#twilight x swan sister
thewulf · 1 month
Forever Yours || Paul Lahote
Summary: Request -Okay so reader is Bella's (fraternal) twin sissy. She moved to Forks with Bella and the whole first book happens WITHOUT her knowing what's going on. She's just as in the dark as Charlie is..... Read Rest Here
A/N: LOVED THIS. LOVE TWILIGHT. Keep them coming!! Thank you for the requests as always!
Pairing: Paul Lahote x Swan Sister Reader
Word Count: 4.0k
TW: Possessiveness
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You and your sister, Bella, had always gotten along well even being so different. She was the shy twin who always stood behind you. You on the other hand always fought Bella’s battles because she needed it, that’s what sisters were for. The two of you weren’t identical, and your personalities could not have been more different. Yet, at the end of the day, she was the person you knew would always understand you. She was your best friend and confidant. So, when she proposed moving back in with Charlie you followed along with her.
Things changed when the two of you moved to Forks and not in a way you liked. She began distancing herself from you after she met Edward. Instead of coming home and gossiping about your respective days she started going to the Cullen’s house. She stopped telling you things. She became protective and oh so secretive over her boyfriend. You confided in Charlie more than you could ever expect. You hung out with Jessica and Angela more than you would’ve ever dreamed. Still, you looked after your sister. She was the shy one who fell hard and fast. For whatever reason you just couldn’t seem to trust Edward. When she finally let the two of you meet he was just off and you couldn’t seem to pinpoint what it was.
It wasn't until the departure of Edward Cullen, leaving Bella desolate and shattered, that the mysterious shroud enveloping your lives began to unravel at a rapid pace. As Bella struggled to navigate through the abyss of heartbreak, you tried your hardest to be the strength that she needed. But it often felt like you were failing her. Like nothing you could say would offset any of the heartbreak she was feeling. And you were angry. Angry at the stupid family that decided to vanish without a trace. For even though Edward seemed off he seemed like he truly was deeply in love with your sister.
Your only saving grace was your old friend Jacob. He found a way to bring your shattered twin back to the surface of the water she was struggling to swim in. The three of you spent so many nights together doing everything and nothing at the same time. Laughing till your faces were blue and finding the human connection she so desperately needed. You could never thank him enough for bringing back your sister you had lost for so many months.
But even that wasn’t enough for him to leave. When Jacob withdrew from both of your lives you became the sad twin. It was Bella who became angry like you were so many months prior. Bella forced you in the truck one afternoon claiming she had a bone to pick with the second boy who abandoned her in so many months. You had no desire to see the boy, but Bella demanded you come with her.
You watched as she pounded on the door of his home only to be met with nothing. You waited in the truck as Bella noticed Sam and his pack off to the side of Jacob’s home. Her footsteps treaded the path towards Sam and his pack, heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. It was only when you saw her physically push Sam, the leader of the tribe, did you bolt out of the car trying to catch your sister from doing anything too drastic.
"Bella, stop!" you cried out, your voice tinged with desperation as you rushed forward. Your heart was hammering desperately in your chest, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within you as you reached out towards Bella, hoping to stop the impending confrontation.
But it was too late. Bella's palm has already met one of the dark-haired boys cheeks with a sharp crack, the sound reverberating through the trees. You watch in dismay as the man’s expression darkened. His features contorted with fury, a primal growl rumbling in his chest that even startled you. The forest seemed to hold its breath as the world became silent at what the next move of the man could possibly be. You gulped feeling the tension thick in the air.
And then in the midst of the events that were unfolding you looked to the men in front of you looking at each of them one by one before your eyes finally met the one who had just been slapped. His gaze locked onto yours, a fleeting moment of connection amidst the tumult that surrounded you. In that instant, everything seemed to crystallize, the world narrowing down to just the two of you even with all the people surrounding you.
Timed seemed to slow to an utter crawl. The world around you faded into insignificance as your attention was locked in on the man. A sharp gasp came from you as you continued staring right at him. It was a feeling you had never experienced in this lifetime. Something you could never have expected. He too couldn’t seem to break his gaze away from yours. In that fleeting instant, everything seems to shift. The air crackled with anticipation, the forest holding its breath as the weight of the moment bears down upon you. It's as if the universe itself has paused, allowing you and Paul to exist in a suspended state of existence, isolated from the disorder that rages beyond the confines of your shared gaze.
As the boy who captured your heart and soul with just a single look staggered backwards, a whirlwind of emotions courses through his mind each feeling vying for dominance over the others. Anger, once burning bright within him, now dissipates like mist in the morning sun, leaving behind a hollow sense of bewilderment and wonder. His chest heaves with the effort of controlling the torrent of feelings threatening to overwhelm him. He had felt every single emotion. Saw every single emotion. You were her. You were his imprint. Only Sam had been so lucky to have found his person. And now he did. And he didn’t even know her name nor you his.
To your surprise you felt your feet moving forward as he dropped to his knees on the forest floor. Pauk was acutely aware of the weight of this moment. He had to wonder what you were feeling. You too were locked in on his own eyes, yet you could have no idea what was going on and how chaotic your seemingly normal life was about to get. But amidst the heaviness of the moment, there is something else—a glimmer of hope, a spark of possibility that ignites within him like a flame in the darkness. For in your eyes, he sees not just a reflection of his own turmoil, but also a flicker of understanding, a shared recognition of the bond that now binds the two of you together.
"What... what just happened?" Bella's voice wavers, her eyes wide with disbelief as she looks between you and the man she just slapped. But you have no answers to offer, you were just as confused as she was. While Bella's voice wavers with disbelief, her eyes dart between you and the surrounding men, searching for answers amidst the bewildering scene.
Embry, who had been standing nearby with Sam, catches your eye with a knowing smirk, a hint of understanding dancing in his gaze. He stepped forward, as if he's seen this scenario play out before. "Looks like we've got ourselves an imprint," Embry remarks, his voice tinged with amusement as he addresses Sam, who watches the unfolding scene with a composed yet cautious demeanor.
Sam nods in acknowledgment, his expression unreadable as he assesses the situation before him. His eyes shifted between you and Paul with a measured intensity, as if gauging the depth of the bond that now connects you.
Meanwhile, the boy you had originally came to see, Jacob, came sprinting out of the house that he had just ignored Bella from. His expression a mix of surprise and concern as he takes in the scene before him. His eyes narrow as they settle on Paul, a flicker of protectiveness crossing his features before he turns to you, his look softening with understanding in your utter confusion. Yet in all that was happening so fast you couldn’t seem to tear your eyes away from this man. He had captured your mind, body, and soul all within a single look.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Jacob asks, his voice gentle yet tinged with worry as he approaches, his footsteps echoing against the damp grass.
You finally tore your gaze away from Paul somehow, your heart racing as you meet Jacob's concerned gaze. Despite the frenzy that surrounds you, his presence offers a sense of comfort, a reminder of the unwavering support that has always been there for you, negating the two weeks he had decided to ignore you for.
"I don't know what happened," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper as you try to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions that flowed through you so unexpectedly. "But I feel... different."
Bella's eyes widen in disbelief, her mind racing to comprehend the incomprehensible. But amidst the uncertainty that envelops you all, one thing remains clear—the ties that bind you to Paul, are unbreakable, defying logic and reason with an undeniable force.
"Jacob," Sam's voice cuts through the silence, his tone firm yet tinged with a hint of urgency. "Take them to Emily's. We need to talk." He motions towards Paul who was still on his knees before you.
Jacob nods in acknowledgment, his gaze flickering between you, Paul, and Sam, a silent understanding passing between them. He moves forward, his hand reaching out to gently guide you away from Paul, his touch reassuring in the confusion that surrounds you.
"Come on, Y/N, Bella," Jacob murmurs softly, "Let's go."
As Jacob reaches out to guide you away from Paul, a low, guttural growl rumbles deep within Paul's chest just as it had earlier after Bella has slapped him. His possessiveness flaring in the face of Jacob's touch. His eyes narrow, a primal instinct driving him to protect what he now considers his own.
"Hands off my girl," Paul's voice is low, but the irritated edge to it is unmistakable as he stands to takes a step towards you. His eyes never left yours. The intensity of his declaration sends a shiver down your spine, his unwavering stare holding you in a trance.
But Sam, ever the voice of reason among the sea of emotions, steps forward with a measured stride. His expression unwavering as he addresses Paul with a firm yet understanding tone. “Paul, calm down," Sam's voice carries authority, tempered with a hint of empathy as he meets Paul's frustration head-on. "We need to talk, separately. She will be just fine with Jacob."
Paul's protest is immediate, his feelings for you overwhelmingly strong. "No, she's not going anywhere without me," he insists, his voice tinged with desperation as he takes a defiant step forward, his resolve unyielding.
But Sam's gaze holds steady, his alpha like authority asserting itself in the face of Paul's defiance. "Paul, stand down," he commands, his voice brooking no argument as he meets Paul's gaze with unwavering determination. Paul winces but gives into Sam’s demands, though the reluctance is evident in the tension that lingers in his frame. His eyes remain locked on you, a silent promise of protection and devotion burning brightly within their depths.
While Jacob leads you away from Paul you can't help but feel torn between the conflicting desires that rage within you. Part of you longs to stay by Paul's side, to bask in the warmth of his unwavering love. While another part recognizes the need for clarity and understanding in the sheer confusion that threatens to consume you. And as you and Bella follow Jacob through the dense undergrowth of the forest you can't shake the feeling of Paul's presence lingering at the edges of your consciousness, a constant reminder of the inexplicable bond that now defines your existence.
Jacob guides you and Bella through a trail in the forest, a heavy silence hangs in the air, punctuated only by the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of unseen creatures. Sensing the need to break the tension, Jacob takes a deep breath before breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Look, I need to tell you both something," Jacob begins, his voice cautious yet resolute. "But it's going to sound... well, it's going to sound crazy."
You and Bella exchange a puzzled glance, the weight of Jacob's words settling uneasily in the pit of your stomachs. You've both sensed that there's more to the Quileute tribe than meets the eye, but the truth remains shrouded in mystery.
Jacob takes a moment to gather his thoughts before coming out with it. "The thing is... we're not exactly... normal," he admits, his words halting as he struggles to find the right way to explain the inexplicable. "We're... werewolves."
The revelation hangs in the air like a heavy fog, enveloping you and Bella in a cloud of disbelief. For a moment, neither of you can find the words to respond, the enormity of Jacob's confession leaving you speechless. "Werewolves?" Bella's voice is barely above a whisper, her eyes wide with shock as she looks to Jacob for confirmation.
Jacob nods solemnly, his expression grave as he meets Bella's gaze. "Yes. And there's something else. Something called imprinting."
You nodded along, “That’s what the one guy just said. We’ve got ourselves an imprint? What is that?” You asked pressing him further.
Jacob smiled knowing that your life was going to change, hopefully for the better. "It's when a wolf finds their soulmate. Their other half. The one person they're meant to be with for the rest of their lives." Bella's brow furrows in confusion, her mind struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what Jacob is telling her. But you, on the other hand, feel a strange sense of recognition stir within you, a faint echo of the inexplicable connection you felt with Paul.
As Bella sighs with uncertainty, Jacob senses the weight of her confusion and seeks to provide clarity. "And... and what does that have to do with what happened back there?" Bella asks, her voice laden with hesitance as she gestures back in the direction of Paul and the pack.
Jacob's gaze flickers towards you, a silent acknowledgment passing between you as he prepares to reveal the truth. "It means that... Paul imprinted on you, Y/N," he explains gently, his eyes filled with compassion as he meets your bewildered gaze. "He's your soulmate."
“Paul.” You whispered his name out loud for the first time. Paul, your soulmate. Your heart skips a beat at the revelation, the words sinking in slowly as you struggle to comprehend the enormity of what Jacob is saying. Soulmates? It's a concept you never thought you'd entertain, let alone experience firsthand.
"Soulmate?" Bella's voice echoes your thoughts, her eyes widening in astonishment as she turns to you for confirmation.
You nod slowly, the reality of the situation beginning to sink in. "I... I don't understand it all," you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper as you grapple with the implications of Jacob's words as the three of you walked through the forest to what you assumed to be Emily’s place, whomever that was.
Jacob offers you a reassuring smile, his expression filled with understanding. "It's okay, Y/N. I know it's a lot to take in," he says softly, his tone gentle yet firm. "An imprint is... it's like finding your other half. Your perfect match. And for Paul, that's you."
Bella's eyes widen in realization, her mind racing to process the revelation. "So... he's bound to her? Like... forever?" she asks, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she seeks to grasp the intricacies of the imprinting process.
Jacob nods solemnly. "Yeah. It's a permanent bond," he explains, his tone heavy with the weight of the truth. "But it doesn't have to be romantic. It can be... it can be like a best friend too. Someone who's always there for you, no matter what."
The realization washes over you like a tidal wave, the enormity of the situation sinking in as you come to terms with the truth of Paul's imprint. It's a bond that transcends the boundaries of time and space, forging a connection between two souls that can never be broken.
And as you walked surrounded by the whispering of the trees and the steady presence of Jacob by your side, you find yourself beginning to accept the truth of your newfound destiny. The road ahead may be filled with uncertainty, but with the unwavering support of your sister and the friendship of Jacob, you know that you'll face whatever challenges may come your way head-on.
