photoglobo · 1 year
Haifa, Israel - The Hanging Gardens Of Baha'i
My plan was a nice picnic and some rest in the famous gardens of Baha’i. The Hanging Gardens of Baha’i are on the slopes of Carmel mountains and overlooking Haifa and its bay. They surrounds the Shrine of Bab, where the founder of the Baha’i Faith is buried. Unfortunately, only a small part of the gardens are open for the public. The shrine itself was not to enter. However, i could had a…
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asemity999 · 1 year
What happen after watching and dreaming
I don't know if I am happy or sad of Danna Terrance, because she made the best show in my life or that she played on my strings.
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On the terrace
Summary: you were just chillin' on your hotel's terrace when you saw Gavi on the opposite teracce.
You can find the next part here.
(Sorry for my English, it's not my first language)
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It was Champions League final tomorrow and you and your dance company were asked to preform at the opening ceremony. You were happy that Barcelona is playing in the final. After all you were a culer. You could preform and watch the FC Barcelona's match. Your dream came true.
Now you were sitting on your hotel's room terrace in your Gavi jersey, studying a bit for your verbal matriculation examination with your headphones on your head. You weren't listening to music but it muffled the noise outside. Meanwhile Gavi was come out of his hotel room and looked at the view but he saw something or I could say somebody else. It was you. Your face illuminated by the sunset, it was just perfect in his eyes so he decided to stare at you a little bit.
You final done with studying after an hour so you decided to continue to write your love letter for Gavi which you were writing since you were 17. You were 18 now and he was 19. Perfection. You couldn't deny the fact that you had a huge crush on him. He is cute, handsome, those beautiful eyes and his perfect smile. He was perfect in your eyes. A lot people said to you that you only like Barca beacuse of Gavi but no. You've loved it for a long time. Your favorite trio was the MSN (Messi, Suárez, Neymar). It broke your heart when it was over. You didn't plan to give Gavi the letter after the match, but you were thinking of it now. Maybe it is your only chance but it could be so creepy for him. A random fangirl gives him a love letter. A bit weird.
While you were thinking of it, you looked up a bit from your paper to see the view but you saw somebody else. You thought that you were crazy. It was impossible. Pablo Gavi was standing in front of you on the opposite terrace and he was looking at you. Exactly at you. You saw his eyes perfectly, because the street was narrow and the buildings were close to each other. Your were shocked and it was very visible on your face. He waved at you. You smiled and waved him back.
- I though you'd never look up from your books. - he shouted a bit so you could hear him.
- I'm sorry, I was focused on studying. - you shouted back. - Wait, what? What do you mean? You were watching me? - you asked with more shock on your face.
- For an hour now. But i don't mind if i can staring at beautiful girl like you in the sunset. - he answered with a smile on his face. That goddamn smile. You thought you're gonna faint. Not just because of his smile, because of his answer too. He said you are beautiful. Pablo Gavi said that you are beautiful. -Do you mind if I go to your place? - he asked what? You weren't ready for these questions but you would be the biggest idiot to reject this offer.
- Yeah sure. Why not? - you said and he was already on his way to your room. Pablo Gavi was on his way to your hotel room. You couldn't even process these actions and before you knew it he was knock on your door. You quickly run to the door and opened it. There was he. The man of your life. He was standing in front of you. You looked into his beautiful eyes and you felt like you were in heaven.
- Can I come in? - he asked because you were just standing there looking into his eyes.
- Yeah, sure. - you blushed. He came into your room and he went to the terrace and sat in a chair. You followed him and did the same then you realized that the letter was almost right in front of his eyes so you quickly covered it by putting a book on it. You had to turn back by doing this so he perfectly saw the back of your jersey. The number 6 and his name.
- I like the back of your jersey, preciosa. -he winked at you.
- Did you just call me preciosa? - you extremly blushed. He saw the back of your jersey and called you preciosa. What the hell is going on?
- Yeah, but if it makes you uncomfortable then I'll stop. - he rubbed the back of his neck.
-No no no, it doesn't make me uncomfortable. It was just unexpected. - you laughed a bit nervously. After all, Gavi called you preciosa.
- So what brings such a beautiful girl here? - he asked you looking into your eyes. You could tell that he was really curious. He knew that you were in a hotel now, so you didn't live here.
- Well, I don't think you'll believe it, but our dance company got a request to preform at the opening ceremony of the Champions League final. That's why I'm here. - you told him and now you were curious about his reaction.
- So you're not just beautiful but a dancer as well. Tell me more about your little secrets. - you giggled a bit by his reaction.
- I don't have secrets.
- Oh yes you have. Such as your name, your number or you Instagram account. Anything that keeps me in touch with you. - it was so clear what he wanted but you didn't want to believe it.
- Well, i could give them. My name is Y/N L/N and I'm from (you're country). But for my number and insta I need your phone. - you smiled at him he gave his phone to you and you wrote your number in it and search for you Instagram account. You had a few ten thousands followers. After all you were a dancer. You were a bit famous. You gave him his phone back an he immediately stalked a your insta a bit.
