#whatever i need more images of this thing. im obsessed
its-a-me-mango · 1 month
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Ohhh 2023 New Smg4 Plush - 10 Smg3 Plushies Toys From Movies Fans Gift Fruugo NO my beloved, please stop giving me viruses.
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i miss the 2020-2021 school year
zoom schoolw as nice adn then going back at the end of it was soooo nice idk i miss it
a lot of it is definitely because i was i was younger + rose tinted glasses but still
also i think my anxiety anxietied too hard and broke because i kinad of just. stopped being paranoid all the time during then
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qwimchii · 8 months
this is not important at all but im so obsessed with cod that i told my mom the whole run down and lore of the series and the characters. so my mom and i do this thing where we'll basically do headcanons about them and my mom's particular headcanon about ghost is that when he has an s/o, he follows them around like a puppy. and i havent let that go since she said it. thank you mother.
now i just imagine scary dog privileges with simon. like, you're at the grocery store and a person just has to look at you wrong before he's giving them a downright bone chilling glare, satisfied when they scurry away. you're quick enough to notice the outlandish, terrified look on the stranger's face, their eyes darting between you and your boyfriend behind you before running away. turning around to give him a confused look, he just squeezes your waist.
don't worry 'bout it doll, he murmurs, a laugh somewhere deep in his throat as he moves past you to inspect a can of soup on the aisle shelf.
you always just quirk your brown at him, knowing he probably has a smug smirk under his surgical mask at how easily he can scare away any potential threats to you. though to you, they seemed more like victims.
you just sigh, moving over to rub your scary dog's broad back as you tip-toe to peer over his shoulder at the can of soup in his hand.
and then my mom also said that he also follows you around like a puppy because he feels like if you're out of sight, you might disappear :( you're so precious to him and so sweet that he feels like you're a dream :(
it's giving— he likes to take showers together and doesn't want to be separated for a second. not in a clingy way. just in a i always need you to be in my peripheral, kind of way. he admitted that in a late night shower with you once, his arms curled around your waist and his face nuzzled into your neck. where he belongs. body warm and flush to yours. it made showering ten times more difficult but you couldn't find it in you to complain.
also, when you're working at something in another room, getting real quiet and focused, it makes him nervous. nervous enough that he has to stand from where he was sitting on the living room couch to check that you're still in the same apartment/house. leans against the doorframe to watch you, so adorably focused in silence, not wanting to bother you or become overbearing. just stares at you to know that you're still there and commit the image of you to his memory. sometimes, you don't even notice him watching you. when you do, he gets a bit sheepish as you coax him over, letting him sit in your desk chair so you could sit on his lap as you worked.
you're like his recharge station. he'll hold you for a good ten minutes, eyes closed and listening to you work and your soft breaths in complete silence, before he's all good to go back to whatever he was doing again.
—nsfw below
but if you're needy enough, getting squirmy on his lap and unable to focus as he pinches at your pebbled nipples through your pajama shirt, he'll pull down the waistband of his sweatpants and tug on his cock, hardening real quick as you mewl softly for him. then, he'll push inside, your slick insides sucking in his cock inch by think inch. he'll hold your ass flush to his hips as he cockwarms you, shushing your low whines begging for him to move, telling you to be his good girl and just relax and keep working.
even though it feels impossible, you'll straighten up and follow his orders, whimpering when you feel the head of his cock grind deep inside you.
but when you really feel like being a brat, not listening to anything he's saying, he'll fold you over the desk and fuck you. sometimes slow, teasing rolls of his hips and other times brutal thrusts. his hips smack against your ass, simon practically drooling as he watched the flesh of your ass ripple with each thrust.
when that's over and done and your pliant and finally satiated as he leans you back into his lap, you're too sleepy and tired to keep working, so he'll carry you to bed and coax you into a nap, stroking at your hair and kissing your eyelids and cheeks.
as he watched you sleep, slow breaths on your lips, sometimes he'll pinch his own skin because are you even real? you're his sweet little fairy that he has to treasure and take care of :( your needs are so important to him :(
ps my mom has never seen a video of ghost before either. she's only seen pictures but she knows him so well??? shes psychic tbh or maybe i just talk about cod too much also these days weve been talking about soap at lot. she thinks that he'd be obsessed w cats like constantly needs one to pet in his lap and that is soooooooo like domestic and warm and now the imagine of him reading a book and petting a purring orange tabby i—
i did NOT mean to turn this into a whole ass post but m ovulating ok bye
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@ivybeeloved and @babygirl-riley this isn't really a full cod ff but i tagged you guys anyways?? hope that's alright <3 💞
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yourheart-inmyhands · 7 months
heyyy it’s me again😓
i love ur writing sorryy😭 whenever it’s more convenient for you tho could i ask for yan zhongli (im obsessed with that man omfg), ayato and pantalone (again im obsessed w him sorry🥀) with a darling who is like, super high-maintenance? for an example they need to have their hair and nails done or they REFUSE(including them) to go near anyone because they think they don’t look good enough
stay safe, take breaks and make sure u are healthy above everything tho!!💗
so i've never been into any of the hair and nails stuff (got my nails done professionally once in middle school, got sick of em after a week and ripped em all off) so i don't know how correct the lingo is, i kinda just went based off what i know from my sister, so i hope you enjoy :D
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including a small bit of delusional behavior, a small bit of obsessive behaviors, no specific pronouns used for the reader but a lot of mentions of reader having their hair/nails/lashes being done, and the rest is just sorta soft. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Zhongli, if you think this man has the mora to pay for anything you’re funny. There is an upside to this though, while he can’t pay to have you get your nails and hair done, or your lashes or for whatever else you wanna get, he can learn to do it for you. Hair and lashes take him a while as they can be more finicky but nails he picks up instantly. Not only is it cheaper but you can describe to him exactly what you want and he’ll be able to do it because he understands you and knows what you mean when you describe things. Plus you don’t have to worry about looking good when you get them done, you can just hang around in your pajamas until everything is finished.
Zhongli listened as you described the design you wanted on your nails, sorting through the assortment of polishes he had collected over his time with you. He’d do anything to please you, and while he couldn’t pay for the things you loved, he could certainly learn to do it for you. He understood wanting to maintain a certain image to the public but he’ll always insist that you look your best when you’re just you. When your hair hasn’t been done in a while, no fake lashes, and when your nails are just painted, no extra things on it. He doesn’t mind appearances, finding that he’s lived too long to base his relationship off something as simple as that, but he does appreciate both sides of you. While he’ll gladly chat about things while he does your nails or gossip while he does your hair, he’ll occasionally remind you that regardless of how you look, he’s always going to love you.
