#sumdac systems
askvectorprime · 2 years
Dear Vector Prime,
How come the US military never got involved when the Autobots popped up in Detroit in the Malgus timeline?
Dear Military Mindful,
The military certainly would have liked to get involved, but Sumdac Systems managed to exert enough influence to keep them away. Isaac Sumdac had long disliked the idea of militarizing robots, and he had various government bodies carefully tell the US Military that Detroit was off limits.
Of course, the coming of the Decepticons did upset the status quo—made all the more precarious when Porter C. Powell practically rolled out the red carpet for them, and for a brief period Detroit came under martial law. The military clashed with the Autobots on numerous occasions, getting in their way as the heavy metal heroes tried to put out fires, stop super-powered criminals, recover AllSpark fragments, and follow up on potential Decepticon sightings.
It was after the military obtained three of those AllSpark fragments that their intervention stopped being a nuisance, and became a threat to human life. Through carelessness, the fragments were allowed to come into contact with military vehicles, which came to life as a trio of Transformers animated by the AllSpark's power: Onslaught, Brawl, and 'Tex. The three of them set about enforcing martial law as they saw fit—and given they viewed all humans as enemy combatants, they threatened to level the entire city.
The Autobots stepped in to oppose them, Optimus putting his Elite Guard training to work, driving the military-minded menaces into a crossfire at the army's staging ground. When Optimus attempted to place them under arrest, the army stopped him. They were still, technically, US military property, and as such subject to military discipline. They were disarmed, placed under heavy guard, and taken out of Detroit when the military retreated, having had quite enough of the city—much as its citizens had had enough of them.
The three "Combaticons" weren't seen again, at least until the entrepreneur Swindle returned to Earth, looking for some muscle. But that's another story.
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kajira-kreations · 2 years
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Yo dawg!
I heard you like Miko and Sari so I drew Miko as a miko and Sari in a sari. Sorry not sorry!
P.S. Miko would make a terrible Shinto shrine maiden tho...LOL
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Love your Barbie-Bot design!
Hey, what if Barbie-Bot was a femme found and raised on TFA earth?
As she got older, she became a bit of a celebrity and eventually got the attention of a young Professor Sumdac who asked her to become a spokesperson/robot for his new company?
She agreed, and because of that her fame skyrocketed. Her image was nearly everywhere thanks to Sumdac Systems.
While mostly advertising domestic robots and inventions made by the company Barbie-Bot also inspired lines of cars, accessories, jewelry, clothes, and toys! Especially toys that were in her image and were most girls' favorite for the next century.
She does love it, the fashion, the fame, the happy faces that humans get when seeing her, but she often wondered where she came from. An answer she soon gets with the arrival of Optimus and his Team.
How do they react to this famous femme raised on Earth?
For simplicities sake, we'll call Barbie-bot Milliesecond, or Mille for short, as suggested by @curespectra.
-Optimus has a lot of respect for Millie. She's a professional businesswoman and the face of the most influential company on Earth. She's built a career, a life, on this alien planet. He doubts just anyone could achieve that. Kinda looks up to and admires her for her confidence.
-Ratchet thinks Millie is a naive but genuinely good person. She's ignorant of her cybertronian heritage, which admittedly isn't her fault, and Ratchet often has to remind himself this whenever he gets frustrated. Actually very patient with her and carefully explains things.
-Oh, Bumblebee wishes he had what Millie has. She's famous, successful, rich, confident, pretty, loved by millions. She's even got her own action figures. Like, she's got it all! Envies the way she doesn't even have to try to get everyone to like her. Also has a massive crush on her.
-Bulkhead thinks Milliesecond is so cool. She's a businesswoman, she's a celebrity, she's super nice and probably the prettiest bot he's ever seen. Just in awe of her story, how she rose from nothing into becoming such an icon.
-While yes, Prowl finds Millie's rise to fame and success to be inspiring and intriguing, he's more interested in how she got to Earth in the first place. Just how did her protoform get here? Starts investigating her past, knowing that if he figures out the truth, he might be able to give her some peace of mind.
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“Hey Guys! Look What I drew! It’s older me!”
An AU that I call “Truly Techno-Organic Sari” 
So basically, it always bugged me that there wasn’t really anything done with the fact Sari wasn’t truly human in the earlier part of the show. So, I made up stuff because I could and here we are. 
Sari was always meant to be a vessel for the AllSpark. That’s why she looked so vastly different than other protoforms. But given Cyberton’s unstable political climate even prior to the war, she was sent away for her own protection. 
Her stasis pod crash landed on Earth and remained hidden until a mining operation outside of Detroit found it millennia later. Now let’s put a pin in that for a minute. 
After the war on Cyberton and being thrown through a Spacebridge, the AllSpark starts to use its energy to search for its lost protoform. It takes a long time, but it finally senses the protoform on a planet across the galaxy. That’s when it, in Ratchet’s words, “Found Us!” and powered on the Spacebridge with its location being Earth. It was going to go to its protoform and see to it that the little one was raised with love and care. What it didn’t account for was the Autobots crashing into Lake Eerie and going into stasis for 50 years. And it definitely didn’t count on humans getting to the pod first. 
Fast forward to Sumdac finding a pod that he that he vaguely remembered asking to be brought to his lab after he was contacted by a mining company and discovering the little protoform inside. 
As a defense mechanism, Sari’s systems used Sumdac’s DNA in reformatting her body to better blend in with the planet’s natives. It even went as far as to hide her spark signature from other Cybertronians. 
After all that, the story continues largely the same in terms of plot (for Season 1 and 2), except with some changes.
Number one: Sari is a literal child both in human and Cybertronian terms and she stays a child. No age up. But she does occasionally get dreams about herself when she’s older in place she doesn’t recognize. 
The AllSpark still gives a fraction of its power to Sari in the form of the AllSpark Key. However, in this AU, whenever Sari abuses the power of the AllSpark Key, it either goes in a locked mode for a short time or its power is greatly reduced. It's the AllSpark’s way of grounding her and teaching her: With Great Power...
Now for more headcanons for this AU.
Sari is smart (which I believe is kind of canon because if I remember correctly, in one episode she’s learning the quadratic formula from Tutorbot, and that’s middle school math...and she’s eight. Also, Sumdac asks if she’s tinkered with the pocketbot which leads me to believe that even prior to the Key, Sari might have reformatted her dad’s robots). So, building from that, Sari finds her school subjects too easy, and she gets bored from not having a challenge. Que her reformatting her dad’s robots so that she can sneak away to go exploring around the city. 
When the Autobots come into her life, Sari asks Optimus if he wouldn’t mind teaching her Cybertronian subjects, like history or language. 
Having a been a data clerk in the Iacon Archives prior to joining the Autobot Academy, Optimus has a wealth of knowledge to share, and he was more than happy to teach her. 
Sari eagerly awaited Optimus’s lessons. There was finally something to challenge her mind.
