#yeah idk. guys be nice to me. give me a pat on the head for this one idk
birdmenmanga · 2 years
Pride Flag Iconography in BIRDMEN
There’s one motif scattered throughout official BIRDMEN illustrations that haunts me to no end, appearing in not just throwaway holiday illustrations, but also in chapter title pages and most significantly, on the final volume cover. It is, of course, the striped banners.
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Anyone with a passing familiarity with pride flags will recognize the horizontal, multi-colored, and evenly spaced stripes, present in nearly every iteration of the pride flag. Juxtaposed with the midair setting that these illustrations all take place in, the link to the rainbow flag, the most well-known of the pride flags, is undeniable.
What stands out to me especially is the tangibility of these banners. See the way Kamoda is grabbing it? The way it sags under the weight of the birdmen sitting on it? It’s easy to forget in the digital age, when so many pride flags have been turned into abstractions of color, that the hex codes are meant to represent a real, physical object.
Of course, there’s a reasonable in-universe explanation for this, see, every character has a color associated with them, and it’s just a simple and convenient way to show a particular group of characters. In the first two illustrations, for example, there are five stripes, one for each member of the Bird Club. In the final cover illustration, the stripes are meant to represent the Seven of Beginning.
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Even when I read through BIRDMEN for the first time, it struck me as peculiar that the Seven of Beginning didn’t quite follow the rainbow color scheme. Gayness aside, it’s a reasonable choice that creators have chosen over and over again. I mean, what’s with the indigo and the violet. They’re WAY too close. Why isn’t there a red. And turquoise, of all colors? What kind of weird and fucked up choice is that? And from the start Karasuma’s black stripe had already thrown a wrench in things. But then I realized… it’s not this pride flag. (Which has 6 stripes instead of 7, anyways.)
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It’s this one.
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If we include the prophet, Takayama, as the 8th stripe, taking the red slot, and replace Karasuma’s black stripe with the pink, it’s almost precisely the original, 8-striped Gilbert Baker pride flag. (If we’re going to be technical, the orange and yellow stripes are slightly off– Raphael and Malaika’s colors are more desaturated than the colors in the flag. These colors are actually closer to Robin and Arthur’s colors, which… hm… food for thought…)
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Well, alright. Depending on how strict or lax you are with the cutoffs, maybe these aren’t statistically significant enough to you. Maybe it really is a genuine, honest-to-god coincidence and Tanabe just happened to pick these colors, completely independently of the Gilbert Baker pride flag. The probability of this happening is pretty low, but certainly not impossible. If we factor in the meaning of the stripes, however, it reveals this to be either the greatest string of coincidences known to man… or the alternative— that Tanabe chose to correspond these colors with their respective characters on purpose.
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Let’s put aside the hot pink stripe for now. (There’s a lot to unpack there.) Takayama’s red stripe represents Life– fitting for a Birdman who can hear the voices of the dying despite not being a Linker. Even from the start, Takayama’s opening line forced our characters to confront death, and is a symbol for their will to live.
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Orange for Malaika is perhaps one of the clearest connections. Her ability as an Eraser is to lift the emotional burdens from the mind– to restore the mind to a state of peace. It’s pretty clear that her ability is one of healing.
Yellow for Raphael might be hard to argue– but fascinatingly enough, the motif of sunlight has followed Gabriel since her very first introduction. (It’s a motif that has also followed Arthur and Wang Guang Feng… interesting, hm?)
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Green, then, is Ende’s color— not only were they born in and raised by the Amazon jungle, they also claim to actually be the forest… “nature”, indeed.
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Saqr’s color is turquoise for magic and art, and looking at his Phantom Master ability, which conjures illusions from thin air, I’d say that’s a pretty reasonable match, whether you want to interpret those illusions as magic or art (really, I’d argue it’s both).
Serenity for Barbara might seem difficult to interpret— isn’t agitation, at its core, the absolute opposite of serenity? However, the indigo stripe doesn’t stand only for serenity, but also for harmony (included in the French and Chinese wikipedia pages, but not the English or Spanish one, for whatever reason)— and from that perspective, it’s much easier to see how her Agitator ability exemplifies the concept of “Harmony”. When Barbara was introduced, Adler says this about her ability, in contrast to Karasuma’s Bellwether capabilities:
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Not a controlling ability, but one which encourages teamwork and cooperation without coercion— an ability of harmony.
And finally, we have Eva as spirit. This might seem like a difficult and abstract concept to embody in the text, but thankfully BIRDMEN is chock-full of Christian references, and in particular, Ende, Takayama, and Eva are very clearly alluded to as the Holy Trinity— The Father, The Son, and finally, The Holy Spirit, respectively, tying Eva very closely to the concept of “Spirit”. (Personally I think the Holy Trinity deserves its own essay, which is why I’m not expanding on textual evidence. I’ve seen enough people nodding their heads about this interpretation so I don’t really feel the need to expand at the moment.)
Obviously I’m at the mercy of confirmation bias, but I feel like these are reasonably well-backed rationalizations, and while I think individually these arguments may not be the strongest, the fact that all of these arguments coexist is extremely telling.
So then we return to the pink stripe. The pink stripe, which is definitely not black.
Pulling our heads out of the text for a moment— let’s look at the work as a real and tangible thing in the world, shall we? BIRDMEN was a monthly publication in the Weekly Shonen Sunday, which is a relatively mainstream, family-friendly manga magazine. I think even if Tanabe intended to gun for the queer metaphor from the very beginning (which, for various reason, I do believe), even if color matching the Seven of Beginning with the Gilbert Baker pride flag was in her plans from the start, she still would have had to take out the pink stripe.
Like obviously the most immediate issue with assigning Karasuma the pink stripe is that he, uh… He’s just a middle schooler? Like he’s a kid. But even if we dodge the faux pas of associating a minor with sex by giving the sex stripe to an older character, like Eva, I still think it’s playing with fire, because I think the concept of sex itself is still very much a cultural taboo.
Hopefully everyone’s seen the post about how everything is pornographic and nothing is erotic, and the decoupling of sexiness and desire, because I can’t find it in my tumblr backlogs LMAO if anyone has that post on hand please give me a link <3 thanks <3
That is to say, for media that is aimed towards a shonen audience, you can have fanservice, you can have the occasional tit or ass as a treat, and maybe there are characters who have sex (Milan and Gabriel, for instance), but like. That’s in the gutters, in the fade to black, something done offscreen. We don’t show it, and more importantly, we don’t fucking talk about it. (This is meant to be more of a blanket statement, by the way. They did talk about it eventually in BIRDMEN and I liked what Miguel said. Good for Milan indeed…)
Not to mention that queer sex is, if possible, even more taboo than just, oh, you know. “Regular” sex. “Normal” sex. BIRDMEN is acutely aware of the persistent reputation of queer people as predators [insert The Battle Against the Press, Pt. 1 whenever I finally finish writing it], and the author is more than aware of just how easily things could be misconstrued if she chose to delve into this topic at length. Better to leave this unspoken than to make things worse.
Though I think there’s definitely something to be said about putting the sex stripe back on the pride flag, that even queer folks these days sometimes seem afraid of gay sex and sexuality, I view the deliberate exclusion of the pink stripe as a choice made out of safety. That in the absolute worst timeline where BIRDMEN is widely and negatively interpreted as a queer metaphor by the public, both the author and the magazine can, at the very least, duck out of the worst of the scrutiny by avoiding the, you know, the s-word altogether. That it’s actually fine if it doesn’t make things better for queer people, so long as it doesn’t make things worse.
So whatever. I can respect this choice. It’s a mainstream publication, neither Shogakukan nor Tanabe want to die on this hill; fine. But now comes the hard part of the essay, the part that made me drag my feet about this for ages: if Karasuma doesn’t represent sex, what exactly, then, is he meant to represent?
Well okay obviously the first thing I did was pore through all the major pride flags containing black stripes to see if I could find some type of connection there. Obviously I had to tread with caution because some of these flags are actually younger than BIRDMEN, but here’re some things that the color black stands for: genderlessness, asexuality, the sexuality spectrum, and people of color. Nothing in particular really jumps out at me— the sexuality spectrum, maybe, but the aromantic flag was created in 2014, so I’m inclined to disregard this particular piece of evidence. People of color? I mean I suppose he is, but the connection kind of falls short when he’s from such a homogenous society. I’m happy putting this down here just for the sake of saying I did look into it, and also that I personally feel like this is a dead end.
Because really, this approach feels like I’m really letting confirmation bias do the heavy lifting here, which in general is not good practice, so I’m also going to examine this question from a canon-centric point of view, rather than just a irl-queer-iconography point of view.
What I find interesting is how Karasuma defines his own color in New Gear:
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Here he’s assessing his color black based on the Hue-Saturation-Brightness model (HSB, better known as HSV model, for value instead of brightness). He says nothing about hue here, because regardless of what the hue is, it still doesn’t matter if the saturation and brightness are zero. In a sense, one could say that black encompasses all the different hues… which certainly ties into his role as the Everyman protagonist. This too deserves its own essay, but once again I feel like most of us can agree on this. In one sentence, his cynicism paired with how lost he feels is easy for many people to relate to.
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But more than the fact that he simply stands for all of us— I think he stands for the potential we all have to make a change. If there’s a little text caption next to Karasuma’s black stripe, I think it would say “empowerment”. It’s not the first time I’ve made this claim, but this whole story is a tale of empowerment for queer youth, in my opinion. That if we were willing to link hands and unite, we could achieve anything that our hearts dream of.
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tonyspank · 10 months
Summary: Months after admiring the girl from afar, you finally begin your relationship together.
Warnings: smut and idk…
Words: 9.3k
A/N: Longest imagine ive ever wrote. So please bare with me i did not edit or revise this
Vada Cavell x Footballer!GP! Reader
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You walk through the crowded hallways, a black bookbag hanging off your shoulder. You look around and see the people you know, and those you don't. You make your way to your classroom, immediately recognized by your best friend. "There she is!" He shouts from his seat, raising his hands in the air.
"Ethan... it's like eight in the morning. Why are you shouting?" He laughs and pats the seat next to him. You take your seat and start to unpack your bag. "Coach cancelled practice for today. Something about giving us time to mentally prepare for the game."
You raise an eyebrow in surprise. "That's so unlike him." Ethan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but I'm not complaining. It's nice to have a day off."
"Wanna hang out after school?" You ask, placing your notebook on your desk. The brown-haired boy leans into his chair, a smug smile on his face. "No, can do."
A smile makes its way on your face. "What's that look for?"
He shrugs, "Oh, nothing. It's just that Mia Reed and I are going to this Taylor Lift concert together."
You snort at the mess up of the Singer's name. "You mean Swift?" He rolls his eyes. "Yes, that's what I said, Taylor Swift." You shake your head, amused. "Just don't make that mistake in front of Mia."
Ethan has had a crush on Mia since middle school. But he's always been too scared to talk to her, so he'd always comment and support her dance videos on Instagram. He would often try to find ways to run into her, but he could never find the courage to talk to her.
"Wait," You furrow your eyebrows, turning to Ethan completely. "How did you even finesse a date with Mia Reed?" Ethan smiles and shrugs. "What do they say again? Drunk words are sober thoughts?"
You shake your head and laugh. "I was drunk out of my mind during Max's spring break party, and then I saw Mia... and I just went for it." You had seen Mia around school but had never actually talked to her.
You were surprised that she even agreed to go out with him. Ethan could be surprisingly daring when he wanted to be. "You're a brave guy," he holds up a finger. "A brave drunk guy!"
"Also you'd never believe who else I seen at Max's party." "Who?" you asked, curious. He grinned, "Fucking baby Adam Sandler, Vada!"
You stared in disbelief. "You're such a liar." He shakes his head, sitting up in his seat. "Bro! I swear to god! She was there! In her oversized clothes and everything."
You narrowed your eyes at him, still skeptical. He laughs at your facial expression, "Maybe if you had gone then you could've seen yourself." He says in a sing-song tone.
You shake your head and turn away, still unconvinced. He laughs again, "Well, believe me, or not, I'm telling the truth." He shrugs.
Your teacher then walks into the classroom. You glance back at him, trying to figure out if he's telling the truth. He winks at you and turns away, leaving you unsure. As your teacher brings the lesson your mind wanders off.
Vada Cavell, whose last name you only found out due to her Instagram page. Kind of like Ethan, you've been liking Vada for a while but never built up the courage to talk to her or ask her out.
It's been months of admiring her from afar. She was beautiful in person and you found yourself totally mesmerized by her. You liked the way she dressed, unbothered by how anyone else thought of it, you liked the way her smile lit up the room.
You just had to talk to her, but you hesitated. You felt like you could never measure up to her. You wondered if she could ever like you, too.
You only seen Vada talk to her friends from the beginning of the year. It was Nick, Mia, and Quinton. You felt like an outsider, not part of their group.
You were too shy to approach her, and you were afraid of getting rejected. You also felt like you were the total opposite of Vada's type, so you decided to stay on the sidelines and admire her from a distance. You wanted to get to know her but you weren't sure how to start a conversation.
The rest of the day went by fast. Before you knew it you were back home, greeted by your cat and your mom. "Hey, honey. You're home early."
Your mom speaks up from the kitchen, while your cat rubs itself against your leg. Taking off your jacket and bookbag, you smile and reply. "Yeah, coach cancelled practice." You give your cat a few scratches before heading off to the kitchen to join your mom.
"Really? That's surprising." You laugh, peeking into the pot your mom was stirring. "Yeah, that's what I said."
"What are you making?" you ask, taking a seat at the kitchen table. "Spaghetti." She smiles, adding stuff to the pot. You feel a wave of warmth wash over you as the familiar smell of your mom's cooking fills the kitchen.
You watch as she expertly moves around the kitchen, adding ingredients to the pot. "I have to work late tonight, so I figured I'll start dinner early." She stirs the contents and you can smell the delicious aromas wafting from the pot. She gives you a smile, and you are grateful that she is willing to take the time to make dinner for the both of you.
"Ma, you should be resting. I can cook dinner." She waves her hand at you dismissively. "I want to do this. After all, it's my job to take care of you."
She pours some more ingredients into the pot, and the smell of the food intensifies. "What if I got a job? So you don't have to work late shifts anymore?" You suggest, a frown on your face.
She pauses for a moment, before shaking her head. "No, you need to focus on your studies and football. You worked hard for your starting spot, honey." She smiles sadly at you, before stirring the pot and humming a song.
She stops, "Now, go take a shower. It's almost finished." You nod and walk away, feeling a bit defeated. You know she only wants the best for you, but it's still hard to hear. You take a deep breath and head for the bathroom.
You take a long shower, letting the hot water wash away the disappointment. You remind yourself that you are doing your best and that will have to be enough.
Taking a deep breath, you step out of the shower and head back into the kitchen. After eating dinner with your mom, you begin scrolling through Instagram and TikTok. You soon find yourself laughing at memes and videos, allowing yourself to forget the stresses of the day for a few moments.
Hours pass and you soon realize it's time for bed. You turn off your phone and crawl into bed, just as you're about to drift off to sleep, your phone dings. It was a message from Ethan.
ethan - best fucking concert ever
ethan - im officially a swiftie
ethan - taylor's songs are anthems for my life. everything she does is iconic. she's my queen.
you - i'm guessing it went well with mia?
ethan - well? it went amazing bro
ethan - she wanted to hang out tmr but she has plans w adam sandler
you - oh thats a shame
ethan - omg i jus got the best idea evr
you - which is
you - ethan no.
You place down your phone, and it vibrates from the amount of messages you're receiving. You lay back down, but of course, your phone starts ringing. And it's Ethan, obviously.
You sigh, but you pick up the call anyway. "Listen to me! It's a great idea!" He shouts through the speakers of your phone, You groan and roll your eyes, but you can't help but be amused. You reply, "Okay, I'm listening."
Ethan begins to explain his idea in more detail, "Okay look! If I text Mia, right now saying what if me and you both go to the arcade with them, she'll be like sure! Then that means I get to hang out with Mia and you finally get to meet Vada."
Ethan smiled, knowing he had found the perfect plan. You chew the inside of your cheeks, debating if you should agree to Ethan's plan. You take a deep breath and finally give in, deciding that this could be the start of something good.
He quickly texts Mia, and after a few moments, she replies agreeing. "Looks like we got ourselves a double date." Ethan and Mia started to chat excitedly about the date, and you couldn't help but feel a bit of excitement as well. You hadn't been on a date in a while and it felt like a new adventure. But was this actually a date, or just a way to hang out with friends? You weren't sure.
You woke up to a shout of your name. You quickly scrambled out of bed and rushed to the living room. There was your mom standing in the doorway with a wide grin on her face and Ethan right beside her.
"Ethan's here." You send a tired smile to your mom, "How was work?" She shrugs, "It was alright. Come here and give Ethan a hug." You side-eye Ethan, who opens his arms wide, a goofy smile on his face.
"C'mon Y/N/N! Hug me!" You reluctantly walk over and give Ethan a hug. He squeezes you tightly and laughs. Your mom smiles, watching the two of you before turning to head upstairs. Ethan lets you go and gives you a pat on the back.
You take a few steps back and he grins at you. You smile back, "Why are you here so early?" Ethan shrugs, "Your mom said it was okay. Plus it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon." You nod, and Ethan takes a seat on the couch.
He looks around and then turns back to you, "So, what have you been up to today?" You shrug, "Not much. Sleeping."
"I can tell," he motions his hands above his head, basically telling you your hair was a mess. You laugh and run your hand through your hair, trying to tame it. You look back at Ethan and smile, "What about you? What have you been up to?" He grins, "Talking to Mia."
