#wow. comics. are hard. to make. lol
pxme-granate · 16 days
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stardew valley x nevermoor babyy
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bixels · 1 month
I'm glad nobody's questioned why Sunset's personality is so different in the AU, but I'll explained anyways. AU Sunset basically has Tempest Shadow's personality. I decided not to adapt Tempest because too many redeemed villains, she doesn't play an important role in the overall story, and her broken horn is so cool and unique to her as a unicorn that any adaptation wouldn't do it justice. So I fused the two together. Sunset's backstory and hotheadedness with Tempest's tired, jaded, anti-social disposition and fighting skills.
Anyways, I hope it's not too jarring of a change. The more I develop Sunset, the more you'll probably notice how OOC she seems. I'll probably end up adopting Sunset into an OC once I'm done with the AU, since she's basically a completely different character.
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mothslimes · 1 month
sometimes i think girls who wear a full face of makeup every day and get lip fillers and other surgeries n shit. just forgot what an actual woman looks like. actually post cancelled I think so much of the world has forgotten what an actual woman looks like. genuinely can't imagine waking up every day looking in the mirror and feeling like i have to paint my face to be presentable. fucking terrifying man.
if you look at what women are trending it's so weird how many of them look exactly the same. same hair style, same makeup style, same outfits. and it's not just celebrities, i sit in class and the girls are all carbon copies. even have the same style of taking notes. pretty much all appear to be thinking the same way, even. what the fuck. those 2010 cheesy illustrations of a bunch of identical looking blond Barbies were right maybe
#mik talks#and I guess it's not even on the girls themselves since they're fed fuckin garbage by the algorithm#tho I won't take too much pity on them.because many of them are giant bullies who love feeling superior to me#I'm just like. god I'm so glad I'm too autistic so I never even got the chance to try and fit in#so now I feel no pressure to do so#I said this exact thing before but I feel like the world kinda needs to stop throwing huge pity parties for conventionally attractive#white women who happen to feel pressure to keep up certain things about their appearance#yeah that must suck but you get to fit in you get to hide in the masses lol. wow that must be so hard to have to make#certain choices in order not to be bullied. some of us don't even have the choice#blablabla These women are excellent in upholding the patriarchy and white supremacy btw even if they themselves#have progressive views. anyway#No more politics I'm tired also I'm too stupid to make good conclusions about this#I'm really just complaining about the type.of.girls who bullied me#I'll forever and ever support nlogs#idc. you ARENT like other girls and that's a fucking challenge and you're allowed to feel proud of who you are#and going against societal norms#ur allowed to find joy in that#maybe just tone it down a little and focus more on what's good about you vs what's bad about them#but its not bad as a vent??? like??? you're allowed to be pissed abt it man#no one should expect a flawless deconstruction of misogyny in a 2 panel comic istg#sometimes u just wanna express something god it's so misogynistic when all these men on YouTube make videos ridiculing#'pickmes' and 'nlogs' hey maybe stay in your lane you never experienced growing up a girl ostracized by the female populus at school#it IS just like in mean girls#anyway I love women being feral and human and we need more of that instead of expecting women to keep a perfect face and perfect body#women SWEAT and PISS and thats okay :))) they're animals#this is the most 2014 ass post I've made sorry#also the least 'cisgender bisexual man' post I've made#the stealth transness leaving my body when its time to critique hierarchical structures within female spaces from the lense of a girl that#was left out of them
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meruz · 1 year
sorry if this has been asked before, but i wanted to ask about your lineart! the weight and line economy are just so nice, i get stars in my eyes looking at your lineart and doodles. could i ask what your approach to lineart is and what tips you might offer?
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Wow I love these questions - Line is so interesting!!! It's a really big topic so I feel like any tips I give will be just barely scratching the surface. It's like deceptively simple...any given line drawing is essentially taking all the information we glean from seeing something irl ie light, shadow, dimension, texture, perspective, etc and boiling it down to the simplest possible visual information.
I think most commonly my line is informed by light source so like. thicker more continuous lines face away from the light and thinner more broken lines towards. and a lot of my spot blacks r simply cast shadows.
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here's a more extreme example
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BUT like everything to do with art there's no hard and fast rules. I use blacks when I think it'll be effective or interesting and I leave them out when I don't need em. umm couple things I find myself doing a lot... using spot blacks to make the separation between characters clearer. I like casting shadow in between characters so its easy to separate and read their silhouettes even when they're mashed together.
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u can go even further to purposely create a silhouette like
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to draw attention to a finger or tongue LOL. There's some comic book artists who are absolute masters at this type of stylization. Alex toth and his spiritual successor Chris samnee come to mind for me right away.
