#because scott was missing for 6 episodes? why would she go so far for a guy she had a one night stand with?
cinnamontoads · 7 months
scott pilgrim takes off a solid 3/10 from me i'd say just read the comic atp
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The Santa Clauses
So, the first two episodes are out...and I have some thoughts.  They’ll be in no particular order, and I’m sure I’ll miss a few things.
1.  Okay, so!  First off, the Elves are pretty much what I’ve come to expect from the series, and I was mostly happy with them.  Betty and Noel are, without a doubt, the absolute cutest!  She’s 100% the boss in the relationship, but she isn’t mean about it (unlike Karen Charlie’s wife, but I’ll get to that!) and I adored their little back-and-forth exchanges.  That little exasperated-but-lovesick sigh she made when he left with the Orb to talk to Santa just said it all.  “Oh, you’re a doofus, but I can’t help but love you!”
I coulda done without Crouton barfing sparkles, though.  I can suspend my disbelief pretty darn far, but...you know what, it’s fine.  It’s for kids, and it was kind of funny.
I saw a theory on Reddit about Betty and Noel being the true villains, but I just can’t see it.  Their private conversations didn’t involve any kind of plotting against anyone, least of all Santa, so...nah, I’m not buying that one.  Edie, though?  I’m not saying that I think she’s a villain, because I don’t, but I can see her having some sort of well-meaning plan and having it go awry...much like a certain Elf from the second movie.  All in all, I loved the elves!
2.  No Bernard yet...but he’s in it!  He is in it!  So, we’ll probably get a ‘canon’ explanation of where he was, and maybe why he’s aged again.  Real world answer, the actor got older.  Will the show address it?  Time will tell!
3.  Speaking of ‘time’, Father Time and the other Legendaries aren’t in the show at all, which I’m actually happy about.  A few of the actors have passed away, and I have a soft spot for the characters they played, so I’m not sorry that they’re being excluded.  I prefer to think of them as being busy with their own affairs/unaware of the current sitch.
4.  Okay...*sigh* Why is Carol unable to remember her name, and why is she suddenly chained to a velvet cape and a huge granny bun?  I can buy that some changes would have happened to her like they did with Santa, but they just...didn’t.  At least until now.  The gag with the hairpins was a little funny, but Santa is still Scott, he didn’t completely lose his other identity.  He was still him.  So, why is Carol seemingly being erased in favor of Mrs. Claus? 
5.  Also, why is Scott suddenly having brain farts and acting senile on and off?  I’ll withhold judgment for now, we’re only 2 episodes in.  
6.  Santa/Scott bashed Jack Frost...Hoo boy. ._.  I know a certain Frost fan who most likely took that personally!  Jack’s good now, okay?  Okay!
7.  The kids, Buddy (Sorry, still wrapping my head around ‘Cal’) and Sandra, well, I don’t really have anything bad to say about them.  I don’t buy that Santa and Carol wouldn’t have socialized them at all outside of the North Pole, but for all intents and purposes they didn’t, so those kids grew up in an almost literal bubble.  So, they’re completely believable, I think.  
Buddy/Cal is too sweet and innocent for this world, and I love him!  Sandra seems to be the smarter of the two, but what the heck is that little animal that follows her around?  Is that supposed to be a mutated ferret, or some kind of magical creature?  
And braces made of sugar???
Roy:  No.  Nope!  Nope, nope, no!  Absolutely not, I want the name of the quack who went near that child’s teeth!  I want his name, I wanna know where he went to dental school, (ticking these off on his fingers) and I wanna know where Santa left his brain, because I think someone flossing sat on it! *panting* Where’s the Tylenol?
Chet: Oh no, he angy...
8.  And finally...can we talk about Charlie’s wife?  I don’t like her.  I do not like her at all.  Charlie’s points were valid, and in a way, hers were as well, but her actual response was horrible.  No private conversation between the spouses, followed by a polite refusal?  Apparently Her Royal Highness is exempt from social niceties, and I’ll just stop here.
All in all...I’m somewhat relieved in some ways, disappointed in others, and excited to see what they’ll reveal in future episodes!
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thatfreak03 · 2 years
Characters that would be cool to see in the Young Justice TV show
(Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.)
This is not a “This character should be in Young Justice” list. These are some DC characters I think are cool and think it would be cool to see them in the show. I completely understand why some, if not all these character won’t become part of the show, they already have a lot of characters, and it seems like the creators have their own plan in mind. This is just for fun. Also, I’m not a DC expert, so sorry if I get some things wrong about a character.
(PS. As of right now, my favorite DC superhero families are the Batfam and the Flashfam, so don’t be surprise if you see a lot of them on this list.)
(Just like the characters and show I will be talking about, I don’t own the pictures. They, the characters, and show are property of DC.)
1. Starfire aka Princess Koriand’r of Tamaran
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I have read been reading a few Teen Titans comics and I have seen a lot of episode of the show Teen Titans and I’ve got to say, I absolutely love Starfire. She’s strong, she’s kind, and just amazing. There’s to many great things about  her to list. I can already think of at least two ways the team could meet her. Maybe Tamaran is in trouble and Starfire heard of the heroes of earth and decided to go to them for help. Maybe the team's on mission in space on ship and they find Starfire as a prisoner. Just some possibilities. 
2. Raven aka Rachel Roth
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Raven is the daughter of a demon that wants to take over earth, the story arcs you could use there are basically gift wrap to you. Not only that, but I like the idea of her and Jaime Reyes bonding over having powers that have a bad origin but they choose to use them for good. I hope I phrased that right.
3. Batwing aka Lucas “Luke” Fox
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I read his book by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray, and let me tell you, this guy is awesome. It would be nice to see him with the Batfamily in this show.
4. Signal aka Duke Thomas
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I love this kid and his book by Scott Snyder and Tony Patrick and it is awesome. A lot of elements of Young Justice focus on meta humans, and based on what I know, Duke is the only batfamily member with superpowers. Maybe their can be a story arc about Duke being new member to the batfamily but feeling out of place because of his powers, which leads him to join Young Justice. Or something like that.
5. Max Mercury aka Maxwell Crandall
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This guy can lead to a lot of interesting stories. In the comics he was primary care taker and mentor of Bart, but seeing as that role has been given to Jay Garrick, I don’t think Max will become that if he’s part of the show. That being said, I can see him still bonding with Bart in the show. Max was basically the first speedster, and might have been the first time traveler. Max was original from 1800s and ended up running so fast that wound up modern time. Well, eventually he ended up in modern time. So he could relate to Bart about living in a time that they weren’t original part of. The difference would probably be that while Max’s time wasn’t great he would probably still miss stuff, like his friends and family, but Bart doesn't really much if anything to miss about his time. (I mean, Bart had Neutron, but Neutron was just as miserable as Bart was. They were both living in what was basically hell.)
6. XS aka Jenni Ognats
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Jenni Ognats, granddaughter of Barry Allen, daughter of Dawn Allen, and cousin of Bart Allen. A speedster hero and a member of the legion of superheroes. At first I wondered why she wasn’t with Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, and Chameleon Boy in season 4, but then I realized that Bart wasn’t born as far in the 31 century like he is in the comics, or at least I don’t think he is, my math might be off, but I think his future was in the 2060s at most, so Jenni probably doesn't live in that time zone either. Their were probably some other reasons too, but think that was one of the main reasons. I still there are some ways that Jenni could become part of the show. Apparently Don and Dawn Allen will sometimes become villains instead of heroes, so maybe Jenni goes back in time to prevent that. I know the twins are very young at the moment, so maybe the thing that leads to twins becoming villains happens when they were very young. That or maybe Jenni could be what Bart claimed to be when he was first introduced: a tourist from the future. Or maybe, Jenni travels to the past to try and escape the next person on the list.
7. Reverse Flash aka Eobard Thawne
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Eobard Thawne, enemy of the Flash, killer of Nora Allen, and ancestor of Bart Allen. (Ps. @dementedspeedster, thank you for correcting me.) This guy would pretty much do anything in order to hurt Barry Allen, even if it means killing everyone in the world including himself. So he already has a built in motive for causing problems in the show. That and his relation to Bart can lead to interesting character arcs and story. Did Bart even know that he was related to this man? If not how does he feel about that? Bart seems very proud to be a part of the flash family, how would he react to finding out he was also related to the Flash’s worst enemy? This could lead to him having bonding moments with Artemis, Orphan, and others due to them understanding what it’s like to related to a villain, as well as helping Bart comes to terms with it. That and/or these a story line where Eobard Thawne comes after Bart, for one reason or another. Either way, I can see how add Eobard in the show can lead to a lot of possibilities.
8. Inertia aka Thaddeus Thawne
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Speaking of how add the Reverse Flash can lead to a lot of possibilities, meet Thaddeus Thawne: A clone made by President Thawne using Bart Allen’s and Thawne DNA, made to hurt, kill, and basically cause problems for the Allen family, mainly Bart Allen. Cloning is something that happens or is referenced to, quite a lot in this show, so Thaddeus wouldn’t feel too out of place. He could offer a lot of the same stuff Eobard Thawne, with the added bonus of a possible redemption arc. Superboy and Red Arrow would probably relate to him for being a clone made to be pawn in someone else plan and would try to show him that his life doesn't have to be like that. The Flash family might see him as family, since he still has a bit of Allen in him, and try to to convince him that they will actually treat him like family and not a tool for “revenge”. That and I just love villains redemption stories, and I don’t think any child is beyond help, so I would love it this show did something like that.
9. Meloni Thawne
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Bart Allen’s mother. I’m not a 100% sure how the show could use her, other than in a Reverse Flash story line, but it would be nice to see her.
10. Catwoman aka Selina Kyle
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I’m honestly surprise there hasn’t even been at least a reference to her in the show. Selina is both a love interest and villain of Batman, a master thief, but will be a hero if she feels like she has to be, there is a lot you can do with her. Personally, a idea I have for her is being a double agent to infiltrate The Light. Unlike the last the heroes made someone a mole, everyone on the team will know she’s a double agent. Probably won’t happen, like most of the things on this list, but just a thought.
11. Harley Quinn aka Harleen Quinzel
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Harley Quinn’s loads of fun and it would be nice to see her in Young Justice. I can see her doing what I also suggested for Catwoman and being a double agents, or I could see her just being a one time villain in a episode. Their are quite literally 100% ways you can go with her character.
12. Bunker aka Miguel Jose Barragan
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I will admit I don’t know a whole lot about this guy, but he seems like a fun guy. That and his powers are cool. I’d be happy to see him in the show.
13. Ace aka (I couldn’t find another name for her)
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As far as I know, this girl only exits in Justice League Animated Universe, but I like her, and I know a lot of other people like her. Ace is a traumatized and hurting child with powers that are almost god like. Like Raven, their are all kinds of story arcs you can do with that. The one I came up with first is her using her powers to avoid her trauma and problems, and live in a fantasy world. But again, there are a lot of things you can do with her.
14. Princess Amethyst of Gemworld aka Amy Winston
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The show confirmed that other dimensions are in fact a thing in the Young Justice universe, so Gemworld could exists in their world. Meaning it is possible for Amethyst to become part of the show. (This is a bit more of a prediction than hope. Not saying I don’t want her to be in the show, just saying this is more of a prediction.)
15. The H.I.V.E Five/Fearsome Five aka Jinx, Billy Numerous (William Billy Strayer), Kyd Wykkyd, See-More (Seymour), Mammoth, and Gizmo (I couldn’t find all they’re real names, sorry)
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Before you ask, yes, they are called The H.I.V.E Five even though their are six of them. Also, I don’t really know much about their comic counter parts, so I will mostly if not always be referring to their Teen Titans characters. For me, these kids were the best thing about the Teen Titans show so that alone is a reason why I think it we be neat to them in Young Justice. That being said, I can see some good story arcs for the show involving these characters.
That’s all I got for now, sorry it’s late, and my head is starting to hurt.
Later I will probably look at this and kick myself for not putting a character on this list, but right now I think I’m satisfied.
(Again, sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.)
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 2 years
Season One, Episode Eleven: Formality
Oh, fuck off Kate, you psychopath.
Thinking about it, isn't she like the show's biggest recurring villain who doesn't end up turning good? She's in Seasons 1, 2, 4, and 6 as far as I remember.
The quiet calm that Deaton has never wavers, he's so good.
Good ol' mountain ash.
Poor Melissa really doesn't get much in the way of love interests, does she? I know she and Argent end up together at the end but that's...kind of it? I always thought it was going to be her and Stiles' dad.
Also she's missing a wing mirror.
"You can't protect everyone." "I have to." - that's Scott's MO for the entire show tbh.
Still not sure of the age gap with Kate and Derek but it's well established that she's not bothered by being a borderline paedophile that so who really cares?
Aww, moonlight vigil. Scott's such a sweetheart.
He fell off the roof, oh my god, noooo.
Scary Scott is scary. Well played, McCall.
Why is Allison setting Lydia up with Stiles? It's adorable, but seems a little odd.
Peter's got a weird skin fetish after being burned alive.
You can't keep putting out all the little fires, you've got to quench the blaze, Scott.
Kate's psycho logic is right on the money, even if it's psycho.
They never let anyone wear anything but unflattering boxers in these things.
Scott's got it baaaaad.
Melissa's advice is always spot on.
"Tattoo it on your arm." - two seasons too early, my dude.
The first time in the history of EVER that someone looked up.
Stydia, my beloved.
And now Peter's at the dance. Security guards, Beacon Hills High! Security guards! I doubt it'd help, but still, at least make an effort to protect your kids.
I love the juxtaposition of Peter killing people and the teen drama stuff, it's so daft.
Weaponised homophobia. Well done McCall.
Greenburg #...4?
I think what Jackson wants most is to belong to something bigger than him, to prove that he's good enough, which, again, dropped Hale Son plot points.
Would Chris really shoot a teenager? I know Kate would, and so would Evil Mom, but I really don't know if he would, especially someone like Scott who hasn't hurt anyone.
"Because I love you." ;_;
That is a LOT of teeth. I bet Peter's vet bills are extortionate.
Ooph, bus kiss parallels.
Oh THAT'S how Allison finds out. I couldn't remember if Scott told her or not. Guess it's...not.
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jmblyajones · 3 years
Eagles: Date Night 3x4
*Check out my (long 😇) analysis/review and peep my OTH comparisons lol
1. Mats is literally falling apart at the seams. He looks a wreck. Is this his rock bottom?
2. Can you imagine playing hockey? I wouldn’t even be able to catch myself on rollerblades. I would fall on my ass repeatedly….
OMG DATE IDEA: Amie and Elias go ice skating/rollerblading! He teaches her how to skate?!! Ooo or a karaoke date!
@ Carl and Stefan
3. Felicia is posted up having last night regrets…Chile, we’d all hope this was enough to stop whatever is coming. That makes me sound like a fortune teller but I just don’t think this is the episode she decides she will become clean and sober.
4. I feel really bad for Ludde. I don’t know if he will ever be close to what he was… You know what this reminded me of, Lucas Scott when he found out about his heart condition. If you’ve watched OTH you know he eventually moved on to writing novels. Ludde likes to write music….very left field me talking about this I know but it just had me thinking
Update: “Hockey isn’t everything” well well well. I guess I’m not far off. The OTH blueprint still lives!!
5. Elias is so damn cocky lmao just like Nathan. lol
6. I am just waiting for Mats’s huge “this team is special” speech. I have faith it will come.
7. Retro in Swedish is so extra and expressive, I love it!
Oh this is fucking awkward. Ok well she’s smiling so, that’s a good sign. Things seemed to be squashed since the funeral? Am I reaching with that conclusion? Ludde looks like he’s about to choke too tf 😂……..
Ludde looking at Elias and Amie, oh my gosh 😂😂 yup, you picked up the vibes too huh? BIIIIITCH! Look at Ludde hooking a brotha UP!
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Elias is acting so anxious about asking Amie out and Amie is just chillin’! Icing on the cake if he were to turn around and bump into the beetle. But I guess he’s too suave for that 🙄😂 Definitely ‘boy likes girl more’ trope on LOCK!…
Ugh YES! Amie and Ludde are back to being friends (somewhat of that Haley and Lucas friendship)!! I liked them working on music together. I’m excited to see what they come up with. OOOOR when Amie goes back to music full time, she hires Ludde to be her collaborator and songwriter (if there is a chance Ludde doesn’t get in to the London school)?!
9. WAIT? Why didn’t I catch this earlier??? Sam is Andres’s boyfriend? I really missed that last episode? 😂…
Aw shit… why is Andreas coughing up a lung now??
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10. I need this mother/daughter relationship repaired! Y’all hate to see it but I’m siding with Petra. Idk how the laws work over there with minor’s signing contracts without legal guardian’s consent but putting my self in petra’s position, I would feel some kind of way if my child just left without a moments notice and the only times I heard about how she was was on the radio when she indirectly disses me. I am all for Amie following her dreams but not at the cost of loosing her mother.
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What prior relationship was Amie in? tf??
“We don’t need to talk to each other” Girl what the hell is going on? I’m at a cross between being irritated and being hella sad. I must have missed something because this don’t make no kinda sense…
11. Aw, look at Felicia being all romantic… I know that food is cold but at least your man showed up lmao
12. Why the hell is this girl talking about her funeral AGAIN?? This is the second time DAMMIT!! Y’all think I’m playing and kiki-ing but there is really something wrong with Felicia. Something is going to happen and I don’t think we are ready for it.
13. Amie… you really thought this was a group thing? AAAAHAHAHA! Elias said “probably just us” boy is trying to play this shit off so WEAK 😭😭 If y’all don’t stop playing… y’all know this is a date *raises eyebrows*.
Elias is so nervous, i LOVE IT! If anybody has ever been to the movie theaters, you know that the snacks always cost more, good bye 💀
Elias asked her to pick out candy he’d like? Are we serious?? Of course Amie knew what he’d like 🤪 soulmates usually do.
Holy shit, Elias is asking if Amie has a boyfriend. Guys my heart right now… CREEPER BO WAS AMIE’S BOYFRIEND?!?! (makes sense why she was playing with his fingers) THAT MAN HAD TO BE IN HIS 30’S WTF?!? The name Creeper Bo remains.
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Amie did not just call Klara the biggest bitch in their city bro SHUT UP! She ain’t wrong but my gosh girl 😂😂 I am getting my LIFE RN! She really has that “everyone can get the smoke” energy (even for her mom :((.. petty me is stopping lol) I love Amie’s character so much. she is very well rounded. she definitely has room to grow and mature but you can see she is still a good person and never wants to maliciously hurt anyone. Even calling Klara a bitch, which we all know she is, Amie still says she sees good in her.
Elias is just straight flirting with my girl oh my gosh 😭 i’m so happy.
14. Ok, great! We are getting into Felicia’s whole mindset with this social media gig. Cuz a girl has been wanting to know! Ok, i’m teetering on the line of Felicia telling Ludde, she just wants them to not have plans and dreams and stay in their town forever as selfish but honest. Only because us as the audience knows ludde actually has dreams. this all depends on her reaction when she finds out which by the tell of this current convo, her ass is definitely finding out unintentionally. she might hear an admissions voicemail, read an email or peep a submission packet. ludde’s ass is definitely not saying a damn thing.
Ludde says he doesn’t want to be a sugar baby anymore. Felicia just completely shuts down during any argument when she is being contested.
15. I’m like, nervous watching Amie and Elias on this stroll right now 😭 You see his body language. He is literally turned to her while they are walking forward. Love to see it.
16. Clearly Felicia is depressed and she turns to drugs. Sometimes a simple “promise” doesn’t help someone actually get clean.
Hold up hold up hold up… I think Ludde and Felicia are both right and conveniently none of them were thinking about the other.
Now…. if you forgive someone, you don’t bring up their past and rub it in when it suits you. Either forgive him or don’t be with him again. Felicia just copped to doing drugs and she turns it around to talk about Ludde and Amie… the deflection is wild
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17. Oh another thing Amie and Elias have in common, they both moved back home. Wowowow. Oh he is down BAAAAAAAAAAD!
