for acting.
“Oh, Mlle. Bourgeois and Mlle. Tsurugi, you would be next on the list.” Berger said surprised.
"List? What list?” Kagami looked genuinely confused. “And what does this have to do with Adrien? Can someone explain to us what the hell is going on? "
Raincomprix had a painful expression on his face.
"Adrien Agreste went missing last night and nobody knows where he might be."
Needless to say, Natalie seemed less than happy to be leaving Marinette's house. Having sniffed every corner and not finding a single strand of blond hair to accuse the girl of kidnapping.
The officers left the house on various levels of embarrassment thanks to Sancoeur's less than ideal behavior.
"What is the plan?" Damian asked.
All of them - except Luka who had gone to Liberty just to get him off the list of suspects - were at Wayne's mansion in Paris. The place that Adrien would stay hidden until it was time to appear again.
After Sabrina's warning, Marinette was quick to throw Trixx and the necklace over Adrien's hands, ordering him to transform and then casting an illusion over himself, becoming invisible. Soon after she got in touch with Damian explaining everything as quickly and succinctly as she could and he told Adrien to hide there, at Wayne mansion, where no one would come looking for him.
Luka had left at the same time as Adrien, losing the police and Sancoeur in a matter of minutes.
Kagami, Chloe and Marinette stayed in the house for an hour after Sancoeur and company left, before heading to Wayne's mansion.
Where they were trying to come up with a plan that would destroy Gabriel and Lila once and for all.
"I don’t know." Marinette sighed. “Defeating Hawkmoth was different from that here because well, the guy was a terrorist and I was just able to beat him up with all my strength. Now, Gabriel is a civilian, a despicable and horrible, but still civilian. The same goes for Rossi. I cannot go with brute force.”
"How about blackmail?" Tim suggested, they were all sitting on the floor of the game room trying to think of something.
Kagami shook her head. "Blackmail may be a good idea at first, but it loses its effectiveness as time goes on."
“It has to be something more definitive. Like jail or death.” Chloe said, not caring about her abruptness.
Adrien was not among them, which was a major factor in Chloe's lack of filter. The model had gone up to one of the guest rooms wanting to bathe and sleep. Trixx following him closely, since Marinette was not comfortable leaving him alone.
Plagg still refusing to leave the Kwamii dimension.
Plagg. Plagg.
"Wait!" Marinette stood up; her brow furrowed in concentration. “Do you remember what Adrien said? About Lila recognizing Plagg.”
Kagami bit her lip thinking, before opening her eyes wide. "He said that she knew what Plagg meant."
Tim cocked his head in confusion. "So, she saw Adrien transform before?"
Chloe shook her head frantically. The eyes were wide, too. "No." She answered. “Adrien said that Lila saw Plagg and understood what it meant. If she had seen Adrien transform before, she would have already tried to blackmail him.”
"Not to mention that he said she was surprised, before informing him that she knew what Plagg was." Kagami said.
"Which means..." murmured Marinette.
"Lila already had contact with miraculous and kwamii before she saw Plagg for the first time." Damian worked out the train of thought. "And the only miraculous who was not with the Guardian was-"
"The butterfly." Everyone said together.
The five froze, the meaning of those words weighing on them, only returning to normal when Plagg suddenly appeared between them.
"Pigtails, I have an idea on how to take down the demon Rossi." He said without the usual tone of mockery. “About Agreste senior, I think your boyfriend and his brother will get enough just by investigating his past. The guy is not very good at hiding the tracks.”
The four who were still sitting on the floor stood up, different levels of determination showing on their faces.
"But before that, let me call the cavalry." Marinette agreed, hand taking the phone out of her jeans pocket.
"Cavalry?" Tim muttered confusedly to Damian and the boy just sent a conspiratorial smile in response.
Marinette had the phone to her ear.
“Mom? I need your help and Dad's.” She said. “It's about Adrien. He needs his family.”
Finding evidence against Gabriel was like Plagg said: easy.
The guy had the Everest of dirt, but he had no idea how to get rid of the evidence. He probably just hadn't been arrested yet because he was rich and because of corruption. After all, why arrest a guy for free when you can keep him free and still earn a fat bonus for that, right?!
They managed to do away with two printer paper packages and there was still a shortage of paper to print the evidence against him.
Rossi had been easy and complicated at the same time, because the evidence about her being less than a decent person had been easy to find. A little survey of the previous schools she had attended gave them more than enough evidence that the girl was at least a sociopath and at most a psychopath.
Not medicated and who, in a way, liked it.
However, finding evidence that Lila worked with the Paris terrorist had been more complicated than they thought it would be. Even with Tim and Damian together investigating this part of Lila's life, there was very little to prove that she was part of it.
What led Marinette and Damian- Ladybug and Thaelab, the current situation: La Santé Prison. Where Hawkmoth, Bob Roth, was being held. She had requested visitation for the criminal with the excuse that she had a proposal for the man in exchange for information.
She reached the small room, where there were two prison guards at each corner of the wall behind Bob, and the man himself was sitting, along with the lawyer, at the only iron table in the center of the room.
Marinette wasted no time in sitting on the available chair across the table, Damian preferring to stand, leaning against the wall behind her.
"What brings the heroes of Paris to my humble residence?" Bob Roth crossed his legs, his nose held up despite his lack of power.
"I want to know about Lila Rossi." Marinette wasted no time. "I want to know about the person who was helping you to terrorize Paris."
Bob froze in his chair, his lawyer casting suspicious looks at the man. Bob probably hadn't informed him about his aide in crime.
The prisoner cleared his throat in surprise before disguising his discomfort with a disdainful pose.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Marinette raised an eyebrow, skeptical.
“Bob, please. Don't act like I’m an idiot.”
"I still don't know what you're talking about." He insisted.
Marinette sighed, getting up from the chair.
"Okay then." She said. "I thought we could negotiate a reduction in your sentence in exchange for information, but apparently I was wrong." She sighed before turning to leave. "Thaelab." And Damian pushed himself off the wall, following her.
Bob's eyes widened in a panic.
"WAIT." He called, Marinette and Damian stopping inches from the door, still not turning around. "If I tell-" The lawyer nudged him, trying to stop the man from speaking, but he ignored the warnings. “If I tell you about Lila, can you bring Xavier over to see me? I haven't seen my son since I was thrown here.”
Marinette and Damian looked at each other before nodding and returning to the table, both sitting down, their attention focused on Bob Roth.
The man sighed, shoulders slumped and looking away.
"You're right." He started. "Lila Rossi knew about Hawkmoth."
“How did she knew that? As far as we know, Lila arrived in Paris after you started terrorizing citizens. So, how?" Damian questioned.
Bob Roth looked up, his mouth in a thin line.
"Lila Rossi is my daughter." He replied. "A daughter I never wanted, but who came to my door threatening to expose everything to the press if I didn't do what she wanted."
"This is what I call a plot twist." Adrien whistled, a recording of Marinette and Damian's conversation with Bob Roth playing. "She was blackmailing her own father."
"But now we can understand where she got this toxic behavior from." Chloe murmured. "Madam Rossi is a loving person despite being so busy, so I never understood how Lila could be so..." She waved her hands in the air, trying to find the right word.
"Bob?" Kagami offered confused.
"That will do." Chloe shrugged.
"But I don’t understand." Luka frowned. "If she was already blackmailing him with fatherhood, then why let her know about Hawkmoth?"
"Because if she tried to hand him over to the police, he would be able to 'prove' that Lila was helping him all this time." Tim responded easily.
"So, he set up his own daughter." Marinette shook her head, failing to understand how most of the people she knew had serious problems with their parents, while she was rainbows and flowers with hers.
"A girl he didn't even consider as a daughter." Damian pointed. “It was easy to notice the contempt in his voice as he talked about Lila. Very different from when he talked about Xavier.”
"Do we know why he wanted the miraculous?" Chloe asked.
Adrien looked up in confusion. “Oh? Didn't I tell you?” He tilted his head. “He wanted to revive Xavier's mother. His wife."
"I'm kind of sympathizing with him." Kagami winced in disgust. "But I don't want that."
"Okay, guys." Tim slammed hard against the keyboard. “The dossiers about Lila Rossi and Gabriel Agreste are ready. I think it's time for Adrien Agreste to show up.”
"It's show time, guys!"
Mlle. Bustier was in the middle of an explanation when Markov started to fuss, the screen turning red and flashing "Urgent!"
Everyone looked at the little robot in alarm until he started to project a video on the green board.
It was a report by Nadja Chamack.
"We are here, in front of the police station, where Adrien Agreste was spotted entering accompanied by Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain from the Dupain-Cheng bakery and three other lawyers." Nadja announced to the camera, in the background, the police station in evidence. With barriers to prevent the overtaking of the curious and journalists. “Adrien Agreste, who had disappeared a week ago, appeared today for the first time. He has not yet left the police station and the only information we have obtained so far is that he is filing a complaint about what motivated him to run away from home.”
Nadja's image was replaced by a recording of Adrien getting out of a black car with tinted windows, accompanied by Sabine and Tom - Marinette's parents -, two men and a serious-looking woman wearing suits and with a leather briefcase in her hands.
Adrien seemed far from the model image that Bustier's students were used to.
There were dark circles under his eyes, eyes that were bloodshot. The blond hair that was once shiny and silky was dull and coarse. There was an abnormal pallor in the boy's skin.
The clothes he wore were atypical. A huge hoodie, sweatpants and sneakers. Black from end to end.
Tom and Sabine were on either side of the boy, trying their best to protect him from flashes and questions, before the police finally showed up escorting them into the police station.
Filming went back to Nadja.
“As you can see, Adrien Agreste gave no statement and we had no news from Gabriel Agreste or his staff. My name is Nadja Chamack and I will be back with more information.”
The projection was cut off abruptly, the entire class in shocked silence before they jumped out of chairs, loud and confused voices. Everyone trying to understand what the hell was going on.
Sabrina was the only compound, her eyes sharp on Lila Rossi who was strangely quiet, with a sticky glow on her skin.
Sabrina was sure that if she looked Lila in the eye, she would see the dread there.
"How did they find out that Adrien was going to the police station?" Tim asked confused.
"Nadja is a close friend of the Dupain-Cheng family." Damian replied disinterestedly. "Sabine contacted her and with the promise of an exclusive and Nadja alerted fellow journalists to Adrien's testimony."
Tim frowned even more confused.
“But wouldn't it be better if no one knew that Adrien was back? For us to have the trump card.”
"I thought so too, but apparently the first image of Adrien's return would have to be shocking." The boy crossed his arms. "The image of Adrien Agreste at the bottom of the well, being the first to be published in the press, to pave the case against Gabriel and Lila."
Tim winced at the harsh words.
“Wow, wasn't that a little too much? Expose Adrien like this...”
"It was his idea, actually."
"... Despite everything that's going on, Adrien manages to keep his head cool enough to think that way." Tim murmured. “I am amazed and proud. I don't know which one stands out the most.”
The disclosure that Adrien had appeared was not just to spread the boy's defeated image. Of course not. Marinette would not be insensitive to such a way of letting Adrien expose himself as harshly as if he were on a freak show.
No. That had also been bait.
They knew that as soon as Gabriel found out that Adrien was back and accompanied by Marinette’s parents, it wouldn’t take long for him to break into Dupain-Cheng bakery and distribute threats about what he could or couldn’t do if they didn’t hand Adrien back to him.
Which didn't take long to happen.
After the news that Adrien had left the police station without giving a statement of what had happened, Gabriel didn't take long to appear at Sabine and Tom's door. Natalie, Gorilla - who had an expression of sadness - and two men who were supposed to be for frighten Marinette's family, but that did not have the expected effect.
“Good evening, M. Agreste. To what do I owe the honor of this most dignified visit?” Sabine asked. The mocking tone of her voice did not go unnoticed by anyone.
Man, he had the guts. The bakery was surrounded by journalists and he still had the audacity to appear as if he were the queen of England.
"Where is my son?" Gabriel asked, his entire posture showing contempt. “I hope you are aware that I will be filing a complaint for kidnapping and private imprisonment. Your daughter lied to two policemen and you and your husband covered it up.”
Tom, who was comfortably seated on the sofa, looked up. The expression on his face was very different from what he normally had.
"Kidnapping? Are you sure about that, Gabriel?” Tom asked. "I want you to think very carefully about your next words."
Gabriel snorted in offense.
"What else would it be when my son goes missing for a week and your daughter lies saying she doesn't know his whereabouts?"
“How about: harassment, attempted rape, cover-up, exploitation of child labor, neglect, gaslighting...? There are a number of things I could also suggest here, but it is better to leave that for trial day.” Marinette finally spoke, rising from the sofa and approaching the door. Approaching Gabriel.
Natalie gasped, fury shining in her eyes. "What are you talking about you-"
“If I were you, I would keep the poisonous tongue in my mouth if I don't want to lose it, Mlle. Sancoeur. I personally don't like violence, but if it's necessary I wouldn't mind teaching you some good lessons.” Sabine said, there was a sweet smile on the woman's face.
"What is this story about trial?" Gabriel demanded.
That was when Katherine Spencer, one of the lawyers Bruce had made available to defend Adrien, rose from the dinner table. She had insisted on staying at the Dupain-Cheng house, since the likelihood of Gabriel showing up to take Adrien and threatening them, was high.
"M. Agreste?” She asked. "I have some documents that should be of interest to you."
"And who would you be?" Gabriel raised his eyebrow, snobbish.
"Oh, sorry for my lack of manners." Katherine opened the leather briefcase and took a business card out of one of the smaller pockets, before handing it to Gabriel. "I'm Katherine Spencer, one of Adrien's lawyers."
Gabriel looked at Katherine and the paper, disbelieving what he read and heard.
"It says here that you are part of the Wayne conglomerate...?" He said, bewildered.
Katherine smiled, probably enjoying the effect it had on Gabriel.
"Yes, Marinette and Adrien are very close to the Wayne family, so when Mr. Wayne heard about Adrien's situation, he sent three of his best lawyers to help." She replied, the smile never failing.
With that, she opened the leather briefcase again, taking a wad of papers from the largest pocket, before handing them out to Natalie, who took more by reflex. And then she handed Gabriel a single paper.
The man's eyes grew a few inches after reading the biggest words on the paper and Katherine used this as permission to continue her speech.
"As you can see, this is an immediate restraining order." She nodded. “You and any Gabriel employee, whether personal or from your brand, including models, may not contact Adrien Agreste by any means possible. Otherwise, the police may be called.”
“But-but Adrien is Gabriel's face! My main model!”
Katherine nodded as if she understood the man's indignation.
"As you can see a little further down in that document, Adrien is indefinitely prohibited from working under the Gabriel brand until the investigation and trial are over."
"Investigation? Trial? What the hell are you talking about?” Natalie asked, looking more and more irritated.
Katherine stared at the woman without reaction.
“Adrien, Mlle. Sancoeur, was sexually harassed and nearly raped by a classmate who coincidentally also works for Gabriel.” Natalie gasped in horror. "All of this under the roof of his own home, with the permission of his own father."
"That- no-" Natalie babbled. Behind her, Gorilla had his hand over his mouth, a greenish tinge to his skin.
“I'm afraid it's true, Mlle. Sancoeur. There is testimony and evidence about it. " Katherine sighed heavily. “Today Adrien went to give his testimony again, so that there would be no reasonable doubts and then we got the restraining order. Now you must go.” She waved her hands. "There can be no contact between Agreste and Adrien."
Not surprisingly, when Lila received her restraining order, she freaked out.
The girl tried with all her strength to make herself a victim, even going so far as to give an interview to a local TV channel - less famous than Nadja's, but which attracted everyone's attention because Adrien's name was involved - telling what supposedly happened.
Madam Rossi was next to her daughter, both sitting on a sofa in what should have been Lila's house, while the girl cried copiously in a false way, telling how Adrien Agreste had attacked her at a business dinner. That he just didn't go any further because they heard a strange noise coming from the main floor, so Adrien ran for fear of being caught.
Adrien's fans ate Lila for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
It wasn't long before she also showed up at the bakery with the mask of a good girl being wronged. Demanding that Adrien withdraw the restraining order because it was destroying their relationship.
She looked more and more insane.
