#tubes distort
corruptlabyrinth · 2 months
Distortion (Micheal/Helen) cosplay but instead of long nails they put these on their fingers :3
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vhsstills · 2 years
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No Signal
available on my art grab
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svisound · 2 years
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Блогу "SviSound blog" сегодня исполнилось 9 лет!
Guitar tube overdrive TubeZoid-D
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naiamaree · 2 years
i wish i could afford replacement pedals so i could play live at the show on saturday :(
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musicianfiend · 8 months
Play It: Van Halen's "Drop Dead Legs"
Unleash your inner guitar virtuoso and master Eddie Van Halen's iconic tone on 'Drop Dead Legs.' Dive into this rock 'n' roll journey
Eddie Van Halen was known for his iconic guitar tone, and replicating his sound on a specific song like “Drop Dead Legs” can be a fun challenge for guitar enthusiasts. To get close to his tone for that song, you’ll need to focus on several key elements: Guitar: Eddie Van Halen often used a Frankenstrat-style guitar, which was a heavily modified Stratocaster. Any guitar with a humbucker in the…
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insomniac-arrest · 2 years
Depression is such an effective tranquilizer that it creates a great opportunity for plot twists in your real life. I have a pretty consistent opinion of myself which is "low" and "never ending guilt and shame for reasons I don't understand."
Recently received feedback from two different editing clients that started with "Please pass along to your editor that she is phenomenal at her job" and "I was blown away by the evaluation I received."
You always hear about how depression (and anxiety) lies to you and distorts reality, but there is logically knowing that and then there is like, physical proof of it and you are suddenly Neo in the Matrix jumping out of the fucked up little tube machine.
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omi-boshi · 3 months
"What are you doing?" Kiyoomi asks from his place on the bed, wary.
His arms part as he makes space for you to wiggle your way onto his chest. He breathes a laugh at your antics, watches as you take his face between the palm of your hands. The grin that tugs on your lips is a little lopsided, a little cheeky.
The bright red of your lips catches the light and it is the last thing he sees before you begin your assault.
Kiss. On his lips.
Kiss. Right cheek.
Kiss. Left cheek.
Kiss. Tip of his nose.
Kiss. The moles on his forehead.
By the tenth kiss, he is roaring in laughter. The kind of laugh that you've only ever heard when he's with you. It's loud, it shakes his entire being, jostling your body that lies on top of his if not for the arms he has wrapped around you to keep you in place.
It's a little ugly, a little silly the way he snorts in between laughs, but it is offset by the unbridled joy so clear to your ears. The kisses you leave by the corner of his eyes are distorted by the way they're crinkled in laughter. From there, his grin is a permanent fixture as you continue to fill every gap on his face and neck with kisses.
As the tint on your lips slowly fades, his laughter does too, mellowing down into a dopey little smile, eyes bright. You pull back to admire your handiwork, your smile just as dazed.
One arm unravels from your waist to cradle one of your hands still cupping his cheeks. He nuzzles into the touch, eyes tracing over your features, gaze so warm you feel it on your skin. It moves you to lean in once more, to kiss him on the lips.
Longer this time.
And Kiyoomi is more than eager to reciprocate. It's heavier, wetter. More breaths, gasps, and the occasional bites. There is an attempt at deepening the kiss further; Kiyoomi's tongue tracing the seam of your lips. But the giddiness that thrums through him pulls his grin wider. Every time your teeth clash, it makes you laugh into his mouth. It is truly in vain that you try to kiss properly.
When you finally pull away, it is to Kiyoomi mirroring you and cupping your cheeks with both hands.
"What was that for?" He is breathless as he asks. The look on his face no less lovestruck than it was before. The tint on his lips was the most smeared compared to all other kiss marks on his face. It makes you giggle, amused.
"I just wanted to kiss you, is all." You kiss the palm of his left hand to emphasize. "And I wanted to try out the lipstick I bought today." You nod towards the tube sitting innocently on your nightstand.
Kiyoomi shakes his head, chuckling to himself.
He hugs you to his chest, rolling you onto your back, placing himself on top of you. He reaches for the tube of lipstick, smile growing mischievous.
"Guess it's time to return the favor."
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ladymostdeject · 10 days
Vox - Pre-flatscreen
Are you writing about Vox, pre-flatscreen, but you’ve never seen a CRT screen before in your life because you are A BABY CHILD (affectionate)?
Come gather round, sit upon my knee, and listen to this elder-millennial tell you all about it. (if you want to I guess, I'm not the boss of you).
CRT’s don’t glitch the way we see Vox do in the show, but they had all sorts of ways to go wrong. If you flipped to a channel where there was nothing broadcast, you’d get solid static or those multicolor bars we see Vox with.
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But also, if a channel had bad reception, you’d get a little static over the top and sometimes the image would distort. We called this “snow/ a snowy channel.” 
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Sometimes you could get better reception if you fiddled with the antenna a little. Sometimes grabbing the antenna made the channel better, and then letting go made it worse! Because your body became the new antenna! 
I’d like to introduce you to something even before my time: Test patterns!
TV didn’t used to run 24/7! At the end of the day, the network would “sign off”, say good night, play the star-spangled banner, and end with a test pattern. Later, test patterns looked like colored bars, but early ones in the 50’s and 60’s looked like this!