Yandere!Ayato is on top of it, like he schedules and pays for everything. He hires only the best and has them come to you, so that you can get the proper treatment you deserve in the comfort of the Kamisato Estate. You have personal stylists who do your nails, your hair, lashes, wardrobe updates, anything you want and they can do it. They also have some of the hottest gossip about the happenings in Inazuma, giving a proper salon treatment everytime they’re around.
You weren’t sure how Ayato made time to always schedule your appointments and such, keeping more on top of them than you did some days, but you weren’t about to complain about it. Your nail tech and hair stylist were amazing at their jobs, catering to your every whim and doing a phenomenal job at that, like they were born for this kind of work. The stories they brought with them were always just as great, the latest happenings around the city and the nation as a whole, who was doing what now and such on and so forth. Ayato would come to check in on you occasionally throughout your appointment, checking that everything was going well. And of course, when it’s done he expects you to come to his office and show off. He doesn’t care if you interrupt anything, to him you’re his top priority always. Plus he loves to see his darling all dolled up, feeling like the prettiest person in all of Inazuma. In his opinion, you always are, dolled up or not.
Yandere!Pantalone appreciates your intense take on your looks as appearances are a huge thing in his line of work, both on the business aspect and the intimidation aspect. He wants people to see that his accumulated wealth doesn’t go to waste, that he didn’t work for nothing. No, he uses his mass amount of mora to spoil his beloved, someone he has no problem writing checks or opening his wallet for. Anyone else can mind their own, his money is yours. The only downside to this is that he’s a horribly busy man, he’ll find whatever stylists you want and find some way to bring them to the Palace so you can have your appointments in the security of the Harbingers, but it’s up to you to schedule the appointments and keep track of when you’ll need to see them again. Just make sure you tell him when they are when you go to flaunt your new hairstyle and nail’s to him.
Pantalone’s soft smile spread just a bit farther across his face as you came bounding into his office, a bright smile of your own. You had just gotten your hair done and nails touched up and he could tell you were back to feeling like yourself again. While he appreciated all your looks and sides, he loved seeing you smiling and happy, and if that meant spending all this money for you to get pampered, he didn’t mind. He didn’t understand a lot of the words you used as you described what they did to your hair and nails, but he happily listened anyway, his delicate smile never faltering as you retold the whole chain of events. Even if his smile was often for show, when you were around it was never more genuine. He holds your hands in his larger, gloved ones as he looks over your nails, his fingers lightly tracing over the designs with an amused glimmer in his eyes. You were certainly something, and he intended to keep that bright light of yours shining.
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stuffeddeer · 7 months
rock band member dazai where he’s often in the media for drama between him and his previous ex band partner and you happen to run into him (anonymously!) on a chatting app. eventually his “personal conflicts “ he tells you about him and a ex friend start to align a lot with a certain famous singer’s tabloid scandals, so you bite the bullet and ask if it’s him or if he is just going through the same exact specific events dazai is. he ends up revealing his identity and you end up getting backstage tickets to his shows and he ends up just as obsessed with you as you are (chuuya is pissed that somehow that shitty dazai got a partner before him)
its u.
Dazai’s heart rate picked up at the two grammatically incorrect words that popped up in his notifications. You’d been so close to figuring it out for weeks; Was today finally the day?
Right: play dumb. There’s no guarantee you figured out who he is, so he just needs to stay calm.
Sure, week after week he’d tell you stories from his life that popped up in magazines and circulated around online the next day or so, always causing you to come back and flaunt it in his face that your favorite guitarist had done it “bigger and better” (even though the stories were the exact same). You frequently pointed out similarities in them (being him and… himself) to the point where he almost saved and told you several times, but something always held him back. Maybe he should just finally rip the bandage off.
A photo message came in. It was a screenshot - a screenshot of a picture Dazai had sent you. In the background had a bright red circle around something small. He zoomed in, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. Couldn’t you just type it out? What a hassle - oh.
Yeah, he should’ve listened when his manager told him to pick it up and display it properly.
The image was a bird’s eye view of his hand, flashing his fresh coat of nail polish and his rather messy wooden floors (and his cute orange halloween socks). Nothing too damning upon first glance. Sure, you’d mentioned that your favorite band’s guitarist had painted his nails the same color, but that was mere coincidence, right?
No. Because this lazy moron couldn’t put things away, in the top left corner of the photo - the area circled in red - showed an opened package with the platinum record his band was gifted for their most popular song. Why would he have that if not a member of the band himself?
He looked up from his phone blankly, staring at the package still nestled on the side of his room. The only difference from the photo is that it had been pushed slightly to the side since then, stopping him from tripping over it. What a stupid mistake; Dazai had always been much more careful than this (except when he wasn't).
u let me gush to u ab URSELF????
im embarrassed
Dazai smiled. Well, at least things weren’t awkward.
It had been a few months and you and Dazai were happy to talk in person now that he didn’t have to hide his face. You’d been backstage at many of his shows, meeting his bandmates and spending time in person. It had honestly been so much fun, but sometimes Dazai missed the cat and mouse game he’d been playing when you were unsure of his identity - back when you texted him rumors and articles about his own life, saying how crazy it was that your favorite artist went through the same things as him.
He’d woken up earlier than he wanted to due to the myriad of calls blowing up his phone. “What..” He grumbled, not even bothering to check caller ID. “Who is this?”
“You asshole! You got a fucking partner before I did? And they’re hot, too! No way they settled for you,” Chuuya continued to grumble while Dazai put him on speaker phone, tuning him out. Whatever he was yapping about didn’t matter once he noticed a notification from you.
do u know this guy? he seems to be goin thru the same things u r…
A link is included, leading Dazai to an article with a picture of him and you. The first thing he notices is how smitten he looks with you, causing him to blush very faintly as he smiles to himself. Is that really what he looks like around you?
Rockstar Dazai Osamu Finds New Fling - Or Maybe More?
More, definitely more.
“Are you listening, asshole?” Chuuya shouted from his speaker. “How’d ya get a partner before me?”
Dazai smiled, saving the paparazzi shot onto his phone. “My height, definitely.”
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bibibudin · 9 months
This Sick Affection~
Brahms Heelshire x F!Reader
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Heyo~ the crowd has spoken and ya Filthies~ wanted first person pov. So I decided to mix this one up. I think I might make this a series... maybe we shall see. I guess it depends on what the crowd wants! Please let me know what you beautiful Filthies~ think!
Just a little Drabble in Brahms perspective~
Warnings: Mentions of killing/hurting, obsession, strong desire. (If I missed anything let me know)
Brahms POV~
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I felt the strong need to have my hands on her, the way it would feel to squeeze her flesh tight. Not wanting to let go as if she would disappear from my sight. That’s what I was afraid of after all. The fear of losing her was something I didn’t dare to imagine, yet I did. Day in and day out. It cursed my brain every time I cast my eyes over her lovely form. I needed her from the moment I saw her and the moment I was able to have her it was even worse. 
