#you see when you're an underdog then you deserve love and support
tuiyla · 1 year
i find Born this Way legit so depressing. It's basically an entire plot of Quinn being relieved that Rachel is as insecure as she is. But then Rachel gets tons of support and reassurances that she's beautiful and doesn't need to "fix" anything. Reassurances that Quinn never got. In fact, Quinn is reminded that she's NOTHING without her face by being humiliated in front of the entire school (in part, by her "soulmate" no less, but that's a whole other tangent). And as usual with Quinn, I'm not sure the writers really got what they were doing there, because I don't think they saw that the flip side of their "look at how loved and supported Rachel is" was "I guess no one cared enough to do the same for 13-year old Quinn". They were kind of more focused on it being proof of how shallow and weak Quinn was to care about her looks. I suppose in the end, they have Finn be kind to Quinn in one of the like 3 okay Fuinn scenes. But it comes off like a pity crumb after watching Rachel be his priority the entire ep, and it REALLY doesn't hit in rewatch when you know how many more ways Quinn's about to get crapped on by him. Anyway, I kind of hate this arc, because it really feels like a way to say that all Quinn has is her looks, and they don't even really count cause they're "fake". And then as you said, you throw in the Dianna of it all and the behind the scenes implications in this plot are some of the more hard to ignore, imo.
The novels we could write on Glee's double standards and the constant attempts at villainizing Quinn for normal things. How dare she want to be liked! How dare she put an emphasis on appearances when people keep reinforcing that it entirely equals her worth! Kinda like how Rachel puts a lot into performing because people keep telling her that's all she's worth huh.
The writers never got what they were doing with Quinn. Period. Hold on If I Die Young came on shuffle I have to give it my undivided attention. Alright, so. Wait where was the train of thought.
Yes, so Glee is once again shitty to Quinn for no reason and champions this underdog narrative without expanding it to those who also should be involved. BTW is just so emblematic of how surface-level Glee's take on acceptance can be. Accept yourself, you were born this way, baby! Right, but also fuck you if you changed to conform and be loved and accepted because differences make you SUPERIOR actually unlike those shallow bitches who go by their middle name. Or something. And yet at the end of the day Quinn really is only worth anything as the pretty girl she is. The more I think about it the more I believe only I Feel Pretty/Unpretty was worth it in this episode. And all the Santana stuff but that's a given. Anyway gotta gay. Go! Go, I've gotta go.
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martyrbat · 4 months
every few days i see hockey(?) liveblogs from you (I enjoy the enthusiasm even if i have no idea whats going on). What are the main teams you're following? is it just hockey?
this is so sweet, thank you for the support even if youre a little lost! it is just hockey! but i got plans to get into baseball when it starts in february (go pirates and cubs!) but a little too wordy vomit under the cut about my teams :)
my top team is pittsburgh penguins. for better or worse (and usually worse)—i will be there for every game and saying we're so back after one score when we're down by 5. i will defend them until my last breath, theyre the team ill always put on when having to choose between which ones are currently on. its not a hockey team, its sidney crosby building an ice family with his 5 and counting partners and being known for his banana bread and kind heart and fat ass while literally being the inspiration for over half the players in the nhl because hes been wonderful since he was a rookie. its 18 years of love and friendship despite the odds and how theyre so open in loving and supporting their teammates while hockey culture is filled with toxic masculinity. its the narrative loving and hating us, its sidney being gods most loveable and tortured lamb, its geno whos hilarious and dramatic with a heart of gold, its tanger and his greasy hair, its the babygirlifying grown men AND rooting for the old underdog who are in the 4th spot for the playoffs in their metro area despite our powerplay being a joke and our star players ages (late thirties isnt old by any account but for a high energy physical contact sport?? average retirement is 25-30 instead while 13 of our guys is 30+ and playing some of their best hockey)
after that i really like the leafs despite them being the leafs! theyre a blast to watch (sometimes) and theyre a big third period game, for better or worse. so its always exciting (sometimes unfortunately)! auston matthews is my top favorite from them, hes absolutely remarkable and doesnt get the credit and appreciation he deserves. but i also love the other players, mo, willy, and mitch all especially have a place in my heart :) third fav tosses around with who i can catch a game from most to be honest since a lot of times they overlap too much. im fond of the wild because their goaltender (flower!) was ours for forever. kraken is a blast and has lots of old penguin players too. avalanche is fun to root for when ive seen some games :) im less familiar with all of them but hockey is a fun sport to just throw yourself into and learn as you go so its never been an issue!!