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One of my FAVORITE things about CRT’s is when they had been on for a while, if you ran your hand across the glass, a very gentle static would crackle wherever you were touching, and could make your hair on your arm stand up. Tell me that doesn’t have fic applications, my friends!
You can HEAR a CRT when it is on, even if nothing is playing. It’s a very high pitched whine.
I cannot explain to you how nice it felt to change channels with a dial. They were heavy metal, and there was resistance, and a very satisfying click!
If you held a magnet up to the screen you’d get crazy rainbow color distortions, but if you left it too long you’d get those color distortions permanently burned into the screen.
CRT’s are VERY heavy in the front, where the glass is, and MUCH lighter in the back where there's empty space.
CRT’s don’t have fans (only vents), or processors (they only receive, there’s nothing to process!) What they do have is something called an electron gun and vacuum tubes! This is what their insides look like:
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But, Lady, you say, how do they work? I don’t know! Ask this guy!
Other things to consider: 
The word Podcast didn’t exist until 2004, and I'd never heard it until 2013 or so (who even taught Alastor this word????) I remember the first time I heard it, and I needed someone to explain to me what it was.
Emails weren’t widespread until the 90s. If Vox is communicating with his employees via text, and it’s pre-1990, the word you’re probably looking for is “Memo” which were literal sheets of paper people could send each other via an in-house courier. 
If I’ve forgotten anything, please feel free to add on! 
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hezzabeth · 6 months
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"For the last time, that poem isn't romantic! It's insulting," Revati yelled over her shoulder as she began to pedal.
The layout of Olde Landon had been deliberately designed to keep tourists inside for as long as possible. There was only one way to access the front gates, and that involved defeating the Queen of Hearts' hedge maze. When the park was still open, tourists would be forced to spend at least an hour in the maze, stumbling upon tiny toy shops and food stands around every corner. The same thing occurred when they left, resulting in a very rich park and bankrupt guests. Now the maze was overgrown and easy enough to navigate.
Revati pedaled past the cart that once sold her heart-shaped sunglasses. Then she turned left, almost crashing into the wall of roses. The wall of roses stared back at her, their red blooms heavy and suspicious. Thanks to Bridgadeiro, she knew they were probably secretly insulting her.
The next turn consisted of an old stardust popcorn stand. Revati skidded to a stop and inspected the inside tray, where a few ancient kernels lay. Carefully, she picked up several of them and placed them in her jacket pocket. As far as she could tell, the kernels were seeds. Someone was shifting around the corner, causing the branches to shake.
"Aurora, is that you? Did you go ahead of me?" Revati yelled.
"While conferring in the labyrinth where false preachers reeked of death, the monster began to growl," a voice called from around the corner. An unfamiliar, flat female voice. Raiders. Raiders were, of course, an occupational hazard in any post-apocalyptic settlement. Normally, they never made it further than the broken glass pit at the park's gates. Sometimes Dityaa would bring one in, insisting they were "lovely," which always led to awkward dinners.
Revati slowly walked around the maze corner. There was a screeching metallic sound, and the weapon fell from Revati's hand. An android was slumped over on the ground. Once it would have been golden, but now it was rusty and covered in mud. Someone had ripped its legs off, leaving nothing but wires and tubes spitting bright blue fluid. Instead of a torso, there was a black empty hole with a concave door swinging on its bent hinges.
"And in the forgotten twists, footsteps quicken, hearts beat, and teeth are bared," the android chirped, its voice still distorted and far away. The android's face was a beautiful mask. Still-carved eyes. Unmoving sweet lips.
Revati powered up her solar gun and slowly walked forward, aiming it at the android. The android's metal eyes scraped in their sockets, turning towards her.
“Is that you? My darling Perdita?” The android’s voice whispered, the lips unmoving. The whispering voice had a posh lilt to its accent. Revati refused to answer. It was best to never engage with AI.
“Perdita, I clawed my way in! They know about you; the spider knows,” the android whispered before collapsing completely.
Revati slowly walked forward, still holding her weapon. With one foot, she kicked the android. It didn’t move. Its power had definitely died.
“Spider? Is that some sort of gang?” Revati whispered to herself. Gangs were always given stupid names.
“The spider is us; the spider is legion,” a flat robotic voice called out, and Revati spun around.
Queen Victoria was standing behind her, scorch marks all over her dress. A faint blue glow was erupting from beneath the skin of Queen Victoria’s chest.
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pyralart · 2 years
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All thanks to them...
Just an idea of what Belos could be doing next episode- you might also spot some suspicious drawings hidden in there- if not... it's your loss
ID in ALT and under read more:
[ID: Comic with the character Belos from the cartoon show The Owl House, in his monster form. It takes place after the episode "Thanks to Them". Belos is back to the demon realm in his monster form. He is seen going in his cave, overhead some tubes are full of a green glowing magical liquid. He says with a distorted voice: "I will finish this"
Belos is kneeling on the ground, looking down at it. A green tube is planted in the ground. Belos continues: "I just need..."
Belos is slowly melting into the ground in a horrific manner. In the background a goopy hand is reaching down as it shows all the goop disappearing in the ground as a green glow emanates from the earth.
