#the whole thing was just... baffling. and not enjoyable
cinnamontoads · 7 months
scott pilgrim takes off a solid 3/10 from me i'd say just read the comic atp
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months
Is there any way I could request more of Danny's Grill? I keep re reading it and it's so great!
Danny's mansion amazed Tim, which said a lot given that he had lived in the Drake and Wayne Manors. It seemed almost like a castle, with its four floors and a few towers (four at each corner of the fenced-off stone. Danny had his property enclosed. )
Everything screamed old money and was well taken care of. He also was surprised to find that the whole place had a lot of natural light.
The drive out of Gotham got them away from the dark cloudy skies to wide blue, and the mansion had plenty of strategically placed windows that caught the sun to light up the rooms.
It was likely that way since the place was obviously built before electricity. Even the air felt lighter, sweater, and caused ease to rest in his bones. Tim found himself strolling through the place, oddly at peace with the silence.
He had taken a dip in Danny's pool, adoring how it was designed to resemble a natural river, complete with a waterfall. It was still a pool, with the proper level of chlorine and tile floor, but there were rocks and multiple plants all around that really sold it to him.
The waterfall was made from unevenly stacked rocks as if carved out of a cliffside. He enjoyed sitting near it, flouting in in the rippling water and listening to the falling water.
Tim found a makeshift bench from the stacked rocks right under the waterfall, where he could comfortably sit down and have the water reach his shoulders. He found himself in that same spot often over the week since he came to stay with Danny.
He was in a fluffy red bathrobe- and nothing else- having just finished a shower to wash off the pool's chlorine. His bare feet patted against the tile floor as Tim once more appreciated the artistic white and gold wallpaper.
He loved that it had leaf-like designs that weren't all over but small enough to give the place a pop of color.
He was still thinking of a destination, wandering about the large building while waiting for Danny to return.
Danny has also been a gracious host. After the first night, he had made him some food and offered him a room across from his, just as large as the master room. It was a lovely white with gold trimming, matching the rest of the mansion but left room to decorate the walls to his hearts content.
Tim hasn't, but Danny seemed rather insistent that he could if he would like to. That Tim had the option open to him. Danny, he came to find, was all about giving people choices.
What did they want to eat? Whatever Tim was in the mood for.
What should they do? If Tim was okay with being around people, they would go out and take pictures. If he was having an overwhelmed day, then Tim could find his own little corner to sit.
Was it okay if Danny gave him friendly hugs or pats? Only if he asked Tim before going in for a hug.
Could Tim walk around in nothing but a bathrobe? Of course! If it made him feel better, Danny could even avoid the entire west side of the mansion so he wouldn't have to see him if he thought like clothes were a bother.
It was enjoyable but also baffling.
Tim has never met someone who gave him as much attention as Danny did but also respected all his boundaries. He enjoyed talking about them, setting them, and even seemed to glow whenever Tim carefully tested the waters, by placing some that would have upset his past friends and family.
Another thing that needed to be clarified about Danny was that he plainly didn't make any sense at all. Tim had always assumed Danny was middle class- maybe high middle- since he ran his own food truck and all but it was obvious by his house that he didn't need it.
Danny's family- from what Tim had been able to uncover- had always been low, middle class up until Danny had been fifteen. Then their luck turned when a rich distant relative by the name of Pariah Dark willed Danny all his fortunes.
Who was Pariah Dark? What happened to him? Why was Danny the only one he left his money to and not all of the Fentons? Why did this property sit for years without any record of usage yet still look brand new?
There was also the question of whether Danny was human.
Tim is sharp when finding small details that lead to clues that lead to answers.
It's both a curse and a blessing.
In this case, he noticed little things about Danny; his tendency to not notice the cold weather, his slight winces when loud noises were near, his graceful steps that were sometimes a tad bit off of gravity, his eyes seemed to change color- blue and green- and the way he would stare into shadows, gaze following something that Tim could not see.
Tim could have assumed Danny had some mental issues- who didn't at this point?- but he felt that wasn't the real reason or not all of it.
He couldn't explain it, but Danny felt like more. Especially when he returns from Gotham because the air feels aware of his arrival. Like it got excited that Danny was back.
Was the mansion sentient like the House of Mystery? Or was it an extension of Danny himself?
Tim had accompanied Danny on a few of his food truck runs. Mostly as a chasier but Danny had beamed when he asked if he could join him three days into his stay.
He did to observe how Danny interacted with the people of Gotham. Just like the air gane a certain something, whenever Danny sold his ware and the people thanked him, he seemed to puff up in strength.
Not the pride in his work kind of puff up but an actual burst of energy as if though he had taken an energy drink. This was doubly so when he gave the street kids free meals. Helping them seemed almost like a drug to Danny.
It begged the question of whether it was, in a sense, a drug. Because Tim could see all the tiny hints that helping people seemed to do much more for his friend. He had dilated pupils, a droopy smile, and random bursts of energy, and he even got a bit snappy when he went too long helping.
Tim could even claim that it was as if Danny was making Deals, and he did not dismiss his hypothesis because Tim had already dealt with aliens, demons, and gods as Red Robin.
Fae or other magical creatures wouldn't be as far-fetched as he once thought.
Did that mean Danny Fenton was never fully human or that something had happened to him that changed him?
There were many questions. Not enough answers.
Yet despite all of that, Tim couldn't find it in himself to think Danny was dangerous. If anything he could only safely conclude Danny lived and breath to protect others.
Tim, the sole attention to his protective tendencies due to proxy, was all but wrapped in a blanket of affection and respect. It could drive a guy to do something silly, like hang up his cowl, resign from WE and live the rest of his life as a pampered prince awaiting for his King.
How odd.
Tim never wanted to do any of those things, but he felt he would if Danny asked. The best part? He knew Danny would never ask that of him which made him want to stay even more.
It's too bad all good things have an end. Tim thinks wistfully. He would much rather spend his days here, but his family was anxious about the lack of check-in.
Tim didn't want them to find out about Danny and had chosen to send a delayed message from the Nest, letting them know he was undercover, infiltrating a possible new magical court. The Bats knew not to risk his cover but they also wanted some proof he was doing alright.
He had asked Danny if he could go to Gotham for a quick trip, and despit the saddness in his blue eyes, Danny always let him. He even gave him the keys to a his car, walking him to the gate with a promise the gates were always opoen to Tim.
Tim would use those visits to catch up on WE work and deposit information packages at Bat checkpoints. He would also pick up coded folders from other family members who wanted to keep him in the loop should their cases overlap.
It's been three weeks since he came here; in that time, Jason had cracked down on pimps and working people. The family was helping him, as Jason was attempting to fulfill a favor that someone had cashed in and was struggling to find the working boy his contact was worried about.
Apparently, the guy was regularly getting roughed up and was underage to boot. Tim hopes Jason finds the jerks hurting him. He would love to help but he had to figure out Danny Fenton first.
The air brighten, snapping Tim out of his thoughts.
Danny was home.
He turned towards the main gate, scurrying to make it to the front door before Danny could finish driving up the drive way and park his car under neeath the shadow parking spots.
His heart fluttered as he barely slide into the main hall way and the wood of the door swung open. Danny steps in, still wearing his black t-shirt and jeans that he favored when working his truck.
"Welcome home!" Tim tells him, watching Danny's whole face break into a wide grin. It was like dawn breaking over the horizion and it made him feel all sorts of warm.
Danny was definitely beaurtyful enough to be otherworldly.
"I'm home, Alvin." Danny pauses and then gestures to his robe, his smile turning warm and fond. "Another late swim?"
"I like the water. It helps my bones," He says, shrugging his shoulders.
Danny hums. "I could ask a friend of mine to install a hot watered pool for you."
Tim considers it. He wants to say no but he just knows the mansion will rat him out. Danny seemed to always know when a lie is spoken here. Another check in the Fae theory.
"If....if it's not a bother, that would be nice." He says suddenly overcome with shyness. The feeling vanishes at the utter delight and green eyes of Danny.
"It's never a bother! The east wing has a smaller pool that rarely gets used. I'll make some calls and have it turn into an artificially hot spring for you." Danny chirps. "It would help me relax too. You would not belive the fight I had with Robin today."
Tim stills. "You fought Robin?"
"Not physically." Danny corrected but still shook his head sadly. "We disagreed on the case he's helping Red Hood with."
"What case?" Are Damian and Jason working together on the working boy's case? Or was it something else? And more importantly did he try Danny's food?!
He may come back for more if he did, and Tim's personal cheat truck was no longer his own!
"I'm not sure of the details, but they are trying to map out all the working girl's corners. He was upset when I told him I would not release that information to a child." Danny sighs. "I know he's Robin, but I could sense how uncomfortable it made him feel, you know? It made my core ache, but Robin took it as me not wanting to respect him as a hero. It was a whole thing."
