#wow thats a tag huh
slavhew · 4 months
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stars don't twinkle moon doesn't shine
big thanks to @nahrgles for finishing this for me after i hit a wall with colors bg and effects- chromatic aberration blew my fkn mind
pre edit transparent version under cut because i spent too much time cleaning it loll
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pocketramblr · 7 months
What about an AU where Yoichi and AFO's quirks are swapped?
1- Yoichi, tiny little twin he is, starved, is so hungry that the second he's born, he clings and tries for food as the twins are raised to suckle- instead, he pulls the spike quirk into his body, and chokes on it. the spikes pierce the nursing new mother, and that with the injury of childbirth means this will be the first and last time the twins have milk.
2- The spikes poke AfO's hands when he grabs the baby, but Yochi's too tired and worn out to hurt him as much. Later, he'll learn to keep from hurting his brother, even as AfO ignores it, carrying Yoichi around like a weapon. Throw spiky brother at prey/intruders/attackers, then collect him when he's done. Yoichi is an attack dog- part pet, part tool. Except he's not good at following orders, his first words being "stop" and "no", so AfO just kinda shoves him where he wants him. Still, Yoichi doesn't leave.
3- As Yoichi is AfO's weapon, he is not left in different shelters while AfO goes out alone- he's never given the opportunity for privacy, or reading comics. Still, AfO finds out that Yoichi does not like *anyone* attacking others, not just him- he'll yell at strange grown ups to stop too, just like he does AfO. AfO wishes he would just attack first and stop trying to use words or tears that don't work- but then Yoichi takes another power and makes the attacker run away, and well... yeah, he can allow that.
4- When Yoichi falls ill, he cannot go out to fight or steal powers. AfO tries to tell him to anyway, and Yoichi gets annoyed and tells him to 'do it himself if he wants to badly enough', shoving the spike quirk into him- passing on a quirk for the first time. AfO is delighted, and tries to shake out more quirks, but Yoichi passed out from the effort, and refuses to when he wakes up- he even tries to take the spike quirk back, but finds that he can't. AfO gets more demanding, trying anything for more, bargaining, then threatening. Yoichi can't fight back without seriously hurting him, and he doesn't want to- so he finally shoves a bunch of quirks into his older brother and runs while he adjusts to the feeling.
5- AfO becomes a multi powered fiend, feared, while Yoichi vanishes, laying low and staying on the move, taking quirks from those who misuse them- when he thinks the word won't get back to his brother who still hunts him. One day, Yoichi's hideout is broken into by two vigilantes who want him to neutralize AfO. Yoichi explains he can't, his power can't take any back from his twin, and he tried. After some conferring, the two take Yoichi back to their group to figure out how he can be used to help, in exchange for safe keeping and food. A year later, the gambit seems to have worked- Kudo and his second-in-command stumble back to the base, the rest of the multi-quirk soldiers dead in the successful attempt to kill AfO. But that's when they realize the stress of multiple quirks in one brain, and Yoichi tries to take all their powers back to heal them. It doesn't work. The attack was their entire plan- the whole base is empty now, and everyone who left dead. Just Yoichi, and the youngest recruit Hikage who stayed behind as an alarm/guard, remain. Finally truly broken, Yoichi goes to Hikage and passes on every quirk, including the all-for-one quirk, then dies. Hikage flees into the woods. (Unbeknownst to him, so does Yoichi's brother's successor, Gigantomachia.)
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kaeyachi · 11 months
Kaeya visits the Dawn Winery... a lot.
He has multiple reasons and excuses that change every time he is greeted by Adelinde.
An investigation on the Darknight hero.
A mission he received from Jean.
A short detour from his patrols.
One time, all he did was ask for a glass of wine before he went his merry way.
Another, he spent a bit more time within the building, creating jam with Adelinde.
Diluc occasionally catches the man approaching the winery from a distance. If he was lucky enough to evade Kaeya's attention, he would send Adelinde to talk to the cavalry captain in his stead. As for the other times, Kaeya would glance up to meet his eyes from where the cavalry captain was standing by the entrance - thru his tinted windows somehow. The younger man's eyes would be glinting mischievously, his ever-present smirk slowly growing on his face.
"Gotcha," his face seemed to imply.
Diluc simply huffs in frustration before leaving his room to spend a couple of moments bantering with the other.
Diluc knows how frequent Kaeya's visits were. He fully expects at least 2 visits in a week...
...The idea that Kaeya frequently visits but never stays... leaves a bitter taste in Diluc's mouth.
Kaeya himself had said that Dawn Winery was his home. If he thought so, why was he always doling out excuses just to be here?
