#'hey that guy's kind of cute right' and billy being like oh my god please stop
ok but can you imagine if the duffels had given dacre the go ahead to make billy explicitly queer. can you IMAGINE. dacre would have acted the FUCK out of that part. we were ROBBED
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princessofmarvel · 2 years
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   Summary | You are in the car when steve and robin have their conversation about boobies . Part 2 !!!!!
 Pairing | Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader! ( The Reader Has Breast ) 
 Word Count | 533
Warnings! | Slight Spoilers For Stranger Things 4 Volume 1! And, Allusion’s To Smut? Kind of , Lol .
Author's Note! | Hey You Guys! I think that I have done with the random capitalization and the random punctuation that is caused from my OCD on this fic! But, I still apologize if there are any! And, I am working on the next part of my Eddie Munson fic. I am just trying to figure out how to write it down! This Has Been Proof Read , But Please Let Me Know If I Have Missed Anything ! And, please send in any requests or Thought’s That You Have for Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Or Eddie Munson! I apologize for how short this is , Lol !
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  “People Who Like Boobies!” Were the first words that you heard out of your boyfriend's mouth once you got into the back seat of his car for him to take you and your best friend ( And his best friend ) Robin to school to go to this pep rally that was just way too early in the morning for.  
  “What the hell did I just walk in on?” You asked while kissing Steve’s cheek before you take your seat in the backseat of his BMW.
“We are talking about how Vickie obviously like’s boobie’s!” 
  “We do not know that!” “Yes we do! She returned Fast Times at what time? 53 minute’s 5 seconds, Robin , she likes what? Boobie’s!” Say’s your boyfriend while he raises his voice some. 
  “Oh my god Steve, will you stop saying boobie’s, please tell your boyfriend to stop saying the word boobie’s!” Robin yells while looking back at you with pleading eyes. 
  “I’m sorry Robin, But I agree with Steve on this one” You said to her, which causes her to roll her eyes at the both of you. 
  “Look Robin, It is not A big deal, I like boobies , You like boobie’s , Vickie like’s boobie’s!” Exclaimed your boyfriend to the 3 of you in the car. 
  “Um, Steve , You like who’s boobies?” You say while leaning forward to rest your chin on your boyfriend’s shoulder, While placing your hand onto his bicep. 
  “Yours, Y/n, I like-love your boobies, I mean, your bra is in the backseat for A reason” Steve say’s while grabbing your hand off of his bicep and kissing your knuckles. 
  “Steve!” You say starting to search the backseat for the bra that he says he has.  
  “What?!” Steve says “I was just saying how much I love your boobies!” 
  “Ok, look Robin, Vickie like’s boobies! And, trust me she will love your boobies! I mean they're amazing!” You say while gesturing to Robin. 
     "Why do you two keep saying the word Boobies" Robin says to you and Steve. "But, Thank you Y/n, Your boobies are quite nice as well." She says turning around to look at you with a smile on her face, her mood obviously being lifted at least a little bit from you and Steve. 
   "Wait, You've seen her Boobies?" Steve says gesturing between you and Robin. 
   "Um Yeah" Robin says while you are still looking for your bra. 
   "But, Those are my boobies" Steve says with a Sad and pouting tone to his voice. 
   "Steve!" You exclaimed again, Not being able to stop the smile that was starting to form on your face. That comment from anyone else would have infuriated you but Steve saying it was so cute, Especially in that tone. 
 "What?!" He asks while parking the car at the school. "They Are! Those are my Boobies and I will prove it if I have too, Also your bra is under the seat." He says while getting out and opening your door while Robin is already on her way To Get Ready for the Pep rally. 
    "Robin Is Right Though '' Steve Say's While Holding Your Hand And Walking You To The Gym. "You Do Have Really Nice Boobies."     "Steve!" 
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mlobsters · 2 months
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supernatural s15e15 gimme shelter (w. davy perez)
DEAN Well, right now, weak is all we have, okay, 'cause nobody's found anything. And without Amara, we're screwed. So, Atlantic City? All-you-can-eat prime rib, and possibly one all-powerful cosmic being. Come on, man, sounds like a roadtrip to me.
it sounds good to me but i've been striking out with this season in the fun department :p
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cracking up at cas trying to get sam to back him up that taking jack on a murder investigation is a bad idea, but sam backs dean instead and dean is so pleased. and jack is just happy to be involved. reminds me of that scene in hannibal 2x10
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all right so we get cas and jack being awkward with local law enforcement, that's a combo.
JACK Like Sam always says, when in doubt, try social media. CASTIEL Oh, yeah. I did that once. There were so many cat photos, it was just... There were too many cats.
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JACK It says I need a parent or guardian's permission to join. CASTIEL You have my permission. JACK Ah. I have his permission.
cheap but i'll take it, it was cute
ZACK No one's making deals. Like, at all. Uh, Rowena has a hard "people will end up where they belong" philosophy. It can be nice, less quotas. But, like, look at me, uh, a crossroads demon who can't bring in a deal? Like, what even am I? CASTIEL You're a deviant soul corrupted by Hell. ZACK Well, yeah, yes, but II mean more in, like, a work-life-balance sense.
look at this, throwing the bog standard demon a bone and having some personality, and the potential changes rowena would make
SAM That's not what I meant. We've been on the road for almost two days, and I get not wanting to talk about it, I do, but, you know, what we're planning on doing, killing Amara. DEAN Well, we're not pulling the trigger. SAM Sure, but we still have to find her. And then, if we find her, we have to lie to her. We got to set her up for her own death. DEAN Hey, man, Billie called us "Messengers of God's Destruction," okay? Did you think that was, what, gonna be easy? Bloodless? Mhmh. We knew there was gonna be a catch. Least this time it's not you or me.