A last drop of goop is seen on the ground before disappearing completely.
Next panel, a hand emerges straight from the ground.
A grimwalker, almost Hunter lookalike, is halfway out of the ground, looking at his hand. He show signs of possession by Belos, his eyes are icy blue and some green and brown patches appeared already. He finishes: "... A proper body to work with"
The background turned to black. On it is written: "Right, Caleb?".
The next panel shows the grimwalker, currently Belos, with horns sprouting from his head. He is taking up his (Caleb's) coat from a chair, continuing: "Thanks to them, we can finally-"
"Do this together" He ends in the next panel, tugging on his coat and smirking menacingly as his horns fully grew out of his head.]
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velvetchrry · 23 days
grim reaper!simon “ghost” riley x f!reader
He wasn’t quite sure why but he didn’t want to take your soul.
Fragile little thing, still clinging to life. Sickly. Withering. But you had a fire inside of you, he could feel it. Burning brightly enough that it might even char him.
He wondered the last time your bare feet had touched the grass. The last time you filled your lungs with summer air. The last time you left this tiny little prison keeping your mortal body alive with tubes and drains.
You smile at him. It sends a chill down his spine — something he hadn’t felt since the before. Before he was this. Before he was death. When he was still a man. He can barely remember his old name anymore. Why are you smiling at him?
“I’ve been expecting you.”
Your voice was a melody. Expecting him? You couldn’t be.
“Do I have a few minutes or is it time now?”
He’s taken thousands of souls. More than he can count. Ferried them to the afterlife. Nothing but a blip on his radar, long forgotten. The ones that were still conscious enough to see him begged to live. Begged to be spared. But never this. Never waiting for him.
“Would you like a few minutes?” The words coming out of his mouth surprise even him. He hasn’t heard the sound of his voice in a long while. Hasn’t had the need to speak. It startles even him — a distortion of his human voice.
“I would… I would like to say goodbye to my mom.” He wants to wipe away the tear trickling down your face. He wants to tell you it’s going to be okay.
He nods and hovers to the corner of the room. You don’t seem to mind that he’s waiting there while you call in your mother. She doesn't accept what you have to tell her. It’s not your time, how could it be? You’re young, you have so much life left to live. You’re going to live, she won’t hear anymore of it otherwise. You say okay, another tear falls. You ask her to go get you something to eat.
When she leaves, you look back over to him. A shaky breath releases from your chest. You quickly wipe the backs of your delicate fingertips on your waterline.
“I’m ready.”
But he’s not. Oh no. He’s not.
He doesn’t want to take your soul. Doesn’t want it to incinerate that last little piece of him that’s still human. The piece that wriggles its way up to the surface every so often. He knows if he helps your soul to the afterlife, he’ll never remember his name again. Never remember the touch of a woman’s skin, the feeling of a hot breath against him. Never feel the ache in his chest where his heart used to be. The phantom pain that reminds him who he was. Simon.
He’s at your bedside before you can even blink. You’re not phased, not one bit. He sits, and reaches to take your tiny hand in his. You furrow your brow gently but give it to him.
He sees a flash of the man he was again. The black robe slips down his arm. A sliver of skin reveals his tattoos back at him, tattoos he hasn’t thought about in decades. You study him in silence while he does the same.
Why does your soul sing to him? Why does it remind him of the things he’s forgotten? Why you? Why not the other thousands upon thousands of souls?
“Will it hurt?” your tiny voice squeaks out.
They don’t deserve you — the gods that rule the afterlife. They’ll waste you, they won’t cherish you like he would. Like he could. You deserve so much more, delicate flower that you are.
“No, darling girl, it is as easy as dreaming.”
They have millions of souls. Billions. Surely they won’t miss yours. He can steal one soul for his own. It’s just one. One soul. The most precious soul he’s come across.
You close your eyes and let out a slow breath, waiting for the end to reach you. Death’s sure kiss.
He leans in slow, like he’s approaching a scared animal. Your eyes don't open. No — you trust him.
His lips meet your pillowy soft ones. He almost forgets how to do it, but your lips remind him. They help him. You kiss him.
He feels your soul like a lump in his throat. His large hand — the one not holding your wrist — wraps around your neck. It burns him, this kiss. He knew it would. Sizzles the very bones in his body.
An electrifying feeling takes hold of the both of you. Your skin is covered in goose flesh (his would be too, if it still could be). Your nipples harden, a wetness trails down your panties. You don’t break from him or his kiss. He wonders if it burns you a little too.
When the lump in his throat settles he finally feels it. He’s whole. For the first time in… maybe ever. He’s done it. He’s really done it. He breaks away from you.
Color has returned to your cheeks, the blood rushing beneath your skin. Already you look better than you did before he entered the room.
You don't understand it, he knows you don’t. Someday he’ll explain. Someday. But not yet.
The gods of the afterlife will never find you, and if they do, they’ll never have you. You’re his now. He’s done it.
He’s melded your souls together.
