#they just said they did so they can say they support women and love Ahsoka
soundwavefucker69 · 1 year
got told on tiktok that i was gatekeeping for pointing out that dudebros acting like Leia surviving in space was brand new information that had never happened before in canon, and that you shouldn't act like experts when you don't even know about the force unleashed. i'm not gatekeeping. i'm kicking you out of the fandom. you, the dudebros, are adam and eve, and i, better, more intelligent, the spokesman of the gays, am the angel at the garden of eden. i'm in charge now and you annoyed me.
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Who Did This to You? (03 Whumptober 2021)
Prompt: taunting/insults/who did this to you?
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker
Rating: Gen
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Summary: Obi-Wan has been asked the question many times. Somehow this time it feels different
It was a question he asked himself more often than not.
But something about the way it had been asked, or perhaps, more than likely, the person who had asked it made it sound so different than the way Obi-Wan was used to.
When he’d been a youngling it was something that had been asked under the watchful eye of Yoda, as if he knew that something was going on but wanted to wait until he knew what to take action.
Obi-Wan had never told him the answer.
Then Qui-Gon had asked the same question in his years as a Padawan and he’d again remained quiet. It would be useless to try to answer him when he knew there was nothing that Qui-Gon could actually do to stop it.
Then Qui-Gon had died and Obi-Wan was made a knight. It seemed silly to be asked a question like that in the wake of war but his own padawan had never ceased to ask it, no matter how small the problem seemed.
It was different when Anakin asked him now though. It was as if he knew something that Obi-Wan didn’t.
Who did this to you?
Bruck Chun had done it. That was the short answer to why Obi-Wan’s nose dripped blood and his lip had swollen up. The Jedi weren’t supposed to fight without cause, especially with each other but that didn’t seem to matter to Chun when adult eyes were off of them.
Obi-Wan had gotten through it. Not easily, of course, but he’d gotten through it. Become a padawan and made a name for himself, leaving his anger and hurt in the past.
Who did this to you?
Siri Tachi and Satine Krytze caused the red eyes and puffy face. They’d dangled love in front of Obi-Wan and then it had been snatched away right before he could grasp it. But how was he to tell his master that he’d felt the effects of their abandonment stronger than the abandonment of Qui-Gon’s initial snuff?
Love wasn’t something coveted by the Jedi as it was for others. The Jedi lived to serve all others above themselves and love, one of the most selfish emotions you could experience was at the top of their most dangerous paths.
Who did this to you?
There was something about the way Anakin always asked that made Obi-Wan chuckle. As if even with the battle of the moment being over he would still go and defend Obi-Wan’s honor. Like it was something that he had to defend.
His student’s most useful trait was also his most dangerous. His tendency towards absolute loyalty even in the face of an impossible situation. First and foremost for people he deemed important.
He was a whisper of all the warnings the Jedi had ever laid out against attachment and Obi-Wan had done his best to sway him from this path. Of course, that only lasted until he decided that Obi-Wan was one of those people.
Then it changed everything.
Maybe not on the outside, he concedes but Anakin had still managed to wedge himself into every atom of Obi-Wan until he couldn’t see them as two different people. That didn’t mean that Obi-Wan could just give up on what he’d been taught.
So the question had been startling, as well as long-awaited.
“Who did this to you?” Anakin had asked him one night when they were cramped together on a bunk really only meant for one person. They had just successfully gained ground in the never-ending sieges on the Outer Rim and in the wake of the following days, Anakin and Ahsoka had been moved to his ship as the Resolute was dry docked.
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean,” Obi-Wan replied. There was so much he could say to answer the question but he wasn’t willing to.
“I mean the way you won’t let me say it,” Anakin scowled, sitting up in the bed to peer down at Obi-Wan, “I’ve already told you that you don’t have to say it-.”
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan said sharply, sitting up himself and then wincing at his tone- it sounded as if he had something to hide- before turning to him, “I’ve already told you that the moment that this gets...out of hand, we will have to put an end to it. Is that what you would like?”
Anakin scowled even harder, force presence going stormy around them, “Why Master? Why can’t we just- why can’t you accept it? I know you feel the same way.”
“You don’t know anything,” Obi-Wan responded angrily, “We are not all ruled by our actions Anakin. Do not project your feelings onto me.”
“I’m not!” Anakin insisted angrily, “You can’t tell me that you don’t when you can’t even answer my question. I know when you deflecting Obi-Wan. I’ve known you long enough for that so answer my question. Who did this to you?”
The question to be fair didn’t have a simple answer as Anakin seemed to think it did. The easier question to answer would be, who didn’t hurt Obi-Wan? He was scorned by the Jedi council and his master, left behind by the women he loved, forced to continue as his fellow Jedi and friends died around him.
And that’s what Anakin was asking. He wanted to know who had broken Obi-Wan. But Obi-Wan was damaged, it was true, but he wasn’t broken force damn it. He was still getting up and doing what he was supposed to and fighting a battle that he didn’t believe in to support a group he had lost faith in and-.
And kriff if that didn’t make everything so much worse. Obi-Wan had lost hope in almost everything that he’d ever believed in. Shunned and at odds with everything he’d ever cared for. Except for-.
He looked up into Anakin’s eyes, the anger had turned them to ice and his hard stare made Obi-Wan want to break down and give in because no matter who and what he had lost faith in, Anakin had never been one of those things.
But he didn’t know how to say that without deserting everything he’d ever known.
He wasn’t sure if he was quite ready for that yet.
“Nothing did this to me,” Obi-Wan answered finally, “This is just the way I am. You can accept it and we can continue as we are or you can leave and find something more suited to your taste. Either way, it doesn’t affect me.”
Expect that it did. It would affect him in a way that he would never recover from. The man that he loved had snaked his way into Obi-Wan’s heart as his padawan and then into his bed as a Knight.
Obi-Wan knew that Anakin would always be the most important thing that existed to him, he just knew that he wasn’t ready to hear it or say it. He knew one day Anakin would grow tired of the way he was unable to say the words, unable to give him what he needed and he’d leave.
Perhaps for the Senator that had caught his eye when he was a child or perhaps for someone Obi-Wan had never even seen. They’d take Anakin and Obi-Wan would be stuck all alone again.
“Uma ji muna,” Anakin told him softly, opening his arms so that Obi-Wan could curl up against his chest and breathe through the way his breath had caught in his throat, the way the back of his eyes stung while he pretended not to know what the words met. They weren’t in basic so it didn’t count.
But tonight wasn’t that night.
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padawanlost · 4 years
Can I confess something? I know that positivity is “better” than negativity, and people are allowed to have their opinions, but there is something about Pro-Jedi “they did nothing wrong, absolutely no flaws, but were ONLY destroyed by Palpatine” arguments that makes me kind of uncomfortable. Nevermind that half of it is sourced by Disney revisionist canon, it’s just… there is something in the “the intent was good, but this is harmful” “NO ITS 100% GOOD ACTUALLY” that makes my skin crawl. Sorry
I feel you, anon. I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately. It worries me how defensive some people are getting. I mean, I love my favorite fictional characters too. I think that’s absolutely normal, and loving a fictional character whether they are the heroes or the villains doesn’t say anything about who we are as people. Admitting we love Anakin or Darth Vader doesn’t immediately make us favorable to torture, war, fascism, murder and corruption. 
However, the arguments we use to explain a characters behavior do say something about who we are. And some arguments being used by the star wars fandom are downright scary. You know, there’s a difference between saying ‘I don’t like Padmé because she’s not the type of character I’m usually interested in’ and saying ‘Padmé is useless weak bitch because she died’. One is about you expressing your taste and the other is you showing the world your sexism.
It’s the same with Anakin, Vader and every one fictional character in existence, regardless of fandom. there’s nothing wrong with loving Anakin, but when you start advocating that genocide is a valid option, if you think women belong to men, that torture works and authoritarianism makes the world better, I’m not gonna lie, warning bells do go off in my head.
