#❆the modern relic
fictionadventurer · 4 months
I thought that it was stupid that Brandon Sanderson had the narrator of Tress of the Emerald Sea call all the unnamed sailors "Dougs" when he could have just called them, you know, sailors. But then I started using the term. Turns out having a word for "yes, we know that realistically all these individuals have unique identities and personalities, but they're not the focus of this story so we're going to treat them as faceless background characters" is surprisingly useful.
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boxdstars · 9 months
rip sebastian sallow you would’ve loved fnaf music parodies
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behindthesemasks · 6 months
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Nic stood at the door from the office into the living room, quietly watching.  He couldn’t hear it all; the voices of Mel and Klaus were too quiet.  However, he did see the tear on Mel’s face when she had turned around.  The only reason that Klaus was still standing and Nic was in the doorway was because she hadn’t slapped Klaus.   Nothing of what he’d been able to discern was anything new to him.  He really doubted that any of it was new to Mel.  Maybe Klaus hadn’t said it out loud since he’d left two years ago, but one would have to be very dense to miss how the other man felt.  Then again, Mel had been so hurt when Klaus left the first time that she may not have been paying attention.  Nic couldn’t judge her for that; he knew what she went through at the time…and all that came after. 
A hand landed on Nic’s shoulder, almost making him jump.  Turning, he saw Ambrose looking at him with an eyebrow raised.  Their grandfather was as on guard for any upset to Mel as Nic was.  The days in the hospital after Mel’s fall had been rough on the whole team, but none more so than the two men now facing each other.  More than once, Ambrose had to step between Nic and either Erik or Klaus.  While the elder Meyers male understood Nic’s protective nature, he also knew that infighting would help nothing.  It had to be her decision to hear Klaus out or not; they couldn’t deprive her of that.  
Both Meyers men turned to look across the room.  From where they stood and the position of the couple over by the bar, all they could really see was Klaus’s back.  Giving them some privacy, Ambrose pulled Nic back into the office and shut the door behind them.   The suite wasn’t so large that they wouldn’t hear if something happened.
Mel gazed up into the clear blue eyes that she had long adored and missed.   Words were failing her.  She wanted to tell him so much, but nothing came forth from her.  Her heart ached, old wounds ripped open by his words.  There was so much regret, so much heartache that had transpired because she had given up on his return and tried to move on with her life.  But had she really?  It’s not like it worked out for her; she had still ended up as she had been for most of her life…alone save Alexander, her cousin, and her grandfather.   They were the only ones she knew that she could depend on, a fact that made her heart ache often.
How many times had she wondered what was wrong with her that she was so often relegated to the shadows and the corners, to second place behind others when all she wanted was to be everything to someone.  Never had she dreamed that there in someone’s heart she had been paramount even if she never knew it, never suspected it.  In truth, she guessed that she had never gotten over him either; there had always been a part of her that loved him from their first kiss and through all that came after.
For Klaus the seconds ticking by on the clock on the wall over the wet bar seemed to take eternity to tick by.  His heart was thundering in his chest as he stood there, those gorgeous blue eyes of hers looking up at him, but the room remained silent.  The scene in the hospital room played through his mind as he waited, the words that had sliced through him like razor blades.  They had cut him to the core because he knew so much of her pain had been started when he walked away.  How much could he have stopped if he had never ended things?
“Klaus…I…”Her hands slid up his chest from where they had come to softly lay when she turned around.  One on each side of the row of buttons, they slid smoothly over the fine fabric.  Her voice and her hands stopped when she came to a lump, one Klaus had felt every day since the chain that held it had been put around his neck.  The day that he had walked away full of rage and bloodthirst, making the greatest mistake of his life.
Klaus was sure his heart was going to pound out of his chest as her eyes first held confusion then dropped to look at the small bulge in his shirt.  He didn’t move to stop her as lithe fingers undid the small button that was the only thing keeping it concealed from her, that didn’t mean that he wasn’t almost shaking with nerves waiting to see her reaction.  His hands on her lower back were almost vibrating, ready to hold her still to him should she pull back.  The last time he’d felt so nervous was when he’d bought it.
