#so I needed to draw some Dad/daughter art ok?
eyebulb · 29 days
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peony-flowerking7 · 3 days
ok so her name is Blossom, and she's the sort of biological child of Macaque.
I say sort of because Blossom's ORIGINAL parents couldn't have kids on their own. Her mom (who I usually call Planet) went to Macaque and was like 'please help me have a kid' and Macaque was like 'hmmmm, ok', so he used some magic to keep Blossom alive as she grew and boom Blossom is born.
(Also, when Planet was pregnant with Blossom, she basically sealed away Blossom's powers with magic. This becomes relevant later)
But here's where it gets rlly interesting. So, as Blossom grows up, she ends up mostly resembling Macaque due to his magic.
hold on I'll get a picture
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She also got more traits from Macaque as well. This REALLLYY pissed of Blossom's dad (who I call Comet) because he DID NOT know about the interection that happened with Planet and Macaque. So he ACCUSED PLANET OF CHEATING and LEFT.
So now Comet is out of the picture and it's just Blossom and Planet (and Macaque who's been watching the kid grow up but they dont know that). Planet had to take up more work to support them, leaving Blossom alone most of the time.
NOW ONE DAY, 4 yrs later, Macaque got in a fight with a demon or smth and got blast away team rocket style and LANDS IN BLOSSOM'S BACKYARD.
Blossom, who does not know who Macaque is and is 11 yrs old at the time, feels bad and brings him inside and basically nurses him back to health to the best of her ability.
Now, Macaque only stays for like,,, a few hours, BUT when he opens a portal to leave it causes a chain reaction in Blossom and UNLOCKS HER POWERS (kinda like how Mei got the Samadhi fire if that makes sense???)
So, now Macaque has to tend to the kid and explain whats going on and what happened.
Cut to a few months later, Macaque has been training Blossom in secret, but of course, being dumb and 11 she practiced a little bit at home. BUT OF COURSE when she is doing that HER MOM WALKS IN and sees. and she is HORRIFIED. To the point of DISOWNING THE KID.
So now little 11 year old Blossom travels on foot to the,,, dojo?? house?? abandoned building??? idk whatever shack Macaque lives in she goes to and they live happily ever after YIPPEE YIPPEE FAMILY FAMILY
and 4 yrs later LMK takes place which i am actually making a fanfic abt which has Blossom in it YIIPPEEEEEE
I would talk abt Macaque and Blossom's magic link cause its super cool but this is already long so i'll leave it here, :3
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Dude that’s so sick. Haha, macaque got child support to pay. He better be a good mentor unlike how he is with Mk. Maybe it’s favoritism since it’s her daughter? Also That drawing looks FIRE! ITS ON ROBLOX THE DRAWING?? Talent, TALENT
More people need to see your art if you want to of course. I LIKE IT
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loujestrous325 · 1 year
Oooo! I love your Helob and Lambsona ship art!! You draw them both so cute!! Im curious, how did they meet do you think? id love to hear more about them in general
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so here's the thing, giullaresca's starting to become more my oc rather than my lambsona. but she still is the aforementioned, because i literally came to the point i project myself onto her so much i cannot just call them my "oc" alr?/nm so. just clearing some stuff up!!
OK SO BASICALLY keeping in mind they're also inspired, like heavily, by my in-game experience.
she'd go out on crusades very very often. and one of the days in which they were exhausted, very exhausted. she meets helob. not exactly because she rests on a purple, soft rock, as they told themselves. not giving a care about the bones in it. not even the suspicious smell of meat disturbs her (she doesn't mind it. she adores it but she doesn't eat nor cook followers').
helob found out at some point that someone was sleeping on him. but. he realized it was the lamb so he didn't eat them 'cause they needed followers and he needed money right?? that's how it worked after all.
so giu gets new people to indoctrinate and helob gets to live another day. after day.
though the lamb tries to approach the purple spider more often because they were interested in him. she was fascinated by him. she hoped and hoped they wouldn't fall in love with him, but being pan and ambi didn't help at all.
so for some reason helob would receive heretics to eat and giu would free more people at once because she didn't want them to be eaten but oh well, it happened because his other half had no other options at some point.
he would ask giu how the day went, how she was doing, sometimes he'd cook something simple for her to eat. but he found out later on he was catching feelings for her as well.
i drew a tiny comic on how giu was trying to tell nari she was seeing helob for only a few weeks while they saw each other for waaay longer, i then remembered. in that period of time she mentioned, they were actually trying to pick decorations, witnesses and such for their wedding. nari came to this conclusion and that's how helob became the happiest spider in the world
they also have a daughter and her name's maeve (means intoxicating). she manages her dad's activity... kind of. but yeah i wrote more about her on another post
sorry for every possible grammatically incorrect sentence or anything of the like. i'm writing this at 7:50 am
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A theory about the game "baby in yellow" that i think will cover a lot of things
Ok hear me out
I am gonna respond to 3 questions
Who are Baby in yellow's parent ?
Who work for them ?
And who is the white rabbit ?
If you are a theory fan this post is for you !
Ok to answer the first question i need to make sure of a thing
Baby in yellow's name is "hastur" , why ? Well the name is present in one of the stories for the spoiled prince
and also the creator couldn't make it more obvious by adding to the escape chapter "hastur plead" for us not to leave
Then in the first 3 chapter or night, if you go to where the blue cat paw lead you you will find a recording device
This is just to show you that there is a recording device
Now the third recording says "we spoke of hastur and cassilda" hastur being the baby then logically cassilda is the mother
baby in yellow may not even have a Father, but hey! Do we care ?
Cassilda is then his parents
and there is another point i wanna point out is that she may be friend with miss pickman , the person that live in the fabulous house we found in the "king's diary" and "cassilda's dreamscape "(one of the CD in the wall)
that lead us to the second question !
I know of only 3 people who are likely to work for them
First the doctor, he work as a spy
We can see that in pickman's maddness where his doll is in thoes tunnel and ironically after getting out of the said tunnel monster hastur find us
We also see a big version of him 2 times
The first time is a corner after we pass the white bridge (i forgot the screen shot it sorry)
The second time i saw him by pure luck
after playing the game for the hundred time searching for clues
In the don't watch the TV arc we see him behind a door
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That bitch be spying on us using the thousands killer TV for sure bro
Then the second ally is the sheep
Why ?
Well in the spoiled prince's stories the sheep give him his soul to eat and become a slave and/or a loyal subject
Or he might be dead but that won't be fun would it ?
We also see a sheep with a crown drawing on hastur's bedroom door
Then the third is of course pickman
A young woman
Wait hold'up a woman ?
Sigh (the need to explain every detail ... I feel a art of your pain now matt patt)
Well we know that it's A.Pickman (it's literally on the door to her house)
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If you don't see it well there is a ALICE there
Of course the letter comes from her dad
And before you say something like "but they can both have a name that starts with an A "
Then look at the photo again
See that blue book ? The author is R.Pickman , maybe Robert or anything really
And you want to hear some drama ?
Robert (my theory name for him) = the white rabbit
Then i will respond to the third question which turned into
Why is R. Pickman the white rabbit ?
Why isn't it Alice ?
If Alice and Cassilda know eachother so much that Alice know hastur's lullaby and maybe was the one who composed it judging by that one music sheet , how could cassilda not realize it ?
So let me tell y'all
Alice may have been friends with cassilda and when she realized what she does she decided to stop her , her father was probably the one who told her the truth
She stayed friend with her to know more of her plans
It was all an act and if you read the letter the rabbit gave his daughter Alice "keep that creative fire alive" we can see it as keep acting
He used such a sentence to not make cassilda suspicious if she ever see it
She would think "oh it's about music or her new competition" or anything really
But yeah you guys are reading this while saying
"But why do you think he is the rabbit in the first place ?" (Don't read too much into it or do) here is why :
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Happy ?
So yeah it just made sense...
I mean why have you're friend's enemy symbol in your house
If you have any questions please ask i will be more then happy to investigate in any game (not any game like I can't with fnaf cuz i am poor lol)
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kitsunes-multiverse · 2 years
Got You in My Sights
Chapter 11: A New Mother
Later that evening, Kitsune returned to Jesse's house. Jesse had already informed Alice and Carrie about her arrival, so they had long since been aware. They were also told that the two adults had some very special news for them, which made the two girls both curious and excited. They also helped making sure everything was in order- with Alice helping with some of the dinner preparations and Carrie setting the table beforehand.
Before long, the door bell rang throughout the house- catching the family's attention. "Ah, that must be her." Jesse pointed out before turning to his younger daughter. "Carrie, could you get that please?" He asked.
The little girl gave a nod, an excited smile on her face. "Ok!" She chirped, skipping over to the door and opening it. "Hi Kitsune!" She beamed, looking up at the woman on the doorstep.
Kitsune gave a warm smile. "Hi Carrie. How are you?" She greeted.
"I'm good! Dad and Alice should be finishing up dinner soon. Come in! It's chilly out there." Carrie responded, backing up a bit to let the redhead inside.
"Thanks, kiddo." Kitsune stepped into the house, ruffling the little girl's hair which prompted her to giggle. "Hi Jess! Hey Alice!" She called in greeting.
"Hellooo!" Alice called in return, before glancing at Jesse. "I think I can handle things from here, dad. Besides, you need to relax more- otherwise you're gonna look more tired than ya do now." She joked.
Jesse huffed, rolling his eyes as he chuckled a bit. "Very funny, Alice." He sarcastically remarked. "But thank you- I appreciate it."
Walking into the living room, he quickly spotted Kitsune sitting on the ground at the coffee table with Carrie. Somehow, in the short amount of time between Kitsune entering and him walking into the living room, Carrie had managed to get some paper and pencils. They were both drawing together, though Carrie seemed to be quite invested in whatever it was Kitsune was working on. And so was she for that matter- as her amber eyes narrowed in concentration.
Jesse hummed in curiosity, strolling over to them. "And what's going on over here?" He asked, prompting Carrie to perk up.
"Kitsune and I are drawing Sailor Moon characters, but I got distracted because she's doing it really well! It almost looks just like the show!" She chirped.
At that point, Kitsune seemed to snap back into reality. She chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. "Oh, I don't know about that. I've never been good at imitating art styles- especially anime." She responded.
"Let me see." Jesse crouched down, looking at the drawing Kitsune was working on. Granted, he never had much knowledge about Sailor Moon -the most he knew was that it was about five girls that have magic powers and they fight evil, and random tidbits Carrie told him- but he had seen the art style quite a bit since he'd pass by the TV whenever Carrie was watching it. So because of that, he could see the similarities. It wasn't an exact copy of the style, but it definitely had the traditional 90s anime aesthetic.
"That's quite impressive! I didn't know you could draw." He commented.
Kitsune giggled a bit. "Ah, thanks. And yeah- I never told you. Never knew how to bring it up in conversation, I guess." She shrugged.
"Dinner's done, everyone!" Alice called, walking in.
"Ah, wonderful. You all have a seat- I'll get the plates ready." Jesse stated.
With a nod, the three girls went to the table, sitting down together. Before long, there was a plate in front of each chair. Jesse sat down beside Kitsune, looking at his daughters. "Right, so... Before we begin eating, Kitsune and I have something important to tell you." He stated.
Alice and Carrie glanced at each other, fighting back smiles. Though Carrie couldn't resist bouncing in her seat a little. The two turned back to their father, anxiously awaiting for him to continue. With a nod, Jesse resumed speaking.
"So... Earlier today, I, embarrassingly, woke up with a hangover since I had a bit too much to drink last night. Kitsune helped me handle the majority of it, and well... I wound up admitting that... Well, let me phrase it this way- we're together now." Jesse explained.
The two girls' faces immediately lit up with excitement. "She's our mom now?!" Alice eagerly asked.
"Indeed she is." Jesse nodded, smiling.
Carrie let out an excited squeal, running over and hugging Kitsune. The redhead giggled, hugging back. "Easy there hun, don't trip." She joked.
She didn't ever anticipate to be a mother, but honestly? She didn't mind one bit- especially if it was them.
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Ok so when looking at the rat plays that Bruno sets up.. Bruno x reader story or headcanons for if Bruno OR Reader is the one who draws them.. and that reader and Bruno already have twins a daughter and son who have really good emotional intelligence who are 10 years old. The reader and their kids know that he’s in the walls but understand that they need to keep it a secret. They don’t even tell Dolores that she’s right about hearing him. But reader grew up with Bruno and his sisters and was known as a sucker for art/natural professional artist since she was little.
But the rat stories! The art work! (PS. How would people know about telenovelas unless there was such thing as TV in Encanto. Which would be an interesting thought to include lol)
Bruno x female!reader- Art and crafts
"And... done! A perfect painting for a perfect play!"
You finally finished the piece you were working on. It was perfect.
"Really, mami?"
"Yeah, really?"
You looked back at your little kids. They were twins. One boy and one girl.
"Yes. Come on, let's take this to dad."
Oh, right. Bruno Madrigal was the dad. He disappeared exactly before the twins were born, ten years ago. But after not a lot of time, you discovered that he actually never left.
He was in the walls. The kids were so happy to see their father. Of course, the entire family don't know about this. Especially Dolores. Your niece was the last person on the world to tell a secret. But of course she heard Bruno. But they always refused to tell her the truth. While thinking about that, you finally reached Bruno's hideout.
"Ehi, amor. We are back!"
Your daughter smiled.
"Yes dad! We are here!"
Bruno literally appeared from nowhere. It was one of the things that you liked the most about him. Especially you loved his friends. And by friends, i mean Hernando, Jorge and the rats. That was the reason why you three were there.
"I finished another one!"
"Yes! With our help!"
Bruno smiled back at the kids.
"Oh, but that's beautiful kids!"
"I think you two should put this pretty piece in the little teatre i made!"
While your kids were putting the drawing in the teatre, you and Bruno decided to talk a little. You knew him and his sisters since forever. You always loved drawing and being an artist. And after some time, you can finally do that with the people you love.
"How are you dear?"
Bruno in that moment looked like the happiest person in that entire world.
"I'm fine. Like, now that i see you i'm fine."
"Yeah. Me too. I miss you more than anything. But you know about this."
"Yes, i know that. Don't worry, we will never talk about this."
"I know you will."
"Mami, papi! We did it!"
The twins put the drawing inside the teatre. The whole thing was really cute.
"We should see how this goes!"
You answered at your husband.
"Wait, Bruno. There's something i want to ask you."
"What is it, Y/N?"
"How do you know about telenovalas? Like...
How did you discover them? There's nothing in this world right now that could show us them."
Bruno looked at you for a second. Then he replied.
"Well, let's just say that one day they will be here. Maybe in the future. But now, let's make this show happen!"
You were still confused about this thing. But now Bruno was right. Let the show begin!
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
Emily is the glue that holds the family together, aka five times the Hotchner family needed Emily.
A story in the “5 times + 1″ format.  
Part of the Whatever Tomorrow Brings universe.
Chapter 1 - Amelia. 
Read on AO3 via this link, or below the cut
March 2010
Aaron wakes to his bed being empty. He rubs his eyes, trying to remove the last remnants of sleep, and he turns to check the alarm clock, groaning when he sees it’s 3am. He touches the other side of the bed and feels that the sheets are cold, indicating that his wife had been gone for some time. Amelia had been off the evening before, their usually happy baby grouchy and sleepy. Which was always the first sign that she was coming down with something. Theo had been ill the week before, a bug he’d picked up from school, and Aaron had naively hoped they’d managed to avoid it being passed on to the youngest Hotchner.
He sits on the side of the bed and spots light filtering out from under the ensuite door. He walks over, opening the door to find his wife laying back in the bath, Amelia dozing on her chest. Emily looks tired, a small smile on her face when she spots him. “Hey.” She rasps out, staying quiet so she doesn't wake their daughter.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Aaron walks in and kneels on the floor next to the bath. “Everything ok?”
“She woke up about an hour ago, she had a fever. I thought a lukewarm bath might bring it down, but she started to cry every time I tried to put her in here herself.” Emily says gently, placing a hand on Amelia’s forehead. “It’s come down a bit.”
“You should have woken me up.” He says, placing a hand on their daughter's back. “I’d have helped.”
“It’s ok, honey.” She says placing her hand over his. “You need your sleep, work has been rough on you lately.”
“Right.” He says, with a raised eyebrow. “Because your job is a piece of cake.” Aaron links their fingers and runs a thumb over her knuckles. “You don’t have to do it all on your own anymore, Em. I’m here now. We’re all here.”
She purses her lips together and nods at him. It was still her instinct sometimes to try and do it all by herself, especially anything to do with the kids. Memories of those months spent alone waiting for Foyet to be stopped were sharp, and sometimes it still took her breath away. How close they had come to losing everything.
“Can you take her?” She asks softly. “She should be fine for now.”
“Of course.” He lifts the toddler off of his wife's chest and wraps her in a towel. Amelia wakes almost immediately, grumbling at being removed from her mother. “Let’s go get you dressed sweetie.”
He takes Amelia to the nursery and puts a fresh diaper on her, and a thin sleepsuit. He frowns at the warmth still on her skin, and soothes her when she starts to cry again. “I know what you want, you want Mommy.” He lifts Amelia into his arms and kisses her forehead. “I don’t blame you, I always want her when I feel sick too.”
Emily is already in bed dressed in one of his shirts when he walks back into their bedroom. Amelia immediately reaches out for Emily, the little girl's face already scrunched up as she cries. He passes Amelia over, lets his wife take him into her arms. “Mama.”
