#with sketches n whatnot
papabigtoes · 1 year
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doin some screencap doomstar redraw flashbacks for ch one of Planet Pissed and they are very fun two draw
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frigid-m-grim · 2 months
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small pim doodle before bed
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ribbononline · 2 years
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remembering how to draw pmd them
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eskititgay · 11 months
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fengqing + pork soda - glass animals
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the-bellhopper · 6 months
Random question I like asking my favorite artists:
What would a visual representation of your emotions look like
(Whether that be described through words, drawings, Moodboards, etc)
i use my fursona for that!! She gets dropped into the margins of drawings a lot but she never gets posted here :]
here 2 recent things of her! + misc bonus stuff
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achilleslyre · 1 year
i just sketched sasuke six times….. its a sasuke day idk
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silverystormwing · 1 year
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they smooch
tel & one of their partners, glass! only two where the height difference isn’t ridiculous and yet they’re both so much taller than most people lmao
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plleeeepppyyyy · 1 year
wally + clumsy and silly reader!
wally likes them silly,,
these are just little ramblings of wally with a silly reader.,,
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★★★ — ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ — ★★★
you were always known around the neighborhood to be clumsy, you were always clumsy y/n! silly y/n, always tripping over everything. which made you frustrated, despite the others giggling and helping you out.
but, this really didn’t stop you from doing a lot! it made you happy that your friends could at least get entertainment out of your clumsiness. so, you didn’t mind much at times. you were always going around making others laugh, without having to break your head.
you were bouncing around, falling, then coming right back up. if anyone could describe you, you would be a bouncy ball.
as you did this, you noticed a certain blue haired fellow. wally, he was.. different. when you would look at him; you just see him staring at something. or remark about something. he was just chill, whenever you would be around barnaby. he was there. just looking at either the two of you. and for some reason, you felt embarrassed as you did a silly thing.
as if he was silently judging you and it made you feel stupid. nonetheless though, you kept your act up. wanting others to be happy. cause thats what you were, silly, clumsy, happy y/n!
so, one day, you were just strolling around, doing daily shopping and whatnot. till you tripped, for like what? the millionth time? maybe nobody saw it, right?
well, not exactly,,
wally just happened to be right in front of you, holding out his hand. which made you instantly nervous, i made how could you not? just looking up at him, with his usual intense stare, those doting eyes, admittedly it made you more embarrassed by the encounter. more embarrassed to be around him.
but, he didn’t laugh, nor tease you, he just held his hand out. calling out in his calm tone, asking if you were fine.
after stammering out a yes, he dusted you off and helped you out. to admit, you never talked to wally much before, have you? yes, you greeted one another, but imagining yourself tripping daily right in front of him was humiliating.
so, you kept your distance more than usual.
after he helped you out and went on his way, it made you feel a bit bad. for practically trying to ignore him, being too careful around him. you just couldn’t help it though! he was so calm, intense at times, maybe you could even say aloof. after that encounter though, you definitely changed your mind.
after many thoughts dawning on you, you decided to hang around him more often. and he drew you in more. he was just alluring,, soo cool, definitely relaxed. more than you usually were. you were tripping all over the place, just making the others giggle, and you were a bit dumb at times,, (sorry
just silly you were, wally definitely thought you were charming. you were just nice to watch, you would do your own thing, usually break a thing or too, he loved watching you.
he would usually be there to help you back up after you fall, watch you, and giggle at you at times. he didn’t want to lie, you were so charming. you really were like a cartoon character.
basically you guys started being attached at the hip, which was a great surprise to the others! they always saw you together nowadays, wally would just follow along while you were skipping around, missing a beat once a while as you talked and talked. while he listened without a care about anything else.
