#this isnt even like a ‘oh this used to apply to canon but is now outdated’ moment
spaciebabie · 5 months
oh so you wanna fuck that monster huh. make sexy art of them without giving them muscles and/or making them look human
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robotsafari · 1 month
though, it was already obvious that my perception of canon was fucked up the moment i called ansem seeker of darkness a fucking test tube freak.
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wolfnesta · 1 year
It’s just irksome when I see some takes get completely misunderstood
• ‘the IC is 500 so? nesta is 25 she’s an adult’- the point is that the 500 year olds are living and have lived with their trauma for much longer and should have more knowledge on these things. Not only because of that but because as leaders I would think they would know how to handle these things in regards to people living in their court but as the CoN members indicate, they don’t. But Mor said Nesta would ‘thrive’ so that makes it totally okay. Wtf??
• ‘Pointing fingers at Rhys every time Nesta does something bad is all they do’- acting like stanning Feyr.e and tolerate Rhys by extension is fine but proceeding to dedicate almost every other post to go on and on dissing Nesta is just plain shallow and hypocritical. They can dislike Nesta all they want but if they can’t keep the same energy towards other characters in the name of Fey.re mistreatment then I 🙃 can’t take them seriously. But it’s okay I get theyre just a victims of the narrative
• ‘Rhys doesn’t even want to be high king how is everyone so mad at him’- what Rhys wants or not isn’t the problem it’s this agenda that keeps getting shoved about how Rhys is so good. Which might well end up happening because of it. And that’s the problem. Because why try to make him morally grey then go on and on about how amazing and kind and ✨hurt✨ and ✨misunderstood✨ he is.
• ‘People believe head canons are canon/Interpretation aren’t canon’- as maybe it’s been noted by now in this rant canon is the problem. If someone has emotions for certain characters wether good or bad all of them are valid because like it’s literally a human right to express yourself. The unpopular part of our interpretation is that it seems sjm specifically fashioned her work so specific characters can be hated then ‘redeemed’ and because of this ended up having half of us see her mcs are actually quite crappy and her side ones don’t align with half the punishments they keep getting, which I mean— if seeing those interpretations bothers someone I recommend just blocking or filtering a tag it’s actually quite simple. Which takes me to my next point though
• ‘Just because Nesta has a reason to be bitchy doesn’t make it right/Nesta’s wrongs keep getting compared to others��- it’s ironic to hear this because this logic is exactly why I dislike the IC. The ‘comparisons’ are moments of examples. Take the HoW Elain visit scene. She happily comes by to see Nesta to explain things which is really nice of her right? despite not being present to show this support during Nesta’s intervention, but wait, Nesta walked by her once in the street without acknowledging her while she was going through depression but remember thats no excuse for Nesta to do this, which right, but So Why doesn’t the same logic apply here to Elain though? The intervention was done abrasively as it was but because they love her despite her being a bitch and so Nesta deserves this mistreatment in the name of tough love! What happened to the reason isn’t excuse logic? Then word for word proceeds to tell her not to act so miserable. People are set up to believe this idea through the entire series that Nesta is cruel and more so in acosf because Nesta says this herself and oh good lord 🙄 let’s only remember the parts where it was super evil of Nesta to blame Elain about their dead father let’s completely forget the completely offhand comment Elain had just made and not just in the visit but the complete disregard of her during the intervention. And remember reason doesn’t equal excuse. But apparently that logic only applies to Nesta. Then to proceed to say Nesta isnt even ‘trying’ and still see Nesta as the only mean one here blows my mind. Let me make sure it’s understood— this is not a comparison about Elain vs Nesta it’s the fact Nesta is portrayed as cruel and any trauma or reason behind her actions are still inexcusable and also proceed to make any mistreatment of her warranted. Where is the reason isn’t excuse logic for her?! Yet she keeps getting this trauma invalidation by the fandom left and right?? And it’s justified to mistreat her?? How this narrative can go on and on for the whole book and readers actually believe it is beyond me.
Just to name a few.
Nesta’s story was falsely advertised as a healing journey when really what we kept getting was a character that kept getting exploited over and over. The character trait that set her aside and made her so beloved to us fans was handled awfully and perhaps readers that don’t understand Nesta will never understand.
And I’m tagging every anti tag so if you come across this and feel offended then maybe you should learn to filter
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tealcaste · 10 months
i wanna ramble about licorice cookie so i decided to do it here because no one is going to stop me
(putting a read more cuz this is going to be. VERY long..)
(would do ovenbreak wise but erm....... cant be asked to </3)
ANYWYAS as i said from my other account's reblog, it would be. amazing to see a licorice-focused update. YES, he HAS been included in multiple other updates, the most noticable one was the BTS collab (bro finally was significant in an update </3) but other than that, his entire existance has been pushed aside for other cookies.
now don't get me wrong, its cool to see new cookies appear in the game but.. can you... finish other pieces of lore.. please?? this doesn't only apply to licorice cookie obviously, but sinc ehtis post is only abt lico im going to use his lore as an example
..or would HAVE if he had any.
if i recall correctly, the only even "hint" of lore was him briefly talking about growing up in the Licorice Tribe in Chapter 13, claiming how it was "a shabby town to begin with", and its now in complete ruins. now i've sorta havent played the entirity of Chapter 13, but i've went through many spoilers of it and noticed that. there's nothing rlly much, except for that. (oh, i did hear he did help control the Licorice Sea, but i am not sure if that's canon or not.)
other than that, devsisters hasnt really... done anything with him? lore related?? ivve seen another post mentioning something about how he was just reduced as a comic relief and had wasted potential, which i heavily agree on.
like.. devsisters you cant just briefly mention the tribe he grew up in and never mention it again?? theres so many people who would love to know more about licorice's past, but devsisters practically ignores that just for some reason??
it really sucks as well, because if more lore about him was revealed, i feel like people would get a better understanding about his character, and not be seen as some "haha funny emo!!!!!!!!!!" (off topic but he isnt even emo HELP. he. he was confirmed goth by cookie run's official insta page but yeah) cookie that would never be taken seriously.
also, if more lore about him got revealed, i feel like it would help explain more about how he turned out the way he was..?? yes, i am aware his little story info thing DOES explain it was due to the lack of recognition, but it would be better to see. an even more in-depth explanation, as the info given about him has always been really.. breif.
the main point is, i would really love to see a licorice-focused update. a CoD update would probably be good enough if they can't be bothered, but if there WAS a CoD update, theres a very high chance of licorice being pushed aside for some.. idfk super epic or new cookies for the CoD
anwyays thank yyou for listening to my TED talk and thank you to that one licorice fanart that made me give into the urges of rambling about licorice :33333
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s0lar-ch3ri · 8 months
theory time!
so reasoning as to why i cant reblog the other one is just cause it doesnt allow videos when i reblog now which sucks but whatever so yeah! its a jrwi theory again, and whatever future info i have was 99% gathered from the wiki (the remaining one percent might not even show up in this theory so ye), and of course theres spoilers for the black rose one shot AND riptide pirates (dont have any exsct eps, all i can say is im at ep 101 now so anything before that is kinda fair game)
for the original theory post
k so we gonna put that one clip (scroll message, about a minute long) and talk about it, def mention all the connections gill would have with the black sea, shit like that
apologies for the buggy clip, just needed to add this and when i recorded i was in school aka just recorded like this for less risk, lets talk about the message though.
