#this biology isn't set in stone
la-nute · 9 months
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Thinking about a bit of biology for the alien plant people. Plus a bit of cape/mask thoughts, I don't think it's worth bothering with though. It's too complex for a daily use item.
They have arms a bit longer than a human and shorter strong legs. No need for a large digestive system, and so the lungs take up the exyra space. I was thinking about bird lungs and respiration for the people. They live in thin air so why not have the most efficient lungs. There is always air circulating within their lungs, perfect for efficient oxygenation.
I mean, it's way more complex than that, I'll throw an animation from google as an example of how the system works. Basically the exhale moves to a holding space before being exhaled.
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tizeline · 4 months
Hello Tizeline. I’d like to ask you about (if it’s not too far for you in the plot you have established and if it’s not too revealing) what would be the Trios and Donnie’s reaction to their encounter with Karai and the knowledge that she is their ancestor. I imagined that Donnie might already know as he is the “only child” raised by Splinter so he might have told stories. But what would be the Trios reaction to the information of their human ancestry?
Yeah that's definitely something I still have to figure out haha. So the turtles know that they're related to Lou Jitsu, a human, but they don't exactly consider him family. So in that sense, they'd know that they technically have human ancestry , but they wouldn't feel any real connection to that ancestry. In the show it seems that ninpo and in general the connection between Hamato is more based more on relationships in the emotional sense and less on biology, considering Karai makes it very clear that April is "one of them" (the Hamato clan) despite not being related to them biologically. So with that in mind, I don't think the Drax Bros would have any mystic connection to their Hamato ancestry at first, because they don't have emotinal connection to it.
All of this is to say, by the time they'd first meet Karai (assuming I decide to follow the canon story more closely) the Drax Bros would've just started getting close to Donnie and Splinter (they decide on giving up on their conquering humanity plot after the season 1 finale). So while they've kinda started actually properly becoming part of the Hamato family at that point, they still wouldn't feel the same connection to Karai as Donnie would. He would very much be on the Gram Gram Hype Train like he is in the show, but for Raph, Leo and Mikey it would be kinda awkward I guess? Cuz, yeah sure she's their ancestor? But also literally who is she?? Does she consider them family???
This isn't set in stone yet, but I do kinda like the idea that Splinter introduces Donnie to the whole Hamato/Ninpo/etc stuff earlier in the AU than what he does in canon. Donnie would find out about Lou Jitsu being his bio dad basically immedietly from his brothers, but like in the show he wouldn't connect the dots at first that Lou Jitsu=Splinter. So basically as soon as he finds out about his secret evil family he'd run to Splinter to demand answers. "Did you know I have Long Lost Brothers?? And that they're evil?? And that they wanna kidnap me?? And that I'm related to Lou Jitsu?? Where is Lou Jitsu anyway??"
So because of that Splinter would probably just tell him his Secret Tragic Backstory way earlier. And also, because Draxum and the three Draxum Jrs might try to kidnap back the only son he has, Splinter would be a bit concerned with making sure Donnie actually has a chance to defend himself. Splinter doesn't seem to be familiar with ninpo in canon, but in the AU he's probably gonna at least know it's A Thing, he just never learned how to use it himself. Donnie'd be reluctant to learn it cuz he's all like "ew, magic, cringe", and it'd be hard if Splinter doesn't know how to use it himself so they'd have to rely on like ancient Hamato texts or something. But he would eventually start figuring it out, before he meets Karai.
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catboybiologist · 2 months
Weird ramble and asking for advice here.
When talking about biology, I sometimes run into a problem where I don't even realize that the level I'm talking about is beyond what most people think about. That isn't supposed to be a brag, its literally this often-memed xkcd:
I have a point/vent here.
I'm kinda prepping to come out to my parents in probably about a week and a half. I'm terrified, tbh. I'm kinda realizing that this is me with gender too.
What I'm trying to say is that I'm going to be coming out to two people who are on the borderline of boomer and gen X who have never extensively interacted with a trans person in their life. I wrote a document to come out to them, and I'm trying to emphasize that their acceptance shouldn't be contingent on understanding. But I also know that they'll want to understand, even in an accepting, "get to know me" kind of way.
Thing is, I'm a decade or more into self exploration and realization, theory and rabbit holes about gender, synthesis of biology concepts with the way I understand gender, and they, well... they're not.
So what I'm doing now is going back to a lot of video essays, online resources, and the like, and trying to think about what would both accurately describes my experiences, but is also at a level where they won't just understand- but they won't write it off as being "overcomplicated" or "wishywashy". And that's.... hard. Because the video I want to show them is this:
(btw, I love Lily Alexandre to death, please check her out)
I don't think this'll go over their heads, but I do think they just won't pay attention because of how.... "not set in stone" it is? Thing is, this video, especially the early parts, are pretty much exactly what I want to get them to understand. If you saw my vents earlier, both of them (but my dad is louder about it) have said that people transition to "escape" something, or as a result of some kind of mental health crisis, and usually have regrets.
But I don't know how to get that through to them.
Idk. The thing I'm trying to emphasize is that I'm a biologist, and an adult, with a light sprinkling of "you have 0 financial control over me", but I'm worried about them worrying. About them making an enormous deal in their heads about something that they think is a cry for help, or a sign of something else.
Idk. I guess I'm asking for advice. Which is- what are the best "intro to trans" videos or resources for parents of adults? Most of the things I can find are explicitly aimed at parents with children much, much younger than me, and talk about things like support in schools and such. I don't even need my parents to support me, I just need them to not work actively to hurt me or themselves.