okay. i'm not sure i'm following here. it's like they have some good feelings about amara and they're bummed about having to kill her. but aside from the whammy on dean, do they? like, she decided to not wipe out existence and no one had to kill themselves to take her out, and she brought mary back so maybe there's some feelings from that? anyway, don't really get this but ok. i'm also not convinced she actually has to die, but whatevs
JACK Well, I have more dads than most, and I always just feel like I'm letting all of them down.
a) cute cute b) oh, jack
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spn s5e8 steve bacic as dr. sexy / s15e15 as pastor joe
thought this pastor joe guy looked familiar, apparently he was dr sexy in changing channels 5x08. and 3 episodes (as different characters) of the xfiles! oh okay i looked him up before lol, he was in the episode pusher as someone who was compelled to kill themselves by the baddie. didn't apparently deem it worth an hiky though
PASTOR You have kids? CASTIEL I, uh... It's complicated.
find it kind of interesting how jack talks about his dads straight up but when other people talk to said dads, they deflect to avoid saying they have a kid specifically. or maybe i just selectively remember the times they worm around the question
PASTOR It's kind of part of the job. My wife, she grew up in this church and loved it. They were a bit more hardcore back then. Chalked everything that happened up to God's will. Never seemed to realize that– CASTIEL God just doesn't care.
getting some laughs out of me. look at you, davy
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sitting on the cold, wet car 😩
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appreciate their commitment to filming in whatever weather, and at least in some shots showing them with the rained on/snowed in hair
so, based on that dun dun DUN type music, are they wary about the amara business just because she's you know, a juiced up god and presumably hard to kill? and not because they don't want to kill her?
SAM How'd you find us? AMARA I smelled you from two states over. You have a very distinctive musk. DEAN Thank you.
okayyy. that's something. he's pleased, for whatever reason
CASTIEL My name is, um well, my name's not important. I do know what blind faith is. I used to just follow orders without question, and I did some pretty terrible things. I would never look beyond the plan. And then, of course, when it all came crashing down, I found myself lost. I didn't know what my purpose was anymore. And then one day, something changed, something amazing. I… I guess I found a family, and I became a father. And in that, I rediscovered my faith. I rediscovered who I am.
ha. after i just said they never tell outsiders that they do have a kid. here's cas, stepping up. i have no clue what the timeline would be on the, found a family thing. i have a terrible time keeping his plotlines straight
SAM The former Death, he told us you were the firstborn. AMARA Or he told you what you needed to hear.
they seem a little rattled about that, but they know billie hasn't always been right about everything in the past so it seems reasonable to not talk everything she says at face value? and presumably same for death 1.0
AMARA Chuck and I, we're twins. Creation and destruction, light and dark, balance. And when we split apart, all this was created. SAM The Big Bang? AMARA Eh.
huh. ok. how does that work with the alternate universes then? i feel like this is a very loosely thought out idea :p
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this is very se7en :p if dude wakes up to thrash around....
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DEAN No, no. No. Why did you bring her back? You said that you wanted to show me something, that you wanted to, uh to teach me something. I don't know if you were following along, but your little experiment, it came to a not-so-happy ending. My mom is dead. So what exactly did you want to show me? What was the point?
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AMARA I wanted two things for you, Dean. I wanted you to see that your mother was just a person, that the myth you'd held onto for so long of a better life, a life where she lived, was just that, a myth. I wanted you to see that the real, complicated Mary was better than your childhood dream because she was real. That now is always better than then. That you could finally start to accept your life.
kind of shocked we're having this meaningful character moment and not plowing along with the plot. i... well. i'll be generous and attempt to believe that this was actually thought about when they brought mary back
DEAN And the second thing? AMARA I thought having her back would release you, put that fire out. Your anger. But I guess we both know I failed at that. DEAN You're damn right. Look at you. Just another cosmic dick rigging the game. You're just like your brother.
can't really argue with that, but they're making her out to be very nice this time around
AMARA It was a gift, Dean, not a trial. DEAN I'm not angry, Amara. I'm furious. To know that all my life, I've been nothing but a hamster in a wheel, stuck in a story. And you know whose fault that is? Chuck's. And it ain't just me. We're all trapped. Sam and Cas and Jack and even you. And you want to talk about the people that he's killing right now AMARA Stop. DEAN Why? He's not stopping. And you're doing nothing to stop it. Think he gives a rat's ass about you? Well, now who's living in a dreamworld?
this is all very convincing manipulation if he's just trying to maneuver her into a situation where she can be killed
PASTOR Whatever she needs, whatever it takes, I'll find a place where she can get help. I spent my life taking care of all these other people. Should've been taking care of her.
the subplot of the murdering pastor's daughter, all the meaningful looks between cas and jack. cas getting to come in and save the day, fingers, gut stab wounds
now cas and jack get to have a nighttime car chat about their feelings
JACK When we – When I kill Chuck and Amara, I'll die, too. CASTIEL What? JACK Billie's spells have been turning me into some kind of bomb, and when I go off, God and Amara will cease to exist. And... I won't survive. JACK Don't tell Sam and Dean. CASTIEL Oh, yeah? Why not? JACK They won't understand. But I know... This is the only way they'll ever forgive me.
of course! well, i can't say i'm surprised
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CASTIEL No. I watched you die once, and I will not do it again. JACK It's not your choice.