"a map that is a guide and a key passed around the hands of destiny, it leads to chaos infinity beneath the seas, the garden giant, the nameless prince, the unborn kings, all await to be inevitably free"
i think in my og theory post i talked on how gill was very connected to the black sea imo so how does all this tie in? lets do some quick lil notes first
ok so the scroll of legend lore has been held onto by gillion, the one closest to destiny's ties, and has not been used until now
chaos infinity while refering to the black sea could also be an undersea thing, what with the leviathins (nobody else remember how the pearl shard gillion has came from one? and how the pearl was never supposed to even see the light of day probs let alone be in some cat mans evil base? just me?)
while i wanna say aster mythborne aeiliana shes not real here so she cant be garden giant
BUT we do have a known leviathin(? could just be a dragon turtle) named duke who has plant shit and is controlled by a gollieth
nameless prince is everso chip coded but we looking all across our board here so yeah
it could apply that the "nameless prince" could refer to someone "unnamed" who holds power like that prince from edison kingdom or smth
it could also reference marshal jon, who's canon first name has been forgotten and canon last name is jon
unborn kings? honestly while i dont think chip's bit of mpreg is apart of this i think the lady inspiring it (aka aslana's mom) has some relations to this whole thing
we all read "kings" btw so theres probs multiple yall
would goobleck count? he is goobleck he must apply someway
non-literal one again? maybe their monsters or smth
wait to be free. huh. gee, i wonder, will the door nightmare with arlin come into play here. thatd be so fun. yeah. ahahaha im losing myself
okay okay maybe its not all clear and i honestly have had this as a draft for too long (as shown below)
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BUT ill reblog this later cause ill really just be using text and images and shit
whats the basic idea? this is def where the oath from the sword comes into play (murdering destiny), with the whole "the black sea twists you" thing we may get hints of killion or even dark gillion again, the thign about it being a "key" might imply like a 'this means that' type deal rather then being actually a key, the chaos isnt really referring to the black sea but the state of the undersea in general (lost champion becomign criminal, ally shit gone, oversea war, etc), unnamed prince is either someone we havent met yet or someone who we dont expect to have a return (ie: were deemed before as not really lore relevant), and the unborn kings are monsters, oh and the garden giant isnt arlin but something related to the duke! THIS HAS TO CONNECT TO THE LEVIATHINS FR
some details/info about gill/things related to gill so i write this better:
"You promise to slay all evil before thee, crack corruption that takes hold of this world, strike swiftly enough to split the seas, and even if the thread of fate poses an obstacle against us, we shall sever it"
A hero born of moonlight, storm and sea. / They shall rise or fall to bring unity. / They will be tested or bested by evil’s hand. / By their choice one will remain: sea or land.
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strykingback · 1 year
That's a long winded way of saying, "I don't like this show yet I stick around in this toxic relationship I have with it to win or something."
Seriously, everything you said isn't worth it. It sounds like you want to make your own fantasy story not unlike RWBY yet can't get over the latter like a bitter ex-partner.
Are you okay? Legit asking as a concerned citizen.
First things first, I am okay I mean how about you. I'm certain everyone who has been roastin' yo ass since yesterday. Cause daaaaaamn man. I can smell a whole barbecue over there!
But anyway.... to start things off.
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Something really tells me you didn't read through the whole fucking reblog and only sent this in. Do I need to repeat it so you can firmly grasp it? Cause certainly you need to grasp it!!
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Also since you didnt read through the literal paragraphs about my canon divergence Atlas and Mistral regions and even about Robyn Hill and Ironwoods canon divergence. Oh wait a minute, I think you may not know the definition of canon-divergence. Hold up let me get it for you, okay? Canon Divergence:  a fandom term, used when fanfiction is set in a universe that diverges from the original canon due to changing a character's backstory or the plot overall.
(Note- This can also apply to Roleplaying blogs as myself)
Yeah, its that easy to make a story for Ironwood and Robyn Hill and still make it good for both of them for everyone to enjoy. Not like a pasty ol' Karen and a plot-twist villain in the main canon.
But enough of that but just the fact that you say it isnt worth it towards a VERY strong answer. Kind of tells me that its like: "Oh its not good to match canon." I dont know what kind of world you live in amigo, but it aint one I wanna be on. Also another thing to say is.
People on the RWDE tag can still like certain aspects of RWBY and can still be critical about it at the SAME time. It doesnt hurt to do that and trust me it does not hurt me as I can seriously take the wild bullshit the main canon does and can cook it back out as something incredibly Canon-Divergent and people will like it.
Also what is this weakness man, this weak ask you sent me amigo. Cause I was expecting so so MUCH BETTER. It's no wonder why yo ass is getting cooked in the RWDE tag. man...Like who let you cook?!
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Cause I think I turned yo ass into a five star at a five star restaurant with a side of steak that is....
W e l l
T h e
F u ck
Now enough of that, now then back to roleplaying for me and also go back to Lilith and cry her a goddamn river why dont ya. Ya fuckin simp!
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ship opinions 🤡
disclaimer these are my opinions
ur opinions are also valid unless it’s adult/minor in which case I respectfully ask you to go jump off a bridge <3
david x gwen:
oooohohoho I used to love gwenvid so much
they,, they’re so cute together
but I don’t feel as strongly abt it anymore
overall I’ll give this an 8/10, I love it both as romantic or platonic :)
david x daniel:
0/10 booooo 🍅
daniel is a literary cultist and I hate him </3
(this applies for david or gwen x daniel or jen as well)
(ffs jen was a one-off character made for a joke. why do y’all even remember her 💀💀)
(daniel x jen I think is dumb and I couldn’t care less abt)
david x jasper:
9/10 jasper survives au or when they were both kids, I love them anyways
I can’t describe why. its just. a great ship
david or gwen x literally any other adult I didn’t mention is 0/10 and irrelevant
oh god. it’s camper time. time to be controversial :)
max x neil:
i used to love this so much and I’m currently unsure as to where I stand on this ship
rn I think they’re just friends but
still cute
max x nikki:
0/10. they’re friends
i can’t describe why I despise this ship as much as I do but alas it just is this way
nikki x neil:
idk man
on the one hand. sibling dynamic my beloved
but i 100% did have a phase where i decided the sibling h was stupid and instead decided to ship them, and that little voice in the back of my head still likes the idea
but I also know everybody doesn’t like this ship and I too am prone to peer pressure (by online strangers)
so currently I have no strong feelings on this ship at all ig
max x nikki x neil:
1/10 maybe?? but they’re better as a friend group
..harrison x nerris:
do I even need to say it
10/10 I love them 😀😀
the lake lilac dance episode still drives me insane. they,, they 100% wanted to dance together you can literally tell in the episode shhduhdbhudbhudnjisnjisnjienjienjis
“they certainly are standing next to eachother” hell yes they are. all the time. nneuindhubehuhhrbugrbsiuhbhueinuhebeuhubsiuhbsyugvsyugvsgyunrnunrijhen
ok next
presner, harriston, and nerriston all get a solid 7/10 they’re pretty nice but nerrison is still my favorite
max x harrison:
0/10 no thanks
ok moving on
neil x harrison:
0/10 this is,, no,, I don’t like it idk why
I don’t.. no
max x nerris:
i don’t care for this one at all tbh u do I ig but
Nerris x nikki:
1/10 cute in theory, I have no real complaints about them, just don’t ship it or see it happening
max x preston:
augh. I’ve been dreading this one because,, idk actually
i used to hate this one bc i just didn’t see it and I’ve felt that way for basically as long as I’ve been in this fandom but recently
I can.. sort of see it? a part of me does things it’s kinda cute, age hc (or in max’s case, just canon) is 10 & 12 which isnt horrible but do with that’s what you will
i give this one a solid 6/10 for now, maybe 5/10
ered x nikki:
0/10 nikki def has some sort of ‘crush’ on ered but I don’t ship it and it’s more just like younger kids idolizing older ones
also. ages in my hc is 10 & 15 so,, yeah no.
Ered x dolph:
0/10 no no and no. age hc is 8 and 15 no.
space kid x dolph:
5/10, could be cute but I prefer them as friends
max x space kid:
i think it’s kind of cute but I do not see it at all and don’t really ship it
nurf x anybody 0/10
i keep forgetting Nurf exists and I don’t like him so fuck off
ok I did it
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watching and dreaming
WATCHING AND DREAMING! i’ve got popcorn and soda ready :D 
the in-between? yay?
funky little in-between places between worlds, the unknown, the in between, the nowhere realm, gotta love them
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AMITY VS LUZ! the fight to the death literally no one wanted!
oh shit. poor…..everyone!
terribly sad moment but the color coordination or purple+green+red´+yellow+blue was great (couldnt get a pic w amity’s hair in it that didnt exclude hunter
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gotta love those tiny details in dream sequences that remind the mc that something is wrong. toh is so good at that, keeping consistency across eps! a witch’s duel was introduced in s1, and yet now they are recalling the concept, drawing attention to it, in a way
it’s interesting how ‘light’ here also has implications of truth, reality, knowledge. reminds me of hs in a way, though ik the idea is not exclusive to that
family reunion time!
rai-rai? really?
collector is soo cute!
collector is just an amoral child propaganda yes!