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I feel like I'm also often using line weight to separate planes receding in space
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im naturally a really heavy handed and scribbly drawer(...?) draftsman. and im nearsighted so when i see things i percieve and break it down into big shapes over thin contours. so stuff like spot blacks and shadows came easy to me, the tricky part was making the rest of the lines lighter when they needed to be so the blacks could actually have impact LOLL. a lot of effective visual communication is about balancing contrasts. like I had to really train myself to press less hard on the pen. I think this is actually really evident if u go back in my archive to older sketches LOL
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I actually feel like a lot of how I trained my hand to tackle line weights was thru stuff like hand lettering where you rly have to focus on being sensitive to that kind of thing.. contrasting strokes etc.
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also exercises like figure drawing will have you flexing those muscles constantly
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I'm starting to just regurgitate lessons from freshman year of art school so I'll stop here with the demos but yeah...I hope this was helpful!? I love line!!! I want to get even better at line work so I can feel confident posting work that's only line no color or value... I'll leave you with a bunch of artists who I think have particularly expressive and beautiful linework (not including toth and samnee who I already mentioned and who's work I love so much). You can probably learn much more from them than you can from me...!
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Charles dana gibson LOL
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Matias bergara
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tonci zonjic
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naoki urasawa
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Daniel warren johnson
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shiyoon kim
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michel breton
also yoji shinkawa, tomer hanuka, leo romero, I feel like I'm gonna post this and think of so many more. there's so many good artists...!
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asleepyy · 5 months
Heeeyyyyy so I went through the entire comic again and decided to collect my favorite expressions. Like a normal person. 😌✨️
This is my Jophiel collection (very hard to not just pick every time she is grumpy):
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This is my Azazel collection (very hard to not just pick every time they're smiling):
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I'm emotional about the fact that many of the best expressions were when they were BOTH making stellar faces together. So:
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It's possible I'm in love with your art or something.........
Have a good day!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
WAHAH THANK YOU!! wow this really puts into perspective just how much i've drawn these two. more than gomens azi and croley at this point!! 😵‍😵
i love drawing azi all cutesy blushy, and jophiel all grumpy.. so if i had to pick my fave faces, it'd be anything from those two categories LOL
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splitster · 5 months
answering asks
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you'll have to befriend her first sorry
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chocolate was the first sweet that Pom had so it's her favorite!! she won't go nuts or anything but she is very easily manipulated if you promise her a bar of chocolate
↓ more asks under the cut!! ↓
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wraithification ideally does preserve peoples memories! part of the process is forming the core that holds said memories, so as long as the process goes somewhat smoothly then the person should wake up very disorientated but with their memories and personality in tact.
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naw she's thankfully immune to most elemental hazards. one of the perks of being a wraith!
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YEAHH i've been trying to keep up with the comics! this comic is a bit old at this point but i'm so glad bald dingo is canon 💖
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i think it'd be funny so yeah sure
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there is always an inherent risk to the process. i'd say the absolute ideal circumstances you could have would be if a wraith like pom and a doctor like yonny were working together to increase the likelihood of survival. the process hasn't been studied at all, given the rarity of wraiths as an organism and the added rarity of a wraith becoming so attached to a creature that it wants to convert it.
there is a metaphysical aspect to wraiths as a species that defies understanding, so the person being wraithified or the wraith themselves having a strong will for survival would definitely contribute to the success of it. thankfully, unless there's a VERY specific set of circumstances (that are relevant only with someone like yonny wraith who has two cores), the subject would fall unconscious and not form memories of the wraithification itself (which is fortunate, because that would be kinda horrifying).
if she's saving dingo and this is a last ditch effort, pom absolutely puts her whole being into it. it's very, very hard on her and she has every last bit of energy sapped from her. depending on her reserves, she could end up hurting herself with the amount of energy it requires. but wounds are temporary and death is forever, so pom would persevere through and give it her all to save him
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yeah! pom's skin might technically be fake because it's made from goo, but she still feels sensations through her goo. she probably doesn't get itchy that easily. she's probably a little ticklish? but i'm not sure if you want to try that on a wraith that could easily stab you in a heartbeat...
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wow when i was looking back for this pic i realized i first posted about the pom wraith au on september 1st, so the au is like 4 months old... time flies
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WAHHH THANK YOU....🥺💖 asks like this are never a bother!! my favorite part about posting my content online is the engagement like this, i'm very happy to make stuff that you and your bro can bond over
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procreate on an ipad! i use an empty cheezits box and three splatoon manga books to prop up my ipad to draw on, and i've been told its one of the worst drawing arrangements ever documented, so no matter how you draw it's probably gonna be better than my set up
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of course! i didn't like... invent wraiths or anything. i just expanded on the little tidbits of what we know about wraiths in the pikmin universe. anyone is free to make their own wraith ocs or their own headcanons on what wraiths are
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whuh... have i? i post pretty frequently. i used to post a bunch for a week or two and then disappear for 6+ months repeatedly so this is very good compared to my historical track record lol
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AHH thank you!! i'm glad that i can inspire!
thank yall for all the asks, i'll continue getting through them... slowly
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inevitably-johnlocked · 7 months
Loki S2 Pre-E6 Thoughts
So I know that this is totally random content to give to y'all this morning, but I wanted to post up my thoughts about the series before its final episode airs tomorrow. I have, in the past, talked about my thoughts on S1 and how I really did like it until the last 5 minutes of Episode 6 and how out-of-nowhere-forced the Sylvie/Loki kiss felt (I was physically cringing about it).