Tim has so many questions he feels like he might just burst. It's only years of training that had him clamping down on all but one. "You're helping the Bats catch prostitutes?"
Danny's eyes widen "No! No! Not the employees themselves, just their sick pimps. I would never rat them out."
Tim nods once. "Okay."
"I mean it, Alvin. I would never"
And the blue eyes have flickered to green again. Interesting.
But he can't help but relax smiling at Danny. "I know. Thank you for helping them though."
Danny's face flushes, and then he hastily looks away. Coughing into his fist, he mutters, "Are you hungry? I still have some leftover Pizza from today's menu."
"Starved. Want to watch a moive while we eat?"
"Yeah, sounds good-are you-I mean, will you be-um" Danny fumbles over his words gesturing at him. Tim tilts his head in confusion, wondering why he sounds so nervous, until Danny finally blurts. "Is that all you're going to wear?"
"Yeah. It's soft." He says playing with the robe's sleeves and Danny swallows.
"Alright. Okay. I um I'll get the pizza. Will you go pick the moive and get it ready?"
Tim beams, twisting on his heel to do just that and catching the reflection of Danny clutching his chest and screaming silently into a closed fist in a nearby wall mirror. His face is redder than before, and the house ripples with excitement, glee, warmth, and happiness.
Interesting indeed.
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yanderehsr · 10 months
Your post about the reader with a scar genuinely made me so happy. I got into an accident with a fire work a few years back and the whole left side of my body is covered with burns. It would be awesome if you could do some more ideas with others? (Maybe the express crew)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. To make others feel enjoyment when they read what I write is why I even write in the first place😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Clingy behaviour, Kidnapping
Stelle: Will cling herself to you harder when she hears you call yourself ugly, she doesn't want to argue so instead she lets her actions speak for themself, she is silent as she lazily kisses your burn wherever it is, even if that burn is on inappropriate places.
There isn't much of a difference exept Stelle may hug you a bit tighter, hold you a bit more firmly, she can't allow you to see other people, they must have been the ones that put these thoughts into your head, surely without them you will know beautiful you are.
"You want to visit your family, sorry but you can't, I will not allow you to see people who puts such thoughts in your head"
Himeko: She makes sure to kiss your burn every chance she gets, every part of your body is lovely and she wants you to know that as well, don't try to struggle she will hold you down if she has to, she will show you how much she loves you.
There is hardly a day that goes by where you don't have Himeko holding you and kissing you, telling you how dear you are to her, in a way she is trying to manipulate you into thinking like her, that you are the prettiest in the universe.
"Please hold still, you may not believe yourself to be beautiful but I am sure I can change your mind"
Dan Heng: He just loves you so much that when you call yourself ugly he can't help but look at you like you are stupid, what do you mean, how could you ever look at youself like that. He is baffled to say the least
Now hear me out, as Imbibitor Lunae he likes to lick your scars, it is embarrasing to him but his instincts does that to try and heal your scars, in that form Dan Heng will also shut down your self deprication before you have gotten out all the words.
"Nope, you aren't ugly, if you are ugly then the rest of the world must be filled with hideus monsters"
Arlan: He will not let you get close to anyone else, it's because of his fear of them insulting you, he doesn't want you sad and just wants you to believe yourself to be beautiful he makes sure to remind you everyday.
Arlan carries around a necklace with a picture of you inside it, it's the only thing that allows him to get through the day, when he gets tired he just looks at the picture and he gets back the energy to continue.
Arlan dropped the neclace one time and someone asked him who the ugly one was. Let's just say that Arlan made sure that he disappeared, permanently.
"I can't believe my luck to be with you, you are just so perfect, please never leave"
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bookishly-ariel · 4 months
As someone who read the Acotar series once, I dove into the sailboat my brain branded Elriel and by the end of Acomaf I realized it wasn't a small sail boat anymore.
By the time Azriel flew her to the house of wind the boat was decorated with Cobalt sails, flowers, and shadows. At end of Acomaf it was built for the deep seas of a shipping war I knew I'd eventually have to sail through if I wanted to enjoy online content of them.
By the end of Acosf I was looking out across that ocean from a Destroyer.
And through it all my love for the story and the characters was not overshadowed by the ship I had built from the small moments given between two characters who were briefly shown through the eyes of Feyre, Rhysand, Nesta, and Cassian but mostly through Sjm's words.
I loved Feyre's story, but I did not hate her sisters, I did hate her father, tamlin, and more of a dislike for his decision to let Tamlin bring Feyre beyond her breaking point and still support him, Lucien.
(Yes, I loved that papa archeron showed up and saved the day, still mad it took Fae intervention and healing to get him there but Feyre still loved him anyways. Tamlin's help at Hyberns camp was the only thing I let slide cause he owed it to them. Lucien . . . Well, I don't forgive him turning his eye on all the bullshit, but I do hope we get to see him grow and I do have a small ship in my head for him and vassa and a small enjoyment on how him and Gwyn would be as friends if not partners.)
I loved Nesta's story, but I supported them having an intervention because she was killing herself and through her healing, the friends she made and she found herself along the way. Actions taken by Nesta did upset me but so to did the actions and choices of others in the book.
(This book was therapeutic to the eldest daughter in me who was a shit sister to her own baby sister till something happened and we patched our relationship.)
I know I will love Elain's story, but I am content in my knowledge that Feyre shipped Azriel and Elain, humored it aloud to Rhys even.
Nesta wasn't blind either, she too realized her friend was distant and when finding out why she did not chase him off or shut down his feelings and neither did she blast him to the whole Inner circle. She understood and offered a small comfort.
I don't know how anyone who has read the books over and over cannot see beyond the sails of their sail boats.
These characters are more than their ships, and to claim your thoughts and opinions as those of the characters is baffling.
All this to say, You don't decide that someone can't be a Nesta Stan and support Elriel because "Nesta would never"
It's right there in A Court of Silver Flames, did you not read the book? I'm just saying, Nesta is many things but she isn't the type of woman to bite her tongue when she disapproves of something.
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It's right there in the books, just saying.
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
perrie and jade reminded me so much of what louis and y/n would be like in an interview while the other boys are making fun of them
yesss and with this era!!
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"When was the moment where you were like 'Woah, this is getting so big!'" The quirky host bats his hands out in front of him.
YN and the rest of the boys laugh at how dirty the question sounded and the audience members join in soon after. They were being asked about when was the first moment the band realized they were being successful. The band is starting to close in on their last couple of interviews before going on their hiatus and the Chatty Allen show has been one of the more enjoyable shows of their careers.
So after settling in her spot in between Harry and Niall (and almost slipping right off the seat from how slippier the gold fabric of the couch is), Harry is the next to answer, "I think it was our first VMAs just because it was one of our first trips to America and everyone we grew up listening to was in the audience."
"YN, I see you nodding y'head. Do yeh agree?" Allen notes.
"I do yeah," YN answers, leaning forward to place her drink back on the glass coffee table. "Going to America was like, the one for me because before I'd never been outside of the country. And that was a place on my bucket list so I didn't expect to accomplish it so soon. It was pretty surreal."
"And do you remember how it was when you got to America? It must have been quite difficult with understanding everybody."
"Bloody 'ell, it was a struggle," She smiles as the audience laughs and the boys snicker. "S'cause most of the time, no one understood what Louis and I were sayin'. I had to almost speak in a more Southern England accent for them to get it."
"It's because of how you pronounce some stuff, babe," Liam comments. "Like how you say 'weird' like 'wee-ad.'"
"And 'wuata.'" Harry points a finger up to add on.
"Yeah, yeah. Instead of 'water' you say 'wuata.'"
The boys chuckle and begin to mimic the way she says the word.
"Well s'how I've been saying it me whole bloody life, Liam," YN leans forward, past Harry to look at her other bandmate with a playful furrow of her eyebrows.
"Like that!" Niall points out. "You just did it. Like, the way you say 'me' instead of 'my' for a lot of things."
"Hang on, hang on," Allen interrupts with a grand wave of his hands. "So you've had to tweak yeh accent for them people in America to understand yeh?" The host is baffled when he sees YN nodding her head with a sad smile. "And how would that go? Could yeh give us a demonstration?"
"Yeah so, like if I were to say 'oi, fank you so much for 'avin' us,' they would just sort of just, stare back at me with a weird smile, trying to be polite. So I have to be a bit more perky and instead say, 'Thank you so much for having us,'" YN says with a bit of an American accent.
"Americans say stuff with a hard 'R' and it's just tirin' sometimes, yeh know?" Louis defends. "So we just gotta make sure I say my Ts and things like tha'."
"She's has gotten a lot better at it though," Niall reassures his bandmate with a nod of his head.
"I thought YN was foreign when I first met her," Harry shrugs with a playfully neutral expression as the room erupts in laughter. A dimpled smile breaks out on his face when she gives him a playful slap on his arm in fake offensiveness.
