#tony stark is peter’s bio dad
irondadmadlads · 8 months
Irondad Prompt #187
Bio-dad AU. Tony decides to shave is goatee.
Baby!Peter has no idea who the heck this man is!
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stxar-pvnk · 14 days
(bio father Tony + mother Pepper)
Baby Pete struggling to say words
Peter: Ma...
Pepper: he's going to say mama!
Tony: oh no he's not. Petey pie, say da-da.
Peter: Da...
Pepper and Tony just beaming in excitement
Peter: ...Beryllium!
Pepper: ...
Tony: ...
Pepper: was our kids first words an element on the periodic table, Anthony.
Tony: ...my bad.
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ladyyystark · 2 months
Im in need of this biodad fic where Peter feels replaced by Morgan. I dont care about Peter being the self-sacrificing idiot who likes kids and loved Morgan since the first time he saw her. I want him feeling betrayed, forgotten, unuseful, REPLACED. I want him feeling like he doesnt belong anymore to his family bc Morgan is there and it was so easy to forget him and build a new life while he was dead. I want him to be a dramatic and scared 16-year-old teenage boy who just woke up to lose all the life he knew. Let him be selfish for once for fucks sake.
+ points if Peter doesnt want anything to do with Morgan but Morgan was raised idolizing Peter and is so excited bc my brother is finally home! Now we can play together and he can make me fly like daddy showed me in the videos. Peter wants his old life back and Morgan cant wait to start living with Peter, so we have a teenager running away from a toddler but in the end, it gets better.
Im this close 🤏 to write it myself but too drunk to do it rn
or if anyone knows something like this or is writing it I will give you a donut if you share it with me 🍩
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spicler-man · 1 year
found this fabric while out shopping with my nana. if you think this ISNT bio dad tony i don’t know what to tell you
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l0key657 · 10 hours
does anyone have any fic recs where peter parker is tony starks bio son but the world doesn’t know about him until iron man 1 when tony goes to a press conference to announce the weapons but peter is with him and everyone find out about him
(very specific i know but i’ve been looking for one like this forever)
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 9 months
My favorite thing about Tumblr polls is that I can use them to quell my internal debating by putting the majority of my decision-making process on literally anyone else.
I've started a Bio Dad AU that involves a good bit of backstory and a lot of twisty turns that have required me to do a lot of plotting. It's getting really convoluted at this point, and I'm thinking I would really like to make it a No Powers AU as well. But I also feel bad about leaving out the powers (Even though I ADORE reading No Power AUs!)
their* >> tumblr won't let me edit the poll
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fieldofhate · 4 months
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fooligancity · 9 months
also what the hell is with fans wanting Anyone except aunt may or uncle ben to be peter parkers actual parents. that is not how found family works OR how peter parker works
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emma--anacortes · 1 year
Just a little update after four years… no big
So apparently Tony's got a kid. And apparently everyone's out to get said kid. Hydra wants to use him to get to Tony, his uncle likes beating on him, and the kids at school are cruel and hurtful.
All right, so his son needs a little protecting. That shouldn't be too hard. The boy's adorable. Plus, his dad is Iron Man.
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penguinpower1101 · 2 years
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marya-blackbone · 1 year
bio dad AU
every time I see this draft sitting there all unfinished, I feel so sad
“We tried to get in contact back in the beginning.  Honestly, I never thought anything would come of it, and you probably get plenty of fakes coming forward all the time.  Who was going to believe us?”
in which Tony thinks May knows about Peter’s abilities (she doesn't), and May thinks Tony knows Peter's his son (he definitely doesn't). and they end up having two very different halves of the same conversation.
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angellyslion · 1 year
Fugue et retour
female Peter
J'ai fui mon père et les Avengers. Je suis partie de la tour il y a un an jour pour jour et ils me manquent terriblement. Durant cette année écoulée beaucoup de chose se sont produites. Je voulais revenir en arrière et rentrer à la maison, je ne pouvais pas le faire. Tout à changé et si je le fais ils me tueront sans me laisser le temps de me défendre. J'étais condamné à être une fugitive. Ils m'ont bloquée sur mes deux identité et si j'étais appercu sous une de mes formes, ils le seront. J'étais autant rechercher en tant que Spider-Man pour être une criminelle et en tant que Piper Stark seule fille et héritière de Stark et des Avengers. J'étais contente qu'ils ai gardé mon identité secrète. Mais il y avait des affiches placardée de partout dans la ville avec mon visage et les chaînes d'informations passent en boucles les deux affiches de recherches.