Nimble fingers made short work of the button and then slowly reached in to retrieve what she seemingly already knew was there.  However, instead of what she expected to be his mother’s wedding ring, another greeted her eyes, one that she knew.  Tears sprang to her eyes, and she choked back an almost sob looking at it.  Searching for answers, her eyes again met his, “ is this…”
His head nodded softly, “yes.”
“From that store…” her voice was choked with emotion, and it was playing out over her face.
Again, his head nodded, “yes.”  He was barely keeping his own voice from breaking.  How he had planned the way she would eventually see the ring over and over in his head.  This scenario, it wasn’t even close to what he had wanted.  But he knew he had to stop hiding things from her; maybe this is one he shouldn’t have hidden so long.
Once again, her eyes dropped to the ring as she slowly moved it between her thumb and finger.  She couldn’t look at him, it hurt too much.  She was an idiot.  A complete and total idiot not to have known, not to have had an inkling, not to have waited.  “When?”  Her voice was quieter, still filled with so much emotion that it caused Klaus’s heart to almost ache.  
He’d been a fool to walk away those years ago.  Did he regret hunting down those who had killed his parents? No.  Should he have let her know he’d be back?  Yes.  His eyes closed as he now fought back tears. He could hear the heartbreak in her voice, and it was killing him. “The day after you saw it, fell in love with it.”  There was a strain in his voice. The fact he was fighting to control his emotions was crystal clear.  His arms tightened around her, pulling her closer to him.  How had things gone so sideways?  He knew the answer, his own temper and stubbornness.
Mel’s head tipped forward to lay against his chest, tears freely flowing.  The Alexandrite ring slid over the tip of her index finger, and she curled it slightly as she clung to his shirt.  “How long have you….”  Her ability to finish sentences was missing at the moment, but it wasn’t even necessary.  He knew her so well that he had anticipated every word she was saying and every question that she would have.  
“Since the day I was a fool and left you heartbroken.  I’ve never taken it off.”  His hands softly caressed her back as his head dipped to press a kiss to the top of her head.    He stilled there, closing his eyes and still fighting back tears.    At any moment, he expected her hurt and anger; to be pushed away like he deserved for being a fool and a pig headed man.  He had hurt the one person he’d sworn never to, and he deserved whatever she had to throw at him.
As they stood there, she could feel it.  His heart was pounding, his breaths ragged, and it was only his iron will that had kept his voice from cracking.  Visions of the day that she had first seen the ring in that little antique and estate jewelry shop on Royal Street in the Quarter danced in her mind.  They had been in and out of shops all along the street as they searched for presents for Nic’s birthday.  She never liked the mundane things, and they had looked everywhere.  It had started by looking at an elegantly engraved fountain pen, which she did end up buying, but then her eyes had landed on the ring.  Instantly, she fell in love with it.  They had spent a long time looking at it before Mel said she’d wait and just got the pen.  When she’d gone back a couple of days later, the distinguished man behind the counter had told her a man had bought it as an engagement ring because his wife-to-be had so loved it.  Never had she suspected that he was referring to Klaus.  
Slowly, Mel began to pull her head, then her shoulders, back.  Klaus fought the urge to hold her tighter, not let her move.  Part of him was preparing for her rejection, that once again, he was too late.  Large hands slid down her back to her waist as he tilted his face down to look at her.  Even with tears streaking her cheeks and her eyes red, she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.  As he waited for her to speak, he was memorizing her face, sure that it was to be the last time he got to see it.  At that thought, his jaw clenched, and finally, one tear began to make its slow journey down his cheek.  
She could see it written plainly on his face, he thought she was going to reject him.  Maybe another woman might have after all that had gone on, all the deception, knowing what he truly was now…Nic having explained everything while she was in the hospital…but not Mel.  Nic had told her a lot…a lot…and what she could now see in those blue orbs of his spoke even louder and more deeply than any of the words that Nic had used.  They spoke of regret, remorse, fear, but most of all they spoke of a deep and unbridled love.
