thesupernaturalhouse · 6 months
Size real quick. People are complaining about "What was the aunts motive!?"
They- they SAY it, they literally SAY IT. She wants Abby because of the monthly check form the state. It's said in the movie
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intrusivethoughts369 · 11 months
When I first watched Lil Nas X’s music video, Montero, I was honestly disturbed. But this was a while ago and before I attended UCLA. Fast-forward two years, I reflected back on it more recently and extrapolated his messages from the video. I thought it was really powerful. He shot down stigmas on authority figures, internal battles, fears and doubts, oppression, and most importantly, an overarching view on smotivating force for celebrities on. To now change that persona is risky sn giving them courage to express themselves how they do behind closed doors. Fame comes with a lot of baggage and zero privacy. To come out as queer AFTER you already established yourself as an artist, a celebrity for that matter, is a very courageous feat because you built your fans on the defaulted way of sexuality in the bible. His bible. His bible in his world, Montero.
In his music video, he ties in biblical concepts like the scene in the beginning of him in the Garden of Eden. The irony is that homo sexuality is traditionally shunned upon in the biblical texts. He is creating a new narrative or normalization. I'd even go further to say that he is re-creating history by having queerness be the defaulted way of sexuality in the bible. His bible. His bible in his world, Montero.
Now, when Montero was initially introduced in our lecture, I immediately thought that this music video has nothing to do with Afrofuturism. Montero is addressing societal norms as a whole as toxic and oppressive - the reversal of gender roles, sexual orientation, and surrounding influence in one's true expression of self. Why does it now become a message of Afrofuturism if the artist is black? I took a deeper dive into that question and realized that aside from that question being closed minded and possibly racist, the question itself is in fact the answer. It inherently is a message of afrofuturism because a black guy is delivering it.
The culture of African Americans in regard to sexuality has oppressive ideas. Homosexuality is traditionally seen as an abomination and they pray away from it. Montero is throwing this stigma out the window by showing who he truly is. The music
video is entirely about sexual expression in Afrofuturism. He is doing to society what society tends to do to people who are different.
Him and Janelle Monae are similar in the sense that they discuss afrofuturism through their music but different in the way they deliver it. Montero has more imagery of fantasy and mythology whereas Monae tends to use imagery of futurism and advanced technology. Montero shifts between masculine and feminine displays while Monae tends to stay more feminine in her work.
Overall, it seemed very ignorant of me to think that Montero has no relevance to Afrofuturism. In fact it has more to do with the community of Afrofuturism than it does with societal advancements. Don't get me wrong, the symbolism in his video is directly related to societal stigmas being shattered but I think in the macro sense, Montero is here to provide courage to the Afrofuturists of our generation.
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soft-bishh · 4 years
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today is the most productive i have been in weeks !
i checked off 3 things off my todo list which just keeps getting longer, but it’s still more things than i’ve checked off in like 3 maybe even 4 weeks. hopefully i keep this productively level of not increase it :)
“the only way to know your limits is to push until you reach them, the. push a little harder and extend them”
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allmigh10 · 3 years
successful in life | 20 best successful in life quotes
Successful in life
Successful in life | If you want to become successful in life you have to work hard because there are no shortcuts to achieve success
Someone said: If you want to check what you will become then first check what you are doing
Friends every one wants to become successful in life but some People become successful
Now I am going to tell you 5 signs that you will become successful in life
1: Successful people have goals:
According to researchers, 80% of people have goals and 70% of people don't know how they can achieve their goals
That's why if you want to become successful you know how you achieve your goals
become fearless
you also have a plan to achieve goals
you must  know how much time you have taken to achieve this goal
what  is best for you and what is not
Work daily and you will become closer and closer to success
and don't compare yourself with others
2: Do work on time:
Successful people have discipline they do they work on time and this is very important in life
There are 3 types of work in this world
1: Emergency work
2: important work
3: Not important work
Emergency Work :
Emergency work is the work you have to done immediately just like if you are using computer and Computer stop running this is emergency work you have to work first.
Important Work:
Important work is done daily just like you are building a mobile app or website you have to work daily to complete it.
Not important work:
Excess use of mobile phone, social media, chatting, movies and video calling, etc are all included in not important work.
3: Tired too early:
Yes this is also the sign of successful people
Most people think to become successful you have to work daily with determination patience etc
yes this true but when you do the same thing on daily basis you become tired and that is the point where you learn more and you have done your work with different pation and different strategies.
4: Successful people don't jealous of other people success they help others and also become successful:
In today's world people jealous when someone is becoming successful.