Given how S1 ended, I was a bit wary about S2, but decided to watch it anyway, and holy hell I think Season Two is KNOCKING it out of the park. I'm loving it as much as I loved Moon Knight, and it's right up there now in my top 5. The episodes are SO cinematically beautiful, well written and flow nicely, the characters are all so charming, and the Mobius/Loki relationship is being built up so much that it COULD lead to more or canonization in the final episode. During the past 5 weeks, I've been lurking on the meta spaces for Loki on Twitter and Tumblr, and wow the nostalgia I feel for it, it SO reminds me of the hey-day of my Johnlock meta-ing before S4.
I think my only gripe right now with this season is that they wasted Sophia DiMartino... her character Sylvie feels like such a... filler character (like they just put her in there because she was in the first season and they didn't know what to do with her this season)? But I think ALSO she's meant to be a counter-mirror to Loki, to show that he ISN'T like her anymore, that he grew and changed for the better with the positive influences in his life, and unlike her he doesn't WANT to be alone and such. And they're REALLY making her so unlikeable this season for me... I'm glad that it's looking like they're pretty much not going the Sylvie/Loki route (and I honestly don't see how people who ship it think it will canonically turn around at this point), but the showrunners are having her have every interaction between her and Loki rather hostile, demoralizing, or toxic. And rather that, they're countering it by showing a more positive alternative for Loki with Mobius as his potential romantic partner. Which is fantastic because I've shipped Lokius since Mobius came on the screen in S1, LOL. I just think they could have done that in S2 without making Sylvie an unlikeable character (like have her be a cheerleader for them instead?) I dunno. It's a shame because I did like her in S1. Don't like her at all in S2. She's so MEAN to EVERYONE. To Mobius especially, like CHILL girl, let a man stress-eat, JEEZ.
And here's the rant I actually wanted to write this post about because I didn't want to clutter up other people's threads with it: So, every week, I usually watch breakdowns and review videos so I can understand the characters and their comic counter parts a bit better, and usually the breakdowns are really good because they show the nods to comic-canon things and such. But OMG these past two weeks, I had to stop watching the reviews because LITERALLY all of them ship Sylvie/Loki and are trying SO hard to prove that it's canon when the past few weeks it's only been more and more likely that it's not happening.
NONE of Big Name Reviewers (NRS and SC specifically, if ya know you know) acknowledged AT ALL the RIDICULOUS amount of romantic tropes and dopey staring that Episodes 4 and 5 had (Loki watches Mobius through a window the first time he finds him, and the second time before going to talk to Mobius again Loki LITERALLY groomed himself and then stutters like a lovesick teenager. It was very rom-com; and they're skirting around the fact that all the empty places in the TVA that Loki kept slipping to were ALL places that Loki tshared time with Mobius in... I CAN GO ON FOREVER HERE, AND AND AND that Loki is constantly panicking if he can't find Mobius). LIKE. NONE OF THE REVIEWERS, who literally break down all the episodes and point out shit like All That for het-ships, just won't acknowledge any of it!! They glossed over both Loki's and Sylvie's bisexuality confirmations in S1, and only briefly mentioned their genderfluidity in the comics and in actual mythology. I usually watch the breakdowns because I'm not familiar with comic lore so I find it interesting to learn about those backstories, as well as little details they find, but they've been dropping the ball ALL season, and EVERY one of them mention EVERY single breakdown that Loki just wants to get back to "his one true love Sylvie!!", like what are you smoking?!?!? I was getting SO FRUSTRATED because they skipped over LARGE chunks of E5, especially, just pointing out the surface level stuff instead. I literally turned it off after all that.
THAT ALL SAID, since episode one it's been clear that Sylvie wants NOTHING to do with Loki – she just wants to live a quiet simple life. Then when shit goes bad, she blames Loki for all the problems SHE caused, shits on Mobius every chance she gets, and then in that bar scene when Loki's bearing his soul to her, telling her that he wants his friends back and DOESN'T want to be alone, she basically is like "tough titties" and leaves him ALONE, showing she's not a friend at all.
But the reviewers literally just gloss over all of this. ANYWAY.
Ugh, sorry about that, that's been eating at me for like 3 weeks and last week's reviews finally just pissed me off so much because even casually watching the show I could see all this shit. I only REALLY started believing Lokius could happen after Episode 4 aired, and then Episode 5 had me reeling.