(basically you guys are calm + hyper)
during this period, wally DEFINITELY wants you to be his muse,, his inspiration. it doesn’t matter if you’re always moving , or bouncing your leg, or always bumping into stuff. he wants to paint you, sketch you, just,, to him you’re so fun to look and see. why not paint you daily? he definitely has an art portfolio of just you, ranging from sketches to paintings. it’s totallyyy not because he’s in love wit you.
he also finds himself staring at you 24/7, even if you guys are hanging out with poppy, julie, baranby, or anyone. he’ll just admire you more than he ever did before. back then, he would hum and watch you a bit as you did another silly thing. nowadays, when you would be fumbling with a straw for your juice, doing something silly, or just anything. it makes him kick his feet, it’s just so endearing, you’re so endearing.
it’s not only wally falling in more, it’s also you.
i mean, what’s not to love about wally? he’s so smooth, calm, he definitely is the type of dude whose got it all under control. he was just,, the opposite of you. maybe that was what attracted you to him, he just was elegant. at least compared to you, when you thought about it.
he was good at everything, he drew well, spoke well, walked well too. you weren’t that for sure, it was like he could guide you through anything. and you’d make it out okay. it made you feel better about your clumsiness.
hopefully by your silly antics and such, it would make it worth while for him.
wally notices on how much you try to make him happy, how you always offer to pose for him, give him ideas; always giving him stuff. it warms his heart to be honest, the fact you’re trying so much for him makes him feel happy.
later into ur guy’s relationship, you both def get comfy. a minute with you two and you already know something’s definitely going on.
cause you guys are just basically flirting at this point, well you can consider wally is, idk about you tho,, ur for sure doin something! (٥⁀▽⁀ )
but if we’re being for real, you guys def flirt. in ur own little ways, wally is pretty smooth when it comes to flirting. once in a while,, he’s pretty awkward with it, due to his,, tone at times. but the other times he’s good at it, like he for sure had some practice (≧◡≦) ♡
literally everyone around you two are just sick of it, you two think ur being sneaky with the flirting, nope! they’re basically bystanders wandering if you guys will finally announce that you’re finally an item!!
you for sure did something like,
“this ones for you wally!!(•̀ᴗ•́)و 🏀”
then the ball misses and launches back onto your head, bonking you sillier.
wally is charmed! ♡︎
it took a while for you guys to happen, wally for instance was actually a bit confused. it took him a bit to figure out what he was feeling, he found you silly, charming, cute,,
okay, maybe he thought you were something for sure.
while you,, poor you,, you just got nervous around him and NEVER would’ve talked to him about ur feelings. like., you just felt like he was out of your league.
but, you two eventually happened,, you did it! ( ˘ ³˘)
today was simple, just you, wally, and him sketching. you kept peeking over at what exactly he was sketching, it varied to be honest. apples,, a dog, or just some scribbles.
how could he just simply draw? so easily, while the best you could come up with was chicken scratch. nonetheless, wally was patient with you, he just accepted you. even if you didn’t do anything that impressive.
speaking of this, why did he do that? he just accepted you daily, he would just coo and praise you over anything. how he didn’t mind how much you tripped over something or bumped into one of his art supplies. now that wasn’t simple.
“uhm, hey wally?” wally perked his head up as you spoke up, putting his full attention on you. you felt a bit intimidated as he looked at you with those eyes of his. even if you two came this far, you always found yourself flustered by his presence.
“yes, darling?” he asked, keeping his usual smile up. you cleared your throat and spoke back, “not to be too disruptive but.. i’ve got a question.” he watched you as you sat yourself on the grass. you could feel the spring air flow by as he looked at you with question.
“you’re never disruptive, but do tell. what’s got you thinking, y/n?” as you tried to get your words together, you sighed as you felt yourself get nervous. why did you get nervous? he was just your partner, why be so shy? god, if only you weren’t this flustered all of the time.
“uhm, okay so.. you know how clumsy i am? like, to the point where it’s my whole personality?” you drawled out personality, wally hummed. “well, i wouldn’t say that is your whole personality, but go on.” he said with sincerity, which made you cringe at yourself.
