#thesis writing tips from someone who is currently writing their thesis
the---hermit · 2 years
Thesis writing tips from someone who is currently writing their thesis
As I was working on the first chapter of my thesis I realized there's some things to keep in mind in order to make things easier. I am far from having the whole thesis writing experience, but I felt like doing this post now that this first experience is fresh in my mind. There will be other thesis-related posts, for now if you want to check out my thesis work experiece you can read my daily entries on here. The posts in which I have included these entries are all tagged as #thesis diary if you are interested.
When reading articles and sources use different colours to highlight important informations. If you find parts of the text you know you will want to quote in your thesis use a specific colour and tab them. The more precise and accurate you are the easier it will be during the writing process.
Also annotating ideas and thoughts on the margins will help during the writing process, because you will be able to link your own ideas to specific sources that helped you to get there.
Have a separate file with all the footnotes you'll have to include. If you have everything written down, and just have to add the specific pages last minute you will save a lot of time. This way you'll also make sure to have all the footnotes written in the same style (this is a lifesaver, believe me).
In the same way have a separate file with the bibliography you'll have to include at the very end of your thesis. Writing it piece by piece as you add sources to your work will make sure you don't forget any source, and it will make the task less overwhelming.
If when reading articles and sources you write down notes, for the love of god write near each piece of information the exact page you found it on. If you don't you will waste so much time to find it when you'll need it. You can keep your notes in the format you like best, but having the number of pages near everything will save you so much time and work.
The more organized you are when collecting your sources the less time you'll waste when writing. So keep your notes clean, write down even those informations that seem useless at first, make sure to know exactly where you found each article, and so on, you'll thank your past self later.
I found having a notebook fully dedicated to my thesis very useful, to navigate in it quickcly I used big clear headers, tab notes, and an index. This will all become very helpful once you have gathered a lot of informations. The research process is messy, try do everything in your power to make it as organized and as clear as you can. (I am going to create a post dedicated to my thesis notebook, so keep an eye out for that if you are interested).
When you add things to part of the text you had wrote already make sure right way that the footnotes are still accurate. The more you pay attention to it right away the less confusing it will be later. If for example in a footnote you referred to the previous, and add a new one in the middle, things could get confusing so try to keep an eye out for these things as you do them.
Having a rough plan of the structure of your thesis can be helpful to know how to refer to certain elements in the text. I'll use my own thesis as an example, I am writing about some witchcraft accusations. Knowing where in the text there is going to be the first proper exposition of the facts is helpful to know how much context I have to give when writing about people or facts in other parts of the thesis.
Do you have interesting and useful informations that don't fit perfectly with the main body of your text? Footnotes are your bestfriends, you can add insight, comments, further explanations, without breaking the flow of the text.
Make sure each chapter starts with an introduction of what you are about to discuss, and end it with a small summary of what you said. This will make your writing look much more intentional, and ties in everything nicely together. Once you are sure of the order of the chapters you should also tie the chapters together, by hinting to the next one in the conclusion of each one.
I feel like these are all the potentally useful thing I have realized during my work so far. There's surely much more to be said, and as I learn more, I will make sure to share the useful informations I get. As mentioned I am currently working on a thesis notebook post! Till then I hope this was somewhat useful, thank you for reading!
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successpointt · 1 year
What actually means of success? How to get success easily in life? Here some tips and tricks
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Are you looking for easy success of life? If yes, then you are in the right place. If you want to live a happy life, you must be successful.We all want to do well, make money and have a good time doing so. But what makes someone successful? It's not just about having an education or being wealthy; it's about having the right mindset and attitude toward your goals.
What is Success
Each and every one of us has a diffet belief of what success is, millions of definitions, but it all boils down to one thing. Success is nothing but your goals, be it short term or long term and actually make sure you are grateful for what you have. You can be successful in life by working hard and not taking anything for granted. So get started now!!
Easy ways and tricks to get early success in life
Success is not always about what you gain from life but how you got it and what you do with it. It's a process, not an end result! One can have success in a lot of things in life. There are many different paths to achieve success and that all depends on the kind of person one is, as well as where one wants to go. So here are some tips, tricks and easy ways on how to get success in life easily.
1.Define your priorities
It's important to define your priorities in life, especially when it comes to time management. This can be challenging because there are so many things that you should be doing and prioritizing at once. However, if you take the time to make a list of what matters most and how much time each thing takes up, then it will become less overwhelming for yourself.For example: I am currently studying abroad in France for two years as part of my master's degree program in International Business. During this time period, my priority tasks include writing my thesis paper (a 5-page research paper) on "The Impact of Piracy on Digital Content Distribution" while also learning French language fluently through classes like "French Conversation" or "French Culture." The upside is that this process has helped me develop skills like reading comprehension which could lead towards future employment opportunities if they exist after graduation! While working towards these goals would require more hours than have available right now due down lack thereof due low pay but perhaps someone else might need someone who speaks multiple languages so may be someday soon? However, while I am focusing on my goals and prioritizing my tasks, I need to make sure that I am still taking care of myself. This means making sure that I am eating right, exercising regularly and staying hydrated throughout the day. If you feel like you are getting burned out at work or school then it is important to step back for a moment and evaluate what is happening.
2.Set realistic goals for yourself
When setting goals for yourself, it's important to know what you want and how to get it. If you don't have a clear picture of what your life will look like when all is said and done, then it's hard to set realistic goals. You should also be specific about what kind of life changes or accomplishments you'd like while working toward achieving your ultimate goal. For example: "I'm going to lose 20 pounds by January 3rd." Or: "I want my finances in order so that I can retire by age 50."Setting these types of specific goals will help keep things on track as well as prevent procrastination because now there are deadlines associated with each task.
3.Work on your skills and knowledge constantly
You need to understand what skills and knowledge you need to be successful. This can be a challenge, since it's easy to get complacent in your current situation or career path. But if you want to change things up and advance your career quickly, then you'll have to work at it constantly. If there's one thing that I've learned from my own journey as well as others', it's that being open-minded is key when trying new things or learning new skills-especially when we're talking about business management! For example: when starting out with my own company (which was only 20' months ago), I had no idea how many hours per week our employees worked because they didn't tell me which means we ended up paying them less than what would've been fair compensation for their time spent working on projects outside their normal duties at the office during evenings/weekends. Success in life is a journey that never ends. You have to keep working at it and you'll never know if you're on the right path until you get there. But if you follow these simple steps, you can increase your chances of success.
4.Use your time effectively
Before you can get anywhere in life, you need to learn how to use your time effectively. The first step is to make a list of all the tasks that need doing and prioritize them based on their importance. Use this list as a reference when scheduling your day so that it doesn't get lost in the clutter of other commitments.You should also avoiddistractions at all costs; if there's something more fun or interesting happening at work or home, turn off your phone! You'll never get anything done if it's distracting enough that you can't focus on what needs doing next."
5.Know that failure is part of the process.
You need to know that failure is part of the process. It's not the end, it's a learning opportunity. Failure can be used as a way to learn, grow and improve in your life-and for many people it's a necessary step along the way. The most successful people have learned from their failures and have kept going forward with their goals despite them (often because they've done so before).Failure isn't necessarily something negative; sometimes it just means that we didn't get what we wanted out of something else at first but eventually got there anyway!
6.Surround yourself with others who are doing the same thing
Surround yourself with others who are doing the same thing. If you want to become a writer, find people who write and hang out with them. If you want to be an entrepreneur, look for other entrepreneurs in your area and go on trade shows together. The more connections you make with people who share your interests, the easier it will be for you to achieve success in those areas as well!
7.If you want success in life, you need to define what you want and then go after it
If you want success in life, you need to define what you want and then go after it. You can't just say that "I want my dream job" or "I want this house with the big backyard and pool." Instead, think about how much money and time you will need for each goal-and whether or not those things are possible for your current situation.Once you have defined your goals, break them down into smaller steps using an action plan (or "TO DO list"). For example: Get up every morning at 5 AM on my way home from work; drink water while doing so; eat breakfast before leaving home; exercise everyday before going back into work again... and so on until reaching my final target date by which point I will have achieved success as defined above!
8.Setting goals
One of the most important things you can doto get success in life is setting goals.You may think that setting your goal is enough, but it's not. Your goals must be clear and defined so that you know exactly what success looks like for you. If your goal isn't realistic or attainable, then it won't work for you! For example: I want my kids to graduate from high school before they turn 18 years old... but how? How would I meet this goal?Another mistake people make when setting their own goals is thinking about them as something separate from themselves - like a list of things they need from someone else (like their parents). This makes it difficult because then there are no consequences if things don't go according to plan! You need accountability so make sure that everyone involved knows what the end result should look like before starting out on this journey together
9.Working smart, not just hard
Working smart is better than working hard, and you can be more productive by using the right tools and techniques.The right tools don't always mean more time spent in front of your computer; they simply allow you to concentrate on what's important: getting things done. For example, using a calendar app will help keep track of deadlines, appointments, etc., so that there are not surprises later on when it comes time for those projects or tasks. Using different applications for each task also helps ensure that nothing gets overlooked because there's too much going on at once-and therefore not enough focus being given over all tasks/projects at hand, You should also avoid distractions as much as possible; this means rejecting social media sites entirely until after work hours when everyone else has gone home already!
10.Taking calculated risks when necessary
Taking calculated risks when necessary is one of the most important things you can do to succeed. It's easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged by the scale of an opportunity, but it's important that you understand your limits and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed.The more time we spend trying new things and failing, the better our chances of success will be in other areas of life too!
We've covered a lot of ground here. Hopefully, you're feeling inspired and motivated to take action on some of these goals. We know it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind, but remember that this process isn't about being perfect or achieving perfection-it's about working towards something greater than yourself. If you want success in life, then it starts with defining what makes up an ideal life for yourself. Only when you know exactly what kind of person you want to be will it be easier for others around us too.
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askaborderline · 1 year
Hi! I'm having a very difficult time with my FP, I think currently my baseline for her is negative, and if she doesn't give me a lot of extra effort, attention & support she will stay on the "negative side". She is naturally more reserved so showing affection or saying affectionate things does not come naturally to her which makes it even worse for me.. she is willing/ has shown effort though but somehow it still doesn't feel enough.. It's so frustrating and as a result i don't even know if i want to be so close with her anymore when i just constantly feel upset. Any advice on how can I tell if this is just splitting or if i actually just don't want to be very close friends anymore? Maybe your advice is to hang out less but that's my second problem, i have to see her at university too, we have lectures together AND we are writing out bachelor's thesis together too. It's extremely difficult bc i find writing it overwhelming as it is but then on top of that i get upset when i have to see her so it feels practically impossible to write it together.. any tips on how to proceed?