I am DYING to write meta about every episode as it comes out... I just feel that other people are writing better stuff than I could, and much faster than I have time for, and really it's nice to be on the reader side of things for a change. I just... don't want to add in my own two cents to their posts because I'd feel I'm intruding, is all.
I have lots of hope about where Episode 6 will go... like I'm feeling pretty good about them canonizing Lokius... However... I'm not gonna be disappointed if it doesn't get canonized simply because this is Disney and I am REALLY not thinking they're going to explore Loki's comic-canon genderfluidity and sexuality on a surface level.
Good thing I eat subtext for breakfast LOL. I lived through BBC Sherlock, hahah. BUT... can I get a third ship canonized in one year??? Is it wishful thinking? Oh, for sure. I hope so. I would be so happy if Disney even ACKNOWLEDGED that they love each other But I'm not expecting it. I'll be happy with another hug at least, or a forehead touch or hand holding. I'm a simple gal.
Honestly though, I do inevitably want the last episode to have Loki as the ruler with his friends, because they built up to this for 12 episodes, I DON'T want an unhappy ending for the sake of a twist or whatever. Truly let him be the Loki Who Remains (a callback to Episode One) as the Keeper of Time with Bea, O.B., Casey, and Mobius at his side <3
I LOVE the character development of Loki in this series, too. I legit didn't really care for Loki all that much in the MCU, but this series did the same to him for me that FatWS did to Bucky for me: Make me want to see MORE of them and their adventures with their new friends.
Anyway, thanks for reading and indulging me, I mostly just needed to get that rant out about reviewers and wtf people still think Sy!ki is happening. Feel free to discuss in the notes, I plan on posting a reblog with final thoughts after it airs on Thursday <3
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ryuichirou · 2 months
A couple of replies today!
Anonymous asked:
Edmundedmundedmundedmundedmundedmundnebulacollegeedmund YESSS I have been fed content and I'm so motherfucking happy
The boy looks wonderful in both bunny suits ❤️
Hehehe thank you so much!! I love love love drawing boys in bunny suits, so I am very happy for the opportunity to draw Edmund wearing it…both options~
Anonymous asked:
If Jack and Ortho sees Vil in that outfit, I'm sure they find it attractive.
Of course they will, everyone would~ not only these two.
(related to the latest event)
But I would love to see their reaction to Vil in that outfit as well… I feel like Jack would get visibly flustered, but wouldn’t look away even for a moment.
Ortho would take pictures and record Vil just so he always has the image of Vil looking so good in his head lol
Anonymous asked:
Ok, but those Crewel/Deuce comics, fulfilling another fantasy of mine 😩👌
Actually, the funniest thing is that I've always imagined that those two would have a secret relationship and only would start "officially" dating when Deuce graduated nrc. Like on the weekends, Deuce would tell people that he's going to visit his mom or a cousin, but in reality, he's going to Crewel's place for "extra credit."
Funny scenario: 19/20 y/o Deuce posting on Magicam that he's in a relationship with Divus and all his notifs are from his friends blasting "ayo? 🤨" Then he gets a text from his mom like "DeeDee, you know I will support you in everything and anything but don't make the same mistakes as I did when I was younger, this is how you were born 😔"
(related to this comic; sorry for the late reply!)
Thank you, Anon, I am happy you liked the comic!
Out of all the first years, Deuce does feel like the type to officially go out with a teacher after graduating lol I can’t explain it, but it feels right in a weird way. I wonder if any of the first years would suspect that Deuce isn’t really visiting his mom or a cousin whenever he leaves to spend time with Crewel…
Also! His poor mother, this boy just keeps making her worry lol At least Deuce isn’t going to get pregnant, so that should be a relief…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
If we had a battle of crossovers, who would win: GreenViolet or LilIdia
Hmm, how are they fighting? Is this a fist fight? Then Lilidia, because Lilia would outsmart Greenhill, and Violet and Idia both are wimps who can’t fight lol
In terms of a relationship… it’s a bit difficult to compare them because both couples are kind of confused within themselves. Greenhill is a bit oblivious about Violet’s feelings, and Lilidia are both confused about them being online friends lol so now I imagine these four looking at each other confused because they don’t know why are they even here and what is going on.
If both ships are established relationships though, it would be a tough fight, because Greenhill and Lilia are both competitive.
GreenViolet could win because Greenhill knows Violet better than Lilia knows Idia. And Lilidia could win because Lilia is a war veteran who would get super excited about winning and then teasing Idia about them being the best couple ever…
Anonymous asked:
All You Wanna Do by Samantha Pauly, the live Broadway version reminds me of Alois. Especially the last two minutes…
Wow, listening to this while thinking about Alois was quite a journey! 😬 It really does fit him in a lot of ways, and the last two minutes are especially heartbreaking. Ghhh I love Alois’ story so much.