When Sabine took the girl upstairs to their home, Lila thought she had finally managed to get away with it. Only to come face to face with Marinette Dupain-Cheng and another frankly scary boy - he had a horrible scowl and a murderous look - sitting as if they were waiting for her.
Lila looked around expecting to see Adrien, but there were only the two of them there. Sabine soon returned to the lower floor.
“Hello, Lila. What are you doing here?" Marinette asked curiously, a cup of tea in hand.
"Where is he, Dupain-Cheng?" She spat, not bothering to act. Marinette wouldn't believe a word she said.
Marinette raised her eyebrow in surprise.
“Don't be stupid, Marinette. Everyone knows that Adrien is hiding here like a coward after he ran away from home.”
"Don't you mean after you tried to rape him?" The scary boy asked. That was when Lila noticed the oriental sword leaning against the side of his chair. Unsheathed.
“I didn't do that! He's just confused!” She stammered.
"I don't know Lila..." Marinette tilted her head innocently. "Blackmailing someone for... sex, also falls into the category of rape."
Lila swallowed a sigh, surprised that Marinette knew the details. She believed that Adrien had told only the basics, trying to keep his furry secret out of the spotlight. Lila had plans to use this surprise factor to her advantage, but apparently Adrien was playing to win.
"Don't be surprised, Rossi." The boy said again. "Don't think you're the hunter here."
"With that, I want you to meet someone formally." Marinette said nonchalantly. "Plagg."
And Adrien's kwamii appeared, incredibly scary for such a small and generally cute, creature.
“Hello sausage. We have a matter to discuss.” He said, his voice resonating on the walls of Marinette's house and Lila backed away in alarm.
She needed to get out of there as soon as possible.
“There, pigtails! Her memory of me is erased, but I haven't erased the attempt to... Anyway! I'm going back to the house of your murderous boyfriend, Adrien promised to watch the lion king with me with a lot of camembert.”
"Thank you, Plagg."
For the interview with Nadja Chamack, Adrien decided that the best place for this interview would be in the place where he felt most secure. The Dupain-Cheng house, on Marinette's balcony.
There were only Nadja and Adrien in the camera frame, but Tom, Sabine, Luka and Marinette were in the background, along with the cameraman, in the form of support.
"Thank you for granting us this exclusive, Adrien." Nadja smiled. "I know it shouldn't be easy to sit here and relive everything, especially now with Lila Rossi's recent interview."
Adrien nodded, he looked more composed than the first time he appeared on cameras at the police station, but it was still possible to see how puffy his eyes were and how thin he had become.
He was having a hard time keeping food in his stomach.
“Thank you, Nadja. It has been a difficult time for me, but with the support that I have received from my family, I remain strong on this journey.”
"This is very good to hear Adrien." Nadja nodded before speaking again. “Could you tell us what actually happened? Many of your fans believe that Lila's statements were false. What's your version of it all?”
This time the witch hunt version Gabriel Agreste and Lila Rossi had tripled in strength, because in addition to Adrien's fans, parents who were outraged by Gabriel's behavior and artists who knew Adrien for the sweet and kind boy he was, protested.
They demanded that Gabriel and Lila to be thrown in jail and the key forgotten at the bottom of the seine.
Both were arrested the day after the interview.
Gabriel got provisional release, of course. Such a rich man would not be arrested if he could do something about it.
Lila, on the other hand, had to wait for the trial in a juvenile detention center, even though Madam Rossi had tried everything she could to keep the girl from being taken away.
On the day of Gabriel's trial, the press was in full force in front of the Palace of Justice, wanting an exclusive or some pronouncement from Gabriel, because since Adrien's interview, the man has remained strangely quiet.
The court was packed. The Mlle. Bustier’s class by weight had attended the man's trial. They were all sitting in the right hall, behind where Gabriel's group of lawyers was sitting.
Only Nino and Sabrina who were on the left. Nino was sitting in the front, as close to Adrien as possible.
He was happy that Gabriel was finally getting what he deserved, but also sad that Adrien had to go through hell for this to finally happen.
Sabrina was content to sit next to Chloe and Kagami.
The Wayne family had also attended, all wanting to show support for Adrien in this difficult time. Leaving the Super family to look after Gotham while they were away.
There were also curious people, some people from Adrien's fan club, some parents of Mlle. Bustier's students and accredited reporters like Nadja.
The stage was set and Gabriel was the main character.
The defense attorney had taken the route of trying to turn Gabriel into a victim of Lila's manipulations, which might have been true to some extent, but that made no difference when Gabriel was a terrible father. And such awful person.
He had no excuse for that, because it was obvious that Emillie was the only one of the two who really took care of her son and that it ended when she died.
To say that it was satisfactory when Katherine tore him up in front of the audience, jury and judge Lahiffe - Nino's mother - did not come close to the real feeling that the miraculous team felt.
When Gabriel was found guilty... Well, it wasn't Marinette's fault the shout of celebration they let out.
Thirty years in prison and a ban on any attempt to contact Adrien.
Adrien later that day, discovered that the Dupain-Cheng were officially applying for guardianship.
He still had two years to reach legal age and as Gabriel and neither Emillie had close family, Adrien would enter the system. What Sabine and Tom Dupain-Cheng would not admit.
Adrien was already part of the family.
The miraculous team was amused to realize that every time someone called Adrien Agreste, he would correct it by saying it was Adrien Dupain-Cheng now. With his chest puffed out like a peacock spreading feathers.
Mlle. Bustier's class and even the teacher herself tried to contact Adrien or any of the three - Adrien, Marinette and Chloe -, but every attempt was thwarted by Tom.
Adrien needed time and he couldn't do that with a group of curious and insensitive teenagers buzzing in his ear.
Lila's trial had been less of a show and more of a funeral.
She appeared in court accompanied by prison guards, her hands and feet handcuffed and typical prisoner clothing, but what attracted the most attention about the girl was her short hair. Navigating between a pixie and a mullet.
Adrien shifted uncomfortably in his chair next to Katherine, looking confusedly at Marinette.
He knew that Marinette was watching every step Lila took, even in the detention center, so she was probably aware of this sudden change in Lila's appearance. But she never said anything to him.
(Of course Marinette said nothing. She knew that if she told Adrien that other girls in the detention center - his fans - had taken revenge on the Italian girl for what she did, Adrien would feel guilty. Even if Lila deserved a lot worse than a simple bad haircut.)
As the trial passed, everyone there was certain that Lila was being judged just because she was a terrible human being who doesn't know how to hear no; but when Katherine was getting more and more evidence out of her briefcase, everyone started to understand that Lila was much worse than they thought.
Madam Rossi had hyperventilated three times before the big revelation that Lila helped Bob put terror in Paris. So, when the man came in as a witness against Lila and told the whole truth, the woman fell hard against the wooden bench.
She had to be carried out of court.
There was no deliberation.
Lila was immediately found guilty.
She got a life sentence with no chance of parole.
"How are you feeling, chaton?" Marinette asked, fingers dancing over his blond hair.
“Relieved, sad and tired. And also happy.” Adrien replied, his face buried in the girl's neck.
The two had built a fort on Marinette's balcony, enjoying the clear skies and warm night. Trying to disconnect from everything and everyone.
Adrien was curled over Marinette's body, grabbing the girl as if she were his lifeline and Marinette had her arms around him, her fingers playing with the blond hair on the back of his neck.
“I know it has been difficult, that it is a lot to assimilate, but I want you to know that I will always be here for you. Always." Marinette whispered. "I will never let my kitten suffer again."
Adrien sniffed, arms tightening Marinette even more.
“Thank you, Mari. I'm very lucky to have met you.”
"I was thinking here..." Adrien looked up from where he was kneading the dough, drawing Marinette's attention across the table decorating cupcakes.
"Yes?" She murmured, the tip of her tongue dangling in concentration.
"If you're going to pursue a career in the fashion world, who's going to take care of the bakery business?" He looked away, his cheek starting to turn a lovely red. "Sabi-Mom and dad won't have a lifelong willingness to take care of the business, so who's going to do it for them?"
Marinette placed the cupcake on the table, looking at Adrien seriously.
"Adrien, be direct and say what you are thinking."
"I think Adrien is trying to say that he wants to become a full-time baker, isn't that cupcake?" Luka asked, appearing out of nowhere behind the blond boy and kissing the reddened cheek.
Adrien squeaked in surprise, almost dropping the dough off the counter.
"Luka!" He scolded. “Don't scare me like that! And don't call me a cupcake!”
"Sweetie either!"
Marinette rolled her eyes at them both.
Luka, after he started his relationship with Adrien, seemed to discover new parts of himself that he was previously unaware of.
Like being hopelessly in love and endless flirting.
It was disgusting.
"Okay, you two stop." She got attention. “The two of you flirting is disgusting. Too much sugar for my system.”
Adrien snorted, offended, Luka just winked boldly.
Marinette ignored them both.
"But if that's the case, I don't think dad would mind Adrien." She continued. “He will probably be very happy, actually. God knows how that man tried with all his might to develop my interest in baking full-time, but he never succeeded.”
Adrien smiled, lighting up like a Christmas tree.
"Do you really think?!"
"Of course." She nods. "Best of all, we have some of the best pastry schools here in Paris, in case you don't want to leave."
"Who's leaving?" Damian came into the kitchen looking like he was still asleep.
He and Luka had spent the night at the Dupain-Cheng house after a double date for horror movies with lots of buttered popcorn and sugary drinks.
It was supposed to be a slumber party with everyone, but Kagami had taken Chloe and Sabrina on a date; Nino was on Chris' nanny duty and Damian's brothers, who had arrived in Paris that night, preferred to stay home to recover from the jetlag.
So, it was just the four of them. And they managed to get to half of Annabelle before they passed out in the dreamland.
Marinette and Adrien just waking up when Tom passed the room to go down to the bakery, Luka and Damian sleeping heavily.
"No one. Mari was explaining to Adrien that he is more than welcome to continue the family business while she reigns in the fashion world.” Luka handed him the coffee mug.
"Amen." Damian murmured, planting a kiss on the girl's forehead before swallowing half of the black coffee at once.
"He looks so much like his brother when he does that." Said Adrien, remembering the time he had slept on the sofas at Wayne Manor and woken up with Tim sipping a huge mug of black coffee as if he were drinking water.
Marinette snorts with amusement.
"I always say that, but he never takes me seriously."
Damian frowned unhappy with the comments, but said nothing, seeing Sabine open the door with a tray of cookies in her hand.
"Look what just came out of the warm oven!"
Marinette smiled, her eyes on Adrien who had run to the woman, trying to help her with the tray even though she didn't need to. He was blushing adorably for the attention Sabine was giving him.
She was happy that Adrien was finally getting the attention and love he deserved.
Marinette was sitting in a small, but wonderful, restaurant with Leon.
Leon whom Adrien affectionately called Gorilla and who of everyone in that house, took care of Adrien as much as he could.
He was also the only one to respect the restraining order - since he still worked for the Gabriel and Gabriel brand - when others believed it was just a means of scaring.
Marinette knew that the man was a good person, that he really liked Adrien and that he had been blaming himself for a while now, for what had happened.
"How's he doing?" Leon asked, his voice disproportionately small for such a large body.
Marinette smiled; the pasta dish forgotten in favor of the man.
“Getting better." She answered sincerely. “There are more good days than bad, there are words that we have to avoid at all costs because of the trigger, but Adrien is doing well. Therapy is helping a lot.”
Leon looked down, a shy smile on his face.
“Is he still going to school? I know how much he enjoyed having a normal life. Or as normal as possible.”
"Yes, mom and dad transferred him to the lycée that I'm attending with Chloe and Kagami." Marinette nodded. "Things at Dupont were inconceivable to him."
Leon looked at her again. “I'm glad he found people he could trust, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng.”
Marinette snorted, amused. “Please, Leon. Just Marinette.” She stared at the man, holding his gaze. "He misses you, you know?"
Leon's jaw dropped in surprise.
"Don't be so surprised!" She laughed. "It is true. You were the only person he really felt close to in that place and who never hurt him.”
"Oh..." Leon looked away.
"You should come to dinner with us sometime." Marinette continued. "Now that you no longer work for Gabriel, there is no restraining order to stop you."
"Not to mention that we need someone trained to help us when Adrien's fans and journalists get really aggressive." She said innocently before drinking water.
Leon froze in surprise, incredulous at what he heard. Until a sincere smile opened on the man's face.
"Yea?" Marinette asked hopefully.
Leon watched the tiny girl wave her arms happily, not caring about the amused looks and laughter she attracted.
Maybe it was a good start for him too.
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happyandticklish · 3 years
Notes: For the anon request. The request was slightly vague, so I tried to improvise a little. I hope you like the result! ^^
Summary: Shizuo has a habit of picking Izaya up whenever he tries to stir up trouble, to mischievous results. 
Causing general mayhem and disaster was one of Izaya’s favorite activities, and Ikebukuro was one of his favorite cities to do so in. The chance of bumping into some kind of natural disaster was almost inevitable, and on the rare occasion of peace among the streets, Izaya was always willing to stir something up himself. Sometimes this something could be the beginnings of a gang war. And sometimes it was merely messing with small children.
Life was full of surprises that way.
“And just what do we have here?” Izaya inquired, folding his hands in front of himself as he stopped before a group of children gathered on the park asphalt. There were three of them, a young girl with a box of chalk clutched protectively to her chest, and two boys, who had previously been drawing out an outline for hop-scotch, who both looked to be about a year or so older than her.
The first boy glanced up at his comment, shooting him a suspicious glance. “Playing a game,” he answered stiffly, clearly waiting for the man to say anything in the negative about it.
“So I can see,” Izaya agreed, surveying the scene before them. “Hop-scotch… I remember playing that game as a kid. How do the rules work again?”
“Well—” the girl started hesitantly, but before she could say anything more, Izaya had begun hopping from one foot to the next over the squares provided. He wobbled a bit as he went, all with an assured smile. For his finale, he jumped forward with both feet, landing on the discarded pieces of chalk and cracking two of them easily.
“Hey!” the girl cried, eyes widening. “I just got those!”
“Oh!” Izaya clucked his tongue, placing his hands on his hips as he surveyed his work. “Well that will never do. I guess we’ll just have to break the other ones to match. Would you terribly mind handing over that box?”
The girl hid the box quickly behind her back, which wasn’t the smartest of defensive moves but it was all she had. The second boy appeared to be taking in the scene cautiously, clearly not wanting to get himself involved. The first one however, took an angry step forward, glaring up at him.
“Leave her alone!” he protested, portraying a level of bravado he didn’t feel. “Or I’ll—I’ll—”
“You’ll… what?” Izaya inquired, leaning down to face him with a devastating smirk. “No, continue, I’m truly curious—what exactly could you do?”
The boy stammered over his words, trying to think of any kind of witty reply but coming up blank.
“Leave the kid alone.”
Izaya sprang up, whirling around at the sound of the telltale voice. “Shizu-chan~! So nice of you to drop by. Decided to enjoy the spring day as well?”
One hand shoved carelessly in his pocket, Shizuo Heiwajima stood bathed in the gentle lamplight of the sun, surveying the scene casually. In place of his usual angry scowl, however, there was a bored, almost dismissive look on his face, as though dealing with Izaya’s shit simply wasn’t worth his time. Instead of answering, he stalked over to the other with quick, forceful steps, until they were inches away.
Izaya staggered back a little, taken by surprise by the direct approach. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could Shizuo had leaned down, grabbing Izaya around the waist, and hauled him over his shoulder. Izaya squawked in an undignified manner, gripping onto the back of Shizuo’s shirt for support.
Shizuo kicked the broken pieces of chalk back over to the children with a grunted, “here”, before turning around and heading off in the opposite direction, Izaya in tow.
By this point a burning crimson had begun to overtake Izaya’s features, and he could see the faces of the children from his vantage point, all of whom seemed delighted to see him in the embarrassing position. “You know, you can’t simply pick me up whenever you feel like it,” he huffed, reaching back in an attempt to swat at the back of the other’s head.
“Oh?” Shizuo easily avoided him as Izaya struggled to maneuver his arm in the right position. “And what exactly are you going to do about it?” he asked, parroting Izaya’s earlier words.