true that
DEAN Wait. What's happening? Where are you going? CASTIEL Going to look for another way. I have to. DEAN What the hell are you talking about? CASTIEL Dean, in case something goes wrong and I don't make it back, there's something you and Sam need to know…
distressing way to leave the episode but ok. so that mean he's not keeping jack's secret? that's good
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Alex Calvert posted a photo of the volunteer registration form Jack filled out at the Community Center
lol ok. that's a lot of exclamation points. and the marital statue made me laugh
didn't bitch my way through this ep, i'll take it
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spilled-some-blood · 4 years
Dating The Slashers Include
Includes: Bubba Sawyer, John Kramer, Billy Loomis, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Stu Macher, Amanda Young, and Tiffany Valentine
Warning: Slight smut warning for Freddy (but are you shocked?), but mostly just fluff
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Dating Bubba Would Include: -Starting off as probably best friends -laughing and walking around a lot together -becoming very close, somewhere in between friends and lovers -you making the first move -maybe by accident -you’d probably be talking to him and Choptop -“Why don’t you ask that guy out?” -“Because I like Bubba, remember.” -“You do?” -luckily, he likes you too -going on a first date -it not being awkward at all -if you go out on the town, you end with a hot cup of tea and new clothes, wanting to get him out of the blood covered apron -back at home, laughing and hand holding, forgetting it was actually a date -you end with a soft kiss -both of you blushing madly -the two of you will sit on a sofa and Bubba mumbles about anything -being the last ones awake -Bubba falling asleep on your shoulder -you are smiling -you also falling asleep, not wanting to wake him up -the next morning, you greet with a kiss, as if it has been done a hundred times already -every night, before bed, cuddling on the sofa and cuddling together -searching for Choptop with him -just to please him -always being amazed at how smart he is even though he can’t talk -he knows everything about you -just on his own way -stroking his hair in a calming manner -always holding hands -quick kisses -favourite place is his room, where you can sit close and lay your head in his lap while in a puddle of happiness -spending holidays with each other -one time by him, one time with you -just being cute together -always thinking of each other -general love and sweetness
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Dating John Would Include: -Reading books together in the living room with a blanket draped over you. -Laying your legs on top of his whilst attentively looking over the pages. -Him playfully starting to trace patterns on the bottom of your feet, fully knowing that you’re the most ticklish person ever. -It eventually became a full-on tickle fight. -But when you’re starting to scream for mercy he’ll stop so you can breathe again. -Making traps together as well. -Him giving you tight hugs every time you remind him you love him. -Snuggling into his jigsaw robe. -It kind of smelling like him. -He gives you neck kisses and collarbone kisses and doesn’t matter what kind of kisses… -Cause they’re loving and soft and gentle just like him around you. -He looks at you with sleepy puppy eyes and it melts you every. single. time. -Over all, he is so very happy about being with you. -Because you’re kind and amazing and loving towards him, and he can’t quite understand what you see in him. -But you make sure to remember him, very often, that he’s just as lovable as you. -And he will never appreciate someone more than his beautiful girlfriend/boyfriend.
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Dating Billy Would Include: -Him coming up with pick up lines and always strolling up to you casually, looking you up and down, as he bites his lip and says something stupid -Billy dragging you to see a movie he loves -Going to see it with him but him smiling the entire time -Acting up together -You're concentrating on something and he'd look at you and forget to breathe -Nose kisses -Neck kisses -Changing study locations due to the seasons/weather -Quiet 'I love you's' -Cheek kisses -Trips to the kitchen to bring a worrying amount of sweets back to the room -Stu forcing you to share -Having a competition to see who can scream 'I Love You' the loudest -Having a very public relationship -Seeing each other across the hall or corridor and running dramatically into each other's arms and hugging -Stu would tell you off but you could see a twinkle of laughter in his eyes at your escapades -Sudden passionate kisses when you realise you’re alone -'It's been 1 day, 5 hours, 12 minutes and 6 seconds since I’ve seen you' -Comforting him when his dad hurts him -Stu always laughing when he sees him zone out because he's thinking of you -Spending most of your time together -Your family loving him instantly -Warm, comforting hugs to keep each other stable -Sitting in peace, tracing patterns on each other's skin -Having a very goofy relationship -You almost never stop laughing -Cuddling almost constantly -Whispering 'I love you' against your neck as he places soft kisses against it -Playing with his hair -Being the 'It' Couple -Braiding his hair even though it's short so it ends up being multiple little random braids in his hair -Him laying his head on your lap -His HAIR -Soft sighs falling from his lips as you lightly scratch his scalp -Him putting his cold feet on you when you're in bed -You shrieking and kicking him off -Wearing his Ghostface outfit -Double dates with Stu and his dates -You brushing his hair -Him attempting to brush yours -Watching the stars -Lazy days cuddling on the couch -Playing with his hair. A LOT -Putting flowers in his hair -Just loving his hair -"Sometimes I think you're only dating me for my hair" -"I am"
