#the silm rip-off
Second OC (Original Character): Lady Halatirnë II
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Halatirnë was the Fairest Among the women of all ages A radiant huntress, noble lady, And a current scion of the Eternal Flower Family. Her existence mirrored Lúthien's wit and grace, And surpassed the beauty of Helen, the Trojan Princess. She inherited the unusual Elven skills That remained undescribed by the tongue of the Mortals. A waist-length wavy hair streamed behind her Was as dark as black with the strands of silver, Her eyes were silvery grey like the pools of starlight Captivated the hearts of many who crossed her path. Her skin was fair and bright as porcelain Adorned with the hues of yellow-golden, Don her teal blue and orange dress Embroidered with the blossoms of watercress.
Halatirnë II Aiarlote (or Heledirwen II Aearlóth) was the eldest daughter of Lord Eärsarno and Nemmíriel Oiolótë, wife of Lord Hrávahyalmo Altaluimë (upcoming OC) and Count Šimun Mitrović and mother of Aiardil Alatarāto (First OC) and Aiarnāro Elnethīnye (Amilessë of Marko Stjepan Mitrović). Her brief backstory and appearance were mentioned in "The Long Ballad of Eärendil—The Post-Tolkien Legendarium Non-canon Story" (Ongoing). click the link above
In my artwork, Halatirnë was surrounded by the two endemic floras found in the Balkan Mainland—Lilium Bosniacum (Desno/right) was the emblematic flower of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the medieval Kraljevina Bosna (Kingdom of Bosnia) while Iris Croatica (Lijevo/Left) was the National Flower of Republika Hrvatska (Republic of Croatia). And also, a pair of Kingfishers flying around her.
The cilmessë "Halatirnë" was derived from Quenya: Halatir "Kingfisher". Her Ataressë was Sérmahtarë (Quenya: "Peace warrior") and Amilessë was Aiarindile/Aiarlóte (Telerin: Sea Lily/Sea Flower).
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nighttimepatrons · 6 months
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Celegorm and dragon!Aredhel be upon ye.
how many dragon aus is it now? Like 5? god too many. Anyway in this au i was thinking that if anyone would be the dragon it would be Celegorm, because I like him feral. But then I realized, not only do I love dragon!Aredhel but if I keep Celegorm an elf then I'll just make him as feral as a dragon anyway. An absolute win all around.
Anyway, enjoy these two mighty hunters!
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amethysttribble · 7 months
Sometimes I wonder if there’s anyone who’s not particularly familiar with the Silm who reads Everlasting Song. I’ve gotten a fair few “I’m not familiar with asoiaf”, but has the inverse phenomenon happened? No one has told me if so (at least, no one who liked it XD)
Where are you, mysterious reader, should you exist?
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maglors-anion-gap · 1 year
I am already seeing people posting AI-generated art into silm fandom tags.  I know it's harder to see what the OP has tagged their work when you're seeing it as part of a reblog chain.  However, I am making my best effort to block AI-artists when I see them; when I see art from someone I don't recognize, I check the tags to see if there's anything like "AI" or program names in there. There are a lot of talented silm artists, and I worry that AI artists will rip off their work to feed to AI programs.  AI art is not needed or wanted here.  I think it makes sense to block AI-generated artists and to not share their posts.  It's been really easy for me to do, and I'd encourage others to do it as well.
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actual-bill-potts · 1 year
🤔 and 🔥 for the Silmarillion ask game! (I will shamelessly enable WIP procrastination)
oh hell yes, tyvm <3 <3 <3
already answered🤔 here, but just for you here's another one: Finrod can't taste bitterness very well, and finds things like green tea and dark chocolate and dandelions very bland and unenjoyable. He also has an enormous sweet tooth :)
🔥Give us your hottest Silm hot take. Oh you KNOW what I'm going to say: BEREN DID NOTHING WRONG. ever. in his life. i will die on this hill and what's more i will kill on this hill.
"beren should have gone to find his mother and people instead of following his father/after his father's death" - no he should not have, first cuz he had no guarantee they were alive and second cuz he was being actively hunted by morgoth and had a price on his head as high as fingon's. The most caring thing he could do for the (possible) remains of his family was to stay the hell away from them so Morgoth would leave them alone.
"beren was wildly presumptuous to dare to love lúthien/creepy for following her around in the forest/should have broken up with her when thingol told him to" - first off who gave elu thingol internet access. second off do you really think lúthien - you know, lúthien, famous overthrower of dark lords and spurner of fëanorians, ring any bells? - would have put up with any creeper nonsense from beren? i think not.