- Wow, you are a really succesful dancer as I see. -he scrolled down your account. Your face now was clearly red. - I'm really looking forward to see you dance tomorrow. - he looked up at you. - I'm so happy that you support Barca. This is the best case scenario ever. - you smiled at him. - But now unfortunately I have to go back to my hotel room. Pedri is gonna kill me if he can't find me there. -he stood up. Before he could go to the door you grab his wrist and you don't even know why.
- Gavi wait! - you stood up too.
- What is it? - you couldn't answer. You really didn't know why did you stopped him. You guess you really didn't want him to go.
- Well maybe it's a bit embarrasing but... if i have a chance finally I'm gonna ask. - you took a deep breath. - Can I get a hug? - you looked to your side and blushed. He didn't even answered, just hugged you. You hugged him back. You felt so safe and calm in his arms. You felt like you were in heaven.
-It's the least I can do. But now I really have to go. - he pointed to the door.
- Yeah, sure. Go back before Pedri finds out you disappeared. - you both laughed and he went to the door and walked out of the room.
- See you tomorrow, hermosa bailarina! - he winked at you and closed the door. You could scream because of the excitement but insted of screaming you opened the groupchat with your teammates in it and told them everything. You were really looking forward for tomorrow now.
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barsapaamg · 5 months
Bar Sapa A.M.G Lounge - Điểm sáng của đêm Sapa
Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm một địa điểm thú vị để tận hưởng đêm ở thị trấn Sapa, thì Bar Sapa A.M.G Lounge chắc chắn là lựa chọn hàng đầu. Với không gian sang trọng và cảnh quan hùng vĩ, đây là nơi tuyệt vời để thư giãn và tận hưởng những đồ uống ngon.
Cảnh quan tại Bar Sapa A.M.G Lounge là điểm đặc biệt thu hút nhiều du khách. Bạn có thể ngồi tại sân teracce và thưởng thức tầm nhìn tuyệt đẹp về dãy núi Hoàng Liên Sơn. Buổi tối, không gian thay đổi hoàn toàn với ánh đèn và âm nhạc, tạo ra một bầu không gian lãng mạn và quyến rũ.
Đội ngũ bartender tại đây là những chuyên gia có kinh nghiệm, luôn sáng tạo và tạo ra những cocktail độc đáo và hấp dẫn. Ngoài ra, danh sách đồ uống cũng đa dạng với nhiều loại rượu vang và bia ngon. Không chỉ vậy, dịch vụ tận tâm và thân thiện của nhân viên tại Bar Sapa A.M.G Lounge sẽ khiến bạn cảm thấy như đang
Bar SaPa A.M.G Lounge
33 Ngõ Cầu Mây, TT. Sa Pa, Sa Pa, Lào Cai
0832 166 666
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gabimiri · 2 years
Okaaaaaay, let's go!
Endlich ist das letzte November-Wochenende gekommen, was bedeutet, unsere Saison startet! Bevor es aber heute das 1. mal auf den Berg zum arbeiten ging, gingen wir gestern zu einem "Backcountry-social", ein paar Experten ein paar interessante Facts über Lawinen, Gefahren beim Backcountry-Skiing & gefährliche Wetterbedingungen gesprochen haben. Dort trafen wir ein paar Leute von unserem 1. Filmabend in Teracce & es gab auch Live-Musik.
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Allerdings musste ich zeitig ins Bett, denn 7:30 Uhr ging der Transport hoch zu Shames Mountain. Im Auto lernte ich dann schon ein paar meiner Lifti-Kollegen kennen. Oben angekommen gab es auch erstmal gar nicht viel zu besprechen. Anziehen, raus an den Lift & erstmal alles Freischaufeln, da es hier die letzten Tage ordentlich runtergeschmissen hat. Ziel für den Tag ist es, alles soweit ready für morgen zu haben, wo alle Mitarbeiter (dann auch Miri) auf dem Berg sein werden & wir wohl auch das erste mal mit Brettern auf den Schnee dürfen.
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Bis zum Mittag haben wir die Sicherheitszäune vorbereitet, bisschen aufgeräumt & uns hin & wieder kurz nach drinnen verzogen, weil der Schnee, der weiterhin auf uns einprasselte sehr schwer & vor allem nass war.
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Nach dem Mittag machten wir uns daran den Lift einmal kompett rumlaufen zu lassen, um auch die "Sessel" vom Schnee zu befreien. Als dann irgendwann die bei uns unten ankamen, welche die ganze Zeit oben geparkt waren, staunte ich nicht schlecht. Komplett beladen mit Schnee, unfassbar. Und die, die schon ein wenig länger hier arbeiteten meinten, das sei noch relativ human... na dann.
