Soul Mate
Author: fablewriter
Rating: G
Status: Completed in May 2013
Word Count: 5,195
Summary: Klaine soulmate AU | They don’t know each other, but people know them. Kurt Hummel is the famous fashion designer, who wears a cuff around his wrist and says that his soulmate’s name is his own business, but jokes at interviews about it. Blaine Anderson is a young, successful singer/songwriter who does the same things, keeping the name hidden from everyone. But what happens when he accidentally tweets.
Tropes/Genre: soulmate!Klaine, fashion designer!Kurt, singer!Blaine, social media, Niff, one shot
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datshitrandom · 1 year
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Favorite Fanfics (106/?): Never Saying Goodbye to You by @lilyvandersteen
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callmebrycelee · 1 year
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daydadahlias · 1 month
i want to hear the glee thoughts and feelings
ok ur so gonna regret u asked this
So, I watched glee way back when in middle school (before I knew what a lot of the words they said meant <3 I remember watching the first time episode and having no fucking idea what was going on <3) and I really loved it!! who doesn't love a jam yknow?? and, obviously, i attached myself to Blaine very quickly because his voice is just my favorite and he puts out nothing but bangers. this last week, I've gone back and rewatched seasons 2 and 3 (because that was peak Blaine Anderson) and - because I'm the world's most needlessly passionate person - I'm getting a little fucking worked up about it !!
It will never fail to bewilder me how much of a literal SHIT HEAD Kurt Hummel was. Like, I know that we as audience members are supposed to align ourselves with him because he's an OG character and he's a queer kid just trying to be himself or whatever, but frankly it doesn't pay that much to "just be yourself" when yourself SUCKS! kurt fucking SUCKS dude. He is so whiney and so selfish and blatantly rude. and he is a shitty ass boyfriend to Blaine!
this is also rooted in my absolute maniacal frustration that Blaine never gets to be a character of his own. His character is always (throughout the entirety of the show) written within the context of Kurt and Klaine. It's very much Ken and Barbie-esque with the whole "Ken only has a good day when Barbie looks at him." Like we never get to know anything about Blaine's personal life except for ?? a throwaway line that his dad (who we never meet) is homophobic? and also that he was gay bashed when he was 15. And, just to bitch about that, it will never not piss me off to insane lengths that Kurt wanted to go to prom so he made Blaine go with him even though Blaine was blatantly triggered by it. The literal dialogue exchange in the episode (S2E20) is Blaine detailing this very traumatic experience and saying "this is just a bit of a sore spot for me" and Kurt replies "this is perfect." LIKE WHAT?? WHATTTT?? what do you mean it's PERFECT?? your boyfriend is clearly uncomfortable and triggered by this!! do not make this man go to prom with you!! And then, in that same episode, Kurt very blatantly outs Blaine's secret trauma to his family without any fucking care whatsoever for what Blaine actually went through (which is crazy considering Kurt was bullied too and should have some goddamn sympathy for the situation??). and look at my boy!! he's CLEARLY UNCOMFORTABLE!! does Kurt give a fuck?? no he does not! and he literally never apologizes for this!!
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gif credit (love this set and creator btw)
This is after they're dating and there are MANY more instances when they're dating that Kurt blatantly bulldozed over Blaine's boundaries with reckless fucking abandon. And any single time they ever get into an argument, Blaine has to be the one to apologize to KURT? like even when Kurt is the one who cheats on him in Season 3?? Blaine has to apologize to him for being insecure?? Or in Season 5 when Blaine is experiencing a lot of insecurity (which was also a crazy arc considering how attractive his actor, Darren, is?? and I always loathe when shows add unnecessary fatphobia plotlines for literal skinny characters but that's a different tangent) and he told Kurt and Kurt's response was quite literally "I'm not going to apologize for being better than you." Like that's a fucking insane thing to say to your boyfriend who is standing in your kitchen crying, saying he's scared you're "going to wake up one day and realize [you] don't love him anymore" (S5E16). AND THEN?? IN AN EVEN MORE INSANE TURN OF EVENTS?? literally a handful of episodes later that's EXACTLY what happens!! Just out of the blue, Kurt decides he doesn't love Blaine anymore and breaks up with him?? Which was an absurd plotline?? (as most plotlines from season 4 and on are).