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Dating Michael Would Include: -Him being extremely protective over you -No one daring to pick on you because of this -Shy smiles and glances -Believing in him -Him opening up to you and showing you his kind vulnerable side -Sharing secret kisses -Getting unexpected gifts -Him smiling when he sees you wearing his stuff especially his jumpsuit -You bring out the better side of him -Sitting by the couch and leaning on each other -Teaching him out to act out rationally, not on anger -Holding hands in public with your hands locked tightly by your sides -Him getting jealous of other guys and you teasing him about it -You being the big spoon because even though he acts really proud, he likes to be held at night -Sneaking around a lot -Midnight rendezvous -Neck kisses -Him calling you stupid nicknames to annoy you -"How are you, my sugar-drop?" -You hit him on the shoulder and him acting as if it didn't hurt but oh my god it does so much -Lazy Sunday mornings where you just sleep the day away -You wrap your arms around him from behind and hugging him tightly -Waking up to him tracing patterns on your skin with light fingers -Always trusting you with absolutely everything -Lots of giggles -Midnight dates -Deep talks in the middle of the night, either in bed or over anything. Him always playing with your hair -Him always being able to be himself with you -Suggestive grins during class -Sending animal-shaped notes to each other -Him being a perfectionist -So much sarcasm -Him laughing at you when you won't admit that you're a bit jealous of all the female and male attention he receives -You hiding his stuff to tease him -But him not being able to be upset with you -Arguments about minor things but both of you not meaning it seriously -Stolen kisses -Lots and lots of neck kisses -Sneaking into each other's homes -Back rubs -Cuddles
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Dating Freddy Would Include: -Sometimes starting conversations but loving the silence of the moment. -At night he never lets you roam around without him. -After he tells you about how everyone hate him, understanding why. -But still doing after and it becomes a thing for you. -Starting to let you in more about his plans. -But carefully -Loving (ssshhh) your curious side and how you wanted to know more about all his slasher friends. -"So If that's the most painful place for a man where is it for a woman?" -"Well aren't you a curious little thing dear." -The other slashers not minding you. -He obviously had told them not to harm you. -You getting along with Chucky after you get to know each other a little more. -"Okay, now I know why he is your favourite. He is really interesting under his arrogance and big ego," you say and Freddy smirks. -"Hey, I heard that f-! " *Freddy looking disapprovingly* "......lovable normie" -Taking a stroll with him in the nightmare realm. -Gripping his hand tightly. -Playing it cool but when a bird scares you, you scream and fall into his arms. -"You know this is kinda ironic right? I can probably harm you more than anything in this forest. " -"Oh hush! " you say. -Kisses in secret places. -(Getting closer sentimentally to you.) -Seeing him battle and win his opponent is a total turn on (Sorry not sorry) -Mostly rough sex -Like taking his time with you -Slowly approaching the pain-pleasure subject especially after he founds out that you like spanking and choking (sorry not sorry again). -Blowjobs for sure. -Like when he is feeling pissed and generally needs to feel like a powerful man you are right there. -You feeling sometimes that he might not do some things because he might not think you are good enough -But he kissed you to shut you up -Talking back to him one day while going to hang out with Bubba and Jason. -Telling him not to blame the others. -Pinning you to the wall. -"Listen to me, dear. You don't tell me what to do. Also, someone has to be blamed." his hands lowering to your waist and leans to your ear. " You have to get used to it love if you want to be with me." his hands slowly trailing up your thighs. "So now shut your pretty mouth because it's not going change anything," he says smirking to you now caressing you. -Sighing and accepting that there is nothing that you can do. Kissing him while he leads you to your room too pissed to be around anywhere now.
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Dating Stu Would Include: (Oh look, it’s two Scream imagines)
-where do I even start? He’s a kinky rat, everything to him is a kink -him falling completely in love with you, and never want to see you hurt in any way, especially by himself -he’d spoil the shit out of you -and he’d protect you to death -people would know not to touch you, those who have tried disappear -he’d take you shopping with full security -he’d be the guy waiting outside the change room to tell you how gorgeous and sexy you are when you come out -his hands go anywhere they want to, that’s just him. So if you wear a dress, you can guess where his hands are going -he’s the guy with his arm over your shoulders when you walk -very possessive -rough and VERY kinky sex lets are honest -but he spoils the shit out of you. wait I legitimately already wrote that but it's so true. -he’d love when you sit on his lap -especially with nothing on or in his room ;) -it throws other slashers off because they know to respect you and not look at you too long or Stu will flip and stab them -he’s the guy that can growl that sexy growl when he’s angry -but purr that sexy purr when he’s happy -you like both sounds. so sexy -he’d take you to the most expensive places and buy you the most expensive outfits and jewellery, although some of the outfits can’t even be called outfits ;) -date night is the best -ride or die. -him driving you places and speeding to make you laugh and scream. -rough ‘you’re mine’ kind of kisses -but the way he grips your waist when he kisses you is 100% -I mean, I wouldn't say he would be the best boyfriend, but it would be an experience
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Dating Amanda Would Include: (Oh look, another Saw imagine) -Looking out for each other -Playing with her hands -Her being a real getlewoman -Her getting embarrassed and flustered when people ask her how she managed to get an 'an amazing person like you' -You tell her you're the lucky one to have a girl like her -Her getting clumsier when you make her nervous -Smiling when you notice Amanda getting more comfortable in your relationship -Opening up to each other -Meeting John and him adoring you -Her telling you all about her favourite fictional characters and how the pretty ones remind her of you -Her getting you the 'pretty’ characters toys as a gift -Lots of hugs -Her watching you talk, write or anything else -Blushing furiously when you catch her staring -Quick pecks in public at first -Watching anything together while cuddling -Her depending on your emotional support a lot -Light touches -Teasing each other -Amanda going on and on about basically anything and you just listening because you like seeing her happy -Picking a single flower and placing it in your hair -Sweet cheek kisses just whenever -Catching her looking at you and looking down and catching her eye and blushing furiously -Sitting by the lake and doing your work -Helping her out with her rehab sessions -Always standing up for her and vice versa -Spending a lot of time in her room just talking to her -Her heart fluttering all the time when you're around -Warm hugs where neither of you wants to let go -Helping him overcome her drug addiction -Comforting her when she feels useless -Gentle kisses -You aren’t a fan of a few a things she likes but you still listen because the excitement in her voice when she talks about it is so freaking adorable! -Cute nicknames -Spending entire days together -Letting Amanda play with your hair -So many inside jokes -Falling asleep under the stars -Food fights -Reminding her about what she's forgotten -Piggyback rides