Listen I run a lil side gig that used to be a polyamory advice blog and is now just a hot mess but my point being I would never TELL someone “have you tried polyamory to fix your problems” because trust me that’s not how it works, we know that, but like… perhaps instead of putting all of the pressure on her to meet your needs in a way that is unnatural to her and doesn’t end up fulfilling your needs anyway, you could look for sources outside of her. I mean honestly like even a dog whose really loyal and lovable could help. Couldn’t be my dog but I mean like honestly sometimes I’m like “well if no one loves me at least my apathetic dog loves me” when I go and sit with her and she doesn’t decide to get up and leave. I’m also not advocating for buying a pet if you are not equipped for it but sometimes just having a little guy that lives in your house and loves you because it doesn’t know what it would do without you is helpful. I mean during my depressive episodes I’m very bad about taking care of my animals and now with work and school I have essentially given up all care of my animals to my mom who works from home now, so like really I am not being like “go buy something that loves you” but like… idk if no one got me my stuffed animals got me?
My best advice would be to stop trying to put all of that pressure on her to fulfill your needs and look out there for something else that can help take some of that burden off her, even if it is unconventional like a pet or a stuffed animal. Polyamory works in part because we understand that one person is not designed to fill all our needs which is exactly what is happening to you right now. I would never suggest “you need to hang out with her less because she isn’t fulfilling your needs” because honestly I don’t think that’s fair to put that all on her. I think a healthier solution is recognizing that perhaps you need a different or additional source of attention so that she doesn’t feel burnt-out and like she’s incompetent and you don’t become resentful towards her.
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whitley07aguilar · 2 years
Benefits Of Using Premium Wp Themes
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Making SaasLand nulled of premium themes like Thesis, Headway, Genesis and Catalyst gives you an advantage in terms of choices and SEO. These themes are coded by no less than the experts so you can be sure they are certified to established net standards. They will be also compatible in order to virtually every web browser so you may have to worry about how your internet site can look when looked at in different browser. These kinds of are just a few benefits that is obtainable to you personally if a person opt to make use of a Premium Wp theme. Premium WP themes Are Cost Efficient Cost is 1 of the factors why most bloggers and webmasters choose to use High grade WordPress themes above custom designed design. Although it shouldn't get the case, webmasters are limited using their assets. The truth is usually, to have a good tailor made designed WordPress theme, this will cost a person some money and thus, if you are not ready to shell out funds with regard to your WordPress theme, well then a Premium style will do. It will cost an individual simply a fraction of what you pay regarding a designed theme. The problem is, an individual risk your virtual reality brand if you don't customize this since you will have a lot of of you while using same theme. Premium themes And Customization The good information is, Premium WordPress themes are effortless to customize. Inside fact, Premium themes' best selling idea is their "customizability". While the ease involving customization differs from 1 Premium theme to another, they're usually easy to modify without having in order to deal with codes. This feature is specially appealing to site owners who don't recognize tips on how to write the code and who just want to give full attention to creating solid content and marketing goods. Lifetime Improvements, Upgrades And Help Whilst not true to be able to all Premium Blogger themes, a significant number does supply lifetime update and even upgrade. WordPress proceed to improve, hence, the release associated with newer versions. Nevertheless with the advancements and improvements in WordPress, your outdated theme may not any longer work since it used to. What's worse, it could potentially lessen the your web site achieving it's complete potential. theme assistance, another important feature that will should be "a-must" for every Wp theme is just not always available to most themes. If you've chosen to use a new Premium Template, possibilities are, that a person are receiving just about all the support that you need. Thesis theme as an example, has got a great support local community where you will get all the particular help you need. A detailed theme documentation that shows up with almost most WordPress themes is definitely not enough to get you going all by yourself. Some untamed customization that a person require might not necessarily have been written about and so you want someone in order to help you. This is the reason support is indispensable. Search Engine Search engine optimization Traffic will be the lifeblood of every web site. In order intended for your online company to thrive, an individual need to make sure people are constantly visiting your web site. The best course would be coming from the search engines to your website. Why? Because traffic coming from search engines like google are highly targeted, hence, highly transformable. To obtain a share associated with traffic from Google, Yahoo and Bing, your website needs to be optimized to them. It's called SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, short for search engine optimization. Now what provides Premium WordPress designs have to do together with SEO you question? Well, SEO starts off on your internet site and it's named on-page optimization. In the event that the WordPress template you're using is definitely poorly coded plus confusing to the look for engines, then a person can't expect a lot love from these people. Unfortunately, this can be typically the reality that free of cost WordPress theme users have to face. Totally free WordPress Templates are generally mostly created by novice designers. Premium WordPress Templates, in the other side, usually are created by the more experienced and knowledgeable WordPress developers/ designers. And because it's for bulk consumption, it would likely be easy recognize the good ones from the sub-par ones. All that takes can be a quick search on Google to study reviews plus testimonials from existing and previous users. For designed themes, it's really difficult to tell especially if an individual are clueless how to be able to write a code.
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somecunttookmyurl · 2 years
Hi lex, i think i recall you talking about eds before? And i was wondering if you had any tips on how to get doctors to get to take you seriously. I check a lot of the boxes so i think it's worth checking out. The orthopedic just said something along the lines of 'nothing is currently wrong just take ibuprofen if something hurts' which wasn't so great. I hear a lot about people just trekking from one doc to the next, being referred to someone else at best and getting misdiagnosed with a psychosomatic issue at worst. (And as someone who already has mental issues going on but lives in a place with very few opprtunities for getting a therapist that just kind of takes the cake.) It's all very daunting and if you have anything at all that might be useful -or just a 'good luck, really- i would be super thankful.
the only luck i had is with my GP, who is actually a good doctor. GPs can diagnose EDS as of 2017. which is good, bc when mine tried to refer me to rheumatology they deadass refused to see me because "there's no point diagnosing EDS it's incurable anyway"
i've been "diagnosed" with hysteria 3 times by various physical specialists who neither knew nor cared to investigate what was happening
now my GP does have a good track record of listening to me, but what I did was write out every "weird unexplainable fake" thing my body had done since approximately birth and how EDS could account for each and every one of them (with sources, obviously, I'm, not an animal) and then left said thesis for him at reception.
overkill? possibly, but writing it all out circumvents the brain fog so nothing is forgotten, and also means they can go through it in their own time and not try to rush through everything in 7 minutes
if your GP is currently unaware, you can also signpost them to this EDS toolkit for GPs published by ehlers danlos UK and used by the NHS. they will have access to it anyway! but may not be aware it even exists, or have forgotten about it
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writerthreads · 3 years
@writerthreads on Instagram
In light of the current events, I’ve decided to make this post to help some people out. I understand that some writers want to include POC in their stories, which is a great thing! However, the problem is, they’re not sure how to properly represent them. As an Asian, hopefully I’ll be able to help writers with Asian characters in their stories.
Do note, however, that I don’t represent the entire Asian community, especially because there are so many Asians in the world. This will be an insight to my thoughts and tips I can give you if you’re writing about an Asian character/settings. I’m also not saying that you as a person are uneducated. I’m very aware that there are lots of educated people in the world.
First, Asia is a big ass continent. I’ll put a list of some countries:
South-Eastern countries: Indonesia, Phillippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, etc..
Southern Asia: mainly India and a section of southern China
East Asia: China (Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou), Japan, Mongolia, Taiwan, North and South Korea, Russian Far East
North Asia: a section of Russia, a section of China, (Beijing, Harbin, etc), Mongolia
Western Asia: a section of the Middle East (Armenia, Oman, Saudi Arabia)
From what I’ve personally been seeing, Southeast and Eastern Asian countries are a bit underrepresented! I’d encourage you to develop an Asian character who isn’t Chinese.
Each Asian country has their own culture and practises! We might have the same practises as other countries in terms of food and manners, thanks to historical events, but if you want to write a scene that include festivals or something as simple as table manners, it’s best to do specific research on them. For example, we don’t all bow. But we do take off our shoes when we go into the house in China. Since Asia’s so big, I can’t cover every tradition in each post, so make sure you research your particular country/city to some extent. You don’t need to write a thesis on it, just enough to educate yourself, and make sure you’re giving us an accurate portrayal.
*something about Chinese food: I’ve never eaten from American Chinese takeaways. Y’know, the ones in square cardboard boxes? Those don’t exist in (at least, from what I know) Asian countries, nor do fortune cookies. Totally fine if the setting’s in the US.
Next, let’s talk appearances, because that’s been frequently stereotyped. I’m sure most of it comes from the media. I mean, it’s getting a bit better now, but in WWII, American posters included Japanese soldiers whom were drawn so that they looked like rats, and had the stereotypical Asian eye shape. Basically, they were degrading the Japanese, which, (I’m saying this very strictly) in a time of war, is understandable. But things like this happened before and after the war. In the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Holly’s neighbour is a Japanese man.
The film’s portrayal of him is similar to the posters— he was made to seem very conservative, and had those stereotypical Asian features. I won’t go into too much detail, but you’ll definitely notice it if you watch the movie. In older movies, Asian characters are also portrayed as gangsters, kung-fu masters, or, uh, submissive prostitutes.
You can call me a snowflake if you want, for, I don’t know, finding everything offensive, but when it’s been happening for years and years, it’s definitely a problem we have to address.
All I’m saying is, don’t base us off of stereotypes, like dark skin, small eyes, or buck teeth. Sure, they might’ve come from an ounce of truth, but the portrayals are highly exaggerated, and mostly incorrect. People from the Middle East generally have pretty big eyes, and some even have blonde hair or light-coloured eyes!
I do believe that because there’s the stereotype that all Asians look the same, and the fact that China is the “only country in Asia”, non-Chinese Asians have been attacked, which isn’t just. Attacking people isn’t right, either, especially when the person probably hasn’t seen you in their entire life.
This is the big tip I’m giving you: treat Asian characters as you would any other character. We’re still humans. However, don’t entirely take away our cultural identity. You can definitely talk about our culture and our practises. In fact, I would personally love it, even if it’s just the little things!
Regarding our personality, hello, not every Asian is a genius at STEM subjects, nor is every Asian obedient to their “aggressive” parents 24/7. For example, my parents are pretty chill. However, I do understand where that thought comes from: in China, exams are really important for students, and if I’m not wrong, it’s the same for Korea and Japan. We’re not all quite kids with bangs. My friend’s pretty loud, and she’s always shouting in public buses, which earns her a glare from other people. Again, treat Asian characters like any other character...give them their own personalities, their own quirks, weaknesses, etc.!
