#the witcher netflx
thenightling · 11 months
For those who missed it. Yes, the villain Radovid and Jaskier (the heroic bard turned freedom fighter) in The Witcher Netflx series will be portrayed as lovers in season 3 of The Witcher.
And in case you missed the negative reaction from trolls... I mean "book purists" Yes, the Netflix version of Jaskier has been confirmed as bisexual or as Joey Batey calls it, Sapiosexual (which means attracted to emotional connection AND especially intellect before gender).
Joey Batey (Jaskier's actor) has given some hints about what causes the romance.
First, Radovid of the Netflix series is NOT the character from the novels or video games. He's been changed a great deal. He's no longer a child-Tyrant like Joffrey in Game of Thrones. Instead he's a grown man, played by thirty-eight-year-old actor, Hugh Skinner, and seems to be a drunken playboy prince. He'll probably still end up a villain but Jaskier won't realize it right away.
According to Joey Batey, Jaskier will be intrigued by Radovid because he can't figure him out immediately, the way he can understand most people. He'll realize that like himself and his Sandpiper (similar to the Scarlet Pimpernel) persona, Radovid is wearing a mask and he wants to know what's under that mask.
I'm taking this as code for poor Jaskier will end up hurt and broken hearted because he thought he found someone like himself and will instead find a dark mirror.
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ichiro-artosaki · 1 year
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made a wolf witcher! i am their trusty frard (frog bard).
also i have no real knowledge of any witcher lore apart from i guess the netflx series im sorry a;dkfjlsd
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sepheroth · 2 years
            *TAG 9 PEOPLE YOU WANT TO KNOW BETTER! *FAVOURITE COLOUR: Black, Grey, Purple, Blue, Red, Gold. *LAST BOOK:  Doing a reread of The Witcher, The Last Wish, so that. *LAST SONG: You’re not here by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn from the Silent Hill 3 OST.(Y’all gonna have to pry Silent Hill outta my cold dead fingers because I fucking love that series.) LAST SERIES:  Was either Netflx’s Witcher or This Is Us. I can’t remember right. *LAST MOVIE:   Batman movie. Rob Pat’s version. *SWEET/SPICY/SAVOURY: Both? *CURRENTLY WORKING ON: My drafts because I been really dragon it around lately. Lmfao. Tagged By: @theomachst Tagging: Steal it from me.
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multiverseofseries · 3 months
One Piece - Netflx Series: effetto wow o cringe ?
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One Piece è uno dei manga e anime più longevi e uno dei migliori in assoluto, la storia di Luffy ( Rufy, Rubber o come lo si voglia chiamare) e della sua ciurma hanno conquistato schiere di fans in tutto il mondo a partire dal 1997 e forse con questo live action si prospetta lo stesso per una nuova generazione, dipende da quanto siate disposti a sospendere la realtà mentre guardate.
Partendo dal fatto che da quando è uscita la notizia della creazione di questo live action da parte di Netflix io ero tutto fuorché euforica, Netflix ultimamente con alcuni titoli ha floppato malamente nell’essere fedele all’originale( basta vedere il casino con the Witcher), già perché anche solo il poter pensare di poter trasporre un manga/anime come one piece è già un idea malsana partorita in partenza e più che mai per poter godere di questo prodotto c’è bisogno di una vero e proprio sforzo di sospensione della realtà da parte dello spettatore.
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La serie ricalca fedelmente le vicende del manga con qualche piccola modifica qui e lì ma che forse anche al più accanito purista di One piece non darà fastidio, la serie scorre in modo fluido racconta una storia, che per chi ha seguito il manga prima e l’anime poi, è molto familiare specialmente se la sospensione dalla realtà è avvenuta con successo. I personaggi hanno subito pochi stravolgimenti e tutto ciò che abbiamo amato di loro nelle loro trasposizioni precedenti ci porta inevitabilmente ad amarli anche qui.
L’enorme lavoro che è stato effettuato con i dettagli è davvero encomiabile, sembra che abbiano preso il manga e tirato fuori ogni singolo frame. il reparto parrucche forse dovrebbe andare a ripetizione da quello di House of the Dragon ma si sa questo è Netflix e da qualche parte dovevano pur risparmiare. il trucco per quanto in alcuni punti e su determinati personaggi sia alquanto sopra le righe, è pur vero che il personaggi di oda sono così e non ci si può fare altro, hanno fatto il meglio che potevano, ripeto la sospensione della realtà fa la maggior parte del lavoro se vi avvicinate al prodotto pensando solo di guardare qualcosa simile ad un “anime” il gioco è fatto.
