#splilled ink
small-town--r · 1 year
I'm alone in my bed again tonight
just like every other night.
How does loneliness feel so heavy;
seeping through my bones.
Sometimes I ponder on how in love we were.
How could something so exquisite to turn to ash;
In what seemed to be in the blink of an eye.
It wasn't always wrong neither always right.
The pain of all our yesterday's cut me to the core.
Then some days I remember how happy we once were.
How pretty the moonlight was shining on our house.
How the pretty sunflower kitchen made my heart happy.
How the flowers would bloom in the spring, bringing the sent of freshness.
My weeping cherry tree in the middle of the yard still has a piece of me there.
Everything I ever loved in that place that sat on 2.5 acres is gone now.
Isn't mine anymore.
I'm alone in my bed again tonight.
Just every night.
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mazell11 · 4 days
Warm white winter sprinkled across the oblivion as you sink further into the one. Note the beginning has just begun. Idolized by envy's son spat you out now time is up. Nothing left but an empty what? Excited but not yet amazed! Still feel your fingers touch my face cut them off they're out of place. Damn these feelings, damn this taste you can't dream if you stay awake inside there's left to take time has dealt with you in weights. Inside is where it waits hiding beyond the gates wanting something feeling nothing laughing softly always blushing. Time? There will never be enough.
By: Aaron Mizell
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a-girl-and-her-quotes · 3 months
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William Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing
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If nobody acknowledges your existence, does that make you invisible?
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cuddlymashmallow · 3 years
“How dare you linger on my lips and then kiss me like a stuttering apology with excuses stapled to the roof of your mouth.
I still remember you like a dream tattooed to the inner walls of a long term memory but some days I wonder if you existed at all.
And of course, you wanna know how I got these scars. Well fine I’ll tell you… I got these scars the day I fell in love with you. I landed face first.”
— Scars by Rudy Francisco
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nikithathampy · 4 years
May be there is no future for us, no happily ever after,
It's not in your fate to love me for the rest of your life perhaps,
It's not in my destiny to bind us together in trust, happiness and bliss,
But neither this destiny nor this fate, future are obligations of my love.
I love you now, this very moment ,when I say you mean the world to me,
I loved you in my yesterdays when my nights were spent in sweet memories of you,
I will love you in every tomorrow to come even if all the love runs out of me, rendering me incapable to feel.
Every minute I succumb to will have your name in my breath,
Even if I'll hate you for not standing by, I'll still love you for choosing to lose
Even if the world will hammer this love to smithereens, my heart will still beat endlessly for you,
And if a day comes where my love will disappear from within, I'll believe it has all come resided in you.
_ If all this love runs out of me _
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ashtonn77-blog · 3 years
Thinking of you I live out lifetimes between the minutes
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for-the-outliers · 4 years
I’m not scared... I’m proud
My mom texts me and says "make sure your home by 8, the governor just issued a state wide curfew. So scary!" 
I smile. I realize...i’m not scared. i’m proud. 
Now make no mistake....I am not proud of what happened in Scottsdale. I’m not proud of the looting and destruction. I’m not proud of the people using a terrible situation as a opportunity to snag some iphones. i’m not proud of Logan paul showing up to loot the mall. 
I'm proud of the 3 day protest in my states capital. I’m proud that we're not asking for justice. We're demanding it. I’m proud that every friend I have who has been “scared off by politics” is taking a stand. I'm proud that after everything my generation has witnessed. From sandy hook to standing rock. the flint water crisis to ICE deportation. to every innocent black man, women and child killed by police. who got 5 minutes of air time as a political debate. to the leaked  body cam footage that got brushed off as a one time issue. now...George Floyd. 
 this is where we stop asking politely. where we look at the injustice of our system and how broken our country is and now...we aren’t here to be polite and peaceful. we are here to say that we are angry and we won’t stop until change happens. that...that I’m proud of. That gives me hope for the future, that makes me want to fight. 
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Spattered and spiral formation
New information to take aboard
Abroad with this new sensation
That creation is finally yours
Ours here together,
Now and forever, it’s hard to believe
Something new to commit to
Another extension of me
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therealmob22022 · 5 years
Evening and Dawn
The queen of the darkness
And the king of the light
One day got together
On a midmorning flight.
Afriad they would cancel
But nowhere to go
They approached each other
so very very slow.
One gave the other
What the other never had
Mix daylight and darkness
and neither were sad.
Twice a day
They made love
Every evening, every dawn
To the trickles of a stream and the coos of a dove.
