#the absolute brain worms i have!!!!
maryxoliver · 6 months
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scavengers reign aesthetic: azi narine
"Can I count on you to do the right thing?"
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catsharky · 10 months
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Super late (again, augh) but here's June's patreon piece! Idea was submitted by @the-winterstorms who requested Jack's Dossier Mission where rather than a human, it turns out she's just a very aggressive Sphynx cat instead.
I had a lot of fun with this one! Might have gone a little overboard with it though, lmao.
Become a $5 patron by the end of the month to submit an idea for August!
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Also have some detail shots~
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non-un-topo · 10 months
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Found this old doodle and added some colours
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chiquilines · 6 months
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As promised i deliver,,, MotoGP fuyumi coming your way
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horangslay · 2 months
literally nothing Hoshi can do or post can ick me out at this point, picture of him with chocolate all over his face like a toddler, bare feet on the plane, sweaty ass print on a mirror, these are normal Hoshi behaviors. I'm just here like oke Hochi 🥰
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sucrecube9 · 3 months
Something i cant stop thinking about is the fact that the irl Great Yarmouth House of Wax had a Mr. Blobby wax figure
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cultishkei · 7 months
I cant explain it but. Shin Soukoku are gay son and thot daughter.
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GMMM!!! now that u are a little bit into worm & have had the first instance of the word being used & such, im curious as to what u think the title means! why do u think it's called worm so far? :333
I DONT ACTUALLY KNOW. BUT THAT IS SOMETHING IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT !!!!!!! i always think the "OUAHGH THEY SAID THE TITLE IN THE THING" type jokes are really funny so i locked onto the word right away LMAO. catch me keeping track of every use of the word worm in this million word long story . its a good word !!!!!!
ANYWAY. my first thought now is obv like... something to do with taylors powers??? but im not sure if she can actually control. worms. not to get too biology brained about it but the vague knowledge i have so far is that she can control BUGS but that is not specifically limited to *insects* . because she can also control spiders which are arachnids (though they are also usually lumped into "bugs" which is not a real classification it just kind of refers to things that people find creepy crawly) HOWEVER . the thing that arachnids and insects have in common are being *arthropods* which is like. the overall classification of Things With An Exoskeleton. WORMS are not arthropods they are . well it depends actually. worm is kind of like bug in the fact that its a general word for things that are kind of similar and not the name of a specific group. bc youve got earthworms which are annelids and . like. mealworms which ARE insects but still called worms. so maybe she can control worms also!!!! i really like this sort of . playing with the meaning of the word i guess. some people colloquially will call worms bugs as well even though theyre not. so it becomes a rhing like. are her powers based in LOGIC or science or whatever or are they based in. perception. i guess. because taylor is Bug there can also be Worms. does this make any sort of sense. this might be absolutely nothing bro is burning the food bro is not cooking the kitchen is empty 🔥🔥🔥
it could also be like... worm as a word not meaning the animal. like a cartoonishly evil guy referring to his minions as worms. or like the context in that sentence i posted like. worming your way in somewhere. which now that i think about it makes a lot of sense considering taylors whole plan to join a villain group undercover. wait. i may have just . rendered my whole biology paragraph useless. sad! well there are other insane things i could talk about i guess
all this to say i think shes gonna do something super fucked up with worms in the bug way. i hope <3
THIS IS A FUN QUESTION THOUGH because i know the other story is called ward. and i already have somewhat of an idea of what THAT means bc of armsmaster. so i can assume at least a little bit of what that story is about. but its cool that i dont have that same context for the one im CURRENTLY READING
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thelooniemoonie · 2 years
Another note that I havent seen many people mention, is a little detail I've noticed regarding volo and how he has this....weird tendency to break the typical rules of the game.
Leading up to his 2nd battle when the other trainers like Irida give you the option to battle, they also give the option to turn down their battle (either because you're not prepared, need to switch up your team, etc). And while this may give additional dialogue of them being grumpy/disappointed, it allows the player the opportunity to prepare.