18. Okay……… I had a feeling Amie’s dad might be brought up. Oh gosh 🤦🏾‍♀️ 1. We gotta verify because that voice sounded a bit off, sorry. 2. of course when we see him in person, Petra has to verify! What I think might happen is, dearest daddy is really back, with petra and amie fighting (or more, amie fighting petra) amie might stay with her dad which would be horrible. i can see it now, he would definitely play that “your mom wouldn’t let me see you” card and he would help drive the wedge further and further away. I can definitely see Petra putting things to the side with the Kroon’s and asking Elias to bring Amie back home to her. Elias could possibly see that Amie’s dad could be using her for her name and fame. Or I could just be all wrong here…
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* also, amie and elias’s first kiss better be as enthusiastic and passionate as they did with other folks prior, js (what if their first kiss is really in the rain yall..)
Tell what y’all think?! What are y’all’s predictions?
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jadoue1999 · 3 years
The X-Men and the member they lost - Chapter 2
Summary: Erik finds out he has a son. But life doesn't like seeing him happy, so it made sure he was already missing when he learned about his existence.
Previous parts: chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 8, 
Chapter 2: Erik and his rotten luck with family
It had been a week since the 70s episode had aired and no new episodes had shown up since. That left plenty of time for thinking and pondering on what was this WandaVision show. After many theories, they had conceded to Hank’s idea. It definitely seemed like a glimpse into a parallel universe. The mystery of Peter’s implication still lingered in the air. Charles wasn’t sure if he really wanted the answer. This all-powerful woman with the same surname as the speedster could have decided to do anything with him. He had yet to show up anywhere; they had combed the background for signs of him, but they had found nothing. The team went as far as to call it a misleading clue, but he didn’t let himself believe that. It was too strange to simply be a coincidence. The telepath was in his office one night when Raven entered.
“Is this a good time?” Wondered the shapeshifter. The professor nodded his head yes and she closed the door behind her before taking a seat. While he didn’t look into her head, he could sense her determination and hesitation about what she was about to tell him. Finally, she took a breath, “we need to tell Erik. About Peter.”
Erik. How could he have forgotten?
He was the boy’s father after all, even if he didn’t know it yet. Raven had told him as she filled him in with what had happened when they were fighting Apocalypse. She had mentioned Peter’s confession and how close he came to tell his father the truth. He had kept silent since, deciding that no one was in the right to inform the metal bender other than his own son. But now Peter was missing, they had to get him back. Erik needed to know.
Charles agreed with her and they were off to Erik’s room. The man was reading a book in front of the fireplace, seemingly enjoying a moment of peace and quiet. He turned to them as they opened the door.
“Charles. Raven.” He greeted them as he closed his reading. “What’s going on?”
The professor wheeled himself forward to his friend, he knew he had to break it to him gently. “It’s Peter,” he started. The man looked at him, his thoughts echoing his confusion as to why he was bringing up the speedster. “He’s missing. Has been for about two weeks, but I wanted to make sure before telling you.”
“Okay,” Erik replied after a few seconds of silence, “have you found anything?”
He could feel Raven’s frustration growing as the metal bender barely showed any concern. Charles didn’t blame him; the man had only seen Peter for an hour at most in the last ten years. He felt the same level of concern to the boy as he would with any other students at the school.
“We have found something, we’re not sure what it is, but it’s definitely linked to his disappearance.” He paused, trying to see if Erik was starting to understand. He continued when he found no reason to believe so. “Do you remember when he broke you out of prison?” The man nodded. “And when he came back to help fight Apocalypse and was injured in the process?” Another nod, more hesitant this time. Erik clearly didn’t get where he was going with this. “What I’m trying to say is that he’s a very special person, I hadn’t seen his type of power before meeting him and Hank found him fascinating as well. Can you believe he agreed to break you out just for the challenge? Quite extraordinary if I say so myself. But my point is, Peter’s-“
“He’s your son, you moron!” Snapped Raven, earning herself an offended glance from Charles. “What? You clearly weren’t going to tell him with all that rambling.”
The pair looked at Erik, awaiting a reaction. Had they not been aware of the situation, they easily could have believed that he was doing an aneurism. The man didn’t speak, but the metal in the room started shaking. Raven called out to Erik to try to calm him down, but her voice fell on deaf ears. Only when Charles shouted at him to stop that the man gradually calmed down.
“I... I have a son?” He seemed beyond shocked as he finally acknowledged the truth. Charles nodded yes and met Erik’s gaze as the man spoke once again. “What did you gather about his disappearance?”
“Don’t you need a moment to collect yourself and take in the situation?” Wondered the telepath. The man’s thoughts were all over the place, filled with shock and worry. It was obvious he needed some time alone. “Erik, please take some time, join us when you’ll be ready.”
The man didn’t protest as Charles and Raven exited the room. They closed the door and met up with the team, informing them about the situation.
Erik, in all his life, had never considered himself lucky. He had lost his family in Auschwitz and was then used as a lab rat by Shaw. Once the evil man had been taken care of, many years later, he had then accidentally paralyzed Charles, one of his few friends. Then he was wrongly accused of killing the president and imprisoned for nearly a decade until he was freed. By his son. But of course, he didn’t know, because life was just like that with him, and he had gone on a quest to show the world the true power of mutant kind. That, of course, ended horribly; so, he went into hiding. He had built a family, a happy one even. He truly had hope for a better future, but life loved to prove him wrong. Madga and Nina had died, and he had been chosen to be a horseman for a god. He had, in his grief, accepted and it led to Peter having his leg broken. He felt sick to his stomach as he recalled the panicked look on the young man’s face, his eyes pleading him to do something. He didn’t know, why hadn’t he known? The boy had almost died, and he did absolutely nothing.
How could he even consider himself his father when he had already failed him so much?
Still, he might not even get a real chance to properly know him now that his son had gone missing. Erik definitely wasn’t a lucky person.
He looked at the fireplace that had previously given him comfort and suddenly felt like the heat was choking him. He paced quickly through the mansion; the corridors were empty due to the late hour. After getting outside, he decided to walk around the lake. The little waves created by the soft breeze always helped grounding him. His Nina always loved the water. They had installed a bird bath because she had requested that the surrounding animals should always have something to drink when they came to visit her. He wore a small smile on his lips as he sat on the grass in front of the lake and sighed.
“Hello, my darling,” he told the water. “It’s already been a year since you and your mother left. I hope you’re happy wherever you are.” A curious bird landed next to him, looking at the man with puzzlement. Erik smiled, perhaps Nina lived on in all the creatures she loved so much. He held out a hand to the small animal, not really expecting anything. Surprisingly, it flew towards him and landed on his finger. Erik felt his heart grow warm as the bird let him pet his back. The soft feathers felt so similar to his daughter’s hair. “You might not believe it, but I just discovered that you have a half brother. He’s older than you, but I’m sure you would have gotten along well.” The bird chirped at his words. He stopped stroking it, “but I’m afraid he’s gone for now. What do you think we should do?” The bird looked at him with its small eyes and stretched its wings, taking off in the sky to regions unknown. Erik dared a hopeful smile as he watched it fly away. He looked at the sky, contemplating the stars before getting up. “Don’t worry Peter,” he told the wind, “we’ll find you.”
The moment he had gone back in the mansion, he was intercepted by Charles who called him to his office. The wheelchair bound man had a few files open on his desk. He motioned Erik forward as he spotted his friend.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, I take it you want to know what we’ve gathered so far?”
Erik nodded, of course he did. Charles took the files with him and led them out. They entered the room containing Cerebro, he was about to ask him their reason for being there, but he was interrupted by his friend.
“Before we start, I want you to keep an open mind. We don’t know what exactly is going on.”
Erik frowned but agreed to the conditions, nonetheless. The bald man pressed a few commands on the board and the screens lit up.
Whatever he was expecting to see, it wasn’t this. He had expected government videos showing his son dragged out of a car, him being taken or even tortured. He certainly hadn’t expected to see a sitcom that somehow changed decades every episode. It seemed completely irrelevant, but the few cuts and creepy details kept him from dismissing the whole thing as a joke. The third episode was particularly strange. Fear creeped into his veins as the woman menacingly approached her friend. He wasn’t sure what was worse, the cut that showed nothing or the possibilities of what could’ve have happened to the poor woman.
When everything was done, he turned to the telepath. “What does this mean Charles?”
The man sighed, putting a finger to his head for a second before looking at him again. “I’ve called the others; they’ll be here soon.” He turned to the screen that showed the rolling credits. “From what we’ve gathered, this is a parallel universe. The woman, Wanda, seems to either control this world or is trapped there as well.”
“But what does this have to do with my son? As far as I’m aware, he’s never met this woman.” Their discussion was interrupted by Jean, Scott, Kurt, Ororo, Hank and Raven coming in. They had probably been woken up by the telepath’s call, judging by their yawns and sleepy eyes. After a few seconds of questioning from the tired young adults, Charles motioned them forward and opened one of the files he had with him.
“This is Peter’s file, I hadn’t really thought about reading it, since he’s past high school age, but Wanda’s comment made me curious.” He pointed to his personal information, it contained his name, address, and schools he had previously attended. Nothing seemed amiss. “I did some digging and it turns out that ‘Peter’ isn’t his real name. It was changed when he was very young.” He flipped the page, showing a government document authorizing the name change. The team looked at themselves in shock as they read ‘Pietro Maximoff’.
“So, what does it mean?” Chimed in Hank. “Sure, he has the same name as the woman’s dead brother, but there’s no way they’ve ever met.”
Charles scoffed in amusement, “yes, you’re right. But I searched through various archives to find more about him, and I came across this.” He pulled out an old newspaper clipping. It read: mysterious death of a teen leaves the police baffled.
The article had one picture, it showed a teenage girl smiling, like any other child her age. Erik looked at Charles, demanding confirmation about his suspicions. The telepath nodded, “this is a picture of Wendy Maximoff, Peter’s twin.”
The group was silent for awhile when Jean suddenly gasped. “Oh my god,” she covered her mouth in horror. “I once asked Peter why he didn’t like celebrating birthdays and he told me how he used to have two cakes but only had one now.” She looked towards Scott and Kurt. “I- I assumed he was being greedy, but the loss of his twin could explain it!”
Erik didn’t listen to the group’s reaction; he was too busy processing the information he had just learned. How could he miss so much of his son’s life? He should have been there to help him and make sure that he would be alright. Instead, he was too focused on getting revenge and he had missed nearly thirty years of Peter’s life. And with his disappearance, it unfortunately was very possible that he’d miss more. Everyone’s rambling was interrupted by Cerebro lighting up again. Erik watched nervously as the front of a house appeared. The woman and her husband were trying to get their babies to sleep, something they were apparently not keen on. They continued trying, Wanda even tried to use her magic on them, but, surprisingly, it didn’t work. Their neighbor came in, saying how she had heard them and could help. Then it became strange as Vision suddenly suggested that she shouldn’t help. Agnes looked at Wanda for instructions, asking if she wanted to restart the scene. Erik didn’t have to look around to know that everyone here was confused. Wanda brushed it off, to the confusion of her husband. All of a sudden, the crying stopped; the twins were asleep. Except they weren’t in their cribs. A slight panic settled in Erik’s stomach; the loss of a child seemed too dark for a show like this... right? Strangely enough, the twins weren’t missing, they had aged up to five. The screen cut to the theme song.
“Are the children mutants?” Asked Raven, uncertain about the change of event.
Charles has a pensive look to his face, “I’m afraid I cannot say, for now.”
The episode continued, with the twins adopting a dog. Curiously, Wanda seemed tired of hiding her powers, going as far as using it in front of their neighbor. The most peculiar thing happened when the two parents settled that the twins were too young to keep their dog. They suddenly aged up again, now ten years old. Erik had to give it to Charles, this show definitely wasn’t just a coincidence. Were they looking at a new concept for a mutant prison? It certainly seemed like it.
The scene changed to show the husband’s workplace, they were installing computers and people around him were trying to figure out how to make it work. After some corny jokes, an email showed up and the whole room read it together. The X-Men watched Vision wake up his co-worker who seemed to panic about contacting his father.
“That’s mind control,” gasped Jean, “I know that panic, it’s horrible.”
The man screamed about a woman in his head, probably Wanda, and became more and more agitated. Vision zapped him again and, like a switch, he was back to Norm, the friendly co-worker. The group watched in stunned silence as it cut to Wanda and her children. Billy was training the dog and seemed pretty good at it. The twins excitedly got up, wanting to show their father but Wanda told them he was at work. The conversation then turned into a classic “family is forever” speech; telling them how they’ll always have each other, no matter what.
“Do you have a brother, mom?” Asked of the boys.
She looked off in the distance, obviously wondering how to explain her brother’s situation. “I do,” she said, “he’s far away from here and that makes me... sad sometimes.”
Erik didn’t have time to dwell on the possible meanings of her words as the dog suddenly ran out of the door. The twins and Wanda ran out, chasing it. They lost sight of it. Suddenly, the redhead looked up at the sky in anger and told the boys to continue look for Sparky without her. The scene continued with the boys walking alone.
“What do you think she meant by far away?” Asked the boy in green, Tommy, if he remembered well.
His brother shook his head, “I don’t know, but how cool would it be to meet our uncle?”
The boys giggled and continued calling for their dog. Seeing how the episode was significantly darker than the other ones, Erik didn’t have much hope for the poor animal. Turns out he was right; it had eaten a poisonous plant and the boys were heartbroken. After some strange comments about bringing back the dead, they were back at the house. There was tension between Wanda and Vision. He told her about what happened at his work, accusing her of being the cause.
“You can’t control me the way you do them.”
The woman tilted her head to the side, clearly challenged by her husband’s words. “Can’t I?”
There were scoffs of surprise in the room as the credits suddenly rolled. The android didn’t let that stop him as he pointed out the problems with the world, they lived in. He went on to say that he had no memories of his life before the show. That was puzzling, did this place erase people’s memories to guarantee their good behavior? Vision then pointed out the lack of children, something Erik hadn’t noticed but was unmistakable once you realized it. Wanda sat on the couch, trying to explain why she wasn’t controlling anyone. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.
“I swear, if Agnes comes in at that moment, I’m going to lose it,” whined Scott.
“I don’t know,” replied Ororo, “usually she just lets herself in.”
The doorbell rang a second time and Vision watched Wanda with accusations in his eyes as she walked to the door. She opened it and was immediately shocked at whoever was at the door. The android asked his wife for the identity of the guest with suspicion. The camera slowly panned over to the person, only showing to back of their head.
Showing his silver hair
The suspense didn’t last much longer, the camera showing that it was indeed the missing speedster. Quiet gasps were heard as Peter walked towards the woman.
“Long-lost bro get to squeeze his stinkin' sister to death or what?” His voice echoed on the walls of the room.
“Pietro?” He nodded his head and the two shared a hug. It lasted a few seconds and Peter pointed to Vision as he walked in.
“Who’s the popsicle?”
The audience laughed at his joke and the screen faded to black, leaving the team stunned as the credits rolled.
“We have to go get him,” said Raven. “I don’t think he’s safe with her.”
Hank nodded, “I think I can find a way,” he pointed to Jean, “I think you could open a gateway to wherever Peter is. I’ve adjusted the machine to focus on the frequency. If you really concentrate, I’m sure it’ll work.”
“Alright, Raven, Erik and I will go,” decided Charles.
Kurt stepped in, “you might need a quick way out, I can help.” He shook his head as Raven and Charles were about to protest. “I’m the one that noticed he was gone; I want to be there when we bring him back.”
The professor agreed and told them to go pack whatever they’d need and to be back as soon as possible.
Jean put on the helmet and closed her eyes in concentration. She held out a hand to better focus her power. Nothing much happened, but she frowned her brows with renewed efforts. Flickers of orange light made itself known, slowly gathering together to form a small circle. She grunted in efforts and the portal grew bigger. She opened her eyes which were now glowing a fiery orange and she let out a screech. The gateway was now big enough for them to go through. They quickly said their goodbyes, Charles leaving Hank in charge for the time he was gone. The four shared a look and took a determined step forward. Passing through another dimension definitely felt strange. Nothing seemed solid as they were suddenly free falling.
They landed on the grass. Erik quickly helped Charles back into his wheelchair and took a look around. There was a military base with soldiers that stared at them with dumbfounded faces. He could hear an alarm, probably trigged when they came in. An older man that seemed to be an authority figure started shouting at them, but Erik didn’t hear him. All he could see was the sign that indicated that Westview was in front of them; and the force field surrounding it.
Notes: I have to say, Erik talking to Nina is probably my favourite part of this chapter. I've also made up a scene of the boys talking together based on the image of them walking alone that was in the SWORD base in WandaVision. Next up: The x-men meet Hayward (Erik doesn't like him) and learn about who Wanda Maximoff is.
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liliaeth · 3 years
Fix it’s for Teen Wolf
I can think of a few things that would have made Teen Wolf better.
1.  I wanted more focus on Scott’s emotional response to what happened to him.  I don’t mind that Scott isn’t the type who complains about getting hurt. The problem for me was that the show rarely dealt with the consequences of Scott’s pain, and thus to the casual viewer often made it look like he simply didn’t mind, that being hurt didn’t bother him at all. Or worse, that nothing all that bad had happened in the first place.
 Doing this undermined many of the hallucination scenes.  For example, in Season 2’s Party Guessed, we get hallucinations for Stiles, Jackson, and Allison which give us a view into psychology, letting us know their issues without spelling them out.  For Scott, we got Allison making out with kanima Jackson.   Compared to the others, it felt shallow and confusing.  The writers couldn’t even bother to give us dialog.  He received the same treatment in Season 5, when they read the book designed to trigger their memories about the Dread Doctors. Stiles gets yet another scene about his dead mother who has been crucial to his story since Season 1.  Lydia sees her grandmother and her connection to both Lydia’s powers and Eichen House, as well as foreshadowing her treatment at the hands of Valack.   Malia about her Mom and sister’s death at the hands of the Desert Wolf, which is her entire arc.  And Scott?  He gets a nightmare about a dog that was never mentioned before and would not be mentioned after.
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 2. I wanted more focus on Scott’s trauma in general. In Season 1, Scott was repeatedly mentally and physically violated by Peter, terrorized and abused by Derek, and hunted by the Argents, and it was taken as a given.   Even the recaps at the beginning episodes in other seasons barely show any of that.  For example, Gerard attacking Scott in clear view at the hospital, stabbing him, and threatening his mother, never appeared in any of the recaps, even in episodes where it would have been important to remind the viewers about it.
While the show had no issue showing us over and over again how Stiles or Derek or Isaac or Allison or any white character really was hurt, they did not focus on the pain Scott was put through, and thus let the viewers conclude that those events didn’t matter.
The show literally had Scott try and kill himself, twice in less than two days, first in Frayed, by refusing to let himself heal, and then again in Motel California, yet neither of those suicide attempts are mentioned even once afterwards. And this while it would have been a good call back in s5b, when Scott is once again not letting himself heal after Theo killed him. and yet again, no mention whatsoever.
 3. I wanted more consequences for certain characters.   I liked that Scott and to a lesser extent Derek were confronted with the consequences of their actions. When they screwed up, they got called out on it. When they did something wrong, it wasn’t excused.  Then they made up for it.
In contrast, certain characters, especially Stiles, got to do whatever they wanted and it was either dismissed as funny or used to make them look sympathetic.  Stiles got to be mean and cruel, and the narrative still treated him as if he were the best friend ever.  He got to assault people, hurt them, and it was treated as if somehow he was the victim. 
For example, I would have liked Stiles a lot better, if when he tortured Scott with lacrosse balls, punishing him for who-knows-what, if someone else had called him out on it or if Scott had got to defend himself, instead of just taking it because Stiles was angry.  Scott allowing Stiles to hurt him to maintain their friendship was a pattern between them, just as much as Scott taking responsibility for things that aren’t his fault.  He keeps on doing it over the course of the show, but it would have been nice if the show at the very least had made it clear that that didn’t make Stiles behavior acceptable.
Just like I wish that Peter had actually faced consequences for his actions – and/or shown some kind of true remorse for his misdeeds--instead of the others just letting him hang around after all the horrible things he’d done or reduce it pettiness.
 4. I would have liked more time spent on Melissa and the McCall family in general, especially on Melissa’s initial reaction to Scott being a werewolf. In the show, they barely spent two minutes total on Melissa’s reaction to finding out her son has been turned into a werewolf.  By the end of s6b, she was barely even behaving like a mother anymore. Even to the point where we don’t even get a conversation between her and Chris about his attacks on her son before the two of them start dating.  Now don’t get me wrong, I liked Chris and Melissa in a relationship, but it was missed opportunity to humanize both her and Scott that they didn’t bother to show her finding out about that and her reaction to it.
