#slytherin adora
nightowl1556 · 3 hours
I recently did a Hogwarts House poll for Varian and the majority chose Slytherin....
And I also heard that the creator of She ra and the Princesses of Power said that Catra would be a Hufflepuff wanting to be a Slytherin ..
I just have the funniest R.A.3. headcanon from this. Like in a Hogwarts AU, Catra being put in Hufflepuff while nerdy dork Varian being put in Slytherin would piss off Catra so god damn much 😂
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The fact that Nate describes Adora as a "Slytherin trying to be a Griffindor" and Catra a "Hufflepuff trying to be Slytherin" makes me so mad.
I used to be really into Harry Potter growing up and those two characters have NOTHING to do with these houses. Gryffindor are known to be brave and determined, which describes Adora very well, while Slytherin are ambicious and....well, they are all jerks which is pretty much how Catra is.
This shows that Nate doesn't even know her own characters and is just another try to vilanize Adora because she didn't wanted to destroy the world with her sister/girlfriend
okay, as a slytherin myself.. ouch. that was uncalled for. haha but for real, slytherins aren't inherently evil. they are ambitious and cunning but "evil" isn't really a trait that's used to describe all slytherins.
that being said, catra would come closest to being a slytherin because she's competitive, cunning and ambitious. but she's not a jerk because she's a slytherin, she's a jerk because she's catra.
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snitchdorvda · 20 days
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hola amistades, traje a una nueva cría jejejeje les voy a dejar sus datos abajito, pero el resumen es que en hogwarts era medio mamona y ahora también como la mayoría de los puristas 💀 aunque por ahí más divertida. si alguien quiere alguna relación con ella puede decirme que yo feliz, la adorita sirve para mucho xd
les quiero con todo mi corazón, seamos amix y hagamos dramita. 🫶🏻 y vean su tablerito de pinterest.
adora greengrass (ella/suya) veintitrés años. trabaja como aprendiz de inefable en el ministerio de magia. su alianza se fija neutral. formó parte slytherin, es sangre pura, y se encuentra soltera.
adora es referente de gracia, elegancia y belleza. una semi-veela que nació de la mezcla entre una de las criaturas y un mago sangre pura, aunque dicha alianza siempre se mantuvo en secreto y, luego de la muerte de su madre en el parto, la naturaleza de adora solo es conocida por su padre.
creció en el seno de la sociedad purista y le gustó. le gustaba el lujo, la atención, ser un prototipo de perfección que su padre mostraba con orgullo...hasta que comenzó a crecer y a sentir que ella quería más que ser solo un trofeo que mostrar.
inteligente y perspicaz, estaba tan acostumbrada a sobresalir que hacerlo también en hogwarts fue pan comido. nunca demasiado amiguera, ni tampoco siendo reconocida por ser amigable. adora supo encontrar la forma de hacerse con cierto status más por lo que era y hacía, que por su récord social.
decidida a no convertirse en un trofeo, se rehúsa a mostrarse como una flor de temporada en la sociedad purista, y rechaza con vehemencia cualquier intento de su padre por comprometerla en matrimonio, ella simplemente no siente que haya alguien que merezca estar con ella, y contrario a lo que parece, la historia de amor entre sus progenitores la ha convertido en una romántica empedernida que cree que solo se unirá en sagrado matrimonio si está realmente enamorada, aunque no sepa realmente como ha de sentirse al encontrarlo.
en el conflicto actual se considera neutral, aunque jamás lo diría en voz alta en ningún lugar que frecuente. simplemente está demasiado cómoda en su lujosa burbuja, y le gustaría mantenerse así tanto como pueda.
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barebones-hq · 1 year
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Aparentemente, anos após a primeira queda de Lord Voldemort, o Profeta Diário ainda escreve matérias sobre Ophelia Diggle. Pertencente à Ordem da Fênix, a bruxa era sangue-puro e, quando em Hogwarts, pertenceu à casa de Salazar Slytherin.  Alguns criticavam seu egoísmo, outros ressaltavam sua persistência. Dessa história, você só conheceu boatos — até agora.