Izaya narrowed his eyes. He kicked one of his legs out, aiming to get a direct hit at his stomach. Unfortunately, legs do not generally go in that direction and he primarily ending up flailing around a lot and sometimes hitting the other’s arm in the process. This was not troublesome all on its own (Shizuo had definitely endured far worse from the flea), but it did prompt an idea. The next time one of Izaya’s legs came too near his face, he grabbed it with his other hand, gripping his fingers into the denim protecting the backs of his thighs.
Izaya let out a strangled noise, managing to somehow disguise it as a cough at the last moment. Shizuo’s hand remained on his thigh, his fingers gently tapping where they curled around his leg. Izaya’s breath caught in his throat as he realized suddenly how very, very fucked he was.
“S-Shizuo,” he said, trying as desperately as he could to keep his growing panic out of his voice. “I really think you should let me down now.”
“What’s wrong?” Shizuo asked calmly, his fingers tapping out a rhythm of doom against his jeans, each and every one causing Izaya to twitch against his will. “You sound suddenly concerned. Is something bothering you?”
“Shizuo, not again,” Izaya gritted out. Memories were flooding back to him of a week ago, causing butterflies to excite uninvited in his stomach. “If you think you can simply pick me up like a common stray and t—” he broke off, pressing his lips together into a firm, irritated line.
“And what?” Shizuo questioned, tossing a teasing glance back at him. Amusement danced in his eyes, and never had Izaya wished to punch him more than in that moment. “What exactly is it that I can’t do?”
“I believe you know perfectly well what I mean,” Izaya replied with a sickeningly pleasant smile. “After all, seeing as it has for some reason become one of your favorite activities to do to me, I dearly hope you know what it is.”
“And I would hope you know what it is, considering you appear to love it so much,” Shizuo shot back, pinching the back of his thigh suddenly.
“I w—shit!” Izaya lurched forward, his body’s instinctual response to save himself from the sensation. His arms flailed wildly, searching for a handhold, and eventually clinging onto the back of Shizuo’s shirt. Shizuo stiffened, trying to ignore the strangely pleasant shudder that ran down his spine as Izaya’s fingers brushed his back. He shook it off, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand.
Shizuo outlined a path of small pinches down the back of Izaya’s thigh, making the man jerk and squirm with each one, though he managed to stifle any noises this time. Once he had gotten Izaya properly ramped up, he removed his hand entirely, giving the other a momentary reprieve.
Izaya exhaled slowly, glad for the break. After a moment of nothing happening however, he threw a confused glance back at the other. “Are you done t—ahAHAHAHA, ohohoho shIHIHIHIHihihit!”
Izaya burst into wild, uncontrolled laughter as Shizuo suddenly dug his fingers into his thigh, pressing into just the right pressure points to make the other go positively mad. His hand came back instinctively to try to rip Shizuo’s hand away from the spot, but his current position prevented him from doing so. The sudden, intensive tickling caused a hysteria that weakened Izaya instantly, his eyes crinkling up into a series of wild giggles and shrieks, a euphoria he didn’t often allow himself to feel lighting up in his chest. His legs kicked out with reckless abandon, but nothing he attempted saved himself from the relentless attack.
Just as suddenly as he had initiated it, Shizuo stopped, allowing his hand to merely rest on the other’s leg. Izaya wheezed helplessly, burying his face in the back of the other’s shirt. His skin tingled with phantoms of the earlier attack.
“I’m sorry, you were going to say something?” Shizuo asked innocently.
Izaya weakly lifted his head, shooting back a venomous glare. “You utter ahahAHAHASSHOLE, nohohoho, nOHOHOT AHAHAhagain!”
Izaya fell back into hysterics as Shizuo once again started up with his thighs. It was a testament to Shizuo’s skill that he was able to keep a firm hold on Izaya whilst torturing him, all the while continuing to stroll through the streets as though nothing was happening. By this point, people had started to stare, dumbfounded by the sight of a grown man thrashing and howling with laughter, hoisted like a misbehaving child over another man’s shoulder.
“S-Shihihihizuo!” Izaya squawked, pounding his fist against the other’s back. “StahAHAHAP IHIHIHIT!”
“Sure,” Shizuo agreed, smirking as his fingers found a particularly unfortunate spot that had Izaya screeching. “Just say, ‘Shizuo is superior to me in every way’. You can do that, can’t you?”
“F-FuhuhUHUHUCK YOHOhohou!”
Shizuo clucked his tongue in disappointment. “I’m afraid that’s not it. Want to try again?”
Izaya tried. He really did. He used every ounce of self-control he had to try to either bear the sensations wracking his body or to somehow escape from Shizuo’s hold. But the embarrassing position combined with the results of a death spot being targeted in such an effective manner eventually did him in and he cracked.
“OhOHOHOKAY! OHOHohohohokay!” Izaya cried, frantic giggles interspersing his words. “S-Shihihizuo ihihis—ahAHAHAha, nohohoho wahahait—Shihihizuo—gahAHAHA! Gihihive mehehehe ahahahaha seHEHEHEHehecond!”
Shizuo reluctantly complied, momentarily stilling his hand. Izaya panted heavily, attempting to get any amount of air back. Once he’d finally regained enough breath to speak any semblance of coherent words, he raised his head and grinned back at the other. “Shizuo is… a fool for thinking I’d ever say anything inherently false as that. Sorry, try again next time.”
Shizuo’s confident smirk quickly transformed into an irritated scowl. “You little—” Instantly there were hands at his thighs again, only this time he attacked the other one which had thus far received no attention from their little game. Izaya let out an honest-to-god squeak, unprepared for the switch. He pulled at Shizuo’s shirt, needing a handhold as he faced the unbearable sensations. As he did so, however, he noticed the way his tugging had ridden Shizuo’s shirt up slightly, revealing the bare skin of his lower back and hips.
Izaya was struck with a sudden idea.
Shizuo flinched as he felt two hands grab onto his hips, fingers curling into the skin in a manner that was unmistakably ticklish. His hand faltered on Izaya’s thigh as his lips tugged into a reluctant grin, a couple growled giggles escaping him.
“I-Izaya,” he threatened, still holding onto Izaya but doing little else besides that. “Whatever you’re thinking, don’t.”
“Why?” Izaya teased, scratching his hips once more and feeling the man shudder beneath him. “Feeling a bit nervous now that the situations have reversed?”
“I’ll drop you,” Shizuo threatened.
“I’m not worried,” Izaya dismissed, clearly having fun with the sudden power dynamic. “Haven’t you heard? Cats always land on their feet.”
“Mind if I test that theory?”
“Now, now, no need to be grumpy.” Izaya squeezed his hips again and Shizuo choked on a stifled giggle. “I get it. You can dish it out, but you can’t take it. It’s fine, really. I’ll just be using it to my advantage now, is all.”
“L-Like hell you are!” Shizuo stammered, attempting to pull Izaya off his shoulders. Izaya yelped, grabbing onto Shizuo’s hips for support, causing the man to stumble forwards, releasing him in one go. With a startled cry, Izaya tumbled off his shoulders, and Shizuo jerked around, just managing to catch him by the arm as he hit the ground. It wasn’t a complete save (and Izaya would be complaining about being sore for days after), but it did prevent him from slamming into the concrete.
Izaya stared up at Shizuo, panting a little, his gaze focused on the place where Shizuo still gripped his arm. With a cough, Shizuo quickly released him, straightening up. “Are you…” he started slowly, rubbing the back of his neck uncertainly. “Okay?”
Izaya blinked, at a momentary loss for what to say, before his usual smirk returned to him. “Of course I’m okay, dear Shizu-chan. More than okay, at that.” He clambered to his feet, dusting off his jeans and trying not to focus on how his tailbone ached from slamming into the ground. “Because now I know your weakness, locked away in my brain for all eternity. But don’t worry—I’ll only use it against you as often as you’ve used mine against me. Now if you don’t mind, I really have some important business to be attending to, and must take my leave. Farewell, my dear brute.”
He saluted the other mockingly, whirling on his heel and quickly walking away. Shizuo’s frown of confusion as he watched him go quickly transformed into one of irritation. “You bastard, get back here!” he exclaimed, taking chase after him. “Who said you get to have the last word, huh?”
Izaya laughed merrily as he sprinted ahead, the two quickly disappearing into the chaos of the city. No matter what happened, nothing ever really changed between the two. One info broker, one bodyguard, locked together in continuous battle.
And as Izaya rounded the next corner sharply, his smirk turning into something almost giddy from the chase, he found he didn’t really mind if it meant he could hold the beast’s attention for even a moment longer.
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pterodactylterrace · 3 years
Guys Like You Chapter 9
Title: Guys Like You
Chapter: 9
Chapter Summary: What happens when a busy schedule leaves you lonely?
Rating: 18+
Chapters:  {Prologue} {Chapter 1} {Chapter 2} {Chapter 3} {Chapter 4} {Chapter 5} {Chapter 6} {Chapter 7} {Chapter 8}
It had been weeks since Faye had seen Henry outside of work. Henry's schedule was packed with choreography practice, training, filming and hush hush phone and zoom interviews he refused to tell Faye anything about. She was starting to get the feeling he had given up on her and was moving on. Why else would he refuse to tell her anything about this 'project' he was working on? Not a single clue was dropped. He continuously sited 'not wanting to jinx it' as his reasoning for not telling her. She was banned from his house for the last three weeks, finding herself right back where this had all started. Could it even be called a relationship? They had never agreed to be exclusive or anything, so it wasn't like she could lay some sort of claim on the man. It seemed he was drifting further and further away with every passing day.
Briar was taking it harder than her mother was. He was the first male presence outside of her grandfather and uncle she regularly had contact with. To say she had quickly become attached was an understatement. One particularly heartbreaking evening, she had convinced herself he would be coming over and bringing "Princess Kal" as she had dubbed the poor canine. She sat by the front window, clutching her stuffed bunny stubbornly until far after her bedtime, finally breaking down into hysterical sobs when she realized he really wasn't coming. Faye's texts to Henry about the child's expectations went unanswered.
A few days ago, Mrs. Anderson was unable to babysit, leaving Faye no choice but to either call in sick, or bring her daughter with her to work. Last time hadn't caused much of a problem, so hopefully she would be able to get away with it again. Just as long as it didn't become a habit, it wouldn't be a problem, right? It really wasn't, either. For the first hour or so, the child sat in the corner of the makeup trailer, mesmerized by the movie playing on her tablet. Faye had breezed through the battle wounds on some dwarves and applied the prosthetic ears on the elves in that time, her daughter calmly tucked away the entire time.
Then came time for Henry to get into the makeup chair. The second he stepped foot into the trailer, Briar had latched herself onto his legs, sobbing and clutching his pant leg like her little life depended on it. To say Henry panicked would be an understatement.
"I told you she missed you." Faye shrugged. In fact, she had mentioned several times how Briar kept asking about him. It was a bit of a wakeup call as far as her dating life was destined to go. If Henry was only around for a few months and Briar had attached herself so firmly to him, what would happen if Faye actually dated someone and spent even more time with him? Briar would be devastated if it didn't work out.
"I'm so sorry, princess." Henry soothed, detaching the toddler from his leg and scooping her up, letting her continue to cry into his neck. "I've been busy, I wasn't trying to make you sad." He assured, sitting in the makeup chair with the little girl still clinging to his shirt.
Faye may have failed to mention the multiple meltdowns she'd had to endure due to his sudden absence, but why should she bother the man with it? It's not like it was his job to pacify her daughter. She just wished the little girl hadn't grown so attached to him in the short time she had known him.
Briar completely refused to be apart from Henry for the rest of the day, perching herself in his chair while he filmed, staring intently at him as she clutched her bunny to her chest, whimpering unsurely the first few takes of a particularly rough fight sequence. Thankfully, she had calmed quickly, Faye explaining to the little girl that he was just playing pretend and wasn't going to get hurt.
She had reattached herself to him the second he drew too close, practically climbing him like a monkey to cling to his neck again. Faye was past the point of trying to stop her by then. She had been the one dealing with it ever since he had decided to vacate the little girl's life. At least now he could see first hand why Faye had been so irritable with him lately.
He vowed to Facetime later that night to say goodnight to the little girl when he had strapped her into her car seat that evening, the child unwilling to let her mother take her to the car by herself. His promise didn't stop her from sobbing the whole way home. The poor girl cried herself out by the time Faye had pulled into the driveway, half asleep all the way through dinner, ultimately passing out at the table, a forkful of pasta clutched in her chubby fist.
To his credit, Henry had called later that night, well after Briar's bedtime. Again, he apologized profusely for his insane schedule in the voicemail he had left. Faye wasn't in the mood to talk anymore, too drained from her daughter's most recent meltdown.
Now, here he stood at her doorstep five days later, his shoulders slumped in defeat and a pleading look on his face as Faye blocked his entry into her home with her tiny body.
"Can I help you?" Faye asked calmly, crossing her arms and leaning against her door frame.
"Faye, please, can we talk?"
"What's there to talk about?" Faye brushed him off, fixing him with a cold look.
"You're avoiding me."
"Excuse the fuck out of you?" Faye hissed, stalking toward him and shutting the door harshly behind herself. "I'm avoiding you? Are you seriously going to pretend the last three weeks never happened? One second, you're around all the time, the next I only see you at work. You dodge my calls, refuse to see me and break my three year old daughter down into hysteria thinking she did something wrong. Please, go on, tell me how I'm the one avoiding jack shit here!"
"I deserve that." Henry sighed, roughly shoving a hand through his untamed curls.
"Goddamn right you do." Faye hissed, fury burning intensely in her usually wide, innocent brown eyes.
"Please, Faye. Can you hear me out?"
"What's there to talk about? You got bored and you left me behind. I don't want your fucking excuses."
"I promise, I wasn't trying to avoid you, and I didn't get bored of you!" Henry growled, anger taking over his once apologetic face at her accusations.
"Then what the hell is it? Please, tell me why I should be okay with only being in your life when it's convenient to you."
"I've been busy, Faye! My life doesn't revolve around you!" Faye's entire body tensed at his outburst, returning his fiery gaze with a cold stare.  
"And mine doesn't revolve around you either, Mr. Cavill. If you don't have time for us, that's fine. I understand we aren't a priority for you. You've made that much clear. That doesn't mean I have to be at your beck and call whenever you can fit me in. I have my own life. I have a daughter to take care of, and I don't need you breaking her heart every time you can't spare a goddamn second for her."
"I wasn't trying to hurt her. I wasn't trying to push you away." Henry seethed. "You think I enjoyed being away for this long? You think I liked not spending time with you?"
"You make time for the things that matter, Mr. Cavill. Clearly, that's not us." Faye replied, her calm tone slashing through Henry's heart worse than any previous rage or hostility could. These were not words created by anger and meant to hurt him in the heat of the moment. This was coming from a detached, practical place in her mind. This was something she had thought about, long and hard.
"Faye." Henry sighed, his tense shoulders falling in defeat. "I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt Briar. The time I've spent with you two these last few months have been the happiest I've been in years. I understand if you don't want to see me, but I really wish you would. I... damnit, I fucking need you two." He admitted shakily, his eyes falling to Faye's feet, taking notice of the black ink covering the top of her right foot for the first time. Had he really paid so little attention that he hadn't even noticed that? Was he really that detached from something that brought him so much unconditional joy?
"And what am I supposed to do when you vanish again? It's the life you live, Mr. Cavill-"
"Henry. Please, call me Henry." He pleaded softly, each utterance of the removed name feeling like a knife to his heart.
"You aren't tied down to one place. You travel all the time. Why should I let you continue hurting us? What promise can you possibly give us that you won't just leave again?"
"I never left, I've been right here." Henry whispered, unsure hands coming to rest on her hips, slowly lowering his forehead to rest against hers. He had no idea when they had gotten so close during their argument, but he had to admit, it felt good to hold her again. "Please. I promise, I won't vanish again. If I can't be here in person, I'll call, I'll Facetime, I'll send video messages, I'll text. I will do anything and everything I can to be here for you."
"Then what happens when you find someone else?" Faye countered, remaining stiff in his hold, her arms still crossed tightly over her chest, subconsciously trying to block him out and build a wall between them.
"I'm not looking for anyone else." Henry assured, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of her head.
"Doesn't mean you won't find her."
"Then this mystery woman can sod off. I'm not interested." Henry hummed, pulling Faye closer to wrap his arms around her, resting his cheek atop her head, her tension slowly fading away with his embrace. "Can you forgive me for being an ass?" He asked hopefully, peppering the top of her head with kisses.