It’s the same with the Jedi. there’s nothing wrong with loving and supporting them because they were designed to liked by the audience. but once you start advocating that child slavery is not that bad, that war crimes are justified, that indoctrinating children is healthy, that mind controlling people against their will is a kindness, dismemberment is compassion, that child soldiers are a valid option and that the enslavement of poc characters is a necessity…MAYBE the issue here is no longer about fictional characters.
It’s ironic because if an Anakin fan says Anakin was right in slaughtering the tusken raiders, most people – anakin fans included – will be outraged by notion that genocide and mass murder should ever be considered the right solution to any problem. we love Anakin but we also know he made mistakes and what those mistakes were. it’s not about defending him, it’s about acknowledging certain things are simply wrong even if they are done by fictional characters we love.
Weirdly enough, when it comes to the Jedi nothing seems to be wrong enough to some people. everything is justifiable: war crimes, child endangerment, slavery, etc. Nothing seems to be bad enough that they can’t find a way to justify it. And that scares me. because it has become so obvious these issues only matter when the jedi are harmed by them.
The most current example of this is the The Clone Wars series finale. The episode was heavily focused on the massive loss of clones lives that happened during Order 66 and yet some fans were outraged that their white favorites weren’t the main focus of the episode because THEY SUFFERED SO MUCH MORE. It’s the same with fans rapidly turning on Ahsoka, the Martez sisters and even Filoni for so much as hinting they didn’t agree with the Order’s decisions.
You know, it’s not about them defending the Jedi is about how and why they defend them. Saying I don’t care what the jedi did because I love them is fine. Saying I love the Jedi because they never did anything wrong and then writing a long ass essay on why the lives of POC characters don’t matter is not. It sickens me to see people spend a lot of time writing fucking books desperately trying to justify why not helping Kitster, Ahsoka, Barriss or the younglings hunted for sport was the right call at the same they romanticize Obi-wan’s short enslavement as the one of the most tragic things that has ever happening the entire franchise.
Imo, that’s pretty telling. I don’t know if they are racist or just really, really insecure about their own taste but it does makes me wonder about who they are as people. it sounds harsh even to me to say this but the truth is this does goes beyond fiction. this shit has affected people in real life. I mean, every once in a while I see a jedi ‘stan’ telling someone Karen Traviss hated the Jedi and that she was the personification of everything that’s evil about people who criticize the Jedi Order. Look, I don’t know anything about who she is a person but I do know the same Jedi stans spent years sending her death and RAPE threats for being critical of the FICTIONAL CHARACTERS even after she wrote a long letter explaining she didn’t actually hate the Jedi. I don’t know where everyone moral compass is pointing at but *I* was raised to believe that wishing a woman dead and/or raped is NEVER the best answer.
But somehow people who say ‘I love the jedi even if they weren’t perfect’ are being portrayed as the villainous, irrational fans who are ruining everything and attacking everyone. I sleep well at night knowing i never tried to pass actual crimes that harm actual people as good, righteous things just to make fictional characters look better.
It’s not about hating the Jedi the same way that acknowledging Anakin’s crimes is not about hating on Anakin. It’s about recognizing that something that is legally and morally wrong in real life is also wrong in fiction, specially when the fiction world was build as a political parallel of our own. We are not saying war crimes and slavery is wrong because we hate the say, we are saying war crimes and slavery are wrong because THEY ARE WRONG. If our love and support for fictional characters can so easily blind us to real life morality then maybe we should do some soul searching before going to such lengths to justify something considered a heinous crime in both fictional and real world
A few days ago I was trying to get a coworker to start watching Breaking Bad. We were talking about Walter White and why he was such iconic character. he’s clearly not a great guy but that doesn’t mean we don’t love the character. I think that’s the difference some fans have a hard time grasping: the difference between a good character and a good person. I have seen many fans saying WW’s actions were cool, badass, ‘manly’ or whatever but I’ve never seen anyone trying to pass drug trafficking and murder as morally superior choices.
That’s what I’m trying to say. We can love (or hate) fictional characters for whatever reason we want. but how we go about justifying their actions and how we react to those who disagree with our views do say a lot about who we are. I mean, there’s a big difference between saying ‘it was so cool to watch Darth Vader is laughter all those red shirts in Rogue One’ and saying ‘and war crimes are a necessary part of life, Darth Vader was morally justified in slaughter them all and those who disagree with me are haters’.
Taste doesn’t really said anything about who we are but behavior does. Loving or hating a fictional characters doesn’t make us better or worse than anyone. But what we have to say about fictional and how we behave around other fans do say a lot about who we are.
Fandom is a community and like any community nothing and no one is perfect. Pretending ‘everything is awesome’ is choice, of couse, but one i’m not very fond of.
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Dusty Skirmishes Chapter 3
A/N: Thank you for all the support, please check out the Ao3 or FFN versions for full author’s notes
The town Yavin--just as dusty as Tatooine if not more so--was chosen first for their proposition strategically. It was the closest out of the seven though the smallest, but Luke knew they had the best chance there. He could feel it. And if he could convince one, no matter the size, then that made his cause that much stronger.
He, Leia, Han, and Chewie had saddled up early that morning to head to Yavin before the town could gossip about what they were doing. Wedge had been left as acting sheriff with strict orders not to send for them barring extreme emergency. When he asked Luke why he was leaving, he only told him it was city business. Miss Erso was left with Mrs. Antilles for the day. Luke felt that he was probably being too hasty looking for a suitable man to take her on. But Ezra and a few others had visited the Erso plantation the day before and come back affirming his fears. Luke felt it would be better on his conscious to know there was one less lonely and vulnerable soul on the earth.
As for his choice in companions that morning, Luke felt it best not to leave Han alone in Tatooine and keep him under-heel for now. Chewie went wherever Han went, and Leia knew the plan better than anyone. Besides, where they were going, the people might receive their proposition better from a woman.
As they approached the town, he could see a small party on horses approaching to meet them. Sheriff Andor and his lackeys, no doubt. Luke could tell from half a parsec off. Though the title of “Sheriff” had been granted to him by the town, it was no secret that Andor cared very little for its safety so long as any trouble didn’t interfere with his boss’s business.
“Skywalker,” greeted Sheriff Andor, from the front of his trio. “Ma’am. And Mr. Solo, thought you’d sworn off our little town.”
“I’m here for business, sheriff, rather than pleasure,” Han quipped. Luke couldn’t see, but was sure he was smirking.
“I’ll be sure to break the news to the girls, they’ll be relieved.”
Luke chuckled but then straightened his back. “Sheriff Andor, as much as I’d love to stay out here in the hot sun to talk, my sister, I’m sure, could use some refreshment.”
“From what I’ve heard of her, she doesn’t seem the type to melt in the sun.” Andor nudged his horse nearer to Leia’s, causing Han to put his horse in between the two of them. Luke grimaced.
“We’d like to see Ms. Jade, we have some business to discuss.” Luke desperately wanted to move this into the town before any one in his party did something stupid.
Andor nodded, turning his horse around and back towards town. Luke nudged his horse forwards passing in between Andor’s companions. He heard Han, Leia, and Chewie follow him, and he was sure the other two followed them. They were effectively trapped.
They dismounted and tied their horses up outside of the biggest building in town. A three-story building yellowed by sun and dust, but in good repair nonetheless. The sign over the door shone with a gleam of new paint: “Madame Ahsoka’s.”
He left his beloved pistol, the one old Ben had given him when he was still just a young boy, with Andor’s man and entered the establishment. Inside Ahsoka’s, the first thing to hit a man was the smell. Luke had smelled sweat, livestock, and dirt every day of his life, but they had never seemed tedious until entering that building. The scents of perfumes and incense were pleasant, not overwhelming. The lighting was low and there were beautiful women lounging around the room behind a podium where a tall man stood.
“3 credits for the day, 5 for the night,” he said.
Luke pulled out the letter from Ackbar and held it out to the man. “We have been sent by Mayor Ackbar of Tatooine to speak with Ms. Jade.”
The man carefully unfolded the letter, read it slowly, and looked up at Luke from over his half-moon glasses. “What business?”