I'm also just going to add that Ryan Murphy does not know Blaine Anderson like I do, clearly, because there is nothing at all in his character that insinuates he'd be a cheater especially considering his ENTIRE PERSONALITY REVOLVES AROUND KURT. which is some fucking lazy ass writing, I'm just gonna say.
Also, further defending Blaine and calling Kurt out for being a SHITHEAD! there's that whole episode "Blame it on the Alchohol" where Blaine and Kurt go over to Rachel's house for a party and Blaine gets literally blackout drunk and kisses Rachel during a spin the bottle game. Immediately, the fact that Kurt gets so upset over them kissing says a lot about how self-involved and psychotically jealous he is (considering he and Blaine were NOT together at this point and Blaine had literally actively said he did not want to be in a relationship with Kurt).
And then this will also always bother me?? Blaine was blackout?? So Kurt drove him home?? and let Blaine sleep in his bed??? with him??? which, based on the way Kurt was acting and how possessive he always was over Blaine, this was Weird. Like if you can drive your drunk friend somewhere, why aren't you driving them back to their OWN home?? especially when Blaine wakes up in the episode (looking very cute, I will say) and his immediate reaction is "Where am I?" Like that's fucked up???? And then, later, in the same episode, Blaine says he thinks he might be bi and Kurt goes off his fucking ROCKER. and is so blatantly biphobic !! and it's gross !! and the only reason he is is because he wants Blaine to himself even though Blaine literally said he wasn't interested!!!
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including gifs of drunk!blaine bc he's cute <3
And to talk down to your supposed best friend?? And act like you know him better than he knows himself?? yeah it was fucked up and biphobia is never cute. and, also, all Kurt ever did was pretty much blatantly pressure Blaine into dating him?? Like he was constantly all over him and then, the second they got together, the writers were like "ok and now blaine's only personality trait is loving Kurt." Which never made any sense to me considering that Kurt is constantly talking down to him? He constantly (multiple times in multiple episodes) complains about how talented Blaine is. Which is just not something you fucking do to someone you supposedly love and respect??
Before they were even dating, Kurt complained to Blaine that he "always has solos" and "right now, it feels like we're Blaine and the pips" and also a very underhanded comment about how "I know we're all supposed to be do-whopping behind Blaine while he sings every Katy Perry song" (S2E16). All of these things are just blatantly belittling? Also, tea time, but Kurt's ass was not fucking talented enough to be making bold ass claims about how he should be singing lead vocals.
Once they're dating, Blaine and Kurt both try out for the musical. When Kurt finds out that Blaine is trying for the lead, he immediately becomes standoffish and Blaine clearly panics, making a comment about how seniors should get the leads, not juniors. And Kurt goes "yeah that's usually how it works!" So then Blaine completely fucking forfeits the part! He auditions for a side role so that Kurt can get it and Kurt won't see him as a "threat" but then, because Blaine is so fucking good (and better than Kurt cough cough), he gets cast and Kurt is fucking pissed about it !!! (S3E02).
Once they are dating, Kurt literally cheats on Blaine, then claims that it's "okay" because it's "just texting" and, when Blaine says he's hurt, Kurt calls him crazy?? (S3E17) He never once apologizes to Blaine for what he did, only saying "I'm sorry if this upsets you but it's okay" which is not a fucking apology!! And Blaine ends up being the one apologizing to Kurt at the end of the episode, saying that he's insecure!! But Kurt does about fuck all to actually care for him!! And, during that scene, he says "Do you know how many times I've had to sit on a stool and watch you perform?" Like how fucking shitty is that to say to someone you love? Literally All Kurt does the entire series is make Blaine feel bad about how good he is??
there's a lot of other moments where Kurt is really just blatantly fucking mean to Blaine but I'm going to stop there because this is getting <3 really long <3 and I'm going to take a deep breath.