“You’re ok, sweet girl.” Emily says, running a hand over the back of her daughter’s head. She kisses her forehead and frowns. “It’s gone down, but she’s still warm.”
“We’ll call the doctor if she’s still got a temperature in the morning.” He says. Emily nods, settling Amelia so she is resting against her chest. The little girl's favorite place to sleep when she was sick or sad. “Sweetheart, you aren’t going to get any sleep if she’s in here.”
“I know.” She replies, soothing the small coughs coming out of Amelia by rubbing her back. “I’ll get someone to drop some case files and paperwork here tomorrow, work from here until she’s better.”
“And if you get a case?”
She glares at him. “Then I’m sure the team can handle it without me. It’s not like they haven’t before.”
“I’m not leaving her if she’s sick, Aaron.” She says, her voice firm. “She only settles for me if she’s sick and I’m not putting either of you through that.”
He knew his wife somehow felt responsible for his delicate relationship with his daughter. Things were better now, so much better, but he couldn’t say it didn’t hurt when Ameila, or any of their kids, immediately reached for Emily when something was wrong. The six months they had spent alone together had formed a bond he loved, but that he was also, in his worst moments, jealous of.
He wants to argue, wants to say that eventually something would happen with one of the kids when she wasn’t there, but he knows this isn’t the time. That it can wait until it isn’t almost 4am and she has their feverish daughter pressed against her.
“It’s a good thing your boss is so understanding.”
Emily smiles at him. “Well, I do repay his understanding with blow jobs so I think it’s earned.” _________________
May 2024
Ameila was Emily through and through. It was something Aaron, and just about everyone they knew, said frequently. She looked like Emily. She had her nose, her dark eyes and hair, and the same smile that had always been able to convince Aaron to do just about anything. Amelia had inherited her fathers jawline and his seriousness, her frown, a pure ‘Hotch’ look that Penelope had often joked would serve her well in whatever she decided to do in the future.
She also had Emily’s attitude. A need to know everything, to push all the boundaries around her, that often drove Aaron to the edge of his sanity in a way neither of his sons ever had. Elizabeth often commented on how similar Amelia and Emily were, and he never missed the way she smirked at him when she said it.
Emily was fiercely protective of Amelia. Aaron knew it was because their daughter was the only one of their kids who didn’t remember the incident with Foyet. She was so small when it happened, only a few months old when her family was torn apart by the actions of a psychopath, and they were grateful for it. Jack and Theo still bore the scars of what happened, years of therapy had done them wonders, but it still surfaced at times, almost unexpectedly. Leading to Theo calling in the middle of the night, the now 21 year old plagued by nightmares that his mother was dead, only calmed down by the sound of her tired voice over the phone.
The first time Amelia really pushes the boundaries with her parents is when she comes home one day with her nose pierced. The ring in her nose was massive, big enough to allow for the swelling that would follow, drawing her parents attention to it immediately.
“What the hell is that in your nose?” Aaron asks, annoyance clear in his tone.
“It’s a nose ring, Dad.” Amelia answers, her eyes rolling as she hangs her keys up. “I got it done after school.”
“And who said you could do that?”
“It’s my nose. I didn’t realise I needed permission.”
“Ok.” Emily interrupts, placing a hand on her husband's arm to try and diffuse the situation. “I think what your dad is trying to say is that you should run this stuff past us, ok?”
Amelia scoffs. “Well it’s your nose I inherited, surely you understand why I wanted to do something to it.” She walks past her parents and goes up the stairs before the conversation can go any further. “I have homework.”
Aaron walks into their en-suite later that night to find Emily standing in front of the mirror scrutinising her appearance. He leant against the doorframe and watched as she turned her head side to side, running her finger down the slope of her nose. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at herself straight on again, her finger pressed into the tip.
She turns to look at him, taking her hand away from her nose as she does. He doesn’t miss the shy look on her face as she wrung her hands together. “Do you think my nose is weird?”
He frowns at her. “What? No.”
“I know it’s ridiculous. I’m 53 for fuck sake.” She mutters to herself.
He kisses the tip of her nose and she smiles at him. “You’re beautiful.”
“And you’re ridiculous.” She wraps her arms around him anyway, pulling him in for a kiss. “It will look better when she can switch to a smaller ring.”
“It will look better when she just takes it out.”
Emily laughs, shaking her head at him. “Come on, let's go to bed. Some of us have work in the morning.”
He raises an eyebrow at her as he always did when she referred to his early retirement, even though it had been years since he left the FBI. “Whatever you want, sweetheart.”
The casual mention of a boyfriend, a boy from Amelia’s art class called Chase, almost sends Aaron orbital. He manages to keep his opinions to himself until Amelia has gone to bed and he’s just in the kitchen with his wife, helping her with the dishes even though it was long ago established as her chore since she never cooked.
“She’s not that bad, Aaron.”
He scoffs at his wife. “She’s going to make me go grey.”
“Honey. Amelia is a teenage girl. A pretty well behaved one in comparison to what I was like.”
“Suddenly I feel a lot more sympathy for Elizabeth than I ever have before.” He mutters as he continues to put dishes away.
“What was that?” She raises an eyebrow at him.
“Nothing, sweetheart.”
She narrows her eyes at him as she passes him another plate, patting his cheek with her spare hand. “You’re already grey, Aaron. It’s got nothing to do with the fact our daughter has a boyfriend. Or a nose ring.” _________________
Emily finally loses her cool two weeks later. They are eating dinner, just her, Amelia and Aaron, when she spots something on her daughter's wrist as she reaches for more salad. Emily grabs Amelia’s arm and pulls her sleeve back slightly to reveal a, admittedly very small, heart tattoo onto her daughter’s wrist. It was crude, slightly wonky and clearly not a professional one.
“What the hell is this?” She asks, staring her daughter down.
Amelia tears her arm out of her mother’s grasp and pulls her sleeve back down. “It’s a tattoo, Mom.”
“A tattoo? When did that happen?” Emily looks over at Aaron, who to her annoyance looked slightly amused that she was finally reacting like he had been all along.
“We did them at school.” Amelia answers, taking another bite of her dinner.
Emily’s initial reaction of telling her daughter how dangerous that was, how stupid, was drowned out by her overriding fear of who exactly had done this. “What do you mean ‘we’?”
“Chase and I did them. We have matching ones.” Amelia says, looking at her mother with a challenge on her face. “I don’t see what the big deal is Mom, you have tattoos.”
Emily glares at her husband when he chokes out a laugh at that, and he quickly excuses himself from the table. She turns back to her daughter. “Amelia, it really wasn’t very safe to do that. You have to let professionals do this kind of thing.”
Amelia rolls her eyes as she takes the final bite of her dinner. “Whatever.” She gets up from the table, already half out of the dining room before she speaks again. “I need to go FaceTime Chase.”
Emily puts her head in her hands as soon as she is alone. Her daughter was too much like her for her own good, independent and wilful almost to a fault. Emily loved that Amelia was like that, that she was so sure of herself in a way that Emily certainly hadn’t been at her age. She took it as a testament to her and Aaron’s parenting, but right now she was struggling with it. She just wanted to sit Amelia down and tell her that not everyone in the world had her best intentions at heart, and Emily had an increasingly sinking feeling that Chase was one of those people.
She blows out a breath and stands up, starting to collect the dishes from the evening meal. Emily hears her husband re-enter the room. “I’m going to get her some antiseptic cream to put on it. Who the hell knows where they got the needle they did it with from.”
“She gave herself a matching tattoo with her boyfriend, Aaron.” She says, putting the dishes she had been holding back down on the dining room table. “They’ve been together for 8 weeks.”
He steps towards her and places his hands on her hips. “What was it you told me last week? That it will work itself out eventually.”
“She thinks she loves him, honey.” Emily lamented, allowing her husband to pull her into his arms. “And I know he’s going to break her heart.”
Aaron kisses her. “Sweetheart, we can’t protect her from that.” He kisses her again, cupping her cheek with his hand. “All we can do is be here for her if it happens.”
Emily rests her forehead on his chest. “Now who's being annoying ok about all of this?”
“This is where I found out I was pregnant with you.” Emily says offhandedly, a wistful smile on her face. It was so long ago now, but she still remembered the joy she had felt when she first saw Amelia on screen. The baby she had always been told she couldn’t have was now this amazing person she couldn’t imagine her life without.
Emily looks at her daughter when she doesn’t get a response, and she stops herself from laughing when she sees how pointedly Amelia is ignoring her. “Oh really, Mom?” She says to herself. “That’s so interesting.”
“Mom, I cannot believe you are doing this.” Amelia seethes, looking at the floor of the clinic they were in. Embarrassment coming off of her in waves. “This is so embarrassing.”
Emily rolls her eyes, and bites back a comment about how if she found birth control embarrassing then she should think twice about having sex. “I just want you to be safe, ok? You’ve got a boyfriend now and whilst I am not exactly delighted at the idea of you having sex.” She says, not missing how her daughter grimaces. “I don’t want you to take any chances.”
“Amelia Hotchner?”
Emily and Amelia look up to see Joanne standing at the door to her office looking expectantly at them. Emily smiles at her, Amelia does not, and the latter sighs as she stands up. She takes a few steps towards Joanne, only pausing when she realises her mother isn’t following her.
“Well you may as well come in. This was your idea after all.” Amelia says, annoyance colouring her tone. Emily sees past it, spotting the way her daughter nervously wrings her hands, fingers digging at her cuticles in a way she had picked up from her.
“Of course, sweetie.” She stands and walks up to her daughter, and guides her into Joanne’s office with a gentle hand on her back.
“You did what??” Aaron asks, seething, as they get ready for bed side by side in their ensuite. He turns to her, a disbelieving look on his face.
“I took her to get birth control.” Emily answers around her toothbrush, spitting into the sink. She rinses it and places it next to his in the holder.
“Why?” He is glaring at her, and she's suddenly more glad than ever that she hadn’t broached this subject with him until after Amelia had a packet of pills sitting in her bathroom cabinet, with very explicit instructions on the importance of taking it correctly from both Emily and Joanne. “Is she sleeping with him?”
“I don’t even know if she is having sex yet. But you know these things happen. I bought the boys condoms when they were teenagers.” She purposely misses out that she had also bought Amelia condoms, thinking that admission might make her husband's head explode. “I wanted to make sure she takes precautions if she takes that step.”
“She’s 15, Emily.”
“Yeah, and so was I.” She closes her eyes and sighs, turning to look at her husband as she crosses her arms across her chest. She looks at him and bites her lip, trying to figure out what she’s been wanting to say. “Aaron, I just don’t want what happened to me to happen to her.”
Emily can see the moment it registers in his head. The way his brow unfurls, his whole body unclenching as the anger seeps out of him, replaced by concern for her. He takes a step towards her. “Sweetheart…”
She shakes her head at herself, wiping a stray tear away that had fallen at the admission. “She deserves better than that.”
He sighs as he drags her into a hug, one she gladly returns, wrapping her arms around his back. “You deserved better than that too.”
Emily buries her face into his neck, breathes in the scent of him that had comforted her for more than half her life. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” _________________
Three days later it becomes a non issue. Amelia is out with friends, and Chase, leaving Aaron and Emily with the house to themselves.
Emily is sitting in her husband's lap on their couch. His hands up her shirt and his tongue in her mouth, when she hears it. A car door slamming on edge of her consciousness, someone running up the steps of their porch. She pulls back from Aaron, the dazed look on his face surely matching the one on her own. “Did you hear that?” She breathes out.
They hear a key in the door and break apart like they’ve burnt each other, both standing as the front door opens.
Amelia bursts in, tears streaming down her face. She drops her bag at the front door, her school things abandoned in the foyer of their home, and as soon as her eyes land on Emily her face crumbles. The steady stream of tears turning into sobs. “Mom.”
“Amelia?” She closes the gap between them, concern for her daughter overriding anything else, any lingering hopes she had of alone time with her husband gone in an instant. Amelia is in her arms in seconds, clawing at her shirt to try and get as close as possible. She buries her face into Emily’s shoulder and weeps. Emily cups the back of her daughter’s head, and runs her other hand up and down her back. “Oh sweetheart, it’s ok.” She soothes. “You’ll be ok.”
Emily exchanges a concerned look with Aaron over the top of their daughter's head and she shakes her head at him slightly when he takes a step towards them, silently asking him to leave it to her. He understands, just like he always had, and leaves them to it despite wanting to know exactly what has upset Amelia this much.
“Mia, honey.” She says gently, hand still tangled in her daughter's dark hair. She tries to pull back slightly, cupping Amelia’s cheek, but she holds on to her tighter, sobs still tearing out of her throat. “Let’s move over to the couch, ok?”
Amelia nods against her but doesn’t separate herself from her mother at all. Emily carefully guides her over to the couch and sits down. Amelia curls into her, wrapping herself around her in a way she hadn’t done in years. Emily wraps her arms around her, and whispers random words of comfort into her daughter's hair.
“Sweetheart.” She says gently, pulling away enough that she can cup Amelia’s face in her hands. She wipes tears away from her cheeks with her thumbs. “You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong, not until you’re ready, but I need to know if you’re hurt.”
Amelia shakes her head. “Not hurt.” She says, her words choked by her tears. She leans back into Emily, pressing her face into her neck.
“Ok, sweet girl.” Emily says the old nickname, one she hadn’t used since Amelia was 9 and turned her nose up at it, slipping out without thinking. She presses a kiss on her daughter's head. “I’m right here.”
It takes almost 30 minutes for Amelia to calm down, for her sobs to dissipate into sniffs and a hoarseness in her throat as she takes in ragged breaths. “He broke up with me.”
Emily frowns, holding her daughter impossibly tighter. “What?”
“Chase broke up with me.” Amelia says, pulling back so she could look at Emily properly. “He said I was boring.”
Emily covers her reaction to that, keeping her surprise away from her face. Boring was not a word she would have ever used to describe Amelia. She tucks some of Amelia’s hair behind her ear. “I’m so sorry, baby. I know you really liked him.”
Amelia snuggles back down into her, sniffing as she lays her head on Emily's shoulder. Emily runs her hand through her daughter's hair, soothing her as she finishes calming down. “What do you want to do?” Emily asks. “We could get Dad to go out and get Taco Bell.”
Amelia chokes out a laugh but shakes her head. “I think I just want to go to bed.”
“Whatever you want.” _________________
Aaron is pacing their bedroom when she enters it, softly closing the door behind her. He stops and looks at her, an expectant look on his face.
“He broke up with her.” Emily says. “She is heartbroken.” She hears how her own voice breaks as she tells him. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her like that.” She shakes her head at herself. “The worst thing is when she told me what happened I felt relieved. She’s sitting there absolutely hysterical and I’m relieved?”
Aaron closes the distance between them and hugs her. “You’re a fantastic mom, Em. I won’t let you believe anything other than that.”
She chokes out a laugh, somehow still surprised after all these years that he was able to guess what was really bothering her without her saying it outloud. “You’re a pretty great dad yourself, Mr Hotchner.” Emily lets herself relax in her husband’s embrace for a little longer, she pulls back and looks up at him. “I’m going to go in and sleep with her tonight.”
“Ok, sweetheart.” He kisses her quickly before letting her go so she can get ready for bed. He watches as she pulls on pyjama pants and a soft t-shirt that once belonged to him.
Aaron admires his wife as she takes off her makeup from the day and puts her dark hair up, smiling as he catches sight of some grey flecks that she hates as she twists it into a bun. She never believes him when he says it, but he thinks she's more beautiful now than she was when they first met all those years ago. Emily had always been beautiful, from the 22 year old she was when they first met. Teasing smiles and flirty comments as she coaxed him out to a bar with her.
Emily always lamented aging, wondering where the time had gone. More self conscious now than she had been the entire time he had known her. All he saw in lines on her face that she thought made her look old was all the laughter and joy they’d had over the years. She was softer now, her hips wider, evidence that she had given him two of their children that made him find her even more attractive. The grey flecks in her hair, that he knew she’d get dyed again soon, that showed him just how long they had loved each other.
They had been together 31 years and sometimes Aaron felt every moment of it, every single thing that had happened to them since she kissed him at one of her mother’s events. It somehow also had passed in the blink of an eye, decades gone in seconds and he was still somehow lucky enough to have her by his side.
“You’re staring.” She says, pulling him out of his thoughts with an amused look on her face and a teasing tone to her voice.
He pulls her into his arms again, kisses her cheek, then her nose. Making her laugh as she tries to squirm away from him. “You’re beautiful.”
Emily rolls her eyes at him. “You’re ridiculous.” _________________
Ameila smiles shakily at her mother as she walks into her room. Emily walks over to her bed and climbs in on the spare side, settling down for the night. She lays on her side and looks at Amelia, tucking some hair behind her ear. “How are you doing, sweetie?”
Amelia sniffs, suppressing a sarcastic laugh. “I’ve been better.” She settles into her mother’s side, resting her head on her shoulder. In the darkness of her bedroom, with Emily’s arms wrapped tightly around her, she finally feels like she can admit the truth. “It’s because I wouldn’t have sex with him.”
“What do you mean?”
Amelia closes her eyes as she catches the tone in her mother’s voice, the dangerous edge to it that she was so rarely on the receiving end of. She had only ever really overheard it when she was talking to someone about work over the phone, or one the rare occasion her parents had a full blown row, their angry voices soon turning into other noises that Amelia thanked whoever was listening for the invention of noise cancelling headphones.