Letting the ring slide off of her finger, she raised her hand to slowly wipe the one tear away with her thumb as she cupped his cheek.  Her heart ached for him…for them…for all that had gone on between them.  “Klaus, I…” her voice cracked and failed her, and he visibly winced.  God, why did this hurt?  Shouldn’t this be a happy moment, and her heart lurched beneath her ribs instead of souring with the eagles.  Her hand pressed more against his cheek as she swallowed before trying again.  This time, her voice came out broken, hoarse, but clear, “it’s not too late this time.”  
The words hit him straight in the chest, and for a second, he forgot to breathe.  His eyes searched her face, looking for any clue that he’d misheard.  Then his hands almost seemed to move instantly from her lower back to be cupping her face as his lips crashed into hers.  It was the farthest thing from a gentle kiss. It was one borne of passion, desire, and most of all, love for the woman before him.  His larger body pressed her back into the bar behind her as he relished the feeling of her once again against him.  Her fingers were in his hair, her lips pressing back to his as he drank her in.  Tasting first her lips and then her mouth, he was insatiable.  Too long had he been required to bottle up all he felt, and in this moment, he was going to show her exactly how walled off he’d been.  All facades, all the masks that he’d been wearing for the last two years, shattered around them, and he never wanted them back on again.
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randomnameless · 1 year
Bcs Nopes retconned one of the things I really liked about FEH’s Fodlan content namely Moon Gradivus (B!Dimitri calls it his father’s lance!) -
What if Macuil yeeting Lambert from his lawn had more consequences than just a footnote?
Like, imagine Macuil sleeping/napping/counting clouds peacefully in Sreng, then a bunch of armored humans are approaching, but instead of targetting him to steal treasure, they just start to fight and all next to his resting place -
He tells them to fuck off far from here, but Lambert doesn’t really understand what is happening, there’s a giant beast calling him a thief.
Before being yeeted away, he merely told the giant beast he was no thief, but the magic beast seemed super pissed and angry, and told him he stole what he is using as a weapon.
Returning to Faerghus after talking a bit to Rodrigue and Matthias about the aborted Sreng campaign - and the giant beast he met - Lambert has doubts, and rides alone, with Aredbhar, to the temple where he met the giant beast.
Greeted by some “do you really wish to die stupid human”, King Lambert explains how this is a Relic and the Church of Seiros said Relics were “gifted” by the Goddess, so he didn’t steal it. But the Goddess also sent the Immaculate One, her messenger, to help humans, so is he one of the Sacred Beasts, like the Immaculate One?
Macuil wants to erase him on spot for 1/distrubing his nap 2/being the descendant of an elite 3/daring to compare him to his fool of a sister but then Lambert saves his hide by making a proposal : right now he needs the power of the Relics to protect his country from invasions and war by other states, but when he’ll have achieved peace and Faerghus will be safe and secure, he promises it, he will return the Relic to him.
Birdie doesn’t believe him - humans are worthless after all - but is amused, so he’ll take the bait. He’ll pretend to wait here until that human returns the relic, but when he obviously won’t and his fool of a sister will come for her thousand year visit, he’ll rub it in her face that humans are worthless because look this one promised something and never upheld his part of the bargain.
Of course, Lambert loses his head and never returns.
AG verse : Dimitri hears something about a giant white beast who helped the Church escape Garreg Mach ? Rodrigue wonders if it was the Immaculate One, Lambert also mentionned seeing it once in a desert, and he talked about an oath made to one of the Goddess’s envoy but he never explained more.
Wanting to fulfill his Father’s oath, Dimitri wants to go on expedition in the desert to meet that beast, under Sylvain and Matthias’ combined “plz no the desert is in Sreng why the fuck do you want to go there we already have a war at our door”.
While Seteth and Rhea are apparently arguing about something (“what have I told you again about transforming??? Now people saw you!” “It wasn’t me! I hate deserts!”) Flayn pops up and joins Dimitri’s party, saying that if a sacred beast is there then she wants to met them.
(Ashe thought they were going to meet the Immaculate One, but Flayn spoke a bit too fast and said Lady Rhea is in the Cathedral if he wants to see her, which puzzled Ashe, why is Flayn talking about Lady Rhea?)