"Oh, really?" You raise your eyebrows. "And what did she have to say?" He shrugs. "She said that they'll be at the arcade at around six."
You nod, sitting down on the couch as well. "Wanna watch The Walking Dead?" He nods and smiles. "Sure, let's watch it!" You grab the remote and search for the show getting comfortable on the couch. The episode starts with a bang, and you both settle in to watch.
Two hours later, you two are still glued to the screen, eagerly awaiting the next plot twist. Once the episode ends, you turn to your friend and say, "Shit! What time is it?"
Ethan, eyes wide, checks his watch and gasps. "We have to go, now!" He exclaims. You both jump up but you pause, "Wait! I gotta shower, do my hair-"
"Less talking and more doing!" Ethan pushes you to the stairs, and you begin sprinting up them, almost running into your mom. She steps aside to let you pass, a mix of surprise and amusement on her face as she watches you go.
Quickly you take a shower and change into a clean set of clothes. Not before fixing your hair and spraying on cologne, you head downstairs, ready and excited. Ethan is waiting for you, a satisfied smirk on his face, and together you leave.
When you arrive at the arcade you see Mia and Vada. Mia's smiling and waving excitedly at you both while Vada kicks a nearby rock. You both walk over and Mia gives Ethan a big hug.
Vada stands off to the side, her arms crossed but a small smile on her face. You look around and see the arcade bustling with activity, and you know you're in for a night of fun. "Hey, guys!" Ethan says, smiling. You look at Vada, and your heart beats like crazy.
"Hey, Vada." She smiles. "Ready for a night of fun?" she asks, her eyes twinkling. You can only nod as you follow the couple into the arcade. Almost immediately, Ethan and Mia go off and do their own thing leaving you and Vada alone.
Vada points to a game ahead of you. "Let's see who can get the highest score," she says with a mischievous smile. You nod and the two of you start to play. After a few minutes of intense competition, Vada ends up with the highest score.
She laughs and celebrates her victory, and you can't help but smile widely. "If I knew you were such a sore winner I would've tried harder." Vada gives you a playful shove and giggles. "You'll have to try harder next time!" she says. The two of you soon move on to the next game.
In watching you press the start button, Vada admits, "I'm bad at basketball." You pick up a ball, looking at her smiling. "That's ok, I'm pretty bad at it too," you reply. She furrows her eyebrows, "I thought you played basketball?" You shoot the ball, and it doesn't even hit the rim.
"Actually-" She starts, and you let out a loud laugh. She joins in your laughter. "I play football," you say continuing the shoot the remaining balls in front of you.
"But like aren't you supposed to at least have good accuracy? A blind person could shoot better than you." You chuckle, "I'm more of a receiver, not a quarterback." You shoot the last ball which ends up bouncing out of the cage from hitting the rim.
You catch the ball easily, placing it down. She shakes her head and grins. "I stand by my statement. You're terrible." She presses the button, picking up the basketball in front of her. "Watch and learn."
The first one she shoots goes in, "Lucky shot." You mumble, and she smiles in response. The second one also goes in, and the third and fourth too. "You lied to me. You said you sucked." She laughs, and sets up the next shot. "I never said I was suck, I just said I was bad." She takes the shot and it swishes through the net. "What the fuck?"
She turns to you and grins. "You see? I told you I was bad, not suck." You can only stare in amazement as she lines up the next shot and scores again. She laughs and walks away, leaving you in awe. "You lied!" You yell out as you follow her. She laughs again. "I'll let you in on a secret."
She stops and turns around, her face serious. "In order to score all the shots, you have to aim for the back of the rim. And then once you do that, calculate how much power you're putting into your shot. That way you'll be able to get a better idea of the trajectory the ball will take. And you'll have a better chance of making the shot." You squint your eyes at the girl, tilting your head a bit.
She bites her lip in response. Adorable, she thinks. "How do you know all of that? Or like, how'd you even figure that out?" She shrugs, a smirk playing on her lips. "I came here before with Quinton." Your eyes widen in surprise. "Really? You two are...close?"
"We're friends." Is all she says. She looks away and takes a deep breath. "But yeah, he's a good friend." She smiles and looks back up at you, her eyes twinkling. "Wanna get something to drink?"
You nod and smile, and the two of you head to grab a drink. "Look, I'm gonna show you how to make the best slushie you'll ever fucking taste in your life." You grab a cup, joining Vada in front of the slushie machine.
Vada begins to explain the steps, and you find yourself getting more and more invested in the process. You join in, and together you prepare the perfect slushie. You take a sip and it's everything Vada promised. "Wow."
"Right!" Vada grins with satisfaction. Your eyes look around the arcade and you notice Ethan and Mia shooting water blasters at the target together. "You know, they're kind of cute together." Vada looks at the two, nodding in agreement. "It was bound to happen eventually. She's been crushing on the guy since sixth grade."
You furrow your eyebrows, your head snapping at the shorter girl next to you. "Really? Ethan too!" Vada laughs, a smile on her face. "That's crazy. It's been obvious to everyone but them." She turns back to the two, watching them laugh and shoot water blasters in sync. "They just need to tell each other how they feel."
"I mean...It's not that simple." You say, taking another sip of your slushie. Vada shrugs. "It's worth a try. I mean, what have they got to lose?" You shake your head. "I don't know. It's a risk they might not want to take."
You're beginning to wonder if you're talking about Ethan or yourself. Vada looks at you with a knowing look. "You never know. Sometimes taking a risk can be the best thing to do." You take a deep breath, considering her words. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
"I'm glad you agreed to come, I would've been third-wheeling the entire night." You laugh, "I'm glad I came too." You never know. Sometimes taking a risk can be the best thing to do. Vada's words basically repeat in your head, "I uh, I've actually been wanting to talk to you for a while." You admit.
She looks surprised but pleased. "Really? I had no idea!" You nod and smile, feeling relieved that you finally said it. "Yeah! I just didn't know how to approach you." She smiles, her dimples appearing on her cheeks. "Dude, it's not like I would've bit you if you tried to make a conversation with me."
You both laugh and the tension between you dissipates. She looks at you, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "So, what do you want to talk about?" You shrug, using your straw to stir around your drink. "Favorite color?"
"Easy. All of them." She smiles and takes a sip of her drink. "I guess I can't argue with that. Favourite movie?" She pauses for a moment, thinking. "It's hard to pick just one, but I think it's The Staircase. I watched it a thousand times." You hum, "I've never watched it before."
"Wait, what?" She shakes her head in disbelief. "You have to watch it. It's a classic!" You shrug. "I'll watch it. What's it about?" She grins. "It's about this white guy who murders his second wife, and probably his first wife, and gets away with both."
You look at her, surprised. "That sounds intense. Is it a true story?" She laughs. "No, it's a movie. You'll love it. What's yours?"
You open your mouth to speak but she cuts you off. "Lemme guess. Tom Brady Documentary: True Stories." You start to laugh. "Yeah, that's it. It's a classic." She laughs. "See, I knew it!"
"But actually, it has to be How To Build a Better Boy." You say, watching her face to see her reaction. She looks shocked, "Wait that one sappy Disney movie?"
"It's not sappy." She laughs, "Yeah, right. I'm sure it's full of life lessons and cheesy dialogues." You smirk, "Maybe, but it's still worth watching."
She shakes her head, "I don't believe you. There's no way it can be that good." You shrug, "Trust me. I promise you won't regret it." Vada takes another sip of her drink, only to realize she's finished it. She looks up at you with a questioning gaze.
You smile and offer her some of your drink. "Trust me how I trusted you to make this drink." Vada hesitates, then takes the drink from you. "Okay. I'll watch it tonight, and then first thing in the morning I'll tell you if it was good or bad."
You nod and watch her take a sip. "You'd need my number for that." She smiles, takes out her phone and hands it to you. You add your number, then hand it back. "I'll be waiting for your call then." You wink and she laughs, taking another sip of the drink.
Ethan and Mia make their way toward you two, smiles on their faces. "You guys ready to go?" You both nod, and you all make your way out of the arcade. You all walk out, the cool night air bringing a sense of peace. You and the girl share a glance, and she smiles. You both head to your respective cars and drive off in different directions.
"How was it with Vada?" You reply, "It was great. She's a really cool girl." Ethan smiles and you ask him how it went with Mia. "We had our first kiss." Ethan's face lit up with excitement. "WHEN?"
He shyly looks away and replies, "Just a few minutes ago. You missed it being too oo la la with Vada." You roll your eyes smiling and give him a high five. Ethan grins and says, "It was amazing." He then pulls out of the parking lot, turning on his blinker and making a left towards your place.
Meanwhile, in Mia's car, she and Vada are talking about you. Mia teases Vada about her crush on you. Vada blushes and laughs, still a little embarrassed. "I mean she's cute and I can tell she really likes you."
Vada looked away, still blushing. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said, laughing. Mia just smiled and shook her head. As soon as Vada got home she was questioned by her mom.
Vada quickly changed the subject, not wanting her mom to know what had happened. Vada's mother gave her a knowing look but didn't press the issue. Instead, she just said, "Well, I'm glad you had a good time." Vada smiled and nodded, grateful that her mom hadn't pushed the matter any further.
She fell against the couch, hesitating before turning on How To Build a Better Boy, your favourite movie. The movie started and Vada felt a sense of relief as her mom left the room. She curled up in her blanket and let herself get lost in the movie.
"Perfect boy but his name is Albert! And how'd he get a car...plus why'd he just throw his keys to a random guy?" Vada mumbles to herself, confused at the logic of the movie.
She giggled at the absurdity of it all, hoping the movie would eventually make sense. Despite the silliness, she couldn't help but be drawn in by the characters and their stories. Vada watched with anticipation as the movie unfolded, eager to find out what would happen next.
Until Amelia comes down, standing in front of the TV. Vada groans at her little sister, "Dude. I'm trying to watch something." Amelia turns to her with a small frown, "I wanna watch too." Vada reluctantly scoots over to make room for her, rolling her eyes in an attempt to hide her growing smile. They cuddle up on the couch, ready for whatever the movie had in store.
The sisters watched the movie, laughing and pointing out silly things until it was time for bed. Vada tucked Amelia in, giving her a hug and a kiss on the forehead, before heading off to dreamland herself.
When you woke up in the morning the first thing you did was grab your phone, checking for any recent messages. You felt a wave of disappointment as you saw that no one had messaged you. You decided to go downstairs to make breakfast.
Your mom had already left for work, so it was just you and your cat, Goose. You started making a simple omelet. It was one of your go-to recipes. But gosh, was it delicious.
As you ate the omelet, you had a moment of peace, just you and your cat, and the warm and comforting taste of the omelet. Goose jumps onto the table, meowing in your face. "Goose down."
Goose meows in protest, but eventually jumps off the table. You take a deep breath, savouring the last bite of the omelet. You look down at Goose and smile, "I'll make sure to give you a treat later." Goose purrs in response, contentedly rubbing against your leg. You get up to clean the kitchen, and your phone goes off in the middle of the dishes.
xxx-xxx-xxxx - ok. i'd admit it's a very good movie
You smile, she had finally texted you.
you - see it's not sappy, but a work of art
vada - i wouldnt take it that far
you - lol, i still have to watch the stairless
Three dots appear on the screen, then disappear. You frown, continuing to wash the dishes. You pause and turn off the water, drying your hands. You pick up your phone again, Vada had texted back.
vada - we could watch it at my place
you - when?
vada - today if u want
you - ok sure
you - send me ur address
You ring the doorbell, shifting your weight from one leg to the other anxiously. "Mom! Do not open the-" The muffled voice stops once the door is swung open. You stand there, frozen, unable to move. The blonde woman smiles at you, "Hi! You must be Vada's friend. Mia is it?" You shake your head, hearing a groan come from inside the house. "Mom, this is Y/N."
You smile awkwardly, feeling embarrassed. Mom chuckled and stepped aside, motioning for you to come in. You nervously step inside, smiling at the woman who let you in.
Vada sends you a wave which you return, placing your hands in your pocket. You take a deep breath as you take in your surroundings. The home was warm and inviting, with decorations all around the place.
You follow Vada, who leads you to the living room. She offers you a seat and you sit down, feeling somewhat more at ease. "Sorry about that." You wave it off, "It's fine. She seems sweet."
"If sweet means extremely noisy and out of touch with this generation, then yes. She's very sweet." Vada sighs and sits down on the couch next to you. You can't help but laugh at her comment. She shakes her head and smiles. "She means well, I suppose." She says with a shrug.
You lean further back into the red couch, as Vada picks up the remote turning on The Stairless. Vada and you sit back and watch the movie, exchanging comments and laughs. Time passes quickly, and soon enough you both find yourselves lost in the story. "Off the bat, I knew he killed his first wife." You laugh, slightly turning your head to Vada. "I'm telling you, he did it!" Vada exclaimed.
You both chuckle and then continued watching the movie. As the movie plays, the closer you two get. Now leaning into each other, you can feel the warmth of Vada's body as your hands occasionally brush against each other.
Your conversations become more meaningful, and the laughs become genuine. The movie fades away, and all that's left is the two of you, living in the moment.
As the credits rolled, you both looked at each other in amazement. "That was one hell of a movie," you say. "I told you. That movie is the shit." You sit up a bit, your shoulder brushing against Vadas. "Okay, rate How to Build a Better Boy and then I'll rate this."
Vada takes a moment to think, then finally responds. "It was an 8/10 for me," she says. "I really enjoyed it. How about mine?" You pause to consider the movie before finally saying, "Hmm, I'd give it a 9/10. Definitely worth watching again."
Vada grins. "I knew you'd like it." She leans back against the couch and stretches her arms out. "I'm glad we got to watch it together." You give her a smile and nod in agreement.
You give her a smile and nod in agreement. You both take a few minutes to relax in the comfortable silence. Then, you break it.
"I'm really craving one of your slushies." Vada laughs. "Wanna get one?" You nod and she jumps up, pulling you up from the couch. "Let's get Albert!" Furrowing your eyebrows, you both head out the door. "Albert?"
Vada laughs again. "I was thinking about it and you literally are the fully human version of him, except you don't really look alike." You roll your eyes, but you can't help but laugh. "Albert's a douche, I'm not a douche."
Vada snorts as you unlock your chair door, getting inside together. "Albert is not a douche. He's a sweet young boy who cares about his girlfriend, and he's really good at football."
You can't help but smile, shaking your head. "Yeah, okay, maybe he's not a douche." Vada grins as you start the engine. "Exactly. So therefore you're Albert." You chuckle and put the car in gear. "Are you trying to say that I'm perfect and really good at football?"
She laughs."No, I'm saying you're not a douche. Now let's go! The slurpies are calling my name." You roll your eyes and drive away, the two of you laughing as you go.
Since that day you've been texting Vada non-stop. She doesn't seem to mind it either. You feel like you can talk to her about anything. And to add to that, you've also been talking during school. Vada had even come over to meet your cat, when your mom was at work. You two have become really close over the past few weeks. Every day you look forward to talking to her and spending time with her. You can't help but feel like you are falling for her.
"Are you coming to my game tonight?" Vada smiled at you and nodded. You felt your heart flutter. You knew for sure, you were starting to fall in love. "Yeah, of course. Even though I barely understand football." You laugh at her response, leaning into the lockers. She smiles back, her eyes twinkling. "I'll explain the rules to you," you say, your voice soft as it can be. Vada can feel her heart skip a beat, and you smile at her.
She looked away for a moment, then back into your eyes. "But if you don't carry four people on your shoulders and score like Albert, then I'm leaving mid-game." She jokes causing you to smile. You tried to think of a witty reply, but all you could do was laugh. "I'll try my best."
She smiled and put her hand on your shoulder. "That's all I ask." She patted your shoulder and walked away. You watched her leave, feeling content with your exchange. Ethan, who you didn't notice was behind you places a hand on your shoulder.
You jump in surprise. "Jesus!" He laughs. "You should relax, man. I didn't mean to scare you." He removed his hand and stepped back. You take a deep breath and let it out, relieved.
"What were you guys talking about?" You shrug, "Nothing important. She's coming to our game tonight." Ethan's eyes widen in shock, "Are you serious?" "Yeah, why?" You reply, slightly confused. He shakes his head, "Nothing, just... Mia asked herself and Vada said no."
"Hm..." You hum, unsure of what to take from the situation. "I don't know maybe she changed her mind last second." A goofy smile makes its way onto Ethan's face, "Or maybeeeeee... she likes you."
You look away, blushing. "No way," you say, shaking your head. "She's definitely not interested in me that way." Ethan gives you a knowing look. "You've been talking for weeks. I've seen the way she looks at you," he says. "You should ask her out dude." You hesitate, not sure if you should take his advice.
The bell rings, and you look at Ethan with a smirk. "Saved by the bell." Ethan rolls his eyes and laughs. "Just ask her," he says, and you cover your ears humming as you walk through the hallway.
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"Check, check! Elvis, Elvis!" Ethan yells. You look at the cornerback in front of you, and give Ethan a thumbs up. You take a deep breath and get into your stance. You know that if you can get past the cornerback, and potentially win your team some yards. You focus on the cornerback and wait for the snap.
The snap comes and you explode off the line. You easily beat the cornerback and break into the open field. You know you have a chance to make a big play and you sprint as fast as you can. Ethan throws the ball to you, and you catch it successfully.
Only making it to the 45-yard line before you're tackled. The crowd erupts in cheers as you get up from the tackle, smiling. You know you've made a huge play and energized your team. As you jog back to the huddle, you can feel the momentum shifting in your favour.