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As you, Bella, and Jacob step into Emily's cozy kitchen, the aroma of freshly baked muffins envelops you, a comforting contrast to the whirlwind of emotions swirling within. Emily's warm smile greets Jacob, her eyes alight with joy as she rushes forward to embrace him.
"Jacob, it's been too long!" Emily exclaims, her voice filled with genuine affection as she pulls back to look at him.
Jacob returns her embrace, offering a sheepish grin. "I know, Em. It's good to see you," he replies warmly.
Emily's gaze then shifts to you and Bella, her smile widening as she takes in your presence. "And who do we have here?" she asks, her tone friendly and inviting.
Jacob gestures towards you and Bella. "Emily, this is Y/N and Bella Swan," he introduces, a sense of pride evident in his voice. "They're new to town, and we thought I'd bring them by to meet you." He spoke referencing the pack as a whole. It was intriguing watching him operate now that you knew why he up and disappeared on you those weeks ago.
Emily's eyes widen with recognition as she looks at Bella. "Ah, the Swan sisters! Charlie's girls. I’ve heard a lot about you two," she remarks with a knowing nod. Then her gaze shifts to Bella, and her expression changes to one of surprise. "And you're the vampire girl, aren't you?"
Your heart nearly stops at Emily's words, the revelation hitting you like a sudden jolt. Vampire girl? You exchange a bewildered glance with Bella, who looks equally taken aback. Edward was a vampire? What next… mermaids?
"What? Bella? Vampires?" you stammer, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment as you struggle to comprehend Emily's words.
Bella's face turns crimson, her embarrassment palpable as she shoots you an apologetic glance. Her eyes told you that she would explain it all later. "Emily, I'm so sorry," she begins, her voice tinged with mortification. "Y/N, this is... um... kind of a long story."
As the truth about vampires and the supernatural world of Forks begins to unfold, you can't help but feel overwhelmed by the enormity of it all. But amidst the confusion and embarrassment, there's a sense of shared understanding that together you'll navigate the challenges that lie ahead. As the conversation continues in Emily's kitchen, laughter and chatter filling the air, the sound of approaching footsteps draws your attention. Sam, Paul, and Embry enter the room, their expressions relaxed and jovial as they exchange banter with Jacob.
"Hey, look who decided to join the party!" Jacob teases, a playful grin spreading across his face as he greets his packmates.
Sam chuckles, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Couldn't stay away, could we?" he retorts, a hint of mischief in his voice as he exchanges friendly jabs with Jacob.
Paul's gaze finds yours amidst the commotion, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Y/N," he says, his voice gentle yet earnest as he steps forward, his eyes meeting yours with a depth of emotion that leaves you breathless.
"Paul," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper as you meet his gaze, a rush of anticipation coursing through you at the prospect of speaking with him alone.
Sensing the unspoken tension between you and Paul, Jacob steps forward with a knowing smile. "I'll leave you two to get to know each other," he says, his tone light yet meaningful as he gives you a subtle nod of encouragement.
As Jacob and the others retreat away from the kitchen to give you and Paul some privacy, you find yourselves alone in the midst of Emily's bustling kitchen. The air crackles with anticipation as Paul takes a step closer, his eyes searching yours with an intensity that sets your heart racing. "Y/N, I wanted to talk to you," Paul begins, his voice soft yet filled with determination as he gathers his thoughts. "About what happened earlier. About us. If that’s okay with you."
You swallow hard, the weight of Paul's words hanging heavy in the air as you search for the right response. "Paul, I... I don't even know where to begin," you admit, your voice trembling with uncertainty as you struggle to find the words to express the whirlwind of emotions that threaten to overwhelm you completely.
But Paul reaches out, his hand finding yours with a gentle touch that sends a shiver down your spine. "We'll figure it out together, Y/N," he says, his voice filled with conviction. "Whatever happens, I'll always be here for you. I promise you that."
As you stand there, enveloped in the warmth of Paul's presence, a soft blush tinges your cheeks as you struggle to find the right words to express the swirl of emotions coursing through you. Your heart races with anticipation, your thoughts a jumble of uncertainty and longing. "This is all a lot," you murmur softly, your voice barely above a whisper as you meet his gaze with a shy smile. "But it's a good thing you're so... so handsome." You weren’t sure where that surge of confidence came from, maybe it was the bond. But even you couldn’t deny the sheer beauty of the man that stood before you. You feel a rush of exhilaration mixed with nervousness, unsure of how Paul will respond to your flirty compliment.
Paul's expression shifts, a mischievous twinkle dancing in his eyes as he leans in closer, his breath warm against your ear. "Is that your way of saying you think I'm cute, Y/N?" he teases, his voice low and husky.
You bite your lip, a playful glint in your eyes as you meet his gaze. "Maybe," you reply coyly, a hint of flirtatiousness creeping into your tone as you lean in closer to him. "You'll just have to stick around to find out."
As a smirk tugs at the corners of Paul's lips, his gaze intensifies, locking onto yours with a magnetic pull that leaves you breathless. You feel a surge of anticipation coursing through your veins as he leans in even closer, the air crackling with electricity between you.
"Oh, I intend to, pretty girl" Paul murmurs, his voice a low rumble that sends shivers ripping through your body. His words are filled with promise, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he closes the distance between you, his breath warm against your skin. “Don’t you worry about that.”
A soft gasp escapes your lips as Paul's hand gently cups your cheek, his touch sending waves of warmth cascading through you. Your heart pounds in your chest as his lips brush against yours in a tantalizing whisper, a feather-light caress that ignites a fire deep within your soul.
"You're so beautiful, Y/N Swan," Paul whispers against your lips, his voice filled with sincerity and admiration. "I can't help but be drawn to you. I’m forever yours pretty girl."
The sweetness of his words sends your heart soaring, a rush of euphoria washing over you as you lose yourself in the intoxicating embrace of his affection. In that moment, all doubts and fears melt away, leaving only the undeniable connection between you and Paul, a bond forged in the flames of desire and longing. And as you surrender to the irresistible pull of his embrace, you can't help but feel a sense of bliss wash over you. With Paul by your side, you know that the journey ahead will be filled with laughter, passion, and endless moments of pure, unadulterated love.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Okay, hello! I love your work so much and wanted to make a request (if they're open let me know if I've been too rude to you dear) for "being Isabella Swan's big/little sister and being Jasper Cullen's mate." BECAUSE, at first he tried to repress that feeling by acting weird around her, and she hated the way he wrinkled his nose every time he saw her. Another thing, she grew up in Forka with Charlie... That's it, I'm sorry if I threw this too hard in your lap 😔. Kisses 💗
Being Bella's big sister and dating Jasper Hale headcanons
Paring: Jasper Hale X Swan!Reader
A/n: thank you for the request and don't feel bad for requesting, I always love writing for Twilight.
Main master list Emmett cullen story
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So first off, I think thst you being Bella's older sister and living with Charlie kinda changes the story a bit. First off there's something special about you, but you living with humans all your life none notices.
You were about two when your parents devorced so when it came to living situations you stayed with your father.
You met the Cullens before Bella even showed up. Like everyone else at Forks High to took notice to the family. You weren't upsets with figuring out their background like everyone else though.
Your first day meeting Jasper was his first day in your history class. The only empty seat left was next to you.
He hesitated as he sat down next you. When he did he tensed up and turned his nose away. You glared at him wanting to know what his problem was. When the bell rang he was out in a flash.
The next few days he didn't show up. When he did he remained silent but didn't turn his nose like you stunk.
Instead of turning his nose away he would silently look at you then turn away before he would get cought. This went on through out the class. You would look at him then look away before he noticed.
The first words you actually exchange words till you had to work on a history project together.
“your name is y/n Swan right?” he asked. You nodded immediately falling for his southern accent. “yeah, and your Jasper”
He smiled slightly. “sorry for being so rued last week” you shrugged. “not a big deal, we all have bad days”
You guys continued to talk and he quickly got comfortable talking to you. He started to fall for everything about you. He knew you were his mate but he started finding small and big details about you that made him enternally thankful it was you.
Jasper took another aproch than his dear brother when it came to relationships. He 'corted' you by becoming friends with you first, you actually became best friends. As your relationship grew you became close to his siblings too, especially rose.
Your first date was the movies and suprisenly you guys just sat there for two hours laughing at the gore in the horror movie you picked.
After your first date he confessed to being a vampire and to his reilef you didn't freak out. He was so scared that you would leave him but he didn't want to lie to you.
“I understand if your scared... But I didn't want to start our relationship with a lie”
I immediately wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tight. “I don't care, I still want to be with you”
You started officially dating about a month before Bella showed up.
You don't get along with Bella or your mother, so let's just say you weren't thrilled when you found out she was moving to forks.
During the time she started to settle in at home with you and Charlie you spent more time with Jasper and his family. You told Jasper that you two never got along and the hate and neglect your mother caused you.
The first time Bella saw Jasper is when he was picking you up for school. She kept pushing on who he was but you bairly awnsered. “he's my boyfriend, bella”
Dispite Bella and Edward dealing with their problems you and Jasper have a very strong relationship.
You two may not have much in common but that doesn't mean you two don't show interest in each other's Passions.
Your a movie nerd so he'll happily watch any movie with you. He's a history buff and he's was around for most of it so if he wants to talk about something you'll always there to listen.
Speaking of history, it didn't take long for him to open up about him training new borns and Maria using him.
He's very gentle with you at first, he would hate himself if he ever hurt you, but later on in the relationship he's more confident and isn't afraid to touch you as much.
Speaking of which, his kisses are always full of passion and love. His favorite place to kiss you is on your forehead beacuse of how much taller he is than you.
He's always holding your hand. He always needs to be touching you and needs to be close to you. Emmett teases him for being Clingy but it's mostly just an anxiety thing, especially if he's around Humans he needs to ground himself by holding your hand or his arms around you.
If your wondering, Charlie loves him. At first he thought Jasper was weird(much like Edward) but he appreciated how kind and and well mannered he was. He knew he could trust Jasper with you.
Through your relationship with Jasper you had also gained a best friend through Rosalie and Emmett.
Rosalie loved you immediately and took you under her wing. Alice is a loyal friend but your not thst close.
Carlisle and Esme are like your second parents and they love you like your part of the family.
During the events of New Moon Jasper refused to break your heart. He knew that was Edward's plan with Bella, but he's not Edward. Yes they did move but you two stayed in contact. He would call you every day and you'll see each other on weekends.
He came to your graduation during the time the whole family moved then proposed to you a few months later.
Your wedding was unfortunately put on hold due to the who new-born army. It didn't bother you, you understood under the circumstances but Jasper was furious with not only Bella but Edward too. It wasn't their fault, he knew that, but then again Bella made it all about her and ignored the fact the vampires were after you too.
During the battle you were hurt causing Jasper to turn you. He didn't want to and he blamed himself for fighting instead of protecting you.
You loved being a vampire and never once blamed him. And it's a good thing he had experience with New-borns beacuse he was with you every step of the way during your transition.
You had your wedding about four months before Edward and Bella's. You went to Memphis for your honeymoon and stayed out till it was time to go home for the other wedding.
Oh I forgot to mention, Bree survived and since you were now an adult you and Jasper adopted her as your own. Your amazing parents and you three make an adorable family.
Later on in life and when everything was peaceful, no one dying or fighting, you two adpot two twins. They were both infants and needed loving parents.
Jasper is very loving husband and even if being a vampire is hard sometimes you wouldn't change your life for anything.
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the-faceless-bride · 6 months
🌲Welcome to Forks 🍃
Tags: @art3mas @the-atlantic-french-fry @mzcrazy2 @sadbitchfangirl @sinofwriting @ateliefloresdaprimavera
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Characters: [name] Swan, Bella Swan, Charlie Swan, Jacob Black, and The Cullen family
Plot summary: Renae had enough of your attitude, she decided it was best for you to stay with your sister and Father in Forks. Paying to fly you out to forks, To Charlie's Delit and Bella's chagrin. However, seeing how Bella has been acting you watch closely as to what she does. And seeing how she treats Dad and an old friend Jacob, you feel it best to call her out. Because that's what big sisters do.
Warning: swearing, yelling, Bella being a hypocrite and not like other girls, crying, arguments, slapping, Edward being a creep.
A/n: Fuck Edward. And not in a good way. In a grossed out over his bs way.
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Chapter one: welcome Home.
Chapter summary: finally, after so long of arguing, craving to get out of the heat, wanting to be with your dad and go home. Your mother finally agreed. You were on your way back to forks.
This chapter will contain? Bella is stand-off-ish (what else is new), Charlie is the best dad he could be, fluff, and readers' first day in forks.
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You ran to your Dad; he had been waiting for you leaning against his car a smile on his face, happy both his litter girls were home. His arms were wide open for you, "Dad!" you screeched as you let your body crash into him, you missed your dad. You hated being away from him, and while Bella took to your mother, you were and always will be a daddy's girl.
Charlie looked at you, pulling away his hands resting on your shoulders. "wow. Look at you!" you smiled as you brushed soft curls from your face, "My little girl, grown up!.. Well. Not grown up too much. You're still my baby girl you hear me?" you laughed as you nodded your head. "well. What do you say we go home, sweetpea?"
The drive back wasn't painfully long, time seemed to fly catching up with your favorite parent. You told him about how you found a love for fashion, how you missed forks, how good it was to not be in constant heat.