teams i hate is anyone who won against my special guys in the last month tbh HFIFJ but i REALLY hate the chicago team, flyers, and vegas knights. chicago is.... a lot of bad shit off ice and has so many controversies—from their name and jerseys to players being abusive and cover-ups of sexual assault from coaches. just hate them and anytime i see those jerseys and remember theyre allowed while flower was threatened with a lawsuit if he wore his helmet (was designed specially by an indigenous artist to honor flower's indigenous wife and their kids during native american heritage month).... god i just get too pissed, theyre number one for who i despise. flyers are the biggest rivals to the penguins so it makes more sense (but also fuck the capitals and canes for personal grievances. also still mad at the canucks) vegas golden knights just annoys me so much with how theyre still calling themselves the misfits and i associate them with flower leaving so!!!
sorry for the little. word vomit lol but !!! if you ever want to get into hockey, please dm me! im no expert by any means and i know me throwing names out there is intimidating but i promise its fun once you get into it and you dont need to know much to just start watching! for me its great to have something to look forward to every week and watch something happen as it actually happens and liveblog—it kinda feels more like a loose community experience that i never got because of my health issues and disability! its also just fun to be dramatic (screaming its so over when scored on /celebrating a goal) over something thats kinda... not that important. (important for the players and fans ofc but it doesn't change anything in MY daily life outside of how i feel which is refreshing!) sports in general kinda encourage those big emotional responses and it can be great catharsis and silly if you let it be :) and the fan community here can be so welcoming if you just fully ignore twitter and the straight white angry men on it <3
come look at gifs of people calling a 36 year old babygirl and the excitement of a goal celly. come watch funny videos and clips and at how *our* captain wore tiny little shorts and a white shirt to get dunked in a water tank for charity. come and slowly learn how much shit the players put up with as rookies and have the happiness of hindsight at what happiness their futures would hold and why me saying 18 years of love and friendship despite the odds is so big because thats genuinely so rare (only 127 retired players in all of nhl history has accomplished this). come get emotional at poetry over getty images hockey pictures and relish in the delight that is finding art everywhere you go. come see people say that sidney needs to get knotted up and mpreg debates in who will abort that thang or not. take my hand and become a hockey fan, i prommy its not scary—not even during the 'who the fuck is this' stage <33
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roccinan · 5 months
1/n Oof, it sounds lovely to be called the 'hermanos stan' :D It's been nearly 2 years and I still miss them, so it's such a pleasure to talk abt them with you! No, I didn't think you'd heard of it but Cricket as a sport is extremely popular where I'm from, even moreso than Football! You can't really avoid it this time of year which is why I put all my annoyance into Andrés lol. Yeah i agree, I think Sergio looks at it more as a team bonding "exercise" that is helpful even if he doesn't have any great liking for it, and when he watches like he said, he's more interested in rooting for the underdogs. Andrés too is probably just a casual watcher so the idea that they both assumed the other was OBSESSED is hilarious to me, it makes them feel more like real siblings growing up together and trying to find some common ground :')
Hi somerain/royalpaperhouse/my favorite hermanos stan! I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you. It's been a whirlwind of a couple months for me! This string of lovely messages has been sitting in my inbox since. I can't believe it's been nearly 2 years since they entered our lives aaaahhh, but it's been such a pleasure talking to you about them <3 OH, that's cool- cricket being bigger in your country than football is certainly interesting! LOL I get that- I hope you were able to channel your "frustrations" onto Andres XD Agreed haha- Andres just pretends he knows what he's watching while Sergio's only here to see if the underdog team wins, and they're both sitting through all those hours because they've convinced themselves the other is obsessed with football (a role Martin will fulfill in their lives soon LMAO). Ah, I'm glad that hc makes them feel like real siblings bonding!
2/n Your hermanos musings water my crops and butter my bread Rocinan!! Gracias for all your kind words, truly (and yes hehe I wasn't expecting that punch either.... it just happened and I couldn't resist) <3 Right?? I love Serquel and Berlermo too, both ships are very interesting in their own right but something just *hits* different when it's the hermanos. Hermanos redux gives me ALL the feels, I don't think I can ever forget the special mix of heartbreak and heartwarming that au gives me.... Big Brother Sergio and Little Brother Andrés live in my head rent free! Awww I'm so happy I can always pop into your inbox with my rambles <3
That makes me so happy to know! Your remarks and support water my crops too :D Thank you for all your kind words and thank you for that punch- absolute chef's kiss! Exactly!! Serquel and berlermo are great in their own right, but with the hermanos, it's just a different texture TM. AH, I'm so glad hermanos redux continues to give you feels :'D That really means a lot and same here. Big brother Sergio and hermanito Andres will always live in my head. And yes of course!! I may be slow in replying as you can tell :') but you're always welcome to pop in and talk about the hermanos whenever you want!
Oh gosh, I'm touched that my support means so much to you 🥺❤ I can never thank the universe enough for making me stumble onto Dies Irae (yes that's another fic of yours that captured my imagination like nothing else) and I hope you know you deserve every bit of it!! Life's been a little rough but your works have been such a bright spot of light thought it all, even the wacky ones like the Toy Story AU, Your unique and varied ideas never fails to amaze me and I'm so glad to have you in the hermanos corner (and our other pals) too! :D Ugh, r*fael is the Bane of lcdp, asfdfjsk I don't give him the privilege of his full name. He's no Fonollosa/Marquina to me!
