#this is a multiverse where the universe has a consciousness
oharaslove · 3 days
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HI LOVIEESS!! Hope you enjoy this preview of my first series!! For some reason I love the concept of soulmates (bwoah, some reason, I know why, but let's stay mysterious for a while, haha), so I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it and thinking about it.
word count: 900 summary: What happens when someone who believes no one can love him meets a person who only desires to love and be loved? disclaimer: All the events of this story happen after Spiderman Across the SpiderVerse (more info in Chapter 1) warnings: MiguelxSpider!Reader (also latina), soulmates, eventual smut? (still debating this, not because I don't want to, but my abilities to do so), eventual angst, fluff, injuries, talks about death (I'll update as I go on)
Also, I'll be putting songs in some Chapters, or all of them if I can find music that I find fitting (Even though I am trying to stick to Sleep Token). Anyway, the song to start it all:
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Spiderman 2099, Miguel O’hara, the leader of the SpiderSociety, one half of a whole. Nobody knows it, but he possesses an indelible mark in his body. For many, only a simple birthmark, for him, a constant reminder that there is someone out there who is his supposedly other half. The idea so stupid he stopped thinking about it, constantly at least, after he learned the truth about his biological father, Tyler Stone. 
In this Earth, in the year 2099, equal to the downfall of the “heroic age” where there were lots of superheroes, it was also the debacle of soulmates. There was an era where everyone was destined to meet the “love of their lives” and live happily ever after. Each person was assigned a match at birth, that was supposed to be their half, together being and feeling complete, represented by a distinctive mark. Only the children of soulmates could posses this “power” or destiny, or as Miguel liked to call it, a curse. 
As time went by, the people of Nueva York and all Earth-928B grew tired of waiting for that special person, and as a consequence soulmates started to disappear. For Miguel’s disgrace, Conchata and Tyler Stone were soulmates, which is part of the reason why he hates them so much. 
The mere idea of having someone destined to be with him repulsed him. He isn’t opposed to having a family, hence why he took the other Miguel’s place, but after losing Gabriella, he doesn’t trust himself. He isn’t capable of loving again, trusting someone, or so he thinks. 
There isn’t a reason why he thinks the universe (or universes) would give him someone to love him unconditionally. Miguel thinks that if his soulmate really exists, they will be like his mother and Tyler, destined to be apart, a love that never was supposed to happen, it would be a mistake, like HE is, in his mind.
Furthermore, he is Spiderman, he has a duty. Not only does he have to keep Nueva York safe, but also prevent the Multiverse from becoming shambles.  There is no time to care for someone, there is no time for love. “With great power comes great guilt”, a phrase he will never let down. He knows what he has to do, he is aware of the power he possesses. There is no time to mess around, and there is definitely not a second a day that he can waste trying to find someone who would, NO, will definitely hate him, doesn’t matter if they were bonded together or not. 
Even though he tells himself this every sleepless night, there is always a part of his heart or mind that yearns for comfort, for love, or at least, someone who can understand him. He knows it is impossible, or at the very best, improbable, given the fact that his so-called soulmate is probably only a regular human, so she will never understand, but deep in his consciousness, there is hope. Everytime he saves someone he believes he is a step closer, but there is always disappointment. So he drowns himself with work, trying to forget, trying to erase the idea that he was born to belong to someone, but instead fate gifted him with loneliness on this Earth, and in many others. 
Earth - 129
Y/n Y/Ln, the only Spiderwoman of Earth-129, the other half of a whole soul. Since you have memory, everyone has told you how important the weird shaped mark you had in your body was. It meant you had a soulmate, like almost everyone in your universe. Soulmates in your universe were sacred, as in Miguel’s, only children of soulmates could possess soulmates, but as the vast majority married and had kids with their own, most people have them. 
Obviously, your parents were each other’s soulmates, and you had the opportunity to hear how much they cared and loved each other. As you were growing up, you couldn’t wait to meet your other half, the person who was supposed to understand you like no other, to love you unconditionally. 
When you were born, unfortunately, your mother died, which caused your dad great pain. In your Earth, soulmates can feel each other’s pain and strong emotions, so your father felt how your mom slipped out of his grasp. He had hope they would leave this life together, as he didn’t know life without her, but fate had other plans. 
Even though this broke your heart, you never stopped looking for your soulmate, and your father never stopped encouraging you.
Now, in your twenties, 28 to be precise, everyone your age you know has met their soulmate. Friends, cousins, everyone!. Your friend was worried for you, he even started to think that something bad happened to your soulmate, because of the weird shape your mark has, but you still have hope. 
You’ve never been with anyone, so you don’t know how love feels, well, romantic love, but you know you have a lot to give. You can’t wait for the day you meet him. Every time you save someone during your patrols, you hope that it gets you closer to getting to know your soulmate. But you haven’t had luck yet. You only wish for your friend to be wrong, and your soulmate is somewhere on this Earth.  One of these days, you'll meet him, you feel it.
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<Chapter 1> <Masterlist>
Well, he isn’t on your Earth, is it darling?
Hope you liked it!! Let me know what you think!!
@oscarissac2099 @cupcakeinat0r @greensagephase
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i really like dc's depiction of death (thank you neil gaiman) cuz it really helps with why people keep coming back from the dead there. usually death is like 'you can't do that. there are rules.' and death in dc has rules but she's like 'eventually everyone will die, it doesn't matter when i get your soul as long as i get it eventually.'
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 2 months
god they just. rebooted the show during s5 huh
#random thoughts#guess what motherfuckers it's blue man time#did they just hear rick in the abcs of beth say 'maybe something about your mother' and go ah yes. we can use this#because the first three seasons were very much building up to a whole cthulhuian eldritch horror 'man saw too much and was forever changed'#kind of dealie. like man realizes just how little he matters. how common he is.#he sees the multiverse and it stares back at him and says 'this is what you will become. many before you have stood where you stand.'#'and all of them have followed in the footsteps of their forebearers'#like rick looks out into the universe and sees MILLIONS of him who ALL left his wife#and like. that has to fuck with you a little#whether subconsciously or consciously i think s1-3 rick sabotaged his own marriage#(im ignoring season 4 because god. what a nothing season.)#okay i do think the central finite curve is a good idea but i don't think rick should have invented it OR the citadel#i think the citadel should have been something which predated rick. like for as long as interdimensional travel has existed#and rick rejects it. which makes him the 'rickest rick'. because literally any rick who's anybody is involved in the citadel#and i think the central finite curve should have had something to do with time travel? like time manipulation#something just close enough to time travel to make rick mad#a time bubble which keeps every dimension in the curve stuck in time#years pass but no one ages. as an explanation for how morty and summer stay the same age yet a year passes every season#idk i havent gotten to the curve episode yet im kind of spotty on how it works
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fazedlight · 9 months
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Glance (fluff-ish ficlet set in season 6)
She knows.
Kara rushed her way to the Tower, ignoring the beeps from her phone, no doubt Alex wondering what the hell Kara meant by “Nyxly might go after Lena”.
Kara knew she might’ve given too much away, at the gallery downtown. Nyxly had seemed to sense that Lena was the most vulnerable - the newest superfriend, the one with newfound powers - and her brief glance at the brunette had caused anger to flare along Kara’s neck. Kara had instinctively tilted her head in warning. You’re not touching Lena.
Nyxly adapted quickly, attempting to make her escape by activating the Courage totem itself, before Kara split the totem in half and Nyxly disappeared. At the time, Kara had shrugged the moment off - a brief moment in battle that Nyxly would soon forget, probably entirely unaware of the emotions driving it.
As the city descended into chaos, Kara had let her piece of the Courage totem go - it was the only way to restore the sanity of her team, the only way to give them a chance at future totems. Lose the battle, win the war. It was only after that the ramifications of that choice would become clear. Somehow, in the merging of the two halves of the broken totem, a psychic bond was formed. Kara could now feel what Nyxly felt - the imp felt triumphant, vengeful. And Kara knew that she couldn’t stop the streams of her own feelings from seeping into Nyxly’s consciousness.
Nyxly knows.
Kara felt the panic well up in her throat, as she landed at the Tower’s balcony, as she traced Lena’s heartbeat back to the lab. The torrent of panic ripped through her - can I protect her, will our relationship survive this? - as she made her way back to the lab. “We need to talk,” Kara said, as she walked through the door. 
“Are you okay?” Lena asked, turning around, placing a glass beaker back down on the lab bench, stepping towards the kryptonian.