Pulling to the house you could barely remember still felt good and nostalgic, "who's truck?" you asked confused. Maybe Dad got a new car? "oh, yeah that's Bella's got her it as a welcome home gift." he paused then looked down then to you, "Well...now I feel bad I didn't think to get you something." you smiled at up at your dad, you loved Charlie. "it's ok dad, im just happy to be home."
He smiled at the use of the word home, giving a cheery "let's go!" you practically bounced to the front door. Ready to get in the house and race up to your old room wanting to see what had been made of it.
As soon as Charlie opened the door you rushed up the stairs, Charlie letting out a chuckle locking the door behind him before following after you, "Slow down! I'm getting old I can't chase after you like I used to!" he huffled with a smile.
Your room was untouched. Just as it always has been. Twin bed, white ruffled bed frame, light dusted pink walls, soft carpet, chipped white painted bedside table and dresser, the vanity in the middle of the wall near the window. It was perfect. Just as it always has been.
But then it hit you, "Wait. Where's Bella?" you turned to a slightly out-of-breath Charlie, "Oh, well. She's got this new... Boy. Friend. A friend she's been hanging out with recently." he mumbled unsettled by the topic, Bella... Your sister. Your awkward, no-fun, book-loving, blend-in-with-the-crowd sister Bella. Was out late... With a guy?
Maybe this whole moving to forks thing was a really good thing for her.
"oh! Before we do anything else someone wants to see you!" you focus your attention back on your dad and not on your thoughts as you tilt your head, you just got here who would want to see you already? Charlie was now the one rushing down the steps to open the door, you laughing and closing on his heel.
" Hey [name]"
You hugged Billy, before pulling Jacob down to your height and messing with his hair, he laughed and 'struggled' in your grip. You always loved Jacob, he always followed you around when you were younger. You were a year older than him and Bella, they always wanted to hang out with you, no matter where you went Jake and Bells were close behind you.
"im happy to see you [name], im glad to have my two best friends back." you really hugged Jacob this time. No longer the little boy you had to protect from the other older kids like Paul.
Feels so long ago.
Just then a car pulled up to the house, an expensive car at that.
Out came Bella still in her loose hoodie, layered shirts, unbrushed hair pulled back with a plain headband, baggy jeans, and a brown book bag. Yup. Same old Bells. But then came out a boy. Pale as could be with fluffed-up hair, nothing noticeable with what he was wearing, he looked like 'random guy in a crowd #4' the one thing that stood out was his eyes. Pricing gold eyes.
He stared at you, an odd expression on his face. His Face contorted like he was in pain. Looking you up and down.
From your softly curled hair, light eye make-up blushed cheeks, and plump lips, the loose complementary scarf that clung loosely around your shoulders, your tight top, fuzzy sweater, skirt, leggings, and fluffy leg warmers, what was this guy staring at?
His eyes shifted to Billy and Jacob and he made a face, one that shifted from pain. To disgust. You narrowed your eyes, just what in the hell was this guy's problem?!
Then what made you realize you had work to do, and a serious chat to have.
When your Dad smiled at your sister slightly opening his arms and giving a "Hey sweetie Bells!" she made and face heading in side with a mumbled "hi Charlie."
... Oh fuck no.
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junkdrawerfics · 11 months
Swan Sisters (Part 4)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Bella and Sister!Reader
Summary: You get dragged into dress shopping in Port Angeles with the girls, which turns out to be a good thing considering Bella is a magnet for danger! Jasper is not in this one cause it got too long!
Word Count: 3534
Warnings: some violence (self defense) and allusion to/attempted assault (Port Angeles scene) also possibly horrid writing, I've been up for 24 hours!
“How was the beach?”
You meet Bella at the door, fluttering around her hectically as she toes her boots off and shakes stray droplets from her coat. She hits you with a look, the ‘calm down before I walk right back out of here’ look. Smiling apologetically, you back off a few paces, though you can’t stop the habitual leg bouncing.
She obviously had something planned last night, when you talked about La Push. Waiting is not exactly your forte these days. After wasting a couple hours working, you called Alice, who hadn’t seen anything, a common occurrence when the wolves are involved somehow. So wait you did, not that it was easy. The living room is in a completely different arrangement than it was this morning.
“It was fine. It rained a bit, but everyone seemed to have fun. I think I convinced Angella to ask Eric out,” she recounts once she hangs up her coat and starts towards the living room.
“Really? Angella and Eric? Huh.” You never thought of that, but they do seem like a perfect pair. Eric’s not too crazy and Ang- Wait, she’s trying to distract you! Focusing back in you, you prod a little further, “Besides that, did anything happen? Any coincidental Jacob appearances?”
‘Coincidental’ because you know of Jacob’s little crush on your sister. If he heard about Forks kids showing up on the reservation, he’d probably show up out of pure curiosity.
Hm, the shut out approach. Smart. Unfortunately for her, you are now undying, which means an eternal amount of stubborn snooping.
“How’s he?”
“Fine, Billy’s good too.”
“That’s nice.” You give her just enough time to sit down and reach for the tv remote before plopping down next to her, your next question spilling out, “What did you guys talk about?”
Bella rolls her eyes, “Are we playing twenty questions?”
“Until I figure out what you were planning last night before dad came in,” you reply, just as snarkily, “So?”
“Fine,” she huffs, “I got him to tell me about the legend behind why they don’t like the Cullens. Happy?”
“How’d you do that?” This question is just for fun.
A lot of fun, considering Bella goes positively red, pursing her lips in discomfort.
“I might have…flirted with him,” she mumbles, scratching the back of her neck.
Oh the poor boy. Being exposed to that so young, he’ll never be the same. And to think, Bella can actually successfully flirt! You can’t stop yourself from snickering, which makes Bella look even more miserable. 
“It’s alright, Bells.” You try to reassure her, but there’s no hiding the amusement in your voice, and she just glares at you. “Sometimes you just have to use your feminine wiles to get your way, you know?”
She groans, head dropping into her hands. Her voice comes out muffled when she growls, “I hate you so much.”
The laugh you let out is truly a cackle, completely evil in intent, “You could never.”
“I am this close.” She holds out her fingers, except they are pressed firmly together, which just makes you laugh harder.
It takes a moment for you to calm down again. It’s a good thing you don’t need air, otherwise you’d be gasping, ribs aching. But now you can laugh as much as you want, as long as you want. A weird perk, but one you enjoy.
“So,” you start again, wiping a nonexistent tear from your eye, “What did you learn?”
Bella shifts, just enough to cast you a sidelong glance. Her eyes, thoughtful, calculating, seem to look straight through you as she considers her words carefully. You wish she would just spit it out, but it’s not too hard to guess what she might be thinking.
“He said that the Cullens are some enemy clan, and that they have some treaty with the Quileutes that keep them off the reservation,” she finally explains, though her tone is clipped.
“An enemy clan, huh?” 
That makes sense. You get the feeling that there’s more to what Jacob said, something about what you are, but you don’t press further. Whether she figures it out or not, you’re not too worried anymore. Alice’s visions always come true, and your stubbornness alone will deter the more gruesome ending.
You look at her face. There’s no fear in her expression as she meets your gaze. So maybe he didn’t say too much. But there’s still something. She has to know something. You catch yourself, humming at the realization that you want her to know something.
Maybe the quicker she figures it out, the quicker that future will come true.
You give her knee a soft squeeze and push yourself back to your feet, “Whelp, I’m glad you had fun, Bells. You should talk to Jacob more often, he’s a smart kid.”
Her brow furrows, confusion flooding her face at your conspiratorial grin. With a quick wink, you dart upstairs, leaving Bella positively bewildered much to your own amusement.
Not much changes the days following the conversation. The weather gets a little sunnier, meaning the Cullens don’t go to school and you get a few off days with Jasper. Bella doesn’t mention their absence, much to your surprise.
It’s almost like things are normal for a little bit.
She even invites you to Port Angeles for prom dress shopping, which prompted the question-
“You’re going to prom?!”
And the subsequent answer.
“No.” Said with such disdain, you let it drop immediately.
Even so, that’s how you find yourself here, watching Angela and Jessica try on dresses while Bella stares out the window, lost in thought. It’s a good thing that you know the girls from your time in Forks High, otherwise this would be so awkward.
Maybe that’s why she just invited you, to spare herself the pain of doing it alone.
“I like that one on you, Ang,” you chirp, “Lavender is totally your color.”
“Yah?” She smiles meekly, looking down at herself.
“Totally! Don’t you think Bella?” You give your sister a hard elbow to the ribs, making her jump and glare at you before turning to her friend.
“Definitely, Angela, you look beautiful.” At least she’s trying.
The two more normal girls go back to fussing over their dresses. Watching them gives you a dull sense of nostalgia. It’s been so long since you’ve done something like this with humans. Since you’ve been able to.
“So, (Y/n), are you still dating Jasper Hale?” Jessica suddenly pipes up, eyeing you with poorly hidden jealousy.
Ah, that, you haven’t missed. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Bella smothering a smug smile. Karma.
“I am,” you reply shortly.
“Is that weird?” She presses as she stares at herself in the mirror, messing with a pair of white gloves. “Ya know, since you graduated and he’s still in school?”
“No. I skipped a grade, so we’re about the same age.” Not even close, technically, but appearance wise it is. 
Thankfully, or unfortunately, she’s cut off by a sudden knock on the window. A group of men walk by, whooping and catcalling. Angela and Jessica flinch and shuffle away from the glass, faces twisting with discomfort. You frown, a sudden flare of anger flushes through you.
You jump in front of the girls, flipping the bird at the men as you bark a low, “Piss off!”
It doesn’t do much to damper their attitudes, since they’re probably too buzzed to notice the typically unnerving edge you carry as a vampire. Anger simmers low and hot in your gut. What happened to common decency?
“That is uncomfortable,” Jessica mumbles.
“But really cool, of you, (Y/n),” Angela murmurs, voice touched with awe, “Thanks.”
“Oh please, it’s only decent,” you grumble and slump back into your seat, “I can’t believe that.”
You’re tempted to go rip their heads off, but that wouldn’t look too good.
“It’s disgusting,” Bella agrees, looking just as frustrated.
You fall into a tense silence. It’s tense to you at least, but that’s probably because you’re watching the window like a hawk, as if they’ll come back at any moment. For their sake, you hope they don’t. Their death would not be pleasant. No, you’d make sure-
“What do you think of this one, Bella?”
Oh right, dress shopping. Probably not the best time to get swept up in murderous thoughts.
“It looks great.”
You snort. Is it possible to sound less enthusiastic? 
“You’ve said that about, like, the last five dresses,” Jessica says with a grimace-like smile.
Bella shrugs, “I thought they were all pretty great.”
Angela, who’s observant nature rivals even Edward’s, picks up on her reluctance easily, “You’re not really into this, are you?”
“I actually just really wanted to go to this bookstore.”
You perk up a little in interest, eyeing your sister, “A bookstore?”
She noticably avoids your stare as she nods. Curious. Maybe something to do with her talk with Jacob?
“Well let’s go to this bookstore of yours then! We’ll catch you girls at the restaurant?” A charismatic smile and they agree easily. You tug Bella up by her arm, though she quickly jostles out of your grip with a soft glare.
“You don’t have to come,” she grumbles.
“Hmmm, stay here dress shopping for a prom I’m not going to or accompany my twig-like sister around a dangerous town?” You pretend to mull it over, rubbing your chin theatrically, and Bella rolls her eyes. “I’m afraid I’ll have to go with the ladder. For your safety, of course.”
“I can hold my own.”
Swan stubbornness.
“A gust of wind could knock you over, Bells. Or worse, a nice patch of wet concrete.”
No need to remind her of all the times you’ve watched her trip on nothing. The girl was frightfully uncoordinated. Plus, you’d heard word of some strange “animal” attacks nearby. It’s safer if you’re with her.
Though the trip turns out to be mostly uneventful. You walk to a small store, Thunderbird and Whale Bookstore, who’s clerk gives you a weird look as you puruse the indigenous literature. Not completely abnormal, given your appearance. Just abnormal enough to make you wonder, not too abnormal that people ask. But the legends of their people definitely make you more conscious of your human habits. 
Breathe. In. Out. Blink. Shuffle.
Until he focuses on Bella as she comes up to him with a book.
You peer over her shoulder at the cover. Quileute Legends. Seems you right.
She shifts, blocking your sight as she tucks the book to her chest. With a quick thank you and goodbye, you’re back on the street. The restaurant shouldn’t be too far.
“So…Quileute legends?” 
You huff, “You’re so boring sometimes, Bella.”
She meets you tick for tick, “You’re so annoying sometimes, (N/n).”
Unconsciously, you catch the sound of heavy footsteps down a nearby road.
“That’s my job,” you chirp, slinging an arm over her shoulders, to draw her close, just to be careful.
“I thought you’re job was to teach me about makeup and boys and all that,” she snorts back.
The footsteps get louder.
Pretending to be playful, you pull her hood up, synching it over part of her face, “What do you want to know, hm?”
Bella looks at you, glare equal parts amused and irritated, until she catches the faintest glimmer of unease in your eyes. You smile, but it’s forced, too stiff, unnarturally sharp. She grip the book closer to her chest. As you push her into an alley, she catches sight of the two men walking where you had. 
And they catch sight of the two of you. A glint sparks in their eyes. An all too familiar one. The hunt has begun.
“Keep walking, Bells, please.” You urge, voice tight.