“That’s why he broke up with me.” Amela says, feeling tears build back up in her eyes. “Because I wouldn’t sleep with him.”
She feels her mother’s hold on her tighten, and the sharp intake of breath that she takes beneath her head. Emily kisses the top of her head. “You’re ok, sweetheart. Go to sleep.”
Amelia drifts off to the feel of her mother stroking her hair, something she hadn’t had happen since she was younger. She was surprised to realise how much she had missed it, regret for how she had started to rebuff her mother’s affection a few years back building in her chest. “I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too.” Another kiss to the top of her head. “Now get some sleep.”
She falls asleep, completely unaware of how Emily laid awake for hours, anger for a teenage boy she had only met once burning through her veins until she came up with a plan. _________________
Emily wakes in the morning to the sound of Amelia’s door opening. She opens her eyes to see her husband standing there, a takeout coffee holder in his hand, and an unsure look on his face.
She smiles at him as she sits up in bed and beckons him in. He switches the light on, which immediately wakes Amelia, her groans the first indication that she was up.
“Morning, sweetheart.” Aaron says kissing his wife before sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Morning.” She murmurs against his lips, before lifting the coffee she knew was intended for her. Cold brew with enough sweetener in it to rot your teeth.
“You guys suck.” Amelia groans from below the comforter, voice still thick with sleep.
Emily chuckles. “I think you’ll change your mind when you see what your dad has brought you.”
Amelia lifts the comforter from off of her face and shoots up when she sees her favourite frappuccino in her fathers hands. “Dad, you are the best.” She takes a sip and moans, the sugar hitting her tongue. “No wonder Mom has put up with you so long.”
Aaron laughs, glad to see that she seemed her usual self after how devastated she had been the night before. “Are you ok, Mia?”
She smiles at her dad, a shaky thing that was always the first indicator from his wife and daughter that tears were on the horizon. “I will be.” ______________
Emily’s first thought is to set Penelope on Chase. Let her hack into his social media accounts and digitally ruin his life for upsetting her little girl. For trying to pressure her into something she didn’t want to do. She knew Penelope would do it without a second thought. She was the most trusted confidant of all of the younger Hotchner's outside of their parents. Jack had asked for her help planning his over the top proposal to his now wife. Theo had come out to her first, a nervous teenager in her office asking for help on how he could tell his parents. Amelia went to her for advice on everything from boys to elaborate hairstyles, and Penelope gently discouraged her from dying her hair bright purple when she was 13, knowing it would have given Aaron an aneurysm.
Emily was finishing getting ready for work, Amelia already on her way to school, as she started to formulate a text to her friend, a cryptic request to come see her as soon as she got to work, when Aaron snuck up on her in the kitchen.
“You can’t get Penelope to ruin his life.”
Emily jumps, cursing under her breath. “Damn it, Aaron.” She turns to look at him, a sheepish look on her face. “I wasn’t planning on doing anything of the sort.”
“Oh really?” He raises an eyebrow at her. “You weren’t thinking of having her hack all of his social media accounts and freeze his bank account?”
Emily flushes and puts her phone down on the counter. “I can’t just let him get away with it.”
Aaron smiles at her and pulls her towards him with his hands on her hips. “Baby, this is something we have to let her deal with ok?” He kisses her cheek, his smile deepening as she narrows her eyes at him. “No getting Penelope involved.”
Plan B it was. _________________
Emily is never happier than when she has all of her family in her house. The boys were coming round for dinner, Jack and his wife Sara and Theo and his new boyfriend Zach, someone he had met at college. Theo texted her that morning, a list of strict instructions of things that absolutely couldn’t happen the first time Zach was meeting the family.
She had just let them in, hugging her son fiercely as he walked in and feeling love bloom in her chest when he hugged her back just as tightly, no embarrassment at giving his mother this affection in front of Zach.
She lets him go and turns to the young man standing next to her son. “You must be Zach, I’m Emily.”
He shakes her hand, a nervous smile on his face. “Nice to meet you.”
Amelia bursts into the house, slamming the front door behind her, and immediately breaks the first rule on Theo’s list. “Мама, какого хрена?”
“Не сейчас, милая. У нас гости. И не ругайся.” Emily replies, tilting her head towards where Theo and Zach were standing.
“Ты должен был подумать об этом, прежде чем угрожать моему бывшему парню!”
Zach leans in to Theo, a confused look on his face. “Are they speaking Russian?”
Theo sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he did so, and looks at his boyfriend. “Yes.” He turns to his mother. “Ne pouvons-nous pas le faire? C'est la première fois que Zach rencontre tout le monde.”
Amelia rolls her eyes and Emily smiles at Theo. “Je suis désolé, chérie. On va bien se comporter.”
“Are you speaking French?” Zach asks, looking even more confused at the complete nonchalonce all of the Hotchner’s were showing at the multiple languages being thrown around as if it was nothing. The slight look of amusement on Aaron’s face as he walked into the room. “How many languages does your mom speak?”
Theo grabs his boyfriend's hand and leads him further into the house, away from the rest of the family. “Six. Seven if you include English.” _________________
Emily eyes Sara curiously when she turns down wine with her dinner, a small look passes between her and Jack when she asks for soda instead. Emily shares a similar look with her own husband, a look on his face saying he had spotted what she had too, and she gladly gets an alternative drink for her daughter-in-law.
Amelia sulks all the way through dinner. Rebuffing her brother’s questions about school, a glare fixed on her mother almost the entire time. It’s when she refuses her favourite dessert, cheesecake, that her brother’s interest is piqued.
“Mills.” Theo asks, amusement on his face at his sister’s behaviour. “What’s up with you?”
“Why don’t you ask Mom?” She said, pointedly looking at her mother. “Мама пытается разрушить мою жизнь, вот в чем дело.”
“I did not try and ruin your life, Amelia.” She says, rolling her eyes at her daughter's dramatics. She looks at her sons and their respective partners. “All I did was have a conversation with the boy who made Amelia cry herself to sleep a couple of days ago.”
“Yeah. By explaining that you’re a Section Chief at the FBI, whilst you had your gun and badge on display.” Amelia exclaims.
There was a moment of silence at the table before it descended into laughter, confusion all over Zach’s face on whatever he had walked into.
“Oh sweetheart.” Aaron says, looping his arm around the back of her chair to place a hand on her shoulder. “Not again.”
Amelia frowns, looking at her parents in shock. “Not again? What the hell does that mean?”
“Mom’s crazy, Millie.” Theo says, a laugh bursting out of him.
“Hey, I resent that.” Emily says, sinking back into her chair slightly, glaring at Aaron when he laughs at her and kisses the side of her head.
Jack gives Emily a look with his eyebrows raised before looking back at his sister. “My first ever girlfriend broke up with me the day before homecoming, Mom scared the absolute shit out of her by showing up at her cheerleading practise the following day. She somehow managed to mention that Dad once killed a guy with his bare hands.”
“Your dad did what?” Zach asks, leaning in to Theo who just shook his head. A silent promise that he’d explain later.
“In my defence.” Emily says, crossing her arms across her chest, a slight flush to her face. “This one was really sick at the time and I was pretty sleep deprived.” She says pointing at Amelia. “I wasn’t entirely in control of my emotions, and you were just so sad.”
“She also made me very aware of what she does for a living when Jack and I first moved in together.” Sara pipes up, nothing but amusement on her face when she looks at her mother-in-law. She turns back to Amelia. “I think it’s sweet.”
Amelia shakes her head at them all and turns to Zach. “Run whilst you still can.” __________________
Emily closes the door behind Jack and Sara as they leave, promises of getting together soon uttered in between lingering hugs.
Emily turns to see Amelia standing behind her, her hands in her pockets as she avoids her mother’s gaze. It’s the calmest she’s looked all evening, any frustration she had towards her and her actions having melted away.
“Look, I’m sorry, Amelia.” She says taking a step towards her daughter. “I know I probably shouldn’t have done that. But you were so upset, and he deserved to-”
Her ranting is cut off by Amelia throwing her arms around her waist and placing her head on her shoulder. “Thank you.”
Emily smiles and hugs her daughter back, kissing the top of her head as she pulls her closer. “You’re welcome, sweetie.”
“I always thought it would be Dad, or Theo or Jack who went after a boy for me.” She says against her mother’s shirt before she pulls away. “At least I can tell any future guys that my mom is crazy.” _________________
Emily turns to lay on her side as Aaron joins her in bed, she smiles at him and pushes some hair off of his forehead before running her blunt nails over his temples, the mix of dark and grey hair rasping as she goes. “When do you think Jack and Sara are going to tell us she’s pregnant?”
A laugh peels out of Aaron before he leans forward and kisses her, pulling back only to press his forehead against hers. “Whenever they are ready.”
Emily shifts so her back is against him and pulls his arm over her waist, sighing when he settles his chest against her. “You’d think they’d learn they can’t hide anything from us.”
He kisses the top of her head and holds her a little tighter. “We’ve got some pretty great kids.”
“We really do.”
“You have got to stop threatening anyone who hurts them though.”
“Sure, love.” She says, pulling his hand up to her lips to kiss his knuckles. “I’ll stop.”
They both know she won’t.
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
The Dark Wolf
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Summary:  The Dark Wolf hadn't picked an Omega yet, it had been three months since the Spring Equinox and still the omegas that had been selected hadn't been successful. With your heat approaching you could only however think of the gentle Alpha that would visit you at work, distracting you from your impending heat... and you selection as the Omega for the Dark Wolf.
Pairing: Adopted Stark Omega Daughter Reader x Alpha Bucky Barnes
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, ABOAlpha/Omega, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Werewolf, Mating Rituals, Ritual Sex, Heat Cycles, rut cycles, Full Moon, Witchcraft, Unprotected Sex, Mating, Breeding, Knotting
I do not run a tag list but please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications to get alerts whenever i post new stories. Oneshots will be posted on Tumblr and AO3, Multichapter stories will be AO3 exclusives. Masterlist is now AO3, link HERE.
The Dark Wolf
 It was springtime yet a keen wind swirled at your ankles as you quickly made your way home. It was late in the day and the sun was already dipping below the horizon, the thick forest that surrounded the village making the days shorter with their tall canopy. A group of girls around the same age as you ran past, laughing and joking as they made their way towards the tavern, unaware of you as you carried the heavy basket from the market. The stalls had been packing away by the time you got there, your job at the bakery keeping you busy most of the day.
As the girls passed by, their scent was thick on the air; cloying and sickly as the synthetic heat pheromones they had added to their perfume to make them more attractive to any Alpha’s at the tavern assaulted your senses, making you quietly sneeze. Their voices were high pitched and clawed at your ears as they squealed and laughed;
“Maybe that dress will be enough to convince the Dark Wolf to take you tonight!”
“Ooh do you think? He hasn’t chosen a mate yet this season, do you think he’ll do it soon?”
“It’s coming close to summer, usually he’s chosen by now”
 “Who do you think the Dark Wolf is?”
 “I don’t know, but the full moon is in two days’ time, and if you want to get chosen, you’ll need to bring your heat on pretty soon”
 “I just need a big dumb Alpha that’s about to Rut to trigger my heat!”
 “Well keep an eye out for the red paint on your door, you know that’s how the Dark Wolf chooses his Omega”
They all laughed as they went, and you could smell arousal in the air, little did you realise it was your own.
 The wind blew their scent away as quickly as it had brought it, and pushing against the gusts you pulled your cardigan tighter around your body. You had always dreamed of an Alpha to take care of you, to help bring his pups into the world, have a whole pack of little ones. Shaking your head you tried to rid yourself of the thoughts that wanted to enter your mind of the Alpha you pined for, knowing if you got distracted it would only make you feel worse.
 Finally the tall eaves of your father’s house came into view, giving you a sense of relief as you made your way up the pathway and into the house, closing the old black door behind you.
 Your Adopted father was in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the two of you, his arms still covered in soot from where he’d been working all day at his forge, if there was one thing Tony Stark knew how to do, it was fix anything made of metal. Dropping the vegetables he was peeling he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pressed a kiss to your forehead;
 “Hey Sweetie, are you doing ok? Get everything you need?”
 “Yeah, thanks Dad” you replied awkwardly.
 Tony had raised you alone, doing his best to raise a girl - and now a young woman in her early 20’s - and had done his best to help you with the more feminine side of things. He had never suppressed your urge to learn your mothers art of witchcraft, helping you where he could, and when it came to the time when you had started to feel the Omega Heat, he had encouraged you to deal with it however you had felt right. 
 Setting the heavy basket of herbs and produce onto the table, you set about resting the fresh herbs into little vases with water to keep them fresh, and opening the package of freshly roasted coffee beans to let them cool enough to store them in jars;
 “I’ll make an elixir tomorrow, the bakery had me run ragged today… I’m not feeling great”
 “If you’re sure Honey. Why don’t you go take a bath and I’ll have dinner ready in an hour”
 “Thanks Dad”
 The next morning you woke and felt the first pang of pain in your stomach, telling you that your heat was closer than you thought. You had slept fitfully, dreams marred by a large wolf; the Werewolf that haunted the village and wanted to claim a mate. You’d felt fear but also something else, something you couldn’t place, and in the dream when the wolf had been close enough to touch you had seen a familiarity in his eyes before suddenly you were awake.
 Drenched in sweat you knew you needed to get your elixir made unless you wanted to try and cope with a heat without an Alpha to knot you, so you dressed quickly in the previous days clothes and quietly made your way downstairs, moving around the kitchen as you set the large pot of water onto the stove to boil before starting to add the herbs you bought the day before. Stirring the aromatic mixture you suddenly stopped;
 “Rosemary!” you muttered quietly to yourself, before stepping out of the front door and crossing the garden barefoot, the dewy grass cool on the soles of your feet. Plucking a handful of sprigs you raised them to your face and inhaled their fresh scent, smiling as it hit your senses as you turned, and that’s when you saw it. The red paint.
 “NO!” you screamed, frozen to the spot. 
 Seconds later your father appeared at the doorway, looking around wildly before seeing you and rushing to your side;
 “What? What is it?”
 You pointed, your hand shaking and he followed your gaze before sharply inhaling; there it was, a wide and vivid swipe of red paint on your black front door;
 “Daddy… please… get a rag. It still looks wet”
 “Honey… ok honey…”
 His reassurance was interrupted by a quiet cough at your garden gate, causing you both to turn and that’s when you saw him;
 “Constable Rogers…”
 “Tony… you know its Steve, not Constable”
 “Steve… really? The pack chose my Little Girl?”
 Steve set a large hand on Tony’s shoulder;
 “It’s the choice. She won’t be harmed. But you know it’s the ritual and it's the law” Steve paused, and you could see the conflict on his face as he spoke; “She’s not a little girl anymore Tony, she’s a beautiful woman”
 Tony stood partially in front of you, trying to protect you;
 “I get that Steve… but it should be her choice. This seems so… so… barbaric…”
 “Maybe so, but I’m not here to argue with you… you know my job…”
 Tony nodded. He knew the laws. He’d done his best to bend them or influence them as much as possible, but the rules of the Werewolf that lived in the woods called for a mate once a year, his chosen Omega would spend the first full moon after the spring equinox with him, and if she was suitable she would bear his child and become his wife… and yet no-one knew the face of the man who was this wolf, just that it was one that walked among them. And for the last three months the chosen women had been returned to the town at the end of the three nights of full moon. Each said the same of their time away; it was not to be spoken of; they were unsuitable.
 The Constable - Steve - held out his hand for you and you paused, still grasping your fathers’ hand before he spoke to you;
 “It’s your choice. I will fight it for you if you don’t want to go”
 “It’s ok Dad. I haven’t been able to make the suppressant elixir in time, there isn’t any other way to deal with this Heat that is coming”
 Tony nodded before he glanced at your feet;
 “At least let me get you some shoes. Barefoot in the forest is not as enjoyable as barefoot on a soft lawn”
 Standing on the cold stone slab in the clearing you watched as Steve tied the rope around your wrist to the solitary tree that stood in the centre;
 “Why are you doing this?” you asked.
 He froze. It was the first thing you’d said since you’d left your father’s house. He had almost forgotten you had a voice you had been so quiet. He cleared his throat;
 “You know it’s the way. And as the village constable have to uphold what it written”
 “Is this not… not archaic? To leave me out here to be taken against my will?”
 Steve stood straight and looked at you, his hand softly cupping your face;
 “It’s not like that. When the Dark Wolf appears, you will know if it’s right. He will know. He will approach you and if your scent pulls you from his Lycanthropy, he’ll know you are the right Omega”
 “What if… what if it doesn’t trigger his Rut? What if I’m not the right Omega?”
 “Then he will try again tomorrow night”
 “And leave me here to suffer my Heat? Alone?”
 Steve took a deep breath, looking away and unable to meet your gaze;
 “You will not be alone”
 He had finished tying the ropes and had tested them to make sure they were secure before stepping away, and with a sigh he turned and quickly made his way out of the clearing and into the dense forest. You had seen him flinch each time you’d screamed out his name, your throat finally becoming hoarse and you let out a pitiful sob as you fell to your knees. Curling up against the side of the old oak tree, you tried to clear your mind, your fingers drawing patterns in the soil, trying to remember some of the old magic you knew. The full moon was setting in the sky above you as morning broke, the sequence of the phases seemingly out of sorts.