It truly does :D As long as you enjoy my hermanos content, then I feel that my mission is complete and I feel motivated to make more! AH thanks for the shoutout to Dies Irae as well- I will always cherish those amazing comments you left on it <3 definitely a fic that's very special to me. Aww I'm glad my stories could help provide some bright spots in your life (hang in there! We're all in the same boat!). LOL Glad even silly things like the Toy Story AU and Cut it Out (thank you so much for those heartwarming comments you left!!) were fun for you :) I'm happy to be in the hermanos corner with you (and the rest of our lcdp pals too)! PLEASE, so true, friend. Who even is Rafael?? certainly no true fonollosa/marquina!
3/n Glad to know you enjoy my rambles lol, and I love your blog too! thank you for welcoming me back :) soooo grateful to have a fellow hermanos stan in you too! Ah, Corners my beloved, it's so special to me as well cause I feel that Andrés is the closest we can ever see of the backstory behind s1-s2 Andrés, the dark and insane and terrifying man he was, like someone mentioned before Part 1 Andrés would shoot spinoff Berlin on sight 😭 They feel like completely different people! You can't convince me that Andrés in his 20s had fricking SPACE SUITS, I definitely feel like if we stick to canon, the true canon of the Initial seasons of lcdp (even upto s3 and the few glimpses of the dark parts of his nature in s4) your headcanons in Corners are much more fitting. They are the Real~ canon to me asdfjsk, and I'm sure andrés would agree!
I absolutely love your rambles :D and you're always welcome, no matter when and where! I'm so grateful to have a fellow stan in you too! Your review on Corners + what you're saying here makes me :') That's literally how I envisioned it too, and why Corners is so special to me despite being such an odd little fic. It was the one (aside from substitution) that built most from the Andres of s1/2, and a part of how I imagined he could become someone as insane and terrifying as Berlin. And YET the spinoff is telling us berlin was just his evil twin or something?? Exactly LMAO what even is with those space suits? At what point did he live in a romcom when the whole point of his character is that his romanticized life only exists in his own head? s3/4 Andres was "softer" but he still had plenty of the darkness and edge that would lean into Berlin. So I'm glad my fic could fill that gap haha and I"m hugely honored you feel this way about it!
n/n LOL My absolutely self indulgent and utopian idea of a Berlin spinoff would just be the extended version of "Hermanito", the hermanos as kids becoming the Professor and Berlin as we know them, but seeing how 2 kids growing up in poverty and illness make it and rooting for them, and maybe even exploring how their different personalities and moralities (!) play off each other, there's so much to think about there. But ofc, what we REALLY need are more rafaels and characters no one cares abt 🙃 Ohh I'm just happy EC fit with your ideas about him and andrés, I would LOVE a hermanos centric event omg, if and when it ever happens!! Thank you for everything again! 💌
I am Honored you think so! And also same haha- if it was up to me, the spinoff would just be "Hermanito" + "Corners" XD asdfasdf now you're just making me mourn what we could have had again!! Exactly, I don't even care if pedro and alvaro played 17yos- it's a far more interesting story to see how and why they became who they are, and yet remained so close despite the differences between them. But nooo, more rafaels and characters nobody asked for lmao The gift more than fit with my ideas :D And I'm so happy you're interested in a hermanos event! We'll definitely keep you posted if it happens- might have to be in 2024 lol, but I'm sure our hermanos gang can figure something out. Thank you again for everything!
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bookinsey · 2 years
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I have had a very long year.
And yes, I have a pension for the dramatic, so I know how this will sound; still, it feels like I've been pushing a boulder uphill for months. On the heaviest days I had this: "At least I'm going to see MX." I don't know how many times I said that, or a variation of it, or how often just the thought of getting to that concert woke me up. When it felt like I had nothing else to cling to, May 28th was the last straw I could pull from my ever-dwindling bag of optimisms.
The sun came out today.
I get paid Friday.
I got to see my friend this weekend.
At least I'm going to see MX.
A year ago, I was new. The word 'bias' only came up when discussing points of view and a 'comeback' was saved for the underdogs. It never occurred to me that a group of artists chucked together by a survival show back in 2015 would become such a huge source of comfort. That seven total strangers could provide so many smiles, so much laughter, and so much support through a ridiculously emotionally taxing time in my life.
And now, after a year of waiting and delays and prayers, it's over. And it was wonderful and magnificent and something like a fever dream and I wish I could live in that theater with that crowd and those men for a week, or a year, or forever.