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Dating Tiffany Would Include: (You already know I freaking love Tiffany so you know this will be a long one) -God, she’s so fucking dramatic. -There would be multiple public declarations of love a week, without a doubt. -Crybaby™ -You’ll be goofing around together and say something jokingly rude, like how annoying she is, or some shit like that -And she’ll just deflate -She’ll start pouting, and a small crease between her eyebrows will appear -So, of course, you feel bad -So you’d take her face between your hands, and just start placing little kisses all over her face -On the cheeks, the nose, the forehead (if you can reach, that is) -After a minute you stop, looking Tiffany in the eyes at last after brushing her curls behind her ears -And they’re just filled with amusement, and she also has a shit-eating grin on her lips -She’d trick you into giving her extra affection because she’s a whiny little baby she loves you so much -So you smack her across the head -After a while, this little trick wouldn’t work, so she’d start finding other ways of getting what she wants -It’s not that you don’t show her enough love, it’s just that she needs excessive amounts -Because Tiffany never does anything halfway -It’s all or nothing -And with her, it’s often all. -She’d always show you off as ‘her girl’ and literally never shut up about you -And at first, people found it cute, because ‘aw, look how in love they are!’ -But now everybody just wants to put duct tape over her mouth -(they all still find you two cute, but, God, does Tiffany ramble) -You’re constantly talking about the future. -“What’d you think our wedding will look like?” -“How many children do you want?” -Pranks. So. Many. Pranks. -You turn it into your own little competition to see who can get the other better. -This was fun until the paranoia set in. -“Why are you looking at me like that..?” -“Because I love you.” -“Tiff….” -“Mmm.” -“What have you done?” -*Cue you chasing her down the house whilst screaming profanities, both of you laughing as you do so* -Her taking you on adventures around the town -She would teach you how to be a sassy bitch -Or, if you already knew how you’d have small games together. -Just you two, one-on-one. -You’d either: A) kick her ass, and she’d insist that she let you win, or B) be so damn terrible, but look so adorable trying that she would let you win - although she’d never make a joke about it, she’d support you and help you get better. -Throwing stuff to each other while the slashers are arguing. -Her aiming the paper so it hits your head, so you decide to make her get in trouble with Freddy -Mean Girls puns. -“You dropped your coffee? Get in, bitch, we’re getting more” -“How dare you!” -Tiffany laughing because of how terrible the jokes are. -Also, just horrible jokes in general. The type that makes you cringe, but also giggles. -Her being so open with you. -This girl will literally share anything with you. No fuss, at all. -She believes that trust is the foundation of every relationship, so why should she keep secrets? -She has so much faith in you, so the thought of you ever telling anyone something private has never even crossed her mind. -She hates it when you’re sad. -It physically pains her to know that you’re hurting. -So she’ll do everything she can to make you happy again. -Want to cry it out? She’ll hold you, murmuring words of comfort as she does so. -Feel like eating away from your problems? She’ll take you down to the kitchen so you can both have as much food as you want. -Just need to let it all out? She’ll take you by the hand and walk you down the lake so you can throw stones into the water. Or she’ll just take you up to the bedroom so you can scream into a pillow until your voice stops working. -Constant physical contact. -Even if it’s just holding hands, or feeling your shoulder brush against her: she likes to know that you’re there, and you’re safe. -Because in such a short amount of time, you’d become so important to her. -And she couldn’t bear to live without you by her side.
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crackheadenergy101 · 3 years
Mystery woman
Summary : billy finds a young woman wandering the woods, he lets the young woman stay the night and despite her flirty teasing and young restless antics learns to get close to her, especially after hearing he’s her imprint
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Billy settles on his porch, savoring on his favorite homemade coffee he lifts his head peering at the setting sun, “so peaceful”.
Billy returns to his coffee, churning it softly
He sighs “ to peaceful”, the man couldn't suppress his boredom, he truly cherished the peace at most times but some days he felt so isolated and today was one of those moments. Abruptly a rustle, the bushes shake as someone or something crawls through, billy instantly veers his head “ who's there!” he shouted. A rabbit steps out and billy calms down a bit, releasing the fist he clenched so tightly
Billy goes to recline his head but swiftly sits back up catching a glimpse of a woman deep in the forest. “Hey!” he yelled, the woman turns her naked body to face him, her eyes widening as she sees the person that called out to her “ Ma’am are you ok!” he shouted as he rolls closer. Unaware, billy looked into the woman's eyes, he felt the world halt as he looked into her glimmering eyes.
Billy gets closer and so does the woman instinctively, they both freeze, the woman shakes her head, her hair moving as she does so. Billy never felt this way, he felt so close to her in such a short time, could this be
Billy shakes the thought, acknowledging that this wasn't the time “ Ma’am can you understand English?” the nude woman nods “ are you lost, homeless?” she shakes her head in a yes, Billy nods “come, please inside I have clean clothes and food”. “please take a bath I find you some clothes” he refrains from looking at the woman waiting till she finds the bathroom, he goes to his daughter room finding the stranger something to wear, he plops the clean clothes on the bedside and returns to the kitchen proceeding to cook her dinner. He doesn't even notice her walking out, “ thank you sir” billy jumps, knocking his hand into the heated pot, accidentally scorching his hand, the woman hastily walks over “ are you, ok sir?” billy nods and gives an awkward laugh.