 Suddenly you felt a pain in your stomach, you knew exactly what it was; your Heat was fast approaching. The sweat started to bead across your chest, your breathing getting heavier, as the first spasm shot through you something suddenly moved in the thick brush at the side of the clearing. Your eyes darted in that direction but saw nothing but ferns and undergrowth. As another wave of Heat pains started to build, movement out of the corner of your eye distracted you from your impending heat. This time whatever it was stood still, yet all you could see was a glowing pair of eyes in the darkness of the surrounding forest. 
 Forgetting about your Heat and your incantations you were trying to draw in the earth, you instead focused your attention upon the rope that tied you to the tree. When Steve had said you would not be alone, was this what he meant? Your scared fingers worked on the knot in the rope, trying to loosen it. 
 A quiet growl echoed from the darkness and as the panic set in you felt a rush of power surge through you, grasping the rope that tied you with both hands you pulled it harshly and it snapped at the tree. 
 You did not wait, you were running, running as fast as your feet could take you. Blindly rushing through the dense forest, you could hear creatures chasing after you, the growls and gnashing of teeth. The surge of energy your heat was giving you powered you on, deeper into the forest, further from home. A shrill howl sent a chill down your spine, but you continued your sprint. The sounds of the creatures behind you were getting closer, ahead the forest floor rose steeply, the sharp incline slowing you as your feet slid on the dry pine needles that had fallen from the tall spruce trees that towered above you. 
 You slipped, your smooth and simple slippers giving no traction and your fingers dug into the forest floor. You fell to your knees and squeezed your eyes shut, doing what little you could do to prepare yourself for whatever happened next. But… but the growling stopped, the forest fell silent. Opening one eye then both you slowly turned, letting out a cry as you saw the pack of wolves surrounding you, but none were looking to you, their attention fell upon the rocky outcrop above you.
 Turning you looked up and gasped, he was there; the Dark Wolf. 
 With a loud snarl he jumped from the rocky outcrop and over you, landing gracefully at your feet as he growled loudly at the baying pack that surrounded you. Circling around he trod silently, the hairs on his spine standing on end as he bared his teeth at the pack as they kept trying to approach, before standing beside you. He seemingly paused before pointing his snout to the sky and let out a powerful howl. 
 You watched, dumbfounded as each wolf sat. It was clear that the Dark wolf was in charge; that he was the Alpha of the pack. He turned, his icy blue gaze directed at you before he reached his head down and took the rope in his mouth that was still tied to your wrist. He tugged it gently and you pushed yourself to your feet, the smooth soles of your shoes slipping on the loose pine needles that covered the dirt, and he rested the side of his body against your thigh, steadying you. Resting your hand on the coarse fur to steady yourself as he led you down the slope, you found yourself surprised by how soft his fur was, almost as if it was spun silk. 
 The pack parted like a tide, letting the Dark Wolf lead you into the darkness of the forest by the rope between its jaws. You could hear the pack following, keeping its distance, yet somehow you weren’t afraid; you felt safe with the Dark Wolf. 
 Through the dense trees a solitary cabin came into view, its windows black as if abandoned, yet deep red geraniums had been carefully planted around the doorway. The soft forest floor made way for sandstone paving, and you let Dark Wolf lead you to the entrance. 
 Arriving at the porch he sat beside you and whined like a dog would, looking from you to the door and back again. 
 “Oh, right… no opposable thumbs in your paws”
 If wolves could roll their eyes it would have, and as you reached forwards for the door handle you tested it, the door swinging open on its creaky hinges. Looking to Dark Wolf you smiled;
 “Whoever lives here needs to do some maintenance”
 The wolf let out a snort before standing, gently leading you by the rope that still hung from your wrist. He paused in the hallway before pushing his behind against the door to close it, leading you into the cabin through dark hallways, finally coming to a single room, surrounded on three sides by floor to ceiling windows that looked out to the forest. Pulling you onto the bed he sat on his haunches before you tumbled onto the soft mattress.
 Only then did you realise how tired you were, exhausted from not only the chase through the forest, but also the drama of the morning on top of a poor night’s sleep. As if on cue you felt the cramp in your stomach; remind you that your heat was starting, and without thinking you curled up onto the bed, clutching at your stomach in the foetal position. Screwing your eyes shut you couldn’t help the whimper that escaped your lips, the surge of heat flowing through you. And yet… suddenly you felt a cold nose press against your neck, before a heavy snout rested on you. It calmed you. Curling your fingers into Dark Wolf’s fur, you screwed your eyes shut, the waves of heat tiring you, until you blacked out and a deep sleep took hold.
 You could feel your mind pulling you from your deep sleep and you snuggled into the soft pillows a little further. You felt movement against you and your hands sought out the soft fur that was pressed to your chest, curling it between your fingers. There was something calming about the beast that lay beside you, even with your eyes closed you could hear its breathing was steady and strong;
 “You’ve helped, you know?”
 At the sound of your quiet voice it shifted slightly, and although you hadn’t yet opened your eyes you could sense it was looking at you as you continued;
 “For whatever this is, you calmed me. I was so scared, not just of the pack, but of what would happen. I had been waiting… hoping… you see at the bakery there is one man that visits, I had been hoping he would ask to court me, but he always seems so shy…”
 The wolf’s breathing caught before you heard a voice;
 “I think it’s time you opened your eyes Omega”
 No. It couldn’t be… your eyes were squeezed shut but you wanted to look… yet you didn’t… you knew that voice, you’d heard it the day before when the soft and quiet Alpha you’d always pined for had visited the bakery the and had ordered the last of the cinnamon buns you had coveted so much, the ones you always ordered right before your heat arrived, that were your comfort food.
 “Open your eyes”
 Meekly you did as he asked, and he was there; in front of you. Your fingers were curled around his long dark hair and his face was inches from your own, his pale blue eyes staring straight into your soul. After what seemed like an eternity you finally found your voice;
 “You’re the Dark Wolf?”
 He nodded;
 “For the last few months, yes”
 Frowning at his response, you didn’t understand what he meant.
 “It is a different member of the pack each year… For the last three months whenever an Omega was brought to the clearing, they weren’t a match…”
 “A match? But, surely it’s just the nature of an Alpha and an Omega?”
 “Not for Werewolves. The right Omega will pull a werewolf out of its cycle. It’s why I’m here, like this, now…”
 You thought over what he’d said, your eyes going wide in the realisation of what it meant; that you were meant to be his;
 “Is this why you never said anything? At the bakery? Or when I would see you in the market? You were saving me for this barbaric ritual?”
 James’s face dropped, the hope seemingly leaving his body at your words;
 “I… I… I would be made to choose. If it’s your ‘year’ as the Dark Wolf, if you choose a mate before you have taken part in the ritual, that mate is rejected… I didn’t want that to happen to you…” he looked up at you through watery eyes; “When Steve told me that another Omega had been selected this month, I hoped so much it would be you…this is my final month, my final chance...” 
 His words trailed off and you didn’t want to think what would have happened to him if he hadn’t of picked a mate this month. Cupping his cheek with your hand you gently stroked your thumb over his stubbled skin before closing the distance between the two of you and your lips met. 
 The kiss was soft at first, but as you both became bolder and Bucky’s arms wrapped around your body to pull you flush with his, you found yourself relenting to his charms. 
 You were mid kiss when you felt the first pang of cramp in your stomach, this time you whimpered loudly, James pulling away and started to strip you of your clothing;
 “C’mon Omega… let me help you…”
 “James, it hurts… its hurts so much…”
 “I know, let me at your skin and I can take the hurt away. And please, call me Bucky… the pack leader calls me James when I’m in trouble…”
 You let him move you, quickly unbuttoning your dress before pulling your underwear off, finally untying the rope that was still around your wrist, and he moved back so he could take in your naked beauty… and yet you felt ashamed, embarrassed, trying to cover yourself with your hands until he gently caught your hands in his own large grasp;
 “Omega, what is it?”
 “I have never…”
 “You’ve never been with an Alpha?”
 You shook your head, and Bucky leaned forwards and pressed his forehead to yours;
 “Oh, my sweet Omega, I am here to help you, we can do as much or as little as you want or need”
 He settled you against the soft pillows and rested his head against your chest, listening to your heartbeat as you wound your fingers through his long hair. Finally, he felt your pulse slow and he started to press kisses down your torso until he reached your soaked core. Running his fingers through the copious slick that coated your folds, he hummed his appreciation at the sweet scent that filled his senses, before leaning forwards and pressing a kiss to your swollen clit;
 “You smell so good Omega, can feel you trembling, let me taste you, make you cum with my tongue”
 “Bucky…” you whined, and you felt more than heard him chuckle as you wanted him to stop talking and start doing… something, anything.
 He got the hint and with one long lick he covered your entire pussy, tasting you, groaning at your sweetness. Hooking your legs over his wide shoulders he gripping onto your thighs, burying his head between your legs as his long tongue delved deep within you, fucking you with the strong muscle and you could feel the heat pains ebbing away and being replaced by those of pleasure. His fingers found your clit and he strummed against the sensitive nub, making you scramble for something to grip onto. With your legs shaking and your fingers curled through his soft dark hair you were coming hard, and he relished every drop, drinking your slick as it gushed from your core until you were spent. 
 When your legs went limp and your hand fell to the sheets he slowly pulled away, pushing himself up to sit as he used the back of his hand to wipe the shining slick from his chin. Reaching the other hand he pressed his warm palm to your stomach tenderly;
 “How do you feel now Omega?”
 “Good… oh my god, so good…”
 “Wait here, I’m going to go get you some water”
 You lay there on his soft bed, eyes closed and listening to nothing but your heartbeat until you finally heard him approaching, pushing yourself up to sit only to let out a squeak of surprise;
 “You’re naked!”
 He stopped in the doorway and looked down as if it was a surprise to him too;
 “Yes? So are you?”
 “But… you’re naked!”
 You couldn’t draw your eyes away from his body, your gaze raking up and down as you tried to take in every chiselled plain and curve. From his wide shoulders and muscled arms, down his torso and stomach where his abdominal muscles tapered down in a deep v to his crotch. The thick thatch of dark hair that surrounded the thick and heavy length that swung between his legs, to the powerful thighs that looked bigger than you could ever have imagined;
 “Omega…” he gently laughed; “I literally woke up from being a wolf half an hour ago… I haven’t left your side…”
 He closed the distance between you, sitting on the side of the bed before handing you a glass of water and a plate. The scent of the treat the plate contained drew your attention, and you instantly recognised what it was;
“The cinnamon buns from the bakery! I always have these as my heat starts!”
 He smiled and as you ate you couldn’t help it, but your eyes continually strayed to his crotch, watching as his thick length would twitch and slightly swell the longer you looked at it. When you had finished eating, he silently took the plate from you before handing you the glass of water which you gratefully took, downing it quickly before handing it back;
 “Thank you”
 Setting the glass and plate onto the floor Bucky turned back to you;
 “How are you feeling now?”
 “Sleepy still, hot… yet cold…” you looked away shyly; “It makes me want to curl up but have you here with me…”
 “That we can do… scoot over, unless you want me to climb over you…”
 Laughing you moved to the centre of the bed watching in the pale light that still came in the large windows that surrounded the bedroom as the sun set having slept through most of the day. Bucky grabbed the oversized quilt as he shuffled in beside you, pulling it over your naked bodies as he curled his arm over your stomach and pulled you flush with his chest. Turning until you were the little spoon to his big. 
 It felt natural to be there in Bucky’s arms, to have his breath on your neck and his hands on your stomach. You could feel your body getting hotter and whimpered, you knew the heat hadn’t been sated, that you needed more, and your Alpha picked up on the change in your scent immediately. His lips found you bonding mark and he pressed kisses to the skin, soothing your body as he rubbed at the spot with his nose, his lips brushing against your shoulder as he felt you push your ass back against him. His dick was growing harder for every second he held you in his arms, and with you rubbing against him he couldn’t help but to rut against the soft globes of your ass, your voice startling him for a moment;
 “Bucky… Alpha...  I need you…”
 Bucky knew what you needed, and before he had even moved a muscle you were turning, getting to your knees;
 “Omega… are you presenting for me?”
 Looking over your shoulder you nodded;
 “Please Alpha… I need you… need your knot…”
 Bucky positioned himself at your soaked core, the feel of your hot slick against his dick almost overwhelming, and as he breached your entrance, he let out a low growl as he sank into your swollen channel. Moving his hips fluidly he coated his heavy girth in your slick, and with each thrust he knew he was in heaven. This was it; he was never going to find an omega better than you; you were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his days with;
 “Fuck, Omega… you feel so good…”
 “Bucky… Please… make me yours”
 His hands gripped your hips as he fucked you, stretching you out so beautifully that he feared he would cum far too soon, but as you rocked back with each of his thrusts he regained control. Putting more power into each push, his powerful thighs became coated in your slick as it spilled out of you around his dick, filling the room with your combined scent. 
 You were crying out his name, begging, pleading for him to let you cum;
 “Please Alpha…”
 “Omega, you want me to cum? Want me to fill you with my seed, let you grow full with my Pups?”
 “Alpha! Please, I want your Pups, want your knot…”
 With a final flurry of thrusts he sent you over the edge, your body squeezing him so tight it triggered his own orgasm as he filled your fertile body with his potent seed.
 As his orgasm ebbed away, he bent over and wrapped his arms around your torso, pressing kisses to your back as you trembled beneath him. When you finally spoke your voice was hoarse;
 “That… that was amazing…”
 “That’s nothing Omega…” Bucky muttered, shifting slightly and your eyes went wide when you felt he was still hard inside you.
 “Alpha? How…? You haven’t knotted yet?”
 He chuckled lightly;
 “An Alpha can only grow a knot once he is spent… I got a good two or three more goes before that happens… and trust me; you’ll know it when I do my sweet Omega”
 “Oh…” he moved within you, setting off aftershocks of your orgasm; “OH!”
 Bucky moved you, somehow twisting and sliding you onto your side before pulling one of your legs up flush with his chest, all with his hard length still snug inside you. Pressing kisses down your calf he started to rock his hips back and forth, the added lubrication of his own cum adding to the sensations.
 It was starting to get dark now, and without any light in the room the only illumination was the rising full moon, casting its pale glow over the pair of you as you rutted together like wild animals. As Bucky threw his head back the moonlight caught every muscle, his skin gleaming with beads of sweat that looked like a thousand jewels.
 Looking down you watched as this meaty girth split you open and you welcomed him into your fertile womb. With one strong arm gripping your leg, the other hand found your centre, rubbing this thumb against your clit as he teased another orgasm out of you, fucking you through it and chasing his own release. With each new thrust his attention was drawn to your chest and you found yourself being bent in two as he pushed your leg ever higher until he shifted it to the side and was able to take your breasts in his hands as he continued to fuck you;
 “These titties, they’ll look so beautiful when full of milk for our pups…” he reached forward and took one peaked nipple between his teeth, sending shockwaves through your body. The pleasure was building in the pit of your stomach again, and as you shut your eyes and let the sensations take over, your imagination gave you a glimpse of the future, of a future with Bucky.
 The summer breeze blew warm air against your bare legs, the lace trim of your light summer dress brushing against your skin. Smoothing your hands over your swollen belly, your pup kicked inside you and you smiled. Looking out over the garden you saw your husband, your Alpha, your Bucky playing with your two-year-old twins, smiling as you heard their squeals of laughter as he chased them around the soft grass…
 As you came back to reality you felt the sudden rush of pleasure that told you your orgasm was imminent, you were completely surrounded by Bucky and you felt yourself surrendering to the pleasure he was giving you as you came again, this time with a low groan he filled you with another heavy load of his fertile seed.
 You held each other for the longest time, Bucky resting his face against your neck and you doing the same to him, rubbing your nose over his scent gland and picking up on the slight change in his scent. Before it was as simple as dew on soft pine, but now there was a warmer tone, cinnamon and coffee. Running your hands through his hair you spoke softly;
 “Bucky, your scent…”
 He pushed himself up on his strong arms, looking down at you and that’s when you realised what was happening;
 “Omega…” his pupils were blown wide, pools of dark arousal as he took in your naked form beneath him; “You’ve triggered my Rut…”
 Your bodies were still joined, and as he ducked his head down to kiss you, you could feel him still hard within your aching body, a body that was desperate for more, for his knot. Clouds moved across the night sky and momentarily blocked out the moonlight, and that’s when you saw it; movement outside the windows. With a gasp you pulled away from Bucky, your eyes wide as you searched the shadows, trembling as you saw eyes, glinting in what little light there was. 
 Bucky pressed his lips to your bonding mark, surrounding you, protecting you;
 “It’s the pack… they’re here to watch”
 “They what?”
“It’s part of the ritual, the pack needs to see me knot you… only then will they allow you to be mine, and for me to be yours…”
 His lips were driving you crazy, and as much as you wanted to fight it, you were also excited by the prospect of being watched as you were claimed;
 “Let’s do it Bucky… make me yours…”
 Above you Bucky was shaking with need, his rut starting to take hold and he looked almost feral with need. Pulling out he quickly moved you into position on your knees, and you found yourself parting your legs and arching your back to present for him. Looking down at your soaked core, your slick pouring down your thighs whilst mixed with his cum, he let out a growl and thrust forward, filling you completely. 