“it’s just.. why do you even like me? i just, i’m so.. stupid at times. i’m always fooling myself out while you— you’re just not that. you know?” you winced at yourself at your explanation, it was clumsy as you usually were.
wally paused for a bit, looking at you with an emotion you can’t really describe. maybe it was pity? concerned? you couldn’t really tell, sometimes whenever he looked at you, you just couldn’t say what he was thinking.
all he did was sigh and close his sketchbook, putting it beside him as he patted his lap. you knew immediately what that meant as you shuffled beside him, laying your head right on his lap. as you did so, he stroked your hair gently.
“now, why would you think about yourself like that?” he asked in his usual soft tone, “i think you’re perfect the way you are, not stupid.” wally looked down at you as he stroked your hair.
wally would never understand how you could think of yourself like that. to him, you were just perfect for him.
“well, it’s just— i.. i don’t know why you gave me a chance.” you mumbled out of embarrassment, wally looked at you with an amused expression. “remember that day when, we actually got to talk? when i tripped right in front of you? i tried so hard to stop that from happening. because, well, you’re the type of person. i don’t wanna embarrass myself in front of. clearly i didn’t do such a good job on that, huh?”
you kept your focus on your hands, not daring to look at him. you noticed how his hand stopped, he kept his hand right on your head.
“y/n.. why would that matter? i have seen you trip tons before.. and, plus, i don’t mind how much you bump, trip, or fall. i’m always there to help you back up, right?” he made you look up as he titled your head upward, “i think its charming.. not how you get hurt at times, of course. but, the way you keep getting back up after you trip, it’s.. well, its admirable. you’re admirable.”
you both paused as silence dawned on the two of you, it made you think. he really loved you, didn’t he?
“you mean that, right?” you asked, looking up at eyes he could never say no too.
wally let a soft chuckle out. “of course i do, silly. gee, you’re asking all of these silly questions.. i mean every,” he leaned down to kiss your head. “word. i promise.” his words made you smile, to the point where you could kick your legs and giggle.
“thanks, sweets. sorry, i’ve just been thinking a lot.” you hummed as you felt better about the whole thing. wally nodded and kissed your head again, keeping your head on his lap.
“but, besides that, what really drew you toward me?” you asked another question, wally hummed in thought as he stroked your hair some more. as if he was thinking.
“a lot of things.. but, it was cute seeing you do funny things. you were just a silly little neighbor to me back then, even still..”
“hm, that’s nice.. wait!” you quickly sat up, “what do you mean silly little neighbor?! could’ve at least said lover.” you whined as he chuckled quietly. “ah, yes. you’re right, silly little lover. you’re my silly little lover, right?”
wally hummed in amusement as you huffed, “guess so.. if you’re gonna call me something stupid you might as well make it less stupid.” wally shook his head and pulled you back to him, wrapping his arms around you.
“oh you, it’s not stupid.. and you definitely are the opposite of stupid.” he giggled and kissed your cheek, he definitely was feeling touchy today.
you couldn’t help but relax back into his arms. you were his silly little lover, his. and that made you okay with tripping daily, if it meant that.
as you closed your eyes and leaned against him more, he let out a little gasp. which made you jump a bit, “oh my, i gotta go give barnaby his microphone back..” he sighed and pulled you off of him gently, looking at his watch.
“you wanna come with, love?” wally asked as he grabbed his stuff, you quickly nodded. as he got up, he held his hand up. looking at you the same as he did the first time, admiration.
you took his hand without hesitation, you stumbled over a bit as you stood up.
he hummed in fondness, “you got it?”
“yep, totally!” you huffed in confidence, but after one step almost tripped over. you cursed yourself mentally.
“uhm.. how about i just hold onto you?” you sheepishly asked as you wrapped your arm around wally’s.
“not a problem with me, darling.”
(character and artwork belongs to partycoffin!)
okayy,, i made this a bit longer than i expected it to,, but thats fine. anyways i think i figured out how to open up my inbox! sooo,, if you guys want me to write more stuff about wally or anyone else. im up for it!
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yanteetle · 1 year
Oki uh-
May I request a y/n being cuddly with Donnie as he works? For da fluff?
{And because for some reason my brain finds it a bit funny}
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“Let’s stay a little longer like this. Just a little.”