Doesn't Kaeya know he is welcome any time?
Does Kaeya know he could stay?
Like clockwork, Kaeya visits the Dawn Winery.
This time, Kaeya manages to meet his eyes- thru the tinted windows somehow.
Diluc huffs, leaves his room, and meets the other by the entrance.
Kaeya tries to give an excuse for his visit.
Diluc interrupts by saying "you don't need a reason to come home".
'Gotcha' Diluc thinks. He feels as if he won something upon being met by Kaeya's stunned face and hearing Adelinde's giggles at the background.
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sorrcha · 2 years
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first page of the new sketchbook i started tonight ^^
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toastsnaffler · 11 days
dating an art student was so crazy I'm just thinking abt that one birthday I had where my ex got me stickers from the etsy of the person they were cheating on me with....
#they made them address the thank you note to me and everything ajskfjfkfb. i didnt know they were cheating at the time but wow...#every time i break out my sticker collection and see them im reminded of it. but i cant throw out the stickers theyre deltarune ones 😭#like they were a rly cool artist.... just unfortunate that happened 💀#the drama was insane. my ex only wanted to sleep with them but they (other person) wanted them to break up with me so they could date#but my ex dumped them rly harshly for suggesting that i guess 'romantic' cheating was a step too far even for them lmaooo#i heard abt their breakup secondhand and god could they be cruel sometimes. they made fun of the sex theyd had w them#to all their mutual friends n everything i actually felt so bad for the other person when i found out. at least our breakup wasnt that bad#i only finally got that cruel side of them directed towards me like a year after when they wanted us to stop being friends#but yeah. its also funny in a way bc my ex only suggested i had adhd bc the other person did too + struggled a lot with rsd#which i guess they found out when they broke up with them. and then looked at that and thought huh my gf is kind of similar...#and this was like. 2 years before i even considered i had adhd myself and sought diagnosis ahdkfidjcjdjfjfjfkdbfnf#this made me go look the other persons art page up on instagram + then i recognised some of their friends/flatmates art pages and i found#their (my exs that is) grad year film which is still being shown at animation festivals... good for them good for them#i dont think they have an art page themselves tho cuz they were always v shy and weird abt sharing art on social media#like everyone else except them is tagged on things... shame i wouldve liked to see what they were making now. even if we're not friends#also one of their old roommates made some REALLY similar squid game fanart to mine like a month after i posted it huh..#not mad abt it or anything i think its cool i just didnt realise they showed my art to their friends. thats cute#ah this was years ago anyway. getting my head out of the rabbit hole#im gonna go play some elden ring and then maybe do smth fun in my sketchbook we shall seeee#.diaries
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ha-youwish · 1 year
i know twewy really isnt the greatest when it comes to subtlety but man neo really just goes “The Next Scene Will Contain Character Development” huh
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acoraxia · 2 years
Me, trying to identify the common thread between Wukong’s relationships with Tripitaka, Macaque, and Erlang - is it the self righteousness in the face of all evidence to the contrary? Is it the unwillingness to see Wukong’s perspective or even see him as a person? Is it the hurting Wukong until they need something from him?
Oh I know! They need to either improve their behavior or be kept far far away from him!! (And that’s being generous)
Me sliding into my notes after taking my final exam for my psych course: well then
I find it interesting how Sun Wukong’s relationships can be separated into three categories involving these 3 specific characters: Fatherhood, Friendship and (at the very core) Brotherhood
Tripitaka was seen as a father-like figure to Sun Wukong and the use of master and student dynamic further proves this in the sense that Tripitaka was someone who Sun Wukong wanted to impress. He sees him as someone of higher status than him (“You’re the great monk!”) and the whole overarching moments in the book where Sun Wukong cries or tells Tripitaka that everything he does is for the sake of pleasing his master and wanting him to be proud of him. 
And while Tripitaka was not actively choosing to be awful to Sun Wukong he certainly did his damage in not taking Sun Wukong serious when he should have and listening to others (Zhu Bajie) when Sun Wukong warned him about dangers. Because remember that Tripitaka’s first experience with Sun Wukong was seeing him as a demon who was trapped and then freed and then he murdered right in front of him — and we know that Sun Wukong did not know that, hey, murder is bad so of course he was proud of that moment and didn’t understand why Tripitaka was so appalled by this.  
And this is a reoccurring thing with them: Sun Wukong getting punished and called out by Tripitaka but never told why his actions are bad and why he deserved his punishments. 