When volo challenges you and these choices pop up, volo doesnt give you the choice. I inadvertently chose to turn down his battle so I can switch up my team, but volo just. Forces you in a battle anyway. Which completely caught me off guard because it begs the question as to why was that choice placed in the first place, only for volo to immediately break the script?
While this isnt an issue in of itself since pokemon games have always had forced battles onto the player without preparation, combined with the foreshadowing of volo's actions later in the game.....and how volo also breaks the convention of having 6 pokemon. It makes you kinda wonder.
....not to mention the extremely odd moment when after his final battle he looks at the camera at you. Not your character.
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marysong-mp3 · 11 months
Timeless in Denver, via rslocke4
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crowdiak · 1 year
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Another night in Titans Tower. Another night Cassie finds Rose up at an ungodly hour, making herself coffee at a time where anyone else would be dead asleep.
Cassie leans against the doorway, watching Rose murmur grumpily to herself as she tries to to tear open the coffee pod packets without breaking them. For once, she seems so engrossed in her task that she hasn’t noticed Cassie. Or maybe she’s just letting Cassie think that for… reasons. Maybe.
She isn’t sure what to make of Rose these days. She and the white-haired daughter of Deathstroke had established something of a tentative peace following their fifth hookup… a tentative peace that had grown into something like domestic bliss in the months since her return to the team. She didn’t think it would be possible for anything about Rose to feel so comfortable, but…
She isn’t even sure what to call them now. They haven’t really been rivals since Eddie’s death, but they certainly aren’t friends. And yet…
Cassie has held Rose through her night terrors more than once. She’s stumbled upon the secret crate of plushies Rose keeps behind a hidden panel in her closet and knows that they were gifts from Rose’s mother before her death, recovered by Slade’s manservant of all people as part of a hopeless attempt at reconciling his friend and his daughter. She’s accompanied Rose to AA meetings, she’s driven her to her dentist’s appointments, she’s even taken her out on dates to the movie theater or to that one shaved ice cream shop near Titans Tower that everyone on the team seems to like. Cassie knows Rose. She knows every curve of her hip, every bulging muscle, every thin white scar. She’s seen Rose at her smuggest and at her most flustered, at her flirtiest and at her most withdrawn, at her meanest and at her best. She knows Rose. Really knows her, as far as anyone can claim to really know Rose Wilson. She’s seen beneath the aggression and the snark to catch real, genuine glimpses at the person beneath, and has done so with some regularity for months now. So why is it so hard to figure what they are?
They haven’t talked about it. Maybe they should. Maybe—
Coffee powder flies everywhere as Rose rips open the pod in her hands a little too hard, scattering flecks of grounded coffee all over the floor of the kitchen. Rose curses beneath her breath—then again, more audibly this time, just for good measure—and begins brushing it off the countertop with one hand while the other cups beneath the edge of it to catch it as it falls. Cassie just watches, waiting until Rose is almost done to reveal herself.
“Nice mess you’ve made here, Rose.”
Rose doesn’t even look at her. Maybe she knew she was there all along. Maybe she didn’t, and is just pretending. It’s so hard to tell with Rose, sometimes, what’s real and what’s just pretending. “Oh, buzz off.” She finishes clearing the powder off the countertop and gets on her hands and knees to scoop up the flecks of coffee on the floor, presenting two large, round targets that are just too tempting to ignore. “You gonna stand there all night or are you gonna help me—”
Cassie can’t help it. She takes two steps forward and smacks her not-girlfriend right on the ass, cutting her off mid-sentence. Rose pauses, turning to look at Cassie with a raised eyebrow.
“Was it my imagination or did you just slap my ass?”
Cassie bites her lip, trying to stifle a grin. “I guess I did. Was it too much?”
Rose stands up, very calmly wiping her hands on her shirt—one of Cassie’s, a long red shirt with a Wonder Woman logo on it that is jut a bit oversized on her—before stepping towards Cassie, a smirk pulling at her lips. “Not really.”