 He held himself deep within your welcoming body for the longest moment, before with a surprisingly gentle grip took hold of your shoulders and pulled you upright, your back flush to his chest as his lips brushed against your ear;
 “Show them, show them that I am yours and you are mine”
 Bucky held you, his arms encircling your torso as he held your breasts in his large hands, all whilst thrusting up into you with powerful grind of his hips. This time felt different; you felt fuller, and that’s when you realised what it was; his knot was starting to grow, to inflate. Even though you were practically melting, from your heat and from the energy being expended by your lovemaking, you shivered. The realisation that it was happening; you were about to be knotted, claimed. Bucky picked up on your nerves, the slighted change in your scent;
 “Omega, you’re doing so well, I could never have wished for a better mate…”
 As he spoke his teeth brushed over your bonding mark and you felt yourself rocking down harder with each of his thrusts until you felt it, his knot just slightly caught then slipped out again, causing you to whine like an animal denied its favourite treat;
 “Nearly there Omega, near-ly th-ere…”
 Each syllable was punctuated by a thrust, your body trembling, on the precipice again with your orgasm, until you heard his words;
 “It’s time Omega…”
 “Claim me Bucky, make me yours”
 With one final thrust you felt his knot notch inside and this time stick just as your orgasm crashed through your body. The added tightness of your body gripped his made Bucky let out a howl, roaring up at the sky as he bared his teeth, and with a rumble in his chest he brought his teeth down to your neck and claimed you.
 You felt the skin break, his teeth digging into your bonding mark and the warm trickle of your blood down your neck and chest. The moment seemed to be frozen in time, noise filling your ears before you opened your eyes and saw the pack outside; all wolves, all howling simultaneously as they celebrated the pack leader having claimed his Omega. 
 Pulling his teeth away from your skin Bucky gently licked over the wound, helping it to heal, all whilst your bodies were still joined. You felt weak, exhaustion taking over, and with careful movement so not to jar his knot within you, Bucky moved your pliable body until you were lying on your side, Bucky’s strong arms wrapped around you. The forest fell quiet and you heard the gentle sound of paws retreating into the distance, and the last thought that went through your mind as the pack retreated was that you were complete.
 For three days and nights you spent it in Bucky’s arms. After that first night the drapes were pulled across all the windows, Bucky laughed that the pack had their show, now it was time for a private performance. And oh boy did he perform; your body was tired and aching but in the most beautiful way, you had a glow to you that both of you already knew was the first sign that Bucky’s seed had taken, and already you in your mind could feel the pups within you start to grow. Bucky gently laughed when you’d told him;
 “Surely it’s too early Omega?”
 “I just know Bucky…”
 You’d been in the huge tub at the time, your bodies joined yet again, warm water lapping at his knot as you let the scented water wash over your bodies for some interesting lovemaking, straddling him as he lay back against the side, you took his hands and rested them on your stomach;
 “Do you feel it? Can you sense it?”
 Bucky paused for a moment before his eyes went wide;
 “There’s something… I can feel this heat, this power coming from you…” he laughed happily and pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around your body and burying his face in your neck, inhaling your scent as he sobbed tears of joy.
 Walking up the path to your father’s house you gripped Bucky’s hand tight, nervous about what you were going to say. As you approached the porch the door opened and you saw him, standing at the doorway as he watched you. For a moment his face was neutral as he took in the two of you, and then he sensed it and you could see his eyes starting to water. Rushing to you Tony wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tight before finally stepping back;
 “Will you look at that, my baby is gonna have her own baby…”
 “Dad! How do you know?!”
 “Honey, a father knows. Plus, I can pick it up on your scent” Finally he turned to Bucky and extended his hand; “It’s good to finally meet you…”
 “Thank you, Sir. Its James, but everyone calls me Bucky”
 “Please Bucky, call me Tony”
 “Well Tony, I guess I’d better ask for your permission to marry your daughter?”
 Laughing Tony let go of your shoulders;
 “I thought that was a given… seeing a you’ve already knocked her up?”
 The two men laughed and you rolled your eyes, letting your father lead you into the kitchen. Over pancakes and bacon, you worked out your future, your dark wolf beside you the whole way.
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vhsghostricks · 2 years
Hi hi hi hi Kyoko paints her nails under the gloves just so (according to her) “they’ll look nicer” (even if she’s the only one seeing them). But! Kyoko is not good at painting her nails so they’re very messy and uneven. Celeste somehow manages to view Kyoko’s hands before they’re dating and Celeste remarks about the nail polish. Kyoko explains to her very nervously and almost crying about it. Celeste just puts a hand on her cheek and says, “Kyoko, darling (/p but also like gay), you don’t need to hide this from me. How about I clean up your nails and we can use some of my nail polish? :)” This is when Kyoko realized that all the frustration and somewhat “obsession” she had towards Celeste wasn’t because she was highly doubtful and cautious of Celeste’s actions but because she was madly in love with her.
ALSO! I know you hc Maki as a Celesgiri bby but consider,,, Maki as a Mahipeko bby. I like to hc that Peko dyes her hair silver but it’s naturally black so it makes sense. BUT IMAGINE, Mahiru holding the Maki bby for the first time and being like “wow,,, two Pekos!” Cold attitude, black hair, red eyes, knows how to kill people, reserved nature, just a little Peko 💖 ALSO MAKI WITH LIGHT FADED FRECKLES AJSHHSJAHAHAHAHA
You said you liked Sondam a lot too so uh Sonia has two dads (there are two kings of Novoselic). And they’re very protective of Sonia so she’s very nervous when Gundham is going to meet them for the first time BUT THEY ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIM THEY THINK THEYRE SO NICE AND SWEET AND PERFECT FOR THEIR DAUGHTER. Also since it’s likely canon that Gundham didn’t have a dad growing up points at him fatherless behavior /j the prospect of having two dads now (as soon as they find out Gundham grew up without one they were immediately like “you can call us dad if you want to :)”) is kind of overwhelming for him but tbh he feels really happy and almost excited about it.
Last but not least, Sayaka confessed to Mukuro that she was in love with him at some party Junko was having at the twins’ place as Mukuro was holding her hair as she threw up in Mukuro’s bathroom. She had had a a couple drinks and had a really nasty anxiety attack so Mukuro took her to her bedroom to help her get away from everything. Sayaka ended up staying the night in Mukuro’s bed while Mukuro slept on the floor. “Slept” cuz Mukuro couldn’t sleep after what Sayaka had told her. When Mukuro notices Sayaka wake up, she immediately blurts out “H-hey you told me last night that you were in love with me is it true or were you just having the worst night of your life and didn’t really know what you were saying?” Sayaka tells her that it was genuine (even though she wasn’t quite ready to tell her).
Ok actual last one but Enonami: Junko likes to hold and hug Chiaki on her lap and laugh evilly like those James Bond villains that would always be stroking a cat as they laughed evily
Ok goodnight and I just wanna tell u ur so cool and ur such an amazing artist ur art gives me so much life :3
Celeste has probably showed Kyoko all of her makeup and tried to find a color Kyoko likes ... After the first time, Celeste just stares at her hands, making sure the polish is dry, and ends up tracing every mark. She eventually let's go, calls her lovely, and Kyoko is pretty much at a loss for words <3
LOVE FAMILY HCS, Maki Mahipeko bby .... so cute so cute. ALSO YEAH i draw Peko with black roots a lot cuz i have the same hc :) !!! Also Mahiru talking about how their eyes so similar and Peko atarts getting worried abt Maki following the path she did... wahh i like this idea
OH MY GOD SONIA HAVING TWO DADS ... that's cute, yknow that thing where the parents say "oh! my daughter talks about you so much!" and their daughter gets embarrassed n stuff and their partner is embarrassed but happy... yeah that's the vibe im getting <3
YESSS Mukuro was so worried and anxious abt how their friendship would be now that she knows (even though she still doubts that it was real).... Only to be affirmed when Sayaka wakes up <3 I think afterwards, she'd start thanking Mukuro for watching over her ofc, and probably ask her out on a smol date since Mukuro knows.
HELP Chiaki just playing mario while Junko is talking abt the 500 different ways she could end the world... Chiaki eventually snuggles into her and is like 'you probably could, but don't do that, dork."
OK aaaa thank u sm !!!! loved all of these, sorry it took me forever to reply adghjkkhgfsag ty again for the compliment, im glad u like my art whwhw :D
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years
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Thanks for the compliments anon! I hope this is what you wanted! I ended up just doing it in reaction style and ran with the dad/uncle idea to show how they’d interact with their kids and the other boys’ kids! Feel free to request more! (Sorry it took so long, I had a bunch of extra long shifts at work)
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To Cheol, his kids are his whole world
Obsessed with just gathering them up in his arms and hugging them tight
Definitely a cool dad
His kids trust him and feel comfortable around him 
He literally can’t say no to them
The other boys’ kids realize this as well
So everyone goes to Uncle Coups to ask for stuff
“Seungcheol, why would you let my kid eat three ice cream cones?”
“I don’t know, Jihoon, she just looked at me with those big eyes and I couldn’t say no”
But honestly Coups would do anything to see his kids smile and just cares about them so so much
Just the weakest sweetest dad/uncle ever
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Jeonghan thought he was clever and cunning
His kids are 10x more so
Like Cheol’s kids, they get whatever they want
But it’s not bc Jeonghan just lets them have it
It’s bc they’re really good at arguing or sneaking their way into getting the things they want
He adores them for it tbh
Like so proud
“Jeonghan, your son managed to sneak my kids out of our house to have a sleepover at yours”
“Wow! He really did that???”
“Right, right, I’ll get onto him for that”
Is really excited when his kids and everyone else’s are teens and older bc he’s really good at giving advice and enjoys having genuine conversations with them
But honestly just adores his kids and is always so proud of them and fascinated by every little thing they accomplish
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Joshua’s kids have perfectly packed lunch boxes and cute little matching outfits and the best manners of the kids in their classes
He treats his kids with respect and teaches them patiently and his love for them is immense and obvious
The kind of dad who is always looking over at his kids during parties and get-togethers to just watch them and smile at how they’re interacting with others
He always pins all of their best grades up on the fridge and makes them feel so special anytime they accomplish anything
Really just a cookie-cutter perfect dad 
The other boys are jealous lol
“Can your kids hang out with mine more? They need a better influence than Jeonghan’s son”
“Hannie, please, we all know your kids get all of ours into trouble”
But seriously, perfect dad with perfect family
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More of a friend than a dad tbh lol
His kids get to do whatever they want as long as Jun gets to come along
“So you were with all of our kids when they snuck out?”
“Yeah, that’s why it’s fine, I was there”
“Jun, I think you might be missing the bigger picture”
He’s the chillest dad
His kids and all of the other boys’ kids like to hang out with him bc they know that means a day of playing video games, eating snacks, and taking naps
His kids adore him for it tho and never feel scared to tell him anything
He makes sure they solve everything together so they never feel like they have to handle anything alone
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Excited to pass his talents onto his kids
Like from the moment they start to walk he tries to teach them dance moves 
And his Significant Other is like “Soonyoung pls”
And he’s like “They have to learn to dance”
Devastated when one of his kids mentions they want to learn songwriting from Uncle Jihoon
“Soonyoung, you’re overreacting”
“No I’m not, if she’d rather write songs with Jihoon then she can be his daughter, she is no longer mine”
But seriously, he loves his kids 
And he’s going to support them whether they want to be dancers or singers or doctors or artists or anything
And he’s gonna do whatever he can to help them get there
But he likes to get them involved in his every day life to show them how important it is to have them around and how much he enjoys including them 
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Just imagining Wonwoo and all the little baby Wonwoos with their matching glasses
Also has incredibly polite kids
Like Wonwoo, some of his kids are more introverted so they’ll spend their time entertaining themselves
He does, however, get stuck with some extroverted kids
And he like...
Does not know how to handle their endless social energy
He’ll spend so much time trying to entertain them and spend time with them
But then sometimes he’ll just be like 
“Ok, we’re going to take a trip to Uncle Joshua’s house so you can all play with your cousins!!!”
But he seriously adores his kids
Like Jeonghan, he’s fascinated just watching them grow up and make their way through the developing phases of life 
He’s just so immensely proud of them always
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Everyday Woozi is like “who tf let me have kids”
He just gets so confused by them and the things they do
“What- what even went through your mind that you thought this was a good idea?”
But at the end of the day, no matter what they do
His overall reaction is just like 
“Cheers, I’ll drink to that bro”
Really just kind of goes with the flow
I can def see him going to the studio with little ones on his lap
They kind of just become little extensions of him that follow him everywhere and do whatever he does
They all wanna be just like him
And he doesn’t understand bc he’s not sure he’s even a good dad so he doesn’t get why these little beings think he’s the greatest person on earth
But he’s happy to have them around and feels so grateful for his kids
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Guess who is raising his kids to have the exact same cheesy sense of humor he has
It’s Seokmin!!!
As a result he thinks his kids are the funniest people on earth
They make him laugh all the time
His family are always the loudest people at any party
But it’s cause he lets his kids be kids and never gets upset at them for things kids do
Like talking really loud lol
As a result his kids feel free to explore any endeavors that they’re interested in
Seokmin’s schedule fills up pretty quickly bc of this
One kid has art class at one and another has volleyball at two and then another has science camp at three
But he just wants his kids to explore all of their interests and he’s happy to do whatever we can to help them do that
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Sweetest, cutest, most precious kids in the whole world
Just a bunch of cuddly kids that are EXACTLY like Mingyu
And Mingyu is just so excited??? To just see them???? Every single day???
Definitely the overly clingy dad that just wants to be around his kids 24/7
And the super embarrassing one too
Always peaks his head in when his kids have friends over 
“You guys want any snacks?”
“Oh my god dad, get out!”
But he’s also a super fun dad and his kids are really grateful to have him
And the other boys’ kids love to come over bc he makes the best snacks
(Don’t tell Jun or DK that, they’ll get jealous)
But just such a cute sweet family
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Also more like a friend than a dad
Like seriously
Unless you explicitly knew Minghao was his kids’ dad, you’d assume he was their older brother or cousin
They just kind of always chill
Like Hoshi, there are interests of his that he is so so so excited to teach to his children 
Especially art!!!
He can’t wait to see how his kids express themselves in a creative aspect
They’re all in an art class with DK’s kids 
Which leads DK and Minghao to spend more time together as they wait outside the class for their kids to be done
And then give each other looks as their kids show off their art work
But Minghao is super proud of them bc he can tell that that’s all they really want: to make him proud
Sometimes he feels more like a spectator in his kids life but he doesn’t really mind
Because they’ve always been independent and he lets them decide what they want and is happy to give advice when they come to him
But really just wants them to succeed in whatever they want to succeed in and trusts them with making their own decisions
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You know he has the cutest kids in the world
Seungkwan only realizes how sassy he is when his kids take after him and make sassy remarks to him 
And then he makes that offended face lol
Like Joshua, his kids have really cute matching outfits
But the cuteness factor is multiplied by like ten-thousand lol
Bc Seungkwan has a habit of singing all the time
His kids gain that habit too
And they get really into certain songs
Another dad that feels betrayed bc when his kids learn that Uncle Jihoon writes songs, all they wanna do is spend time with him
Jihoon doesn’t understand how he just has this growing posse of little children that just watch fascinated as he’s sitting in the studio working on new music
Along with, of course, Hoshi walking in to ask if anyone wants to watch him dance, and Seungkwan and Mingyu coming in to offer everyone snacks
But Seungkwan’s kids are kind of fascinated with everything and Seungkwan just has fun exploring the world with them
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Vernon’s kids see a side to him that no one else gets to see
They unlock a really deeply emotional part of him and he adores his kids
He really really loves the quiet moments with his kids
When they’re falling asleep watching cartoons
When they’re super concentrated on drawing in a coloring book
When they’re happily stuffing their faces full of food
He just lives for the moments where he can watch them enjoying life or figuring things out for the first time or really just existing 
He gets really really nervous about being a father bc he doesn’t want to mess anything up
But he knows that as long as he keeps his mind open to learning and keeps his kids’ best interests as his first priority, they should all be ok
Occasionally gets overwhelmed with how much he loves them and will just grab them and kiss all over the top of their heads 
Just a cute dad who really really loves his kids
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Since he’s been babied by the other boys for so long, he loves being able to baby his kids
They are SPOILED beyond belief omg
He’ll buy them anything or do anything with them or cook anything for them just to see them smile and show them the love he has for them
Convinces his kids to take little dancing lessons from Uncle Hoshi, since Hoshi is jealous that everyone’s kids want to learn about song writing from Uncle Jihoon
Aside from Coups, Dino is probably the most excited that him and all the boys are still good friends even well into their fatherhood days bc it means his kids grow up with extra Uncles and tons of cousins
It’s also a relief to know that his kids have so many other people besides him they can trust to ask for help or advice
To him it’s just like SVT kept growing bigger and bigger
 They’re all one giant family and he wants to keep it that way bc he wants his kids to feel safe and supported their whole lives
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
12 Anti LO Asks
1. STOP why are those two panels of her trying to not be a bringer of death literally two obviously different pink hues???? hello??? does this comic not have quality control??
2.Alrighty, read the recent chapter (not the fast pass but the one before) and I have questions
So like, All the side characters are back now I guess? (Also I totally forgot that Artemis went to visit Hermes - how many chapters ago was that even?)