(can you guys tell i love collector???)
spiders are cool yes!!
wow! character who does bad stuff but doesnt realiza it’s bad? sign me right up! i love collector, did you know that?
the interesting contrast of childish innocence plus terrible atrocities is always fun to watch
watcha playing eyyy!!
love how luz, eda and king are kind of showing collector what his games feel like (getting injured, painful) for them, while being part of the games themselves! i imagine this si setting up for a ‘stop! this isnt funny anymore’ ‘well, that’s what everyone else feels too’ moment
poor collectorrrr nhghhshshshsh new fave character ig
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love this shot
collector is so like a child, they encounter a feeling they dont like and immediately become mean
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couldnt help but notice their eyes were without that white dot- kinda like the amity-puppet, yk?
collector spinel kinnie, also older-collectors are archivists? cool
ok so my predictions about the archvists taking collector in where wrong, cool. might wanna do something with that later tho
man that’s- that’s sad. collector literally got abandoned by their siblings, and then made new friends, just to see their siblings practically genocide everyone there, just for one of their friends to blame them for that and trap them in an empty dimension for a lot of years (and obviously leaving collector w some trauma). even if they dont say it in grown-up words, what happened to them was awful
luz collector parallels yes!
fuck you belos! go raine!
texts i found
-i gave up my palisman for you (i think?)
-im done
oh they really said ‘go big or go home’ w the horror here didnt they? 
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i think it’s cute, seeing luz tell her story of the owl house. kinda like those end of movie narration where the mc describes what they learned. very…heartwarming, excuse me while i cry bc this is the series finale
the knee! i love that theme of ‘can you hear the world singing?’ i’ve seen in so many other places. real magical. and TITAN MAGIC?? gimme.
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no but fr they baby
collector saying a baby could do what it took luz like 6 eps to learn
i love!!!!! the idea that luz and the titan/isles are connected to eachother, have loved it since i first came upon it in s1, i should do a (heavily canon divergent basically full on au) fic of it.
at first i heard ‘he must really like you’ as ‘he was really like you’ and honestly i like both.
‘hear that?’ ‘hear what?’ didnt that also happen last ep? i’ve been watching so much media it’s mixing around in my head
oof. collector recognizing raine’s earring. 
oh?? collector tell us your plan??
‘kindness and forgiveness’ wont help you now collector.
also isnt belos kinda a titan now??? should he be inmune to collector’s magic?
what a load of second-hand embarrassment
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collector is such a child!! they see a new rule in this game we call life and they assume it always applies and are surprised when it doesnt! .
‘no, you did good, collector’ yes!! bc collector wasnt completely in the wrong for wanting to understand belos! it means they learned from what luz taught them!! it’s not their fault belos is an asshole!
wow! for everyone who thought king was gonna be the petrified one this season, not quite!
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that silent ‘oh no’ look
no dont say that!! that’s sad!!! i’m sad now!!
luz! light! she became light!!
gotta love ‘tiny golden sparks representing magic through a connection with the world surrounding you’ sounds too specific but both toh and spop have done it!
collector i gte you’re grieving but please stop putting yourself in dangerous situations you have to be rescued from
even so: ‘the archivists arent here! the couldnt have taken her!’ noooo
oh. luz’s…..shards, return to the stars. the light glyph is written in the stars. huh.
‘i should have thanked them’ oh. bc everytime they get separated, the separated party thanks luz (‘luz, thank you for being in my life’ ‘thank you for being my big sister’)
i’m crying now.
i should be more surprised but this was set up since the beginning
‘luz is a noceda! you know what that means? it means she’s too strong to let any of this bring her down’ literally!! the name noceda means ‘don’t give up/yield’ theory of language my beloved
‘I’m sorry for everything!’ reminds me of catra. damn. and ‘i don’t want anyone else to go missing……’
i need the music for the titan luz scene.
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love this logo?? bc 1 it reminds me of the solar system which correlates w the space theme we’ve got going but also, it reminds me of like, connection. how mixing glyphs together makes them stronger. how luz’s strength is in her friends, her attachments, her connection to the world!
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is that collector screaming????
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no he looks like a cat fr
no but??? the isles being overtaken by green vegetation?? utterly natural for humans (belos, and to an extent luz) but utterly alien to the people of the isles?? then luz giving back the red vegetation??? smth about accepting other people’s differences even if they dint align w yours???
gotta love all the callbacks this ep is doing. i could make a compilation of them but it’s like they’re saying ‘we know this is the end, but remember the journey’ remember remember remember ughhhhhh toh will never die.
love how all the glyphs have their natural element form, but also other connotations! the light glyph deals w light, but also knowledge, truth (it helps wake up the people of the isles) but also the obscuring of truth (the invisibility glyph) while fire is both fire and like, movement, the sphere titan!luz travels in is made of fire glyphs while the teletransporting spell has a fire glyph in the middle, light also seems to have themes of ife? and it makes sense for fire to be movement: the more hot something is, the more the atoms in it aare moving and just…. hajdjakd.
eda’s requiem???
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what the fuck  is going on here what does that do
also ‘i am the good witch luz child of the human real student of the demon realm’ YES????? BC SHE’S NO LONGER PRETENDING TO BE SOMEONE ELSE, SHE’S ACCEPTED WHO SHE IS AND WHERE SHE COMES FROM
collector seeing the hex-children and curling up…… gonna save this
whoa!! belos is a bastard!! come on, still attepmting to manipulate luz??
also ‘you’re human, you’re better than this’ ‘WELL WE AINT’ (stomps) YESSSS 
and the acid rain not hurting luz….nice detail. the titan does look upon her
’Hunter deamonne is canon!!’
uh??? no- no more glyphs???????  nooo
my babies!!!! theyre all so grown up now
in remembrance of flapjack 
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i’m going to cry now. bye
i have no grand speech about how much this means to me, mostly bc there are no words to describe it. it’s just…..thank you, TOH, for being in my life.
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djmarinizelablog · 2 years
Hi there! Heres that prompt i mentioned (years later lol). Like i mentioned, levihan isnt my OTP but i wont deny they have a special bond that is uniquely their own. I loved the idea of this prompt but felt it applied much more to levihan given what happened in canon. It's particularly angsty, can be romantic or not- i leave the choice to you! In my own headcanon, after this prompt leaves the door open for Levi (and perhaps even to my OTP, but in no way diminishes Levi & Hanges relationship).
Prompt: The Letter
At some point after the epilogue/3 years time skip, Levi returns to Paradis. Historia had done the right thing and kept all of Hange's belongings intact and in storage, willed to Levi. He goes through their things when he comes across a letter with "To Levi's future life partner" (or something to that effect) on the envelope:
The letter is written by Hange, telling Levi's future partner all of Levi's odd quirks, what he likes, what he finds annoying, etc- effectively showing how much they loved & cared for him- and Levi falls apart reading it. Hange ends the letter with a plea to take good care of him, and wishes them all the happiness in the world because that would mean the world to Hange.
Thats the prompt! How it ends i leave up to you, if you so choose to write this request. Either way, happy writing :)
Hello! I finally found some time to craft a letter-based fic (and some poetic prose). It's not much but I've tried to accommodate your prompt. I hope you like it :)
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Summary: The Captain finds a letter addressed to him tucked underneath Hange's notebook with the rest of the late Commander's belongings.
To Levi—
You’ve always told me poetry and war do not go together, that metaphors and imagery aren’t suited in times of sheer chaos like this. Nevertheless, you keep telling me that I should write about some of my best-kept secrets, that you still want to understand how I feel, and why I keep going despite the futility of our efforts. Right now you are in the forest, guarding our enemy, while I’m stuck here in the headquarters trying to keep everything together. It’s a very lonely ordeal whenever we are far apart. I’m a terrible soldier and a much more terrible poet. However, I pray that you find these words meaningful in some way. Perhaps someday someone can read this out loud to you and the sentiments will reach you somehow.
In case you survive until the end of this mess and this message falls into your hands, know that I hope nothing but the best for you. May you find comfort in life and love, wherever and whomever that may be.