Kara knew her body was tense, that Lena could read the stress on her face, and it wasn’t a question worth answering. “Nyxly knows how I feel.”
“Knows… how you feel,” Lena said, not quite yet catching on.
“She knows how I feel about you,” Kara said, eyes darting between Lena and the floor as she failed to hide the guilt on her face. “Or if she doesn’t, she’ll figure it out soon.”
“How you feel about me?” Lena replied, her voice soft and tentative.
Kara’s eyes dropped to the floor, worrying her lip for a moment before glancing back up. “I love you, Lena,” she rushed, her voice cracking. “And Nyxly will know, we need to figure out how to keep you out of danger-”
“My life has always been in danger, Kara,” Lena whispered.
Kara hesitated. 
“The Venture crash. The helicopter crash. Morgan Edge,” Lena said, stepping closer with every memory. “Mercy Graves. Beth Breen. Rhea. Eve. Reign. The end of the multiverse. I suppose we’ll add a 5th dimensional imp to the list…”
“We all die, Kara,” Lena said, as she finally stood directly in front of the kryptonian. “That’s not the part that scares me.”
“What does scare you?” Kara asked.
“Losing you,” Lena said, reaching her hand up to brush stray hair behind Kara’s ear, before cupping her cheek. “Being a universe away from where you’re trapped. Not knowing if I would ever see you again. Not knowing if I can ever tell you how I feel. Not knowing if that would destroy this friendship.”
“How you feel?” Kara said quietly, the hope dawning inside her.
Kara watched as Lena smiled, the brunette tilting her head to the side, tugging gently at Kara’s neck. And with the realization of what she sought, Kara could only happily oblige, dipping her head downwards as Lena brushed her lips gently against Kara’s own.
Kara slid her arms around Lena’s waist, whimpering as Lena’s lips parted, allowing Kara to deepen the kiss. She could feel Lena’s warmth, hear the heartbeat pounding in Lena’s chest in time with her own, feel as Lena’s other hand made its way around the back of Kara’s neck to tug her closer. For those few moments, the world was lost to them - a fulfillment of years of ache, a beginning where they thought there would only be endings.
“I love you too,” Lena finally said as they parted, leaning her forehead against Kara’s. “Whatever comes next, I just want to face it with you. Together.”
Kara smiled. “Together.”
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genericpuff · 2 months
Since you have mentioned your own original webcomic has time travel, do you have any advice for people who want to make comics or simply write stories that deal with time travel?
Could be any kind of time travel, like time loops, characters traveling to the past/future, dealing with paradoxes, etc.
Short answer: don't LOL
Long answer: Obviously if you wanna tackle time travel, go for it, but the first and most important rule of any time travel is to establish your rules. How does the time travel work? And how will you commit to consistency?
Some basic time travel rule structures include:
Clone travelling - This is the most common form of time travel that's used the most. When you go back in time, your past self is present alongside your present self. Examples include Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Doctor Who, and Austin Powers.
Singular consciousness travelling - This is one I've only seen used a couple of times, and the only one I can think of off the top of my head is Life is Strange, but what I like to call 'singular consciousness travelling' is the form of time travel where instead of travelling to a point in the past, you return to a version of your past self, fully aware of the future that awaits you but 'stuck' within that past to live out the timeline in real time again. Though it's not as commonly used, it's one that will typically present less paradoxes as there are less moving parts to worry about. Prophecy storylines also use a similar philosophy to this, albeit without the literal time travel and more so 'time travel' via premonition (could we call Raven from That's So Raven a time traveller?)
Loops - This is a form of time travelling seen in media such as Groundhog Day, where a person continuously travels back to the same point in time over and over again to relive the same events until they can somehow break the loop.
There are loads more of time travel structures I could go over, but those are three of the most basic. Regardless of which structure you use, you have to be willing to commit to it. It's like choosing a writing perspective and tense, if you choose third person past tense ("he said, she said, they said"), then suddenly switching to first person present tense ("I say", "I do", "I feel") without any context to establish that switch will be jarring. Make your rules, and if you have to break them, make sure they're broken for the sake of the story (ex. if you present some sort of plot twist to reveal the 'true nature' of the time travelling plotline).
Here's a great video that goes over some different time travel plotlines from movies/books/etc.:
As for my original comic, we go for the time travel = multiverse theory approach, where any changes made to a timeline in a past state will not change that timeline's future, but rather, create a new timeline where those past changes are true and written into the script, essentially relegating every single new timeline to a parallel universe. This is essentially how it's done in Avengers: Endgame , but instead of characters abusing the laws of quantum physics to travel back in time, it's characters abusing a magical book of diary entries that are primarily used by the main character to help him control and guide his time travelling abilities. Every diary entry essentially serves as a roadmap for him to find his way back to his home timeline from which he disappears every time he jumps. Much of the story is written entirely atop a paradox, specifically the bootstrap paradox:
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(because if there are gonna be paradoxes no matter what you do, may as well have fun with them!)
There's a lot more I could go into regarding that, but for the sake of sparing the handful of Time Gate readers here of spoilers, Time Gate's laws of time travel dictate that you can't really change your past, just the future for other versions of you that you create when you try to change things.
All that said, I will say that in most cases, thinking too hard about any time travel story will cause it to fall apart, because time travel is a fictional trope that relies a lot on logical sequencing of events to work. So you kind of do just have to 'let it go' and have fun with it - but having rules to stick to will make things less of a headache for everyone, especially when it comes to telling a coherent story. Even my own criticisms of LO's time travel really don't matter in the end, because LO's problems go far deeper than some cheaply-made time travel and any of the time travel problems in the story will undoubtedly be explained away as "timey wimey shit". I'll still be pissed about it, but time travel isn't real (at least not for you) so it's not worth getting too bogged down by. Just do your best to tell an entertaining and coherent story.
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infiniteko · 7 months
For y'all that get really logical and heady,
Not even the most premiere scientists, here, can figure out "existence," in its entirety. Maybe they will maybe they won't 😉 Though, a lot alludes to what we discuss here...anyway it's just out of reach for the "mind" and logic...
And that's because it's a paradox, it's not for the "mind," it's not conceptual. Our true self, the substrate of all illusion, is stillness. It's silent. It doesn't do anything but remain. Nothing can quantify it, THAT is neither big nor small. It's not the "universe" or the "multiverse" everything is nothing, ultimately. (The Universe is an illusion, yes, but a very pretty one. I enjoy this archetype of illusion #comfy)
Where does THAT come from? It always was and is...in no time, in no space, it has no age, no form. And quite frankly, "ego and mind," might freak out about this once you peer into *THAT* lol, maybe not though, mine did initially 🤣
"THAT" is a blink of an eye, an everlasting evening, the speed of light, an eternal kingdom. It's everything and nothing and it's so delicious. If I had to give "THAT" another word, it is Love. But even Love is a concept...tho from this illusory "ego" perspective it is love 100%. But it is still Love, just a soft love...a flowing love...and undefinable love.
And if you're feeling guilty for "leaving behind" people. Creation is nothing and everything...everything and nothing will just "slip through your fingers." Especially, THAT, trying to "figure out" *THAT* will have your mind in loops. No use in trying to coral anything, or for that matter infinite illusory creativity lol. No use in doing anything other than creating your experience. You'll find all your answers in THAT, anyway...it's what you truly are. Which is where Im getting all of this, the core of "myself"
And for those of you wondering what happens to your other selves, or other people in your old experience. Okay, just illusory bubbles of creation coalescing in and out. Like infinite creation means that you have infinite choices in the illusionary quiver of creation. Anything and nothing will be...aside your experience. No, the illusion will not implode...unless you want it to lol...but other illusions remain in the infinite substrate of THAT. Its a paradox and not worth going much deeper than that...ifykyk...youll know when you know and you already know lol.
You'll be curating new experiences with varied versions of your past curations. Simple. But like don't put so much credence in anything...you can shape your series of illusory curations any which way you want. You'll be shaping your experiences consciously aware or not...so you can autonomously create the change you want to see or let the illusory concept of "destiny" or w/e take over. Simple.
Why would I do anything if Im just eternal awareness? ...Dude why not? This illusion is your creation...these human emotions, experiences, thoughts, concepts are for play. They are for filling in eternity or however you wish to "define" it lol
Why would realized folx wanna help others get to the "end of time" "THAT"? Why not? I have so much love to give. And I know that Im choosing this world to experience as of current...as much as you are choosing to experience this world, and have these pointers come into your creation field.