Instead we got the whole horror reaction, of her being horrified at seeing her son’s other face, the reaction that any LGBT kid fears when they come out to their parent. Which could have been a great metaphor, especially if they had then made it clear that Scott was bisexual.
 5. I would have liked more focus on Boyd.   The production time spent on Isaac and Erica, while Boyd’s arc was treated as almost an afterthought. We barely even got any hint on his past, in the episode before they killed him off.    They started out with Boyd as the one who wanted to be like Scott, and then never explained it.  Why not focus more on that, and their relationship?
(similar complaints go about Mason, and how little we knew about Mason, outside of him being Liam’s friend. Like... what was his relationship like with his parents? What is Mason interested in, what does he want to do with his life... how did he deal with the after effects of the Beast...
 6. I would have liked more focus on Alan Deaton. The show had such huge potential with this character’s backstory, not just with the Hales but as an emissary in general.  There was this whole mythology about druids that they barely even delved into.
To not even start on how little we knew about his personal life? Why did he and his sister have different last names? What was their relationship like?
Does he have any romantic relationships? Friendships, relationships in general?
Or how about more time spent on his role as a father figure to Scott, we got so few crumbs of their relationship when we should have gotten so much more
 7. I would have liked more focus on Scott and Theo’s interaction in Season 6.   I get that in 6a, they had Scott primarily focused on getting Stiles back, but I’ll never understand why they then didn’t use 6b, to deal with the fact that Theo had tried to murder Scott and was trying to make it up to him and the pack for what he’d done to Scott and the others.
I don’t mind Theo interacting with Liam.  Those scenes were great, but they should have at least one scene with Scott and Theo dealing with the issues between them.  For Theo’s sake, as much as Scott’s.
 8. I would have liked a complete rework of Season 6A in its entirety.  If you’re going to focus a season on an actor who isn’t available, then you have to make it about his impact on the others. Show us what difference this character made, by showing us the effects of his absence, rather than just try and make it about a romantic ship. (I’ve written a post about this already in greater detail, so limiting it to that, but seriously, that season was such a huge wasted opportunity.)
 9.  Actual character growth for Stiles. For a character who had as much screentime as Stiles did, it’s shocking just how little character growth Stiles had over the course of the entire show. This contrasts in a really bad way, when you look at how much every single other character grew and changed over the course of the show.
Just look at the last four episodes of 5b, to give an example. After almost an entire season of watching Stiles at his worst, focusing on emotional scene after emotional scene with him, he suddenly got relegated to comic relief. Why? Because they didn’t want Stiles to grow, because unless he grew, there was no way for him to go but down. If Stiles had taken responsibility for his actions, then they’d have had to admit that he did wrong in the first place. And they couldn’t have that happen.
 10. And last but not least. More moments of the kids being kids. Even if it’s just proms and beach parties. Moments where we see the characters spend time together, when they aren’t trying to stop some bad guy. Where we can see them be friends, hang out with kids their own age. Even just to remind the audience just how young these children are. And where the viewers along with the characters can rest in between the horror, because doing so makes the horror hit far more strongly in contrast to the light.
 11. Also, a better lighting budget, pretty please Davies, were a few more light bulbs that much to ask for?
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maddiedrawz · 2 years
Jane the Virgin hot takes
so i wanna preface this by saying i don't follow the actors of the show at all, except for bridget regan of course, so i had no idea about what happened lol (im referring to your other ask) but ANYWAYS i wrote a whole google doc nitpicking the plot holes in the sin rostro/roisa storyline. disclaimer: these might not be the best analysis ever, i just wrote all this out cuz i miss rose and she deserves better. ok here we go:
why would luisa be at a gay bar alone when she has a girlfriend?? (im not saying youre not allowed to go to a bar when you have a partner but if you watch the scene hopefully youll know what i mean) (1x14)
why would rose, an international crime lord, become a lawyer? when you’re a criminal, wouldn’t you want to be as far away from law as possible?? (there might be a reasonable explanation for this idk maybe i’m just dumb lol) (like maybe yea you wanna study law so you can find loopholes and avoid getting caught better but like girl does not have to become a lawyer)
the victoria secret angels thing - spoiler, it’s a mess
rose had black hair on the sub but the shoot showed her with her current red hair (not complaining, but continuity errors bad)
rose would NEVER let luisa drink, she would take better care of luisa
based on many evidence in the early seasons where rose’s number 1 concern and priority was to keep luisa healthy and away from alcohol
i think they just did that because they don’t know how else to make luisa seem innocent in that situation
rose is NOT 51
why did they even throw that in???
based on photographic evidence + age/timeline with rafael’s “mom” (elena) she can’t be that old
if rose is actually 51, elena is like 100 lol
the mutter storyline (or mooter?? how do you spell that lol)
mutter was the one who kidnapped luisa right?
yes, the blue silk ties
but mutter and rose are in cahoots tho??
plus they hit luisa’s leg and rose would NEVER EVER approve of that EVER!
or if it wasn’t mutter that kidnapped lu (and rose as susanna just made that whole thing up) then who the fuck are they?? i don’t remember them discussing it- like i would remember if they put more thought into this storyline
the joey the driver thing led to nowhere so why do that??
rose fake death: the first
everybody believed she was murdered by mutter and since it’s a murder, the police would have done stuff to the body like tests and autopsy. they would’ve known that the body wasn’t rose the first moment doctors had their hands on the body if we’re assuming that she’s using the mask thing
OR the not-rose girl had plastic surgery but then how did she have rose’s voice? can they do stuff to the vocal cords too?
couldve been the voice tape thingy that's used with the mask thing lol but that brings it back to my first point
still the dna would not match
ok MAYBE she couldve hired some fake doctors like the michael thing but i dont believe that michael is that sloppy- idk they never explained it so it's a plot hole
the mask thing
i understand why rose would wanna use the mask method instead of just changing her face (we wouldn’t want to drop bridget regan right?? and you would not wanna repaint the sistine chapel right?)
BUT there are occasions where the plastic surgery business was entirely forgotten and “changed” to a mask making thing instead
e.i. when rose was trying to escape prison, they could’ve just changed the 6 girls faces. it would’ve been even more confusing for the cops and more effective? (and also who wouldnt wanna look like bridget lol)
also how did the cops get their hands on the mask technology? (if this has an explanation i’ll take it- it’s not a big point)
so rose made a promise to luisa that she would never kill again and she went all out with the michael/jason thing BUT she choked a man to death with her handcuffs a couple of days after she got caught (only an episode later!)
inconsistency in the scott murder story with the chinese food thing
rose didn’t kill scott, we know that
scott claimed he saw “eileen” in the lobby with chinese food but according to rose’s story (which i am willing to trust, maybe not 100% but she did not kill him for sure) she had someone bring it up to them so what's that about huh??
rose’s last return
why did she come back? she could’ve sent anyone to fetch luisa HECK she could’ve just sent in the threat, sent a plane for luisa and just go off. that’s so much safer
i’m being nit picky here but
susanna is a tiny bit shorter than rose + no freckles
eileen has the correct height (i think?) but she has a different body type + no freckles either i don’t think
once again- this is nit picky but 3x03
luisa declared herself that rose would never hurt her and she believed that wholeheartedly but then she jumped when rose walked in
i think they just added that to just make rose upset + create more conflict but it doesn’t make sense
yes, she just saw the murder list but lu, you know that rose only has love for you and would never do anything to hurt you
3x19 the phone call + discussion
luisa, if you wanna have a better relationship with raf, why don’t you write emails?? like as a way of remaining in touch? like a little compromise? rose seems to be fine with emails
are these hot enough? idk lol- pls dont hate me, these are smth i just pick up from watching the show many times while skipping the main character storylines and just watching sin rostro stuff skjdhfkjn SO these might just be me being dumb but🤷‍♀️ enjoy lol
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Amphibia Reviewcaps: The Dinner/Battle of the Bands “It’s You”
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Hello all you happy people! And i’m almost to the finish line.  6 months (subtracting the ones where there were no new episodes) worth of weekly coverage and with next week i’ll have completed my second full season of reivews of a show as they came out, and my first full season of amphibia. If you’d like to see season 1 it’s up high on my stretch goals at 45 with reviews of Disney movies based on shows (The Proud Family, Recess and Kim Possible), Gravity Falls and more along the way if your curious. Check it out HERE. I’m also doing exclusive reviews eveyr month now with the coasional one thrown in randomly so check that out. New period starts in a week so please join before then.
So naturally with the big finale and all the tensions in amphibia close to reaching a boil next week, this week’s a bit more low key. Still not unimportant, with some massively good character work and in fact The Dinner is easily one of my faviorites of the season, but still nothing to move the plot too far forward. Just some nice character stuff to help inch us towards the climax next week. The calm before my heart is stillbeatingly ripped out of my chest. Which I will grant the show, having my heart ripped out Mola Ram style by some combination of Brenda Song and Keith David is how I wanted to go, i’m just not ready yet. So while I steel myself for the utter heartbreak of next week, I have my throughts on this weeks episodes under the cut!
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The Dinner: 
I did tip my hand a bit by saying this was one of my faviorties of the season.. and I stand by that. This one was excellent. It was rife with tension while still somehow being a fun breather episode before hell arrives. 
As the title suggest the Plantars are having Grime and Sasha over for a fancy dinner, followed by games and such. Only Annearcy are happy about this though, Marcy still not getting quite how bad Sasha has gotten during her stay here and Anne hoping she has changed.  The Plantars, Sprig in paticular, still resent them for the whole toad tower fiasco, which is fair. You don’t forget someone trying to murder you over night, let alone your whole town. Hop Pop is using Frobo as the Grill by the way which is just visually fucktacular I gotta admit. He does get some more use these episodes, being used as a Grill here and as the fog machine and Polly’ sminon next episode. Good work boy. That’s my robot frog soldier builder whatever you are. 
Sasha and Grime are likewise not enthused. Sasha isn’t because her friends expect her to “Ugh” change and grow and stuff and isn’t happy about it and is confident she can return to rulling over them once her plan is done. Dude.. that’s not how a healthy throuple works. Or a healthy anything. Grime is more worried about her blowing it with her anger and control issues, but feels. this is VITAL to convincing the plantars to trust them long enough for their plan to go off. He even demands she remove her sword and all her knives... and she has a lot of them. Evne in her boot “How do you even walk?” Good question grime. 
My answer?
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So what follows is about 8 minutes of the most hilariously awkward dinner since that time Micheal Scott decided to have a dinner party even though his relationship was horribly crumbling, as everyone but Anne and Marcy shoves their foot in their mouth at some point or makes some sort of screw up. Oh and Polly I guess she’s more content to just watch the show. Seriously i’m not usually a fan of cringe comedy.. but the series makes it work here as our heroes attempt to interact with thier old eneimeis and vice versa. 
For starters we have our guests arrvial, where Grime and Sasha both look objectively terrifying before things cool down. Then we have dinner itself where both Hop Pop and Grime prove to be the racist kind of grandpa as Grime asks what frogs they subjigated to get these turnips and Hop Pop makes an awkward lightbulb joke about Toads that Grime finds hilarious but everyone else was rightfully afraid would get the old man gutted by the other more violent old man. I imagine this happened a lot on the Lost Light once Megatron took over co captiancy. You just don’t fight a guy for a good hundered years without being nervous he’s going to blast you to fucking pieces. 
Sprig dosen’t help before all this by taking a seat next to anne and marcy specifically to piss her off, and out of all of them is the most openly hostile to her. Given Anne’s his best friend and Sasha did a LOT of emotional damage to her.. yeah fair enough. 
Things only esclate when it comes to frog pictionary. Suprisingly Hop Pop gets Grime’s Drawins and Sasha gets his, with both her and sprig trading escalating barbs and her barely containing her rage when Anne calls her on it since unlike her, Sprig has a reason to still be upset with her. This reaches a breaking point when Sasha attempts things, trying to desperatly win her friends back with the old times now they have their ownt imes apart.. only for Sprig to accidnetlay mock Sasha’s near sucicide,s aying she “slipped”.. granted I do think he geninely just can’t forgive her.. but it’s very clear she did not.. she let herself go to save them, and he’s just as in denial about it as Sasha and just as much a dick about it. 
Sasha flips out at him, and gets penalized for talking which only pisses her off MORE and understandably so. Anne leaps to the plantar’s defense but honestly.. both sides are understandabliy angry here. The Plantars are right to still not trust her after everything especially since she hasn’t outright apologized to them and her and Grime’s general response to the incident is “One Time!”... which works for say, taking the last slice of pizza without asking or slamming their face in a car door, but not so much “Trying to murder all of you for personal and stupid reasons.”. But at the same time Sprig DID cross the line really bad when she saved his fucking life. It dosen’t automaitcally erase the bad things she did but it dosen’t give him lisence to mock her. WHile I get he’s 10 and dosen’t get it was part suicide, he still is blantaly ignoring her trying to do something selfless because he can’t admit there’s any good in Sasha. Sasha is not a GREAT person.. but there IS good in her. She just has to WANT to seek that out instead of her inherent seflishness and need for control and Anne and Marcy are absolutely right for trying to help her instead of just slamming the door in her face. 
But soon eveyroen gets distracted by the cake which floods the room with molten lava. Hop Pop assumes it was some sort of trick.. but hilariously turns out no, Grime really was trying to be nice. That’s just how this works and it’s delcious once it hardens.. assuming you survivie the hornets, with fighting them being the best part of it. And yes hornets shoot out of the cake. Are you suprised at this point? They also paralize grime leaving our heroes without the one person among them who knows what their doing. 
SO our heroines are forced to fight some hornets, with Sasha trying to take lead.. only for Anne to do so and succeed at it, figuring out that while weapons can’t pierce them their own stingers might and having Marcy use her crossbow to launch the stinger in grime at them, and then has Sasha distract the rest to take them out. 
So our heroines reconcile with Sasha admitting she might not want to change and Anne admitting that’s okay.. she just has to accept things have changed with THEM and that her friends HAVE. And genuinely or not Sasha agrees to that, while Grime is bummed he missed the party and the lava hardens into chocolate, with eveyrone enjoying some cake and dead insects. As you do
Final Thoughts on The Dinner: As I said, this is one of the best episodes of the season> The tension is paltable, and it dosen’t fully resolve it, rightly as we still have one final season to go for that. More than that.. it’s hilarious. All the jokes land, and there were far too many to get into here. 
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Battle of the Bands:
Now this is a classic breather episode, our last chance to rest and get all slice of lifey before things go up in flames next week. 
With the town all nervous because of Sasha and Grime’s presence, Mayor Toadstool decides to spin the wheel of fun to decide on an activity. I can’t remember if this is a new thing or not but I loves it. It lands on Battle of the Bands so the girls decide to get their old band Sasha and the Sharks back together. As for the rest of the cast, Hop Pop and Sprig join a Jug band and Grime has his own musical domination to plot out, so that just leaves us with the thropule, Poly and Frobo for an episode. 
The group have fun... until Anne unveils her heartfelt song based on her time here. Well okay only Sasha isn’t having fun and quickly tries to take over, as you’d expect and Anne pushes back as you’d expect. Sasha takes her ball and goes home as.. you get it by now> The plot here is not very complex or unique.
But as with all the Sasha episodes this season including the last one, we get a deeper sense of her character. Here she outright admits she dosen’t know what to do when she’s not in control. She needs to be in charge of the situation. It also explains why unlike Marcy and Anne she didn’t change for the better: Her need for control shuts out any possiblity of self reflection and thus self improvment. Self Improvment, and I know this from experince, requires you to admit your flaws and face them. It’s something I can admit to struggling with as I fall back into old patterns often. Admitting flaws would be admitting a loss of Control and Sasha.. can’t. She honestly can’t. 
Of all people i’ts TOADIE who convinces her sometimes i’ts better to let someone else take the lead and that it’s better to support the ones you love than subjugate them. Granted Toadie himself is too far in the opposite direction, but he makes a valid point.. something I never thought i’d say. Sometimes you just have to let someone do what they want.. and watching her two girlfriends perform up on stage.
I also will say I love a good talent show, battle of the bands what have you episode. One of my faviorite movies, True Stories, climaxes in one. 
And yes that was John Goodman and yes he does indeed sing...
Seriously watch this movie. It’s fucking amazing. And yes that was the Talking Heads David Byrne, he wrote this movie and there’s two talking heads songs in it. Watch it. 
Point is we get a great one, paticuarlly chuck. 
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He grows SINGIN tulips just a fun one.. but i’ts that finale with the girls that really makes it with Sasha realizing that them being HAPPY is better than her being in control..and they didn’t grow PAST HER or leave her behind just because they grew.. they simply should be free to be themselves. And that maybe trying to conquer a country just to do that ain’t right. IT’s really sweet
So she runs in to do the guitar solo, and its aweosme and they only don’t win because it turns out Grime is fucking MAJESTIC on a harp. But Sasha finally grows a bit admitting that having fun is what mattered... 
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And it’s abotu to burst as Mayor Toadstool, in a show of how far he’s come, points out Anne is leaving soon and Anne gives a heartfelt goodbye to everyone.. that said.... someone clearly has other plans.. and for once i’ts NOT Sasha. 
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There’s nothing but foreshadowing in that face. That’s a face that says “Uh.. about that”. And again SASHA is showing emotinal vunerablity and hapiness.. but it’s Marcy, whose pretty open emotiionally whose visably worried and clearly knows Andrias has other plans.. other plans he talked her into. Gratned he probably didn’t tell her said plans involve The Watcher with a Thousand Eyes, but she still KNOWS she’s plottingthings.. and know’s she’s about to betray the people closest to her. 
Before we move on though those outfits ar esharp. Just damn. Especially Sasha’s punk look. The songs this episode are also both excellent and I had no idea Brenda Song and Anna Akana could sking like that. God damn. 
So with Anne leaving for home she gets one last group photo. It’s majestic and we’re out. 
Final Thoughts: This one is pretty good. Not a lot to talk about outside of Sasha but a really fun episode that both moves her foward and moves us toward the finale. ANd it’s nice to see the three just happy together... before the hell that’s about to arrive. 
Next Week: War Were Declared, our heroes prepare to fight bravely against the hoard of toads... and both Sasha and Marcy come to the crossroads of destiny Tommorow ON This Blog:
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So it’s up to Jean Grey and Emma Frost to go in and sort it out.. and then fight off the full might of an alien empire. No pressure. 
Until the next rainbow it’s been a pleasure
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
Hi I saw your post about being a Sterek anti which gave me whiplash because I followed you for mcyt opinions but then found the one other Sterek anti. Do you have any other unpopular Teen Wolf opinions that would really upset people?
I love to hate on Teen Wolf of course I have unpopular opinions. This is basically me hating on the Hales and Argents (minus Chris) for being creeps. Don't get me wrong I love the show but these are things that I can't ignore.
Disclaimer this includes topics such as child predators, grooming, abuse, murder and other similar topics. Don't read this If you really like Teen Wolf and is someone who can hate something based on others opinions.
• Sterek is an awful ship. If Stiles was a woman everyone would be calling Derek a pedo. It's weird because season 1-3 Derek was a creep and season 3-6 Stiles was an awful person. Like they switched.
• Ethan and Aiden sounded cool on paper but were a huge fail. Okay so you can combine and grow..... Is that it? Kinda lame for twin Alphas.
• Theo was a better villain than Void Stiles. He managed to successfully split the entire pack apart turning everyone against Scott including making Scott and Stiles fall out. He then made his own pack, killed them off for their powers, got sent to hell, then came back. Void Stiles was Stiles being possessed by a fox spirit and it not being him in control whereas Theo did kill them, he could control who lived or died. What can Void Stiles do? Play chess, pack it up Bella Swan!
• Stiles isn't my favourite character solely because of his comments about Liam's ied and Issac's abuse trauma. Saying that Issac was milking his trauma after he finally was able to open up about it. Constantly going on about Liam's ied and how he was a bomb ready to explode at all times.