Did... Thanatos and Daphne get together / move in together off screen?? Why is there random narration all of a sudden when LO has Never had it before? (At least that I can remember) - and who's narrating?? Why does one of the side characters need to die? Am I supposed to be invested after RS ignored them for like 20 chapters? (At least its a break from the super slow burn of HxP)
Is this going to effect the overarching plot at all? Do you think RS is gonna try and flip the myths again? (Eros + Psyche, Echo + Narcissus, Apollo + Daphne, etc. Thanatos?)
Also, yeah whats been going on with Hera since she had that Kronos premonition? Why does Daphne sound so happy / smug about Demeters probable heart attack when she eventually finds out about Persephone being in the underworld with Hades? (Whenever RS gets to that).
And what happened to Zeus being all pissy with Persephone and the Trial?
Why are there so many unconnected plot threads? I cant keep up with them all! (It also doesn't help that RS just expects readers to remember all this info after ignoring it - like Artemis going to visit Hermes).
3. If we're being completely blunt and honest here... There's no happy ending for LO. Even if RS ends it on LO Hades and Persephone being "happily" married, you can tell by his past actions that LO Hades will just keep "switching out" for "newer models", so to speak. He'll keep getting mistresses. He'll keep financially manipulating women until they get away from him (one way or another).
4. ok but as a character designer? red and pink are KNOWN CLASHERS. there's a reason ariel's marketing is all in a green/teal/purple gown now instead of the pink one she wears in the movie. pink + red, especially a very saturated, blue-undertoned pink like persephone is, are a HUGE ARTISTIC NO-NO. she needs to get a refund from whatever color theory teacher she had because they l i e d to her.
5. ok but. how cool would it have been if it was trans persephone, and kore was her stand-in (similar to a deadname, but not quite the same) until she decided on her official new name, persephone? if smythe wanted a name-change so bad she could have done so much cooler, better stuff. mtf persephone would make 'becoming a queen/princess' SO much more significant. girl you were already an heiress to begin with stfu.
6. i say this as a transgender man: sometimes smythe's art legit looks like rcdart's stuff. the  weird racial features, the huge hips and tits, the dorito-men? she's cis rcdart.
7. when its the korean imported stuff the webtoons team has to market it themselves and do as best as they can, off the translations, but western made stuff like LO has the creators all input on the marketing (duh, they made the images and banners) so the "Hell" connection is very much Rachel's doing, which kinda implies she doesn't exactly know the Hades mythology or even seems to care if Hell seems more "spicy" and "sexy".
8. no more persephone x hades. if the antis hate us making OCs so much, someone should design cyane! you know. the nymph who literally died trying to protect her?
9. To that one anon - about Apollo needing to drive the sun chariot - Helios is still up there. He could perform the duty of leading the sun across the sky. 
10. oh lo apollo is pretty clearly based off someone rachel knew and was harmed by IRL, which like if that's so then go to therapy? get help? dont take out your issues on a real god from a real place and pretend you're the second coming for homer for the bastardization of a real country's mythology and culture.
11. So you guys know that famous statue "the rape of Persephone"? I think RS took it a little too literally. While the title states 'rape' its more of an allusion to kidnapping than anything else.
Or perhaps it's titled like that to draw a comparison between the violation of Persephone's personhood, her identity and her lack of agency in the situation.
I mean, when people hear the name Persephone they tend to think of Hades wife and the story of how she was kidnapped against her will.
I think perhaps RS saw the statue and confused rape with kidnapping - or decided to conflate the two. She wanted persephone to be kidnapped And raped (for plot reasons), and thus, further stripped away Persephone's agency regarding the situation (because in some versions of the myth after Persephone is kidnapped she finds she is actually ok with the underworld so long as Hades treats her with respect - which he does).
But because RS wants Hades to be the MVP she decided (for some reason) the villify Apollo (who yes, Demeter mythologically does have beef with, but Not for that reason). 
12. Alright hold on a moment - in some versions of the myth Persephone Did wander down to the underworld by herself (because, if I recall, she heard the sorrow filled voices of the dead and wanted to help them) - and in some versions of the myth Hades isnt even present - its just Persephone ruling the underworld by herself like the badass queen she is.
Also, yes - Demeter was a loving mother who grieved for her daughter and she had every right too - but I wouldn't say Persephones kidnapping was entirely Hades' fault (as the comic points out Zeus "gifted" Persephone to Hades *real Dad of the year there*).
Also also in some versions of the myth of the Kidnapping of Persephone - Hades is noted as a pretty mild mannered God - he is respectful of Persephone and seems to love her (and yes, depending on the myth Persephone either ate the pomegranate seeds on purpose or because Hades tricked her) - there are many different variations of the myth. There isnt really a "agreed upon narrative" by everyone - as far as I know.
I think most versions of the story state that neither Hades nor Demeter were pleased with Zeus decision to have Persephone stay 6 months with each of them, but because she ate the pomegranate seeds it was a kind of rule that she had to stay for each seed she ate, hence the 6 months.
If you guys want to get some more broad details of the myth I suggest OSP's "Hades and Persephone" video - which goes a bit more into the canon.
So overall I would say, yes Demeter was a loving mother who grieved her daughter (who was stolen - in most versions) AND Hades was comparatively a decent husband, despite his flaws. Both these statements can coexist - I promise. 
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caitlyn-winchester · 3 years
Pilot (Part 3)
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Cordell Walker x daughter!reader
word count: 1,667
warnings: mention of dead parent, abandonment issues?
»»————- ★ ————-««
It was the next morning and I got ready for school. I went toward the kitchen and saw grandma making breakfast and August sitting on the kitchen island.
"Goodmorning." I greeted my family and hopped up on a stool.
"Mornin' Y/N, eat up!" Grams said while putting some eggs and toast in front of me. I poured myself a glass of juice and started to eat my breakfast.
"Is dad almost ready to take us to school?" I asked August but he shook his head which caused me to frown a bit.
"He got a call, he had to go into work." He replied and Uncle Liam entered the kitchen while fixing his tie.
"Of course." I grumbled, "Can't even greet his kids in the morning" I sighed.
"Come on Y/N/N. We got a good morning routine going anyways." Uncle Liam reminded
"I know but I just wish he'd be here with us, you know, to parent and do family like things together." I pointed out.
"He can't just not do his job, Y/N. It has always been like this. I don't know why you're being so annoying about this now." August seethed
"Really August? You're telling me you didn't want dad to be here these past eleven months? To go through this tough time together, lean on each other like we've always done, have him by our side when we went through these life adjusting changes. You really didn't need him at all?" I asked and August was quiet. "Yeah, that's what I thought."
"That's enough, Y/N." Grams chimed in. "You're dad is here now."
"No he's not!" I raged. "I don't think you understand, yes he is here in Austin but he is not here spending time with us." I ran a hand through my hair and got up from the island. "I-I'm sorry, I'm just going to walk to school today." I apologized, grabbed my backpack and left the house.
                               »»————- ★ ————-««
I left school after my morning classes. Every little thing started to aggravate me, especially after this morning. I decided to go to the gazebo at Lady Bird Lake to clear my head. I just don't understand why dad wanted to jump back into work so quickly. Why couldn't he just take a second to get to know his family again. I miss him.
As I sat on the floor of the gazebo I heard a truck pull up. I turned my head to see who it was and it was dad. He climbed out of the car and we made eye contact. I turned my head away and sighed.
"Do you know who worried we've been?" he asked.
"Well you actually showed up, so this must be a super big deal for you." I quipped.
"Did you forget the part where I picked you up at the police station last night? And now you're here?" He motioned to the lake. "What are you playing at Y/N?" he demanded.
"It's not a game." I stood up from where I was sitting and faced him.
"Then tell me what the hell this is so we can end it," he began, "I'm telling you right now, we can't keep going on like this. Trying to figure out where you'll be next, scaring the crap out of everyone. I'm in the middle of a case!" he ranted.
"When aren't you?" I challenged him to cross my arms. Right his precious case that's always way more important than his family. He sighed and was left speechless for a second. I could see in his eyes he was searching for something to say.
"Why are you doing this?" He asked. "What do you want me to do? I am here and I am trying."
"Yeah," I scoffed, "when you're forced too."
"I just got back and I am trying to make this work. Be here for you, protect you and yes, do my job. I can't just do it all." he tried to reason.
"She did." I dared. "But what? You're somehow more important?" I asked.
"Of course not" he said as I started to walk away. "Y/N...Listen, stop!" he called and I turned around to face him again. "You think it sucks just having me, I know but it's not just me. You have Gramps and Grams and Liam-"
"I needed you! August and I needed you!" I shouted and I can feel tears pressing against my eyes.
"Ok well we need to find a way to have a balance because when I get a call I have to go." he stated.
"Do you?" I challenged him. "Do you just have too? You can't just call up your boss and say 'oh oops i have to actually pay attention to my kids now'. We lost mom, then you left. I-I felt like I lost you too." I choked up at the end. A tear threatened to slide down my face but I quickly wiped it and looked away from dad.
"What do you want me to say?" he asked. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away "How can I fix this?"
"I don't know, the only person that could have fixed anything is gone!" I exclaimed. Dad swallowed and looked at me with a half angry, half sad expression.
"Get in the truck." he commanded and I did so slamming the car door behind me.
                                  »»————- ★ ————-««
I heard dad and grandma talking right outside my room so I decided to stand by my door frame and listen in. They were talking about August and I and Grams basically reiterated what I said this morning about dad being in Austin but not at home with us. She also mentioned the farmhouse that could be our new home.
"You already arranged the whole thing, didn't you?" dad asked grandma.
"Well I wanted you to put your own personal touches on it first" she responded and my dad chuckled.
"Mama," dad began, "It's a tricky time for me. I-I mean there's a task force I've been recommended for. It's down south and it's really important-" dad was cut off by August walking into the room. I entered my room and slammed the door. He's probably leaving again, I can't say I'm surprised though. He always put work over family.
                               »»————- ★ ————-««
It was much later when someone knocked on my door.
"Come in" I said. I sat at my desk and doodled in my sketchbook. I never really liked doing very detailed art, just basic doodles. My door opened and August entered my room.
"Dad and I are sleeping in the farmhouse. Would you like to join?" he asked me
"No thank you." I grumbled and I heard August let out a sigh.
"You're so confusing." he huffed
"What do you mean?" I asked as I concentrated on my drawing.
"You always say Dad's never here but when he actually is, you're the one that avoids him."
"Well sorry if I don't want to get attached just to have him leave again."
"He's not leaving."
"Did you not hear him earlier? He got offered another case away from us." I started tracing the same circle over and over again on my paper. I concentrated on the circle getting darker to distract me from the tears trying to escape.
"He isn't taking the job." August insisted.
"Ok so say maybe he isn't taking this job, but he will take one eventually and leave us again, just like he always does." I pressed too hard on my paper that it tore. I ripped the page out of my sketchbook and tossed it in the trash can. I sniffed and started a new page.
"You alright?" he questioned.
"Yea," I lied, "Augie just go spend time with dad. Let it be a father son thing." I forced a smile and August nodded and left the room.
                                »»————- ★ ————-««
I walked up to the farmhouse holding a blanket grandma gave me to bring up to Dad and August. I know what she's actually up to. She wants dad and I to talk. I opened the door and entered the house.
"Hey." Dad greets while looking towards me. August was sleeping on my couch next to him.
"Mawline told me to bring you this, which was super subtle." I said and dad offered up a smile. He took the blanket from me and draped it over August. "I heard you earlier." I told him referring to his conversation with Mawline about his job offer down south.
"Come on" he motioned for me to sit next to him on the couch. I sat on the floor beside the couch instead. I'm trying to not get too used to him being around because there will always be that fear of him leaving us for good in the back of my mind. I bit my lip nervously, not knowing if he is going to take that job makes me anxious.
"I am not going to that job." he affirmed.
"You might feel different in the morning." I said sadly.
"I am not going to feel different about you, and being here." He vowed which made me smile a bit.
"For now." I scoffed. Sometimes I feel like I am to blame for mom's death and that's the reason dad went away.
"I'm learning. Now's all we got." he said and I took a deep breath
"Do you think I could have saved mom?" I dared to ask "I mean when I heard the gunshot, If I went back, would have I been able to save her?" Dad was silent which had me terrified.
"Y/N, I can't tell you if you could or couldn't have saved her but I think," he paused for a moment, " you did everything you were supposed to that night. You did exactly what mom told you to do, which was always our number one rule for when you went out with her. If you went back, you'd probably have died too" he informed me. I sniffed, leaning further down the floor and resting my head on the couch cushion.
                                      »»————- ★ ————-««
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shypandawrites · 3 years
New girl (Twilight au Witch x Edward)
WARNING: this will be crap but I like writing so let me know what you think and Thank you!
I hope you enjoy it!
Walking into the damp forest was relaxing to me, I hugged my hoodie closer to me as a gust of wind blew past me, sending chills down my spine.
“A little chilly isn't it?” I remarked to myself as I continued to walk in the forest from my house. I listened to the birds sing as I stepped over roots and hopped over a little stream before I stepped onto the gravel. Glancing around I was confused to see that I was in front of someone's house, it was a couple of stories high with glass and wood covering the sides, in front of the house were a couple of fancy cars. Oops, I went farther than I intended, I pondered to myself as I turned around and walked back home, humming along the way.
Once I stepped through the door I could hear my dad doing something in the kitchen, so I crept closer to the doorway and peeked in to see him placing a black pan of something on the counter with smoke coming off it. “Not go as planned?” I asked, wandering over to inspect the damage. Did it look like some kind of meatloaf? My dad laughed as he turned to open a window to let the smoke out.
“No, it didn't. How about I order some pizza?” He grabbed his phone and started looking up pizza places near us. Got to love my dad when there is nothing to make pizza will always be the answer, not that I would complain of course. “Sure! Pepperoni please.” I picked up the pan with an oven mitten and dumped it in the trash. “And I won't ask what this dish was ok?” I joked, putting it in the sink for later. He just laughed and started calling around.
I walked past him to go to my room upstairs to unpack more of my things, listening to music as I do. Once I was unpacked I glanced around my new room and then grabbed my sketchbook I had thrown on my bed while I unpacked and went to the window seat I had in my room. It was one of the reasons my dad chose this house, that and how deep into the forest it was. We liked our privacy. Flipping to a new page I started to draw the view outside my window. Drawing always seemed to calm me down or relax me. Soon I finished that drawing and then started to draw the house I walked to.
Just as I was finishing it my dad hollered up the stairs that the pizza was here. “Yay!” I giggled, hopping up from the window seat. I go to the kitchen to see my dad setting the plates on the tables for us. “Thanks, Dad,” I said, munching down on a slice before putting it on my plate with another slice.
He just laughed at me and got a couple himself. “Walk anywhere fun?” The house I saw popped in my head but then I shook my head, going back to eating my pizza. “No.” His eyebrows went up but then he dropped the subject. “Ok, then are you excited about starting school tomorrow?” That made me smile. “Yeah, actually but it seems that a girl named Isabella Swan is starting school tomorrow as well. I heard some of the people talking about her at the gas station. She’s the sheriff's daughter.” I said, as I ate the last of my pizza and went for another.
We ate with jokes about the move and after I washed the dishes, I went back up to my room and played some music as I doodled on a page. Wasn’t long before I headed to bed and woke up to my alarm blazing from my phone. After shutting it off and getting ready for the day I came downstairs to grab something to eat before heading to school. I wasn’t surprised to see my dad already making breakfast before his day starts. “Hey, kiddo.” He said as I came into the kitchen to see him putting some scrambled eggs on two plates.
“Hey, I can at least make some easy eggs.” He joked putting one of the plates on one side as I got the juice and poured us some. As I put them down we sat and ate. When we finished the plates went in the sink and I grabbed my keys and hugged my dad before driving to school.
I played some music as I drove, as soon as I got to the school a group of people was around a brown-haired girl who looked a little uncomfortable with the attention. That must be Isabell Swan. I hopped out of my car and easily walked around them as they fussed over her. Getting my schedule and directions to my classes was easy enough. I was a little late to my first class but that was because I got a little turnaround.
Once I knew I was at the right door, I knocked and opened it to see an older man at the front of the class that turned to me with a smile. “You must be the new student Luna ?” I nodded and walked over to him as the class went silent and stared at me as I handed the teacher my schedule. “Well, welcome, I am Mr. Varner and welcome to Calculus. I hope you’re good at math.” He joked then turned to survey the class. “You can take the seat next to Edward.” He waved at a boy in the very back with an empty seat.
Ignoring the stares and some glares that I was confused about I sat down and nodded to the ‘Edward’ I was sitting by and looked straight as the teacher continued the lesson. When the teacher was asking people to answer the big math equation he had on the board, I figured out the answer and wrote it down as the guy next to me answered it correctly.
The class went on like that, and each time Edward would answer some of the girls would turn and stare at him. I wonder why they keep staring? Can’t they tell that it is annoying him? Taking a moment to look at him I could see why people would stare at him. He is very handsome and some might think beautiful but even the beautiful don’t want to be stared at for long.
Just as I was thinking that he turned his head to look at me and I ducked my head and turned away. That was dumb of me, I shouldn’t have stared! Focusing more on the lesson, I wrote down each answer, and when the bell rang I handed that to the teacher. He just laughed and then handed me the math book. “I’m so sorry about that.” I waved it off. “No, it’s fine Mr. Varner. But how would I get to.” I paused to look at the schedule again. “History.”