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witchofthesouls · 3 months
Tbh Star Saber’s reaction is justified. Sentinel just claims this random bot as a bride (probably doesn’t even know their name too) I’d be miffed too if I was his protector. But what about said bot’s reaction? You wake up after passing out and suddenly your hitched, I’d be backing up Star Saber in the background as he yells at Sentinel.
(You're going to be busy trying to deal with alien biology to start yelling. If anything you're yelling at whatever drop-kicked you into this timeline that's the dumpster fire that makes up Bayverse.
Get ready for misunderstandings and failed negotiations:)
Consciousness doesn't gently trickle back. It kicks you in the teeth without any warning. One moment, darkness. The next moment, you're heaving up and accidentally slamming into something hard.
That something yelps.
While you have the grace of facial protection, Sentinel isn't as lucky. You still have a throbbing headache, though. It flares whenever there's the incomprehensible electronic noise of their native tongue is being spoken.
Your head pulses to an excruciating degree when suddenly it clicks. The noise becomes words.
And you don't like them.
"Look, it can't even speak. Let alone understand us." Star Saber - your HUD factually pings, rapidly scrolling all of his positions, achievements, strengths, and possible weaknesses - says like an absolute cunt.
"Oooooo. Cooon-tuh." The High Lord Protector sounds out the English your ass of a mouth that not even a supercomputer brain could leash have shot out. The Seeker is unamused, and you don't even resist the urge to stick your tongue out since you're wearing the visor and he can't see.
You have a vague sense that you're forgetting something important. The wisps of a strange dream linger in the periphery edges of your mind, but a hiccuping wail interrupts everything.
Nearby and attached to the berth (fanon terminology don't fail you now!) are the infants. You immediately pick up the crying one. The tiny face warps from the force of their distress. Something compels you to cradle it up to your chest, and they settle down to snuffly whistles.
Of course, the other one starts up when your hands are full.
Sentinel picks the second infant to maneuver them to you. You never expected this asshole to have gentle hands, but he does. At least for the babies.
"They're split-spark." He explains as both of them grab a hold of each other, whistling and chirping between a songbird and a hot kettle. "They have to remain close together until they're third in-star."
There's a moment of silence in the room, only interrupted by the newsparks' chirping babbling and fretful meeping.
"Not to be rude," you slowly test out the digital language, and Star Saber doesn't snort or move his expression, but he definitely disproves. Fucker. "But why am I here?"
"Yes, Prime," the Seeker knows how to turn a soft voice into an assassin's thread. "Why do we have such a guest here?"
The words he chose have so many insulting undertones and stresses that if you didn't have your arms full, you might as well slap him. High Lord Protector be damned.
He wants you far away, and you want to be farther than Star Saber could dream of.
Of course, neither you nor Star Saber gets those desires granted.
"You're here," Sentinel’s tone shifts. Formal. Very formal. A strange mix of anticipation and... duty? "In the privacy of my household and in the presence of my most trusted-" Star Saber's expression is set in stone and just as cold "-to declare our sparks together in front of Primus."
Unlike fanfics where Sam Witwicky has the Allspark to handily act as a translator, you only have the equivalent of a more sensible Google translate with all of the additional kinda-helpul-but-not-really dings of subharmonics and underlying glyphs to provide more context. It sounds like a marriage proposal, but the way Sentinel emphasized it is more akin to a 'Guardian seek out an equal partnership in a (business) venture.'
Thanks, Google. Great help as always. Never change.
Unless you've taken over the body of a noble with capital to buy out galaxies or some sort of daring pirate/elite assassin with that ghostly possession of hidden skills, you have no idea why he's asking you for this kind of proposition.
You need to bite the bullet because you don't know what you're walking into, and maybe you can jump out another window and speed away.
You start searching the lexicon for the right words. Hopefully.
Even with the visor eclipsing your face, you're refreshingly honest and it's something Sentinel profoundly misses ever since he's been taken from the Guiding Hand's Towers.
And right now, they know your possible intention to jump again beneath the tangle of confusion and worry.
The windows here are reinforced and capable of withstanding artillery blasts and extreme heat resistance as well.
:: The foundlings are completely attached to this one. :: Hard and unforgiving Star Saber may be, but there are a few things that soften the mech. It may be the Seekerkin-coding in him that invokes protective feelings towards the very young.
You and the newsparks have sealed a guardian/parental bond. They can't separate them from you. The strain will most likely kill them, and possibly you with your recent recklessness. You may have a powerfully dense spark -a hallmark of mecha with Primal heritage- but you're still young, barely past the ninth in-star, and still developing towards an adult frame.
Ratchet had been torn between absolute fury and begrudgingly impressed by the one that had done your frame-schematics. It's a remarkable mix of stealth modifications, hidden components, and security. Your systems had literally chewed up suppression codes and medical overrides and spat them out.
Either you have a creator that's a fiend of a weaponsmith or you have ties to the legendary War-Forged, too. Unbelievable, but no one expected any frames out in the Wastelands to be blessed by Primus, and yet here they are with not one, but two individuals.
And Sentinel is asking the mechling for a formal courtship with the intention of bonding.
"Are you-" you speak carefully, testing out the glyphs, and he wonders what kind of dialect the Wilders speak "-asking me to bond with you?"
The phrase makes logical sense. However, Sentinel can't help but choke at the subglyphs you used. Instead of 'unity of wedlock between two parties,' you attached something akin to sponsoring a courtesan for an exclusive relationship. An explicitly sexual one.
