#sibling moment
m-r-moth · 1 month
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they are both zuzu, fight me
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-it’s your turn to do the dishes today!
-no, yours! i fucking did them yesterday!
*double death stare*
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ratrrriot · 1 year
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stayed up late drawing this because i love them sm
also i promise this meme is funny and it fits him perfectly but i'm too sleepy to find a way to properly translate it sooo english speakers you'll have to trust me on this one.
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devildom-doll · 3 months
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luci please give your spawn a cat already :v
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kitefall · 3 months
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“Not my problem you’re too stupid and weak to feed yourselves.”
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smalldumbpigeon · 2 years
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bro got adopted good for him!!!!!!!!!!!
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dumbfrenchname · 8 months
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I think i just enjoy siblings moments man
This is the first panel of this chapter from @somerandomdudelmao
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truths33k3r4 · 1 month
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CHAPTER 25 - Grieving Cadence
The room burst with chaotic energy in a matter of milliseconds as Leo ran into the dojo to grab his twin katanas. For a normal person, such a stressful situation would leave the barer with a scrambled mind, floundering through the room and tripping over themselves as they try to process what just happened.
But Leo has never been normal. His eyes remained focused as his feet ran with purpose and will. His expression had gone into full ‘ Leader Mode ‘, leaving behind any traces of ‘ teenager ‘. His ‘oldest brother’ side still shone brightly, but it mirrored the image of a stoplight; Flashing and pulsing with warnings of danger, and no warmth in its vibrant hue.
When Leo sprinted back into the Living Room, Mikey could see the panic shrinking his pupils. The eldest was still very much aware of his surroundings, and was even still forcing a steady heartbeat. But his eyes gave away the facade the leader always carried.
Without thinking, Mikey flung the afghan off his legs and pushed himself off the couch, dropping the bag of frozen broccoli to the floor with a crunch.
He made it about two steps before the adrenaline rushing through his body slightly dissipated, allowing a tightening pressure coiling around his right ankle like a boa constrictor squeezing its prey. With a piercing screech, the youngest fell onto the floor holding his leg tightly to his chest.
Well…. That was stupid. He mentally groaned.
“ MICHELANGELO HANTEN! “ Yelled the leader, whom was quickly rushing up to the side of his once again fallen brother.
Ok…. Now I’m dead.
Leo grabbed Mikey’s shoulders and raised him up off the floor, then slid his arm around the youngest’s waist while leading him back to the couch.
“ Mikey I don’t have time for this- “ the leader rushed, nearly dropping Mikey haphazardly onto the cushions, “Just… Just stay here- I’ll be back as soon as I can- “
“ - No way, dude! You are not leavin’ me here like some cripple- I’m coming with. They’re my brothers too! “
To enforce his statement, Mikey pulled off the afghan Leo just placed back on his legs, and began sliding off the cushions again. This action was met with a silent but DEADLY whack from his brother’s calloused hand to Mikey’s right knee.
“ No, Mikey. “ The oldest solemnly stated as the youngest groaned from the impact, “ You are staying HERE. “
After the brotherly-inflicted pain faded in his knee, Mikey raised his head in defiance at the leader.
“ I’m.. coming.. You can’t stop me, Leo. “ Mikey tried very hard to sound as tough as he could, while still also struggling under the intensifying ache in his ankle. It didn’t come out as a pathetic squeak, so he’ll call it a win in his book.
The eldest’s eyes sparked as a war was fought between feelings of annoyance and respect for his little brother. Mikey watched as Leo sank deep into thought, probably trying to think of a plan to get Mikey off his back so he could go search for their missing brothers.
Leo growled as he reached for the built in power panel and clicked one of its many buttons, finally ending the horrible cacophony of the panic alarm.
“ - I can’t THINK with all this noise.. “ Leo grumbled as he rubbed his fingers into his temples.
As the leader tried to make a plan, Mikey was also attempting to figure a solution to his problem.
How bad does it REALLY hurt-
He tried to wiggle his foot, but abruptly stopped the motion as the ache returned with a vengeance. He was VERY lucky that the only noise that escaped him was a low rumbly hum. Had he shouted, groaned, or yelped again, Leo would have had him in his arms and off to bed in a second.