Sorry for the long wait btw! I know this isn't exactly fitting the criteria, but I hope this will suffice for now! I needed to really push myself to complete this piece because of all the 'mini easter eggs' in it, but please know I won't be able to replicate this quality for future sketches! It is much too demanding, and would put a major strain on my workflow. I hope that is okay with you guys, and I apologize for any inconveniences caused from it! I had some fun with this, especially with the subtle references to my older Donnie art and whatnot :)) I'd be really excited if people got the subtle references, because I had fun including them when I came up with the concept for this sketch! Thanks for requesting, and please have a nice day!
taglist: @dynaspamm@faetaiity
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jazzstarrlight · 6 months
Haven't posted in a while. hard at work on a few commissions and comic sketches. So in the meantime a cropped N and Uzi holding hands!
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If you want, you can feel free to use it as a profile pic or whatnot. Up to you.
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dearly-somber · 7 months
Sharp Teeth | j.jk
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-> pairing. wolf shifter!jungkook x human!reader (f)
-> genre. fluff, angst, unrequited love, pining, f2l (friends-to-lovers), high school!au
-> w/c. 1172
-> rating. 13+
-> a/n. Heavily inspired by the Sharp Teeth animatic on YouTube created by Dead Sound. The song I listened to while writing this was a song included in the animatic by Wes Hutchinson called One Down Dog. Give them a watch and a listen.
-> warnings. N/A
-> collection. mini-series
-> started. Wed., Jun. 30th, 2022 @ 18:18
-> fin. Wed., Jun. 30th, 2022 @ 19:18
-> edited. Mon., Jul. 18th, 2022 @ 23:35
-> divider credit. @mmadeinheavenn
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Jungkook’s mother let her son cuddle into her side as he so often did before bed, showing him the book cover. Jungkook’s eyes sparkled at the sight of a particularly intriguing and somewhat familiar sketch of what he recognized as wolf canines. The book was bound in burgundy leather, the image of the canine carved into the cover so when his fingers brushed over it, it sank before evening out again. His mother turned to the first page and Jungkook got transported into the story, imagining himself in an open field with grass growing green and a gentle summer breeze, somewhere quiet and calm.
The point of view shifted from the delicately flowing grass stems to a herd of sheep gathered by a river’s edge, grazing peacefully.
On the opposite side, however, an ewe laid; looking curiously at two lambs curled into her side.
Jungkook’s mother read, “‘Are you… mine?’”
The ewe blinked carefully at the little lamb who stood on four shaky feet, tail wiggling excitedly at its mother.
“Mother is confused. She’s looking for a sign.” Jungkook waited with bated breath for his mother to continue, looking on as the ewe stood up herself. She nuzzled into the limp lamb’s side before pulling away slowly. “The rest seem unmoved.”
On the next page, the ewe turned to the eager little lamb, nuzzling and licking it before pulling away. Jungkook’s mother continued narrating in a chipper voice.
“‘Yes, you are mine!’ The mother stated with glee. ‘You’re small, and round, and helpless, but I can tell; from your blunt teeth.’”
The lamb baaed in response. Jungkook tilted his head in slight confusion. Blunt teeth? He brought his hand up to touch his teeth experimentally. He pulled them back after feeling around his mouth. No, his teeth weren’t blunt. Sure, some of them were blunter than his canines, but they were significantly sharper than what was considered ‘normal’.
Mother sheep lead her lamb to the riverbank, an establishing shot showing other animals on the opposite side of the river, grazing and whatnot.
“‘Most outside are friendly—the swift’,” a group of deer. “‘The strong,’” a herd of horses. “‘Who fly.’” Swans overhead. “‘Being so close to ground, it’s nice—to have more eyes.’” The lamb looked at its mother timidly, its weak legs quivering with fear.
“‘Don’t worry!’” Its mother soothed at the same time Jungkook’s mother brushed a hand over his head. “‘Blunt teeth, and beaks, and four feet… none here have sharp teeth. Just stay close to me.’”