Star Saber doesn't budge. The Seeker's body langauge is impeccable and beyond reproach to stand as a witness to this mess, but Sentinel feels the icy talons of their shared bond flare to a vicious burning grip.
:: If you say any sort of agreement to that poorly worded question, Sentinel Prime. :: Star Saber's terrible words cut into Sentinel's spark. :: I will personally make the rest of your limited time on this planet a new level of Unicron's Pits. ::
Sentinel had to lock his joints to keep himself upright and not sprawled on the floor. After a long moment, he manages to grapple with the bond to sear away Star Saber's influence. :: I wasn't! ::
Slag all those that deify their partnership as the original split-sparks Prima and Megatronus, it's a slaggen mockery of a marital bond.
Sentinel gathers every scrap of his intentions to make it work with the newly found Primal-descended and throws it at Star Saber's end. It's still a raw wound. He finds it deeply discomforting to be intimately tied to the Seeker upon the confirmed demise of an unmoored Zeta Prime. Just barely after the Temple's blessings to establish suitable compatibility as a Prime and a new Protector.
(If Sentinel thinks too much about it, he will scream until he burns out and -)
Star Saber quirks a plate at his efforts and releases the onslaught. :: Look at that. Perhaps there's a warrior underneath that softness, librarian. Correct your Intended before the Wilder escapes with the newsparks. ::
During their internal spat, you pressed your back against the wall, plating closed to minimize noise. You've silenced your biosignature as well. Even the foundlings are silent -a natural defense that's driven by terror of the sudden tensions and your own reaction.
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unboundpower · 7 days
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Here is lil Ensa, Vegito and Amita's future firstborn (in one timeline anyway).
Her spiky hairstyle here is a tentative first version (trying to blend the feel of her parents hairstyles), but all of the colors are relatively set in stone. Might tweak her eye color a bit.
As y'all can see, she has a third eye and a (Saiyan) tail because of her genes. HOWEVER, because of her Human/Triclops/Saiyan genes coming together in unpredicted ways, she has at least two biology issues. Neither are that drastic though.
— Her third eye didn't develop correctly and has very poor vision, if not being blind entirely. The vision in her main eyes also isn't perfect (she'll get glasses when she's older), but it's a lot better in comparison to her third eye's.
— Her parents will eventually discover that her eyes overall can't effectively absorb & process blutz waves, so she can't take on her Oozaru form.
But on the bright side of that, Ensa at least gets to keep her tail throughout her life. She ends up bonding a lot with her papa (since he's the stay-at-home dad while Amita goes back into work), and their tails serve as the skeleton of it. A big form of comfort for her is wrapping her tail around his, and she never completely grows out of it.
I don't have all aspects of Ensa's life ironed out, but I do have this so far:
— She eventually develops selective mutism and struggles in school socially-wise because of it, though her parents gladly help her through it (including lowkey threatening her teacher into being gentle with her or else). Therapy gradually helps her overcome a lot of it as she grows, but problems with anxiety do stick with her even in her adult years.
— She conveniently inherits Amita's love for cosmic things and enters education, eventually a career, in astronomy when she graduates high school. (This does lead to some comedic moments of Vegito telling her that he can literally take her to different planets using IT and she can share info about them with her co-workers, but she knows how ridiculous & unbelievable that would be in her co-workers' perspectives.)
— Thanks to both of her parents' influences, Vegito's especially, Ensa does develop a strong love of fighting and - during her youth - trains with her parents regularly. Martial arts becomes one of her favorite hobbies.
— It comes to light sometime in later years that she has a deep well of potential power-wise, and could grow just as strong as - if not even stronger - than her parents combined. Currently undecided if that ever gets fulfilled.
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hiimcanadia · 3 months
Although (and I know nobody finds this as interesting as I do) the omegaverse fic I'm trying to write features Ed as an omega with more or less typical biology and Stede as an omega with what is basically a hormone imbalance disorder bc I want to make them deal with their heats accidentally syncing up and explore the different ways they react to that both emotionally and physically. Also this isn't set in stone yet but I kind of want this scene to happen in that short period in s2 where Ed is still mad at Stede just for even more drama
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Rethinking the Great Wheel
This isn't a one-size-fits-all kind of idea. I've just been working on my own campaign setting lately, and trying to answer some questions while molding the standard D&D cosmology and biology into something more unique. I still like Planescape's vibe of "ideas becoming physical creatures, places, and forces" but my setting doesn't need upwards of 38 different planes.
I know that deities are an important part of Tephra, so I wanted to establish where they are when not creating the world. I also wanted a home for some of the classic planar creatures: elementals, demons, fey etc.
Tephra is the solid heart of its local reality, as the Material Plane where mortals are born and where they live. The World Below is the afterlife, where mortal souls go. Nerull takes them, Segojan guides them, and Ereshkigal watches over them as the queen of the underworld. The Lady of the Nine Doors makes sure that the dead stay out of trouble in endless dimly lit cavern galleries. Sometimes a resourceful ghost will retain enough memory to return to the land of the living. The World Above is hard for mortals to even imagine. This is the realm of the other gods - good, evil, and neutral alike. Each major deity has a center of power here, though some are better neighbors than others. Sekolah and Umberlee share a turbulent sea domain, for example. The gods also created beings of energy to act in their will from time to time, so angels and devils dwell in the World Above, and powerful mages can call them down to Tephra. The World Between is partially in phase with the material plane. In Tephra, each river and mountain, each geyser and sirocco, has an elemental spirit. Many plants and even some animals have dryads or other fey watching over them. But these beings all live in the World Between, visible and active when they choose. One interesting note: when mortals interact with their environment more and acknowledge it, they reinforce certain traits. So a brook where people do laundry and chat might become a friendly and talkative elemental... or the deadly shipwrecking rock in the bay might have a sinister pack of stone mephits.