"beren should have just run away with lúthien" - oh yeah? run where? remember that price on his head? well guess what, it's doubled, because now thingol is also hunting him down. on a more serious note: I think Beren leaving on the silmaril quest is his way of "soft" breaking up with Lúthien. Beren knows that without Thingol's approval, he can offer Lúthien nothing. He has no home, no family, no safe place to raise children - and if she makes a drastic break with her family because of him, she will live to regret it when Beren inevitably dies and leaves her completely alone. Lúthien is the only bit of happiness or hope that Beren has had for years: after she is ripped away, it honestly makes complete sense that Beren would set out on a suicide quest.
"beren shouldn't have asked finrod for help getting a silmaril" - first off, the text never says that he did ask for that help. for all we know, all he asked for was a map. and also - beren has been driven out of any safe place, shelter, or home he's ever had. he is completely alone, friendless, and in despair. finrod and nargothrond was his only hope of a friendly face or a place of shelter: of course he sought finrod out!
(cont) second off, I think it's a patently absurd reading of the text to suggest that beren is knowingly asking finrod to go to his death, even if he does ask for help getting a silmaril. he grew up at the very end of the Long Peace, during a time of (probably) very high tensions, growing darkness, and isolation as each kingdom bolstered their defenses. it's entirely reasonable to believe that he doesn't know the whole sordid history of the silmarils, just that they're gems that morgoth prizes highly - which would be a pretty cool thing to steal! beren alone held dorthonion against morgoth for years, and then managed to pass into doriath: both incredible feats. it's not actually outside of the realm of possibility that beren with a team of elves could successfully infiltrate angband.
(cont again, this is off topic but it's another hot take i have) should finrod, who knew more about the politics at play and had seen morgoth's power firsthand, have told beren no? maybe. i think people make this out to be far more simple of a choice than it actually was, though. thingol knew exactly what he was doing when he asked for a silmaril; and finrod knew thingol knew. asking for a silmaril isn't the kind of thing you do when you're willing to be talked around. the most pragmatic thing for finrod to do would probably have been to just offer beren shelter in nargothrond (not luthien; he can't endanger his alliance with thingol when his people might need to flee to doriath); but beren wouldn't have stayed. given that, i think it was entirely reasonable for finrod to offer support and help, and ask his people to stand behind him. Everything that happened after that was an argument that spiraled wildly out of control (under the influence of the Doom of the Noldor probably...remember that the Noldor are fighting all the Valar in Middle-earth in one way or another, not just Morgoth).
and the final one, the kicker that i see a lot: "beren committed genocide against the dwarves of nogrod" - he...didn't? in fact i feel like he was the only one who reacted kinda proportionally during the ruin of doriath. thingol is an asshole (bad) - the dwarves kill him for it (bad) - the elves kill them back (...not entirely unreasonable? but bad) - the dwarves perform a FULL SCALE INVASION OF DORIATH (what the hell, seriously) and kill A LOT OF LUTHIEN'S PEOPLE - and then beren and lúthien, hearing that the dwarves of nogrod took an ENTIRE ARMY to LUTHIEN'S HOME and KILLED HER FATHER and SLAUGHTERED HER PEOPLE and are now leaving with LUTHIEN'S STUFF to do who-knows-what, attack them right back. which...is fair. in my opinion.
no h8 if u disagree with my beren opinions. but boy do i have them
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abnerkrill · 1 year
This is spurred by my social anxiety, and your very well written and interesting post about the insidiousness of the ROP critiques. So ignore if you want.
I’m someone who has not watches the show. I definitely had the initial aggressive reaction of Amazon is Evil don’t touch MY 2nd Age!!!😡
I decided to see if I changed my mind based on tumblr osmosis, and hold off on watching dependent on if I liked what I saw.
I personally liked what I saw of the dwarves and the Nùmenor designs and casting. Like I’d have enjoyed a beard on Disa but otherwise she looks awesome and I have no complaints whatsoever about how Nùmenor looks.
But I have a visceral (shallow and petty) negative reaction to Elrond, Gil-Galad, Finrod, and Celebrimbor’s faces. The “just some guy” complaint.