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Der Tag sollte nicht enden, ohne dass es mit dem Lift nach oben ging (leider war mein Akku dann leer, aber ihr werdet davon definitiv noch genug sehen ;)). Leider nicht, um danach runterzufahren, sondern um auch oben die Rampe vom vielen Schnee zu befreien & morgen weniger zu tun zu haben. Nach getaner Arbeit ging es stattdessen mit dem Lift wieder in Richtung Tal, was nicht nur ein seltsames Gefühl ist, sondern mich angesichts des süßen Powders überall auch ein wenig traurig gemacht hat.
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Insgesamt aber ein guter Tag, auch wenn meine Mitfahrgelegenheit auf halber Strecke nach unten (ein Weg ist ca. 45 Minuten) gemerkt hat, dass er seine Schlüssel oben vergaß & wir deshalb nochmal hochfahren mussten. Also langer Tag. Hoffentlich gibt's morgen dann unsere Leihskier & ich kann endlich den ersten Run der Saison machen. *-*
- Gabriel
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zaky2998 · 2 years
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Dream mild Cilangkap
Dream mild Cilangkap hunian strategis dengan desain modern minimalis yang berlokasi tidak jauh dari dan akses transportasi umum. Selain itu lokasinya pun dekat dengan banyak fasilitas umum seperti RS, sekolah dan pusat perbelanjaan umum.
Harga Hanya 765jt!!!
dengan total 14 unit rumah Luas tanah mulai dari 50 - 110 meter Luas bangunan mulai dari 75 - 90 meter Jalan dalam kavling lebar 4 meter
Lokasi sangat strategis: 5 menit Mc donald Cipayung 14 menit gerbang tol bambu apus 14 menit terminal bus kampung rambutan 15 menit Rs adhyaksa 15 menit green teracce TMII
Hubungi : 0858-1729-0771
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derelictsouls · 2 years
・°˖ ⭐️◝(⁰▿⁰)◜⭐️ ˖°.
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for every ⭐ you send me i will write down heacanons for our muses. | accepting
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#001. yeon will absolutely always cook a meal for him too whenever she is cooking. it might not be grand during joseon/goryeo times and mostly will only consist of rice and whatever she is able to afford from the small side job she has but eventually managed to grow a few things in the backyard and make it much more appealing to their taste buds. silently trying to get by with whatever she can make do for herself and him together. this even goes so far until modern days. even now she still cooks meals. sometimes even makes him a midnight lunch for his office if she has the time. it's very rare but she does do it. old habits die hard.
#002. yeon has bought a house in the country side for both of them to have a quiet break from the busy city. it contains three bedrooms, two offices, a major bathroom, and a huge teracce which if lucky enough they can see the stars like they used to watch them usually with some nice wine. she tends to go there often during the weekend when possible and tends to drag him along. it's like an escape from having to be careful for once, especially since it's near a beach she'll tends to leave as soon as the sun has set to enjoy just a little of the rest of the daylight and to have them gain back just a little bit of a normal life once in a while.
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kazu721010 · 5 years
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Tarragindi Steel House / Bligh Graham Architects
Photos © Christopher Frederick Jones
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bogdanklimowicz · 2 years
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Nachos with Character. . Nachos. . Without minced meat. Tortilla chips with spring onions, tomato salsa, cheese, jalapeños, salsa, sour cream and guacamole. . Ate… sometime in March in Tilburg, Nachos at Karakter. . Karakter Tilburg, Beukenstraat 40, Tilburg, Netherlands (Nederland). . . . . . #nachoswithcharacter #nachos #tortillachips #chips #springonions #tomato #salsa #cheese #jalapenos #salsa #sourcream #guacamole #outside #terace #teracce #karaktertilburg #karakter @karaktertilburg #waartilburgeet #tilburghotspot #kruikenstad #tilburg013 #tilburgfood #tilburgismooi #tillywood #tilburg #nederland #netherlands . #bogdanklimowicz #foodblogger #foodie . (at Karakter) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd-Q5iJKCUd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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animeshtiwari · 2 years
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photoglobo · 1 year
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#renebauerphotography #travel #middleeast #israel #haifa #caesarea #caesareamaritima #caesarebythesea #archeology #archeologicalsite #roman #romanempire #ruins #history #columns #teracce #sea #mediterraneansea #view (hier: Ceasarea By The Sea) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpYL1rlK-cd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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asemity999 · 1 year
This why Danna Teracce quit from Disney
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akifcalhan · 3 years
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Frosty ferns🌿 around the teracce❄️ Pic1: 1/50s f/1.89 5.43mm ISO 270 . 📷 #pocox3nfc . . . . #frosty #ferns #nofilter #teracce #around #look #instagood #life #insta #naturephotography #follow #comment #instagram #instalike #instagramanet #photooftheday #nature #awesome #amazing #beautiful #lifestyle #photo #photographer #photography #picoftheday (at Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKG541AhriF/?igshid=6dad5bkpdqng
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plantsrooms · 7 years
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ramunnia-blog · 7 years
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greekstreetart · 7 years
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