The team regroups and prepares for the next play. Everyone is pumped up and ready to take it to the end zone. Ethan calls the next play and the team breaks the huddle, ready for action. Ethan snaps the ball, handing it off to the running back who earns just about 8 yards from the play. It's third down, and you need 10 more yards to get to first.
Ethan calls out the next play and the team runs it perfectly. The running back manages to break free and run for 20 yards, giving the team a first down. The team cheers in excitement as they get a fresh set of downs and move closer to the end zone. "Y/N," you perk up at the sound of your name, "Be ready." You nod as Ethan pats your helmet.
You take a deep breath as you prepare yourself for the next play. You watch as Ethan signals the play and the team begins running it. You run up to the line of scrimmage, ready to make your move.
You see a gap in the defence and make your move, sprinting forward. You catch the football with both hands and take off, running for the endzone. You feel the wind in your face as you cross the goal line and score the touchdown.
The crowd erupts in cheers as you spike the ball in celebration. You jog back to the sidelines, feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride. You know you just made a game-winning play.
Meanwhile, Vada is in the stands beside Mia yelling, "GOAALLLLLLLLL!" Mia and Vada jump up and down excitedly, hugging each other in joy. The crowd continues to cheer as you take off your helmet and raise your arm in triumph. You feel a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that your hard work has paid off.
You wave to your mom who waves back, a huge smile on her face. "That's what I'm talking about!" Your coach saying patting your back. You take off your helmet, rubbing the sweat off your forehead with your towel. "Just one more touchdown and we've made it to the playoffs, baby."
You take a moment to take in the sound of the cheering crowd and the feel of the cool night air. The team gathers together in a huddle, the defensive team heading onto the field.
As the players take their positions on the field, the energy in the stadium is palpable. The coaches call out the plays and the team readies for the snap. The opposite team's quarterback takes the ball and the game resumes.
Thankfully your defensive side was able to stop the other team, and you're back on the field. Your team huddles up and the coach gives the next play. You take your position and get ready for the snap. As the ball is snapped, you make your move and the play is underway.
You make a break for the end zone, dodging and weaving past the other team's defence. Catching the ball with ease, you can feel the cheers of the crowd getting louder as you get closer. You feel someone hop on your back, but you continue running.
You keep going until you cross the goal line and score the winning touchdown. The crowd erupts as you raise your arms in victory. You look back to see your opponent still on your back, frustrated and disappointed.
The referee quickly signals for a touchdown and you can see the joy on your teammates' faces. You look back at your opponent and offer a friendly handshake to congratulate them on a good game. The team celebrates your victory as the crowd continues to roar.
You run to the sidelines, ecstatic about the win. The coaches congratulate you on your performance and the team gathers for a group hug. You look into the stands and see Vada staring back at you, her mouth open in shock. You take off your helmet, dropping it on the ground before holding up a heart.
Vada smiles and laughs, she mimes a heart back to you, and you smile widely. Ethan brings you into a tight hug, patting your back, "HELL YEAH!" You finally feel the euphoria of a victory. You had worked so hard and it had all paid off.
You look back at the field one last time, taking in the feeling of success before you turn to join your team in their celebration. You have made it, and nothing can take this moment away from you.
Moments pass and the entire team makes its way into the locker room. Everyone is in high spirits, laughing, hugging and even dancing to the sound of the music playing in the background. You can't help but smile, happy about the win.
As the team disperses, the coach takes you aside. He looks you in the eye and says "I'm proud of you. Great job today." You feel a thank him before leaving the locker room, walking outside to the front of the school building.
Ethan, Mia, and Vada are already there waiting. Once Vada sees you she runs to you, basically jumping into your arms. You hug her tightly, feeling a warmth inside. "You did it!" She shouts, her eyes bright with excitement.
"You like actually carried that guy onto your back? I told you you're Albert!" You laugh and hug her again. "Thanks, Vada." You are interrupted by a throat being cleared, and it's your mom.
"Hey, Ma." Your mom smiles at you, holding out her arms and you step into them, contentment washing over you. She pulls away slightly, with a proud smile and says, "You should be proud of yourself, Y/N. You did something remarkable today."
You smile, feeling a warmth in my chest. "I'm glad you think so," She hugs you again and says, "I always have, sweetheart. Now go hang out with your friends." You smile wider, feeling a warmth in your chest and your eyes start to mist.
You hug her tightly and thank her, before turning to go. You pause for a moment and look back, feeling so thankful for the unconditional love you have been given.
"TIME TO PARTYYYYY!" Ethan shouts from beside Mia, who joins him. You shake your head at the two, turning to Vada who raises her head, joining in as well. You can't help but laugh at their enthusiasm and join in, feeling the energy of the night.
The four of you make your way towards Max's house. He's known for throwing the best parties at your school, but you've never gone to any of them. You've never really had a reason to, but now you kind of do.
You knock on the door and Max welcomes you all in. The house is filled with people, and loud music and the air is thick with laughter and energy. You can feel a sense of anticipation and excitement as you all take in the scene.
You look around and take it all in, feeling a bit overwhelmed but excited. You make your way through the crowd, looking for a place to sit down and relax. You finally find a spot and settle in, ready to enjoy the party. "No way you're sitting down at a party," Vada says from beside you. You swallow your drink before sending a small smile at her.
She grins and grabs your hand, leading you to the dining room. "We're gonna play beer pong. I hope you have better accuracy."
"Any challengers?" A dark-haired boy says from the other side of the table, his friend close by. "Yeah." You speak up, wrapping an arm around Vada's shoulders. "Me and her," Vada smiles, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Ready to go?" you ask, and she nods.
The boy nods, "Okay. But just know beer pong is my calling." You and Vada exchange a knowing look, and you set up the table. The game begins and you soon find yourself in a heated battle with the dark-haired boy.
It's drink after drink, throw after throw, and soon the game is over. The boy is declared the winner with a triumphant grin on his face. Vada and you exchange an impressed look and congratulate him on his victory.
"I can't believe he won that." You mutter, a bit tipsy. Vada shakes her head, "I can. You still suck at aiming balls into stuff." You laugh and throw your hands up in defeat. "You're right, I do. But maybe I'll get better one day." You continue following Vada around the party until she suggests something.
"Wanna get high?" You look around the party and then back at Vada, "Let's do it." She smiles and grabs your hand, leading you away from the party. You quickly found a secluded corner outside, and she produced a joint from her pocket. Taking a lighter from her other pocket, "You always have a lighter and a joint in your pocket?"
She laughed, "No but... I knew I'd be going to this party. I wanted to prepare myself." You hum with a nod, Vada's eyes leave the joint before meeting yours. "Have you done this before?" You shake your head, "No. I haven't.."
She smiles, takes the joint and takes a deep breath. "It's ok, I'll show you how."Vada inhaled, and slowly exhaled. She passed the joint back to you and said, "Just take a tiny puff. Don't hold it in, just let it out." You took the joint and followed her advice. You felt a tingle in your chest as the smoke lingered in the air. You coughed a bit, but it was a good feeling. You exhaled and smiled. "See? Not so bad."
You handed the joint back to Vada, feeling a bit more at ease. You sit down on the grass, and Vada joins you laughing. "Just wait till it hits."  You close your eyes and lean your head back, savouring the moment.
You feel the warm sun on your skin and the cool grass beneath you. You can feel the effects of the marijuana start to take hold, and a peaceful calm overtakes you. "I wonder what kind of high you'll be."
"There kinds?" You smile and nod, feeling content. "There's the body high, the mental high, and the spiritual high. Each one has its own unique experience." You take a deep breath and sigh, feeling the effects of the marijuana wash over you.
You close your eyes and relax, feeling the tension in your body slowly dissipate. You smile, feeling a sense of peace and clarity that you hadn't felt in a long time. You open your eyes and take another deep breath, feeling a deep sense of connection to the world around you.
"I wonder who wrote the script for How to Build a Better Boy," Vada's eyes widen. She can't believe that's what you're talking about mid-smoke. You laugh and shrug. "It's just something I thought of. I was just trying to relax." She smiles, understanding. "Well, it seems like it worked. You look much calmer now."
You take a deep breath and smile. "Yeah, I guess it did. I'm glad I was able to take my mind off things for a bit." Vada nods in agreement, then takes a deep drag from the joint. You both take a moment to enjoy the silence and the feeling of companionship.
You turn to the shorter girl, smiling. "I wanna kiss you. Badly, I've been wanting to kiss you, but now I just really really really-" You're cut off by a pair of lips onto yours. You close your eyes and kiss her back, savouring the moment. When you pull away, you can't help but smile.
You look into her eyes and feel a warmth inside you that you never thought was possible. "I've been wanting to kiss you too." You smile wider, bringing her back into an intense kiss.
Bringing the girl into your lap, gripping her waist tightly. You can feel her heart pounding against your own. You can feel her body relax into your embrace as you kiss her more passionately. You don't know if this is just Vada or the cannabis you've inhaled, but this is definitely one of the best kisses you've had.
She pulls away and smiles at you, her eyes twinkling. You can feel the electricity between you, like something that will never be broken. You know this moment will stay with you forever.
She leans in and whispers in your ear, "I love you." You can feel your heart swell at the words. You hold her close and whisper back, "I love you too." Everything around you fades away and all that is left is the two of you in this moment. You kiss her tenderly as your hearts beat in unison.
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"You've gotta be quiet!" Vada whisper yells at you, trying her best to support your weight. You nod and press your lips together, trying your best to muffle the sound of your breathing.
You feel Vada's arms tremble as she carries you through the darkness. You can sense her fear. "Ma is probably..." You start snoring and begin laughing at your own joke.
Hopefully, your mother is sleeping because of the way you're acting right now, she'd definitely tell if you're not sober. Vada stops walking and scolds you.
She tells you to keep quiet and you quickly apologize. You try to remain quiet for the remainder of the journey, but you can't help but feel a bit of excitement as you approach your bedroom.
On the second to last step, there's a creaking noise. You both tense up at the sound, waiting there a few moments before resuming your movements.
"Are we gonna make out, V?" Vada blushes, a slight smile playing on her lips. "Shh, we're almost to your room." You make it to the room, closing the door behind you. Vada then pushes you onto the bed, plopping down beside you with a heavy sigh.
You begin giggling, turning to the girl beside you. She smiles, leaning in closer. You close your eyes, feeling her warm breath on your face. You both press your lips together, eagerly exploring each other.
Your heart races as you feel her hands on your back. You break away, looking into her eyes. You both share a knowing smile, "Are you sober enough to consent?" You nod, "Yes. Now hurry... sober thoughts and drunk thoughts."
Vada laughs at your mess-up, fuck it. She was high as hell as well. She was just handling it way better than you.
You both kissed again, feeling the warmth as your bodies pressed against each other. You felt the alcohol between you, but you both knew that you were sober enough to make a conscious decision. Your hearts were pounding as you embraced each other, both of you eager for more.
You pull away, climbing onto of Vada. Vada smiles up at you as you look deep into her eyes. You lean in and kiss them passionately, your hands exploring her body. You two stay like this for what feels like an eternity, until finally you pull away, and you begin undressing.
You throw your hoodie away, and try to rip apart your white tank top but fail. Vada notices your frustration and giggles, then helps you take off your tank top, revealing your toned abs. She smiles, before reaching up and kissing you again.
She then fumbles with the buttons of your pants, and pulls them down, before pushing you onto the bed. She climbs on top of you, and begins to passionately kiss your neck and chest. You can feel her hands trailing up and down your body as she continues to kiss you.
She moves her hands to your back and pulls you closer. You can feel her breath on your skin as she whispers into your ear. She then moves her lips to yours and you become lost in the moment.
You pull away slightly, "Vada take off your damn clothes." You say fiddling with her shirt. She complies taking off her bra as well. Your mouth moves to her chest, kissing, licking and suckling as your hands wander to her shorts. You slip them off her hips, leaving her in just her panties.
She moans in pleasure as you continue your ministrations.
You move your hands further down, gently stroking her inner thighs. You pause, taking in her beauty before slowly slipping off her panties.
She smiles at you, her desire and anticipation palpable in the air. "My heart is racing so much," she admits, smiling. "Mine too," you reply, leaning in to kiss her.
Her lips are soft and inviting, and you can feel the heat of her body radiating around you. You both lose yourself in the moment, the anticipation of what's to come envelops you both.
You flip her over, laying her on her back. You begin to explore her body with your hands. Her skin is soft and smooth beneath your fingertips. She moans softly, her eyes closed in pleasure. "Y/N..."
You move your hands up and down her body, exploring every inch of her. She gasps softly as you reach her most sensitive areas. You press your lips against her clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body.
She grabs hold of your hair, her moans getting louder as you keep going. You feel her body quiver beneath you as you continue to pleasure her, her breathing becoming rapid and her body shaking with pleasure.
You can feel her nearing her climax and you increase the intensity of your motions, pushing her over the edge. Her body convulses with pleasure as she reaches her orgasm. "Ohmygod."
You kiss her body as she recovers from her orgasm, her breathing slowly returning to normal. She looks up at you with a satisfied smile, her eyes still filled with pleasure. You return her smile, happy to have been able to bring her pleasure.
You feel yourself hard against your underwear, and you know that you're ready for your own pleasure. You pull her closer to you and whisper in her ear, letting her know that you're ready. She responds with a mischievous grin, her hand moving to pleasure you.
You moan as her hand slides up and down, the pleasure building inside you. She moves her lips to yours, her tongue exploring your mouth as her hand continues to work its magic.
You can feel yourself getting closer to the edge, and you grab her hand to slow her down. She smiles in understanding and pulls away, the pleasure ebbing away. You look into each other's eyes, and you both know that this is only the beginning. "I'm gonna grab a condom." You mumble, rushing off the bed and into your drawer.
She nods in agreement, and you can sense the anticipation in the air. You come back to the bed, and she eagerly takes the condom from you. Opening the gold wrapper, you take out the condom and unroll it onto yourself, before moving to lie on top of her.
She wraps her arms around you as you take a deep breath as you slowly slide inside her, and you both gasp in pleasure.
You both moan in pleasure as you start to move, and she wraps her legs around you. You start to build up momentum, faster and faster, as you move together. The friction of the condom creates a warm, smooth sensation that sends pleasure through both of you with each thrust.
With each movement, you feel your connection with her deepen and you can feel the sensations in both your bodies become more intense.
"Vada," you sigh out, resting your head in the nape of her shoulder. She looks up at you and smiles, her eyes twinkling in the dim light. You kiss her softly and she wraps her arms around you tightly.
You can feel the warmth radiating from her body and you feel the love you have for her in that moment. You want to stay like this forever and the thought of having to part from her is too much to bear. You tightly embrace her and whisper that you love her. You feel her body trembling as she returns the embrace.
"I'm about to cum." She moans into your ear as she cums. You feel her body quivering and it sends waves of pleasure throughout your body. You hold her tight as you release as well. You collapse onto the bed, panting heavily. You lay there in each other's arms for a few moments, basking in the afterglow of your lovemaking. You kiss each other tenderly and drift off to sleep.
"Was I your first time?" She replies with a soft whisper, "No, Mia was." Your head snaps to her and she laughs, sighing out shortly after.
You take a moment to process what she said. "Really?" She nods, "It happened... multiple times... the fifth week of school." You take a deep breath and look away for a moment, trying to contain your confusion.
"Was I yours?" You shake your head smiling, "No, Ethan was." She lets out a loud laugh at your joke, laying her head on your chest. You take a deep breath and hold her close.
You feel a wave of emotions wash over you, grateful for the moment of comfort. You are filled with a sense of peace, knowing that you have someone to talk to and share your feelings with.
"I need to shower." You say. Vada nods rolling over. "You can join me, but you gotta be quiet." You smile, "Oh, you're telling me to be quiet now?"
You chuckle and lead her into the bathroom. You both take your time showering, enjoying the warmth of the water and each other's company. After, you dry off and return to your bedroom, both content and peaceful.
You wake up to a shout of your name. Looking to your left you notice Vada is still sound asleep. "Fuck," you rush up out of bed putting on your clothes before nearly darting downstairs to the kitchen, following the smell of breakfast.
Your mother is standing over the stove. Three plates of eggs and bacon already waiting for you on the table. She gives you a stern look before turning back to the stove. "There are three..." You mutter to her confused.
She points to the plates. "One for you, one for your girlfriend, and one for me. Now wake her up and come and eat."
You sheepishly smile turning on your heels to go wake up Vada.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 6 months
hiii I adore your writing sm mwaaah💋💋💋love this kinda soft n fluffy fics they make me feel safe:'( would you write some domestic fluff with simon plsss FUCKIN LOVE this man💗😭 maybe something where they just got engaged idk whatever you wanna write... have a nice day🤍🌸
Proposal Headcanons And Scenarios With Simon "Ghost" Riley
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Do y'all wanna guess who's render I used again? @ave661 probably already hates me for the amount of times I've tagged her the shitty content I write. I hope I did the request justice, they didn't exactly specify what type but I opted for something other than fics because I am horrid in writing those 😭
This is so freaking short, I'm so sorry. I have so many backed up requests, I don't even know where to begin.
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❥ Pre-engagement!Simon who spent fucking months looking for the perfect ring, listen he is NOT giving you a ring that he bought impulsively.
❥ Pre-engagement!Simon who gained unsolicited advice from Soap who happened to be the first one to find out Simon had a partner in the first place.
"Aye L.T, if you want a shot of them agreeing to marry you-"
"And what would you know about being romantic?"