Blaine literally transferred schools to be with Kurt because Kurt pressured him into it?? Like there were literally scenes where Kurt was like "you should change schools" and Blaine went "aww no I don't wanna :(" and then Kurt continued to pressure him into it?? it's not something he ever should have even proposed in the first place?? But then when Blaine actually did transfer - and made it blatantly clear to Kurt that he did it for him - all of a sudden Kurt was like "aw noo u shouldn't have done this for lil ol mee!" (S3E01). Which was some BULLSHIT! but i am gonna include a gif of new kid blaine because look at this fucking cutie !!!
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gif credit (i luv u klainegifs)
ok so, after Kurt pressures Blaine into going to his school and all of Kurt's friends are blatantly fucking mEAN to Blaine (despite him being the most talented member of the club cough cough), there's the scene where they all go to prom. Now this one.... oh this one makes me mad. And this makes me mad because it's just clearly rooted in the outright racism of Glee. And here's the reasons I'm mad:
Darren Criss (Blaine's actor) is Asian-American but Glee pretends like Blaine Anderson is a white character.
A fun fact for you about Glee is that Darren Criss auditioned for Glee's first season with his natural hair (big, fluffy, curly, beautiful) and he did not get a part. However, he auditioned again for the second season with his hair short and gelled back and he did get the part. Notice anything fucking weird about that???? he was just as fucking talented with the curly hair !!
Glee gels Blaine's hair so fucking much in later seasons that he literally develops helmet head. Look at the difference between season 2 and season 6:
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4. There was one episode (a different prom episode in season 3) where they did release the curls. and they pretended like my boy was UGLY!?! LOOK AT HIM
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he's literally precious. But also, the producers of Glee went out of their way to try and make his curls look bad?? like they purposefully tried to give him bad hair?? and make fun of his natural curls?? and this was kurt's actual fucking reaction to seeing his boyfriend's natural hair for the first time:
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he says "oh my dear god" in horror. like kurt literally go fuck yourself. Everyone is so fucking mean to Blaine when he ungels his hair!! and it's because they're RACIST!!!! name one curly-haired character in Glee. I'll wait.
I never liked Kurt but him reacting so cruelly to blaine's natural hair (and then Blaine never ungelling his hair again) is one of my biggest problems with him.
in conclusion, I will never fucking forgive the way that Glee treated Blaine. My beautiful baby boy and his bowties deserved better.
the end.
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
Glee Song Tournament Round 1
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gleedreamcasts · 11 months
requested by me!
Kurt Hummel as The Emcee
Brittany Pierce as Sally Bowles
Finn Hudson as Cliff Bradshaw
Quinn Fabray as Fräulein Schneider
Blaine Anderson as Herr Schultz
Noah Puckerman as Ernst Ludwig
Rachel Berry as Fraülein Kost
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nellarw95 · 4 months
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Happy Birthday Darren +37 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
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irishvampirelady · 2 years
Requests Open! Artwork and Writing!
Season listings are for anything related to canon plot.
What I will write for:
The Walking Dead (Seasons 1-4)
Daryl Dixon
Shane Walsh
Carol Peletier
Michonne Hawthorne
Abraham Ford
Supernatural (mainly Seasons 1-4)
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby Singer
John Winchester
Tales From The Gas Station
Jack Townsend
Jerry Pascal
Spencer Middleton
Amelia O'Brien
Eric Riggins
iZombie (Seasons 1-2)
Liv Moore
Ravi Chakrabarti
Blaine DeBeers
The IT Crowd
Maurice Moss
Roy Trenneman
Dangerous Fellows
Obey Me!
Brothers (Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Asmo, Satan, Beel, Belphie)
Undateables (Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, Simeon)
You can request any of these as x reader stories, just random short stories between characters, or with my characters. You can also request doodles of these characters.
I don't write smut, non-con stuff, discrimination, or character death.
You can ask about other characters not listed, including my characters, or about any other boundaries I may have.
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keynotez · 6 months
What is something you wanted to be when you grew up that you thought was strange? I wanted to be a magician like David Blaine.