Is that racist and fascist? Like I know it’s nitpicky and petty, but I don’t want to buy into the toxic conservatism, you know?
hey friend, thanks for asking, always happy to discuss rop in good faith!! the casting of elrond, celebrimbor, and gil-galad is something i've seen a smattering of criticism about, so you're not alone. and i genuinely don't see disliking the casting as a problem (esp not related to anything racist/fashy since they're all white dudes playing white dudes lol!!) but honestly, i'd suggest watching the show and seeing their performances, since it'll give you a far better picture of who the characters are than just in still images/gifs.
i was not sold on robrond (robert elrond) for a long time, because i kinda thought he looked like peter pan--till the culmination of his storyline with durin. then i was 100% fucking SOLD because of the performance and chemistry. that made me reappraise the casting, which imho is GREAT for a young elrond still figuring out his place in the world. short hair and all—i feel like there's a distinct possibility we'll get long hair elrond in future seasons :)
similarly with celebrimbor. i know silm celebrimbor and popular fanon interpretation is very different from charles edwards celebrimbor. but over the course of the show, it was the charm and energy that won me over. and... i get the thirst now. i do. his energy is incredibly charismatic.
gil-galad unfortunately isn't a huge part of s1 (though it's confirmed he'll be more major moving forward--bear mccreary is also composing a gil-galad theme for the soundtrack already!!) not everyone has been convinced, but i'll be honest there is a s1 episode 8 moment that actually really endeared him to me and now i'm similarly sold!
i think it's totally fair to have that initial petty/shallow negative reaction if you don't think they look right for elves/don't think they're hot (sorry 2 the actors lol!!!!) because that's a pretty personal metric anyway. but watching onscreen is a very different experience from just seeing still images and gifs. you might be surprised--i certainly was (...i've written the elrond x durin fanfic i wanted to see in the world and i am now SUPER attracted to robrond. rip my life.) let me know what you think, i promise i'm happy to receive asks and messages and i'm not scary :D
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ancient-cats-unite · 1 year
Slime Class 101
Dockor Heaven teaches a bunch of toddlers how slimes work.
"Hehe! Funny teacher!"
Prof. Cat Jobs was being tormented by kittens. Lil Lion ran around him at high speeds, Lil Dragon Cat was muching in his ear, and Lil Flying Cat smacked his coffee off his desk. He was in hell. Cute kitten daycare hell.
The other kits were doing their own thing. Lil Tank Cat drew him and Cameraman together and ate a biscuit. Lil Macho Legs was getting pummeled by Lil Jamiera over apple juice. Lil Mohawk Cat and Lil Dark Cat were ripping the shit out of a plushie, giving out little war cries. Lil Island was chilling in his tank, drinking the water and pet fish.
"Oh golly, where is the doctor? I'm going around the bend!"
Prof. Cat Jobs looked at his watch, losing his mind. Docktor Heaven was supposed to be paying the kids a surprise visit with Slime Cat. Where were they?
Almost on cue, Docktor Heaven appeared right behind the professor. Prof. Cat Jobs yelped, falling out of his chair with the tiny tormentors.
"Thank god! I was on my wits end! How did you get in?"
"No matter! Where are the children?"
"Dobbor! They here!"
Slime Cat was in some sort of humanized form. It was quite unstable, considering how much it stained their clothing. He looked 6 years old, in a cute sailor outfit. A little sailor slime child with metal prostetics.
The mini menaces came off of Prof. Cat Jobs. Lil Dragon Cat was scooped up into Slime Cats hand. Dragon roared, while the others stared in curiosity.
"It tiney! The dragon tiney!"
"Yes, yes, everyone here is miniscule, Slime Cat. Now, can you get the rest of the kittens? Put them on the rug."
Slime Cat scooped all the Lils up, one by one, and brought them to the middle of the room. Lil Flying Cat was a bit tricky to get, and so was Lil Island. Lil Lion went wild when he saw Slime, roaring affectionately. Slime Cat put everyone on the rug.
"All so tiney! Hi Lion!"
"Wonderful job, Slime Cat. Now go set up my projector. Professor Cat Jobs will start the class."
Prof. Cat Jobs was still recovering from the little attack. Though, when the tiny kits settled down, he got to indroducing the visitors.
"Uh, everyone, this is Docktor Heaven and their assistant. They're here to teach us about science! Take it away, Doctor."
Prof. Cat Jobs backed up, before full on sprinting out the childcare door. The tiny terrors looked at Heaven and their slimy accquaintance.
"Hello children, ever seen a human being crafted from chemicals? Well our tremendous Slime Cat is!"
Slime Cat pulled out two empty glass beakers.
"Today, we'll show you how to create sentient slime creatures made from mixtures. But what exactly consists of a slime? This type of slime is 75% serotonin, 5% natural additives, and 15% water!"
Lil Island Cat raised his fin.
"What the other 5%?"
"I'll get to that soon. Thanks to their high serotonin, Silme's happiness is contagious. Try looking at them with a straight face. They make wonderful emotional support. Make sure to take good care of slimes, as they are delicate creatures."