O que sabemos sobre: Ophelia é irmã mais nova de Dedalus Diggle e assim como seu irmão, é sangue-puro e pertencente à Slytherin; mas, diferente dele, deixou de participar da Ordem na Segunda Reunião, mesma época em que Harry Potter havia se juntado à Dumbledore na caçada contra Lord Voldermort. Os motivos de Ophelia são desconhecidos, embora muitos possam dizer que, eventualmente, a bruxa trocara de lado, mas isso são apenas o que os jornais de fofocas dizem por aí. Além disso, sabe-se que Ophelia é Metamorfomaga.
Principais pontos da personalidade: Ophelia Diggle, como metamorfomaga, é uma pessoa de personalidade altamente mutável e adaptável, assim como sua aparência física. Sua personalidade é influenciada pelo que está acontecendo ao seu redor no momento, o que a torna uma pessoa versátil e capaz de se ajustar a diferentes situações e ambientes. Ela é uma pessoa ambiciosa, sempre em busca de alcançar seus objetivos. A criatividade é uma das características marcantes de Ophelia. Assim como sua habilidade de transformação de formas, sua imaginação é viva e fértil, permitindo que ela crie aparências únicas e originais quando deseja se expressar de maneiras diferentes. Sua capacidade de se adaptar a diferentes papéis e assumir diferentes identidades a torna habilidosa em situações sociais e em lidar com pessoas de diferentes origens e personalidades. Ela é capaz de se ajustar rapidamente a novos ambientes e circunstâncias, tornando-se uma pessoa flexível e versátil em suas interações com os outros. Espírito livre é de longe a característica mais marcante de sua personalidade . Ela não se conforma com normas estabelecidas e tende a seguir suas próprias regras. Sua habilidade de se transformar em diferentes aparências também pode contribuir para sua natureza independente, já que ela pode se libertar das expectativas sociais e explorar diferentes identidades de forma única. Ophelia busca sua própria verdade e não se encaixa em padrões convencionais, o que a torna uma pessoa destemida e corajosa em busca de sua própria singularidade. Mesmo com todas essas características distintas e interessantes, a personalidade de Ophelia também pode ser instável, assim como sua aparência física. Sua volatilidade emocional pode ser um reflexo de sua capacidade de se adaptar e se moldar ao seu redor, mas também pode torná-la imprevisível em certos momentos. Ela pode ser impulsiva e agir apenas quando deseja algo intensamente, o que pode levar a comportamentos imprevisíveis.
Curiosidades: uma vez que sabemos apenas o básico do personagem, que tal nos contar algumas curiosidades? Pode ser sobre a família, o relacionamento com os pais, as manias, amizades; enfim, o que você achar interessante contar! Pedimos pelo menos duas curiosidades, mas quanto mais, melhor! Ophelia é a irmã mais nova de Dedalus Diggle, ela cresceu admirando a coragem e a determinação de seu irmão, e isso influenciou sua própria personalidade e a constante busca por aventuras. Ophelia é uma aventureira nata e adora se arriscar em busca de emoções. Ela já explorou algumas partes da floresta proibida e diferentes partes do castelo, que não é recomendada para alunos. Sua coragem e sede de aventura muitas vezes a colocam em situações arriscadas, mas ela sempre se mantém confiante e destemida. Ela adora pintar e desenhar, e suas obras muitas vezes retratam sua paixão pela natureza, pela magia e pela música. Ela também é uma talentosa guitarrista, usando sua música como uma forma de expressão e escape. Ela tem uma coruja de estimação chamada Pichu, uma coruja diabo que ganhou de presente de seu irmão mais velho. Pichu é tão temperamental quanto a dona, o que torna a relação entre eles bem engraçada. Ophelia é uma defensora dos direitos dos seres mágicos, incluindo elfos domésticos, centauros, lobisomens e outras criaturas mágicas. Ela é ativa em grupos estudantis e ativistas que lutam pela igualdade e justiça para todas as criaturas mágicas, e muitas vezes usa sua voz para conscientizar e promover mudanças positivas na comunidade mágica. O patrono de Ophélia é um pássaro do paraíso, conhecido por sua beleza exótica e sua capacidade de se transformar em uma criatura surpreendente. Isso pode ser uma representação simbólica da habilidade metamorfomaga de Ophelia, e também reflete sua criatividade e imaginação na forma como ela usa suas habilidades mágicas. Mesmo a atual música favorita de Ophelia ser Heart of Glass, da Blondie, sua banda favorita é a banda trouxa Queen, na qual a garota sabe quase todas as músicas e letras.