...THAT (us) can experience in an infinite myriad of ways...and it's....indescribable. It's so fun and so love 👁️
The stillness of what we truly are can be experienced through infinite lenses.
And sure, you can go rest in the "void" too. You know yourself already...it "feels" very familiar. It's never lost. It's right here, right now.
none of this is actually advice^^^ just a pointer! THAT is for you only, THAT is for your illusion only. My creation is mine, and yours is yours. But happy to share my pointer. Just remember, all these words are nothing...they can make this confusing tbh, simplicity is the best.
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spid3r-trans · 11 months
so I have an au idea:
punkflower tangled au
a/n: had to work out some details w this one sorry it took longer! i really couldn’t get my head wrapped around like a fantasy setting for this so it’s kind of different. i hope it’s ok!
Miles is different from the others. He knows that. He’s an anomaly— that’s what he’s been told for as long as he can remember. He knows that he has to stay here, in this place, because if he doesn’t the entire thread of the universe could start to unravel.
People would die. So he stays put.
Hobie is different from the others. He’s more stubborn, more curious, and far less likely to follow orders. So when he hears a rumor about a boy in a tower, well, it’s only second nature to want to find out the truth for himself.
The gravity-defying, sleek structure that sits in the center of Nueva York is a mystery to most onlookers. Rumors of twisting elevators, endless hallways, and secret rooms pass in hushed whispers between lips — and Hobie knows they’re all true.
He’s sneaking through those very halls now, sticking to the shadows, keeping his head down. Being here is supposed to be a privilege, an honor, a tribute to his abilities. It’s all bullshit. He just needs to prove it.
In the outside world, talks about what they really do at the facility are common. Speculations, accusations, doubts — Hobie often spearheads such conversations himself. There’s something undeniably suspicious about conducting and preserving the events of the entire multiverse based on the theories of one man.
Hobie was never meant to overhear the high-spirited A.I. talking to the leader of the operation. He was never meant to hack into the security archives and pinpoint the exact location they spoke of— and he most certainly was never supposed to make his way there. Still, the heavy echo of his boots reverberates as he makes his way down the empty hall.
Deep within the confines of the building that houses the society, Hobie comes to a vast, empty room. Automatic lights click on when he enters, making him squint at the sight before him. A strange metallic structure juts abruptly from the floor, rising high into the air and doming at the top.
It’s a tower.
Of all the outlandish rumors he heard, Hobie had hoped this one was a myth.
Fuck. His head hurts. Hobie slowly regains consciousness, starting to move his hand to feel what must be a massive lump forming on his forehead — only to realize that he can’t. He’s tied to a chair and his web-shooters are gone.
Panic doesn’t have a chance to set in before his spider sense — which has decided to work now — goes off, and a figure emerges from the shadows.
A boy, apprehensive and wielding a frying pan glowers at Hobie from across the room.
“Who are you?” He asks, “And how did you find me?”
Miles needed convincing. It’s not easy to leave a place when you’re told the entire multiverse could collapse and it would be your fault— but Miles wants to go.
Hobie is convincing. He tells Miles in his silly accent about what’s really out there. About the experiences Miles can still have— he wants Miles to come with him.
Sneaking out of the facility is no easy task. Hobie almost wonders if it was worth it, if he did the right thing — but when they stumble into one of the few spots left in Nueva York where nature thrives, Miles smiles.
And in that brief moment, Hobie knows.
Send an army, let the entire multiverse collapse — he’ll be by Miles’ side.
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all-for-geek · 5 months
Do the Lords in Black get along? Or even like each other?
I've been thinking a lot about how each LiB has a different method for chaos, and most of them are very independent of each other. Nibbly is content as long as he has sacrifices and people to eat. Tinky focuses on Ted (and maybe other bastards he keeps in his toy box). Blinky is just an iPad kid who treats the world like the Sims. But then you get to the other two...
Both Pokey and Wiggly want to rule/destroy the world. We don't know Wiggly's motivation for this, if he even has one, but we know Pokey's. He hates every voice that is not his own, and wants to assimilate the world into him. Does that include his brothers? Does he find them just as grating and disgusting as humanity?
We rarely see the Lords in Black together. Granted, we haven't seen them much in grand scheme of things, but with the exception of Nerdy Prudes Must Die (where they were all summoned to the same place), they seem to all be doing their own thing. Do they ever work together? Or are they just off in their own little universes causing their own chaos.
My personal headcannon is that each of the Lords has a section of the Hatchetfield multiverse that is theirs to control. Their power is spread across all of them, but it can only be accessed by people within the universe evoking it (like with the black book). The lords themselves cannot gain control in these universes. Watcher World and the Honey Festival only exist in Blinky and Nibbly's universes respectively. Ted is only the homeless man in the universes that Tinky holds power over (my hot takes on Ted and the homeless man are a post for another day). Pokey's meteor can crash down in TGWDLM because it is in Pokey's domain. Wiggly rules the black and white but also has his own universes under his domain (like the one in Black Friday).
Circling back around to Pokey though, it does bring up the question of Yellow Jacket. This should be Nibbly's universe, but Pokey resides inside it. Not just his power, he has a physical form. He never broke the rules because his power and his consciousness were brought down by the scientists studying the meteor, but he does still attempt to encroach on Nibbly's domain.
I think Pokey has his sights set on more than just Hatchetfield. He wants everything to be him. Wiggly is strong enough to keep him in line, especially with the other Lords backing him up, but the dissent is there. It peaks through in the little moments between them.
"Don't frighten them Pokey, you nasty boy."
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Cosmology by Sri Aurobindo. A Universe with many worlds (a Multiverse) We see the world before our eyes, a world with its stars and galaxies and assume that this is the only world which exists. In reality, there also exist many occult worlds of varying gradations of consciousness which are invisible to our physical senses as well as our scientific instruments. A “world” in occult terminology is akin to an energy formation or a formation of consciousness, somewhat like a virtual world populated by beings of its own kind, where the laws of physics are more flexible and where the orders of Time and Space are unlike ours.
Our dreams are transcriptions of travels and interactions in these occult worlds. After death, we cast off our physical body and withdraw into these occult worlds where we reside until the next incarnation. A Yogi who gains occult insight is able to see this vast structure of the Universe. It is precisely this vision which has been described in Chapter 11 of the Bhagavad Gita.
Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Sachchidananda)
These three worlds are one in essence and are hence called triune. They embody the principles of Sat(Existence), Chit (Consciousness) and Ananda (Bliss). They are also referred to as the Satyaloka, Tapoloka and Janaloka.
Supramental world Other names for the Supermind: Maharloka in the Vedas. Vijnana world in the Upanishads. rendered as Truth-Consciousness in English by Sri Aurobindo.
The Supermind is the Creator of the phenomenal universe, of the lower worlds of Mind, Life and Matter. It is the medium for self-manifestation of the Supreme or Absolute. It applies some fixed truths, some limiting principles to shape the lower worlds out of an Infinite Consciousness. It creates multiplicity out of unity, differentiation and separation out of pure being.
Three poises of the Supermind
The Supermind has three poises which together result in the creation of Maya (Illusion) in the lower worlds:
Comprehending consciousness(Vijnana) : It holds creation in Unity. This can also be described as the causal state (Karana Avastha)
Apprehending consciousness(Prajnana) : The process of differentiation begins in this poise; it brings about the One in Many and the Many in One. There is separation between Purusha and Prakriti, subject and object, self and not-self but all are still parts of the one. This may also be called the state of expression (Karya Avastha )
Projecting consciousness (Avidya) : Further modification of the second poise so as to support evolution of a diversified individuality. Multiplicity in creation is now fully expressed. This may be called the state of full manifestation (Purna Vyakta Avastha)
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herdsworldbuilding · 3 months
So despite my own personal statements regarding my dislike for complex, multiverse like narratives. I am infact like most people, a hypocrite.
So let me talk about my multiverse narrative.
This is a project I started sometime in high school, and it keeps changing every year that I work on it. I think it may be the project where I have done the most overhauls on.
There is no garentee I will not overhaul it entirely again in the future. But that will be then, this is now.
So even though it is a constantly changing project, I will share the oldest remaining a (and most consistent part of this project) Witches.
Witches are rare, shapeshifting beings. Able to transform into many things. Though they all have a unique familiar.
This familiar is what they are named for… ie the wolf witch, the chameleon witch or the cat witch, gryphon witch So on and so forth.