So, to the boys who were a sort of life raft as I aimlessly floated these last months:
Wherever you go from here, whatever choices you make, I hope you make them out of a deep love for and understanding of yourselves. You said you'll be back, and as sure as I am that you meant it, I'm equally sure you will look different if and when our paths ever cross again, both as individuals and as a collective. I can't expect you to stay the same for my comfort; you deserve to change and grow as much as anyone. And I hope you do. I hope you pursue what inspires you. I hope The Dreaming becomes reality. I hope you find the things and people that help your souls sing. I hope you never stop creating art in all its forms, even if it’s just for yourself.
There is so much to be seen and explored; some to be understood and some to be left mysterious. I hope you get to experience as much of this big, wonderful, chaotic, ever-changing world as time and circumstances allow. It’s true: the world is big; but somehow your hearts are bigger. I pray they guide you towards the things that ignite a spark in you so your light never goes out, even if sometimes it goes dim. That's ok; you're only human. But wherever you go, whatever path you Follow, I know LOVE will always Find You, and I will be forever grateful you found me.
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Spiderman: Homecoming
A joint review...
We're trying to have one unproblematic week, ironically with the most problematic person in the MCU (according to some people... he hasn't wronged us yet!) so enjoy.
Let it be known we're in much better spirits than last week (although we have just had a little spat about an outburst Becks had last night, but we won't dwell on that and Cassandra knows what she did to deserve it - ah to be in control of the typing makes Becks all powerful, POWERFUL!) Right, on to Spiderman.
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Adrian Toomes
We were totes on the side of Adrian Toomes (which is apparently his name, although we didn't hear it) he was fucked over, that man deserved to be punched, and we love to see small businesses thriving. He did take things a bit far, going from underdog start up, making an empire from the ruins of his misfortune, to really wanting to kill that one kid. But I guess if he keeps foiling your plans its going to start getting irksome. The brain differs a little here, harking back to Steve dropping that walkway on Peter in Civil War, does he deserve it or should you just be nice to the little puppy dog?
@becksxoxo: I loved it when Toomes just lost his shit, sort of forgot all about the alien tech he was after and just wanted to kill Peter. I love Peter, he's totes adorbs, but I can see how he could really piss you off with his constant presence. For the record though I don't want him to die. I also enjoyed that they took their fight on the road, over to the fairground. Got to see the Cyclone. You know who rode the Cyclone...[there was more to this sentence in my notes but I have chosen to keep it to myself, this being unproblematic week]
@cassandrafey: I was furious about this. Absolutely seething when he kept getting progressively more violent with Peter. Honestly, if you are a grown man and your nemesis is an actual child you should think on a bit! Also, he said he was willing to kill him to protect his family but Peter wasn’t actually threatening them was he? Just you, cos you had done wrong and were scared of them finding out you’d bought them all nice things with money from alien tech weapons. So just you think on, and leave the kid alone you absolute lunatic!
His bird costume was a little much, but if you're gonna go super villain may as well go full out. Cass did not like his wing fingers, and also felt he didn't pull it off as well as other people who also utilise flight as a mode of transportation (bird costumes), and his glowing green eyes split the room. Becks was in favour and Cass wasn't (what I would like to add is that wasn't what was mentioned in the first draft, but as we are striving for unproblematic and not NC17 we did some editing), she found it terrifying, which Becks' pointed out was sort of the point. Also, Becks' dad went on holiday last week and has bought himself a bomber jack that is near identical to Toomes' one, and there is now a worry that he might also be becoming a super villain, although Cass and I have discussed it and in the long term we think we will support it, for some of the other benefits it will bring. Also he has just retired and so needs something to occupy his time, and also living with my mother will turn anyone into a super villain, it’s an origin story waiting to happen (so says Becks, Cass is wisely staying out of this one).
Adrian is also one of the smarter people in the film as he manages to work out the link between Peter and Spiderman. Every one else in the film, including all them kids and teachers at the smart school for smart people really just skim over the fact they're never in the same room as the same time. We also gave him big props for not selling Peter out to his prison pals, we liked that.
As a villain we liked him, we didn't want him to win, but we got his motives and he did it well. We didn't get hot villain vibes, which is always a shame, but I'm sure Michael Keaton will get over it.
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Aaron Davis
Sticking with the baddies, we shall now say how much we love Donald Glover. Its always a treat to see him. He's a good egg. He's just good at everything he does. Cass would like to say that Redbone is a sublime song, and Becks is drinking out of her Troy and Abed in the Morning mug as we speak. The whole scene where Peter is trying to intimidate and interrogate him in the car park is just cracking. He's sexy, he's scary, he's helpful and he's funny (the four main food groups, we’re not too fussed about smarts it seems - give us that himbo energy please) and we're sorry his ice cream melted.