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cerriddwenluna · 2 years
Week 6 of the @gleedrabbleblog !
This weeks prompt: Hero
"Thank you, Columbus!" Blaine shouted into his microphone as a stadium full of fans screamed back at him. 
"As most of you know, I grew up around here. My childhood wasn't easy, and I have struggled with my mental health a lot as a result." 
The crowd quieted down, aware that something unusual was happening. 
"Through all the hard times, I could always count on my friends to support me. Without them, I wouldn't be standing here today. Some of them are here tonight. I'd like to sing a new song that I wrote for them. It's called 'Unsung Hero'."
I was inspired to write this for the lovely people over at the @the-lima-bean discord. I was feeling very sad tonight and they cheered me up in no time!
In particular, @quizasvivamos, @ericdooley, @caramelcoffeeaddict, @beautiful-disaster1424, THANK YOU ♥️
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 11 months
Do you have an epub for A Parade of Paper Faces by LilahTeminaEast? The AO3 link (at least for me) is missing chunks of paragraphs. TIA!
We have the files for this story - it says completed and looks complete although tbh, I can't be sure since the author's note says they were going to edit it? Please let us know if these files are complete. Thank you! ~Lynne
A Parade of Paper Faces by LilahTeminaEast  [PDF] [EPUB]
There are so many ways it could have happened differently, or not at all. Maybe Kurt got held up in traffic and wasn’t on that particular staircase at that particular time. Maybe he got caught before he made it that far into the school. Maybe he tapped on somebody else’s shoulder. Maybe Blaine was out with flu that day. Maybe Kurt never went to Dalton in the first place. Fast forward a few years. Kurt made it through McKinley, barely, and got the hell out of Ohio. Now he’s a Broadway actor just starting to make a name for himself. In fact, he’s recently landed a supporting role in his first movie, an action drama starring none other than uber-famous pop singer turned TV actor turned movie star Blaine Anderson…
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datshitrandom · 2 years
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Klaine 3-2-1 Prompt Bang Fic: Nashville! | NOW COMPLETE! AO3 | FF.net  Author: @hkvoyage​​​ Artist: datshitrandom Prompt Provided by: @andersonswalsh​​ Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson Rating: Explicit Word Count: 70,748  Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, April Rhodes, Sam Evans, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson, Pamela Anderson, Blaine’s father, Original Characters Summary: Kurt lands the lead role in a new musical, but it flops during the previews. However, his performance captivates Nashville’s newest country music sensation. They share an instant connection and it grows deeper as they get to know each other. Will Kurt be able to save the musical and keep the man of his dreams? An AU meeting featuring country singer!Blaine and Broadway!Kurt Genre/Tropes: Alternative Meeting, Alternative Universe, Nashville, Country singer!Blaine, Broadway!Kurt, Fluff, No Angst, Smut, Love at First Sight Warnings: -
♪ Spotify Playlist ♪ ♪ YouTube Playlist ♪
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More edits will be included throughout the fic.