Slime Cat shone a derpy smile, causing Docktor Heaven to pat him on the head. The class gazed in awe. Slime Cat pulled up a diagram.
"Now, slimes are made from thick sap, moss, or unknown ressources. Our Slime is made out of sap and unknown origin. Usually sap ones have trouble coming out of their shell, but this enigmatic substance must have given them some confidence. Moss ones are crankier, and a slime purely out of unclassified liquid is incredibly happy, but defenseless."
Slime Cat showed a very disgruntled mossy green slime, a shy glossy yellow slime, and a beaming opaque white slime. Before they could go into more detail, the bell rang.
"Ah, I'm guessing your parents are picking you up now. Orders from your teacher say to prepare for dismissal. We'll resume tommorow."
The kittens mewled in anger. However, they obeyed. Once everyone left, Prof. Cat Jobs came back.
"They left! You did a terrific job. Are you coming back tomorrow?"
"Yes, we still haven't finished our lesson. I wish you a good day, Professor."
Prof. Cat Jobs packed up and went home. A poorly drawn "KICK ME" sign was taped on his coat. Docktor Heaven carried Slime Cat in their arms, making the kid babble.
"We go home?"
"In a bit Slime Cat. Gabriel is almost done his outbreak. I'll take care of cleanup later, go back to base, alright? Saki should be done school."
"Yay!! Bib sis Saki! Bye bye!"
Slime Cat went home, small droplets of slime trailing behind.
//Also sorry for being dead, enjoy some Docktor Heaven teaching literal babies about how their kid works.//
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hithelleth · 1 year
For the fandom year in review: 1, 4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16
Favorite fictional characters this year Remy Scott from FBI: Most Wanted, Elendil from TROP Favorite books read this year: Archangel's Resurrection (Guild Hunter, #15) by Nalini Singh Wrapped In Black (The Original Sinners #6.4) by Tiffany Reisz The Gangster and The Doctor (Magic and Steam #2 & 3) by C. S. Poe
Favorite movies of the year Enola Holmes 2 (2022) 20 ans d'écart (2013) (I watched so few movies this year, I have a lot to catch up on.)
Favorite TV show episodes of the year SVU 24x9 (rollissi wedding, duh!) The Rookie 5x9 Yellowstone 5x6, although I think it was the season 5 premiere that got me thinking how the fuck is this particular freaking show of all the one making me grin like an idiot. TROP 1x3, 5, and 8 (5 if I have to pick one)
Favorite villain of the year Well, that's either easy or hard to pick, depending if you count our completely unsuspecting-but-absolutely-very-sus-Halbrand-but-oops-actually-Sauron a villain??? I know, I know, Sauron=evil incarnate, except, well' nothing is evil from the beginning' and TROP delivered on this tenfold.
If not, then Robert Kamdar (or Kemdar? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) from The Cleaning Lady. Hats off to the writers for the story arc and the actor for pulling it off. He really was a villain-villain that I hated but loved to hate.
Favorite m/f ship of the year Gladriel/Elendil, Galadriel/Sauron, Elendil/Miriel from TROP Thony/Arman from The Cleaning Lady (but also Arman/Nadia, a bit yeah.) Always Beth/Rip from Yellowstone Rollisi (obviously) (oops, wait I was supposed to just pick one. Well, you know me. :D)
Favorite f/f ship of the year I really, really could ship Nadia/Thony (and of course Nadia/Arman/Thony but alas I'm gonna have to do something about it myself if it's gonna happen in fandom-ish way)
Favorite m/m ship of the year Um, so this fic sold me on Sauron (Annatar)/Celebrimbor and now I'm not okay. And, this other fic is very much selling me Elendil/Valandil (from TROP, obviously not from the Silm), ahem.
Whew, this took me a long time. But thank you for indulging me, it was a lot of fun reminiscing! :D
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Fourth OC (Original Character): Eärwen/Aiaruen III Findaringwë (Uncolorized ver.)
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"Eärwen Findaringwë was dressed in a beautiful gown of the same colour, darker like the evening sky with the shiny silver stars and the blossoms of Nipherdil in it. And her ice-blonde hair was covered by her pure black scarf so she could avoid any suspicions from her people's sights."