“Kaytoo, let them pass.” A woman appeared from a side-room. Her red hair was down around her shoulders, and she was wearing a fashionable gown. He had heard stories of the owner of Yavin’s brothel and her beauty, but he was never a man to visit such an establishment. The tales were no exaggeration.
They were allowed to pass, and Ms. Jade approached them. First reaching her hand out to Han, who bowed over it, removing his hat.
“It’s been a while Mr. Solo, I’m glad to see you have returned. Even if under queer circumstances.”
“Pleasure as always, Ms. Jade.” Han let go of her hand as she moved to Leia.
The two women eyed each other, before Ms. Jade finally moved to Luke. He was sure she was surprised that they would bring a woman on official business. Ms. Jade held out her hand in the same manner she had to Han. Luke tipped his hat, and removed it, reaching out his hand to shake Ms. Jade’s. The surprise on her face told him was not expecting this, but Luke wanted the nature of this business to be clear from the beginning.
“Ms. Jade, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Sheriff Luke Skywalker over in Tatooine.” He held his hat against his chest.
“I’ve heard of you. The men that come here, they tell stories of the great sheriff of Tatooine who drove back the Imperial Company single handedly.” She had taken a step back. Her face was placid, but Luke felt that she was trying to charm him nonetheless.
Luke set his jaw and nodded. “I hate to inform you, ma’am, I am not that man. I took no pleasure in the events of a year ago, and had plenty of help.”
“Then you are the man they speak of. Tell me, what important business has Ackbar sending a small band over?”
“Ma’am, if I may, could we speak in private?”
“Ain’t nothing you can’t say to me in front of my girls, and I don’t know how private a group of our size will be.” She gestured to the women around the room, who were all pretending not to pay attention to the characters in their home.
Luke needed control of this information as long as he could, and he was not about to announce his business until he had to. “Ma’am, please, our business concerns Scarif, and the annexation of Jakku.”
Ms. Jade looked shocked once again. There was fear behind her eyes, and Luke was glad the business of Scarif had rattled more than just Tatooine. “Follow me.” She took them into a large room adjacent to the main room. “This is my office, please, make yourselves comfortable.”
Sheriff Andor wasted no time lounging on the couch by the door. Luke pulled out a chair across Ms. Jade’s desk for his sister and sat beside her. He quickly eyed Han who stood by the door, with Chewie right beside him. The cowboy nodded at him quickly, pulling out a cigar from his back pocket.
“Thank you for your time, Ms-” Luke started to say.
Ms. Jade waved her hand at him. “Get on with it, Skywalker.”
He cleared his throat. “Well, as I’m sure you’re aware, the city of Scarif has been annexing town after town, village after village on its borders.”
She nodded, pouring herself a drink, but not offering any to her guests. “Leaving us to wonder who is next, yes.”
“Well, we over in Tatooine were thinking to stop them here- er, there.”
She looked between Luke and Leia as Luke stared her down and Leia opened the book she had brought with her in preparation for her part. “Go on.” She lit a cigarette and sucked in the smoke, blowing it out towards her guests.
Leia went into her part, explaining the law and their reasoning behind becoming a city as well as the requirements to become a city.
Ms. Jade nodded. “And where do I come into all of this?”
“Well, everyone knows that you run this town, Ms. Jade,” Leia said. “And Tatooine can fulfill all the requirements for becoming a city except for the minimum population of 1,001.”
Her eyebrows raised as she took another drag. “And you think Yavin will get you there. Honey, there can’t be more than 200 people in this dusty town. Your town isn’t that much bigger.”
“We have 347-”
“348, Mr. and Mrs. Motha had their baby last night,” Luke reminded her quietly.
“348, with your 200 that makes 548 or so.” Leia finished.
“So what about the other 400-some odds?” Ms. Jade didn’t sound convinced.
“There are 6 other towns in the area. All around the same size, even if only half join together, we’d have a chance.”
There was silence before Ms. Jade laughter cut through it. She put out her cigarette in the ashtray on her desk, laughing to herself. “What makes you think your little plan is even going to work? Or that the people of Yavin would even want to join in?”
“You say you’re trying to avoid annexation, but you come in here with your law books and your letters from the mayor. You’re just trying to annex us, just like Scarif.”
Luke could tell Leia was at the end of her patience. “If Tatooine wanted to annex Yavin, there would be little you could do to stop us.” The threat in her voice was loud and clear, Luke sighed.
“And so, given what my sister here has told you,” Luke gestured to Leia, pulling his own pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. “D’ya mind?” He asked and she waved. He lit one with a match and inhaled deeply. “Given that Tatooine could annex Yavin without your approval, the mere act of coming to meet you shows the difference between us and Scarif.”
Ms. Jade eyed him. “Because you’ve given us fair warning, Sheriff? Hell, excuse me if I don’t drop to my knees right now and thank the Almighty.”
Luke chuckled and took another drag. “No, we came here so that we might be partners in this, equals. Divided we are nothing, but together we could be strong, Ms. Jade. Apart, we’d have no chance against the men in Scarif. If you don’t take this offer, what will you do? Wait until they knock on your door and make you sign away your town at gunpoint? The town that you built up from nothing?” He sat up and forwards in the chair, staring dead into his hostess’s eyes. “They don’t even need your signature, did you know that? It could be anyone that signs away your town, even someone who don’t even live here.”
She laughed. “Now I know you’re lying.”
Luke put his hand on Leia’s book and pushed it across the desk to her, sending papers flying. Ms. Jade jumped slightly in her chair and Luke sat back. “The law is very clear. Or unclear, in this particular case.”
Leia stood to point out the phrase in question as Ms. Jade read. The hostess sat back and thought for a moment, quiet in her thoughts. Leia sat back down and she shared a look with Luke. He was unsure of her thoughts, but she reached out to grip his hand. He gripped her hand back tight, hopeful.
Ms. Jade bit her lip in thought and folded her hands over her chest. “We would be partners, Sheriff Skywalker.” Luke almost sighed in relief. “You have my word, Ms. Jade.”
She scoffed. “Words didn’t mean anything even back in old days. I want a contract, with your signature, and Mayor Ackbar’s and any other yahoos that join us in this foolish quest.”
“Is that a yes, Ms. Jade?”
She sighed. “Yes, it is.”
Leia cried out in excitement, gripping Luke’s hand. The three of them stood. Leia embraced Luke as he shook Ms. Jade’s hand and then Leia shook her hand.
“Cassian, tell Bodhi some champagne is in order,” Ms. Jade called out to Cassian as she lit another cigarette.
Not long later in a place quite near, a man sat in a long, sleek hallway. The walls shone bright with cleanliness, and the only thing that marred the floor’s dark gleam was the blood red carpet running along its length, seemingly without end. The man tried not to fidget with impatience and unease, but his traitorous knee bounced in tandem with his heartbeat. He wouldn’t have been summoned if it wasn’t important.
He was nearing his fifth year with the company, already having risen to his high position purely from his own merit. With his recent work, he was sure he would be considered for another promotion this coming quarter. This meeting was most likely not concerning that.
Finally, the door opened and his knees straightened in an instant, causing his vision to blur. The secretary nodded and gestured inside the room. “He will see you now,” he said, holding the door open.
The man straightened his tie and collar, pulling his pin-striped vest flat over his stomach. He quickly put each foot in front of the last and cleared his throat. The secretary closed the door behind him with an ominous thud.
“Ah Motti, come in, come in.” The Boss behind the desk bid the newcomer. He gestured to the chair across from the desk and Motti sat. The Boss did not look up from the papers he was examining through his spectacles. Motti tried to breath, waiting to hear what he had been summoned for.
After what felt to be another hour, the Boss finally set the papers down and whipped off the spectacles, setting them aside. “So, how goes the front?” He folded his hands on top of the desk and looked at Motti expectantly.
Motti blinked at the Boss for a second and then sputtered. “Sales are up 3.7%, and the marketing depar-”
The Boss waved his hands. “Yes, I read the most recent communication as well, Motti. I mean about your department. How’s the special project going?” What does he know?