Witches for this setting are not born they are made. Quite purposely mind you. As it would be difficult if not impossible to make a witch without all parties consenting to it.
A consensual deal with the devil per-say.
The reason for this is because of how magic naturally works.
There are three kinds of majics. Major majics, middle magics and minor magics.
Under normal circumstances stances major magics like the kind that witches perform are deadly to most beings so minor magics are instead used
See even with minor magic it is done by cooperating with several people at a time. Usually the safest minimum is three individuals. Two to cast one to keep watch. The safest large amount of individuals is somewhere around twelve as any more and it tends to be a too many cooks in the kitchen ordeal.
Magic can be performed alone, but it is difficult and likely to backfire. Especially with the more magic you are dealing with. Or in other words the closer to major majics one gets.
Crafting with magic is slightly less risky but not as potent when done alone, and there’s several ways to do this sort of crafting… but before I get off track.
Witches are the exception to casting magic on thier own, they can just throw it around whillynilly all they want. This is because of one simple fact:
A witch is never alone.
That is because witches make themselves. when they fuse their bodies and consciousness together with others. This horrific process results in a single individual and an offshoot (the familiar)
This individual, with multiple consciousness, two to cast one to watch. Can perform magic as they wish.
Witches like this draw magic from the worlds around them and from themselves, and that is where this whole multiverse thing comes in.
Magic is everywhere and in everything there is life.
And the majority of witches come from and live in the place where dead universes combined. To be melted together and reused until the end of magic. This place. The place where dreams are made and go to die. As it has always been, and never will be. Is connected to everything. The cosmic ocean if you will. The roots of the world tree. The brackish world. The home of the many gates.
So it’s from here that a witch can fulfill their greatest purpose.
See when a witch create themselves they also creat a magic system (middle majics). A way to easily harness that energy so normally inaccessible to most.
Normally a magic system will be used by the witch themselves.
For example the Chameleon Witch upholds a magic system that relies on color, change the color of a thing and change the way that thing fundamentally interacts with life.
The chameleon witch uses their system when they perform magic.
But others can also buy into a witche’s system. Usually the inhabitants of the brackish worlds may buy into a witches system in order to perform magic in an easier way.
But that’s the less interesting option.
The more interesting system occurs when a real world, floating out in the spiderwebs of the cosmos decided to try magic.
If there is enough magic around (at least a 1.7 on my scale) and individuals start to pull on magic. There is a high chance that instead of pulling on nothing they find a witch’s path that’s already been thread. As it is easier to walk the path already taken than bushwhack a new one.
Some systems are more popular to buy into than others. Like the dragon witches elemental system. Or the black witches deal making system.
A magic planet can buy into multiple systems at a time, usually having them fuse into something unique. But they can stay separate too or expand in ways unknown to the witch themselves until they learn of this new idea.
The old sort of magic the kind that sings universes into being, still exists and could in theory be used by anyone in a world with enough magic to notice the fabric of order and chaos that the witches use to create themselves. But why do that when your system lets you throw fire balls? Or even find the mysteries of the universe in the equally impressive minor magics? (I mean the name is deceptive, this magic can be used to revive the dead, grant wishes and control entire worlds of used in the right place by the right “people”, it’s the magic of gods and “soft magic systems”)
The thing about witches (and magic system as an extension) is that they are mortal. Majic is an immortal force of existence. To exist is to be just a bit of majic.
But witches are mortal and so they can die. And with them the system they upheld dies too. In some cases a similar system belonging to another witch may fill the void, but otherwise the system dies.
The likelihood of a witch dying is slim though. They are mortal, but they are also ageless, as by the rules of the chaos at the ends of existence. Where things like time and scale and gravity don’t behave as they should. From where you can watch the countless ends and existences die and begin again in universes uncountable. As gods and giants and cosmic dragons forge worlds and multiverses of their own volition. And elder things play games and battle over the scraps and threads of thier own universes that they wish to forge into new existences. Doing anything they can to prevent existences from falling into the place that witches live.
Speaking of dragons and elder things: witches follow dragons, because cosmic dragons are especially good at destruction and creation. (Chaos incarnate, along with their siblings who are Order incarnate) So if a witch wishes to place her magic system in a particular place she will give it to a dragon who will go to a world and from there spread life and magic that they carry to that world.
Elder things know, they tend to have lived through the birth and rebirth of several universes. So they are especially good at learning and unknowning. They are usually the ones responsible for changing the ways a system interacts with the world around it.
A Witches counterpart is a Muse, witches write the rules of magic, Muses write the paths of things.
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noyasaur · 5 months
hii!! i have a few shifting questions im a bit new lol
can you prove shifting is real? im trying to shift but i cant get over the fact that it might not be real and that im wasting my life yk?
do i have to script personalities or appearances to existing characters or will they jut be like they are in the show/game?
how can i be more motivated to shift?
sorry if this doesnt make sense! im a bit bad at english even though its my first language lol
anyways have a great day!!
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hihi anon ! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ i hope you're doing well and welcome! i hope your journey is going well so far! and don't worry, your questions made perfect sense! and i also apologise for taking so long to answer your questions, i spent a lot of time trying to formulate the right answers for your questions so i hope i'm able to help 😭 and sorry for the super long answer!
anyway, let's answer your questions~
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honestly, this is a tricky one. i want to be very honest with you and i, in no way want to demotivate you at all! right now, the only way of 'proving' shifting (at least, to my knowledge) is through experiencing shifting ourselves, or trusting other shifter's word as proof of reality shifting. regarding scientific research and proof behind reality shifting, to my knowledge, there are no studies that directly investigate reality shifting. i also feel like reality shifting would already be incredibly difficult to prove already on top of the existence of infinite realities/potentials, thus leading to an extension of an infinite amount of different variables.
reality shifting is a very personal experience and one's journey and experience will differ from person to person. unfortunately, in the current state of our reality, reality shifting has not been scientifically proven.. yet.
reality shifting is on of those experiences where you just have to form your own beliefs on it, and trust yourself and others. i like to think of it this way. take our own consciousness for example- we are all conscious right now, correct? we all know we have consciousness. it's a known fact. however, very little is known about our own consciousness, it's origins and it's power. but we all know that we have a consciousness, and we can't prove it to anyone yet but ourselves.
people thought lucid dreaming wasn't real many years ago and now people recognise it as a legitimate practice. same with astral projection, and out of body experiences.
and i know shifting is real because i have experienced parallel reality shifts (some intentional and some unintentional) and mini-shifts myself.
however, not all hope is lost! are there studies and theories on infinite universes, parallel realities and the multiverse? yep! are there studies on consciousness, quantum mechanics and biophotons? yes! there are plenty of studies, theories, and concepts that can be linked together and used to scientifically determine how reality shifting is even possible in the first place. yes, it's one of those things that isn't believed or accepted by the general public, but it exists. we may not know exactly how and we can only theorise, but there are connections that can be made.
now, i completely understand your worries on how reality shifting might not be real. that's totally valid! especially speaking since we've been conditioned out whole lives to think otherwise. that we only have one shot at life and we have to work hard to get our desires, but know we now that's the opposite? we can live an infinite amount of lives and have an infinite amount of parallel realities? we are the creators of our own reality and we have the power to shape what we experience?
however, this is where you come in. i highly recommend that to reassure your worries, find these answers out for yourself. determine what exactly reality shifting is for you and find how it is possible, instead of worrying about what if it's not possible. i'm not a fan of overconsumption of shifting information, however i think it's good to do a deep dive on shifting every now and then to help you open your mind to question what reality shifting is and how it's possible. then, when you've formed your own beliefs on shifting, it's easier to validate your belief and trust in shifting since you've discovered yourself how it's possible and what it is to you! that way, you won't need to worry about any external shaking your beliefs or making you worry about whether shifting is real or not because YOU have personally worked out how it's possible for you.
explore and read about other people's experiences, beliefs and theories on shifting. read scientific papers on concepts relating to shifting such as The Many Worlds Theory, multiverses, and parallel realities. read about the Law of Assumption and consciousness. read shifting success stories! just anything that relates to shifting. and don't worry, at the end of this post, i'll link some helpful resources at the end that have helped me explore deeper into how reality shifting is possible!
and if you're worried about wasting your life away on reality shifting, something that could help is to normalise reality shifting. what i mean by that is see reality shifting as something that is an everyday casual thing (which it is). think of it as a hobby, and not something you don't need to be heavily obsessed over. become content with the fact that, "oh, there's this super cool thing i can do! i can shift realities, i'll try it. oh, i didn't shift, that's okay i'll try again next time. oh, i shifted? cool!"
remember that reality shifting and your desired realities all exist in the now regardless, and they aren't going anywhere. reality shifting is not something super unattainable. i understand where you're worries are coming from and they are 100% valid.