"This time. There won't be a next time. I don't have time to invest in someone that won't make any time for me."
"I promise, I will make time for you two." Henry vowed, reluctantly taking a step back to look into her face. "Would it be too much to ask to come inside? I sure could use one of Briar's special cups of tea."
"Mmm, you might be out of luck then. She's decided she wants to be a knight instead now." Faye informed him, slipping away from his desperately clutching hands to push the door open, Briar freezing in the middle of charging through the house on her hobby horse, sword in hand when she saw the man standing outside.
"You're back?!" She gasped, dropping her toys and bolting past her mother, Henry catching her as she rushed him, hoisting her into his arms and letting the little girl sling her arms around his thick neck. "I sorry... I be good." She sniffled, her chubby hands gripping his collar tightly.
"Oh, sweetie. Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." Henry soothed, rubbing her back softly. "I was the one that was naughty, can you forgive me for being mean to you and your mommy?"
"Don't go." Briar whimpered, burrowing further into his neck, her sobs only increasing at his apology.
"I won't, I won't." Henry promised, smoothing down her wild, uncombed hair, looking fearfully up at the child's mother. Was this what she had been dealing with since he had been away?
"She got it in her head you were mad at her, and that's why you weren't coming around anymore." Faye explained, nodding him inside.
"I'm so sorry." Henry repeated, holding the toddler a little tighter as he slid past her mother, perching himself on the arm of the couch as she sobbed into his neck.
"You understand why I'm not too keen on second chances?" Faye sighed, locking the door behind herself. "I'm not going to keep putting her though this. I don't expect you to change your lifestyle, so when we fall to the backburner again, please, do me a favor and stay gone. It's not fair to her."
"I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I truly have been busy."
"I know. That's your life." Faye shrugged, leaning against the archway to the living room.
"What can I do to make it up?"
"You can't. You just have to understand that this is the last time I will allow this to happen. If you get too busy for us again, I won't open the door the next time you come knocking." Faye's declaration hung in the air, the sureness of her voice leaving no room for argument or further exchange of words. A desperate sort of silence befell the two adults, the only noise in the house being made by the small girl in Henry's arms.
Briar's sobs slowly gave way to small sniffles and hiccups, her tiny hands refusing to release his shirt, unashamedly wiping her nose on the fabric. Henry was the one to finally break the suffocating silence that had taken over the room.
"Could I ask for your help with something?"
"What might that be, Mr. Cavill?"
"Please, Faye. Henry. Call me Henry, or anything else really. I didn't mean to hurt you or set us back months. Call me any number of mean names, just... not that." Henry pleaded, resting his head against Briar's.
"What do you want me to do?"
"I need to shave my head." Henry sighed after a long moment, turning sad eyes up to her.
"You want me to shave your head?"
"You're the only one I trust to do it right now."
"You literally have a hairstylist on set."
"This is different." Henry insisted.
"How is this different?"
"Believe it or not, I like my hair. Shaving it off isn't exactly a fun time for me."
"Is the tape getting to painful to remove?" Faye asked, raising an inquisitive brow.
"I mean, it will be a plus not having to deal with that for a while, but no. I... I have a screen test in a few days. Over zoom, but a screen test none the less."
"Oh, congrats."
"But the role calls for a military style cut." Henry continued. "Which means it all has to go."
"What role is it for?" Faye asked, crossing the room to run her fingers through his unruly curls.
"Mass Effect." Henry divulged, leaning into her touch.
"So you showed up for a haircut?" Faye asked, detangling his hair with her fingers.
"I showed up because I missed you, but it made me realize you're the only one I'm comfortable with doing it. I've been dreading it for over a week now."
"I only have scissors here. The best I can do is a hack job." Faye informed, continuing to play with his hair absently. It was so soft when he didn't try to tame it. The products that kept it in check, looking so neat and orderly, always made it stiff and crunchy. His natural hair was a thing of beauty.
"I have clippers back at my house. You're both more than welcome to stay the night."
"You know Briar won't stay in the guest room." Faye sighed, rolling her eyes.
"I'm fairly certain I'm not in good enough standing with you for us to be doing anything that young eyes shouldn't see." Henry chuckled, looking hopefully up at the woman gently running her nails over his scalp.
"You are not." Faye confirmed around a giggle of her own, playfully tugging at his hair.
"Easy, love, the baby is right here." Henry lightheartedly scolded, raising his brow at her.
"You should have mentioned you enjoyed that sooner. No time to take advantage of it before I chop it all off now." Faye sighed, reluctantly letting her hand fall away, Henry reaching out to pull her closer, looking up at her hopefully.
"What are the odds I can talk you out of a kiss?" He asked, staring longingly at her mouth. Faye smirked and rolled her eyes in mock annoyance, leaning down to allow him to press a slow, affectionate kiss to her lips, reluctantly pulling back when Briar began to stir from her crying fueled power nap against his neck. "There you are, sleepy head." Henry chuckled, easing the child down to his lap instead.
"You here?" Briar asked, rubbing her still red eyes, staring up at him with a wobbly lower lip.
"I'm here. Would it be ok if you and Mommy stay at my house tonight?" Henry asked, wiping away the dried tears from her face.
"I bring Bunny?" She asked, her face finally splitting into a grin when Henry agreed to her request.  
"You go get Bunny, I'll pack you a few things." Faye instructed, Henry reluctantly setting the girl down so she could do as her mother asked.
"Thank you, so much." Henry sighed, pulling the tiny woman against his large frame, dropping his head to rest against the top of her chest.
"For letting you use my tits as a pillow?" Faye teased, running her fingers through his hair again, wanting to memorize the feel of his curls before she had to chop them all off.
"Secuititty." Henry chuckled, pulling her in to straddle his hips, needing to be even closer to her. "Thank you for giving me another chance."
"Try not to blow it."
"I'll do my absolute best."  
@Xxxkatxo @Weallhaveadestiny
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Missing - John B Routledge
Request: May I request #43 and #90 from your monster prompt list for John B? You're my favorite writer on Tumblr these days 
Outer Banks Masterlist
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
You weren’t selfish enough to say that you were taking it harder than anyone else. Everyone was equally devastated and who were you to judge anyone else’s pain, but you knew how hurt you felt. You had grown accustomed to the ache that settled every time you thought about John B. It happened often. Sometimes without any warning signs, sometimes because something so minute it shouldn’t matter reminded you of him.  
You burst into tears in the dairy section of the grocery store, falling onto the floor and wiping tears away while you tried to shuttle yogurt back into your basket. You couldn’t even look at eggs without thinking of him.  
When Big John had gone missing, you’d been there, watching John B go through the motions, desperate to take away the pain. You always told yourself that if you could’ve shouldered that burden you would’ve. It was just a string of words at the time but you had been sure you had meant them. Because even in your wildest dreams you hadn’t thought that taking on the burden of not knowing would mean not having John B by your side.  
Shoupe had gotten tired of hearing from you and Pope and JJ and Kiara. At least one of you calling every day. Was there any word? You’d been so mad at him when he left, so annoyed that Sarah was going with him, that you had hardly cared about the storm. Until Shoupe was saying that they lost the radio and the coast guard reporting no sign of a ship. They scoured for days, weeks, but nothing. He was missing. Just like Big John.  
“He can’t be missing!” You had insisted, vehemently, when your father broke the news to you. “He can’t be missing, they have to keep looking.”
“They will, honey, they will, but for now he’s officially a missing person.” He had tried everything to calm you down until he finally settled on reasoning with you, possibly the worst of all the attempts. “Now, missing just means they can’t find him, it doesn’t mean anything else.”
The anything else he meant was death. You knew that.  
“They said Big John was missing too. They said he was missing and he was dead on that island! They said and...what if John B...what if he doesn’t come back? What if he’s not out there?” You cried, almost impossible loud, as you pictured it. John B stranded somewhere, giving in to sharks or the current or anything.  
“They’ll find him.” Your dad tried again, sitting beside you, arm around your shoulders. It wasn’t right that you were making this much of a scene, that your parents were condoling you over a boy they hated so much they had probably wished he’d disappear.  
Wasn’t it you, three days after he broke up with you, that was skirting out after dinner, swearing to be back and calling out that John B needed you. Needed. What a word. You needed him. More than he needed you or gold or Sarah or Nassau. You needed him. Here in the empty Chateau, here in his bed talking to you about ships and stars, here on the marsh. Here, alive, happy, you needed him.  
“What if he’s not alive when they do?” You asked.  
“We can’t think about the what if’s.”
But it was all you could do. What if after what if for months until you exhausted yourself. You tried to focus on other things. Parties, work, friends that were still on the island, friends who understood. You tried on different guys but none of them stuck. Maybe they would have if John B was still alive but he wasn’t and all they did was remind you of what you were lacking. When you cried as one of them kissed you, you knew it was the end of your brief love affairs.  
It was like your whole body ached for John B.  
And then one day you woke up feeling a little less foggy. You felt like you were aware, like you were living your life not just watching it. You didn’t mop in bed the way you had been but went for a walk on the beach instead. When you came home no one was there but the potted plant next to the door, the one that hid a secret spare key, was moved slightly.  
Your dad had a forgetful streak but you took your phone out just in case, ready to call the sheriff if something was a miss. Everything in the house seemed normal, some mud on the stairs but that was a given living so close to the marsh. Your door was a jar when you had left it open and you pushed it, watching it swing open and the intruder spun around, alerted by the creaking noise.
“Oh my god,” your phone hit the carpeted floor and you stood there in the tiny ranch, hands to your mouth as you stared at John B. Hair a little longer, looking a little rougher than before, there he was. “Oh my god.”
“Hey, hey,” he reached for you, pulling you into arms that hadn’t held you in months. Whatever he meant to do, being held by him only made you more hysterical and you wrapped your arms around him, crying, “shh, babe, it’s okay. We’re okay.”
“God, I missed you so much.” You pressed your face to his shirt, tears staining the Hawaiian print translucent. “I thought, I thought I was never going to see you again.”  
“I know, I’m so sorry, I missed you too.” He brushed hair out of your face and kissed your forehead, hand pressed to your cheek. He was warm and welcoming and you had missed him so desperately that having him here now had you wondering how you had survived without him.  
“Does everyone else know?” You asked, suddenly. Had he gone to see Kiara or Pope or JJ?  
“Not yet, hey, don’t worry I’m gonna tell them.” He promised, “I just wanted to see you first. I missed you so much.”
John B was positive that he could never be sorry enough to make up for leaving you on this island though he wouldn’t have wanted you out there, capsizing in the ocean. You would have been loyal though, a trustworthy companion and it shouldn’t have taken going to Nassau to see that.
“I’m sorry,” he began apologizing again, ignoring his own thoughts on its worth, “I’m sorry about Sarah.”  
You sucked in a breath. You weren’t sure you wanted to hear that name ever again, half expecting her to jump out from some corner and ruin the moment. Here in this room John B was all yours, at least for right now.
“Where is she?” You asked.
“Somewhere, here, Nassau...I don’t know.” He clarified. He and Sarah had lasted less than he expected or hoped in the aftermath of breaking up with you. “I’m sorry I left you like that...I’m sorry for Sarah. I just...I just wasn’t listening to my head.”
“Trust me,” you assured, “I tried to move on, no one is you.” The tears came back before you could stop them, choking out that you had thought he was dead. Worried that he was on some island somewhere and no one would ever find him and he would die and you would be here not knowing. “They said it was a disappearance.”
“I know, they had too, it’s okay.” He promised, pulling you into him again, “it’s okay. I’m here, nothing can hurt you.”
“I don’t care what does, as long as you’re here.”  
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @wldflwrskyee   @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @celestialmaybank @aoba-josigh @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @balletandyuzu @oh-annaa @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @smiithys @dontjinx-it @outerbanksbro @mysticsthinking @heavenlymama @louisolos @rudy-pankow-needs-an-oscar @babymatilda @raekenliar @lemur46 @under-a-canyon-moon @calums-betch @dpaccione 
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spicedcinnamoncake · 3 years
Heartbreak and Renovation
 ‘ pairing: George Weasley x Reader  summary: the yule ball was approaching, and everyone was finding dates. Your itching crush on a certain redhead had your stomach in knots whenever he passed by. Your friend had finally convinced you to ask him to the ball, but you were too late. Or, so you thought...? TW: Fluff, Angst 💞💖 
Warnings: crying, not feeling good enough 
Your dress: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=kv8L07lG&id=25ED1A9E74CCFD9AABEFCE4C32A43AB285382D25&thid=OIP.kv8L07lGHxMLrZMiSNgQ1wHaKo&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fd23gkft280ngn0.cloudfront.net%2Flarge%2F2020%2F5%2F21%2FEllie-Wilde-EW22048_0030.jpg&exph=862&expw=600&q=red+ballgown&simid=607987947465147396&ck=121D50F146F518C40C40E206969B5B4E&selectedindex=22&form=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0&pivotparams=insightsToken%3Dccid_0gfGc2zG*cp_A3E50AB790301AEED9B2B393A1ED60F2*mid_7A2976864398A86F3D59D0D8E8BFB525EDD80AEB*simid_608036914410227013*thid_OIP.0gfGc2zGMDBdpLbRQK3zPAHaJc&vt=0&sim=11&iss=VSI&ajaxhist=0
The corridors were filled with excited students buzzing about the Yule Ball. You were sick of hearing about excited girls in your year squealing over their dates, you seemed like you were the only person in the entire year who didn’t have one yet. It made you feel lonely. You confided in your friend Neville Longbottom, who always listened to your rants and comforted you the best he could. Even he found a date, he was going with Ginny Weasley. 
  You too were attracted to a Weasley, a certain redheaded twin that always seemed more down to earth then his rebellious brother. Something about him made your knees weaken and your heart flutter. The thought of the two of you going to the ball together constantly danced around your head. It seemed like a fairytale, a beautiful girl, the guy of her dreams, and classical music playing as they slow danced the night away. 
  The feeling itched and tugged at your heart constantly. The thought of George occupied your thoughts nearly all the time. You two had a steady friendship, and the thought of ruining it seemed almost devastating. Are you being overdramatic? For a year five girl with a soul-crushing attraction to one of her dearest friends, probably not.
  You two had met when you were in your second year, in potions class when you were put together for a herbology project involving taking care of this magical plant. You friendship blossomed like the blue flower that sprouted from the plant you two had taken care of. 
  You began to catch feeling of the boy only a few months of knowing him. He was always so nice and comforting to talk to, and you didn’t want to ruin that friendship you two had worked so very hard for. imagine how awkward it would be if he didn’t return your feelings. Everything would be ruined.  
  Twisting a quill between your fingers, you sighed in frustration. The snow fell outside the window of the library as you and Neville did your homework. Neville looked up from his paper and sighed. ‘George again? I don’t get why you won’t just ask him out Y/N, it’s starting to drive you crazy.’ 
  You rubbed at your eyes and gazed out the window. Neville’s words danced around your brain before you finally spoke. ‘It’s not that easy, Nev. George and i, well, we have been friends for a while now, and i don’t want to ruin it all because of some silly little crush.’ 
  Neville looked down at his parchment and sighed. ‘look, maybe you should take a break. Meet me in the common room before dinner, sound good?’
  You looked up at him. He was your absolute best friend ever since first year. You would have already gone mad if it wasn’t for him. ‘Thanks Nev, see you.’ 
  Sliding out of your chair, you gathered your parchment and quills and left the library. You walked to the Gryffindor common room and up the steps to your own dorm. Hermione was sprawled out on her bed with a book in hand that she was deeply engrossed in. You slammed the parchment down on your desk and flopped onto your bed, sighing into a pillow. You clutched it over your face and half-screamed half-grunted. 
  ‘George again?’ Hermione asked, eyes still hooked on the pages. You turned your head and nodded. As if she sensed it, she sighed and sat down next to you. ‘I don’t get it Y/N. You love him so much. You should really ask him. The ball is only a month away, and you are running out of time.’
  Time. The one thing that we never have. 
  She is right. Well, she’s always right, but this time her words dug deeper. Time was running out. If you didn’t ask him, you might lose him. Someone else could ask, someone else could become his love, someone else would get to have all that you dreamed of. You sighed and sat up. ‘i’ll do it tomorrow. I won’t say i like him, i will just ask.’ 
