#the operative is tech
lifblogs · 2 months
That’s Tech.
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infernetgirl · 3 months
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Working in a datacenter in the 70s
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technoplanet · 10 months
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dreamsandrosies · 1 month
So from what I can tell, the imperial clone assassin theories can be summarized as this:
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Happy Bad Batch Eve. Let the anxiety for the next two episodes begin.
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stoat-party · 2 months
Time for a phenomenon I call Schrödinger’s Tech - where I simultaneously think “that’s my boy” whenever The Operative does something cool, and also root for the good guys to defeat him by any means necessary (because if he dies, he was never Tech anyway).
The twist seems very obvious, enough that the writers could literally just be clowning on us for fun, but you do have to remember that the show’s primary audience is kids. Either way, I have to protect my mind from being wrong (worst possible thing that can happen), so I hold two contradictory storylines in my head at once.
Very good episodes, anyway.
I don’t want to make a separate post for this so just pretend it’s a reblog - The Operative said “You had your chance to be one of us. You chose the wrong side,” to Crosshair.
Which, in context, makes way more sense if “us” is the Bad Batch (notice he said “be,” not “become”), since Crosshair clearly doesn’t want to be a brainwashed drone. It does make less sense because that’s NOT Tech’s attitude toward Crosshair at ALL, and also The Operative is currently working against them anyway, but if The Operative had Tech’s full logical capacity then he wouldn’t be working for the Empire, would he?
The brainwashed clone dudes are interchangeable, so there’s no reason to show this one surviving if he’s not someone important — unless the writers really want to make us look like idiots, which I REFUSE TO RULE OUT
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cameronirat · 10 months
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Tech: Who are you?
Phee: Someone who loves you.
please in season 3 please in season 3 please in season 3 🤞
For Operation: Fix the Finale! for The Clone Zone
Inspired by the scene from empire strikes back where Leia is rescuing Han, and by my lovely collab partner @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom’s fic https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/works/48321418/chapters/121870288 !! 💕
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hazy2k · 11 months
worlds biggest girlfailure
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anthrotulip · 2 months
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May the Force be with us all.
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It's funny how most every cyberpunk story or setting thought that due to technology taking over people's lives and humanity, computer literacy would become commonplace enough that the very term would disappear. Everyone in Night City or whatever is super into hacking or can at least give you the difference between hardware, software, antivirus, spam, etc. To not know the basic gists or cybernetics and cyber security is paramount to not knowing how to count or how to read.
In reality we're about to enter an age where knowing how to create a folder or a zip file is back to being ancient lore inscribed in tablets that only the 30 year old who works at your IT office knows how to do. Phones and the growing marketability of easy-access no-customization technology means kids just don't use computers anymore. And it's crazy how fast it happened.
When I was in kindergarten we still had "computer class" once a week, and it was objectively useless for everyone in my class. Regardless of our age or interests, all of us had casual PC time either at home or in cyber cafes, all of us knew how to do things the teachers many times struggled with. The moment typing machine class became keyboard typing class, computers were already dominating most of our time. I learned how to navigate a computer the same way I learned English; by myself, because it was vital for my own interests.
And between highly streamlined video games, single umbrella closed OSs and everything being a fucking app, a 14 year old nowadays is lucky if they know what quotation marks do to your Google results. It's genuinely harrowing how the future is tech-dependent, yet we're becoming completely tech-illiterate.
The worst part is that it's completely on purpose by the tech industry. Much like not being able to fix your own products when they break, if you simply don't know what your phone or your computer can *do*, it's much easier to sell you a borderline identical one a little earlier than you'd actually need it. Phone updates are already pretty much semantic; you can't even see the difference between new models and old ones anymore, unless the visual difference is the point. And it all just gets more and more expensive for less and less bang for your buck.
We never expected the cyberpunk dystopia to be dull, and to rely on making us dumb. Crazy how well it worked.
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obsessedbyneon · 9 months
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Broad daylight details of the TWA operations centre, by Terry Farrell
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kaelidascope · 7 months
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Vaporwave was always the aesthetic <3
Read Midnight Menagerie on AO3!
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apocalyp-tech-a · 1 month
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Your daily dose, and mine, of Tech CX-2. 🙃 I can't wait to find out who this is.
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eclec-tech · 12 days
"Finding the Lost"
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I didn't think I would be back so soon after the finale with a fix-it fic, but here we are—seven short chapters over seven days. I hope they are as comforting for you to read as they were for me to write! 🧡
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He attempted to slow his descent by again flattening his body, but he knew his odds would only be marginally improved by his efforts. In what he was almost sure would be his last moments, he closed his eyes and focused hard on the faces and voices of his family. He wondered what their grieving expressions would look like once they got to safety—if they got to safety. Then, there was Crosshair. Would he ever know what they tried to do here for him so he could be rescued? Tech hoped he would. That would mean they got him out.