While he jokes and jests, he remembers the first time he spoke to YN on the day of the X-Factor audition. He remembers being so in awe at how she spoke and sounded. She said things confidently and without remorse, acting like a true Donny would. He remembers being tongue-tied by the way she stood up for him when a snobby girl threw a mean comment his way.
He would listen to her speak all day if he could.
So as the bubbly, excited host moves on to their next conversation topics, Harry may or may not ask for YN's input, asking her if she remembers an event from way back when, or just nodding to her as a means to hand the question off to her every now and then—all just to hear her beautiful accent.
I write for free so if any of you lovies would like to help a college girl out and buy her a ko-fi i would greatly appreciate it :) 💚
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tenebraevesper · 1 month
Knuckles (My Thoughts)
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So, I have watched Knuckles, the 2024 show that basically came out yesterday, and before watching it, I have heard a lot of mixed opinions, ranging from ''the show is great'' to ''the show is awful, I hate it''. I had figured I might as well add my thoughts to the fray.
There will be spoilers in this review, so if you haven't watched the show, you had your warning.
So, for starters... this show is absolutely bonkers, and I definitely enjoyed watching it! X3
Honestly, I feel like there was a pretty good mix of comedy and action, and while there is some over the top acting, it didn't really take away from my enjoyment. It was a pretty wild ride from start to finish, and I kinda want to know what the writers were smoking during some scenes, because there were moments where things just get a bit surreal.
The show is also peppered with a lot of emotional moments, but I'll get to that bit in a moment. So far, I think people were right when they called this Sonic the Hedgehog, but it's Knuckles and Wade instead of Sonic and Tom.
The main crux of the show is that Knuckles has a bit of a crisis. He has found the Master Emerald, he has found friends in Sonic and Tails... and the only reason he's on Earth is because of that promise to them, as he clearly doesn't feel like he is at home... yet. So, how does he deal with that struggle?
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Well, Pachacamac tells him what to do. Not gonna lie, even though I had expected him to appear, I was still baffled, because Pachacamac in this show is basically Oogway, Mufasa and Mr. Miyagi rolled into one. Clearly, Knuckles still holds great admiration for him, but let's remember that this was the guy who hunted down Sonic and Longclaw, leading to the mutual massacre. And now, he's a ghost that Knuckles can talk to, a lá Tikal. Kinda weird, but I think this is also the moment the show doesn't give a damn about being grounded.
Pachacamac suggests Knuckles that he should continue the legacy of the Echidnas, with Wade Whipple becoming his new protégé. Knuckles knows Wade is a loser, but he accepts, especially given Wade's determination to show everyone and their mother that he isn't some kind of loser and will become the bowling champion at the tournament in Reno, Nevada. So, he and Knuckles go on a road trip there while also being hunted down by two rogue G.U.N. agents, who want to deliver Knuckles to The Buyer, a guy who formerly worked for Robotnik and wants to use his quills to power his weapons.
Now, I will first start with the negative stuff that I noticed during the plot. Yes, people were correct, the second half of the show does focus a lot on Wade and his family rather than on Knuckles. Should it focus more on the titular character? Absolutely! Am I disappointed with what we got? Ehh... not really. Not gonna lie, I was actually quite invested in Wade's family drama.
Honestly, I can't really think of any complaint aside from the lack of Knuckles' screentime. Maybe it would've been better if the show focused on Knuckles bonding with Sonic and Tails, but it was always advertised as a Knuckles and Wade road trip, so I can't say I was lied to (not to mention, we had a whole movie of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles bonding). I suppose that another thing to add to it is the abrupt ending, although we do get a post-credits scene with Knuckles and Wade going to their next adventure, and the fact that they just don't address some plot points (like we don't know how the Wachowski family reacted to Knuckles' absence).
Well, that's my negative thoughts on the show, what's the positive stuff?
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First of all, Knuckles himself - he is absolutely awesome every moment he gets! His character is on point, and he gets a lot of goofy, but also very wholesome moments. He also works very well with Wade, their personalities bouncing off each other and their interactions can turn from hilarious to absolutely heartwarming, especially when bonding over their respective lives.
I think that's a really strong point of this show - Knuckles helping Wade, in his own way, to overcome his insecurities, while just being his Echidna Warrior self. At the same time, he also learns about simple things in life, like ''what his jam is'' (to no one's surprise, it's the show's theme song, The Warrior by Scandal) or about Wade's family's traditions, as well as finally accepting that Earth is his home.
Also, Knuckles and Wade's mother beating up the bounty hunters was one of the best scenes in the show, hands down.
As I said previously, I also got quite interested in Wade's family life. I really like his mother, but his sister is a bitch, even if she stands by Wade's side. His father, not gonna lie, Pistol Pete gets the same amount of hate from me as Locke... Huh, maybe they did base Wade's father on one of the most hated characters from the Sonic Archie comics? After all, both abandoned their sons for a ''greater purpose''. In any case, it was satisfying seeing Wade beating his father in the bowling tournament and use what he learned during his journey.
Furthermore, this show is peppered with many lore bits, but the most jaw-dropping is this one:
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So, if you guys don't know, this is Iblis, one of the Big Bosses of Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), alongside Mephiles, and basically the main reason Silver the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat went back to the past to save the future, with Silver fighting Sonic due to the belief that he was responsible for the apocalyptic wasteland that is Silver's future. Both Iblis and Mephiles are halves of the sun god Solaris, who was defeated by Super Sonic, Super Shadow and Super Silver.
So, in this show, in this story told to us via a rock opera arranged by Pachacamac and starring an... unconscious (dead?) Wade? *shrugs* So, yeah, in this story, apparently, Knuckles defeated Iblis with the Flames of Disaster, aka beating him up with flaming fists.
Not gonna lie, that's metal.
Also, another lore bit that is dropped is how a different alien visited Reno for a bowling tournament in 1974, which tells me either two things:
One possibility is that it was Shadow who appeared at the bowling tournament, which is but funny and pretty awesome, and now I have an image of Shadow, Maria and Gerald Robotnik wearing those bowling T-shirts.
The other possibility is that Black Doom dropped after making his deal with Gerald and decided to sign up the Black Arms for a tournament, which is just plain hilarious.
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So, yeah, overall, I liked the show. Is it the best? Not really, but it is something I'd rewatch if I want something fun and wholesome.
#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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shuttershocky · 11 months
What Arknights modules are actually worth taking allll the way to level 3? Just got Saria to level 2, and I had to double check if there was any reason at all to bother with the last tier. (There's not, Saria is the only melee operator in the faction, what the heck.)
There's plenty I would say are actually worth it (though many are bafflingly on units that didn't really need the help). My recommendations would be:
Mostima X - Slow hits 90% at Level 3, Global Slow 18%. one of the most powerful module upgrades in the game
Skadi X - Lowered Redeployment Time critical for using Skadi as an Assassin
Specter the Unchained X and Y - Both of these are just stupid good. X for solo, Y for Abyssal team buffs
Ch'en X - Level 2 is good, but Level 3 makes Ch'en charge her own skills super fast
Dusk Y - Massive improvements to her SP gain and the strength of her Freelings, makes S3 actually usable
Gladiia X - 30% Phys and Arts damage reduction to all enemies for all Abyssal hunter units Omegalul
Rosa X - Literally double damage to enemies with a higher weight than 2 what the fuck, the numerically strongest module in the whole game so far
Hellagur X - Massive survivability upgrades for a guy whose gimmick is pushing it to the limit, incredibly good numbers
Ceobe X - Another massive number module upgrade, this one increases the bonus damage Ceobe gets from the enemy's DEF stat. Enemies with incredibly high DEF get mulched by her S2's new DPS.
Siege Y - Recommended only if you have Bagpipe, Siegepipe with Siege Module Y level 3 is Flagpipe levels of DP generation vs lots of small enemies, while also being able to actually fight
Kal'tsit X and Y - Both are incredibly good upgrades to Mon3tr, which baffles the mind as they are already Kal'tsit and Mon3tr
Dorothy X - 20% chance to deal double damage with a trap is funny, but you want the module upgrade because it literally doubles her bonus damage from +20% to +40%, putting her over 1k ATK without any buffers, so her traps deal massive damage even without crits
Lin X - Level 3 makes Lin completely immune to physical damage with a DPH of <1250 while also boosting her SP gen, making Lin one of the best physical tanks in the game. Disgustingly good. Carnelian cries herself to sleep hoping HG would love her like that
And now for the lower rarities
Andreana X - Abyssal Hunter unit. Duh.
Bibeak X - Increasing her ASPD also increases her SP gen, while also getting +ATK per stack is a very nice damage boost too. A must-have for Unlimited Bibeak Works enjoyers
Firewatch Y - Adding "Enemies that don't attack" to her list of targets she deals bonus damage too is a big deal, as this adds a surprisingly large amount of enemies to her kill list. It's good for both her S1 and S2.