Ratchet figured if the kid wanted to keep hanging around them, then he better look into human health. He started monitoring Sari’s diet and would get stressed seeing how much ‘junk’ food she ate. He started to replace all her junk food with fruits and vegetables. 
Occasionally, when Ratchet would run a check-up on her, he would pick up Sari’s actual spark beat on his equipment. At first, he thought it was a glitch because how could Sari have a spark beat? She’s organic. But the more Sari spent time around the Autobots, the more the ‘glitch’ keep happening, and Ratchet started suspecting that kid wasn’t all organic after all. 
When Prowl meditated, he sometimes felt the electromagnetic field of a newly activated protoform when Sari was nearby. For a while, he thought it was a form of his guilt manifesting. Then one day, he saw Ratchet’s equipment experiencing a “glitch”, and the cyber-ninja knew in his spark that Sari wasn’t fully human.
Prowl felt that regardless of what she was, Sari needed to be taught how to defend herself should she even need to, especially with all the trouble she seemed to get into. So, he started giving her the basics of cyber-ninja training, including their philosophies about respecting all forms of life, cybernetic or organic. 
Bulkhead and Bumblebee didn’t pay attention to Sari’s inhuman quirks. (Well, Bulkhead noticed some things, but chose not to say anything.) The two youngest of Prime’s team acted as big brothers to Sari, with Bulkhead trying to keep the other two out of trouble.
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cayenneexe · 7 months
More Charbee Prompt Rambles
I was spiraling a few hours ago but i had cookies and milk so im okay
This is part of a series I had planned that revolved around a single headcanon:
For every Bumblebee, there is the Charlie Watson that named him.
And here’s my take on the TF Animated universe.
On his first week working on the clean up ship, Bee accidentally connected to a radio on Earth. The radio was owned by Charlie and fixed up by a young genius she was babysitting. Bee listened to Charlie through the radio and listened to her music but after days of constant Smiths, he made his presence known and spoke to her by changing the channels, making his annoyance on the lack of variety clear. Charlie finds Bee amusing and they come up with a system to alternate music choices every week. Over time, their tastes seem to blend with with other and soon share more things beyond music taste. Charlie nicknames the voice Bumblebee because of the buzzing noises whenever he’s silent or choosing a song. Bee gets attached to the name and later changes his callsign to Bumblebee.
They knew each other for a few months. At that point, they each knew each other better than themselves, turning to the radio when they need someone to talk to.
Then the ship was attacked and the Autobots were stuck in stasis for 50 years.
After meeting Sari and the professor, he finds out that Charlie was Sumdac’s babysitter. Her dad and Sumdac’s dad were college friends and Charlie offered to babysit at Detroit during summer break. Hopeful and afraid, Bee asks where he could find her. Sumdac takes Bee to see Charlie at Brighton Falls. She hasn’t visited Detroit in years since her last heart attack put her in the hospital for almost a year. They find her still working at her uncle’s junkyard, which she now owns after his passing.
They never met face to face before and they were as beautifully imperfect as they could imagine.
They talk and Charlie confesses that ever since she met him, her life has been better. She moved on from her dad’s death, fixed the car, has a better relationship with her family, and even joined diving again, going to the Olympics and getting four gold medals before she retired. She never had the time to get married or have kids but she’s happy with the life she had.
Bee thanks Charlie for making his life on the ship much brighter, confessing that he was afraid of being undermined because of his size and knowing that he had someone to turn to made him feel more safe and comfortable now that he had a little safe place to go to.
Charlie is dying from heart problems so Bee tries to make every moment last before he has to go back to Detroit. They go on joyrides and learn how to swim (Bee was ecstatic to see Charlie dive for the first time) before ending the day sleeping while watching the Breakfast Club.
When Bee wakes up, he finds that Charlie passed away peacefully on his lap with a smile on her face.
He kisses her on the cheek and whispers before calling Sumdac;
“I will never forget you.”
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ultimateoptimus · 1 month
Autobot Junior Divers Kicker and Sari Upgraded
>[ERROR]: Deviation "Autobot Junior Divers Kicker and Sari" V1.0 (2021/06/18): [//////OBSOLETE//////] >[ERROR]: Deviation Upgrade Required And Requested >Auto-Upgrade: Initated >Upgrading Deviation To: "Autobot Junior Divers Kicker and Sari Upgraded"... 100% >Upgrade: Succesfully Installed _
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Just in time for the Transformers 40th Anniversary, Transformers Energon 20th and Summer 2024, Autobot Junior Divers Kicker from Transformers Energon (2004) and Sari Sumdac from Transformers Animated (2008) are back, femmes and gentlemechs, bolts and gears, protoforms and techies of all aeons - and the Energon scuba spaceboy and the Animated scuba robotgirl are all upgraded and ready to Transform and Dive Out, be it in a Summer SCUBA class adventure diving under the waters of Ocean City in Kicker's native reality or Detroit, Robot City in Sari's reality, training themselves in out-of-air emergency simulations, underwater combat, rocket flying underwater Supersonic Jetfighter Rocketkid style and ultimately having splash 'n crash aquawesome fun underwater with each other and their Autobot wingmen protecting and escorting them with Kicker's Energon Saber Mini-Con Team, Sari's technorganic upgraded body and both's Autobot battle brethren led by Optimus Prime of both their native realities in case of Decepticon underwater party crashers!
The Autobot Junior Divers' personalized, customized boys' and girls' school swimwear and swim caps, stylish and colorful ABC kits of 360 degree single lens dive masks, clear purge snorkels and pairs of dive fins and just as stylish and colorful TransformerTech'd up backpack dive jacket, hi-capacity air tank and mouthpiece regulator SCUBA rigs all based on their respective battlesuits from their respective toyline and cartoon series are fully upgraded and ready for more Deep Heavy Metal Underwater Robots In Disguise Action than ever before as detailed below:
Autobot Junior Diver Kicker now has his own personal Evolutionary Accelerator (EV-AC) loaded with his custom Autobot EV-AC Helix for when it's time to Xevolve into his Autobot Powerlinx Kicker exobody, Grindor of his Mini-Con Street Action Team as his Transformer dive buddy and TransformerTech All-In-One Scuba Backpack System with TekSnorkelator has a Powerlinx port for Grindor to dock into and turn it into a TransformerTech All-In-One Scuba Underwater Jetpack System for Kicker to jet through the underwater worlds in hyperspeed - his way.
Autobot Junior Diver Sari's TransformerTech All-In-One Scuba Backpack System with Double Hose TekRegulator is now a Sumdac Systems TransformerTech Hydropack All-In-One Scuba Underwater Jetpack System created for Sari by Isaac Sumdac reverse-engineered from Bumblebee's Hydrodrive Underwater Submarine Module as her new personal All-In-One Transformable Scuba Underwater Jetpack System that has an Underwater Waterwing Scooter/Underwater Kickboard alt mode for Sari to rocket through the underwater worlds in true Kid Robot Girl style with a functional replica of her Allspark Key as a memento.