Most Asians have English and native names if they live in an English-speaking country. You could definitely create a native name and English name for them. Your character might prefer being called their native name, or their English name. If you’re worried about giving them the wrong name, you could search up “common *insert country name* names”, or ask a friend who’s from the same country to make it up for you. Just don’t give them a name like “Ching Chong”, that’s offensive.
I totally understand if you’re worried about offending people, especially if you really want a character with stereotypical features. I personally think that you’ll have to be mindful with your tone, because that can really change how the reader perceives your description. But if the features become a common occurrence, then it just becomes a stereotype again.
Some Asians might find some things offensive, while others don’t. If I were you, I’d use general descriptive words if I was describing eyes, like these:
Deep set
Also, please know that if you find yourself guilty of thinking about these stereotypes, I’m not saying that you’re a bad person! It’s great that you’re willing to read this post and learn more. :)
If you have any more questions, ask an Asian! Or to be more specific, ask someone from the country, someone familiar with the practises! Sometimes, that beats researching on Google.
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girlgirlgirlnormal · 3 years
Niragi x OC x Last Boss (Part 1?)
Please tell me why I´ve been spending my time writing this mess and not working on my thesis or my paper about my internship?
If you guys like it I can publish the rest (which is smut). Have fun!
No title
Word count: 1494
tw: gunplay, sexual undertones, death mention, alcohol
(Part 2: https://girlgirlgirlnormal.tumblr.com/post/640141853735436288/niragi-x-oc-x-last-boss-part-2)
Hina was leaning against the bar, sipping her cocktail, as she watched the crowd dancing beside the pool of the Beach.
“Hey, do you want another drink?”, a voice asked from her right sight.
“Thanks, I´m already working on this one”, Hina answered without looking to the man talking to her and raising her glass, to show him that she was not even halfway done with her cocktail.
She had just caught Last Boss staring again.
Since she arrived at the Beach about three weeks ago, she constantly caught him and Niragi staring at her. At first, she did not really bother thinking about it. She looked good. She had great curves and was used at being stared at. Being stared at was where she got her money from in the old world.  She had worked as a Stripper and Escort since she turned 18 and the muscles, she had developed on the dancing pole there had certainly coming in handy in this new world everyone called the borderlands.
She began to be bothered by their looks though. Not because she thought men should change and not look at women like they were merely meat just because they were in a world there everyday was lived by the rules of survival of the fittest. She had worked with men for 6 years. She knew no disaster or apocalypse could change them. She was bothered by their looks because she had learned their reputations. The games made everyone a killer, sooner or later. But these two. They were part of the militants who enjoyed killing. She had heard even more unsettling things about Niragi.
She was sick of being part of a male dominated world. That was the reason she had learned to play her clients. Men loved taking care of poor, weak women. They loved being adored and worshipped. Hina sighed. If she could blow a 60-year-olds cock and make it look like she was having the time of her live, she could do the same with those two. She felt like she had to, if she did not want to end up in the garbage can at the back of the hotel. She heard that that was not only the place traitors went, but also victims of Niragis desire. They had been keeping their hands off her for three weeks, but she caught them staring at her or lounging at the floor there her room more and more often with time.
She had thought about this. It would make being in the borderlands easier if she could wrap them around her finger. They were the only source of danger in the Beach and there known to be great at the games. She could have chosen the Hatter as her target, but she was not sure that that man could save her from the sociopath she was currently smiling at.
She turned to the man, still standing beside her and fished an ice cube out of her cocktail with her fingers.
“Why are you still bothering me?”, she asked, while bringing the ice cube up to her mouth and licking it.
She had seen Niragi than he was threatening people or just having fun. His tongue was always out. So expressive. She knew that mirroring it would lead to his attention peeking.
“You’re a beautiful woman. I thought maybe you would like to spend the night with me.”
Hina laughed, theatrically throwing her head back, so her long, jet-black hair almost reached her ass.
“Good try”, she answered, “But no. You can’t afford me.”
Still laughing, she shook her head and began strutting to the place, there Last Boss and Niragi were sitting, still watching her. They were pretty. Maybe she could sleep her way up in the Beaches hierarchy and be able to go home faster. Maybe the only day that was going to be approaching faster after she tried her luck would be the day, she landed in the garbage can behind the hotel.
She sat down on the lounging couch, right between Niragi and Last Boss. It was one of her tricks. You would not be able to bag a millionaire Sugar Daddy or Escort Client if you did not look like you belonged. She leaned back, as both man sat up.
Last Boss was looking at her, his mouth a bit agape, like always. Niragi had cocked an eyebrow.
“Hey boys”, she smiled, “I’m Hina”
The militants exchanged a look. As soon as she had their attention back, Hinas hand wandered to her necklace sitting in the décolleté of her red bikini, drawing their eyes to her barely covered chest.
“I think we have something in common, the three of us”, she explained them in her sexiest voice.
“Really, what would that be?”, asked Niragi laughing.
“Well, we obviously all enjoy a good drink”, Hina explained toasting them with her cocktail.
Automatically they toasted back, which made her smile. The same tricks always worked.
“The other thing which is way more important is that I think that I´ve seen through you.”
“Really?”, Last Boss asked with mocked interest, tilting his head, “What have you found?”
“That you both want me.”
Hinas answer was simple. The man exchanged another look.
“How is that something we have in common with you?”, Niragi asked, eyebrows cocked, “Are you so in love with yourself that you want yourself.”
This time Hina laughed, “Oh Niragi”, she sighed, putting a hand on his thigh, “I´ve been taking myself every night since I got here”, she placed her other hand on Last Boss´s thigh, “I think its really time that someone else takes me for a change.”
She heard Last Boss gulp and smiled. She knew it. He was a murderer, but the way he stood than he was not killing did not look like the stance of a man who was boiling with self-confidence. It could have been an act, but she had never seen someone act a role so perfectly for so long. Niragi on the other hand was the epitome of cockiness.  
“I miss the feeling of being fucked”, she whispered, “I hoped you two would help me.”
“Really?”, Niragi asked again, grabbing his rifle and holding it to her face, “Prove it.”
Even though her heart started racing, she could not say it was the first time she had to do something like that. The stinking rich were never good people. Gun and knife play were things she had done before. Well. She had chosen this. If she would go down sucking on a rifle after surviving 9 games, she would go down sucking a rifle. Licking her lips, she sat up, her hand gently guiding the rifle as she slid down the sofa to the ground and sat up on her knees, between Niragis legs. Again, licking her lips, she established eye contact with Niragi, as she began to lick the rifle tip and slowly put it in her mouth. She was aware that by know, everyone in the pool area had to be watching her. She pushed her ass out and arched her back, to give everyone the best show that she could. She had been doing it for years. Niragi looked a bit unbelieving, but he did not stop staring in her eyes. She was contemplating about deepthroating the rifle, as Last Boss, who had been staring at her with an open mouth touched her shoulder.
“Let us go to my room”, he said, standing up and grabbing his Katana.
Hina smiled to herself. Even if they did not really want to protect her after the night, she was going to give them, everyone here had seen what she was about to do. She could count on the men that had bothered her never talking to her again. She followed the Militants inside, walking past Kuina, who looked at her worriedly, but Hina only smiled back. Given that the tip of Niragis rifle was colored a smudged red, she could only imagine how her lipstick looked like.
As they arrived at Last Boss room Hina entered like she had been there all the time.
“So, you want to be fucked by us?”, Niragi asked, suddenly pinning Hina against the wall beside the door.
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?”, asked Hina, licking her lips again. They would be dry the next day.
She did not feel well, being pressed at the wall, but she kept her smile up. They were the ones who had been staring at her.
“I know that you’ve been wanting me since I got here. I just wonder why you never tried to get me.”
“Because we want you both”, Last Boss replied, “We couldn’t decide who would get you first.”
Hina laughed again, “Well, lets see who will have me first”, she said, lightly pushing off Niragi and wandering over to the bed.
She would do it. She just hoped it was the right choice.
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riverdale-retread · 3 years
Riverdale S5 E6 Back To School 
5 Things I Loved/ 3 Things To Consider
The S5 Character Resets are underway and I really love them.  Let me count the ways.
1. Jughead the adult is someone who rolls with the punches. I love that he grew out of that boy who was willing to DIE to belong or prove a point or save others and was in general so tense and defensive about who he was.   He has a new relationship with the word “weird,” going from the high octane emotionality of  I’m a weird weirdo and not your project!!!  to this casual,  Embrace the weird acceptance. He also has a relaxed sense of humor about his writing (I don’t know, but it makes a good story), rather than the white knuckle performance anxiety he used to have about it.  Jughead blatantly fishing out money from the tip jar his students have put on his desk in his classroom to mock him was DELIGHTFUL. I loved it SO MUCH.
2.  Toni is basically on a mission to correct the things she didn’t like about her childhood before her own baby arrives and I adore that.  Her work started last episode with reclaiming what the Serpent Dance (Female) is, making sure that the Serpents are financially solvent, that Sweet Pea and Fangs are gainfully employed, and giving Archie a bunch of homework about how to rehabilitate Riverdale.  In this episode she makes the point that cheerleading is a sport and that Archie needs to get over his Football Supremacists nonsense, and works on getting Cheryl out of her doldrums.
3. Cheryl was always a fragile, tender person underneath her mean girl and theatrical exterior, and the adult character reset seems to be that she’s done with pretending that she’s fine that her brother died. She’s supposed to be done grieving, but she isn’t. For personal reasons, I love this.  I understand you, Cheryl.  Cheryl used to aggressively hide this part of herself - the no-lipstick self - and  I’m not sure that Toni is actually doing the right thing by trying to revive the Red Lipstick Cheryl.  That tension is delicious though.
4.  Archie and Betty have completely stopped trying to be nice, warm, fuzzy people who mean well.   They’ve become the people I’ve been tracking in the retread all along - tough, pragmatic, violent, domineering, and not all that interested in anyone else’s issues/agenda/ problems, including each other’s. I guess I’m in the severe minority, but I love anti-heroes, especially women, so I am getting such a kick out of the shitty stuff they do. Archie, knowing what he knows about how Reggie’s father humiliated him on the football field as a child and the tender, boy-bonding they did in the aftermath, goes charging up to Reggie, when he’s the coach, and just punches him in the face with no hesitation. Holy shit. I love Betty enjoying her own beauty (her hair!) and sexuality (she was always the more sexual one in Bughead), approaching sex as a fun sport activity more than anything else.  Betty has no qualms about pretending to be FBI and neither actual law enforcement (Tom Keller) nor law enforcement adjacent (Kevin Keller) dare say a peep. 