All Our Days
Tell me you love this, Levi, tell me I’m yours. We try to mend not only bones but also hearts grown tired in this landscape of war. Lay down right beside me and I’ll begin our story. We try to understand this chaos of love, a microcosm of destruction where my tongue invades your mouth, where my hands pry your body open and the wind sings its terror. Love, are you mine? Here is the terror coming to its chorus. Maybe love isn’t ours, my dearest, maybe love doesn’t have to be ours to say, I want you inside me. Louder. I want you inside me. And then you wrestle me into this bed of leaves, our clothes discarded on branches where hummingbirds watch us do things to our bodies. Do you remember that dream, Levi? Do you remember when I once told you that I’d love to live elsewhere with you? Perhaps away from the world where bones and poems are nothing but whispers beyond this lifetime. In our own little world where all we have is pain, I will make our aches rhyme. The ground shakes, but it doesn’t disturb us. In the forest, in this cataclysm, in this wretched finality where I try to save what’s left of you and you hold on to me like I’m the last person you’re ever meant to see. Oh, Levi, my captain, oh, captain—will you still love the world even without me? Tonight we’re burning bridges, tonight we’re singing with the wind, gone is its terror, gone are the tremors, but only yours and mine remain. The tremors and our tightness. Consider that tightness. Consider what it means to have and to hold. Lips no longer sealed and teeth scraping each other’s skin, we blend into the shadows. If this is how you’ll tell me you love me, my beloved, then I’m no one else but yours.
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A/N: This was inspired by Ocean Vuong and Richard Siken's poems hehe
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buckleysbegins · 3 years
My thought on Buddie and on Queer people (but especially men) in 9-1-1:
I go back and forth on whether or not I think Buddie will actually become cannon. If we look back on Buck’s actions in the first season (Buck 1.0) we see a "hyper-sexual", young, millenial character who is characterized as ‘bad’ and as needing to change. If the show was targeted to younger millenials and older gen z, then Buck’s actions would not have been seen as a bad thing becasue these generations of people have reclaimed the idea of sexuality and of having as much concensual sex as they want, as long as its being done safely. But, becasue the show was watched and targeted to older people (older Gen X and Boomers) who are definetley more sexually repressed and not as open with themselves, Buck’s character was seen as young and dumb. Yes, he was naive and young and it was not a good idea to steal the firetruck to have sex in the middle of the work day. But, I would argue that he was not, in fact, dumb. Having Bobby be a savior/father character to Buck’s ‘bad’ decisions just pushed, and continues to push, the idea that Buck is a hyper-emotional character who cannot make good decisions (pushing himself to get back to work, hook-up culture, the lawsuit- which I do not think was a bad idea, to be honest. Bobby was in the wrong, he couldn't let his personal feelings go).
Saying all that, how are bisexual characters ALWAYS characterized? As being hyper-sexual (Buck). As not being able to hold down a relationship (Buck). As being straight until, hey, you know what? I think I might be gay (possibly Buck’s future??) And look, Ryan Murphy has never written a bisexual character who remained bisexual. His characters are always straight until they’re gay or say they are bisexual once and then decided that they are ‘fully’ gay later on. Ryan Murphy is another problem all together, though. I really dislike that man. Back to Buck, he fits the characterization of a bisexual character without coming out as bisexual. Is this on purpose? Do the writers/producers whant queer people to be able to tell that Buck is bisexual? IS this just another instance of the sad bi boy who won’t come out until he is in a relationship?
We know that if the show was for younger people, Buck would have had a relationship with a man by now. Maddie hinted at it when she mentioned Buck’s crush on Eddie and again when she was stealthily setting Josh and Buck. Queer people and ally’s can see it but are basically being gaslighted and queerbaited along the way. And lets not even get started on Hen’s decisions in season 1 (another queer person who makes bad decisions and who is too emotional as the only woman on the team??)
I personally do not see Eddie and Buck getting together (hopefully I’m wrong). I don’t think Ryan Murphy is brave enough. (I’m just going to say it) Lone star isnt nearly as good of a show as 9-1-1. The acting isnt as good (both the main cast and the extras), the inter-personal relationships of the main cast isnt as strong. We were given that show as a cop out. "Oh, you want queer people? You want queer men? OK! Here’s a new show!”
i’m gonna preface this by saying that i’m by no means an expert in queer representation in media and my experience with bisexual representation in media in particular is limited (just because most shows i’ve watched don’t feature bisexuality in either a positive or negative light). i’m also not a buddie shipper so that isn’t something that i’m actively hoping to happen, so i probably don’t feel as strongly about this as you, as well as a lot of the fandom, apparently do.
i personally feel like at this point in the show it would be fairly easy to create a positive bisexual representation on the show. like yes, buck made stupid decisions in season 1 (as did literally all of the characters) and the representation of his more open sexuality could’ve been better (cause on one hand while stealing a firetruck to get laid is objectively stupid and reckless, but they could’ve also worked in open sexuality that wasn’t stupid sexuality), but he’s grown a lot since then and i think the understanding of his character has changed a lot and those tendencies don’t feel as relevant to his character anymore (i also don’t necessarily agree with any of the overall characteristics that you’ve pointed out, since part of the show is that a lot of those no longer really apply). it would be one thing if they regressed buck into that sort of culture, but also given that him looking for something serious is a main storyline for him now, i don’t think him considering dating a man/men in general would automatically be a stereotyped representation. i know it can be difficult because some people will automatically apply a character’s tendencies to the character’s sexuality, but i also really do think that there are a lot of ways to do it without playing into stereotypes.
i also personally strongly disagree with the idea that the show is queerbaiting/gaslighting viewers by “teasing” buddie and that lone star is the “gay version” of the original 911 or something. firstly, i do note that you barely mentioned any of the canonically queer characters, with one of them being to show how a gay man was being used to “tease” a bisexual buck and the other to cite hen as a negative example of queer representation (though i also did really dislike that storyline), and made no mention of michael (whose own coming out was a starting point of the show), nor of hen and michael’s ongoing steady relationships, nor of josh existing beyond that one line regarding buck, and whenever i see stuff like this i feel like people are glossing over (either intentionally or unintentionally) those characters and relationships to fit their narrative. i also don’t think that they’re dangling buddie as a means to get viewers, as i personally don’t see as much there (either explicitly or subtextually) as a lot of other people on here do (plus the show did as well in season 1 when eddie didn’t exist as it’s done since he was introduced, so they’re not really getting some boost from it). as for lone star, since i don’t actually watch the show so i don’t know how they actually treat their queer characters and relationships and what representation is featured by side characters, but from what i’ve heard it’s not like it’s “more,” it’s just different. i know that the show features a trans character and that one of the main romantic relationships is between two gay main characters (and both of those are great!) but the only real difference i can see between the original show and lone star is that the gay characters are both the “hot shippable” type that a lot of fandom tends to go for (because like with the original it looks like most of the content is for that relationship and not the trans character/other representation).
i don’t know if buck’s (or eddie’s) sexualities will ever be explored and if that’s a route they’ll decide to go down, and that they’ll actually handle it in a kind way if they do, but i think there’s definitely more than enough opportunity for them to do so if they do. i don’t want to give the showrunners credit for something they haven’t done, but i’m also not going to knock them for it yet.
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xiaophobic · 3 years
WAIT JSKDCBHN I DIDN'T SIGN MY LAST ASK HSHSHSHSH I FORGOT IM SORRY,,, but you are right my love, the one that asked for domestic genshin teams was none other than i, sunflower anon ;) ngl that wouldn't have made much sense without context so i'm glad you were able to figure it out also yes i agree with beth slander, anemo cube go brr
For context my main team consists of albedo, venti, xingqiu, and keqing and I’ve grown too attached to every single one of them that I have zero clue on who to switch out when wishing for eula
Venti <- this bitch is my platonic soulmate and we’d most likely beg to share rooms
I get the feeling that albedo and xingqiu would share one, bigggg room that they evenly halved. Dont ask why it just felt right, and albedo is more often in some spare room that he turned into a lab so xingqiu can invite whoever and let them crash in his room
Keqings the only one with a single room and i dont think shes mad about that because her room is,,, so full of paperworks,,, neat and orderly yes but pAPERWORKS-
Alr ive assigned rooms now so onto whatever happens inside *stretches fingers*
I’d say we’re pretty even in terms of whos responsible and whos not, so unless albedo becomes in charge of watching klee there shall be no fire to be committed
Its funny how we have a god and a nonbeliever under one roof, so i think keqing would be skeptical around venti. But of course, ventis playful nature and fun demeanor would likely win her over, so now she treats him like family as well
Though that said, she’d also find herself scolding both me and venti on our uhhhhh tendencies to be lazy HSHSHSH she fr tells me to stop procrastinating in game every five seconds, so imagine if she was put with mr wine aunt barsibado?