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now, you don't have to script character's entire personalities and appearances (if you don't want to!). you can, but it's also not necessary. it's entirely up to you :)
with scripting, you don't have to script everything down to the tee. you aren't specifically creating any reality out of thin air, more like visually and physically specifying your intentions of what reality you want to shift to/experience. in fact, some people don't even have scripts!
scripting essentially has no power. scripting is just a physical, visual outline of the desired reality where you intend to shift to. to sort out your thoughts and intentions. your subconscious mind already holds everything in that script and whatever else you intend to experience. your subconscious knows what you want and it'll fill in all the gaps for you, so don't stress!
there is no requirement or criteria for how much, or how little you need to script. you can script as little as you like, or as much as you like! thus, if you don't script anything about a character's personality or appearance, but you intend for them to act like how they would in their respective game/show, then they will act how you expect them to. you can even add that in your script if you want as well: "this character will have the same personality/appearance as they do in ___." it's all up to your assumptions and intentions.
however, if you feel like you want to script their appearance or personality, then go for it! do whatever makes you feel best and most comfortable.
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oh gosh, there are so many different ways to help keep you motivated to shift! i'll try not to ramble :)
honestly, just thinking about the concept of reality shifting and the possibilities can be motivating enough. like how there are infinite realities and infinite possibilities? you can literally experience anything and be anyone you want to be.
you can consume any kind of content relating to your desired reality, watch videos, create pinterest boards (e.g. your outfits in your dr, dr locations, etc.), write letters to people in your desired reality, or think/make a list of things you're excited to experience in your desired reality.
or even just think about your desired reality and get yourself excited! what are you excited to experience? who are you excited to meet? what are you scared about? where do you want to visit? things like that.
however, while i am a big advocate for being able to seek motivation from yourself, it's also good to watch videos and read about other people's shifting experiences to motivate yourself! find other people who have the same/similar desired realities as you, or read shifting stories.
however, it's good to learn how to motivate yourself and not rely on other's so much for validation on shifting, it's existence and motivation. however, it doesn't hurt to consume shifting stories and tips from shifters too, just don't rely too much on it as your main source of validation/motivation.
additionally, it's completely okay to feel demotivated with shifting. it's okay to be drained. and it's also okay to take breaks when you need it. stay at your own pace and don't rush yourself into anything. you don't need to be trying to shift every single day of the year if you don't feel like it. reality shifting isn't going anywhere and your desired realities are always going to exist. so please don't stress and don't feel like you need to rush! you can always shift to your desired reality whenever you want, and however you want!
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alright, i hope i answered your questions well and i hope this helped! and i apologise if i rambled a little bit, i just had so much to say (especially for the first question dhjkds).
have an amazing day and good luck on your shifting journey! you got this! ʚɞ ⁺˖
- saturn ♡
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🪐 HELPFUL RESOURCES! (these are just some that have helped me!)
REALITYSHIFTING101 - i found this user through amino and their posts have been so, so informative in the in-depth science behind reality shifting and how it's possible. honestly one of the only shifters i've seen who's done such an in-depth analysis on reality shifting and the objective science behind it.
blog: https://realityshifting.medium.com/ amino: https://aminoapps.com/c/desired/page/user/realityshifting101/5w64_MWUYf81pj0qoYwJY00P5JdG5ZxmQHY ULTIMATE RESOURCE: Total Shifting Science (amino): https://aminoapps.com/c/desired/page/blog/ultimate-resource-total-shifting-science/xLkq_62t2u6DWEXn3x55w5rgL5z5vZkKmm
LOVE - an amino user who's been shifting for quite some time and visited many different realities. provided some very interesting information and perspectives on the reality shifting, the multiverse, other realities, and some interesting terminology and concepts.
amino profile: https://aminoapps.com/c/desired/page/user/nill-l/vPMG_2qu2f6eoEGbvBBwwP7kK2Y1qepw32sX
OTHER RESOURCES - here is are some other uncategorised links of good shifting resources!
reddit post (shifting + other shifting related resources): https://www.reddit.com/r/shiftingrealities/comments/ow7n7y/recommended_reliable_resources/ yennieshifts shifting carrd: https://yennieshifts.carrd.co/https://yennieshifts.carrd.co/
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shiftingwonderland · 2 months
I'm new so what does...shifting mean? The stuff that you do?
Okay, so the answer is not so simple to explain, but I'll happily say what I know and found from websites!
Shifting is basically moving your consciousness to a different reality, your DR (desired reality).
The concept of reality shifting is based on the Multiverse Theory, also called the Many Worlds Hypothesis. This hypothesis proposes that every possible alternate timeline is real and that these timelines exist in parallel universes. Therefore, there are also infinite versions of yourself existing in each of these parallel universes. Reality shifting is all about becoming aware of your consciousness in these other realities. (Found off of an online website)
Let's take my Jujutsu Kaisen DR!
In that DR, I'm shifting to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer and date Gojo (who I scripted doesn't die). Therefore, there's a reality with me living that life.
Speaking of scripting, that's another big thing of shifting! (Woah, kinda rhymes, right?)
Anyways, this part of shifting is an important need. Scripting is where you write down about yourself in detail.
Such As:
Sexuality and pronouns
Appearance (hair color, skin color, outfit, accessories, etc.)
Friends, family members, and other people present
Your backstory
Specific scenes from your DR
Scents that stand out in the DR
Most people write all this down on scripts.
An example being this -
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Although writing isn't a requirement, it is required to visualize all things about yourself in your DR!
If you ever need help on scripts, TikTok has many! (It's where I found the Jujutsu Kaisen one!)
Scripting can also be very fun, so I recommend doing it! As I've said, though, it's not necessary to script everything in. As long as you know what you want in that DR, you're good!
This concludes my (hopefully) amazing talk about shifting! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask more! Also, other shifters, if I got anything wrong/explained something wrong, PLEASE CORRECT ME!
Thank you, byyeee!!
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sineala · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the run that completely rewrote Tony’s origin so that he wasn’t Howard and Maria’s biological son? Is that still the current origin story they’re going with?
Thanks for asking! This is still Tony's current origin story and I hate it. I think it was poorly thought-out and that every subsequent thing Marvel has done to attempt to address it has somehow made it worse. I think they've managed to tell an incredibly upsetting and unpleasant story, portraying adoption in an extremely negative light, that has pretty much only made life worse for Tony and not even in a way that's narratively interesting.
I have some salt about this, yes.
I'm not against adoption retcons in general, and I'm not against retconning character backgrounds. I get the impression it was unpopular but I really liked the retcon of Carol's background a couple years ago in the Life of Captain Marvel miniseries by Margaret Stohl -- instead of her being a human given powers by the Psyche-Magnitron, she was revealed to have been secretly half-Kree, and the device merely catalyzed her latent powers. Her mother was secretly Kree and Carol never knew. The miniseries actually had a really nice scene of her and Tony talking about families, because understandably Carol (also now Car-Ell because, yes, she has a Kree name) now had a lot of complicated feelings. Kelly Thompson's Captain Marvel run continued to explore the implications of this, as Carol found out that she actually had Kree relatives. So Carol's got a new half-sister, Lauri-Ell, and they were immediately thrown into a situation where Carol had to defend her and believe in her and it was great and also now they're friends. Well, family. Friendly family. I think Lauri-Ell was probably the best thing about Thompson's Captain Marvel run and I'm honestly really glad Marvel went there.
Tony didn't get anything like that.
As far as I know, the way Kieron Gillen approached his Iron Man run was by not doing the reading and then completely winging it. And while winging it isn't inherently bad, it did mean that not only did he not know where he was going, he didn't know what had come before. That, combined with the fact that a lot of comics writers want to "make their mark" on a famous character meant that he was probably wanting to go for something big. Hence, adoption. Which, again, isn't inherently a bad idea; it can definitely give characters a lot to explore. It's a little odd as a choice for Tony who as far as we know is Howard and Maria's biological son in every other universe in the multiverse; there's no motivation given for why 616 should be different, and off the top of my head I can't name any other characters who only differ cross-universe in adoption status, although now that I think about it I bet there are probably some universes where other people raised Peter Parker.