Alright, maybe I shouldn’t walk just yet… OW.
Mikey let out his own quiet growl as he could hear the grandfather clock tick away in Sensei’s Study.
They were running out of time.
The panic button carried a graven heaviness to it. One of the reasons the alarm’s song was so frightening to Leo and him was the fact that they’d never heard it before. Don had only just installed it on the day that Master Splinter finally allowed the brothers to go to the surface on their own. That was like two weeks ago.
Mikey slowly turned to look at his leader.
Leo’s expression finally revealed the torment running rampant through his mind, as he grew more and more tense with each failed phone call to his lost brothers. Mikey could hear the annoyed sound of Raph’s voice as his message played again and again in Leo’s ear.
‘ “ How does this stupid thing work…….what- what do you mean it’s already recording?! GRRRR DON SHOW ME HOW TO WORK THIS PIECE OF- [ BEEP ] “ ‘
When Raph first recorded his answering machine message, the brothers would all burst into laughter whenever he missed their calls. But now, Leo only grimaced and shrank at the harsh sounds of his fiery brother, almost as if the recording was taunting him.
“ Come on.. COME ON. “ The eldest bit his lip as he tried for Don’s cell again. With each failed call his mind became more and more unclear, as his voice was failing to conceal his shame and anger, his sadness… and his regret.
‘ “ Sorry, this is Donatello Hamato, I’m not at the phone right now, please leave a message, and if I have time I might call you back. [ BEEP ] “ ‘
“ - GRRRAHHH!! “
Leo raised his phone as if he were about to throw it into the ground, his arm stretched and taught like a band on a slingshot. Just as he looked like he was about to throw it with all the force he could muster, his arms went limp to his sides as he lost the battle to hold back his tears. The leader in blue, the one with the plan, the one who should never fail his family, fell down on his knees and began….
.. to pray.
Mikey could barely hear his brother as the oldest’s voice clashed and strained from the guilt and shame that swirled in his heart. The youngest could make out a few words through the chokes and sobs, the most used being “ please” and “ help them”… But the rest was grief-stricken gibberish that only God Himself was able to understand.
That’s good..seeing how He can actually do something for our brothers.. Mikey thought to himself, his inner voice tinged with bitterness.
Mikey looked down with hate filled eyes at his swollen ankle. He could feel his own tears now beginning to stream down his face as he gulped down the growing anxiety bubbling up his throat.
I can’t do anything.
His bitter heart added a sting to the tears as they pricked the corners of his eyes.
I can’t do anything for them.
He looked up.
…. But… I know You can.
With a strained voice, Mikey called to his brother, but all that sounded was the same pathetic squeak he was trying to avoid from before.
Dang it.
Mikey tried again, this time clearing his throat the best he could.
“ Leo…”
The oldest’s bowed head slowly rose from the ground to look up at his youngest brother. Tears had stained his royal blue mask, and his eyes were rimmed with a soft red. Choked sobs still weaseled their way out of Leo’s throat, as his gaze met Mikey’s.
“ Come.. *hic*.. Come here, bro. Pl- pl- lease..”
Without a word, Leo walked to his brother’s side. And Mikey, in one smooth motion, leapt off the couch one last time.
“ M- mikey n- no- “
The oldest never finished his sentence as his body was met with a crushing hug from his little brother.
The two stood there for what felt like hours, embracing each other as their shoulders trembled, and nestling their heads deep into the other’s neck. Their arms clung tighter and tighter as their separate sobs melded together into a cadence of fear and grief.
Their fight from earlier had no place in either of the brothers’ thoughts as they continued to try to comfort each other. The two boys’ minds were far too busy being filled with reasons of why Don and Raph sounded the dreaded alarm. What could have happened to them. If they were both alright.
..If they would ever come home.
“ We- we’re run-n-ning out of ti-ime.. “ The oldest whispered as he rubbed the tears from his eyes into Mikey’s shoulder.
The youngest’s chest tightened as he took a sharp inhale.
He knew what he had to do.
And he hated it.