5.  Veronica’s current liberation from the cult of Archie (even if it’s temporary) is a relief to me.  When Chad correctly points out that what Archie is asking for - and has always asked for and gotten - from Veronica is a handout, she doesn’t argue or launch into a speech about how wonderful Archie is and how he’s going to save the town or whatever. She just didn’t want her husband to be rude to an old friend by being so crass. Veronica’s also developed some of Hermione’s sadness (because being in a straight marriage is unhealthy for people, as per the Riverdale thesis), but at the same time it’s given her some emotional directness. She no longer seems to need to find The Perfect, Everyone Wins solution. She just says what she wants and needs, to her husband. 
Sidebar: So in addition to being Ethel Muggs and Brett Weston Wallis, I’m also goddamn Chad Gekko because Veronica continually pouring money into everything and anything Archie wanted funding for always irked me SO much. Thanks, Riverdale, for the self-realization I’m getting.
Things to Think About
a)  Is Archie capable of having sex only in Riverdale? The Music Room basically became the Archie Andrews Sex Room when he was a student. He says he’s dated no one since leaving the town, which Veronica apparently understood to mean he was practically celibate (which I find unlikely; I mean - HAVE YOU SEEN ARCHIE?).  I do feel like Archie Andrews is turned on by the Riverdale High School building itself. Betty says My sister who has gone through long bouts of various kinds of instability and involuntary confinement is missing and his answer is Cool, anyway, let's fuck and just propositions her in the teacher’s lounge.
b) Ms Bell is playing all sides of the game (she calls Cheryl about Toni, and then calls Hiram about the Bulldogs) but I can’t tell what game she’s playing. I love that actress - she’s at Dr. Curdle Jr. / Nana Rose levels of interesting and I’m all for having her have more to do.
c) The Serpents really hating Jughead’s book, and then his next book also being something to do with Riverdale made me remember a tidbit my AP English teacher told us about D.H. Lawrence, who would approach someone who looked sad, look at them with his sad blue eyes and tenderly ask, “Whatever is the  matter?” and let them pour their heart out, and then, two or three months later, when that person was ENRAGED at their heartache having been turned into a thinly disguised short story for publication, could not understand what the problem was.  I think this may be a commentary about this type of writer from the Riverdale writing team - We are the truly creative creators, and better than this dude, might be what they’re saying, because they invent outlandish events rather than trying to do some sort of ‘slice of life.’ 
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generouspeachheart · 3 years
I find it hard to find someone like you
So, I wrote something... I was reading a Spencer Reid x reader fanfic, listening to Doja Cat and this popped into my head. This is my first fanfic, so please be nice. This is supposed to be an introduction aka Chapter 1 of a story i want to write. Enjoy, i guess! If anyone has any feedback, feel free to message me!
Summary: Spencer and Y/N are both pinning after eachother. Spencer is ready to confess his love, Y/N is too. What they don’t suspect though, is Y/N’s dark past to creep up on her.
Spencer Reid x fem!bau!reader
Warnings: Swearing, Pinning. If i missed any, let me know!
When Hotch announced to the team that the case is officially closed and we were free to go, you were exited to say the least. You hadn’t been feeling your best for the past couple of days. You had a huge fight with your mom and have been trying to get over The Crush. This crush you have on Dr. Reid isn’t the smartest thing, but you can’t help it. Every time he stars talking about something ultra -interesting regarding the case you’re currently working on, he apologises for his ramblings and doesn’t finish what he started. And every time you say Go on I wanna hear what you have to say, he would flush his cute little cheeks and stutter through the rest of the ramble. He sometimes brings you coffee in the morning and when you’re flying on the jet for a case, he always starts up a conversation about some classic he noticed you were reading or knows you had read. He was just the sweetest little thing and you couldn’t help falling for him. But, as you had been a rather new addition to the team, you thought that this was just simply how he was. Until you talked to Garcia.
“He totally likes you!” she screamed in your face one night after a particularly bad case. You sometimes invite her over just to help you sleep better or to just gossip over wine; take your mind off the case. “He’s like that with everyone…” “Y/N.. you don’t actually believe that?” You look down at the floor. “Oh, you sweet little thing. He is definitely not like that with everyone.” “Okay, I’ll humor that. But still, we have a super nice friendship and I don’t want to ruin that. What if he doesn’t like me as much as I like him and just considers me a close friend?” ”Y/N…” ”Could you please drop it Pen, I don’t wanna talk about this right now.” “Sure thing, Boss Lady.”
“Alright, who’s up for a drink?” Derek asks as he turns to the team, pointing fingers at all of us. Emily nods. “Boss Lady?” he asks you. ”I think I’ll have to pass.” “No, but you’re so fun!” cries Emily. “Sorry guys, I can’t I have…” “A date?” Derek asks. “Yep” I say smugly. you notice out of the corner of your eyes, Spencer quickly packing up his stuff to avoid looking at you. “If you can call a bottle of wine and an easel a date.” Spencer raises his head at that. “That’s too bad, Pretty Lady.” “See ya tomorrow, beefcake!” You stand up to leave and wave to all the others as you get to the elevator. “Goodbye everyone.” The others murmur a goodbye to you as well. As the elevator door close, you hear a voice call out. “Hold the door!”. You’d recognize that voice everywhere. It’s the voice you dream of after all. You hold the door and Spencer goes to stand next to you. “Thank you Y/N.” “You’re welcome Spencer-nova.” He looks down at the floor, smiling. He’s quite fond of the nickname you gave him. “So, got any plans for the rest of the evening?” I ask, striking up a conversation just to hear his voice. “Well, I was planning to do some more research on The Cross-Cultural Perspective but after this case I think I’m just going to reread ‘Great Expectations’.” You smile at that. “You know, I did a thesis on that.” “The Great Expectations?” That gets a laugh out of you, which makes Spencer’s soft lips turn into a big grin. “No, on the Cross-Cultural Perspective.” “Oh, I didn’t know that”. He looks surprised. Almost too surprised.
Of course Spencer knew you did a thesis on that. He read it. Seven times. When he heard you were coming to work for the BAU, he went through all of your academic achievements. He just wanted to strike up a conversation about something you are interested in, because usually you talk about his interests. “Yeah, back in college.” “Maybe I should read those then”. “Maybe I should read them to you some time”. Spencer breath hitches. He wasn’t expecting you to propose such a thing. He was delighted by the idea, but his brain couldn’t really catch up with his mouth. “Um…do you…I mean you could…I would… l-like that, I would like that very much.” The tips of his ears turn pink. Bingo. You have successfully flirted with Spencer. Go you! This wasn’t the first time you flirted with Spencer. You have tried many times but to no avail. Even if he would get flustered, he thought you were simply joking, and that that was just how you treated everyone in the team. I mean, you call Derek beefcake, so he just assumed you were joking. Besides, why would someone as smart, gorgeous and extroverted as you want to flirt with someone like Spencer? That just didn’t make sense. But you had been acting strange for the past couple of weeks, following, what he assumed to be, some sort of a fight. He didn’t know whether this fight was with a friend or with a family member, but your eyes just seemed sad. You would zone out sometimes and Spencer got worried. So it was nice to know the jokes were back. Even if your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes.
As the elevator doors to the garage open up, you turned to Spencer. “We’ll see what we can do about the reading, Dr. Reid. Until then, have a good night!” you say, turning around to get to your car. “Good night to you too, Y/N!”
A couple of hours and glasses of wine later, you stood in your living room, ‘Streets’ by Doja Cat blasting from the speaker, and a brush in your hand, you heard a slight noise from the bedroom. Paying it no mind, you went to the kitchen to get a bottle opener, coming back to you living room to finish mixing the paint. You empty the bottle of Rose, and start mixing the colors together. Grabbing the now finished glass bottle, you throw it in the air so when it lands back in your hand you’re holding the neck of the bottle. You turn around quickly, the bottom of the bottle colliding with the head of a bulky man, dressed in all black, who had broken into your apartment through the bedroom window. Amongst many things that made you spectacular, was the way you pay attention to your surroundings. You were able to point out even the slightest of changes in the air. “Who the hell are you, and why are you here?” you demand, taking out the handcuffs you took from the drawer in the kitchen and putting in on mans wrists. He didn’t provide an answer. Then you heard a knock at the door. Bending down and taking the gun you keep under your coffee table, you get to the front door. Opening the door, with your hand on the trigger, you see Spencer. He sees the gun before he sees you and puts his hands in the air. “Spencer-nova? What are you doing here?” You ask, opening the door wider, signaling for him to come in. “What’s going on Y/N? Are you okay?” not answering your question. “I’m fine, someone tried breaking into my apartment.”
Some time later, the suspect sat in the interrogation room, handcuffed to the chair he was sitting on. “I’m only going to ask you this once, fucker” You say, opening the door to the interrogation room, slamming your hands on the table. “Who do you work for?” “Why do you think I work for anybody?” “Oh, so the little piggy talks, huh? That’s a relief.” “I don’t work for anybody, I just broke in to steal your stuff. I wasn’t expecting you to be fucking James Bond.” “So, you’re telling me you just happened to come across my apartment, and decited to break in?” “Exactly!”
“He’s telling the truth.” Hotch concludes as you exit the room. “Are you sure? Because it doesn’t seem random to me.” “As far as I can tell, he was there to steal something from you.” That doesn’t make sense. Why would he break into my apartment just to steal something? He could’ve waited while I’m not home to do that. I work 15 hours a day, that would definitely be more sufficient. “Were going to arrest him for attempted robbery but that’s about all we can do for now. If you have anything else, run it by me.” “You got it, Boss”
“Hey Y/N, you got anything?” Spencer asks, seeing me ending the conversation with Hotch. “Nothing, no. But it still seems weird.” Spencer takes a look at you as you go to the elevators. Hotch requested you go home and deal with this tomorrow. And since Spencer lives somewhat close, he was instructed to stay with you tonight, seeing as he’s also the one who drove you to the station.
Spencer just now noticed how good you looked tonight. Your hair was in a messy bun, you wore a simple black T-shirt with a name of, what seems to be, a rock band on the front. You had on a long, flowy black skirt and an oversized silky white shirt. You looked absolutely stunning.