If kryptonite was Superman’s weakness then she was mine. She was the flint to my steel that I needed to spark the well needed flame in my life. I was completely and utterly obsessed. Obsessed with the way she carried herself around the house, taking care of that stupid doll that should’ve been me all along. Im so glad she accepts the true me now. I’m obsessed with the sway of her hips and the hums that fall from her lips as she dances around the kitchen, cooking for me while she plays her favorite tunes. I’ve come to know some of the music she plays, I listened carefully to every single word. I wanted to know what she liked the most, although I hoped it was me who she liked best. 
I was obsessed with the way she read to me, how she would become one with the book. She got so invested in conveying the story, keeping me completely immersed in whatever she says. The one thing that had me on a hook for her the most, like a fish latching onto a Fishermans bait was her kiss. Her sweet soft kisses she would plant on my porcelain skin every night. It was bliss, it filled me with such passion. Such drive to ask for more but I didn’t. I was afraid that if I wanted too much I’d push her away. She told me that wasn’t possible, I really tried to believe her but it was hard.
Yet every time she kissed me I would forget the worries that consistently racked my brain. The soft wings of a butterfly blowing away all worries that clouded my thoughts. She was that butterfly, the beautiful image upon her wings blessing anything and anyone who is lucky enough to see it. I desired her so much. More than anything on this planet. I’d hurt whoever even thought bad about her. I’d kill for her. Whatever she asked me to do, I would do it without hesitation. 
If only she knew how desperate I was for her affection. How desperate I was for her. Would it scare her away? Or would she crave my sick affection, wanting more than what I let on?  
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Thank you all for reading! if you liked this one you should check out my other Brahms fic here. As always if you enjoyed it please let me know in the comments or by reblogging. I love reading peoples tags it brings me life. Want more?? lmk!! Thank you Filthies~
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rat-basher · 10 months
ive read a lot of interesting macdennis meta analysis post season 16 and i think the one consistent thing im seeing between all of them that i vehemently disagree with is the idea that dennis is innocent when it comes to macs obsession/insistence in pursuing him. because. its quite literally the opposite imo ??? throughout the show we see dennis manipulate mac and actively damage his self image and confidence simply to exert control and get whatever petty bullshit he wants that day (e.x. ass kickers united). slowly but surely we see mac get more and more dependent on dennis' praise and approval BECAUSE dennis has purposefully made him so dependent on it by breaking him down and building him back up over and over again. this worked for dennis while mac was "straight" because now he had a best friend who was virtually an obedient manservant whenever needed, no strings attached. but, when mac comes out, it no longer works for him. now mac realizes that that blind devotion and reverence hes had for dennis for years is actually plain and simple attraction (mixed with a ton of manipulation and old man yaoi mind poison) and now its not just a give and take relationship. mac now also wants something, and hes gonna try and get it by using the one tactic hes been TAUGHT will make dennis happy and hopefully love him back: blind devotion and servitude. admittedly he's not going about it in a healthy or normal way whatsoever and my empathy for him kinda drops off at recognizing hes been manipulated and that's WHY hes doing the things he does, but it still needs to be recognized that mac isn't just acting the way he is cluelessly and without reason. this is what hes been TAUGHT, but now that there's implications attached to the actions dennis no longer has the control that he had before, thus the beginning of rejecting the servitude instead of instigating it.
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riaki · 7 months
PHEW okay. rn im working on a yoshida fic but i completely spitballed and went off the rails ...... so um. might be a while before that comes out, so take some (many) thoughts and drabbles of weird stalker boy instead !! yoshida hirofumi x reader
@twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat take this for yoshi fluff n some mild angst.. for now......
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i feel like yoshida would definitely be the kinda guy to give his all in keeping it together; especially with his position as student council president (that he's only half-committed to, really) topped off with his life in the private sector of devil hunting, his image is extremely important to him. not because he has a huge ego or is self-obsessed, but he knows that a lot of people look up to him and rely on him. that being said, he's (probably, yoshida lore when) only human, and he's bound to struggle and wrestle with the workload he's chained to, and it can often get the best of his emotions and stress him out.
so a little word of encouragement here, a sweet 'washed your dishes and your clothes cus i saw you were busy' there would be everything he needs to spur himself on even if he's exhausted; hearing the phrase "i'm proud of you." from your mouth in your sweet, sweet voice? makes it all worth it. 
all considered, he doesn't want you to do too much for him; he never lets you pay for your shared meals or drive the two of you home, BUT you should give it your all in trying anyway! acts of service for him seem subtle, but they really mean the world to him when you try so hard to lighten his burden. he thinks it's the most endearing thing on the planet. on the days he lacks the energy to even utter a small mumble of protest, he'll let you take the wheel- but those days are rare, so capitalize on the opportunity! being a gentleman is tiring, so make him coffee (not black) instead of letting him buy the headache-inducing cans of sickeningly sweet caffeine from the vending machines outside his apartment when you rise early enough to; let him fall asleep in your lap and gently play with his hair while you handle a homework assignment for him or two. bonus points if he wakes up to something sweet or savory made by those hands of yours that he loves to hold so much; do that, and he might just dream of marrying you the next time he indulges in an afternoon nap in the confines of your arms. 
(and when you hold him to your chest and whisper sweet nothings into his ears on the days he's earned further affection from you? it makes him feel like he's being granted a visit from the heavens, though hell knows he'll never make it up there. but, if he thinks he's being honest, it doesn't matter to him- not when you're right in front of him, a taste of divinity. not when you're gently tracing each slope and ridge in the shape of his left ear, thumb tenderly prodding at the soft skin between the cold metal piercings on his ear. it's like you're mapping out just this minuscule section of his body, and he's found himself praying to whatever's out there that you'll always be here to give him this; that one day, you'll have ran your fingers over every inch of him, memorizing the intricacies of the very bones in his body.)