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my313 · 1 month
spring cleaning ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ choi beomgyu
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now playing 𝄞₊⊹ sukidakara - beomgyu (og: yuika)
⋆ pairing: high school sweetheart!beomgyu x gn!reader
⋆ summary: in an attempt to declutter your home for the spring, you find an old camcorder filled with beautiful memories of your first love.
⋆ warnings: fluff, mentioned past heeseung (enhypen) x reader, jealous beomgyu, established relationship, italics are flashbacks, beomgyu is a musician? so technically kind of an au, insinuated that beomgyu and reader were high schoolers in the 2000s
⋆ word count: 2k
a/n: LISTEN TO HIS COVER NEOOOWWW!!! god i love him so bad...... this is also not proofread sry i wrote this out of pure delusion LOL. stuff might sound bad omg i just wanted to write fluff 😭 banner by @/saradika <3
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it's nearly midnight when you decided to rummage through your drawers, cabinets, and now, your closet. while dipping your head into the various sets of clothes, you reach for a heart-shaped box with a matching pink ribbon sitting on the lid.
inside, you find an assortment of trinkets from your days in high school. lilac envelopes with silly faces drawn on the seal, addressed to you; postcards from your distant relatives; your university acceptance letter; even a nasty tube of your favourite (expired) strawberry lip balm.
what really distracts you from your spring cleaning antics is the silver camcorder that sits in the very middle of the box.
the clunky piece of technology is covered in dust and mismatched stickers, obvious once you bring it out of the black hole that is your closet and into the warm light of your bedroom.
you don't expect it to start up with the way it's been abandoned for years, but the familiar jingle fills the silence and you're met with a pixelated view of your carpeting. you habitually click on the gallery, immediately flustered with the thumbnail that greets you.
a fond smile makes its way to your lips as the video plays. it's shit quality, as expected, but even with all the pixels distorting the boy's face, you recognise him. it comes easy, with beomgyu's round eyes nervously shifting from the falling cherry blossoms and onto the lens.
you recall this specific spring. the one right before you were set to graduate. you remember how odd beomgyu seemed the entire walk back to his house until he clumsily led the way to the little park a few minutes away from his childhood home. your impromptu shoot now becoming a memory to savour.
beomgyu keeps his distance from you as you take the longer, more scenic route to his house. he had it all planned out. today would be the day he'd tell you that he liked you. the first week of spring, the cherry blossoms falling perfectly; it was as if the universe and the gods of romance were aligning everything to his favour. he even got your favourite strawberry yogurt drink on-hand, poking the straw through the film and handing it to you proudly when you gasp and proclaim your gratefulness to him.
unfortunately, that didn't play out the way he fantasised the night before, sprawled out on his futon with a dopey grin on his face until morning came. even so, he didn't let his sleep deprived self peek through for a minute since you exited the school gates.
that was until you mentioned lee heeseung.
"heeseung asked me to the internet cafe this weekend," you begin, harmlessly conversing about your day like you usually do. you take a sip of your drink, then extend it to beomgyu, offering a taste.
he leans down to catch the straw between his lips, heart fluttering ever-so-slightly at the thought of your lips just being on that flimsy plastic a few moments ago. clearly, that gesture wasn't enough to keep his mind distracted from the mention of lee heeseung.
beomgyu tries to remain calm. internet cafe? surely, a thing friends do. you've tagged along with him and soobin a few times.
"he said it was a date."
which explains your current predicament. it's obvious that beomgyu is upset, lips jutted into a pout and brows furrowed. his hands stay stuck in his pockets as if they'd been glued there, so unlike his usual behaviour. on days like this, beomgyu typically links arms with you, or tugs on the top hook of your backpack to ease the weight off you, or even sling his arms around you with a mischievous grin. right now, you're sure this is the farthest beomgyu has been from you.
the silence drapes over you two like a stuffy blanket. you're thankful for the loud honks and bicycle bells in the background, even appreciating the yelling of the street vendors as your typically boisterous peer is quiet.
a bike chaotically speeds through your side, the rider repeatedly hitting the bell as they make their way to you. beomgyu quickly grabs your arm and trades places with you before the bike catches up, him on the road-side and you by the fences. once the bike passes with a hurried apology, beomgyu lets go of your arm and maintains the former distance.
"...sounds like a shit date, to be honest." the silence shatters. he mutters, huffing out a breath as he walks just an inch closer to you, as if trying to be a barrier between you and the road.
you blink at him, lips flat and eyes unassuming. just relieved he's talking to you. "you think?"
"yeah, why would you wanna be inside when the streets look like this.." he motions towards the cherry blossom trees surrounding you both. "..right now. d'you even like him enough to say yes?"
"i dunno. he's cool, i guess. isn't he your friend?"
"just played a few games together."
his responses are straight to the point. none of his beomgyu bullshit spinning your conversations through circles, which you admittedly did enjoy.