Motti wasn’t even sure that he knew what the news he had received the day before even meant. How could this man?
“Well, the recent acquisition of Jakku went through without--as they say--a hitch, sir. I think you’ll find-”
“And you haven’t received any news since the acquisition of Jakku?” The stone face behind the desk betrayed nothing.
Motti received communications about the towns surrounding the ever growing city of Scarif every week. The Boss knew that. Those communications were not what the Boss was asking about.
“There has been some news about some rabble from one of our latest considerations: Tatooine.” Truth it was then, hopefully it would set him free.
“But- but-”
“But what, Hotti? Spit it out.”
“We don’t even know what it means. It could be nothing.” His heart was sinking in his chest, pounding that damned rhythm, his knee following in kind. The Boss nodded, picking opening a new file. “See to it that it is.”
The door opened behind him and Hotti stood, bolting out the door.
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cienie-isengardu · 7 years
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Thank you for such interesting ask! And sorry it takes so long for me to answer. I needed to check out a few sources to answer as fully and coherent as it's possible. 
And yes, I do think that women were an important part of Anakin's life since the start. I would even dare to say, that his relationships with women in general were one of the most heatlhy & positive relationships he ever had. Just look at the authoritarian figures that have the biggest influences on Skywalker when he was growing up - in slavery it was Watto, then for another ~10 years Obi-Wan, Yoda & Mace Windu on one hand, on another - Palpatine. All men, and all have their own interest to keep eye on Anakin. Watto, because he was his property. Jedi, because of his connection to Force and some old, incomprehensible prophecy. Palpatine, for the same reasons that forced Yoda to take Anakin into Order. That, and desire to make Skywalker his new apprentice. And Anakin had very difficult relationships with them all. With exception of Palpatine, at least for the first decade of their familiarity (and we know that all the closeness and support given by Palpatine was a way to manipulate Skywalker through the years).
Watto constantly verbally and physically abused Anakin (and Shmi) and frankly, young Anakin all of his life was exposed to violence of any kind. When he lived on Tatooine there were few good and honorable men ("the kind that had always been in short supply in Anakin's upbringing"), what was pointed out by Vader's POV in The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader. It was Shmi alone - his mother - who loved him unconditionally. Not because he was special, or talented, or could be used so easily. She loved him even despite she didn't know herself how or why he was born ("there was no father") and being single mother in slavery must be hard thing. Anakin sometimes worried her, tested her patience and once admitted that even she didn't really know what to do with him [Roque Planet]. Still, she loved him, supported him, tried to protect him from abuse and stood up against Watto's greed that forced her son - a child! - into very dangerous podracing that no normal human had a chance to survive or finish.
Frankly, TPM movie alone showed that contast between women and men in Anakin's childhood. There is Watto, a slaver. There is Sebulba, a famous and rich winner of podracing who was quite violent and awful person ("Next time we race, boy, it will be the end of you. If you weren't a slave, I'd squash you now"). During podracing, we see Jabba the Hutt, criminal boss, who benefit from both sport and slavery. Then we have Shmi Skywalker, who despite being slave herself, taught her son importance of helping others. She may not be happy to allow her son to risk his life in dangerous podracing, but she believe he can help stranges in need and DO NOT ASK ANYTHING IN RETURN, the same as Anakin never did. There is also a old saleswoman who was warning Anakin about coming soon sandstorm, telling him he should go to home as soon as possible. And if anyone look at additional sources like books and comics, that saleswoman (named Jira) helped slaves to run away, or make sure that food for Shmi will not get wasted when her refrigerator broke down. Frankly, beside Anakin's childhood friends I don't remember that much male characters that Anakin liked or trusted or thought how honorable they were. Beside space pilot(s), who always told kids stories about space and planets and took care about them when fights began in cantina or Sebulba threatened Anakin. It's no wonder why Anakin was so heart-broken when his mother died in his arms and how guilty he felt - both for not saving her and for killing Tusken. Jedi didn't teach him how to copy with his loss, always told him to control his emotion, to let it go. Jedi made him felt unhappy though the years, and his relationship with Yoda was never good. Even Obi-Wan Kenobi damaged Anakin in many ways, like: avoiding deeply personal conversations especially about boy’s past or not understanding how slavery affected Skywalker and not showing him enough support or being too harsh, too critical to the point that Anakin felt sometimes his master didn’t trust him at all. Kenobi loved Anakin, but he never was capable to see him in different way than Jedi's.
Then we have Padme, a kind but strong-willed woman who showed him a support when he needed it the most; when he left Tatooine and mother as a scared boy, or when he killed Tusked Raiders and were full of grief and remorse. I like to think that Anakin's love for her is not based on stricte heterosexual reason (gender), but he loves her first and foremost for what kind of person she is. Skywalker said once [TCW Gambit Stealth] that Padme is the only person he can shows weakness - who allow him to be human, validate his good AND bad feelings. While others (Jedi, Republic, later Sidious & Empire) always expects him to be strong, indestructible. Of course, there is a lot things they didn't agree on or see in the same light. What mainly is rooted in their different upbringing and environments in which they grew up (slavery on Tatooine / Jedi Order vs peaceful and rich Naboo & political career). Still both grew up with the feeling that duty comes first before anything else, a sense that quite often made them push their own desire away for the sake of Republic. Padme as queen and later senator couldn't have kids or family due to lack of time for personal matters while Anakin, as a Jedi, were forbidden to love and marry because Jedi responsibilities shouldn't be corrupted by emotions. They married and maybe it was the first time they were truly selfish. Their relationship was difficult one, mainly thanks to ongoing war and forced discretion to keep their marriage a secret as long as possible. I may be wrong here, but as far as I remember, Anakin was willing to left Jedi Order for his family (and planned to do so after war for sure), but Padme wasn't ready to give up her senator role. She was scared when she told his about pregnancy. For Anakin that day was one of the most wonderful moments of his life. Padme was sure the child would be boy, while Anakin thought it will be a girl ("With a kick that hard? Definitely a girl").
I know that romance between Anakin and Padme is usally seen as awkard or boring, but I think it's worth to note that every time when Padme said she felt uncomfortable during their interaction in AotC, Anakin always backed off. Like I said earlier, Anakin grew up in abusive environment, so he was much more aware about sexual violence toward women than most of people were. Despite his feelings (and knowledge that Padme feels something toward him too) he agreed with Padme's first decision to not pursuit forbidden relationship - after that there wasn't any more flirt between them. Padme took him to Tatooine, so he could seek mother in danger and she comforted him after Shmi's death. It was also Padme's declaration of love that for truly started their relationship:
[Padme] I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life. [Anakin] What are you talking about? [Padme] I love you. [Anakin] You love me? I thought that we had decided not to fall in love... that we would be forced to live a lie... and that it would destroy our lives.    [Padme] I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway. I truly deeply love you... and before we die, I want you to know.
The words were said before their execution, but both decided to marry despite everything else. It was Padme that gave permission, and until that moment Anakin didn't try change her mind after she rejected his feeling on Naboo (”You're studying to become a Jedi. I'm-- I'm a senator. If you follow your thoughts through to conclusion... it'll take us to a place we cannot go regardless of the way we feel about each other. I will not let you give up your future for me. [...] We'd be living a lie... one we couldn't keep even if we wanted to. I couldn't do that. Could you, Anakin? Could you live like that?“).