Thank you for sharing, Anon.
Anonymous asked:
The last ask regarding the Leech parents and their reputation if both of their sons started dating. Out of all the characters you ship them with, which one would make the best impression? My first thought was 🥁 Riddle 🥁
If Floyd would ever settle down (which is hard to imagine with his unpredictable personality), it would definitely be with Riddle. I also think Riddle would make a great son-in-law. Even though Riddle would be very nervous meeting The Leech parents. Riddle Leech has a nice ring to it. Maybe Floyd would take Riddle underwater  to live in the coral sea. Goldfish Riddle confirmed??
But then again, I wonder how Mrs. Rosehearts would feel if her son decided to marry the son of a "Yakuza" boss. Mrs. Rosehearts and Mrs. Leech meeting each other?! 👀
(this is related to this reply)
Sorry for the late reply, Anon! Your ask got me thinking as well, as you can see lol
The Leech parents would absolutely love Riddle! Both because he is hilarious (so uptight, I mean, upstanding!) and because he is genuinely a surprisingly good pick. Just like you said, he is so polite, so well-educated, at times it almost feels too good to be true, how come Floyd of all people brought home such a good boy? They always expected Jade to be the one…  They’ll absolutely let the boys know about it lol embarrassing all of them.
Riddle would be super nervous and a bit scared, but parents are parents, even if they are scary fish mafia parents. So he has to be respectful and polite. Which is honestly only going to amuse Mama and Papa more – Riddle is so tiny and cute with his baby face and tiny hands and stuff, but oh so serious. He’s like a baby doll… they would woobify him a lot lol and tease him in general, but always try to be stealthy about it. Maybe they just don’t want to scare him away because there is no way Floyd finds someone else similar to Riddle lol
Also! Riddle being a goldfish merman is such a fun theme, I love it when people draw him like that. Floyd really should turn him into a merman, poor Riddle is going to be so confused. He is reversed Ariel lol
Oh Mrs Rosehearts is going to hate this so much… Leaving her alone with Mrs Leech is such a bad idea, because Mama Leech is going to play along at first, complaining about how having sons is such a huge source of stress, how rude and ungrateful they are sometimes, and just how much she wants them to just be good and proper at everything that they do. Mama Rosehearts could even think that they are on the same page at first (even though this Leech woman is way too dramatic…)… Mama Leech would just troll her the entire time, just as she does with everyone she talks to… but she’ll like her a lot, she’ll consider her a good friend afterwards <3 and call her every day.
Another potential partner that the Leech parents would love is Idia, and we have some thoughts about them, but I’ll share them a bit later – there is another ask related to this topic that I’ll try to write a proper reply tomorrow. So consider this a teaser and thank you for your patience 👀
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devine-fem · 6 months
how did YOU get into jondami?
someone asked me… omg 🥺 this MIGHT be a little long so let me take it back.
a while ago, i got into dc because i realized all my friends were really into dc over marvel and id never cared for superheroes but id taken a sudden interest recently after hearing about comics on youtube and they knew i was big into shipping and i loved dark tragic stories and i have one friend that likes the same and they told me to play batman telltale. i had no idea what i was getting myself into… at the end of the fking second game i was a teary eyed MESS. i cried like 9 times dude, like thats the actual number (my friends made a cry counter that night to make fun of me) then from that point on the dc hyperfixation went and i just consumed any game or comic or youtube video i found.
then i was like god, comics are hard to read and i need a fresh restart and fresh characters, like id read batman and superman but where does a girl start… then i found out that their sons had a teamup and they were a duo and i was like, oh this is perfect because theyre like batman and superman, theyre young so theyre learning stuff as well and theyre a duo so i can focus on just them.
there was a collection of four moments of me reading their comics that made me a shipper…
1. a friend of mine was anwsering questions on instagram and put jondami fanart in the back and i was like… theyre a ship? but that was when i read super sons (2017)
2. the moment where damian (after refusing for so long to let him in the titans) he was the ONLY person to raise his hand. i started verbally cussing him out through my phone. ong this whole time you believed in him and seek and find in him for what? for you to act like you hate his presence? sounds gay, damian idk
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3. dceased… i dont care what kind of comphet they threw my way THESE TWO WERE MARRIED AND IN LOVE. this was when i was like okay, ill wait to see their interactions as they grow up together and when theyre older ill ship them… but we all know what happened
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4. this scene. i dont know why but the chemistry and bled out through this seen and them talking about their issues together really got me thinking about how in this world they only really got each other and no one else to truly confide in because of the pressure their fathers give them. damian eating food on the roof with his friend surrounded by his culture just feels so domestic to me
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then i laid down in my lil bed and got to thinking about how they would legitimately make a great couple and then i was like man, if hes aged up ill just ignore and ship him with him in the time where he was still a kid. so then i thought about scenarios as to if jon dated damian instead of pink haired boy and i was like wow… the potential and then i couldnt stop myself…
i eventually needed somewhere to put all this energy because he quickly started taking over my thoughts really really bad lol. so i got tumblr
but thats me
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emillyverse · 3 months
First experiences
I know that "Behind the Scenes" is usually released after the artistic products are released, but hey, why not do it before?