Yeah Simon asked Gaz instead. That still didn't change the fact that both Soap and Gaz, along with Price were there before the proposal, giving Simon a pats on the shoulder while the Lieutenant tried to catch his breath.
❥ Pre-engagement!Simon who asked Price for advice so many times, you do not believe how many times he had practiced kneeling on his not-so-strong knees.
❥ Speaking of knees, Simon had to let out some light encouragement:
"Lovie, will you marry me..?" You heard Simon asked while you had your back turned. You faced him, he was on his knees, the ring in the box enveloped in velvet, the stone glistening under the light of the moon.
it felt like the air was taken out of your lungs. Hands on your mouth, you looked at him wide eyed.
"Lovie.. please answer" He mutters, voice clearly a bit of pain and discomfort.
"O-oh shit, sorry Si" You apologized before saying yes. You helped him up with the hand before he pulled you into a tight hug, arms snug around your waist, head buried in your neck while slipping the ring on your finger before you pushed him and cupped his face into a kiss.
❥ After engagement!Simon who's fucking over the moon, why? Because you're finally his, like officially, from the words of your guys' future daughter "No take-backsies". Thinking about how his internal thoughts are just "Fuck, fuck, shit this is actually happening"
❥ After engagement!Simon who has non-stop called you Mrs. Riley in front of everyone even though you weren't married yet, you didn't have the heart to correct him. Soap tried but uhh, that earned him a unexpectedly painful punch on the arm from you.
❥ Didn't take long for you and Simon to start the planning, of course he let you take over for most of it, shared guest list of his brother's family and his family in TF141. Wanna take a guess on who was best man?
❥ Price was the one who stood for his father on Simon's side of the altar, if you asked, Price definitely would've walked you down the isle.
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Hot take on engagement rings, I HATE basic and NFL engagement rings with a burning passion. If you're gonna give me something as sentimental as that, something that's gonna symbolize the moment I said yes because I love you so much that I was willing to be bound to you for eternity then I want something vintage or something that looks like it came out of a fantasy book. Something you think that a fantasy princess would wear, I heard they're even cheaper than basic ass engagement rings.
Cost ≠ Taste and Value.
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pupcuck · 4 months
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ft. leon s. kennedy x fem!reader
tags. omg.. fluff and that’s it im sick, age gap, like brief mentions to sex idk, slight angst
note. don’t know what happened to me! ignore typos/mistakes this isn’t edited :3 rbs n feedback always appreciated omg im embarrassed ngl this is just leon feeling guilty as always
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“Okay, and so we get bored, right?” You tell him, perched on the bathroom counter, peeling back your false lashes to reveal– you guessed it, your natural layer of lashes which look identical to the fake pair. “Like, there wasn’t a lot to do, I mean it was snowing, we couldn’t leave campus, we couldn’t even leave her bedroom, right?” Leon gives an Mhm to show you he’s listening and totally not dozing off to the sound of your voice. Sorry, babe, sometimes it just puts him to sleep. The same way white noise does. “We go on Bumble - you know what that is, right?”
“Oh, yeah, obviously,” Leon scoffs, when in fact he doesn't know what that is.
“So, yeah, we're swiping, swiping, not a single right, right?” Another Mhm from his side, you’re using a cotton bud to remove your eye makeup, the black smears and becomes streaky on your skin. Cute, that’s how you look after a nice, hard fucking. His mind wanders far away to the sanctum that is his bedroom, the room on the opposite side of the hall. “And so Ashley, you remember her, right?”
“Rings a bell,” It rings no bells, not a single one, the only Ashley he knows is ex-First Daughter Ashley Graham. “The short one?” All your friends are short, he makes a purposely vague guess to hide his disinterest. Leon would put more into this conversation if he wasn’t five seconds away from conking out on the closed toilet seat.
“Yeah, that one, her fucking boyfriend pops up!”
“From where?” He asks, genuinely concerned for your wellbeing, was the freak hiding out in his girlfriend’s dorm room, under the bed of some shit?
“On Bumble?” You shoot him an odd look through the mirror, “Anyway, his profile says some shit about an open relationship, that his girlfriend wants a threesome, like, all this shit.”
“That’s awful.” He gets the gist, the dude is a cheater, still has no clue what a Bumble is.
“I know, and he’s ugly, that’s the worst part, she’s out of his league.” You hop off the counter, running the tap to wash your face in that ritualistic manner. Scrub, splash, wipe. Shit’s obsessive, Leon’s only ever ran his wet hands over his face, uses his thumbs to get the gunk out the corner of his eyes. “She was totally upset,” You say, lathering your face in foam, “She wouldn’t stop crying, and don’t, like, tell her or anything, babe,” You rub circles on your cheeks, the soap bubbles up, the tap has been running five minutes too long.
“Wasn’t planning on it, babe.” Leon tips his head back to soothe the tension in his neck, when you cup your hands and splash water into your face, droplets splatter on the counter.
“Good, well, to tell you the truth, she was pissing me off,” A few more minutes of what looks more like a facial massage than a wash and you’re done, “Like, he was never even nice to her, he made her pay for dates, and she was really crying hard, Leon, like, snot and everything.”
“Lousy guy.”
“Yeah, and so we find a place that’s open on the map, like, a convenience store, I mean it was like gas and groceries, but it was so fucking shady, babe,” You pat your face dry with a towel, hanging it up on the rack, “And, like, we try to get an Uber, or like literally any cab at this point, but no one wants to drive in that weather, you saw what kinda clothes I took too!”
Oh, Leon did, and he did the right thing and warned you that tie-up tops and mini skirts so mini they could be classified as belts would do nothing for you. Well, they do everything for your figure, but nothing against the least windy of winds. Like a shaky orange leaf clinging to the weary branches of an autumn tree, those scraps of Lycra would go flying, leaving you topless and bottomless and defenceless without a Leon to take care of your sorry ass.
“So, I’m like so sure I’ve got frostbite as we’re walking, but it’s five minutes away, we keep going, none of us had an ID by the way, not even a real one,” The second part of your routine involves applying lotion so thickly, it secretes enough palm oil to give back to those Amazonian orangutans, solving the deforestation issue one nighttime routine at a time.
“Babe,” Leon says in the tone of a disappointed and slightly exasperated father who wants nothing but the best for his daughter while being emotionally distant all at once, because he just has that kind of voice, “You can’t be doing that, it’s dangerous, could get in a lot of trouble, and it’s bad for you, y’know?” His liver cries out in disbelief as it has been subjugated completely by his alcoholism, “You don’t need drinks to have fun, you just need your friends.” His words pass through you. Leon has changed the world through his Special Agent status, he’s saved it time and time again, what he has not done is change your world like he suspected he would with that half-assed motivational speech.
“So, Ashley, the bitch, she shoves me in front, and all the girls are like oh, you go up, you look soo much older than us, which is so fucking rude. Like, I know I look it, everyone says it to me, doesn’t mean she should say it. So, I go up, and babe - I swear to god, he doesn’t even ask, like, he just kinda looked at my tits and scanned the bottles.” You use your hands a lot when you speak.
He blinks at you bare-faced, and it all comes falling down, on top of him like gigantic Jenga blocks that he himself misplaced. “You’re a baby,” Leon tells you. Not in the way most older men do when they talk down to young girls - to make them feel like even younger girls. It’s not to put you in your place, after all, it is Leon that needs to be put in his place more than anyone. He says this with the utmost sincerity as he spirals head-first into a frantic epiphany of sorts. He’s fucking a baby. A baby with a heart-shaped ass and a penchant for clothes that cover a single nipple at best.
“No, I’m not a baby, I’m just not old,” There’s a lack of hardened lines on your face, not quite baby-faced, but visibly young.
“Yeah, okay, baby,” Leon pats your head, rolls his shoulders back to relieve him of an ache, “I’m going to bed.”
“So am I.” Your lips jut out, “I was going there first actually.” Holy Mother of God, you’re a kid. Don’t do this to him. Usually, Leon likes his women menopausal, Norman Bates would agree, that’s insensitive, rather Mrs Bates would agree. It’s just that when you’re forty-six, fucking older women goes into grandma territories. Women his age are beautiful, but half of them settled down over ten years back, the available ones are career women that keep him on his toes, and he doesn’t like that. Being kept on his toes is too much, his back hurts and he wants to rest. The other half come with kids, Leon would rather scoop out his brain with a tea spoon than come into close contact with a child. The appeal wears off either way because Leon wants them to be older than him, but he’s not twenty anymore so the older women won’t be forty and stern and beautiful in the way worn out housewives are, they’ll be sixty and senile.
“Were you now?” He keeps the bile down in his stomach where it should be, takes you to bed, fucks you into the mattress one last time, kisses the mole between your breasts and leaves the following morning. What drug was he on the night he met you? Leon doesn’t know, and he doesn’t know if he’s still on it, or if dating younger women is a side effect of it.
The car windows are frosted over when he makes his way out without a de-icer in hand, it melts slowly as he sits in the driver's seat with his head bowed, drooped on top of the wheel. Leon pats himself down, feeling for his keys, he gets out, into the elevator and returns to face the front door. He slots his key into the lock and enters the apartment because it is his apartment, not yours. He’s so used to walking out on people that he walked out of his own home. Selfish tendencies that surely stem from some fucked up part of his brain.
“Leon?” You’re stood there in the doorway rubbing your eyes, “Did you go out?”
“Yeah, babe,” He grunts when you take your seat on his lap, the weight is pleasant, grounds him, “I went out, just for a minute, had to take a call, didn’t wanna wake you.”
“I woke up the minute you got out of bed.” The softness of your skin on his is dizzying, sleep-swollen lips coming to kiss his scruffy face with all the tenderness of a young adult woman, that’s a lot of tenderness, they feel a lot. Heart might not be on your sleeve, but it leaks out of you in the most insignificant moments, it’s in every single word you say to him. “You’re not very quiet, Leon. I don’t know who hired you, they should reconsider.”
Smiling, he cradles your close, takes your tit in his hand. Love is stored in these things. That’s why your heart is in the left one, not on your sleeve. “Was I that loud?”
“Yeah, I heard you stub your toe, and you were like fuck, fuck, fuck! for a good minute,” You recount, “And then I heard you talking to yourself in the bathroom, and you were brushing your teeth, you kept making those gross gagging noises, my dad does that too.”
“Trying to get it all out.” Leon shrugs, his chin rests atop your head.
“Get what out? Your uvula?”
“No, stupid, just, I don’t know, stop asking questions.”
“Okay, whatever, and then you walked out still talking to yourself, and then you were looking for your keys, moving furniture,” That he was, “Sounds like you scraped up the floors,” That he did, “Then you found them and they kept fucking jingling, then you shut the door really quietly, and I was like where is this loser going. Hey, Leon, you know I can see your car from here, right?”
You’d seen him. Seen him throw a sulky manchild tantrum in his car. How embarrassing. “If I’m being honest, I didn’t know that.” He admits.
“Well, I saw you sitting in there, I know you didn’t go to the store, I know you’re lying to me, but it’s okay,” You kiss his Adam’s apple, your nose tucked into his neck, “I know you didn’t mean it.”
“I didn’t— I didn’t mean it,” Leon confirms, he holds you tighter to him and thinks that you're more mature than he’ll ever be. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” It comes easily to you, and he wishes to do the same, “You can talk to me instead of, like, trying to drive away from your own apartment, that’s pretty weird, Leon.”
“I know, I’ll talk to you,” He won’t, and you know that, and he knows you know that, but it’s okay, it takes time for this sort of stuff, “I love you,” Leon says again, his lips meet yours, swallows up the response on your tongue, he eats your love.
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eunoiathewriter · 1 year
hi <3, i am a big fan of your writing for xavier and i wanted to request something!
maybe one where the reader is in the fencing club too and she is like the best (but stil very nice) and xavier has a big crush on her? and when they fence togeher he always loses but he enjoys, when she’s happy, so he doesn’t care?
and if thats not to much, she loses against him once (bcs shes sick or like flustered around him) and he is confused/worried and idk but they confess?
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Sypnosis: When it came to fencing, she was good, but fencing against him made it hard to keep up and not get flustered.
Word count: 2.4k
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Xavier watched without looking away; he was always going to be amazed at her skill. y/n never lost to any of the other fencers.No matter how many times she fought against any of them or they against her, she was always able to win, and they were never able to win.
What had made y/n a bit special, however, was how kind she was about it all. No matter who her opponent was, she would compliment them and their skill, and anyone who dared to say anything negative about their fencing to her would be met with an immediate protest. She was gracious towards everyone, never wanting people to see her as above them.
Sometimes Xavier even thought she was a bit too gracious towards people who did not deserve her respect. He remembered a guy about two years back who, since having graduated from Nevermore, refused to salute y/n before their second round, all because she had won the first point. Not saluting your opponent is a sign of respect, no matter what your personal opinion of them as a person is, so that was a big no. Yet, when y/n had won and the older boy had bitterly thrown off his mask, she still gave a smile and said it was a good match.
So Xavier stood off to the side, saber in hand, as he just watched y/n and one of the other boys, Will, fence with one another. Their bout was soon over, but y/n was close to getting the fifteenth point before the time was up. Just one more touch, and she would win this.
To no surprise, y/n was able to get in a last touch before the nine minutes were up. As soon as she had touched Will's chest with the point of her saber, she stepped back and made sure to give the boy room.
"Well done, l/n." Coach praised her with a clap of his hands, and Xavier was also clapping at her.
"It was nothing," y/n said as she removed her mask. "You almost had me for a second."
"Almost." Will pointed out that he too had taken off his mask to reveal his face.
"Don't be like that; you were awesome." And there was that graciousness in her. She was all too kind towards people, but that was also one of the things that he liked about her.
As y/n started to converse with Will, Xavier could not help but glare a little. But he soon did not have to glare anymore as Bianca pulled y/n aside, giving her a bottle of water while they began to talk instead, and Will walked off, but not before shooting a questioning look at the taller boy.
It was actually surprising to Xavier that even Bianca did not have any grudges against y/n. It was such an odd duo that had occurred when they first started at Nevermore, and it was even more odd that the siren had never been irritated at the other girl; she was more impressed by her.
"Thorpe," the coach said, drawing Xavier's attention away from the two girls, one of whom was his ex and the other a longtime crush. "Wanna go for a bout? You've been standing around most of the time."
"Uh, yeah, sure."
"Good. L/n," the coach said as he approached the girl. "Care for another bout?"
"Of course," Her smile was bright as Bianca patted her shoulder, as if to say she would win.
"Well then, Mr. Thorpe, l/n, middle."
At the mention of Xaviers' last name, y/n turned your head towards him, eyes just slightly wide. She found that he was already looking at her before he shrugged and walked towards the middle of the strip, waiting for her to do the same.
But she just stood there, looking at Xavier, and her mind was running wild. She did have a weakness when it came to fencing, and it was one she did not want to say out loud to anyone, especially not to Bianca. Xavier had just, in some way, slithered his way into her heart and gotten comfortable there. She felt bad for liking him; honestly, he was Bianca's ex, and Bianca was her friend.
Before she could come back to reality and out of her own mind, Binaca had nudged her shoulder, which made y/n turn her head towards her. With a twinkle in her eyes, the siren motioned her head toward Xavier and the coach. The way y/n had just kind of frozen in place while staring at the brunette boy waiting for her made Bianca suspicious. There had been a few more instances like this, which also made her start putting two and two together, though she was not mad.
"Right," y/n mumbled, shaking her head and walking to the middle of the strip.
Standing up straight, y/n moved into position, standing about twelve feet from where Xavier stood on the strip. Taking a quick glance up at him instead of at one of the pillars behind him, she was met by a smirk as he brought his blade up to salute her. y/n quickly copied the salute, fighting the heat growing in her cheeks.
Putting on her mask, y/n tried to get into her mindset as always when she was fencing. Biting her cheek, she got into stance, waiting for the signal to start. All while y/n was fighting to stay focused, Xavier was preparing to lose. He did not have a problem with losing, not to her. He liked how happy she would get and the fact that she would interact with him, talking and being all cheery.
"Pret? Allez!" Coach signalled their start, and y/n had a touch at Xavier within seconds.
After resetting in the middle, they started for the next point. Just as usual, y/n was able to get in a few touches at first. Each time Xavier bit back his smile, knowing he would most likely lose, but it was entertaining to have her fuss about how she thought he was good.
The first period ended with her having five points, and, to his surprise, he had gotten in two touches, which earned him two points. y/n took off her mask and swallowed, going to grab her water bottle just as Bianca came up to her.
"What's going on?" The siren asked her, filled with confusion, as she took a big gulp of her water while peeping over at Xavier, who too looked over at her with a curious look.
"What do you mean?" She lowered the bottle from her lips with a puzzled expression.
"Girl, he has two points." Bianca states the obvious. "No one ever gets two points when facing you in the first period only."
"I don't know why it matters. Maybe I'm just not that good and he's catching up."
"Really? So there isn't any other possible reason, because you seem a little flustered."
"No!" y/n quickly exclaimed, eyes wide as she turned towards her friend before putting down her bottle of water.
She was not able to say anything else before the coach called her over for the second period of the bout. Her heart was racing as Xavier was eyeing her in a muddled way, not being able to connect the dots on why she seemed to have a hard time looking at him. Usually, she would not have a big problem with it.
Putting their masks on after saluting and going for the second period, her mind was running amok. The way the side of his mouth had tugged into a smirk before putting on his mask had her mind occupied, so occupied that she was shocked at the sudden feel of a touch to her body by Xaviers' sabr tip. Which also made Xavier more and more confused.