Cute friendship between albedo and xingqiu because theyve made a book together and two educational boys,,, the amount of braincells in one room is ridiculous
Remember when I said keqing was happy she had a single room? Its because of her rex lapis dolls. Neither venti nor xingqiu ever let her live that down.
In terms of cooking, venti and i are never allowed for our own good. Venti isnt a bad cook but hes definitely a chaotic one and i physically cant make pancakes if my life depended on it. Albedo is on cooking duty most of the time but if hes busy, xingqiu will do it (though he will throw out the carrots) because keqings often too busy
Venti making everyone flower crowns mmmmmmmmmm and specific types of flowers for each person... aw
Whenever xingqiu reads a new history book, sometimes venti will just go “LIES. THATS NOT WHAT WENT DOWN. PUT THAT BOOK AWAY AND ALLOW ME TO TELL YOU WHAT REALLY HAPPENED-”
Albedo and Keqing both staying up really late because of work and venti having to sing them songs so theyll sleep i am SOFT
A recurring theme I find in this team is that we all look like responsible upkept high society people but behind the locked doors youll find keqing trying to get venti to get tf up, xingqiu and i raving about some fanfic, and albedo making something explode in his lab on accident
Bonus because ive run out of ideas:
(keqing THIS IS A CANON VOICELINE) Sleep well... me? Uh... I still have a handful of things on my to-do list, but I'll call it a night once they are done.
(xingqiu) lady keqing… please, it's too late in the evening. Mr Kreideprinz, the new concoction, if you would.
(venti, putting down a frying pan) oh… so we’re using the potion tonight?
Okay so the quality of whatever this is isnt guaranteed and its 100% crack barely any soft HELP HSHSH but im typing this in the middle of science class so pls forgive me. I wonder how you feel when you get a super long ask in your inbox…? I hope you still dont mind ( ´^`) have a nice day dearest!! I’ll sign off twice now so I wont forget next time KESHEJ -🌻 anon
your team definitely has “burnt out gifted kid” vibes ABSHAHSHA BUT IN A GOOD WAY OF COURSE they’re just all doing their best to be their best (with the possible exception of venti, though i’d argue that around such composed characters he’d experience his own slight code switch)
i’ll give you one of my own personal headcanons and apply it to your team a bit since i feel like it fits!!
venti knows everyone he comes across, or at least can connect their face to someone he’s seen in the milleniums he’s lived — a relative or something. he’s the god of wind and freedom, so naturally he’s traveled to all nations in order to be free and see the world as he pleases.
given this, he knows everyone on your team. he can connect their faces to at least one of their distant relatives that he’s known before. that is, except for albedo, who was born of chalk. the first person in a while who he sees and knows nothing of, so he FREAKS THE FUCK OUT. he spends half of his time stressing over who he could possibly be the offspring of but ends up coming up short every time.
he falls under the impression that albedo just must be klee’s older brother who was just never mentioned, until klee confesses that they’re not related biologically. it remains the subject he loses his mind over at the bottom of each bottle.
anyway, i’m sorry this was so late and i’m happy you shared with me, this was rlly a pleasure to read <33 i hope you’re doing well, and please remember to take care of yourself, sweetpea ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
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things ive already established r on this post
besties this got so fucking long but heres a giant ramble about cherri
okay so. there are huge differences betwn cherri as a hyperviolent drac hunter and cherri as a friend of the four and cherri as the girls mentor. with the first one he was 17 and desperate to distance himself from his upbringing so he went all in on Being A Killjoy. he was always one of the first ppl to rush into a fight and he fought hard. he blew up his fuckin hand with that attitude. and all the while he was just racking up more unaddressed trauma and eventually he ran away from that, too. giving himself radiation poisoning was more appealing than facing his problems.
so as a teenager/young adult hes kind of constantly in a panicked state. hes scared the people from his past are going to find him and drag him back with them. so he lashes out and he runs away over and over again.
i said in another post that he has some past life shit goin on which usually would give him a connection to the witch that manifests early in life, but with all the stuff hes gone through he has been Preoccupied. he can become oblivious to almost anything that doesnt apply to whatever hes focused on. not in a hyperfocus way its likeeeeee. when u live on survival mode during prolonged periods of stress. hes immune to magic bullshit bc hes too tired and scared.
anyways around his mid-20s he finally has a little more stability (as much as the average person living in the zones can have, that is) and he finally notices that Weird Stuff happens around him. basically: out of my list of Powers People Connected To The Witch Have he has the prophetic dreams/enhanced intuition as well as a form of sensing ghosts where he can see auras and kind of like, echoes of past events in ppls lives. that look like auras. itz complicated and not of utmost importance so im leaving it at that.
anyways thats what makes him start writing poetry. just 4 funsies he'll describe his weird experiences and embellish them to make em pretty. just as a casual hobby n all that.
he would forget fun ghoul in between the times they ran into each other but its pretty easy to be reminded of who fun ghoul is. the most insane 10 year old cherri has ever met. cherri isnt a brother figure to ghoul. hes just. his friend that happens to be more than twice his age. its whatever lmao
to cherri, ghoul is kinda like a stray animal he keeps seeing. which is hilarious. ghoul actually goes and finds him to introduce him to jet when they start running together, and cherri meets party and kobra (spark and birdie at the time) when he drives the four of them to a party. because he has a truck hell yeah. so now instead of one stray animal he has, like, a feral cat colony that he drives around occasionally. i have no real-life human relationship equivalent to them because irl if some guy that is not related to any of you and isnt even a childhood or family friend and theyre hanging out with you? they are usually not a safe person lmao. but this is my fantasy land and im too stubborn to change anyones birth years even though ghoul being born in 2004 makes everything really hard to make not creepy.
so yeah hes a casual somewhat friend of the fab four. hed probably get more and more concerned as they got famous. the beginnings of any sort of protective feelings, awww :) that sets him up for becoming the girls mentor.
OH FUCK. THE GIRL..... i think if i was in my late 20s and i heard that the gang of 13-17 year olds had adopted a 5 year old kid i would go bananas. what the fuck. it is a LONG while before cherri meets her. but he has the strongest affection for ghoul (if you could even call it that) and ghoul absolutely adores the girl and swings her around under her arms like a cat to show her off to cherri and its very endearing and the girl is sweet and funny so its easy to be around her. and (unfortunately) she is somewhat used to interacting with weird easily agitated people so she kinda gives him space. cherri isnt quite the uncle figure the fandom usually makes him (i luv uncle cherri sm but he simply cannot exist in the universe ive created, f), but hes a little similar.
and then the four had to go and pretend to die. lol.
when the girl was kidnapped, fucking everyone who knew her was ready to storm the city then and there. like regardless of how little you knew her, if you had ever met her you would fucking die for her. she is pure childish charisma and shes precious. i love the girl. so cherris immediately on board with whatever plan the four make to get her back. ive already talked abt how it fucked up the girl tho; there was no way to tell her that the four werent actually dead, she sees the building collapse and she shuts down. and cherri has to fight against his instinct to leave the radio station and never come back when he sees an eight year old girl sitting dissociated on the couch. that fucks everyone up.
i just realized i havent talked about literally anyone else at the radio station. i think cherri started lingering around the station bc it was safe and sheltered while also not being a popular spot. there are less kids there (people pass through but its not a hangout spot). he was kind of just hanging around to get away from the heat and noise and dr d took notice. because that man can see ur soul and no one knows if thats literal or not. so theyd chat a few times a day and show pony was the one 2 get him out of his shell a little and also was the first one he mentioned his poetry hobby to. im making this all up right now as im writing bc i dont know anything about LITERALLY any of the ppl associated w the radio like im not even going 2 try with chimp n newsie i do not have the willpower to tackle all that. justttt. cherri pony n D become bros and live 2gether there.
back 2 the regular timeline. the rescue mission happens in 2019. the girl lives at the station until 2023. during that time she is very much depressed and withdrawn and is only happy when the four come to visit. none of the Adults know how to help her so they just keep her safe and cared for and hope she'll open up to them.
she does not. she takes the weird cat thats been hanging around and she runs away.
cherri does not see her for three years. shes still worse for wear in the mental health department and he can see all kinds of visions of what shes been through since the last time he saw her and he fucking hates the ultra vs bc they remind him of his past. he does not want her going down that path but its obvious that she isnt crazy abt the ultraviolence thing either so thats a relief.