"is something... wrong? did you guys fight? i can beat him up for you if i go." you try to joke, your eyes never leaving beomgyu's face to catch his reaction.
he winces, "uh, no, not really. that- that's not the problem..."
your silence prompts beomgyu to keep talking, but his eyes don't meet yours. instead, he's staring at the pavement, picking up the creases on his shoes he'd never seen before, distracting himself by counting the petals he comes across. none of it calms his heart or clears the lump in his throat though.
he abruptly lifts his head and stares back at you. a pleasant surprise that causes you to blush at how his eyes sparkle so brightly. he sighs defeatedly, not wanting to be upset any longer. with one look at you, beomgyu's stubbornness weakens, a small smile on his lips as he closes the distance between you both.
his shoulder purposely clashes into yours, "it's really pretty at the park near my house right now. wanna see?"
you pause the video upon hearing the doorbell ring. with a knowing grin, you take the camcorder with you to the door. once you pull it open, the comforting sight of your boyfriend floods your vision.
"m'home~" he greets in a sing-song tone, arms spread wide awaiting your welcome home hug that he always craves after hours at the studio.
beomgyu's eyes travel from your sunken but excited eyes to the familiar thing in your hold. he blinks repeatedly, craning his neck up stiffly to look up at you again. comically, he brings an accusatory finger to the front with a nervous chuckle.
"is that...?"
"yup!" you beam enthusiastically, like you had waited for him to step foot into your shared apartment to eat him up.
knowing what was inside the camcorder, beomgyu could say it was similar. his face feels warmer despite the late night breeze still whisking him away from behind. you tug at his outstretched arm and pull him inside, shutting the door.
usually, you'd ask how work was, or pester him to let you listen to a new song he worked on. tonight though, none of that.
beomgyu sits next to you on the sofa, cheek nuzzled against your head. his downward gaze is alert to every button you press on the camcorder, cringing slightly at the memory of his partly successful confession.
beomgyu leans in closer to have a better look at the viewfinder. he chooses to focus on something else entirely even as you're sucked into the pretty pinks of the sakura flowers and the shaky footage of his round head.
the wind was just slightly unforgiving that day, petals swirling around the park. you're a few steps behind beomgyu. he's biting the inside of his cheek, stare stuck to the pavement, desperately wishing you'd speed up and start walking beside him.
impatient as ever, beomgyu decides he'll just slow down for you. he's not very subtle about it though, opting to halt entirely and turn his head in your direction. beomgyu wants to see the surprise in your face; eyes wide and cheeks pink. instead, what greets him is the lens of your camcorder, a hand-me-down from your relatives that you couldn't stop talking about over text just the other week.
beomgyu strides forward and you stay still in your spot, tightly gripping the camcorder. "beomgyu, say hi to the camera!"
your voice echoes with excitement, beomgyu doesn't have to peer beyond the camcorder to know that your lashes are kissing the apples of your cheeks with the way you're smiling widely. he wants to be the one to keep you beaming like this for years and years on end.
you're about to back away as beomgyu gets too close for the camcorder to film him and the view. then, you feel beomgyu's lithe fingers over your own, tugging on the camera, extending your arm by result, and raising it to his eye-level. beomgyu makes sure you're looking at him through the viewfinder. with a lopsided smile and head cocked to the side, beomgyu braces himself for what's to come, "hey, i like you."
your arm falls limp as he releases his grip on you, shocked by his confession. he doesn't let you process it, though, running towards the opposite direction. it takes you a moment to run after him, camera long forgotten. "choi beomgyu..! you!"
"why are you running away from someone you like, huh?!" you huff out, catching your breath.
when you look up, you can't help but point the camera at beomgyu again. with plenty of cherry blossom trees in the background, beomgyu center in the frame, wind trying to pull his necktie away, how could you not? the boy you like, the one that just confessed to you on one spring day, looked too beautiful.
the camcorder manages to pick up your words amidst the scratchy noises of the wind. in a whisper, one can hear your voice, "i like you too, beomgyu."
"wow, i was really handsome since birth, huh?" he poses confidently, his lips and warm breath kissing your hair as he speaks.
you roll your eyes with a smile, and you don't disagree. you never do and it makes beomgyu blush and grin. if he wasn't too comfortable in your warmth, he would be laying down on his stomach with a coquettish smile and his feet kicking up and down.
"yeah, s'why i'm engaged to you, no?" you blow a raspberry at him.
an exaggerated gasp paired with a dramatic drop of his jaw has your stomach hurting from laughing too hard. "i thought you loved me!"
"i do!" you giggle, biting down your lips to stop more fits of laughter spilling out. you squish beomgyu's cheeks together, lips pursed and begging to be kissed. so you do. "you and your pretty face, baby."
your laughs settle down into echoes of contentment, beomgyu's palm rubbing against your belly as if soothing your self-inflicted ache. plus, beomgyu would stick his limbs to your body if he could.
he presses his cheek against your head, "did you know i liked you even before that spring?"
you hum in thought, resting your hand atop the one on your tummy and filling in the gaps between his fingers with your own. you smile even harder upon feeling the cold metal band of your engagement rings. "nah. i thought it was impossible, honestly,"
"didn't even really think you thought of me like that until then, bomu." you admit shyly, playing with your interlocked fingers. beomgyu's lips purse in thought, "i thought i was pretty obvious though,"
"was buying you strawberry milk everyday and carrying your backpack home even if we lived in opposite directions not obvious enough for you, honey?"
"well... it's obvious now!"
"yeah," he beams that sweet, silly, sly beomgyu half-smirk that you've always loved. he releases your hands momentarily to raise his fingers to the light, showing off his ring. "we're so locked in now."