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adribelladonna · 7 months
The fairy biology post reminded me of some questions I have had:
If fairies can be drunk and they can be poisoned (apparently), then, presumably, anesthesia and aderall should work
Since it seems the detached wing remains somewhat alive, how improbable would it be to eventualy invent a way to reattach it with surgery and magic and loads of painkillers.
If fairies cannot taste, it means they may have even less way of telling if they were poisoned or drugged than humans (who can sometimes smell or taste something off) until it is too late
How important is quality of food to fairies and does the food need to actually be fresh. Did Shall starve a lot? Can someone put some meat on his bones?
How long will a fairy survive if their remaining wing is not torn off but rather has a tear? Can any damage to wings ever recover?
If a fairy's durability is defined by the qualities of the origin material, couldn't the Fairy king found some... less brittle stones for his kids to be born from? The only one who rolled something more or less decent in terms of durability is the babiest brother. Or is that durability isn't as directly influenced by the origin material as we think? Or maybe the Fairy King simply thought that whatever other traits the opal and the obsidian could offer were worth the trade-offs (makes me think, if he anticipated that the opal fairy would come out as potentially very cunning and crafty and obsidian fairy as rather stoical and pragmatic for example, do not know enough about the diamond fairy).
While fairy names are just names and all, the consistency of Fen seems to indicate that sibling fairies at least may share a naming pattern. Do these patterns differ between different sets of siblings or not.
Did Rafalle try to deliberately teach his diamond baby brother things before he was born by constantly talking to his "unhatched" stone, I need to know this. Just how much knowledge do fairies retain from their origin and why if Lusul knew nothing, she could still talk dammit. Are they suggesting the entirety of nature is actually capable of thought and speech and it is just that no living creature is able to normally hear that.
I'll try to answer those with to the best of my ability (and my knowledge) from the various novel titbits that I've gathered!
1. Probably? It would make sense I guess, but then again, no one's seemed to bother to try to give meds to fairies. We know that aphrodisiacs would work on them (it was explicidly mentioned by Mythrill. The best wingman out there was trying to drug Challe with "special tea" at one point. I swear Mythrill is unhinged. If you see him -- run!)
2. It is unclear if the detached wing is still alive or not. It loses it's warmth and colour so it's safe to assume that it's a dead limb... but twisting it still brings pain to the fairy and tearing it still kills them so... not so dead???
3. Haha I was thinking about it for a lot for various reasons. They can still smell things, but what if a poison is colourless and odourless?
4. And can they "eat" something that is not food? Questions without answers maaaan
4.1 I swear both Challe and Anne need to put some meat on their bones. Have you seen them? They both look like twigs, pls.
5. It seems they just can't. If a wing is torn the fairy dies. Don't tear your wings, kids, it might be lethal (probably it IS).
6. The Fairy King was a Ruby, we do know that. He didn't need a weapon since he could just make one like Challe and Lafalle (and Ellile, the diamond fairy for that matter) can. He's crafted a sword for himself specifically so that he could encrust it with an opal, an obsidian and a diamond. Why he'd go with these three stones in particular is a mystery.
7. I've said it before and I'll repeat my joke again:
"We fairies do not have last names," -- said Challe Fen Challe, the brother of Lafaell Fen Lafaell and Elille Fen Elille.
The other sibling-fairies that we know of are Daan and Hala and, unfortunately, I believe that it's their human names, so we don't know their original names.
8. Elille was born from Lafalle's gaze. He was a little cocomelon ever since his birth damn it. For now we only know that Elille is incredivally attached to Lafalle and that is all. It's a mystery how much of Lafalle's "teachings" he retained after his birth. And I don't really think it matters all that much since Lafalle was there with his diamond baby brother from the very beginning. He'd get tainted by Lafalle's ideas either way.
As for the whole "just how much knowledge do fairies retain after their birth" thing, I think it's just an author's tool to use at her own convinience. Magical realism bullshit at play. Of course fairies are born knowing how to speak, no one has time to teach them that, it's not relevant to the plot. What if I tell you Challe was born already knowing some basic sewing skills? What are you gonna do about it? Flip out just like I did? Honestly, good. Glad to know we're both sane.
(I kid you not when I'm saying this btw, the first thing he did after he was born was (aside from scoffing at Liz) pilfering clothes from baby Liz, making a whole scene about how human clothes constrict his wings and how uncomfy it is, pilfering a sewing kit from Liz and resewing shirts to better fit him. I kid you not. I could not make this up. Just... Mikawa-sensei, why?)
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abyssalpriest · 9 months
Note: Physical Plane, 3/9/23
Leviathan said: This plane is a linguist's dream. The entirety of it is as a written book is: Linear, black and white, written. I've been showing you the beginning of all things lately for a reason. This world is straightforward, written left to right, words embroidered on to the surface like a sewing machine pulls threads. It's a translation of our favourite book.
Everything is translated, yes, but to a highly black and white degree. Polar paradise. Imagine: The brain is the seat of consciousness, yes? Why? Why does the workings of this plane fit linearly on to Material things? Spirits translate themselves on other planes easily, fluttering between forms and ideas and manifestations, the world listens and echoes their being, their states. It is more usual off this plane to be in touch with the world's archetypal and energetic forms than it is here. Why?