“ it's fine! Really!” the woman finds a rag, wetting it and placing it onto the bruised hand “ sorry for scaring you,” she says while laughing
“ it’s fine Ms?” The woman grins “ y/n,” she says whilst opening the fridge and grabbing an ice pack, “ and you?” Billy watches as y/n drapes the ice pack in the blue rag, she positions it back on the hand “ billy”. Y/n grins “ well it’s wonderful to meet you billy, thank you for giving me such a lovely warm welcome”, she says getting closer to Billy’s face “ y-y, your very welcome,” he says while cracking up, “ so what we’re doing in woods?” Y/n gets up and turns off the stove “ I don’t know myself” she says softly. “ I went on a walk after being so furious and ended up here,” y/n says, zoning out while pouring the food, billy gives a concerned look “ naked?”
Y/n snaps out of her trance and laughs hearing what the older man said “huh? Oh no! God no” She snorts and places the food on the table “ that happened in the middle of the woods, somehow” billy nods, still not being convinced.
“ do you have any family? Friends? Money” y/n shakes her head “ you can stay here for tonight till we figure something out” y/n gives a big smile “ thanks!”. Y/n eats the food, looking at photos as she finishes “cute kids” billy smiles “oh thank you” “ where are they now?” billy sighs with a smile “ oh living, my youngest Jacob lives with me but is usually out doing his own thing rarely is hone anymore, my oldest girls are doing their own thing too, one is married to a surfer in Hawaii Rebecca, and the other lives with me but again far to busy to be home Rachel”. “mhm sounds lonely” billy gives a laugh “oh trust me, it is” they both give a giggle and y/n sits up.
“ you must have more family? a brother?” “ Nope, though I do have sisters” y/n gives a smile asking about them, “ well I have an older sister Nora, and three younger sisters Jennie, Connie, Emmie” “ do you guys see each other often?” y/n asked. “eh not as much as I wish but at family gatherings, we see each other” billy goes to the sink and begins cleaning their dishes “ how about you?” the woman shrugs, itching her h/c hair “ complicated, we're a family but like not blood related and we don't live together either we're kind of a-” “ -pack?” y/n thinks about this before answering “ yeah pack, I think”. She gets up leaning over billy, her chest being on top of his head “you can leave the dishes to me, it's the least I can do” “ uh o-ok” billy moves from beneath her and she gives a smile as he goes to his couch. They sit and chat for a while before billy sees the night sky and hears wolves howling, “ wow it's dark so quickly” “ you know the saying” “ Time flies by fast when you're having fun, “ they say in unison they smirk at each other when finishing the sentence. “ God, I'm tired,” billy says “ me too, uh where do I sleep?”
“ my room, I'll sleep on the couch-” y/n gasps “ no I'll take the couch you can keep the bed really” billy smiles “ it's fine your a guest-” y/n shakes her head “ an unexpected one, you really can't give me your room” billy shapes his head “ well I certainly can't leave you here on the couch by yourself, near the door”. Y/n gives a mischievous smile, billy squint's “ what are you thinking” y/n acts surprised and put a hand on her chest “ my son's friends always have that smile when there up to something”
“ well it's not too bad really, I was thinking we could share a bed” billy gives smile and nervously gives a smile “ oh um, ok?” billy mentally groaned feeling quite lame for acting so awkwardly, he felt rusty the last time he needed to deal with these things was before Rebecca and Rachel he had no idea how to respond. “ Great! I'll go fix the bed” y/b says quickly walking towards his room, billy sighs and gives himself a moment before following,
Despite his confused feelings, billy felt so happy and he didn't know why, being with y/n felt like it was meant to be and that he should always be by her side, he finally felt so less lonely.
“ well what side do you usually take” “ right” y/n nods and getting comfortable on the left side, “ well I'm gonna go shower now” y/n nods waving by as he goes inside with his clothes.
Billy sits in his shower cleaning his hair, he felt like a teenager all over again, which made him feel upset but at the same time, excited. He comes back finding y/n asleep, he smiles and gets into bed giving her space and relaxing, the slept for an hour till y/n cuddled up to him, it felt nice, he missed this kind of touch “ms l/n-” “imprint” billy stops talking and let's y/n muzzle her face into his neck.
“ what?”
“ shhh,” y/n says
Billy smiles before falling asleep, knowing his assumptions were correct, he fell asleep once more, with y/n draped over him.
Y/n wakes up to an empty bed, looking around for her imprint, steps outside the room to be greeted by a group of young men and women “ hello” y/n says smiling. The family stares dumbfounded looking back from billy to the woman
Billy laughs, he eventually has to tell them everything and vice versa with y/n but for now he’ll wait for y/n to tell her truth
Till then he'll just enjoy the funny stares
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cupidsintern · 3 years
modern au, established relationship, i think nancy's gay
Steve’s on TikTok when the text comes in. He’s doing better lately, good enough that he can get baked by himself and not worry about spiraling. Instead he made a peanut butter marshmallow sandwich and listened to his most recent playlist all the way through like eight times and texted Robin for a while- she’s visiting family, lots of ‘Steve pls come rescue me pls ’- and now he’s on TikTok.
It’s not late-late. But it’s not early. And he knows Nancy and Jonathan are having issues- he heard about it from the kids who don’t get that gossip is not helpful to feelings- but he didn't know they went on a break. Until he gets the text.
10:46pm - 1 New Notification
Nancy Wheeler: Hey
Nancy Wheeler: Haven't talked in a while. How are you?
Steve clicks the notif bar. He stares at the text. It’s not like he never talks to Nancy. She’s just not Baby <3 in his phone anymore. Hasn't been for a while. He used to wonder what Jonathan put her as in his phone.
Steve can scroll up to see previous texts- Hey i had a doctors appointment during third did you get the homework outline? And Lucas left his water bottle at our house! Mike has it with him
And, more recently: Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one :)
But this feels different. This singular ‘hey’ in its own grey bubble kind of puts Steve on edge. He doesn't respond right away, figures he should text Robin to ask if he’s just being paranoid first but- shit she went to sleep didn't she. And while he’s typing out a “Hey when you wake up” message to Robin he gets another notif.