I like sharing processes and seeing works of art emerge, so I hope whoever is reading this (if anyone is actually reading this) will enjoy it too!
Well, let's go!
So far, it has been 3 days of hard work. I'm not ashamed to say that the KoW Project really got me excited and the fact that I had a period off from University (which is coming to an end, thank the stars as I really want to start studying) motivated me to do as much as my body could. and my mind could handle it without it feeling forced and toxic. Thanks to that, I managed to finish planning the first scene!
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Lol, yes, all these papers with writings and drafts are the first scene!
I was surprised – I didn’t expect a scene to be so big! Literally my only reaction to this was "Wow-"
I talked to the comic book writer and she said that I was going through the same difficulty as her when writing this introductory scene: The difficulty of fitting a long and complex backstory into a short space of time in a clear and objective way.
In total, the narration scene that tells from the creation of Wish Magic to the (supposed) story of Florian, Magnus and Amaya is 17 pages long.
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This is in Brazilian Portuguese, probably no one will understand, but basically it says the title of the work, chapter 1, "scene 1", the word pages ("página") and their corresponding numbers.
Here we come to an interesting point, if you read my post about the "Production stages of the Fan Comic of "The Wish Kingdom" !!!" you will see that I mentioned that I would do each step per chapter…
Well that has changed.
I discovered that working only on planning tires me, I get sick and exhausted, so I'll alternate between planning and drawing the scenes, little by little putting together the chapters in the best way possible for me and the readers.
It's my first time putting together a comic book, I'm discovering what should be done and how it should be done, as well as getting to know myself a little in the process.
The conclusions I draw from this first experience is that challenging yourself to do new things can make you understand more about yourself, surprise you and be fun and tiring at the same time!
(cliché I know, but I really wanted to close this post with this little reminder Lmao)
I hope you enjoyed what you read, I'll be back with more in a while!
Kisses full of light and stars!
~ Emilly
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spicymotte · 12 days
five stages of drawing a webcomic page:
scripting the scene. he would say that because I say so
sketching the page. composition and lettering is so annoying and hard I hate it hereeeeee I'm gonna go live under a rock and never do anything ever again!!!!!!!
outlines + background and I am THIS close to abandoning this project forever. why am I even doing this shit. everyone can tell that I'm a shit artist and this whole page will make everyone hate this comic. it looks so bad.
colors. just vibing at this point. idgaf where the light source is lol sue me
page done, time to edit! :) wow this page looks awesome, my comic is so cool and I have so much fun drawing it! :D
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transboysokka · 4 months
please ramble about wuko
Wow I mean I’ve probably said this all before but okay
I especially love how they come from entirely different worlds, complete opposites actually, like I think that’s so beautiful and they definitely had to like get over their own judgments and biases and prejudices of each other but also in their own ways they’ve had incredibly difficult lives full of responsibility they shouldn’t have had to take on. I’m sure there’s trauma there as well from both of them losing family members. They bond over that but also they GET EACH OTHER in ways it’s really hard for anyone else to do
I definitely didn’t see at first actually the first several times I watched because Mako hates that guy, right?? Though the more I watched the more I could see Wu obviously having feelings for Mako, like I DID recognize Wu as fruity the minute I saw that little twink
Also gotta admit that I ALWAYS found that recap episode of them in the gym talking about Mako’s exes…. Really pretty gay
Anyway I guess what sold me on it was when I got to understand Mako’s character and personality better. Like he shows love by protecting those closest to him and HELLO?? And the way he worries about him and… yeah. He’s just a grumpy guy but he DOES love that twink
Knowing that, watching the show, the parallels between Korrasami and Wuko are BLINDING, AND it’s WAY gayer in the comics which ALSO makes sense bc the comics were allowed to BE gayer
Like Wuko is def an Intentional Subtext Canon Relationship and that’s what I love about it lol
Wow what else
I love how we see their relationship progress through the show (and comics) and how they get more comfortable around each other like in public. It’s so cute how important it is to Mako that the Krew likes Wu and you can see how Wu starts to fit in more and we get a general vibe that he’s accepted in the group
They’re just… so great and like. Mako deserves to be happy
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linkito · 5 months
HI HELLO HI. dumping these here :3
🎨 favorite piece of fanart? link it!
Oh god. Oh geez. That’s so hard to judge. I’ll just judge it based on what’s saved on my phone.