Here is a story, linearly set in stone from point a to point b. The Big Bang is a diorama of the beginning of everything, the brain is a complex set of explanations for consciousness, where did life come from? You'll find that answer here. You can trace back every movement because everything is written in the physical.
This plane is a book. This plane is a manifestation of the author's wishes. The Librarians, the three of us, having spent eons studying the Universe and documenting it, then experimenting with it, then creating our own realities, set out to work on a new experiment: A self-writing book, a self-divining reality. We learned to copy reality into writing forms that extended beyond the confines of what physical books show - though all non-Physical-Plane books extend outside what Physical books allow, I mean in this case we learned to write documentations and memories into the fabric of reality itself - we learned to read reality's expressions though that is a lot harder... Well, wouldn't it be much easier if reality was written in a language we understood? We are obsessive. We were created to write.
God's writing is insufferably encoded to a point that it can't be read except through extensive and arduous and very dangerous contortions of the self and Mind and Matter through to near-God states of existence, which proves doubly difficult because God extends into the microcosm, meaning often you expend all your energy and risk your "sanity" to fold yourself through to the amniotic sac before God's womb, and at the end of the day what you come back with if you make it back at all is a thin, hair-like thread of revelation that isn't designed to be sustained in reality. I say "sanity", Mental things are much more weighty and less Subjective on other planes, much more quantifiable; you will end up being literally contorted and may be damaged and drawn out in certain ways until you cannot sustain a cohesive self anymore, well, the exact process can't be spoken on this plane, but the loss of "sanity" is not simply going insane is what I mean.
So, what if you could set in motion a new library that documented everything in existence, but one where you succeeded as godhead, and thus you were the womb and muscle and skin surrounding that amniotic sac to which the sac and child were entirely... Not "understandable", it still requires massive amounts of processing and other things to translate and observe, but... Organic, to. Of the same DNA. Of translatable biology. What if you were, as a Librarian, to make something that was forced to write things that happened even before and after it was even created, simulating them in real-time, and very specifically spelling out in your language everything that exists and why?
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talesofsonicasura · 2 years
Joestar Misadventures- Sun Wukong: Jotaro
It's been too long since I've updated this. I'll be updating the other ones soon. Just like the title, Jotaro is gonna pop up here! And it's going to be a mess. This can be read gender neutral or preferred gender. Enjoy.
Of all of your siblings that you didn't want finding about Sun Wukong so soon, it had to be Jotaro. You love your younger brother but he's the hardest and most stubborn person you ever known. Especially when it came to new people.
He didn't start out like this as he used to be a sweet young man. Until something occured near the time his Stand, Star Platinum, would manifest.
Now? Jotaro is a delinquent that practically has teachers scared shitless of him, gangs trying to beat him up and practically despises girls from the harpies that flock to him in droves.
The type of personality that wouldn't mesh well with Sun Sun's. Too bad for you, your younger sibling crossed the line too many times. Jotaro had been sent to live with you on house arrest, a tracking bracelet that would go berserk if removed without the special key.
Now you got two younger brothers living under your roof with an immortal alongside his probably immortal monkeys. Might as well explain all of this to Jotaro on the drive home.
Like expected, he thought you either went crazy or were just housing an ally Stand User who is a regular monkey. A monkey with a Stand that duplicated himself. That idea got thrown out in an instant.
Why? Apparently it was one of those days where Sun-Sun would tan himself on the roof. Unlike those other times, the monkey is bare ass naked. He definitely deserved getting the water hose bath. Even if he's not human, no public nudity on top of the house.
From that incident alone, Jotaro decided he didn't like Sun Wukong at all. It had been difficult to even suggest giving the stone monkey a chance especially with Josuke vouching in. Bless your little brother for helping.
Now, Jotaro isn't a very vocal person and really couldn't stand when things got too loud. Sun-Sun has a difficulty being quiet but you couldn't fault the Great Sage for that. Monkeys were energetic playful creatures. Although it didn't take long for your more delinquent sibling to tell Sun Wukong: 'Shut up, you're damn annoying!'
The Great Sage wasn't making any progress when it came to befriending Jotaro. He tried offering little things such as going out to eat or small gifts like books and candy cigars. They were accepted begrudgingly due to common courtesy. (And the fact you wouldn't be happy to find them later in the trash.)
Sun-Sun did offer some training but your younger brother is too goddamn stubborn to even accept. Jotaro and you have what's known as twin Stands. A type of Stand that share the same abilities, appearance or both, this being the last option.
Starset and Star Platinum look almost the same except for Starset's colors being green and different shades of blue while Star Platinum set having a violet color palette. Or that Starset's hair is much longer hair than Star Platinum's. Both shared the same powers but that was it.
Sun-Sun's monkey minions were having a better time. Jotaro did have a soft spot for animals. Despite having a bad encounter with a Stand User orangutan, the little monkeys were respectful of his personal space and avoided making too much noise.
Sun Wukong decided to go for Josuke when it came to advice. You were out doing errands with Jotaro hence why he didn't go to you. Your little brother being a big lifesaver as he knew a great deal about Jotaro especially his preferences.
So your stubborn sibling was completely surprised when he found a collection of stuff set neatly on the desk in his room. Various books on marine biology, industrial strength noise cancelling headphones/ear bud set, and the biggest prize being a perfectly preserved prehistoric star fish.