Long story short: 2021's requested aquawesome little Junior Diver!Kicker X Junior Diver!Sari art for Anbu-AAE-Demon333 just got the 2024 upgrade just in time for those forementioned anniversaries.
Autobot Junior Divers V2.0 Patch Notes: >Autobot Junior Diver Kicker V2.0 - Kicker's personal Evolutionary Accelerator (EV-AC) with custom Autobot EV-AC Helix loaded given to Kicker - Energon Mini-Con Street Action Team Grindor added and linked to Kicker as dive buddy - Powerlinx port added to Kicker's All-In-One TransformerTech SCUBA Backpack System - Grindor can now dock in the SCUBA Backpack System's Powerlinx port to access All-In-One SCUBA Underwater Jetpack System upgrade
>Autobot Junior Diver Sari V2.0 - Functional Allspark Key Replica given to Sari - Upgraded Sari's All-In-One SCUBA Backpack System to Sumdac Systems TransformerTech Hydropack All-In-One Scuba Underwater Jetpack System - Hydropack can transform from Underwater Waterwing Scooter/Underwater Kickboard to All-In-One Scuba Underwater Jetpack System and back
@aae-demon-zone333 @theworldofesteveze
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
Batmobile and there sparklings in TFA would be... interesting.
This has a lot of potential for things. On one hand, cute and silly shenanigans since the once human Liaison was from modern-day Earth and TFA is set in the far future, and TFA doesn't have fanon sticky and sparklings. On the other hand, it can delve deep into the impact of the dystopian Autobot regime.
Batmobile would be the largest non-Decepticon 'con the TFA Autobots had ever seen. Even larger than Lugnut!!
Sari has soooo many questions. Not only you're a dimensional-hopper, but a time-traveler that's been, well, transformed and baby robots!!!
Any check-ups need to be done in Sumdac facilities because the ship doesn't have a berth that's big enough to hold you. Of course, you have parts and systems that the Autobots don't have, but things that niggle in the back of Ratchet's mind. Scratching really deep.
Sari takes advantage of it as a sleepover and to get the real mood and culture of the early 21st century.
The bother of trying to figure out how much mass you put away in your alt-mode, and how you're so blase with Drift and Roddy comfort-chewing on your frame. (For reference, you're the Batmobile Tumbler from the Christopher Nolan trilogy.)
The Autobots being so confused by the sparklings. They can't be reasoned with. They make a lot of noise and mess. You follow a ridiculous, in their opinion, schedule with them. They're so emotional over the simplest of things, nor can the babies properly speak.
And then they find out their identities-
The Autobots' extreme emotions over tiny Megatron. He's from a different universe, but Megatron-
Whenever Bumblebee annoys you or the sparklings enough, you can easily pick him up and set high above to give yourself some time. The great thing about a Cybertronian frame is you can manipulate your own sense as your turn down your audials to his screeching.
It would be hilarious if the Deceptions know about the process of sparking up the frame method of sexual reproduction, which kickstarts a sub-plot of them trying to fetch away the sparklings from incompetent Autobots.
Optimus being a young Dadimus as he wrangles the kids with you and deals with boo-boos, especially whenever Roddy and Drift venture too far.
The real-life struggles of parenthood: temper tantrums, childhood illnesses, and deeply ingrained obsessions. You, Ratchet, and Prowl are the only ones unbothered by the constant reruns of My Little Pony, Scooby Doo, and you managed to get them hooked on Winnie the Pooh. Optimus finds himself humming the theme songs, Bulkhead is unconsciously painting ponies during Abstract time, and Bumblebee cries tears of absolute joy when you take pity and get him a TV for video games.
Sentinel freaking the fuck out when he meets Batmobile. (On a side note, in any version of this crossover, wouldn't it be hilarious if Blowhard Prime develops a huge terror-boner of a crush on the new mecha on the block?)
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sonicasura · 2 months
A TFA X FNAF: Security breach/Ruin, where Sari (w/ Fazone or bots who'll unhindered) going to the ruin Pizzaplex with Cassie to save 'Gregory', while Bots stays behind and watch from the monitors
Will Sari use her key to the ruin animatronics?
Bumblebee heard about the urban exploring trend and wanted to try it out. He goes to his partner in crime, Sari, on an abandoned place they can check out. This is what leads the two into the Pizzaplex.
Sari never gotten a chance to go there when it had still been open as she didn't really have friends. Thus why not explore the abandoned version with her extraterrestrial bot buddy instead? Original plan been exploring the ground floor and maybe bring back a few items.
An idea shot to hell when they notice Cassie sneaking inside. The two are separated as the young Sumdac takes the plunge and Bumblebee runs off to get help. Sari falls not to far from where Glamrock Bonnie is. Knowing she can't go through the abandoned pizzeria alone, she uses the key on the animatronic.
Bonnie is brought back to life although with some slight differences. Part of his systems are linked to M.X.E.S so he can feel the AI and connect to it without backlash. Bonnie is confused what's going on but decides to help Sari get out of the Pizzaplex.
Monty and Chica also get repaired along the way through the Key. While Cassie takes down every security node, Bonnie gains information about everything going around the Pizzaplex through M.X.E.S. The events of Security Breach, Glitchtrap Virus, the imminent ruin and finally the Mimic.
Sari is the one who brings Roxy back online so Cassie has more help during the final fight. The Mimic gets scooped while what's left of M.X.E.S had fully merge with Glamrock Bonnie. Plus it would be the funny that the bots show up to rescue Sari alongside Cassie only to have four extra animatronics who need a lift.
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favesgrave · 2 years
TFA Blurr in TFP Memes (someone help this poor bot)
that one meme post i made about blurr being short compared to team prime did really well so here, take some more
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Smokescreen: Welcome to Fucking Applebee's, do you want apples or the bees?
Blurr: Bees?
Blurr: Wait-
Bumblebee: *approaches shaking a jar of bees menacingly*
Miko: *aggressively throws water bottles*
Raf: Uh... what's up with her?
Jack: She's trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us.
Blurr, crying: It's working.
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Wheeljack during Disobedient that someone is filling in his place as the rulebreaker on the team:
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Arcee: Who the frag-
Blurr: Language!
Arcee: Whom the frag-
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Blurr, knocking out a vehicon: Haha, ha, ONE!
(obligatory sonic snapcube dub reference)
Blurr, driving through Jasper for a tour: I really did expect there to be more robots in this town but I guess it's always possible that Sumdac Systems doesn't exist in your reality
Raf: Blurr, did you say robots? As in robots that just roam around on the streets???
Blurr, who is used to Earth in 2057: What year is it.
Arcee: What are you two arguing about this time?
Blurr: He's always using common phrases incorrectly!
Smokescreen, doing this on purpose: Cry me a table, Blurr.