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Il prodotto è valido si, merita di essere visto si, si poteva far di meglio probabilmente si, è un pò cringe si, si poteva far a meno del live action probabilmente si, sta di fatto che sono stati fatti lavori peggiori per quanto riguarda la trasposizione di manga in live action e One Piece di netflix non sarà il capolavoro assoluto ma non è nemmeno un completo disastro. il mio pensiero, non che importi a qualcuno, rimane lo stesso sospeso tra il wow e il cringe.
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parslynne · 4 years
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Yeah, gosh Geralt, get over yourself
The words of this comic are from this incredible post by @geraskierficrecs!!!! Thank you for letting me make a comic of your post!! I swear, as I scroll through your blog I want to make fanart of every incorrectquotes post you make!!!!
This was a short comic, but I spent 8 hours staring at the panel lines. I had 3 different line thicknesses drawn and I had to ask a lot of people (two---they didn’t even know I posted fanart; they must’ve been incredibly confused) for help on which one to use. Of course, in the end I went with the original line thickness!! Haha!! HA
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aro-tarot · 2 years
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Sleeping Jaskier for my bullet journal.
Of course, I needed to paint Jaskier. I was going to do so for my bullet journal for January, so that’s what I ended up doing.
I pulled out my Roman Szmal watercolors since I haven’t used them in awhile and did this little piece using four colors (perylene violet, perylene green, yellow ochre, and Cyprus burnt umber).
I really like the texture of this piece. I haven’t painted on cold press a lot lately, so it partly comes from that. I also like the bit of hand here and the metallics, which you can see in the video.
Also, on my Instagram with a vid of the metallics and the set-up for next month.
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saintdollyparton · 3 years
Witcher season 3 confirmed!!
Anime film sequel to Nightmare of the Wolf announced.
Kids and family show set on the Continent announced.
Okay but WHAT about this show is kid friendly?? Lol! Like I'm excited regardless but I'm just skeptical and wildly curious.
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turtle-denpai · 3 years
The subtitles on the foreign movie i was watching gave up and whooshed so here i am continuing the witcher liveblog. This is, Ep 2: Four Marks
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gayregis · 3 years
not entirely related but twn ppl have an untagged nsfw content problem (& honestly, an “only into the witcher to be horny abt something” problem) in general like i got into the books through twn and at a certain point i was still following some twn tags and it was Hell bc i just ended up seeing untagged nsfw texts on my dash constantly until i unfollowed all witcher related tags whatsoever; like it’s deeply irresponsible & also horribly annoying
goddddd right... it’s insufferable like i really don’t have a huge issue with nsfw posts as i feel like i come off as having, it’s just that most if not all of it is untagged so you can’t even block it. the worst kind of this happening is when a post is sfw in the beginning but nsfw at the end as well . idk why “some people don’t want to see random porn” is such a difficult concept
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cock-holliday · 4 years
What TWN Fucked Up
I think if I wasn’t in love with the book series, the show would be fine on its own. It’s an interesting world, the fight scenes are great, the music is wonderful, and the cast is doing well with what they are given, ESPECIALLY Joey Batey. That said, I’m going to be frank: they fucked ALL of the characters.
Let Them Be Funny You Cowards
I’ll actually start with Jaskier/Dandelion.
In the show, Jaskier makes some appearances where he didn’t in the books (Pavetta’s engagement ceremony) for one simple reason: he’s the comic relief. This does a disservice both to Jaskier AND the other characters. The games also tended to do this, but I think it’s even more apparent in the show. 
It’s bullshit for 2 reasons: 
1. the rest of the characters are SO FUNNY. Geralt is really funny! Yennefer is fucking hilarious. Ciri is a little shit! Triss is funny! Calanthe is funny! Regis is funny! Yarpen Zigrin is funny! Zoltan is funny! Philippa is funny! Everyone’s humor might be dry, or witty, or smartass, but the characters are funny, let them be funny.
2. Jaskier is not JUST funny.
Jaskier is a fun and creative character but the biggest thing that makes him unique is the contrast of how he says how he feels while everyone else hides. Jaskier is very open and tends to lay things out on his sleeves. He’s very aware of his own feelings and urges and emotions and by extension, is very aware of what others are not saying. Everyone else hides.
Yennefer, Geralt, Ciri, Triss, Calanthe, Cahir...all of them hide their thoughts and feelings.