Happens what happens, Birdie wants to slaughter new “thieves” disturbing his nap (”stupid humans I can’t even sleep 20 years without them bothering me??”) but then he sees his beloved niece, who introduces him to her new “companions” as the “Source of magic” so he is suddenly in a good mood and doesn’t want to kill them all.
Even a majority of them are thieves.
Dimitri ultimately makes the greatest mistake ever, calling Macuil the “Immaculate One” - but he isn’t yeeted away, Birdie merely notes that this stupid Blaiddyd human never learns, he told him last time he was not his “fool of a sister”.
Felix calls him out, it’s the first Dimitri met him, right?
Apparently, this Sacred Beast (the Wind Caller Annette heard!) met a human with “yellow hair” and the “stench” of Blaiddyd not so long ago, but it’s not like he bothers remembering every human he met - Dimitri introduces himself as that man’s son, King Dimitri, son of King Lambert. And per his oath, he is here to, uh, do what his Father couldn’t?
“Return what you call a Relic”
Flayn guesses where this is going, and asks her Uncle (Dedue raised a brow, her Uncle?) to please let it go, those people aren’t the people they used to know, and right now they need power to protect themselves from the Empire
“The what?”
For the first time in 1100 years, Macuil laughs when he hears Adrestia declared war on the Church of Seiros and the rest of Fodlan “tell me Rhea isn’t dead yet, I need to laugh at her!” and is so happy at those humans who made his day (or decade) that he tells the blonde human with a stupid shiny armor - the Blaiddyd - he can find a new lance in the ruins, he finished it “just in case you humans respected your promise, I made it for the other human but you should be able to use it, to protect your people or country or whatever instead of using the relic”.
Then he flies away - after correcting Felix that no, it was not Saint Indech who made the Holy Weapons the Saints used during the war, “Dechi” only made stupid lumps of metal, what made them “strong weapons” were his spells.
Dimitri is puzzled, should he really use this lance? Will the Church of Seiros accept it? Flayn tells him not to worry, besides, this lance is like the proof King Lambert managed to make a first step towards reconciliation between two parties, if he managed to make the Wind Caller trust him, then everything is possible.
Vowing to walk in his Father’s steps, Dimitri names his new weapon “Moon Gradivus” for some reason, and calls it “his father’s lance”.
Downsides - Seteth is unable to join the war effort for the next two weeks, because he has to prevent his siblings from fighting - more precisely Rhea from punching Macuil because he gets on her nerves and keeps on making fun of her decision, back then, to trust humans, doubly so because the current war is led by an Hresvelg.
of course, he won’t be playable.
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ratwithahatonamat · 9 months
Iv made vauge references to this fan fiction that I had “written” about Niel cecirega and will wood adopting me, a thing of the past a relic of a hyper fixation
That was until looking through my notes I actually found it.
I had completely forgotten that I actually began to write it and now I’m forced to look upon my own hubris as frankenstien looked to his own man made horror
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heleneplays · 2 years
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@h-e-s-1 delivering u a late present (your borthday 09/20 and looking back on Kami's profile, 09/16-- I have 0 words lmao <3) ft. SocMed AU bc I LOVE to torture myself by manually doing everything in my phone 🤡 but also, bc it's currently living in my mind rent free 👉🏻👈🏻
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ancient-cats-unite · 2 years
A Master and his Disciple.
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I see Hermit Cat and Modern Cat as teacher and student. Maybe I might write something about them..
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ranger-rai · 2 years
How do TMs/HMs work?
They are basically Training Videos on disks.
However they are becoming more obsolete as of recently, and are changing in design.
Back in the day, we used to use large disks and we would insert them into PC's at a pokemon center or use avaliable devices out and about to learn and teach our pokemon on our adventures.
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Over time the technology became more compact that the disks were smaller and we could insert them into our Pokedex while on our journey, so we could pratice on the go.
As of recently, people share their TM and HM data via videos, social media, and such, so now people really only collect them.
There are some that have better instruction thst others.