“…G-go…..Go fi- find the- them. “ Mikey whispered back, “ I- I’ll only s-slow you do- down.. “
Leo lifted his head to look his youngest brother in the eyes. The oldest’s expression was filled with child-like fear and nervousness; He looked like a kid again. He had that same look that all kids wear when something scary happens:
And with that question, a child would usually go to the closest adult in the room.
Leo is seventeen.
And he’s the closest they had to an adult until Splinter came home from scavenging in Central Park.
But with the call to leadership, Leo’s face and posture changed. His slumped shoulders straightened, and his chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. He gave the weakest of smiles, rubbed his eyes one last time, and then nodded as he gently pushed Mikey back onto the couch.
“ I’ll f- find them, Mikey. “
Leo placed his hand on the back of Mikey’s neck, and lowered his forehead to the youngest’s.
“… I promise. “
As Leo picked up his katanas and began to run to the Lair’s main doorway into the tunnels, Mikey remembered something.
“ W-wait- Leo, hold up! “
The eldest quickly swiveled his head to be in Mikey’s direction, as the youngest leaned over and pulled some kind of secret drawer out of the coffee table. He grabbed something shiny and then threw it to Leo. With a quick flick of his wrist thanks to his ninja skills, the blue clad turtle caught the energy bar with ease. After a slight glance at the snack, he looked back up to Mikey with a “ you know what you did “ grin. Mikey responded with the widest of grins Leo’s ever seen.
“ .. Thanks, Little Brother. “
In a blur of green and blue, Leo had vanished sprinting down the tunnels.
Mikey gave a long, weighted sigh as he wiped away the remaining tears on his face.
… It’s ok….Leo’s got it… He’ll find them….
As he sat on the couch, not sure where to land his eyes, he noticed the wooden picture frame hanging on the wall next to the hallway. The words written inside the glass echoed in Mikey’s mind as his heart finally shattered.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your paths. “
They’ll be ok…. Mikey thought as he fell deep into the cushions of the couch, once again letting his tears stream freely, Leo will find them.. God will help him find them..
Mikey closed his eyes.
Lord… Keep my brothers safe.. Please, Lord..
PLEASE bring them home.
That's it for this chapter! :) Hope you enjoyed it! ( Or it made you sob your eyes out, either way as a author I win XD )
To God be the glory!
~ Melissa
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missycolorful · 1 year
Phil: Bombs don't break houses, they just hurt people.
Chayanne: (immediately throws a bomb at Wilbur)
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Living rent-free in my brain and making me giggle.
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Mind: Get out of my room.
Heart, standing outside of the room's doorway: I'm not in your room
Mind: *annoyed* Juno...
Heart: Alright, alright, fine *leaves*
Mind: Close the damn door!
Heart: *comes back, closes the door but leaves it open just a crack*
Mind: All the way!
Heart: *slowly shuts the door*
Heart: *quickly reopens the door, reaching in and shutting off the light before closing the door and running away*
Mind: You motherfucker-
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ezrathekoolkid · 3 months
i feel like noodle and 2d laughed at quandale dingle memes when they first came out😭😭😭
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ask-edd · 1 year
Edurado, Are You Always Numero Uno Or You Could Be Numero Dos ;)
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abloomingsunflower · 9 months
Okay, I might not be able to finish chapter one today. But, you can have my favorite moments so far. SPOILERSSS
"Well well, the mouse smelled there was food and came to check eh?" 
"Can't blame me, it smells so delicious- What are you making today, sis?"
"Eh, just some omelettes. Your plate is over here" I said and gestured to the counter, letting him know which one was his. 
Merciless looked at the plate, his purple eyes sparkled with joy seeing the food, but then he'd go silent for a few seconds. 
"You know what, I don't think I'm that hungry. Thanks for making this for me though"
I raise a brow at his response and scoff. 
"You always do this, refusing my cooking and going elsewhere to eat instead. Well, not today. Please eat your food. I even made it the way you like!" I scolded him. Honestly, I always wondered..Why would he never eat anything in front of us? This forsaken family has a million flaws but it's not like we're going to judge him or anything. At least not me. 
"I know but uh.." Merciless paused. He seemed nervous, as if trying to think of an excuse. I just looked at him, my arms crossed, waiting to hear what he was going to come up with this time. However, nothing but silence as Merci stared down at the plate. I sighed and put the last omelette in a plate and turned the stove off. I decorated it with some ketchup, like I had done with the rest. This one was for Crescent. 