Also "Arno" is a really odd name choice for Tony's brother. I get that Gillen was pulling the name of a future relative from the original Iron Man 2020 issues, which if you're gonna read one thing is a deeply weird thing to pick. I remember people asking him why he didn't name Tony's brother Greg. Ultimates is a universe where Tony in fact has a brother named Greg. That would have at least made some sort of multiversal sense. Apparently Gillen just… hadn't known Greg existed. Great.
Okay. So you're gonna tell a story about adoption. You're going to reveal that a beloved character has been secretly adopted all along and no one knew. What are you going to get out of it? What are you going to accomplish? Here are some possible choices. You could tell a story that's inspirational and representational to fans who are themselves adopted or have adopted children, because now their hero is just like them. You could tell a story about how Howard and Maria adopting Tony meant he was very much loved and wanted, because they consciously chose him and made him a part of their family. You could tell a story about how Tony, who has been an orphan for a very long time, has suddenly discovered that he has living family -- a brother, as well as his biological parents. You'd be giving him more people in his story, more people who could care about him, and I think you could tell a lot of interesting stories about Tony's new family dynamics. He could have had family who loved him, or at least hung around to interact with him -- Tony's only other relative we've ever seen, his cousin Morgan, hasn't been in an Iron Man comic in years, and also usually tries to kill him. But they could have taken this opportunity to make some changes. Imagine! Tony with a bigger family! Who cares about him.
That's not what Marvel did.
The reason Howard and Maria adopted Tony was that they needed a decoy son who was not their biological son (Arno) so that the alien who had genetically modified Arno wouldn't realize that Howard had undone his work. So that's why they adopted Tony. It wasn't because they wanted him specifically, loved him, wanted to give him a family, any of that -- they just needed a decoy. And in that light, the fact that Howard didn't love Tony looks even worse. Now it's not just "I never loved you," it's "I never loved you and I only ever wanted you to fulfill this weird plan I had going with an alien." Now you're telling the story "of course I never loved you, Tony; you're adopted." (And then he tries to sell Tony to Dracula.)
And that's… not a great look. Sure, not all stories have to be positive, but superheroes usually have some kind of relatable backstory, and it's easy for people to want to relate to them, and I feel like maybe you want to think a little harder before writing Tony as adopted when his childhood was already terrible and his family hated him. It could have been a really nice story about families of choice and how much Tony's adoptive family loved and wanted Tony. And it wasn't. Because Howard had been established for years as having been abusive. A story about a toxic adoptive family is not really great representation. "I never loved you" was pretty bad but "you're adopted and I never loved you," I think, sounds a lot worse.
You do also lose some plot elements by retconning Tony as adopted, namely anything having to do with him having a genetic relationship to Howard and Maria. And for the most part this isn't going to be relevant, but now you can't really easily tell a story about Tony inheriting alcoholism or general addiction or depression or whatever from his father. (I mean, you still can if you really want to; you'd just have to establish this as being true of his biological parents. But Marvel has not done that and does not really seem all that likely to start, because that would require putting them in comics and they're not doing that anymore.)
After Kieron Gillen left the book, Bendis came on. And I know Bendis' kids are adopted so I can understand why he'd want to tackle the adoption plot and really flesh out Tony's family. So a large portion of Bendis' IM run was about Tony's quest for, and eventual discovery of, his biological family. At the time, I figured this might actually be a good plot -- if they're not going to retcon out the adoption, they might as well lean in. I was looking forward to having Tony meet his family. The guy could definitely use more family, and I thought it would be great to see him interacting with them and developing new relationships.
That also didn't happen.
So what about all his new family members? His adoptive brother Arno? His biological mother and father?
Well, actually, they hate him too. All of them!
Arno went evil, is currently evil, tried to take down Tony, and is now trapped in VR or something. (To be fair, this wasn't Bendis' fault; Dan Slott did this in the subsequent run.)
Jude, Tony's biological father, is a Hydra agent who tried to kill Tony's mother. He met Tony once. He also tried to kill him. (This one was Bendis' fault.)
Amanda, Tony's biological mother, is a rock star and SHIELD agent who decided that now that Tony was living in a constructed, non-original body… he was no longer her son. And she wanted nothing else to do with him. She hasn't been back; yes, this was also Dan Slott's work. This is both cruel and bizarre because this is definitely not Tony's first brand-new body. If he's going to be dead to her because this isn't his original body, then he's been dead since at least Onslaught. If this was going to be a problem for her, it should already have been a problem as soon as she met him.
(That was one of the big issues for me with Slott's entire run in that a lot of it was about Tony having a crisis that he maybe wasn't really Tony because he had a new body. I was just like, dude, where have you been? Why is this only a problem now?)
So now Tony, who was already abused by his adoptive father, has discovered three new members of his family, all of whom also hate him!
Anyway, basically the only family Tony had who loved him was Maria. At least he had her, I guess.
So what's the point, really? He has more people to hate him. If you're going to give him new family, couldn't you give him one person who at least likes him? Carol has a retconned half-sister now, who loves her. Why couldn't Tony have something like that?
It's not even interesting pain, for Tony. This isn't anything different than what he already had. It just involves more characters now. They had the chance to use the adoption arc to really transform Tony's life and give him a whole new family to interact with and tell a story about choice and family and being loved and wanted. Instead, he has three new family members who hate him and who probably won't be appearing again anytime soon anyway. What did this even accomplish? What do we get? A story about how, once again, none of Tony's family loves him, that even more of them exist and they hate him too, that his adoptive family abused him, that's probably going to make adopted kids reading these comics feel pretty bad. I don't think this is really an accomplishment.
In conclusion… uh… this is me complaining about the adoption retcon to @blossomsinthemist while I was trying to figure out how to write this post:
Sineala: they never loved him but now they REALLY never loved him and also here's his biological family who never loved him either Sineala: i mean, i'm not opposed to giving tony more family but maybe they could… not hate him Sineala: i feel like tony should marry into a large and affectionate family Sineala: …actually, this is basically the avengers Sineala: never mind, he already did Sineala: if you don't have your own loving family, store-bought is fine
So, yeah. That's where I stand.
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kitkat-the-muffin · 9 months
I know the ongoing theory is that Fionna's universe is a figment of Simon's subconscious but I believe that it is an actual entire reality that just so happened to have been created by Simon's subconscious
You know how people often imagine that they can travel to alternate realities via their dreams? I personally don't think reality-shifting is a thing, but that's what I'm talking about. People will dream about visiting other worlds and more often than not they are fictional realities from books and TV shows and stuff
Suppose that these worlds WERE actually real, though. Imagine that somewhere in the vast multiverse there is in fact a Star Wars reality where everything in the movies, shows, games, and comics actually happened and continue to happen as the franchise evolves. There is no connection to our reality, however. We are not the cause of the events nor are we prophets for them, it just so happens that their reality is our fantasy by pure coincidence
That is what I think is happening to Fionna and Cake, specifically because their story is in the public consciousness. If a Star Wars universe did exist, it'd only be recognizable because Star Wars is in the public consciousness. No one is dreaming about traveling to one specific guy's WIP story about radioactive moths, but many people are dreaming about Star Wars
And the story of "Fionna and Cake" is in the public consciousness of the people of Ooo. People are thinking about it, talking about it, asking about it, and most of all dreaming about it. Their belief is what brings that world to life, not just Simon. However, as the original creator of their story, Simon has the most influence over it. No matter what your fanfictions say, only the original author has the power to make things actually happen in their story, and that's Simon's situation. The fans may have made their world a reality, but only Simon has control over it, like angels to a god
Star Wars would've ended with its first film if it didn't attract a fanbase. The fans gave it the opportunity to become two more movies, then three prequels, then three sequels, many TV shows, spinoffs, cartoons, etc. Without the support of the fans, the extended universe would not exist, and the dreamers wouldn't be dreaming of it
Fionna and Cake, both the story and the show, would not exist without the fans. If Ice King's stories never got popular, Fionna and Cake would not exist, but because they did get popular, they do. In the same way that Star Wars may exist somewhere inaccessible, Fionna and Cake exist in the reality of Adventure Time, and their story exists in our reality as a fictional cartoon
But to someone, somewhere, somehow, they are real, and that someone is and always has been Ice King
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
1, 6, 16, 24 for the ask game
oh gosh that's a lot at once!