they have a kind of tense relationship throughout the comics. he feels like he failed her and that spirals into feeling like he failed the four for not being a good adult to them and fun ghoul for not helping enough when his commune was bombed and all kinds of shit and that irrational thinking mixed with plain old, yknow, caring about the girl, is what makes him take a bullet (laser. whatever) for her.
i was trying to figure out the timing of each of their ghost experiences, but i want both of them to talk to the witch and im just gonna make it like dreams where a whole buncha stuff happens but irl its been like seconds. so its like barely a second while the girl has her Witch Convo and cherri FINALLY gets a straight answer, yes there is weird shit going on with him having powers. he doesnt have any story-significant past lives because im lazy, hes just an old soul. like really fuckin old. the amount of latent life experience and stuff his soul/energy/whatever has picked up along the way makes him VERY noticeable to gods n stuff. he fuckin lights up all the alarms like what the FUCK is that over there. she wasnt rly able to get to him or even properly notice him while he was a kid and a young adult so shes happy to finally see him again. he has a STRONG sense of familiarity with her. they know each other on a wild ass level that he cant really comprehend.
welp thats some more lore I'll have 2 think abt. anywayz
post canon is when he and val get to have the most awkward spiderman meme moment of realizing that they have the same trauma SOOOOO thatz fun lol /s sorry kings i thought it would be fun to give u something fucked up to bond over <3
not much changes in his personality. he has a better understanding of Weird Magic and delights in freaking out the ultra vs but for the most part he returns to his life at the radio station. i love him
THIS GOT SO CRAZY LONG I DID NOT MEAN 2 GO THROUGH EVERY PART OF HIS LIFE LIKE SOME WEIRD CHARACTER STUDY but here we are. this is basically a first draft like almost all of this is subject to change but u gotta start somewhere. so heres my start i love this guy. its probably obvious but i have not read ANY twitterverse killjoys stuff </3 maybe i will someday idk
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mathes0n · 5 years
Do ya think you could give me a rundown of what happens in the epiloges so I don't have to slog through it same way you did (bless you by the way, I really can't imagine what wasting a whole day on homestuck of all things is like)
I tried my best!!! I may have skipped some details here and there but these were what I remembered the most
TW for…. Suicide, themes of fascism, themes of sex, mentions of transphobia and just… general Homestuck Bullshit
John agrees to go fix canon or w/e, he goes back and collects teenage versions of Rose, Dave, Jade, Jane, Dirk, Jake and Roxy; they’re all teens and he keeps calling them “kids” and thats kinda cute
Adult John + 7 teenagers go to fight Caliborn; Caliborn locks the beta kids in the homestuck juju box thing (which was foreshadowed in earlier homestuck i fucking THINK??)
The beta kids are then suddenly teleported into the final battle against Lord English, in which he kills everyone but John
Davepeta sacrifices themself to force Lord English into the black hole
Also Lord English bites John and he’s dying I guess and floating towards the black hole
Terezi finds him and they both find sanctuary in a car thats also floating around. Also they have sex here
They both teleport to Earth C where John then immediately DIES
B PLOT: Jane is running for president of the world, to which everyone insists that this is a bad idea because Hussie spun a wheel and decided that she was Facist now
Karkat worries that she’ll regulate troll reproduction, and Dave convinces him to run for president against her
There’s also some like unresolved tension between Dave and Karkat, Jade tries to get the three of them to date but she comes across as pushy and weird and WILDLY out of character! But it goes nowhere in the end
It’s a race to find endorsements! Jane has Dirk helping her with her campaign, Roxy and Calliope (who are dating and nonbinary! Woo hoo!) choose to stay neutral
Jake is also like super famous and also has a reputation for sleeping around? Anyways both sides of this ~Political Intrigue~ know that getting his endorsement would basically entail victory
Jane invites him over and they end up making out until Jake gets nervous and leaves, its very weirdly sexually charged and does Nothing For This Meaty Story
Dave and Karkat manage to convince Jake to endorse Karkat; but during the endorsement speech, Jake suddenly blurts his love for Dirk Strider and starts endorsing Jane
Which leads to…
C PLOT: Dirk and Alt!Calliope are fighting over the narrative of the story
Dirk is also weirdly transphobic about Roxy
Rose is like… dying? And Dirk is trying to convince her to become her Ultimate Self or some shit??? This results in Dirk essentially kidnapping Rose and making Kanaya Freak Out
Dirk’s narrative control forces Jake to confess his love for Dirk and endorse Jane, so thats great
Dirk also tries to use his narrative control powers to force Dave and Karkat into confessing their love for each other, but Dave fights off his control and kisses Karkat on his OWN terms, which, if ignoring the weird Dirk shit, is actually pretty valid
This all ends with Dirk shrugging Jake off and taking Rose on a spaceship far away, prompting the rest of the cast to prepare a rescue mission
John decides not to go fix canon, Roxy gets really happy about this and almost immediately decides that they’re in love w him and starts dating him, Calliope is noticeably upset by this
(Also Roxy’s gender stuff isn’t rlly addressed in Candy but I’m just gonna stick with they/them)
Also Calliope insists that John bring Gamzee to Earth C. Gamzee is now here and no one is happy about it
There’s still weird stuff between Jade, Dave and Karkat, what with Jade still trying to get the three of them to date; this results in Jade dating Dave and Jade having a kismesis with Karkat, and Dave and Karkat not having a relationship despite the ~obvious love between them~. It’s repeatedly mentioned that the relationship dynamic is unhealthy. Nothing is done about it
Jane goes to visit Jake and they get drunk and sleep together and then Jane manipulates him into a relationship? I’ve seen posts making Jake out to be the bad guy because of this
Anyways for some real fucked up shit uuuuh……………….Dirk commits suicide
Because John didn’t choose to do the plot important thing?
It’s fucked up as all hell
At the funeral, Roxy and John decide to get married
OH also this entire time John and Terezi have been in communication and John’s acting like its a scandalous thing? It’s weird
Also Gamzee somehow becomes Jane’s kismesis and its weird its fucking weird man I won’t get into it but i feel like half the trigger tags could apply to this relationship alone
Anyways Jane is still exhibiting fascist tendencies and is trying to moderate troll birthrate. Everyone but like Karkat and Kanaya (and Rose to an extent) act like this isnt a big deal
John and Roxy have a son named Harry Anderson Egbert
Jane and Jake have a son named Tavros (aka Tavros2)
Rose and Kanaya adopt a troll girl and name her Vriska (aka Vriska3) because FUUUUCK me
Jane and Gamzee are like… abusive towards Jake and Tavros2
Also Aradia shows up!!! She doesn’t do much regarding this bullshit plot but honestly thats the best possible outcome. She doesn’t deserve to get involved in all of this
John tries to kidnap Tavros2 to save him from Jane and Gamzee’s abuse, but gets caught and it all backfires and everyone hates John now
Also it’s implied that Terezi dies
Jane has decided that Trolls Have No Rights and is actively trying to stop them
Jane is basically the overlord of the world now and enforces like… curfews n shit
Karkat fucked off and is leading the Troll Rebellion and thats a bit metal I’ll give him that (he gets an eyepatch and everything)
Roxy and John have divorced by this point
Also various ghosts have been raining from the sky? That’s also happening
Also Harry Anderson and Vriska3 start a romantic relationship and HOLD ON A SECOND
Harry Anderson is Roxy’s kid and Vriska3 is Rose’s kid HELLO??? And don’t even argue “Oh but Vriska3 was adopted-” NO FUCK THAT HELLO???????
Civil war breaks out between the Trolls and basically everyone else who now works for Jane
Alive Vriska falls from the sky, immediately sees Gamzee and tries to kill him, he then tries to
Tries to
Tries to suck her toes
Shes wearign boots but hes lickin em
They then make out
I know I’m being really specific in this part but like you all have to understand that I had to read this with my own human eyes
Frankly I don’t entirely remember how Candy ends I basically blacked out after the above part happened
John reconciles with Roxy and Harry Anderson, Alive Vriska and Vriska3 chat and I end up liking Vriska3 more than i EVER liked actual Vriska. I think Dave dies??????