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arrowmaker15 · 4 months
(in the manor)
Jason: But why can't I eat them?
Tim: For the LAST DAMN TIME, Alfred did not make them, and those are not the cookies I'm talking about!
Jason: Why call it cookies if you can't eat them, though?
Tim: Goddamnit, Jason-
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opendirectories · 5 months
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twinsunstars · 2 months
Thoughts on The Bad Batch Episode 7 - Extraction - A Discussion Post
This episode was full of even more action and a lot more thoughts and theories than the episode before it. Let's dive into the second part!
(SPOILERS IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE EPISODES YET! all screencaps from www.cap-that.com! https://www.cap-that.com/starwars/the-bad-batch/307/)
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Before Episode 6 ended, the clones' base on Teth was attacked, and the CX trooper emerges from the rubble that fell on him, clearly alive and well. He looks around, as there is no one to be found.
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Everyone is doing okay, but the rubble blocks their way out. Batcher finds a different way out as they decide to take that way, sticking together to reach a ship they can use to contact Echo.
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Wolffe arrives at the base, realizing that there were clones who were attacked. He meets CX-2, asking him what his orders were, who refuses to tell him that. Wolffe makes him follow his orders only, while the CX trooper keeps following his own orders. I've seen posts on the parallels between Tech's limping in Season 2 to how CX-2 was limping here, and I'm living for those parallels to keep the theories going. The CX trooper can't reach his ship after his device was damaged, so he sticks with the others.
Also, I love Clone Commander Hilo already.
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The boys and Omega manage to find the ship and get it working to make their escape. Batcher starts licking Nemec, and Omega says, "Don't worry. She only bites half of the time," which was funny. Batcher loves all of the clones around her.
While trying to escape, CX-2 shoots their ship down, making their escape fail. They crash into the jungle.
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Wolffe argues with CX-2 after he shot their ship down, and tracks down the crashed ship. CX-2 goes with while they try to continue their efforts to retrieve Omega.
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Everyone makes it out of the crash safely, continuing to run. Crosshair checks in on Omega, who gets annoyed by his continuous questions. I love how overprotective he started becoming here. Omega said, "You're as bad as Hunter", and Crosshair said, "Oh, I'm much worse." MY HEART-
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Howzer starts to talk to Crosshair calmly after seeing how he interacts with Omega and takes care of her, realizing that he's not the same clone he met on Ryloth anymore. Crosshair opens up about how he feels about loyalty, as that is something he values highly. With the Empire betraying him, there was no way he was going to stay loyal to them.
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The Empire locates them, as they fight and protect each other. I loved the way that Wrecker had protected Batcher and Hunter was protecting Omega in this scene. CX-2 attacks them as well, and Crosshair decides to go after him. Omega didn't like that idea, to which he responded, "Too bad."
RIP to Nemec 😭
Crosshair faces off against CX-2 in an aggressive fight, and anyone else getting the Winter Soldier vibes here? CX-2 starts talking to Crosshair, saying, "You had your chance to become one of us. You chose the wrong side." If this is Tech, that's going to hurt so much afterwards. If it's someone else, it's still going to hurt. CX-2 manages to take down Crosshair, but is attacked by the others who saves Crosshair. He falls down the waterfall, left behind.
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The Empire catches up to the squad, as Rex finally meets Wolffe face-to-face. Wolffe thought Rex was dead after reading the reports, and he believes in the Empire's cause. Rex tries to tell him that he's making the wrong choice and that clones are being hurt because of them, but Wolffe isn't able to believe anything right now.
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Echo arrives with Gregor, as Rex waits for Wolffe to make a choice; either leave the Empire and come with them, or stay. Wolffe decides to stay, and allows the squad to leave safely. Rex looks back on Wolffe, and Gregor looks at the whole scene. They have no idea they're going to be roommates in the near future.
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I swear, Wolffe looks so good in today's animation. He watches the clones leave, returning to his own squad. I can't wait until he joins them and realizes his mistakes.
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CX-2 emerges from the water after going down the waterfall. Another parallel to Tech, though, who knows. My head kept expecting him to take off his helmet so he could get some air, though I guess it's too early for that still.
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Rex looks so tired in the back, and Hunter goes to talk to him. Rex immediately straightens up, acting like everything's fine. (Sir, you need to take a break and let your feelings run through.) Hunter tells him he can't keep running forever, but Rex doesn't want to stop fighting yet. We know he will eventually leading up to Rebels, and I fear what will happen to make him stop.
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They both talk about Omega, and Hunter vows that they will keep her safe. Rex tells Hunter they have to find out why the people on Tantiss want her so badly, and the two look at a peacefully sleeping Omega, exhausted from the fighting. She is so precious, we all need to protect her.
We lost good soldiers in both of these episodes, and there's still a whole lot to figure out. Every episode so far in this season is hitting a really good mark, as every single one is so exciting. I can't wait for whatever comes in store in the future, so let's keep the theories going!
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