Some might have been made by an amateur who knew the technique and decided to make some money off of it.
While others might have been made by professional trainers, or even older gym leaders, with much more detail.
I know some people think it just beams the information into the pokemons head, but it's more of a training routine.
They are given the basic information on how to start using the move, but then they need to follow the training to master it.
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n4n0c0r3-blog · 2 days
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Sci Fi Relic Pistol
Do not use this design without permission.
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osovereign · 1 month
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the original tongue of aselia was along the lines of what we would know as hebrew, while there where other various dialects based within and surrounding the two biggest countries that held power of tethe’alla and sylvarant--the pair still shared a common patois. it was during the founding of the cruxis organization and the spilt of the two worlds that latin came into play. this was due to several reasons but the most notable three are:
it wasn’t a truly even spilt of the world ( not something that was truly right down the middle ): as citizens from rivaling countries found themselves on the opposite side with no way of returning to where they once where. 
a lot of the trained scribes had been misplaced due to these events and the people found it difficult to regain mastery over a character based system and thus the latin alphabet was created.
upon the spreading the gospel of the goddess martel and the hero mithos whom made a part with her, it had been decreed that the ‘angel language’ was only for those specific people to learn, amongst them was the mana lineage and members of the clergy.
it was also during this founding of cruxis era that the kharlan trio got rid of all texts in hebrew ( except what would come to be known as the holy teachings of martel / the angel language ): after this, they sought to retranscribe the world’s history as they deemed was non-interfering with their goals into what we know as ‘latin’.  by doing so cruxis accomplished the first things when it came to absolute control. the best way to control history and flow of information is to make it seem like nothing else existed before what is available, or rather what was known and readable was all that there ever was.
to mark a distinction during the thousands of years spilt apart had the people of sylverant and tethe’alla develop as separate entities, even if by cruxis both world’s where still treated as one, each world birthed there own manner of unique expression and idiom not found on the other ( as kratos had more experience with sylverant after the spilt and yuan tethe’alla, that is how they each became responsible for their respective side of the moon ): though this practice was mainly amongst the common people and why it is not shown by the party at large except presea ( zelos was of highborn status, sheena was from the independent country of mizuho, regal was another highborn, and the rest of the party is from sylverant, the same village at that ): they all spoke the same language but used various different dialect.
on the plant of derris-kharlan inside the holy city of angels, welgiga: the only texts that exist are all written in hebrew ( as the half-elfs are all from the era of the great kharlan war and never had a need to adapt a different language nor alphabet system ): this is also why the teachings from the church and holy word of martel was kept in hebrew as well ( it served to stop the general population from learning ‘too much’ and further pushed the agenda that the chosen was the child of angels and not human ): in another way it also solidified the indoctrination of the chosen understanding that you are born to die and only live to serve a greater purpose in death. 
cruxis as an organization true deceit lied within their ability of keeping the truth of the world hidden in plain sight. as the average person is not going have a desire to learn the angel language. each world had there own mentality surrounding it: for the flourishing world they saw it as a birthright to only those of divine birth or chosen by the oracle to be of the cloth. whereas the declining world was struggling ( due to constant famine, drought, and lack of mana ): to focus on the questioning of ‘more’ and the general consensus of both worlds was to allow those amidst the church to teach and preach the holy gospel to them, which is actually a common practice amongst monotheistic believers and cultist.
with this being said an interesting tidbit in regards to the teachings of the goddess martel and the angel language is the emphasis put on going on a pilgrimage, to retrace the steps of the hero mithos and the steps of the modern day chosens, journey of regeneration. for the common people to do the same task that the chosen is also expected to do ( when within the declining world ): is in and of itself a great way of aiding the falsifying idea that what is being done is the only way to restore the world to what once was. it is so many things and so many factors that sets up the church and the chosen for who and what she truly is: a sacrifice that is only born to die for the purpose of being used as a tool by the people and not really their own person and it is written into texts and scripture only she and those meant to guide her are given the privilege of reading.
final note. the variant of ancient aselian / hebrew that is spoken amongst kratos, yuan, and mithos is something that lessened over the years the more the kharlan trio grew apart in shared objective and ideal. though kratos used to speak it quite frequently with anna ( using words and phrases to convey the true weight of his affections for her that he felt got lost in translation ): and when he taught to lloyd, it was him passing on a piece of his long lived history and piece of himself onto the life that showed him there was a better way than this.