'I'm very sorry for being a crazy roommate. Hope this helps smooth things out between us. :P' The note written childishly in context despite the VERY VERY fancy calligraphy that been used for it.
The next day, Jotaro started being less hostile to Sun-Sun. Sure both personalities would clash from time to time but it wasn't as harsh like before. Civility first then actual companionship.
It wasn't long before the wielder of Star Platinum to get himself a nickname. Sun Wukong endearingly called Jotaro 'Liúxīng'(Shooting Star). This stemming from your brother's bright hot-tempered soul as the yaoguai put it.
Hopefully you can actually tell your other siblings like scheduled than through a sudden disaster. At least having Jotaro in the know will make it a lot less harder. As long Sun-Sun doesn't try another dumb stunt like robbing an aquarium. Octopus ink is a bitch to get out.
And that is it! I thought Jotaro Kujo would be the next Joestar I introduce. Jotaro and Nezha Reborn Sun Wukong definitely have some difficulty getting along especially being roommates of some sort.
I also see Josuke Higashikata being closer to our Part 3 hero than the other canon Joestars if they were put in sibling roles. Sure our pompadour prince can be a little shit but he can relate to Jotaro from school experiences and how their respective lives got turned dangerously upside down.
Billy Kametz, Josuke's voice actor in the show, sadly passed away days ago to colon cancer. My first exposure to this actor had been through Josuke and my last being Macaque from Lego Monkie Kid. Start as the Healer and end as the Warrior for me.
Please be respectful to him, his family and close friends during this time. Draw, write or do whatever you can to honor his memory without negatively hurting others in some way.
That's it for now. Until next time folks, have a good day. Here's Jotaro Kujo and Star Platinum!
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Human variance isn't bound by sex, anyone who thinks it is probably doesn't care about the actual truth of the matter as much as they claim and probably don't have the required thirst for knowledge and open mind required for advanced biology. Nothing you can claim is necessarily set in stone unless proven beyond a shadow of a doubt
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mikaharuka · 1 year
Hey, how's it going? So, quick little thing in regards to this post, I was figuring on asking for 6, 10, and 12.
Happy hunting!
Also, good luck on your WIPS
Heyo Salty! Thanks for the ask and sorry for the delay~ I'm finally getting around to clearing out my asks, so here I finally am!
#6 - "What work of yours is it most similar to?"
Apricity has a vague predecessor in this short 1.6k word (I know, shocking) fic I wrote 3 years ago during my short stint in the FE3H world - The Forsaken Throne. This was supposed to be my first multi-chapter fic... except real life got in the way, so I left it alone. This has that same sort of dream-like, eerie, sensory feel. Here's a bit of it:
As the years passed, the mysterious woods morphed into a haunted forest, the spring creatures fleeing and the delicate gardens shriveling as a frigid gust consumed all life in its path. An eerie violet frost clung to the castle as thorn-filled vines lined with deadly icicles scaled the walls of the castle and trails of black ice formed intricate sigils that decorated the courtyards. The interior of the fortress carried an oppressive aura, accentuated by the frosty air. The fortress itself was an ominous warning for all who dared to enter.
#10 - "Is your WIP an AU or canon-compliant? Either way, talk about any research you had to do, lore you had to make, or timelines you had to screw with to make it work. Talk about what makes your universe tick!"
Haha, this goes past AU into "almost original work" territory! You asked for it, so strap in for a wild answer, even though I simplified it!
The tl;dr - I threw out 98% of canon. I only kept superficial things like most character names/appearances, vague supernatural abilities, the general geographic setting of Forks/West Washington, most character relations, and a few superficial plot beats. But all of that is defined differently thanks to the fundamentals of this world.
What I changed... the biggest things, at least.
General Timeline - Canon Twilight took place in 2005. I pushed it forward to 2020 to do some interesting stuff and test out other challenges. Also, a certain C-pandemic isn't a thing in this world, but that's only out of sheer convenience. My one lazy act in this verse XD
The basic framework of the world - it is an Eastern one, inspired by what I grew up with and know (and seeing a bit of that reflected in my work was nice). Along those vein, a much stronger Asian-American presence and more diversity overall.
Vampire biology/lore/themes - this ties quite heavily into the framework bit, but I changed everything from surface stuff (no sparkling thing and they can eat human food, but get no sustenance from it), to fundamentals (animal blood doesn't cut it - they are very much human-blood vampires... and certain societal stuff but spoilers), and to the more ambiguous/sensual feel of the genre.
Magic (mystic) system - ties into the first point. The super short tl;dr is that there is cosmic energy (shakti) that pervades the universe and everything within. Non-humans are mystic by nature, some humans have more shakti than others and can become a mystic user (mantrika, Sanskrit for enchanter, or one who chants mantras, but can be used as a general 'magic user' term). Shakti influences space-time in a "soft fate" way (think... nothing is set in stone, but some outcomes are favored since they are more stable).
History and Lore - Most notably seen in Quileute history and lore/origin stories (totally wrong in canon), but also with when and how vampires and other mystic communities interacted with general human history, major conflicts, political status, and more.
Specific Backstories + Personality Traits + Relationship Dynamics - Although I changed backstories, a few traits, and dynamics to make sense with this world, I kept general plot beats for most characters. The four huge exceptions are Carlisle, Edward, Mina, and Mike.