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vhsstills · 2 years
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available on my art grab
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missannwinchester · 3 months
No, Plaything! Bad Plaything. Joel Miller/You
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Summary: You're a bad doll, but you're Joel's bad doll.
Very explicit
+18 ONLY!
rough s*x, doll kink, bath tub s*x, light choking, hair pulling, biting, manhandling, Joel shows you who's in charge
Sequel to Plaything
WARNINGS: lots of names such as “little one, doll, little doll, baby, baby doll”, it’s not age play, just a weird doll kink, I guess, idk if that’s a thing, but I guess now it is? bathtub sex, unedited mess, I’m pretty sure it’s a crackfic at some point, light choking, biting, rough sex, hair pulling, manhandling
You were lying on the bed, crushed under Joel’s weight. You tried to focus your eyes on the crack on the ceiling, trying to stay conscious. You were both panting heavily, you could feel Joel’s hot breath on your skin, as if he was trying to dry the tears from your face. Your ears started picking up on distorted, cracking sounds coming from an old gramophone. You couldn’t move. You were way too tired for that and also the stiff, historic dress was restricting your movements. You felt Joel’s stubble brushed your cheek and you felt him move slowly, his weight shifted a little.
“Not yet,” you protested weekly, but he ignored you and rolled on his side.
He hummed contently and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close. You turned your head to face him, the movement made one of your false eyelashes detach from your wet eyelid. You instinctively closed your eyes and felt Joel’s thick fingers trying to stick the eyelash band back to your lid.
“You’re so beautiful, my little doll,” he whispered, nuzzling your cheek with his nose.
Joel was a strange man, but he fucked you so well you didn’t pay attention to his little quirks anymore. Just earlier today you cried, begging him to touch you, trembling with need, then you cried again when waves of pleasure rolled through your spent body. Joel could make you cum like no one ever could.
“Does my doll like it when I play hard with her?” He asked, already knowing the answer.
“Mhmm…” you nodded, slowly regaining control of your body.
“You’re my best toy, but you know that, don’t you? I need you to know,” he told you, tracing the embroidery on your dress with his fingers.
You noticed lipstick marks on his hand, undoubtedly from when your lips were sealed around his thick digits, sucking relentlessly, as he was pounding into you like a man possessed. Thinking about it made you tingle. Again. You wondered how your body is still capable of feeling arousal after what you had just experienced.
You kicked off the tight shoes and rolled onto your side, intertwining your legs with his.
“No,” he groaned unhappily and you sighed.
You should have known better than to interfere with his little fantasy.
“No, you can’t… Uh…” he sat up and you moved your legs away from his.
You stayed still when he leaned down, picked up your shoes and put them back on your feet.
“Sorry,” you whispered and watched his frustrated face as he lied back down beside you.
“It’s okay,” he promised and scratched your cheek with his stubble, planting soft kisses along your jawline.
He stroked your hair a few times and then he reached for a blanket and covered you with it. Well, only your cum - covered bottom half. With his fingers gently caressing your head you were lulled to sleep by his comforting touch and humming noise from the old gramophone.
You woke up after what felt like a minute, basking in the warmth radiating from Joel’s body. The semi - glued eyelash was bothering you and you raised your hands to take both of your false eyelashes off.
“No, what now?” Joel wondered, sitting up.
“It’s just the lashes,” you told him and he sighed.
“It’s just because I was a little rough with you, doll, I should have done a better job putting them on,” he muttered, shaking his head in disapproval.
He got up and went to the vanity butt naked. He took the tiny tube of glue and returned to bed, hovering over you.
“Ugh,” you groaned. “Not again,” you whined when he started working on putting the lashes back on.
“Shhh,” he shushed you and his fingers started wiping smudged mascara from under your eyes.
“Just be a good little doll,” he asked. “I have to fix you just a little, just a tiny bit.”
He admired his work on your face and then he climbed off the bed and started putting his pants on. You knew this meant playtime was over and you sat up on the bed to see him better, only causing a temper tantrum.
“No!” He grunted, clearly flustered. 
With his pants still unbuttoned, he pushed at your shoulders, pressing you into the bed.
“No, could you just not move? Alright?” he said, stroking your hair and kissing your still damp forehead. 
You nodded, but he must have not trusted you completely, because he didn’t take his hands off you, still stroking your hair.
“Just like that baby doll.”
He took both of your legs into his hands and pulled them so that they were hanging from the bed. Then, he leaned down.
“Hold on tight, little one,” he said and you wrapped his arms around his naked torso and let him pull you into a sitting position. “Perfect, just like that,” he murmured and smoothed your disheveled curls.
He left you for a second to put on his shirt and button it up neatly. Then, he kneeled in front of you and took off your shoes. Next, he pushed your dress up, pulled down the white, lacy socks and kissed both your knees. He planted his firm hands on your waist and pulled you into a standing position.
“Such a beautiful doll,” he praised you and you felt him grab one of the puffy sleeves.
Without a warning he yanked at the fabric you hadn’t even noticed was torn at a seam. The fierce, unexpected motion made you falter, but his strong arm quickly pulled you into his chest. Fuck, you loved it when he manhandled you. You whimpered, not sure if it was with shock or instant arousal.