to me, his primary love language would definitely be quality time- more so for him than you (but he still hopes you enjoy it enough to indulge him. makes him feel like a kid in a candy store with free reign over his monthly allowance.) meaningful talks with you and silly fun banter is all he needs to take his mind off the stresses currently throwing him for a loop and let loose a little. that’s one of the reasons why he fell so head over heels for you— you make it a little easier to breath whenever you’re around him. also... he loves the look on your face whenever he surprises you with gifts, so count on an uninvited bouquet of flowers in some varying hue of your eye color, or surprise boxes of jewelry- that is, if he can afford it. if not, he'll take you out when the weather is pleasant enough and you're in the mood for a cup of boba or an evening out in the nearest shopping district, browsing the warmly lit stands as the chatter of people bustling by fills your ears and he holds onto your hands in the simple pretext of not wanting you to get lost as he buys every mouth-watering festival food you lay your eyes on without hesitation. maybe he'll even treat you to a quick stop at a standing ramen restaurant- and if you're too tired to support yourself on your own two legs, he has no problem carrying you. after all, with his private devil hunting, you both know he's more than capable of that. and so, rest-assured you’ll return home on those gleeful days with full stomaches, bags n boxes full of sticky dango and fresh glistening apples the shades of a red autumn, and giddy smiles coupled with painted strawberry blush that dusts your cheeks and stains your ears. and if, throughout that entire vivid night of fireworks and sweet n savory scents drifting from stalls and the treats in the hands of vivacious children, you happen to get some crumbs or powder on your cheeks, he's more than happy to wipe it away with an affectionate thumb and earnest smile— or even lean in for a taste straight from your flushed skin.
on the topic of his side job in the private sector, though- yoshida prefers to keep you as far away as possible from the side of his life that's three feet deep and counting in missions at the Bureau. and of course, he takes no pleasure in lying to your face, especially when he realizes that you realize the half-assed mutters that fall from his lips don't answer the questions you demand answers to. 
he knows it's a necessity, though. so he never tells you the truth when it comes to this matter. 
but you can only see the tip of the iceberg of cold, guilty pain that washes over him when he watches your trust in him slip like you're loosing your footing; the excuses he spins that you don't buy and the way he feels like he's being scrutinized beneath your burning gaze as your eyes rove over the rough cuts on his arms and the blooming purple bruise on his jaw that you know isn't a love mark (or at least, you hope so. your mind won’t let you consider the possibility.) makes him feel guiltier than ever. on every other occasion, he never shies away from your gaze; for one, he’s well aware of how attractive he is, but all the compliments and shy confessions he’s ever received feel minuscule when you look at him like he’s your world, so loving that it seems to make the sun shine an inkling brighter and the birds outside his window sing a little sweeter amongst the symphony of nature. but on less pleasant occasions, when it feels like you’re appraising him— no. not just him. appraising his words, weighing them on a golden scale that’s supposed to be unbiased towards the truth, but your heart can’t take the strain when you consider the possibility of him lying to you, and he feels more distant from you every time you look at him in a way that makes him want to shrink away and shut himself up from your prying eyes that he knows are only well-intentioned— which is all the more reason why he falters under the weight of them.
but it’s not like he’d ever tell you that, though. so really, it’s up to you to decide how you act; to probe him and risk a few unintentionally harsh words aimed in your direction in the hopes of confronting the issue head-on before it’s too late, or simply sit back and let it fester until it’s grown out of control and manifests into a hurtful argument for both parties. miscommunication is the enemy to your relationship :(
that being said, yoshida is a bit of a control freak. when things don’t go the meticulous way he’s planned them out, he starts to loose his cool pretty easily, stressing his pretty head off about this and that, biting on his lip and curling a hand into his dark hair. really, though, it’s a simple fix— he tends to get overwhelmed easily only when it comes to things like this, n so all you have to do is tear him away from whatever’s preoccupying him and hold him, soothe his nerves by running your hands through his hair and rubbing gentle circles into his back. like i said, acts of service are really meaningful to him, esp w his line of work— makes him feel all fuzzy on the inside, like there’s a cluster of stars in his chest, his heart stuttering like a broken engine and a bouquet of lilies flowering in his stomach, petals clogging his throat and making it impossible for him to voice his gratitude. and so, after he calms down, he’ll take your hand and pepper little kisses on your knuckles until you ask him to stop with a bright smile and a laugh that sounds like the trickling melody of a running spring water stream.
but that’s an if, though. yoshida might not always manage to calm down— and sometimes his frustration will get the better of him. it might be difficult to manage; he’s so composed and collected for the most part that the meticulous patience required to deal with his boiling vexation might be unfamiliar to you, so it’ll be a bumpy slope. so try to be understanding in the case that he ever snaps at you, and know that he never means to hurt someone as important to him as you. give him time, and he’ll come around. <3
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dipplinduo · 4 months
I have no idea what you have planned in your devious little mind (compliment), but i have a fluffy image that I like to HC happens after the regular DLC story and lowkey hoping itd fit after whatever the heucking angsty shenanigans youve got planned.
Basically, like right after the climax of ID but before Keiran and Carmine go have a break, ornin SSD's case sometime after Peachy-runt is booted to the moon, Keiran's out sitting out in the Terrarium. Hes feeling guilty and selfshamey, dosnt really know what to do, is just wallowing.
By coincidence, Juliana is out in the Terarium conviniently nearby, probably having a picnic bc part of this idea relys on her pokemon being out, but she hasnt noticed Kerian presence yet. Idk, hes on the other side of a small hill, he foind a lil spot where its intentionally hard to see him, hes just not in Jules' eyeline, whateber reason, she dosnt see him from where shes making sandwiches. But one of her Pokemon dose see him.
Now, I may be projecting, but after what shes been through Id suspect Ogerpon is pretty good at reading someone's emotional state based off of body language. And she get to just stare at Keiran for a while, and is able to get a better read on the kid rather than 'lowkey obsessed guy who took the answer of No poorly'.
Keiran is spaced out, trying to process everything that happened, when he feels a gentle weight on his side. Ogerpon has come up, sat down, and is leaning against his shoulder bc she recognises that this kid needs to be grounded to help fight the thoughts. Even if shes still not a fan of him, she recognises that noone should fight those kinds of things alone. So she sits with him as he starts to shed tears.
(Ok im defo projecting, but moving on,)
That scene is the main bit of fluff i like to hc, but its could also continue to Jules' other pokemon take note that Ogerpon has wandered off, sees Keiran too. And they all make their way over one by one as Jules is still making sandwiches (either shes not getting the effect she wanted and starting over, she is meticulusly placing ingredients, or is actually making enough for all of her pokemon to have one)
By the time Jules is done with the sandwich, all of her pokemon are gone (except Koridon/Miridon bc they focused on Sammich), and she finally moves and sees them all huddled around something.
She approches and gets pulled into the cuddle pile on the other side of Keiran, who is now silently crying due to overwhelm, he did not expect this level of care from her pokemon and is able to get a bit of cathartic realease rather than bottling it all up.
Im imagaining it like an animation, and it closes out with Jules taking Keirans hand and squeezing it as she leans more into his shoulder, showing her own quiet support.
God this is some good fluff, projection or no. Immaculately good.