As I was asking him, he looked behind me and smiled. “Why don’t you have Edward show you the way,” he suggested, and Edward upon hearing must have stopped and stared at me. Feeling his eyes dig holes into my skull cause I didn’t turn around made me feel like I wasn’t worth his time. “No, it’s fine I’ll find it somehow.” I lightly giggled, taking my schedule back and walking around Edward as he stood aside from the door. Wouldn’t want him to hate me.
After a few trials and errors, I found my history class. This teacher was a nice lady with glasses, after giving her my schedule back she asked me to sit next to a girl named Alice. I liked her spiky hair. She smiled and I couldn’t help but smile back, not looking her in the eyes. I took my seat and listened to the lesson while writing down notes. Halfway through the lesson the teacher Mrs. Wilcox stopped and turned to me. “If you need help catching up I’m sure anyone would love to help you.” It was funny seeing Alice’s hand shoot up. “I can help her if she has any questions.” Her cheerfulness is nice, she seems like a great person to know. “Well ok then, if you have any questions just ask Alice then.” She said as she went back to her lesson.
“Alice,” Alice said, putting her hand out to me with a smile. “Luna,” I whispered, shaking her cold hand. The instant my hand touched hers my mind went blank as her life went through my mind. I let go of her hand and nodded to her before looking upfront and sifting through her memories. She can see the future? Neat. I smiled to myself as I was glad to not be the only one who is not normal.
When the bell rang I got up to go to my next class when I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I jumped back a bit at that, jerking to look at who it was before dropping my gaze at who it was. “Oh, sorry I thought you might need help finding your next class.” Alice smiled. She is nice. “Sure, my next class is art.” “This way!” she said, walking in one direction, Hurrying after her I kept up as she kind of danced the way, it was interesting to see someone dance walk.
Reaching my class I turned and thanked Alice before heading in. “No problem.” Watching her dance away was funny. And she is so tiny. For some reason, that class went by fast which I was sad about cause I liked Art. As soon as the class was over I asked Mrs. Bloom where my next class was English with Mrs. William. When that class was over I asked the teacher for directions to the lunchroom and after she told me I went and got some lunch and sat at an empty table next to another in the corner.
Just as I sat down and pulled out my sketchbook to draw as I ate, I saw Isabella at a table. She seems to like it here. Going back to a drawing of the lunchroom I heard a girly giggle. I saw it was just Alice with a guy who looked like he was in pain. I wonder if something happened. Seeing others come through the door I watched as a beautiful blonde and a big guy came and sat down at the table I was next to.
Alice waved at me which made me duck my head as the others turned to me. I never ate that fast in my life. Throwing my garbage away I went back to my seat and was finishing the drawing of the lunchroom when someone came over to me. “Hello.”
“Hi,” I said, without looking up. “No need to be rude.” the person scoffed and walked off. “I wasn’t,” I whispered, a little hurt. Motion to my side caught my eye, and after glancing over to the table with the beautiful people, I looked away as I saw Edward seeming to glare at me. I thought back to think if I offended him somehow and I couldn’t think of any.
Maybe I’m just destined to be hated for no reason. Getting back to my drawing I finished it and put my sketchbook in my bag as I grabbed my schedule again. “Late again.” Alice’s voice made me glance over to see a medium-built guy sitting down breathing hard, clutching his tray. “Shush Alice It’s not my fault the teacher is a devil to me.” He defended himself, as he began to eat as his life depended on it. His dark brown hair swayed as he chatted with Alice.
Looking away from their table I looked at the schedule to see I had Digital Media next. But where would that be? I could ask Alice but Edward seems like he doesn’t want me near them, judging by the glare he hasn’t dropped when he looks my way. I gave up as I picked up my backpack and started for the door.
I wasn’t watching where I was going, cause the next thing I know I bumped into the back of someone. “Sorry!” I hurriedly exclaimed, quickly walking away and out the door. I walked aimlessly around until I finally found the class. I entered right as the bell rang and got a seat at the very back. The seats next to me were empty until someone got up and sat next to me. “Hi, I’m Asher.” A voice said to my right. Peeking over I saw it was the guy that was sitting with the beautiful people. “Hi.” I nodded, seeing the teacher come in and hand out the tablets that we plug into the computers.
It wasn’t long before we’re drawing something in photoshop. As I was drawing I felt a hole digging into the side of my head. “Did I do something?” I whispered to them since the teacher was walking around. “Oh, no I was just wondering if you were going to tell me your name. You did bump into me at lunch.” He chuckled, turning back to the computer. My face started to burn as I ducked my head to hide my face. Stupid! Of course, he would want to know your name. So he can call you out on it.
“Luna. And I’m sorry for bumping into you I didn’t mean to.” He simply shook his head. “Luna then, it’s fine. I was going to tell you it was fine but you were gone before I could. My sister did tell me to be nice to you though.” I stopped drawing to peek at him again. “Your sister?” “Yeah. Alice?” I felt my eyes go wide. She is his sister?! “Alice is your sister? But you don’t-” “Look alike?” He laughed softly. “Well, that is because we are adopted. All of us are.” Ah, that’s cool! “So everyone on that table is adopted?”
I went back to drawing on the computer as he was silent for a moment, probably thinking of if I am worth his time. “We are but some of them are together.” “Together?” I questioned as I added the finishing touches and got ready to send it to the teacher’s email. Just as I did he leaned over to see what I drew. “Wow, that is good!” “Thanks.” Leaning back so I don’t accidentally touch him and see his mind. No one wants their mind invaded.
He soon realized that he was too close and backed up sheepishly. “Sorry.” I just shook my head. “You were talking about them together?” It was a little funny seeing him go from sheepish to beaming. “Right. Well, Alice, I’m sure you met Jasper the curly blonde one.” I thought back to the one who looked like they were in pain. “And Rosalie the beauty is with Emmet the huge guy.” “They do look like a cute couple,” I commented, with a little smile.
“Right! They make a lot of people jealous. It's quite funny to see.” He laughed a little too loud cause the teacher came over. “Need help, Asher? Luna?” I shook my head, pointing to my screen that showed that I sent my work to him already. “No Sir I was just chatting with Luna, since we are both done I just have to send you my work.” I stared as his tone went from happy to monotone. It was weird.
Mr. Turner simply nodded his head and went back to walking around the room, helping people. I glanced at the clock to see it was almost time for the class to end. Pulling my bag into my lap I waited. “Why don’t you look at people?” I heard Asher ask, he had turned to me. I felt my body freeze. Think of something! “I ah I have this fear of looking people in the eyes.”
He looked like he didn’t believe me but then shrugged. “Alright, that would explain it I guess.” Before he could ask more questions the bell rang and I jumped out of my seat. “Yeah. Bye!” I answered, walking out the room before he could catch me.
Marching through the halls I tried to get to my last class while not hitting anyone. I almost collided with the blonde beauty Rosalie around the corner. Barely missing her I apologized and went to my last class Social Studies. Once I got to the class I headed straight for the back seats in the corner. Glad that no one sat next to me. That joy went down a little when I saw Asher enter the classroom but he didn’t seem to see me as he sat at the front.
The teacher Ms. Simms welcomed me in the back to which I just waved and sunk into myself again. “And if you need any help I’m sure someone is willing to help.” She smiled as she walked to her desk and sat down. I didn’t need to look to feel someone staring at me cause it was answered when someone sat in the chair next to me. “You are fast you know that?” Asher jokes, getting his homework out to do as I already was finishing the English assignment I got. “Sorry,” I mumbled as I put the finished paper in my bag and brought out my sketchbook.
“No, It’s ok I’m a little nosy, sorry about that.” Shaking my head I hid a smile. “You’re fine anyone would want to know about the new people they meet right?” His face beamed. “Yeah. But it’s nice to have someone to talk to. Some of my friends only wanted to be my friend cause they wanted to get closer to my siblings. And cause you’re new and you don’t seem to want to get close to them I thought it might be nice if we could be friends if you’re ok with that.” He is cute. I'll give him that. My lips turned up as I held my hand out to him.
“A friend would be nice.”
I kept my little smile on my face as his memories came flooding into my head. “And it would be nice to have a guide around the school. I can’t count how many times I’ve lost my way.” I tried to joke which worked by his laugh.
Chatting with him came easier after that. We spent the whole class period talking while he worked on his homework. The bell rang as we were putting our stuff away and we walked out still chatting, it wasn’t until we got to the parking lot that we had to separate.
“Hey is it ok if I talk to you when you get to school tomorrow?” He asked as he was turning to go to his family, not parked far from us. “Sure.” He then turned back and grinned. “And sorry about my family I know they are weird with how happy Alice is and how Edward looks like he...Never mind.” I nodded, taking a step closer and patting his shoulder, and whispered. “It’s ok don’t worry about it I know it takes a bit for vampires to get used to being human again but it’s nice to see them being happy that way.”
I didn’t need to look up to see his face drain of all color as the muscle under my hand went stiff. “What did you say?” “Well, they are. And I have to go bye see you tomorrow.” I said as I headed to my car, now feeling multiple eyes digging into me. I started my car as there was a knock on my window. I jumped startled to see Asher panting at my window. “Catch your breath.” My hand went to roll down the window and he took a few deep breaths before looking at me as if he was going to plead.
Right as he went to speak my phone went off. Picking it up I saw that my dad messaged me not to forget the cheese at the store before sending over the whole list. Dad why? I turned back to Asher seeing Edward and Emmett coming over and that did nothing to help my heart. “Sorry Asher I have to go I’ll talk to you tomorrow bye.” Putting my car in gear I drove off as he stood there with his brothers.
Calming down my heart wasn’t easy but I did it. I know they were probably going to just ask me not to tell anyone. Not like I would but still, seeing two people walking over with mean expressions is not something I would wish on anyone.
I found the store pretty easily. And was getting what was on my grocery list when I saw a beautiful lady reaching for the top shelf for a sauce. “Would you like me to get that for you?” I asked, not wanting to be rude. She turned and her golden eyes smiled at me. “Yes if it’s alright.” I shook my head, trying not to hug her as I reached up and grabbed the sauce she was reaching for. I gave it to her and she thanked me and we went our separate ways, only to meet up in the parking lot.
She was standing outside her car looking defeated. “Did something happen?” I approached her, seeing some keys in the car with her holding a different pair of keys. “I left my car keys in the car. And I only have my house keys.” She explained as she continued to look defeated. “Do you have someone to come pick you up or someone to come pick up the car cause if so I can give you a ride home?” I offered, seeing that made her look at me.
“I wouldn’t mind but are you sure?” At that, I gave a small smile not looking her in the eyes. “Yeah, I don’t mind if that’s ok with you miss…” “Esme.” I smiled at her this time. “Then Esme I wouldn’t mind driving you my car is this way.” I pointed as she was texting someone, before looking at me. “Ok then, one of my boys will come to get my car since he has the keys as well.” We walked over to my car and filled it up with our groceries. Getting in the driver’s seat I followed her directions to her house and to my surprise her house was the same one I walked to.
“Beautiful house,” I commented as I helped her take her groceries in before heading back to my car. “Would you like to stay for a bit?” Esme asked, and I don’t think I could say no to her, she had a motherly aura around her. “Sure just let me take my groceries to my house. It’s surprisingly close to yours.” She grinned. “Oh, you must be our new neighbors.” I nodded getting in my driver’s seat.
After putting the groceries away I put on my hoodie and walked over to her home and knocked, she greeted me and waved me in. Her home was stunning and spacious, it even had a piano! I sat down in one of the high chairs as we talked about the weather and our hobbies. It was nice talking to Esme, I shook her hand and felt sad for what she had to go through but she is happy so I can’t be too sad. It was refreshing to talk to her. I even got a snack from her.
It’s nice to see the vampires are happy with living among humans. As I was taking a sip of the tea, she made me, I felt a prog in my mind which usually lets me know when someone is trying to read my mind or that something is coming closer. “I’m sorry to ask this randomly but what is your last name Esme?” She paused her snack-making and smiled at me. “It’s Cullen. Dr. Cullen is my husband and we have this home with our kids. They go to forks high, you might know their names.” She started to count on her fingers. “Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, Edward, and Asher.”
Just as she said Asher’s name a car engine cut off outside. “That must be them.” I took another sip from my cup as the Cullen clan came into view. The instant Edward saw me he started to glare. But when Alice saw me she skipped over to me and hugged me. “Hi, Luna.” “Hello, Alice.” They all seemed shocked by this but me and Alice. “I see you met.” Edward continued to glare as Asher just looked at me with pleading eyes. “Yeah, we met.” He then turned to Esme. “She knows.” “Of course I know,” I said as Esme’s face turned sad.
Alice let go of me and just stood next to me, when Jasper went to walk over to her she shook her head at him, looping her arm through mine. “You do give off the vibe of not being human you know,” I commented, shrugging as I turned back to grab my cup only to see Edward in front of me. I kept my head down as he stared me down. I finished my cup and hopped off to put it in the sink when he finally spoke.
“If you tell anyone.”
“You will kill me?” I tilted my head at that thought. “Well, then go ahead.” He was taken aback at that. “No?” glancing to see him back up a little I walked around the counter and put my cup in the sink. After I rinsed it out, I quickly washed it and put it on the dish rack.
I turned to see them all still standing there, and only Asher breathed. Seeing Alice still smiling at me made it seem funny. They were all ready to kill me but it seems she didn't. “Esme?” Walking over to her seemed a little nervous but then gave me a sad smile. “Is it alright if I come over tomorrow? I would like to try that tuna snack you were telling me about. If that’s ok if not I won’t.”
I waited for Esme to answer as a bouncy bunny came over to me and hugged me again. Does she have no fear? I wrapped an arm around her little shoulders. “You’re calming.” Her cheerful voice seemed to bring everyone back to the present. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Asher sitting down on one of the high chairs, watching us all.
“I would like it if you came back,” Esme said, walking over to us and placing her hand on my shoulder. “Ok,” I smiled at her before taking my arm from Alice and headed out the door. I didn’t make it a few steps on the gravel when someone grabbed my arm.
Turning back I saw Asher with Edward and Emmett behind him. “Hmm?” I tilted my head but kept my eyes closed. “Where are you going?” The grip on my arm was warm so I knew it was Asher who was holding my arm. “Home,” I said, simply taking my arm out of his grip. “Then can I walk you home seeing how it is getting dark?” He is sweet. I ruffled his hair and shook my head. “I’m ok, see you tomorrow.”
Without another word I smiled and walked back to my house past some trees. Stepping inside I was greeted with the smell of smoke. I held in a laugh as I went into the kitchen. “What happened this time?” I asked, opened the windows as he put the smoking pot on the counter. “It was soup since it looked chilly outside.” He defended himself. “Would you like to try again and let me help?” I laughed as he nodded in defeat.
I found a different pot and started helping him make the soup while cleaning the other one out. Even taking the trash out, I came back in and we ate, joking about it.
After we got done eating he insisted on doing the dishes so I went to my room and looked over my homework to make sure it was right and when I was satisfied I pulled out my sketchbook and started to draw before it got late and I went to bed.
Any feedback is welcomed ! and yes I know it was bad but I'm trying.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep 34 S4: The Boys (and Mai) are Back in Town
OK, back to the writing table! It’s been a while! So I made the mistake of like...scrolling down on the playlist when I realized...
This duel is like 6 episodes long (7 even? It’s a lot) and like...yo I have no idea if we’ll finish this season in 2020! Damn you 2020. Damn you.
But wtv, what I like about this side project of mine is that I don’t have to rush things, and I can really spend the time with each episode and just...enjoy the moment. So often I watch a whole series in like half a week and then it’s like...I don’t get to enjoy it. This series I’ve enjoyed for years now. That’s kinda neat. So...we’re gonna be slow...but lets just enjoy this weird ass anime moment together. 2020 deadlines are all fake anyway. I’m not even sure if 2020 was a real thing that happened or like...an alternate universe opening a door and letting through just so many terrible ghosts. We might never know.
Last we left off, everyone has decided to hallucinate Dartz’ terrible backstory.
Unfortunately we have NO darts in the past. Was really hoping to see at least one darts reference in this entire season, just one darts board on his wall. But alas, we will not have a Season Zero death darts match with Dartz. (Man I need to get back to Season Zero. And FMA. And a lot of things)
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I feel like if I watched the original version there would have been some things different. First off...what ocean? Second off...well, we’ll get to that. There’s some things I think were changed for English TV.
Including censoring the nude people like it’s James Cameron’s Avatar.
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Fun fact did you know that James Cameron’s Avatar was supposed to be ass naked and that they were supposed to have like 8 cat nipples? Yeah.
Man, that movie was a mistake. I’m so glad we all decided to collectively forget James Cameron’s Avatar.
(read more under the cut)
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The actual locations of anything in Atlantis does not match up with it when it’s zoomed out. We have giant cities, we have sprawling wheat fields, and we have...THIS situation. This active volcano next to...pine trees?
I feel like they wanted it to feel vaguely Pompeii, since I know people like to put Atlantis in the Mediterranean. Maybe? Maybe that’s what they were going for here?
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One of my top ten favorite Yugioh plot twists ever was finding out this episode that this snake who has no limbs somehow created these...rocks...that all of our main characters have been wearing and obsessing over this entire time.
And so this is my theory, this is the thesis of my Yugioh college paper. These rocks are turds. There’s no way these rocks aren’t turds. There’s no way this snake didn’t poop out a bunch of glowy magic stones and then stuff them into a volcano.
God bless, Yugioh.
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Seto spends this entire episode groveling that he isn’t playing cards that will absolutely kill him. Like Mokuba, Seto isn’t happy until he’s cheating death.