April X - Even more reduced redeployment time for the Fast Redeploy Marksman? Don't mind if I do. Also strangely reduces her DP cost too, making her even more effective. While Level 2 to level 3 only subtracts 3 seconds from her redeployment time, every second counts in harder stages.
Perfumer Y - Perfumer's global regeneration talent is great. Upgrading that talent? Busted. To this day Perfumer's biggest competitor in her niche is Skadi the Corrupting Heart, a limited 6 star.
Ethan X - Most modules upgrade one thing, maybe two things that an operator actually wants. Ethan's upgrades three, giving him an AOE slow within his attack range, better bind chance, AND better bind duration. The strongest 4 star module and one of the best Module Level 3s.
Gravel X - Another powerful module for a unit that never needed it, Gravel's Level 3 module reduces Kazmierz ops redeployment time by 5 seconds every time she deploys, making her a support unit for Nearl the Radiant Knight and Wild Mane. Speaking of which...
Wild Mane X - Reduces redeployment time, a great combo when Wild Mane wants to jump around the map with her S1. Not really worth it most of the time, but if you like to run NTRK then definitely get Iwona's level 3.
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(Accidentally deleted my whole ask.... it was so long too.) Have any of the Cubed skeletons met each other inside? How do they feel about seeing their enemies meeting the same fate? Is the Cube too vast to do so, at least, to do so now? What do they feel in regards to everyone's mutations and their own? What are Ink, Blue, and Horror's mutations? How do any of them cope with their new biology? I imagine a skeleton getting a hair or something similar in their eye to be a baffling new experience. They too must suffer with us fleshy ones. (I live with a few cats can you tell.) How did Error manage to wrangle an entire colony of Spider Beasts? How does he cope as someone who is otherwise entirely alone, unlike the others, if he copes at all? As a glitch would the Cube even affect him the same as the rest, if so what is his mutation? Especially considering he already had an untrustworthy body to begin with (all the crashes... the glitching... does he even suffer from glitches anymore?). -(An Error Enjoyer) What is the Cube's ecosystems like? The flora and fauna, the seasons! Are the former restricted to a square or would flora and fauna be able to cross over? Do the seasons affect every square at once? What is it like when the Cube twists and turns? Can you fall off the Cube? Can the initial scientists see within the Cube? Who is Jane? Are there any other notable scientists? Does time pass differently? Do any of the scientists regret their decisions? Knowing they're now responsible for fundamentally changing and- intentionally or not- killing so many? Do they understand how revolting that is? To have so much blood on their hands? (Just that. Blood, not even dust. Lifeless corpses, how many monsters feel violated at just that within itself?) ...Do they even know? How many are even aware of the Cube's true nature? Are there any fighting back? Which of those are rebelling against the metaphorical chopping block over their heads? How many hide away in fear? Are there balances with the Cube Multiverse? How many things have hit the fan in the Gods and Guardians's absence if that is the case? Would they ever be able to get out? (Assuming a long time has since passed.) Would they even want to? To go back to a multiverse that shunned even their protectors, a multiverse that goes to such lengths as to use the Cube in the first place? If they left would they go back to normal? Would they want to? Would they survive a second transformation, or a lack of? That got really long- oh well. I think I got all my previous questions down... Thank you for sharing! Hope you get all the rest you need!
ohhhhohoho :)))))) *turns around slowly on a spinny chair like a supervillian* buckle up this is gonna be a long one :]
There have been meetings. The gang have been on the Cube for years. (or will be on the cube for years. i am unsure the time frame tbh) so it was inevitable to meet other prisoners. The gang would feel somewhat grim satisfaction but also confusion and a mix of other emotions when they meet the stars. They obviously don't belong there. but also it's a grim satisfaction that never really feels all that satisfying. (The cube is quite large. definitely not as big as a planet but it is large. ) Blue gets a beak. he also figures out he is very good at imitation. Blue also has some scales under his eye sockets and his phalanges. Ink tbh i haven't 100% worked out his exact mutation. it is being more difficult than expected. but he will likely have a sort of chameleon ability (color shifting) Horror just gets some very fluffy hands with some massive claws. (what looks like fur is actually feathers)
It is certainly an experience getting used to the mutations. of course no one likes the fact their bodies where so drastically changed without warning. The eyeballs where certainly a new experience to be sure. needless to say they prefer eye lights. Killer is especially irritated by it.
Error was able to be trapped in the Cube much by his own fault surprisingly… He had thought it was another au to destroy but once he entered all his magic was stripped and he got trapped. The rest of the multiverse wasn’t going to free him so… yeah he’s trapped and very angry that he is unable to watch undernovela, or eat chocolate, even his crochet and knitting is harder… but still doable. 
Error’s transformation was one of the more painful. His eyes felt like they were burning for DAYS. The glitches were no longer there but his bones would chip off and regrow rapidly sometimes. He speaks with a stutter but the strange mechanical accents are gone.. He mostly prefers to not talk now. Not that any of the spiders know what he's talking about. He has small holes under his eye sockets and in his wrists that can produce a slightly bioluminescent string (silk?) It can’t really move like it could before, it acts as any other string without the magic that allowed Error to make it move. Also he has four arms. 
The large spider beasts had taken an immediate fascination with Error. The queen of the hive watched him when under the effects of the changes brought by the Cube. It was likely they thought Error was a very strange young spider beast. A very very strange one. 
Out of everyone, Error has probably survived the easiest. It helps when you have a massive colony of spider beasts that seem intent on protecting you. 
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a drawing of him with a spider beast named Matrix ^ each square of the cube has it's own separate ecosystem, weather, flora and fauna. they are confined to the square they originate from unless a prisoner takes it out. there isn't any reason to the types of environments next to each other. The squares shift every day at midnight after all. You could step right out of an icy wasteland right into a tropical jungle. seasons don't exist on the cube. Each square exists in the season it was designed for. the only thing that exists across several areas that aren't prisoners are the Corpse eaters. large thinly built wyvern looking things with long hooked beaks and butterfly patterned wings. they also have large white eyes. they act basically like large vultures. cleaning up any dead thing they find. Corpse eaters aren't particularly hostile but it is advised to stay away. when the cube shifts there is a shaking but not too violent. it's only really dangerous if your near the edge of a square because of lose debris and the large gap that appears between the sections. You can't fall of as it seems each section has it's own center of gravity it seems. ( think that's what you call it) it makes going between sections a rather strange feeling. and also you could jump off the edge of the cube and just fall on the side square like it was the ground. which it is now. the environments can be really really crazy. there are also a lot more sections that on your average 3 by 3 rubrics cube type shape. a lot more.
The scientists can view what happens in the cube. it would be foolish not to have some sort of surveillance system. Jane was one of the head scientists who worked on making the cube. She had some personal beef with Nightmare because of one of his attacks on her au. Jane is also one of the scientists who somewhat regrets what she did. Not to the gang yet though (yet). She hates that the stars and other people where being sent though. That wasn't what she wanted. But like her those scientists that showed regret and tried to put and end to it where seen as criminals. they knew too much. and so they where trapped as well if not just dealt with in other ways. the stripping of the magic is devastating for many. Monsters are made of magic. it is a fundamental part of them. taking that is just wrong. Most don't know exactly what the cube is. There are many many theories but most don't know what exactly it is other than a deadly prison of sorts. The uncertainty can make it all the more terrifying. most who fight against it are those in danger themselves. many monsters and humans just try to not draw attention to themselves. they believe if they just aren't a danger, if they just keep to themselves, they will be safe. Some say anyone who ends up there deserves it. they are all criminals after all... right. (the stars being sent was something kept hidden from nearly everyone. though several people have put the pieces together.) Because both sides of the balances have all lost their abilities the balances seem to have just frozen. this isn't exactly good. at least things aren't self destructing but it isn't supposed to be stagnant.
For now the prisoners only hope is for escape. you could never have a comfortable fulfilling life in the cube. The drive to escape in many cases is what keeps them going. even though many have no clue where to even start. They focus on simply surviving. don't think too hard about the future or you might start thinking about how impossible escape sounds or what comes after. Just keep telling yourself you'll get out one day, it will happen if you just keep trying. when they do get out. They would feel lost. they lost their magic. where would they go...
the only person that might not care about escape might be Error. if he does he would probably be taking a massive spider army with him.
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utilitycaster · 3 months
ok we are 10 minutes into kollok and i am straight up not having a good time but I am going to commit to this hour of watching. to keep myself from losing it i'm going to do some very irritating stream of consciousness on this post and post it at the end, nonrebloggably so as to not yuck any yums (though feel free to go wild in the replies). also I need to point out: I don't have misophonia. I have openly and repeatedly said I think the Sam Riegel ASMR ad is not just inoffensive, but actively very funny and enjoyable. The sounds on this show are setting my teeth on edge. I hate it. also for the intro the immersion is genuinely WORSE than say, CR or D20 because everyone's just reading prologues that they've written.
speaking of we're done with the prologues to the prologue and into the prologue, as demonstrated by the title screen and horrible noises.