I promise I'm gonna do ya good with end end ending/epilogue.
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fel117 · 28 days
how negative content may have an impact over your manifestations
i feel like we need to have some talk about this and literally take a moment to realize what some of yall are doing YES IM TALKING TO YOU.
to start with, i know some of you literally DEVOUR negative media that ruin your day and im talking about like negative tiktoks, images with negative affirmations or whatever (if you have seen anything like this you know what im talking about)
the thing is, lets be honest even if truth may hurt, some of yall literally eat this media daily, save it and everything and then have the audacity to complain yall are not getting results or are not happy and im not surprised because listen
i used to watch negative media all the time, my tiktok fyp was literally filled with vents and stories of someones partner cheating on them or abusing them or like those tiktoks that are like "why doesnt he respond to me", "i just saw him talk to another girl lol" and i was watching this for hours. HOURS. not realizing how much its killing my manifestations and ruining my mood, the same with other media, sometimes i would go on pinterest and my page would be filled with those images with vents n shi and all of those bad stories that i wish to never happen on me
as i started seeing more of them, i genuinely even felt like something like this is going to happen to me because i was so overwhelmed with this REALLY
and i know sometimes you might find yourself overwhelmed with that media or just mindlessly scrolling and not even realizing what your mind is consuming, not even realizing what youre watching..perhaps? but listen to me, as i stopped consuming this media i felt so much happier AND THIS IS A SIGN FOR YOU OKAY THIS IS A SIGN FOR YOU TO PUT THIS TO AN END!!!!
because i was consuming this media so much (btw at that time i was super into manifesting sp stuff etc) that it literally put my manifestations DOWN I SWEAR
listen to me, if you consume negative affirmations daily and relate to it, going to the old story NOTHING will change, literally why affirm against a thing you want?? like some of yall want to manifest pretty face but then all tiktoks yall save, repost and like are like "gosh im so ugly" or like yall want to get rid of third party or make your sp obsessed but all yall are watching are people who complain or something else about how they sp will never love them and or that theyre talking to someone else and or that theyre getting replaced.......like i have no idea what some of you expect to happen by doing this but really for your own good just cut the negative media off, doesnt matter if it puts your manifestations down or not, i honestly feel that consuming a media that can actually benefit you, align to the highest version of yourself, media that can make you happy can actually change your life too, negative and positive are just two things and you decide which one do you want to surround yourself with
and listen to me, the day i cut the negative media off i felt happier and today im making sure to surround myself with media that i actually like, that make me happy and feel fulfilled
thank you for reading!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH BYEE!!! <3
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legallybrunettedotcom · 2 months
hii <3 im super interested, what does your process for making an amv look like? do you start with the music, know exactly what clips ur gonna use, what programs u use etc etc
hiii! <3 ok so first of all for programs, i still just use imovie. i need to look into something more professional though, especially bc i see jobs looking for more fancy software knowledge. i get all clips from torrenting movies, sometimes i screen record what i can't find, or download stuff from youtube.
now for everything else, it depends. sometimes i get an idea for a specific theme, genre etc or sometimes i just really want to make an edit for a specific song, like i can imagine the kind of images i want to accompany the song. sometimes it just springs on me when some song comes on shuffle so i immediately write everything down. currently have over 40 ideas written down 😭
i don't necessarily immediately know what clips i want to use. sometimes i obsessively listen to a song and see what visuals pop up in my head. i get like a vague idea of a story i'm telling, like as corny as it might sound, but some of the edits are super silly, others are like little visual essays with no words, a theme or a genre or whatever summed up in a couple of minutes. for example the heist movies one, you just think ok what does every heist movie have? it has a team, a thing they're stealing, a plan, the methods and means of stealing, the complications, and ultimately success and/or fun.
after i get an idea, i make a list of all the movies i can potentially use, i watch stuff i haven't seen. and then the way i edit is i just go through each movie cutting and leaving in clips that seem interesting for what i want, or seem beautiful or effective. after all that is done i just play around. cutting, making collages. i do try to create a narrative and hopefully incite a specific emotion depending on the vibe of the edit. i like parallels and symbols and motifs. ultimately the images are in the service of the song, it's like a dance choreography. sometimes i'm like ok i have no budget for a film, but here's a concept i made by using other people's movies and visuals.
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inconspicouslurker · 8 months
Odalia isn't a 2 dimensional evil villain
Hot take: Odalia isn't as awful as the fandom makes her. Hopefully I won't get too much hate because I'm sensitive.
Don't get me wrong, she terrible but she she not heartless or evil for the sake of evil. She not two dimensional as the fanbase makes her. She not punting a puppy into the boiling sea and watching it suffer while cackling maniacally. She not out to torture her own family for funsies. She in fact, love her family...she was just terrible toxic and blinded by her need of control. She does make her family miserable but she does it so they can achieve a goal she had set thinking its whats is best.
Look as Odalia traits. In my last post, (cue a copy and paste) She very intuitive which is why she a great oracle. She acts like a know it all because of it, but within reason, she is usually right about things. Because of this, she thinks her opinion is the only right opinion and there's very little variety from that. If something goes wrong she thinks its because no one listened to her.
She also a very driven, goal oriented. Boy, does she have goals! She is very much a "ends justify the means"
Another trait, and her oracle skill encourages this, is she plans ahead. In fact, that's all she does. She is constantly looking ahead, to ensure her family and business is ahead of the game. She rarely in the now.
She shown to be very involve in her family. She notice Amity forgot her lunch and sent the twins to give it to her, she in the Parent Creature Association. The Blight children biggest grips is Odalia being too involved and being controlling because of it.
Let's get into her headspace. Odalia is use to being right about things so when she planned things for her children, it was for their best interest (she believes). Despite them protesting and not desiring whatever it is. She so busy looking to their future she not looking at their needs and desire now. They are kids, they don't know better...but Odaila does. She older, wiser, experienced and rarely wrong. They will thank her when they are older when they are successful adults. They may be miserable now, but who isn't happy once they become successful? Which they will be later, as long as they listen to her. The end justify the means.
She may even grew up in a very similar way. She turn out alright, even better! Look at her now! she living the life, successful, beautiful, she has it all. She can do the same for her own children but even better.
She still a terrible and toxic mother. Im sure she give many back hand handed compliments. for example: "Emira, you are so beautiful, its a shame your pimples distracts the eyes that they become the main focus." She also critique her children for a way for them to improve themselves but she is overly critical when she do so. Her 'helpful' advice just comes out as criticism. Which leads to her children identity issues and strive for perfection, even if it means hiding themselves in concealment stones. As Odaila places emphasis are making good appearances to make good impressions and keeping the Blights in a positive image of status. She did want what's she thought best for the family. Again, she rarely wrong. how can she possibly be wrong about this? Nearly everything she done it was for the family. Which in turn. she benefits greatly from as it also boost her image and status more. It's a win-win for her.