Their gaze burns on the back of your neck, much like it had at the dress store, dripping with hunger. It brings back every memory of walking through Port Angeles alone. The fear, gripping your mace with white fingers, keys held like claws in your other hand. All because men like them think they are entitled to touch touch touch-
Rage simmers up your throat.
Any other day you could show them what that fear is like. How it feels to be hunted. But you’re too aware of Bella tucked under your arm, one hand curling around your wrist so tight, it would break if you weren’t made of marble. She would see. As much as you want her to know, this is not how you want her to figure it out.
So you clamp down on the rage. Dismembering them might not be the best solution anyways.
Though it sounds more appealing as you step out of the alley and watch the last of the drunken men slither out from the shadows. Disgusting snakes. They were waiting for you.
“Hey, where you running to?”
“There they are.”
Bella flinches, and you envision their blood spilled over the pavement, fizzling alongside their beer. Something inside you craves it, longs to see these men wounded in the same way they hurt young women. But you keep it locked down. Not yet. Not unless it’s necessary, you snarl to yourself.
“Stay close to me, Bella,” you murmur, arm like a metal guard around her shaking, frail shoulders. 
The girl merely nods. Her eyes are wide, unblinking, like a china doll.
You will protect her. At all costs.
Head kepts low, you try to force yourself forward, through the men, but they close in like vultures around you.
“Woah, woah, woah, where are you going?” 
“Yah, why don’t you hang out with us?” They chorus in agreement.
Your eyes dart around, looking for any way to escape. There’s maybe ten men, and you feel your throat tighten with each step they take towards you. With each step, Bella’s heartrate spikes, panic flickering over her features. You pull her impossibly closer.
You go rigid when a scorchingly hot, sweaty hand gropes your butt. Snarling, you slap it away, disgust burning a pit in your gut.
“Don’t you dare touch me,” you warn, though your eyes flicker between their identical, sickening smirks, unable to tell who did it. If Jasper were here, they’d all die for it. They still might.
“Oh, she doesn’t like that.”
“Feisty one, eh?”
“What about this one?”
Everything slows down for just a split second.
Another reaching hand, palm covered in sweat and beer, nails rimmed with dirt, skin smudged with oil. Ready to touch. Ready to take whatever it wants. Reaching for your sister.
Fast - too fast - you block his way. Bella gasps almost inaudibly behind you, but you’re too distracted as you catch the man’s wrist. His face goes stark white at your crushing grip, and it’s like the clouds clearing, his eyes setting on you for the first, real time. The fear glinting in their depths gives you a sick sense of satisfaction.
“Keep your disgusting, filthy hands off my sister,” you hiss slowly and give his wrist a deft twist.
The satisfying pop paired with his pained yelp is music to your ears.
Alongside the sound of screeching tires.
Bella barely has time to breathe as you shove her towards the Volvo as it skids to a stop, barely catches the imperseptible nod you give Edward as he steps out. Ignoring her sputtering, you push her into the front seat.
“What the h-”
“Just stay put,” you grumble and slide into the backseat.
You don’t watch as Edward approaches the men. You don’t care to see their faces again. If you do, you just might turn around and break the remaining wrists. Maybe that would keep them from laying their hands on any innocents again.
Eyes flickering shut, you let every muscle in your body go still. It helps somehow, like you’re resetting. You focus on the sound of Bella’s breathing, how it slows down, and how her heart eventually returns to a normal rhythm.
It picks up a fraction when Edward slips back in, slamming his door hard enough to make the car shake.
“Hold on tight,” you whisper, mostly to yourself.
Bella turns to look at you, but gasps and clutches at her armrests when Edward whips right out of the lot. The man drives like usual, like he’s trying escape the depths of hell. This time, you don’t give him grief for it though.
“I should go back and rip their heads off,” Edward snarls, fingers going somehow paler around the steering wheel.
“No. Bad idea-”
“Sounds good to me-”
Bella shoots you a glare. With an unapologetic shrug, you turn to watch the trees race by. They might not have hurt the two of you, but there’s no doubt in your mind that they’ve done the same thing to some other poor soul. They deserve to rot.
“You don’t know the vile things they were thinking.”
You resist the urge to slap your forehead. Or him.
“And you do?” Bella’s brow furrows.
Cover it up, cover it up, you idiot.
“Not hard to guess.”
Better than that, Edward.
The glare he sends you through the rearview mirror is remarkably similar to your sister’s. They really will make a lovely match. Good thing they can’t have kids, what with the amount of disapproval they can put together. 
“Good thing you were visiting Port Angeles, huh Edward?” You tease with a lecherous grin pointed right back at him.
“You were just…visiting.” Bella’s voice rings with suspicioun.
Edward grinds his teeth, “Yup. Visiting.”
The word is slowly losing all meaning. 
You settle back into your seat as an awkward silence fills the cabin. If you didn’t know better, you would think Edward was just another inexperienced teenager, new to the whole love thing. Though, he still looks ready to murder those guys, based on his black glare barely focused on the road.
Remembering them brings back a new feeling. Not fear, but a remanent, the faintest lingering of anxiety that makes you grit your teeth. Dread maybe, because you can’t help but wonder - what if it happened a year ago? It’s pointless, you know, but there’s no banishing the images that come to mind.
Something hollow opens in your chest as you shake your head, as if that will dislodge them.
Edward glances back at you again. His gold eyes crease with concern, but ignoring him seems better than admitting to something so stupid. You’re a vampire now, nothing like that will happen. Instead, you let thoughts of Jasper fill your mind. His smile. His eyes. Anything to keep you distracted until you’re in his arms.
Bella must tell Edward where to go, because the next thing you know, you’re pulling up to the restaurant you were meant to meet Jessica and Angela at. They are barely walking out the door as you park. Bella jumps out, probably to greet them, and Edward goes to follow, but you stop him with a hand on his elbow. Gold eyes flash back to meet yours, still concerned and questioning.
“Thank you,” you all but whisper, squeezing his elbow gently.
His features soften, a small, genuine smile flashing over his lips, “Go. I’ll take care of Bella. Alice told Jasper about tonight, he needs you just as much right now.”
Those words wash over you like a warm tide. Somehow, the thought of Jasper in a rage over your safety, despite you being almost stronger than him now, makes you feel a little better. His protectiveness almost matches your own, though yours spans to practically everyone around you.
Speaking of. 
You slip out of the car and give Bella one last once over. She looks…okay. No bruises. No lingering fear. Like it never happened. Satisfied, you nod to yourself and pull her into a tight, almost crushing hug. She jumps, wheezing out a soft laugh.
“I’m fine, (Y/n).”
“I know, I know. Just, stay with Eddie, okay? He’ll get you food and take you home.”
Bella frowns, “Where are you going?”
“To see Jasper.” You offer her a guilty smile, though she nods her understanding. “Eddie called him right before he got to us, so he’s freaking out a little.” Another nod. “Love you, Bells.”
“Love you, too.”
One last squeeze and you pull away, offering the two other girls a short wave, “Night girls, get home safe, alright?”
“You too, (Y/n)!”
“It was nice seeing you again.”
As you turn to leave, you hear Bella flip on her heels, laughter in her voice, “Eddie?”
Edward’s following groan casts off the last of your dark clouds. You’ll pay for that somehow, you’re sure, but it’ll be totally worth the pure enjoyment it brings you. He hates it when you call him that. Almost as much as Bella hates it when you call her Tinkerbell. Another match.
The silver lining of this all is that you have a convenient reason to leave them alone together.
And based on the events of the night, Bella will probably have more questions than Edward can answer without lying. Plus the book. Everything’s lining up, it’ll just depend on how much Edward outs himself!
Part 5 (ending)
I hope y'all enjoyed! The next part will likely be the last! And sorry if you missed Jasper in this part :( I try to keep my stories to below 4k words, so I decided to keep that for the next part.
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lavender-at-heart · 20 days
Velvet and Lace
Part 1 : The Invitation
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Pairing: Aro Volturi × fem!OC
AN: while this is a oc series I am purposely limiting descriptive elements so it may be read as a reader insert. I don't know how long this series will be, I also haven't posted on here in so long. Please give me feedback and wish me luck! Thanks for reading/engaging!
Warnings: none for this chapter
Word count: 710
A year. I haven't been to Forks in a year. I spent my entire life thinking that it was everything, now I'm not so sure. I miss my home more than anything, but the wonders I have seen while away. I can only imagine what those quiet town folk will think of my stories. My reason for returning? An envelope that arrived to my hotel room in Bankok. Simple, off white paper with silver etchings that read the following:
Isabella Marie Swan
Edward Anthony Masen Cullen
Together with their families, request the honor of your presence at the celebration of their marriage.
Saturday the thirteenth of August, two thousand and eleven, five O'clock in the evening
420 Woodcroft Ave
Forks, WA
I could hardly believe the words as they spilled from my mouth. My sister, married? My sweet, anti-social, 18 year old sister? Yes I'm aware that she had found herself a boyfriend, our phone calls over the past year have been of nothing else, it seems. It's so unlike her, but nevertheless I am giddy. Later that evening I recive a phone call from the bride herself, bestowing upon me the title of maid of honor.
When I first met Edward Cullen, I was surprised. I never had any classes with him since he was a grade bellow me, but he always seemed off. His whole family did, which became the talk of the town for months and months. The rest of his siblings seemed relatively well rounded, with sharp minds and passionate interests. I became acquainted with Emmett and Rosalie during our shared English class. Rosalie, while much more reserved than Emmet, was always helpful and kind. We never became friends outside of school but I was shocked to find out that she had a disdain for Bella (I would later realize that this was due to me not trying to stick my nose into vampire business, although I would have if I had known that the Cullens were supernatural beings.) Emmett was very sociable, we didn't have much in common but I was glad to have such a friendly classmate.
After the shock of the wedding died down, I booked a plane ticket home as soon as possible. My father, Charlie, would pick me up from the airport. I would get to see Bella. Gosh. I haven't seen her in person since I left. Bella, one year younger than me, has always lived with our mother. That was the agreement. She went of to sunny Arizona and I started in the rain. I always liked the rain though, and I always liked Forks. Right before I started grade 12, Bella moved here. And I loved it. I had never been happier. But that only lasted so long. Bella got caught up with her vampire-like boyfriend and I started feeling a horrible longing to leave. I made the decision, much to my father's dismay, to take a gap year. Travel. I had been working at the diner after school since grade 9 and I had saved almost all of the money I made. My favorite thing about Bellas new beau was his family. They were quite lovely people, although strange, and they helped me quite a bit with my travels. Alice, the only one who I had become moderately close to, aswell as Mr. and Mrs. Cullen, had filled my mind with many inspirations for my travels. They also gave me some extra money to help make it as fulfilling as possible, despite me protesting about 100 times. By the end of grade twelve I was itching to leave. My itinerary was stacked, I planned to stay in Europe for two months and the rest in Asia. I cherished the cathedrals in Germany , the busy streets in Mumbai, the quiet ashrams in India, sights of Nepal, Vietnam, Italy, France, and now Thailand. I have come away from this trip with a bigger sense of the world, and myself. But now I've grown rather homesick from shuffling village to village, my sense of adventure has been filled and I'm ready for peace and simplicity. I think I'm ready to go home. Little did I know that returning to the middle of nowhere, Washington, would lead me on the greatest adventure of my life.
Thanks for making it to the end! <3 -CC
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cullen-cannons · 2 years
So I’ve been rereading Twilight and THIS.
People give Jasper a lot of crap sometimes but . . .
“Jasper and I looked at each other. He stood across the length of the entryway from me... being careful. "You're wrong, you know," he said quietly.
"What?" I gasped.
"I can feel what you're feeling now — and you are worth it."
"I'm not," I mumbled. "If anything happens to them, it will be for nothing."
"You're wrong," he repeated, smiling kindly at me.”
Pgs. 210-211 Chapter 19 The Hunt.
Jasper was suddenly beside Alice, closer to me than usual.
"Bella," he said in a suspiciously soothing voice. "You have nothing to worry about. You are completely safe here."
"I know that."
"Then why are you frightened?" he asked, confused. He might feel the tenor of my emotions, but he couldn't read the reasons behind them.
"You heard what Laurent said." My voice was just a whisper, but I was sure they could hear me. "He said James was lethal. What if something goes wrong, and they get separated? If something happens to any of them, Carlisle, Emmett... Edward..." I gulped. "If that wild female hurts Esme..." My voice had grown higher, a note of hysteria beginning to rise in it. "How could I live with myself when it's my fault? None of you should be risking yourselves for me —"
"Bella, Bella, stop," he interrupted me, his words pouring out so quickly they were hard to understand. "You're worrying about all the wrong things, Bella. Trust me on this — none of us are in jeopardy. You are under too much strain as it is; don't add to it with wholly unnecessary worries. Listen to me!" he ordered, for I had looked away. "Our family is strong. Our only fear is losing you."