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I call this filter the "yeah I've got mild astigmatism and have taken mushrooms before, you're not special"
hmmm we're stuck in this fuckery for a while and i'm suffering so anyway folks i've made it so polygon will think CR is good:
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the music is pretty good I will give them that. also this is literally not special though. like Zac just was like uhhhhhh math as any GM would say, he just was weirdly aiming for suaveness instead of like. normal.
All the profanity on this show sounds like a mormon or a ten year old who just learned the word "fuck" and is trying it out. as a woman who swears constantly i'm like what is HAPPENING. also this blonde woman who isn't on the show in the present day is rolling so hilariously badly. is this why she's not on. girl get out.
back to the present day; this actually is a really good industrial music video ruined by some actual play in the background
"zac, I'm going to command attention please"
"who's zac"
"sorry, driver" ah yes yes this is SOOOOOOO much more immersive i'm totally not making the jerk-off motion
i love u danielle radford you deserve better. although the actual RP now that we're in it is like, fine.
really i think a really significant problem is that this is the most 2014 YA-dystopia plot that ever plotted except as a core part of the premise, everyone is 30. I feel, honestly, that this is the other big issue in actual play that people at polygon obsess over that leaves me ice cold, (also? lots of fandom cold takes), but like...I was a HUGE sf nerd pretty much from childhood, and I think a lot of people came to actual play for a number of reasons not tied to the genres in which it typically exists (fantasy, science fiction, horror). This is fine but it means you get people who act like VERY standard genre conventions are either the most brilliant and original creation on earth, or utterly baffling. Anyway my point is that this is giving Divergent by Veronica Roth but it THINKS it's somewhere between Twin Peaks by David Lynch and the adaptation of the Handmaid's Tale and it's like no babe. you're Divergent by Veronica Roth. stop fronting like you're Twin Peaks. You're Divergent. By Veronica Roth. Which I read while stranded at LaGuardia over a decade ago.
lighting effects are fine honestly. reminds me of the Doja Cat 2020 MTV EMA version of Say So. Wish I were just rewatching that. rotating rock i love you. you are the best thing here other than danielle radford. I feel like I'm in a really fancy Spencer's Gifts. by the way I know i'm being pretty bitchy and incoherent here BUT I'm sober; let's hear it for Stupidly Bougie Soda and Nonalcoholic Spirits.
I'm also eating bean dip with a spoon. in my defense I made REALLY good bean dip and I don't have chips.
I just. other than the digital filter in the flashback I genuinely don't see how this is different than D20 except lacking in any charms and OH GOD THAT'S TIME.
but I want to add that like...the thing is Danielle (C-dubbs) was doing some wacky funny stuff and it felt like it was being shut down and to be fair I get wanting to stick WITHIN the genre but this whole thing feels joyless, and not like "oh, survival horror is so grimdark and sad", I am a tragedy enjoyer, but like. it feels...mandated.
Also this is weird and picky but for all of Those High Production Values (repeated direct quote from the Polygon article) they do a weirdly bad job of filming the die rolls? Like, they cut to the dice trays at the wrong time?
Finally, and this is just a pot shot at Polygon but they should stop making it so easy, but the article was like "I watched the 4-ish hour first episode and I didn't have a clue what was going on but it had Those High Production Values" and it's like...I was demonstrably fucking around on tumblr and in GIMP while watching and I have a pretty solid idea of what was going on. Maybe it goes nuts in the remaining 2.5 hours that I may chip away at to be able say I watched a full episode and decided it "wasn't for me" *smiles like I'm a waitress on Hell's Kitchen and Gordon Ramsey just asked me a question* but I think you might be dumb.
CONCLUSION: just watch the Doja Cat 2020 MTV EMA version of Say So, read Divergent (by Veronica Roth) (you don't have to be at LaGuardia) and like, check out Mentopolis or Misfits and Magic if you want to see Danielle Radford in a Kids on Bikes game that is good.
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cupcraft · 2 months
I was talking about this the other day but I think some.people are gensrs a tar pit in the sense that they expect and demand perfection from artists who share their work for free and this is especially true for writing and fic and oc work.
Like it's one thing if an author asks for constructive criticism or grammar checks from strangers and you politely tell them (emphasis on polite). And it's another to see something you don't like and leave a raging comment like they destroyed you're whole life on a work that is again FREE and not professionally edited and is just a hobby piece from a real person's fandom enjoyment.
Yalls audacity baffles me like you know what I do when I dislike a fic or the grammar is annoying me. I click off. I move on. What do I do when somethings ooc? I move on. I've never once felt compelled to ruin a fic writers whole day especially when they a didn't ask, b it's free art, and c I am by no means a professional (even as I try to publish my own writing. At heart it's always been a hobby) and being a professional wouldn't make shit behavior okay either FYI.
And also some of you don't know how to give constructive criticism and I can say that with my experience writing and beta reading both in school (albeit for technical/science writing) and work on fics/zines etc. Like constructive is meant to be just that, constructive. It is not meant to degrade someone and for you to go haha amazing I ruined this person's passion for writing good thing they sucked! Like idk hownto tell you this but you have to support artists even when they "suck" you have to be supportive of people who are sharing something they love for free. If you really don't like it move tf on. It's important though when you do engage you're kind. Fandom is meant to be a community and it should be enjoyable to you thst people grow and change and their art and passions evolve. If you're heart is set in destroying anyone who isn't Perfect like they had a whole literary/art agency team behind them for again, free art then you are in fact a tar pit and you are miserable and likely projecting. Get over yourself
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the-sweet-madame · 1 year
ꜱᴏʀʀᴏᴡꜰᴜʟ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛꜱ (𝘌𝘪 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳)
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Summary: Ei neglects you, doesn't confide in you and begins to act as if you two weren't in a relationship. Getting angry, you left and Yae Miko returned with your dead body.
Warnings: Major character death, i think there's blood. Lots of angst.
Female reader! Happy reading! :)
Love is complex, it could squeeze your heart, though whether it is in joy or sorrow, it is completely up to Celestia. Love is something that bounds you whole, encasing you into its suffocating embrace until you accept its embrace. Love could be your greatest strength, your motivation and inspiration. But it could also be your greatest weakness, a call of desperation and grief. A relationship is built with a fierce bond, when two halves meet. Whilst it requires considerable amount of work, it could develop into a beautiful thing. Full of emotions, full of trust and care. Though, most importantly, you must be each other’s pillar of strength and you must be able to rely on each other. 
The duty of an Archon requires many things, especially the ability to work on your own, to not rely on anyone. It was baffling that Ei, herself, had taken a liking to someone. It was jaw-dropping, more shocking than the fierce lightening that came crashing down to land whenever a thunderstorm had occurred, could shock you. Especially since the one to grasp her heart after defeating her tall, thick, and secure walls surrounding it, was a mere human. [Y/N] [L/N]. 
It was pleasant. [Y/N] was granted the privilege to wander into Ei’s Plane of Euthymia at any time she wished to accompany her. Usually, Ei would dislike it if her meditation was interrupted but [Y/N] is the sole exception. She’d find it enjoyable even, the presence of the human she held close to her heart was simply delightful. Especially when she’d ramble on about her little stories and things that happened to her recently. Her voice was beautiful to Ei as were her emotions that were displayed in her tone while she spoke. 
The fleeting touches, the way their hearts would race and the sweet, small smiles that were shared. Everything was pleasant.  
So, then they took the first step. They got into a relationship.  
That it is when their little enamouring fantasy began to crumble. 
Ei had begun to grieve once again, distancing herself from her lover. Her actions quietly conveyed how afraid she was. The way she quickly would avert her gaze elsewhere, making up excuses just to avoid [Y/N] and her short, cold responses. It hurt [Y/N]. She could see the sorrow in Ei’s amethyst-like eyes, the hidden secrets of the painful past. She truly did want to assist, she really did. She tried getting Ei to open up, letting her know that she could comfort her with open arms. But is only a matter of time before one starts to get exhausted.  
7 months. 
That is the amount of time it took for [Y/n] to grow tired. She loved Ei, she truly did. But she can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped nor did she deserve to stay within a one-sided relationship. She deserved to be happy not to be neglected.  
Hastened footsteps echoed through the Plane of Euthymia, [Y/N]’s hands in tight fists and her breathing forced to be long and steady.  
There she was. 
Those familiar galaxy-like boring into hers, but the coldness within them left her confused and sorrowful. The archon was presented in a meditating position, the air around her tense and taunting. As if it were waiting for her to start the talking about the rather touchy subject. 
Nervousness flooded through [Y/N]’s veins but she forced herself to remain calm. If she didn’t do it now then the Archons would know when she would. 
“Ei,” The Archon’s cold gaze didn’t budge by her cold and stern voice. Only silence answering her call.   