And with that, she steps forward and pulls Cassie into a long, hungry kiss.
Maybe, Cassie reflects, a hand coming up to tangle into Rose’s tousled morning curls, being Rose’s girlfriend wouldn’t be the worst thing.
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orcelito · 19 days
The upstairs thumping started again around midnight, right when I started trying to sleep. It's even more infuriating when I have to be up at 7 am. I've been getting absolute dogshit sleep this week, and it's largely because of them. It's been 4 nights in a row, and I am So Fucking Tired.
I'm going to leave a note on their door tomorrow asking them to stop. And if they do it again tomorrow, I'm submitting a noise complaint. I don't fucking care.
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hancydrewfan · 2 years
new headcanon unlocked: i think we all generally agree that Hotch is a good dancer and would’ve had some lessons with his Southern upbringing and cotillions and whatnot (how much of this is real and how much of this is from reading so much fanfic, i genuinely do not know lmao) but i think it’s more than he’s just good at dancing. i think he genuinely likes dancing. like, ballroom dancing. i think he enjoys watching ice dancing at the Olympics (not me outing myself as a scott & tessa stan). i think he loves a good tango. i think he watches Dancing With the Stars, and one day he absently mindedly commented on someone’s technique from the show while Penelope and JJ were talking about it in the breakroom and now he has a standing invitation to watch it with them (he’s gone a few times and really enjoyed it!).
and i think it would just be neat if he one day decided, several years after Haley’s passing, to sign-up as a single for a salsa dancing class. he’s the only single there among a half-dozen couples and he’s a tad worried he’ll end up dancing with the instructor the whole time but then Emily shows up, apologetic for her lateness, and they are both surprised by the other. it makes sense that Emily would be good at dancing, from all her years as an ambassador’s daughter, but the fact that she likes dancing is an actual surprise to him given her general disdain for most of the things she was forced into doing as a youth lost in the quagmire of politics. they get a drink after class after a few weeks, and he finds out that she too prefers a tango over anything. which is why after the salsa classes end for the session, he asks her out to dinner, giving her no hints about the plan except that dancing shoes are a must. ANYWAYS they go to a fucking fancy as shit club/lounge/restaurant thing that has dancing and a live band playing tango-y music and they dance and it’s a very good date that probably ends with a different kind of tango if you know what i mean the end.
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roxynychus · 5 months
I heard a really good sapphic cover of Phantom of the Opera and now I kinda want to rework my horror novel-in-progress into a sort of modern feral lesbian/queer horror take on PotO.
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arklay · 2 years
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but i will transcend and vomit this loser out of me i will become the next big thing
#mine.#oc: diana#HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELOVED BRAIN WORM!! i care her so much she deserved something for her birthday hehe#periodic reminder that her name is pronounced as dee-ah-na not die-ana <3 i must be annoying about this because it's very important!! the#vibes are different!!! but okay. some credits: art is my commission of diana from psychoaciid (pointing you to pinned post pls support them)#first quote is by sheila dong from ''ouroboros'' published in old pal magazine / second quote is from a blog on here apparently#(widowbitesandhearingaids) – the post is on my oc blog in their tag somewhere if you wanted to find it / and lyrics in description are from#starchild by ghost quartet :) also don't look at my choppy cutting out of wesker in that comm by the way. graphic design is NOT my passion#that timeline is soo oversimplified for the absolute nonsense that's going on with her lmao many many years and events there... like not to#mention her very rough leave from the rival company and beginning to work with tricell oughghh then ofc the horror was for love of it all of#her spending two years completely isolated trying to heal him after what happened at the volcano :)#also. diana sharp under other names because it's an alias. not her actual surname in case you didn't know that already hehe#woke up super early from a nightmare so like. have this now. instead of in a few hours like i planned cause timezones for some people. but#it's the 27th here soooo heheh i will probably be annoying about this today and tomorrow cause of timezones also. birthday for two days <3#anyway happy birthday loml if al doesn't treat you right on your special day then i will!!!
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