With the adrenaline wearing down and the alcohol you consumed coming back to you, you felt really tired. The drive to your apartment complex was mostly quiet, excluding the radio which was playing a familiar song softly. “Look, you don’t have to stay tonight. You live a block away anyway, ill just call you if I need anything.” You couldn’t bear Spencer being so close to you tonight. But he wanted nothing more. He didn’t want to leave you alone, especially not after what happened tonight. He was worried. He wanted to protect you. He opened his mouth to disagree but as he saw the way your eyes were closing and he couldn’t help but shut it. Tonight wasn’t the night then. He wanted to check up on you after you were acting weird the whole week. Surely you would call him if you need him. You’re a grown woman, you can take care of yourself. “Let me at least walk you to your door. Check if there’s anyone else there?” “Fine, Spence, you can walk me to my door.” As much as you didn’t want him there, your heart couldn’t help but flutter at the proposal. That man would be the death of you.
“There, no ones here. You can go now.” You felt bad for making him go home after he was instructed to stay, but you just couldn’t. Sleeping in the same apartment just knowing there is a slight possibility you could be sleeping next to him, cuddled up in his arms, could kill you. Exiting the door to your apartment, Spencer turns to look at you. He extends his pinky finger towards you. “Promise me you’ll call if you feel unsafe?” You hook you pinky with his. “I promise, Spence.” Even the slight contact with your skin makes Spencers heart flutter. He unhooks his finger and starts to walk away, towards the exit. “Hey.” The softness in your voice makes him halt. Turning around he sees you, slight smile on your lips and your hands behind your back. “Thank you, Spence. Thank you for…you know…caring about me.” “Of course, Y/N. And don’t worry about it. I’m here.” As you wave goodbye, the small smile on your face pulls at Spencers heartstrings. He wishes he said what he came over to say to you.
As you close the door, you walk up to your coffee table, opening the bottle of wine, you sit on the floor, your back to the sofa. Why couldn’t you say what you really want to say?
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inthememetime · 3 years
So, it's school season again. Here's some essay tips from someone who survived college:
I KNOW you've got a million other things that you'd like to do or need to do. Start working on it anyway. Even as little as 30 minutes of work on it a day will give you a considerably better essay than doing it the night before.
You can check using this site (or many others) to make sure there's no plagiarism in your essay for free.
👏SITE👏YOUR👏SOURCES. I don't care of it's one sentence that you're copying. If you copy a sentence and don't site it, you're committing plagiarism. At best, your professor will give you a warning and a 0. At worst, you will be kicked out of your college or university, have academic dishonesty permanently on your transcript, and even face legal charges from the person whose work you stole.
Paraphrasing is still plagiarism if you don't give credit. Do NOT say "In general, these kennels have 50 dogs to 1 volunteer." DO say "To paraphrase the study from 2019 by Bob & Sandra, these kennels have 50 dogs to 1 volunteer."
When you cite your sources, how do you do it? First, read your instructions and ask your professor if they want MLA, APA, Chicago, or another format. Most of the time, they'll probably want MLA or APA. Here's a great site with that info, and info on how to determine if what you're writing is plagiarism. It's free too!
BEFORE you use that study from Bob & Sandra, check them out a little. Was their study later found faulty for some reason? In that case, you don't want to use them.
Grammarly, or similar grammar/spelling checkers will be your best friend.
Remember AGLS when writing anything. Audience, Goal, Length, Siting. Audience- who are you writing to? If you're supposed to be addressing your teacher, the CEO of a major fortune 500 company, or a class of 12 year olds, your style is going to have to change accordingly. Goal- what are you trying to do? Are you trying to inform people about how many volunteers there are per dog in a kennel? Are you trying to get more volunteers? To advocate paying people to work there to increase quality of life for the dogs? Length- is this supposed to be a 500 word essay? 5,000? Does the word count not matter as long as it's 10 pages front and back? Once you have that info, find out your teacher's preferences. Would they prefer you to be a word short and have a clean, well written essay? Would they prefer you to go over than to be a single word short? How much can you go over or under? Siting- bottom of the page, back of the essay, or in its own sheet? What format? Siting DOES NOT COUNT TOWARDS YOUR WORD COUNT. How many sources- just 1 or 2? Or 10?
Remove excess contractions. Turn isn't into is not, or hasn't into has not to increase your word count and sound more formal.
Write a strong thesis, then find your sources. You may need to rewrite your thesis if your sources don't support it. Or find a new thesis!
Your thesis is your checklist and tells the reader what you're here to do. Sound confident. If your thesis says this is to explain how the ratio of volunteers to dogs became lopsided, some quality of life issues for the quality of life for the dogs due to this, and how paying the volunteers would increase quality of life, that's how the body of your essay will go.
Thesis- 1 paragraph. Preferably, 1 sentence with a spring paragraph.
Body- 1 or 2 paragraphs per item in your thesis. In the SAME ORDER as your thesis. Think about it like baking a cake. You can't bake your eggs THEN mix your batter. It can be more than 1-2 paragraphs if you've got a lot to say.
Conclusion- be confident! You've got a strong thesis, you've got your supporting information and explanations in the body of your essay. Now it's time to say, THIS is what I planned to show you, and I did. Follow up with the change you want the audience to make. It should be in the same format as the thesis, so if your thesis is 1 paragraph, your conclusion needs to be 1 paragraph too.
Don't go off on a tangent that's unsupported. If you want to add in a paragraph about how the lack of rules from the city council about spaying and neutering did are causing dog overpopulation, that's fine. But you have to find sources. Not just since crackpot on the internet, an actually reputable source. Also, consider what your source covers. If the source exclusively talks about shoes and handbags except for 1 article, they're not an expert about dogs.
Don't talk about something unrelated. Want to talk about the overfishing in the Pacific? Fair choice, but not in your essay about dogs. As the old saying goes, what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
I hope this helps you in your current or future school year!
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imfemalewarrior · 4 years
Woah, you were a microbiologist? That's actually my college major! (I'm just a freshman but still lol) Would you mind giving me any tips you might have for bio/microbio, or anything you'd wanted to know at the time? If not that's okay!! I hope you have a good day :D
Ya! My undergrad thesis was in microbiology (specifically microbial fuel cells).
So I don't know how ur university works or if you have to write an undergrad thesis or do research to get ur undergrad degree (my institution/major required us to do a research project and write a thesis to graduate). So my advice is gonna be closer to this experience but hopefully that will still be helpful!
So in my freshman year I tried to join a microbiology lab but looking back I don't think I was ready to do that; i was ready during my junior year tho. And that's ok! So maybe give yourself freshman year to adjust to what college life and workload is like.
You can also use your freshman year to figure out what career path you want (do you want to go to grad school or industry or government work? Applied research or pure research? What areas of microbiology interest you, medicinal, energy, water treatment, greenhouse gas sequestering, fuel generation? Which ones do you want to avoid at all costs?) If you want to go to grad school or keep it as an option focus on research experiences in microbio labs and not internships.
Figure out who ur academic advisor is and develop a good professional relationship with them. They will help you stay on track with classes for graduation and now also you have someone who knows you that you can ask for rec letters.
Go to office hours!!! More professional relationships with professors and thus better rec letters.
Approach professors about their research and labs and talk to them about joining as an undergrad researcher but I don't recommend doing this is freshman year bc of what I already said. Freshman year search microbio stuff on google scholar and read research papers to learn what's out there in current research, especially recent publications!
See what clubs are available for professional development and attend those. I attended women in engineering stuff and it was helpful to me when I was starting out.
See what resume writing resources are available and ask for their help writing a resume (freshman year it's ok to have high school stuff on ur resume but ur first year at college try to do stuff that you can replace high school stuff with on ur resume, and at the end of each semester update ur resume with what classes you took during that semester to help reflect ur developed skills to ppl you send the resume to or anything you apply to that requires a resume). Also write a CV as those can include hobbies and what skills you have from those hobbies
I also do recommend studying abroad if at all possible as that was something people were extremely interested in when I was applying for internships before I figured out "i want to go to grad school" and switched tactics with the help and advice of my academic advisor (hence why you need to figure out who they are and see them at the beginning and end of every semester to make sure your schedule is correct and you're on track with everything)
Work with your classmates. Attend every class you are physically fit to attend (ie if ur sick stay home if ur physically well go to class and sit at the front ur teacher will notice you attend class) turn in all ur hw bc these are the things that show you pay attention and care about the class. Also attending office hours.
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cancerbiophd · 3 years
I've heard from my PI that he thinks I will be graduating next spring/summer, which is such a light at the end of the tunnel. That and reading about your post-PhD have been the only thing keeping me trudging along, especially with my PI asking everyone to start giving their 110%... Any tips for getting through the last year? I just feel like I've been running on fumes before, so idk how I'm going to be giving 110% until my thesis defense.
Hey K.T.! Omg, time flew! I can’t believe you’re already on your last year. Congrats on all your hard work and reaching the final year! I totally know how you’re feeling right now. The last year is the toughest in many ways, especially when dealing with not burning out. I’m glad my post-PhD tales are helping you, and hopefully I can offer some mores words of encouragement here! 
Take more breaks. You’re at a point akin to an old phone that is slowly getting battery-wear and needs to be charged more often throughout the day. You may find yourself working more and more, so to balance, take more and more mini breaks throughout the day. It also helps to plan enjoyable things during these breaks so you always have something to look forward to, and they can be as small as watching another episode of your current show or taking a nap. 
Prioritize your health and well-being. Whatever system is working for you--keep doing it. It’s easy for us to sacrifice the things that keep us healthy when we have a lot of work to do (eg. when our PI is demanding 110%), but it’s especially crucial to keep our health at top shape during these demanding times. 
Work with your PI to compromise, probably now more so than ever. You may find yourself needing to put your foot down and saying no to projects that are unrelated to your dissertation (and some PIs may not be doing this maliciously--sometimes they don’t realize everything you have going on). Related, I would advise not to take on any more new students to train, unless it’s guaranteed to help you with finishing your dissertation (eg. someone dedicated to doing time-consuming data analyses). 
Delegate more to other members of the lab (eg. junior and/or more permanent members). Not only will this free up your energy and time in the lab as you phase towards focusing on writing your dissertation, but it’s also part of passing down your knowledge for a smooth transition once you leave. 