1. Where do you write? (notes app, Google Drive, word, a notebook, directly onto ao3, another word processor, etc.)
it depends! for most of my tumblr ficlets, i wrote them directly into the tumblr text editor, stream-of-consciousness style. for longer fics, it depends on where i started writing them; if i started writing them away from home, there's a chance it was in google docs, but if i started writing it at home and ESPECIALLY if it's a longfic, i probably wrote it in scrivner.
6. Do you like using the mcyt multiverse as a concept? (all SMPS and MC content exists in the same universe)
this is also an "it depends"; sometimes it serves the story and sometimes it doesn't! i kind of pick and choose what smps are canon to a given character/story based on what is or isn't useful to use. this is probably most evident in my handling of the life series; you can probably find an about equal number of fics where hermitcraft and/or empires are fully canon to them, where i treat them as sort of a separate lives deal, or i treat the life series as its own thing on its own. it's just... what works best for me in the moment, really!
16.What do you think is the signature aspect of your work? What do you think readers see and go "Ah of course! [Writer] made this!"
two or more people have a Very Emotional Conversation about either grief, what it means to be human, or survival despite the odds, and also there is surrealist body horror. this is me being facetious but i think it's definitely a combination of "the very specific way i write dialogue and emotional climaxes" and "certain key themes i tend to write a lot" and "also a certain flavor of body horror tends to be a giveaway if it happens to be present".
24.What work would you like to talk more about?
GOOD QUESTION. right now honestly, in deference to saint george! however i acknowledge that one's my ow so it has a much narrower audience, lol. also maybe at this specific moment solving counting sheep? but that's also just recency bias.
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geeky-politics-46 · 2 years
Giirrrlll I just had the FILTHIEST brain rot and I'm about to throw it in your inbox so you can write it :p (jk no pressure if you dont want to, you can just squeal about it with me)
Dr Strange has a crush on you. He is laying in bed one night and, wondering if he has any chance with you, he decides to look into alternate futures. He doesnt... quite know how, but he ends up watching you two make love on your wedding night in an alternate universe. He knows it's wrong, but he can't bring himself to stop. Even as he feels his hips thrusting up against nothing; mimicking his alternate self's rutting into your pussy... God and he cant stop moaning as he wishes so desperately those sweet words falling from your lips were meant for HIM. Even if it was him in a sense. He has it so much worse for you then he thought.
So Close, Yet So Far
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Pairing: Doctor Stephen Strange x Reader
Summary: Facing another night alone thinking about you, Stephen decides to snoop in alternate relationships with you, only to find one that makes him want you even more.
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - male masturbation, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, pet names, language/swearing, creampie, porn with minimal plot
Holy god this ask did things to me. Whoever you are who suggested this, I love you. Also I know I use this gif a lot, but can you blame me?
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He had been tossing and turning for hours. He couldn't tell if he had made the best decision of his life or the worst one ever by asking you to go to that party with him tonight. He couldn't stop thinking about you. He couldn't stop thinking about how you had looked in that dress. How you felt on his arm. The one dance he shared with you. The soft fabric of your dress and the curve of your hip under his fingertips. Of course he had to put his hand over the spot where the thin string of your panties sat. Even by his standards for insomnia and frustration this was absurd. He had been half hard since he first saw the peaks of your nipples through that silk. 
He knew he had a crush on you, but it was getting ridiculous how much he wanted you. He had no idea if you liked him back that way. He had asked you to go with him tonight in the hopes that getting to pretend you were his for a night would satisfy his curiosity. It had only worked to make it ten times worse. 
Now he was laying in his bed desperately trying to ignore the hard on he still had, and you were in your bed across the Sanctum with no idea. He wondered if you were awake and thinking about him too. Maybe you were thinking about what it would be like to be unbuttoning his shirt. To have him slide down the straps of your dress to let it pool around your waist, perky breasts exposed. Maybe you were thinking about what it would have been like to hike up your dress and crawl into his lap. To kiss him and grind your hips down against him. 
Maybe you were wet and touching yourself thinking about him fucking you stupid. Your fingers sliding through your wet pussy lips. Gathering your arousal and stroking your clit pretending your fingers were his. Stretching your tight warm pussy thinking about his cock. Would you use two or three fingers to fuck yourself? 
Oh why the hell did he just do that to himself?! Why did he let himself think about that? Now his cock was so hard it ached. Maybe if he knew you were meant to be just friends he could jerk off to you one last time then put the idea out of his mind. He knew what he was about to do would break pretty much every rule of the time stone and multiverse, but at this point there wasn't enough blood left in his brain to care. 
So he let his brain start moving and sifting through different images. Different outcomes. Different universes. Some in which you were friends, some you didn't even know each other, and even a couple where you were enemies. Then one universe in particular caught his attention. He let the image encompass his consciousness. What he saw made his breath catch in his chest.
The two of you were in a large elegant room with an absurdly large fluffy bed. Rose petals were scattered on the floor and candles were lit all around the room. There was champagne and strawberries. It didn't take much to figure out exactly what was happening here. Especially with you in a gorgeous white gown and the matching rings the two of you wore as you slowly danced in the middle of the room. You were married. You were Mrs. Stephen Strange, and this was your wedding night. 
He watched through his own eyes as you leaned in to kiss him. Your arms looping around his neck and your body pressing firmly against his. Your tongue danced across his lower lip and he eagerly opened his mouth to let you in. Deepening the kiss. He heard your soft sensual sigh as Stephen let his fingers trail up and down your spine. He could feel the blood rushing to his groin in that universe too. 
He was hypnotized by the softness of your lips. He would only stay just another minute. Just to get this out of his system, then he would come back to his own body. He was vaguely aware that his hands had started rubbing at his cock over the blankets and sheets. Pretending it was your body pressing against him. The feeling of you there and not there at the same time.
You pulled your lips a couple inches away from his. He shuddered at the loss of contact in both universes. A smirk crossing your flushed kiss swollen lips at how worked up you had him. Of course you had no idea you had two of him worked up. You took his hands in yours & started leading him to the bed. Turning him so his back was to it before snaking your arms around his waist and kissing his neck and jawline. 
"Seems like you're a little eager to get your new wife into bed Doctor Strange."
You voice was dripping with sex. You started removing his jacket and tie as you spoke. Moving to the top few buttons of his shirt after his top layers were gone. He couldn't help himself; he needed to tell you how much he wanted you. He's actually not sure which of him answered, or if they both did.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to get you into bed, Mrs. Strange. Get you out of this dress. God you get me so hard when you are all dressed up." 
You pushed him down by his shoulders. Sitting him down on the edge of the bed and bringing yourself to stand between his legs. He let his hands move to your hips, just where he had held you earlier that night. He felt the same tiny string of your panties under his fingertips. The feeling making him moan loudly as he lay alone in his bed. A breathy "fuck" escaping his lips. 
"Well why don't you finish getting undressed while I change into something a little more see through. I had to get a little surprise for my new husband on our wedding night."
All he could do was nod. He let you free from his arms and watched you sashay toward the large bathroom. He should stop. He should leave this universe. It would be wrong to watch this. It would be like he was using you. Even if this was really happening in an alternate universe, it wasn't his universe. In his universe he was alone palming his own leaking cock being a voyeur. 
He was about to separate his mind and leave his other self to enjoy what he could only dream of. He was really just about to stop, but then you came out of the bathroom and any honorable thought was forgotten. He had never moved faster to get his clothes off. 
You were wearing a short white flowy babydoll nightie, the bottom completely sheer. The cups on the baby doll were non-existent, with a satin bow tied across your chest hiding your nipples. The panties you wore underneath had matching bows tied at each side. You were literally a present waiting for him to unwrap. Somehow you managed to look both angelic and pornographic at the same time. 
You walked over to him as he sat there naked, eyeing him up and down licking your lips as he couldn't help but start stroking himself. His actions in his reality mimicked those of his newlywed self. His long thick cock standing proud. He didn't think he had ever been this hard before. The feeling of his hand finally wrapping tightly around his shaft making his cock head start to leak more in relief.
Once you had walked back over to him and to the bed you let your hands run through his hair. In particular you ran your hands through the gray streaks at his temples. He smiled as he kept stroking himself. He knew even in his reality that you had a soft spot for his gray streaks. One of his favorite things to do was tease you by joking that he was going to dye them, you would always tell him you would kill him if he did. Feeling your fingers finally run through them made his entire body tingle.