As Jungkook’s mother turned to the next page, the illustrations took an unsettling turn, zooming in on the animals opposite of the mother and her young. “The swift ones run away, the strong ones turn around—both with heightened senses, and stuck so close to ground.” The point of view shifted back to the mother and her lamb.
“Will make them run in fear? Mother is confused. An evil monster is near! Her young as she cannot lose.” The ewe stood defensively next to her lamb. Panic seized her heart.
“Mother is to defend—slow but tough and firm—her young one not so behind her, the young bones. Every twitch another monster mother is convinced! She’ll never leave her youngster, even monsters do exist!”
A wolf rushed out of the shadows, snapping its jaws around the helpless little lamb.
“The young one cries out, but mother was too late. The evil monster lunged, and sealed the young one’s fate.” Jungkook instinctively held his mother close, lower lip quivering and tears glossing his vision. The ewe fell to her knees, panting fearfully by the river’s edge.
“Mother’s instincts shattered, scared. Confused of what became. So round and small and helpless, with only herself, to blame.” Jungkook sniffled, appreciating his own mother when she gave him a moment to recover. She paged over: a wide-shot of the wolf walking with a lifeless lamb hanging from its jaws.
“With this broken mother, seems the evil does no good. But the evil doesn’t eat—the young was not its food.” Jungkook frowns quizzically, his mother sparing him a glance and smiling fondly at his confused pout.
She turned the page a final time, opening the last two pages. “The evil, has it’s own young.” Jungkook’s mother brushed her thumb over the page with the wolf standing over a pair of pups, each small and round and helpless, with a whine slipping between their teeth. “Evil, could these be?”
Jungkook opened his mouth to protest when his mother closed the book gently, but hushed quickly when she brought him into her lap. She cupped her son’s face, thumb brushing over his cheekbones tenderly with a loving sparkle in her eyes.
“‘I think not,’ says their mother. ‘Simply born,’” Jungkook’s mother leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, “‘with sharp teeth.’”
Jungkook’s eyes closed unwillingly as she whispered the words into his skin. He pulled away to look at his dear, beloved mother with freshly stained cheeks, smiling adoringly before throwing himself forward in a tight embrace.
Jungkook’s hearing slowly refocuses, two warm palms pressing against his cheeks.
“—hear me? It isn’t your fault you were born with sharp teeth, I promise I’m not ma—“
Y/N lets out a surprised yelp as Jungkook falls into her, nuzzling into the crook of her neck while weakly wrapping his arms around her waist. She stands in shock for a moment at his shaking shoulders, before she eventually maneuvers her hands around his torso, rubbing calming circles into his back.
Jungkook is unsure of exactly how long they stand there, but he pulls away when her scent starts to cloud his senses. She smells like daffodils and raisins—an addictive combination.
Cupping his cheeks again, Y/N brushes away rogue tears with the pads of her thumbs. “You alright?”
He smiles softly at her, nodding his head in a small motion. They stare at each other for a second—Y/N with a comforting half-grin and Jungkook admiring her thoughtlessly. He eventually brings a hand up from her waist to place it over the hand resting on his cheek, hesitantly pulling it away from his face to place a close-eyed kiss to her injured palm. He only realizes once his lips touch the fabric of the bandaid that she had wrapped it, guilt forcing him to leave his lips there a second longer than necessary.
When the shifter pulls away, he watches her staring mystified at her palm, light pink hue dusting her cheeks. “I really am sorry about your hand. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
Y/N shakes her head, wrapping her arms around his neck to capture him in a hug. “I told you already that I forgive you, dummy. Like I said,” she smiles knowingly into his shoulder. “It’s not your fault you were born with sharp teeth.”
Jungkook allows a reminiscent smile to grace his features while he rests his chin on Y/N’s shoulder, holding her close. She smells so nice, he could probably just… fall asleep.