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Peter Parker
We should probably now mentioned Spiderman, what with this being his film and all that. His little home videos of his trip to Germany really struck a chord with the pair of us, because we too are annoying idiots who blog things for fun and no profit...(although it only takes Kevin Feige to see just one of these... Feigey, the Feigmeister, Feige Fi Fo Fum - aaand we've blown it.) Cass, in her notes, has described Peter as being like if a Wizard made a puppy human. By which she meant cute and enthusiastic and not, as Becks thought, concerned about whether he is house trained or not. We loved seeing him as just a plain teenage boy, a wholesome kind teenage boy (which is nice because some teenage boys, and just feeble minded men in general, oft deviate from wholesome and trip all the way into cuntishness) who hung out with friends, had silly little in jokes and endured high school.
We loved how quickly he made friends with the suit lady (Karen) and how he rescued both the man and the cat from the bodega. His constant messages to Happy and his struggle to be the best he could be all the time just made him so adorably relatable. Speaking of Suit Lady she is a little bit trigger happy with the instant kill, but that can be a loveable characteristic right Cass? Its also reassuring that he has someone sort of with whilst getting into peril, otherwise we would be worried. We don't want him to be alone. When he is stuck in the rubble of that building, alone and scared, our hearts broke. But we knew he'd be alright because he is resilient, and you can't kill off sunshine.
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He does need to work on his poker face though. You can't be breaking out into cold sweats when you see the bad guy, especially when you're not wearing your mask. People can see you. We also hope he takes on Aaron Davis' advice on chatting up criminals, but I guess we shall see in his next outing.
His relationship with other characters was also what made us love this film. His relationship with Happy, with Tony, with Ned and with May. He's just good and we love him for it. Sure he gets a little carried away, and breaks a ship or two, but who hasn't?
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We also love Ned. He's adorable, and takes on the news that his best friend is a superhero very well. His questions were a bit too much, and Becks hurt herself snorting when he asked is Peter laid eggs, although perhaps we would have all those same questions. We would also have questioned the hat, but then perhaps we won't given our own teenage fashion choices. He is the perfect chair guy, and the way he took the hit to hide Peter's adventures was perfect.
"I was looking at porn."
Such a cutie. Also impressive web-slinging when needed.
Both of us made a note of Peter and Ned's secret handshake. We don't have a secret handshake. Should we have a secret handshake? Handshakes are a very sensitive subject for Becks, but perhaps this could be the breakthrough we need.
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It’s sad that MJ isn't in the film more, as we like her very much. The snark, the intelligence and the sheer joy she feels in other people's misery. We wish she was our friend. Also we reckon she knows.
And we certainly liked MJ more than we liked Liz, who doesn't invite people to whole school events unless she's forced to or bumps into them in a hallway. Also, why was she dressed like a 28 year old secretary at her house party? We hope you enjoy Oregon, so much that you don't return. Bye Liz. (But also did feel bad that Peter was more into your dad than you...)
Peter and Ned's other high school chums brought up a fun game of Fuck Marry Kill that we thought we might play in the blog, but then decided it was maybe for the best that we didn't because, to quote Cass, it might lead to some cuntish behaviour. Becks doesn't know what she might be referring to, at all. Cass thinks by aborting the game she has saved Becks from having to make another public apology for her calculatedly troubling hypotheticals…
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Tony Stark
Tony and Peter's relationship is one of our favourites. Tony is clearly trying not to be Howard and its good to see him focused on something positive, and looking out for the wellbeing of Peter. As we may have previously mentioned this might be improved on if he'd maybe talked to Peter a bit more, and not left him spiralling. Peter doesn't know you're constantly thinking about him, he doesn't have amazing mind reading spider skills. We wish they had had a hug, and this scene also trigger Becks for handshaking reasons. Because yes Peter, Tony did make it seem like he wanted a hug and wasn't just grabbing for the door, some people should be more clear in their intensions when they come at you, arms outstretched.
There were also moments when Tony sort of troubled both our finances. It occurred when he activated full angry dad mode, make of that what you will...
Can we also mentioned that him and Pepper seemed to now be fine, fine enough to causally get engaged. What the fuck is going on? Did we miss something? Was another giant bunny bought?
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Happy Hogan
Happy Hogan. A little bit shit at his job, and always very stressed. At one point he is lurking in the school toilets and we really questioned that, because if he was doing that to avoid looking suspicious he really missed the mark. We also wouldn't hire him to move our furniture. Did Tony have any belongings left after that? What were you letting the robot do, picking up that vase in the first? We do love him as a grumpy babysitter though, even if he did properly drop the ball in paying more attention to boxing up shit than the needy super boy who texts him every five minutes. If we were to get absolutely shit faced on a night out, as is our want to do, we could rely on him to get us safely home though. Home to Stark Towers and the Avengers Sleepover Club of Dreams.