Feeling vs Expressing
This nuance is almost entirely absent from SO many of the characters. The most glaring example is--of course--Geralt. A lot of the adaptations fuck it up, the difference between FEELING and EXPRESSING.
Geralt is one of THE MOST emotional characters in the Witcher. He’s very introspective, he feels very deeply, he struggles with internal conflict CONSTANTLY, but he isn’t GOOD at expressing it. That does not, for fuck sake, mean it isn’t there.
I recognize that a book gives us the luxury of knowing Geralt’s thoughts, but not showing signs of his internal combat and the feelings radiating off of this man is a complete disconnect from his character. This brings us back to Jaskier. Jaskier knows Geralt better than anyone and is constantly a wall for Geralt to play his emotions off of. When Geralt is closed off, Jaskier picks up on it. When Geralt does better at expressing himself, he does so and Jaskier listens. When Geralt tries to lie, which he is canonincally bad at, Jaskier calls him out. Jaskier can read him like a book, so there NEEDS to be signs shown to the audience about his emotions.
Geralt Is A Liar Sometimes
Adaptations need to learn or at least show that they know that Geralt is a massive liar about himself all the time. Geralt says he has no emotions but is one of the most if not the most emotional character in the series. Geralt says he can’t feel love but he falls in love with Yennefer after she kicks his ass, loves Ciri when he meets her in the woods, quickly loves Jaskier, loves the hansa, and has a love of people in general.
Geralt SAYS he doesn’t need anyone, because he has faced so much rejection. Geralt wants love and acceptance but is turned away consistently. He was rejected as a child, gets rejected by the people he saves, by townsfolk, by kings, and allies, and strangers. He SAYS he has closed himself off, but his constant drive to help people shows that he. is. a. liar.
Sides of the Same Coin
Which brings me to: Geralt vs Yennefer. They parallel and contrast one another beautifully and oh ho ho does Netflix fuck that up. Yennefer is also a massive liar, but very importantly: she is much better at it than Geralt. Like Geralt, Yennefer faced constant rejection and was taught that she is unlovable. She similarly has trust issues, buries herself in her work, and suggests she doesn’t need anyone when in fact she too is desperate for love and acceptance.
BUT! while Geralt is woeful and keeps desperately trying to help and care for others, Yennefer has decided that she would become more powerful than those who would seek to hurt her and make them regret trying to take advantage. Geralt sets himself up for abuse hoping that someone will surprise him, Yennefer has lost patience and will not let people hurt her anymore. She uses her looks and connections to her advantage, but punishes those who underestimate her. She’s ruthless. She very easily could have been made a villain, but doesn’t become one, for the same reason that Geralt keeps trying to help: she’s a loving person.
She is loyal and protective of those she cares about. She has gained immense power and is cutthroat with it when protecting herself, so god help anyone who threatens the people she cares for. 
Father, Daughter?
Something crucial to the Witcher series is that the novels are CIRI’S story, not Geralt’s. However, their relationship is the most important one in the series. Geralt’s first mini intro with Ciri is when she is 6. He is supposed to come collect her, but cannot bring himself to. They meet again when she is 10, after she has run away. She’s a snotty spoiled princess, but still a child. Geralt warms up to and protects her. When he learns who she is, though, he is afraid of her falling victim to the death and destruction that follows him, and he leaves her behind in the care of Moussack, who will take her back home. 
The next time they meets is after the fall of Cintra. Geralt learns of and mourns the death of Calanthe, and beyond the wreckage of this destroyed city is Ciri. She survived and escaped and has crashed back into his life again. This time he CAN’T ignore Destiny. The significance of their repeated meetings over her formative years builds a crucial foundation to their relationship. They are tied by Destiny, but BECOME FAMILY by FORMING a relationship.
Cahir, the Manchild
If I had a dollar for every time a piece of media in the last ten years thought you could have a character do the most monstrous things and be forgiven so long as he was sad about it, I’d have enough money to get counseling for watching what they did to Cahir.
Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, when first introduced, is hidden behind a mask. As 10-11 year old Ciri watched everyone around her get slaughtered, this man (a teenage boy) pursues and catches her. She manages to escape him, but knows he is after her and haunts her dreams.
A small child’s memory of a man in armor chasing her builds this idea of Cahir as a terrible and imposing figure, but he is essentially Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender. He is a young boy, skilled in battle, not yet a man, but with the weight of his family and country on his shoulders. He is not evil, just driven by his country’s imperialism and is terrified of failing (and being killed by) those that preside over him.