Sorry if this isn’t the best descriptor, I was kind of losing my mind as I wrote this because I still can’t wrap my head around ANY of these plot points
Imo I GUESS I hate Meat less because the John stuff was… okay for the most part. Also certain relationships and characters (like Dave+Karkat and Roxy+Calliope) were treated a bit better. But they’re both overall so, so bad
This honest to god feels like a Hate Letter written to the fanbase. Even if it was “intentionally bad”, that doesn’t make it good suddenly!! It was a spit in the face and a horrible experience and it honestly felt super pathetic. Hussie and his squad of incest-writing authors deserve the criticism this horrible epilogue will get them
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dahniwitchoflight · 5 years
Candy 15-17
Alright I know this is supposed to be sad but this feel so ridiculous it’s funny
“He ventures a glance at Dave, who is at the front of the line carrying a smaller casket containing Dirk’s decapitated head. “
why is there a seperate casket for the head, that’s not what funeral homes do xD
“It would be absurd were it not so tragic, and possibly also predictable.” 
Tumblr media
“He looks at Dirk’s casket, sitting diagonally in a hole in the floor and popped about 13% of the way open.”
That’s a strangley specific number
Am I to take the imagery of something being diagonal as imagery for a “4″ and then complete it with the 13 to make 413?
Cuz is so, that’s heavy handed and ridiculous probably just as Dirk intended
“ROXY: and give it over to someone whos way more eloquent than me
Dave gets to his feet”
right because Dave is always so eloquent when it comes to delicate emotional matters lol
I don’t know why I’m finding this all so hilarious instead of tragic, maybe because it’s so melodramatic and in a way that feels scripted specifically by Dirk himself
ah, 3 quarters 
3 1/4′s
413 backwards now
“or even worse that he was somehow cosmically fated to become that person no matter what he wanted or did to prevent it “
I’m noticing more and more every time the phrase Cosmically fated is used in some form of Homestuck media its always bringing to mind ideas of Doc Scratch, like he’s the one who said it actually or it’s said in reference to him
so, +1 point to DS = DS again
“Gamzee:  I may not be all up and learned about his life, but I’ve got deep spirital connections to his death.”
yeah you sure do, and we’re not even talking about his decapitation right now aren’t we Gamzee?
This is actually a really solid point that the day “Dirk” died was the day his ultimate self got poisoned through the unholy merger that is Lord English/Caliborn/Gamzee/AR/Equius
So he’s probably been a bastard ever since Lord English started existing, which I mean “I am already here” blahblah means Dirk was very likely like this from the start potentially, but he was probbaly only really a bastard ever since Arquis got sucked into Caliborn/Gamzee
“GAMZEE: ThIs WaS nO cOiNcIdEnCe. It WaS a HiGhEr PoWeR gUiDiNg My PaTh.
GAMZEE: tHeSe PoWeRs MaDe SuRe ThAt I wOuLd Be ThErE, tO rEcEiVe A gReAt WaRrIoR’s FiNaL mEsSaGe, AnD rElAy It To YoU oN tHiS dArK aNd DrEaRy DaY oF dEaTh.
The clown thrusts his hand somewhere beneath the waistband of his pants and starts obscenely rooting around. He retrieves a piece of paper, crumpled and soaked from the rain outside, and attempts to smooth it out over the lectern. The wet paper breaks apart immediately beneath his oafish clown paws.
GAMZEE: AwWw, ShIzZ. i GuEsS i’Ve GoT tO uP aNd WiNg It!”
yeah that note was probably the last shredded remnants of good dirk since there’s literally no reason to leave a sentimental note like that for his friends, makes sense Gamzee was guided by “a higher power” to grab it and make sure it gets relayed more like ruined to his friends
What? How does “I’d say he’s doing fine” translate into “a three letter statement”?
Are they just hamfisting in the threes now or what?
“DAVE: i dunno dude thats
DAVE: a little fucked up actually
JOHN: you think so?
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: dirk was a complicated guy
DAVE: dude obviously had reasons for doing what he did
DAVE: if you go back and just rewrite his decision
DAVE: thats like denying him his personal autonomy
JOHN: huh. i... didn’t think about it that way.“
Yeah if only they’d realize that what Dirk needs is a huge heaping helping of someone pushing back against his dumb decisions for once
Gotta give it to John though, he’s struggling against this drugged up haze so hard, he knows getting married to Roxy isn’t right and tries to think about that
but then he gets caught up in the drugged up candy haze and starts giggling, yeah you guys are gonna be happy alright, happy in a nice little drugged up stupor
lampshaded by John still reaching out to terezi despite being at his human wedding
Aww, trolls don’t have a concept of weddings? well, that makes sense but still
oh man it just keeps happening, this is supposed to be the story where John and Roxy get their love story, but all were actually getting is the faded echoes of what should have been which is apparently John and Terezi
oh god, Jane, jane why did Gamzee have to be your third partner, what the fuck even
I don’t wanna think about Gamzee about in relationships nope this is where I start getting uncomfortable
confirmed jade attempting Blackrom with Karkat, that’s interesting, and she’s bad at it too meaning she must not really have an interest in it
oh wow, she’s really just doing it because she thinks its what Karkat would want isnt she? Girl really is just desperate for love
“Three months later, John is still thinking about his last conversation with Terezi.”
See, this is how you know the JohnRoxy relationship is doomed/not meant to be
John Egbert, lover of Con Air and Nic Cage, has a loving wife and (probably) daughter and NOT ONCE has this narrative shown them OR made the joke, we just absolutely passed over the whole wedding and birth event in one fell swoop of unrequited feelings jam with another woman
Why is Roxy praying? That’s such a weird thing to drop as a small detail, who would she even be praying too?
“What’s bugging him about it is that Roxy didn’t seem to have any suggestions of her own.”
Yeah relationships built on social chameleon-ing aren’t happy for the chameleon either
Yeah John, little bit late to be having this sudden realization that you didn’t actually solve the problem (LE) by running away from it, even if everyone else has accepted that version of events
“ JOHN: you gave me a list of instructions and told me that i had to use my retcon powers to go back to a very specific point in time to defeat lord english when he was still just a kid. “
Wait, is that what Rose said at the beginning? No it isn’t, I remember the bit about John has to go back inside canon and defeat Lord English, I don’t think the method was ever fully explained though, nor the idea that he had to defeat him as a kid, it was never said he had to go back in time, just go back to canon
and that’s not what happened in the Meat timeline either! Nobody went back in time to defeat Caliborn when he was a kid, they just had the big showdown with LE exactly the way Rose is describing that went horribly wrong
this is practically screaming NEITHER Meat or Candy is the true version of events 
Actually yeah, defeating Caliborn really IS the way this should be settled, because it’s also the way that Dirk get saved as well, can’t get his ultimate self tainted if the taint is destroyed before it ever comes into contact with him
also im rereading the prologue now, it’s is NEVER explicitly said that John has to go and defeat lord english’s child form!
She said “you have to go back to canon to defeat LE” NOT go back in time to defeat caliborn
and “you can’t recklessly attack his hulking adult form without the house juju”
not “you can’t attack him as an adult at all” but “you can do that WITHOUT the juju” and describes it being used in the same way that Vriska ended up doing in Meat
yeah, she never mentions any plan to defeat him as a child in the prologue, which probably means Rose only saw a vision of his defeat as an adult as well
It’s gonna be JOHN who gets the idea to go back and kill him as a kid, because that’s how he understood Rose’s instructions!
But this is great, everything is vaguely worded enough that it COULD be applied to a fight against a young caliborn too! but just hasn’t yet!
What if you take the empty cursor and fill it with a young caliborn? instead of unleashing a full one against an adult LE? which proves to be pretty useless in the long run despite Rose’s apparent clouded vision?
Rose even says herself its only purpose is as an empty vessel meant to be filled by something, talk about totally understanding yet missing the point, this is probably what she meant by being unable to see any path beyond the meat or candy routes, she couldnt see the possibility of using the juju on caliborn before everything goes down just like how it was used on John and friends to trap them in there in Meat!
It’s Caliborn’s destined time out spot! Removing him from Canon and from being able to influence it without needing to kill someone who technically hasnt done bad things yet but absolutely will in the future solving the baby adolf problem with Caliborn
Oh man, what if they even trick Caliborn on using it against himself? talk about an earthbound reference, defeat Gigyas (LE) by tricking Pokey (Caliborn)  to trap himself in the "Absolutely Safe Capsule” (House JuJu)
Oh man back on the Candy train though John’s having an absolute breakdown, being infused with that canon retcon power seems to be the only thing preserving his ability to care about stuff beyond this happy drugged up paradise
Earth C has become Homestuck’s Ba Sing Se
“ He braces himself, as if splashing an imaginary glass of cold water in his own face, and reminds himself once again that he has a wonderful life. A perfect life. He’s HAPPY, god damn it.”