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lydscare · 8 months
ponyboy curtis dating/relationship headcanons
warnings/notes: ponyboy is a softie; no warnings 🙌 (pony is a little insecure, though)
a/n: yooo 😃, it’s been a hot minute; sorry school drama is being a b*tch right now and has been exhausting me from writing 😭 [why do guys gotta be so immature!?] anyways, “the outsiders” hyperfixation kicked in and made me write this, enjoy!!
reader is gender-neutral / my masterlist 
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he’s a sweetie :))
he likes to calls you sunshine or hun
he LOVES taking you to watch sunsets. (he was probably watching one with you when he realized that he was in love with you–)
discussions with him can be so funny when taken out of context. they can go from goofy not too serious questions to an entire exsistensial crisis about the universe
“do crabs think we walk sideways?”
he is the first to say “i love you”
being close to him allows you to get to know his witty (and kinda smartass) side. 
he also loves being able to make you laugh with any of his sarcastic remarks
“if mr. ray gives us another homework assignment i’m to go to dally for some help.”
*yn laughing*
*ponyboy trying to hide the proudest smile on his face :))*
pony loves, loves the sound of your laugh too
it’s just comforting to him :’)
i also think that after ponyboy comes out of his shell more that he’d 100% be the type to gossip (and never get caught) mainly stuff that he heard from two-bit, dally and johnny tho/tbh
y’all can communicate with no words, (it’s honestly sometimes pretty creepy); y’know through you eyes and facial  expressions and whatnot
he learns to read you really well. your body language and everything, so he’ll know that if you’re uncomfortable and he’ll try to get you out of whatever situation as soon as possible
he gets jealous a bit (he’s a little more insecure though) but he tends to wallow quietly in loathing, giving them the stink eye and what not
you go to his track meetings, just sitting on a bench nearby. he’s so happy that you’re there and supporting him :’)
if you cheer him on loudly tho, he will sink into the floor. out of embarrassment or just being overwhelmed by your love and support, who knows? 
if you guys are walking to his house later at night (or anytime, really) and a soc car drives up next to you guys, he’ll block you from their view so you hopefully won’t get catcalled. (in general he walks on the side of the street near the curb) 
if the group of socs does catcall you from their car or make you uncomfy he’ll tell them to shove off (protective boy fr fr)
also likes to kiss you all over your face
forehead kisses <3
passing notes in class
i don’t know why but i kinda feel like he’s insecure about his smile, so please reassure him that you love him whole :’)
he’s a great listener
ends up stealing a lot of you pencils because he’s always losing them 😭
sketches u <3
random deep talks at 3 in the morning 
recommending books and movies to each other
while he reads a book you recommend to him he writes little annotations of what he thought of the book (you do this for him also) 
has defiantely drawen both of your initials in a heart 
draws on your hands, lets you draw on his
he feels happy seeing you walk around with his little drawings on your hand 🥹
people honestly think that you guys are just really close friends; which is a  fair assumption, there isn’t too much pda with him/you probably don’t do anything too sterotypically couplely in public
he’s 14 (anyone who’s 17+ and reading this, 😐 wtf–) and you’re proably the first relationship he’s ever been in, so he kinda is trying to see how it goes + is always a bit afraid he might be overstepping (at least early on in the relationship)
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pt.2 here cuz apparently i went over the word limit :'))
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bitciziad · 6 months
Robin ||
closeup under the cut ->
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what a nice person! i sure hope nothing traumatizing happens to th-
moving on from the yet-to-be-traumatized robin pls don’t look at the snow im begging you, have a close up instead just don’t look at the snow i got so bored and lazy
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look isn’t that better (you don’t see any sloppy lines or coloring huh?? no you don’t)
real shit though i’m alive LMAO i don’t wanna ramble but i drove across the country for a bit n stayed elsewhere n whatnot for a month or so in the middle of nowhere (the people i met were chill), haven’t been on tumblr much, etc etc all that good shit, hurt my ass driving 15+ hours straight, BUT I HAVE MORE ART i’m just lazy and don’t finish anything so i’ll probably post sketches just without the tags