Anakin never had many good friends in Jedi Order; he was liked in general but only few became his truly confidants. Despite that, Anakin had positive relationships:
with Thracia Cho Leem (who called both Yoda and Mace Windu on their shitty behaviour towards 12 years old Skywalker and was responsible for helping him after traumatic mission)
with Aayla Secura, who was one of few Jedi that showed Anakin support and gave advice in a way he actually could understood and I suspect their familiarity is based a lot on their awarness about female Twi'lek bad situation and violence against them.
with most(?) of female padawans/Jedi we had a chance to see him interact. Zule was the unwanted padawan, the Council dislike her (so I assume their have a lot in common) and during his time in Padawan Pack, Anakin was protective(?) about Aubrie that according to additional sources was 13 years old at that time. There was Siri, who he liked when he learned the truth about her secret mission (until that moment he assumed Siri betrayed Order and joined Krayt, a famous pirate & slaver). He showed his worry for master Tohno, who was sent for dangerous (suicide) mission. Kenobi mistook his interest as romantic one, and then were brutally reminded that Anakin's is still affected by Jabiim and his concerns are only about her well being. He tried to save her, but couldn't. There is also Legends!Barriss Offee. And what is important - for me at least - is the feeling that his relationships with women aren't sexualized. Anakin is no "macho" who flirts with every female around him (not like Kenobi, the sassy master). Padme is the only one women he loves in romantic (and sexual) way and I hope it will never be changed.
There is also Ahsoka, a padawan he was forced to take, but who became an important part of his life during Clone Wars. Ahsoka, the same as him, cared a lot for clone troopers and people in general. I wouldn't say she was for him real confidant, but she understood him much better than most masters from Council even could.
As much as Anakin respected women, he didn't blindly idolize them. He knows that women can be evil, selfish and cruel as any other being. He lived under Gardulla's regime long enough to see how the female hutt* mistreated slaves, what included killing them for fun or as the show of her power. Asajj Ventress was one of the most dangerous foes he faced during Clone Wars. In animated series Clone Wars [2003] he killed her in rage during battle, after she murdered clone trooper unit that Obi-Wan sent after Anakin while in Republic series he killed her to protect his and Padme's secret marriage. There wasn't any doubt or attempt to explain her behavior - you know, the standard formula she is woman, she must be just hurt or misjudged, because woman are good and kind by nature and just need help of hero. She tortured Obi-Wan (and Alpha), she killed Jedi and Republic troopers, Anakin definitely didn't like her. It was Obi-Wan who wanted to redeem her and was quite obsessed about that. He even guilt tripped Anakin, because Asajj's life could be his own fate if Jinn didn’t find him before Sith.
Any slaver, male or female, was despited by Anakin the same (though I would need to look at TCW comics Slaves of the Republic again, to see how his relationship with the Queen went there).
Frankly, there is so much thing to talk about Anakin's relationship with women, but to not bore anymore, I generally think that female characters played a big role in his life. He respected women and didn't see or treat them as objects. He was aware about various kinds of violence against them, including the sexual ones. Frankly, I don't remember much scenes when Skywalker invaded personal space of people he wasn't close with, and it's not just about women. Anakin never striked me as person fond of touching other or being touched by others. He admired kind women (Shmi, Jira, Mazzie) - because kindness and helpfulness are traits he very appreciated and had himself but at the same time I don’t think he told a woman (or anyone, really)  that she should be kind and nice or obedient (beside the standard Jedi’s “follow my/Council orders” toward Ahsoka and even then he tried to teach her that following order doesn’t mean she can’t be creative about the way she is doing demanded things). What was seen with Zule for example. When she made a comment about clone Alpha at the war meeting, Skywalker didn’t ignore her behaviour, but didn’t say she should be more nice either. I guess, Anakin understood that not everyone can be so detached from feelings like Yoda or... Kenobi. What is worth to note, a lot women that affected his life were brave and willing to fight for what they believed or for their families.
Anakin was also very affected by violence toward women (and children) or by their death. Maybe it partially was rooted in his childhood experiences when women were the kind but also mentally strong adult figures in his life and partially because Skywalker never copied well with Shmi's death. So women (espiecially those older) reminded him of his own mother he couldn't save. Sometimes he was aware of that connection, sometimes it hit him by suprise. I also have the feeling that Anakin relationship with men (especially male figures of authority) are harder due to growing up on Tatooine full of scums and slavers who were mostly men. I may be wrong here, but I think that happens a lot in real life, that men who grew up in abusive families & environments tends to be more protective towards women, more respecting them than men who try to contol (once again) their life.
It's also worth mention that no matter how Anakin changed because of dark side, as a Vader he treated people around him the same - with pragmatic brutality. Vader killed a lot characters, regardless of race and gender, sure. But I personally  don’t remember him killing any female characters with more gore than he would kill any male counterpart. Vader's violence  toward women is not sexualized and I hope it will never change. We seriously don't need any more creeps like that, the pop culture is already full of that  trends.
Also, Vader had a lot disciples, and many of them were females. Not sure how new canon presents Empire’s view of gender, but back in the old days, a lot imperial women were discriminated due to sexism. And Lord of the Sith never cared for race or gender, he cared only for results and skills. And some of his best (trusted) agents were women, including Shira Brie a.k.a. Lumiya. Not to mention difficult relationship between Vader and Leia, because there is so much to talk about!
So yeah, Anakin had interesting relationships with various women. Even as a Sith. But that he respected women (for kindness AND mentally strength) doesn't mean he wouldn't hurt or kill them if they were his enemies.
* to be fair, I'm not sure how TCW/new canon works around gender of Hutts, because in EU members of this space could switch their gender whenever they liked.
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Cinematic Comic Characters Ranked! (Year 2008) Final Part
Wow, I just want to say that 2008 really stepped it up when it came to comic movies released. Granted, a couple weren’t the best but overall this year was one of the best out of the bunch. The Dark Knight and Hellboy II: The Golden Army are the only sequels this year, while The Punisher: War Zone and The Incredible Hulk serve as reboots. Star Wars: The Clone Wars serves as a prequel and we also see the debut of Iron Man, Speed Racer, The Spirit and Wanted! Lets start off our largest list yet! Here’s the Top 20 of 2008!
20. Emil Blanksy/Abomination (The Incredible Hulk)
"Give me a REAL fight!"
Like I said in 2007's list in regards to The Stranger in 30 Days of Night, if you want a character to be disliked by me, have them kill a dog. Emil does this right in the beginning as he and his team hunt Bruce down in Brazil so, naturally, my body was filled with glee when the Hulk trashed them all. This is apparently a turn-on for Emil because he gets obsessed with having the power Bruce has. It doesn't take much for him to convince Ross and then, later, Samuel Sterns to eventually help him become Abomination, a freak of immense power. Him and the Hulk enter an epic fight on the battlefield that is New York City that ends up with him getting his ass beat.
19. The Octopus (The Spirit)
"I don't like egg on my face."
The Octopus was such an outrageous character man! And unlike Jigsaw and his wack brother, The Octopus made it work for him! With help with the overall setting of the film, The Octopus showed that even though he's not all there, he's still a major threat to Central City. His thirst for immortality and world domination put him at odds with The Spirit, who also holds a grudge against him for killing him. He pulls all kinds of evil doings, including dissolving an innocent cat, which was the last straw for The Spirit. After he loses the vase of Heracles's blood, The Octoplus then blows up from a grenade shoved in his body.
18. Rachel Dawes (The Dark Knight)
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"If you lose your faith in me, please keep your faith in people."
Rachel is still fighting crime in the courtroom but this time with her new boyfriend, Harvey Dent. I expected an obvious love triangle with Bruce to happen, but I don't think that's what we got. I don't think Rachel cared for Bruce like she did in the first film, but because of the promise she made she felt guilty and kept denying her feelings for Harvey to grow. Her fight for justice shows up several times as she takes down crime lords in the court and even face to face with the Joker when he goes after Harvey, but her relationship with Harvey and Bruce is what brings her demise. Her death was shocking but it would be the final tool for Harvey Dent's transformation into Two Face.
17. Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
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"No, I'm the one with enthusiasm."
Ahsoka is a young Jedi in training that's been assigned to work under Anakin Skywalker's teachings. She falls quickly into the little sister role but she shows just as much determination as Anakin when he was a young Jedi, which is why I think he grows to like her. She proves her skill again and again and she even saves Anakin a few times when he's in a tight spot, though he won't admit it. She ends up taking care of Jabba's newborn and returns him safely so the tension between the Hutt's and the Republic can end.