The atmosphere was suffocating but she still managed to take a long, deep breath.  
“We need to talk.”  
“The contents of the matter being?” The coldness [Y/N]’s voice had was thrown back at her tenfold from Ei. Her heart aching slightly at the Archon’s conceding tone, as if she was reminding her that she was very much superior than her. 
“Us.” [Y/N]’s stern façade began to falter slightly; it was beginning to get hard to not let her voice break.  
Ei began to reply, but [Y/N] knew her too well. 
“No, I don’t want an excuse, Ei. I want to discuss this, please.” [Y/N] cut her off before she even made a sound, causing Ei to pursue her lips.  
That is when [Y/N] realised she had sauntered closer to Ei subconsciously in her silent frustration, only half an arms’ length away from her. The atmosphere was squeezing her lungs, more intensity colliding with the air around the pair.  
“I know.” [Y/N] finally breathed out. “I know that you are still grieving over Makoto, Ei. And I know that I’ve told you that you can rely on me more than a few times.” 
The other was still, as if she was waiting for her to quickly get to the point. 
“I’m tired of waiting, Ei.” The said female’s cold gaze faltered, disbelief swirling in her amethyst-like eyes. “I am tired of coming back to the same cold eyes staring back at me, I am tired of being neglected and I am tired of keeping up this one-sided relationship.” 
Tears began to well up in [Y/N] eyes but she refused to let them fall, standing her ground firmly. If Ei never dared to reveal her vulnerability to her own lover, why should she? She was sure crescent marking were littering her palm from how tight her fists were. Many emotions flowed through her being; sadness and anger were probably the main ones crawling through all her insides without any mercy. It was so very difficult to not break but her persistence was something worth of an award. 
But what pained her more was that not even a single syllable was uttered from Ei’s mouth, it was perfectly sealed shut. If it weren’t for the different show of emotions in her eyes, [Y/N] would’ve thought that her words fell on deaf ears.  
“I can’t do this anymore,” [Y/N]’s voice was less fierce, as if she were attempting to console herself. “I’m sorry, Ei. I can only give so much help to someone who is lost in the past.” 
It was as if it were in slow motion in Ei’s eyes, the way the person who once loved her, turned their back on her for the first time. The first step she took rang in the Archon’s ears. Another person she held dear was leaving her but all she could do was stand there because deep down she knew that she was already long gone. 
The clouds were grey, angry as rain came pouring down. That was how [Y/N] felt, her tears of frustration and sorrow disguised within the crystal-clear drops of rain. She was absolutely and utterly drenched but she couldn’t seem to care.  
She had run. She ran until it was difficult to gasp for air, her knees buckling before her. The storm didn’t cease, it only roared fiercely with the howling winds and the satisfying crackle of lightening. The damp blades of forest-green grass tickling her legs were her only comfort as she shivered, hugging herself tightly. She wasn’t aware of where she was, her mind finally starting to function within her blizzard of emotions.  
The crunching of grass behind her made her breath hitch. She had unexpected company.  
“Oh? The dear lover of the great Electro Archon out in the wild and lost? Surely, a little mouse like you holds some sort of intelligence to not roam around all alone?” A laugh was heard, no, laughter was heard. The voice of the person who had spoken was lightly amused with thinly veiled surprise. As if they had hit the jackpot. 
The said female clutched a handful of grass, a feeble attempt to shove down her fear. She silently regretted not thinking this all through. Of course, the day of her death was bound to be on the most sorrowful day of her entire life. Her mind was flooded with pure terror and regrets, drowning so deep within them that she didn’t pick up on the footsteps approached her trembling figure from behind. 
Her tearful eyes widened at gloved hands roughly turning her around by her shoulders. Another gloved hand grabbing her chin as she was met with blazingly orange eyes. Her eyes trailed downwards, the uniform was of the Fatui, the realisation striking down upon her like lightening.  
She was officially, royally screwed. 
“I asked you a question and I expect an answer.” He snarled, the closeness only making her anxiety spike, the other members of the group that held her in place only snickered. 
That was the opening for her, the grip they had on her had loosened out of arrogance, but she only briefly acknowledged it before the waves of fear had subsided into subtle rage. 
With the little confidence she had, she glared daggers at him and spat on him, causing him to recoil his hand to wipe his face in pure disgust. How dare he recognize just because she was Ei’s lover. She knew she wasn’t skilled enough in the field of violence as she is more skilled intellectually. Her tears had halted, a smirk tugging at her lips as she built up the confidence to speak up against him. 
“My name is [Y/N] [L/N], thank you very much.” Her voice was devoid of the clutches of fear that had once encased her only moments before. “Now, cease your irritating, cretinous babbling, you imbecile.” 
She smiled, as she kicked the Fatui off and quickly moved to the right, standing up while the Fatui that was once behind her, stumbled backwards in pure shock. It was satisfying to see the orange-eyed fatui that had questioned her, drop his jaw. Unable to process the fact of how she escaped their grasp and escaped right in front of him with such ease.  
Taking in a deep breath, she summoned her catalyst as the Fatui hastily got over their surprise, anger coursing their veins as they got into position to fight. It was impossible to outrun them.  
If it was fated for her to die on this day, may as well die fighting.  
 Disarray had begun to catch up with Ei’s stubbornness, it had been hours. The storm had only worsened with her worry. After so many years, her emotions overlapped each other like waves crashing onto waves fiercely. 
[Y/N] was right. She was also right to leave Ei. The archon knew that, but deep inside a selfish need to have her back dwelled within her. She knew [Y/N] wouldn’t be back nor would she ever meet someone like her again.  
Ei clutched her spear, regret seeping into her being faster than ever. As if a dam had been unleashed.  
But she didn’t have the time to drown within her feelings.  
The Raiden Shogun informed her of Yae’s presence, demanding to see her. 
She didn’t expect to see her worst nightmare come into living. Yae Miko’s usual neat and tidy appearance was stained with crimson, her flirtatious nature seemingly gone, replaced with austereness.   
With a limp body in her arms.  
“The foxes had brought me to her. She was found dead with Fatui traces all around her.” Yae Miko spoke, a tinge of hatred bouncing into her grim voice.  
She stepped forward, holding out the person that was once Ei’s lover. With trembling hands, Ei took her into her arms. Tears slid down her porcelain cheeks, her Amythest-like eyes looking down at [Y/N] sorrowfully yet fondly. She caressed her cold cheek before gaining the strength to speak.  
“Fatui traces,” Ei lifted her head to look back at Yae, her tone absolutely livid. “I trust that you have left them for me, no?”  
“Thank you, Yae.” Ei said, but her voice didn’t sound thankful. More as if she was ready to give them such hell that they would beg for death. 
Ei held [Y/N] tighter. Unspoken words and promises conveyed through her actions.   
A promise to wreak havoc, an apology for what she had done and another promise to always keep her in her heart. 
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makoodles · 10 months
Let's continue with the fluff, (I know people are asking you a lot of content, so I want to give some for your enjoyment)
Your baby boy, being the littlest baby to have been ever born in the reef, every metkayina is baffled when they see him in your arms or with any of your other family members around, everyone knew that the baby was going to be little, your height practically a joke for them, but he is still such a tiny bit of a na'vi that everyone is just so careful when he is around.
Your baby boy, that takes advantage from his tiny size as a toddler and simply disappears, are you and Ronal chatting while cooking? He is gone in a few second from your side and is incredible near the fire place where Ronal catches him in time to prevent an accident, her heart near an attack, Tonawari, Ao'nung and the second youngest (Ronal's unborn baby still doesn't have a name but I figure that it's a few years older) go hunting? The little bean somehow got with them and now the three have to return now , like right now, because they have a baby outside of the reef with his mothers and sister in the verge of tears and calling out to Eywa for mercy because they can't find him since an hour ago.
The little menace only giggles when he is showered in kisses when he is safely delivered home yet again and is embraced by his mothers that can only thank Eywa, it doesn't matter that they check everytime they go out, he always makes his way with them, (Ao'nung is quite sure that his little brother is some kind of different being like Kiri, somehow, because he can't understand how he can do so much when he barely just learned to walk)
Your baby boy, who is now a kid, the littlest of the entire tribe, other kids his age are more tall (damn, even more strong), he looks at his family, many have told him that he looks a lot like his father and sister (Tsireya is the female version of Tonowari and you can't tell me otherwise) but with the eyes and fourth fingers of his mama, some kids make fun of him sometimes but he doesn't tell anyone and just does little evil deeds here and there using his strange ability to be almost unnoticed by everyone, he never gets caught because there is no evidence, you and Tonowari are so sure that it is his fault but there is no way to prove it, Ronal only sides smiles to her kid.