But successful people know very well the difference between jealousy and competition. they work hard and find new things and ways to compete with them.
5: Successful people read books:
Yes, this is the most common habit that every successful person has.
They read books, research, and find new ideas to work on.
Reading a book is the best to get knowledge. successful people read about people who face many difficulties in life and how they cover them.
Successful people read books 20 to  30 minutes a day.
If you want to become successful you have to read books.
20 best success in life quotes:
📷 Best Motivation
To succeed in life you need two things: ignorance and confidence 2: The key to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles 3: Life is 10% what happens and 90% of how you react to it  4: Do one thing every day that scares you 5: successful people always have two things on their lips: "Silence and smile" smile to solve the problem and silence to avoid the problem 6: when something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor 7: you learn more from failure than from success. don't let it stop you. failure build character 8: Workhard in silence let your success make the noise 9: Four steps to success: 1: Decide what you want to do. 2: Take action immediately 3: Fail and learn quickly 4: Try it again, over and over, until you succeed 10: Your limitation-its only your imagination  11: success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it 12: one secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes 13: I hated every minute of training. but I said- don't quit, suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion 14: Understand that success is not an accident, but a planned event 15: if you want to be successful, find out what the price is and then pay it  16: The best revenge is massive success 17: don't wait for an opportunity, create it 18:  I never dreamed about success, I worked for it 19: success is not the key to happiness. happiness is the key to success. if you love what you are doing, you will be successful 20: success is not final failure is not fatal  it is the courage to continue  that counts
The conclusion is, dream and do whatever to achieve it, success is the only option to live ad enjoy the life
Thank you
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kingbio · 3 years
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xehanortsreport · 7 years
raises tablet pen
motivation smotivation lets ufvking do it
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theissuecollector · 4 years
[S모티브] 가격실화? 천 594만원 리무진 캠핑카! 버튼만누르면 커짐! 새로운확장 등장!
안녕하십니까 에스모티브(s모티브) 채작가입니다. 먼저 구독 좀 부탁드리겠습니다.^^;(큰 힘이 됩니다.) 따뜻한 햇살은 몸과 마음을 건강하게 해준다고 합니다. 건강관리 잘 하시고요. 오늘은 충북 목계나루 캠핑장에서 패밀리 카라반 리무진 세미 캠핑카 영상을 업로드하였습니다. 편안한 마음으로 가볍게 보시고요. 시청자 여러분들의 많은 관심과 응원 부탁드리겠습니다.
*캠핑카 관련 문의: ☎ 패밀리카라반 1877-8262
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theissuecollector · 4 years
[S모티브] 2021 제네시스 G80 2.5 가솔린 견적! 이건 꼭 선택! 보시고 매장가세요!
안녕하십니까 에스모티브(s모티브) 채작가입니다. 먼저 구독 좀 부탁드리겠습니다.^^;(큰 힘이 됩니다.) 봄 날씨지만 오늘은 조금 차가움이 느껴지는 하루입니다. 주말이지만 새롭게 출시된 현대자동차 제네시스 G80 2.5 가솔린 차량 견적을 내보는 영상을 업로드하였습니다. 편안한 마음으로 가볍게 보시고요. 시청자 여러분들의 많은 관심과 응원 부탁드리겠습니다.
▶ [카트남] 채작가채널 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMpvG62pkYkC9abBXqhxhOQ ▶ 네이버 카페 http://cafe.naver.com/smotive ▶ 네이버 TV https://tv.naver.com/smotive
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theissuecollector · 4 years
[S모티브] 곧 실업자! 캠핑이라도 즐겨봅니다. 하지만 캠핑장도 폐쇠!
안녕하십니까 에스모티브(s모티브) 채작가입니다. 먼저 구독 좀 부탁드리겠습니다.^^;(큰 힘이 됩니다.) 건강하고 행복한 여러분들의 하루를 바라고요. 오늘은 충북 목계나루 캠핑장에서 패밀리카라반과 함께한 사회적 거리 두고 클린 캠핑 2부 영상을 업로드하였습니다. 편안한 마음으로 가볍게 보시고요. 시청자 여러분들의 많은 관심과 응원 부탁드리겠습니다.
*캠핑카 관련 문의: ☎ 패밀리카라반 1877-8262
▶ [카트남] 채작가채널 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMpvG62pkYkC9abBXqhxhOQ ▶ 네이버 카페 http://cafe.naver.com/smotive ▶ 네이버 TV https://tv.naver.com/smotive
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