Their relationship wasn’t the best because of this, SWK wanting to protect Tripitaka and get praise from him but Tripitaka not ever seeing SWK as someone willing to learn and only as a cheeky, impish monkey. 
Macaque was supposedly Sun Wukong’s best friend and because we don’t know much of their dynamic it sucks that I can’t really fully go into depth with this dynamic but he does lose the sense of seeing Sun Wukong as just a friend when he starts putting him on this high pedestal and then having unrealistically high expectations from him since day one of his appearance. He wants Sun Wukong to go back to his old self, refuses to acknowledge that he’s changed and then proceeds to target everything around him to get him to bite back. 
He doesn’t care for how much his actions effect others and he’s not fully evil but he’s so blinded by the concept of getting his old friend back that it kind of makes him do the worst possible decisions in order to get there. 
There's some love there (platonic, romantic, whatever) because honestly if he didn't love Sun Wukong at some point then he wouldn't go this far to try and get a rouse out of him, try to get him to look at him or talk to him or even attempt to get in his line of vision as much as possible by holding up Xiaotian and everything else he holds dear to him to get his attention. But he doesn't know how to deal with these emotions properly so he instead chooses the most destructive patterns instead.
He’s the friend who says he’s the closest person in Sun Wukong’s life without realizing that Sun Wukong’s already moved on and wants to start a new life and he doesn’t try to move on as well so he can catch up to Sun Wukong.
Their relationship is equal to that of old friends who fell out and they both had a play in this but it takes time to mend it and while it is not broken forever they are still going to need more than one apology (both of them need to apologize btw) to make amends.
Erlang on the other hand is interesting.. because they didn’t start out as brothers. And their interactions are so minimal in the book (as far as i can tell they interact once before Sun Wukong meets him again to defeat a demon and then he’s never mentioned again) but if you add in the continuation of Erlang’s story with the Lotus Lantern, it’s much more interesting.
(I rechecked and Erlang is only written 80 times in my copy of the book: when he’s summoned by Guayin, when he fights Sun Wukong, when he imprisons him, when he burns down his mountain, when he fights alongside him and when his dragon wife is mentioned.)
From a perspective outside of the Heavenly realm, this quarrel between them can just be seen as two brothers fighting over who gets to be the one who’s right at that moment. It reads off as more of a dispute between who is “favored” more — because Sun Wukong was excited to meet Erlang, he praised him and said he heard of him from legends (similar to a little brother hearing all of his big brother’s accomplishments).
This is how Erlang learned of Sun Wukong:
‘The Great Sage Equaling Heaven, the monkey fiend of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, has rebelled. Because he stole peaches, wine and pills while in Heaven and wrecked the Peach Banquet, we have despatched a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and eighteen heaven−and−earth nets to surround the mountain and force him to submit, but we have not yet succeeded. We do now therefore especially appoint our worthy nephew and his sworn brothers to go to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit and give their help in eliminating him. When you succeed, large rewards and high office shall be yours.’ Erlang was delighted. [...]
And then their following interaction:
"Now I remember who you are," replied the Great Sage. "Some years ago the Jade Emperor's younger sister wanted to be mortal and came down to the lower world, where she married a Mr. Yang and gave birth to a son, who split the Peach Mountain open with his axe. Is that who you are? I should really fling you a few curses, but I've got no quarrel with you; and it would be a pity to kill you by hitting you with my cudgel. So why don't you hurry back, young sir, and tell those four Heavenly Kings of yours to come out?"  When the True Lord Erlang heard this he burst out angrily, "Damned monkey! Where are your manners? Try this blade of mine!" The Great Sage dodged the blow and instantly raised his gold−banded club to hit back.
Note that Sun Wukong is being cheeky here — if he genuinely wanted to fight Erlang he would have done so instantly but due to knowing his origin he didn’t want to. That and he probably didn't know it was bad manners since he is, in fact, a monkey. Meanwhile Erlang is the one who struck first and it sits with me that Erlang continues to strike down on Sun Wukong despite SWK no longer wanting to fight.
Their fighting is less of Sun Wukong instigating Erlang and more of Erlang wanting to beat him down for not being the “right type of god” that Heaven wants — which could easily be said about him, too. The passage of brotherhood these two go down on is always so interesting due to the fact that Sun Wukong doesn’t want to fight him and that Erlang is the one who calls Sun Wukong a sworn brother. The book can be taken in many ways of course but Erlang keeps breaking all the things that Sun Wukong holds dear to him (his kingdom, his monkeys, his pride and his generals) and then doesn’t apologize for it whatsoever. 