Your baby boy, now a teenager, that looks how, like every year, the Tulkun return home, he looks at his whole family go running to them but he chooses to stay with his mother, he knows that it is hard for her, it has been years but Ronal never told him, the story too gruesome to such a young kid, but the people talk and he ended up knowing either way, Ronal, as tsa'hik, will sooner or later go out, but until then he will stay to her side and then accompany her out.
Your baby boy, a teenager, who likes to go sunbathing for hours, people tells him that it is dangerous, going limp in the surface could get the attention of any predator that goes under him, but he likes to do it, there is no predator in the area of the reef, he just likes to do it, he remembers your tales, the planet from where his mama came, he knows that it's not the same sun, not the same planet structure (to whatever that is), butt he gets the connection of it, especially at night, because he remembers which little star is yours.
Your baby boy, not a baby anymore, (Tonowari always reminds you to stop calling him like that but Ronal kind of understands you because is a sky demon thing to show love, or something like that, remember that for na'vi calling someone a baby is basically an insult) is finally getting his first tattoo after finally receiving the merit for it from his father, but he doesn't have the slightest idea of what to get.
Your baby boy, who drags you out the pod, taking you to see his spirit brother, Ronal and the other village artisans are just finishing the tattoo on his big abdomen that goes similar to the one he got done on one side of his face.
this is so cute, why do i feel emotional about a baby boy that i don't have 😭😭
the bit about him running away when no one is looking hit me hard too because i was a runner as a child lmaoooooo
tysm for this, it was so cute and i had the best time reading it! it was definitely a nice little change!
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sheydgarden · 1 year
Question: I am ethnically Jewish, though not culturally (complicated family history). I read your book on the roots of Antisemitic origins of Solomonic magic and wanted to ask:
If working with the Ars Goetia as entities themselves may be problematic: could reframing and restructuring the paradigms to re-imagine the listed demons and create new demons to work alongside be a better solution? I do enjoy the recent demonological work I’ve started but seeing some of the origins, it makes me wonder if my workings could be adjusted by basing my rituals in values I personally have and reframing it away from the work found in Solomonic Texts.
You had said in your Zine you yourself had worked to strip the Antisemitism from the Solomonic Imagery and parts of the practice and I was wondering if you had any advice on that process because I do find it fulfilling to ritually work alongside entities like this but am wondering how to do it in a better way?
hi! i'm gonna answer this one publicly so that i have something to refer folks to here when they ask me this same question (which i've gotten before), hope that's cool! also, apologies for the length of reply, but that's what happens when you open this particular box with me, haha.
i'm just gonna give it to you straight (and this is my opinion, of course, i know there are plenty who disagree with me! but you asked me) - i don't think there's anything you can do to "Solomonic" magic to render it not antisemitic. the antisemitism isn't a nasty veneer you can scrape off to get at some good stuff underneath - it's baked in. the entire premise of a book about a "powerful Jewish magician" who worked with Christian demons (who themselves are just a mish-mash of names & concepts from various cultures) is antisemitic. in the case of the Lesser Key specifically, we're talking about a book most likely written & distributed by Christian clergy (that's who had access to the education & tools required!) who were at the same time actively contributing to Jewish genocide. it's the foundation of the thing.
when i talk about my sigil artwork that uses grimoire-inspired imagery, i'm talking purely about holding onto an aesthetic, a visual language of lines. i can take out antisemitic visual signifiers easily because i'm only working with an image out of context. i don't think it's possible to remove antisemitism from the concept or the practice of Solomonic/ceremonial magic, at least not without completely altering it at its core - and then why bother basing anything on it at all? (i'm a Jew, not a western occultist, so i haven't tried)
i think really considering what exactly it is you've been getting out of this might make things clearer for you in terms of how you want to proceed. if it's the "Jewish" flavor, there's a whole world of actual Jewish folklore & mysticism, complete with demons of our own - you mention having Jewish ancestry, but not being culturally or religiously Jewish, so i would definitely recommend making a connection to Jewish community & learning a lot before you dive into any kind of Jewish spirituality. if it's just the concept of calling on entities via ritual work - why these? why not your own inventions? the demons listed in the Lesser Key were pretty much invented during the Renaissance, even if some of their names come from older sources. occultists combined, embellished & invented them to fit into a Christian theology, using a faux-Jewish origin story in order to lend them both more credibility (in a time when Jews were literally equated with demons!) and some spicy exoticism. i'm pretty baffled as to why so many folks still want to base a spiritual practice on that, beyond the fact that they're considered cool and/or sufficiently edgy if you grew up Christian.
if i'm being more blunt here than i was in the zine, it's because we're solely in "personal opinion" territory, and my honest opinion is that whatever folks find enjoyable about ceremonial magic could be better put to use in a framework that leaves Judaism alone entirely (and either honestly calls itself Christian - which it historically is - or creates a new cultural/religious system to operate under). i hope this was helpful - thanks for taking the time to read it!
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batterygarden · 1 year
h. hi do u have any thoughts about levi / floch and if so may i hear them ^_^; .. relationship thoughts , perchance 🐺
YA <3 ..... sfw but no minors on my page pls
Levi is surprisingly an excellent baker…store bought desserts are often too sweet or artificial for his tastes so he just makes them himself and he’s really good at it! Baking for you easily becomes one of his love languages..
This can pose a slight problem when you sneak into the kitchen while he’s in the middle of his process and try to stick a finger in whatever batter/filling he’s mixing. He is SWATTING your hand away at the speed of light… giving you that disappointed, tired stare like “we literally talked about this :/”
He’s not a monster though—he’ll let you taste stuff if you just use a clean spoon! Keep the filthy mitts AWAY >:(
He’s into wordle lmao. And he doesn’t explicitly ask or state it but he expects you to do it with him everyday….it’s a collaborative project! He’ll be in the other room like “okay. I’m checking out the wordle now.” And if you just respond with an acknowledgment without dropping what you’re doing to come assist him he’ll peek his head in on you like… did you hear me? Im doing the wordle 😒! And you better make haste to go join him!
He spoils pets more than you…. & I think he’s seriously baffled that you’d wanna deny them human food. Gives you the straightest, most serious face and is like hey. your son is sad. he needs a piece of that sandwich. Looks at you like you just kicked a puppy in front of him when you say no.
You tease him for how particular he is about seemingly random things a lot… one day you bring up the cup holding thing and he sets his mug down like “Oh my god is this going to be a whole thing? It does not need to be.” You exhaust him!
If you’re ever sick he is concerned but also full hazmat suiting… Do not expect any kisses till you’re recovered and he is certain you’re not contagious. This man will wear a mask around you if you have a SNIFFLE. But he also is preparing soup, medicine, tea—whatever you may possibly need he has it ready…. He is an acts of service king of course he won’t leave you hanging.
Undefeated back rub giving KING. He’ll wear this bored expression like he’s thinking about something else while he absolutely DEMOLISHES any knots in your muscles…leaving you a comfortable jello consistency. It’s so routine for him—he knows the exact expression you’ll wear on your face before asking for a back rub and he’s gotten so familiar he’ll stop what he’s doing and motion for you to lay on the bed before you even get the words out.
He’s not shy asking you to play with his hair, especially because he knows you really enjoy it, but he will also ask you to wash your hands first….it’s nothing personal but he just watched you take your phone into the bathroom with you and he already showered tonight :/ It feels like a reasonable request.
His insomnia is annoying as hell when you just wanna fall asleep cuddling and stay cuddling all night. He’ll usually come cuddle for a bit when you fall asleep and occasionally he will fall asleep like that for a little while… but after at most an hour that man is sneaking back up to drink some tea and do paperwork or smth :/ Then he wakes up before you so bed empty in the morning :(
Floch (was scared bc u love him so i kept it brief )
Big banter enjoyer… This man is insanely sarcastic and dry and he loves when you’ll stick to the bit with him—he’s also never once shied away from teasing you for stupid stuff.
Oh thank god! I was really worried you’d remember the notebook you need for class today—What a close call 😮‍💨. Let’s head back. 
Right! I’m just glad we’ll manage to miss the train because of it !
He gets really puffy under eye bags so you teach him hydrating and soothing skin care that’ll help. He ends up really liking your self care ideas… the next time you see him you’re walking in on Floch leaning back on a chair with cucumbers on his eyes wearing your robe and one of your headbands… he’s so zen at that moment he doesn’t even notice you taking his picture. It becomes a point of tension when you won’t delete it as your lock screen afterwards for weeks.
He will fight dirty to get you to do what he wants. Maybe you were thinking of joining some friends for a girl’s night out at the bar… Floch is prepared with your favorite movie and some persuasive words to make you remember how much you prefer staying in with him! 