The next couple of points from the second period mostly went to Xavier, leaving him with seven points and y/n with eight. As soon as the second period was over, all the other students were watching them fence. Instead of going to get some water, she just stood and mentally cursed herself out. Fearing that she was making it obvious that he was a distraction.
She had not taken off her mask, so Xavier tapped her shoulder, which caused her to finally take it off, her heart speeding up as she turned to see him standing beside her. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yes. Why wouldn't I be?" She gave a tight-lipped smile, which was a bit uncharacteristic, seeing as the majority of her smiles were radiant and genuine.
"I was just wondering if I was improving or if you were letting me win." Xavier joked, which did cause the reaction he wanted—a bright smile followed by a laugh that broke onto her face.
"What if I was letting you win? Then what?" It was a way to play along and not show why she was actually not fencing her game.
"Oo, then I'd be disappointed." He told as the second minute break ended and it was time for the third and final period of the fight.
"Hm," y/n hummed as she put on her mask, her cheeks burning as a wide grin pulled across her face as she moved to stand in the middle for the final period.
This time, it was even between the two. Xavier was having a harder time getting in a touch than before, as y/n tried as hard as she could to keep herself concentrated. It worked a good while to imagine him as Binaca, who would, without hesitation, try and rile her up, so it would be a more intense match.
But it was becoming harder and harder as the three minutes of the last period slowly got to an end, with Xavier and y/n being equal in points, a shock to most of the other students who were watching intensely.
Before she could even register what was happening, Xavier got in a last touch right before the time ran out, making him the winner with the most points. As soon as she felt the touch of the saber, she stopped, breathing hard and whispering a low "dammit" for letting her mind slip.
"Thorpe, you win." Even the coach seemed surprised as he announced him as the winner. Lowering his saber, Xavier took off his mask, and his whole face was twisted up in confusion. His brows were furrowed, his eyes suspicious—no, they were worried.
"That was fantastic," y/n said as she removed her mask, worried that the heat in her cheeks would be visible.
"Yeah," was all Xavier could utter before y/n turned to walk over towards Bianca with a nod.
"You alright there, l/n?" The coach asked before she could get much further.
"Of course." She said it as if it were obvious, taking a quick look around to see the others who had been watching slowly move to get back to theirs.
"Okay, what is going on?" Bianca was quick to snatch her by her wrist, pulling her in close.
"Oh, really, nothing? Because I think you have a little crush on Xavier." Scared that Bianca had said it so loudly, y/n swiftly covered her mouth, which made the siren let out a muffled sound of protest.
"No, I don't!" She whisper-yelled at her friend.
"Oh, please, the way you look at him, say something else. And every time you fence against him, he scores more points every time; he makes you flustered." Bianca took a piece of the terrified girl's hand from her mouth and kept her voice low so as not to alert anyone.
"No, no, no. I would never! He's your ex; I would never do that in my entire life." Her fearful tone made the other girl tilt her head. She cared that much about their friendship that she was afraid to even admit having a crush on Xavier.
"You think I'm mad?"
"Yes, why wouldn't—"
The sudden tap on her shoulder caused y/n to turn around; an amused smile was on Bianca's face. y/n's hands dropped from her friend's shoulder as she faced the taller boy, giving a small smile to conceal the fact that she had just been talking about him.
"I'm just gonna... yeah." Bianca pointed to the current bout going on on the second strip and slowly backed off, leaving the two alone.
"Is there anything?" y/n asked sweetly, internally swearing at herself for not just following Bianca.
"Ehm, yeah, I just..." Xavier paused, glancing over at Bianca, who was watching the two. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes, like I said earlier, I'm just fine."
"You're fine, yet I beat you in fencing? It does not sound as if you're fine." His eyes watched her attentively, noticing every time she tried to start speaking but the words died on her tongue, and every time she would look off to the side.
"I was just.." Her eyes raised to meet his but quickly averted. "Distracted."
"Only distracted?" He moved slightly closer, gazing at her intensely
"Yep," Her cheeks were growing warmer with each passing minute as she heard him hum at her, suddenly feeling his hand brush against hers.
"You know, I was just wondering," Xavier started off, earning her attention. "Maybe you'd want to do something, sometime."
"As in just hang out, or as in a..." Her pause made Xavier chuckle a little and shake his head.
"Do you want it to be a date?"
The way she bit the inside of her cheek and completely avoided eye contact gave him the answer he needed, but he still also got a verbal answer. "Maybe."
"Sure, it's a date then."
"Okay, I'll see you then, Xavier." She slowly backed off, earning an amused look from the boy as he could clearly see she was flustered.
As she turned for the third time, y/n got janked by the arm by Bianca. Pulling her friend close, the siren took a glance back at Xavier, who smiled to himself before going to fence against another of the students.
"So?" The siren asked.
"I have a date."
"Oh, you do?"
"Yeah, with your ex." There was a slight fear in her voice.
"Don't even worry about that girl."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. You got a date." Bianca mused.
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@getbillzoned @honeybubblepopp @mrskeery-mclaughlin @wonderlandco @alicews @l4venderia @navs-bhat @ariianelle @moose-ubi @lomllino @honey-with-tea @rayliz793 @moatsnow @s0ftdr1nks @writing-fanics
2K notes · View notes
riordanness · 3 months
enchanté — [n.sheff]
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wordcount: 1.2K
warnings: none
requested: no
tags: @honey-ambrosia my wife <33 (send her love or else)
a/n: idk?? i just had a random idea while watching this movie for the first time so enjoy i guess. nic is defo ooc, doesn’t do drugs in this fic either, and i know basically none of the movie plot yet. feel free to request nic sheff fics tho! <3
“Nice to meet you.” I smile; and shake my new roommate's hand. He seems nice enough, with pretty green eyes and curly brown hair.
He smiles back, then heads into our dorm room. I turn back to my conversation with the other girls in our hallway. Turns out there wasn’t an even number of girls or boys this year, so I got shoved into a dorm room with a guy. Not that that’s the worst thing that could’ve happened to me; he’s kinda cute.
One of the other new girls, I think she said her name was Alexa, nudges me. “Damn, I wish I was the not-so-unlucky girl stuck with a boy. He is hot.”
I shrug. “He’s not bad. He’s probably got a girlfriend though. Or he’s gay.” I nudge her back. “Doesn’t matter that much; he’s probably the kind of guy who spends all his time not in his dorm room. More time alone for me.”
I say goodbye and turn towards my bedroom door. I stop just before it, though, when I hear voices.
“Yeah, she seems nice, she’s just in the hall,” I hear my roommate say. I’m not entirely sure who he’s talking to, but then another person speaks, a much older man, and I remember his father is here.
“I feel for you though…” His father laughs, and I hear the sound of cds clacking together, and I realise that they’re my cds.
I internally cringe. Why did I decide to set up my cds? My roommate definitely thinks I’m a total loser freak now. I visualise my collection. Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Chase Atlantic, Melanie Martinez, Joshua Bassett, and the Chainsmokers. Pretty much screams ‘basic white girl’ doesn’t it?
I knock on the doorframe, stepping into view. “Hey,” I say, waving a little at his father. “Nice to meet you.”
My roommate’s father hastily shoves my cds back onto my desk. “You too. I’m Nic’s father.” He stands and offers me his hand. I shake it, offering a smile.
“Well…” Nic’s father pats his pockets. “I’d best be going.” He gives his son a hug, who stands and grips his father tightly.
I feel awkward, like I’m interrupting something.
“Everything,” Nic whispers.
Though I have no idea what that means, I think it’s adorable.
His father leaves, and the two of us stand for a moment. Then I drop my bag on the floor next to my bed and flop myself onto it.
“What’s your name?” Nic asks quietly. “I’m Nic.”
I prop myself up on one elbow. “I know. I’m y/n.”
He nods. “Cool.”
There’s silence for a couple more seconds, more than feels comfortable.
I blow out my breath. “My friend thinks you’re cute.”
He laughs in surprise. “Is that a pick-up line?”
“No.” I glance at him. “She literally does think that.”
“Okay.” Another pause. “My dad thinks your music taste sucks.”
I glance over at my cd collection, which is now in an unorganised pile on my desk, compliments to Nic’s father. “Mm.”
“It’s not bad, though,” he offers. “I love Chase Atlantic.”
I raise an eyebrow, and meet his eyes. “Oh yeah?”
“Mhmmm. Vibes, Into It, Friends, Meddle About, CALL ME BACK, Church, some of my favourite songs ever.”
I make an impressed face. “Okay, okay. I’ll accept that.”
“The other stuff though?” He makes a face. “Taylor Swift? Really?”
I sit up. “Yes. Taylor Swift really.” I grab my notebook out of my bag and relax onto my pillows. “Now shh while I write this idea down.”
He suddenly looks interested. “You write?”
“No, no,” he tries to backtrack. “I mean, I write too. That’s why I’m here. To study writing.”
I look at him over the top of my notebook. “You? A writer?” i don’t mean to sound incredulous, but I probably do.
He nods sincerely. “I love to write. What kind of things do you write?”
“Umm…” I stare up at the ceiling. “All kinds. Poetry, fiction, lyrics, fanfiction, essays, critiques, anything really. I just love anything to do with words and writing.” I swing my legs over the side of my bed, facing him. “What about you?”
“Me too. Anything.”
I nod. “Can I read something of yours sometime?”
He shoots me a crooked smile. “Only if I can read yours.”
We shake hands, and I’d be lying if I said my heart didn’t flutter a little.
It’s been six weeks of sharing a dorm with Nic Sheff, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love every second.
Turns out, he’s amazing. At like, everything. His writing is incredible, at least the little I’ve seen so far. He can skateboard like nobody’s business. He can sing, speak French, and apparently, braid hair. (I know from experience, trust me on this).
“Hey, tresses,” Nic says, throwing his backpack on the floor, and himself on my bed.
I was at my desk, trying to study. “Hey,” I reply absentmindedly.
“You got class this afternoon?” he asks.
“Same one as me?”
“Y/n…” he whines, picking up my Spider-Man squishmallow and throwing it at me. “Pay attention to me.”
I glance up. “What?”
“Do you have the poetry class in twenty minutes? The one we both take?” He asks the question slowly.
I read my timetable quickly. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
“Okay. Let’s go then, it’s a bit of a walk and we do not want to be late.”
I shut my laptop. “Fine. Let’s go then.”
He jokingly offers me his arm, and instead of taking it like a lady, I hit him. “Ow, y/n!” he complains.
I giggle. “Come on, Nic. We don’t wanna be late.” I mimic his earlier words.
He rolls his eyes. “You’re awful, tresses.”
“You love me.”
He doesn’t reply to that.
“Alright, Mr Steff, would you like to read your poem aloud now?” Mr Day asks the boy.
Nic glances nervously at me, for some reason, then stands as he nods at our teacher. “Yes, sir.”
He unfolds a crumpled piece of paper, clears his throat, and licks his lips in the cute way he always does when he’s worried or nervous.
“Mon amour,
Oh, how I adore you.
The way you make me feel, my love,
it’s like I’d give anything for one of your smiles.
The fact that I can’t say ‘je vous aime’,
well, ça me tue à l’intérieur.
j’ai été enchanté de te rencontrer,
mon amour.
je pense que tu es á ma place.
Mon amour,
Oh, how I adore you.
Je vous aime.”
A brief silence follows Nic’s poem, then a round of applause, louder than any I’d heard here before.
He looks at me, and for a split second I don’t know why. Then it clicks.
“Me?” I ask weakly. “You wrote that… for me?”
He smiles shyly. “I love you.”
The whole class cheers, and we get another round of applause.
My mouth is open, and my heart is racing, but I know I want to say it too. But for some reason, when I open my mouth, the words won’t come out. So I do the only other thing I can think of.
I stand up, grab Nic by the collar, and pull him into a kiss.
The cheering gets a whole lot louder after that.
“My love,
Oh, how I adore you.
The way you make me feel, my love,
it’s like I’d give anything for one of your smiles.
The fact that I can’t say ‘I love you’,
Well, it kills me inside.
I was enchanted to meet you,
my love.
I think you belong with me.
My love,
Oh, how I adore you.
I love you.”
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444rockstargf · 1 month
Hey, "high with Clyde" anon here (and high again, funnily enough). Smut you say? I've had a thought circulating in my mind recently. Going shopping for new clothes with Jack Thurlow and trying stuff on for him to rate while he sits all pretty on that couch they have there (y'know, that one that they have specifically for guys doing the exact same thing?) while you model for him. And for whatever reason - maybe his responses have been rather lacklustre and you want his....ahem, "enthusiasm", or maybe just cuz you're devious like that - you decide you wanna rile him up a little bit. So! At the next store, you grab like, the sluttiest outfits available unbeknownst to him, and then model them all for him, feeling all smug that he's practically drooling at you
And when he finally reaches his breaking point, the next thing you know, you got your feet behind your ears and his hand over your mouth so you don't get caught. 🤤 Idk, do with that what you might. ^^
you've done it again, anon 🙌🏽
"i get dressed to ride for you, baby." | jack thurlow
burning desire. - lana del rey
✮⋆˙ [tags] @faesucksass @lustkillers @angelsanarchy @mayathepsychic1999 @josibunn @livingdead-materialgirl@romanroyapoligist @oliviah-25@si1nful-symph0ny @auggiethecreator @vanlisbon@livingdead-reilly @imoonkiss @lankysimp @nom-nommmm1 @xxbl00d-cl0txx @k1ll3rh0rr0r @wildathevrt @mommymilkers0526 @greenxgloss @wild-rose-35 @areuirish
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female!reader x jack
word count: 1.8k
contents: public sex, unprotected p in v, missionary position, creampie
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“you’ve got 5 minutes to try everything on, you hear me?” jack called out as he sat on the small leather couch outside of your dressing room, brows furrowed as he crossed his arms and slumped into the seat knowing full well you were going to take your precious time trying on every single outfit. so much for a "fun" shopping trip.
inside the small room, you had an assortment of clothes in front of you, ranging from long flowy gowns to dark blue baggy jeans and designer sweaters. a top-tier selection of clothes but none of which were to jack’s taste. but you decided to test your luck anyway.
minutes later, you stepped out and stood right in front of him, wearing your first dress. “how’s this one, jack?” his eyes were downcast, looking at something on his phone. you tapped him on the shoulder, only earning half of his attention. “hm? it looks nice, dolly.” you pouted, moving your hand to his chin to make him look at you. “but you didn’t even look at it.” he moved your hand away, looking you up and down with an unamused gaze. “i said it looks fine. now are you finally done so we can get out of here?” 
you rolled your eyes, walking back into the dressing room and slipping off the dress. you picked up a skintight black dress that was so long it dragged on the floor. surely this one would grab his attention, you thought to yourself as you paired it with a white, button-up sweater. you put on a pair of light-brown heels that were hidden by the fabric, stepping out once again and patting his cheek. 
“what about this? is this one better?” you gave him a little spin, giving him a full 360 degrees of your body in the tight dress. he gave a little smirk in response. “yeah if you wanna look like a nun, i guess. is this the last outfit? i don’t think i can listen to the music in here any longer.” you huffed, discouraged at how nonchalant he was. “yes, im done.” you muttered, walking back into the dressing room to get back into your normal clothes.
you walked out of the dressing room empty-handed, leaving everything behind since none seemed to give you the reaction you expected from him. he took your hand, dragging you out of the store and back into the main mall. “good riddance,” he muttered under his breath. “can we go home now, angel?” your eyes scanned the assortment of stores surrounding you until they landed on one that would surely sell clothes that would blow his socks off.
you shook your head. “not yet, i just wanna go to one more store. please, just one more place?” you begged, staring up at him as he groaned. “only one more. you head on inside, i’m going to grab a coffee. i’ll meet you in the dressing room.” with that, he released your hand and let you go your own way. 
you dashed into the store, immediately pleased by the outfits in the display window. you wasted no time picking up everything you saw, picturing the look on his face when he’d see the clothes on you. you walked into the dressing room, starting to change into one of the outfits as you heard his voice.
“you in here, doll?” he said as he sipped on his hot drink, waiting for a response. “i’m here, jack. just gimme a sec, okay?” he nodded, immediately realizing that you couldn’t see his answer. he sat down on the seat in front of your dressing room, sighing as he scrolled on his phone. “this damn girl…” he whispered to himself. then he was interrupted by the noise of you walking out, standing right in front of him.
you didn’t have to tap him to get his attention this time. his eyes were caught by the shiny black thigh-high leather boots you had on. then his eyes traveled up, first landing on your dangerously short pleated skirt and low-cut tube top that showed just enough cleavage to make his breath hitch (this is the outfit). you placed your hand on your hips, looking down at him as he swallowed hard, immediately putting his phone down and gripping the seat.
“now i’ve got your attention.” you remarked smugly. “you like this one, jack?” you took the words out of his mouth, his cheeks covered in a bright pink stain as his mouth gaped open. he cleared his throat, nodding nervously as a stupid little smile tugged at his lips. “y-yeah, this one’s nice, baby. give me a little spin, will ya?” your face lit up and you twirled, making the skirt lift up just a little as your heels clicked on the ground.
jack squirmed, shifting his position so he was sitting with his legs crossed, suppressing a painfully obvious boner. you grinned triumphantly, happy that you could break his cold, hard exterior. you walked back into the room, making that sad that you were going away but excited to see that next set of clothes you’d have on.
minutes passed and jack found himself impatiently tapping his foot as his mind ran wild with thoughts of you wearing such intimate clothes just for him. his hard cock was straining against the rough denim of his jeans, making him groan quietly as he placed a hand on top of his bulge to calm the throbbing sensation.
his foot began to bounce on the ground with anticipation, and soon enough he couldn’t take it anymore. he sprung up from his seat, pushing the curtain of your dressing room to the side and popping his head in. “are you done in here?” you jumped slightly, startled. but jack’s eyes became as wide as saucers as drool began to drip down his lips. 
you stood in front of the mirror, wearing a small tennis skirt with a plaid pattern on it, paired with a white silky shirt that was more revealing than your bra. and your cute little feet in those white knee-high socks didn’t help the matter either (the outfit). “jack! i’m not done in here yet!” 
he walked into the room, approaching you with a lust-filled haze as you backed into the wall behind you. he closed the curtain of the room, pinning you to the wall and pressing his body into yours, his boner pressing into your stomach. you gasped, the heat of blood starting to pool in your core as he grabbed your face and pulled you into a very sloppy kiss.
