#peter parker 616
wulvert · 1 month
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i can never get him quite right
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cada4us · 2 months
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spider-man i guess
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lunar-sams · 1 year
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finished spidey comm yay
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trans-spidey · 9 months
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I am coming home to you, with my own blood in my mouth, and I am coming home to you, if it's the last thing that I do
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Hey what the fuck is up with peter parker these days. and why are they drawing him like that.
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duckdachi · 1 year
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Breakfast at the HQ
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dannidorina · 1 year
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Some drawings based off of @crispinophurs' fic fruit rot and arachne! Super cute and funny, we need more soft!Miguel. Loved the fic, go read it!!
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thelaurenbox · 11 months
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(the truth is, everyone there can kill you, but some of them choose not to 👍)
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casualcomicfan · 1 year
Things non-comic fans get wrong about Peter Parker.
Several people who don't read the comics seem to get ideas about characters and how they act. It's fine when you're doing to characters you know about, but for characters you don't know about, not so much.
Please note: This post is not meant to gate keep anyone from comics, MCU or any other Marvel related products.
#1: He is ugly. This one is false for the most part. Look at the women he has dated, Liz Allan, Gwen, MJ, Black Cat, Carol Danvers and others.
#2: He is naive. This one is also false. Peter is optimistic. There is a difference. Peter himself recognizes that the world is a terrible place. However he thinks it can get better. That is the whole point of him not killing his enemies.
#3: He has to suffer to be relatable. No, just no. This one is false. He doesn't have to suffer to be relatable. He is relatable because he deals with relatable problems. He is nerdy, has to make ends meet, etc. That is how he was relatable. Not suffering. And certainly not whatever the f#ck is going on in the current run.
#4: He is hated by other heroes. This one mainly stems from the Superior Spider-Man comic arc, but is still blatantly wrong. He has several friends in the comics, such as: Daredevil, Deadpool (to an extent) Wolverine, Luke Cage, Johnny Storm, Cloak and Dagger, and several others.
#5: He is not respected by the other heroes. This was also caused by Superior Spider-Man. However several people respect him. Mr. Fantastic and Iron Man respect him for his intelligence. Captain America calls him on of the greatest men he's ever known. Thor says (in a complimentary way) that he was the most mortal man he knew. T'Challa let him eat a Heart-Shaped Herb. Hulk was one of the few people who knew Peter's identity after OMD.
#6: He was a teenager for most of his publication history. The first ever Spider-Man comic was published in August 1962 in Amazing Fantasy #15. He he graduated and became an adult on June 8, 1965 in The Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 #28.
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tony-stark-ing · 6 months
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He dares.
Avengers (2010) issue #3
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avengerscompound · 7 months
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Peter Parker & Kamala Khan
The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #31
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cada4us · 9 months
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angry peter in between some tattoo designs/research!
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richiekirschs · 1 year
SHE’S MY BABY — Spider-Man!Lottie Matthews
spider-boy, king of thieves…
warnings— no use of y/n, fem implied reader (referred to as “unsuspecting girl”), lottie is vaguely hurt
[part 2]
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The Yellowjackets had been spreading their theories about Spider-Man since he was first spotted in New York, just across the river.
It was surprisingly Misty who came up with the theory that he was actually from Jersey City, after how many times he’d been spotted on the ferry that takes you across the Hudson from Midtown. Nat had disagreed, stating that he was probably in Jersey City so often because of the amount of freaks patrolling the streets.
Most of your teammates think it’s stupid—with Jackie saying it’s just some asshole trying to get on Subway Creatures, and Tai saying the guy in the suit just wants to piss off J. Jonah Jameson. Laura Lee thinks he’s devilish. Nat indulges in the fantasies after having witnessed one of Spider-Man’s fights firsthand (and also because she likes to piss off Jackie.)
The girls are all over at your apartment tonight for the regularly scheduled movie night. Everyone takes turns— last time it was Tai, and now it was you.
You’re in the bathroom washing your hands when there’s a THUD! from the fire escape outside the bathroom window.
You frown, wondering if you should check. Is it your neighbors, smoking a blunt? Or is there maybe a cat that needs help?
You yank up the blinds to check, deciding it’s better to know than risk it distracting you the rest of the night.
It’s not your neighbors, and it’s definitely not a stray cat.
It’s Spider-Man.
You can’t do much but freeze and mumble, “You’re shitting me.”
He stares back at you with comically wide, unblinking eyes. He points at the windowsill and mimes pushing it up before silently pleading with his hands.
You sigh. Of course this would happen. All you can do as you unlock the window is pray that it’s actually Spider-Man, and not some douche in a costume looking to take advantage of an unsuspecting girl.
You push the window up and he tumbles to the ground of the bathroom, somehow remaining inhumanly quiet.
In the process, though, he aggressively knocks a (glass) bottle of perfume off of the counter.
“Shit!” you hiss.
“Are you okay?” someone calls. Maybe Nat? It definitely could’ve been Van.
“Yeah!” you call before turning back to the masked vigilante. “You have 30 seconds to explain yourself.”
Spider-Man holds up a finger, chest heaving, before reaching up under his mask and yanking it off.