Blurr: I CAN'T CRY-
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and because the crossover @justawannabearchaeologist started is the one that gave me the idea for all this, i'm ending the post with this:
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sweetpeaches666 · 1 year
I think the reason why social services weren't involved in season 2 of TFA is because of Captain Fanzone. I wouldn't be surprised if Fanzone did everything in his power to keep social services from placing Sari in a home.
Considering he is the chief of police, Fanzone is aware that some kids in the foster system don't have it easy and many of them end up doing some crimes. Plus, Fanzone knew Sumdac prior to the Autobots waking up from stasis, so he probably didn't want Sumdac's daughter to be toss from home to home.
Even though the Autobots taking care of a little girl is questionable to some, Fanzone trust them enough to look after Sari until her father comes back since the the stress of being in a foster home would be too much for her emotional state.
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skylarkking · 4 months
"One In The Same"
A TFA Blitzwing x Mech!reader
Word Count:1.3k
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Chapter 9: The Storm
"There's been an increase in Decepticon activity." Prowl reported as he returned to the base. "They may be planning an assault."
"Great." Optimus grumbled while pinching the space between his optics. He then looked up when Ratchet entered the main area with a grim expression. "What's his status, Ratchet?"
"Not good." The medic said. "He woke up somewhat, but the strain of it sent him into a system crash. I tried running diagnostics to see if it's a code thing, but... it's all scrambled. Which isn't surprising since he got quite the shock."
"So he's not waking up anytime soon?" Optimus asked.
"I... I don't know."
"Fan fragging tastic."
Unaware of the bots I had awoken again, but not by my own will.
'Arise Enigma, and hear my command.' I heard Megatron say in my mind as my optics opened and revealed their blood red hue to the ceiling. 'You will go to the location known as Sumdac Tower, I will be waiting for you there. Do not let the Autobots discover your disappearance.'
"As you command." I whispered to myself. I carefully disconnected the monitors that were hooked up to me and slipped out of the base through the air vents before taking to the skies.
I made a direct beeline to Sumdac Tower, where the roof had been caved in by something. Or rather, someone.
"You!" Starscream snapped as he looked up from inside the tower.
"Stand down, Starscream." The dismembered helm of Megatron ordered. "Enigma, land." I obeyed and shifted forms, my pedes making contact with the rubble covered floor. I looked over to Megatron with a distant and lifeless expression on my face. "Sit and await my command.
The others shall arrive soon."
"Understood." I complied and sat on my legs, my servos folding neatly in my lap, and my gaze focused on the horizon.
"Lord Megatron." Starscream said with hesitation. "Not to um... question your judgment, but how do we know he won't turn on us again?"
"You forget Starscream," Megatron growled. "That it was YOUR DOING that allowed him to gain sentience to begin with."
"You know about that?!" Starscream panicked.
"I didn't. Until now." Megatron snarled.
"Well... um... y-you see I uh..."
"I don't want to hear your blathering excuses."
I sensed something approaching, and I stood up in a defensive stance, Megatron shifting his gaze to me.
"Two life signatures detected." I said flatly.
"Autobots?" Starscream asked.
"Negative. Energy signatures match Decepticon frequency." As I said, this lugnut and Blitzwing came flying into view, the pair of them landing not far from myself and Megatron.
Blitzwing's optics met with mine, and a strange expression crossed his face.
"Blitzwing," Megatron said, pulling the triple changers' attention to the warlord's severed helm. "Do you have the key?"
"I have it, my lord." Lugnut said. As the large Decepticon strode over and was babbling something about not being worthy or whatever while Blitzwing was looking at me with the same strange expression as before.
"Y/D? Vhat are you doing here?" Blitzwing asked barely above a whisper. "You aren't safe here."
"Designation not recognized." I said flatly, Blitzwing's expression changing to horror.
That expression would change to surprise as lugnut inserted the key into Megatron's helm and a brilliant glow blasted outward. Metal plating flew off of the walls, slamming and melding together in sprays of sparks and light.
-with the Autobots-
"Dammit!" Optimus cursed when he and the others saw the glow from Sumdac Tower, followed by Megatron breaking through and hovering above it. The autobots skidded to a halt as he Megatron landed in front of them, followed closely by myself.
"Is that... Y/D?" Bumblebee asked as the bots shifted forms and took on defensive stances. "Yo Y/D! What are you doing with the Decepticons?!"
"Designation not recognized." I said flatly.
"What did you do to him?" Optimus growled.
"I merely returned him to what he was designed to be." Megatron said coldly. "A weapon meant to destroy everything and everyone in his path under my command!"
"You brainwashed him?!" Bumblebee snapped. "No one does that to my friend!"
"Bumblebee, wait!" Optimus called to the yellow bot only for him to ignore Optimus completely and charge at Megatron. I stepped in the way and delivered a precise kick to the bots chassis, Bumblebee flying back and bouncing to a slide in front of Bulkhead.
"Autobot attack attept: failed. Assessing current victory success chance at: 78.34%." I said.
"How... how did he do that?" Bumblebee huffed as Bulkhead helped him up. "Y/D was never that accurate with kicks before! It's why he sucked so much at soccer!"
"I don't think Y/D is in there." Prowl said. "At least not consciously."
"What do you mean?"
"His spark is the same, but Megatron has his mind in a prison."
"So what do we do?" Bulkhead asked.
"We need to get his core consciousness to come forward." Prowl said.
"And we do that, how exactly?" Bumblebee asked with a cocked optic ridge.
"We make him unstable." Optimus said as his optics locked on my stability collar. The Autobots understood what the Prime meant and charged at me, my defensive coding activating as I parried and blocked their attacks with ease.
"Enigma, show them what it means to be the perfect weapon." Megatron ordered.
"Command acknowledged." I said as I upped my attacks and went full force against the bots, but something in me told me to show restraint.
I battled the bots with incredible skill and grace, my claws slashing and crashing against the metal plating of the bots in a dangerous but not deadly dance.
"Optimus, he's holding back." Prowl said as he dodged one of my swings and countered it with a strike.
"Sure doesn't feel like it!" Bumblebee yelled, followed by him yelping as I kicked his tanks and sent him to the ground. I towered over the yellow bot, and he looked up at me with wide and fearful optics. The same ones that a sparkling I once knew a long time ago had. The one I refused to kill.
For a brief moment, I felt a flicker of some sort of emotion, but that was quickly pushed away by Bulkhead charging at me with a battle cry. I dodged his wrecking ball as he threw it at me and backflipped behind him, Optimus charging and locking his axe with my claws.
"Y/D, I know you're in there!" Optimus said. "We're you're friends!"
"I'm afraid the bot you call Y/D is no more." Megatron snarled. "Bring them down!"
"Y/D! Listen to me! Megatron is using you!" Optimus yelled at me as I shoved him back so hard he slammed into Prowl, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead. The group of bots fell to the ground in a pile, their frames battered and heavily damaged. The scent of spilled oil and energon reached my senses, the scent oddly... disturbing to me.