• Peter was an awful person, he tricked Derek into turning Paige and that killed her, Derek was now single and traumatized just in time for child predator Kate Argent to groom him then burn his family, Peter survived the fire, killed even more people, died, manipulated Lydia into helping him come back, came back killed more people and repeat that 4 more times.
• Speaking of awful relationships let's not forget Parrish and Lydia. As in the grown adult police officer and the highschool minor.
• Stiles name is Genim and I stand by that.
• People think that Issac would have believed Stiles about Theo and that's just not true. Issac would have been wary of Theo based on his own thoughts but would have trusted that Scott trusted Theo. Don't know where everyone got this Issac and Stiles besties from, we must have been watching two different shows.
• Erica and Boyd were easily top 3 platonic soulmates. Others being Liam and Mason and Scott and Stiles
• Allison was a shitty person. She tried to kill her friends multiple times and got mad at everything and everyone. I genuinely thought she was meant to be bipolar when I was younger because of how she acted.
• Everyone was hypocritical, everyone was fine with Stiles killing Allison and Aiden, Peter for killing a lot of people but not Theo or Jackson eventhough Jackson was also possessed and Theo was manipulated and groomed by the Dread Doctors.
• Kira was stronger than Scott both mentally and physically. Parrish was stronger than Derek and Peter.
• Melissa and Chris were actually a good pairing. I feel like it would be weird for Melissa and John to get together.
• I don't know who Noah Stilinski is. I only know John.
• I prefer Stydia as friends but would pick them over Sterek. However I really liked Stiles with Malia and would have loved Stiles with Cora.
• Scott and Allison were a shit couple. "True love" okay so she broke up with him then immediately got with Issac who was one of Scott's best friends. Then Scott got with both Malia and Kira but still was obsessed with Allison. In my opinion their relationship was good in their eyes because it was their only relationship, no experience. Then Scott always brought her up because he felt guilty about her dying.
• Season 6 was a good season people only don't like it because Dylan wasn't in it.
• Theo was one of the best things to happen to Liam and vice versa. He was one of the only people who didn't either make fun of his ied or use it as an excuse for things. Yes he used it during 6x16 but he knew he'd get his ass handed to him but still did it to help the pack, he wasn't just saying it to insult Liam.
• Mason and Corey were a missed opportunity especially with Mason's knowledge and Corey's powers
• Scott and Liam weren't as close and people want them to be. Scott was always getting mad at Liam and rarely ever worked with him, they never did shit together. "Me and Liam go do this thing" "you guys go and sort this out". The only time he willingly stuck with Liam was when Liam had just bought back Theo and he only stayed with Liam because he thought Theo would try to manipulate him again.
• Lydia being the one to bring Stiles back during the wild Hunt was by far the biggest hate crime. You picked a long time crush over a childhood bestfriend/brother to be the one with the biggest connection to bring him back.
• Scott being a bland character was a good unintentional decision. It gave way for other characters to shine whilst also building multiple storylines. A bad example would be Elena Gilbert, she was bland but was still the main focus which imo was a bad decision.
• People really underestimate Theo and Liam's trust for eachother. They had less than a season of development but managed to be one of the better pairings. Like apart from them working together multiple times, Liam wanting Theo to go to the zoo with him, Theo stopping Liam from killing Nolan and Gabe etc. Theo knew about Liam being beat up at school by Nolan and Gabe before Scott did. Mason and Corey wouldn't have said anything because they didn't trust Theo, the only person who did was Liam. In the sheriff station Theo knew something was upsetting Liam and thought it was Brett and Lori then next episode knew it was Nolan and the Hunters.
• Coach was the best character in the entire show, not Stiles, not Issac, not Lydia, not Derek. What a king. Absolute girlboss. I know Coach would guard my drink with his life, no date rape drugs for me thanks to Coach.
• The show as a whole treated mental health terribly. Theo being manipulated as a child, Issac being abused by his father, Nolan's very severe anxiety and PTSD, Liam's ied, Malia's PTSD etc.
Basically if Teen Wolf had a 7th season and I was involved in writing it I would include the following:
• Puppy Pack including Liam, Theo, Mason, Corey, Hayden and her girlfriend (yes I'd give her a gf), Nolan and Alec just having fun and experiencing life.
• Derek, Peter and Chris working with the police.
• Melissa and Deaton working together along with Liam's step dad on a supernatural section in the hospital.
• Braeden 🥰
• I'd have a fever dream style episode where we get a Void Stiles and Evil Theo (with Tracy and Josh's powers) teamup.
• I'd bring back Kira, Cora and Issac
• I'd have the big threat being a coven of witches which is why they have to bring a lot of people back because it's a whole group of magical beings and Braeden, Kira, Cora and Issac could all bring knowledge that they've found from being in other parts of the world.
• I'd actually use all the cool supernatural powers instead of Scott roaring and flashing his eyes. Lydia's Banshee scream ripple, Parrish's flame on, Corey's invisibility, Theo, Malia and Derek's ability to shift into an actual wolf/coyote, Kira's cool fox powers, Jackson's Kanima vemon etc.
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aspiestvmusings · 3 years
WandaVision Questions
SPOILERS for whole series of WandaVision
Here is a very long list of questions that the series has still not fully answered & ones that they have..kinda...answered already: 
I’ve separated the questions by Character/Topic they are referring to. 
I do not think we’ll get answers to each of these. There’s just not enough time. Even if the finale is the lenght I’m hearing it is. But several..yes. And more will be left as “cliffahangers” and expored in other/future MCU projects...
What or Who did Wanda see exactly during that Mind Stone experiment in Sokovia? Did she see a vision of her futrure self as Scarlett Witch? Did a past or different Scarlett Witch appear to her? Did the “vision” pass the crown on to her, choosing her as the next scarlett witch [Find the Goddess within]? Did she “absorb” the figure she saw? Did it just appear to her as a “vision” from the future or past..or a different dimension? And who exactly was it? BASICALLY ANSWERED in 1x09
Is Wanda a born witch or a born mutant? Her powers seemed to first manifest at around age 10 [10 = X = x gene]... same is happening to her Twins in the hex. This seems to suggest she was born “different”, and the mind stone just awakened & heightened her powers. 
When did Wanda go to SWORD? How much time had passed since Tony’s funeral & her talk with Hawkeye? Same/Next day or a bit/week later? 
How did Wanda know Vision’s body was there? Was the info in his “living will” or did Avengers have that info on file somewhere? Who told her this, and when? (no-one was there for her & no one went with her because they are all in “not good” state: Hawkeye & Scott are reunited with families, Hulk is healing, Old! Cap is just...old, Thor & guardians are far away, Nat & Tony are gone. Spidey & Rhodey & Wakandans didn’t know her.. And everyone’s a mess, grieving, too. So... that’s why she is alone, cause she really has lost everyone who is close to her... no one left...)
How much in control is Wanda...by now? Has it been all subconsious or does she understand what’s happening? She seemed to create the hex unintentionally, just as byproduct of her grief. And at first she does not seem to understand it’s not real. But just like Vision, she, too, seems to become more & more aware of what’s actually going on. At first she keeps saying she means no harm, but by episode 7 she is questioning if she maybe is the bad guy in the story. How aware is she by now? And will it be about acceptance & letting go (of the ones she’s lost)...as she takes the hex down? Cause this is about her going through the stages of grief... (so I have prepared to see Vision die...again... with big fireworks, I guess...just like Tony’s IM suit army did for IM3 christmas fireworks show...cause everything seems to point to this...it’s the most logical concusion to the story...even if I/we all wish there was another way...) Everything points to 3rd ep being the turning point.  The birth of the twins & losing some control of the illusion, mention of something from actual reality trigger her waking up from the dream. Cause while she first sensors the broadcast at the end of ep 2 already (No!), I’m not sure she’s yet aware of things yet. But throwing ot Monic...seeing herself do that...affects her. But she does not understand the full extent of it all til the very end...when she “feels the peoples pain”
Is there any meaning to Wanda playing with the fingers of her hand when she’s asking to be let in to see Vision’s body? Maybe it’s just a stim, but it almost looks as if she’s trying to play with a wedding/engagement ring that’s supposed to be on that finger/hand? 
Was it Wanda who edited the footage from the Mind Stone experiment Strucker did on her? Or was it the "Mind Stone”? Because that editing (rewinding time) looked very similar to the editing that’s happening during WandaVision broadcast. 
Is this about Wanda learning to use, control & understand her powers...just as much as it’s about her letting herself grieve? She needs to “access her powers (the yoghurt) or it’ll all turn to chaos...?  ANSWERED in 1x09: YES!
What exactly are Wanda’s powers & what do they mean? It almost seems like she’s a living form of all 6 infinity stones, channeling their energy inside her. During the Hex she’s demonstrated that she can also “rewind time” (time stone) - the editing. I’d say it’s easier to say what she can’t do than list everything that she can do.
Was Wanda actually already pregnant BEFORE creating the hex? Was the “for the children” chant also subconcious, like many other things/lines? And did she give birth to the kid(s) in the hex..or was that birth “not real” & she’s still expecting when the hex comes down? If she was before Hex, then that’d mean the twins can & do exists outside of it, too. Because it’s only been a few weeks since Scotland for her, so who knows...  Or maybe their origin is more magical (blipped back into the wrong womb...Wanda’s? Created by her...cause “she was all alone”) And since FFH showed us that the world did not seem to be in total chaos, instead recovering, then how & why will things change about 8 months from now...and things are “on pause” til then? Cause FFH takes place 8 months after WV. One thing that fits this timeline would be human pregnancy, and then the birth process creates chaos (I still think all the glitches during the twins birth were caused by Wanda...cause she lost control of details on the hex...for  bit...not agathas doing), and that’s why multiverse is “ripped open” only then, not now. #wildtheory OR...are both general public & Peter unaware of what really happened in Westview?
Which Vision will win the Vision vs Vision fight? Well, the show aansered this question already in episode with the line: “The death rate of single men is twice that of married men". This means Wanda’s Vision (Hex Vision) will win over Hayward’s Vision (White/Spectral Vision...Ultron). The question is how will Hex Vision “die”?. Cause as much as we’d all love for a Vision to survive, he can’t... for the show (and Wanda) to get closure. Will he die in battle or as the hex goes down? KINDA ANSWERED in 1x09: HexVision did win the “confrontation”, but he was also the one who “died”/Wanda said goodbye to as hex went down.
What happened to Vision’s body after the Wakanda Battle & Thanos’ snap? How & why did he end up at SWORD? [not stay in Wakanda, or go to Avengers/Tony? When did SWORD get a hold of the body? When Maria was still running the place...and Avengers “trusted” her or did Hayward somehow pull some strings after her death? Is this related to Sokovia accord, and based on them the body/vibranium belonged to the government? Cause it sounds like they had him before Tony’s death 3 weeks ago? And Hayward used that trust put on SWORD, when he got promoted & turned things around, including starting project “Cataract”] Seems like he had been there ever since the Snap, but was safe until Hayward took over. Cause no way he had time to complete the project in just few weeks since Tony’s death. So...  someone trusted SWORD at some point...before the shady Hayward took over...without anyone suspecting anything. 
How exactly is Hex Vision “alive”? Is it just Wanda’s magic...is she powering him through herself/her magic? Is it cause of the Mind Stone she “created” for him? We knew from ep 2 already that this Vision is not real real. Their stage names confirmed it - he was “Illusion”, and their act was a magic trick cause the whole hex thing was a “magic trick”. And if you reverse the roles, then this line from ep 2 tell you what Wanda did...when she broke down:  “Fear not, Glamour, for I, Illusion, wow to bring you back exactly as you are.” She brought him back (looking like) exactly as he was...even if his past memories are missing.  KINDA ANSWERED in 1x09
How real is Hex Vision? Seems he is connected to the Hex & cannot exist outside it, but it also seems that he is very real inside the hex...made of vibranium, and able to feel & connect (even if he has no memories of life before hex), and evolve, and use powers. And though Wanda wanted & tried to control him (and the kids), she doesn’t seem to be able to do so. Vision 2.0 seems to have his own “sense of self”, & free will. He seems to exist (within the hex) outside of Wanda & think/decide for himself. He’s not her puppet that she can control (like everyone else is). 
Will Hex Vision 2.0 be able to survive outside the Hex in some way & form? [eg. merging with White Vision] If they will merge the Hex Vision & the White Vision, then will he be complete [if Shuri’s downloaded data will be added] or will he remain an emty shell, rebooted & loses all his memories & humanity? Would they do a repat of the Gamora plot with Vision, where a character will have to re-learn everything to become the charcter they had become & re-create the connections she/he had already formed? Or will he die/sacrifice himself...for others...again? (especially cause this is all about Wanda having to accept her loss & grieve... for real...so in many ways he has to be dead/die...for that to fit the shows main theme)  BASICALLY ANSWERED in 1x09
Will Hex Vision live [at the end of WV]? The shows theme (Wanda needing to grieve her losses), and the FFH tribute to fallen Avengers seems to suggest that Vision has to & will die again/not survive the hex (but Cap was also listed as one of the fallen, so... who knows?). But they can still explore all those themes if he continues to exist, because Wanda has still not properly grieved her parents & brother. And since they have brought up the fact that he is a synthezoid (not regula human), and talked about being a combination of “AI” & physical body, then the idea of the two being separated & re-connected has been introduced. Based on what we know - Vision’s character traits, Wanda’s grief journey...we should expect him to sacrifice himself again...for others/to save her/others. It’s just who he is. Just like one of his sources, Tony. The only question is if he’ll survive despite trying to sacrifice himself for others to live, or not?
If VISION survives, then what form will he be/take? Will it be the White Vision (emotionless empty shell), the Hex Vision (without past memories, but otherwise same as he was before), comnibation of both when they merge (giving us the original Vision back)? Or some other form? I mean...Paul Bettany started as the voice of Tony’s AI, then he transformed into Vision, so maybe he can change “form” again? Vision has already, kinda, “died” three times... 1) by Wanda’s hands in IW, 2) by Thanos ripping out the MindStone & 3) when exiting the Hex in ep 6. And before all this, they were preparing to separate him from the stone, because MCU Vision can survive without the stone...even if he might lose some parts of himself without it... Shuri just didn’t have enough time to complete the task... (but there should be enough that there is a chance to bring him back in the future og MCU, I’d say...)
Did Wanda create both the vibranium & The Mind stone for the Hex Vision? How? Is Agatha correct & she is capable of spontaneous creation (Nexus Being)? Based on current evidence this seems to be the truth. 
Is that a real Mind Stone on Vision 2.0′s head? If so, then how & from what did Wanda create it? Or is that just a fake jewelry decoration on his forehead? We saw that an object looking like Mind Stone was the last piece she “created” when she created Hex Vision...you can see it “fly” towards the just-formed-vision, but what is it really? Did she create it...from nothing, from the “atoms” it had become? Did she “take” it from another universe? 
How & why can Hex Vision set others free of Wanda’s hex spell? Is it Wanda’s powers that were transferred to the new creation? Is it the Mind Stone? 
How & Why does hex Vision seem to have Pietro’s “quicksilver” superspeed ability? [my take: Wanda, in her greif, gave her new Vision 2.0 both her Vision’s & her brothers abilities, cause she was still grieving them both, so subconsiously she did that..or The Vision always had that ability and I/he was just not aware of it/never used it before] 
Did going through the Hex barrier change Vision 2.0, too? (like it did with Monica?) Does it affect everyone & everything that enters/exits? Did it change something within this Vision? Or did it not affect him in any such way..cause hes made of vibranium?
When did Vision buy that propery for them? Seems that he did before the events of IW. It fits his lines “what if I don’t go back”...And based on the state of the property it seems like the construction of their house/home had started before the Snap (foundation laid), but then everything was abandoned...
Does Hex Vision sleep? Cause The Vision is/was a synthezoid, so he should not need to sleep, but does he close his eyes & “kind of sleep” & does Hex Vision do the same? Because he seems to miss all the decade changes between the episodes on WV. He “wakes up” only to see that Wanda has changed things...again... In otehr words...how does he miss the moment when they move from one decade to the next? PS. The Vision doesn’t eat food, doesn’t need to sleep, don’t grow old like humans..etc..but for Wanda he cooks, “sleeps” next to her, buys a house to grow old in... #feelyourfeels
What is up with Hex Vision’s eyes? Is it just my imagination or have they changed, a bit? In some scenes they looked more “human” & less “robotic”? PS. They re-create Paul’s eyes in MCU, making them machine-like. Did they just miss doing that for some scenes on accident? Or was it changed on purpose? Or did it just seem so to me?
What was the meaning of the Dead!Vision vision that Wanda saw in ep 4? Was it just one of the ways Agatha was messing up things..trying to make Wanda “wake up” and deal with her greif? Was it Wanda losing control of the hex dream for a moment & being reminded that her “original” Vision is actually still dead...and looks like that? The Dead!Vision & Dead!Pietro moments reminded me a lot of Dead!IM/Tony moment from FFH, where Peter sees him “raise from the grave” It’s all Mysterio’s illusion, based on a script written by one of his team, but it works cause Peter is grieving his mentor, so it “feels real” to him. 
What is the purpose of White Vision? Who/What is he/it? Ultron? White/Sooulless machine? Does he have Wanda’s Vision’s memories & all? Why was White Vision looking at his left hand, when he was rebooted [Ultron? Vision..looking for a wedding ring and/or lookig if his hand is still there cause he saw its pieces being pulled back to the hex?]  ANSWERED in 1x09
What exactly was Hayward’s/SWORD’s plan with Vision’s body? Just to rebuild & reboot him into a weapon? [that goes against the Sokovia accords & Visions living will]
Why & How is Tony’s (new element) triangular arc reactor now on White Vision’s hear in place of the Mind Stone? How did Hayward get a a hold of that?
What does it mean that the White Vision, after being powered up (rebooted) & opening his eyes first looked at his left hand? Is this supposed to be a reference to Ultron (AoU)...and he was checking out his new perfect form (Utron los his arm in AoU, so was he surprised his new body had it)? Was it Vision looking for a wedding ring (do the different Visions share data automatically & hence share memories?) or checking if his hand is still intact (not flown back to the hex as he stayed outside?)
What is “Project Cataract”? Well...cataract is an eye “disease”, which causes the eye to be look white/gray & it can cause double vision. So the name is very fitting. Hayward’s “vision” is the double, and he is white like cataract...  
Is the White Vision we see in ep 8 mid-credits scene the same Vision that we see in parts in the ep 8 flashback scene? Who is working at SWORD with Hayward? How did they manage to put him back together, add the “arc reactor” to his head & do a paint job...all within a week? Cause it’s been a week since they gave Wanda the show with the parts on the tables. Or is this a copy? Their fist copy version of him? [in a real magic trick everything is fake]  ANSWERED in 1x09
THE TWINS [Billy & Tommy] 
Are the Twins real? Who & How created them? [did they come to be through procreation and are Wanda & Vision’s offspring..somehow, or were they created in some other, more magical way? From what? When & How] AKA did they follow the comics canon or change it (how much?)?
Will the Twins survive the Hex? Can they exist outside the hex? Does it depend on whether they were created inside the hex or outside/before..or not?
Who aged up the Twins? Was it the Twins (Speed?) Based on Agnes’ comments that she & Wanda cannot control (these) kids, seems it wasn’t them. Seems it was the Twins, who did it? But did they cause the speedy pregnancy, too? Or was that..some other force?
How exactly was Billy able to hear both his dad/Vision 2.0 & Hayward (others) in episode 6, when he was inside the Hex & they were outside the Hex? What does it mean that his power extends to outside the hex, too?
Where were the Twins in episode 7? Where did Agnes hide/keep them? During those few minutes before we wee then again...”on the leash”
Will the Twins age themselves up again before the end of the series? To help their parents in the battle against the baddies? Or at the end (post credits scene, for example]?  ANSWERED in 1x09
Why television broadcast & why WandaVision? Well It’s literally Wanda’s TELEVision we’re watching. Televised Vision. #endlesswordplay 
Why hexagon(s)? Just because it’s a recurring shape in nature, etc? Or is it a reference to bees...beekeeper...Hive? Cause there is something called The Hive in MCU... And hexes & hexagons also appear in MCU a lot & the number 6 is important: Portals during space travel, inside Visions body... Also..there was 6 original Avengers & 6 infinity stones, Visions body taken into 6 parts for the show Hayward puts on for Wanda... 