These three characters refuse to see Sun Wukong as a changed man and that’s where their problems lie, actually, and it’s interesting how it’s portrayed in three different types of relationships that are often different from the typical type of relationship seen in media.
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sunbedo · 1 year
It was so weird when i was watching you/tu/bers and also tumblr react to the final totk trailer and either like. forgetting who tulin was and just calling him a random rito (mostly the yt/br). or remembering him and being like "oh thats Teba's son! WAIT WHERES TEBA IS HE OKAY SHOW ME TEBA" and like. im worried for him too but i think, like yunobo, hes probably trying to fight back against the monsters and natural(?) disasters near their settlements (malice over death mountain and big tornado over hebra). Like I think during gameplay we'll probably travel to goron city/rito village and help plan where goron/rito fighters will be stationed fighting to keep the monsters at bay. and join them with the whole 'fight battles with all these people!' mechanic. but in summary i think both yunobo and teba are fine (obviously, as shown by the glimpse of the boulder breaker in that one clip). can we please acknowledge how cool tulin looks and how he's grown up instead of pushing him to the side in favor of teba!!!
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vermillion-vulture · 1 year
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My guy Devon was kinda overdue for a redesign (cuz god forbid I ever consider a character finished) so I fixed up his exoskeleton cuz it was sorta boring, and gave him some fun stripes.
I also exaggerated his overall sillouette a little more cuz I'm tryna get better at pushing character proportions further!
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Hbvnfyvjv can you tell I watch game theory- I love overanalyzing stuff I'm not surprised it was a little inaccurate- “there’s also just some things i wanna keep secret for now…” I'm very intrigued 👀 also dumb question, how do They eat with no mouths? Do they just absorb the food? Do They need to eat? If you threw a packet of biscuits at them would they eat it plastic and all? I have questions but they're not the right ones probably- -🌟
hehe 😈
hmmm well for now i'll just say that it has no mouths on any of its' faces, and len monitors it in case it needs anything
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lmaoooo i mean it would be hard to miss the fact four of your fellow students went missing, everyone starts talking about it after it gets concerning how long they've been gone
she did know them before their disappearances, but obviously wasn't as close to them as len b/c, well, they were len's friends mostly and not hers.
len has a lot of different reasons for not wanting anyone else to know abt his experiment, but you can only hide so much from your sibling lol; rin isn't stupid and knows smthn's going on, yet it's also a matter of how much information can i piece together before he knows that i know
she does eventually go down there though yeah, and you'll see what happens when she does :P
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freunwol · 2 years
the trend w dtr shopkeepers seems to be obfuscating or just flat out lying about how much they care abt someone (effectiveness of said lying up to interpretation)
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soft-spooks · 1 year
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I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love! <3
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asexual-levia-tan · 3 months
me: oh yay an obm unpopular opinion blog, its been a while since ive seen one of those : )
me: *blocks them*
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when you suddenly get new notes on some of your 2-years-old (omg it's really been that long, huh?) saeyoung fanart bcuz ur friendo's a major simp <3<3
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themadvigilantist · 2 years
just a thought...
about the depp heard defamation trial and my general reaction...
i haven't posted anything about the trial of heard and depp because for most of what i watched *and i only watched like... memes of it which were what like 5 minutes and then listened to people who reacted to it at work at 3 am) is just all the people amber abused or crossed call her out on her weinstein-esque bullshit despite this being a strictly a defamation trial.
not a domestic abuse trial, a defamation trial.
but everyone is treating it as the former instead of both.
so once she said that she defamed johnny on purpose on the stand, i didn't need to watch the other showings.
because he won. and then he won.
and now the blowback is what i expected what would happen when men (celebrity men) prove they were the abused:
other men will use that trial as an excuse for their own shitty and abusive behavior which proves they completely miss the amber heard mirror reflecting back them
and others would pick a side without watching it at all. at terrifyingly degrees.
i was very neutral because someone that is usually very private is suddenly choosing (with the court in agreement) to publicize a trial of defamation on a near global scale - similar to serial killer trials which is why i don't watch any trial anything unless its fictional - was weird. just like britney's trial was weird. its weird because every kept themselves up to date by the hour.
and both involved victims of abuse.
except while everyone was on britney's side - rightfully so because i was on her side - it became impartial through a gendered lens in this trial with heard and depp.
because amber has repeated past as an physical abuser - with physical assault towards anyone in a romantic setting.
and johnny just had a substance abuse past. towards himself.
like being neutral for both is hard when the next showing - amber proves that all the scars you see on her are directly from a professional makeup costume kit of just quick apply and go about your day.
like i still had the benefit of doubt but she constantly just proves her guilt from straight point-blank questions. which ends up with really everyone siding to johnny unless those that equate woman to victim and man to abuser when - specifically in this situation with all the evidence provided by amber herself - is not the case. any doubt gained and support for her is robbed in the next words she say herself, digging herself further from victim to the manipulative abuser she unfortunately is and what makes it worse is those that have went through this situation themselves as victims - they in a parasocial stance are also victims of amber's common abusive tactics to falsify sympathy based on her gender, in the public's misconstrued feminism.