He will drop bad news in the form of doorknob confessions… like by the way my parents need to stay here this weekend! See ya. 🚶(leaves and turns off his phone)
He’ll make fun of you for the shows you’re into then be fully invested in them….. Fully pouts because you watched an episode of Fruits Basket without him like ???? He said he didn’t like it :/
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star-sparkler · 10 months
I know I ask a lot about August but I’d actually like ask about your aroace donnie hc. Like how he figured that out about himself and all that. Honestly a lot of people I see with that headcanon for him just hc that because that interpret him as mean and unemotional which is wrong for just all kinds of reasons. But you always portray the kind and loving side of him. That boy loves with his whole heart and its just so refreshing to see. I was also wondering if you have headcanons for the rest of the main cast.
OOOOHHHHHOOHOOHOO YOU HAVE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD: AROACE INFO-DUMP COMBINED WITH DONNIE FIXATION. A BOLD MOVE. BUCKLE IN, DUDE. /positive Aroace Donnie is a REALLY special headcanon for me. Part of that is identifying as aroace myself and getting enjoyment from portraying that in a favorite character, but most of it is just genuinely getting the vibes from Donnie. Because being aroace doesn't necessarily mean lacking love altogether, or being incapable of loving, it's defined by the lacking of the ATTRACTION part. There's usually theoretical love to give but no target to hit with it. The way you talk about it gives me the sense you know that already though ;w; 💓 But what a bummer to think people equate being aroace with being unemotional. Some of the kindest and most loving people I know are aro/ace. ;-; </3
As for Donnie figuring himself out, I imagine he took it all from a very logical standpoint. It's one thing to crush on a fictional character or the concept of someone and another thing entirely to feel that way about a real individual in a non-fictional scenario. Even if he could find people who, by all accounts, were his 'type', logic would get in the way of taking action. "Our interests are too different" "I'm not THEIR type" "I'm not ready to commit" "I don't like this and that about them so it wouldn't work" "Eh, the, quote 'spark' unquote, isn't there." "I am simply too mature to be hung up on this romance nonsense" "I just haven't met the right person yet" "I just don't feel like I need a partner right now" "why is everyone so obsessed with this?" "Sex and romance sells, that's why it's pushed in media, not because people are ACTUALLY /THAT/ possessed by it. That would be lunacy." "I'm too busy to devote energy and time to dating right now" "There are more important things" "I don't need another person to feel whole - that's ridiculous - I'm whole on my own" - just a growing list of cerebral excuses to put the whole romance thing off until "later" again and again, or to explain away why he hasn't "found" love yet. None of the stories he told himself were UNtrue so he carries on without realizing the drive that everyone else seems to feel isn't within him, because he's come up with a million reasons WHY he wouldn't feel it yet to begin with. He doesn't realize other people DO still feel romantically and sexually about others DESPITE being 'busy' or 'mature' or not being the other person's type. He's baffled to discover people feel compelled to date or be intimate with people they don't even know. Based on what? Appearance? A vibe? Simply because they're there? It's illogical. It's maddening. What is WRONG with people? Until he steps back and realizes he's the outlier. It's not unusual that others are obsessed with love, it's unusual that he ISN'T. But he's had crushes before, hasn't he? Atomic Lass? A fictional character. What about real people? Well, yes, he HAD crushed on someone in the past but, when he REALLY thought about it, he didn't actually want to date or be intimate with them, he just liked spending time with them and wanted to be important/special to them. He wasn't Attracted with a capital A. He also didn't have the word for a squish at the time. Alright well let's test this another way. Who would he WANT to actually date? To kiss and devote himself to that he knows? SURELY there must be someone.......There's no one. He SUPPOSES if he HAD to choose then XYZ is...passable, but he still doesn't FEEL attracted to them. The excuses from before come back. Everyone keeps saying the right person will come around. The more he hears it, the more it stings that he hasn’t found this right person but maybe he really just hasn't met them yet. But not meeting "the right person" doesn't change the fact that, across the course of his entire life thus far, there has Never been a person he desired intimacy with specifically. After a great deal of rumination, Donnie realizes his excuses aren't excuses, they're his reality. There are no people in his life he desires. There are no celebrities he desires. There are no randoms on the street or acquaintances he desires. No interest in flings or daydreaming about a friend or ogling a body with intent. Donnie doesn't feel desire for anyone. It's a lonely feeling. But Donnie's smart and capable. His excuses don't have to be excuses, they can just be, well, facts. That doesn't mean he can’t carry on though and, if the right opportunity arises, find his own way of loving and being loved despite his current reality. If anyone can do that, Donatello Hamato can. (Side note: I love the idea of Donnie being so roadblocked by his excuse that he never bothers with or gets around to dating even into adulthood. Not dating does not devalue the truth of your personal identity).
Ultimately however: Donnie scrolling through the internet as a teen, researching his bros' romantic leans to better understand how to support them, and having a "THAT'S A REAL THING?? THERE'S A WORD FOR IT????" when he first stumbles across info on the aro/ace label. “Alright yeah, that tracks. 😑”
I honestly not-so-secretly headcanon every TMNT turtle from every iteration as some variant under the aroace umbrella. x'D It's partly a comfort choice but more so it’s because of the vibes I get from them. Even when they're shown desiring someone in canon it's felt forced or out of character somehow to me. Of course that doesn’t mean they can’t be in relationships or that I don’t enjoy the ones that are handled well! They just don’t come across fully allo to me. As for Rise specifically! 👀✨ 💙 Leo I tag as grayace/greyromantic bi. That boy ain't never been straight a day in his life. ❤️ Raph feels super classic aroace straight. 🧡 Mikey pan demisexual/alloromantic (or demiromantic?). 💜 Donnie asexual demiromantic. I think if he had the opportunity to really bond with the right person, it could spark something in him the way a stranger or acquaintance would not. Knowledge unlocking love feels VERY Donald A Tello to me.
ANYWAY. This got majorly long and I’ve been picking at it on and off for a few days. Thank you for appreciating how I interpret Donnie! I always hope I’m doing it in a way that feels believable to his canon. ;w;💓
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husky-studies · 6 months
Okay so HONESTLY im gonna ramble about this idea i got from reading one of the genshin sagau posts about the creator and their books that are read are popping into tevyat BUT imagine if it were the movies we have watched (inspired from @sagaubeloved sorry for the ping if it bothers you 😭)
LIKE imagine if ur a horror movie fanatic, IMAGINE THE CHARACTER'S REACTION. Idk if u watch horror bcs u like it or u just like a good scare or two but imagine showing them a movie like maybe the nun 2 or fnaf or coraline or ANY HORROR MOVIES. Imagine if the people (scholars, maybe some theatrics enjoyers?) are horrified watching it "THE CREATOR WATCHES THIS?!" "Yeah i do-" They'd either get nightmares or became really paranoid cause horror movie end credits sometimes scares me like 'based on-' no. I think they'd be paranoid because it says based on real life or something. Especially if its coraline, HONESTLY I COULDNT SLEEP MUCH FOR A FEW DAYS BECAUSE OF THE SPIDER MOM OR WHATEVER OTHER MOM THAT IS 😭😭 buttons for eyes (no- not identity v-) or if its something like FNAF then they'd probably be paranoid 💀 (until they know its actually from a game that has like 13 versions with i think 8 being the ACTUAL part of the series and the rest being spin-offs)
Now other than horror movies we have something moreeeee child friendly? Maybe some of y'all still watches trolls (i heard trolls 3 was about to be released), disney maybe, dreamworks am i the only one who suddenly remembers ratatouille talking about this-. The characters would be less horrified with this and go like "oh, this is the type of movie creator likes? Sounds nice" IF YOU'RE LIKE ME AND YOU HAVE THE DISC OF THE MOVIES AND YOU PLAYED THAT ONE MOVIE YOU JUST CANT STOP WATCHING BECAUSE ITS SO DANG GOOD, they'd probably cherish THAT movie more than the others because BRO, THE CREATOR watches that shit 24/7 WHO WOULDNT KEEP THAT MOVIE DISC FOR THE WHOLE TEVYAT TO SEE. AND YK WHATS FUNNY, IF ITS A MOVIE THAT HAS LIKE ANIMALS AS THE MAIN CHARACTERS (Madagascar, Lion King, etc) idt they'd even know what a LION is. I MEAN THE BASIC ANIMALS LIKE DOGS, CATS AND BIRDS ARE THERE (does rishboland tigers count as tigers here-) BUT SOMETHING MORE WILD LIKE LIONS or SPECIFIC BIRD TYPES, MONKEYS????(wolfs should exist i mean, theres wolvendom, snakes also exist cuz if not then wtf is changsheng, deers, dragons???)
Okay maybe some science fiction enjoyers, something futuristic or robotic like Transformers maybe? (Im sorry my brain could only thing of that 💀 like any transformers movie) They'd either be baffled at that or like taking notes, they'd probably compare those futuristic stuff like the robots with RUIN GUARDS or WHATEVER ELSE IS THE BRANCHING OFF OF THOSE THINGS. Maybe Sumeru would get the gist? Tbh sumeru kinda have more gadgets but we dk abt snezhnaya yet (im thinking snezhnaya has some of their own gadgets as well)
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