Peu de temps avant ma fugue, mon père s'est injecté un virus appeler Extremis qui l'a rendu plus fort et qui a développé ses sens. Aussi le virus lui a retourné le cerveau. Il a convaincu les Avengers de prendre le pouvoir pour leur permettre de mieux protéger la population. Les habitants du monde vivent dans la peur de mourir. Maintenant, nous vivons dans un régime totalitaire et terroriste. Je suis la seule épargnée du à mon statut mais je ne sais pas si cette chance va durer longtemps.
J'étais dans une ruelle dans le Queens, pour reprendre mon souffle. J'avais vu un drone de mon père. Il commençait à pleuvoir et la nuit à tomber. J'étais épuisée et affamée. Le froid s'infiltrait facilement dans ma tenue. Je n'allais pas tenir longtemps. Je réactive KAREN. Avant mon départ j'avais piraté les deux IA de mon père pour pas qu'ils puissent me retrouver et ni suivre ma localisation.
« Bonjour Piper
- Bonjour KAREN peux-tu te connecter à FRIDAY donner ma position à mon père et transmettre le message que je me rend et que je ne les combattrai plus ? Et que je tenterai plus rien pour fuir !
- Bien-sûr Piper
- Merci KAREN ! Je soupire de soulagement. Je me laisse tomber contre le mur.
- Boss, je viens de recevoir un appel de KAREN. Elle me dit que Piper abandonne, qu'elle ne se battra pas et qu'elle ne tentera plus de fugue. Vue son état, il est préférable d'envoyer quelqu'un et le plus rapidement possible.
- Tout le monde est en mission et je suis trop loin de sa position pour aller la chercher.
- Si je peux me le permettre Boss, Dr Stranger est disponible.
- Je ne peux pas lui demander, il refuse de me parler !
- Boss, il vous écoutera s'il s'agit de Piper. Malgré tous vos différents vous avez fait une promesse. Ai-je besoin de vous la rappeler ?
- Non je m'en souviens très bien FRI ! Bien contacte-le ? Grogne Tony.
- Que veux-tu Stark, je n'ai pas pas que ça à faire ?
- Piper a été retrouvée et tout le monde est en mission et quant à moi je suis trop loin pour la rejoindre rapidement et me l'a ramener en sécurité. Et tu es la seule personne vers qui je peux me tourner !
- Bien donne-moi sa position et je te la ramène. Souffle le sorcier suprême.
- Elle est dans une ruelle du Queen vers Midtown.
- Je serait là avec elle dans deux minutes. Le doctor Strange raccroche sans laisser l'occasion à son interlocuteur de répondre.
- Piper, j'entends une voix m'appeler. Piper me rappelle la voix. Je la reconnais, c'est Stephen.
- Stephen, je murmure.
- Tu es là princesse. Viens je te ramène chez toi. Je laisse Stephen ouvrir un portail à la tour. Il me porte comme une mariée. Il traverse le portail et nous arrivons dans la MedBay. Je vais te faire les premiers soins et t'administré les médicaments dont tu auras besoin pour guérir.
- Hum, je marmonne à moitié endormie.
- Reposes-toi, je peux te faire le contrôle demain si tu veux. Je vais juste te faire une intraveineuse pour t'hydrater. Et je verrai demain le reste.
- Merci Stephen.
-Je t'en prie petite princesse, maintenant repose toi, je vais prévenir ton père que tu es là !
Je m'endors assez rapidement. Je me réveille avec les rayons du soleil. J'ouvre difficilement les yeux et tombent sur mon père qui me regarde.
- Bonjour Piper, me salut mon père. Maintenant que tu es de retour tu ne quittera plus la tour et j'y veillerai. Et pour être sûre que tu reste ici, l'avis de recherche de Spider-Man est toujours en cours.
- Ne t'inquiètes pas pour ça, je ne compte plus fuir. Durant cette année tu m'as trop manquée. Je voulais rentrer mais j'avais peur alors j'ai préféré déclarer forfait. J'étais de cette manière que je n'allais pas te combattre.
- Je ne pourrai jamais te tuer Bambina et tu le sais ! Tu es ma fille et rien ne pourra changer ça ! Je vais laisser le Docteur Strange t'examiner pendant que je préviens les autres de ton retour. Et avant que je ne l'oublie pendant deux semaines tu es à terre ce qui signifie tu ne quittera pas ta chambre et pendant un mois après tes deux semaines tu es privée de laboratoire pour m'assurer que tu respectes ta punition, je préviens Bruce et te retire durant le temps déterminé de pénétrer tous laboratoires.
- Quoi ?... Comment ça ?
- Tu l'oppose si tu veux cela peut-être deux mois ?!
- Non je n'ai rien dit un mois ira très bien !