It’s not a man at all. It’s Lottie, your best friend who was conveniently missing from tonight’s get-together.
Your jaw drops. “What the f—?”
You don’t get the chance to finish your exclamation as she bolts up to clamp a hand over your mouth. “Shh!”
You frown back at her, trying to convey your emotion with your eyes.
“I’ll explain, I promise,” she assures you. “But I’m hurt. I just got my ass kicked. I need you to help me, but you can’t tell the others.”
You don’t respond. Her hand is still over your mouth.
“Promise me!” she hisses, begging.
You nod frantically, and she slowly removes her hand. “I can’t believe you’re a girl. I was betting major money with Nat that Spider-Man was Jeff Sadecki.”
She narrows her eyes at you. “Jesus Christ. Are you going to help me or not?”
“I can’t do that if you don’t tell me where you’re hurt!”
She swallows, unable to meet your eyes. “Under my suit.”
You sigh at her. “Can you stand?”
“I think so.” She manages to stumble to her feet, and you help her unzip the suit, both of you flushed bright red.
“Don’t tell me you’re embarrassed, Lot,” you tease as she collapses onto the closed toilet. “We’ve changed in front of each other a billion times.”
“These aren’t ideal circumstances,” she groans.
Her wound isn’t too bad, but it probably hurts like a bitch. Sliced across her leg, the cut slowly oozes blood. Her knuckles are scraped up, too. There’s already green-yellow bruises forming around both wounds.
“It’s not awful,” you assure her. “They just need to be cleaned and get bandaged.”
You dig out isopropyl alcohol and a rag before a apologizing for the pain you’re about to cause her.
She whimpers as you clean the gash on her leg and wrap gauze around it, and you have to pray that she doesn’t see the way your face burns.
Someone rattles the door handle. “Are you still in there?”
Laura Lee. With a start, you realize you didn’t lock the door.
You and Lottie lock wide eyes with each other before you’re yanking her up and shoving her into the shower. She shoots a web to seal the curtain to the wall, tucking herself behind it.
The door swings open, and Laura Lee peers around from behind it. “Hey, we were thinking about ordering pizza—is that your blood?”
You look down at your hands, but it’s not yours. It’s Lottie’s, from where you had wiped it from her leg. You need to think of a lie, and quick.
“Oh,” you shrug in a hopefully nonchalant manner. “My nose started bleeding, and I put my hand over it while I got the rag.”
Laura Lee, of course, steps in to investigate. “Did it stop? We should say a prayer.”
You gently swat her prodding hands away. “Yeah, I’m fine. It stopped. I just didn’t get the chance to wash my hands.”
“Really,” Laura Lee insists. “We should say a prayer. This could be a sign of something.”
“Yeah,” you mumble, “of a ruptured blood vessel.”
You indulge in Laura Lee’s plead anyway, and pray that Lottie can resist her urges to laugh during Laura Lee’s prayer like she always does.
Lottie knows she doesn’t have much time.
She carefully slides the suit back on before slipping out of the very window she’d come through. From there, she makes a Pink Panther-esque getaway a few feet away from that window to the one that leads to your bedroom.
She carefully slides the bedroom window shut before flinging open a dresser drawer in hopes for some clean clothes. She digs out a Kean University pullover and plaid pajama pants. It’ll have to do.
She stashes the suit in the spot that she’d swiped the clothes from, and just as she shuts the drawer, she freezes. Someone’s coming.
There’s nowhere to hide. Your bed sits atop a wooden bed frame, meaning she won’t—can’t—fit underneath. Your closet isn’t big enough either. That only leaves…
When Nat swings the door open, she completely expects to find someone in a striped shirt with a sack of money over their shoulder. Something is being very noisy in your room, and she’s intrigued to know what could possibly be causing such a ruckus.
Instead, she finds… nothing.
She checks under your bed, even though nobody besides a small child could fit between the planks of your bed frame. She checks your closet. Hell, she checks the fire escape.
“Hm,” she decides, but there’s something… not right. There’s an itch under her skin that won’t go away.
When Nat leaves, Lottie can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.
She carefully lets herself down from the ceiling with a breath of, “Holy shit,” and a hand pressed to her chest.
There’s still work left to be done, though.
Quietly this time, she swings back out onto the fire escape.
There’s a knock on your front door, and you frown. Everybody’s here, and Misty didn’t say that they had already ordered the pizza, just that they were thinking about it.
You quickly rinse your hands of Lottie’s red blood before following Misty to the door.
Low and behold, the new guest is Lottie fucking Matthews.
You feign surprise at the sight of her. “Hey, I thought you weren’t coming!”
She walks over to you, arms open wide, limping ever so slightly as she engulfs you in a hug. “It’s a long story.”
Through a faux grin, you growl, “Tomorrow, we’re going to get coffee, and you’re going to explain everything.”
KITTY MEOWS! I kept seeing Spider!Lottie edits on TikTok and there was an itch in my bones that could only be satisfied by writing this…
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skywstuff · 1 year
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🕸️ miles morales icons
🖤 like/reblog if youu save pls. ;)
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marvelouttakes · 6 months
Lol Rhodey
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