“goddamnit, woman… you just know exactly how to drive me crazy, don’t you?” he grabbed your ass, lifting you off the ground and making you wrap your legs around his waist, your clothed, throbbing clit now in contact with his pulsating bulge. you moaned into his mouth as he kissed you again, this time using his tongue to tease yours with his gentle flicks.
your hips began to grind on his, desperate for even the smallest amount of pleasure to still your nerves. jack groaned deeply, whipping out his cock and pumping it quickly. you glanced down, seeing that his girth had nearly doubled in size because of how swollen it had gotten. he rubbed his leaky tip on your silky panties, feeling your wetness through the thin fabric.
you let out a shaky moan, grabbing onto his muscled biceps as he set you down on the wooden bench that was meant for clothing. he pushed everything else off, leaving room for only you as he pushed your legs behind your head, the wet spot on your panties much more conspicuous in this position.
jack bit his lip as he grinned from ear to ear. “that’s my little model…” he trailed a teasing finger down your cleavage until he got all the way down to your dripping wet cunt. he replaced his finger with his cock, getting off from the feeling of your wet folds hungrily attempting to swallow him.
“guess we should get these out of the way, huh?” he slipped his cock underneath the thin string that covered your pussy, breaking it away with a light tug. your breath became shaky as the cold air hit your grooling cunt. jack spat on his thumb, rubbing messy circles onto your clit as he lined himself up with your hole.
the tip slipped in effortlessly, along with the first few inches. you moaned quietly, making jack clamp his hand over your mouth. “it would be a shame if we got caught in here, wouldn’t it?” with a low groan, he pushed in the remaining inches of his rod, making your eyes well. with his jeans down to his ankles, his hips began slapping into yours.
your eyes rolled to your back on your head as the perfect curve of his dick made him reach nothing but your cervix. you felt your drool bubbling all over his hand as deep, heavy breaths escaped from his parted lips. his large cock abused and stretched out your tiny hole, much to his pleasure.
his fingernails dug into the back of your thighs as his balls slapped your asshole with every deep thrust. your hands found his wrist and forearm, gripping the skin tightly as a white-hot knot began to tie in your stomach. jack’s orderly thrusts quickly lost their composure as your muffled moans made his core boil.
strings on precum connected him to you each time he pulled out. he flipped his hair out of his face, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed back curses that threatened to break free. “s-shit… that’s it, baby… takin’ my cock so well…” 
your back arched as you ground your hips against his, desperately chasing the orgasm that was just in your reach. your gushy folds hungrily ate up his cock, making him toss his head back. “use my dick, angel…just like that.” you brought your fingers to your clit, sobbing into his hand as you felt yourself cumming all over him. he grabbed your hips, fucking you at lightning speed as his balls sagged with cum. in a matter of seconds, he was filling up your tight, swollen pussy with loads upon loads of his hot seed.
he pulled out of you, watching as his cum cascaded out of your hole like a milky waterfall. you panted breathlessly, slowly regaining your composure as jack tucked his cock back into his pants before getting you all cleaned up as well.
you put on your clothes, looking at the mess you two had just made in a public residence. but before you knew it, jack was out of the dressing room, carrying all of the clothes you tried on. you walked behind him quickly. “where are you going?” jack smiled back at you. “to the cashier. i look forward to my little model putting on a show for me every night.” he dumped the pile of clothes onto the counter, the cum-stained skirt above everything else like a cherry on top.
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author's note: thank you "high" anon for the request! istg I rlly didn't mean for it to get so long
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lovelybrooke · 10 months
Hi! idk if your request are open or not, so I'm just praying💀
Can you do a platonic atwow of how aonung and tsireya treat the reader after she wakes up from the events of family sacrifice? Like if they were concerned about her disappearance. Maybe the siblings are more protective of them since...y'know..?
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Here's something short, hopefully this is good, it was fun writing for atwow again.
"No, no, no, you twist it like this."
"My fingers aren't long enough." You groan as you attempt to weave the twine like Tsireya was showing you, emphasis on attempt. Your fingers weren't as long or as nimble as hers, the top you were making alongside her looking horribly misshapen compared to hers, which looked beautiful.
Tsireya gives you an awkward but comforting smile, using one of her hands to pat you on the head, patting away some of the sand that was covering your hair. "It's okay, don't worry." She giggles at your annoyed expression, "We can always try again."
You huff, crossing your arms in frustration, "Why are we even doing this, I can't wear your guy's clothes."
Tsireya picks up your sad excuse of a top, unraveling it quickly, signing somberly. "Jakesully...your father says that doing simple tasks can help you recover." She's referring to your coma. While it's been a few months, it's still been difficult to perform certain tasks, especially tasks that require a lot of energy.
You don't like the sad expression Tsireya is giving you, "I wouldn't call this simple." You giggle, hoping to relieve some of the tension. Tsireya's shoulders relax, and her face softens, which causes you to smile.
"You will get better." She encourages, handing the materials back to you.
You spend a few more minutes alone with Tsireya before Aonung returns from hunting. Tsireya spots him, waving him over with a bright smile.
Aonung plops himself down next to you, talking to his sister in Na'vi. It didn't take long before the conversation turned into an argument, you attempting to focus solely on weaving that you fail to feel Tsireya grabs your shoulders, only looking up when Aonung storms off.
"What's up with him?" You ask her.
Tsireya shakes her head, looking down, "he says I shouldn't be with you." She huffs, waving her hands around in frustration, "even though he's just as worried."
Your eyes widened, chuckling at her words, slightly embarrassed. "He has no reason to be worried about me." Tsireya doesn't respond, but she does take your hands hers, looking you in the eyes seriously.
"We worry about you more than you know." She says, "Even Aonung, he's just too embarrassed to say it."
It's late at night when you see Aonung again. He is sitting on the dock near your family's home. He's strangely quiet, even when you sit down next you him.
"Tsireya wanted me to apologize." He says, his voice quiet, "So... sorry, I guess." You nod, not really knowing how to respond. He doesn't say anything afterwards, simply staring at the waters below you.
"I-Tsireya thought it would be nice to teach you how to defend yourself." You ignore how he stumbles over his words, clearly embarrassed he was thinking about you. You smile, looking him in the face, which he was trying to obscure by looking at the water.
"Yeah, well I'd like that." Aonung looks shocked, but he hides it well by moving his face away from you. Though, you can almost feel his smile from where you are sitting.
"Good, Tsireya will be happy." He says while standing up. He extends a hand to help you stand, "You should get home, they are probably worried." He was referring to your family, and he was probably right.
"We can start tomorrow?" Aonung looks pleased as you nod, watching you walk home with a smile on his face.
A/n: Sorry, this took too long, hope you enjoyed.
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ryo-apologist · 1 month
Racer! Link
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Racer! Link x Reader
CW: Smut, Minors DNI, I will block your ass, author knows nothing about racing and it shows
AN: Yes, this is about that Link. The one with the elf ears, says "Hyah!". Yeah I'm a Linked Universe Nerd. Sucks to be y'all. Keep ya guessing on which fandom has my balls this week.
~Darling XOXO
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☾ So, I hesitated writing this for a number of reasons, but I decided I don't care. Hozier has a new song, April has me face down in the mattress with how hard it's fucked me and I just want to write about a Link near and and dear to my heart.
☾ Mario Kart Link.
☾ He's just a silly lil goober who's always having a good time. Especially when I play as him because what is second place? He'll never know.
☾ I know, canonically, both are Skyward Sword! Link and Breath of the Wild! Link. I do not care.
☾ Because come with me, sinner, as we explore a whole new world. A world where Mario Kart isn't a silly lil game. It's an empire.
☾ Like Fast and the Furious (I think, idk I never watched any of them). OR like sk8 the infinity at S. I do know that one.
☾ There are real things at stake here. It's intense, and it's heavy.
☾ Here, give me a break while I do some worldbuilding here. Mystery blocks are still a thing, they work by magic idk, except getting hit by one of those things is devastating. It's why the newcomers don't last long.
☾ All the main screen players (Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Inkling boy, etc.) are high level racers. They are A-listed and the ones you look out for if you see them in the lineup.
☾ Including Link himself. He drives a motorcycle he named Epona, which he built himself from scratch.
☾ I spent a lot of time (three minutes) trying to figure out a clever nickname for him, and then I saw some of the names other people gave their Linksona's and, while there's nothing wrong with them, I quickly realized I was overthinking things.
☾ It's mostly a stage name, his name is Link and outside of the raceway, he goes by it.
☾ But, for shits and giggles, and point of discerning him from the others, I don't care. Call him ratchet, greaser, racer, cypher, tank, axel, sparks. I'm giving you all the freedom! Me? Personally? I'm going to call him:
☾ Neo- a combining form meaning “new,” “recent,” “revived,” “modified,”
☾ Great I gave you some background, let's get into the fun parts.
☾ Neo, where do we begin with you.
☾ Have y'all read A Court of Mist and Fury? You know Rhysand?
☾ He's Cassian coded.
☾ LMAO You thought.
☾ He's a fun, kind-of guy but when shit gets real, he can shift from zero to a hundred like that.
☾ He'll be laughing with a newbie, patting them on the shoulder, but the second that visor comes down, he's unrecognizable. He's an A-lister for a reason.
☾ He's infamous for taking shortcuts that are insanely dangerous. He's almost always bandaged somewhere, but not his pretty boy, play bunny face.
☾ So Cassian and Lightning McQueen.
☾ He's totally the kind to shoot a wink and a flirty wave, spend the night and then be gone by morning. Or have them escorted out by his Zelda in the morning, Tony Stark style
☾ He's a slut.
☾ Can you tell I like my men slutty?
☾ And he's such a....character in bed.
☾ He's a selfish lover, but make no mistake about it. His partner gets their end. That's right. I said lover. He's fucked bowser.
☾ I'm kidding
☾ No I'm not.
☾ He doesn't care who's in his bed. Man, woman, the funky others who say FUCK YOU to the gender spectrum /pos
☾ He'll bottom, top, switch it up mid-way through. He just like me fr.
☾But he's not lazy. Selfish, yes, but lazy? No. He's the best rider both on and off Epona, yk yk.
☾ And he has such a pretty cock too. A pretty flushed pink, circumcised with such a lovely vein running up the bottom of it. And while pretty, sorry his balls aren't much to write home about.
☾ They are dangerously sensitive though. Suck on them and run your thumb along the head of his dick and he'll whimper.
☾ He whimpers so nicely. God, when he's in the middle of bouncing up and down on you (artificial or organic both are good), and his own hands are running up his chest, plucking at his own pebbled nipples and playing with the piercings as his head is thrown back in pure bliss-
☾ He's probably sponsored by Monster Energy
☾ Has a sugar daddy FOR SURE. God wish I was HIM.
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jongbross · 4 months
hi! can i please request a kyungsoo x f!reader fix where it’s an unestablished relationship and they work at a convenience store together while in college. kyungsoo is very shy/introverted but your asshole ex shows up and you see a whole new side of kyungsoo when he randomly protects you. thank you!
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pairing: do kyungsoo x reader word count: 1194 genre: fluffy i guess? idk warnings: kyungsoo being a threat, but also kyungsoo being awkward and cute, swearing, physical fight (?) a/n: can i date him? please let me date him
"the store is closed", you heard kyungsoo say and instantly frowned. what did he mean ‘the store was closed’? you still had about 30 minutes before the end of the shift, and he knew that very well.
do kyungsoo was a shy, quiet, sometimes even intimidating guy, but he wasn't one to play around while working - that's why you left him at the store while you organized the stock at the back, risking another item from your to-do list for the next day.
but it was only when the customer said something you couldn't quite understand, and kyungsoo mumbled back at them, that you thought that maybe you should see what was happening. customers were customers, no matter what and no matter what time they decided to stop by the store.
but, wait... were they really?
the moment you stepped into the front of the store, you immediately felt like turning around and walking away.
of course your ex should be the one causing trouble. of course you had to see him after weeks of him ghosting you.
"y/n, hi!", he said with a smile as fake as his feelings for you. "i almost thought it was your day off."
you walked behind the counter, beside kyungsoo. with a soft hand on his arm, you tried to smile at him, mumbling a 'i got this'. he only took a few steps back to give you some room though.
"um, yeah... i was at the back, doing some things", you explained, even though you knew you didn't owe him shit. "why are you here?"
your ex started to hum to a tune, grabbing a few snacks and a beverage before walking up to the counter. he smiled at you again, dropping his items and leaning in.
"i needed to grab a few things", he said. "plus, i missed you. i was thinking about inviting you over this weekend."
"if you missed me, why didn't you reply to my texts?"
just for the sake of it, you should see the frown kyungsoo did behind you when he heard your words.
"my phone broke down, i didn't know you had texted me!", he gasped. "shit, i'm so sorry, darling."
"i'm not your darling."
you started to beep his items as you spoke, trying not to look at him anymore.
"anyways", he chuckled. "i've been thinking about you, and i feel like we should talk. my roommate won't be in town this weekend, so why don't you come over? i can make us some pasta..."
"sorry, that is a no to me", you said, quickly pointing at the monitor beside you. "cash?"
your ex followed your gaze to the monitor, starting to pat his pockets.
"fuck, i think i forgot my wallet at home", he faked a groan. "can't you put it under your name? i'll pay you this week."
"hell no, last time you didn't pay me shit and the amount was taken from my salary", you frowned. "if you can't pay for it, then we can't sell it."
your ex tilted his head at you, annoyed. "why you gotta be like that?"
"like what?"
"all i did was love you, and now just because we broke up, you're suddenly all mean to me?"
you gasped. "you really don't wanna do this now."
"i'm trying to be nice, to get us back together, but you won't even give me the chance", he complained. "you cunt."
as you were ready to fight back, you felt a warm hand on your arm, pulling you aside and taking the place in front of your ex.
"say that again", kyungsoo threatened in a low voice. "i dare you."
"say what?", your ex smirked. "cunt?"
everything kind of happened way too fast. you gasped at the same time your ex screamed, as kyungsoo grabbed his ear and pulled with a strange amount of force.
kyungsoo walked around the counter, not letting your ex go for a second, despite his complaints and curse words.
"kyungsoo! oh my god, let him go!", you exclaimed, but it was a mystery if he was listening or not.
"apologize", he demanded. when your ex didn't reply, kyungsoo just tugged at his ear tighter. "i said apologize."
"i-i'm sorry, i'm sorry!"
with that, kyungsoo quite literally dragged your ex across the whole store, ignoring the way you were following him, not a single emotion shown on his face. he only stopped once he was outside the store, where he pushed your ex until he was on the ground, hands rubbing his left ear.
"i told you the store was closed, you should have listened to me", kyungsoo sarcastically said.
"you son of a bitch!", your ex exclaimed as he got up. as shocked and nervous as you were, you couldn't help but smile at that sight. "are you crazy?"
"you're lucky i didn't feel like punching you", kyungsoo shrugged. "now fuck off, and you better not come back here ever again."
your ex shot kyungsoo a middle finger, before starting to walk away as another string of curses came out of his mouth.
it was only when he had turned a corner, that you finally had the heart to react.
"kyungsoo! oh my god... are you insane?", you almost screamed, but still there was a tiny smile on your lips. "there are cameras here! you could lose your job!"
once again, he just shrugged. "i'm sure mr. kim would understand."
"yeah, but if he doesn't?", you complained. kyungsoo turned around and walked into the store again, as if he was trying to ignore you. "i mean it, okay?! you can't... you can't just beat someone like that."
"i didn't beat him", he frowned, looking at you over his shoulder as he grabbed the items your ex had left behind, going around to place them where they belonged. "i just put him in his rightful place. it's not my fault that he's a pussy and can't fight back."
you mentally thanked god that kyungsoo wasn't looking at you at that moment - you didn't want him to see how hard you had to hold back your laugh.
- x -
on the next day, it felt like kyungsoo was your closest friend. he spent the whole day talking to you, asking you things and helping you out at your chores - not that he didn't already do that as your workmate, but you didn't miss the way his fingers slowly brushed yours throughout the day.
"hey... do you like pasta?", kyungsoo asked during your lunch break, eyes looking down at you.
"um, yes...", you hesitated, suddenly remembering your ex's offer from the day before. "why?"
kyungsoo took a seat next to you. he rested the pot he had on his hands onto his lap, opening it and showing you its content. your stomach flipped, in a good way, when you saw the most beautiful homemade pasta ever.
"i promise it's better than... well, you know...", he said with a smile that quickly turned into a chuckle when you nodded at him.
let's just say both the pasta and the one who did it were truly much, much better than your ex.
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crowleysgirl67 · 6 months
Author: @crowleysgirl67
Word Count: 2256
Parings/Characters: Bucky x Reader (Eventual), Avengers team, Nat x Steve, 
Warnings: AU ish i guess, show warnings, idk 
A/N: Thanks for reading!  