- C'est ce qui me semblait Bambina. Je vais laisser Strange travailler, je te dis à plus tard Piper ! Il embrasse mon front et quitte la chambre d'hôpital.
- A plus tard Papa !
J'étais de retour chez moi. Je pensais que mon père serait plus énervé que cela. Au final cela s'était mieux passé que je pensais.
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ladyyystark · 3 days
Biodad fic idea
Tony made sure his son learned to play the piano since a very young age and when Peter is old enough to attend galas he plays Taylor Swift's songs as the act of the heir of Stark Industries.
And Tony would record him and post it on his instagram stories.
EDIT, bc I'm dumb
And Taylor Swift would like and share said Instagram stories.
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spicler-man · 2 years
bio son peter
masterlist here Guarding normal by sarcasmismyweapon
Tony has managed to keep a BIG secret from the Avengers, from Fury, from the world. Things were going pretty good on that front, no one knowing his biggest weakness...Then a disgruntled employee had to try and take over the tower while he was in Malaysia forcing him to reveal to everyone that he has a son, and that son needs rescuing.
It's a New Dawn, It's a New Day by etrelalune
Peter Parker Stark is the son of the one and only Tony Stark, but no one really knows that. He's also the heir and current Co-CEO of Stark Industries. What happens when he hits his limit with his bullies and realizes that he's a Stark - he's running a company, and has employees, and is Spider-Man, dammit. So he says "No more."
The Less Than Secret Life by YellowDistress
Tony figures his biggest worries in life are the fact that he's fourteen and already graduating high school, struggling to please his perfectionist father and trying to fit in with a crowd of freshman college students.
Until...they’re not.
Small Comforts by stc2192
Tony is self-conscious about the arc reactor in his chest, but learns to love it with the help of his son Peter.
I Hope You're Proud of Me by doctornineandthreequarters
Tony sighed as he walked up the steps of the school. Peter’s school had called him and said he needed to come pick Peter up. They hadn’t said why, just said he needed to come get his son. He barely explained himself to Pepper as he left the office and had Happy drive quickly to Peter’s elementary school.
Peter had been pretty quiet lately. Something was clearly going on for the seven-year-old. Since he started the school year, there seemed to be something wrong. But Peter also wasn’t telling him what it was. He’d just shrug it off and talk about something else.
Iron Dad Bingo #16- AU: Biological Dad
The Universe Is Infinite by cold_nights_summer_days
Peter Parker's dad has been missing in Afghanistan for three weeks. It's hard to fall asleep when the comfort you need is thousands of miles away, luckily though, Peter manages.
Or: Peter steals his dad's sweatshirt and I'm a slut for it.
we all need love, that simple love that makes us whole again by MagicaLyss
Whumptober Day Twenty-Six. Abandonment
There was a very distinct line in Tony’s life.
Before Peter and After Peter.
Before Peter consists of booze and hangovers, of women he can’t remember and ibuprofen every morning, of isolation and heaps of bad emotions drowned in alcohol. Before Peter is guilt and grief and anger and repression. Before Peter is everything Howard was, everything Tony swore he would never be.
After Peter consists of everything else. Of life and smiles and laughter. It’s Dr Seuss books and stuffed animals and toys left all over the living room. It’s baby proofing his lab and having Ice Cream Sundays. It’s good mornings and good nights. It’s learning how to do all the things he never thought he’d learn how to do like cook and bake and clean and care for someone. It’s love, so much love he doesn’t even know what to do with it.
I'm Your Dad by DragonSoulWorld
Peter Parker is Tony Stark's son! After Tony run a routine DNA test on Peter, he discovers he is his son! Having missed the first 15 years of Peter's life, Tony is determined not to miss anymore. But Peter feels insecure, and fears Tony doesn't really want to be his dad. Tony & Peter navigating their new father-son relationship. ProtectiveTony! SensoryOverload!
Damaged At Best (Like You've Already Figured Out) by JolinarJackson, ShoyzzArt
”Don’t come any closer,” Spider-Man said, his hand raised threateningly, his fingers resting against a trigger mechanism nestled into his palm. ”Alright,” Tony answered. For a moment, they looked at each other – Tony stuck to the wall on one side of the alley and Spider-Man stuck to the other – then Tony opened his helmet to show his face. ”Hey, there”, he said. ”Nice to finally meet you.”
The Avengers are left shaken in the aftermath of the Sokovia Accords. With half the team under house arrest at the Compound, Tony finds himself seeking refuge in Avengers Tower and starts forming a tentative friendship with the neighborhood vigilante Spider-Man. A friendship which is quickly threatened by Secretary Ross doubting Spider-Man’s intentions and integrity. Tony is left wondering who to trust, especially when Spider-Man manages to uncover the one secret Tony never wanted anyone to know about: the child Tony had with a woman named Mary Fitzpatrick sixteen years ago.