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x31043 · 6 months
@the global west
We still live as hunter gatherers. We just hunt from a small selection of species that we have trapped, and gather from a (very) small selection of plants we have seeded. We are not different from our ancestors. We are not different from our modern relatives who hunt and gather in a sustainable way.
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sheltiechicago · 6 months
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Photo: Eugene Kim / My Modern Met
Thought-Provoking Exhibit Explores “Fictional Archaeology” With Modern-Day Relics for the Future
Daniel Arsham: Wherever You Go, There You Are, 2023. Orange County Museum of Art. 
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Photo: Eugene Kim / My Modern Met
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Installation view: Daniel Arsham: Wherever You Go, There You Are, 2023. Orange County Museum of Art. (Photo: Yubo Dong, ofstudio)
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Installation view: Daniel Arsham: Wherever You Go, There You Are, 2023. Orange County Museum of Art. (Photo: Yubo Dong, ofstudio)
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Installation view: Daniel Arsham: Wherever You Go, There You Are, 2023. Orange County Museum of Art. (Photo: Yubo Dong, ofstudio)
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guitarbomb · 6 months
Thomann Cyberweek 2023 - Up to 60% of for 10 Days
Thomann Cyberweek 2023 runs from 17 – 23 and offers discounts of up to 60% off on a huge range of products. This sale is way better than just a regular Black Friday deal and includes major brands like Fender, Gibson, and Neural DSP in the deals. Up to 60% Off The annual Thomann Cyberweek has just started today and runs for 10 days straight with up to 60% off on gear purchased on the site. If you…
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heleneplays · 1 year
Contact nicknames & evolutions of the Relics gang on Helene Spillane's Phone (Modern College Roommates AU):
Sam - Hopkins -> TA 1 ✨️-> 🤡Clown Jr.|TA Sam🤡 -> Dr. Hopkins 🥹-> Theystie 💕
María - García ->🙊María🙊 -> 😳Meowría🥺 -> Babygirl🔥 -> Sweetheart💖 -> 🔥💕My Meow Meow💕🔥 -> 🌈✨MYWFIEYYY😭🥺💕 -> 🌈✨WIFE🥺💕
Rémy - Fournier -> Rémy 🍻 -> Bestie -> THOT 😒🙄 -> 🌈Be Gay Do Crimes™🔪 -> PLoML💕 -> Braincell #1 -> JAIL JAIL JAIL -> 🤡🚩Bestie in Crime🚩🤡
Esme - Esme -> Esme☀️ -> Princess Peach🚩 -> Braincell #2 -> 💅🏻Disaster💅🏻
Abdul - Abdul -> Abbie🥺 -> Mom Friend™ -> 💕🥺Beloved Mom™🥺💕
Cleo - Stone -> Cleo -> >:( -> Cleo (redux) -> BITCH™ (affectionate) -> Voice of Reason 🤷🏾‍♀️-> Dr. Stone -> 🤡Clown #2💀
Dominique - Unknown Number -> Dominique -> I DONT KNOW THEM 🙈🙉🙊 -> Domi™ -> 🌈BE THEY DO CRIMES™🔪 ->🥷🏼Chief Cryptid🥷🏼
Zhu - Zhu -> Zhuccini -> Baby Man -> Man Door Hand Hook Car Door -> Dr. Zhu -> 🤡Clown #3🔪 -> 🌈Be Bi Do Crimes™🥺-> 🎆Gun🔫
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elleroodles · 8 months
hi elleroodles! idk if you remember but its emma (unus annus moot) and i just wanted to say i hope you’re doing well! 🩷
hi my awesome friend emma it is so nice to see u pop in !!! i am doing splendid how are YOU!!
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interclouds · 10 months
I honestly probably wouldn't even use modern controls if they just had a dedicated super button for classic
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