Bicho-papão: O bicho-papão de Ophelia é ela mesma, mas diferente dos cabelos coloridos, eles têm tons escuros e tristes, como sua feição, algo como algo cadavérico e ossudo, de alguém que perdeu a vontade de viver e está definhando aos poucos sem alegria. 
Espelho de ojesed: Ophelia se encontra ao lado do atual Ministro da Magia, que a parabeniza por capturar um dos bruxos das trevas mais perigosos do século. 
Clubes e atividades extracurriculares: Ophelia participa do Clube de Duelos e do time de Quadribol como apanhadora, além de participar das atividades extracurriculares de Trato das Criaturas Mágicas e Música trouxa.
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xiala-bexchan · 1 year
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So, here we go with the Hogwarts Legacy character of my boyfriend as well as my first Hogwarts Legacy character :) The black-haired wizard is the Ravenclaw student Mavrick Chesterfield, my boyfriend’s OC^^ the blond witch is my Slytherin OC, Brianna Shepard :) The two are actually based on our own appearance and were also named after our pseudonyms Taikun Adora and Bex Shepard in the game. But I liked them both so much that we came up with our own names for the characters and that's how Mavrick Chesterfield and Brianna Shepard came about. One picture shows a drawing of me of the two of them^^
Mavrick is an easygoing, inquisitive and good-natured wizard, who can also have a snappy quip on his lips. He grew up with two sisters, so despite inexperience with women, he knows enough to handle the female gender^^ he is very good friends with Ravenclaw students Everett Cloppton and Amit Thakkar.
Brianna is a Slytherin student who comes from the house of pure wizards and therefore (similar to my Serena / Larena) put a lot of emphasis on the fact that Brianna should always behave decently and above all be better than everyone else. She suffers a lot from the pressure of her parents and the scar on her eyebrow she got from her father when she once wouldn't listen to him. She is friends with Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt.
In my FanFiction, Brianna and Mavrick start together in the fifth year at Hogwarts, but Brianna doesn't know that Professorf Fig had a second student until she starts school and always sees Mavrick as a rival at the beginning. The latter, however, wants to be friends with Brianna and does not understand why she is so obnoxious to him. Since Brianna always puts pressure on herself to be better and doesn't see herself as special anymore because she wasn't Fig's only student, she often insults Mavrick and doesn't understand why a Ravenclaw is better than a Slytherin. He often defies her, especially in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions, even though she is a very good student in her own right.
Later on, he learns why Brianna is like this and also sees her cry for the first time. Her dream is simply to be allowed to be herself, and of course she often takes it out on her classmates in her arrogant way. She wants to be free, free to choose her friends and someday marry the man she loves and not the one who is predetermined for her. Her favorite thing to do is fly around the Hogwarts lands at night on her broom. She also has a secret fondness for sweets and kneazle. She falls in love with Mavrick and after some tearful events, physical advances between the two secretly occur here and there in the rejected places at Hogwarts. Mavrick shows Brianna that life can be so beautiful and that it is much nicer when she laughs instead of being angry all the time.
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Harry Potter OCs- Golden Trio Era
A/N #1: I decided to divide my ocs for Harry Potter since there are so many. Obviously this is the Golden Trio era but I will be linking the Marauders Era and the other ocs below.