16. Princess Nuala (Hellboy II: The Golden Army)
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"I'm afraid it's the other way around."
Princess Nuala definitely has a strong sense on what is right and what is wrong. Even if she dislikes the way her people are living, she knows that attacking the humans with the Golden Army is wrong, and therefore hides the last piece of the crown from her brother after he kills their father. She seeks help from Abe and the two bond over the fact that they both have similar learning powers through their hands. Now. Once we found out that she feels everything Nuada feels, I knew she was going to die. I did not see her taking out herself though. I should've, because she was cool with her dad sentencing them to death but it still really shocked me when she went ahead and knifed herself, taking her destructive brother down with her.
15. James Gordon (The Dark Knight)
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"He's a silent guardian. A Dark Knight."
With the Joker wrecking havoc on Gotham City, James Gordon had to step his game up big time. He honestly did the best he could, coming up with a great plan involving him faking his own death so he could capture the Joker that ended up promoting him to Commissioner, but the clown prince of crime was just always three steps ahead. He managed to beat Gordon at his own game several times and ended up giving him a deadly enemy, Two Face. Gordon and Harvey Dent's animosity towards each other come to end when Two Face tries to take out Gordon's family. When Batman saves them, they both agree that Batman must take the fall for Dent's death.
14. Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
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"The desert is merciless. It will take everything from you."
Wow I actually liked Anakin in this movie. I think it was because he wasn't shown as this moody teenager who was just constantly filled with angst the whole damn time and instead showed him as a leader and now teacher of Ahsoka. They didn't focus too much on his relationship with Padme, which also wasn't his strongest point because again, he was just moody as hell even if he was in love. He really grew as an individual and was able to bond with Ahsoka through their travels despite him not liking her in the beginning. We got to see his angst a little bit when they returned to his home planet but I understand, even if I think it's silly, that you can't have a Skywalker on the screen and not have them go through angst.
13. Wesley Gibson (Wanted)
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"What the fuck have you done lately?"
So part of me liked Wesley and the  part of me didn't. I liked how he decided he wasn't going to be treated like shit anymore and stood up to all the toxic people in his life. I do like how polite he was and his determination to really be something he could be proud of. And I liked his friendship with the Executioner and his relationship with Fox. I didn't like how he all of a sudden got this superiority complex as soon as he learned a little knife trick. Like he was constantly throwing mad shade at us, the viewers, and it was a little off-putting because no one should be able to talk as much shit as he did when they allow their best friend to bang their girl for years before finally doing something. Also, why did he hate Cross so much? I get he thought Cross killed his father but damn he was hunting him down as if he had known his father his entire life! But I was glad he was able to discover the truth and then use everything he learned to bring down Sloan and the Fraternity once and for all.
12. Harvey Dent/Two Face (The Dark Knight)
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"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
Harvey Dent is Gotham's White Knight. He's a lawyer that can't be bought and is determined to bring down every corrupt person in the city, which earns him a lot of enemies. When the opportunity to bring down all the crime lords shows up, he forces his way into Batman and Gordon's plans, causing tensions with the latter. But he ends up biting more than he can chew once the Joker shows up. Not only does he end up burning off half his face, but he loses Rachel as well. Her death is the final straw and Harvey Dent becomes Two Face after having a little chat with the Joker. He seeks out the cops that betrayed him, the crime lords that set it up, and even Gordon, who he blames for Rachel's death. His thirst for revenge gets him in a confrontation with Batman, ending with his death. Instead of revealing what actually happened, Gordon and Batman agree to keep Dent's White Knight reputation.
11. Abe Sapien (Hellboy II: The Golden Army)
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"Despite the appearances, I bet Red will make an excellent father figure."
Abe is the most supportive friend a hellspawn can ask for. I mean, he works well with everyone. He helps support Liz after discovering she's pregnant and he even gets along well with Tom Manning. He ends up developing the biggest teenage-boy crush on Princess Nuala and starts wearing contacts, listening to love songs, and even gets drunk with Hellboy as they bond over their women. It was slightly annoying when he gave the last piece to Prince Nuada for Nuala's safety, but he was right when he pointed out Hellboy would do the same for Liz. Nuala's death definitely took a toll on him which is one of the reasons why I think he ended up quitting with the team.
10. Sand Saref (The Spirit)
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"Do I look like a good girl?"
A femme fatale, Sand used to be Denny's young love as they grew up in Central City. She dreamed of diamonds, cars, and loved reading stories of Jason's Golden Fleece. When her uncle dies, she decides to break up with cop-loving Denny, and finally go after everything she wants in life. Now known for marrying rich and then killing her husbands, keeping all the money for herself. With everything she's asked for, she goes after the Golden Fleece, which brings her back to Central City. When her Fleece get's switched with Octopus's vase of blood, she becomes a major player in the war between him and the Spirit, who she learns is Denny back from the dead. Their feelings come back when he learns she still had the necklace he gave her but they aren't acted on until the final fight. With her hands on the Golden Fleece, Sand uses it's impenetrable coat to protect The Spirit and then the tow proceed to make out in front of everyone, including his current girlfriend. They break ways though, Sand choosing her diamonds and The Spirit choosing the city's protection.
9. Prince Nuada Silverlance (Hellboy II: The Golden Army)
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"Let this remind you why you once feared the dark."
So I don't feel like Prince Nuada was a bad guy, he really thought he was bringing justice to his people by defeating the humans who raged war on them for years. He has a respect for nature and cares deeply about his kingdom, which is why he couldn't deal with how they were living under his father's rule while the humans destroyed all the green from their planet. So he did what he had to do to gain control of the crown pieces but then became at odds with Hellboy and his team. They end up fighting a lot, Nuada is crazy talented with the spear, but Nuada always got away because Hellboy couldn't hurt him without hurting Princess Nuala, Abe's crush. It isn't until Nuada has complete control of the Golden Army that he's defeated by Hellboy, but even then he won't stop his mission until Nuala kills herself, killing him as well.
8. Pepper Potts (Iron Man)
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"I do anything and everything Mr. Stark requires. Including occasionally taking out the trash."
If there's one person who can put Tony Stark in his place, it's Pepper. In fact, I'm pretty sure Pepper can put anyone in their place, proof being when she handles the disrespectful reporter, Christine. She's Stark's personal assistant and handles literally everything in his life, since the millionaire genius is pretty much incapable of doing anything besides creating amazing technology (he really should know his social security number). It's Pepper who discovers that Obadiah was the one trying to kill him and it's Pepper who helps Iron Man take him down. There isn't a resolution to the chemistry between Pepper and Tony, but since she's still his assistant, there's still hope.
7. Denny Colt/The Spirit (The Spirit)
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"She is my lover, and I am her Spirit."
I get why literally every girl in this movie fell for the Spirit, he's extremely charismatic. How he learned to do that after rising from the dead, I don't know, but it's a skill he mastered and it's got him out of several tough spots as he tries to protect the city (granted it's gotten him in tougher spots too). He has a hilarious rivalry with The Octopus which puts him in even more hilarious situations like fighting in the mud with toilets, jumping off buildings with his pants off, and fighting goons holding gun with nothing but snowballs. Despite all of this, he manages to save his city, kiss the girl (ends up with another girl), and finally takes The Octopus down with a grenade.
6. Hellboy (Hellboy II: The Golden Army)
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"I'm not gonna kill him, Abe. But I am gonna kick his ass!"
Our favorite petty hellspawn is back! Nothing much has changed since we lost saw Hellboy. He's still in love with Liz and his kittens, still desperately wants to fit in with society, and still has a nasty temper. Despite all their arguing, Hellboy and Liz still find a way to make it work, especially now that Liz is pregnant with his babies. His relationship with Abe also expands, Hellboy taking on a big brother role as he helps Abe deal with his feelings with Princess Nuala, and by 'deal' I mean they get drunk and listen to sad love songs. Despite the annoyance of Krauss being added to the team, Hellboy manages to lead everyone against Prince Nuada and his powerful Golden Army. When he takes them all done, him and Liz quit the department and walk off to start their new family.