My Dad's A Hero To Me by RavenpuffWrites
(this one is also Peter Parker Can Lift Mjolnir)
Peter looked around the lab again, making sure that there was no watching him. Then he reached down, grabbing the handle of the hammer and pulling it up with all his might. To his surprise, that hammer lifted easily off the table. It didn’t weigh very much, or at least not as much as it looked, which Peter thought was funny considering the other Avengers always made such a big deal about not being able to move it. Maybe it was a joke Peter didn’t get, one that they all made because the hammer weighed like it was made of styrofoam. Or maybe they were just teasing Thor and the god didn’t get it like Peter didn’t. That would be kind of mean though…
Tony's birthday and his amazing present by Maicaly
During December, Peter and Tony have a conversation about Tony's past. And that leads Peter to find the perfect present for his dad, with a bit of love for the man - the only thing he needs, is to believe it.
Tony’s eyes widen a little when he sees another box given to him, and he raises a brow.
“This is all your little man here” Rhodey raises his arms, leaving the box and walking back with Pepper. “He’s been planning this for a really long time”
“Is that so?” Tony’s voice almost cracks already with emotion. “You didn’t have to get me anything, bud. This day has been wonderful enough just by having you around”
“Wanted to give you something special” Peter mumbles, with his hands behind the back. “Cause you do lots for me, and I love you a lot”
“Oh, Pete, I love so, so much. I –“
“Tones, if you don’t open the present I’m gonna do it for you”
My little bambino by Maicaly
Tony always calls Peter 'bambino', and Peter thinks that's his true name. Hence to problems in school, mean teacher that hate Tony, and a very protective dad.
“Peter!” Ned says, leaving his backpack on the ground and walking behind him.
“Peter, Ned is calling for you” the teacher frowns, not liking the way Peter doesn’t look at her when she talks or stop by her side. “Peter Stark!”
That finally catches Peter attention, because he knows that Stark is his last name. His father is Tony Stark, so he is also a Stark. But no one else is his father’s son or daughter, so there isn’t another Stark in class. Peter can’t understand where the name before the Stark comes, because it isn’t his. At the annoyance in her voice, Peter’s eyes go wide and fearful, not liking loud voices.
The rest of the kids have stopped doing their things and are looking at him, making Peter more anxious. He feels his bottom lip start to wobble, and even if he wants to be a big boy like he promised his father, he wants to cry. Peter hugs his spider plush against his chest, looking up at the woman who has a big frown on her face.
The Haunted Tower by inkinmyheartandonthepage
Steve didn’t want to admit it but he was beginning to think that the Tower was haunted.
Who's The Kid? by Magikcat
After coming back from a mission, the last thing the Avengers expect to see when they get home is a child. They end up spending the rest of their day trying to find the kid's suspiciously secretive father, only to find out, in the end, that it was someone they thought they knew well.
Five of the original Avengers find Peter in their living room and try to find out how and why he is there.
@Team-Stark by aatticsaltt
Peter Stark @iamspiderson i sweaarrrr if steve gets unblocked from my account one more time imma lose my shit | Steve Rogers @CaptainAmerica @iamspiderson I’ll assume this isn’t a good time, then.
What about us by for_the_night
If Peter were more coherent watching his father die on the battlefield, that would have been the moment he realised his place in life had changed. If he hadn’t been hyperventilating and inconsolable, listening to Tony’s heartbeat dwindle away, Peter would have realised the implications of Pepper’s actions.
She had pulled him aside. Pushed him away from his dad. She had more of a right to his last moments than Peter, he'd come to realise. Maybe there wasn't a place for him in his father's life anymore.
You’ve got mail by for_the_night
When a suspicious parcel arrives at the tower, the last thing Happy expected was to find a baby inside. And not just any baby - Tony Stark’s son, but there’s something not quite right with him. First off - he’s sticky as hell.
Give Him the Life, That I Couldn't Give You by SuperHeroTiger
“Please don’t take him from me,” Tony whispered, voice breaking like fragile glass. “Please Jarvis, don’t take him… I’d do anything- anything… please…”
'And I would do anything for you, Master Tony…'
Inhaling sharply, Jarvis hardened his resolve from the overwhelming panic moments ago and said evenly “I cannot disobey your father’s orders, Master Tony. It would be wise to pack young Peter’s necessities now.”
An agonised cry became muffled into his back, and it took all of Jarvis’s will power not to break down right then and there. But he had to be strong. For Tony, and for Peter.