A/N #2: Some ocs have two pictures. The first pic under each description is the oc as a student then the second is them after Hogwarts
Marauders Era
OC Count: 16
Name: Mallorie Astrid Bishopp
Birthday: September 2
House: Hufflepuff
Status: Halfblood
Likes: Learning, adventures, having fun, teaching wizards about muggle stuff
Dislikes: Voldemort but who doesn't tbh, chess (difficult to remember the rules for her), pranks, lots of quiet
Personality: Cautious, gentle, kind, reliable, logical
Quirks: Squeaks when surprised (see extra info), twists ring on index finger when nervous, always has her grandmother's favorite quill to write with
Ship: Fred Weasley
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Full name: Corinne Seraphina Alastair
Nickname(s): Cory, Lotus/My Lotus (by George), Little Red, 
Birthday: June 26, 1980
House: Hufflepuff
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Fox
Likes: Animals, going to Hogsmeade, sweets, baking
Dislikes: mean people, Potions class (mostly because of Snape), fighting, death, pain
Personality: Caring, passionate, sensitive, strong-willed
Ship: George Weasley 
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Name: Rayna Eloise Longbottom
Nickname(s): Raya, Ray
Siblings (if any): Neville Longbottom
Birthday: April 20, 1981
House: Gryffindor
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Brown Owl
Likes: Commentating quidditch, reading muggle books, ballet, dogs, music
Dislikes: Most Slytherins, fighting, death, pranks, Snape
Personality: Strong-willed, melodic, genuine, sarcastic, funny
Ship: Ron Weasley
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Name: Anastasia Lacey Lestrange
Nickname(s): Anna, Strange, Hiss
Birthday: January 24, 1980
House: Slytherin
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Phoenix
Likes: Pencil/charcoal sketching, hanging out with other houses, meditating, watching quidditch
Dislikes: Her reputation (via mother), the outdoors, hot weather, tight spaces
Personality: Empathetic, reliable, funny, balanced, worldly
Ship: Harry Potter 
Extra info:
If you can't tell by her last name, Anastasia is the daughter of Rudolphous and Bellatrix Lestrange
She lives in her parent's home with a nanny named Elphie since her parents are obviously not there
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Name: Sophia Christa O’Malley
Nickname(s): Sophie, Soph, 
Birthday: October 20, 1972
House: Gryffindor
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Hare
Likes: Visiting home, windy days, grass fields, picnics, Bill
Dislikes: Hot weather, fighting, dolls, blood, cats (allergy)
Personality: Strong, intelligent, courageous, compassionate, sweet
Ship: Bill Weasley 
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Name: Cassandra Adelaide Foster
Nickname(s): Cass, Cassie, Bug (by Percy)
Birthday: December 13, 1976
House: Gryffindor
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Otter
Likes: Azaleas, gardening, playing piano, going to Hogsmeade, long car rides
Dislikes: Feeling pressured, smoking/cigarettes, losing, twin’s pranks, Chamomile tea
Personality: Cautious, intelligent, logical, funny, detail oriented
Ship: Percy Weasley
Percy and Cass met during year 2 after Percy had stood up for her against a bully. Cass stayed in the hospital wing for the rest of the day with him after the bully beat him up
They stayed best friends for three years until he finally asked her out in year 5
Of course she already knew the Weasleys because they were friends, and they were so excited. 
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Name: Cecily Ursula Sadler
Nickname(s): Cece 
Birthday: June 28, 1980
House: Hufflepuff
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Arctic Fox
Likes: Pranks, the library, fantasy muggle books, the astronomy tower, dressy events
Dislikes: Most Slytherins, homework, lazy days, muggle slander
Personality: Mischievous, compassionate, stubborn, mindful, clever
Ship: Draco Malfoy
Extra info:
She was born a metamorphmagus
She often makes herself look like others to mess with people
She and the twins are literally best friends because of this
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Name: Adora Louise Parish
Nickname(s): Deer/Dear, Doe (by Charlie)
Birthday: February 11, 1973
House: Gryffindor
Career: Dragonologist stationed in Romania
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Hippogriff
Likes: Learning, dragons, Care of Magical Creatures (class), Honeydukes trips, nice quills
Dislikes: Slander of any kind, being rushed, Mandrakes, dark magic, lavender
Personality: Tranquil, clever, astute, calm, grounded, genuine
Ship: Charlie Weasley
Charlie’s nickname for Adora is actually a reference. Charlie’s favorite dragon is the Hebridean Black and that dragon’s favorite food is a deer (it took Adora a hot sec to figure that one out)
Adora and Charlie met in Hogwarts (2nd year) and decided to go to Romania together but didn’t actually start dating until after arriving Romania
Her father is the Head of Body for Protection of Magical Species and that’s mostly where her love of caring for magical creatures comes from