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Obviously I adore applestruda’s art, it’s always so stunning. This particular piece of Scar from sl has been my phone background since the finale. I absolutely love it.
Next is this piece by skimmeh of stareater au Scar and Grian who I ADORE. I love their Grian he is so creature and pesky. And this specific piece is just so cute. I love the hug under the jacket specifically, the clinginess of it. (it reminds me of how I hug my own bf lol)
And then this particular frame from doody and maruu’s ddvau — I am such a sucker for civilian Grian in this comic. Something about him having a regular, adorable, mundane crush on his coworker Scar amidst a literal superhero chaos au is just… so precious to me?? and this frame of him dreaming of being happy and in love is so— aughhhhh. I use this as my pfp in a few places. I love it.
and then of course general love to some of my other favorite artists like ange whose art always emotionally destroys me and looks so dang soft, plume whose art I just recently found and im obsessed with their expressions, and nox and jas for always spoiling us with desert duo every day and undoubtedly more artists too agdjdhdjfk
🌓 opinions on the watcher lore?
oh I love watcher lore. I specifically love when it’s not overt, when it’s sprinkled in and subtle. but I also love the overt stuff don’t get me wrong.
for personal headcanons, I usually imagine Grian as an escaped watcher-in-training with all of the evo members carrying their own sort of trauma related to watchers. BIG fan of everything Martyn does in the life series too. I literally cheer when the dramatic voice starts playing hehe
🌿 any favorite interpretations?
hmmm this is vague so I’m not sure exactly what it was meant to ask but…
One of my favorite things is the way time is interpreted in @lovesick-x-prince’s Nobody Feels Like You?? if that makes sense??
the fic takes place in third life and I believe it’s written like the events took place over the course of about a year? and the space between places is vast, takes several days to travel across the whole server. and minecraft mechanics are seamlessly worked in, with things like insta-breeding animals and inventory management being minecraft-adjacent but not strange at all. it’s a game but it’s also very realistic and brutal and intense and I seriously love it.
but it’s something about the time specifically, about it being so long, like a lifetime away from home (although they don’t remember home in this fic). I really like that.
And then on a completely unrelated note, I just generally love the headcanon of Grian, Pearl, and Jimmy being siblings. Not even necessarily blood-related, but found family, found flock. It fits them all really well.
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bg-brainrot · 2 months
what are your thoughts on Larian walking away from BG3/BG4/DLCs?
What a great question!!
So, first to acknowledge my own feelings as a gamer, as a fan of BG3, of the franchise, and, of course, of Astarion : I'm naturally a bit bummed. I would love to play more, read more, watch something, anything really.
Added to that, I also don't trust an outside team to come in to pick up the vision of the original team. I've seen it happen with other games, where the base game was one studio and the DLC was outsourced or they onboarded a new studio to take on it on as the main development team moved on to the next big project. It rarely, if ever, has worked out well.
My hope on the Hasbro/WotC side is that they leave BG3 alone to live on as a behemoth in the history of gaming... however, knowing how game publishers are, how much money BG3 made, the player interest in more content, etc -- there is no way that Hasbro is leaving money like that to the wayside.
Best case scenario I see on this side: they make auxiliary content, like books, toys, comics.
Worst case scenario: they outsource a new game team for DLC.
As for BG4, I honestly didn't expect that to be Larian's next project anyway (I was expecting Divinity 3, so feeling a different disappointment there haha). That being said, I don't think WotC or Hasbro know (and I mean this at the executive level of course) why BG3 did well. There are honestly a ton of factors on why BG3 did well, but that's for another post lol, but I don't think they could replicate that for BG4 with another studio. Doesn't mean I don't think it will be good-- it might be! It will just be very different.
Best case scenario here: they have a good studio make BG4 and it's still good, but it's different.
Worse case scenario here: they try to have a studio replicate what Larian did instead of tapping into their talents, and end up with a buggy, unfun mess. Also they bring back characters just to try to get people to buy it. 🥲
Now, as a game dev, what do I think of Larian's choice in all of this?
I LOVE IT. Wow, Swen Vincke is doing what every single developer wishes they could do if they actually had the power, money, and the influence to do it.
I have wished in the past for my studios to abandon projects, but sometimes it really was necessary to try to keep the studio afloat. As much as you want to work on a passion project, very rarely is it actually something that will keep the lights on. Oftentimes you will have to make that deal with Hasbro for a license or that deal with Epic for exclusivity just to recoup costs. Making games is expensive and, if you want to make anything at the scale that BG3 is, you usually need a lot of partnerships (a lot of their GDC talks were part of partnerships, like Dolby, Amazon, Adobe).
So the fact that they had such a success with BG3 to actually, comfortably follow their creative passions? Wow, wow, wow-- I am rooting for them so hard. I want them to make exactly the game they want and take all the time they need to do it.