"Excellent work, Enigma." Megatron said, pulling my attention from the pile of bots and to the warlord. As I did, the other Decepticons landed not far with expressions of varying concern.
"Well, of course he would be the best." Starscream said. "He is of your design." Megatron glared at Starscream before motioning for me to join the warlord's side, to which I complied.
"Enigma," Megatron said. "What is the protocol for traitors of the Decepticons?"
"Section 34-8.2 states that anyone who dares defy the will of Megatron will be punished by deactivation." I said.
"Enact the protocol on Starscream." I nodded and charged at Starscream, my claws burying themselves into his tanks. Starscream choked as energon, and oil flooded his intake, his optics going wide in pain. I ripped the blades out in a spray of fluids, Starscream's frame dropping to the ground like a pile of spare parts.
"Deactivation, complete." I said. "Awaiting next command."
"Find us a suitable location for us to proceed." Megatron said. "And await my arrival."
"Proceed?" Blitzwing asked. "Proceed with what?"
"Enigma is more than a soldier." Megatron smirked. "When the Allspark joins his frame, he will be my blade of total domination."
"Command integrated." I said. "Setting destination. Will remain on standby until further orders." I then took to the skies and left the Decepticons behind.
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What if Earth raised Barbie-Bot also had a Ken-Mech on earth with her who was also raised by a human family?
He acts like a typical Ken would, friendly, optimistic, charismatic, energetic, sporty, loves fashion, if a little bit clueless at times 😅
He and Barbi are both spokesmen for Sumdac Systems and are often paired together.
How do the bots react to Ken-Mech?
-Optimus doesn't dislike Ken-Mech. He's a nice bot with a big spark that just wants everyone to get along. It's just that he's so naive. He thinks everything can be solved by just talking it out and while yes, that's a nice sentiment, Optimus is not going to try it out the next time a decepticon shows up to wreak havoc.
-Look, Ratchet might get frustrated sometimes by Ken-Mech's clueless personality but since he knows its not actually his fault, Ratchet has more patience with him. Likes that this bot actually listens when he tells him something.
-Bumblebee is jealous. If he was envious of Millisecond (Barbie-Bot) then he's green with envy when it comes to Ken-Mech. This mech is famous, handsome, rich and most importantly; tall. Yeah, Bee dislikes him just because of that. Poor Ken-Mech doesn't even understand when he's being made fun of.
-Now, Bulkhead and Ken-Mech would actually get along really well! Bulkhead really likes how cheery and friendly he is. Really in awe of Ken-Mech's fashion sense since on Cybertron there's not really anything like that.
-Prowl thinks Ken-Mech is a nice person but his high energy personality is a bit too much for him so he doesn't really seek him out to talk. Is however interested in how both him and Millisecond ended up on Earth to begin with.
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techgirltourney · 1 year
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Welcome to the Tech Girl Tourney!
With a whopping 64 gals who are cyborgs, robots, programs, and more this is shaping up to be a fierce and fun competition!
Here are some rules and such before I give you a written list of contenders and their schedules.
Play nice with each other. No harassment or bullying of any kind will be tolerated. It’s a silly little competition! Stay silly! Stay kind!
Think to yourself: "is what I'm about to type about my opponent something I'd like to hear about my favorite blorbo or fandom?" If the answer is "no" don't type it. Hype up your blorbo rather than trash-talk the other gal.
Propaganda is welcome and encouraged (so long as you're following rules 1 & 2). If I miss your propaganda don't hesitate to hop in my inbox and point it out to me. I don't always get notifications on this tumblr account for some reason.
HERE BE SPOILERS (potentially). I don't know every fandom in this tournament but given the nature of these sort of characters, spoilers are highly likely for character reveals! By continuing to follow this blog and participate in this tournament you're consenting to seeing spoilers. I would tag them but I genuinely don't know which characters are spoilers and which aren't.
Play nice with me, your friendly neighborhood tournament runner. I am not a professional tournament runner. I am just another person on the internet with feelings. Don't come flying into my inbox to yell at me about things like seeding, or that your specific blorbo didn't get in, or that you think a certain character doesn't count. I will just delete and block messages that I feel are too hostile toward me. I've seen the kinda stuff other poll runners have had to put up with and I don't want to deal with it here. I just want to have fun!
All polls will go up at 12 pm EST and be up for 1 day each except the final poll which will be up for a week.
With that out of the way! Onto the contenders and schedule!
Side A - Group 1 - Round 1 [May 25th]
Motherboard (Cyberchase) vs Synergy (Jem and the Holograms)
Robot Candace (Phineas and Ferb) vs Tima (Metropolis)
Uran (Astro Boy) vs Ohno (Mighty Orbots)
Roll (MegaMan) vs Penny Polendina (RWBY)
Viv Vision (Marvel) vs Jenny Wakeman (MLAATR)
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) vs Orianna (League of Legends)
Teto Kasane (SynthV) vs Arcee (Transformers)
Robot Girl (Robot Boy) vs Bee (Bee and Puppycat)
Side A - Group 2 - Round 1 [May 27th]
Small Foot (Challenge of the GoBots) vs R. Dorothy Waynewright (The Big O)
Miri (Jetter Mars) vs Accord (Drakengard 3)
Ruru Amour (Hugtto Precure) vs Aigis (Persona 3)
Pixal (Ninjago) vs Ritsu (Assassination Classroom)
Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain) vs Sage (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell) vs Falulu (Pripara)
Cutie Honey (Cutie Honey) vs Renais Shishioh (The King of Braves GaoGaiGar)
Jinmay (SRMTHFG) vs Mimi (Super Paper Mario)
Side B - Group 1 - Round 1 [May 29th]
SHODAN (System Shock) vs Drossel von Flugel (Fireball)
GLaDOS (Portal) vs Aradiabot (Homestuck)
Karen Plankton (Spongebob Squarepants) vs Tex (RvB)
Striker (Suisei no Gargantia) vs Miss Monochrome (Miss Monochrome the Animation)
Naomi Armitage (Arimitage the Third) vs Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa)
Toa Nokama (Bionicle) vs Poppy Pipopapo (Kamen Rider Ex Aid)
Raptor 283 (Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger) vs Cindi Mayweather (Janelle Monae's Metropolis)
Alpha Hatsuseno (Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou) vs Magine (Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger)
Side B - Group 2 - Round 1 [May 31st]
Lal (Star Trek TNG) vs .GIFfany (Gravity Falls)
Megagirl (Starship) vs Hera (Wolf 359)
Monika (DDLC) vs Aelita (Code Lyoko)
Arale Norimaki (Dr. Slump) vs Piper (Robots)
Robecca Steam (Monster High) vs Sari Sumdac (Transformers Animated)
Aya (GLTAS) vs Fey (Welcome to Night Vale)
Orisa (Overwatch) vs Rebecca (Cyberpunk Edgerunners)
Chii (Chobits) vs KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)
Side A - Group 1 - Round 2 [June 2nd]
Motherboard (Cyberchase) vs Robot Candace (Phineas and Ferb)
Uran (Astro Boy) vs Roll (MegaMan)
Jenny Wakeman (MLAATR) vs Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