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Name: Calypsa Destina Trelawney
Nickname(s): Callie, My Star (by Luna)
Parents: Sybill Trelawney (mother), Higglebottom (father)
Birthday: July 7, 1981
House: Hufflepuff
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Hare
Likes: Astrology, learning, muggle things, hanging out with Luna, star gazing
Dislikes: People trash talking her mother, bullying in general, Malfoys, Hermione
Personality: Fidgety, curious, strange, kind-hearted, 
Ship: Luna Lovegood
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Name: Dinah Lilac Fanley
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: September 14, 1981
House: Hufflepuff
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Arctic Fox
Likes: Laughter, sweets, quidditch, DADA class, organization
Dislikes: Needles, spiders, thunderstorms, crowded places, failing
Personality: Childish, kind, peaceful, loving, careful
Ship: Cedric Diggory
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Name: Jessica Doria Stix
Nickname(s): Jess
Birthday: May 3, 1981
House: Gryffindor
Status: Halfblood
Patronus: Eagle
Likes: Quidditch, rom-coms, dancing in the rain, bubblegum, roses
Dislikes: Blood status, loud music, death, Divination, feeling dumb
Personality: Romantic, passionate, caring, reliable, softie
Ship: Oliver Wood
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Name: Charlotte Meredith Creevey
Nickname(s): Charlie, Char
Birthday: December 8, 1981
House: Gryffindor
Status: Muggleborn
Patronus: Sheltie
Likes: Magic, jello (orange specifically), nail polish, reading, spring time
Dislikes: Magic, lemons, Snape, heights/flying, feeling useless
Personality: Protective, passionate, kind, reliable, crafty
Ship: Neville Longbottom
She is the oldest Creevey, Colin is the second oldest and Dennis is the youngest
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Name: Holly Rose Diggory 
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: June 12, 1979
House: Hufflepuff
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Cheetah
Likes: Quidditch, camping, helping others, vintage outfits, dancing
Dislikes: Arrogance, nail polish, coffee, feeling weak, being rushed
Personality: Strong, wildflower, content, kind, calm
Ship: Viktor Krum
Holly met Viktor during the Quidditch World Cup at the beginning of GoF by protecting her from a Death Eater and their attraction only grew when he came to Hogwarts. He sought her out after Cedric died and practically held her up when her knees buckled when she let out an agonized sob
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Name: Ophelia Selene Teagarden 
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: July 5, 1973
House: Gryffindor 
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Tamaskan Dog
Likes: Quidditch, DADA, board games, swimming, summer
Dislikes: Bullying, Filch (gives her the creeps), losing, every-flavour beans, winter 
Personality: Brave, caring, fun, carefree, clever, loud
Ship: Nymphadora Tonks
She’s a chaser on the Quidditch team during Hogwarts
She and Tonks met via Charlie
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Name: Chloe Daria Eratos
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: December 1, 1981
House: Gryffindor 
Status: Halfblood
Patronus: Mare
Likes: Ancient Runes, being right, exploring, her jacket, pink Azalea flowers
Dislikes: Heights, slander, repeating herself, clutter, hot weather
Personality: Intelligent, adventurous, chill, agreeable, polite
Ship: Ginny Weasley
Chloe absolutely hates heights, the only time she ever rode a broom because she wanted to was because Ginny was also on it
She’s at the top of her class for Study of Ancient Runes
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Full name: Giselle Claire Arquette
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: September 12, 1978
House: Bellefeuille (Beauxbatons equivalent to Hufflepuff)
Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Gazelle
Likes: Traveling, dancing, adventures, crafts, pottery
Dislikes: Seriousness, dark, uncomfortable clothes, staying indoors, men’s cologne
Personality: Carefree, random, curious, adventurous, graceful
Ship: Dean Thomas
Giselle met Dean when he found her having trouble locating some of her classes. He later asked her to the Yule Ball 
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aaveafanfics · 1 year
Mi nueva biblia, solo que en francés.
Fandom: Harry potter.
Pareja: Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy Rivals.
Idioma: Fracés (usa traductor de chrome)
Categoría: Rewritte.
Sinópsis por mi: La vida de Harry Potter jamás será normal, y el pequeño Gryffindor lo entenderá cuando el diario de Tom Riddle caiga en sus manos, revelaciones, secretos y alianzas se trasarán ahora en su vida.
Calificación: 💙💙💙💙💙👑
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Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30610238/chapters/75513362
Dios mío como amo cuando Harry es un Gryffindor de corazón con habilidades de Slytherin, que además adora a las serpientes y tiene traumas derivados de su infancia.