Pgs. 213-214 Chapter 19 The Hunt
In the beginning of the story Jasper is unsure about having a human in the family, ready to kill her to end the threat even but he decides that if Alice can accept her then he can to, of course he must distance himself because of her blood, but he can try to make it work. Bella on the other hand is insecure, she thinks she isn’t good enough for someone as perfect as Edward and that she’s caused the Cullens nothing but trouble from the moment she caused Edward to almost expose them. So, when we see through Bella’s point of view Jasper’s distance is mistaken for dislike or at the very least disapproval but here we get to see that he doesn’t dislike her he’s happy for Edward and wants Bella to know that she is loved and welcomed and a valued important part of this family and that he thinks of her as part of the family too. I think this means a lot coming from him especially because he wasn’t really Team Bella at first. Maybe he doesn’t think she’s the most amazing thing ever to happen in this decade (no Bella hate) the way the rest of the Cullens (save for Rosalie) seem to, but he doesn’t think badly of her now that he knows she isn’t a threat. I think that with both of their reserved natures that they would be good friends. Since I haven’t seen a lot of Jasper and Bella brother and sister headcannons I’ll probably make some later. Anyway that’s the end of my rant, I just wanted to share some of my favourite parts of this great book with you all.
(Note, it’s been a while since I’ve read Midnight Sun and if I’m getting anything wrong let me know, this is just my interpretation from reading Twilight again.)
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alexyskinnerstories · 20 days
Chief Swan Eldest Daughter
Story Description- Isabella has a half-older sister who knows about the supernatural being in the world she was raised by her biological father Charlie Swan an immortal being who had an unknowing fling with a married woman named Esther Mikaelson and she ends up pregnant with a powerful baby girl who she abandons on the doorstep of her biological father who was in a committed relationship with a woman named Renee and she immediately treated her like her own child and loved her... Until something happened
OC Characters and Cast
Florence Pugh as Cyrus Adriel Swan- Mikaelson( In Future)
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Tessa Thompson as Horizon Genevieve Cullen
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Twilight actors and Actress's as their character
The original cast as their character
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Cyrus's & Horizon's Friends
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^ Cassie ^
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^ Jazlynn^
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^ Alexandrine^
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^ June ^
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^ Dennis^
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^ James jr^
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After It All (I)
Before It All (Prologue) 
The Golden Trio; Harry Potter, Hermoine Granger, and Ron Weasley enter what used to be the Great Hall with Harry's elder sister Scarlett, all with saddened looks and minor battle scars on their bodies.
The war's over, yet as they stand in the doorway to some of their happiest memories, all they can see are the dead and injured that are lined in the large room.
Ron is the first to break away, in search of his family.
Hermoine is quick to follow, looking around for friends who did and did not make it.
The Potter's are slower to enter, but they do, watching the crying families and friends of those who are lost until they come upon the Weasley family.
Every one of them is sobbing. Fleur is clutching on to Bill as if he'll disappear and George is sobbing on to his father's shoulder as Hermoine and Ron make it to them. But it's who the Weasley mother is clutching on the ground that pulls a heart-wrenching sob from the eldest Potter as she grasps her abdomen.
Running to the family, she falls on her knees next to Molly as she stares at the love of her life and one of her closest friends' lifeless body.
"Freddie, come on you can't really be gone. Come on Freddie, you said you wouldn't leave me," The fire-haired girl sobs, the boy's family watching on as the display makes their tears flow faster. "Freddie," She sobs out once more, one of her hands placed over his heart, "You can't leave us," She adds, her other hand placed on her stomach as the Weasley's stare in shock.
"Lettie dear," Molly all but whispers. "Are you...?"
All Scarlett can bring herself to do is nod, her breath escaping her. "I never got to tell him," She sobs even harder, clutching on to Fred's body with all her might.
But what happened next was what truly shocked the entire Great Hall. One moment, they are observing a grieving young woman as she mourns the loss of her love. The next, a bright light that can only be compared in brightness to the one on the Hogwarts Express, emits from the couple before a sharp, male, gasp is heard.
"Lettie? Why are you crying?" Fred asks his love as he moves to sit up, looking around. "Why is everyone so glum?"
"Oh Fred!" Molly exclaims, hugging her child tightly.
"Oye Mum, what's going on?"
"Fred, you- you died," George chokes out, attacking his brother with a hug.
"But- then how am I?"
"Scarlett," Arthur Weasley explains in a soft tone, glancing at the said girl who had hurriedly moved back for Molly. "She really is the strongest witch of her time."
"I-I don't know... I don't know how I did that..." Scarlett mumbles.
"Oh I don't care how! Thank you!" Molly exclaims, hugging the girl who's like a daughter to her tightly.
"Fred," Percy chimes in after a moment, using his brother's nickname for the first time since their childhood. "I am glad you're alive, but I believe Scarlett has something to tell you."
"Percival!" Molly yells in shock.
"Mum, we've all just learned that life is too short," Percy explains, Molly going to scold him before Scarlett stops her.
"He's right, Molly," She agrees, turning to the sitting Fred. "I should have told you before the battle but I knew you wouldn't have let me fight," She begins to explain. "Freddie, gosh this isn't how I imagined doing this," She explains with a sad laugh. "Fred, I'm pregnant."
"You're... you're..." Fred begins but can't finish his sentences. "I'm going to be a dad?"
All Scarlett can do is nod, being pulled into the tightest hug of her life, and for that one moment, none of the heartache surrounds them.
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queenofglassbeliever · 10 months
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thewulf · 1 month
Miss ma'am!! Idk how I'm just finding your blog but omggg you have the motherload of amazing FF's. THANK YOUUUU. It's hard to find sweet fluff and actual good angst. So thank you. please keep it up for forever.
Can i request a Paul Lahote x Swan Twin Sister Reader? I've had this in my head for forever but you can ignore it if you don't wanna do twilight. But i think you'd crush it!
Okay so reader is Bella's (fraternal) twin sissy. She moved to Forks with Bella and the whole first book happens WITHOUT her knowing what's going on. She's just as in the dark as Charlie is. However, after edward abandons her she gets to the bottom of it and is her sisters rock while she comes out of the depression hole she's in.
Okay so reader convinces Bella to go talk to Jacob after he too seemingly abandons the both of them (reader is good friends with Jake prior to the transformation instead of the Cullen's). Reader is too upset to confront him so she sits in the car. However, when reader notices Bella walking towards the Sam and his crew that's when she springs into action running behind her. She tries to stop Bella from slapping Paul but she does in her rage. However, instead of transforming reader calls out to Bella and locks eyes with him. Of course, reader is his imprint and it can be really sweet n fluffy after that. Like he falls the the ground, anger vanished and things just make sense to him. Obvi bella and reader are hella confused. Jake is super thankful bc he's obviously missed you.
Sorry this is so long but I think you'll crush it!!
First of all, thank you so much!!
Second of all, YASSSS you got it. My first twilight request!! I swear Twilight is what got me INTO reading. Sucked me in and I've never looked back. This series is what fanfics are made for hahah. You got it anon!!
(I also love really detailed requests, so no worries!)
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vampire207343 · 2 years
Rosebelle Swan
what if.... Bella Swan has a fraternal twin sister by the name Rosebelle Marian Swan.
Growing up Rosebelle Swan has never seem to measure to sister Bella in their parents eyes even when She did everything perfect, but it's still not good enough.
When I got imprinted on by my friend Jacob Black instead of accepting the imprint like the other wolves Jake reject it which only devested me. Even Jake dosen't want to accept me since I'm not Bella, I had enough always being compare to my twin sister that when I graduate high school early. I decided to leave Forks instead of staying around and didn't tell anyone where I'm going.
My twin sister Bella was so understanding for me wanting to leave even when she's going through a horrible break up but she disen't need me to get through her break up she has our dad even jake. I gaved her my new phone number and made her promise not to give my new number to our parents or Jake or any of the pack which she did before I left without any backward glace.
I descided to move with my Aunt Anne and her husband Enrico Rivera. I always been close to both of them than I ever did with my own parents. They always wanted children of their own but Aunt Anne is unable to have a child of their own so they both treat me like the daughter they never had before which I don't mind since my parents never show me love like I wanted the one who did was both my Aunt Anne and Uncle Enrico their more my parents than my actual parents.
Emily Young the Imprint of Sam Uley understand why Rosabelle left Forks a few weeks after Jacob Black rejected his own imprint which broke Rose's part of the imprint but it dosen't mean that it hurt her anyless especially since she has always been under her sister's shadow. While the part of Rose's imprint broke it dosen't mean that Jacob's end also broke but on the contrary it still very much strong when he first imprint on her. Rose might have a chance of falling in love with someone else and get married if she want but Jacob dosen't have that luxury of beging with someone other than his imprint which is now impossible since he rejected her which cause her to leave washington all together, even the other wolves knows the only one who don't is Jacob himself.
Who was to busy beging the lap dog of Bella Swan the twin sister of his own imprint to care she left at all. Sooner or later he would regret rejecting his imprint before they even had a chance just because she wasn't Bella Swan. The only one who still has contact with Rose is bella herself and she isn't telling anyone where she is because she promise her sister she wouldn't tell anyone her where about unless Rose told herself that it was alright. Which the pack understand which they mostly wouldn't see Rose again, unless Bella get married if she even get married at all, which we doubt that Bells would ever marry Jacob shd may date him just fill the hole that Edward Cullen left from her heart but they are 100% sure that Bella would never marry Jacob.
I work so hard to gradute Collage after I moved to the Philipines with my Aunt and Uncle and I, Rosebelle Marian Swan has decided to attend Atenek de Manila University and work hard to graduate Early that by the time was 20 years old I already graduate and I only attending this University for about 3 years before graduating decided to make a name for my self as a singer and actress.
I got casted in my first movie when I was 20 years old as dyesebel herself in a Philippine television drama romance fantasy where she meet her co-star Nathan Raphael Dantes casted as Fredo the love intrest of Dyesebel, they became friends with one another but as months pass feelings for each other grew like no other that I manged to forget all about Jake and feeling unloved but with Nathan is different he makes me feel wanted and love like no one has ever show me. It wasn't before we end up together. He even heal her broken heart, I know then he is the man I wanted to spend the rest of life not Jacob. I'm glad Jacob reject me as his imprint if not I would have never been able to meet Nathan I wouldn't have left Forks and meet Nathan and that is something I never wanted to happen meeting Nathan is best that could have ever happen to my life.
3 years after, after Rosebelle left Forks Jacob manged to get Bella Swan as his girlfriend but the pack kniws that she has no feelings for him she was only using him to fill the hole Edward left behind 5 years ago. She only agree to be his girlfriend since she dosen't want to lose him to like she lost her leech of an ex-boyfriend. Bella was 22 years old by then attend Washington State University for her junior year of college.
2 years later...
Bella Swan was invited to a wedding in the Philipines which she attend alone since Jacob can't leave the tribe unprotected from Vampires even with his pack brothers not that Bella mine going alone to wedding it was like Bella dosen't want Jacob to come to wedding at all. Unknown to the pack the wedding inivation was from Rosebelle's wedding to her boyfriend Nathan Dantes who she dated for four years. It's why Bella didn't want Jake to come, bella travel to the philipines for Rosebelle's wedding which all the their friends and close family were their.
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(Rosebelle Marian Swan & Nathan Raphael Dantes)
They have huge wedding which bella should expected their both famous actor and actress making about a couple million a year. And Rose make even more beging a singer as well.
Bella was happy that Rosebelle found her own happiness that she deserve after many years of beging alone, she finally found the guy she want to spent the rest of her life and anyone call tell Rosebelle is happy with Nathan they are each other's better half.
Nathan gaved his new wife Rosebelle a song writen just for Rosebelle composed by a friend of their.
(Replace the name Marian River for Rosebelle Swan)
After the wedding Bella return to Forks after saying her goodbye to her Aunt Anne and Uncle Enrico Rivera along with her twin sister Rosebelle and her new husband Nathan, who plan to take Rose to Malamawi Island, the crown jewel of Basilan, for their honeymoon for a month.
Charlie Swan didn't ask why she travel to the philipines for a wedding which she lied about an old friend she has when she and Rose visit their Aunt when their kids just got married. Which he accepted by then charlie Swan already realized how he treated his youngest daughter always comparing her to Bella that she grow distant to him over the years and the only one she seem to get along with is Bella herself. He didn't even realized that she left he was to worried about Bella now he dosen't even know where she was or she was even alived, he regret many thing on how he never seem to pay attention on Rosebelle growing up that he didn't even know the most basic thing about her he thought her favorite color was green until Bella correct him that it was Red & Purple not green like he first thought it was like he didn't even know his youngest daughter.
Charlie Swan wasn't the only one who regret how he raised Rosebelle so did Renée Dwyer who never payed any mine to Rosebelle until she left altogether. Bella and Rosebelle are now 24 years old so they don't really need them anymore, but I know I wanted to make up for all the things I miss in Rosebelle's life I know charlie felt the same but we both know we can't turn back time we just need to keep moving forward maybe one day we might make up for our mistake with Rosebelle and we hope one day she would find it in her heart to forgive us.
A year after Rosebelle and Nathan Danates got married they were noth bless with twins a boy and a girl while their children where unexpected but they are still equally love by the time Rosebelle give birth to her twins she was already a 26 years old woman and her children was given the name Rosella Anne and Adrian Xavier Dantes.
Which Rosebelle and Nathan welcome their two children's birth and they were both over joy at the birth of their own children. Which Bella congrasulated them on Skype since she can't visit in person just after a year after her return from the philipines so they understand they she would most likely not meet the twins in person at less they can talk on skype when they grew up.
It wasn't long before Bella decided to break up with her boyfriend Jake Black who she been dating for almost 3 years now since she wasn't even in love with him to begin with she only agree to date him so that she would lose him like she did with Edward and by then the pack already destroy Victoria who wanted to kill for unknowingly getting her mate James killed by the Cullens in order to protect me.