Arcee (Transformers) vs Bee (Bee and Puppycat)
Side A - Group 2 - Round 2 [June 4th]
R. Dorothy Waynewright (The Big O) vs Accord (Drakengard 3)
Aigis (Persona 3) vs Ritsu (Assassination Classroom)
Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain) vs Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
Cutie Honey (Cutie Honey) vs Jinmay (SRMTHFG)
Side B - Group 1 - Round 2 [June 6th]
SHODAN (System Shock) vs GLaDOS (Portal)
Tex (RvB) vs Striker (Suisei no Gargantia)
Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa) vs Toa Nokama (Bionicle)
Raptor 283 (Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger) vs Magine (Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger)
Side B - Group 2 - Round 2 [June 8th]
.GIFfany (Gravity Falls) vs Hera (Wolf 359)
Aelita (Code Lyoko) vs Piper (Robots)
Robecca Steam (Monster High) vs Fey (Welcome to Night Vale)
Orisa (Overwatch) vs Chii (Chobits)
Side A - Group 1 - Round 3 [June 10th]
Motherboard (Cyberchase) vs Uran (Astro Boy)
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) vs Bee (Bee and Puppycat)
Side A - Group 2 - Round 3 [June 12th]
R. Dorothy Waynewright (The Big O) vs Aigis (Persona 3)
Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain) vs Cutie Honey (Cutie Honey) Side B - Group 1 - Round 3 [June 14th]
GLaDOS (Portal) vs Tex (RvB)
Toa Nokama (Bionicle) vs Magine (Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger)
Side B - Group 2 - Round 3 [June 16th]
.GIFfany (Gravity Falls) vs Aelita (Code Lyoko)
Robecca Steam (Monster High) vs Orisa (Overwatch)
Side A - Group 1 - Quarterfinals [June 18th]
Motherboard (Cyberchase) vs Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
Side A - Group 2 - Quarterfinals [June 20th]
Aigis (Persona 3) vs Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)
Side B - Group 1 - Quarterfinals [June 22nd]
GLaDOS (Portal) vs Toa Nokama (Bionicle)
Side B - Group 2 - Quarterfinals [June 24th]
.GIFfany (Gravity Falls) vs Robecca Steam (Monster High)
Side A - Semifinals [June 26th]
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) vs Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)
Side B - Semifinals [June 28th]
GLaDOS (Portal) vs .GIFfany (Gravity Falls) Finals [June 30th]
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) vs GLaDOS (Portal)
GLaDOS (Portal)
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ivycorp · 1 year
Hearts and Sparks: Day 1: Similarities | Differences
Continuity: Transformers Animated
Relationship: Megatron/Isaac Sumdac
Having to work with your ex-captor was not an easy thing to do - especially if both parties saw each other as such.
This was the case for both Megatron and Isaac Sumdac, who were forced to cooperate for the sake of the young protoform that the man took as his daughter; a girl who somehow managed to activate the mechs carrier protocols upon her self-imposed artificial upgrade. Sari was mortified to learn of her alien nature, but getting to see the Leader of the Decepticons look at her and stop the assault during the fight made the situation way weirder.
Hearing Megatron let out an odd, soft noise, right there in the middle of the battlefield, and responding to it with an inhuman chirp before she could stop it made the others freeze too.
It was also the same day she heard her father curse in public for the first time. 
The ceasefire had been hastily called upon, with both sides of conflict unsure how to proceed with this cross-faction discovery. With the active combat halting, Sari had been called upon as the most impacted party to settle the question of custody - since, in both legal systems, she should still be with a caretaker. 
Megatron did not miss the opportunity to tell her that in Cybertronian years, she would be expected at least another few decades before she would not classify as a sparkling. To which the doctor countered that if she turns off age on Earth, she would be an adult and thus able to do whatever she saw fit to be. They both glared at each other across the table, and the meeting adjourned, with a promise to pick up the next day.
The next day proved that Sentinel's understanding of the fragility of this situation was not at an estimated 'low, and not caring' but at 'none, but sensing weakness'. 
The flagship of the Autobot forces came in with ample support, dead set to either blow Megatron up by using the distraction, or by killing the abomination that had the nerve to share any of the coding with the Decepticon. A chance to surrender had been given, but Optimus could see by the hard looks shared by Professor Sumdac and the warlord that it would not be taken.
Carrier protocols and parental protectiveness kicked in, and the threat to Sari had been taken as a serious offense.
When the short man turned on the defenses of the tower, Megatron was already sending out orders for the off-world Dexepticon forces to come in, and getting his troops mobilized to prepare for aerial defense. Optimus and the rest of the crew went on to deal with crowd control and a furious attempt to call Sentinel to stop this madness unless he wanted the entire planet and Decepticon forces to turn hostile on them.
The call was dropped multiple times before they managed to connect; after lots of very careful words on Optimus's side, and considerably more angry responses from Sentinel, they managed to open the negotiations from the next day. 
Which led to the current arrangement: everyone sitting at Sumdac Tower, trying to ignore the elephant in the room - the angry tension between the man and the warlord.
The terse silence that fell between them was charged, and after a few angry words flying both ways, no one talked to them anymore. Sari was so tired she fell asleep at one of the chairs, and the rest of both crews decided to use the opportunity to recharge as well.
All but Isaac and Megatron, who instead stood still, arms crossed.
"You should rest, you are swaying on your feet," advised the mech quietly, digit tapping lightly. The human snorted, shifting his stance with a frown at the tiredness that was making the nearby sofa look enticing.
"Like I can trust you to take my eyes off you even for a second," he replied in an accusatory whisper. The gray Con smirked, optics glinting at the tone.
"Can't I say the same about you, professor?" the mech goaded, he gestured to the lab in which they resided, before he added:
"Not so long ago I was at your mercy, my frame a tool for your use - you can't expect me to relax in these walls, not to mention re-charge."
"You then took me away and forced me to work for you - so pardon me if I don't trust you to not pull something similar with my child," the man retorted, keeping a watchful eye on the sleeping girl. A sigh from the warlord caught his attention.
"I have no ill intentions towards her, professor, and while I don't feel sorry for kidnapping you, I know she holds you in high regard and will not risk causing distress like that so soon into the development cycle," he said, optics softening when he looked at the resting Sari. They both observed her for a while in silence, but it lost some of the tension from before.
"She is everything to me, you know?" Sumdac said wistfully, face filled with longing. The large mech hummed, before he offered in return:
"Now that I know the truth about her, I share the sentiment, even if it is just the carrier coding speaking through me - and I do have to admit you kept her healthy and well this entire time, so some thanks are due, professor."