In Mina's case, I kept her age/time the same (mid-1800s) and changed her human origin story because I wasn't ever going to do the Confederate thing. Also, I wanted her to show up earlier, so she doesn't join the Cullens in the 1950s, but in the 1800s itself. And her ability... she can subtly affect aura to make things more likely, but she's not OP-levels of directly changing emotions like in canon.
In Edward's case, I kept the vague concept of him and his human mother being caught up in a plague... except you see Salty? Canon Edward is dated to the Spanish Flu in 1918. You know how far back I moved him? To the Plague of the Justinian - mid-500s CE. Of course, his birth name isn't Edward - he changed his name (alongside Carlisle) when they showed up in the Americas. This part alone pretty much erases most his canon personality. I only kept the general premise of the mind-reading, but also changed the mechanics of how that worked.
In Carlisle's case, obviously he's older than Edward. I haven't 100% finalized the exact years he was human or what his exact turning story is, but you know where I pinned that guy? In the Late Roman Republic - 200-27 BCE. It goes without saying that his birth name is different... but it's already been mentioned in Apricity so far! Well, thanks to the worldbuilding, vampire biology, and timeline, Carlisle is very different. He is absolutely NOT parental in any sense whatsoever. He is very much fraternal/older brother-like. I could go on forever about how he came across as a mentor rather than parental in canon... and how strangely perverse it is for vampires (inhuman, queer concept) to be posing as a picture perfect nuclear family (very human, heteronormative concept), but I'll save that for another day. Just know that I went with "queer found family/siblings" vibes instead. With that said, though, he retains a decent number of his canon traits... adapted to this new world, in any case.
in Mike's case, he's still your standard human teenage guy in high school. Canon didn't give him (or the other students) much of a light, but canon Mike was entitled, manipulative, and just an all around asshole defined solely around Bella as most characters were. I was always planning on doing justice to the human students of Forks High, but Winter Light's Mike was the 100% winner of that. Not only did he end up becoming co-MCs with Beau and have his own connections and dynamics not centered on Beau so directly (but still influenced, because social connections are webs were everyone affects everyone else)... but his personality was a fun one to alter. He was a manipulative asshole who did stuff in canon... so I simply toned down those traits massively. So now, he's this super observant guy, is extremely quick on the uptake, can logic/deduce things really quickly, can subtly influence the odds in his favor, and has a hilariously petty/sassy narrative voice. However, he also has a defined family, personal circumstances, and is empathetic to a fault. He's kind of stoic on the outside and is the middle child of a well meaning, but huge family... so he's very used to prioritizing others instinctually, thanks to his loud siblings.
Well, I'll leave it at that for now, since I could go on forever lol
#12 - "How did you come up with this fic? Where were you/what were you doing when you thought of it?"
Oh no. You asked the one question that I could go on even longer about, than the previous question! HOWEVER... you're in luck :)
You very, very, conveniently left me another general ask that is closely related to this question. The umbrella question, even!
"Okay, so, this just came to mind for me, but I was actually wondering if you could tell us what originally got you into the whole vampire genre."
I'll spare everyone's time and quit while I'm ahead, before this post gets even longer... but I'll spill the beans when I get to that ask, since a number of people have asked me just how this whole "Vampire Brainrot + Twilight Rewrite + Winter Light Verse" thing even started.
So... stay tuned for that!
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bjrdy00 · 1 year
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For awhile now I've been a huge fan of speculative biology and as an extension world building and like any fixation of mine I wanted to try my hand at making something of my own, so I did! This is the first creature that I've set in stone for this project of mine that I hopefully will continue to work on, it's not perfect per say but I'm very happy with how this janky creature turned out.
A bit of explanation:
Spark of life. Probably the most interesting thing about this creature/world is a fantastical approach on life itself, the very act of being alive in this world is taken into a physical form via a special fragile ball called a spark of life simply put when this ball in socketed into an animal they are alive and kicking and when they don't they just lie there motionlessly even though their body is in a state where they should be alive because the spark is gone they aren't. This all leads to some horrifying assurances such as a creature being mutilated beyond repair but still alive since they have their spark and the ability to resurrect an animal by socketing another creatures spark into them. I realize that this is no way scientifically accurate to anything but that's kind of the point, this isn't the first time I've tried my hand at speculative biology but every time I try to make something it always ends with me realizing I have no idea how biology works, getting frustrated and deciding to take a break, then forgetting about the project. By throwing the laws of nature to the wind and just trying to create something weird and interesting I think I'll be able to create something way more fleshed out than I could otherwise.
Nasal vents. Instead of a nose or a larynx in their throat (Had to look that up) the animals of this world have nasal vents near their brain that give their bodies a large, constant supply of oxygen which has allowed them to reach large sizes despite their copper blood which is bad at carrying oxygen, notice the green coloured innards. This of course leads to the problem of them not being able to stop breathing in which leads to them "swallowing" things they don't want to such as dust, parasites, stray partials and the water from the river they're drowning in.
Neck mouth. A very flimsy mouth that's attached to the neck, I don't really have an explanation for this I just thought it would look cool. I was inspired by animals of "The eternal cylinder" on this, it's a cool game if you like weird creatures like this. 10/10.
L E G S. The animals of the genus this creature is in are hexapods meaning that they have 3 pairs of legs, this creature specifically walks on the front and back legs leaving it's middle legs free to hold things which it uses to pick up and run with it's young when their herd gets attacked, would this creature become sapient (Which I am considering but not sold on yet) they would have an interesting time using tools as their arms are on the very bottom of their bodies.