“Useless,” he decided and tossed the sleeve away.
He slowly undressed you from the dress and undergarments without other unexpected actions.
“Let’s give you a bath,” he announced when you were naked and he took both of your hands into his and led you into the upstairs bathroom.
You were sitting on a wooden stool while he was preparing the bath. He left the water on and walked up to you. He kneeled on the cold tiles and carefully took your recently glued eyelashes on, making you roll your eyes at him.
“Be a good doll,” he admonished and took a face cloth soaked with makeup remover and started slowly wiping your face.
“Do you really like doing it?” You wondered.
“Yes,” he admitted. “Your skin is so flawless, nice and soft.”
You seriously doubted it, unfortunately your skin was far from flawless, but Joel was a tough man to understand so you didn’t even want to try.
“I could do it faster,” you noticed.
“Well, we’re not in a rush.”
“No, I guess not, but it’s a little cold in here,” you told him with a sigh, but patiently waited for him to get you ready. Or… unready.
“Oh,” he furrowed his eyebrows and unbuttoned his shirt surprisingly fast just to hang it over your bare shoulders.
“Thank you,” you smiled, studying his serious expression.
He glanced at the tub to see if it wasn’t going to overflow and then he turned back to you.
“You’re welcome, my little doll,” he said and smiled at you softly, making your heart melt.
Sure, you swore you weren’t going to fall for this creepy ass, but… oh well. Not thinking clearly, you raised your hands to rest them on both sides of his face and you closed the gap between your faces, pulling him slightly towards you. Your freshly cleansed lips pressed into his and caught by surprise, he kissed you back. Then, he pushed you away.
“No, nuh - huh, no,” he protested with a frown.
He was shaking his head like a maniac again, bothered by your interference into his perfect scene. As if to prevent you from doing it again he picked you up and put you into the tub while the water was still running. Of course the temperature was perfect. He fished out his shirt from the water and started muttering something about you “ruining it”, but after so much time spent with him you stopped being scared of him.
“Come on, get in already,” you pleaded quietly.
“No, not yet,” he responded and started taking out the ribbons from your hair.
You reached forward and grabbed the waistband of his pants, pulling him towards you. Of course you weren’t strong enough to actually make him move, but you kept tagging at the fabric and he finally took a step closer.
“No, I’m not done yet!”
“So?” You wondered and unbuttoned his pants.
He grabbed your hands and forced them down before readjusting his pants.
“You’re being difficult today,” he noticed, spraying your hair with detangling spray.
“You’re being persnickety. Always.” You responded and let him brush your hair that he was going to wash and tangle up anyway.
“I like doing things in a certain way,” he explained. “Why don’t you pick a bath oil?”
“Lavender,” you decided without a second thought.
He took the lavender bath oil and added a few drops to the water. Then, he finally turned off the faucet.
“Close your eyes,” he instructed and you obeyed, shutting your eyes and wrinkling your face as he sprayed a toner mist into your face. “It’s all wrong,” he commented and you felt a little bad for him, after all he had to take your makeup off, brush your hair and then use the toner which you know wasn’t the order in which he liked doing things.
You watched him pull his pants down and your heart started beating a little faster. He joined you in the bath, sitting behind you. He leaned back and got comfortable and then, he pulled you into him. Your head was resting comfortably on his chest now and you sighed, closing your eyes. His palms were placed on your breasts which he was massaging lightly. You were convinced this was what heaven feels like until… Until you got all hot for him again. His fingers were rubbing your nipples, his breath was tingling that sensitive spot under your ear, his thighs were squeezing you deliciously…
Your hands wandered down and found his thighs. You started drawing small circles on his skin and soon you started squirming in his embrace. You sat and turned to face him, your hooded eyes meeting his, he was glaring at you.
“What is it?” He asked and you shrugged. 
“Nothing, I just wanna look at you,” you said innocently, watching his expression.
“Alright, you do that,” he told you and took a tiny bucket from the shelf behind him.
He poured water into it and placed it over your head, wetting your hair thoroughly. He repeated that motion a few times and took a bottle of shampoo. He poured a generous amount on your head and started massaging your scalp. You loosely wrapped your legs around him and hummed with pleasure under his firm touch. The foam started dripping down your head, but he made sure to wipe it before it got into your eyes. His fingers in your hair didn’t help with the tingling sensation between your legs. You felt like you could come just from him washing your hair. Right before he rinsed it you were practically moaning. He reached for a little jar with a luxury hair mask when you squeezed your legs around him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Please, fuck me,” you gasped into his face and rubbed your clit against his lower belly.
“Fuck, baby…” he looked at you and you latched onto his lips.
With your tongue down his throat, his fingers squeezed your ass almost painfully.
“Yes, yes, I will, but you have to wait…”
“I’m not gonna wait,” you told him with one of your hands wrapped around his rock hard dick.
“But your hair…”
“I don’t fucking care about my hair,” you tried to reason with him. “So it’s not gonna be shiny one time, so what?” You asked rhetorically, but he answered anyway.
“No, no… It has to be soft and shiny and just smooth when I brush it…”
“It’s gonna be awfully tangled and awful and the brush is gonna get stuck in it!” He was really annoying you right now so you laughed into his face in your frantic attempt to sit on his perfect cock.