Isaac chuckled, as he stretched his arms out.
"Well, I did what I could - though I am not getting any younger, and it worries me," he mentioned, masking a tired yawn. Megatron nodded in understanding.
"She will live far longer than any human if she takes after the Cybertronian heritage," he explained, but before Sumdac could find this in any way alarming, he continued:
"But unless I die in battle, I still have a long enough time to make sure she develops into her final upgrade with as much care and support as she would require."
Isaac did not like the idea of his death, but he had to agree to the assessment - Megatron had a much bigger chance to offer Sari any sort of help into the Cybertronian way of life than he could, even with decades of studying one in detail. Yet, one question remained:
"Only if she became a Decepticon, am I correct?"
The warlord did not look surprised at this question, and he shook his helm.
"As much as I would prefer her to join, I will not force my progeny to be part of the Cause - it's a personal decision and it has no impact on the care I wish to provide," he admitted, before he looked away for a second, gaze affixed in a random piece of tiling. 
"Nor would I bar her from joining the Autobots, should she wish to do so later on, as much as it would cause me great dismay."
Sumdac blinked, stumped by this promise. He knew the mech was adept at manipulation, but he had time to learn the usual tells of lies and half-truths. 
He saw none.
Looking thoughtfully at Sari, and at the distracted Decepticon, he reached his own conclusion: 
To hell with it.
He turned towards the couch and grabbed a hold of the pillows and blankets bundled on it. Under the curious watch of the mech, he formed a small nest-like structure to which he shifted Sari into, hoping it would spare her creaks in the neck from sleeping on the desk. She didn't wake up, curling down instead under the blanket she was covered with. 
The short man was surprised to hear soft whirrs coming from the girl, and Megatron decided to chime in:
"It's the cooling fans - she must have had them added in the upgrade to compensate for the flight capable frame," he explained with pride, as he was happy to see his offspring get the opportunity to enjoy the freedom of soaring in the sky.
"They sound peculiar, but I guess it's to be expected," Sumdac shrugged, and looked at the mech expectantly. At the empty look from the Con, he quipped quietly:
"Well, Megatron, if we are to co-parent, you better come here and sit down, so you can shield her from harm, don't you think? There is only so much my 'weak, fleshy arms' can offer here beside hugs."
The way the red optics cycled wide in surprise was almost enough to get Isaac to laugh. Bravely, he managed to keep it in.
"You have to agree it would be strategically wise, as we can't rule out getting attacked before the talks in the morning," he reasoned, as he saw the warlord turn pensive, considering the remark.
Megatron took a step closer, watching the space critically, before he sighed and folded himself against the wall, bracing them both by his legs, servos laid on the plating idly.
"Will you be able to sleep like this, professor - or are you worried I'll leave in the middle of the night and you are making sure if I move you will know it?" Decepticon leader asked in a hushed voice, as Sumdac shifted so he was leaning against the metal leg.
"I am trying to have some faith in you, but you can't fault me for being cautious - and, at this point, I think you calling me by that title is a bit weird, don't you think, Megatron?" the man teased, getting himself comfortable. The plating was warmer than he expected, and it was starting to melt his tense muscles into a sleepy state.
"Would you rather I called you Isaac, then?" Megatron chuckled, the vibration from it traveling across the frame. Sumdac let out a short sound of assent, and was surprised when a servo was extended to him, invitingly. He eyed it in confusion.
"Hop on, we both know you will not get enough rest like this, your body will make odd creaking noises in the morning - and it's not like you didn't fall asleep in my hand before, pro- Isaac," the warlord explained, nudging the other lightly.
"It was not attached to the rest of you then, in my defense," he replied, conceding defeat and climbing onto outstretched digits, which curled lightly around him in a protective hold. He could feel the mech shift, as he tried to cover Sari too, shielding her from the rest of the room.
For a moment, the room fell silent - only the sounds of the recharging bots and one techno-organic filled the air.
Sumdac could feel he was slipping closer into sleep, but he tried to hold on to the consciousness for a moment longer.
"Did you mean it, when you told the lab won't let you relax?" he mumbled, unsure if he would even get an answer. He felt rather than heard the heavy in-vent, and was surprised to receive a reply:
"Every time I look at these walls, I cant help but worry the moment I off-line my optics, the next time I will wake to being a disembodied head again, with another decades passing by - disassembled into parts by an alien scientist who this time knows there is a being within the machine, but is choosing to ignore it."
The man flinched, the tired honesty feeling like a slap to the face.
"I could repaint them tomorrow?" Sumdac proposed tentatively, and was rewarded with a small chuckle in return.
"Thank you for the offer, it might help."
Professor sighed, relieved a bit by what he could only interpret as a peace offering from the mech's side.
"I only want to keep Sari safe, you know? I would do anything to make sure she's alright…" he trailed off, finally being lulled into sleep.
He missed the way the warlord curled his digits a bit tighter, but gentle enough not to crush the resting man, and whispered into the room:
"Then maybe we are not so different after all, Isaac."
First entry for @heartsandsparksshipweek - I am trying to cover multiple continuities and ships (which I hope is alright?)
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thewiglesswonder · 2 years
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POV: You're at your Detroit Public High School reunion
There are certain silences that are unique to every situation. There is the silence of a library, where all sound is muted by dust and countless pages and soft places for reading, there is the comfortable silence of a kitchen inhabited by friends. Warm and inviting, these silences relieve the ears from listening and the tongue of the need to speak, and provide all enveloped in them with a well-earned rest.
The silence that filled the holding cell of the downtown Detroit police station was none of these things.
There was a single window from which the weak light of street lamps spilled, reinforced with the same thick iron bars that separated the cell from the hallway, and a single bench that lined the far wall. It currently seated two occupants.
On the right end of the bench was Mackenzie Adam, hunched forwards, elbows resting on her knees. Her mouth was pressed together in a thin, grim line, and her hair hung in long, ropey strands in front of her face. Several dark bruises were rapidly forming on her face, a handful of angry red scrapes decorated the side of her cheek and forehead, and a line of blood slowly oozed its way from her nose.
On the left end of the bench was Henry Masterson, who leaned backwards, the back of his head resting on the concrete wall. He sported a darkening black eye, a nosebleed of his own, a split lip, and a patch of friction burn down the side of his face. At his side, one arm was protectively wrapped around a magenta helmet.
All in all, high school reunions did not typically end this way.
“Witwicky’s still a major poser.”
Mackenzie, or as most knew her, Mac, turned her head towards him, wearing an expression of exhausted, and somewhat disappointed, disbelief.
“Was that what that was about?”
The other occupant of the cell shrugged.
“You tried to decapitate Spike Witwicky with a punch bowl because-“
“He wouldn’t shut up about his lame-o chemical whatevers!”
Masterson raised a hand and splayed his fingers, indicating the exact level of lameness the chemicals possessed to him.