And that's all! I'm not to sure of my ability to keep going with this project but I certainly hope I do! At least compared to my other failed projects which have nothing to show for them it at least has 1 thing to show for, which is better.
Anyway take care!
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monsterboyjunction · 1 month
The 'Cringe is Dead' game jam is coming up in a couple of weeks, and I think it would be really fun to participate (plus I'd like to support the jam because I love the concept and I follow the creator)... the problem is, I don't really have any solid ideas... I have a few, but I'm not quite sure where to go beyond the basic concept.
One thought was to do something revamping my old Sonic ocs, but I worry it wouldn't be all that interesting.
Another was to do a sort of dating sim thing with one of my dino boy ocs, since I always feel a little hesitant with them because they are the critters I take the most artistic liberties with in terms of biology/appearance.
But then neither of those necessarily feel like they're 'enough' to me, either. Trying to think of what sorts of things I associate with other people potentially finding cringe, and I feel like I keep coming up blank. Just going the 'self indulgent' route also doesn't help much because, well. All of my ideas are pretty self indulgent at heart, I like making stories about queer critters and bugs because I want to see more stuff like that.
The theme is very broad, which isn't a bad thing, but in my case it does make it harder to hone in on an idea... I have another two weeks to think about it, but I'd ideally like to have an idea set in stone so that I can plan things out accordingly. I don't want it to sneak up on me and wind up not making anything at all :/
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fantasyfantasygames · 8 months
Macaque Attaque
Macaque Attaque, Guerilla Games, 1981
Imagine Bunnies and Burrows but about a species of old-world monkeys instead of rabbits.
Guerilla Games is a brother-and-sister team who were inspired by B. Dennis Sustare and Scott Robinson, the rabbit biologists who created B&B. "If they did it, so can we!" And they were basically right.
Like most very early games, MA is a D&D-alike. The usual six stats, HP, AC, magic whether it makes sense or not, d20-based, you probably know the old-school drill. Magic in the game is cherry-picked from the OD&D spell list, with only one "Wizard" class. Purify Food & Water, Speak with Animals (other than macaques), Charm Person, Invisibility, Neutralize Poison, and Sticks to Snakes are present. Flashier spells like Lightning Bolt, Teleport, and even Light are left out. There's a skill system too, mostly similar to the one in B&B with a few expansions like Brachiation.
The setting is tropical rainforests in Southeast Asia, and in addition, nearby towns and cities where the macaques interact with the humans who are swiftly destroying their habitat. There's a lot of detail on macaques, their biology, their interactions. It's tough to strike the balance between "I am playing a monkey who actually acts like a wild animal" and "I am playing a human-intelligence thing who looks like a monkey," and MA can't quite keep its tone consistent on that front.
MA isn't as violent a game as its name might imply, but it definitely has the potential to be bloody. Monkey troops apparently go to war with one another from time to time, and people in cities might feed them... or try to stone them. Mirroring how fights happen in the wild, characters who run out of HP aren't killed, but are beaten badly enough to be out of the fight. Healing time is lengthy and permanent injuries are possible. About two dozen antagonists are statted up.
Overall I probably wouldn't play Macaque Attaque, but that's primarily because I'm less compelled by old-school mechanics. I'd be interested to see an updated version with a more modern approach and more consistent tone.
My review wouldn't be complete without mentioning that almost all species of macaque are endangered, anywhere between "Vulnerable" and "Critically Endangered". The Macaque Coalition, New England Primate Conservancy, and Three Monkeys Wildlife Conservancy are all good places to start if you're interested in the efforts to both bring them back from endangered status and separate them from the urban environments that really aren't healthy for them or for humans.
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decapitatedtea · 8 months
When I turned 16 for some reason I started meeting people more often both hetero and same gender affectionate. But when it came to Bible talk hetero folk didn't identify that it was African related and same gender folk didn't identify that there were men who were same gender preferenced they felt excluded.
If you know anything bout society especially before female mortal mankind arrived it was nothing but men. Some of them were same gender choosing and of course some didnt. In tribes it's not abnormal it's thought of as a problem for colonial people because they are usually in the astral plane. Through forgein-Cation learn that males who atmre like the male in beauty and the beast are only female preferenced. They never learn that because Eve came of a male that it is going to be a difference in their taste and preference. It's called taboo. Tribal people would usually be the first to hear of it.
Since we are tribal people in a colonial setting we without grace and mercy learn colonial only male female as if we are formed from two separate stone. But remember logic is going to be made evident in biology function of the body. Did you know female birds don't have menopause neither sharks, dogs, ants, worms, centipedes.... The only female to experience it is the one formed of a man.
Go figure trust the source and stop identifying with forms of beings that you are not formed the same as. Easy isn't it. They come around me talking and they burning people something is supposed to happen after Beyoncé concert tonight... Something bout going to NY since I never made it up there wasn't supposed to. They opted to go when I was 10 supernaturally fucking up my opportunity so they changed my goals back to the area I was to be born in San Francisco Bay Area so Vallejo is where I went literally. What ever they did in NY was there stick. I wasn't born to follow these Caucasian people. I stayed true to what I came to do.
Hell they were told in Richmond VA after they got busted that she was not born on the Atlantic coast and that she had to return to the Richmond she was born in. I knew she was born San Francisco Bay Area Richmond possibly... Didn't understand why they thought they were in charge and since they choose her it meant take your ass to Richmond, CA San Francisco Bay Area... They couldn't choose both of us. But of course they Caucasian and the facts they are going to find out removes them from existence. Oh well boss pay the cost leave my family out of those cost.
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