Now, even knowing that Hasbro had something to do with this, was what he said about the developers not feeling passionate about the DLC true? Yeah, probably.
I've never seen something kill creative passion more (even if it's for a franchise you like or a game you've loved working on) than a directive from the top for something that's clearly just meant to make people above you more money. And with each partnership comes approvals, comes red tape, comes stakeholders that want to dictate what's in the game (oftentimes to the detriment of the game)-- and the game team can't even object because it's not their license or their brand.
The fact that Larian can say, 'screw that, I don't need more money from you' is truly such an anomaly in gaming. I am so very in awe of them as a developer-- it feels like someone breaking free of the system and paving the way forward for the rest of us. So whatever they do next, I will be there to support them.
BG3 is their most successful game so far, and I'm hopeful they will continue to push those boundaries. They've proven with each release that the core of their studio remains the same: immersive/massive RPG experiences, community-feedback focused improvements, and a well-balanced studio.
The tldr for all of this: I've loved Larian's choices so far and, while I'm bummed as a player, as a game dev I can't wait to see where this one takes them!
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cupcakeslushie · 10 months
As someone who's been around for a good while when it comes to EW (since October last year, this is like the only reason i joined tumblr lmao), its gen so funny to see people who haven't been aware of it that long find out about something that's been revealed for a while (/verypos, no offense to anyone ofc I just find it silly goofy)
Wow, it’s crazy that time has flown by so quickly! I’ve just realized, September will be the anniversary of this AU 😮!! I’ll have to think of something special to do! Thanks for sticking around for so long!
But yes, unfortunately ppl asking similar questions a bunch, comes with just how much lore there is by now to sift through. Even stuff mentioned a month ago gets quickly bogged down by new posts, so I understand ppl coming in have a hard time finding it all. I sorta wish tumblr had a better system, or that I had been better at tagging from the start, if I’d known how much ‘world building’ there would be I would’ve been way less lazy lol. I’ve tried to go back and do some organizing, but you might have to really be prepared to do a deep dive if you wanna be up to date on everything 🤣.
And this isn’t even counting a few replies I’ve given and decided to change my mind on. Replies are usually a first pass of my ideas actually getting down on ‘paper’ from my brain, and as I give them more thought, I sometimes make adjustments. The actual comic is the final canon for everything, but asks have always been a great way for me to play around with ideas before I implement them into the story.
Of course there’s a few very strict things I went into this AU that I wanted to happen, but for the stuff that’s like little fillers here and there, I can barely keep up with it all, because I’m so forgetful. The massive timeline was as much a necessity for me as it was for everyone asking for it!!
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ueinra · 1 year
Another day another comic to talk about! 
This is a French Comic illustrated by Houy Raymond and published in 1953 by Vedette, It’s volume 5 of the "FanFan" Collection.
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Oh wow ​The Conventionist! He looks so much younger here. 
I think this is the only comic I've seen that has this chapter so far.
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Look at my beautiful women, they look sooo well. 
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I love Javert's expression here but why does he look kinda sad.. since when does this **** have feelings?? 
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The way he doesn't like the whole thing but accepts it at the end and gets his best nap.
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Aww this is adorable and I like the colors, they are comfortable. 
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Yeah give me some Mabeuf moments with Marius!! always happy to see more of him. It's sad when one of the important characters is so forgotten.
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He looks great as always and I love how this comic contains moments of him when his character is not important to the story lol
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He has two moments, when he comes to visit his aunt and she asks him to spy on Marius and when she later introduces him to M. Gillenormand and he sits with him to listen to his empty talk.
Seriously just look at his face, I'm sure he regretted sitting with him. 
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Bless the illustrator for giving Montparnasse these lips and that elegant look.
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and of course this moment when Valjean kicks his ass and gives him a fatherly admonition bc it’s ICONIC.
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and here are my guys Les Amis who all look like they're wearing a liberty cap.
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The way he stands on the table to prove how great Napoleon is ASDJFKASIKDASDF THIS IS SOOOO MARIUS.
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I know that Azelma is younger than Cosette and Eponine but she looks like a baby here.
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ok why are all the Thenardiers' children blond?? I want an explanation RIGHT NOW.
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You don't know how much I love this moment. It's hard to explain. I just love them more than you can imagine.
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The audacity he has to ask for water lol.. man ur a spy just shut up and stand there fr. 
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I can't believe they're still going to kill him after he showed them his chest.. It's Enjolras' chest PEOPLE.
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The hilarious thing about this part is that Javert doesn’t seem interested in Valjean’s musty smell and makes him JUST SIT NEXT TO HIM.
and Hugo completes the story as if it’s a very normal thing.
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Whatever the ending absolutely breaks my heart, but the way Cosette embraces and cares for her father warms my heart and I know it makes the ending ten times worse but... yeah. 
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