Esta historia tiene de todo, además de esa rara conexión entre Draco y Harry, tenemos una extraña conexión con la versión del diario de Tom Riddle y Nevielle siendo parte del team.
Esta historia a pesar de ser una reescritura agrega bastante lore propio y es hermoso, soy súper fan de todo lo que hicieron, no puedo esperar a leer la siguiente parte, hasta ahora solo se ha reescrito hasta el caliz de fuego
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dragoncorde · 1 year
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» INTRODUCING... vincent crabbe.
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full name: vincent atreus crabbe
gender identity & pronouns: cismale & he/him
age & d.o.b: twenty-five & july 1st
place of birth: bristol, england
sexual orientation: pansexual / demi-romantic
traits: adventurous, sociable, abrasive, and foolish
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height: 5′10
hair & eye color: brown, dyed blonde & hazel brown
glasses & contacts: no
scars: long, deep scar on left shin, several minor scars on hand, several circular scars littered about the body
piercings: ears, right eyebrow piercing, left nose piercing
tattoos: link tba
clothing style: link tba
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zodiac: cancer sun / scorpio moon / aries rising
vices: gluttony, envy
virtues: charity, patience 
personality type: enfp
dominant hand: right
character parallels: josh washington (until dawn), elphaba (wicked), dukat (star trek: deep space 9)
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specialization: dragonology
year: fifth
house: slytherin
student activities: quidditch league, exploding snap extreme
blood status: pureblood
wand: 13″ Blackthorn, Dragon heart-string, flexible 
patronus: n/a
amortentia: n/a
boggart: his father or siblings reenacting the worst day in vincent’s childhood 
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mother had vincent when she was in her teens. or at least that’s what he heard. because she was so young and she was poorer compared to the family of his father, vincent was kept secret. so when he was born, she dropped him off at the orphanage for gifted (magical) children. vincent grew alongside the cruel children of the orphanage and was often at the hands of their torment. 
at the age of ten, to his disbelief, his mother came back, now a much wealthier woman and respected by the old money of the crabbe family, to retrieve him. vincent was elated, a childhood dream come true, but that didn’t last very long. the crabbe’s were a prestigious family, his father having many lovers before and after vincent’s mother. the household was like a menagerie with the collection of vincent and his four half brothers and sisters, another due in his mother’s belly. although he was far from the orphanage, vincent once again found himself at the mercy of cruelty from his siblings and their torture which fueled his resentment toward his family (TW ABUSE/ANIMAL ABUSE somewhere in the fields behind their manor, a place he went to escape the blows his father and older siblings dealt him while his mother turned the other cheek, he could not believe his eyes. the shimmering dragons egg lying there. for weeks, vincent visited the spot and did his best to keep it warm, to make sure it’ll be ready when it hatches. when one of his younger step siblings, adora, had asked him where he was going off, he was reluctant to rely on her, but revealed to her the dragon’s egg by taking her to the spot, making her swear not to tell any of their siblings. adora swore, but it was a few days later when vincent was at the spot in the fields, he heard the hoots and hollers of his cruel siblings. while vincent was held back, wailing with tears, his siblings smashed the dragon’s egg to pieces. adora begged for vincent’s forgiveness, but it only hardened the shell he began to build around him. his guard has been up ever since END TW).
attending thiudreiks gave vincent the opportunity to start over. he made it his mission to no longer be at the hands of bullies, and so he became a bully himself, the cruelty of his siblings fueling his cruelty toward his classmates. vincent was often a disturbance, a trouble maker, a class clown. and somehow, he made it through. 
now, at aurelius, specializing in dragonology to fulfill a childhood dream, vincent is still hard-headed, blunt, and wary of others who are not already in his social circle.
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exes ;  can’t imagine vince ever being able to keep a real relationship down and withdraws whenever a real connection comes up !
friends with benefits ; bc why the heck not
rivals with benefits ; do they hate each other? yea. do they want to f*ck each other? hell yea.
childhood friends ; & old schoolmates, perhaps?  (gregory goyle, blaise zabini)
best friends ; from either thiudreiks or aurelius
unlikely friends ; the oddest of matches pls (taken: luna lovegood)
enemies ; no doubt with vincent’s attitude he accumulated a couple of enemies!
the one that got away ; an ex that had such a connection, vincent still thinks about them....has a soft spot for them....would lowkey die for them (taken)
confidant ; vincent isn’t one to open up, but this person makes it feel as easy as breathing (taken: hermione granger) 
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aspoonofsugar · 2 years
She-Ra characters in Hogwarts houses?