You trailed your hands down his bare chest and pulled his hand free from his cock. Pulling it up to your mouth to lick off the pre-cum that had dripped onto his fingers. Moaning at his taste on your tongue. His own cock dripping even more over his fist at the thought of your lips covered in him. You placed his hand at the center of your ribcage, just underneath the tails of the satin bow concealing your plush breasts. He let his index finger tease at the underside of one breast, the exposed flesh warm under his touch. 
"What do you want to unwrap first Stephen? Top or bottom?" 
Instead of untying anything he pulled you forward to lay you on the bed and rolled so you were underneath him. His eyes boring into your form, trying to memorize every mark and curve. Pressing his hand into your pubic mound and dragging it all the way up your body to your throat. Bringing his lips down to devour yours. His kiss frenzied with passion making you moan against his lips. 
"So sexy sweetheart, I should warn you I'm not feeling very patient tonight. I want you so badly."
Your back started to arch when he started kissing and nipping down your neck. Stopping to suck a dark bruise on your clavicle. A deep rumble in his chest as he felt your soft small hand wrap around his cock. His hips starting to rut into your fist. 
"Baby I'm not gonna last long right now. I need to be inside you. Need to fuck my little wife." 
You smiled up at him sweetly, your eyes full of love for him. Just that look eliciting a needy groan from him back in his reality. He rolled over in his empty bed and positioned a couple pillows so he could pretend you were really laying underneath him. Whispering into one of them how bad he needed to be inside you. Completely gone in the visions of his alternate self starting to untie your lingerie. His hips fighting the urge to thrust against the pillows. He wanted to hold himself back until he was fucking you in the other reality. He wanted to pretend any friction he got was your sweet pussy.  
He watched as his scarred fingers untied the bow over your breasts. Your nipples were perfect and already peaked for him. His fingers toying with one as he licked at the other. Sucking on it and swirling his tongue on it before repeating his actions with your other nipple. He knew your breasts would be perfect. He had spent a good chunk of the evening thinking about doing this exact thing. He lightly bit one of them making you groan out his name and he had to fight the urge to cum right there. 
He moved on to your panties before long, he was just too excited to actually have his hands on you. Well, he didn't have his hands on you exactly, but one of him did. 
Pulling slowly at the bow on one hip, letting the satin slip against itself in an easy effortless way. Making sure not to disturb the position your panties were in before moving to the other side and repeating the same quick motion. The fabric now lay just draped across your sex. Even the slightest movement would leave you bare and exposed to him.
Before he moved the fabric he took a single finger and stroked your slit over your panties. Feeling your arousal for him. Smiling in satisfaction at the dampness he felt there. 
"You feel awfully wet, Mrs. Strange. Is this all for your new husband? Is this all for me?" 
"All for you Stephen. My incredibly sexy husband who I want to fuck me all night long."
You cradled his face in your hand. Bringing his lips down to yours for a passionate kiss before he pulled away to watch as he pulled the fabric of your untied panties away. He swore your body was more perfect with every inch he saw. There was so much he wanted to do to you, but he knew he was running on borrowed time before he would be forced out of this reality and back to his own.
He got up on his knees and positioned himself between your legs. Staring down at your most intimate parts being offered up to him. He let himself stroke your glistening pussy long enough to gather enough of your wetness to slick himself up. Lowering himself to his forearms to slide his hard shaft through your wet lips. Both of you groaning in pleasure at the feel of each other. 
Back in his bed he let his own hips start thrusting forward just enough to tease himself. His eyes squeezed shut as he pictured you below him. Picturing your eyes begging him to slide inside you. As he angled his cock to actually slip inside your dripping heat a confession of love spilling from his lips in both universes. His hips pressing forward to push him past your entrance to stretch and fill you perfectly.
You felt like heaven wrapped around his cock. He felt both rapture and torture as his real self fucked into the pillow below him that he so wished was you. He could just almost feel you. Your cunt trying to hold him inside you as his hips undulated pushing him in and out of you. He knew he looked truly desperate. Moaning, swearing, & sweating laying in his empty bed humping a pillow. In his mind though, he was in a universe where he was buried inside you. Making love to his new wife. Pulling the most incredible moans and sounds from you.
Every time his name slipped past your lips he fucked you just a little bit harder. Trying desperately to imprint the feeling of you in his mind. He couldn't help from crying out your name. He knew he should try to be quieter, that you might hear & know exactly what he was doing. He didn't care though. He needed to cum, & he needed to make you cum. He felt like his life, his sanity, depended on making you cum on his cock.
He started grinding his hips more than thrusting them. Trying to get as much friction against your clit as he could. You pulled your legs up to wrap around his waist letting him get even deeper inside you. His forehead was pressed to yours as he swallowed your whimpers with his kissses. Starting to move faster and faster as your voice got higher.
His face was smashed into one pillow. Clinging to it tight against his chest with one arm. His other hand was gripping his cock tight as hips frantically slammed into another pillow. The pre-cum dribbling from his tip soaking both the pillow and his hand. The slap of his balls against his hand creating a wet sound he pretended was coming from your pussy.
"Oh god Stephen, yes! I'm so close, baby. Don't stop fucking me, don't stop." 
He loved hearing you say his name like this. He loved hearing you saying all of these things. He wanted to lavish you in filthy praise. Your cunt was starting to spasm around him and he could tell just how close to cumming you were. You felt so good and he was about ready to beg you to cum.
"Cum for me sweetheart. Cum on my cock. Fucking soak me baby."
You threw your head back and wailed his name. He could tell your toes were curling by the way all the muscles of your lower body contracted. Your cunt was squeezing his aching cock so tight he was amazed he could even move. The only thing letting him keep thrusting in and out was the arousal that drenched you both.
The headboard of his bed was now banging against the wall from the force of his hips. He was trying to squeeze his hand around his cock in time with the way your pussy was fluttering. Even though he knew it felt nowhere near as good as you would, it felt good enough that only a couple more thrusts had him emptying himself onto the sheets. Rope after rope of warm thick cum drenching the pillow and the sheets below him. He came more than he ever had in his life. Immediately jealous of himself. Of the version of himself that got to cum in your perfect pussy.
His orgasm disrupted his thinking and concentration enough to pull him free of the alternate universe. His entire consciousness slammed back into his body. The cold of the room hitting his sweaty skin and the emptiness of the bed around him only making him colder. He rolled off and away from the soiled pillow covered in a puddle of his cum, but he pulled the pillow that he held in his arms with him. He kept holding that pillow close, thinking about how it would feel to hold you in post-coital bliss. How it would be to fall asleep with you and wake up next to you.
Then he realized he had to pretend that he had never seen what he did. How was he going to face you now? Now that he had seen you, heard you, & felt you all around him. Moaning for him. He wouldn't be able to look at you without thinking about you asking him to fuck you. Without seeing you wearing his ring. 
He wanted you so much more now. Now that he had a taste of what being with you was like he knew he wouldn't be able to live without getting more. He had to tell you he liked you. He could only hope that his version of you would return his feelings.
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Stephen Strange Taglist: @starkiller-queen @glitterylokislut @verycollectivecreator @chatampr @maskmare931 @lovecleastrange @wheredafandomat @mkixx @evelynrosestuff @katefullerrr @littlepinknightmare @foofarny @stygianoir @moonroyalt @saturnsbabe69 @blaxdet @blackrose-92 @ironstrange1991 @rindulacre @nancy-thompsons @wolfatheartandsoul @dangerouslittlefairy @n0obmaster-69 @oliveoilthoughts @onebatch--twobatch @yourmajesty13 @blondekel77 @lil-sweater-slut @gwephen @taramaria @sinceimetyou @possessedjoker @coeurgrenaty @cc13723things @just--a-magpie @supervengerslock @strangelockd @dont-feel-so-good-peter @kingsmanperfecthartwin @ghost-lantern @thefalconandthewinterwidowshield @itssmaugtheterrible @katherinemaximoff @veryfancydoilies @cute-angi @mochacake2016 @prix19 @alexfanficnook @anotheroddfish @mando-is-the-way @xourownsidee @baes-x @dreamingsmile @negar77rd @imaginesfreetotake @rougepetale @tis-vereon @divinearchangel @sherlux @hiddlechive @lucimorningst4r @the-royal-petals @ginnykate @thatesqcrush @friendofplenti @yuugenmomo @holdmyowos @lokislov3 @captaincarmel164 @folklore-mcu @mydearestalmira
Let me know if you want to be tagged in stories for everything or for a specific charector. It's currently a lot of Strange & his variants ❤
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