“Oh, you know how it is, it’s just a lot of intensive, difficult work with sodium chloride-“ he mocked, doing a poor imitation of Spike’s all-American, everyman voice.
“That’s table salt.”
Masterson went quiet for all of two seconds.
“And he’s still working for that noob Sumdac!” He went on.
Mac scoffed.
“Please. The one thing I remember about senior year physics was you fanboying over every new thing Sumdac Systems put out.”
“Well…” He furrowed his brows. “Yeah, but that was before I knew what a major buzzkill that guy is.”
“So he fired you because he’s a buzzkill?”
Masterson looked up at her from probing at his black eye.
“How do you know he fired me? You hate tech.”
Mac straightened, wiping the blood from her upper lip as she did so.
“You threatened to destroy all of Michigan on live TV. They were doing biopics on you for about a week after the fact.”
Her current cell-mate blinked.
“Yeah, between you, that… acid guy, Nanosec, Lugnut and Blitzwing showing up-“
“What and huh showing up?” Masterson asked, squinting. “Black and that dumb acid stuff was major news, and Nino’s in my supervillain Yatter group,” Mac rolled her eyes. “But why are you talking load-bearing connections all of a sudden?”
“Not the machine part; they were the first Decepticons on Earth after Starscream.”
She was met with a blank stare.
“Lugnut’s big and green, five optics, very firm believer in the Decepticon cause…”
The stare continued.
“Blitz is purple and tan, faces like a slot machine,” Mac swiped a finger in front of her cheek to demonstrate, “he’s a triple-changer, fire and ice…?”
Unending blankness.
Mac swung one leg over the other and crossed her arms.
“Isn’t jacking Cybertronian bodies your…hobby, or something? You really can’t tell them apart?”
“I can so tell them apart!” Masterson said indignantly.
There was a moment of cold silence again.
“Is Starscream the pink one or-“
“Okay, okay! I was just asking.” He grumbled. “I got his body with a Unit a little while ago. It was wicked sick before that truck made me smash it when I tried to transform. And he called me a noob!”
Mac’s eyebrows shot up.
“Optimus Prime called you a noob?”
Masterson nodded ruefully.
"And he didn't even know what "leet" means! I liveblogged the whole thing on Yatter. It was a mega-hit, way more popular than that time I got that other Autobot’s body-”
“Who, Bulkhead?” Asked Mac, failing to hide a smile at the thought of Optimus Prime using any kind of slang.
“Nah, he was blue and orange, had this shield and lance that were in major need of upgrades.” He paused, as if trying to recall something else. “And the original head model had this mondo chin.”
“You're telling me-“ she paused, mouth stretched in a disbelieving smile, "you stole Sentinel Prime's body and fought Optimus with it?"
“Yeah… he ripped its arm off and hit me with it-“ Masterson said, confusion creeping into his voice.
He stopped short as Mac threw her head back and cackled.
“Okay, hold the phone!” The Headmaster threw up his hands and shifted on the bench, turning towards his former classmate.
“You sound like you did when you heard that a grift-pop cover of some late nineteen hundreds album was coming out. That's gossip, Adam. You know these bots, like, on a personal level.” He leaned towards her, excitedly tapping his feet on the concrete. “Gimme all the deets.”
“Okay, first off, you’re no better with the two thousand aughts, you screamed in the middle of Fowler’s English class when you found out HaxCon was coming to Detroit-“
“Which was totally warranted!”
“Second, I sounded like that because I knew it would be hilarious to watch it try to stack up to Madonna, and third, what makes you think I would tell you anything about the mechs whose bodies you like to snatch?”
“So you do know them!” Headmaster leveled an accusing finger at Mac. “How did that happen? You never worked for him, so Sumdac’s little twerp daughter couldn’t-“
“Watch it.”
Headmaster shrugged.
“I just always thought you’d end up in an underground analog band or something.”
Mac leaned forward from the cinderblock wall, propping the uninjured side of her face up with a hand. She sighed.
“To make a very long story short, I got shot in the head with a Cybertronian data cylinder beam and I run a bar for them now. And,” she tugged at her left sleeve, the purple of her insignia standing stark against the yellow, “I’m a Decepticon.”
Among the kinds of silence, the stunned variety is common, and it appeared here now.
“That raises, like… twice as many questions as it answers.”
“You’re friends with a guy who can run at the speed of sound and a man made of acid. That cannot be the weirdest thing you’ve heard this week.”
“Okay, Black is so not my friend-“
This voice followed a shadow descending the stairs into the holding cell, which in turn, belonged to the broad police captain currently on irritated duty.
“Yeah, Carmine?”
“That’s Captain Fanzone to you, Mac.”
He stopped at the door and began to rifle through a ring of keys. After one too many biometrics malfunctions, he had insisted that the low-level holding cells remain tethered to the good old lock and key.
“Anyway,” he went on, “your bail’s been posted.”
“My bail?” Mac rose from the bench as Fanzone slid the cell door open. “By who?”
“Yeah, who do you know that’d bail you out?” Asked an irate Masterson.
Fanzone shrugged and locked the door once more.
“Didn’t catch his name.”
Mac gave a short hum that was only slightly suspicious, and raised a single hand in farewell to the sole occupant of the cell, which was summarily returned.
“Whoever he is, he’s got one heck of a German accent.”
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witchofthesouls · 9 months
You know that trend with Material Girl by Madonna with people posting their parents' young and hot phase?
That's Sari and her parents.
Dr. Sumduc was definitely a phase, but when he was in his late 20s/early 30s. His dedication to science had prematurely aged him as he constantly forgot to eat, sleep, and hydrate. Plus, he had a hybrid child to raise. Despite his really poor interpersonal skills, he definitely knew he had to keep Sari's existence under wraps because she would never be able to see an experimental laboratory if she was ever discovered. Let alone live a peaceful life. Even his considerable wealth, he knows he has enemies and that he's a (in)famous figure for revolutionizing the modern way of life. Everyone around him is under intense scrutiny. Many will scramble for any paltry scrap of information over the missing mother because anyone who controls the young daughter then controls the future of Sumdac Systems.
This could account why Sari doesn't exist in databases as well as Dr. Sumdac's staunch "no military-hardware" stance. It's a poorly executed way her father tried to cover her since it left Sari incredibly vulnerable as her citizenship and legal identity were non-existent. Dr. Sumdac had only thought of the many organizations and companies that aren't afraid to get their hands dirty to claim the first "Earth-born" techno-organic that it left Sari with absolutely nothing to care for herself should something happen to him. He was so afraid of outside monsters that he didn't realize that he had some already nearby.
Now, Sari can't believe anyone would have the hots for Megatron because he's super picky over his food and drink and he recites corny, yet bloody poems to Optimus as a lullaby, but she came across some ancient propaganda posters of him within the gladiatorial arenas. She needed brain-bleach.
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