Steve had brought Bucky to the tower. It was awkward as you all stood there as he introduced him and Bucky kept avoiding looking anyone in the eye. You were tired of the awkwardness so you stepped forward.
“I’m (Y/N). It’s a pleasure to meet you Sargent Barnes. I hope we can all make you feel welcome and comfortable here.” you extended your hand to him as you emphasized the all as you gave Tony a look. He wasn’t sure about him and was still pissed about the Winter Soldier killing his parents. 
He grumbled under his breath but stayed silent. 
“(Y/N) your glov…” Nat started but it was too late as Bucky took your hand in a firm shake as he introduced himself. You sucked in a deep breath as his memories filled your head and you dropped to your knees. You’d seen some horrible shit in people's memories before but none had made you drop to your knees in agony the way Bucky's memories were.
“What’s happening? What’d I do?” Bucky asked, concerned he’d done something wrong.
“She has powers, she can know everything about a person just by skin to skin contact. There’s more but no one knows the extent of them.” Steve replied grimly. He’d known whatever happened to his best friend had been bad but he was unaware of just how bad it was. He’d seen you work before, brought in when the bad guys weren’t giving up information, or they were withholding more than what little they were giving up. Some made you grimace but nothing had you on the floor like you were now.
Bucky looked taken aback and horrified. Steve pulled him back away from you as Nat barked orders for everyone to give you breathing room. It was several minutes before you were able to regain composure. 
“(Y/N) are you alright?” Nat asked, kneeling besides you.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m ok.” you rasp as you make your way to standing up. 
Nat took hold of your elbow and helped you up. You shot her a grateful smile as you felt drained and not as steady on your feet. 
“What the hell was that?” Tony demands “That’s never happened before.”
“I don’t have enough energy to deal with this right now. We can discuss it later.” you brushed his question off.
Tony looked like he wanted to argue but he knew better. “Fine. But you’re going to the med bay to get checked out.” The two of you stared at each other.  
“Ugh, fine but only because I’m too tired for this shit.” you relented.
Steve showed Bucky around the compound and the room he’d be staying in.
“I’ll let you get settled. My room is down the next hall if you need me.” Steve pats him on the back. 
“Thanks,” he replied, stepping into the room. It was a room, a bed with a bathroom attached and some closet space. A tv hung on the wall across from the bed. He left the door open as he pushed further into the room. He flicked the bathroom light on and looked around. It was a nice bathroom with a shower and a separate freestanding tub. He turned the light out and went back into the main part of the room, footsteps from the hall catching his attention. 
Thinking it was Steve again he stepped out of the room and just about into you. 
“Sorry.” he said, taking a step back.
“Not your fault.” you replied. “I should watch where I’m going. I’m not used to people in this hall.”
He looked you over before replying. You seemed better than you had been earlier. “What do you mean?”
“My rooms the next one over. Nobody else is in this hall. Well I guess now you are.” 
He gives you a puzzled look, “Why hasn’t anyone else been here?”
“Mostly cuz Tony is worried my powers could do something. While I mostly have control they can still be unpredictable even to me. He doesn’t say anything to me but I can feel his hesitation and see his thoughts.” you head toward your room as Bucky follows.
“What is it that you can do exactly? If you don’t mind me asking. Steve said you get people's memories by skin contact.” He was curious, naturally. All the shit he’d been through, things he’d never wish on another person had been thrown onto you.
You beckoned him in as he hesitated in your doorway. He was still hesitant but stepped further into the room as you sat on the bench at the foot of your bed to take off your shoes. 
“Have a seat.” you gestured to the chair in the corner. “What do you want to know?”
He took a seat, “The memories, do you get all of them?”
“Yes, any memories a person has I get with a touch. Their thoughts, feelings, things like that. In rare cases if the emotions are intense enough I will in essence experience what they went through.”
“Did you… Were mine one of those times?” he licked his lips. 
“Yes.” you weren’t going to lie to him. “But don’t feel bad. You didn’t know what was going to happen. I should have been more careful about having my gloves on with someone new around.”
“I’m sorry.” He felt guilty in a way, like sure it wasn’t his fault but it was still the fucked up shit in his head.
“It isn’t your fault James.” you say softly. 
He swallowed and ignored the rush of feeling that came with the sound of his name from your lips, “Is it contact via your hands only or does any skin contact trigger you?”
“Any. It's why I don't wear clothing that reveals skin. Long sleeves only if I'm out in public.” 
“What makes here so different?” he asked, noting you in a tank top and leggings. 
“Prolonged contact with everyone. Once I've touched a person I already have everything about them. If I touch them again even accidentally the only new information I receive is their memories, thoughts, feelings etc.. from between the last time I touched them and the new touch. Enough exposure and I don’t need touch to be in tune with them. I sense their feelings and can, if I focus, see their thoughts without touching them.”
“So downstairs earlier, staring with Stark. You were assessing him?” Bucky took an educated guess based on what you’ve told him so far.
You let out a surprised laugh, “Yeah, yeah I guess I was.”
Over the next few months you formed a close relationship with Bucky. He trusted you because you knew the truth about what happened to him, albeit in an unexpected manner. You hadn’t had skin contact again since the first time, so his rising crush on you had seemed to escape your freaky sense gaze. 
“Barnes.” Tony greeted as he walked into the common area. “Have you seen (Y/N)?”
“Stark.” he returned the greeting. “No I haven’t she said something about helping Nat with some project, I don’t know.”
“If you see her let her know I need to see her.” he walked away and Bucky shook his head. You had an odd relationship with Stark and he was never sure what to make of it. You didn’t seem to be in a romantic relationship, and if you were it wasn’t obvious. If he was honest he really didn’t want to think about the possibility of you being in a romantic relationship if it wasn’t with him. He knew the rabbit hole he would go in with thoughts like that so he got up to go in search of you. He tried the usual haunts, your bedroom, the gym. The lab was an obvious no since Stark was looking for you and that’s where he usually was. 
Taking a chance that maybe Steve would know where you were he went down the hall where his bedroom along with Nats was. Giggling from Natashas room had him skipping Steves and making his way down to hers. 
“That’s actually pretty cool. When did these pop up?” It was Nat speaking, the cracked door was enough for him to hear the conversation clearly.
“They’ve been here awhile. I just hadn’t had any real reason to try to strengthen them.” this time it was you who spoke.
“That reason wouldn’t happen to be a tall hunk of a man would it?” Nat teased. Bucky heard a thump and a muffled “Hey” from Natasha. 
“Shut up Nat.” 
“Fine, but only if you show me more of that. Can you do it for others?”
“I don’t know. I can try. Where’s Steve? I’m sure he’ll let me use him as a guinea pig.”
“Whoa no wait come back!” Nat exclaimed.  
The door to the room flung open as your giggling figure ran out and straight into Bucky. 
“Oof,” you grunted and wrapped your hands around strong biceps as you caught yourself. 
“Shit (Y/N)! Are you alright?” He put his hands on your hips to steady you. 
“I’m fine. What are you doing out here?” 
“Looking for you. Stark wants to see you.” 
“He can wait. Where’s Steve? I wanna show him something cool with Nat.” you grin up at him, excitedly. 
“Don’t you dare (Y/N)! I’ll tell him about your crush!” Nat appears in the doorway.
“What crush?” Bucky questions looking down at you. 
“Her crush on you.” Nat smirks as you blush, aware of the fact Bucky had yet to release your hips, and you your grip on him. 
“Thanks a lot Nat! I’m totally showing Steve now.”  
“You have a crush on me?” he was shocked but also excited at the prospect you liked him back.
“Yes.” you bit your lip, a habit he noticed you did when nervous.
“Well then I really think you should use your power on me again Supergirl.” he wet his lips. He was ever so aware that you were about to get every little detail about what he thought of you. 
You lowered your hand down to his exposed forearm, gently coming to rest your bare hand against his skin. Your eyes widen as you blush more. 
Nat chuckling breaks your spell and the red in your cheeks darkens as you remember you have an audience. 
“To be continued.” you whisper up at him. 
“Agreed.” a playful smile graced his face. “Now what was it you needed Steve for?”
“Nat and Steve sittin’ in a tree.” you start taunting, giggling. Nat lunged at you and you evaded her by hiding behind Bucky.
“What’s going on?” Steves voice rang through the hall. 
An evil grin spread across your face as you dart in his direction. 
“Run supergirl I got you covered.” Bucky laughs as he grabs hold of Nat.
“Don’t you dare (Y/N)!” She screeches. 
Steve has a perplexed look as he takes in the sight of whatever this was as he approaches.
“I can do a cool new thing. Care to be my test subject?” you bounce on the balls of your feet, excitedly. “It won't hurt, promise. Nat and I tried it earlier.”
“No! We just tried you, showing me your feelings! You haven’t tried transference of someone else's feelings!”  
“No better time to try!” you grabbed Steve's hand and pulled him over to Nat and took her hand. Your eyes flashed gold as you focused on Steve first. He liked Nat but let his feelings of not belonging in this time and his intense crush on Peggy get in his way. You took his liking of Nat and brought it forward, focusing you held your breath as you moved it to Nat. Her soft inhale let you know it worked, you let her feel them a few moments before pulling back. You repeated the process of showing Steve her emotions, before releasing their hands and stepping back.      
Bucky had released his hold on her and moved to your side, draping his arm around your waist. Nat and Steve stared at each other processing what just happened.
“Let’s give them some space.” he said, pulling you back down the hall. You made your way down to your own hall. “So what was that?” 
“I was able to show their feelings for each other to them. So Steve felt that Nat liked him and vice versa.” 
“Nat mentioned something about you showing her your feelings?” 
You nod, “Do you maybe wanna try that?” you ask shyly. 
“Only if you want to, doll.” he squeezed your hand gently.
“Come on.” you pulled him into your room and got comfortable on the bed. You pat the bed beside you and he sat down. Taking his hands in yours you begin the process of showing him your feelings for him. You were so focused that him pulling you in for a kiss surprised you. The connection was lost as you squeaked in surprise. 
His lips were warm and slightly chapped as they pressed against yours. Your arms snaked their way around his neck as he deepened the kiss. The kiss lasted for what felt like hours, before he pulled back and rested his forehead against yours. 
“Wow.” you smiled and he chuckled. 
“I’d like to take you out on a proper date.”
“I’d like that, and you may. But first I want you to do all those dirty thoughts to me.” you giggle as he groans low in his throat.
“As you wish, my supergirl.” he kisses you again.
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debbeh · 5 months
can u give me a guide to the six idiots :33 like maybe with a picture of them n their names n who they play in the Big Three shows :33 pwetty peesse :33
ok, you saw me earlier trying to format all the images so it's gonna be mostly my (ehhhh) descriptions of the characters and you gotta guess what they look like 😈
Ben Willbond
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Elder Vex (above): the one who says Deb-beh and has the coziest looking outfit I NEED IT RN PLZ and the Tom Cardy- esque hair and earring
Nick: the stick. Grumpy all the time cuz he's a stick >:(. Is also a portal between dimensions but whatevs
Horrible Histories
Mike Peabody :historical news reporter that wishes he were anywhere but here rn
King Henry, Alexander the Great: SkINy MaNdRiA, excellent hair, sniffed a guy
The captain: AKA James, makes a lotta noises, if you ever hear me going weeeahhhhhuuuueeeaaaaaahhhh, I'm referencing him, the gay one<3
Martha Howe-Douglas!
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Debbie's evil twin sister (bossy boobs)
I just googled it: Rita, the Negatus simp AKA us, the demon that looks like how female animals are protrayed in Barbie movies
Horrible Histories!!!
Boudica (look up the song, it's rlly good), Cleopatra, every female historical figure
Pirate lady....<33333
Lady Button (present day): Old disgruntled lady that pouts all the time and falls out of windows
Lady Button (flashback)
Mathew Baynton!!!
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Oracle: weird blue blob guy, Nigel, Darling
Nanny la roo: NUM NUMS!!!! - nanny that is also a kangaroo
Admiral Anous: Voldemort mf I hate him bc he hates Negatus>:(
Elder Choop: Croissant hair mf, says, "IDK WHY DON'T WE ASK UR MUM??"
Le Fox: French
THE BIRRDDDDD: AKA Thomas Payne, Batman but cooler
Oh yeah, and Elf: the elf shaped one, full name: Grintallin Gobscrew Crotell Fashanu F’naw Goplatz Holla-Holla, has multiple wives apparently and is in debt to the mob
Horible Histories (look all of them up, they are all hot)
Dick Turpin: play the song >:333, shot not one but two men dead!
D.I. Bones: the whakkus bonkkused
King Charles II: absolute party-er
Thomas Thorne, shot, dead! Absolute poetic simp for Allison, drowned himself in the lake ;( -cannot drown-
Jim Howik!!!
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Elder Pressley: looks like Elvis, eats christmas tree ornaments
Crone: A sLaPper *wink wink*, has apparently gotten with everyone, goes eeeerrrrrrrrrrr all the time- sounds like a doorhinge, she is amazing
Neil: lhe most normal of the demons probably
Horrible Histories
A SHOUTY MAN!!! :does all the infomercials, will try to sell you piss
King George VI (above) : "oh yesss, dad's dead, I'm king..."
King Richard III: a sweet little guy<3 -according to the song, get's attacked by whasp
Pat Butcher: Greatest DJ in the AAARRREEEEEUHHHHH, killed by a child, AKA Pete in the American version
Larry Rickard
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Detective Mounteback: very dumb detective with very large hat
Elder Ho Tan: trans Icon, doesn't like loud noises, absolute baby<3
Sue: above, the lady with the gun from the episode I showed you
Horrible Histories
Bob Hale: weather report, needs a hellicopter and a nice cup of tea, basically Bill Wurtz
Lol knight with shit on head, Aztec guy, George III friend who slays so hard; "ConGRatu-VerY-LaTiOns your... *MAgEsTy*"
Humphrey: keeps getting left on roofs and shelves, does NOT know French smh
Robin: 5,000 yo ghosts, once saw a cool butterfly, KNOWS FRENCH! Got stuck by lightning and now he can turn on lights
and finally... the moment you've been waiting for...
Simon Farnaby!!!
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Negatus<333: Silly guy try to take over Yonderland but is just a lil guy, has an evil lair, uses The Font of Orris (cauldron thing that lets you see everything) as a hot tub, get's bullied by all the other overlords, wears pjs with houses on them.
Elder Flowers!!!: Long hair and lack of shirt, vegetarian hippie of the group, wants his clothes to be veGONE, "all you need is love, brothers... oh, and food"
Horrible Histories
Emperor Caligula: the wakkus bonkkus guy
Marcus Licinius Crassus: Knockoff Bassline Junkie song
Jullian!!!: Died conducting an affair with his secretary!!!, is eternally sorta drunk, does the hand thing, only ghost that can interact with stuff, makes silly EEERREREEEEE noise when he's trying to move something, his name is Trevor in the American version, sad when there's no porn on da TV ;(, has no pants BTW
Thanks for coming to my TEDTALK!!!
Lemme know if I missed anything!
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My opinions on Ikemen Villain Characters
Look! I just found out today that there are voiceovers of the characters. Yes! I forgot to hear them when I was translating the whole character profile. I was listening to their voices and I'm slowly warming up to some of the characters I didn't care about at first....and I found my new favorites!!!
William Rex
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He looks BEAUTIFULLLLL!!!! I'm happy that they broke the trend of Black-haired male leads. As the page-boy of this game, he looks perfect. His design is not too over the top but also not blunt. I LOVE THE COLOURS USED ON HIM!!!! I'm in love with that beautiful cape!!! Design-wise, out of the page boys of every ikemen game, William is my favorite.
Personality-wise I feel like he's gonna be the friendly type, which is not usually my favorite...but I hope they make him domineering and a little bit sadistic, who loves teasing people. I hope they do it! Then I might fall in love with this guy even more. I can't wait for the trailers to come out!!! For now he's my 2nd Fav.
And in my other account, I said that there will be 3 factions----one led by the black-haired male lead, one by the black-haired male lead's rival, and the last one by the villain. This guy looks like he is the leader of the 1st faction----containing Harry and Liam (Alice in wonderland gang) because he's the Queen of hearts.
Elbert Greetia
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Ahh...Blonde hair blue eye male leads are the best! Repeat after me: "BLONDE HAIR BLUE EYES MALE LEADS ARE THE BEST AND I WILL WORSHIP THEM"
He looks..haaa....so pretty that'll die when he smiles at me. Again, the design, the cape...I wanna see him as the rival male lead to William because he's also a Queen (Snow white gang) and he also has a fancy cape....and he looks beautiful so much that he can have my heart as well. I'll eat any poison apples he gives me and I'll die happily~
Personality-wise I feel like he's the quiet type but also he sounds very kind and maybe a little bit of a yandere. But I'm looking forward to this guy because he's the second male lead according to me. Now he's sharing the spot with William as my 2nd Fav.
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I'm in love with this guy ever since I saw his silhouette and recently, I've started liking male leads with long hair. I know everyone expected him to have white hair, if you deny then you're lying! I too expected him to have white hair but I'm happy with this design as well...because he looks as equally as BEAUTIFULLL as the two people mentioned above. Again, the BEAUTIFULL CAPE!!!
Victor, I have an offer for you. How about leaving this game and joining Ikemen Genjiden as IDK a new demon or something? Or become the King of the Underworld....because that's the vibe you're giving me right now!!! I swear, if you become the king of the underworld, I'll present myself to the eight-headed serpent and would ask him to swallow me so that we can meet in the underworld and get married....and....make me your Queen...I guess. (Yeahh, that's a bit too much)
Personality....I can smell my Yoritomo. I feel like this guy is gonna be Yoritomo with long hair. (If you don't know who Yoritomo is.....well, he's my husband) because look---they both have black hair, they both have blue eyes and they both have that (⌒‿⌒) fake smile....or maybe he is actually Yoritomo....