—The Elemmírion Chapter 4: The Noble Rendezvous
Aiaruen (or Eärwen) III Findaringwë Vanyalossëa Angalossiel was the sole daughter of Ailinsardo, Lord of the Teleri in Ossë's Reef and Angalossëa, Lady of the Teleri in Oiomúrë and was born on 28 July (28. Srpnja) in the mid-Fifth Age (3570 BCE) in Oiomúrë, Aman. She was also the eldest half-sister of Lord Eärsarno of Hvar, Aunt of Lady Halatirnë II of Hvar, wife of the mortal Baron Prijam Ismetović of Kiseljak, mother of twins Elenhéru (Izaije) and Elentári (Izika/Izraela), and co-matriarch of Dragović–Ismetović family of Kiseljak and Sarajevo.
Description: Aiaruen III was described as tall (6.1 m—unscaled), fair-skinned, ice-blond-haired (however she covered it with her black scarf and a large head cap embroidered with a half-water lily and three Fleur-de-lis/Bosnian Lilies), donning her pure black dress embroidered with Nipherdil blossoms. On her left side was her significant heraldic sigil—four Bosnian Lilies (Bosanski Ljiljan), four bluebells/Zvoncice and four large rays for each corner with two dark blue circular lines behind.
I will draw another one without her head covering later.....
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findrahil · 3 years
tagged by @thatfeanorian, thank you!!
The Rules:
Go to this website. www.random.org/lists/
Pick 15 characters from any fandom or whatever you’re into.
Tag people.
Have fun!
Mom/Dad: finarfin (excellemt!!!)
Your sibling: maglor (oh we’re going to fight over tonality and harmony, aren’t we... :D)
Your grandma/grandpa: maedhros (ah he’s going to sit by the fireplace and do the ‘you know, when i was your age, i already committed 12 war crimes and was wanted in 276 territories’)
Haunts You: eonwe (what the fuck)
Your bf/gf: galadriel (YES)
Your ex:  manwe (right... ok... no comment)
Proposed to you: gil-galad (i mean, considering how noldorin high kings tend to be dead, and i’ve already got galadriel... sorry rodnor kingsson)
Your boss: caranthir (NO NOT THE FILTHY CAPITALIST BUSINESSMAN--although i teach math... so i mean we could bond over math?)
The random person you met at the bar: ecthelion (not opposed to that)
Your rival: fingon (no!!!!! baby!!!! sweetheart!!!! no rivalry!!!)
Gave you your first kiss: celegorm (GROSS, DEROGATORY)
Drunk and singing karaoke with: fingolfin (PLEASE)
Played 7 mins in heaven with: feanor (EW, DEROGATORY^2)
Gave you your fav dessert: celebrimbor (keep your dessert for yourself tho pls you’ve suffered enough)
well, that was a trainwreck! i’m tagging: @feanor, @gay-ulmo, @silverflutesanddiamonds, and @elenothar if you want to do it! anyone else, feel free to jump on the terminal-speed flaming train!
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looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll: mairon looks like they could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll: sauron looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you: annatar looks like they could kill you, could actually kill you: tar-mairon (bonus sinnamon roll: that giant FUCKIN eye)
(redraw of this)
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absynthe--minded · 2 years
in the midst of a long-awaited ask about institutional critique in Tolkien’s works I find myself fascinated by the fact that there’s not a lot of inherent worth in being royalty in the Silm and the Histories, and as this is sort of tangential to the points I’m going to be making in that ask, I figured I should talk about it here
specifically, in The Lord of the Rings there’s real importance to the fact that Aragorn isn’t just a really cool guy he’s got spiritual bonds to and dominion over the land? there’s prophecies to fulfill and unjust systems to break down and justice to be done and restoration that’s got to happen, and Aragorn (as I’ve said before in other posts) is of course a moral person who chooses to do the right thing and who has had decades of training to be a good diplomat and a good King, but also, it matters that he’s the heir. LotR is about Frodo and Sam (and neither of them are nobility, that’s Merry and Pippin, Frodo might be landed gentry but he doesn’t have an inherited title and Sam is 100% common-born) but in the background it matters that the monarchy be populated by good people because otherwise the monarchy is fucked
but in the Silm, where we get maybe five or six total non-noble characters of any importance (Círdan, Aerin, Sador, Nellas, Beleg, Bereg potentially), the monarchy is kind of ineffective when it comes to... well. basically everything. Manwë might be king of Arda but he can’t stop Morgoth from destroying the Trees. Thingol sits in Menegroth feeling smug but he’s hiding behind Melian’s Girdle. Fëanáro is High King for what might as well be all of five minutes and he uses that High Kingship to fuck everything up and make his personal problems the whole world’s problems. Findekáno’s most heroic moments (facing off against baby Glaurung, rescuing Maitimo, presumably assisting during the Bragollach) happen when he’s still a prince. Once Morgoth wins everything enough to call himself king he’s basically on the way out. Findaráto and Turukáno and Artaresto/Orodreth make their marks as essentially ineffective outside their very limited sphere of influence, with Turukáno both refusing to offer help to Húrin and refusing to heed Ulmo’s words of warning. Findaráto goes further than that - he really only becomes truly heroic when he gives up his kingship, realizing that there are things more important and more honorable than maintaining his life of relative comfort and luxury and influence.