How & why was the WandaVision TV show broadcast from the Hex? Seems that it was Wanda who created the hex...”unintentionally”...from her grief, and broadcast the show, but why? Or did someone else broadcast it? Why did she/someone want the outsiders to see what was happening inside?
Who created the commercials? Are they part of Wanda’s sitcom & created by her, subconciously? Or are they created by someone else? Vision (TeleVision). Or someone/something else?  Maybe the “light in the sky” news in Westview newspaper that Vision ead in one scene isn’t a reference to the SWORD camp. Maybe there is someone else there, too? Maybe this answers our question about how Dr. Strange has not yet sensed it & arrived there? Maybe these are hidden messages sent by someone else...to Wanda...to make her wake up from her dream? And they could even be changed by the hex into commercials insted of their original form? Or were they subconcious narating the story to her?
Who is pulling the strings? Is it all Wanda (Hex) & Agatha (messing things up)? Or is there more to it & someone/something else in involved in all of it? If so then who? 
Why was the town in “ruins” & the people all so “sad” & “alone” when Wanda arrived there? Is it only because of the Snap/Blip & the town had turned this way during those 5 years, or is there more? It’s definitely cause of Snap & Blip, but I do wonder if there is more to it than just that?
Why did we only see one half of each couple as Wanda drove through the city...even if SWORD identified many of them as couples (and they’ve said couples were kept together in the hex) because it seems that one person from each couple has an “accident” during the sitcom: Vision has the “gum” issue in ep 2, Mr. Hart chokes in ep 1, Dottie breaks a glass and bleeds in ep 2...?, Are some of the other sitcom characters actually dead? (and Wanda brought everyones partner back...just like she did with her own?) But then...how & why did SWORD identify several of the couples & no-one mentioned some of them being dead? Or... are the databases incomplete because of the Snap/Blip mess (we know from FFH some people used the Snap to run & hide (start a new life elsewhere)... who weren’t actually blipped...so maybe not all dead/blipped have been reported?) The lesson might be that though the people, like her, were sad & mourning, then “you should not bring back dead”, because they had already mourned them... whether their oved ones were gone gone or just blipped gone... 
Does the hex cause mutations to everyone who go through it several times? Or just people with certain X gene? Or just people, who were Blipped? [If everyone who goes through the hex gets their cells re-written, then that also includes Vision = 1x, Darcy = 1x, SWORD clowns = 1x, Beekeeper = 1x... so did they get a mutation, too?] Will all the people inside the hex get powers once the hex goes down?
Why did the “hex breached” alarms go off at just before Fietro appeared at Wanda & Visions doorstep in episode 5? Why did they go off? Who entered or exited the hex at that time? Or...was it the same alarm that was still on because Wanda exited & entered the hex? Cause we see them enter the tent after the encounter..so perhaps it was just moments ago, while a shole scene had hapened during that time in the WV freality. 
Is the purpose of the Hex just to keep Visin 2.0 alive & keep the happy dream alive OR is the purpose also to keep others outside? To protect that reality from Hayward (who wants to take him to pieces & weaponize him)? Cause in some ways this invisible energy field looks a bit similar to the dome surrounding & protecting Wakanda from outsiders. 
What will happen to Wanda, Hex!Vision, The Twins, Monica, Fietro, Agatha, the people of WestView...when the hex goes down? 
When exactly did Agatha arrive to the hex? At the moment we first saw her land putside Wanda & Visions house with that plant in episode 1? Or sooner..and she was just staying away til then?
What is Agatha’s plan? What does she want? She seems to be at awe of Wanda’s powers/creation & she also seems to be grieving, too. And she seems to want to bring someone back to life...it seems. [Ralph? Her kid(s)...cause it’s all for the children? The person for whom/because of whom she used the darkest of magic in 1693? Turn the rabbit back to the person it was before?] She sounded so hopeful when the twins told Wanda she can bring back the dead. 
Why did Agatha use the darkest of magic in 1693? What did she want to do? (was she trying to bring someone back to life? Her “soulmate”, her kid?)
Why does Agatha feed on Wandas magic? Is it just a way for her to stay alive/young? Does she need to “snak on yo magic” to survive? Or does she need others magic to remain magical herself and/or to become more powerful?  Has she learned to control her powers over time, cause in 1693 she claimed she could not yet. And she just seems to be impressed by Wanda’s powers & a bit jeaous that it’s taken her 400 years to learn simple spells, while Wanda can just randomly use hers...without even trying. 
Why & How do none of the townspeople seem to questions Agnes...if she’s a stranger, an outsider? Seems they’re comptletely under Wanda’s control, hence don’t break character & acknowledge they do not know her?
How did Agatha get into the hex? How was she able to get in? By using magic? Some other way? How did she sneak in without Wanda noticing, and chaning her, and taking control of her? How & why did Wanda not sense her arrival if she’s an outsider? If she arrived after Wanda set up the hex, then how soon after? Did she arrive before or after SWORD had set up camp outside the hex? (we first see her after the camp is up & watching the tv show, but she might’ve been inside for longer)
Who is her mother-in-law that she mentions in episode 1 as she arrives? Just a line of  or is there significance?
Who is Agatha working with/for? SWORD/Hayward? Some secret master/partner [Ralph?]? 
Whose house is Agatha living in? If she really did arrive only after sensing Wanda’s magic, and coming to the hex after it was created then who is/was Wanda’s real neighbour & what happened to them? Or did the house just happen to be empty? KINDA ANSWERED in 1x09
Is Agatha’s basement inside or outside the Hex? The aspect ratio seemed to change as Wanda went from her house to her basement...making it seem like its outside the hex, but is it? 
If Agatha arrived to this place just a week ago, then what’s up with that basement? How can Agatha’s secret LAIR in the basement exist “inside the hex”? If Agatha arrived after the hex was cerated then how & why wasn’t this basement transformed by hex creation? How was it set up - did it come with the house or did Agatha add it? And how is it unaffected by Wanda’s hex? If its outside hex (as the change in aspect ratio suggests), the how is that possible? Who created it/set it free of Wanda’s hex? Is it in another dimension or ? We’ve seen that enhanced indivuduals can use their powers inside Wanda’s hex, and she does not seem to be aware of everything going on. So...did Agatha use her magic & create the LAIR inside the hex during the days of the sitcom? 
What are the runes in the basement about? Yes, their purpose is to “protect” the space from other witches using their magic in that space, but why hexes and why these symbols...what do they mean? And did she add them in past few days or have they always been there? ETA: Oh, they’re not so much physical objects, and more like “drawing on the wall”
What is that book in the basement? (several options) The book in the basement could be one of several important books from the comics or MCU. But when hexagons are involved, and with the kowledge that “Wanda” will appear in the new Dr. Strange film, then while I do not know what book it is, it’s most likely the one missing from the wall of books inside hexagons in Dr. Strange film. ANSWERED in 1x09
How did the book get there? If Agatha brought it with her when she arrived then how & why did it not change when she entered the hex? If it was already there then whsoe is it & what does it mean? How is it there? 
Why does Wanda keep calling Agnes “a life saver”? Did she save her life/Does she think she saved her life & it’s her subconcious remembering it? Will she save her life & it was foreshadowing? 
Were all the “naughty” references about Agatha just about the coming reveal that “it was Agatha all along...who kept messing up everything”?  (Wanda called her naughty in ep 1 already, she wore pants with the word “naughty” on them in ep 6...)
Is Agnes the Villain, the Friend-in-disguise or the Neutral (therapist, guide)? Is she messing with Wanda just because she admires her & wants to learn from her (her own mom would not teach/guide her...how to control her powers)? Does she want to “feed on her magic” (to get more powerful herself)? Does she need her to help help/teach her to bring someone back to life? Is her plan to just get what she wants or to help Wanda while learning from her? Cause at first she seems to do everything she can to see what Wanda & Vision can do (show their powers). And she seems to want to kind of guide her...to help her “grieve”, to get her to “wake up” from the hex dream... but not necessarily in a  villain way...
Why is Agnes’ magic purple? Is there a connection to Power Stone? And why are her magic tricks similar to some other MCU characters (Dr. Strange, Ancient one)? Agatha taking a piece of Wandas hair (as Strange did with Thor)? The purple “portal” door to Wanda’s past memories... kinda like Strange’s portals...to other place/time... Is it just about using similar CGI or is there a connection?
What is the significance of the broach Agnes/Agatha wears all the time? The one she took from her dead mothers body. 
Why does Agatha leave the protected basement area right after she realizes who Wanda really is? She’s just found out just how powerful Wanda is, so why let her outside, where Wanda can use her powers (against her)? She should know that she has no chance against her, right? ANSWERED in 1x09
Is Agatha sincerely moved by the WandaVision moment & Vision’s quote on grief? She sheds a single tear & wipes it away. But Wanda doesn’t see her do it/is not looking at her, so this seems to be real...she seems to be genuily moved by it all,  not mocking the “scene”. 
Where is Ralph? Who is Ralph? Agatha keeps mentioning him...constantly, but we’ve never seen him? And no-one seems to question it...Wanda & Vision never wondered why they never saw Ralph. Does he even exist? Did Agnes/Agatha just make himup...for Wanda’s sitcom? ANSWERED in 1x09
Is this just misdirection? is this simply about the old tv/sitcom trope where a character is mentioned all the time, but never seen? If there no other “mystery” to Ralph? Or does he exist? If so...is he one of the characters weve already seen? (the rabbit, the mailman, Hayward)
What is up with that rabbit? Who or what is it? Agatha’s son, Nichols Scratch? Or her sons old man, Senior Scratch aka her husband? Or is it a reference to “Devil” aka old scratch (hex = 6 = 666)? That does not seem to be your usual pet rabbit, because it eats bugs/birds, and it purrs. That seems to be a cat in disguise...if not something else. And Agatha talks to it, too (though people do love to talk to their pets, so maybe that part’s not important) But this is definitely not just a pet bunny. Yet...I dont know if this is Mephisto, or some other villain. Or if it’s Wong/Strange in disguise or something?
Who exactly is this Pietro in the Hex? And where did he come from? Did Agatha “bring” him in from somewhere or did she just take a hold of some guy? Did she create him? Is he a Pietro from another universe? Is he just a random guy? He seems to have the superpowers Quicksilver has, but he looks different than Pietro (buried in Sokovia...with their parents, and Agatha can’t raise the dead or puppet bodies full of bulletholes, so she is just controlling some other dude) But we’ve known somethings off with him since start...even Wanda & Vision both are suspicious about the guy...since start.
Is Fietro under Agatha’s control when he sneaks up to Monica at the end of episode 7 #snoopersgonnasnoop or just snooping around on his own? Does Agatha use him as her eyes & ears at that moment AKA does she know Monica was snooping around? Or was she too busy with playing Wanda’s therapist to deal with him/other stuff?
Who brought Fietro there? Was he just another person living in WestView that Agatha controlled to get the truth out of Wanda? Did he come from outside the hex & then be taken over by Agatha? Did Wanda somehow, subconciously, bring him there/creaate him, before Agatha took over his senses? Cause we’ve seen that a lot of the things that tappen in WV are coming from Wanda’s subconcious. After she thinks of something and/or hears someone mention an idea, it becomes true. It’s like she uses the ideas she & others have to subconciuouly write the script of the next scene/ episode?
What’s the significance of Fietro’s necklace? ANSWERED in 1x09
Why did they coin the term Fietro officially on the show? I’m not into comics & I don’t care that much about merging the two (fox + marvel) universes, so it doesnt matter to me if he is the FOX universe version. But...the term Fietro can be coined from both Fake + Pietro & Fox + Pietro, so it makes me suspicious... on a show that does very little without a “hidden meaning”
What’s the deal with Dottie? Who is she - just another neighbour (like “mailman” or more?) Was Agnes’ claim that she’s the key just part of her messing tactic or is there meaning in the claim?
Is there a significance to Dotties roses being yellow (while Wanda’s flowers are red & pink & Agathas are purple...in ep 7)? 
Who is Dottie in reality? She seems to be one of the few “recurring cast members” from the WV show that Darcy & team watched who is not identified yet. How & why is she not identified yet? (is she Peter’s teachers wife...who pulled a disappearing act & made everyone think she was blipped, when she had just run off with someone else...so hence not identified yet?)
Who is the mailman & whats up with him? Ep 8 seemed to answer that. He seems to be just a delivery guy... Or is he? Could he be also something more/else? Is he just one of Agnes’ eyes&ears (messengers) and hence the uniforms logo with rabbit in ep 7? Is he the “missing person”?
What’s up with Hayward? Is he just another government baddie or is there more to it? His motivation seems to be that he hates “superpowered individuals” & wants to create and use sentient weapons [he’s gotten access to Tony’s arc reactor element & Vision’s body somehow] against them. He clearly set up the whole show for some purpose... for Wanda...
Does Hayward know more than he shows? Was he just asking about Wanda’s “superhero nickname” or was he aware of SW? If so..how? And how did he know she has the power to bring Visions body back to life? Did he just hope so (and was disappointed she didn’t try when she let her see him..in that condition), cause he’s heard she is very powerful, or does he know...stuff?
Will the WhiteVision kill him aka not be controlled by his master, or will Hayward live? Cause if we take away Tony, Bruce, Jarvis, Mind Stone & everything else, then all that’s left in that lab vision is Ultron. And I'm not sure Hayward & his team can actually control him for long...he’s gonna turn on his “creators” possibly. 
What  was Hayward actually tracking inside the hex? It says “vibranium decay” on the screen next to the dot, and based on that  Darcy & others conclude that he’s tracking Vision (cause they think Wanda took Visions body), but is that true? Because of the dots location on the map & the fact that it is moving, it can only be tracking Hex Vision or Agnes/Agatha. But how? Is he actually tracking the vibranium Wanda created? Or the Mind Stone Wanda created? Or something else related to Hex Vision? Or Agatha? ANSWERED in 1x09
What happened to the [SWORD agent turned into a] Beekeeper? Where did he go to? What happened to him? Why haven’t we seen or heard of him again? Not from Wanda, not from outsiders? Is he stuck somewhere inside the hex or was he “sent out” just like Monica was ep 3? 
Where did the dog come from that the twins “adopted” in ep 3? Was it Agatha’s doing, or not? If that was Agatha messing with things then since she cannot create things, she can just transform things, then what was the dog before (her rabbit?) Did Wanda somehow create it...”unknowingly”?
How exactly did the dog die? Did Agatha kill it because the dog was digging up something/someone in her yard? Did it actually accidentally eat the poisonous plant? Did she kill it to test Wanda’s power...to see if she can really bring back people from dead... Is it even dead? Cause while it seems Vision did bury the dog, then perhaps it was not a  real dog at all, but just transformed into a dog by Agatha (but then...would  it not turn back to its original form after it died? No?)?
Who is the missing person, who was/is in the witness program? Jimmy said it’s a “he”,  but perhaps that was a misdirection. Is there even a missing person or was that just a made up story (by Hayward? by someone else)...just to have a reason to set up camp next to the hex? Was the missing person "Wanda”, was it “Hex Vision” (did Hayward somehow get info that there is a “Vision” there?) Is it the person who lived in the hosue Agatha resides? Is it Ralph? Is it Wanda’s father (he survived, but it was secret? Is it someone from the MCU past (Justin Hammer from IM2; Sonny Butrch from Ant-Man? Trevor Slattery from IM3 (since we are living inside a tv show & everyone was playing roles in Wanda’s sitcom & Shakespeare was quoted; MCU Pietro...who actualy survived?)? Is it Agnes...who is actually working for SWORD and was sent in to investigate the hex, but when not returned, was named “missing”?
Why has Jimmy not mentioned him again...for days? If he’d been one of the townspeople who have been seen & identified [info sheets on the board], we’d probably heard of it, so we have to assume it’s none of the ones who are seen on the board. Or... the opposite...he has not mentioned it again, because it IS one of the identified people. He’s not mentioned it again cause he knows theyre alive & “safe”? 
Who it is definitely not? Since the events of FFH take place 8 months AFTER this WV event, then this cannot be Peter Parker & his friends, cause while he would have reason to be in witness protection after those events, they’ve not happened yet... And though this would be THE biggest shock & Mark Hamill level cameo, then since RDJ is done with MCU/Tony/IM & as much as it would be awesome, then I doubt it’s Tony, cause that sadly would make the endgame events “less meaningful” (he had to safrifice himself...otherwise the impact would not have been as strong)
Why exactly did Monica get powers when going through the hex? Is it because she has the X-gene? Is it cause she was blipped? Or does it happen to everyone who goes throgh the hex...several times? (or just those, who have the X gene & the hex just activates it or something)
Why exactly did Monica’s eyes turn to purple, when she opened Agatha’s cellar door/when Fietro caught her snooping? Was it cause she was put under Agathas spell? Or does it have to do with her newly activated power and it’s just her “seeing wavelenghts”? 
Why can Monica connect with Wanda & not see her as the “villain”? Because these two actually have a lot of common at that moment/time. That’s probably why she wants to help her, not attack her (even if she did not like being “mind controlled”) They both lost their loved one…twice. Wanda lost Vision twice, and then she was snapped away....only to return to Endgame battle (Tony’s funeral) and seeing Vision dismantled... Monica almost lost her mom, but then things seemed to get better…only for her to wake up from the Blip to find out she lost her mom (again). So both of these ladies have lost the last 5 years, and both lost their loved one “twice”. They both are kind of depressed, have PTSD, are grieving, don’t want to go on…both dealing with it on their own way...
Was the lady she met the contact person or was she just the messenger? Cause Monica seemed to imply it’s a “he”, so perhaps we have not met her engineer friend yet? Is that lady just a military messanger or is she possibly a skrull (Talos daughter, the one Monica connected with as a kid?)
Will the engineer friend appear in WV or will he show up only in next MCU projects? Is he important or was there no deeper meaning there and/or was the skrull friend that contact/engineer?
Where is Dr. Strange? Why hasn’t he (seemingly) arrived to WV yet? If Agatha could sense the Hex (the many spells cast all at once by Wanda) & that attracted her to this place... then how & why has Dr. Strange not sensed it? And how or why had he not arrived there yet...if he had sensed it? The others are all busy/not available, healing, not in a good place themselves... But Strange & co will most likely show up during the Finale/ep 9. OR NOT.
IF & how are skrulls involved? Meaningful or misdirection? I think they are involved..in a small way...
Why “all for the children”? Was that all Agatha’s doing, or was someone else behind that message? Was it actually Wanda’s doing...another subconcius things? (is it cause Wanda had been thinking of kids? Is it cause Agatha has lost a kid or something? Is it cause Wanda is actually pregnant?) Because the Harts brought up the topic during ep 1 dinner already before things hated up in ep 2. And almost everything in Wanda’s sitcom scripts is coming from her subconcious - they’re adapted from the events of her life & things other characters mention within the WV show... her subconcious makes random lines come true in next scenes/episode.  ANSWERED...KINDA in 1x09
Where were all the children in earlier episodes? Were they just inside, in their beds, like Fietro suggested (through Agatha), or is there more to this? And where did they all just appear in epsiode 6 (cause we’ve seen lots of them around lately...among other “background cast” just doing their everyday things...).  ANSWERED in 1x09
Who is the missing kid on the milk carton? Just random kid or is it the actual missing person Jimmy was looking for? Is it Agatha’s kid or someone elses kid?  
Why has SNAP being mentioned several times on the show? Spoken, in written (signs)? Agnes used the word “snap” in a sentence in ep 1, the cereal in ep 6 was called Sugar Snaps. One of the billboards had the word snap on it after Wanda created the hex. Agatha snapped her fingers as she dissapeared from the audience seats after the illusion came down in ep 8... Are all the SNAP references about Wanda snapping (“going crazy”) or a reference to the (Thanos) Snap? Or both?
What are all the metions of “NIGHTMARE” (and bad dreams) about? Misdirection or subtle hints at Nightmare being behind this/introduced to MCU? Whose dream is this (all)? 
What is up with mentions of “mischief” & “shenanigans” in the epsiodes. Just random or more meaningful actually? I personally do not think that this means Loki is invlved or coming, but...never say never. 
