juego-de-palabras · 10 months
Número desconocido
Escuché que te fuiste de la casa de tus padres, que vivís con tu novio y que adoptaste un perro.
Nuestra amistad solía ser incomparable, y ahora no tengo ni la menor idea de en qué consisten tus sueños.
¿Seguirá siendo el violeta tu color favorito? ¿Continúa el frapuccino como tu bebida top 3?
He pasado tantos altibajos que no estoy segura de si me reconocerías.
¿Pensás en mí como una amistad que simplemente se truncó? ¿Que era cuestión de tiempo para que nuestros caminos empezaran a separase? ¿O acaso te rompí el corazón y nunca te atreviste a mencionarlo, como sí me sucedió?
Perdón por no levantar el teléfono y escribirte.
Es por el miedo, ¿viste?
De llamar y llamar,
y que sólo veas un
"Número Desconocido".
Juego de palabras
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milkpansa-archive · 1 year
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s i d e  p r o f i l e  1/?
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nubegrisblog · 2 years
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butterboy69420 · 3 months
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MATRYOSHKA!!! Featuring Yaozu and Yuka.
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forthewinn · 2 years
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Winn Schott + My Pinterest Board
bisexual edition
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gratefulfrog · 9 months
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Que triste realidad. Para que encariñarse tan rápido si después se van :(
Estoy generando un miedo muy grande a conocer gente…
Ctmmm me hablooooooooo
Me hablooooooooo
Me dijo hola!!
Me volvió a hablar :(
Me dijo que no
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riallasheng · 1 year
WARP Uniforms
Finally got them fully sorted out (just need to finish making the female version of the uniforms)
Pulling mostly on Forbidden Planet, using the Orville uniform as a base. The SR (Search and Rescue) craft are indicated by blue piping The XL (eXploration and Law/patrol) craft is indicated by red piping
Commanders of the XL (eXploration and Law - aka Patrol) Fireball craft like Zodiac wear red
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(he's a red head in the comics, and roughly half of the puppets were gingers, so my Steve is a red head XD )
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=========== Science officers and engineers like Matic and Stephen Blackburn (Cpt Brown) wear yellow
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Medical officers like Venus and Mason Frost (Doctor Goldenrod) wear green
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Commanders of the SR (Search and Rescue) Fireball craft like Conrad Turner (Captain Black) and Dirk Gunter wear blue
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(Dirk Gunter is a character from the first Captain Scarlet novel, who was honestly quite fun.)
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I renamed WSP (World Space Patrol) to WARP (World Astronaut Rescue & Patrol) simply because WSP would be pronounced as 'wasp' and because WSP also stands for the World Security Patrol, which is the 'parent' branch that both WARP and WASP are a part of.
(I also worked a tip of the hat to Thick44, Tony Schnur, of Neebs Gaming, who I fortunate enough to have met and talked to a few times, who passed away a few days ago)
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dawgwalking · 2 months
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I tried SO HARD to get Mike to poop in this chalk circle. alas he can't read
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wolfsoulpath · 4 months
Spanking kids when they are doing a tantrum shouldn't be considered as abuse. It's a spank, not a hit. The purpose is to get the kid out of the tantrum. It's like slapping someone who is in shock screaming.
I hate tantrums and I hate parents who don't do anything or try to negotiate with the kid. It's a damn tantrum! The kid only wants to see the world burn and you try to distract him with a cookie?
When they do a tantrum you can do two things:
*Ignore him: That way he will see he puts too much effort to get nothing done and will stop doing it.
*Spank: This is done when the kid gets into a hellish tantrum where is completely gone, tearing things apart, hitting people, scratching and needs to be stopped.
As soon as he enters in that state, give him a good spank.
Remember to keep your mind cool while doing it. You can't control the force you use while angry. You don't want to hurt the kid, just to shake the tantrum demon out of him.
Later, when things are calmed, you can speak with him and explain why you did what you did and what kind of behaviour you expect from him. He will understand. He is not an idiot. He won't be traumatized by a f***g spank given at the right f***g time!
Stop being so soft. Childrens need to be educated and you have the damn duty to do it. For his own mental health and the future of his social interactions.
You are the adult. They expect you to be strict when necessary. They NEED IT.
Note: I use He but I am talking about kids in general of both sexes. God knows many Karens are the result of bad parenting.
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rememberthat-iloveyou · 10 months
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nyc pride in washington square park // 6.25.23
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mysevensarered · 2 years
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yours truly-  in washington square park. november ‘21 
photograph by Cora Rafe
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milkpansa-archive · 1 year
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s i d e  p r o f i l e  2/?
happy belated birthday to you beloved @dramaism
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butterboy69420 · 3 months
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Happy year of the dragon everyone! Last year I did the year of the bunny drawing with Ellis, now this year I'm doing the year of the dragon with Singgon Lei (formerly known as Chengqian Li).
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forthewinn · 6 months
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WINN SCHOTT + MY PLAYLIST ft @wanderingguest
If I Die Young pt 2 - Kimberly Perry
Now I know there's no such thing as enough time
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wsp-middle-east · 1 year
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