  Hermione smiled and flipped the pages of her book to where she left off. ‘That’s what i thought.’ 
  George was re-taking a potions test, so you went to find Fred. He was sitting in the common room working on a parchment. ‘Hey Freddie, could i ask you something?’ You felt your throat start to close as you mentally prepared to ask Fred if his own brother had a date. You knew that Fred was going with Angelina Johnson, but you still had no idea about George.
  Fred looked up from his parchment and gave you a quick smile. ‘Hey Y/N, what’s up?’ He said before ducking his head down and going back to scribbling on his parchment. You took a deep breath before asking. ‘Is.. Is George going with anyone to the ball?’
 ‘No, don’t think so. Why, thought of asking him?’
   You bit your lip as a blush creeped over your face. ‘Y-yeah, I’m thinking about it. Don’t say anything to him though... ok?’
  Fred looked you dead in the eyes and swore he wouldn’t breath a word. You sighed and went away.  
  Once you were out of sight from practically anybody, you quietly closed your dorm door. Once you had shut if, you ran to your bed and jumped on it, beaming and laughing hysterically. You had not been too late! ok, tomorrow. After lunch. In the common room. Perfect!
  Your cat had jumped up on your bed nuzzled against your ankle. You picked him up and held him in front of you. His bright hazel eyes looked at you while his little pink nose twitched. You held him close, stroking his soft grey fur. He purred while you pet his head and you sighed contently. ‘Oh Clyde, if he says yes? You will never here the end of it.’
  Clyde looked up at you an blinked, as if he was wishing you luck. You sat up and began thinking of how you would ask him. You decided to wing it.
   You couldn’t sleep that night. Hermione was fast asleep and you were wide awake. Clyde and Crookshanks were asleep in the space between your beds. The moon shone through the crack in the curtains, creating a thin white line that split the room in half. You finally managed to shut your eyes and fall asleep, the thought of George being the last thing on your mind.
 You could barely sit still during herbology. Neville looked at you with questionable eyes and you just winked. ‘I’m planning on asking him after class.’ you whispered, eyes gleaming. Neville smiled and gave you a thumbs up. ‘Good luck!’
  Once class ended, you ran out of the classroom to go and wash any dirt off of you. You had a rose in your hand for when you asked him. Weird? Maybe. Thoughtful? sure. Totally you? Hell yeah.
   You skipped out of your room, and pat Clyde on the way out. ‘wish me luck buddy.’
   The common room was empty, except for George who had just walked in to grab something from his dorm before lunch. You took a breath and was about to walk over, when Alicia Spinnet came running in and caught up to him before you could. Flustered, you ducked back behind the wall, edging out to peek.
  Alicia and George talked for a while, and it tugged at you when she slipped her hand into his. That’s when a bomb dropped, and so did the rose in your hand.
  ‘Hey, do you want to go to the ball with me?’
  After the words left her lips, time seemed to slow. You eyes widened and the rose left your hand, dropping onto the floor. You felt your throat close and you felt the tears begin to form. Mouth hanging open like you wanted to jump out and scream ‘no’ but your feet remained in its place. Instead, you covered your face with your hair and went up the steps, back to your dorm. You didn’t stop to pet Clyde, you didn’t stop to take off your shoes, you didn’t stop to pull the covers over your head. You just fell flat on the bed, tears streaming down your face. You cried into your pillow, soft sniffles and whines muted against the soft fabric.
Clyde jumped on your bed and began licking the salty tears off your face and you buried your head deeper. Most people might have felt heartbroken, but you just felt hollow. Like a piece broke when you heard that you were too late.
   A few minutes passed before you heard a knock on your door. Must be Hermione to collect another book for her classes.
  ‘Come in, ‘Mione.’
  ‘It’s Neville. Where were you at lunch?’ He asked, pushing the door open. When he saw you, he rushed over and sat next to you. ‘Y/N what happened?’
   You sat up and attempted to collect yourself. You gazed out the window before mumbling. ‘I don’t think I’m going to the ball, Nev.’ you looked down.
  ‘Why not?’
  ‘Its nothing ok!? Leave me alone, please.’ You snapped. Neville looked hurt and you immediately felt awful. There was no need to be mean to Neville, he was just trying to help. ‘Wait, Nev.’
   He was halfway out the door when he turned over his shoulder. ‘Mm?”
  ‘Im... Im sorry.’
   He looked away before sliding all the way out. ‘It’s ok. See you.’
  Once he left you completely broke down. You were mean to your friend, you were too late to ask George out, and everyone else had a date but you.
   You looked at your dress in the closet. Beautiful deep red material, with a delicate beaded lace corset with small silk roses sewn into the flowy skirt. Well, that was a waste.
   You shut the closet door and crawled into your covers. Not bothering to take off your boots or take your hair out of its ponytail. You just wanted to disappear for now.
The next few weeks were a living hell. Love was in the air, yet there seemed to be a depressing bubble surrounding you that prevented any of it to come inside. You felt miserable. People walking around hand in hand, flirting, talking about matching outfits, and you didn’t get any of that sensation.
  When the night finally arrived, you slumped down on your bed and stroked Clyde while eyeing your dress. Hermione went down early because she had to get ready for when she went out with Viktor Krum.
   A knock on your door drew you from your thoughts. ‘Come in!’
  Neville stepped in, all dressed in his new dress robes and hair neatly combed. He looked fantastic. ‘Y/N, i need to talk to you.’
   ‘If this is some type of operation to try and convince me to go, then give up now.’ You said =, rolling your eyes. Neville wasn’t having it. He went right over and sat next to you. ‘Listen to me Y/N. This night will only come once, and i don’t want you to waste it.’
  ‘Nev, i’ll be the only one without a date!’
‘That does not matter, Y/N. Atleast come and see the champions come out. Talk with your friends, have a good time! Even if it’s only for half an hour, it’s better then nothing.’
   His words swirled around your brain for a moment, processing what might happen. You concluded that you will stay for one song, just enough for the champions to come out, dance, and then you would be free to leave. You look a deep breath and looked at Neville.
   Before you could open your mouth, Clyde jumped off your lap and ran over to where your dress was hanging, batting a paw at it and meowing. Neville smiled and pointed at the little grey cat. ‘See, he get’s it!’
   You let a small smile edge onto your lips. Walking over, you picked up the dress and looked over to Neville. ‘Let’s do this thing.’
   You sprinted to the dressing room where all the girls were finishing up, fixing their makeup and putting small flowers in their hair. You found Hermione and did a double-take at her outfit. She looked amazing in her pink floor-length dress and her hair all done up. She looked like a princess.
  ‘Y/N! you came!’ She said, hugging you. Her face became serious. ‘Hurry, there’s not much time left before we go down.’
 ‘I know that. Let me hurry up.’ You smiled and slipped into a stall. The dress slid on nicely, hugging your figure and the flowy skirt spilling out down your waist to the floor, gently brushing it.
   You stepped out of the cubicle and all the girls heads turned to look at you. You felt yourself blush when you felt Hermione grab your wrist and haul you over to a table that was covered in makeup. You felt Hermione powder your face, prod at your eyes and finally sealed the deal with some smooth sparkly lip gloss.
   You looked in the mirror and gawked. Was that... You? Pretty dress, Pretty hair, pretty girl. You felt amazing. You wore your hair down and it flowed off your head beautifully, slightly curled at the ends.
 ‘Come on! Their lining up!’ Hermione tugged you over to the long line of girls gathered at the top of the stairs, their dates waiting at the bottom. You joined the girls, you all looked like Princesses. You watched as Hermione and Cho went with two of the champions, Viktor and Cedric. You gave Hermione a thumbs’ up and she beamed. Fred looked awestruck as Angelina paired up with him. Your eyes laid on George. He had his arm linked with Alicia and you thought you would break down right there and then. Hold it together. You got this.
   The music played and the champions began to go out into the hall, they all looked so amazing. The rest of the couples started to dance, and you stood there awkwardly. You smiled as you watched Hermione and Krum, Neville and Ginny, they all looked like they were having such fun.
   You felt like you were being looked at. You scanned the ballroom, when your eyes met George’s. He turned red when your eyes met. You felt your heartstrings pull and you looked away. It hurt to see him. He looked so handsome, his hair neatly done, dress robes, the whole package.
   You felt your throat begin to close when Alicia came up to him. No, you can’t cry. At least, not here. You picked up the front of your dress slightly so you could walk out of the room with ease, catching one last moment of eye contact with George before sprinting down the corridor and out into the garden. You erupted in tears and slumped down onto a stone bench next to a rose bush. You held your head in your hands and sobbed. You were so lonely.  
  You heard footsteps crunch on the stone but you didn’t care. You saw a pair of feet parked right in front of you. You looked up and saw the redhead that had your heart for the past few months. He looked awkwardly at you, running his hands through his hair.  
  You wiped your face and looked up. ‘Yes?’   George sat down next to you. ‘You ok?’    
You rolled your eyes. They fell on the crescent moon above you. ‘I’m brilliant George.’  ‘Look, Y/N, there’s something i need to tell you. I’m really sorry for not telling you sooner, but when i heard that you weren’t going to the ball, i thought i felt something inside me break a bit. I was going to ask you to be my date. And if i am being completely honest,’   
 He looked into your eyes and took your hand. You gulped. Is this a dream? 
  ‘I fancy you.’  
 Without thinking you pulled him in for a kiss. You clutched his shoulders, tears rolling down your face. You felt his arm wrap around your waste and the other cup your face. You felt safe. He pulled away and wiped a tear from your face. ‘You look beautiful.’  
 You blushed and sighed. ‘Funny story. I was going to ask you, but then i heard Alicia ask you first. I sort of broke a bit.’ You said, feeling weird about the whole situation.   George smiled awkwardly and squeezed your hand. Your ears perked up as you heard a slow song playing from the great hall. George stood up and held out his hand. ‘Y/N Y/L/N, may i have this dance?’   
 You grinned and took his hand. You two danced slowly in the moonlight to slow music paying in a different room surrounded by floral scents that wafted through the air. You two danced past a rosebush and George plucked a rose and tucked it gently behind your ear. You leaned up and locked lips. 
Music, the moon, sealed with a kiss.
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calypsoff2 · 2 years
Sixty Five. Part 4
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The statement I put out caused havoc and I mean real havoc; I know they wish they never let me speak now. I am just being truthful to the negligence of this hospital and putting my wife in danger; the way I could have been a widow because of this. The Doctor has been suspended until further notice, I have a whole new team of doctors and nurses now, I’ve seen ass kissing but this is crazy with how much care to detail they are doing because of what happened. My wife was here on that bed dying, what happened then. What about those that don’t make it, I’m going to make it my mission to bring this to the attention to the world. I know right now the world is watching, but I want the world to know how negligent hospitals can be to pregnant women, it’s a sickening thought that men don’t understand, and we don’t. These doctors just snatching our partners because they can’t be bothered, I am going to make it my personal mission to bring this place down. I am switching between the nursery and this room, but nobody comes here at all. Just Monica and Robyn’ brothers but they don’t like coming here and seeing their sister in that state and I don’t blame them at all, it’s hard to have her like this but I want her to wake up so bad, I know she is resting and building her body back because what she went through is traumatic, she’s going to be devastated, imagine having a c-section but then being opened back up again to rectify the failure they did, they have lost their damn mind. Rorrey and I haven’t spoken but I also haven’t acted petty towards him coming here because that shit doesn’t matter, I really don’t care for it anymore “Chris” lifting my head up and looking at Rorrey, speaking of him he’s here “I charged your phone and bought it with me, I think my nieces really want to speak to you they are upset because, I mean can I come in?” He asked, nodding my head “yeah, thanks for coming out this late to give my phone. Are the girls asleep now?” Taking my phone from him “fell asleep crying, mostly Tianna and Rylee. So erm, the news broke out in such a manner that they end up overhearing it at school, and the teachers apologised saying we did keep it away because nobody mentioned it to us meaning family, so they have erm, look they was so upset. Like I mean they cried themselves to sleep because they don’t understand but I said I will give dad his phone and you can speak to him, it’s just a mess. They were shaking crying, but it’s been a mess here for you but right now they fell asleep crying” rubbing my face “fuck” I mumbled, totally forgot people are stupid.
I want to go home, and I want to protect my kids but I am not leaving my wife’ side, I refuse to leave her side “what did they say when they got home from school?” I asked Rorrey “Sara picked them up early, and as soon as they got in they said to Rajad is mom dead in hysterics. And to hear that from them, it cut me. It cut to hear, and they just keep saying then why can’t we see her, so erm. I don’t know what you want to do, my mom recommends not letting them go school, it is up to you?” Nodding my head, she is right “don’t let them go, I think when they wake up bring them here if you can. I can see them and explain to them what happened, I hate social media. I hate people, imagine saying that to any child, I can only imagine how devastated they are. I am so annoyed man, what the fuck. My poor daughters, I don’t know. They have the right to know and Imani, I don’t think I want that for her, it’s going to really upset her” just what I needed, people are assholes “I know it ain’t the time, but can I speak to you?” Rorrey said, I am still rubbing my face, a face I haven’t washed “yeah sure, pull up a chair” I said “thanks” looking over at him as he grabbed a chair, I ain’t got it in me to be mean anymore, my wife means more to me and I know what she wants “I ain’t a fighter, like that ain’t me. And you pushed it, what you said about my sister it rocked me to the core, like it really hurt me, that’s my sister and you practically said you could be a fuck nigga to her because we ain’t good to her, like that hurt me so I had to hurt you but I am not actually that type, you have said more shit to me but I never did anything but that just pushed it but I want to apologise for hitting you, it just shows that life ain’t shit, every day is a blessing you know. This has really rocked the family badly, you know we, you know what Chris. You think we get Robyn constantly, but we missed out on her for years. If you think about it we see her when we come here or she comes over, but we missed out on her when she left for America she was there’s and she didn’t have time for us, we also lost out on her as much you did, if you think about it we were in the same place as you” Rorrey explained and he apologised and I know he meant that shit, staring at Robyn in that bed just not responding or even here with us.
I swallowed hard “I deserved it” I admitted “what I said about your sister, I would do the same if someone did that to mine. And the worst part is I love her, man. Look I just, when I get in that mood, and I don’t see anything else but just that I end up being the biggest asshole going. When you hit me I took that and ran with it; I wasn’t seeing my wife needing help, I wasn’t seeing the stress it was causing for my kids. I released the picture of my son and Robyn asked me not too because I wanted to get one over her, she didn’t respectfully or confidentially say his name to your mother and that got me so angry, I wanted to show her that it’s my son and I’m boss, but it was really nothing, I am so dumb. I also didn’t understand why she couldn’t just say this is his name, you know. But then I ruined the Prime exclusive, but she didn’t tell me, she does shit. So I did it, then she is so fearful of your mother. I don’t know but for me; I respect you saying sorry, and I am also sorry, and you right. We never get her time, but she is trying, it’s hard being a billionaire. I didn’t think they were that busy” Rorrey laughed “yeah, my mother is hard on my sister. It’s never you are perfect, it’s always something and I say that to her, give her a break. She said she does but why should she just bow down. She’s my daughter not Rihanna the billionaire, I don’t see her as that, she’s Robyn. My daughter isn’t perfect and she” Rorrey laughed “she said that Robyn doesn’t know how to be a wife and mother and she felt she was not ready, but she fell in love” my eyes widened “wow” I said “I suppose she was right because if she had kids now she would have time for them, they suffered you know; you did too. But my mom she is hard, a very hard woman but she does like you a lot Chris; the arguments we have is not that serious for us to ever cut each other out, because we wouldn’t ever go out of our way to sell a story, and I know you feel not part of us, but you really are, I suppose it may be because you miss your own family?” Licking my lips “I do” I mumbled “but my wife comes first” which is true “even though I think with Robyn she’s the middle person, but I wouldn’t ever make her choose, not because I wouldn’t want to hear the answer but because it’s unfair, on her. My kids. Petty arguments, I could have lost her, and this scares me so much” Rorrey put his head down “I hate seeing this, but I just wanted to say sorry. I want my sister to be happy, and to wake up knowing we sorted it out, she thinks my nephew and nieces don’t have us, they do. I’ll leave you to it though” nodding my head “thanks for the phone and I will tell Sara to bring the girls here” Rorrey held his fist out to me, falling him smiling. He is right, and I was at fault for saying that.