~Michael   March 26, 2019
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doyoungbunnyagenda · 5 years
a writing about NCT U’s Yestoday (part of the Limitless timeline)
‘’Broken heart,
after all a story written deep inside my heart,
This short dream,
Past memories,
Unforgettable times,
Dear yesterday…’’
 It was time to say goodbye. To everything. To everyone. The world was coming to an end and we all came to terms with it. It was always out of our control, us as humans had no part in it. We couldn’t control the stars. It seemed like we controlled the world when we had barely scratched the surface. You never know the top till you get too low. It was time to repent our sins. Beg for mercy and forgiveness from any celestial being watching over us. I, myself I had many things I needed to overcome. Personal demons, I am ready to leave them in the past. I needed to leave them in the past. If I didn’t leave them in the past, I would spend the last few days of my life in misery. Engulfed in misery is not the last thing I want to feel. I rather feel accomplished than feel bad about everything. But those feelings of misery all ways manage to creep in at the most unexpected moments. The fact that the world was nearing its end was the main cause of that. Not just for me but for everyone around me. Events like this are what bring humanity together, as one. We will be one until the day the final bit of rock carrying the final person sinks into the abyss. Or so they say, as I attend the final church service in my life.
 ‘’Tomorrow, yesterday,
I’m sorry I walked away,
Tomorrow yesterday,
Dear yesterday.’’
 This is a time for self-reflection. A time to rid us from all our vices. Me and many others were never really religious people, but with the changes in circumstances, religion is the only thing making sense. Science as failed us in all ways possible as religion gives us purpose and hope: things we need dearly right now. It makes me think of all I’ve done wrong. The negatives trap the positives as my mind is clouded with memories. Memories from my childhood. All the times I’ve made someone cry, all the times I shouted in anger. The piles of lies that I have carried till the present day. Disappointing moments. Moments of failure. Everything I have done or said wrong and the people I have offended with it. Sometimes I wish I could turn back the time. Restart life: correct all my mistakes and appreciate all the things I had taken for granted. I wish I could write a letter to yesterday to tell it that I should live my life to the fullest and take advantage of every opportunity I have. Because the future for me and everyone else isn’t looking very bright. I wish I could have done better yesterday…
how you enjoyed this!
make sure to stay fresh!!!
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small-town--r · 4 years
Love me through the rain
When I pour down the storm
Be my umbrella
Sheild me from the clouds
Maybe I'm hard to love
Forgive me for that
On my worst days
I need to know you love me anyway
Stay with me through the sunshine
Dance with me in rain
My desire is to love you
I yearn to make you happy
When I don't know anything else,
I do know
I love you
And that is a promise
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mazell11 · 5 years
The waves of the ocean will beat upon the shore even when we are gone
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wanderlust-0616 · 5 years
“Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never beautiful, it was just red.”
We are turning our brokenness into poetry, trying to find some semblance of beauty in this shattered and painful existence. A small splash of colour, however dark, in this dull black and white world. Something to make us feel better, significant, as if we account for something, by adding something in the history of art, even if it goes unread.
Creators. Becoming creators, because that's all we can do now, we possess nothing. Not even our own minds, not anymore. We are just losing control, losing control while we desperately try to grasp it in terrible destructive ways.
It's not beautiful, the breaking down, the crying, the self harm or numbness. It never was, we just create an image of it being beautiful. Beautiful so that we don't feel as bad, as bad for being something so horrible.
To make something good out of this wretched mess that we have become.
We also try to find other things, that represent us, something beautifully painful. Broken, and dark,  perhaps, but beautiful. They make us feel a little less alone, knowing that there are others who feel this way, that it's not entirely awful.
But when everything peaks, when we are breaking down all over again, as everything seems at its worst, nothing is beautiful. It is just a hollow screaming in our ears, an ache in our heart, a heavy weight in our stomach, it's not beautiful. It's just painful. The world tilting on its axis, our reality seems altered, ripped off at edges. Surreal, disassociation. We don't know what's happening or why it is us who are suffering. Certainly, as you read this, it sounds poetic. But at that given moment, it's anything but beautiful.
The broken aesthetic is just an image put up by the ones who are hurting, in an attempt to feel better. And it works, gives rise to so many beautiful pieces. But at what cost?
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norelsdraft · 5 years
i always hated the taste of coffee
until one day you bought me a cup of it
high places were my biggest enemy
until one day you helped me beat it
with my hand secured on your grip
endearment had always bothered me
but now God do i love it
everytime i hear you let it slipped
you make me do things i never thought i would do | a.n.h
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cuddlymashmallow · 3 years
"Do you know why hugs are so beautiful?
Because the right side of you does not have a heart, so it is empty, and when you hug you will have a heart on both sides."
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