I'm not saying she did it for them as for an example, a parent painfully endured a children concert of whatever the child obsessed with at the current moment to make them happy. No. she the catalyst of having her children endure what she thinks is best for them. Like how a parent force their children to learn an instrument and practice, practice, practice! But its not an instrument she making them endure but things she believe would benefit them later. Amity will thank her later in life when she get to keep all schools of magic when she joins the emperor coven.
All this makes Odalia look good and furthering her family higher in status. Status is Odalia personal desire. She money hungry but I think that's because it easier to raise status when your filthy rich and its a way how inconveniences can be pay away.
Isn't it so wonderful Odalia can reach her dream while bettering her children's lives?
Then theres a Day of Unity. I have no reasonable explanation why Belos would include her. The only thing I can think up was, She very intuitive and with the large shipment she knew something was up. Somehow Belos knew and they had a meeting.
If anyone has headcanon on how or why Belos included Odalia, I would love to hear it.
I have to have another watch, but I found it odd that the whole Isle had to be at the head for the Day of Unity and not celebrating in the streets at their homes. I think the spell to work effectively, needed witches to close distance to the conduit. Which, Belos needed the abomtrons to entrap them.
So Belos manipulated Odalia. He good at telling people what they want to hear. I'm pretty sure he told Odalia point blank, a lot of witches will die during the Day of Unity but only the worthy and the faithful to the Titan will survive. It's the Titan will. You don't want to go against his will do you?" Essentially trapping her to keep the secret. It worked. She was terrified She has to stay silent, if she spoke of it, she unworth and unfaithful which would mark her for death. But Belos still can't chance her if she risk being brave by telling people that would start an uprising. So he promise her all something she always desired if she stay quiet. Higher status. What higher than being royalty of the new world of the faithful and worthy?
Belos also plan may extended that knows Luz affections for Amity. Luz being a weird wild card to that might ruin his plan, so he may implied to Odalia he wanted her to home imprisonment Amity so Luz would go to her and away from the skull. It's a bit of a stretch but it can sort of work. It explains the gaslight Odalia did in that episode. I'm sure she regularly gaslights but that seemed a bit excessive to me.
So Odalia kept silent, fulfilling the Titan will. She'll sacrifice the whole damn isle to ensure her family safety. The end justify the means. Plus she'll get a nice crown, what a nice bonus for keeping a secret.
It's ironic that Odalia the oracle could be so blinded to everything she held dear. Including her own actions and the immediate effects. But the end justify the means, the means of her perception on how things should be and the way to achieve them. She never once foreseen or thought the means would go against her and veer into a different end. Why would they? Her end is the correct one...it's what's best. She's always right? right?
She doesn't realize her opinion isn't always the right and/or only opinion. It cost her everything. She still doesn't believe she wrong and her family turning their backs on her, after EVERYTHING she done for them. It was a slap in the face. What a bunch of ingrates! They should apologize to her. In her mind, Alador betrayed her destroying their life work and leaving their partnership. The kids shunning her. Odalia believes she did nothing wrong, all the hardship she force them to endure would have payed off if they just waited a little longer! Then her family realize it was all worth it and thank her for her wise foresight.
After her separation of the family, she will judge her family from a distance. Scoff when they seem to struggle. They should have listen to her. But over the years, she see that they are happy...thriving. Maybe not thriving in fortune sense, but just in life. After some time...a lot longer than is should have, and replaying her memories as she reflects about her currently life, i'm sure are a lot of screaming, scoulding, yelling matches after the Day of Unity and they took separate ways, in retrospect can see some of family points about her and her...mistakes. She start to feel a pang of remorse. She won't apologise...not until years has passed. Not like 2-3 years, im talking...10-15 years she try to make contact and apologise.
I think, surprisingly she'll miss and feel bad about Alador the most. He pledge and gave his life and everything to her. He was so damn loyal to her to a fault that her misuse of her family made him snap that unwavering loyalty and that oh so important word of a Blight he gave her for 30 years. While everyone was hurt and sad and a slew of negative emotion about the situation, the children was fueled more by anger. Alador gave her his own choice angry and hurt words, but he just looked so heartbroken in the end.
I realize people may wonder at this point... after the Day of Unity...how can she think she not wrong? She was a victim of the spell too...surly she must know she was wrong! Remember earlier I mention "If something goes wrong she thinks its because no one listened to her." Guess what? Alador and Amity didn't listen to her and they ran off. It doomed her and partner. She also may consider she doomed herself by going against the Titan wishes by admitting what she knew to them before the family battle.
So that's my take on Odalia. I think she more dimensional then the fan makes her. I know its so easy for people to just make her a flat evil villain. She is a manipulative, terrible abuser. I don't think she realizing she abusing. She knows she being underhanded but I think she thinks the word "abuse" is too far and exaggerating. As I mention, she may grew up similar so this is just "normal parenting" from her own childhood observation.
I also have no doubt in my mind she intentionally cruel and cutthroat to people not her family or a threat to business as a prevention. She'll act in more subtle ways within the the law so there's no repercussion. But She has discreetly work outside of it and leaves no proof. It be poor form and bad image if she did.
But as for family, she doesn't have ill intentions. Just terribly and horribly misguided under her own accord. She not intending to make her family miserable, for the pleasure of it. She just ends up making them miserable by a means to achieve a goal she believe is best for the family. Not saying she gets a pass for her abuse. Just she has more depth then the fanbase paint her as evil incarnate.
If you use my headcanon for fic or art, I'll appreciate a shout out. I'm hoping to incorporate my headcanon into my own fic. Particularly the Belos bit, and Odalia feeling betrayed by her family while feeling she didn't do much wrong to warrant it.
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lus-sav · 28 days
I want to know everything about devil foggy, is he a demon? Can i make fan art for this au? Please tell me all your headcanons im obsessed
Thank you, and please feel absolutely free to make art for this AU. 🥺
To answer your question: Franklin isn’t a demon. Matt just thinks of him as one. Temptation and sin in human form and all.
And Matt’s angry/guilty crush aside, Franklin’s just a regular human who happens to be a crime boss.
(And now that you’ve put the idea in my head, I will definitely make an AU with demon!Foggy.)
To offer some headcanons for the mob AU:
Franklin picked a different name to distance himself from his mother. He didn’t want to be referred to as Sharpe. So Bruin it was.
He picked Bruin specifically because it meant bear. People assume it’s because bears are considered dangerous. True but also: bears don’t attack without reason. They’d rather be left alone. Franklin would also prefer it if he didn’t have to deal with any violence. He’d try talking first.