Harrison Gray
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I like Harry's design, although he doesn't look like a prince, he looks like a more playful sarcastic free thinking kinda guy. He could be the big brother character of this game...and I'm very picky about the big brother characters. I want them to sound cool, desirable, and caring towards MC like patting her head and giving her his charming smile, teasing her from time to time, and spoiling her when she works hard...Yeah! That's the big brother male lead character I want! I just don't want Cybird to ruin this character by making him overly perverted and doesn't make his every dialogue sound like it's a script from a porn movie. That's all! He looks nice, so I want him to sound cool!!
Liam Evans
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Design-wise, he's fine....I'm more concerned about his personality. Yeah, sure he's gonna be the character that flirts with MC constantly. I don't mind those types of characters but I'm picky about them as well. Again, I don't want them to be overly perverted. Make him a little bit like a gentleman but also flirts with MC from time to time. I'd be happy if MC playfully flirts with him too instead of blushing like a typical MC. But for now, he's my least fav from this game.
Roger Barel
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Hmmm....I wasn't interested in him at first, but he's slowly growing on me..for some reason. I feel like once I start playing the game, I might start liking him even more. But for now, my heart belongs to Victor, William, and Elbert. For now...all I can say is...Wait for me, my love...
Nice design...doesn't give doctor vibes at all and he is egoistic? Can't wait to see how that transpires. For now, he's my 3rd Fav even though I'm not super into megane characters. Just please don't hold a whip, sir. I don't wanna see another megane character with a whip in their hands.
He's a doctor character as well, so if in the story MC is sent to war something, I need a valid reason as to why she's there. I don't wanna hear excuses like "Oh, she's here to treat the injured soldiers." or "Oh, she's the lucky charm"
Alfonse Sylvatica
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Two words: TOTAL PSYCHOPATH. He looks to be SPY character of this game. That's all I feel for him. He's now along with Liam as my least fav character from his game. Though it might change once I start actually playing the game.
Jude Jazza
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Again, another man with a beautiful cape!! I know it's a coat, but he wears it like a cape and he's a format Yakuza member? Seriously? Cybird, when are we going to get Ikemen Mafia? Make that you're next game!!! If you're running out of ideas, just ask me or the whole fandom!!
Design-wise, he's perfect, he gives me rich bossy vibes! He could be tsundere. Yeah! SO far, I haven't seen the tsundere character of this game, so maybe Jude is.......Hmmm...
Personality-wise, he is said to be arrogant and ruthless and loves to enjoy people's misery....sounds like Ibuki 2.0. I might like him. I'm starting to love villain characters recently. 'Villain characters' as in 'Villains' from each game for example, Kicho from Ikemen sengoku, Silvio from Ikemen prince, and my fav, Yasuchika, Ibuki, and Akihito a.k.a YasuBuAki!
Ellis Twilight
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This guy, I feel like he has some kind of obsession with Elbert. I can't understand Japanese, so I can't tell what the characters are actually saying about each, so it's just my guess. I wouldn't mind a good platonic relationship between the male characters. Some great friendship moments, brotherhood, a little bit of rivalry, tension, and awkwardness in showing that the male leads care for each other...things like that are what I crave! Simply a romantic story with MC is just boring, so I want scenes where the male leads have fun moments together, like teasing each other or playing video games...anything is fine! Don't shy away from doing it again, Cybird, the fandom really loves it when you show male leads with great chemistry in a funny situation. Ellis for now is my second least character.
The list is like this:
Victor (obviously)
William and Elbert
Liam and Alphonse
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jimothystu · 1 year
New Year, New Beginnings (1634)
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Fic length: idk the word count but it's long lol Notes: this is for my lovely husband @donttelltheelff!!! enjoy hehe <3 oh, also i'm still waking up and this is unedited so pls excuse any errors, inconsistencies, or mediocre writing lol
Tag list: @zackcollins @elvisparklewriting @lam-ila @jamiedryssdale
Mitch leaned his shoulder against the wall as he brought his beer bottle to his pouty lips. Across JT's crowded living room stood Auston, chatting and laughing with some friend he brought to the party. Some tall, buff, attractive friend who had no right having such a strong jawline.
When their captain said they could bring friends to the Leafs' New Years party at his place, Mitch didn't think Auston would bring someone so... so handsome. It wasn't fair, Mitch thought as he took another drink of his beet that was starting to taste rather bitter on his tongue.
Mitch had brought his brother with him, who was in Toronto visiting him for the holidays. His brother was mingling somewhere, leaving Mitch standing alone, watching Auston talk with that insanely handsome guy.
"Someone piss in your beer or something?"
Mitch craned his neck to give Bunts a look. "No," he replied, a little sharper than he'd intended.
Bunts held up his free hand. "Sorry. You okay?"
"Fine," Mitch replied, though that was so obviously a lie. He could feel the tension in his jaw, the furrow of his brow, the slight hunch of his shoulders. He knew he looked upset, but he couldn't for the life of him make himself relax.
"Want to talk about it?" Bunts asked, voice growing quieter. Which, for anyone else, would just be a normal speaking volume.
"Nothing really to talk about." Mitch tipped his head back and finished off his beer. "But thanks."
Bunts patted him on the shoulder. "Well, if you change your mind, come find me."
Nodding, Mitch watched Bunts go off to mingle with someone else.
Mitch sighed and made his way to the kitchen to dispose of his empty beer can. He then got an unopened can from the fridge.
"Hand me one?" a smooth, almost melodic voice came from behind.
Turning quickly, Mitch nearly gasped. Auston's handsome friend stood a couple feet away, giving Mitch a smile.
"Uh, yeah, yeah sure," Mitch stammered. He turned and opened the fridge, feeling the cold air fan his warming cheeks. He grabbed a bottle and gave it to the guy.
"Thanks." The man uncapped it and smiled. "I'm Elliot, by the way. Auston's friend."
"Mitch." He stuck out his hand, then mentally cringed upon realizing how cold it must be from holding his beer.
"I know," Elliot said and his wide smile showed off a row of nearly perfect teeth. "Aus told me."
Mitch stalled responding by bringing the bottle to his lips. "So, uh, how... how do you two know each other?"
"I went to school with his sister," Elliot replied.
"Oh, cool," Mitch said, trying not to get his hopes up that this guy might just be a friend. "You live in Toronto?"
"Nah. I was flying back homme to visit my family, but my connecting flight got cancelled." Elliot shrugged. "So, I texted Aus and he offered me his couch for a couple days."
"Oh." Mitch frowned. "I'm sorry. Travelling this time of year is always iffy."
Elliot shrugged. "Nah, it's fine. Gave me a chance to catch up with Aus. And get to know some of you guys."
Nodding slightly, Mitch brought the bottle to his lips. His eyes trailed out to the living room, searching for the one man he wanted to talk to. The one man he'd wished had been talking to him all night, but hadn't seemed to have the time. Every time Mitch had looked for Auston, he'd been chatting with someone else.
"He sure is nice to look at, isn't he?"
Mitch practically choked on his beer. He felt a blush heat his cheeks and he shot Elliot a look. "W-what?"
"Auston," he replied casually. Like it was no big deal. Like it was just normal small talk for two strangers to have.
"I... I, uh..." Mitch didn't know what to say to that. Of course he thought Auston was nice to look at, but he wasn't going to admit that to this guy.
"I've seen you staring most of the night," Elliot said, shrugging. "And I doubt it's been at me."
Mitch swallowed thickly. "Um. I uh. No, I've been... just... people watching."
Elliot smirked. "Right, sorry, I'll let you get back to your drink. Nice meeting you."
Mitch was barely able to stammer out a "you too" before Elliot was walking away to chat with Mo and Tessa.
Mitch groaned and looked over to Willy who, based on his expression, had heard a good chunk of that.
"Don't," Mitch pleaded.
"Dude," Willy said, voice quiet, "I already know you like Tone. You're so not discrete in your ogling, y'know."
Mitch's cheeks burned. "I... don't know what you're talking about."
"Sure." Willy moved closer. "Crazy idea, but have you, like, talked to him?"
Mitch shook his head. "No. I don't even think he knows I... you know."
Willy raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you should try talking to him."
"After he brought that freaking model with him?" Mitch shook his head again, so quick it made him dizzy for a moment. "No way. There's no way he's interested in me. Not when that literal hunk is interested."
Willy sighed. "God, it's like pulling teeth. Just go talk to him."
Mitch frowned. His eyes moved across the room again and he spotted Auston. He was always able to find Auston in a room, no matter how big the crowd was. Mitch stared for a few minutes. Auston was chatting with Elliot again, and Mitch's heart began to sink. Then, Auston looked up and met his gaze. Mitch must have looked pretty upset, for Auston's brows instantly furrowed and he said something to Elliot before weaving his way through the living room.
"You got this," Willy whispered before ducking back to the crowd.
"Hey," Auston said, "what's the matter?"
"Who says anything's the matter?" Mitch replied.
"Your face." Auston pursed his lips together and folded his arms over his chest. He did a once over, as if checking for wounds or anything. "Too much to drink?"
Mitch shrugged, trying and failing to calm his pounding heart. "Sure."
"Did Elliot say something?" Auston asked. "I saw him over here. He means well, but sometimes he's a bit... blunt."
"Yeah," Mitch muttered. "It's okay, though. He seems nice. And... attractive." He forced out the word. He needed to see how Auston reacted. To both Mitch's admission of finding a guy attractive and to the idea that Elliot was attractive.
Auston's eyebrows raised and his eyes widened slightly. "I guess so. Not really my type."
There it was. Auston wasn't attracted to Elliot. So why did Mitch suddenly feel so bad?
Not really my type. As in, male?
"But if you think so that's... that's cool," Auston continued, though his tone was off. Like he didn't really mean it.
Mitch's heart lodged in his throat. Auston wasn't homophobic, right? He wasn't judging Mitch for maybe thinking a guy was hot?
"I... um." Mitch swallowed. "I mean, he's... he's like. Model hot. But not... not um. I'm not interested in him."
Auston nodded silently, looking lost in thought.
Mitch felt a bead of sweat prickle between his shoulder blades. "I shouldn't have said anything," he said quickly. "Forget I said anything."
Auston tried to meet Mitch's eyes, but Mitch was staring off at the cabinets.
"No, it's fine," Auston said, and Mitch swore he moved closer to him. "I don't really care. I mean, I uh, I do. But not... not like, you know."
Mitch's eyebrows knitted together. Not like I'm jealous or anything, Mitch could practically hear the end of Auston's sentence in his head. "Right," he forced out.
Silence stretched between them for a moment, then Auston spoke again. "So you uh. Aren't interested in Elliot?"
Mitch shook his head.
Auston scratched the back of his neck. "Cool. Cool. Uh. So when the clock strikes midnight...?"
"I'll be standing in here alone," Mitch said lightly. He even forced out a short laugh. But it was very, very forced.
"No you won't," Auston said. "I'll be here."
"What? Why?"
Auston smirked. "Because I want to. And I... Uh. Was kind of hoping we could... Kind of ring in the new year together."
Mitch stared at him. "Well, if you're going to stand here with me, then yeah, we will."
Auston's smirk grew. "No, like... together."
Mitch blinked. Realization hit him so hard he could barely breathe. "Oh. Oh. T-together. Like. Together-together?"
"Yeah," Auston said. He took half a step closer. He was close enough Mitch could smell his cologne. "If you want to, of course. Maybe I'm just crazy but I swear there's something more than just friendship between us."
"You're not crazy," Mitch said, voice coming out much quieter than he'd intended. He placed his beer bottle on the counter and rubbed his cold hands together.
"No?" Auston asked, almost hesitently.
"Not at all." And with that, Mitch grabbed Auston's shoulders and pulled him closer. He pressed his lips to Auston's before he could overthink the situation.
Auston reciprocated the kiss instantly. His hands went to Mitch's hips, grabbing at them and pulling him close enough that their chests bumped.
"Oh shit," Bunts yelled, "is it midnight already?!"
Mitch heard murmurs ripple through the living room.
"No," Willy said and he laughed. "We still have ten minutes to go."
JT spoke next. "Then why are they-- oh."
Mitch felt Auston smirk against his lips. Mitch's heart fluttered, in part from embarrassment and part from pure joy. He was kissing Auston. And Auston was kissing him back. He and Auston were kissing.
But also the entire team and their respective guests were watching them.
Mitch moved back, face burning hot.
"Fucking finally," Bunts exclaimed.
Auston licked his lips and met Mitch's gaze.
Mitch knew the two of them would get tons of chirps and questions from the guys. He and Auston also still needed to actually talk, but preferably when they didn't have dozens of sets of eyes on them.
"Happy New Year," Mitch murmured.
"Happy New Year," Auston replied, smiling wider than Mitch had ever seen.
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How do the mercs react to their (s/o) patting their head. Head pats are nice. This time in the writing I am going to write in bullet points for you guys to read easier. I realized how messy it is and rambling it is for my other posts sorry.
Um hell yes! When you patted his head he blushed like mad. Did you just pat my head? No...I don't necessarily dislike it either. He loved head pats okay? They feel nice, the team teases about it but he just instead brags about it :/
He will never ask for head pats (due to pride)... But he will lower his head around you. That is usually a signal for a head pat! One head pat coming up :))
I mean...he is wearing a helmet so.....head pat but not really at the same time. Helmet pat?? Idk. But when you did helmet pat his helmet. He was just there like Ummm? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
After explaining he just kinda chill for them like sure. Why not. If you enjoy giving them why the hell not. He would prefer giving hug tho.
Um yes! I guess. They wear a mask so....Idk. They do enjoy them tho! When you first did it they were a bit confused but still liked it :))
Instead Pyro enjoying giving the head pats to you!! They would do it for hours...pat pat pat pat pat pat... umm Pryo you ok? *nods* *continues head pats*
Awww hell YES! He likes giving them so much! If you give it to him he still enjoys it too but prefers giving it. Oh! But he does like back rubs/pats!
If you ask for a head pat he will happily accept and give you a lot of head pats. Aww, Come here, darling! Let me give you a pat on the head! If someone talks crap about it, he will make them suffer... Don't you dare talk crap about my lovely partner! mind your own business Pal!
He is definitely the type to give them. If you give it to him he is also fine but much prefers giving than receiving. Come here s/o. Let Heavy pat you :)) It will go for hours.
If somebody comes in while head patting he will just continue on and tell them to screw off. I wonder who that somebody is... (scout)
Sure! He enjoys them a lot. He sees it as a great way to connect with your lover. Getting head pats after a hard day of work is nice. If you want to be specific he prefers giving them while you are on his lap and just talking :))
He might ask them if he is really drunk. It's a 50/50. Hey *hick* Umm s/o! Could you give...me...zzz....some.....heat pats? You obviously accept while he slowly drifts to sleep. Good night demo!
He's cool with it (loves them but anyway) If you give him head pat he will 99% definitely sleep or become sleepy. So yeah quickest way to make him sleep is 1. Head pats.
He is definitely asking for them (very subtle tho) He puts his head in your neck and nuzzles against it. I feel sleepy...do you want to rest with me? (Give him head pats!!!!)
Maybe just maybe I really don't know. He neither hates nor likes them but oh! If you give them in the morning or just before sleeping tho...he LOVES it! Morning head pats are very nice.
*yawn* Good morning s/o...I like it when you...pat my head...zzz I have to get up tho... So yeah he loves morning head pats, it's just nice when you stroke his hair.
He loves them! (secretly) It is just sooo perfect when you pat his head while he lays on top of your lap. It is VERY nice. pat....pat...pat...
Will he ever ask them? No. But! He will subtlety ask for them...when he is laying on top of your lap, it is the law to head pat him lol. If he can't lay on your lap then he nuzzles in your neck. Basically, neck nuzzles = pls cuddle and head pat me pls. It's just a law you both don't mention it just the way it is and you both like it.
He will definitely give it to you 100% :)) If you are on his lap chilling he will give it to you. pat....pat...pat.
HEAD PATS!!!!! They are so nice :)) I remember receiving a lot of head pats from grandma. I would just lay on her lap or just lean on her shoulder and give me head pats. Ahh yes, the good old day I do dearly miss them.
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damconcha · 2 years
spoilers under the cut for chapter 62 pt 3 of sxf
the last chapter left off on the Franky cliffhanger and I was so excited to see him since I figured he’d lighten up the mood a bit, cause he’s great like that.
Yeah, i was wrong
(right to left)
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Definitely not what I expected coming into this chapter, especially from a character like him. He’s usually so lighthearted and goofy so seeing him like this is different and interesting.
I can’t wait to see what exactly got to talking like this and what he meant when he told Loid that he was “in the same boat as him.” (Even tho i’m guaranteed to cry when i do)
Speaking of crying,
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yeah, i cried too
Like they were his only friends. They’re the only things he had left since the war took everything from him.
(They could have at least be nice enough to let them spend some time together as adults and then kill them off. I would have been more sad too.)
I also have a new favorite panel. You guys know which one I’m talking about.
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Her head pats in attempts to comfort Loid, just— sjwvfizuwb it’s so cute
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Ha. This is great. Totally not crying again.
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Anyways, look at this family. Looking at this makes me not sad anymore. Look at Bond’s tail wagging, Anya’s and Yor’s smiles.
They’re great, adorable. They’re just what Loid needs.
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