"I don't see your plate anywhere. There are only four, not counting mine. Wheeere is yours..?" Merciless broke the silence. I froze as soon as I heard his question. 
"You haven't eaten yet, have you? Or did you get up early as you always do and eat something before you started cooking?"
"Well..yeah. I did eat some leftover soup from yesterday..-" I lied. Thankfully, he seemed to buy it. 
"Ohh, okay. At least you don't skip your meals. I want my baby sister to be healthy!" 
"I want you to be healthy too, brother. So please eat your omelette, okay?"
"Finee, okayy, I'll eat the omelette. Honestly, it looks really good. Just like something you'd eat at a restaurant or café"
"THIS IS AMAZING! Holy- Can you make me another??"  
I laughed a little and nodded 
"Okay, okay, I'll make you another one" I responded, turning the stove back on again. As he ate, I whisked an egg and when the pan was hot enough, I poured it on the pan. Merciless had already finished, now watching me cook. 
After it was done, I turned off the stove, decorated the omelette and put it in the plate in front of him. 
"Careful, it's still hot. You might burn your tongue-" 
Too late. Merciless already had a bite and his mouth burned. I poured some cold water in a glass and gave it to him, he drank it in one sip and let out a relieved sigh. 
"What did I just tell you?"
"I know, I know. I digged in too soon- Sorry-"
"You're such a manbaby, it doesn't even feel like I'm the youngest anymore. Because I have to lecture all of you" I scoffed. He let out a small laugh, ruffling my hair. 
"Weeell, you're still younger than all of us. And shorter- But I'm proud of you for being so mature and smart though, and an amazing cook!"
"Heyyy, don't put my height into this. Anywho, thanks brother. I'm glad I make you proud. Maybe from now on don't skip breakfast or go eat in a café instead. God knows what they put in their food. Homemade cooking is better." 
"I actually know this great café, the chef cooks everything himself. He doesn't put any bad stuff in the food, I promise you. You should come with me sometime and try his pastries yourself!" 
"Really? Well then, I might just come someday."
"You should, his pastries are seriously the best!" 
"Even better than mine? Well then, we shall see!" I chuckled.
E.L.A Merciless by @anotherrosesthatfell
[The story is told through Artemis' point of view, just a reminder ^^]
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sugarsprink · 1 year
things i am learning reading the dr kirigiri novel summaries (vol 2)
kyoko kirigiri, who is a child, has a credit card
she also gets a santa hat dropped on her head and does not notice its existence for hours
apparently her grandfather (on her mother's side, not fuhito) is also associated with detectives (and also sucks ass!!!)
upon said grandfather saying detective work should prioritize work over familial deaths, kyoko asks yui if she finds this strange. she keeps pressing yui multiple times until she says she doesnt find it weird at all, but also saying thats shes probably just trying to convince herself of this otherwise she'd feel empty inside (what the FUCK)
one of the characters is gay?? canonically?? he straight up says this apparently
yui prepares to cover kyoko to save her from getting shot with pretty much zero questions asked
i can only imagine how agonizing to my soul reading the complete story would be
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smalldumbpigeon · 2 years
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sibling moment
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melissacove · 11 months
I’ve never been prouder of my brother.
for context, I’m 13 and I have a 7 year old younger brother, we’ll call him Jason.
my brother just yelled for me at 2:57 am, (in my time zone,) and when I asked him why he said “I called you because I wanna play Pokémon.” I grabbed him my old Nintendo DS, a Pokémon Pearl cartridge, made a new save file and helped him get to the first gym. It’s 4:23 as of writing this and I finally got back in bed after two hours of helping my brother through his first play through. His current team is a level 7 Piplup named Waddle, a level two Starly and a level two Shinx. He’s making his way to Orenburg as we speak and I’ve honestly never been prouder. My brothers playing the same game that got me into Pokémon when I was 10. Expect a lot of Pokémon creepypasta fanart in the near future. I’m 1000 percent a certified Sinnoh kid and my brothers about to be too. Never been happier.
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