Beside any feels I may have had with Edward has long fade after all it been 8 years since Edward left me and it's doubtful that they would come back for her and it's about time I move on with my life instead of living in the past like I have been doing since Edward left me.
"So in order for me to truely move on from Edward I decided to leave forks for a while decided to move yo the Philipines to near my Aunt Anne and her husband Uncle Enrico and be near my sister and her husband along with their two beautiful children. Maybe who knows I might find love again here like Rosebelle did" bella thought to herself.
3 months later...
Bella end up meeting a friend of her sister and brother-in-law, Richard who is well known Filipino actor, environmentalist and model. They fell in love with each other, it was like it was love at first seight that they are now dating each other and look together many people told them that.
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(Richard De la Cruz and Bella Swan)
Richard is the now who really help bella move on from Edward Cullen the moment they meet each other it was like Edward never even walk into to her life. She was glad to move to the Philipines because it allow her to meet the lovd of her life Richard this Bella was sure of she dosen't know what she'll do if she ever lost Richard he is her life if he isn't in it then life isn't worth living without him by herside.
Bella also meet the nine months old children of her sister which she quickly adore them. Growing up with their mother Renée, Bella never wanted children but if it was Richard then shecwould love them because they are the proof of their love to one another like Rosella and Adrian are the proof of Rosebelle and Nathan's love for each other.
By then Rosebelle isn't just an Actress, and singer, she also model, Misician and Dancer. While Nathan isn't just an actor anymore he is also a Model, Film Director, Film producer, Televation Direcfor, Dancer and Political. Both of them are known as the Primetime king and Queen.
They recently finish foing a tv show called Encantadia which is a Philippine television drama fantasy. Rosebelle cast as  Minea the fourth queen mother of the Kingdom of Lireo, and the mother of the four Sang'gres destined to be the keepers of the four elemental gems of the world of Encantadia. While Nathan casted as Raquim of Sapiro, he  is a Prince of the Kingdom of Sapiro. He is a cousin of Rama Armeo and the father of Hara Amihan of Lireo.
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(Rosebelle and Nathan as Minea and Raquim)
They both had fun acting in that TV show it was one of the best tv drama they did together and Dyesebel only coming in secound.
Bella Watching her sister act at her latest Tv show made her wanted to try beging an actress it look found to her so she try and her first Tv show as Alwina in Mulawin a Philippine television drama fantasy which she casted along side Richard that's when she realized her true calling as actress. And she even did Mulawin: The Movie is a Filipino fantasy action film sequel to the Mulawin television series. Which is very big hit. 
17 years later....
Jacob Black regret ever rejecting his Imprint on Rosebelle 25 years ago, I don't even know if she's still single. I was stupid enough to reject her just for the chance to be with Bella who never loved him not even the 3 years they dated and now the pack recevied a wedding inivation to wedding which the pack attended only see his imprint that he rejected 25 years ago happily married and have two 17 years old son and daughter.
If I wasn't so stupid to reject Rosebelle I might have been happily married to Rosebelle by now and her twins could have been my own children, if only i wasn't stupid i would be happy like the rest ofmy pack mates.
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the-faceless-bride · 11 months
Gonna be writing HC for something, depending if people want it or not I might make it a full series 👀
Prompt? Being Bella's older sister, only you are a fabulous fashion diva who isn't afraid to read a bitch and you've got a big attitude.
Basics: [name] Swan, adopted Bella's older sister. You are your sister were very different. She "wasn't like other girls" and thought make-up and dressing up was stupid, she kept to herself and didn't start trouble (unless it benefits her) you on the other hand didn't give a shit about "being like other girls" you liked make-up and dressing up and you did it for you, you didn't give a shit who didn't like it or who called you "too much" or your personal favorite "over the top" and unlike Bella, you could be a bit messy, you didn't care who it was you would call anyone out. (you've called out your mom one too many times and now you are her can't stand each other) that's why shortly after Bella left home to Forks you soon followed, you always liked your dad more, he was nicer and didn't do anything you found worthy of calling out. He was only ever trying to help you and your sister. This is why you were less than pleased to see your sister has gone out of her way to disregard your Dad to spend time with some stuck-up, racist, posh, incest family. You were gonna have some words with her.
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zapreportsblog · 8 months
Can you do a Paul Lahote X reader
Where it’s based off in New Moon
Bella and their sibling Reader go visit the pack after Bella found out about shifters (Thanks ti Paul shifting from anger).
And since Bella already told her sibling about the Cullens being Vampires, obviously she would tell them about Jacob and the rez being shifters.
And it fast forwards to Bella and Reader to officially meet the pack. When the two meets the pack Reader makes eye contact with Paul Lahote which causes Paul to imprint.
P.s. im pretty sure the pack can tell when someone imprints.
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✭ pairing : paul lahote x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is the sister of Bella swan, when Jacob begins ignoring Bella, Bella takes it upon herself to find out and like always when trouble arrises where one swan goes the other swan isn’t to far behind
✭ authors note : firstly the girls picture I used looked so similar to Bella to me that I just had to use that specific one
✭ twilight masterlist
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Bella Swan had reached her breaking point. For weeks now, Jacob Black had been ignoring her, leaving her with a heartache that seemed to grow with each passing day. Desperate for answers, Bella decided it was time to confront him, even if it meant dragging her sister (Y/N) along with her.
The two sisters made their way to the Quileute reservation, where Jacob and his pack resided. As they arrived, Bella couldn't help but notice Paul Lahote and a few other boys standing outside. Determined, she approached them, her eyes scanning the group in search of Jacob.
"Hey," Bella called out, her voice laced with frustration. "Where's Jacob?"
Paul smirked, his eyes narrowing. "Why do you care? He's clearly moved on."
Bella's heart sank at Paul's words, but she refused to back down. "I deserve an explanation. We were friends, and he's been avoiding me for no reason."
The other boys exchanged glances, refusing to meet Bella's gaze. It was clear they were hiding something, but they weren't willing to share the truth.
(Y/N) had been waiting patiently in the car, but a sudden unease washed over her. Trusting her instincts, she stepped out and made her way towards Bella, unaware of the events that were about to unfold.
Paul's rude comment about Jacob pushed Bella over the edge. Without thinking, she slapped him across the face, the sound echoing through the quiet reservation.
Paul's body trembled, his expression contorting in pain. In an instant, he transformed into a massive wolf, his fur bristling with anger. Panic surged through Bella's veins, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from the creature before her.
(Y/N) sprinted towards them, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't let her sister face this danger alone. Just as she reached them, Jacob burst onto the scene, his own transformation complete.
"Bella, move!" Jacob's voice was urgent, filled with concern for her safety. He lunged at Paul, a fierce growl erupting from his throat.
(Y/N) found herself locking eyes with Paul, their gaze holding for a brief moment. And in that instant, everything changed. Paul's anger evaporated, replaced by a look of wonder and awe.
He imprinted on her.
Paul saw their future together, a life filled with love and happiness. He saw them dating, getting married, and even raising a child together. Overwhelmed by the intensity of his newfound emotions, Paul turned and disappeared into the depths of the surrounding woods, still in his wolf form.
As the dust settled, Jacob's eyes softened, his focus shifting from Paul to Bella. "Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched into his voice.
Bella nodded, speechless, her eyes filled with a mix of confusion and relief. But it was (Y/N) who held the weight of the revelation, her mind swirling with the implications of what had just occurred.
Jacob, his eyes filled with remorse and determination, took a deep breath before speaking. "I owe you an explanation, Bella. And (Y/N), I'm sorry you got dragged into this mess. But if you're willing to listen, there's a gathering tonight at the beach, we’re having barn fire. You'll hear the truth there."
Bella glanced at her sister, who nodded in agreement, her curiosity piqued. They both knew that this was their chance to finally uncover the secrets that had been shrouding Jacob and his pack.
As evening fell, Bella and (Y/N) made their way to the barn, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The sound of crackling fire and laughter filled the air, as the Quileute tribe and the pack celebrated their ancestral traditions.
Jacob approached them, his eyes sincere. "Thank you for coming. I promise, I'll explain everything."
The sisters found a spot near the fire, surrounded by the members of the pack and the Quileute tribe. Jacob stood at the center, his voice carrying through the crowd as he recounted the legends of their people.
He spoke of the Quileute tribe's ancient connection to the wolf spirit, and how some members of the tribe possessed the ability to transform into powerful, enormous wolves. He revealed the long-standing feud between his pack and the Cullens, the "cold ones" as they were known, who were vampires.
As Jacob spoke, Bella and (Y/N) listened intently, their eyes widening with each revelation. They were captivated by the tales of their battles against the Cullens, how they protected their land and loved ones from the vampire threat.
Paul, who had been nearby, approached (Y/N) cautiously after Jacob finished his story. "Can we talk?" he asked, his voice laced with a mix of hope and uncertainty.
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to expect. But something in Paul's eyes told her that he genuinely wanted to connect with her, to explain the strange imprinting bond that had formed between them.
She nodded, and the two of them stepped away from the gathering, finding a quiet spot where they could talk undisturbed.
Paul took a deep breath, his eyes searching (Y/N)'s face. "I never expected this to happen," he began. "Imprinting is a powerful force, one that we can't control. It's like an instant, unbreakable bond that forms between two people."
(Y/N) listened, her heart pounding with a mix of confusion and curiosity. She had heard of imprinting before, but experiencing it firsthand was an entirely different matter.
Paul continued, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and vulnerability. "When I looked into your eyes, I saw our future together. I saw us dating, getting married, and even having a child. It scared me at first, but now, I can't deny the pull I feel towards you."
(Y/N)'s mind raced, trying to process the enormity of what Paul was saying. She had only just met him, and yet, this supernatural bond had formed between them. She couldn't deny the connection she felt, the strange familiarity that seemed to draw her towards him.
"I don't know what this means for us," Paul admitted, his expression earnest. "But I want to figure it out, if you're willing."
(Y/N) took a moment to gather her thoughts, her gaze meeting Paul's. "I don't understand it fully either," she confessed. "But I'm willing to explore this connection, to see where it leads."
A smile tugged at the corners of Paul's lips, relief washing over his features. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude.
As they rejoined the gathering, Bella and (Y/N) felt a sense of newfound understanding and acceptance. The truth had been revealed, and their lives would never be the same again. They were embarking on a journey into a world of supernatural beings, where love, loyalty, and destiny intertwined in ways they could never have imagined.
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chloe-skywalker · 11 months
Awkward Situation - Paul Lahote
Paul x reader!Fem!Swan
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,541
Requested: Twilight imagine the part in New Moon where Bella slaps Paul and her little sister is their w/her Paul imprints on the reader and jacob isn’t happy about it and stuff like that. - @cokecola4211
Authors Note: I enjoyed writing this I tried to make it different from what I’ve read before. Thank you for requesting! Sorry it took awhile to post my queue has been FULL lol
Twilight Masterlist
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“Bella, maybe Jake just wants to be alone- or maybe some guy time.” Y/n suggested it to her slightly older sister. Bella and Y/n were hardly even a year apart in age but that didn’t stop Y/n from occasionally getting treated like a baby compared to Bella.
Y/n knew Jake and Bella had been spending a lot of time together recently and it seemed to be good for her sister after the Cullens left. But Jake had become sick or at least that's what he and Billy had been telling Bella. Y/n wanted to just leave it, he’d come back on his own either way. But her sister, no Bella , needed answers now and she wasn't going to wait to get them on Jacobs time.
Bella shook her head with a tight expression on her face. “No, Y/n. Something's up. Somethings wrong I can feel it.”
“Bella, we’ve both known Jake practically our whole lives maybe he’s just-” Y/n shook her head lifting her hand in q wave motion before dropping it down to her lap. “I don’t know, going through puberty?”
“His dad keeps saying he has mono but it’s been almost 2 weeks and he won’t even answer texts. Let alone calls.” Bella explained further as she pulled into the Black’s driveway.
“Maybe he’s still sick.” Y/n tried one last time as Bella put the car in park.
“Well, we're going to find out.” Bella stated before she got out of the car.
Y/n unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car to chase her sister muttering to herself. “This isn’t gonna go well.”
Bella knocked on the door and shortly after Billy opened the door. Bella had told the man in the wheelchair that she needed to see Jake, but all she got was that he wasn’t there. Next thing Y/n knew her sister had welcomed herself into the home practically going right over Billy.
“Bella.” Billy called after her but it was too late and Bella wasn’t listening anyways.
“I’m sorry, Billy.” Y/n said apologizing for her sister's actions.
Billy let out a sigh and sent a tired smile to the younger Swan. “Don’t worry about it, Y/n.”
It wasn’t even a few minutes later that Bella stormed out of the house and Y/n followed yelling after her. “Bella!”
“Hey!” Bella shouted and shoved one of the shirtless males Y/n somewhat recognized. “What did you do to him?!”
That's all Y/n could really hear from so far back. So she shouted out to her sister again, hoping to defuse the situation if she couldn’t just get her to leave. “Bella!” 
“Y/n wha-” Jake spoke out suddenly standing beside the Y/h/c-ed girl.
“She dragged me here with her.” That's all Y/n had to say for Jake to understand what was happening. Charlie got Y/n in the devoirce so Y/n and Jake grew up together their whole lives as siblings in Forks. They could understand what the other was saying with just a look.