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Aunt May
Aunt May is hands down one of the best parents in the MCU. She's involved in her kid's life, she cares about him, she dispenses good advice and she looks hot while doing it. Good hair, great trousers, the glasses. Also, now she knows what is going on, shit is going to go down, because she is a responsible adult. We larb her. 10/10
And finally, we come to the best moments of the film, according to some people [its @becksxoxo becks is some people] the Captain America School Videos. Oscar worthy in their own right. The whole series sends Becks funny, and Cass is still trying to get over him flipping that chair round before sitting down. Cass likes to imagine the other Avengers getting hold of these little videos and ripping the shit out of him at film nights, the real reason he had to engineer a break up of the whole team so that he could run away from the bullying.
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We proper enjoyed ourselves watching this film. It was funny, it was poignant and it had a number of very good backflips. We've never seen a spider do a backflip, and perhaps if we did we'd like them more, but if we developed the skill to be able to backflip like that we probs wouldn't move about it in any other manner.
Also the bloopers for this film (cos we watched it on DVD) are brilliant, and it’s just nice to see them all being friends IRL. Perhaps if we'd watched the bloopers from Civil War last week wouldn't have been so bad. But let’s not think about that. It’s unproblematic week, and so it shall stay.
There seems to be some debate over which film is next but we're gonna go with Black Panther. So there.
love cass and becks
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kannra21 · 5 years
Monoma loving hours and I'm actually very tired by now
*I know many of you have already discussed similar things so I decided to add my own opinion as well. Hope you enjoy!*
Still announcing my general disappointed with ch215. Whatever, I'm glad to know Monoma's Quirk better and that the clocks he's working with are more than just some accessories on his belt.
I think they're really cool and help him overcome his small disadvantages a whole lots *well, not in the circumstances he was currently in but I'd like to see him more in action and actually using them*.
So basically he snaches them from his belt. Destroys them and-
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Voilà, the Quirk is out.🎊
5min limit doesn't mean anything to him if he can use 4 different Quirks in 20min. However, he needs to use them very wisely because every Quirk doesn't work the same way and they also have to be suitable for the problem he's facing at that moment. That's where his ability to adapt and manage new situations comes in.
I don't want to exaggerate or anything but I think in terms of intelligence, he comes right after Yaoyoroz because damn, you need to have a top-notch brain for such tricky things.
Too sad that strength plays the leading role in their hero world. If you have power, it doesn't matter how or why you're doing the things you do. As long as you can destroy everything that comes in your way, there's nothing that can stop you from getting what you want which sounds... kinda villainous in a way, don't you think?
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Shigaraki is right. The main difference between a hero and a villain is that heroes are fighting for the good and villains for the evil. But the main question remains- are the heroes really good and are the villains really evil? First of all, heroes and villains both came from the same type of society- people, normal civilians.
Becoming a hero or a villain is a choice, not a lifestyle. Heroes are there to protect people and villains are there to harm them. Why? Heroes want to make them feel happy and safe while villains want the opposite. What's the matter with the villains? This-
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People are constantly judging and not thinking about the consequences they're causing to others. They always ended up comparing themselves to those who are much more superior and successful, making them building a sense of insecurity and fear.
They were forced to push themselves beyond their limits in order to prove themselves and show how far they can possibly go. They had to let them know that their criticism didn't reach them as they were facing their challenges with anticipation.
They could easily turn villainous but no, they choose to protect those same judging idiots who repeatedly let them down/hurt them/accused them/ignored their efforts, all for the sake of becoming their better selves. By choosing the right path, they already confirmed how strong and capable they are and they'll make exceptional heroes one day. In conclusion, there is no way Monoma will become a villain because he already reached this far and gained other's trust. He made friends who are looking after him. He's already a part of something big which he can't abandon this easily.
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This is the ultimate proof that Monoma isn't entirely obsessed with class a as many think he is. He's simply mad at anyone who's trying to show off class b by stealing their spotlight. His class is the best, try to prove him wrong and he won't give you any piece of mind.
He's so dedicated to his rambling that he doesn't mind Kirishima's friendly exchange with Tetsutetsu in the background. It's clear that the hatred he feels is directed towards Bakugou for obvious reasons. While Monoma is the group's person, Bakugou does everything on his own and hates when someone interfers with his business to the point where he becomes arrogant and rude. I can't recall Monoma being any of it because he only uses people's failures as an example to make them feel bad about themselves and we all know that the truth hurts the most.
I'm not defending him or anything, what he does is certainly not nice, but I want to say that his way of expressing bitterness is much more effective than Bakugou's because he makes sense at some point. Bakugou just acts like a thug.
And while he certainly does behave like an absolute madman, I'll still love Bakugou and Monoma equally because there's that one thing Monoma doesn't really understand about Bakugou's personality and that's his undying wish of becoming no.1 world's greatest hero. It's his ambition from an young age which pushed him further into accomplishing his goals. Yes it sounds selfish and yes it seems like he doesn't give a damn about others, but that's his lifelong dream which he can't give up to a friend just for the sake of being nice to each other.