Watching the nurse as she cleaned Robyn’ wound, I honestly don’t remember the closing of the wound looking that bad. This nurse is new, she is part of the new team that is dealing with it, this nurse seems very confident in what she is doing, of course she is being careful “why does the wound look worse, I remember. I know my wife’ body and this closing is not good” the nurse nodded her head in agreement “I agree and it will be rectified once she heals, the wound had to be opened and stitched again, her wound was not initially done perfectly, she will need some sort of plastic surgery which will fix it but we need it to heal first, but it’s good you notice these things” I am watching her intently “why is my wife just not waking up though, I am thinking what the fuck happened on the day” I am asking the nurse what I want to know, this shit is not good what they have done “your wife went into hypovolemic shock, your body losing so much blood really sent the body into shock. She will be back with us, when her body has got over it. What she went through can end up in death and it's not something we like to speak on, but I promise you we will take care of her” clenching my jaw “that is because I am watching” I mumbled, looking at my phone. I have it on silent, I don’t actually want to talk to anyone, but my dad is calling “just going to answer this” answering the call “hi dad” my voice broke instantly “oh my god, son. I have been trying to call you, I am in New York. I am outside your house, but I am stuck behind paparazzi and fans, son I come here for you” I sobbed out crying “dad” I managed to say.
Sitting down on the chair, I am tired, drained, emotional. To know my dad is here, my heart right now “are you ok now?” my dad said, I sniffled “yeah” I said in a whisper “oh my god, wow. I was working and this notification came up. My heart dropped, Chris, I am here” wiping my tears “sorry, erm. I will message Rajad to uhm get it open for you, I didn’t know you was coming, I am sorry. Thank you for coming” I am speechless “caught the greyhound straight away son, how is she?” I breathed out “she is stable, I am waiting for her to open her eyes. When I see you I will tell you everything but let me call Rajad, get the gate opened but is it busy out there?” I haven’t been home since “flowers, balloons, banners, people just here for Robyn” my poor kids “Chris, hey” looking behind me, I can hear Rylee already “I am coming, dad I need to go” disconnecting the call, I can hear Rylee saying dad. Scrolling down and tapping on Rajad name, pressing my phone to my ear “tell Sara to put them in the waiting room, and Rich. Tell Monica, is she there? Tell her to sit in, Rajad, my dad is outside. Please get him in for me, tell Omar please. I need to go” disconnecting the call, I don’t know if I am ready to even see my daughters, I am not happy about them even hearing that kind of thing. This is distressing “I can do this” I breathed out, walking out of the room “it’s crazy out there, the girls cried” Rich said “I know it’s a mess” Monica looks so drained “Sara, get Imani out the room for me” Sara was leaving the room “you want me to take her” nodding my head, she doesn’t need to know anything “yes, and baby Chris is ok. I changed him” Monica said, nodding my head “thanks, I wish you could speak to them both” I admitted “they won’t, I tried when Rajad called me, they didn’t want to know. Good luck” she made her way into the room “daddy” Imani jumped up and down “look at you baby, come here. Give me a hug, a big big hug” Imani ran at me, catching her as she did “little mama, awwww I missed you” hugging her close “I love you” Imani hugged me tight “Tianna, you are supposed to be sitting inside” Sara said but she of course ran out “daddy” Tianna just cried, walking over to Sara “Imani, I will see you after. Sara is going to go and get some candy, buy daddy something too” passing her to Sara “thank you” Tianna is stuck to my legs.
I find it so hard, especially with Rylee. It’s like looking at Robyn, rubbing my chin trying to compose myself because this is hard. Just me and my girls in the room “you have very sore eyes, look at your faces” I know they probably don’t want to hear me speak on that, putting my head down “where is mom dad?” Rylee asked, looking up at them “give me you hand” holding my hands out, they both placed their hand in mine, holding their hands “listen to me, whatever you have heard in school is wrong, what happened was that” I paused “mommy had your baby brother, what happened was that she got very unwell. She felt unwell and erm” my voice broke “look mom is going to be ok, she just needs to get better and once she does, she will be back with us all” I want to cry “they said mom is dead” I cringed “she is not, don’t say those words. She is with us; she is just very unwell” shaking my head “don’t say that again” Rylee’ lower lip is quivering “then where is she? I want to see her” staring at her, I refuse for them to see her in that light “no, not right now” I said, “I want mom!” Rylee cried out, Tianna is just staring at her sister “I am scared, where is mom?” Tianna asked, this is so hard “she is here but she needs to rest, mommy is here with us. I promise you she is, I am so sorry girls, I am sorry you have to go through this, but she needs to get better” putting my head down “then where is she dad?” Rylee is really in hysterics; how did they even calm her down at home “calm down! Seriously” hugging them both “please calm down, look. Just, fuck” I said to myself, they don’t believe me. They really think their mom is gone.
I didn’t want them to see her, but I don’t want them to be like this thinking their mom is not here “I need you both to be very good, mom is in this room, but she is sleeping. You can’t wake her up. And she has tubes in her arms, I don’t want you to be scared but I also don’t want you to think those bad things because she is here with us, got it?” Rylee nodded her head “ok” they both whispered, Rich opened the door for me, I walked in first “they want to see her” I said to Monica, she got up from the chair. Rylee instantly grabbed Tianna’ hand, it was cute to see but she is the first one to walk into the room, her eyes laid on the bed “mom” she said in a whisper “come babies, it’s ok” Monica said smiling at them, they both made their way over to the bed, just watching them both, they are being so good “is mom ok?” Tianna asked “she is, praise to god she is, she is resting” Monica said “by the grace of god, she will be back with us” Monica’ voice broke, placing my hand over my mouth. I was feeling emotional anyways, this is killing me “mommy we miss you” Rylee said, that is all it took for me to sob out “mom looks different” Tianna said, “she is not well TT, can I hug her?” Rylee looked at me, I shook my head “not right now” I strained out “but mom is” I stopped midway, my voice won’t let me speak “she will be ok” I breathed out “she will be” they believe me now “mommy Rylee went in your walk in closet” Tianna said, “why did you say that?” Rylee asked, “because mom hates it and she will wake up extra mad at you” licking my top lip “but I did do that so why say that?” these two “ok girls, let’s go into the other room, this room you can’t stay in” I don’t want them to be here for too long “but Rylee did take mom’ necklace and took it school” I am going to just ignore it “ok, look let’s just go, speak on it later” I said “I put it back though” one thing about Tianna, she will tell a story about Rylee and then you have Rylee that will do it again, I wouldn’t change them both for anything “I am going to need you both to not say anything to Imani please, she is young, she is my baby and she doesn’t understand, please” I asked of them, I need to protect Imani from it because this is not good for her to see or know.
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
hello lovely, i know youre busy working on your WIP, which i am so excited for btw, but i saw that youre taking reaction requests? can you maybe do ateez reaction to finding out their s/o is breaking/broke up with them because they have chronic illness and they dont want to make them sad? only if you have time, dont force yourself ily 💕💕
❥ kim hongjoong
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two weeks after you and hongjoong broke up, he had gotten the news through a mutual friend. 
when they had said you were starting to do your treatment at the hospital, his heart sank and he immediately felt panic overtake him. treatment? for what?
“wait…she didn’t tell you?” 
he charged to your house that night and knocked on your door, everything inside him wanting to be frantic and loud and ask you why the hell you thought breaking up with him when you needed someone most was the best idea. because he proved time and time again he loved you, that he wanted to be there for you no matter what. 
and when you opened the door and saw the look on his face, tears immediately sprung to your eyes and you two just stared at one another in silence. 
“why didn’t you tell me?” he asked you, the brokenness and sadness in his tone only making you feel worse. you shook your head and cried, told him you didn’t wanna make him go through all of that with the chance that you’re just gonna die on him. that you can’t and won’t be responsible for him being a guy with a dead ex girlfriend. 
he wants to tell you how stupid that sounds, how he doesn’t care how the worst case scenario will effect him and all he wants to do is focus on you. but instead, he just takes you in his arms and presses his lips to your head, telling you that even if you wanna stay broken up, he plans on being there with you every step of the way. 
❥ park seonghwa
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seonghwa had only come to the first appointment with you because you thought you were pregnant. 
but when there was no sign of a baby and instead something that looked “unusual and alarming” it set panic off in both of you. you were sent from specialist to specialist, seonghwa insisting he go with you to each and every appointment despite the way he was taking off a work and neglecting his duties. 
it’s why when you got the final diagnosis, you sat seonghwa down and told him you didn’t love him anymore. that you’ve been thinking about it for a while and think it’ll be best to stop leading him on. but the man didn’t believe you for a second, if the way you couldn’t even look at him when you whimpered out the words were any indication of the truth. 
and then the way you crumpled in his hold when he took you in his arms and rubbed at your back, tears pricking his own eyes when you started to cry and told him not to make this harder than it already was. 
“you’re not leaving me, i won’t let you,” his gruff, watery voice told you. he bent down to meet your gaze, wiping the tears from your face because he knew why you were doing this. the doctor had said everything clear as day, that this illness would impact your life and be a day to day adjustment for both of you; and he wasn’t stupid enough to not notice that you were trying to spare him. 
“how could you even think i would let you do this alone?” he mumbled against your ear, serving as the final thing to make you completely crack and have a vice grip around his body. the same way he takes you in his arms and tells you that you’ll get through it together. 
❥ jeong yunho
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yunho had been devastated over the breakup. 
it had just seemed to come out of nowhere, one month talking about getting an apartment together and then the next, you telling him you didn’t want a relationship anymore and that he deserved better. he had tried to talk with you, desperate in his attempts to change your mind and ask if he did anything wrong but you seemed adamant. 
it was when he was going to pick up the rest of his stuff that he heard you on the phone, crying to your mother that you couldn’t possible put him through this. make him watch you deteriorate and struggle and possibly make him limit his own life just so he could take care of you. 
your face dropped when you turned around and saw him standing in the doorway, a look of hurt and disbelief on his face as you told your mother you would call her back. nothing was said between the two of you until you told him his stuff was on the dining room table, an uncharacteristic look of anger crossing his face as his large frame stomped over to you. 
it made you scared and nervous, backing yourself into the kitchen counter just for him to pull you in his arms and hold you tight. “why didn’t you tell me?” he asked brokenly in your ear, your throat clogging with tears and emotion until you started sobbing into his chest and stuttered out apology after apology. 
you made it feel as if he did something wrong when he’d always done everything right. when he told you every day he loved you and wanted to take care of you. “please don’t do that again,” he mumbled against your head, pulling back so he can hold your face in his large hands. “i love you and i want to be there for you, y/n.”
❥ kang yeosang
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“but why? why do you wanna end things? give a reason, y/n.”
this had been the sentence leaving yeosang’s mouth for the past 20 minutes, not believing for a second that you actually wanna end things. your relationship had been nothing but bliss for the past two years, the worst argument you got into lasting for all of five minutes before you both broke down and apologized. 
but this was different. you were hysterical the second he walked in the door, barely able to look at him with unshed tears in your eyes before you mumbled out that you wanted to break up. but he wasn’t making it easy and it was only making you more and more upset; you didn’t wanna end things in the first place so why was he making things so hard? why was he hounding you non stop, his quiet but firm words eventually making you blurt out that you’re sick. 
and that caused the storm to start, for you to break down and completely tell him what you’ve been going through. how you only went to the doctor for an annual checkup, telling them you hadn’t felt good for a few weeks, before it turned into specialist after specialist until your diagnosis was given to you earlier today.
“why didn’t you tell me?” he mumbled against your head. “i would’ve been there for you, baby.”
“i don’t- don’t wanna make you go through this, it’s not fair to you so we have to break up. i can’t let you-“
“it’s not up to you,” he told you firmly, pulling your face back so you can see the intensity and sureness in his stare. the way he wasn’t gonna allow you to make that decision for him, how he always intended on being there for you and that now an actual problem has surfaced, he plans on proving himself to you completely.
❥ choi san
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you had kept san in the dark until you no longer could. 
distanced yourself completely for that month of doctors appointments, faking smiles and laughs with him until you went home and cried in your bed as you tried to accept your fate. and, ironically enough, on the day you got the final life-altering diagnosis, was also the day san called you out on your shit. 
“what’s been going on with you lately, baby?” he asked you softly, running his hand through your hair and watching the way your eyes immediately became glossy. “i could tell something’s been wrong but i wanted to wait until you were ready to tell me.”
the words pour out of you before you can stop them, san’s heart breaking the more you talk because he hadn’t know any of this. he let you go through this alone even though he knew something wasn’t right with you. he kissed your face and head as he tugged your body into his, apologizing to you over and over that only served to make you cry more.
why was he apologizing? you were the one who lied and you’re the one who’s gonna mess up his life if you think about staying with him. so that’s why when he tells you not to worry, that he’s gonna be with you everyday from here on out, you shake your head and tell him you wanna break up.
“what?” his broken voice asked, looking at you with disbelief and sadness in his eyes.
“i can’t expect you to stay with me because of this,” you whimpered out, a fate you were all to ready to accept. “it’s gonna make things so complicated and difficult and i’m gonna-“
“i don’t care,” san’s voice snaps. it’s hard and firm and like nothing you’ve ever head from the sweet boy before. “how can you even think-“ he can’t even get the words out because they’re so vile to him, that he’d actually accept this from you and allow to go through this alone. 
he doesn’t let you go for the rest of the night, telling you that he’s never gonna leave you and there’s nothing you can say to change his mind.
❥ song mingi
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mingi almost couldn’t believe the odds of seeing his ex girlfriend walk through the hospital doors. 
he also couldn’t believe, as creepy as it seemed, that he lingered outside the building for almost two hours because he didn’t know what to do. should he go in and try to find what was wrong with you? you didn’t look sick or like you had an emergency, maybe you were visiting someone?
does he even have the right to know, though? you broke up with him almost a month ago and left him with a broken heart, the cold and callous way in which you did it like nothing he’d ever seen from you before. 
lost in his thoughts, he almost missed you coming out of the doors until he heard you gasp, his eyes narrowing in on you just as you turned around and took off down the stairs. he shook his head and called out after you, grabbing you by the wrist gently as he spun you around. 
the tears in your eyes were already there, the way he looked so softly down at you and asked if everything was okay making them worse. and maybe it was because this was your first session and you were absolutely terrified, that there was a problem with the billing and it was making you further stressed, that you still loved and missed so much and now he was right in front of you.
but you whimpered out a no and completely caught him off guard when you all but collapsed in his hold, his arms wrapping around your frame as he held you tight and mumbled assurances against your head. he was finally able to sit you down on a bench and get everything out of you, listen to your voice wobble as you tell him about trial drugs and procedures that make him feel like he’s about to cry himself.
he stays strong for you though, pressing a kiss to your head as he tells you regardless of your relationship status, he’d like to come to each and every appointment with you. 
❥ jung wooyoung
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his mom had been the one to tell him something wasn’t right. 
that your excuse for ending things and the abruptness of it all just didn’t make sense. that there was probably something deeper going on with you and that he should go over and check in on you. 
and he thanks god that he did, because you opened the door with fresh tears in your eyes and just on an instinct, he found himself reaching out for you. crashing your body into his as he shook his head and asked if everything was really okay. if he did something wrong and if you could just hear him out for any mistakes he might’ve made. 
but that only made you cry harder before you eventually told him about your diagnosis; he had known about your medical problems but didn’t know anything official was determined, pulling back to look at you and wanting so badly to flick you in the head and chastise you for thinking breaking up would be the best option for the both of you. 
“please don’t end things,” he begged in the doorway, his thumbs rubbing at your face desperately. “let me be here for you, please.”
❥ choi jongho
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it seemed as if jongho knew something was wrong before you even did.
weeks before your official diagnosis and doctors appointment, he had noticed the subtle little changes in you and your body. how easily fatigued you’d get, the way you were losing weight quickly and how pale and sunken your face was getting. 
he had been extra gentle and mindful of you, watching you closely and feeling his stomach sink because it didn’t seem like you were right. and when you tried to end things one evening, break up with him because you were sick of being in a relationship, he really knew something was wrong.