Seventeen year old Tony Stark is faced with the horrifying reality that his father is going to take his new-born son Peter away from him by morning, but there has always been someone in his corner, and Jarvis is determined to keep father and son together.
jarvis, play AB/CD by paperback92
“Pete, buddy. You gotta help me out.”
The toddler glared up at him like Tony was the stupidest person on Earth, which after a morning of trying to solve this puzzle, he was starting to feel like it.
Peter took a big breath and belted out the tune he’d been singing all morning.
“Shoo ‘t trillll.”
right here by iron_spider
So why the hell would Tony ever want to separate from him? He’d gladly be attached at the hip with his son until he’s a hundred years old and barely able to stand. Maybe Peter would be done with him by then, but Tony knows he’s gonna be head over heels for his kid forever.
But he knows May isn’t gonna drop this. And he guesses it’ll be...better, once they get this done. Relatively. He guesses.
“Okay, monkey,” Tony says, putting him down on the carpet. “Your Aunt May is making me leave you forever.”
“That’s not helping,” May says. “And it’s also not the goodbye ritual we came up with.”
Never Tell Me The Odds by imgoingtocrash, savvysass
Tony Stark is MIA in Afghanistan. With Rhodey on his trail, Happy reassigned, and the Parkers in New York, Pepper must step up and take temporary guardianship of Peter.
Loving Peter is easy. Wrestling with the emotional responsibility of abrupt single motherhood on top of Peter's new concerning, quiet behavior is much more difficult--especially when the rest of the world believes the odds are against the one thing both Peter and Pepper refuse to concede on:
Tony Stark is not dead.
Rumours of My Death have been Greatly Exaggerated by QueenofInsanity
Steve had just watched Stark possibly die, then come back, then be dead again. Now a kid had shoved him out of the way and was sobbing over Stark... and calling him 'dad'?. Stark was a father? Steve was, understandably, very confused, but after a day battling mutant aliens who had poured out of a wormhole in the sky to take over the Earth, he should have learnt to expect the unexpected. And this was certainly very unexpected. No, but seriously... Stark was a father?
Or: the end of the Battle of New York with Biodad Tony and a distraught Peter who thought he had just watched his dad die.
this is my kid by iron_spider
Pepper sighs heavily but doesn’t look away from him. “There is a woman on line one, her name is Mary Fitzpatrick—”
Tony feels like someone breaks an ice cold egg on the top of his head. Frozen yolk spearing down the back of his neck.
“—and she says she had your baby, Tony. Two days ago, she’s still in the hospital. She’s one hundred percent sure it’s yours.”
Tony stares at her.
Yeah, he’s had this happen before. It’s never panned out, always been a cash grab, and if he does have any biological kids out there, the mothers haven’t contacted him. All the ones that tried their hands were bullshitting.
But he remembers Mary Fitzpatrick.
And without picking up the call, without taking a test, without seeing the baby—he knows.
The Simple Life by niniblack
“What’s going on?” Tony asks, walking over to the security guard. The man is sitting at his desk and talking to a kid who’s gesturing animatedly. “Is it bring your kid to work day or something?”
“Hi!” the kid says, smiling brightly and waving at Tony. “I’m Peter.”
“He says he’s, uh…” The guard seems to be at a loss.
“You’re my dad!” Peter says, still smiling brightly.
Tony’s whole body flinches.
An AU of The Game Plan, set right after Civil War and featuring a very lonely Tony Stark with poor coping mechanisms; a very young Peter Parker who is losing track of how many lies he’s told; and a very busy Pepper Potts who is starting to see her ex-boyfriend in a new light.
My City, Your Mountains by Finny3120
“Well, that’s exactly my point, kiddie. You’re going to be a daddy some day-” The thought made his heart clench a little but he plowed on, determined. “And you’re going to need to know how to take care of a baby. So this is good. You made a good choice. I can help you take care of your baby, if you want.”
Tony's making some strategic decisions about the kind of parent he would like to be.
Everything Like Me by The_Mishamigo
After getting suspended for a few days because of his bully, Flash, Peter goes to his internship and finally meets his boss. Recognising his talent, Tony offers him a spot in his personal lab. As the day goes on, Tony can’t get over how good this kid is. But why does he look so much like him?
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stxar-pvnk · 1 month
Ok so I really hope this reaches out to the right people who are willing to find some fics for me!!
Ok so I really wanna read irondad fics where Tony stark is Peter bio dad but Peter was kidnapped as a child, lives with his aunt may, all the events go as normal, him meeting Tony after getting bit by the spider, and I want the reveal that Peter is Tonys kid.
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