ANYWAYS ROBIN, don’t know why i drew them like this they probably have zero sense of fashion and wear dragon shirts and giant hand-me-down raggedy ass basketball shorts that go down to their knees (me fr)
also the background i got lazy and used a picture i took when i was staying at this farm place n just heavily edited it/drew over some of it dont diss me y’all know i don’t do backgrounds— i hope the crop isn’t weird for the full body on tumblr but yknow what fuck it it’s fine it is what it is 🤙
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chocotonez · 1 year
skz as love languages pt2: gift giving
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a/n: pt 2 yay! :D
summary: skz and how they receive and give gifts
cw/genre: fluff, cursing, not proofread, English is not my first language :)
1k June Special Masterlist here -> ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"
-so fire at gift giving and always gets you the cutest and most personalized gifts
-like he’ll get you something you’ve been wanting for the past decade with a handwritten letter and a cute smile :>
-and no matter what you get him he’ll always be like “omygah for me baby?? thank you!!” and blushing and grabbing you to give you a tight squeeze hehe
-he doesn’t give you gifts often unless he goes out and sees something that reminds him of you or a special event, just because he’s not a massive gift giver
-will definitely pay for your things but does that rlly count as gift giving….that’s all I’m saying teehee
-gets flustered if you give him a lot of gifts or if ur a gift giver person because he automatically feels like he has to reciprocate every single time and he doesn’t know what to do!! it’s overwhelming </3
-but he appreciates it more than you know I promise he’s just like so awkward because now he just wants you to get you a million things to thank you :)
-prolly the type of person to get all giggly if you’re opening a gift he prepared for you and is like “teehee can u guess what it is hehe ur gonna like it!!”
lee know
-I don’t think he’s big on gift giving, receiving or giving
-mainly because he prefers to show his love for you through other means, and also because he doesn’t want to make your relationship too material-based
-but expect him to go all out for special events like birthdays and whatnot!!
-a dozen red roses and a box of your favorite chocolates along with a cute stuffed animal sprayed with your favorite cologne of his, or even smth more personalized to your relationship like a three page card and a custom music box or your favorite song
-expect the usual of him paying for your things in a traditional bf sense, but it’s not like he’s going to come home to spoil you just because
-he can spoil u in other ways yknow…not just money!!
-but when it does come to the days he know it’s necessary to spoil you, he always knows what to get you and never expects too much in return because he’s so sweet like that bye
-“well you don’t have to get me anything for my birthday rlly…” like boy shut up!!
-he loves receiving gifts !! it makes him feel so spoiled and loved
-obviously he knows you love him even if you don’t have the means to give him any sort of extravagant gifts that r super hefty and large yknow
-but it’s just smth so sweet to know you picked an item out for just him, thinking of him, or that you looked at it and you though “oh I think binnie would like this!!” and he DOES !! EVERY TIME!!
-even if you just give him a sticky note with a heart written on it he’ll praise and cherish it forever because you have it to him,,,with him in mind
-that’s such a sweet concept to him that anyone can see an inanimate object and be like “omg this is so changbin”
-it just makes it feel like you’re always thinking about him n it makes him feel extra loved
-he’s kinda bad at picking out gifts entirely because he doesn’t know how to keep it small, he always ends up buying an entire store…
-so he’ll leave it to you <3
-gets you the best handmade gifts in the world
-if you see a cute stuffed animal on social media than he’ll learn how to crochet in order to make you a replica <3
-he likes to paint you mini watercolor sketches of pretty sights he sees while on tour “the sky reminds me of your eyes so I just had to paint it” and you’re bawling your eyes out
-he loves receiving smaller gifts that take a bit more effort, he’ll appreciate the designer handbag from time to time don’t get me wrong but knowing you took your markers to make him a pretty card has him clutching his chest on his knees
-he thinks it means a lot when it shows you put a sort of thought process into making something for him
-probably the type to hang up ur stupid doodles/cards on his fridge sorry not sorry he’s just that type of boyfie
-honestly just a fan of the simpler things :) finds it difficult to go gift shopping without buying you the entire store because u deserve it babe!!