Nancy Wheeler: Jonathan and I are on a break
Nancy Wheeler: Sorry, I probably shouldn't be texting you haha. Just wanted some company i guess
Steve feels a hot flash of anger. Rolling in his stomach like lava. Jesus he’s too high to be this angry.
He picks up his phone again.
Types out “fuck you” and deletes it and then “thats understandable but maybe you should text one of your other friends” and then deletes it and then types out “why are you texting me we're not friends" and then deletes it and then-
Clicks back, scrolls down, and texts Billy.
You: R u still awake?
Steve gets a response within seconds.
Billy <3: aw do u miss me or smth?
Billy <3: gay
That makes Steve smile. Makes the anger cool down considerably, and he sits up a bit in bed.
You: Yes but also
You: Nancy texted me?
Billy <3: about what
Billy <3: about how she broke up with Jonathan?
You: H o w do you already know that
Billy <3: i know everything. Why’d she text you??
Steve gets another notif from Nancy. He doesn't want to open it.
Luckily, he doesn't have to right away. Billy calls him.
“No one’s home.” Is Billy's opener. “Speak freely.”
“Good evening to you too.” Steve says, relieved to have the sound of Billy’s voice to lean into.
“So what does Wheeler want?”
Steve’s thumb hesitates over the notif bar.
“She said her and Jonathan are on a break and she ‘wants company.’”
“Wow.” Steve can hear poorly concealed jealousy in Billy’s words. “That’s. Wow.”
“Don’t be j-”
“I’m not jealous.”
“Oookay.” Steve laughs a little. He still hasn't opened Nancy’s text.
“Are you going to respond?”
“No fucking way, man-” Steve starts, then another text.
Unread message: I need someone to talk to. I don’t know who else I could ask.
Steve’s brow furrows.
“What happened?” Comes Billy’s voice.
“She, uh.” Steve opens the chat finally. “Hang on.”
You: Hey
You: Seems like you're in a tough spot. Not sure I’m the right guy. Maybe you could talk about it with a closer friend?
Nancy: That’s just it.
Nancy: I don’t have any friends.
Nancy: I have no one else. Johnathon was the last person left I was close with and i fucking blew it. I have no idea what to do i'm lost and confused and i just really really could use someone to talk to.
Nancy: Please
“Babe?” Billy again. “Yeah,” Steve exhales. “Nancy, uh. Sounds pretty bad actually.”
“She reeling you in with that act?”
“I don’t think it’s an act, Bills.” Steve sits up straighter. “Something’s wrong.”
He’s typing out a vague enough response when the next text comes in.
Nancy: I think I'm gay
Nancy: Can I call you?
I think I’m gay.
That’s. Okay. That’s… something. Something that kind of makes sense now that Steve thinks about it, connects a lot of dots Steve didn't know were floating around but.
Jesus, Nancy must be having a heart attack.
“Billy, I have to call you back.” Steve says, then realizes the kind of push back he’s going to get on that.
“Call me back?” High and mighty already. “You can't just ditch me with a ‘call you back’ when your ex is actively weedling her way-”
“She’s not weedling. She’s not doing well and she has no other friends.” Silence. “Please don’t pout-”
“I’m not pouting.”
“Aw,” Steve leans his head into the receiver a little. “If I say you look cute when you pout, will that hurt or help my case?”
“Ok, I promise I’ll call you back right after I talk to her.”
“You fucking better.”
Steve says “I love you” before he gets off the phone and is medium relieved to hear Billy say it back.
Steve calls Nancy. She takes a while to pick up. When she does, he can tell she’s been crying.
“You didn’t have to call.” Is the first thing she says. She sniffs right at the end.
“Seemed like you were having. A rough night.” Steve says. Her text hasn't fully sunk in, he’s thinking about all the times she called him crying. How they got more frequent right before the end.
“I shouldn't have bothered you, I’m sorry, you can go.” Nancy’s voice builds a little. She sounds frantic.
Steve can’t really feel soft feelings about Nancy cause all of them just piss him off or ice his blood but. He’s worried. “No, no it’s-” Then Steve hears the background noise. “Dude, are you driving?”
“I- w- yeah.” Nancy sounds a little defensive.
“Oh my god.”
“I just needed to clear my head! I know I shouldn’t have called it just…”
Steve steeled himself for the words he knew were about to come out of his mouth. No matter how much of a hothead Steve could be (not as much as Billy but still), he was still a total pushover about shit like this. “Do you. Want to come over?” Steve asked stiltedly. “If you're, you know, already driving around.”
Nancy sounded relieved when she said yes.
When Steve got outside to meet Nancy’s mom’s car’s headlights, it was raining.
“Hey,” was the first thing he said when she walked up.
Looking at Nancy doesn't do much to Steve anymore. Not the way it used to. Not the way looking at Billy does now.
Looking at Billy feels how Steve assumes people in the way-back-when felt when color TV was invented.
Nancy looks as washed out as Steve thinks she feels.
“You wanna come in?”
Nancy hesitates. “I don’t. Want to impose.”
“It’s raining, Nance.”
She looks surprised, like she didn't notice. “Oh.” then. “Okay.”
Steve steps back as Nancy walks onto the smooth tile right in front of the front door. It’s quiet enough after the door closes Steve thinks he can hear her hair dripping onto the ground.
“So,” Steve says after a bit. “Did you-”
“I’m sorry.” Nancy says suddenly. But it’s not the panicked little “sorry’s” from earlier, it’s a single, earnest one.