5. Bruce Banner/Hulk (The Incredible Hulk)
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The Hulk is the first superhero that's gotten a reboot in my list's history. Even though the film is technically a sequel, lots of things were rebooted and, in my opinion, for the better. Not only do we get to see the Hulk in his destructive glory but I feel like we were finally able to connect to Bruce as a human. He's someone with a problem that has the potential to cause serious harm for anyone near him so he isolates himself from everyone he cares about and tries to find a way to get rid of away. Of course he can't stay hidden too long and ends up reuniting with Betty, but with the army trying to selfishly use his contaminated blood as a weapon of their own, the journey just gets harder and harder for Bruce. In the end, when he's fighting Abomination on the streets of New York, Bruce nearly kills him as the Hulk but with the help off Betty he's able to manage his rage, if only briefly, and runs off to British Colombia. There we see him last, his glowing eyes hinting at his newfound control over the Hulk.
4. Fox (Wanted)
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"We kill one and maybe save a thousand."
If anyone believes in the code and in the Fraternity of Assassins, it's Fox. This is someone who was actually a victim of what happens when an assassin doesn't kill their target. It's probably why she joins, herself, and quickly becomes one of the best they have. She's badass in every way, shape, and form. From curving bullets, driving in crazy speed chases, and climbing the side of a train as it gets ready to fall over a rocky cliff, she's someone who's capable of anything. When she finds out her name, along with everyone in the Fraternity's names, show up she disobeys Sloan and honors the code it the most epic way. With one final curve of her bullet, she manages to take down everyone in the room, including herself.
3. Bruce Wayne/Batman (The Dark Knight)
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"Because sometimes the truth isn't good enough. Sometimes, people deserve more."
The Dark Knight is back and the streets of Gotham couldn't be any more safe, but it's not just him that c an take the credit. Gotham has a hero with a face taking down these crime lords and his name is Harvey Dent. This man gives Bruce hope that maybe he can step away from the suit and live a normal life with Rachel after all, but all that comes crashing down once the Joker steps to the plate. Bruce made a mistake in underestimating Joker, thinking of him as a common criminal, which ends up costing him the lives of several people including Rachel. Bruce has to really think outside the box when it comes to stopping him and when he finally does, he ends up with another threat in the form of Two Face. When Harvey Dent regrettably dies, Bruce understands that the general public will go into chaos if they find out about his corruption and so he decides to take the blame entirely, saving Harvey's reputation along with Gotham City's safety.
2. Tony Stark/Iron Man (Iron Man)
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"The truth is...I am Iron Man."
The genius owner of a millionaire dollar business. Tony Stark is one of the most brilliant men the world has to offer, and he puts his brains into making weapons for the military to help keep the peace. It isn't until after he's kidnapped by terrorist with his own weapon technology that he realizes his mistakes. He turns a new leaf and decides to create a hero of sorts to help protect people from those who wish to harm them: Iron Man! Tony Stark's charisma and humor throughout the film was so fun to watch and his journey to becoming a hero was even better to see happen. At the end he does what no hero has done before, he reveals he's indeed Iron Man, not wanting to hide away from his responsibilities.
1. The Joker (The Dark Knight)
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"Why so serious?"
Is anyone surprised? 2008 had the most bad ass characters by far with returning champions Batman, Hellboy, and Angelina Jolie (even though she won as Tomb Raider instead of Fox) and the debut of Iron Man. There's only one person who could steal the throne from them at that was Heath Ledger's Joker. The Joker ruled every scene he was in and was, in every sense of the word, a madman. From his multiple backstories on how he got his scars to his nurse outfits, Joker installed fear and uncertainty in everyone that crossed his path. An agent of chaos, Joker quickly flipped Gotham upside down and had the entire city scrambling to figure him out and put a stop to him. And even though he does eventually get stopped because Batman does have more strength in the end, no one figures him out. He's a puzzle piece that remains unsolved because every time you try he finds a way to create the biggest, most chaotic storm in your life. It's his wild plans that aids in the creation of Two Face, after all. The Joker is one of the greatest enemies Batman has ever faced and his reign as one of the greatest villains of all time in film is still evident almost ten years later.
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Dusty Skirmishes Chapter 4
A/N: Thank you for all the support, please check out the FFN and Ao3 versions for full author’s notes
Sheriff Skywalker wasted little time for celebration, Mara noted. A glass of champagne, more or less a sip, before getting back to business. A school district would have to be charted, and a census taken. He asked for permission to leave his sister with her as well as another woman from Tatooine to assist her. Mara promised the help of all her men, including Cassian's, and the protection of the women Luke was putting in her charge.
He returned by the end of the day with two trunks, a young woman, and a contract. She signed it right there on Kaytoo's podium, offering him another drink. He politely refused, apologizing for taking so long to return.
"It ain't nothing, sheriff. Came quicker than a jackrabbit spotted by a coyote, and I make my business in men coming quick."
He didn't acknowledge her comment, but she thought his face might have turned redder. In the lighting of the parlor, it was hard to tell, and it was considerably warmer than usual, she felt.
He thanked her for looking after Miss Organa and Miss Erso. "If you have a hotel in town, I'm sure that would suit them just fine," he had said.
She waved that idea out of the air. "They'll stay here, Sheriff." She took pleasure in seeing the color drain from his face, and she laughed. "You think this place is only a cathouse? How little you know, Sheriff. The two young ladies will stay in my apartments on the third floor, no clients are allowed past the second. There's a separate entrance. I take great care of my guests."
That relieved him of some stress, she could tell. He was looking to leave, she saw, and noticed it was almost dark by then.
"Why don't you stay the night?" She wasn't sure if she wanted him to refuse or accept, or even why she had offered. She had been very careful to never let men stay overnight that were not clientele or employed by her. But something told her she would never have to worry about this man overstepping his bounds.
He refused, saying he needed to be close to Tatooine just in case. He came back the next morning, telling her he was going to Crait, another town that shared a border with Yavin and Tatooine. Mara sent Cassian and Bodhi with him, Solo, and that Indian fellow, which left Chirrut and Baze to stand guard along with Kaytoo as doorman.
Madame Ahsoka, who had plucked Mara out from under a man and placed her under a wing, had started out as three women in a covered wagon, taking turns with clientele. The first purchase she'd made with their profits was hiring a bodyguard. Ahsoka was the one who taught Mara that the ability to conduct business safely was the number one priority, and she had never forgotten that lesson. As the town grew around the good madame's business, there had never been a question when she had been alive who the town answered to. The folks back east would scoff at a woman running a town, much less the owner of a whorehouse, but the citizens of Yavin never forgot who brought them there, and who kept them safe. When she passed, Mara had done her best to keep the same attitude. The sheriff served her, and she kept her people and her girls safe.
She showed Miss Organa the secret entrance to her apartments, and told her that if she needed to leave the brothel, to take Chirrut with her for protection. The young woman gave her an incredulous look, and Mara laughed.
"I know what you're thinking, he don't look like much more than a blind, pious old man. You'll just have to trust me, no harm will come to you with him," she assured, sitting at her desk across from her guest.
"How does a man like that come to be in your pocket?" Miss Organa asked, not convinced.
"In another life, he'd been a man of God. But then the Devil came knocking at his door." Mara poured both of them a drink and took a sip. "He preaches for the girls on Sundays, and reminds us all of God's love." Miss Organa nodded, taking a drink of her own. Mara gestured to the office. "Feel free to do any work you need in here. Anything you might need, let any of my men or girls know, and they'll get it to you. Also, be sure not to use the entrance to the parlor unless you'd like to meet some maybe not-so-friendly characters."
"Thank you, Ms. Jade."
"Please, Mara."
"Leia. Thank you for allowing me to stay here, Mara."
She chuckled. "Why of course, I'd never ask for you to go anyplace else. This place is safer than any hotel and has better company than any saloon."
Leia did her work from Mara's office, having Baze or Chirrut bring her the information she needed. Though she did leave occasionally to see sites or take headcounts herself.