-idk I feel like he always goes overboard without even realizing it when he gets you gifts
-he’ll buy something out of the blue but then he looks over and he sees something that reminds him of you and he’ll be like well…shit I guess I gotta get it too…and it’s a nonstop cycle
-“babe I know I said that I only got you a trinket but the entire store had you written all over it so I just had to buy it!!”
-he gets too excited with gift giving but it’s not his fault everything in the store is screaming your name
-but gifts also include hand written doodles and sketches that he writes little love letters on
-he has a wide spectrum!!
-every day he’ll get you something, from a designer brand to a handpicked flower with a little love note
-is such a good gift giver, always so thoughtful and kind when it comes to getting you something
-a gift is always accompanied with a sweet note or a kiss <3
-he is good at controlling his spending, in the way that he knows he’s going a bit overboard on you but that’s ok <3 you have a very high budget in his heart
-he likes making you things too, little bracelets or doodles, gets all giggly and excited when he watches you take the gift
-tbh I don’t really know how he feels about receiving, he appreciates it endlessly but I don’t think it’s his favorite. It means a lot to him when you express your love in other ways.
-doesn’t mean he’s not gonna cherish anything you get him!! builds a whole ass ikea shelf to show off sticky notes you write to expensive birthday gifts
-expect a lot of matching gifts tho :P your wrists are gonna be stacked with handmade bracelets for each other
-when he gives gifts he gets a little antsy and try to play it off
-like teehee oopsies pls don’t say anything while he prays you like it
-it’s a bit of a rarity for him to give gifts because he just gets nervous and doesn’t want to make it a big deal but he also wants to ensure you know that he’s doing his best especially for anniversaries or whatever
-like he knows that giving gifts is good boyfie things but it just makes him so nervous
-also when receiving he doesn’t want to make you feel awkward so he’ll give u a shy smile
-it also makes him feel silly because you got him a gift?? he’s just surprised for some reason which makes me cry he deserves the world bye
-when both receiving or giving he gets so HYPE!!
-like dawg is very confident in his choices and also knows that you’ll love it so he’ll be like “guess what I got u BBY :)”
-he doesn’t really make you gifts he prefers buying, just because he doesn’t want to make you an ugly gift with his own hands so he wants to buy you something pretty!!
-he adores seeing something pretty knowing that your eyes will light up when you see it, like…why else would he buy something if not to see you smile
-loves receiving gifts too tho he’s clapping his hands and smiling, it doesn’t even matter what you get him if it’s from you he does not care!!
-he loves you so much, the idea that you went out of your way to get him something throws a massive smile on his face and he’s hugging you and thanking you
-loves gift giving sm
tag list:
@chansburgah @hamburgers101 @spacegirlstuff @mxrivicgb
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boxcarxo · 1 month
When they do apologize-- which, they have to do-- they better be writing a funny sketch about how dumb of an idea this was
They need to remind us why we loved them in the first place. They have no choice.
The traditional youtuber apology couch setting will, if nothing else, remind us of their dumb documentary-style announcement that got them into this whole mess.
Honestly, they also better be planning to take a pay cut themselves to pay for their employees because, as others pointed out, those people's livelihoods are on their shoulders now. We don't want them fired, we want some financial accountability from the boys.
Also also I didn't realize that their UK tour starts Tuesday, which means they probably posted the video while Shane & Ryan were already in the UK (travel/jetlag/taking in sights before the shows start n whatnot) which just adds to the ever-growing pile of dumbfuckery behind this. Not a single thought was put into this besides "we're too big to fail!" istg
The Questions From The Audience segment of Tuesday's show is going to be a sight to behold
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ilovequeercats · 1 year
pretty boy niran/lifeweaver is here!! (plus a sketch of him n his bf)
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Petal was a kittypet along with Crystallight (symmetra), but actually left the house much sooner than her, realizing what their twolegs were doing. He has always been against the land development of the land and often comes up with little schemes to slow down the twolegs and whatnot. When they eventually found out that Crystallight ended up staying in Watchclan, he was proud of her but decided to continue living as a loner, appreciating the freedom, but is still a friend of Watchclan
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