Make a timeline of major tasks and proposed deadlines. This is something my PI had me do continuously throughout my last year--she recommended I print out a calendar of my remaining timeline and to work backwards from my expected defense date so I could get a sense of how much time I had for each task, when the last possible date would be to run any large time-consuming experiments, etc. And then as my experiments were planned out, I could work forward and adjust other deadlines (like my defense date) accordingly. The timeline was definitely not set in stone in any way though--I was constantly revising mine--but it did a) help me get a better sense of how my time could be best structured, b) make the big black tunnel of the unknown future less dark and stressful, and c) show me that “one year” may sound like a long time, but when broken down into experiments and deadlines, it’s not that long at all! Related, this timeline also gave me an answer during job interviews for a ballpark of when I might be able to start. 
But still remain flexible and take everything one day at a time. You can change your timeline--you can extend your defense by a few weeks--but you can’t change your priority to your own health and well-being, or just unexpected curve-balls for that matter. And when the weight of the future feels too overwhelming (which may happen more and more often during the last year), forget about it all and just focus on what you need to do right now, be it the next step in your protocol or the next line of your dissertation. Grad school is very much like climbing a mountain, and the best way to reach the summit is one step a time, and with plenty of breaks along the way. 
Have a buddy who’s going through the same exact process in your support system. There is so much comfort and power in knowing you’re not going through tough times alone. Sometimes there’s no better relief than hearing “omg same here”. It’ll also help during the dissertation process, as they can be a 2nd pair of eyes to help you edit, or someone to help figure miscellaneous things out like what format to use for your dissertation, etc. 
But don’t compare yourself to others. It’s inevitable that some of your colleagues in grad school will graduate before you, and some will graduate after you. I know the thought will always be there, but we have to remember that everyone is on their own uniquely tailored path, so it’s like comparing apples to oranges, and doing so can only lead to bad vibes. (And we don’t have time for bad vibes, do we!)
Consider any extra obligations very very carefully (including those outside of grad school). You may have to ask yourself: “Is this the best use of my time right now?”
Related, I do not recommend starting a full-time position before you’ve defended. Writing your dissertation and preparing for your final defense is already a demanding full-time job in itself, and there just simply isn’t enough hours in the day--or energy--to do that and start a new position at the same time. Two positions that I interviewed at (including the current one I’m at now) asked me if I would be willing to start while I was just working on writing my dissertation, and I’m sooo grateful my PI talked me out of it (as I probably would’ve had to push my defense back by like 2 months if that were the case!) I have more advice on writing a dissertation here. 
This too shall pass. I know it sucks right now. But time will always move forward, and effort will never betray you. You know that you have it in you to keep climbing this mountain, because look at how far you’ve come! 
Good luck! I’m super proud of you, and I can’t wait for the day I can call you Dr. K.T.! And I’m always here for you if you ever want to talk about anything ❤️ 
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littledarknesscalls · 3 years
Post-birthday reflections and plans for the new year
    2020 is ending in a few hours for me so I’ve decided to write a little reflection post just like last year. This year was supposed to be “The Year” when I get my anxiety to remain silent and write more pop culture practices related stuff. But both you and I know roaring ‘20 turned into whiny ‘20 and wasn’t a good year for any of us. For me it was year of constantly overcoming myself, be it through family, mental health or thesis work related issues. 
     Besides surviving, I managed to get my B.E. degree in applied geology this July, an achievement I was doubting often. It troubled me so much I considered giving up. Only Highlord and my SO know how big this was for me and without help of either of them I’m not sure if I had enough courage to be able to ask my thesis supervisors for help.
    I also consider myself to be spirit spoused in this year. It might be surprising to some, but it wasn’t my idea - the offer came from one of entities I work with that I at some point finally considered. It sure feels weird to be such a spouse, especially when we talk about pop culture entity and how similar it initially looks to waifuism (which I find okay, as long as the character is an adult being that is able to consciously consent). Initial uncertainties aside, it seems to allow me to deepen my understanding of facets of this particular entity. I promise to write on this topic when I’ll get longer break from university and get to interview few pop culture practitioners who also are spirit/god spoused.
    I’ve definitely slowed down with my practice. What I mean by that is, comparing to previous year, I haven’t done much of complex spellwork. One could consider it a result of laziness, but having in mind how downright crazy this year was, I am not going to beat myself with punishment stick for not being in headspace for writing complex lore oriented spells, wards and curses. But by no means this was a dry year for my practice - I’ve managed to get more interesting and better quality books on magic in it’s different flavors. From my personal favourites I got so far I can surely name “Magic by Design” by Taylor Ellwood, “Psychic Witch” by Mat Auryn and “Grovedaughter witchery” by Bree Nicgarran, which I hope to include in my reviews and sources on more magic oriented discussions of the pop culture.
    But this year also was time for observing people and what I’ve noticed worried me. Current pandemic confirmed certain problematic mindset that is getting more and more popular - that a lot of people chose to become closed minded and follow paths of misinformation, conspiracy theories and anti-science dogmas. People like to exclude those who don’t share their unhealthy views and choose personal comfort over having consideration for someone else than themselves. Unfortunately this issue got quite strong in the spiritual community. Instead of basic human decency they show self-centered mentality cloaked into concepts like “personal freedom”, “raising vibrations” or “doing your own research”. One could say that history repeats itself and I don’t freaking like this.
    I do have plans for this blog in the upcoming year. Definitely I want to be more active when my time allows it, but preferably in weekly format (my quality of writing plummets when having bad day or when being sick and I can see when). I’ve decided to make some general list of topics you may expect from this blog in 2021:
* Tidbits of information on my Lore of Choice;
* Application of those tidbits in magical practice;
* Spellwork and recipes based on in-game abilities and objects;
* Pop culture recipes, both from the lore and other media I know;
* General pop culture practices posts and tips;
* Maybe one post on spirit/god spousing from pop culture practitioners perspective;
* Maybe more personal posts;
* Maybe one or two posts on book reviews.
See you in the New Year!
31-12-2020; 21:00 CET
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whitley07aguilar · 2 years
Benefits associated with Using Premium Live journal Themes
If you possess the budget, go for a custom developed Wordpress plugins instead associated with settling for the no cost one. But no longer just go in order to any WordPress style designers. To obtain the just about all out of the theme, make sure you deal using an experienced and SEO-knowledgeable WordPress template developer / developer. Established from experience, a new good designer can cost you someplace between 3K to be able to 5K depending on your own design requirements. If you choose to settle for some sort of custom designed WordPress theme, you should recognize that sooner or even later, you need to spend for the programmer to upgrade your current theme in case WordPress releases the newer version. Should you be OK with typically the above, a tailor made designed WordPress theme is extremely recommended for you. Alternatively, you can settle regarding the next best thing - Premium WordPress themes. Using premium themes like Thesis, Headway, Genesis and Catalyst gives you an edge within terms of customization and SEO. These kinds of themes are coded by no less than the professionals so you can be positive they are up to date to established website standards. They are usually also compatible to be able to virtually every web browser so you don't have to concern yourself with how your website will appear when viewed in any browser. These are just a couple benefits that is accessible to you personally if you opt to work with a Premium Wp theme. Premium WP themes Are Inexpensive Cost is a single of the causes why most bloggers and webmasters select to use Superior WordPress themes over custom designed concept. Even though it shouldn't get the case, website owners are limited using their assets. The truth is, to acquire a good custom designed WordPress theme, that will cost a person some money so, if you are not ready to spend funds intended for your Wordpress plugins, in that case a Premium style will do. It will cost a person just a fraction regarding what you pay intended for a designed theme. The particular problem is, an individual risk your cyberspace brand if you don't customize this since it will have numerous of you utilizing the same theme. High quality themes And Personalization The good reports is, Premium Live journal themes are simple to customize. Inside free download , Premium themes' best selling proposition is their "customizability". As the ease associated with customization differs from a single Premium theme to be able to another, they're usually easy to customize without having in order to cope with codes. 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It's called SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION, short for search engine optimisation. Now what provides Premium WordPress themes have to do with SEO you question? Well, SEO starts on your internet site and it's named on-page optimization. If the WordPress theme you're using is definitely poorly coded plus confusing towards the lookup engines, then an individual can't expect much love from these people. Unfortunately, this is typically the reality that free of charge Wordpress plugins users include to face. Free WordPress Templates are generally mostly created simply by novice designers. Superior WordPress Templates, in the other side, usually are created simply by the more knowledgeable and knowledgeable Wp developers/ designers. Also because it's for size consumption, it would be easy identify the good ones from the below average ones. All this takes is really a quick search on Google to see reviews and testimonials from existing and former users. With regard to designed themes, it's really hard to explain to especially if an individual don't know how in order to write a code.
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inyoursheets · 4 years
2, 16, 18, 23!
Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
wow ok this is surprisingly hard to answer! confronting! im not even sure, there isn’t anything specific ive got planned out that im excited to write. i don’t have any future projects planned out yet. or. i mean.....there are some things at the tips of my writing fingers but i can’t allow myself to think about them properly yet bc i need to focus on and commit to finishing warm water. and my thesis (ugh).
there are some things from warm water that ive already written that im excited to share, but right now im in a place where writing just isn’t going smoothly, so whenever i have an idea (like the eloquent “sweatpants dick” note i took recently) (my only contribution that day) im not all that confident or excited about it bc im afraid the actual writing itself will be a pain? that i’ll drag my feet for days and it won’t come easy and i’ll hate every second of it -- until things click and the words start flowing, not unlike this post describes. idk i keep really wanting to write and sitting down for it and then it just--won’t happen. or if i do actually try putting pen to paper i just start hating it all, which i don’t want.
so! this is a sad note to end on! here’s some vague things i am looking forward to: i’m looking forward to being excited about writing in general! i’m looking forward to writing something i’m proud of, either in terms of plot or theme or characterization or dialogue or whatever! i’m also looking forward to having that oh-my-god-the-words-are-flowing-from-me moment, regardless of the result tbh, bc i just love that feeling of loving writing and having it come easily. that’s what im excited about -- being excited about writing again.  
Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
ok so i have this terrible writing tendency to not know how to not describe every single action characters make -- every movement, every gesture. particularly on first drafts i feel the urge to describe it all, otherwise i can’t continue. i know that it’s not always necessary to write what happens every single second of a scene, but i can’t seem to stop?
idk if im explaining what i mean correctly -- there’s probably terms for this that i dont know -- but someone who i think manages to do the opposite of what i do very well is @fairhairedkings, who is really good at time jumps and not going overboard w the minute-to-minute descriptions, the way i tend to.
i know it can be pretty tiresome and it’s one of the things that annoys me a lot about my own writing, both in terms of reading it (it can be plain boring?) and for the writing itself. it blocks me! but i can’t seem to stop doing it, feel like i’m glazing over things otherwise or lose track of where im going. i have to keep reminding myself that leaving out certain things doesn’t mean that nothing happens or that people assume nothing happens.
so, to answer the question, ive tried to be a bit more concise with it’s hidden in heartbeats, exhales and in the hope of open hands when i started writing it. that fic is a product of being fed up with my other WIPs and it didn’t take more than a week from its initial idea to the finished product, so i really wanted it to be a quickie, and i thought something tight and concise could work for the plot. i didn’t actually manage to succeed though, still ended up describing just about every action there, too. i don’t think i’ll ever manage to write something concise tbh. i do bad with time jumps, i do bad with less is more, which is unfortunate, bc less can truly, truly be more. so! im gonna try this again some time!
Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
mmm well, warm water originally didn’t include mutual pining -- beth wasn’t supposed to be in love with rio yet, we were gonna watch her fall in love slowly, while he already felt things. but then i ended up almost turning that entirely on its head and now we’ve got the mess that is that this fic in its current state lol. there’s also an AU to warm water that i briefly considered bc of you which i won’t go into now bc of possible spoilers -- but ive considered things!!! 
also for it’s hidden in heartbeats, it was supposed to be more about petty!rio and haha, look, exes trying to get “revenge”, and to be light and funny, but i realized that idk how relationships work, let alone how exes work, so i couldn’t really find any good reasons for them splitting up, at least nothing that could generate comedy, so it ended up getting fairly angsty? idk why this keeps happening -- me planning to do something rom com-esque and it developing into something wayyyyy angstier, but it did!
What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
oh wow idek! ive definitely been working on warm water the longest, so i guess technically that one, but there are some other ideas that have been drifting near the surface that have been there longer and are very underdeveloped and need time and nourishment and attention and love, all of which i can’t give them yet bc im trying to stay focused on warm water and thesis writing. maybe the beth/stan friendship snippet ive got hidden in somewhere in my docs!
thank youuuu for indulging me!!! meta writing asks!!!!
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owlespresso · 4 years
A Time Before
When Hades and the 14th knew each other, fell in love, and most importantly, had time. Tip Jar / Headcanon Requests are 2 ko-fis. Spicy content below the read more.
The sun peers around the belfry just in time for Hades to round the corner. He squints and turns his gaze away, nose wrinkling at the vile brightness. His books rest in the crook of his arm, and for a moment he must resist the urge to bring them in front of his face as a shield.
He had seen you do that, once, and immediately wondered what it must be like to be unbothered by public opinion, so carefree and dissolute. He’s lost count of how many times he’s scolded you for your filipancy and devout aversion to deadlines.
“Hades!” yet when you call to him from across the vibrant courtyard, voice carried like petals on the breeze, he still goes to you. The florets and emerald leaves fill the air with a delightful, abet stifling aroma. 
There’s a quick in his brow and the barest of smiles on his lips as he approaches, watching you rock back and forth in a swing that was most certainly not here yesterday.
“Making the most of our god-given creativity, are you?” he drawls.
“I’m having fun with it, so I think so,” you reply. When you smile smugly, you do it with your eyes, cheeks pulled upwards in an expression both insufferable and adorable all the same. Besides, none of the professors have called me on it, so it’s probably fine.” 
It probably is, Hades admits inwardly. It’s a pretty, ivory swing. Vines dotted with flowering blooms twine up the rope on either side. It’s aesthetically pleasing and practical, like your work always is.
Brilliant, blue energy sparks from your palm and spreads to your fingers, before it ventures to the surface below you. Its form changes and warps before his very eyes, growing longer and wider.
“There!” you exclaim, proud as he’s ever seen you.
You tilt your head to the side and pat the newly formed space next to you. The coquettish little grin you treat him to makes him want to squish your cheeks.
“Shouldn’t you be hard at work on your thesis?” he asks dryly, taking a seat regardless. His books now rest in his lap, hands placed neatly atop them.
“I have more than enough time,” you assure him.
Any stinging retort he could have delivered dies on his tongue as you settle yourself into his side. His entire body goes rigid, jaw clamped shut as one of your arms sneaks around his own, tugging the limb into your chest. Your face presses to his shoulder, and he can’t imagine it’s very comfortable with your mask in the way. For once in his life, he’s at a loss for words. Your boldness has never been a secret, but to think you’d show such affection in public.
Even in private, you’d never exchanged anything more than brief brushes up against each other, through thick, black robes.
How do you look underneath those layers, he suddenly wonders? How would you react if he unwrapped you, pressed you to his sheets and ran his needy hands up and down your body? Would you arch into him? What noises would you make? Would you still tease him, or melt into a puddle underneath him? Would your lips part around and smooth over his greedy fingers?
“I wish it would always be like this,” your voice is muffled against his sleeve.
“Like what?” he humors you, even if he has a good idea of what you mean.
“Everything being quiet. Us not being committed to actual jobs, yet. We won’t have this much free time forever, you know. What if he never get to see each other anymore?”
Hades can’t recall the last time he’s heard you sound upset, and can’t control how alarmed he gets. He can feel the writhe and twist of your soul, see how genuinely repulsed at the idea of being apart from him. It’s equal parts touching and flustering, but he has little time to deal with his own, turbulent emotions. Because you are upset, and somehow, he’s come to think of it as his duty to soothe you.
There is explicit value in your happiness and your smile.
What if we work in the same establishment? He wants to ask, but doesn’t, because that’s not a complete plan and might only wind up giving you false hope. He runs through various possible solutions in his head and his hand itches for a utensil to write them down with. He’ll write them like he writes his theories, each and every one meticulously thought out, stewed over for days, drawn up with… love.
“We should get married,” you say, and he nearly chokes on his own tongue. The distress that wailed within you has calmed, “That way, we’ll always come home to each other!”
It’s not a bad idea. In fact, he gets carried away and thinks of it as a very good idea for a moment, before he remembers practicality.
“That’s a bit of a leap from where our relationship currently stands,” he says, bidding the desperate thumping in his chest to calm.
“Maybe,” you say, nonchalant. It awe and frustrates him all at once. He’s never met someone like you, before, and he never wants to be a part from you, either, “But I know for certain that I’m very fond of you. And if we never see each other anymore, who will correct your work?” you tease, and he does his best to ignore the thrill your voice sends up his spine.
“Critiquing isn’t equivalent to correcting!” he snaps, thoroughly offended. You laugh into his shoulder and the sound settles his ruffled feathers. His eyes shut. He exhales the hot air he’d been holding, “Regardless, your feelings are returned. The idea of being separated from you is just as unsettling to me as it is to you.”
He leans over, cheek nestled to the top of your head. The hubbub of the university fades into meager background noise. The decadent, floral scents swell around the both of you, the shade proving a cool blanket, a shelter from the violent light of the sun.
“Are we gonna get married, then?” you feel him stiffen, giving a laugh and oh, it’s so terribly difficult to be cross with you while you’re so blastedly content, “Or maybe we could just find an apartment together?”
“That would be a more amenable solution,” he admits with a small sigh.
“Good,” you say with a certain level of finality to your voice. He feels as though he’s just signed a contract, “Good. We can start looking next weekend.”
“You mean after you get at least halfway done with that thesis,” he pulls back to level you with a stern look, prepared for the pout you give in return, “Don’t look at me like that, you stubborn little thing,” he reaches out and pinches your cheek, expression furrowing into a fond smirk, “You know just as well as I how crucial this is. I’ve gone easy on you before, but this is more important than the rest combined. It’s a requirement for graduation. And if you cannot graduate, you cannot move in with me.”
His hand reaches for your chin, tilting your head up.
“Promise me you’ll get to work, hm?”
You don’t want to give into his demands out of sheer stubbornness. You’re always been pointlessly obstinate, willing to challenge him for the sake of it. There’s no one else who keeps him on his toes, no one who can spur him into improving himself.
His other rivals pale in comparison. He is wowed by your thoughts and clever machinations to levels he never thought possible. Usually, he revels whenever you challenge him, but for once he’s delighted when you sigh, nod and agree.
“If we live together, people are going to think we’re romantically involved,” you clarify, whilst looking over the balcony. This is the third apartment you’ve looked over together, by far the nicest. Hades brushes his fingers over the cool counter and scoffs.
“Have you just realized that?” he drawls and walks to your side, his gaze roaming over their proud city. He’ll never tire of the grand vista, the extravagant spires which stretch towards the sky.
“No,” you scoff right back and nudge him with your elbow, “I just wanted to make sure you knew.”
“Whatever you say,” he replies, entirely unconvinced. Y
A hand reaches for one of your own. You intertwine your fingers together near instantly, leaning your head against his solder.
“You want this one, right?” you inquire softly.
“Of course I do. It’s the nicest one we’ve been shown thus far,” newly done counters, a wine rack in the kitchen, even a fireplace. He briefly pictures the crackling flames, quickly fantasizes about being nestled underneath a sea of blankets with you tucked to his side, just like you are right now. 
“Mhm,” you hum and nod your assent, turning your head, nuzzling your face into his shoulder. The two of you linger in the otherwise empty apartment for another fifteen minutes before the real estate agent comes fluttering back in, enthusiastically asking you what you think and when you’ll buy.
The thought of living at your side and waking up to you each and every morning keeps him patient and warm, even throughout all of the obnoxious paperwork, which he finalizes mere days later.
Begins the process of packing up his belongings, readying for the massive changes in his life that loom on the horizon. He puts his life into large, cardboard boxes and watches them get taken down the road and out of sight by the moving vans. He’ll see them again in a matter of hours, but he can’t suppress the nostalgia and perhaps grief he feels.
He’s a proud academic, one of the university’s most lauded scholars, a man undoubtedly head and shoulders above his peers.
So why does his stomach toss and turn? Why does he feel so antsy? The bothersome butterflies flutter in his stomach. His nerves jump even as he rides the elevator up to the apartment, where all his belongings already reside.
He’s taken more difficult leaps than this, he tells himself. The hallway stretches before him after the doors open with an abrupt ding. Ornate paintings are fastened to the walls, lined by frames of gold and bronze. Something as small as a change in scenery should hardly startle him.
The battle with his own emotional state rages on even as he twists the key into the doorknob, fiddling with it for a mere moment before he throws it open. Much to his surprise, the fireplace is already crackling away, cozy warmth sweeping through the living room. Some of the furniture has already been set up—a plush, comfortable couch sat in front of a coffee table which you meticulously picked out from a selection of five.
Your combined belongings rest in boxes scattered around on the floor. He hears the sound of cardboard being tossed about from behind one of the incredible towers.