Hello anon!
Adora >>> Gryffindor
Catra >>> Slytherin
Catradora is the forbidden Gryffindor/Slytherin ship ;)
Glimmer >>> Gryffindor
Bow is a good mix between a Hufflepuff and a Ravenclaw
Entrapta is a Ravenclaw and so is Hordak, who only plays the part of a Slytherin.
Mermista is a mix between Hufflepuff and Slytherin - Seahawk is a Gryffindor who does not seem a Gryffindor instead.
Scorpia is a giant Hufflepuff and so if Perfuma :''')
Wrong Hordak is a HUfflepuff as well, while Double Trouble is a Slytherin!
Thank you for the ask!
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tgyverse · 19 days
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― conoce a 𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐬 née rosier.
pronombres: ella/suya.
edad: 25 o 26 años.
ocupación: a gusto de le usuarie.
alianza: lord voldemort.
estado civil: casada con vincent greengrass.
personaje semi canon.
sangre pura.
antigua slytherin, generación 1971 a 1978.
they say i did something bad, then why's it feel so good?
𝐮𝐧𝐨. nacida en el invierno, melissa, la mayor de las rosier, siempre supo que sería grande o sería nada. su madre le crio de una estricta manera: muéstrate dulce, suave e inocente, pero sé de hierro y fuego por dentro. desde pequeña le educaron para ser toda una señorita, siempre siguiendo las instrucciones de su madre y manteniendo el noble legado de su familia. melissa era una dama en todos los sentidos. 𝐝𝐨𝐬. la atención le era arrebatada por florence, su hermana menor. no vivía a su sombra, más, en las reuniones sociales, y en su propia casa, florence parecía ser más importante que ella. no comprendía el por qué. era bonita, sí, pero ella era hermosa. además su hermana menor era tímida, torpe y parecía que nunca sabía que estaba haciendo. la envidia y los celos crecieron como raíces en el interior de melissa. desde entonces se dedicó a demostrar que ella era mejor, y que su aburrida hermana no merecía tanta atención. nunca fue la hermana mayor que florence merecía, solía aconsejarle cosas que la ponían en ridículo, y no podía evitar reír al verla llorar. le hacía la vida miserable hasta que esta demostró no ser como los greengrass. en aquel momento, toda la atención se redirigió a melissa. 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬. con su hermana fuera del camino, melissa se centró en lo que siempre ha deseado: poder. sabía que tenía que casarse con un mago poderoso, soñaba con trabajar en el ministerio e incluso algún día volverse ministra de magia, para que todo el mundo estuviera debajo de sus pies. todo lo que quería era tener poder, y conforme lo comenzó a conseguir, saboteó a los demás, piso a otros cuantos y se aprovechó de muchos. se creó un nombre en el colegio. melissa se piensa a sí misma como una reina sin corona. 𝐜𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐨. todo el mundo sabe quién es. la mayoría la encuentra insoportable, otres le temen, y una minoría la encuentra fascinante. melissa no quiere que la amen, quiere que le teman. no sería aconsejable meterse con ella, sabe en qué punto golpearte y con qué. en realidad no le interesa escuchar sobre lord voldemort, obviamente está de su parte, así como toda su familia, más nunca consideraría pelear por él. ese es el trabajo sucio, y ella no lo hará. sin embargo, guarda un secreto que nadie más sabe, y el cual no está dispuesta a confesar: durante su quinto año en hogwarts, torturó a uno de sus compañeros hasta la inconsciencia, todo para evitar se le acusara por un enorme engaño que le costaría su calificación en encantamientos. a diferencia de florence, que tardó en conocer el mundo oscuro en el que nació, melissa siempre lo supo. sus padres se lo dejaron muy claro, es por eso que nunca deja que nadie pase sobre ella. sabe que si no es así, no sobrevivirá, y está lista para hacer lo que tenga que hacer. 𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐨. la pérdida de su hermana no representó un problema para ella. por supuesto que fingió sufrir ante ojos ajenos, pero internamente le dio lo mismo. sabía que tarde o temprano, florence sufriría aquel destino. la supervivencia del más fuerte. al final, tras graduarse de hogwarts, le comprometieron con vincent greengrass, alguien de apellido poderoso como deseaba, con quien tiene a dos pequeñas: astoria y daphne. su matrimonio es lo más frio posible, pero a ella no le podría importar menos. al fin y al cabo era sólo un paso más.
𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬: es rica y nunca escatima en gastos, detesta a quienes se emborrachan y el olor del cigarro, adora el color morado, tiene un selecto grupo de amigas compuesto de chicas sangre pura de grandes apellidos, disfruta mucho de los eventos sociales.
relaciones: eleanor parkinson (mejor amiga), vincent greengrass (esposo), narcissa malfoy (enemiga), lucius malfoy (antiguo crush), evan rosier (primo), florence rosier (hermana).
posibles rostros: marlo kelly, renée rapp, macarena achaga, emma mackey, halston sage. preferiblemente rubia o castaña.
― melissa es educada, inteligente y ordenada, con un rostro salido de un cuento de hadas, pero también es egoísta, cruel y falsa, razón por lo cual resulta desagradable para muchos.
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jahdiel-death · 6 months
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✧˖ ° Ghost✧˖ ° 
Muteki No Outfit
Bodies Size: Legacy+Perky, Ebody Reborn + Waifu Reborn Size
Description: Colors: Death ONLY with Blood version
Includes: Full outfit: Top, waist belt, gloves, arm (Maze&normal), panties, leg pad, Materials Enabled
Located @ Spookzilla 10/20-11/3
✧˖ ° The Aftermarket✧˖ ° 
The basics eyeshadow pack
8 Color Choices 2 Liners
Lel Evo X
Located @ Mainstore
✧˖ ° Fewness ✧˖ ° 
Sabbat Gauged XL Earring
Material Enabled Mutiple Options for Hide & Show
Swallow Gauged XL Male & Female Human
8 Metals 16 Gems
Located @ Mainstore
✧˖ ° Adora-tions✧˖ °
Play With Dolls Thigh Tattoo
Left & Right Versions
3 Intensities & Tintable
Located @ 23 Oct the Kawaii Project 10/18-11/12
✧˖ ° Krueger Bunnys ✧˖ ° 
Grundgy Spooky Set
Kupra Legacy Reborn Peach Maitreya
Located @ CakeDay
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pollyseraph · 6 months
New Post Blog Adora-tions por Polly Seraph Via Flickr: Adora-tions - Tattoo 23 Oct Spookzilla LewtBox and Adora-tions - Failure Butt Tattoo Networks Adora-tions: www.flickr.com/photos/aluram/ www.flickr.com/groups/14802562@N20/ www.facebook.com/ColeEvergarden www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100069098244365 www.facebook.com/AdorationsInkStudioSL LM: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Slytherin/131/140/27 My Networds: linktr.ee/pollyseraph Visit this location at [S4A] THE BEACH in Second Life
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i-rosemarie · 4 years
Catradora Hogwarts thinggie
Oh my Gawd someone just enlightened me that Catra is a Hufflepuff that wants to be Slytherin and Adora is actually a Slytherin but acts like a Hufflepuff 😳
Catra I can understand but Adora, a Slytherin...
My first thought was if Adora is a Slytherin then I'll be a bloody Gryffindor 😂
But on the other hand, thinking about Adora as a Slytherin is the best thing to start my week 🐍
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clumsygaydisaster · 4 years
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 years
If Shadow Weaver and Hordak didn't "play favourites" then they'd have taken over Brightmoon in, like, a week
I mean, in either situation - if Catra had been in their favour from the start then the combined power of her and Adora in season 1, or her and Entrapta in season 2+, would've been a force to reckon with, lol.
At the same time, would Catra have ever become such a dynamic leader in season 4 without her rivalries and her downward spiral into ending as an evil commander who pushes people out and hurts them if they get in her way?
And who would she be without Shadow Weaver's favouritism? I don't see a Catra without SW being remotely interested in marching through the Horde ranks. After all, in her Perfect World, she was happy to let Adora stay as Number 1!!!
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astudio41 · 3 years
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