What’s up with Ultron being mentioned several times already? Meaningful or misdirection? Is the White Vision gonna be voiced by the man, who voiced Ultron (J.S.)? Is White Vision gonna be Ultron (will other parts that made Vision Vision be gone, and only Ultron remain)? Or will the emoty shell turn into Ultron while entering the hex, because the hex changes non-living objects into a more era-appropriate forms (and not so long ago that body was supposed to be Ultron’s vessel) Is Ultron somehow behind this/part of Haywards plan? 
What do the dates on the calendar mean? Is there any significance to the dates? Are they just Inside jokes (like one licence plate being Stan Lee’s birth date), or is there a meaning behind them? In ep 1 the heart is drawn on the date Wednesday, August 23rd. In the opening credits of episode 7 the heart is drawn on Friday the 10th (no month visible). The events of WV are supposed to take place in 2023....though for Wanda it may still feel like five years sooner in 2018... We do know that there is a Wed, Aug 23rd in 2023 & there are three Friday the 10th in 2023: Feb, March, Nov. But why these dates/numbers? Is it a significant date for Wanda an/or Vision? Did they secretly get engaged? (I’d say that I don’t think they were married, but perhaps they had set a wedding date or something? Cause they seemed pretty serious just at the start of IW) Or is it about a secret 10th episode? (Cause the nexus meds had 10.3%, so it might not be random...nothing seems to be on this show...though I’d sy the 10th episode is the “making of” special, nothing more...) Or just random numbers & only the heart had meaning?
What is the meaning of the colour of the flowers in the gardens in ep 7? Wanda’s are red & pink. Agnes’ are purple. Dottie’s (roses) are yellow. We know that first two match the colour of their power. What about the third one? Is she a “witch”, too?
Who “froze” those people in the outskirts of the town, close to hex in episode 6? Wanda (who can’t keep the simulation running smootly, everywhere), or Agatha (to make Vision want to find answers even more)? It does seem like this is all Wanda’s doing...meaning she doesn’t have enough power to keep everything inside the hex running smoothly at the same time, so the characters closer to the edge are more like actual puppets...barely moving.
How do Monica, Jimmy & Darcy know so much about the events of Avengers 3-4? Sure, they work for government, are not completely random citizens, but they seem to have watched the events like from a  video feed or something, cause they seem to know a lot about the details that went on… just mere weeks after the events. How?
How long had the hex been up before Jimmy & Monica arrived & Monica got  sucked in? How long before SWORD arrived & Darcy discovered the broadcast? Hours? Days? What happened in the hex before the show started broadcasting? Because after creating it we see Vision welcome her home & they watch TV, but teh show starts with them driving to WV...before entering their new home, so...did the show start only “the next day”?
Was the “hex has been breached” alarm going off at the end of episode 3 about Pietro arriving to the Hex (meaning he came from outside) or did someone enter/exit the hex & we’ve not been made aware of the person just yet?
Why were Wanda, Pietro & her parents all practicing/learning English? Did the family have a plan to escape to “west”? A view to the west? Or did the parents know more than we’ve led to believe so far, and they were slowly training their kids for their future? Were they actually “adopted”? Did they learn it for some other reason? My best guess is that they were planning to flee to west (US or somewhere)
Why did the family not flee from the war-zone? Her mother saw what was going on outside, but instead she/they used escapism...denial...and watched sitcoms...to distract themselves from the horrors of reality outside. OR were they just “giving up”, cause “there was no escaping...from that place”? And how & where was the dad sellling those dvd-s, when there is literal war (combat) right outside their home? Another example of trauma causing memories to be “tweaked”?
What was up with the secret “safe” in the wall, behind the rug on the wall in their Sokovin apartment? Wanda’s dad kept her fave thing/dvd set in there? Special place..for safekeeping. Is there more to that? “I put it in the special place. For extra safekeeping.” Is this a reference to some object Wanda (or someone close to her, like Vision) had hidden somewhere...to protect it?
What’s in the box? Which box are we talking about? The “mystery of cabinets” box? The red Nike shoe box in the secret hiding place in Wanda’s Sokovian home? The boxes the “mailman” is deloivering in ep 7? Some other box (maybe the envelope was not the only thing Vision let her/among his things that she now has)?
Where was/is the CMBR that Darcy detected from the hex coming from? Is it Wanda? Is it the Mind Stone she created? Is it something or someone else? Had it always been there in WestView or did the Hex event somehow create it? Where is it coming from? What gives off so much of it in there? Is it Wanda’s Chaos magic? Is it the “secret villain” behind Agatha?
Which way did the police car drive after Jimmy & Monica finished questioning them in ep 4? Towards the town (and into the hex) or turned around & drove away from the town & hex?
Why is JImmy's car parked by the roadside right next to the edge of the hex when she & Monica first meet outside WV? And its nose pointed away from the town, not towards the town? Because this has to be Jimmy's (rental) car, not some random abandoned vehicle. How & why did he get so close to the hex & parked his car there? And why is it pointed in the direction away from the town? What is up with the car on the roadside? (seems he was heading towards the twon, but turned around before hex & parked car right there?)
Who is the secret big cameo the cast has been teasing? Is it Paul Bettany AKA one of the best jokes (that he’s acting against himself... playing two roles at once...Hex Vision & White Vision...) Or is there an actual, different cameo happening besides this? Cause we know that Vision VS Vision is happening. Even if there is an actual cameo, I’m just gonna pretend he was talking about Vision Vs Vision, because this is the kind of cheeky british humour that I love. Cameo ideas: a character from one of her favourite sitcom steps from TV into reality DvD?, “Nick Fury”? RDJ as Tony?, Stan Lee? “Dr. Strange”? “Wolverine”? a big name actor as a character from comics...introduced to MCU? For me “Skywalker” level cameo indicates...not (just) a big name actor, but... lots of CGI, so...  ANSWERED in 1x09
Why Westview, NJ? No, its not because it’s relatively close to the Avengers “headquarters” (and the set of the Endgame battle) or relatively  close is it to the site where the military base was (where Cap & Tony went during time heist)...all in NJ? It’s because this was supposed to be their home. This is where Vision wanted them to settle down & grow old in. Also.. WestView = WV & wesTView = TV
Why sitcoms? Because sitcoms have been Wanda’s escape since childhood. She watched them in Sokovia with her parents & brother (family), she watched them in US/Avengers HQ (with her to-be-family, Vision). Her distraction from the horrorrs & sadness of reality. Also..because unlike in real world in the sitcom world people getting hurt (when something fall of them) don’t actually get hurt, because..it’s not that kid of a “world”....
Why different eras of sitcoms? Because...Vision wanted them to grow old together. Live a life together. She is literally living through the plan Vision had for them. Settle down in WestView, and live a “normal life” together... That’s why she did not remain stuck in her one favourite Dick can Dyke episode, but instead moved to the next decade...the next phase of their lives together: move to WV, build/buy a home together, get married, watch TV together, have kids, raise kids... go through ps & downs of marriage/relationship,...grow old together... [only her fantasy world started to crumble half-way through] Though...if we think about it... to their knowledge Wanda was human & Vision was a “machine”, so he would not age like she does, so he would have probably just “deactivated” himself after she died in a 100 years...
What made Wanda do this...even if unintentionally? Her greif...over her parents, her brother, Vision, & everyone else she’s lost... the “missing five years”: seeing Hayward dismantle Vision’s body... and seeing the aftermath of the Snap & Blip as she drove through this town. She seemed to see herself in the state of that town & those people...as she drove through WV and saw the future cast of her sitcom. The world for WV had been turned upside down, and in her grief she created the happy place for herself and the people she saw. Her intentions were good/not evil....she thought that this would cheer her & this town up. She “restored” WV to it’s pre-snap glory (the abandoned pool turns into nice one at Dottie’s backyard...), and gave everyone a purpose (job, tasks) or someone to be with. Sitcoms made her feel better, so she thought it’d happen for her & the others in this fake world, too. It was all unintentional & subconcoius, and as she keeps saying “she did not mean any harm”. Initially she didn’t even realize what she’d done, but slowly she has started to “wake up” & realize the situation (that’s why lately she’s thinking “what if I am the villain?” insted of trying to tell the “cast” that she meant no harm to anyone.) 
What does the heart on the calendar mean? Episode 8 told us the meaning of the heart. The calendar used to be the propery deed. And Vision had drawn a heart on it (to where their jome was gonna be) & added “to grown old in” - V. That’s why they say "Who needs to  abbreviate?” in ep 1. 
What was the noise all about in ep 2 that scared Wanda & Vision? Those were the drones that SWORD was sending into the hex. Those made the noise. And one of them (either a SWORD one, or Monica’s drone) made it to Wanda’s rosebushes. 
Where were Vision & Monica + Fietro during ep 8 events? They were on their way towards the center of the hex. Cause the whole “look into the past” took place...in mere seconds...just like a dream (seems like a whole day/film, but IRL almost no time goes by). The Monica + Fietro snooping & the Vision-flies back all happened at the same time as Wanda’s trip down to memory lane. They didn’t happen before, just simultaneously... They will arrive soon. [the question is: will Darcy also reach the town center & will she be able to help somehow]
Why were the films that were running in the Cinema in ep 6 “The Parent Trap” & “The Incredibles”? Because The Incredibles is an animation about a superhero family (mom, dad, kids), who fight the bad guys. And Parent Trap is about twins (Billy & Tommy, Wanda & Pietro). They were about Wanda’s life at the moment/time.  
Why were the films that were running in in the Cinema after Wanda’s hex took over the town “Big Red” & “Kidnapped”? Because, once again, they described the situation then. Wanda & her hex were the big red taking over...in a way “kidnapping” everyone and using them as puppets for the show based on her script. 
Was that really Agatha’s real/actual mother...as the “head witch”? Yes, cause she calls her mother & the actress is listed as Evanora Harkness. It’s not just a title for the leader wicth, but it’s her actual mother. 
What does the Nexus mean? It could be & probably has several meanings. As suggested, Wanda seems to be a Nexus Being (she is the same in all realities & has access to the whole multiverse...). Nexus of lal realities is in MCU (Thor: TDW) is the gateway to other dimensions. But also... Nexus Internet Hub (in Oso) is the  name of the place Tony goes to when looking for answers about Jarvis & Ultron (in AoU)
What were the commercial about? They were all references to the traumatic and/or important moments in Wandas life. Toaster = Stark bomb, Hydra Soap = Mind stone experiment, Lagos paper towels = Lagos incident, Nexus pills = Nexus Being. But each commercial has many layers, and each can also be connected to an infinity stone..in a way. And each has also other meanings. DETAILED EXPLANATION WILL BE ADDED HERE 
Why do the powers start to manifest, in big way, first a are 10? Happened with Wanda, happened with the Twins. Well, because Ten = X [in roman numerals] = X-gene. This ties into the marvel mythology about mutants & x-gene, and also, maybe, in a way roman = romani (cause while they did not copy that part of her origins story in MCU, maybe this was a nod to the SW origins? btw, I do not wants or need my tv/films to follow the original material, cause one can adapt the story to fit their own narrative. Otherwise... I’d never seen Lucy Liu as Watson, especially for comics, when things are “retconned” often...) 
Why does it never rain in WV? The weather report on TV in ep 6 said that it’s sunny all week, but we saw that on the outskirts of the town there were puddles on the road & Vision & Darcy drove through rain...so it actually does rain...there...just not at the center of the hex/town. And we’ve seen that the conditions are different inside & outside the hex: it can be daytime in the hex & nighttime outside the hex...at the same time. Perhaps it never rains also because the last day Wanda & Vision spent together in Scotland was a rainy one...
There’s more, but I got tired... and I didn’t post it on the weekend, but I dont want to delay the posting anymore, so posting it as it is...now...
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peacensafety · 3 years
This is everything about WandaVision up to Episode 5, with most of it concentrating on Episode 5. I have seen Episode 6 at this point, but I will respect the one week spoilers rule that is part of Nerd Culture.
:read more:
First of all, some basics about this series. This is an homage to different American sitcoms. Why American sitcoms when the main character is Sokovian? No one knows.
In the comic books, Wanda Maximoff is a mutant, not a science experiment like in the MCU. She and Pietro are the twin children of a Mutant named Magneto and a human named Magda (who is sometimes a Romini, and originally from Transia). Magneto is referred to as an Omega level mutant. Wanda is born with mutations, able to control Hex Powers, which is whatever the comic book writer needed to move the plot along. Sometimes her original powers have to do with probability, but like, 30 years ago, they started calling it chaos magic, and then she had extra reception to magical powers, and basically, it’s all very vague and ill-defined. She’s like the only one immune to Phoenix powers, and that’s a huge deal. She is not considered an Omega Level Mutant because she does not have completely mastery over her powers, not because she isn’t powerful enough. In the comic book series House of M, she is powerful enough to rewrite the entire universe, that was retconned in The Children’s Crusade, but then her powers are called Mutant Magic in A vs X and she’s got cosmic chaos magic. She’s supposed to serve The High Evolutionary at this point, which has made her more powerful. In the MCU, she was genetically altered by the Mind Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones. So when Wanda, AKA The Scarlet Witch, is in a story you can expect it to be about ridiculous amounts of power.
The assumption that you can make pretty quickly in the series is that Wanda Maximoff is in charge of this alternate reality, and quite possibly created it. Knowing what we know about Wanda, we assume it’s because she broke after the death of Vision and couldn’t deal with that death after the death of her parents (because of the Sokovian civil war) and Pietro, her twin brother, who was killed by Ultron. It’s stated pretty early on that Wanda could have defeated Thanos by herself (this is most likely true, one time in the comic books she decided to remove every mutant power in the known universe and she did for a couple of years. Is she more powerful than Jean Gray? Sit down with some nerds and listen to them argue, because that call will never be settled in a peaceful manner). Wanda has brought back Vision (who was killed by Thanos before he made his wish on the Stones, making him dead dead instead of mostly dead like half of the population of the universe) and in the MCU, this makes almost sense as her powers were given to her by the Mind Stone which brought Vision to life in the first place, with some interference from Tony Stark (Iron Man). In the first couple of episodes, they bring in Billy and Tommy (Speed and Wiccan) and the twins make themselves grow up pretty quickly.
Other characters that come in and play a part are Monica Rambeau (from the Marvel Comic Book Universe and the movie Captain Marvel, who is also the future Captain Marvel), Darcy Lewis (MCU character last seen hanging out with Thor), and Jimmy Woo (another MCU character, an FBI agent in charge of Scott Lang’s house arrest from Ant-Man and the Wasp).
Let’s also talk about some background about where Disney plans to go in the next 5 years. First of all, they have already acquired rights to do an X-Men series. If you have DisneyPlus (which you do unless you’re pirating this series), you know that the X-Men movies have mostly been added to the Marvel Channel rather quietly and unobtrusively. Also, there are rumors that all three movie Spidermen have signed on to the next Spider-Man movie (Toby McGuire, James Garfield, and Tom Holland). Also also, Disney has made a statement that Deadpool will be in the universe pretty soon. So we know that the endgame for Disney is a combination of all of the Marvel Comic book universe.
Things that I have noticed that are fun about this series: all of the commercials are nerd shout outs. The commercials all have something to do with time, with two being blatantly about clocks or innovation. The commercials for the most part have the same two actors in it (are they SWORD agents?). The first is a Stark toaster, which is weird, but okay, and it is the first time we see color (red, maybe an Iron Man shout out?) used in the series. The second is the Strucker watch, a blatant time reference, and Strucker if you recall from the movies is that dude who was experimenting on Wanda and Pietro when they were in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. In the comic books he’s Wolfgang von Strucker, or Baron Strucker, a former Nazi officer and agent of Hydra, and he never ages, and he shows up to try and do a genocide in the books all the time. The third commercial is about taking a break? HydraSoak bath powder. We all get the willies anytime Hydra is mentioned, so relaxing with Hydra is something we don’t want to do. This is also the first time that I think maybe this isn’t all Wanda? Also, this isn’t time appropriate (and this might be an influence from my real world job, and not some intentional message from Marvel) but mixed-race kids on a commercial in the 70s? That would have never happened. Are things starting to unravel, because this would have been super weird at that time and Marvel has been strict about time appropriateness so far, even so far as including gender roles. The last commercial is Lagos, the paper towel commercial. Paper towels are about cleaning up, right? Because these folks in the commercial spill everything. Also, we see the first incident of gender roles not being respected in WandaVision, because we see a dude wipe up his own spill. Anyway, Lagos is that Nigerian city where Wanda killed a bunch of people, including the King of Wakanda, on accident in Captain America: Civil War.
So in episode 2, SWORD is teased with the little logo on the beekeeper’s outfit at the end of the episode when he comes out of the sewer. The group outside Westview is verified to be SWORD in episode 4. Let’s talk about them a bit. These dudes in the comic books were all about space and going into space and doing space things, but then Thanos does a snappy thing. After the snappy thing (and this series is set 5 years after the Snap) they start doing nanotech and AI. In the comics Maria Rambeau is in charge, and after she dies, dude named Tyler Hayward takes over. Watch Tyler Hayward. I personally do not think he is actually Tyler Hayward, and if someone is acting and looking like someone else, we know which villain has probably just inserted himself into the show (if you’ve been watching the interviews, Tom Hiddleston shows up as a call-in fan of the show and demands to know why he didn’t have a series because he’s been dead a couple of times and Vision is stealing his Schtick). I don’t know that for sure, it could be sloppy writing? Maybe they ran out of character archetypes?
At the end of episode 5, this is when the next five years of the MCU comes into play. Wanda is missing her twin, probably because of her sons, and the doorbell rings. Standing there is Pietro Maximoff. Now the crazy part of this is that he is the wrong Pietro Maximoff (the better one, not the one that has been in the MCU movies, the X-Man Quicksilver). He’s standing there and does the weird Uncle Jesse thing from Full House, (which, if you’re paying attention to the real world, Wanda Maximoff is played by the younger sister of the Olsen twins who played Michelle on Full House in the 80s), but Wanda recognizes that he is the wrong Pietro. Darcy, who is watching the broadcast from outside the Hex, states that Wanda has recast Pietro. But has she? This woman is incredibly powerful, why would she bring back the wrong Pietro? What if she is not in charge? Wanda is really freaked out by this, and that is when I realized I needed to write everything down.
Here are my lingering questions: We have all seen Into The Spiderverse a dozen or so times. Is this how Disney is going to handle the Multi-Verse? Is Pietro the wrong Pietro because of Miles Morales and his rag-tag group of Spidermen? Does this mean that Nicholas Cage is going to be in the MCU? Is Wanda as in charge as we think she is? Can we expect to see Magneto (Wanda’s and Pietro’s dad in the comics) show up to either support his children in the Hex or fight on the side of SWORD? Maybe Professor X will come and get Wanda, Pietro, Timmy, and Billy? Will we finally see if Jean Gray is more powerful than Scarlet Witch (she’s not). Is Hayward a problem of inconsistent writing or is he Loki? Is a multi-verse a way to address Chadwick Bosemen’s death for a proper replacement of Black Panther? Hurry up and watch Episode 6 so we can talk about this stuff!
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fandomrewrites · 4 years
Season 1, Episode 6: Heart Monitor
Hello readers! This chapter is about half way through the first season. This chapter has some really great Stiles x Reader moments. This is also the longest chapter so far! I hope you all enjoy and as always constructive criticism is appreciated.
Season 1, Episode 6: Heart Monitor
Pairings: Scott McCall x Twin Sister, Lydia Martin x Best Friend, Nate Wilson (OC) x Reader
Warnings: Some violence and mention of death
Word Count: 3,994
Season 1 Masterlist
Scott and I were just finishing up the grocery shopping. We both had our hands full as we were walking through the parking garage trying to remember where we parked. “Click the alarm, it will be faster than walking in circles.”
Scott nods then gently puts the bags on the ground pulling out the keys and setting the car alarm off. While listening for the beep, a bottle of milk rolled out of one of the bags, moving under a car.
Scott sighs then kneels to grab the milk, feeling blindly under the car. Before he finds anything, the bottle rolls back as milk spurts on the pavement from punctured holes in its side.
The bottle slowly stops as Scott gets off the ground and makes eye contact with me. “RUN”
I drop the bags and run, Scott and I moving in different directions. I am so happy I didn’t wear heels... After a couple of minutes of running I pause behind a parked SUV. I look through the windows trying to see if it’s following me, or it I can find Scott.