“No, you little… No!” He fought you when you were trying to grab the jar with the hair mask to throw it out of a fucking window.
You needed him in your already sore pussy, you needed him like you needed air, you needed him like he needed to put that stupid fucking hair mask into your hair.
“Please Joel,” you whined while he was trying to push you off him.
“You’re such a bad doll today, why can’t you just sit still?” He almost yelled, holding you by your neck now, but not strong enough to hurt you.
“Well, I’m done being your doll!”
“Nuh - huh, no,” he protested.
“I’ve been your doll all day, now it’s time for you to be mine,” you argued, walking on thin ice, with his fingers already pressing into your neck.
This definitely caught his attention.
“I’m gonna wash your hair and then I’m going to fuck you,” you explained sternly and Joel let go of you.
“I guess we can try that,” he nodded and you tried your best not to raise your eyebrows.
You blinked a few times, trying to wrap your head about what was going on. You wet his hair pouring water all over his face, clearly not doing a job as good as he would, and started massaging his scalp with shampoo. You tried to mimic his movements, rubbing his head in circles in places which made your eyes roll into the back of your head, hoping it’s as pleasurable for him as his massages were for you. You were trying hard not to roll your hips into him, so you had your clit pressed against his body for just a little relief.
You rinsed the shampoo clumsily and when you were done Joel was looking at you with awe.
“How are you so perfect?” He wondered when you lowered yourself on his shaft.
“I thought I was bad,” you muttered as you were trying to adjust to the sensation of being split open by him.
“You are,” he admitted when you started sucking on his neck, making him growl quietly. “Such a fucking bad doll,” he groaned.
You didn’t notice when his strong arms drifted under your thighs and lifted you so that then they could push you down on his thick cock, making you see stars. The water splashed on the floor, but surprisingly, Joel didn’t care.
“Maybe I should teach you how to behave, hmm?” He said, placing one of his hands around you, squeezing tightly, digging his fingers painfully into your flesh.
“Mmm…” You whined. You needed him to talk like this, you needed his strength pushing you onto him, spreading you open as your raw pussy was already contracting around him.
“Maybe I should discipline you a little, my pretty doll,” he growled into your ear.
“It’s the last time I let you ruin my fantasy, I won’t have it happen again, you see… You’re supposed to listen.”
You were bouncing on his cock frantically, not really caring what he was saying, but then you felt his hand around your throat again. It was moving up, squeezing the sides of your face, pulling your jaw down forcefully, until finally you had to give in and open your mouth. He packed four of his thick digits into your mouth and you were sure your skin tore in the corners.
“Fuck yourself on my dick, come on, keep going, that’s what you wanted,” he said.
You made eye contact with him and you saw the same expression like the one he always had while dressing you up - his eyes were flickering with madness. Yours on the other hand rolled into the back of your head as a faint orgasm rolled through your body. You needed more, you needed one more time… So you bit him. You could barely move your jaw, but he wasn’t expecting you to act out anymore so you managed to catch him by surprise. He extracted his hand from your mouth and grabbed your wet hair and yanked it back. You shrieked and grabbed the side of the tub so that you wouldn’t fall head first into the water. He pulled you off him and you clung to the side of the tub worried that you had actually set him off. Water was splattering everywhere when he slid behind you and entered you forcefully. You moaned with each push, your whimpers were mixed with the sound of water hitting the floor in waves.
“Fuck!” You wailed. “Yes, yes!”
“You’re a fucking bad doll, but you’re my bad doll,” he was spitting the words out through gritted teeth.
“Yes, yes! I’m your doll, fuck! Ah!”
You could feel him pulsate inside of you and his warm seed coated your insides. You moaned loudly as he fucked you through your orgasm. You were hanging on the edge of the tub with Joel still pressed behind you. The majority of water was now flooding the floor so when Joel slid out of your abused channel your combined juices stuck to your thighs.
Joel stood up and exited the tub carefully, trying not to slip on the wet floor. You were too overwhelmed to notice that he grabbed your hair again, you realized when the sweet scent of the hair mask hit your nostrils.
“See baby doll? You think you can win with me, but… you’re my little puppet,” he whispered, cradling your hair strands in his fingers, coating them with the cosmetic. “My gorgeous little doll,” he repeated and washed his hands.
He took a fluffy towel and wrapped it around your shoulders before he started dropping clean, dry towels on the floor trying to clean the water before it could do some actual damage. You were watching his naked body, your heart rate was slowing down. Just when you thought you couldn’t be fucked any better Joel truly outdid himself. You were pliant in his arms when 20 minutes later he rinsed the mask off your hair and carried you to bed.
Thank you for reading!
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synthaphone · 21 days
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started working on a hissi while the krawk is in the oven- having a surprisingly difficult time with it though.
because its a big tube, drawing the lines on for the belly without squishing or distorting them was really tricky- im also making it relatively small compared to the other pets in this series so far (idk, the hissi’s always seemed small to me!) so i suspect the head and face are going to be tough as well
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jamesusilljournal · 2 months
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Details from 'tube abstracts', Distorted Reality, 2023
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