From the flashbacks of the kindergarten we could see how many expectations and how much pressure people were putting on him because of his talent. His mom accused him of being weak and causing trouble for the entire U. A. when in fact, the school was guilty of his kidnapping and took responsibility for it's mistakes. He was raised to solve his problems through violence, he doesn't know for any other way. So it's not arrogance, he's just ambitious but shows it in a rearher inappropriate manner.
Monoma doesn't like that and I can understand why. Unlike Bakugou, Monoma is an underdog. No one ever cheered for him or supported his goals. When he saw Bakugou and his indifference or rather ignorance towards his audience, he thought he was acting ungrateful and that pissed him off. Especially because Monoma is the most grateful out of all the characters.
He wants to be recognized among the crowd and accepted by his peers by means of finding a place where he truly belongs, something he couldn't achieve when he was little. Bakugou doesn't yearn for fame or money. He wants to prove himself and push his limits because winning is what heroes do. Their life goals are different but their ways of dealing with things are surprisingly similar. They're throwing shade wherever they go and they're incredibly noisy, with Bakugou spreading insults and Monoma mocking every living soul but that's the way they are and people grew accustomed to it.
I mean look at this-
In conclusion:
They share the same level of bitterness + their friends(Tetsu and Kiri) are also very good friends which indicates their similar tastes in people they appreciate.
Also something from Noragami:
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Tbh if bnha was all about class 1b, Monoma would be, in fact, favorable because everyone would have a bad impression of class 1a for being rude and arrogant thanks to Bakugo since we'd only see 1b's side of the story. And although everyone made friends with each other and now are staying on good terms, they're still having this sort of rivalry between them which is completely normal considering the fact that 1a still precedes in particular aspects.
Despite this friendship, Monoma does not believe them in a slightest. He looks at their relationship in a way that class 1a uses their friendship to distract them from trying to be better than them. If you are in good relations with someone, it is natural that you will go easy on them because of the empathy we feel towards others. He thinks they're playing them in order to get what they want. It affects their reputation as a hero and class 1a represents their concurrency so it isn't all about some friendship between kids, it's their future and their careers that get affected as well.
But then again, Monoma isn't fighting for his own selfish purposes, he's doing it for his class. He loves his class from the bottom of his heart and he wants them to succeed, that's why he's so annoying. Class 1a represents their concurrency, they're taking away their spotlight. They're limiting their chances of becoming pro heroes while class 1b is so much better than them and that's what actually bugs Monoma.
They’ve worked just as hard as class 1a, they’ve overcome all the same scholastic obstacles and yet it’s always 1a on the news, 1a in the papers, 1a surviving yet another dramatic and utterly glamorous supervillain encounter. See, 1a gets all the luck.
If he was selfish, narcissistic and egoistic, he'd constantly complain about deserving his place among the best in class 1a but no, he's proud to be with his friends because b class is all about solidarity and teamwork. His class loves him and he's getting along with everyone just fine. His cooperation stats are 4/5, he's a very friendly person.
His intelligence and tactics stats are 5/5, he's a smart person and he obviously doesn't do shit without a reason. His power and speed stats are 1/5, he's weak and very insecure in himself. Naturally he would develop a inferiority complex to protect himself but at the same time trash talks himself to talk up his class which I find very funny and kinda sympathetic in a way.
I bet everyone's just seeing this annoying side of him but there's so much more to his character and Kendou understands that all too well. That's why they're never arguing or fighting for their own beliefs because she knows how much he's hurting. And it's not just him, most of his classmates are also having a sort of rivalry with class 1a but they're being less obvious about it.
Seing this side of him made me start to really like him. He's a sad character with a great desire to belong somewhere and that's probably the reason why I can't possibly hate him. That's just my opinion but I hope others can relate as well. ❤️❤️❤️
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yeoldontknow · 6 years
Surprise! Your bias asked you out on a date! The only thing is, he wants you to match 8 of your mutuals with the rest of exo for a group date. @ the mutuals you're choosing for each member (not your bias) and explain why you chose them.
so this came in ages ago and just...i love seeing this? idk why lmao they make me laugh and theyre so much fun. i also take shipping and biasing so seriously because im that hoe. im 200% soft tonight after my dys update and im about 2/3 bottle of red deep so i figure now, at 1 in the morning - slightly tipsy and soft af - is the perfect time to answer this. 
i also love these cause yeol is just arriving all the time to ask me out on dates. chanyeol, i love you but maybe ask me for my number? call me? text me? this is cute but like do all your friends REALLY need dates? its ok i love your cute knees and years and neck and butt and hands and everything so ill be matchmaker all night
@kpopandlock - jongin is DUMB excited for his date with kara. lowkey this my greatest otp for a lot of reasons. they both have this crazy intense energy where they connect deeply with those around them and have this strong desire to see justice fulfilled. like, this a couple who roots for the underdog and wants to fix and mend the world. spreading love and good will, not in a cheery santa way (tho they for sure are the type to wear reindeer headbands from december 1 to like...jan 27 just because, and maybe even on a random day in june), but in a charity work/political activism way. and then, after theyve saved 2/10 of the world, they nap. their date is a pajama party filled with wine (for kara), popcorn, and movies about dogs...like airbud. 