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(I really wish we got more super past future tech. I love that type of concept art. Instead, we just got a lot of flying boats--the same boat that I think the team flew on in S1 when they went to Seto’s video game universe.
So those boats are 10,000 years old? They existed in the 10,000 year old Pangea, huh?
Anyway, lets take a gander at Princess Zelda circa Ocarina of Time.
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SUPER princess Zelda, and I know it’s not 1:1 but damn it feels so much like a late 90′s Princess Zelda outfit to me. Check out that PURPLE. That low poly circlet. The random ass sword. The thick ass belt. 
Also check out this super dead family.
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Yo so this is a 00′s thing, a period of time where we liked to tell stories like LOST, with just a bunch of random ass plot twists in flashbacks instead of just...telling a story from start to finish. And can be a great and fun way to do it--but at the sacrifice of actually making me care about these characters while they were still alive.
Like I would have maybe cared about Chris and Ironheart dying if I had known that Dartz was killing his whole family? With...lightning strikes? But alas, these dumbasses decided NOT to tell us they were royal. It’s so strange both from a logical perspective and a storytelling perspective.
Man...missed opportunity, IMO, but I can see why they did it. The wanted the ‘Gotcha!’ I feel ambivalent about it, honestly.
And who am I kidding, people are still doing unpredictable plot twists this. It’s a way to tell a story. Is it the most impactful way? No. It’s...it’s a gotcha!
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It’s at this point in the story that things start ramping up, but it’s not clear if it takes place over years or just a couple hours. People just start going a little cray and turning into Monsters.
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Straight up, though--did they turn into monsters that already existed and are modern Duel Monster cards, or are the monsters from modern Duel Monsters cards actually descendants of Atlantis who were once human?
They don’t say, actually. Maybe...maybe every card was a human once. That would be a freakin weird Yugioh twist if Kuriboh was like a 45 year old dude.
PS Dartz was married...soak that in.
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Love it every time. She was there for like...half a second, and Dartz was like throwing so much shade about how “only the people with evil in their hearts were turned” and it’s like...
...dude that’s your wife? OK then. I can see you guys got along real well.
Anyway, so long to the ship of IonaxDartz, you were here for even less than the amount of time that Seto dated Blue Eyes White Dragon in a hallucination, which kind of sets a new record for us.
This might be the shortest-lived ship in all of Yugioh and they have a 12 year old daughter and what I assume was a 12 year marriage for that entire time.
that is if they...HAD the concept of marriage 10,000 years ago on Atlantis Pangea island. Maybe?
I mean they might have not had the concept of dating and marriage yet because he gets over this like immediately. The show will never hover back to that time Dartz watched his own wife turn into a creature. We have no idea if he was like “OK honey lets uh...let just get you a haircut and maybe no one will notice?” We have no idea how long he was desperately trying to remain married to the beast that was no longer human and was also trying to eat everyone else in his court. We just don’t know.
Dartz just had a lot of other things to think about. He’s been King for like...a year...he’s only 21...he’s just doing a bad job at everything.
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(Biden opens Pres Trumps bedroom in the White House come January and it’s juts full of glowing green evil golf balls) (OK that was my last 2020 joke I swear to you) 
Anyway, Dad is here, but it’s a little too late to really do anything with the situation. Everyone is worshiping little snake turds. What can you really do about that?
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One eye golden, the other eye, the color of a glistening Leviathan turd.
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After the rest of the surviving royal family was chased out of the castle, Dartz decides to just wave his hands around a lot.
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I’m not entirely sure what Kings do...never really had one...but I think they’re supposed to do more than wave their hands at a crowd like the Pope. Like...everyone’s dead right? Like everyone?
Who’s he talking to?
Meanwhile, Chris and Ironheart decide to revive some monster tablets to get some real actual duel monsters to do their bidding.
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So apparently some monsters are in the tablets, and other’s have just always been here...and...
They didn’t know violence but they did have the cards?
There’s a lot of vague stuff they didn’t feel like ever writing, because it would have probably been boring to write about. I guess we’ll just let our imagination fill in the rest and ignore all the inconsistencies. It’s a kid’s anime. well........kind of a kid’s anime. A lot of people have died this episode and I don’t even know how to add it to the death count.
How many people live in Atlantis? I dunno.
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Are the inhabitants of Atlantis even dead, or are they just turned into Monster cards? I dunno. Clearly the Great Leviathan wasn’t awoken this first battle so...did all those souls get returned? I dunno.
Either way I’m not gonna bother the death count about it because I just do not know if they died, and since it was neither an implied death or an on screen death...I dunno.
Just feels like a bit of a translation snafu--where maybe they couldn’t kill that many people on English TV, so they were like “AND IT’S A DRAW!” but also...it could be canon to both versions. The leviathan didn’t work the first time, maybe no one died? I dunno.
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In this shot, PS, Raphael just gently backs up out of this flying plane, and it looked really funny to me. I probs won’t cap it because it’s split between two other cuts, but just...they just kind of moved that sprite to the right really slowly, no animation, it was great.
Dartz decides to end the backstory hallucination, and we get introduced to a new twist--a better twist than that last one, that’s right, all our boys are cards!
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Including this asshole!
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Been a while since our boys have been cards! Man, I miss Bakura!
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Yes, I looked back to earlier episodes this season to see what was going on with Pegasus’ new look. I think what happened is that it’s always been this shade of gray purple--but when you put purple next to it’s opposing color (which is yellow colors) it looks even MORE purple. It’s just how color works. Love color theory. mm. Good stuff. Good purple hair.
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I can’t wait until Yami kills Yugi for the 3rd time in one season.
Anyway, that’s all for now, and like always, here’s a link to read these in chrono order.
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chefsydney · 3 years
merry mayward holiday! day 12 - first christmas together + parent!jjpope
world’s best
pope woke up to one tiny finger poking his forehead.
“wake up! it’s christmas time!”
pope smiled and opened his eyes. in front of him is his four year old daughter with one hand on pope’s face and the arm of her teddy bear in the other.
“hey, claire bear. merry christmas.”
“come on! let’s go!” she grabs his wrist to pull him out of bed.
“okay, okay.” pope laughs softly at her and tells her to wake up jj.
she walks around to the other side of the bed and pokes jj’s cheek a couple times. when he doesn’t move she leans in right in front of his eyes and says, “dad! it’s christmas time.”
she pokes his face more times and he finally opens his eyes and laughs.
“christmas? are you sure that’s today?”
he stretches his arms high as claire jumps up and down at the side of the bed.
“yes! let’s go! santa was here!”
“okay, okay we’re coming.” he laughs as he and pope get out of bed to follow her down the hall.
claire is overall a pretty shy kid but warmed up to jj and pope as quickly as a toddler in a new home would. she likes drawing and painting and going to the aquarium. sometimes she can’t sleep and she and jj end up watching those “relaxing aquarium for sleep” videos in the middle of the night. her favorites are the tiger shark and the fish that looks like nemo, duh.
santa brings claire a couple stuffed animals (favorites from the aquarium gift shop she asks to get everytime), some new books about the ocean, and a tricycle. pope and jj give her a little art set because she’s been really into making drawings and paintings and bringing them home for them from preschool. she’s very excited about all of it.
today, and this time of year, feels a little emotional for the both of them because this past year was so stressful with the adoption and worrying if they could be the right home for a kid who needed one. they love her so much and just want her to feel happy and loved in their home. 
claire picks up a bag from under the tree and tells pope to close his eyes. “okay, ready?” she sets it on pope’s lap. “okay, open!”
“woah!” pope says matching her excitement as he looked down at the bag.
“open it!”
“ok, let’s see what we have here.” pope says as he reaches into the bag and pulls out a coffee mug. on the front it says “world’s best papa”.
“woah!” pope smiles wide and pulls claire into a hug. “thank you claire bear!”
“and dad.” she adds.
“and dad. of course.” pope looks up at him and leans over to give him a kiss on the cheek. “i love it.” 
next, claire gives jj his present from them which is also a mug that says “world’s best dad”. jj laughs and also says he loves it. 
“so you can match.” claire says happily and smiles. 
pope takes pictures of claire with her stuffed animals to send to his parents. claire says she wants to take a picture of them with their presents too, so the heywards get a couple crooked, out of focus, pictures of pope and jj sitting in front of the tree with their matching mugs. 
_ _ _ 
later, claire is sitting at the table surrounded by her all of her new stuffed animals. she’s got one hand holding down a piece of paper and the other drawing slowly with a red marker. 
“whatcha drawing over there, claire bear?” pope asks while he stirs something on the stove.
“it’s a secret.” 
“oh. a secret, huh?”
“yep.” she’s very focused and doesn’t seem like she wants to play into whatever pope is nosing around about.
“papa, how do you spell ‘family’?”
pope tells her and doesn’t ask why even though he really wants to.
_ _ _ 
that night after their big christmas dinner they watch the polar express on the couch with claire snuggled in between them. in the middle of the movie claire jumps up suddenly and runs to the other room leaving pope and jj confused.
“claire, where are you going?” pope goes to follow after her but she runs back in the room with a piece of paper in her hands.
“close your eyes! you too!”
pope laughs an okay and sits back on the couch next to jj who covers his eyes with both hands.
“okay! open!” 
she holds out her drawing from earlier made from her new art kit. 
“merry christmas! from me!” 
it’s three little stick people standing next to each other. they all have triangles and circles on their heads like santa hats. there’s snowflakes scattered around and at the top in big purple letters it says “worlds best family”. 
taglist 💘 : @playitaagain @shipperssafehaven @katie-mcgreat @emeraldphantoms @midsommers @dreamypope @pope-obx @pluto-the-planet1 
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shiredded · 4 years
A white animation student’s take on Soul and POC cartoons
This got long but there’s lots of pretty pictures to go with it.
Hi, I’m Shire and I’m as white as a ripped-off Pegasus prancing on a stolen van. Feel free to add to my post, especially if you are poc. The next generation of animators needs your voice now more than ever.
My opinion doesn’t matter as much here because I’m not part of the people being represented. 
But I am part of the people to whom this film is marketed, and as the market, I think I should be Very Aware of what media does to me. 
And as the future of animation, I need to do something with what I know.
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I am very white. I have blue eyes and long blond hair. I’ve seen countless protagonists, love interests, moms, and daughters that look like me. If I saw an animated character that looks like me turn into a creature for the majority of a movie, I would cheer. Bring it on! I have plenty of other representation that tells me I’m great just the way I am, and I don’t need to change to be likable. 
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The moment Soul’s premise was released, many people of color expressed mistrust and disappointment on social media. Let me catch you up on the plot according to the new (march 2020) trailer. (It’s one of those dumb modern trailers that tells you the entire plot of the movie including the climax; so I recommend only watching half of it)
Our protagonist, Joe Gardner, has a rich (not in the monetary sense) and beautiful life. He has dreams! He wants to join a jazz band! So far his life looks, to me, comforting, amazing, heartfelt, and real. I’m excited to learn about his family and his music. 
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Some Whoknowswhat happens, and he enters a dimension where everyone, himself included, is represented by glowing, blue, vaguely humanoid creatures. They’re adorable! But they sure as heck aren’t brown. The most common response seems to be dread at the idea of the brown human protagonist spending the majority of his screen time as a not-brown, not-human creature. 
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The latest trailer definitely makes that look pretty darn true. He does spend most of the narrative - chronologically - as a blob. 
That isn’t the same as his screen time. 
From the look of the trailer, Joe and his not-yet-born-but-already-tired-of-life soul companion tour Joe’s story in all of its brown-skinned, human-shaped, life-loving glory. The movie is about life, not about magic beans that sing and dance about burping (though I won’t be surprised if that happens too.)
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Basically! My conclusion is “it’s not as bad as it looked at first, and it looks like a wonderful story.”
That doesn’t mean it’s ok. 
Yes, Soul is probably going to be a really important and heartfelt story about life, the goods, the bads, the dreams, and the bonds. That story uses a fun medium to view that life; using bright, candy-bowl colors and a made-up world to draw kids in with their parents trailing behind. 
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It’s a great story and there’s no reason to not create a black man for the lead role. There’s no reason not to give this story to people of color. It’s not a white story. This is great!
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we’ve kind of
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done this
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a lot
The Book of Life and Coco also trade in their brown-skinned cast for a no-skinned cast, but I don’t know enough about Mexican culture to say those are bad and I haven't picked up on much pushback to those. There’s more nuance there, I think. 
I cut the above pics together to show how the entire ensemble changes along with the protagonist. We can lose entire casts of poc. Emperor's New Groove keeps its cast as mostly human so at least we have Pacha
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And while the animals they interact with might be poc-coded, there’s nothing very special or affirming about “animals of color.” 
So, Soul.
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Are we looking at the same thing here?
It’s no secret by now that this is an emerging pattern in animation. But not all poc-starring animated films have this same problem. We have Moana! With deuteragonists (basically co-protagonists) of color, heck yeah.
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 Aladdin... Pocahontas... The respect those films have for their depicted culture is... an essay for another time. Mulan fits here too. the titular characters’ costars are either white, or blue, and/or straight up animals. But hey, they don’t turn into animals, and neither do the supporting cast/love interests.
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Dreamworks’ Home (2015) is also worth mentioning as a poc-led film where the  deuteragonist is kind of a purple blob. But the thing I like a lot about Home is that it’s A Nice Story, where there’s no reason for the protagonist to not be poc, so she is poc. Spiderverse has a black lead with a white (or masked, or animal) supporting cast. But, spiderverse also has Miles’ dad, mom, uncle, and Penny Parker.
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I’d like to see more of that.
And less of this
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if you’re still having trouble seeing why this is a big deal, let’s try a little what-if scenario. 
This goes out to my fellow white girls (including LGBTA white girls, we are not immune to propaganda racism)
imagine for a second you live in a world where animation is dominated to the point of almost total saturation by protagonist after protagonist who are boys/men. You do get the occasional woman-led film, but maybe pretend that 30 to 40 percent of those films are like
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(We’re pretending for a second that Queen Eleanor was the protagonist, because I couldn’t think of any animated movies where the white lady protagonist turns into and stays an animal for the majority of the film)
Or, white boys and men, how would you feel if your most popular and marketable representation was this?
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Speaking of gender representation, binary trans and especially nonbinary trans people are hard pressed to find representation of who they are without the added twist of Lizard tails or horns and the hand-waving explanation of “this species doesn’t do gender” But again, that’s a different essay.
Let’s look at what we do have. In reality, we (white people) have so much representation that having a fun twist where we spend most of the movie seeing that person in glimpses between colorful, glittering felt characters that reflect our inner selves is ok. 
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Wait, that aesthetic sounds kind of familiar...
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But I digress. Inside Out was a successful and honestly helpful and important movie.  I have no doubt in my mind that Soul will meet and surpass it in quality and and in message. 
There is nothing wrong with turning your protagonist of color into an animal or blob for most of their own movie. 
But it’s part of a larger pattern, and that pattern tells people of color that their skin would be more fun if it was blue, or hairy, or slimy, or something. It’s fine to have films like that because heck yeah it would be fun to be a llama. But it’s also fun to not be a llama. It’s fun to be a human. It’s fun to be yourself. I don’t think children of color are told that enough. 
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At least, not by mainstream studios. (The Breadwinner, produced by Cartoon Saloon)
It’s not like all these mainstream poc movies are the result of racist white producers who want us to equate people of color with animals. In fact, most of those movies these days have people of color very high up, as directors, writers, or at the very least, a pool of consultants of color.
These movies aren’t evil. They aren’t even that intrinsically racist (Pocahontas can go take a hike and rethink its life, but we knew that.) It’s that we need more than just the shape-shifting narratives of our non-white protagonists. 
It’s not like there isn’t an enormous pool of ideas, talent, visions and scripts already written and waiting to be produced. There is.
But they somehow don’t make it past the head executives, way above any creative team, who make the decisions, aiming not for top-of-the-line stories, but for the Bottom line of sales.
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When Disney acquired Pixar, their main takeover was in the merchandising department. The main target for their merchandise are, honestly, white children.
So is it much of a surprise
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that they are more often greenlighting things palatable for as many “discerning” mothers as possible?
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I saw just as many Tiana dolls as frog toys on the front page of google, so don’t worry too much about The Princess And The Frog. Kids love her. But I didn’t find any human figures of Kenai from Brother Bear, except for dolls wearing a bear suit. 
So. What do I think of Soul? 
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I think it’s going to be beautiful. I think it’s going to be a great movie.
But I also think people of color deserve more. 
Let’s take one more look at the top people who went into making this movie.
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Of the six people listed here, five are white. Kemp Powers, one of the screenplay writers, is black. 
It’s cool to see women reaching power within the animation industry, but this post isn’t about us.
We need to replace the top execs and get more projects greenlit that send the message that african, asian, latinix, middle eastern, and every other non-white ethnicity is perfect and relatable as the humans they were meant to be. 
Disney is big enough that they can - and therefore should - take risks and produce movies that aren’t as “marketable” simply because art needs to be made. People need to be loved.
Come on, millennials and Gen Z. We can do better.
We Will do better.
TLDR: A lot of mainstream animation turns its protagonists of color into animals or other creatures. I (white) don’t think that’s a bad thing, except for the fact that we don’t get enough poc movies that AREN’T weird. Support Soul; it’s not going to be as bad as you think. It’s probably gonna be really good. Let’s make more good movies about people of color that stay PEOPLE of color.
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