I can feel my heart pounding but can’t see or hear anything else. I slowly lean around the car and quietly move around the parking garage keeping a lookout for anything dangerous. 
I then start hearing the sound of multiple car alarms. I take off running again, trying to find Scott. I know he has to be close to the cars but far enough away where he won’t be found.
As I run in the direction of the cars, I can just make out the sound of a cell phone ringing. I turn the corner just in time to see Derek reach down and pull my brother out of his hiding spot.
I take a deep breath as I throw my head back and slowly walk over to them. As I approach, Scott is brushing Derek’s hands off of his jacket, “What the hell was that?” Scott is angry.
“Yeah, I would kinds like to know that too,” Both boys turn to me.
Then Derek answers, “I said I was going to teach you. I didn’t say when.”
“You scared the crap out of us!” Scott exclaims.
Derek sniffs the air, “Not yet,” he deadpans.
I try to hide a smile, “Was that a joke?”
They both ignore me as Scott continues, “Well, I was fast, right?”
“Not fast enough.”
“But the car alarms. That was smart, right?”
“Until your phone rang.”
“Look on the bright side, your phone ringing distracted him from me.” I brightly smile.
Scott sighs, “Would you just stop? Please?”
Derek pauses and turns to face my brother, waiting for him to speak. “What happened the other night... Stiles’s dad getting hurt. It was my fault. I should have been there to do something. I need you to teach me how to control this.”
“I’m what I am because of birth. You were bitten. Teaching someone who was bitten takes time. I’m not even sure I can teach you.”
Scott takes a breath, “What do I have to do?”
“Get rid of distraction,” Derek grabs Scott, pulling out his phone and turns it around to show the display that says there is a missed call from Allison. “This is why I caught you. You want me to teach you? Get rid of her.”
Scott looks shocked and angry, “What? Just because of her family?”
Derek throws the phone, breaking it. My jaw drops as I look on in shock. “Getting angry? That’s your first lesson. Do you want to learn how to control this? How to shift? You do it through anger. By tapping into a primal, animal rage. You can’t do that with her around.”
Scott has his teeth clenched as he speaks, “I can get angry.”
“Not angry enough. This is the only way I can teach you. Can you stay away from her at least until after the full moon?”
“If that’s what it takes.”
Derek interrupts him, “Do you want to live? Do you want to protect your friends,” He glances at me, “Your family? Yes or no?”
“Yes. If you can teach me, I can stay away from her.”
I nod, “I’ll keep an eye on him.”
I was in my room texting Nate when I heard Scot’s door slam shut and not even a minute later he screamed. I quickly stood up and rushed through our bathroom and into his room just in time to hear him tell Derek, “You seriously need to stop doing that.”
“What happened? Did he talk to you?”
“Woah what? The Alpha? How do you know it’s a guy?”
They both ignored me, only sparing me a quick glance. I rolled my eyes, though I should be used to being ignored by now. “Yeah, we had a nice conversation about the weather.”
I move out of the bathroom door to sit on Scott’s bed as he continues, “No. He didn’t talk.”
“Did you get anything off of him? An impression?”
“What do you mean?”
“Pretty sure he’s talking about your other senses. I mean they are heightened no, use them to your advantage.” I state.
Derek nods, “Communication doesn’t have to be spoken. What kind of feeling did you get from him?”
Scott pauses to think, “Anger.”
“Focused on you?”
“Not me. But definitely anger. I could feel it. Especially when he drew the spiral.”
“He drew a spiral?” I questioned, knitting my eyebrows together.
I looked at Derek to read his reaction as Scott spoke, “Yeah. In the condensation. What You have this look like you know what it means.”
“It’s nothing.” Derek brushes off.
Derek goes to open the door but I scoff, “That faces says otherwise. You know, you can’t ask us to trust you ad then just keep things to yourself. Trust is a two-way street.”
Derek is adamant, “It doesn’t mean anything.”
Scott prompts, “You buried your sister under a spiral. What does it mean?”
Derek hesitates, thinking about telling us then answers, “You don’t want to know.” He then leaves the room as Scott and I glance at each other. I slowly stand up then head back to my room.
I was at lunch talking with Allison and Lydia. Allison was telling us about her history project and The Beast of Gevaudan. “The what of who?” Lydia questions, clearly confused.
“The Beast of Gevaudan. Listen...” Allison then flips through the pages of one her books and reads,
“A quadrupled wolf-like monster prowling the Auvergne and South Dordogne areas of France during the years 1764 to 1767. La Bete killed over 100 people, becoming so infamous that the king, Louis XV, sent one of his best hunter to try to kill it.”
“Boring.” Lydia states.
“I think it’s kinds interesting, but it is obviously fiction. I mean c’mon. A wolf-like monster.”
Allison continues reading, “Even the Church eventually declared the monster a messenger of Satan.”
“Still boring,” Lydia pipes up.
“Cryptozoologists believe it may have been a sub-species of a hoofed predator, possibly Mesonychid,”
“Slipping into a coma bored,” I gently elbow Lydia and she purses her lips in response.
“While others believe it was a powerful sorcerer who could shapeshift into a man-eating monster.”
“Any of this have anything to do with your family?” Lydia asks.
“Yeah, I’m confused too. Didn’t you say this was for your history class?”
Allison smiles then continues to read, “It is believed La Bete was finally trapped and killed by a renowned hunter who claimed his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature. The hunter’s name was Argent.”
Lydia speaks, unimpressed, “Your ancestors killed a big wolf. So what?”
“Not just a big wolf. Look at this picture. What’s it look like to you?”
Allison flips the page, revealing a drawing of the monster to Lydia and me. The beast stands on two legs, enshrouded in mist, with red eyes and sharp claws. The bodies of women and children lie at its feet, looks of pure terror are etched on their faces.
As we study the picture Lydia finally answers Allison’s question, “It looks. Like a big. Wolf. See you in History.” She then gets up and walks away without another word.
Allison looks at me, “Do you think it looks like just a big wolf?”
I glance at the picture and sigh, “It looks like a classic werewolf. But Allison, it was obviously just a big wolf, or something similar. I mean these mythological creatures come from our history. Take mermaids, for example, they are really just manatees and dugongs. It’s how they got their scientific name Sirenia.”
Allison nods, “Yeah, I know. But it’s still cool to think that my family had a part in a classic myth like this.”
She then goes back to reading her book as I stand to throw away my unwanted food.
As I was making my way to the library I heard my name get called out. I stopped and looked over my shoulder to see Nate jogging to catch up with me. I smile, “Hey, sorry I haven’t been able to spend more time with you. Scott’s been going through some stuff and I’ve been helping him.”
“Really? Is it just Scott?”
“Well, Lydia too. With that whole thing with her and Jackson. I’ve been wanting to make sure she was okay.”
“So just Scott and Lydia?”
“Um, yeah?” I raise my eyebrow, “Why? Should there be something else?”
“I don’t know. You tell me.” Nate sounds accusing like I did something wrong.
I stop to think about what I have done in the last few days to see if there is a reason why he would be angry at me, “I’m not following... Did I do something wrong?”
“Well, I’ve seen you with a guy that I don’t know, twice here at school.” I knot my eyebrows together unsure who he’s talking about. “I think he’s older. The first time I saw you two together you were both getting into Stiles’ jeep. The second time he was talking to you buy your locker.”
I sigh in realization, “That’s nothing, he’s Stiles’ cousin. I’ve only seen him a few times, always with other people. Except for that time in the hallway. Wait, are you accusing me of cheating?”
“Well, what did you expect? You’re hanging around a guy that I don’t know and you’re not telling me about it. On top of that, you’re being secretive. We haven’t hung out in days.”
I scoff, “What do I expect? I expect you to trust me! I know I’ve been M.I.A. the past few days but I just explained why to you. I didn’t tell you about Stiles’ cousin because he’s not important. Don’t you dare accuse me of cheating! I would never do that, the thought wouldn’t even cross my mind.”
I turn to walk away but before I make it far Nate’s hand is tugging on my wrist, “Babe, I’m sor--”
I cut him off, “Don’t. I don’t want to even look at you right now.” I yank my hand out of his grasp. After a few steps, I turn back around, “And an ‘I’m sorry’ isn’t going to cut it. For you to even think I would do that...” I trail off as I shake my head then continue down the hall.
I walk into econ and head to my usual seat beside Stiles. As the other students enter the room coach starts talking, “Sit down. Sit, sit, sit. Lots to cover.”
As Scott sits in his usual seat and watches as Stiles goes to sit in between us he speaks up, “No Stiles. Take the seat behind me. Stiles,”
He gets cut off as Allison takes the empty seat behind him. She then leans over to talk to Scott, “Hey, I haven’t seen you all day.”
“Oh, sorry? I’ve been super busy.”
They continue talking for a little bit as Stiles leans over to tell me about their test with coaches heart monitor during their free period. Coach then smacks a book on his desk to get the classes attention. My head snaps to the front of the room as the coach begins.
“All right, settle down. Let’s start with a quick summary of last night’s reading. Greenberg, put your hand down. Everybody knows you did the reading. How about...” His eyes search the room and land on my brother, “McCall.”
I quickly ask, “Which one?” knowing that Scott didn’t do the reading. Coach glances at me almost like he forgot I was in this class.
“Uh, Scott. Summarize last night’s reading.”
Scott hesitates, “I forgot.” He looks uncomfortable.
“Okay, then. Nice work. Because it’s not like you’re averaging a D in this class. You do know that I can’t keep you on them with a D, McCall?”
He waits for Scott to say something as a few students giggle. I turn in my seat throwing a glare over my shoulder at the students.
Coach continues when there is no answer, “How about you summarize the previous night’s reading? No? How about the night before? How about you summarize anything you’ve ever read? In your entire life.”
Scott is getting flustered, I look towards Stiles who has coach’s phone out, tracking Scott’s heart rate. It’s continuing to rise and my only thought is that this is not going to end well.
“Anything at all. A blog? The back of a cereal box? The adults-only warning on your favorite website.” When he still gets no answer the coach continues in disappointment, “Thank you, McCall. Thank you for extinguishing every last flicker of hope I have for your generation. Next practice you start with suicide runs.”
The class laughs as Stiles and I keep our eyes locked on the phone. Quickly, Scott’s heart rate starts dropping back to normal. Stiles and I glance at each other then look towards Scott to see Allison holding his hand under the desk.
After class, Stiles and I quickly rush after Scott. When we catch up Stiles speaks, “It’s her.”
“What do you mean?”
I explain for Stiles, “It’s Allison. Do you remember what you told us about the night of the full moon? You were think about her. About protecting her.”
Scott nods along, still unsure of what we are trying to say.
Stiles continues where I left off, “So remember the lacrosse game? You said you could hear her voice out on the field.”
“Yeah. I did.” He nods again.
I take over, explaining, “That’s what brought you back so you could score. And then in the locker room, you didn’t kill her. At least not like you were trying to kill Stiles that one time. She brings you back.”
Scott pauses as he thinks, “But it’s not always true. Because literally every time I’m kissing her or touching her,”
Stiles cuts him off, “That’s not the same. When you’re doing that you’re just another hormonal teenager thinking about sex. See, you’re thinking about sex right now. Aren’t you?”
I instantly start shaking my head and rolling my eyes at Scott’s dazed expression. He snaps back into reality and apologizes as Stiles continues, “Now when she was holding your hand in class, it was different. I don’t think she makes you weak...”
I finish, “We think she actually gives you control. Think of her as an anchor.”
Scott nods in understanding, “You mean because I love her.”
My eyes slightly widen at his words. Scott himself looks surprised that he said it out loud. “Did I just say that?”
“You just said that,” I confirm.
“I love her.”
I smile along with Scott though Stiles ruins the moment, “That’s great. Moving on,” before he can continue Scott speaks up again.
“No, I do. I really do. I think I’m totally in love with her.”
“And that’s beautiful. Before you go off and write a sonnet can we figure this out? Because you obviously can’t be around her all the time.”
Finally, Scott focuses, “Okay, what do I do?”
Stiles starts pacing as he thinks, “You’re getting an idea, aren’t you?” I ask.
“Could this idea get me in trouble?” Scott asks.
“Is this idea going to cause me physical pain?”
I bite my lip already hating this idea, even though I don’t actually know what it is. Scott and I follow Stiles outside to the parking lot. Nearby is a group of seniors, laughing and smoking by their trucks.
Stiles pulls Scott to a certain spot, “Over here.”
“What are we doing?” I question, my voice laced with concern.
“You’ll see. Stand right here, Scott. Do you have your keys?” Scott takes out his keys, showing Stiles, “Hold them up. Now, whatever happens I want you to think about Allison. Find her voice like you did at the game? Got it?”
Scott nods as I realize what Stiles’ plan is. I take a deep breath and let my head fall into my hands. Stiles continues speaking, “Good. Keep holding the keys.”
Stiles then walks over to the senior’s truck, takes out his own keys and drags them along the truck, effectively scratching the paint. Once he finishes and puts his keys away he loudly yells at Scott, “Dude. What do you think you’re doing to that truck?”
The seniors turn around to see Scott holding his keys. Scott steps back and tries to hide his keys but fails miserably as the seniors start to make their way over to him. They quickly start beating him up as my hand flies to my mouth and Stiles and I watch the heart monitor.
Not too much later and Mr. Harris comes around the corner breaking up the fight. The seniors take off leaving Stiles and I looking at the heart monitor and Scott bloody and on the ground.
Scott sits up and turns to Stiles and myself as Stiles shows him the phone. Displayed on the screen is a normal, steady heartbeat.
Scott, Stiles and I sit in the empty Chemistry classroom as Mr. Harris grades papers. I can’t believe I got detention. I didn’t even do anything. I was just standing there!
Scott speaks, breaking the silence, “Excuse me, sir. I know it’s detention and all, but I’m supposed to be at work. And I don’t want to get fired.”
Harris, of course, ignores him, not caring that he has work.
Scott then leans over to Stiles, talking about what happened. I choose not to listen and instead continue to draw in my notebook and think about the fight I had with Nate earlier. I still can’t believe he thought I would cheat on him. I’m so angry and hurt, he better come up with a damn good apology.
After a few more minutes of silence, Harris finally speaks up, “All right, you three can go. Out of here.”
We quickly grab our things and head out of the building.
I was with Stiles at his place working on homework. I was laying on his bed while he was working at his desk, I was telling him about my argument with Nate, “Do you think it’s stupid, that I’m angry with him?”
“Not at all, I would be angry too if someone accused me of cheating.”
I nodded my head and bit my lip, unconvinced that I had a reason to be mad. “I feel stupid for being mad at him. I mean, I’m pissed that he jumped to conclusions but I also understand feeling jealous.”
“(Y/N/N),” Stiles sighed. He stood up and walked towards his bed sitting beside me, he slowly placed his hand on my shoulder, “You have the right to be angry that he accused you of cheating. That’s more than just being jealous. And anyone who knows you knows that you would never do that. Your feelings are valid.”
I slowly smiled then sat up pulling Stiles into a tight hug. His arms wrapped around my waist as I whispered, “Thanks, you always know what to say.”
Before he could say anything back his bedroom door burst open and the two of us sprung apart.
“Sorry... Am I interrupting something?” Scott asks looking between us.
“Uh no. What do you need?” Stiles gulps, rubbing his hands on his jeans.
As the three of us arrive at the school and get out of the jeep Stiles speaks, “This is a terrible idea.”
“Couldn’t agree more...” I mumble.
“Are we seriously going to do this?”
“Can either of you think of something better?” Scott asks with just a small glimmer of hope in his brown eyes.
“Personally, I’m a big fan of ignoring a problem and hoping it goes away,” Stiles replies as I just shake my head.
“Just make sure we can get inside.”
Stiles then yanks out a pair of bolt cutters just as a pair of headlights approach. Derek’s Camaro parks in a nearby space, he kills the engine and steps out from behind the wheel. As the three of approach him Scott asks, “Where’s my boss?”
“In the back.” Derek walks over pulling the door open allowing us to look inside. Deaton is bound, gagged, and blindfolded. “Comfy.” I deadpan and put my hands on my hips.
I turn to look at Scott and Stiles, “I’m going to wait out here, the school is creepy at night.”
As the two brunettes make their way over to the dark, empty school Derek turns to me, “Where are they going?”
I sigh, “You said that Scott is linked with the Alpha. He wants to see if you’re right.” I pause, “You’ll understand in a minute.” 
As Derek and I wait outside, standing by his car we hear a very pathetic attempt at a howl ringing over the PA system. Derek slowly moves his eyes away from Deaton and locks them on the school, “You gotta be kidding me...”
A few minutes later a powerful howl blasts through the PA system, my jaw drops, impressed that he could actually do it. Derek looks impressed but definitely not happy.
He turns to look at me with a clenched jaw as I raise my hands, “Don’t look at me.”
The moment Scott and Stiles step out of the school Derek speaks, “I’m going to kill the two of you myself. Are you trying to attract the entire state to this school?”
“I didn’t know it would be that loud.” Scott tries to defend.
“It was loud. And it was awesome.” Stiles says, clearly happy with the howl.
“I said it was a bad idea but nobody ever listens to (Y/N),” I cross my arms, looking towards the three guys standing in front of me.
Scott’s eyes linger on Derek’s car. Derek and I follow his eyes and see that Deaton is now missing, “What did you do with him?”
“We didn’t do anything,” Derek replies.
He doesn’t get the chance to continue because the next moment he jerks forward. Blood spurts from his mouth as he rises into the air, held aloft by something dark and large.
I am frozen in place looking to my right. Stiles then pulls my hand as we all stumble away from Derek and the Alpha. We watch in horror as Derek’s body is thrown and slams into the brick wall of the school.
Tripping over our feet we race to the school. The two boys let me in before them, then they quickly yank the double doors shut. Holding them closed, we try to catch our breath as a shadow with glowing red eyes emerged from where we were just standing.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Superman & Lois Episode 4 Review: Haywire
This Superman & Lois review contains spoilers.
Superman and Lois Episode 4
One of the most tired arguments in comics is about whether or not Superman is too powerful to tell good stories with. The plethora of exceptional, meaningful, moving Superman stories out there should put that argument to bed for good, but if they haven’t, feel free to direct anyone making it to “Haywire,” the fourth episode of what’s shaping up to be one of the best Superman arcs ever.
To my mind, the key Superman conflict has nothing to do with his power level and everything to do with the fact that he can’t be everywhere at once. He is a man who wants to help everyone, but has to prioritize where he can be and how much time he can stay there, and those choices all have consequences. That’s basically the thesis statement of this episode: Clark is being pulled in a thousand different directions at once, with his father-in-law climbing on his back about not being seen enough in Metropolis; an Intergang prisoner transfer going down; Morgan Edge about to close the deal on a mine outside of Smallville and Lois trying to run headfirst into Edge; and the boys trying to navigate school and also one of their classmates developing super speed.
But the thing that makes this episode, and the show as a whole, such a good Superman story isn’t necessarily the content of the story. It’s the storytelling, too. Superman & Lois excels at showing and telling. It weaves the three storylines – Clark, Lois and the kids – in and out, contrasting points against each other by bouncing from scene to scene to heighten the point. There are two spots this week where this is really well done.
The first is about midway through the episode. Lois’ big Morgan Edge expose in the Gazette has been spiked by a lawsuit threat – turns out Lois, a star reporter at a major metropolitan newspaper, had a noncompete WHODATHUNK (note: see the mailbag for who indeed thunk). So she pushed it off on Clark, who, as a well known mediocrity, had no such legal conflict, and was planning to bring up the issue in the big town meeting where Smallville was voting on granting Edge’s Intercorp mining rights to the party spot from the first episode.
Meanwhile, the Department of Defense was moving a super-prisoner out of town because Superman’s lack of presence in town was making the authorities skittish about keeping him in town. And at the same time, Sam Lane was giving the kids a hard time about being too needy now that they know their dad was Superman, because the rest of the world needed him more. 
Of course, nothing works out right. Superman takes way too long on a wild goose chase, so Edge wins the town vote nearly unanimously, while the stuff with Jordan and Jon takes some time to blow up. 