Nolofinwë is sort of the lone exception, winning the Dagor Aglareb and reunifying the Noldor as best he can and introducing a few centuries of relative peace and prosperity for his people, but unlike Aragorn there’s nothing about what he does that truly necessitates him being High King. If he’d been a charismatic populist leader or a community organizer he could have conceivably done a lot of what he does in canon.
and I find this interesting because this is a story where everyone - and I do mean everyone - has some kind of tie to the nobility or to the ruling class, and yet one of the messages it repeatedly returns to is “the nobility and the ruling class are fallible, they are prone to error, they are just as flawed as anyone else, and when they fuck up they fuck up spectacularly”. Fëanáro doesn’t have some kind of deep spiritual tie to his people, they decided to follow him because they liked him. Thingol declared himself king of Beleriand and possibly arranged for his most significant political rival to die in battle, RIP Denethor of the Laiquendi but he ultimately doesn’t act in the best interest of Beleriand as a whole at any point.
the people who do the most good - Túrin, Beren, Findekáno - are acting outside of their roles as the heirs to great houses, and often are forced to choose between loyalty to the governmental system that gave them power or their hereditary office and doing what’s right. Túrin goes back to Dor-lómin and instead of freeing everyone from slavery and starting a resistance movement and restoring his family name to a place of honor he makes everything objectively worse; his heroism is best showcased when he’s under an assumed name and away from his identity as the heir of Húrin Thalion. Beren has to abandon Dorthonion for the sake of his own survival, and he never reclaims it, he finds worth and value in a life beyond striving to save a legacy that cannot be saved by just one man. Findekáno goes against the political best interests of his father when he saves Maitimo from Angamando - even though this act of selfless altruism and deep love is ultimately the right choice, in the moment he’s risking his own life for the heir of a hostile house and he has no idea how this will end up.
there’s something really compelling about the fact that the story Tolkien wrote that’s praised as glorifying the heroism of everyday people is the one about the spiritual renewal inherent in the fulfillment of prophecy, and the story he wrote about a bunch of bitchy nobles all fighting each other is the one that’s most ambivalent about whether or not there’s anything special about the people in charge.
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starillion · 2 years
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I posted 35 times in 2021
34 posts created (97%)
1 posts reblogged (3%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.0 posts.
I added 98 tags in 2021
#silmarillion - 22 posts
#silm shitpost - 11 posts
#tolkien - 10 posts
#silmarillion memes - 10 posts
#my writing - 9 posts
#maedhros - 8 posts
#ao3fic - 8 posts
#incorrect silmarillion quotes - 8 posts
#star wars - 6 posts
#curufin - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 84 characters
#started reading game of thrones again and can't deny this is basically what happened
My Top Posts in 2021
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from the left: curufin, maedhros, amrod, celegorm, caranthir, amras, maglor
bought a new tablet nd decided to post some scribbles ;)
116 notes • Posted 2021-11-08 14:09:50 GMT
annatar, holding a gun to celebrimbor's head: i'm gonna take you out...
celebrimbor: great! It's a date!
annatar, blushing: it was a threat!
celebrimbor, already leaving: see you at six.
140 notes • Posted 2021-08-29 01:20:38 GMT
fingon: i’m kind of crushing on someone, but i’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it
fingolfin: just rip the bandage off, son.
fingon: It’s cousin maitimo
fingolfin: i'm not dealing with this. put the bandage back on.
170 notes • Posted 2021-08-26 00:48:10 GMT
luke, impersonating as a luke skywalker impersonator : hi yes im a luke skywalker cosplayer
this man : aren't you too short for a luke skywalker?
luke :
luke, whining : ...yeah i get that a lot
178 notes • Posted 2021-04-18 23:50:18 GMT
celebrimbor: my bloodline ends with me.
annatar: that’s the fanciest way i’ve ever heard someone say “i’m gay”.
383 notes • Posted 2021-09-07 05:11:20 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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saelwen · 4 years
Melkor x Psycho!Human!Reader
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Melkor x Psycho!Human!Reader
A request by a lovely anon:
Here's an idea. How about Melkor and psychopath reader? Melkor takes interest in reader who lacks emotions and empathy then later finds out about their violent behavior. It's bit weird idea but that was only thing in mind when I thought about what could fit with Melkor.