@yehet-me-up - junmyeon spends 10 hours fretting over his date with sarah because dating is weird and hard, and intimacy doesnt really come naturally to him. the minute yeol and i say were hooking him up, he instantly starts trying to run before he walks, but as soon as theyre together its literal fireworks. these two need each other so much. theyre both halfway to being nervous wrecks about something, but they balance each other out so well its crazy. this the mom and dad couple who know where everyone is at any given moment, but also are SO INTENSE and devoted to one another it causes most people in the room physical pain. also, this couple looks and acts like royalty. bow down, kids, pledge allegiance to the real otp. 
@from-dae-do-dae - when jongdae hears hes going on a date with fei, he immediately becomes the noisest, happiest man in the room. fei and dae have the most amazing dynamic in which they are every couple at once. loud and noisy? sure bet. jazz hoes who sip bourbon and study art? friday night at the feidae household. the quiet serious couple who spend too much time focusing on work? always. the couple that will kick your ass at scattergories and not even feel badly? for sure. i love them. hes liberated and wild enough to make sure fei cuts loose when shes getting too withdrawn and fei is a rock on which dae feels supported and grounded. im getting so emo thinking about this. one date turns into 300 years of marriage. iconic. 
@nunchiwrites - kyungsoo is relatively quiet when he hears about a date with nunchi, but he does that cute, tiny soft smile because BOYYYYY is he excited. its not that nunchi is innocent, its just that she radiates goodness at every turn. shes funny and sassy enough to keep him laughing, incredibly well read and intelligent to fuel conversation, and warm enough to draw him out of his shell. their dynamic starts pretty shy, but by the end of the date neither of them want it to end. they go on a date for pizza because they both live on cheese and carbs, and neither of them want to go home because why go home when there are stars they could watch together AND MORE CONVERSATIONS TO HAVE? date ends with date numbers 2-8 already planned. 
@co-kai-ne - yixing blushes only slightly when he hears he gets to take sofi out on a date. few people on this earth are worthy of yixing and sofi is one of them, for sure. the purity and softness radiating out of this couple will heal the world, im already picturing the way their dynamic makes the sun rise. both of them need each other in various ways - the reassurance that will grow naturally between them is unreal. it will never be question because it just is. instinctively, theyd understand each others needs. sofi would feel like a home for yixing and therefore would be the only one who could convince to rest when he needs it. yixing is fixed and stable enough in his energy to ensure sofi feels safe, nurtured, and adored. date is at an arcade in which yixing wins her 3 stuffed animals and walks here home where he kisses her cheek. second date only happens after he gets permission from the family and promises to take good care of her. 
@queenoftheimpala - baek is already on date 17 with ali so this is run of the mill for him. hes obsessed with my bffs quirky and playful energy. on every level, they match each other. this the couple that never stops laughing or coming for others - either in jokes or pranks or in simple teasing phrases. alternatively, this the couple that never stops HYPING one another. ali the type to watch baek make an ass of himself and smile like ‘thats my guy.’ baek the type to see ali trip over nothing yell ‘GODDESS’ in the middle of a crowded street. also the nurturing mother hen vibe from them is just perpetual and constant. also hes the only man i would ever let take my best friend out because his heart radiates angelic goodness and she deserves NO LESS THAN PERFECTION OKAY.
@pebble-xo - sehun giggles with joy that he gets to take jade out on their, what, 100th date? theyre basically a canon, official couple at this point. this my fashion otp, my youth otp, my real otp. theyre SO INCREDIBLY soft for their friends, like more devoted than most, but still so mature. this the couple that are young af but like...22 going on 76. so mature in all of their actions and choices, and intensely dedicated to their passions. their encouragement of one another is silent yet totally profound. also, they the brunch couple we are all secretly jealous of. 
@yeol-stole-my-soul - minseok is utterly thrilled when he hears he and maria are going on a date. its their first one and even though this energy never really makes it to romance, these two become fast, rude af, hilarious friends. their dynamic is SUPER playful and they devote themselves to teasing the living shit out of their friends. also, soft kids who love their friends too much. also, fun kids who like...are so the type to go to an amusement park and ride everything 4 times. also, BOTH are wildly intelligent and achieving the literal most in school. and whenever minnie starts kicking off being a lil too beautiful, maria will be there to tell him to stop. KING AND QUEEN OF DORK SOFT I LIVE
omg i love doing these so much why am i like this
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