“why aren’t you talking to me?” he asked you softly, the tone of his voice and look in his eyes immediately weakening you. “i know something’s wrong, y/n, but you won’t talk to me. and now you’re doing this.”
tears prick your eyes and when he takes you in his arms, that’s all that needs to happen for your broken state to complete crack. for you to cry and tell him what the doctor said, how your life is gonna start to be really difficult and change and that you don’t want him to have to deal with that, too. 
“but i want to,” he hums in your ear, his hand stroking your arm and down attempting to calm your shaking frame. “i want to and i’m not gonna leave you.”
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Don’t Disobey, Chapter 1 (READ THE WARNINGS!!!)
Summary: Loki’s attack on Midgard was a success. He’s become ruler of Earth, over all the mortals. The Avengers were defeated. Over time he’s taken over every country and city. Now he’s going for the smaller towns and villages to conquer, recruiting strong men for his army and beautiful young women to be his sex slaves.
Ivy is captured amongst some other girls. She is smart and knows from the tales of Loki’s palace that it is best to behave to survive. But being a good girl quickly makes her Loki’s favourite. And being his favourite is not going to be easy for Ivy.
Loki is not nice in this fic! There is no happy ending where he turns soft and falls in love for the OC. In-case that’s what anyone is looking for. I dunno why, I was just craving some really nasty Loki… See how far I could go with it… It’s a long chapter, in my standards anyway. But this fic won’t be updated as often as the others, but I think this fic will only have maybe five or so chapters, if that… But who knows. Gotta be in the right headspace for this! Lol.
Ivy was shaking badly as she was marched into the castle. Taken from her village along with some other young women, they were flown over to where Loki had taken up residence in Prague castle. It being to his liking the most out of all of Earths castles… A few adjustments here and there to make it even more extravagant and he now called it home.
Loki’s rule of Earth had devastated everyone. For reasons unknown to the humans, he wasn’t very sparing of lives. Thousands and thousands of people had been murdered within the first year for things as small as being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Everyone in prison had been culled off, along with elders in care homes and sick people in hospitals of all ages.
The internet was monitored constantly, anyone saying anything slightly bad about Loki was hunted down and slaughtered. He had eyes everywhere.
One of the first laws brought in was couples weren’t allowed to have more than one child. It was clear that Loki was trying to lessen the human population. But what the humans didn’t know, was it was the only condition from Thanos for Loki’s rule. To thin out the herd.
The group of women were taken straight to Loki, who was in the throne room. He was sat on his throne, legs splayed like he owned the place… Well, the whole damn world for that matter.
His horned helmet caused a huge and terrifying shadow behind him from the lights, some of the girls started panicking and tried to back up, but the guards surrounded them and wouldn’t allow them to leave.
Ivy remained near the front, arms wrapped around herself as she shook on the spot. She kept her eyes down, especially when she heard Loki get up from his throne and make his way down the steps towards them all.
The guards pushed at the girls, getting them to line up just as Loki reached them.
‘Well, what have we here? New toys for me to play with, how delightful.’ Loki grinned and started at one end, looking the girl up and down.
‘Too old.’ The woman was grabbed roughly and dragged away as Loki took a step down the line to the second girl.
‘Too skinny, she would break far too easily for what I have in store.’ He flicked his hand to dismiss her. She was also dragged away. To god knows where, Ivy dreaded to think.
The third girl looked defiantly up at him, nose scrunched up. ‘You will NEVER be my King!’ She spat at him, shocking everyone but Loki. The guards went to move in, but Loki swiftly grabbed her face as he leaned down towards her, sneering.
‘You dare talk at your King like that.’ He squeezed her cheeks hard, making her open her mouth as she cried out in pain. Loki quickly grabbed her tongue and hauled it out as far as it would go, then as quick as lightning he cut it off with his dagger.
The girl fell to the ground in agony, clutching at her mouth. Tears streamed down her face but she couldn’t make much noise at the loss of her tongue.
The other girls, including Ivy, cried out in fear upon seeing the girls tongue land on the floor on front of them. But Ivy quickly closed her eyes and kept herself in check, while the others kept crying and trying to get away.
Loki looked along the line, smirking at their reactions. ‘Let this be a lesson to you girls. Under my rule there are consequences for your actions.’ He started walking down the line as he spoke. ‘There are also rewards for good behaviour, so you best choose wisely how you proceed.’
Ivy couldn’t take it anymore. She was so scared for her life. Hearing all the rumours before about being under Loki’s command, she knew she just had to try and survive. That was the only goal here.
So she sank to her knees on front of him, head down in respect.
Loki had just passed her, but he stopped when he saw the girl falling to her knees before him. He took slow, menacing steps back towards her until he towered over her. Ivy could see his boots appear in her line of vision.
He reached down and smoothed his hand through her hair, his touch making her jump at first, though it seemed gentle… But then he gripped hold of it tightly and yanked her head right back so she was to look up at his face.
His rather beautiful features caught her off guard for a second. But being a God, it wasn’t surprising he was handsome. It was just such a shame his personality was so cruel.
‘What’s your name?’ He asked, eyeing her up carefully.
‘I… Ivy… My King.’ She whimpered, her lower lip trembling.
‘Ivy.’ Her name rolled off his tongue. He released her hair and took a step backwards. ‘Everyone could take a leaf out of Ivy’s book… Smart girl, knows her place in this world.’ He said as he glanced back down at her. Then he looked to his guards. ‘Take her to my chambers.’
A guard grabbed her arm and led her away. She didn’t look over her shoulder when she heard one of the other girls starting to cry hysterically, but was quickly silenced. How, she dreaded to think.
Being captured by Loki was not the time nor the place to make friends, or to even look out for established friends. It was every woman for herself now.
And Ivy knew she had to be selfish and look out for number one.
Loki waltzed into his quarters and to his harem of girls.
All of them cowered and tried to avoid eye contact when he entered. Some of them scurried off into other rooms, while others continued with the chores of keeping the place tidy.
‘Where is my new girl?’ Loki asked the girl nearest him.
‘Awaiting you in your chambers, Sir.’ The girl said with her head down.
Loki nodded, then looked her up and down. ‘Turn.’ He swivelled his finger around.
The girl looked absolutely petrified, but she turned around for him. His hand shot out and he gripped her shoulder tightly, stopping her as he looked down at her backside.
‘Where’s your plug?’ He asked, his tone rising.
‘I… I’m sorry, Sir… I… I had to take it out when I went to the toilet… I couldn’t get it back in… I’m so sorry.’ She started sobbing.
Loki grabbed her hair tightly and pulled her across the room, she struggled to keep up with him and fell to the ground, but was dragged along by her hair as Loki was on a mission. The other girls around looked on, but didn’t do anything to help. Knowing better.
She was dragged over to the fire place, Loki hauled her on front of it and pushed her down onto her stomach. He put his foot on her lower back to keep her in place when she tried to crawl away. ‘Stay there!’ He snarled.
The girl begged and cried for his forgiveness, continuously struggled underneath him. He pushed down firmer on her back, making her yelp in pain.
He grabbed the branding iron from beside the fireplace and placed it right into the fire, heating it up nicely until it was scalding hot. The girl could hear the sizzling as he drew it closer towards her. She struggled anew, screaming so loudly that it could be heard throughout his quarters.
And that was before it had even touched her.
Loki clicked his fingers and a ball gag was placed into her mouth to shut her up a bit. But as he pressed the iron brand against her backside, it didn’t do much to drown out her screams of pain.
Ivy started shaking all over again when she heard the painful screams of another girl in the main room. She tried to block it out, closing her eyes and head down. She had been told by a guard how to be ready for Loki’s arrival in his room. To be naked and kneeling on the floor, hands behind her back.
But even though she knew she was doing what she was told, it still hadn’t prepared her for when she heard the heavy foot-steps of Loki coming into the room. And the click from the door as it was closed made her blood run cold. She knew that meant it was just her and him in the room… All alone.
Loki hummed in approval as he looked over his new play thing. She seemed obedient, which was good. Better behaved than any other girls so far, none had ever knelt for him without him telling them to upon first meeting.
His helmet vanished and so did his heavy armour, leaving just the underlay. He strolled over to Ivy and circled her, taking in every part of her. He could see her trembling in his presence, that made him smirk.
He reached out and cupped her chin, making her look up at him, her eyes were skittish as she looked up at him. A small whimper of fear escaped from her lips, she had been unable to contain it.
‘Shhh, shhh.’ He soothed, brushing his thumb up and down her cheek. ‘We both know that you’re a clever girl. If you do exactly as you are told, you will have no reason to fear me.’ Loki spoke calmly, almost putting her at ease. But she knew better.
‘There are rules here, you should know.’ He let go of her chin and stood up straight, she put her head down again, looking to the floor.
‘You are to address me as Sir, unless I state otherwise. I do not accept no as an answer, ever. I don’t want to hear that word from your lips, under any circumstance. You are not to wear clothes again, aside from on me they are banished in these quarters.’ He walked over to a dresser and opened it, pulling out some rope. ‘You can converse with the other girls, aside from when I am in the same room, then I demand utter silence from you unless answering a question from me.’ He crossed the room towards Ivy and moved behind her, he tied her wrists together at her back as he continued. ‘I don’t mind if you girls want to play around with one another, providing there is not a single mark on any of you that wasn’t put there by me.’ He leaned down so she could feel his breath against her ear. ‘Do I make myself clear?’
She swallowed hard before answering. ‘Yes, Sir.’ She said quietly.
‘Good girl.’ Loki purred, kissing her shoulder. ‘Now, I am going to mark you, as all my girls get when they arrive. Usually there is a trial period, but I have a good feeling about you.’ He gave her head a pat and then took hold of her bound hands to lift her up to her feet.
He walked her over to his bed and lay her down on her front.
‘I am not a beginner when it comes to restraining girls, so don’t think for a second I won’t do it if I have to. But I prefer submission, so you will remain still until told otherwise.’ He said as he got on the bed too, straddling over her lower legs.
Ivy had no idea what to expect, but she was bloody terrified. Not wanting to make him angry, she was going to do her best to remain still…
But then the pain started.
Using his Seidr, Loki was giving her a permanent tattoo on her lower back. Simply using his finger, though it felt exactly like a tattoo gun. But more painful.
She bit down on the quilt underneath her, hoping she wouldn’t get into trouble for it. But it helped her to focus on something other than screaming in pain.
Loki noticed her hands clench into fists. She jerked a little, but remained rather still. The most still he’d seen a girl stay when applying his tattoo. Yes, this one was going to be good. He was excited to start playing with her, see how responsive she was and what she could do.
But he had a feeling she was going to be exquisite. Her submission already, clearly from a place of fear, was highly arousing. He had been sporting a hard on ever since she knelt for him in the throne room.
After carving his name into her, to be there forever, he was pleased with how she’d taken it. She was in tears, but the noises from her had been minimal. He had noticed her biting the quilt, letting small whimpers of pain escape but nothing more.
That pleased him greatly.
He ran his hand over her lower back, growling deep in approval. But he wanted her to see it. He wanted her to see that she was now his property.
Getting off the bed, he snapped his fingers to get her attention. ‘Come on, up.’
She hurriedly got up, albeit awkwardly because of her hands still being restrained behind her, and slipped off the bed to stand on front of him.
He turned her around and walked her over to a full-length mirror. He then had another appear behind her, at the right angle so she could see her back. He stood to the side, watching for her reaction as she looked at her new tattoo.
First, surprise crossed her features, then fear, and then she looked kind of intrigued. No doubt at how he managed to do that without a tattoo gun.
‘You belong to me now, pet.’ He said darkly, having the second mirror vanish he moved in behind her and ran his hand down her spine, stroking his name again. Then he moved in close, she saw him looming over her in the mirror, so much bigger than she was. He practically enveloped her entirely.
‘What do you think of your tattoo? Hmm?’ He reached around and started stroking her body, over her stomach and upwards, fondling at her breasts in turn while he waited an answer.
‘If… If you are happy with it, Sir… Then I am too.’ She whispered, trying not to cry as he started stroking her nipples that were hardening under his touch, much to her embarrassment.
Loki smirked, clever indeed. Picking her responses carefully, hoping to please him. He liked that.
‘Have you been shown around my quarters? Where you’re allowed to roam?’ He asked, his hands falling from her body.  
‘No, Sir.’ She said quietly, shaking her head.
‘Come then, let me show you around before we play.’ He turned on his heels and headed for the door. Ivy scurried after him, having to take quicker steps to keep up with his long legs.
She felt very self-conscious being naked, not only around Loki but around the other girls too. Though they were all naked as well, so at least that levelled out the playing field.
Loki made sure she was following him and he showed her throughout his quarters. There was one room she wasn’t allowed in unless she was with him. But he showed her into it just now anyway. But her eyes widened when the door swung open and it was filled with various machines and contraptions, they all looked like torture devices in some way.
But in the middle of the room, on a Sybian machine, restrained and going nowhere, was a young woman. She was completely limp as the machine buzzed like mad underneath her, a vibe was nestled inside of her cunt and a part of it was covering her clit. It was relentless and she was completely overstimulated, it was agony.
‘Oh, so sorry dear. I forgot I’d tied you here last night.’ Loki said with a slight chuckle as he walked over to the girl and turned the machine off.
There was drool coming from her leather gag, it was soaked through. And there was a mess of excreta and arousal all down the Sybian and on the floor.
‘What a mess you’ve made.’ Loki chastised. As soon as he untied her wrists that had been tied behind her and to the wall, to keep her upright on the machine, she fell forward to the floor. Loki tsked in annoyance and nudged her with his foot. But she was completely out of it, being stuck on the machine for near twenty-four hours had broken her. She couldn’t even feel her clit anymore, likely so much nerve damage after having many orgasms forced from her and enjoying it at first.
Ivy swallowed hard and tried her best to get rid of the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.
‘GIRLS!’ Loki yelled and soon two girls came running to see what he wanted.
‘Get her out of here and cleaned up. Then get this mess cleaned up too, if it’s not sorted within ten minutes, I will tie each of you to this machine for longer than she had.’ He said in warning.
The two girls squeaked in fear and quickly got to work.
Loki saw the colour had drained from Ivy’s face, making him grin. He walked back over to her with a predatory look and put his arm around her, leading her out and back towards his bedroom.
‘Come, pet. I want to see what fun I can have with you.’
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angelqueen04 · 3 years
Hamliza Month, Day 29
@megpeggs @historysalt
Nap Summary: Alexander comes home to the Grange to find that things aren’t entirely as he left them.
The Grange was such a welcome sight, Alexander thought as he stepped out of the barn. The trip had not been an overly long one, but it had still been highly unwelcome. He had not wanted to leave Eliza or the children, but there had been no avoiding it. Still, at least he was home now. With the gig put up and the horse comfortably settled, there was nothing to stop him from entering the house and rejoining his family – the only place he wanted to be, and the only people he cared to see.
As he approached the house, however, he heard the sound of children laughing coming from the garden. Smiling, Alexander bypassed the front door and took the path around to the back of the house. There, he found five of his children. Alex had Liza by her hands and was swinging her around in circles, much to her delight, if her thrilled shrieks were any indication. James was on the ground not too far away, clearly having been wrestling with William, who now sat atop his brother with a triumphant grin. Johnny was also present, but was seated under a tree, his head bent over a book.
That just left Eliza, Angelica, and little Phil unaccounted for. Angelica, he knew, had gone to Albany to visit her grandparents, but surely Eliza would be out here with the rest of the children? Though autumn was rapidly approaching – he would need to begin the preparations for them to move into their house in the city soon – the air was still plenty warm enough. Surely there was no need to worry about the baby catching a cold?
“Well, well,” he called to his children, “here you are, quite the merry party! May I join you, or is this by invitation only?”
All five of them immediately froze at the sound of his voice. Alex lowered Liza safely to the grass, and she promptly leapt back up to her feet and threw herself toward Alexander. William also abandoned his position on top of James and raced to him. Even Johnny put his book down to come and greet him.
Alexander laughed as he swept Liza up into his arms, and he ruffled William’s already unruly hair after settling her on his hip. His three older sons approached at a slower pace, one they likely thought was more dignified than the excited leaping about of the younger children. Oh, how eager they are to be perceived as men instead of boys, Alexander thought fondly.
“Welcome home, Papa,” James greeted. Alex and Johnny echoed the welcome.