Speaking of talking, honey-tongue is one of his nicknames. He’s very good at persuasion and he sounds nice, very polite and fun. (Matt found Bruin’s voice soothing. One of the many things Bruin had that was pleasing to Matt’s senses. It pissed him off to no end.)
Franklin used to keep his hair short. He started growing it out once he stopped trying to get Rosalind’s approval. He also started dressing himself in ways that Rosalind would hate. She hated most people that tried to dress rich and looked gaudy instead. So that was his favorite way of dressing.
Franklin learned the law. Not with Matt; he was in a different uni. Passed the bar and everything. He framed it as knowing the law so he could bend it to his advantage. That he could be away from his mother for long periods of time and build up his own person was a bonus.
Franklin has a very simple relationship with Daredevil. He guides the vigilante’s path of terror and justice whenever it veers off course or hits a dead end. Also, it's a free service! Franklin doesn’t want this or that ring operating in his territory? Point Daredevil at it.
What’s complicated is Franklin’s feelings. The child he once was, Foggy, would have adored Daredevil. But it was Franklin that survived with no one that would have dared to fight Rosalind for him and—Well, it didn’t matter anymore. Daredevil was useful and that was all that mattered.
(Maybe Daredevil would be more useful if he didn’t have a strict moral code he stuck to no matter what but. Franklin can take care of it, no biggie. Daredevil doesn’t need to dirty his hands when Franklin’s have been stained red since his childhood.)
What’s even more complicated is Franklin’s image of himself. He thinks he killed Foggy, his kinder nature. What he actually did was he built a wall around Foggy. A wall of excuses. He made up excuses for every good thing he did, dismissing his actions as selfish and a means to an end. If it served him in some way, it wasn’t a good deed.
No matter how much he hated her and distanced himself from her, Franklin still considered himself his mother’s son. He couldn’t be good. He just couldn’t.
(And Rosalind didn’t want a good child. She wanted an heir for her criminal empire, as ruthless and ambitious as she was.)
Franklin stole half of Rosalind’s empire by being better in every way but mostly by being an excellent employer that offered better working conditions.
Franklin took the Murdock firm under his protection. It was good for his image! And there aren’t a lot of people that had the guts to go against his kind of people. It was refreshing to witness. He’d also prefer it if the guy running it didn’t have it out for him but whatever. Franklin can handle his own in the court of law.
Franklin rather likes Matt Murdock, the prickly lawyer that barely hides his distaste for him. The man is vicious and clever and fun to play with. Karen Page as well.
(Franklin would never admit it but he always did get so fond of idealistic people fighting to make a change. Hero materials with zero self-preservation skills. It’s thankless work, taking care of them. But Franklin didn’t mind.)
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mattodore · 15 days
hallo river :D idk which blog of urs to send this to (since it has main and personal blog elements), so I'm just going for ur main- Thank you for managing to be one of my biggest inspos on not just simblr, but overall as like,,, a person??? idk how to word it 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
I've said a lot of what I want to say already in my love train and biggest inspo posts, but I js wanna say that ur genuine passion for your ocs AND for media (movies and writing and stuff) has been incredibly infectious for me, in a good way of course. Pretty much since I started following you, I've had your main blogs post notifs on cuz I love seeing the quotes and other things that u reblog that relate to Theo and Matthias, and since following you, I've also, of course, found your side blog, which has opened a whole new can of worms for me, your reblogs about The Passenger got me to watch the movie and this movie has singlehandedly re-sparked a kind of hyperfixation that I haven't experienced in a LONG time (if u wanna exclude ocs), and NOW I have your side blogs notifs on cuz. yk. I love ur posts and reblogs ADKSKDK. I've currently got Tom at the Farm (and plenty of other movies you've posted abt) on my to-watch list (putting off TatF cuz im a little squeamish with wounds at times🧍‍♂️🤧). I've also started to look at and analyze deeper into stuff, specifically since finding your blogs and after seeing just how deep-in-the-guts The Passenger fans get LMAO- Your blogs have inspired me in wayyy too many ways at this point and im starting to feel like i need to put "fyi: this blog is heavily inspired by mattodore" somewhere on my blog AISJAKSKS (jk ofc)- I kinda feel like I'm repeating myself at this point,, but I just wanted to let you know cuz I have a lot of appreciation for you, your blogs and whatever you post.
If you have 1000 fans, I'm one of them, if u have 100, I'm one of them, if you have 1, IM that one, and if u have 0, I died 🤷‍♂️ anyways this turned into a slight ramble but again, thank you man, ur like,,,, kinda cool or wtv 🫵🫶 (also saw ur comments abt joining the server and just know I WILL join,,, later after I've slept LMAO)
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WELL... my body found dead in a ditch. thank you... both for being so kind and for telling me all this bc i do love validation lmfao. like you're super sweet and that bit about how passionate i am... like that's. ugh. kind of everything to me. so thank you.
anyway now to talk about the passenger 😁 UGHHHHH i'm so glad you watched it!!! i've been losing my mind every day for the last two months over it so YEAH. love that. i've ALSO not been this obsessed with something in such a long time. it feels good to really get my hands dirty in fandom again, like, it's such a fun outlet. i'm this 🤏close to writing fic again but i'm holding off through sheer force of will. also have definitely been reading your tags when you reblog posts from me and add more commentary about things you noticed!! jerma image let's take the passenger media analysis together
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TOM AT THE FARM. I'VE BEEN GOING BATTY WANTING TO TALK ABOUT TOM AT THE FARM. TOM!! MY BEST FRIEND TOM!! i would ABSOLUTELY be willing to take timestamps of any scene where there are wounds on display if you want, like... a safety guide? that you can skip around? or just so you're aware of what you're about to see. lmk! literally would love the excuse to rewatch it again. i don't think that any of the wounds in it are that graphic imo... but there's some blood that gets on tom's arms/hands from a calf being born and i think maybe if you saw it without context that could have looked really gnarly. idk what your baseline for okay vs. yuck! is wrt wounds though, so. lmk!