Jake nodded before looking back at the scene and then pointed “And that?”
“She slapped that Paul guy.” Y/n told him and that changed his demeanor.
“Crap. Y/n, stay back.” Jake said as he noticed Paul shaking.
Y/n wondered why but then she made eye contact with the Paul guy her sister was taking her anger out on. It was as if time showed for a minute. All the members of the pack put it together, and that's when Jacob flipped and inevitably so did Paul.
Seeing them turn into giant wolves Y/n ran to her sister. “Bella, you okay?” Her attention was drawn back to the wolves fighting not far from everyone. “Woah. Now that's cool.”
“Really, Y/n?” Bella asked, turning her head to face her sister in disbelief at how her sister wasn’t scared.
“What?” Y/n shrugged. In her opinion that was cool. Way cooler than Vampire super speed, the eyes, and sparkling under the sunlight someone dumped a 1,000 pounds of glitter on you. The Paul guy and Jake turned into Wolves! And not just wolves, Giant wolves. That's impressive.
“What just happened?” Bella asked Sam Uley she believed his name was. All the while Y/n was confused as to the looks she was getting from the others, a few she had grown up with just like Jake. 
“Paul imprinted.” Sam stated looking at Bella. Then Jacob came out of the woods still looking pissed off.
“On Y/n.” Jake grumbled, clearly pissed off at the new found fact.
“Take her back to Emily’s. Bella too.” Sam told Jacob which resulted in a very loud scoff from the younger male. “That's an order Jacob. Embry go with them.”
“Hey, Em.” Y/n nodded to Embry. They have been friends for years. It brought comfort to Y/n, knowing someone else. Someone that wasn’t pissed that would be in the car with her, her sister, and Jake.
“Hey, Y/n/n.” Embry smiled. He had missed seeing her around since he phased.
“Why is Jake so pissed?” Y/n asked Embry hoping he could fill her in on what's going on exactly.
Embry sighed before explaining. “Him and Paul don’t get along, and he’s protective of you. As he should be, you're like brother and sister.”
“Why would he be protective over me when it comes to Paul? I’ve never met Paul before.” Y/n squinted with a furrowed expression as she questioned Embry confused.
“Paul should be the one to explain it to you. It’s not my place, or anyone else's in the pack.” Embry felt bad for Y/n. She had no idea what was going on and it very much involved her. But like he said it wasn’t his place to explain any of this to her. 
Y/n nodded in understanding, kind of. But maybe he could explain something else to her. “Can you explain the pack part to me then?”
Embry nodded with a smile stretching across his lips. “Yes, I can do that.”
It wasn’t a long drive but long enough for Embry to explain about the pack to Y/n.
“Who’s place is this again?” Y/n heard Bella ask and she listened for Jake’s answer.
“Emily and Sam’s.” Jake answered as he got out of the truck.
Jake and Embry helped Y/n off of the truck bed. With a quiet thank you from Y/n they all headed inside. The only ones that weren’t there was Sam and Paul. But it didn’t take long for them to join in on the group.
“Can I talk to you? Outside. Alone.” Paul asked nervously looking softly at Y/n, to let her know she could reject his request if she wanted to. Y/n nodded ‘yes’ getting up to follow him.
“Over my dead body.” Jake growled, glaring with his eyes set on burning holes into Paul.
“Jake.” Sam said his name firmly. Making Jake stand down. For now.
“Come on.” Paul nodded his head towards outside Y/n nodded as well and followed him outside the small nice home.
They walked into the woods for awhile, Y/n assumed long enough to be far away enough so the rest of the pack couldn’t hear their conversation. “So, I assume that they explained the whole pack thing to you?”
“Embry did, yeah. But not the imprint part?” Y/n spoke with a unsure tone, hoping she got the word right. Paul nodded with a twitch of his lips. “Not the imprint part. What is that by the way?”
“Guess I should explain that part then.” Paul smiled, hearing her just say the word of what she is to him. That made him feel warm on the inside, which was a new feeling for him. He did like it though.
“Embry said it was only your place to tell me what it is.” Y/n looked to the still shirtless male with curiosity. What did it mean? What did it have to do with her? And why did Paul have to be the one to explain it?
“I have a spot I’d like to take you, and I’ll explain on the way.” Paul suggested there was a place he wanted to show her that only he knew about. Great view that he never that he never showed anyone.
“Ok” Y/n knew she was being way trusting with this stranger. But he felt trustworthy. She didn’t know why but he does.
Paul stopped them for a second in their tracks. He really needed to know something and it was bothering him that he didn’t. “I do have a question before we get too far that I should know that I do not.”
Y/n let out an amused breath before asking. “And what's that?” 
“Your name.” Paul smirked
Y/n nodded with a smile. “Y/n. Y/n Swan.”
“Well, Y/n Swan. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Paul’s smirk fell into a smile. He always teased the others who already had their imprints about how whipped they were, but now he was starting to understand.
@gruffle1 @padawancat97
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kimi240302 · 11 months
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A/N: Before you read this story, be aware I am from Germany and can't write a bit of English. That's why I'm sending this through an app that translates it for me. 
A/N2.0: In this story, the characters are all a little older. 
Summary: Y/N Swan tries everything to keep her promise to stay away from Demetri Volturi. But can you stay away from the man fate bound you to?
Demetri Volturi x Female!Swan!reader 
Words: 2,8
Part 1 of Daylight Masterlist
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist / Request list  / Playlist
18+ I am new to the whole smut writing so please be nice 
“ You and I drink the poison from the same vine Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time Hidin´ all of our sins from  the daylight” - David Kushner 
"You have to promise me that Y/N." Bella looked at her younger sister with piercing eyes. However, the latter did not understand what her older sister and the Cullens family had. Confused, the young girl looked up from her place on the couch. "Why should I promise you to stay away from Demetri Volturi? I don't even really know this man?" "Y/N..." Carlisle began, but Bella interrupted him. "The less she knows, the better it is for her!" Y/N jumped up angrily. "Tell me Bella are you kidding me?! I didn't know anything when you dragged me to Italy with you. I didn't know there were vampires or people who could turn into giant wolves. I was normal, I was happy." The young girl stopped, took one deep breath and wrapped her arms around herself. "Now I'm scared of what lies ahead, being bound to a vampire who is apparently the villain for you? But instead of explaining everything to me, I'm supposed to bluntly forget what I've seen, heard and felt because it's easier for you and your oh-so-great Cullens? You want me to make a promise I don't even understand just because you don't like the Volturi?" Y/N took another deep breath. Her vision blurred from tears she wasn't ready to let Bella see. "Let me tell you something Bella, I don't like Edward either. Yet I'm not telling you to stay away from him or how to live your life!" Y/N turned on her heel and left the Cullens' living room, leaving the entire family in stunned disbelief.
"She's right." Carlisle was the first to find his voice again. "Y/N has been through a lot the last few days. We should have explained everything to her calmly first and then..." "And then what? Demetri Volturi won't leave her alone. Not when she's his mate."  Rosalie looked at everyone around once, her gaze stopping on Bella. "You pushed her into this world, now you can't just kick her out. That's not how it works." "I'm just trying to protect her!" Rosalie raised an eyebrow. "Then you shouldn't have taken her with you." Esme looked at Rosalie warningly. "What happened can't be undone. Blaming each other doesn't change that anymore." The vampire turned to her husband, placing a hand on his arm as she did so. "You should talk to Y/N, after all, you know the Volturi best." Slowly he nodded, "But not today. Y/N needs to process what all happened from today first."
Humming to herself, Y/N was just turning around in the kitchen of her home to get to the fridge when, out of nowhere, Carlisle stood in front of her. "Jesus Christ! Do you have to scare me like that!" Amused, the blond-haired man looked at Y/N. "Sorry. I forget sometimes that not everyone, can hear everything that's going on around them."   Nodding, Y/N looked at Carlisle, which turned into an uncomfortable silence that the young girl was the first to break.  Sighing, Y/N let herself sink down on the chair in the kitchen and looked at Carlisle. "My father isn't here." "We both know I'm not here for your father Y/N." He lowered himself to the chair across from her. The latter tensed slightly. Reassuringly, Carlisle placed his cold hand on the young girl's. "I'm here to give you an idea of why Bella and my family want you to keep your distance from Demetri and the rest of the Volturi." Y/N just nodded and looked at Carlisle tensely. "You should know that the Volturi clan that Demetri belongs to are kind of like our supreme ones. They rule over the species of vampires and have done so for a very long time. Led by the three kings you met in Italy. Aro the head one, he can see everything you think, what you have experienced or what you have planned with one touch. He can be very overwhelming. But I think you have already witnessed this. He's occasionally..." Carlisle searched for the right words, but Y/N filled the void for him. "Extreme when you're not used to it?" Carlisle smiled, nodding as he did so. "Aro is extreme when it comes to enforcing the rules and can get too brutal in the process. But Caius is the one who has the most fun punishing those who have done wrong in his eyes." "What is his ability?" "He has none, other than his viciousness, he is simply loyal to Aro. Marcus, on the other hand, is the calmest of the three. His passion for life was taken from him when his wife was killed. His ability is to see the relationships between individuals." Y/N nodded. "And what does that have to do with Demetri?" Carlisle sat up a little straighter. "Demetri is part of the Kings' main guards with Felix, Jane and Alec. They do jobs and make sure no one can overthrow the Volturi. They do that by wiping out entire clans or individuals." "So he's an murderer?" Carlisle winced briefly. He hadn't expected Y/N to answer so directly with such a neutral expression on her face. "You can look at it that way, yes. But the main reason Bella wants you to stay away is because the Volturi feed on human blood. They don't see humans as equals, they just see them as something to feed on. Bella...we're all worried that Aro will see you as a threat to Demetri's loyalty and will have you killed."
Y/N let herself sink against the back of the chair with drooping shoulders. Several minutes of silence passed until the young girl cleared her throat. "Marcus lost his wife and became sad, absent and quiet after that?" Confused, Carlisle nodded and was about to ask why, but Y/N kept talking. "Was she his mate?" Again Carlisle nodded. "Is this what happens to vampires when they find their mate and can't be with them?"  Carlisle was startled by these thoughts. "I don't know. But I suspect this may lead to that." Y/N looked closely at the man in front of her. "Then you must really hate the Volturi if you wish such a fate for Demetri."
"Y/N..." Bella stood in the kitchen doorway. "I just want what's best for you." Defeated, the young girl looked down at her hands, which she had folded in her lap. "I won't say I understand this whole vampire thing, or if I even really want to understand it. But I do know that I don't necessarily want to be dragged into the middle of this whole thing. The Volturi thing is your thing, not mine and even if you think that the visit to Italy has dragged me into it, you are wrong. I have my life and I will live it how I want." Bella and Carlisle both wanted to say something, but Y/N's raised hand stopped them. "I will promise you Bella and the Cullens that I will do my best to stay away from Demetri." Bella smiled at her. "As long as you're here in Forks, nothing will happen to you. We'll all make sure of that." Y/N twisted her mouth into a pained smile. "There's something you should know. Our father already knows, and he supports me completely in this. I'm moving to Seattle next week." "What are you going to do there, and by yourself? Does mom know about this?" "I got a school offer, which I can't refuse. Mom was the one who helped me to fill out and get everything I needed for it. I'm going to start packing today." "Y/N you can't just leave now" Bella spread her arms, setting to say more. But Y/N simply got up to leave the room. "You willingly entered the world of the supernatural. I didn't, that's what you decided for me, and now I'm deciding for me to leave."
"Are you settling in okay?" Y/N set her phone down on her desk and saw Bella making herself comfortable on her bed. "Bella I've been gone for six months. I almost feel like I'm home already." Bella laughed. "I still can't believe my younger sister is the first of us to live alone." Smiling, Y/N looked around her one-bedroom apartment. It wasn't much, however it was nice and big and cozy. Everything she needed to get by on her own. "Now tell me what is Seattle like and your school?"
Y/N's face was barely noticeably twisted as she began to talk about her school. She loved Seattle and the people she had made friends with. They helped Y/N get out of herself and enjoy her life like the young girl never had before. But the feeling of constantly having eyes on her didn't leave her. As if someone was constantly in her shadows. Several times, she could swear she thought she saw Demetri Volturi. The first time, Y/N was sitting in a café with friends, relaxing after a long day at school. The second time was at the library and the last was at a club where she had gone to celebrate a Friday with her class.  However, she did not tell Bella about it. She didn't want her to worry or make up anything so that her parents would send Y/N back to Forks. Because she was sure her sister would go to such lengths to keep an eye on her. Especially now that Bella had calmed down a bit when it came to the subject of Demetri Volturi.
"Damn!" Y/N looked around at her desk, "What's wrong?" Bella looked at her sister with concern. The latter, annoyed with herself, just shook her head. "I have to turn in this homework tomorrow, and the book I need to do these assignments is in my locker at school." "Then just ask for more time." Y/N shook her head. "I can't, but the library is still open and I know they need to have that book there." "Be careful, will you?"  "I always am Bella!" The addressed raised an eyebrow and was about to say something, but Y/N pointed her index finger at her sister, "People who jump off cliffs voluntarily should be quiet!" Defensively, Bella raised her hands. "I'm not saying anything anyway!" "Better that way."