You really aren’t John, this is very clear, dousing yourself with some more Void to try and drown that out ain’t helping
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dykeceit · 5 years
tw: discussion of incest
i usually try to stay away from commenting a lot on fandom drama and discourse but hooo boy have incest fetishists been pissing me off-
y'know romrem shippers didnt used to bother me that much, i thought eh most of them are kids and will grow out of it and have some reason they don't think roman and remus are "really brothers" (which they are). ive been there, i shipped thorki when i was like 15, and my excuse was that "well they're not really related" which of course is invalidating to people with family they aren't biologically related to. they're just as much family no matter what.
that being said, i don't condone sending hate to people. that being said, i think the way at least some remrom shippers are handling the hate or reasonable fucking criticism is downright absurd and disgusting. apparently, if people request you to make a new channel in your server to keep the romrem seperate from the rest bc uh Most People are made fucking uncomfortable or are even triggered by that (oh but thats right, talking about triggers makes you uncomfortable. surely as uncomfortable as those who actually get triggered, im sure. yknow, those who've for example experienced incestuous abuse. but of course your feelings matter more than theirs) then theyre being demanding and "coming at you". i dont know what exatcly was said by those people but i highly doubt it was overreacting. this isnt like sympathetic deceit for example where whether youre triggered by him depends on how you view him as a character. no, this is actual incest. roman and remus are actually brothers. but apparently youre the victim here.
its fucking ridiculous the extent of which these people paint themselves as martyrs of some kind, noble defenders of Free Speech... grow the fuck up. yknow ive been fine with these people existing as long as they do so in their own little incest fetishizing bubble and i have now blocked them so yeah, i guess technically that should be it, but goddammit i needed to rant about this, it's fucking ridiculous. you arent an awesome free speech champion, you just ship incest. and while thats disgusting, whatever, i cant change your mind, glorifying how you're being shunned by most of this fandom and just loving it and acting like everyone else is morally inferior to you just bc you Live And Let Ship.....no. stop. ship whatever i guess but you're not fucking jesus.
now, on the topic of romantization. ive seen remrom shippers argue you cant define that term and that It's Not Really Romantization Because Roman Feels Conflicted About His Feelings For Remus and just. no. what would make it Not Romantization is if you, the author, potrayed it as gross and wrong as it is, that you disapproved of it. and yet here you are, writing incestuous smut. here's a quick little tip. if you, the author, are into it, maybe thats a sign you're fucking romantizing it. Because romantization doesnt just mean potraying something as good, it can mean potraying something as bad but It's Hot Because It's Taboo. romantization happens with things that are bad, after all, like mental illnesses. they're not necessarily potrayed as Good but painting them as being in some way, desirable, there being something in them, that makes you a wiser person or whatever, but with the cost of being miserable i guess. now romantizing mental illnesses is a bit different obviously but the point is romantization doesnt equal This Is Normal And Good.
then there's the fact that....this fandom literally has 14 other 2 person ships just among the sides. 14 other ships that aren't canonically confirmed to be Platonic Only. and even more ships if you count poly ships! now, i personally used to ship loki with thor bc i wanted to ship him with Someone, and thor was who he interacted the most. that's obviously still wrong, but isn't really based on them being brothers. remrom however...if you choose that as your favourite ship uwu then...i think that's pretty fucking telling. but like.......yhink thomas maybe wanted to portray a sibling dynamic? because he hasnt? with the other characters? like here you have the One Confirmed Only Platonic relationship and you go ah yes that one, either bc of just being into incest or out of spite or smth.
now you may ask, what does this accomplish. just block them and move on. well, sometimes you got some Feelings. and you express them. free speech amiright, should apply to "antis" too right (i stg if they coin the term romremphobic i) and i dont expect this to change their minds, especially those who will just thrive off of this post and shape their whole identity around being hated for shipping incest i guess.
now when it comes to people who follow me...if you ship romrem, i...personally dont care all that much but i dont want to interact with you. yeah. idk this was a long rant im sorry
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missjackil · 5 years
Miss Jacki’s Top 30 Favorite Episodes
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Baby 11x04
This episode never fails to make me smile! Such a good meta to tell a story from the POV of The Impala. I know J2 loved doing this one, and it really begins the massive bro feels that is season  11. After the terrible fights between the brothers that had part of almost every season since the beginning, and the depressing, near fatal arc that was the Mark of Cain, finally, the Winchester boys are on the same page!! Nothing in the series has done my heart so good as for the world to be crumbling to ashes around them, but they’re cruising down the road with the radio blasting, singing Night Moves together 😍💖
Now, I heard a story about this scene, told by a man. I cant remember what man, though he worked on this episode. I cant link you so, take it as you will.. The story went that, They knew they wanted the brothers to be driving down the road playing a good old classic and wasnt sure what song to use, and Eugenie said “Oh, Night Moves, definitely” and they thought it was great and all agreed. It was supposed to just be J2 ad libbing as soon as the music starts and they would edit parts together later. Jared would be on vacation that week, so they did the Night Moves scene first, and would finish the rest of his scenes when he got back (this is why he wasnt in much of the 2nd half) so as soon as the music starts, the boys are making it up as they go. The “One of the greatest rock writers in history Samuel” “It’s Sam” on their own, the show runners loved it so they kept it, then Sam sings “Out in the back seat of my brother’s 67 Chevy” they loved that too, and wanted to keep it BUT there were a couple problems, much of what the song has already sung, sounds like it applies to Sam “I was a little too tall, coulda used a few pounds” etc and what followed “Working on mysteries without any clues” so Sam singing about the backseat sounds a little... provokative, especially since Sam has never had sex in the car in canon LOL so in order to keep the line, without it implying wincest, was to write into the story that Sam had sex in the car. So, we got Piper. The part where Dean comes back to the car to find Sam with Piper, was recorded while Jared was on vacation, and he literally phoned in his end of the conversation, and then the story adjustments were made later. 
Like I said, I cant find a link, it was something I came accross early in my SPN days , and it makes sense as to why it was randomly thrown in that Sam was having sex in the car when he never has before, and apparently, not even there when it happens ( when shes looking for her hair pin, you can tell Sam isnt in the car)
The Night Moves scene is to me, the happiest scene in the series. I love seeing Sam smile.and how he says “Dont... Night Moves me” as if this is something Dean has done before. I love  them full on laughing, eating, singing and bickering “you’re not even looking at the road!” and just loving being together and not caring the world is doomed. I dont care what happens on the show, no one can ever convince me these 2 are not the center of each others universe. So the show progresses and Sam is exhausted and has a snooze in the back seat, where he dreams about their father. This is a good scene, Sam looks genuinely spooked... As much as I love JDMs John, I love Matt Cohen’s John too. He’s always more calm and rational. as John would have been before all the trouble happened. Ive always felt like young John was like Sam, and older John was more like Dean. Was this done on purpose? I think it probably was, so we could see the similarities better. 
Sam is startled awake, and Dean is researching, “Welcome to the Winchester Motel, where we dont have cable, but we do have room service” and hands Sam a beer. This becomes one of the longest and best conversations we get to see the boys have. Sam comes clean about having been infected, I expected Dean to be angry he kept that from him, but he wasnt. He did show concern, but who wouldnt? I know some of you complain “But its none of his business!! Sam doesnt have to tell him anything!!??” while that’s true, when you love someone, you want to know when they’re sick, or in some kind of trouble... even if you cant help them, when you love someone, you reserve the right to worry about them. It can hurt deeply when you find out your loved one held back something important from you.... but Dean let it slide and let Sam talk. It did Sam some good obviously, as he was calm enough to go back to sleep and gave Dean the Winchester “I love you” with “Goodnight Jerk”and Dean returned the jesture with an “i love you too” “goodnight bitch” and Sam smiled. 
The boys settle in to sleep and leave us with an instant iconic shot of them sleeping next to each other from overhead. The episode could have ended here and I would be fine. The rest was kinda boring IMO especially when Sam isnt there anymore and Dean is dealing with the “Werepires” this is the only reason why this episode didnt make my top 10.  Ive watched this episode well over 100 times and still love to know its up next in my binge  queue. Im so happy SPN is brave enough to think outside the box and do different things... sometimes it doesnt work, but in this case it did... very much!
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