also join the server 🫵 i'm recruiting you come be online with me
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youremyheaven · 1 month
I don’t think all venusians are bad but I also had a share of bad experiences with them. I don’t know if I should drag the women or the men first. I’d talk about the women first because they’re in my family and it’s a more neutral point of view than hate or a one time experience. My purva ashada stellium grandmother used to starve her children too and is extremely cheap. Tbh I don’t think she has a bad relationship with her daughters. She seems to get along with them pretty well. However my mom who’s purva phalguni moon has similar behavior as the previous ano. She’s very jealous and envious of other women constantly comparing herself to other women and she needs to be the “best looking” among others. Otherwise she lose her mind. She’s very image conscious and she’s a complete different person with strangers or my friends. She wants to be seen as the cool mom. She also assumes every single man she interacts with has some sort of romantic interest in her. She also says phrases like “you’ll never be as attractive as used to be” like even if It was true and I was a walking troll she shouldn’t be saying this to her daughter ? I also find it weird how every single Venusian woman I talk to is extremely fake ? Like they’re obsessed with status and want to be seen as higher or richer than what they actually are. They love to see people beneath them. They strive to be the best in that way. They’re very superficial and they would definitely befriend someone or be around someone for the aesthetic or for what they could get from them. They would take shamelessly from people without giving back and when you called them out they be like “I didn’t ask you to” when they truly did pressure you into it. I think for men, most Venusian men I met, they would be very polite, kind helpful and try to please me as much as possible. Like they would get interested in my hobbies and try to get close to me with some hidden intention or purpose to it. When I don’t get fooled by their act, it’s almost as their mask drops and I see another version of them that is much cruel and mean ? It’s like they want to “punish” you. They would paint themselves as the victim because you didn’t give them what they wanted or desired from you. Whatever that is. They would tarnish your reputation or come for you in settings. Now, I don’t think I had many Venusian friends (only 2 ) that are woman but they both would lie and act as if they’re “rich” even if they’re not and I already know they’re not and I don’t even care because I never bring such things up.
💀💀💀u have described so many people i know, its crazyyy,, one girl i went to college with who had Saturn in Bharani atmakaraka was just like u described. she was upper middle class at best but she wanted to be seen as rich so bad?? she'd insert random details to make herself sound 🤑🤑she spoke about how much she spent on clothes even tho she always wore the same stuff on repetition?? (im not being a hater, her comments always just made no sense??) she'd talk about how her family only fed their dog specially bought meat and it was just ??? i hated the way she spoke about money and same goes for another Venusian girlie i know, she wont shut up about money and always exaggerates for good effect?? its so cringe to me ngl. theyre also the type of people who want to put others down to feel better about themselves. I think Venusians in general don't like it when someone tries to imply that they're on the same "level" so they always put others down to establish superiority. every Venusian woman I know is arrogant and conceited in some ways. one time the atmakaraka chick told me that her dad bought her a new car and i was like ok good for you? and she always spoke about how its her car when it was actually just a new car for the fam after they disposed off the old one?? lol?
one time my friends and i were eating out and a really cute kid (5-6 yr old girl) and her mom came in, all my friends said that the kid resembled me quite a bit and the Bharani ak girl said "yeah she's chubby like you" 🤡🤡🤡first of all the kid wasn't "chubby" by a long shot, and even if she was who tf says that about a 5yr old??? she just wanted to establish dominance? and did not like the fact that others thought we resembled each other lmao?? what a complete asshole, imagine insulting a literal child and your friend?? Venusian women do not like it when other women seem to have the upper hand in any way. They are not girls girls, i have said this before and i'll say it again Venusians are the OG "im not like other girls" girl.
im so sorry you went through all that anon. i wish you healing and peace<3
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twstunes · 3 months
I am OBSESSED with your colored in manga pages!!! They’re beautiful I can’t stop thinking about them, how do you do your TWST page edits??? I’m really wanting to color the chapters too! It looks so fun!
I downloaded the pages (of chp1) straight from where I read them, and edited over (im using krita! Maybe photoshop would be better??) but I can’t seem to make them look the way I want them to. The line quality is nowhere near yours, yours looks so professional! I hope I’m not stepping on your toes by asking but I feel like I’m missing something 😭 would you mind explaining where/how you download the pages with such high quality? Do you turn them transparent like coloring books or edit overtop of them? I hope this ask isn’t too much!!
XOXOXOXO I hope you’re doing well!! You’re easily one of my fav twst blogs!
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kicking my feet and giggling,,,,,, I hope you're doing well too!! you're not stepping on my toes at all, don't worry!
The pages I've been using for color edits are from turtlesoupscans' uploads – they're a scanlation group focused on TWST, and currently have stuff up for the manga (both the main story + anthology comic) as well as translations for the official novel. To my understanding, their scans ARE okay to use for color edits, but not for re-translations or mass-reuploads.
I do all my edits in photoshop using a lot of multiply & lighten layers! The coloring book method u mentioned is so enticing yet so traitorous…in photoshop, the selection + erasing method tends to damage the lineart, and the inverted channel method for removing white backgrounds quickly will keep a 'film' if the background isn't pure #ffffff. (Maybe krita has a more effective solution? 👀)
(Also bc I brought up using photoshop I'm ethically obligated to mention that photopea, an online equivalent to photoshop, exists and is free to use)
I've never used krita before, but from what I'm seeing of its layout/capabilities, the process I use should translate over fairly well–
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(Added a black bg to the "fill" portion to make it easier to see)
First come the "fill" layers, which are for covering up halftones & similar shading techniques. This step isn't super necessary (and sometimes involves a lot more editing to replicate halftone gradients/patterns), but I heavily recommend it for scenes that involve a lot of dark colors. Leaving halftones in can cause colors to look darker & grayer than they should, the latter of which you specifically want to avoid when making color edits of darker-skinned characters. (They can also be really good for conveying texture tho, which is why I left the statues' shading alone in this example.)
Next are the color layers, where the bulk of the editing happens. As I mentioned above, I use a ton of multiply layers for this so I can just draw over the image. Darken layers also work, but I've found they tend to affect line density & smoothness. The shading and highlighting here is done using masking layers for individual objects/structures – I think quick group + choosing inherit alpha for the mask layer is the krita equivalent? Layers for darkening the overall lighting (like for nighttime scenes) would also go in this section.
Finally, the lighten layers are solely for the lineart. This is to help "soften" the the lineart, so to speak, making the scene feel a little more 3D/fleshed-out. This step is especially important when dealing with hard shadows, like on the Dark Mirror's frame, Pomefiore's windows, and Ignihyde's central pillar-thing. What I do is put down a bunch of lighten layers, typically at 50% or 75% opacity, and color-pick the darkest part of whatever feature I'm editing the lineart for. Because I'm using a darker color, the surrounding multiply layers will usually go unaffected by the lighten layers – if not, I just gotta zoom in and be careful about it. These layers need to be on top of/closer to the 'front' than the color layers, or else the multiply effect of the color layers will apply to the lighten layers as well.
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Thanks for bearing with my kinda long-winded explanation! I've been learning as I go, so there might be easier/better ways of doing things that I haven't stumbled across yet.
I hope this helps & that you have fun doing color edits!!
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