He kills in battle and is furiously hunting down Ciri. He is on the wrong side, is a tool of those that ARE evil, but this boy thinks what he is doing is right. After having not committed aggressively heinous activities, this boy comes face to face with Geralt. Cahir knows he will be killed if he doesn’t succeed in catching Ciri for his country, and his family would be shamed and/or killed for his failure. While fighting, his helmet is finally removed and Geralt, in a position to finish him off, realizes this is just a boy, barely a man. Cahir was wrong, but he deserves to be pitied for being taken advantage of.
From then on, Cahir’s story is about redemption. He earned the right to even START this arc by being a naive and manipulated child. The show making him significantly older and eager to participate in cruelty absolute FUCKS AWAY any chance to sell this story of misguidedness and the redemption and forgiveness that follows.
So yeah, uh, fuck all this.
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heisokay · 3 years
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Henry Cavill
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fxckingstylik · 4 years
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"Geralt of Rivia. I often wonder where fate took him."
"Somewhere unpleasant, I'm sure. You should be wary of his kind. They're often disappointing." 
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fagderolo · 4 years
One day, a few years after Jaskier starts tagging along with Geralt, word comes of a beast spotted in the ruins of a recently ransacked and ravaged village.
Jaskier doesn't even hear the name of the place, doesn't have to when every time he blinks the familiar landscape as they approach seems to shift to match his childhood memories (there used to be a tree here, there used to be a patch of flowers that seemed to spread further every year, there used to be a young girl boy making wishes on dandelion fluff to just be seen)
The first sign that something is wrong is that Jaskier is quiet for at least a half hour (no talking was rare, no humming was nearly unheard of) and Geralt gives him an inquisitive look that he pretends not to see as he pulls idly at a loose thread on his shirt.
The second sign something is wrong comes hours later. Jaskier remained silent the rest of the day and Geralt hadn't pushed (he wouldn't even know how, and for all he knows of dead family the situation is foreign to him; Jaskier holds far more feelings in his heart than Geralt would ever know what to do with, he wonders sometimes how the man can handle the obvious storm inside his head at all times and were he a more naturally empathetic man himself he'd have asked. But he's not. And he doesn't. And if Jaskier wanted to talk he'd just start rambling anyway)
Geralt had not pushed but maybe it would be better if he had. Complain he may but the silence itches some part of him that he can't identify. Jaskier can tell it bothers him (sees his mouth open to start talking at least once an hour) and would laugh if he had it in him. He has nothing in him except thoughts of willingly leaving home, thoughts of the younger siblings he was meant to take care of and parents that he abandoned, of childhood friends that never quite understood and of a home he would never see standing again.
He is, to put it mildly, a bit preoccupied. He doesn't make a sound until they're meant to be sleeping and even then the grief merely pulls softs sobs out of him, stifled at first and shaking his whole body later.
Geralt is awake. Jaskier knows and Geralt knows that he knows but neither of them speak. What would he say? I'm sorry I dragged you through the charred remains of your home, I'm sorry I am not the best person to grieve with, I'm sorry I wasn't here to stop it, I'm sorry you had to find out.
Jaskier would not take an apology.
Jaskier would not be able to deal with any guilt Geralt may have, not yet.
Jaskier needs something and he isn't sure what and he also isn't sure when it became such a big deal that he didn't know.
Comfort was not his game, gentle words and gentle touches did not come easily. There are not many times in his life he wishes they did. There are not many people he would try for.
(Jaskier, as it turns out, is one.)
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yeralinti · 4 years
Witcher Hakkında Bilmeniz Gereken Her Şey #witcher #dizi
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kittyparr · 5 years
Look I love Henry Cavill as Charles Brandon 
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I mean look at this handsome devil. I also loved him as Superman. Still a handsome devil. But my biggest problem with Henry as Geralt is that he’s too handsome. Gerlat has a certain kind of handsomeness about him. Like he has rugged handsome features. Like look at this 
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You know who has that same rugged features. Zach McGowan. 
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Cuz, that’s how I picture Geralt, like Zach McGowan. I love Henry, but I cannot see him as Geralt. 
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aro-tarot · 2 years
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Last week, I did a painting to get my mind off my emotions. I liked the concept, but I didn’t like how the painting came out, so I decided to do it again. It’s, like, all these bits of Jaskier in season 2 since that’s what my emotions were going for and connecting with at the time.
Anyway, I finished this after midnight, so it’s my first painting of the year. It’s rainy today, but I think the pics came out alright. I also included a little video, so you can see the metallics better.
Also, I hope that Joey is having a wonderful birthday today!
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