Feminism is about equality - you cannot go "equality for all" and then when the known abuser is female 'that cries wolf' is called out by others and herself to then go retract the very thing you are supportive of.
Depp is the victim in this - rare yet not unknown but constantly ignored that men are victims of their own abusive relationships - and unfortunately for those that still support heard due to their own personal dislike of depp:
the support is just your bias being projected. you think he's vile for your own reasons, not of amber's. exactly how other men - abusive men - will use their own bias to abuse others and if they fight back will use amber as a figurehead to restrict the victim to do so.
amber playing the victim did not help female victims of abuse come out - it made it even harder and gave domestic abusers fuel to get away with it if they cry wolf. several steps harder for actual victims in similar situations. johnny winning gave a sliver of hope for abused victims to speak up with the possibility of being believed in.
as far as the jokes and memes portion of these - i chuckled but again those are making light of a serious situation - a situation that has nothing to do with themselves on a personal level. they find humor in the cruelity of one's choices because if anything - amber's testimony and what she says is given little weight due to her fluctuating between whether she didn't and then later reveals she has done it and then back again.
the joke is the abuser being unable to keep a lie straight in order for herself to win despite having what seems like an overpaid legal team of professionals to defend and act accordingly - all of which accumulated to her losing the trial of defamation.
yay he won but it gave heavy smack to those that proclaimed they were feminists that showed their true colors -
also its still weird to me that random ppl can just... go to the trial. not local people because the jury consists of local people but just... random people. just going to go.
and then waiting outside and cheer like its a parade its so weird like what is that?? why?? i mean yeah local people that live in that area where the trial is taking place - sure. but random tourists? eugh weird.
and i gleaned this summarization by watching 5 minute clips.
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Urban Wyatt x Reader Instagram AU
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Liked by urbanwyatt, neelamthadhani, cozane, yourbestiename, and 9,677,345 others
yourusername My pov vs his pov 💨
View all 1,800 comments
cozane fake asses
cozane we were supposed to have a smoke sesh together so why wasn’t I invited
cozane btw his pov sucks
yourusername Damn avatar, you’re this hurt because we smoked ONE blunt without you? News flash, we always smoke without you 😝
urbanwyatt 💀💀💀💀
yourbestiename Wow so that’s where y’all left to. Had me worried y’all fucked each other to death with all those noises we heard last night.
urbanwyatt I’m not even sorry
yourusername LMAO imagine, what an epic way to leave 💀
jackharlow Yoo thats not even funny
yourusername OKAY DAD 🤣
yourbestiename Bitchhhh, that’s dadddyyyyy 😜
urbanwyatt I’m papi
yourusername MY PAPIII 😍😝
@ urbanwyatt added to his story
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Liked by yourusername, neelamthadhani, cozane, nemoachida, jackharlow, and 7,677,345 others
urbanwyatt We had a good start to our day, until dumb ass @ cozane asked her what would she do if I ever cheated, & this was her simple answer 😞🙄
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druski2funnny DO IT Y/N
druski2funnny I GOT HER BACK 💯
urbanwyatt Of course you do, why am I not surprised 🙄
cozane I told you she was crazy
yourusername But he loves a little crazy, so that’s ok 🥰
urbanwyatt That I do 😇😊😘
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Liked by yourbestiename, druski2funnny, nemoachida, 2forwoyne, shloob, and 7,678,355 others
yourusername Somehow our smoke sessions always ends with us naked, I’m not complaining though 😊
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yourbestiename I was about to say, bitch I don’t hear you complaining lol
yourusername lol thats why I had to add that last part.
druski2funnny Sooo now I know what to give you guys so I can finally see y’all in action
urbanwyatt 😂💀 You’re set in seeing us having sex huh
yourusername 🫣 but It’s not like its on purpose lol
druski2funnny I don’t care
@ yourusername added to her story
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@heavyhitterheaux 💕
@harlowsbby 💕
@arination99 💕
@cmalass 💕
@jackharloww 💕
@minkookie95 💕
@deannaard 💕
@jacksmoviestar 💕
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