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sscrambledmeggss · 1 year
My father having strangely good glee opinions
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calsvoid · 2 months
not me watching a video about tiktok auto tune and not recognizing darren until he sits on a counter
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ac3-76 · 1 month
Ninjago Music Headcannons
their music types and stuff
warnings: none🐩
He listens to everything
heavy metal, love, country, Indy, alternative
literally any song that he likes is his music type
Because he's not picky, he knows a lot of underground artists
He can play the piano and electric bass
If a song comes on in a movie he knows the name, artist, album, and probably the Year of release
He cannot function without music playing
His Spotify wrapped is hectic
Yk in Episode 1 Season 1 of Lab Rats when Adam says he listens to Taylor Swift bc she's soothing
Yea, Cole has the same reason
(Musular himbos🤝liking Taylor Swift)
However he won't listen to her on anything except for YouTube, and it's those lyric versions made by fans that she doesn't get paid for
He doesn't like Billionaires and doesn't wanna give her more money
She listens to a lot of underground artists
Backseat Vinyl, Club Coward, Tiger Print
She has an alternative/Indy vibe
She can play the electric guitar
She LOVES Lady Gaga
She bought floor tickets to one of Gagas concerts
best decision she ever made
she took Skylor and Pixal with her
She won't sing on the shower but she'll lipsync music
She loves ABBA
All of her Instagram stories and posts have music playing
she just thinks it's awkward if her post/story doesn't have music
He hyperfixates on an artist for a week or two and then doesn't listen to them again
He hates country with a burning passion
he cannot stand when Coles on aux because one minute ur listening to Honky Tonk Bondakadonk(Trace Adkins) and the next ur listening to Dealer(Lana Del Rey)
He listens to music that fit how he's feeling
His go to sad song is Medicine by Daughter
Kai introduced him to Daughter
He listens to old school music while doing graffiti, his favorite old school songs are:
Punk Tactics(Joey Valence & Brae)
One Way or Another(Blondie)
City Lights(Ese 40'z)
P.I.M.P(50 cent)
I'm a Player(Too $hort)
He's the only one in the group who's knowledge of music rivals Coles
When he had to sleep he would listen to Idea #22(Gibran Alcocer) on repeat to fall asleep
He can play most instruments but his favorite to play are the drums
He's really good at singing
the ninjas find it kinda annoying but also nice because he's a good singer
He's a really good DJ
Once the ninjas went clubbing in Ninjago City and Zane ending up DJing for 7 minutes
(he's honestly the life of the party, him and Kai love to party and go clubbing)
(Him and Kai would also be invited to Tara Yummy parties)
(They would go and the fans would lose their minds)
He listens to music that fits the vibe
Listens to Ayesha Erotica
His favorite genre is rap
He listens to Coolio and Eminiem while he invents
World tours in the shower
He hates ABBA
He knows the lyrics of songs even if he's never heard it before
"It's just easy to tell where the lyrics are going based off of the instrumental part🤷‍♂️"
He's really good a karaoke
He watches Glee
His favorite Glee characters are Santana and Blaine
Listens to Broadway Musicals
His favorite are Hadestown, Heathers, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, and West Side Story
He has Say No To This(Hamilton) memorized
He loves listening to sad music even if he's happy
His favorite sad artist is Daughter
He introduced Lloyd to Daughter when they went to their art studio together
(Lloyd's good at art and Kai's also good at art so they bought an art studio and go there together to work sometimes(most of the time they go there seperatly bc of how busy they both are))
He listens to music while he paints or draws
Prefers wired ear buds over bluetooth
It's because the Bluetooth audio is "funky and echo-y"
He can play the electric guitar and the electric bass
Listens to classical music and old school 90s or 80s rap
His favorite pianist in Tony Ann
His favorite old pianists in Motzart
He knows all the lyrics to C.P.R by CupcakKe
no one know why because none of the ninjas listen to it excessively
He just knows all the lyrics to it
They all use Spotify(they got the family premium plan(pretend the family plan includes 7))
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singeratlarge · 9 months
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TODAY’S THE DAY—IT’S BANDCAMP FRIDAY! Yes! Today bandcamp waives their revenue sharing on music* you download. That means all funds go straight to the artists, like me—your grateful friend (colleague, kinfolk, cousin, neighbor…). I also have CDs & photos, which I will sign for you. Check it out: https://johnnyjblairsingeratlarge.bandcamp.com
On bandcamp you pay “whatever you can afford,” big or small. My entire online discography is “on sale.” Your support earns my deepest gratitude, and you get music that lasts and lasts! Cheers! JJB
*my original music + performances by Davy Jones (Monkees), John Bechdel (Ministry, Killing Joke), Hal Blaine, Mike Garson (David Bowie), Uma Robin Mackey, Robert M. Powell, Prairie Prince (Tubes, Todd Rundgren), Chris von Sneidern, members of The Badlees + other lumineers.
#johnnyjblair #davyjones #Monkees #mikegarson #davidbowie #prairieprince #tubes #toddrundgren #halblaine #badlees #singersongwriter #poprock #powerpop #artrock #progrock #glamrock #eriksatie #johnbechdel #killingjoke #ministry
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