The performances really carry this sequence over. Hoechlin’s Clark agonizes over missing the vote and practically begs Tulloch’s Lois to be mad at him, and their argument is so natural and honest feeling that it’s immediately relatable. 
Later, when the family finds out what Sam said to the kids, there’s an argument in the farmhouse that is also immediately recognizable and yet perfectly performed. Clark is pissed at Sam, but Superman’s anger is so often played as some world-ending threat, with glowing red eyes and menacing body language, yet here Hoechlin plays it completely straight – as an angry dad dealing with a shitty in-law. I’m sure we’re going to keep talking about this as the show goes along, but the amount of acting Hoechlin and Tulloch do with only their body language, and the way it conveys exactly who Superman and Lois are both alone and in relation to each other is a HUGE part of the mastery of this show. 
The only problem I have with the episode is how it’s all a path to Sam’s radicalization into creating Project 7734. This is pretty BS for a couple of reasons: first, there’s no way the shady-ass government doesn’t already have a similar contingency plan (or 6) for dealing with a rogue Superman; and second, I know the episode is all about what a terrible parent he is, but I really can’t wrap my head around turning on Superman because he’s spending too much time with your grandkids. Maybe that’s what makes Sam a villain, but it’s also what makes this Superman the best he’s been so far in an already great show.
Metropolis Mailbag
Thaddeus Killgrave is a weaselly little shit created in the 1980s as a weapons designer for Intergang. The Killgrave we see on screen bears little resemblance to his comics version, where he was almost childlike in his stature. Instead, this bearded, bedraggled, mouth-noise-making character actually looks a lot like his creator, John Byrne.
Superman’s call sign when he’s working with the Department of Defense is “Bishop 6.” So…uh…does Sam Lane work for Checkmate? Checkmate is one of the various super-clandestine services operating in the DC Universe (along with Task Force X/Suicide Squad, Spyral, Kobra, Argus, the D.E.O., and on and on and on). Checkmate was first seen in Action Comics in the late 1980s and has counted among its members any number of famous DC heroes, from Deathstroke to Alan Scott and Mr. Terrific.
We have confirmation here that Morgan Edge is running a company called “Intercorp.” The Inter- prefix usually has connotations with Intergang (which is also present in the show), a gang of thugs organized by Bruno Mannheim, usually working for Morgan Edge in some capacity, and all functioning as a subsidiary of Apokalips. Intergang was created by Jack Kirby when he first started on Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen #133, recently reprinted in a gorgeous absolute edition which is worth every single penny.
Calling the mines “Shuster Mines” is a nice touch, especially when they get bought out by a big company and filled with Superman’s only weakness. 
Speaking of callbacks to Grant Morrison’s run, Glenmorgan Square is likely named after Glen Glenmorgan, a minor throwaway villain from the very beginning of Morrison’s Action Comics. 
It’s not really an easter egg or anything, but I want it to be known that when Lois walked into the local paper’s office, I texted someone else watching and said “she definitely has a noncompete.” I’m glad the show also remembered this so I could be proven correct.
X-Kryptonite is a deeeeeep cut. Supergirl originally created X-Kryptonite as an antidote for green k. But she made it wrong, and it ended up being able to give anyone powers who was exposed to it. Including her otherwise normal Earth cat, Streaky. Yes this was 1960, why do you ask?
Tag’s emerging powers are a lot of vague references all in one. The super healing and the fast movement are pretty clearly emerging speedster powers, but he doesn’t have any other characteristics of Flashes. Besides getting his powers from a mysterious energy discharge hitting a bunch of weird chemicals. That said, Sam was probably talking out of his ass when he blamed phosphorus for Tag’s powers, considering they were partying on top of a pile of power-giving crystals when it happened. 
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Sam also says Tag is being sent to a “special school” for kids with powers, which…it’s weirdly early to be introducing Titans Academy to the TV shows, isn’t it? That new feature of the Infinite Frontier DCU is the only school for gifted youngsters I can think of that would fit the bill, but sound off in the comments if you know what he’s talking about! God I hope it’s not HIVE…
The post Superman & Lois Episode 4 Review: Haywire appeared first on Den of Geek.
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Gravity Falls S02E18 - Weirdmageddon Part I
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I really like that name for the end of the world. I'm not sure what to expect from this one since this is literally new territory for everyone. My one hope is that Mabel gets forgiven easily but there has to be some drama, either for the twins or the Stans (since that relationship really needs some mending, and the end of the world seems to be a good place for that kind of thing.) I think that's all so let's do this!
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If this is the first shot of the episode, things are going to get _weird_.
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Wait. Wait. What.
Okay, had to go back and check Bill's summoning circle.
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I completely forgot about this but I guess he needs all the symbols for something beyond summoning everything weird into this dimension? But why? Uhm.
Anyway, back in Dreamscaperers I wrote:
Glasses = The ones Stan found in the room with the magic carpet? Question Mark = Soos Ice - Fish with food? > Pine = Dipper Star with an eye  Hand = Whoever wrote the journals considering the symbol on their covers? Llama/Alpaca? Shooting star = Mabel Heart with stitches
Fish with food ended up being Stan's fez. I _think_ Heart with Stitches could be Robbie. Hand is obviously Ford. I'm still not sure about Glasses (they really look like Stan's glasses but... how would that work?) and Star (maaaaybe Gideon? The star appears in the ending cypher in S02E14.) The alpaca/llama and the ice are a complete mystery. Considering everyone of importance is in there already, maybe Wendy is one of those two?
Symbols aside, does this mean that Mabel is going to be missing until who knows when? That's a bit disappointing.
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Imagine being able to choose any physical form at all and choosing to keep being a dorito.
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Before I paused I was convinced this guy was some weird Nigel Thornberry cameo.
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So, Bill has 10 friends, which is exactly the number of symbols in the summoning circle. Huh. Interesting.
Maybe it means nothing but their appearance feels so sudden that I feel they have to be important somehow.
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Immersion ruined, the Northwests would never lower themselves and go "downtown"
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What a trianglist, she had no problems with Mabel.
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I imagine Wendy can't wait to go to college a thousand miles away from her family.
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Death, Famine, War, Conquest and Capitalism.
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That's horrifying. But he's a dick. What a moral dilemma. Nah, he really deserves it.
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Why steal Durland? Huh. Maybe he's also one of the symbols? Or Bill is just being Bill.
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Oh, oh, I know what they do!
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What an intro, I'm 100% sold.
What can our protagonists do? I guess Ford has a plan, maybe the symbols are for unsummoning Bill and that's why he's collecting them so they can't do whatever ritual they need to do. Maybe Ford and Stan will be in a similar situation that made them fight 30 years ago, but this time they actually communicate and win? Mabel is out so I hope they rescue her (or she rescues herself) before too much plot happens.
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I _love_ how much of an effect the changed OP had on me.
After watching 37 episodes with the same opening song any changes are immediately noticeable and it feels _wrong_. What a great way to show how everything is changing for the worse thanks to Bill.
It does make me wonder how Gravity Falls is going to recover though. It looks _bad_, bad enough that in any other show I wouldn't be surprised by a time-machine or a literal genie undoing everything bad that happened. I doubt that'll happen here, since the town itself is so used to the "weird" but if someone dies all bets are off.
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YESSSS, Dipper doesn't blame her! I'm sure there'll be some self-blame later on but I'm so glad his first reaction was to be worried.
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Why is Soos unaffected? Is it related to his presence in the summoning circle? Looking for unaltered people may be a good way to find who are the missing symbols.
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Soos deserved more episodes, what a hero
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Has there been any positive romantic relationship in Gravity Falls?
Wendy and Dipper was an unrequited mess, Mabel and all her crushes were all disasters of some kind or another, the less said about Wendy and Robbie the better, and Tambry and Robbie is the result of the twins messing with their minds without their consent. Oh, and Gideon and his murderous crush on Mabel.
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I love that tiny shiny dodrio.
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I didn't need to know that Bill's hat was meat and bones.
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What? No! Warnings later, explanations how to defeat a demon now!
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This is the first time he calls Dipper by his symbol, right? He also called Ford "six fingers." The writers really wanted everyone on the same page here about making the relation between the symbols and the characters.
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...I refuse to believe that the eye piece meant nothing with how much it has been shown!
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Weirdmageddon sounds much better.
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Wow. He has been wandering around for three days, probably having to scavenge for food and water. These kids are really going to need a therapist after summer break is over.
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For some reason I find that guy more disturbing that most of the weirdness in this episode so far. He just sounds very predator-y.
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...oh Dipper, those nachos are three days old at best. So young, so ignorant of the consequences of gastroenteritis.
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...of course. I'm glad she's okay. She's been shown as a very badass so it would have been a shame if she was down without a fight.
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But, but, rabies.
Can't wait for the weirdmaggeddon to be over and then immediately after everyone dying of infectious diseases.
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So, how many post-weirdmageddon dipper/wendy fics did this scene inspire?
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Robbie is conspicuously missing from that list
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nevermind. Would have been an amazing selfie though, can't fault him for that
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Aw. This got me a bit teary-eyed. They really can do anything if they are together.
Shame about Mabel being inside Bill's floating lair completely out of their reach.
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What a raw deal, last game I played with twins on it they l– actually, never mind, spoilers. But it was really cool, believe me.
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It looks like the mission briefing for a stealth game so, in my case, I'd try to avoid the lights, fail miserably a thousand times and then rage quit. Hopefully Dipper is better at stealth.
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Making the world weird?
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Wouldn't they know what's going to happen? Since there seems to be only one timeline? Actually, nevermind, I'm too sober to analyze the time travel mechanics of gravity falls.
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Time Baby was the most powerful entity in the show so far! Stakes have been raised.
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RIP Bodacious T, we never go to know you.
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Mad Max: Fury Road, 2015
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Two months being a villain and he still hasn't learned to avoid monologuing.
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Don't worry, Gideon. It took Steven Universe 6 years to grow a neck, you'll get one someday.
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Huh. So Bill manipulated him by using his obsession for Mabel. That's a nice way to explain why it came back after so many episodes without mentioning it too much.
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She's a genuine action movie heroine trapped in a cartoon
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I have no idea how Wendy manages to get more and more badass this season.
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Right!? Right!? Wow.
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Holy shit, this really is Fury Road.
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that's deep, man
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Ah, that explains it. Nothing more dangerous than a philosophy major.
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Hatoful Boyfriend, 2014
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My mind is exploding right now. I wasn't ready for anime Dipper and Wendy. What are the monkey and kid in the backseat referencing?
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Lady Gag– nah, I refuse to use the same joke three times in the same liveblog.
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* screams in terror too *
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What a shame that we couldn't see the birth of the legend of Soos.
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I can't believe Dipper is using the "Power of Understanding" to talk Gideon down.
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This is really good. I almost want to joke and say "but it wasn't worth the Wendy/Dipper episodes" but it actually does make them work in retrospect. It's probably the largest source of character growth for Dipper during the show and here's the payoff.
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I mean, yes.
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well, that's nice.
I wasn't sure what to expect from this "Part 1", I thought it was going to be mostly setup. And it had a bit of that, just to show how screwed Gravity Falls (the town) is, but after that it was all action and it was all good.
I think getting Ford out of the way early was a good idea, it removes the possibility of a quick solution. Now Dipper has to figure things on his own. He still needed Wendy to remind him of what he and Mabel are capable of but that's a friend offering help, not "the mentor" giving him the answer to the problem. On the other hand, while Stan hasn't appeared after the goat, he hasn't been captured yet (he's important enough to deserve an on-screen capture, unless it's going to be revealed as a demoralizing surprise?) so I think he'll appear soon since he's just a guy, without any special knowledge about Bill.
Soos really deserves his own show. "The Legend of Soos" Or give Wendy her own show with Soos as the mysterious stranger that appears from time to time to help. Because wow, Wendy is lost in this show, she should be the protagonist of something.
But the star of the show was Dipper talking Gideon down. I _really_ didn't expect that. This is not a show where the protagonists defeat their villains by talking to them (with some exceptions) so I thought they'd defeat him in some other, more violent, way. And the way he uses the "Power of Understanding" to do it (go read Scott Pilgrim)! While Dipper never got to that extreme, he "gets" it and that's just * chef kiss *
I can't wait for the next episode, especially because this one ended in a cliffhanger, so until next time!
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darkestwolfx · 4 years
High Strung - Re-Review #36
I almost forgot it was Monday... Today is my only day off, and I’m still playing a little bit of time zone catch up (haha, by that I totally mean a lot), and so this might be a little short.
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I love how we get to see a delivery to Thunderbird Five for once, with a double cheeseburger with extra pickles, of course.
“Pilot of high altitude balloon, you need to pull up! Are you reading me?”
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Clearly not... That bear is kinda cute, but also a little tacky for a logo - and why is that the logo of someone thrill chasing? You know I was expecting like a shark or something... something less cuddly, let’s put it that way.
“I don’t like the look of that thing.”
See, I was already with you on that Scott!
Also, blue and white stripes? Who are they trying to make it look like they are?
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“I can think of only one person who would spend that much on a big balloon just for fun.”
“Francios Lemaire.”
Oh... him again? He was only last in episode 8! Give our headaches a rest please!
“If we had a frequent rescue program, he’d be gold status by now.”
Hmm... the New Zealand Southern Alps. Never actually been there, yet. Based on this episode, I might avoid it, they look cold and dangerous. Anyone who wants to correct my view, feel free. I do need to go to Australia at some point, so I could just extend the whole trip (you know, whenever the world ends up turning again)... although maybe I’ll do it by boat? Terrible idea considering I get sea sick, but more environmentally friendly. Oh well, I have time to toss that up.
We, the fans, have answered you Virgil. We’ve already done it for you.
“Won’t take long for Thunderbird One to reach him.”
“I’m on my way.”
“That’s my catchphrase, remember?”
Yes, Brains, sorry, but no one remembers that you said it in Series 1. Sorry.
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And here’s a lovely picture of Thunderbird One in flight for you all - because we don’t get all that many which I can clearly copy, so here it is!
“Er, Scott, you do see the big mountain you’re heading right towards, don’t you?”
Yeah, little tricky to miss that.
“I need to land Thunderbird One!”
I think that was probably the most untidy landing we have seen from Scott so far... and I thought Alan had some untidy landings in TOS ‘Atlantic Inferno’.
“Don’t do anything stupid down there, Scott.”
“Define stupid!”
Yep, definitely where Alan gets it from.
Oh look everyone! Halloween has come early! This is Scott pretending to be a bat (or maybe a Sugar Bat as they glide better).
Definitely a stupid move in my books though, sorry Scott.
“Someone needs to give this guy some flying lessons.”
Are you offering there, Scott?
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Looky at more Behind the Scenes footage! This one has always intrigued me... Don’t really know why either.
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“Hey, you can’t leave that there!”
“What are you going to do? Give me a ticket?”
If only we could all get away with parking that easily, Kayo.
I love how she comes rolling in only to find Lemaire looking like a mummy
“That’s the last time he’ll try rollerblading on the deck of his yacht. In a force ten storm...”
Oh my god, that man is an idiot. Who ever thought that was a good ide- oh, sorry, my mistake, his name’s Francois Lemaire. You know, I think I liked him more in TOS as the overly paranoid (and a little unintelligent) fashion designer.
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“What have you got, Scott? Pirates? Balloon rustlers?”
“It’s way worse than that, John. It’s a teenager.”
Oh, you can count on Scott. A teenager? Cause of the end of the world right there! I like to imagine that Scott thinks that the worst option because he’s thinking back to himself as a teenager... I bet he was just as desperate to fly.
“Didn’t you do anything crazy like this when you were my age?”
“What? Me? Uh... maybe.”
“Knew it. Peas in a pod, dude.”
Yeah, I knew my assumption was going to prove correct.
“And then I thought ‘hey Brandon’.“
This is going to get tedious fast, is what I thought...
“What’s the worst that could happen?”
“You could hit a mountain?”
“Oh yeah, other than that.”
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“We’re right on the edge here!”
“Yeah, we’re on the edge!”
“No, I mean we’re on the edge of the... Never mind.”
“Hey, Brandon here. This is so cool. Me and Scotty are like exactly the same! Thrill junkies man!”
“Yeah, I think the kid’s right, bro. You’re like two peas in a pod!”
“Yeah well this pea wants out of this pod and off of this mountain.”
The brotherly banter is so worth it, let’s all admit. And this is one of my absolute favourite lines. I think it might be the delivery more than the line itself as well.
“Virgil, wait, wait!”
“Huh? What is it, Brains?”
“RAD, Virgil, RAD!”
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“Brains, please tell me you didn’t interrupt my launch to say your catchphrase?”
Honestly, the first time I saw this episode, I thought that was exactly what he was doing.
“What? No! That’s R.A.D. I’m talking about this. (MAX, hurry up!) My new prototype; RAD. Rapid All-terrain Descender. This is the perfect opportunity to test it out.”
“That’s great, Brains, but let’s speed it up shall we?”
Yeah, Scott’s waiting to get off that mountain after all!
“Brains gave me something that might help you get down the mountain.”
And then more cross-talk on RAD and R.A.D. which was actually really well written.
“You up for a little mountain climbing, Brandon?”
“Just nod.”
I bet they’re kinda wishing it had been Lemaire now...
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“It’s voice activated. All you need to say is ‘deploy’.”
“Oh, and remember to step back quickly before it opens up.”
Yeah, that needed to be warned beforehand I think...
“Oh, oh! Scotty, can you do a commentary for my ‘BeExtreme’ followers? And make it cool!”
“Uh, this is Scott Tracy, International Rescue, piloting the RAD. And it’s uh... pretty RAD actually.”
Yep, I think I have definitely heard RAD enough times for one episode now!
Good to see Virgil retrieved Thunderbird One. Scott will be thankful for that at least.
Although he had to go and do something stupid again, didn’t he? You know, I really think Scott wanted to be a bat based on this episode. Really I do.
“You’re promoted to Chief test pilot!”
Scott’s face and the fact he walked off said it all, like he totally knew they’d end up seeing Brandon again. Which is of course correct.
“Scott? Scotty! I don’t think he heard me. I’ll just go talk to him!”
“This is nice. We should invite that kid over.”
“That would drive Scott up the wall.”
“Exactly. Hey Brandon, how would you like to ride with me?”
“In Thunderbird Two? Epic!”
I still would love to read more works based on that! It must have been a nightmare for Scott. Virgil really can be a cruel manipulator when he wants to be - definitely the only one who can rival Gordon.
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Right, so I know this scene was like four and half minutes in or something like that, but I left discussing it until the end, because there was plenty to comment on and it interrupted the flow of my rescue commentary.
So, there are 3000 channels,
“And nothing to watch”
We all know that feeling Brains
and Kayo and Brains can’t find Lemaire on a single one (for reasons we now know). In the meantime however, they do scroll over a load of reusable footage! Yay!
So the first thing to make it onto channel #whatevernumberKayo’son is;
A scene from TOS episode ‘City of Fire’ which was reused and recoloured in ‘The Imposters’
The opening setting scene (Japan) from TAG episode ‘Runaway’
Potential alien/deep sea footage that Gordon and Alan have both been seen watching in ‘Deep Search’ and ‘Colony’.
The Mars Ship passing through from the TOS episode ‘Day of Disaster’
Ned Cook - a reporter from TOS; the scene is from ‘Terror in New York City’
The launch of the Sun Probe from the TOS episode ‘Sun Probe’
And possibly most importantly, the last (featured below);
A shot of Colonel Tim Casey and Tin-Tin from TOS episode ‘Edge of Impact’
Then they briefly flash back to footage from ‘City of Fire’ (I could rant about the misogyny of that episode, but like I said, I’m tired, so I’ll save it for another time).
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You know what, I’m surprised I was awake enough to notice all of that! Yeah, so I am going to catch up on a little bit more sleep, and then tonight I will upload the promised irrelief work. I planned to do it yesterday, but I ended up sleeping... so uh, sorry? Hopefully tonight I will be able to string sentences without having to constantly re-edit my spelling mistakes! If anyone finds any that I’ve missed, just let me know, but for now.
P.S. I know this is scheduled for 6:45, so by the time you all read this, I will be waking up ready to give you said work of fanfiction, but I actually wrote this at 6 in the morning when my internal clock was still, clearly, very out of whack, so hopefully that explains the state of my notes! See you all in a little bit!
21 notes · View notes