Hi! I love your work!! Can we get melkor x human!reader fluff?
Oml I love your writing so much 😭😭 i wish we had more silm writings!! Could we get Melkor fluff with a human so? Like a lay in bed lazy day kind of thing. ❤️❤️
Warnings: A bit of gore, Fluff, Smut?
A/n: So I thought of making all of these three requests together. I hope you don’t mind!
The smell of smoke fills your lungs, making a bit difficult to breathe but nothing you could handle. Before you were a sea of massive orcs and other horrible creatures training like dogs, fighting each other.
A wicked smile spread through your lips as you see one of the orcs fall down the dirty ground, black blood spilling everywhere. The others stop and look to the death partner lying on the floor.
“Let him be an example of his weakness!” You snarl to them, seeing the most horrifying creature tremble before you. Looking at you with fear in their black eyes. You walk down the stones steps slowly, your e/c eyes studying every orc in front of you. “Your Dark Lord had asked me to train his miserable army since none of you could bring him victory!” You stop in front of a massive orc, noticing his eyes full of disgust towards you.
“And what a human girl like you could teach us?” he growls, spiting to your feet.
Your smile becomes even more wicked and lets out a chilling laugh, making the orc look down at you confused. You pull your dagger quickly and cut off both of his large hands, forcing a painful cry escape from his rough lips.  
The other orc looks at you with wide eyes, seeing your face taint with black blood.  
“You fucking slut!” the handless orc scream, looking down to his hands lying on the floor.
You grab a fist of his dirty hair and force his head up, making him look at you in the eyes. “You’re right! I’m a slut but I'm a kinda different slut.” you let out a giggle and rub the sharp blade on his cheek, opening a small cut there. “I’m a slut for blood!” with that you put the blade in the corner of his mouth and slice open, making him a new smile.  
His screams and whimpers were like music for your ears, making your giggles even louder. Suddenly, the orcs beside you gasp and kneel down. You lift your head and your smile grew even more as you see your beloved Dark Lord walking towards you, with Sauron close behind.
“I see that you’re having fun, Y/n.” his voice was husky and deep, making you shiver in excitement. His dark eyes looking the bloody mess that you made with amusement, a smirk on his lips. The light of the silmarils made his sharp features accent, showing all his beautiful pale skin.
“This orc was a little dull so I put a smile on his face!” you said happily, letting go of the orc’s hair which made him fall on the ground with a whimper.  
Melkor let out a chuckle and clean some of the black blood from your cheek, putting two fingers under your chin and lifting up. “You’re such a kind person, my little human. Giving smiles to our lovely orcs!” he looks down to the whimpering handless orc and laugh. “I swear that I thought I've made you stronger...but oh well! Sauron!” he called, making the red-haired ainur step forward.
“Yes, Master?” he said calmly, waiting for his Lord orders.
“Throw this disgusting creature to your wolves! I’m sure that they will like him very much.” Melkor said with a wicked smile on his face which made your pants wet from excitement.
Sauron nods and drag the orc to the wolves cave, the orc scream and plead to his master for mercy but Melkor only shrug and kiss you hungrily, moaning at the flavor of the blood on your lips.  
“God...You’re so sexy when you are bathed in blood!” he whispers to you, making you smile sweetly. He picks you up, making you wrap your legs around his strong waist and begin walking towards his Palace.
“Where are we going, my Lord?” you asked while pampering his handsome face with kisses.
He chuckles and slaps your ass cheek, forcing a squeal to fell from your lips. “I have a surprise for you,” he said. You hum in contentment and begin playing with long silky dark hair, making a small braid.
“What kind of surprise?” you asked with a smirk, rocking your core against his front which earns you another slap on your ass.
“You will see. Now, behave Y/n!” he said with an erotic smirk on his lips.
Melkor put on the floor when you two arrive at your shared chambers. He walks towards his desk and opens the drawer, grabbing a black box from it.
You stay still in the middle of the room, a devilish smile on your lips. He walks to you and opens the box, making you gasp at the beautiful piece of jewelry inside. It was an all-black necklace, cover with small pearls that remind you of a dark sky full of shining stars. In the middle of the necklace was a beautiful obsidian stone, shining with the light of the candles.
“It’s beautiful, Melkor...” you whisper softly, awe with the piece of jewelry in front of you.