Y/N shakily rubbed her hands together as she walked down the street. Seattle was cloudy as the smell of a coming rain worked its way to the surface. The shivering came, but not only from the cold air, but also because of the renewed feeling of being watched. Discreetly, she turned her head from right to left. But she could not see anything that seemed strange to her. Shrugging her shoulders, Y/N looked for her headphones in her bag and put them in her ears, hoping to get rid of the feeling as quickly as possible. In the library she asked directly at the entrance if the book she needed was really here and was relieved when the librarian said that the book was in the back of the library.
Again with her headphones in her ears, Y/N walked past the many bookshelves. Every now and then she let her fingers glide over the various book spines, while she hummed softly along to the melody. The shadow that followed her stayed out of the young girl's thoughts. Nor did she notice him standing almost directly behind her as she stopped in front of one of the shelves, her eyes roaming over the various book spines. Annoyed, Y/N pulled a frown from her face. The book she needed was on the top shelf. Standing on her tiptoes, she reached for the black leather book, but only her fingertips touched the spine. With a sigh, she stood back up properly and was about to turn around to go back to the front to ask for a stool or other help.
Y/N froze, however, when a body came up directly behind her, or rather when the upper body of a stranger nestled directly against her back and she saw a pale hand reaching for the book. Startled, Y/N pushed the air out of her lungs and turned around. At the quickness of her turn, her headphones fell to the floor and rolled away in different directions. But the young girl no longer cared, because when she looked up, Y/N saw into a pair of red eyes. Demetri Volturi stood not two inches from Y/N, looking down at the young Swan. A smile had settled on his lips, which was more akin to a Predator having his prey where he wanted it than pure friendliness.
"Demetri..." Y/N sounded breathless, which only made the vampire smile wider. "Good evening mon amour. Is this what you needed?" Demetri ignored her questioning look and held the book between them, but Y/N didn't even notice it. She was too distracted by his closeness and his eyes. "What are you doing here?" The blond-haired vampire tilted his head slightly. His smile softened as he lifted his left hand, the one not holding the book, to brush a stray strand behind Y/N's ear. "I came to check on you." Unwillingly, Y/N closed her eyes as Demetri slid his cold fingers back over her cheek. Instantly, goosebumps spread all over her body as she leaned a little further into his touch. Y/N couldn't help it, it was almost as if something was pulling her towards Demetri.
"This isn't your first time here, is it?" Slowly, her eyelids fluttered open. Slightly, Demetri shook his head. His hand lingered on his mate's cheek. "You've just never been alone." Absently, Demetri placed the book, behind Y/N on the shelf. His hand he placed as a support on the edge of just that. In this way he enclosed Y/N and at the same time came even closer to her. His lips were just above hers. "Demetri, what are you doing?" Panic slowly spread through Y/N. Her hands went to his chest, where she tried to push him away. But Demetri just stopped, no matter what Y/N was trying to do. When the vampire put his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, she gave up. Y/N curled her fingers into Demetri's jacket and studied him. His left hand rested on her waist while he slightly strengthened the grip of his right hand on the shelf, making the wood creak in protest.
"I tried to stay away from you after I overheard your conversation with Bella. After I listened to you promise her to stay away from me." Demetri stopped. Still with his eyes closed, he moved his forehead away from hers. He tilted his face slightly forward so that his lips were only millimeters from hers. Y/N drew in a sharp breath as Demetri let his lips move further over her skin to her cheek, to her neck. There he found her pulse point and placed a kiss directly on it.
Y/N's eyes widened in shock as her fingers clawed tighter into his jacket. "Demetri?" Her voice trembled. "Don't do this, please!" Now the young girl sounded tormented. Demetri released his lips from her neck and looked at Y/N again. "Admit it Cheri, you were thinking of me as much as I was thinking of you. Of my hands on your waist, my voice close to your ear, like in Volterra when I finally found you." Again she closed her eyes, almost as if it caused her pain to admit this simple truth.
Y/N still remembered clearly the day she met Demetri Volturi for the first time. His arms wrapped around her so that he could better protect her. The way he had whispered in her ear that she shouldn't be afraid because he would keep her safe. The way he didn't let go of her until he was sure the danger was over. Nor had she forgotten the feeling of safety and security that Demetri had triggered in her.
"Tell me you haven't thought about me for a second and I'll let you go. You won't see me again." Demetri came closer to her lips again. Y/N opened her mouth to tell him to leave, but nothing came out. So she closed it again. Because the truth was, she hadn't stopped thinking about him. Demetri released his right hand from the shelf and let it wander to the back of Y/N's neck. He pulled her a little closer to him. Prevented her from looking away. "Say it!" He challenged her, his eyes falling on Y/N's lips. "Tell me you hate me!" "I can't." Demetri's eyes settled on hers again. He saw the confusion and at the same time the craving he himself felt when he was near Y/N. Demetri broke eye contact, lifted his lips to Y/N's forehead and placed a lingering kiss there. When he released his lips from her skin, he lowered them to her ear. "How long can you hide your sins from the daylight?"
Confused, Y/N wanted to know what Demetri meant by that, but in the next moment he was gone and so was the feeling of his closeness.
A/N3.0: Please let me know how it was and if you want a second part?
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panandinpain0 · 9 months
Could I ask for an Edward Cullen x male reader where the reader is Bella’s best friend (who moved right after her)- He ends up becoming infatuated with him instead, and they just have a happy time??
This is Different...
Twilight timmmmeee- time to reach into the archives of my memories and pull random facts from my ass.
Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy <3
Requested by: Anon
Edward Cullen x Male!Reader
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Bella had to kept telling herself to wait just one more week, because then (Y/N) would be there and she could vent to him about how weird this town was.
The two had grown up together in Arizona and were practically inseparable. Their parents did that thing where they were convinced Bella and (Y/N) were going to date and get married and all of that, which just isn't happening. But it made his dad easier to convince when they asked if (Y/N) could move to Forks, Washington with Bella.
(Y/N)'s parents had just gotten a divorce and his dad was moving anyways, and he was old enough that he just wanted to stay with his dad (and little sister that would come to visit every once in a while) until he was an adult.
So after Bella left to Forks, (Y/N) and his dad started packing their bags and started their trip.
Bella could not wait to tell him about the school, the weird but oddly charming students, and the standoffish Cullen family.
Finally the week came to an end and Charlie drove Bella to pick them up from the airport.
(Y/N)'s father, James, had planned to buy a car once they got to the new house, but Charlie had so kindly offered to drive them until he did get one.
At the airport Bella ran up to (Y/N) and he caught her in a hug, laughing at her eagerness.
"Looks like somebody missed me!" (Y/N) squeezed out a laugh, Bella cutting off his air supply with the grip of her hug.
"It's been absolute agony without you here, I have so much to tell you- and warn you about."
"Oh damn, that doesn't sound good," (Y/N) replied as Bella helped pick up one of his bags.
"It's crazy out here." She nodded, and the two shared a look that only childhood friends could share.
"Any cute guys?" they had a hushed conversation to the car, Charlie and James too wrapped up talking about fishing to pay attention.
"I'm sure you'd find them cute," Bella scoffed, throwing a teasing smile over her shoulder as she loaded the trunk.
(Y/N) scoffed back, betrayed at her diss.
"I'm sure you went for the stalker-ish one anyways." With a sly smirk he got into the backseat, closing the door on her denials.
(Y/N) had settled in, conveniently living next door to the Swan's house, and drove with Bella in her old truck to school that Monday.
"So, Jessica is into Mike and Angela is with Eric. And Tyler flirts with everybody, but nobody goes out with him?" (Y/N) recapped from the tangent of drama Bella had been giving him.
"Yup, pretty much," Bella confirmed, turning into the school parking lot.
"And all of the Cullen's are super hot- but they're dating each other?" (Y/N) asked, more suspiciously this time.
"Well, they're all adopted, but yes. Except for Edward- but I already told you what happened."
"Yeah the weird smelling thing and the he disappeared just to come back with a different eye color."
"They could just be colored contacts," Bella corrected, still not sure herself.
"Strange... Welp, let's do this," (Y/N) sighed as he got out of the passengers seat of the car.
Bella shrunk into his side, all of the attention on her once again. Last time it was because she was the new girl, but now it's because she had her attractive best friend with her.
"Yo, Bella!" Mike called out, giving (Y/N) a confused glare.
Bella waved back and started walking over, (Y/N) following at her side. Leaning down to whisper in her ear (Y/N) held back a laugh, "You left out the part about Mike's crush on you."
Bella just rolled her eyes as they met up with the group.
"Everybody, (Y/N)- (Y/N), everybody," Bella lazily introduced.
"You just moved here, right?" Angela asked, holding Eric's hand as they lent up against Tyler's van behind them.
"Yes, I did. I grew up with Bella in Arizona and where she goes I go," (Y/N) laughed, nudging Bella in the side jokingly.
That's when he noticed her distracted state. Following her line of sight he realized she was staring at a car full of probably the most attractive people he'd ever seen.
"Who's that?" (Y/N) asked the group, acting clueless to get more information.
"Those are the Cullen's-" Jessica jumped right into the rant about their family.
When she was done she came closer to (Y/N), grabbing hold of his hand as she batted her eyelashes at him. "Let me show you around!"
Shrugging, (Y/N) waved to Bella, who rolled her eyes at Jessica's obvious flirting.
"Where'd you find that guy? He's so hot," Jessica gushed to Bella at lunch. (Y/N) hadn't sat down yet so she'd finally gotten a second to ask.
"We grew up together- he wasn't that hot when we first met, trust me," Bella almost snorted, playing with the food on her tray.
"You guys aren't like..." trailing off she wiggled her eyebrows to imply.
"No- god, no," Bella laughed. "He's like my brother."
"Oh, good. Less competition then," Jessica sighed.
"I don't think you'll be having much luck either, Jessica," Angela pointed out, nodding in (Y/N)'s direction.
He was flirting with some guy in the lunch line, the guys face bright red as he laughed at something (Y/N) had said.
Jessica looked heartbroken but Angela and Bella just laughed about it.
When (Y/N) finally joined them Bella raised an eyebrow at him.
"What?" (Y/N) shrugged indignantly, opening his milk carton.
"Not even a full day in and you're already jumping on them," Bella teased, popping a grape into her mouth.
"Hey, you told me there wasn't any cute guys here, I just wanted to see what he was like," (Y/N) protested. "I didn't even like him that much. Kind of a dick."
Hearing a sudden and loud snort of laughter, (Y/N) and Bella turned around to see the Cullen's lunch table, Edward hiding his face as he looked towards the windows as his siblings glared at (Y/N). Or maybe they just all had RBF- save for the short girl with the pixie-like hair. She smiled at (Y/N) and waved, so he waved back.
"They're so weird," Jessica whispered as she dug into her lunch.
"How much have you actually talked to them?" (Y/N) questioned, taking a bite of his apple.
Jessica didn't answer for a minute, looking kind of embarrassed. Angela rolled her eyes, answering for her. "Once- and it was Edward rejecting her."
(Y/N) snorted and then apologized, "Sorry. It just seems like you're holding a grudge on people you barely know." He then changed the subject, not wanting to make an enemy out of Jessica.
She really seemed like a good friend, he didn't want to go pushing her buttons, that'd be mean.
"Mr. Molina, it's nice to meet you. I'm your new student, (Y/N)."
"Ahh, Mr. (L/N), is it?" (Y/N) nodded. "You can sit in front of Edward Cullen. You're lucky we had an empty seat," he joked, pointing to where he was talking about.
That was when (Y/N) got his good first look at Edward Cullen. His gaze was intense, just like Bella had said, but it was less scary than she described it.
Seemed like a guy worth getting to know.
Walking over to the desk with Bella, (Y/N) held out his hand to Edward. "You're Edward Cullen, right? Mr. Molina told me to sit in front of you, but I've heard stories and wanted to introduce myself." He smiled confidently.
Edward hesitantly took his hand and shook it, (Y/N) not reacting to the hard coldness of his skin.
Or at least he didn't show it- (Y/N) was immediately thrown off but didn't want to put off this attractive guy.
"Like you said, I'm Edward. It's nice to meet you."
"Likewise." (Y/N) winked and sat in his chair, not looking back at Edward or Bella once.
Bella just rolled her eyes with good nature. She'd seen him do this before, if she'd felt uncomfortable or threatened by someone, (Y/N) would draw the attention to himself. That's what worked about their friendship, he could take the attention that she didn't want.
At the end of class, (Y/N) packed up his things and then helped Bella do the same. He waved to Edward with a "Bye!" and they left.
Out in the parking lot his siblings all waited for him by the car.
"What's up?" Emmett asked, his arm around Rosalie.
Alice squealed, "Oh! It happened, didn't it? I thought it was Bella at first but then I saw him and just knew it would happen!" She jumped up and down and clapped her hands.
"What happened?" Rosalie questioned again, Jasper smirking as he sensed Edward's emotions.
"He fell in love," Alice stage-whispered. She was teasing him, of course, but Edward grumbled all the same.
They all piled into the car but before Edward got in he looked across the lot to see (Y/N) leaning on the truck hood talking to Bella.
He hadn't fallen in love. He couldn't- not with a human.
With Bella it was just an obscene thirst... but this was different.
Sorry to cut this short, I wouldn't be opposed to writing more for this! I just think this is a good ending and leaves an open spot for a potential part 2!
Hope you liked it anon!
-Author Max <3
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