Miss Erso helped Leia most days, or else sat and read in her room. She had taken quite a liking to Chirrut, who seemed to soothe her after the tragedy of losing her parents. Cassian had also been visiting the old priest more since the young Miss Erso had been staying with them, and Mara was sure it wasn't to confess his sins.
Sheriff Skywalker had seen to it that Cassian didn't spend all his time in Yavin. Most days he was negotiating with other towns, or helping take headcounts. Crait had agreed, Mustafar had not. But it was easy for them out in Mustafar, they didn't share a border with Scarif, and if Sheriff Skywalker's crazy plan worked, they wouldn't have to worry about annexation. Skywalker had come the night after they had disagreed and told her how smug Mayor Tarkin had looked.
"If I didn't know better, I'd say he wants us to fail," he said, after a half-bottle between the two of them. "Doesn't he know that if we fail, he will have a border with Scarif?"
"Maybe that's what he wants," Mara suggests. "Not everyone can hate being annexed, or else more would've tried what we are."
Luke shook his head. "Word is getting out about our proposal. One of Sheriff Jarrus' men from out in Geonosis visited me in Tatooine yesterday. He was sent with a sealed message saying Geonosis would comply with being annexed by Tatooine."
That was bad, but she faked a smile anyway. "That don't mean nothing, Sheriff. They see the other towns meeting and colluding, and they got scared. It don't mean they know about the plan."
"Or that everyone knows about it. And anyway we can't add Geonosis because they share a border with Mustafar but not any of the other towns that have agreed."
"They share one with Kyloth, don't they?" Mara blew smoke out and took another drag of her cigarette.
He squinted, seemingly trying to recall his mental map in a drunken haze. "I do not recall." Luke took his own drag.
"Well, if they do and Kyloth agrees, we'll have Mustafar surrounded."
He shifted in his seat uneasily. "That may be, or they'll be secured in their plan to stay out of ours. I don't like the idea of bullying whole towns into following my say."
He said goodbye soon after, limping back to Tatooine. The men from Tatooine didn't visit very often, mostly the Sheriff to update her on his quest. But there was one other man that made the occasional visit: the wayward Han Solo. The first of his visits was a night much like any other. Baze was off keeping the peace, and taking census. Chirrut was in his spot on the stool in the corner, praying most likely. Men were talking to the girls, liquor was flowing, and all was well with her business when Han Solo made a move to enter Ahsoka's.
"5 to stay the night," Mara reminded him. "And I'm sure I have no need to tell you again that Qi'ra left us, so you'll have to find a new favorite."
He looked surprised, then smirked. "I'm not staying the night, madame. Jus' want to make sure the ladies are settled in."
"I can do that just fine, Solo. Pay up or get out."
He held up his hands and pulled his purse from his pocket. He separated one five credit coin from the rest, dropping it into Kaytoo's open hand. He passed by, and Mara pushed a drink towards him. "Welcome, good sir. May you find what you're looking for tonight."
He raised the glass, but did not drink. "Where's Miss Organa?"
Mara's eyebrows shot up. She was sure he would let up the ruse of checking on the women when he'd passed the rope and go straight for her girls.
"My office, but she's working, I wouldn't-"
"Cheers, madame." He turned and walked away as soon as she spoke, and Mara watched him go. She wasn't sure if she should be happy or concerned.
The large wardrobe had seemed out of place in an office, but Leia had done her best to put it out of her mind. Her hostess had opened her home and her town, and Leia didn't want to repay her by snooping around her things. It had plagued her thoughts for days, and when Mara left her alone to "make the rounds," Leia couldn't ignore her curiosity any longer. The wardrobe was large, and well made. She couldn't imagine what it must've cost to make, and then to ship out here. The contents were recognizable immediately to Leia. What her hostess would do with gowns in her office of all places, Leia was unsure, but they were there-all tailormade in various fashions. She assumed they were the latest fashion from back east, but Leia had lost touch with that life when she had boarded a train five years ago.
She pulled a particular one down, white and gold-a dress you might wear to the fair or for New Years. There was a mirror next to a screen, and Leia held the dress up against her chest to look at herself. A moment of vanity, the first she had allowed herself in a long time. There was a chuckle from across the room and she nearly cried out in fear. But a glance told her it was only Mr. Solo. She sighed, and turned to put the gown away.
"Don't scare me like that, Mr. Solo," she chastised him, shutting the wardrobe. "You shouldn't even be here. Don't you know the meaning of propriety?"
"Excuse me, sweetheart, but I didn't just ride from Kyloth to Tatooine and back to be given a lecture," He said, taking a seat on the couch near the door.
"Then why did you come, Mr. Solo? You could have stayed in Tatooine, or perhaps you were looking for some female companionship." Leia sat with her back to him, making note of the census data Baze had given her earlier the day.
The cowboy was silent for a moment. "D'it bother you to think who I may have spent my night with?"
Leia hadn't anticipated that question, and her face burned with embarrassment. She didn't want to face this now, now that there were so many other, more important things to occupy her mind. The plan to keep them all safe was still in its infancy, she was barred from joining Luke as well as sleeping in her own bed, and Jyn cried herself to sleep every night. And here was Mr. Han Solo, asking a question that hurt her chest to think about. "It is none of my concern or business who you invite into your bed, Mr. Solo."
He chuckled. "I thought everything that happened around here was your business."
She shook her head. There was a small pause, and it seemed like they would sit in silence until one of them left. Han spoke first. "I had to make sure you were settled in and doing well."
"You mean Miss Erso, and I." Leia didn't look back as she spoke, sure her face was red.
"Her too, but, in truth, I came to see that the madame hadn't recruited you. She can be quite persuasive."
She turned back and glared at him, his face split into a smirk and she fumed. "What kind of woman do you think I am?"
"One who could give the whole West a lecture whether it deserved it or not."
Her anger faded at the mention of the West. Such a wild place it was. Such a wild life she was living as she made sense of census data and county layouts.
"That life is dying," she said.
Han yawned. "And it's a crying shame." He took a drink and wiped his mouth on his sleeve almost as if to illustrate his point, though Leia was sure this was lost on him. "Used to be a body could find himself out there in the dust. He'd go out a green boy, lost, and come back a man, found."
Leia wouldn't consider Mr. Solo to be a found man, but thought there might be some truth to his statement. After-all, isn't that what she had done?
Mr. Solo continued. "Now it's all statehood and laws. Beginning to feel like I'm back in Corellia."
This admission was surprising to her. "You're from Corellia, Mr. Solo?"
"Yes ma'am, born and raised." That would explain the "ma'am"ing and the "sweetheart", those Southern men were known for their pet-names.
She did some math in her head, estimating his age. "Were you in the war?"
He flinched a little, and Leia regretted what she had said immediately. Though it explained how a boy from Corellia would end up herding cattle in Alderaan territory. How many veterans had come out west to find what they had lost on the battlefield?
"Yes'm." He took another drink, and Leia felt it best to talk about something different.
"I was born in Tatooine, I was adopted by and sent to live with my cousins, the Organas, after my mother died in childbirth."
"They sent you away to be civilized. But the West roped you right back in, I see." His smirk was back.
She smiled. "Civilization isn't so bad."
"Miss your fancy dresses?" He gestured to the wardrobe and Leia blushed.
"I can live without the frivolities that come with it. But there's something to be said about the safety the state gives you." She didn't meet his eyes as she spoke. "They weren't kidding when they called it the Wild West. And I suppose when I was young I thought it romantic to return here to the dust and find where I'd come from. But a young woman's family was murdered in their house within these past weeks, and there's no recourse? That would never happen in Coruscant. Anarchy is very liberating until you have something to protect." She yawned, itching for a stretch. She stood, and Mr. Solo did too. "It's late, I ought to go to bed, Mr. Solo."
"I had best be getting back too. Long day tomorrow, just like all the others."
They stared at each other from across the room, and it seemed almost like he took a step towards her direction, away from the door, when Mara came in. Mr. Solo excused himself, and Mara sent her to bed.
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