“Hades!” your face pops into view. Sweat gleams on your brow, but the vibrancy of your smile outshines that by miles. His heart near aches in his chest and he longs to pull you into his arms. The anxiety rumbling in his stomach calms at the sight of you and for the first time in a long while, he feels perfectly at home.
“I still think the sheets could have been purple,” you remark idly, sorting through your bedroom closet. Hades watches from his lounged position, gaze running across your shoulders, down your back, over your hips and thighs. You’ve both discarded the usual robes for lighter fare, allowing him to see more of you than he ever had.
It’s been two weeks since you’ve moved in together, and you’ve settled into a lovely, steady rhythm. There have been no heartfelt, dramatic confessions, but he assumes you’re in a relationship now. 
No, he knows it. He knows it from the way you kiss his cheeks or lips whenever he gets home, knows it from the way you lean into him when he wraps his arms around your waist. There’s a domestic bliss that blankets your apartment, a warm feeling he’s never experienced before and does not want to let go.
Even petty little arguments like these have their place in that feeling. How delightful it is to negotiate who’ll do what chores or who will pick out the lamps for the study. Never had he thought that sharing his space with someone else could be so rewarding. 
“It would have been obnoxious,” Hades corrects, lips quirking into a smug little grin, “Black is the most fashionable color, my dear. I can think of no one who looks bad in it.”
“Debatable,” you snort, “Being colorful is more adventurous. And history always rewards the brave, Hades,” your organizing gets faster and perhaps a little more aggressive, and once you’re done, you whirl around to face him, crossing your arms.
“I wouldn’t call picking out a pair of gaudy sheets to be brave in any way, shape or form,” Hades raises an eyebrow and you huff, striding over to him. You just about jump onto the bed, the mattress bouncing underneath the sudden weight.
“You just don’t know anything about art,” you tease, crawling over the comforter to rest beside him. He readies another keen retort, but chokes on his words when your face presses into the side of his neck, lips brushing against his skin, “And you’re so cold!” you exclaim, absolutely shocked. One of your hands slides over his chest and wraps around his throat—not to squeeze, merely to feel. It’s an inquisitive touch, but he can’t stop himself from sighing shakily, “What’s wrong?” 
Blast it, you’d noticed, you keen little thing. 
“Nothing. I was simply rendered speechless by your lack of aesthetic taste,” he snips, but his bottom lip wobbles when your teeth scrape over his skin. The hand on his throat slowly slides down to his robes, beginning to unfasten them, exposing his chest inch-by-inch.
Your lips follow, blazing a trail down his neck. A second hand joins the mix, tugging his sleeves to reveal his shoulders. Your fingers brush over them appreciatively before clamping down, delighting in the broad muscle there. Hades’s hands reach for your hips, giving them a hesitant squeeze. You’re still much too clothed for his liking. 
He’d like to remedy that problem, but you have him stunned and motionless, willing to do little besides bask in the attention you’re so generously giving him.
He remains still and pliant for you, shockingly silent as you disrobe him. You carve your marks into his skin, bite at his shoulder. The gentle caress of your fingers intermingle with harsh scratches that make his back arch off the mattress, lips parting around succulent moans and other, hardly dignified noises.
Hades’s wide eyes stare up at the ceiling, the mark you’d so carelessly carved onto his shoulder beginning to throb and ache. It’s a carnivorous feeling that rushes straight to his groin, where your mouth is wrapped so generously around his cock.
This wasn’t right. This wasn’t how he’d imagined it would go.
But your tongue swirls around his tip and he finally shuts his eyes, presses his shoulders into the mattress and curls his toes. The noise he lets out is one he won’t admit to later. Your firm hands hold him to the sheets and he does his best to stay in place, just for you. Because what would he be without you, you delightful little thing?
You, who insists on making him feel good, who doesn’t give a damn about your own pleasure until he is thoroughly sated.
You’re still in your robes. He hasn’t gotten the joy of unwrapping you, yet, but your palms are hot against his cold skin. His teeth dig into a bottom lip, wiry fingers curling into the ungodly soft sheets as you treat him better than anyone else ever has. His cock twitches in your mouth, mind melting into dull heat, numb to everything but your hot mouth as he nears his release.
It’s never gone this fast, before. He can feel himself tumbling closer to that beautiful, pristine edge—
Your mouth slides off his cock and he gasps, eyes flying open, mind screeching to a complete halt.
“Come back,” he tries to demand, but his voice is too desperate, pathetic and breathy for it. His face is flushed the prettiest shade of red you’ve ever seen, and he hates it. His cock throbs needily between his legs even as you smile up at him, you goddamn tease. Precum beads at the tip, spreads over your skin as you nuzzle your cheek against it, worshipping his length, making him feel the most frayed he’s ever felt. Like an egg sizzling in a pan.
Like… like… he can’t even think! What a pathetic little mess you’ve made of him! The least you could do is take responsibility!
And you do, abet several moments later than he thinks appropriate. Your lips seal around his cock and your mouth takes him in deep, making him throw his head back and scream. Your aether swims around him richly and encompasses his every part, swaddling him in you, you, you, pushing him beyond what he can take.
His orgasm hits and he doesn’t even realize you’ve swallowed it all until he stops shaking. His eyes are blurry, tears streaming down his cheeks, lips parted around balmy breaths.
“I’m sorry,” you’re not, but that’s alright. Hades can hardly fault him when you’ve given so much to him already. You press your palm to his cheek and he leans into it, eyes shut, “I didn’t mean to tease. You’re just so cute! I can’t help myself.”
“That’s probably the worst excuse you’ve ever come up with,” Hades grumbles, pressing his hands to the mattress, pushing himself to sit up. You scoot back with the motion, giving him space. He misses your weight on top of him, but it’s a sacrifice worth making, “And you’ve come up with a more awful excuses than I can count on both hands,” nonetheless, he leans forward to kiss you, tongue running over your lips. You laugh into it and open your mouth for him, amused noises turning into moans as he finally, finally gets the opportunity to ravish you.
It’s better than he’d imagined it would be. Your cocksure attitude softens as his greedy hands all but tear the fabric from your body. Every inch of flesh revealed to him is another place for him to kiss and worship. You squeak when he sinks his teeth into your shoulder, shiver when his tongue wraps around a nipple. He coaxes the bud to stiffen by licking around it in circles, the other pinched and pulled lightly by nimble fingers.
“Hades,” you sigh, fingers running over his shoulders, rubbing some of the already bruising marks you’ve left, “Hades,” you say again, eyes shut, legs spreading as he makes his long-awaited descent down your body, throwing your robes open to reach the precious crux of your inner thighs.
It is there where he sings his song and makes his home, where he grows utterly enamored with the taste of you. The blue wisps of your soul twine around him and tremble. His hands press your hips to the mattress, keeping you in place as you withstand the full brunt of his love.
You squeal as your orgasm creeps up on you, the once steady ebb and flow of molten pleasure erupting along your nerves, making your legs shake and tighten around his head. Your honey on his tongue is a pure and rapturous benediction.
Your release gleams tantalizingly on his lips as he rises from his (rightful) place in between your legs. His eyes glint dark, face like a tiger slinking through the reeds as he straddles you. His hand presses to the mattress, besides your head whilst his other wraps around his cock. Moisture that had not been there before suddenly covers his erection. You raise your eyebrows.
“Making good use of your god-given creativity?” you jibe, and he hushes you by pressing his tip snuggly against your entrance. You cut yourself off with a whimper, eyes shutting, hips raising ever so slightly.
“Well, I’m having a grand old time with it, so I’d say so,” he purrs in reply, voice husky with arousal. You’re given not a moment to formulate a reply before his hips cant forward, cock sliding inside you with little to no preamble. Your eyes shut tight and your head falls to the pillow, hands running up his lithe arms to perch on his shoulders.
Your fingers scratch feebly, raising red lines along his pale skin. He’ll tease you about them later, he knows, but for now, he’s rendered speechless by the way your walls hug him so nicely. 
“I can’t believe it,” he utters quietly, beginning an agonizingly slow pace. He resists the temptation to shut his eyes, desperate to watch your face contorted in pleasure. Your lips open around squeals and moans, hips rolling to meet each pointed thrust. The hand not at the side of your head wanders down to the space between the two of you, toying with your most intimate place.
“Can’t believe what?” you sound clearly incredulous even when in the throes of pleasure. Your thighs strike against his hips, and it’s not long until you’re writhing desperately against him, encouraging him to go faster.
“That I get to bed someone so miraculous and brilliant,” he praises, nosing over your collarbone, pressing his lips so gently to your skin even as he drives you breathless.
“Hah!” you give a laugh that twists into a high-pitched squeal, “Flattery will get you nowhere!”
“It seems to have landed me in your bed. I would count that as ‘somewhere’,” he manages to keep his voice steady against the mounting pleasure that takes down his spine and through his nerves, striking him to his very core.
He’s merciful enough to remain silent until you cum underneath his gentle coaxing, your eyes shut and expression twisted into divine pleasure. He’s so grateful to have given this to you, he realizes, struck by your ethereal beauty. The blue of your soul twists and twines and flares, full of creativity and light that he wants to reach out and grab, and hold.
Only then does he allow himself to orgasm, pulling out to spill over your stomach. You whine and twitch, lips opening around a final sigh. Quiet lapses over the room, the sound of your soft breathing helping him down from the high.
His arm drapes over your chest, abdomen to your side, still desperate to feel your warmth in any way he can. The afterglow settled around you, aether a second layer of blankets.
“That was great,” you murmur once you’ve regained your bearings.
“I’m glad to have met your standards,” he replies with an amused little huff. His thumb rubs idle circles into your shoulder. He manages to keep his eyes open for another few, precious moments before they close, exhaustion beginning to tug at the back of his mind.
“You always meet my standards,” you press a kiss to his chin, the blankets shifting as you turn onto your side, “I just like to tease you, sometimes.”
“All the red marks on my latest blueprint don’t seem like teasing to me, but I’ll let you have it,” he says, and you don’t reply. A quick glance at your face tells him you’ve already fallen asleep. 
He should get up. He should fetch a warm cloth to clean you both off with. But sleep, like a fiend, bogs down his mind and makes his limbs sluggish. The warmth of you pressed to him is impossible to give up. He’ll wake up in ten minutes, he tells himself, but doesn’t bother reaching over to the night stand to set an alarm.
Warmth seeps throughout his entire body and he allows it to weigh him down, sluggishly lull him to sleep.
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