“I’m very glad to be home, my lambs,” he responded. Pressing a kiss to Liza’s temple, Alexander glanced around at their surroundings. “Where are your mother and little Phil?”
Alex and James shared a look, their expressions growing more serious, and Alexander straightened, growing concerned. When they didn’t respond immediately, he narrowed his eyes. “Boys?” he prodded, his tone growing sharp with warning.
It was William who spoke up before his brothers could. “Mama’s inside with the baby,” he told him. “Mama said we could play, but it had to be outside so Phil could sleep.”
“Oh, well, that’s not so bad, is it?” Babies napped all the time, after all. Still, James, Alex, and even Johnny now still had solemn expressions.
“Phil’s been crying all night,” Johnny said. “He won’t sleep. So Mama tries to get him to sleep during the day. She’s been upstairs most of the day with him. The doctor was here this morning.”
A nervous, painful knot began to form in Alexander’s stomach. “I see,” he said slowly. Was something wrong with Phil? Was he ill? Was that why Eliza had summoned Dr. Hosack? None of her letters had intimated that Phil was sick.
He gestured for Alex to take Liza from him, which, to the boy’s credit, he did without hesitation. “Why don’t you continue on here?” Alexander suggested. “I’ll go inside and check on your mother and Phil, and see about a little snack before supper.”
The suggestion of food gained him enthusiastic agreement from William and Liza, and even Johnny appeared interested, though he continued to do his best to imitate the more laid back, knowing reaction of his older brothers. Providing them with the most reassuring smile he could muster, Alexander then turned on his heel and made for the back door. As he hurried up the steps and entered the house, his thoughts raced.
Eliza had not had an easy time of it when she had been carrying Phil. Even before… Even before Philip’s death, her health had been precarious enough that Dr. Hosack visited several times a week. The dreadful blow of Philip’s sudden loss had been devastating enough that the physician had ordered her onto near total bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy. It had been nearly two months before they’d even been sure the baby was still alive.
When Phil was finally born, just shortly before Alexander had moved the whole family out to the Grange for the first time, the reactions had been nothing short of hysterical relief. Though the labor had been difficult, Eliza had come through it as well as could be expected. Phil had all the appearances of a healthy babe, and did not seem to have been harmed by the terrible shock his mother had suffered while she carried him.
As he made his way toward the front of the house, slipping through the yellow parlor to the front hall, Alexander spotted their hired girl, Nan, coming down the stairs from the second floor, carrying a large laundry basket.
“Mr. Hamilton,” she greeted when she spotted him as she reached the landing. “Welcome home, sir!”
Alexander managed a small smile for her, even as his eyes remained focused on the stairs. “Thank you, Nan. When you have a moment, could you ask Mrs. Georges if she would arrange a small snack for the children and bring it out to the garden please? It’s not too close to supper.”
Nan nodded and she turned the corner to take the steps down to the lower level of the house. “Of course, sir.”
That taken care of, Alexander started up the stairs, taking two at a time. Coming up to the landing, he immediately rounded the corner and hurried to the door to his and Eliza’s bedchamber. The door had been left slightly ajar. Placing his hand on the doorknob, Alexander took a deep, calming breath before pushing the door open.
His eyes immediately went to their bed. Eliza lay curled on her side, facing a large circle of pillows. Her eyes were open and focused upon the pillows, but then turned to him as he appeared in the room. Her dark eyes, which had faint dark circles around them, brightened and a small, weary smile came across her face. Slowly, she sat up, being careful not to jostle the bed as she moved. Standing up, she quietly moved a few pillows, enclosing the circle around the sleeping babe in the middle. She then made her way toward him, a finger pressing against her lips in the familiar warning to stay quiet. Alexander nodded, and then he followed her back out into the hallway.
Once the door was shut, he and Eliza moved back down the hallway, coming to stand before the large, ornate window at the front of the house. “What’s happened?” he demanded, taking care to keep his voice low. “Is he ill? Was that why Hosack was here today?”
Eliza blinked, surprised at being on the receiving end of a barrage of questions instead of the loving, tender greetings she was usually granted when he returned home. “What?”
“Phil,” Alexander elaborated, waving his hand back toward their bedchamber. “The children said he won’t sleep, that he cries all night. What’s wrong?”
She stared at him, and then sighed. “Oh, darling,” she said, taking her hands in his and squeezing them tightly. “Nothing is wrong. Nothing that can’t be mended, anyway.”
“What do you mean?”
Eliza looked around, and then nodded to two of the chairs that were situated outside of Angelica and Liza’s chamber. They settled down in them, hands still clasped, and she began to speak. “Phil hasn’t been sleeping well at night, in his crib,” she explained. “But he’ll sleep perfectly well during the day when I make a place for him in our bed. He’s also had a mild rash on his skin, which is why I sent for Dr. Hosack.” She glanced over her shoulder toward their bedchamber. “He thinks that Phil is having a bad reaction to something in his crib, perhaps the feathers in the mattress. The doctor gave me a salve for his skin, which is already helping. He’s sleeping even better in our bed than he normally has.”
Alexander took a deep, steady breath, considering his wife’s explanation. He knew that sometimes people did not react well to certain things in their daily lives. His brother, when they had been very young, had not been able to abide cow’s milk, though he had eventually outgrown that intolerance, much to their mother’s relief. Alexander had even heard of some ladies not being able to bear the sensation of certain fabrics or dried dyes on their skin.
“So, Phil will be all right, then?” he finally inquired.
Eliza smiled at him and raised a hand to his cheek, brushing her thumb over the skin. “Yes, dear. Dr. Hosack says that it is a mild reaction, though he recommended that we throw out the entire mattress and scrub the crib thoroughly before Phil sleeps in it again, to be safe.” Amusement flared in her eyes. “He sleeps very well in our bed, and seems to like your pillow the best. He always grabs onto it when he wakes.” Eliza laughed. “Perhaps he finds his papa’s scent soothing.”
A reflexive smile came to his lips in response to his wife’s laughter. Even now, it was a relief to hear her sound so happy, after all that she had endured.
They sat together like that for a few moments, content in one another’s presence, until Eliza said, “I should go and check on him. I think it helps him to rest if I’m there.”
“May I join you?” he asked impulsively, standing up as she did. When she stared at him, surprised, Alexander could feel his cheeks heating up a bit and he added, “It’s still some hours ‘til supper, and it’s been a long trip.” He smiled at her, feeling unaccountably shy for some reason. “I’ve missed you.”
Eliza’s eyes softened as she gazed at him, and then nodded. “Of course.” Tugging on his hand, she began to lead him back to their chamber. “Quietly, now,” she whispered.
Alexander shed his coat, waistcoat, and shoes as soundlessly as he could after they reentered their chamber, leaving them on a chair nearby. Eliza had already returned to the bed, resuming the same position she had been in when he had first come upon her. Alexander carefully climbed onto the other side, curling his body around the circle of pillows. This allowed him a clearer look at his tiny son. Phil’s skin did indeed have an unusual pink tint to it, and he could see a few raised spots, though thankfully, nothing that had the look of smallpox or any other such disease.
He didn’t reach out to touch the sleeping babe, though he dearly wanted to, if just to reassure him of his continued health and existence. Alexander turned his head toward Eliza, and found that she wasn’t looking at Phil, but at him, her expression gentle and loving. Silently, she reached out with the hand that was closest to him, the one outside of the pillow circle. Alexander grasped it without hesitation, holding onto her as tightly as he could. Then, as one, they turned their eyes back toward the fragile life between them, their last child.
We are here, my little one, Alexander thought. We are here, and we love you. Stay with us.
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deuchess · 4 years
I’ll wait for you
Pairings: Bobby x MC
+ friendship, first kiss, angst??
Word count: More than one
Summary: What if Bobby had been dumped instead of Lurik?
Bobby is voted to be sent home by the public. Mc is upset, and they share a heartfelt goodbye
A/N: this was rushed i’m sorry. it’s currently midnight, so idk if what I’m writing makes any sense. this is my second fic so i’m still trying to figure out how what type of style i want to write these in. yay, enjoy my experiment fics
“The second person to be dumped from the villa is.....” Noah said.
The knot that had formed in my stomach tightened painfully.
I could feel his eyes on me, searching comfort from me, but I couldn’t bare to see him upset. Everything came bumbling over.
He was leaving, he was really leaving.
I held back a sob, refusing to meet anyone’s eyes. I’d been so convinced that the public would keep him safe. I felt betrayed by everyone, myself included. Hot tears were threatening to make their entrance. I refused to let it show how utterly devastated I was.
“You’ve got thirty minutes to pack your bags and say goodbye” Noah finished.
Everyone went silent for a moment, the only thing I could hear was the rapid beat of my heart pounding, everything else was blocked out.
The ground below me had suddenly become unbelievably fascinating, as I couldn’t tear my gaze away from it. I could hear faint mumbling from the islanders around me, and what I presumed was Lottie’s hysterical crying.
As everyone eventually started to move away from the now cold and frosty atmosphere of the firepit, I quickly jumped up, jogging away, ignoring the voice that called out for me.
I needed to calm myself down. The entire day had been spent trying to figure out who could’ve voted for him, instead of actually spending time with him. My mind had been filled with theories. Was it Hope? Marisol? Priya? Or maybe even Lottie? I hadn’t been afraid of him leaving at all cause never had I thought that the public would vote him out, I’d been more frustrated at who could’ve betrayed him like that, over the possibility of him actually leaving.
I let my feet carry me. Not knowing where I was going, just that I had to get away from everyone. I ended up in the bathroom, leaning over the sink, splashing some water in my face to get rid of any sign of me having cried. It didn’t work, and the second I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt another load of tears building up. This time I didn’t stop it.
The built up stress of being stuck in this place felt good to finally be relieved, along with me being strictly friends with the boy who was now leaving.
As soon as the first drops started to fall, a hand grabbed my shoulder.
I kept my eyes on my hands gripping the counter tightly, my knuckles going white.
“Emmeline, Bobby is packing, don’t you wanna say goodbye?”
I looked up in the mirror to see Priya looking worried back at me. I sniffed violently and looked away. She noticed my flushed features and quickly turned me around, pulling me into a hug. I let my defenses fall in front of her, I couldn’t help it. I knew the cameras were recording all of this, but that was the last thing I could bother caring about at this moment.
“It’s alright Em” she whispered, pulling me tightly against her chest
I breathed out heavily.
“Your boobs feel nice” I murmured, nuzzling my face further.
She chuckled, before pulling away and holding me by the shoulders.
“Here I was thinking you could go a whole five minutes without cracking a joke.” She shook her head laughing.
Before I could respond, the rest of the girls came tumbling into the room, their heals all clicking against the tiles.
“Babes why are you crying?” Lottie asked hurrying over.
I wasn’t in the mood for any of this.
“Which one of you voted Bobby out?” I said, furiously wiping away my tears.
“Em, it’s already done for-“ Priya started.
“No I want to know” I said sternly, looking directly at the three other girls.
They all exchanged nervous glances before turning back to me.
“Emmeline, he was the one that was least likely to get a girlfriend, we all decided that” Hope explained.
I held my breath before exhaling, holding back from going off on all of them.
“So who voted for him then? Hope and...? Was it you Marisol? After he supported you and Rocco?” I said, gritting my teeth.
“You and him were only in a friendship couple. He was everyone’s friend, but that was were it ended with him. He didn’t want to take it further, you know this” Marisol said quietly, adjusting her dress.
My anger was starting to boil over. Yes, me and Bobby were in a friendship couple, he’d told me himself he struggled with opening up and seeing past friendship with people, it wasn’t as easy for him. I was frustrated beyond what I’d ever remembered being. I cared about him, a lot. He’d been my rock ever since I’d gotten Noah stolen from me on day 1. Having him leaving felt like a part of me was being ripped away.
A soft knock took my attention away. A freckled head poked through the entrance.
“Hey lass....”
The girls all exchanged glances before moving towards the opening.
“We’ll give you some privacy” Priya said, smiling reassuringly at me.
Bobby stood patiently by the entrance, waiting for the others to leave. As they all left, he hesitantly moved towards me, rubbing the back of his neck, smiling nervously.
“You’ve been a bit distant today” he said, stopping two feet away.
I struggled to look at him, it hurt to know I’d be sleeping alone tonight, without him going off on why cake mix is such a crime or why Jim Carrey is the superior comedian. To gossip about the other couples, have pillow fights, try their hardest to make the other laugh.
“Yeah, I’ve just been thinking a lot” I sighed.
He lowered his head and kept his eyes on the floor. It was silent for a moment too long, I could hear his heart beating, or maybe that was my own. I shifted awkwardly from foot to foot. Eventually he sighed.
“You didn’t.....? Erm....yesterday....” he started, seemingly not wanting to finish what he was leading to.
I looked confused up at him.
“Didn’t what?” I asked.
His eyes met mine for the first time that night. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, before blowing out a shakey breath.
“Did you vote for me to leave last night?” he said just above a whisper.
I stumbled back a bit.
“Bobby....” I stammered out, not knowing how to respond.
He seemed to take it as confirmation, looking glumly down at his feet.
“I don’t blame you really, we were just friends, so you didn’t owe me anything, I know I’m probably least likely to get a girlfriend in here” He smiled up at me, but I could tell it was forced.
My mouth hung open.
Did he really think I’d vote him out?
I quickly rushed towards him. His eyes widened as I grabbed the sides of his face and made him look directly at me. He was struggling to keep eye contact with me, his cheeks going pink.
“Bobby I would never! I voted for Rocco, I would never vote you out” I laughed nervously, letting go of his face.
“Oh, I just thought .... since you’d been so distant today and last night, maybe you...” he trailed off, playing with a piece of skin by his nail.
I’d never seen him like this before, he was normally so spunky and confident. Now he was stammering and unable to get his words out. He’d gone the entire day thinking I’d been the one to want him out. His own best friend.
“You mean so much to me B. I was devastated to hear you might be leaving, but I was so busy trying to find out who could’ve voted for you, that I just dismissed you completely. I’m so sorry” I lowered my gaze, looking at the buttons on his shirt.
I snuck another glance back on his face, to catch him staring intently back. I kept eye contact, feeling my cheeks warming up under the intensity of his gaze.
The mood seemed to have switched between us. I felt myself captivated by his features.
“Em?” He whispered, his eyes fixed on my lips, subconsciously leaning forward.
I hummed back in response, meeting him half way.
Our lips met lightly at first, shyly pecking, before I slid my hands to the back of his neck, pushing my lips harder against him. He smiled into the kiss and brought his hands around my waist, pulling me tighter against him. He tasted sweet, almost like....my chapstick? I stifled a giggle whilst letting my hand run up his fade.
As I parted my lips, a loud cough came from the other side of the room. We pulled reluctantly away from eachother. Bobby shut his eyes and groaned, having forgotten that he was meant to be leaving.
Rocco stood with his luggage, looking awkwardly at us.
“We’re meant to leave now” he said running his hand through his hair.
“Just one moment” Bobby told him and waved his hand dismissively, Rocco wandered out, dragging his luggage out after him.
Bobby looked at me again, his features softening.
“Damn we should’ve done that sooner” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
I chuckled.
“It’s a shame you’re leaving, could’ve been the start of something” I joked, poking his side playfully.
“I’d hope so! You don’t kiss all of your mates like that do you?” He teased, bumping into me.
I shook my head while laughing, before taking his hand in mine.
“We better get out of here” he sighed.
“Can’t you just stay? You can hide under our bed. I’ll even bring you food and water” I joked trying to ignore the hot tears threatening to spill out yet again.
“I wish, but I don’t think I could survive on just your cooking” he said smiling cheekily.
I lightly slapped his shoulder as a loud ding came from his pocket. We both sighed, knowing exactly what the message was about.
“Let’s go back outside” he said.
As everyone said their goodbyes, and gave their speeches, I couldn’t help but stare at him.
Maybe if either of us had realized our feelings sooner, he might’ve still been staying.
“It’s been great guys! And nice to get a few more moments” he said looking at me.
I felt Priya clutch my hand in hers.
“We’ll miss you guys. I know I will” I said smiling softly.
Priya tightened her grip and leant towards my ear.
“You’ll see eachother again, don’t worry about it.”
I nodded, keeping my eyes on Bobby as he waved everyone off and turned around.
I’ll wait for you.
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