“I made it myself,” he said while taking the necklace from the box and walks behind you, telling to grab your h/c locks. He put the heavy necklace around your neck, his long fingers stroking gently your skin there. He leans down and kisses your neck softly, his cold lips against your feverish skin. “I put a small spell on it...” he whispers against your ear, making a shiver run down your spine.
“A small spell?” you asked, rubbing the obsidian stone with the tip of your finger.
“Yes... A spell that will make you immortal as long you wear the necklace.” your eyes bulge as he said those words. Immortal?!  
You turn back, your eyes fixed on his black ones. “Immortal?... So that’s means-”
“It means that you will be mine forever... mine to love,” he leans down and kisses your neck hungrily. “Mine to fuck,” he moves his lips to your jaw, nibbling your sensitive skin there. “My human!” his words were full of possession and love, which made you smile proudly since you have made the mighty Dark Lord fall in love with a silly little human.
He looks down to you, smiling sweetly at you. “And I will be yours... You will be the Queen of all Middle-Earth!” with that he crushes his soft lips against yours, kissing you hungrily.
He swallows your moans, pushing his warm tongue into your mouth. You wrap your arms around his neck and jump, wrapping your legs around his waist. His large hands move to your ass and squeeze greedily, making you giggle.
“Shall I show my King how much I love him?” you asked while pushing him into the soft bed, making you both fell into the mattress.
“I think you should, My Queen.” he whispers against your lips.
You giggle and rip his armor off his strong body, baring his pale skin to your eyes. You kiss his chest and begin moving down and down until you were face to face with his mighty cock that had made you cum so many nights.
“I can’t wait to fuck you for centuries!” you said while kissing the tip of his massive member.
Sauron let out a tired sigh a while playing with his breakfast on the plate, huge dark circles under his golden eyes.  
The giant doors open and Melkor and you walk inside the dining room with a huge grin in your glowing faces, which annoyed more Sauron.
You two sat beside Sauron, letting the slaves put your plates in front of you. You look to Sauron with a smirk and giggle.
“Why the long face, Sauron?” you asked while biting a piece of bread.
Sauron shot you a glare and huff. “You know why!” he said while sipping his coffee. “You two passed all NIGHT fucking! Your screams and moans could be heard in ALL motherfucking Arda!” he stood up and walks towards the door. He stops and looks back at you with a small smirk.  
“And by the way...Good Morning , my Queen.” with that he left the room.
Melkor chuckles and shook his head, looking down at you with a smirk. “I told you that I would make your screams be heard in all Arda!” he said with a proud grin.  
You giggle and rest your head on his strong shoulder, letting out a happy sigh. “Do we have some elves in our dungeons?” you asked while playing with his hair.
“Yes...Why do you ask, my Queen?” Melkor knew very well why as he sees the wicked smile on your lips.  
“I want to test my new daggers, my King.”He let out a booming laugh and gave you a soft kiss in the lips.  
“Go have your fun, my love,” he said with soft voice.
You giggle and stood up, giving a small kiss on his cheek. “I will, my love.”
Hey Guys!! Here’s a new One-Shot with Melkor!! I hope you like it and feel free to comment and tell me what you think!
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spxllcxstxr · 3 years
People who put the barcode stickers in the middle of the back synopsis of the book deserve sadness. Because I’m now scraping off two stickers from the back of my copy of the Silm with a pair of scissors, praying I don’t rip the back cover
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bisexualturin · 6 years
I wouldn't really call Beren a hero of men, I wouldn't really even call him a hero as much as a guy taken on a fucked up ride (I mean Luthien is more of the hero of their story than he is). A hero of men, to me at least, implies that he would be doing something to benefit mankind. And I guess one could agrue, that the rock came in handy but he really doesnt do anything to help man as a species. Like buddy tell someone about the afterlife cause you saw it so people can stop worrying
aaah yeah, that’s totally true!! :’) idek if bëor or haleth really count either, since bëor ditched to hang out with elves and haleth didn’t make great choices, but those were just the first iconic Men i could think of – i guess no one in the silm is really an archetypal hero anyway?? at least no one i can think of at the moment rip
but also IM YELLING “the rock came in handy” / “buddy tell someone about the afterlife… so people can stop worrying” 😂😂😂 truuue
oh but also!! i’m still thinking about that túrin stuff – another thing that kinda makes me think he wouldn’t have become Great if he had more control over his life is his Turambar Phase™. like, the dude just yeets off to settle down as best as he can and lead a quiet life (which didn’t go so well, but at least he tried) instead of trying to pick up heroics (again??)
i honestly don’t really know though!! :’) do you have any more thoughts?
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