“For what?” “Everything.” More tears are streaming down her cheeks now. “I know I shouldn't have bothered you, I didn’t- I wasn’t a good girlfriend. Or a good friend. I just. I thought maybe I would know who I was if someone else did, but I didn't. And I don’t have anyone else, and I remember when- when you told me you were bi when we were dating and I was weird about it but now i think I was just jealous- because- bec-” Nancy cut herself off, unable to keep going with the tears closing up her throat.
Steve swallowed pretty hard. “Because. You think, you’re gay?”
Nancy sat down on the floor.
“The floors all wet-”
“I know, Steve.” Nancy cut him off gently. He was familiar with the tone.
Steve looked at her, looked at the floor, and opted to sit next to her. The rain was hitting harder on the door behind them.
Nancy didn't seem like she had anything more to say. Steve tried to think of something to ask.
“Why, uh. Why do you think you are?”
“I don’t know if I am.” She said quickly.
“Why do you think you might be?”
She sighed, pushed the wet hair off her face. “You don’t have to talk to me about this. I figure it probably doesn't feel good to hear.”
Steve hadn't thought of that. If Nancy is gay, that means she probably wasn't ever actually into him. Not just after a while, but from ‘go,’ it wasn't the same for her.
“Not great.” Steve admitted. “But. It isn't about me.”
Nancy sighed again. “Why are you so nice?” She mumbled. “Both you and Jonathan.” Then she teared up again.
“I thought maybe.” Nancy started up after clearing her throat. “That I didn’t… feel as much because. I was just with the wrong person.” She glanced sideways, clearly feeling worse with every word. “But. I didn’t. I just. I felt the same. Like something was missing.”
“You always feel like that?” Steve was kind of surprised. “Like, with every relationship?”
“Romantic ones, yeah.”
The rain got louder again. “I was…” Nancy fought to say the next words. “I didn’t always feel like that.”
“With us?” Steve hopes a little. “Or with Jonathan?”
Nancy speaks a little softer, like it will soften the blow to Steve, to herself. “...With Barb.”
Billy was going to give Steve so much shit for falling for Robin and Nancy since it sounded like they were both gay. He already had gotten shit about Robin. “This is a problem unique to bisexuals.” had been Billy’s quip.
Nancy talked a bit more easily after that one admission. About why Barb's death hit her so hard. About why she felt bad for hurting Steve, how confused she was, how alone.
How she pushed everyone away except whoever held the position of boyfriend because she didn't ever feel right around people. But boyfriend seemed. Normal.
Steve was pretty familiar with feeling like he Should Do whatever was ‘normal.’ His parents weren’t exactly pleased when ‘being bi’ turned out to be an actual thing and not just a family conversation they could keep pretending they didn't have.
Nancy was crying again. Said she was sorry again.
Steve hugged her.
It was pretty awkward. He was trying not to touch her too much and her hair got his sweater wet, but she tucked her face against his chest like she always used to.
Something about that clicked. How hugs had always felt closer for them than kisses. How maybe they had been meant to be friends, and just misread the signs.
Maybe they could be friends now. Maybe.
Nancy pulled away and wiped her nose. “Thank you.”
Steve checked his phone to let Nancy fix her face a little and then winced at the sheer volume of messages from Billy that popped up on his screen.
“What’s up?’ Nancy asked, leaning back over.
“Oh, just Billy.”
“Oh god,” Nancy grimace. “He can’t have been pleased I came over.”
Steve opened the messages. “He’s not. But I told him it was important.” “You can. Tell him.” Nancy said tentatively. “If you want. About what we talked about. About me.” Billy was gonna get a kick out of this. But Steve felt more somber about it than Billy probably would.
It was weird.
He’d been in Nancy’s shoes. But he’d also been completely in love with her. So at once he was hurt and sympathetic.
But he also felt. Better.
Something about the two of them, Steve and Nancy, always seemed. Unfinished.
This was probably the close out they needed.
“I should call Billy back.”
“Of course.” Nancy looked almost embarrassed. “I can go-”
“Nah, stay a bit.” Steve was standing up, unlocking his phone to a slew of “wheeler has been on my shit list from day ONE” and “i know you’d never cheat like i know that i'm not crazy but my therapist said.” Makes Steve smile at his phone. “‘I'll make you tea or something."
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bitchybutcher · 3 years
Texts I sent a friend the first time I watched The Boys, Season 2:
-        Gird your loins
-        I’m dying to know more about Black Noir
-        Ugh ffs Homelander smarming about on stage at Translucents funeral
-        It’s an empty box but I suppose how would people know cause invisible corpse
-        Aw no straight in with Sad Kevin
-        Oh ok angry drunk Kevin
-        Ugh not these Samaritans Embrace fuckers again
-        Oh Annie. Parroting the company line. I hope she’s gonna fuck them all over
-        Aw Kimiko is learning
-        Her lil smile
-        Oooh Hughie is a liiiiiar
-        Meeting on the subway like a couple shifty teenagers
-        Oh I forgot they microchipped the supes like dogs
-        Oh nooooo young love angst
-        Oh no a Sad Kevin incident
-        Aaaaand he’s been arrested
-        A nice archer bailed him out
-        Omfg the fake Butcher re-enactment
-        Oh do NOT tell me this crazy bastard is gonna drink the frozen breast milk
-        Oh fuck he is
-        What the FUCK, HOMELANDER
-        This visually impaired ninja seems nice
-        That probably means he’s gonna turn out to be a dick
-        OH FUCK
-        Homelander what the fuuuuuck
-        Ok what the shit is happening here in the motel
-        WHAT
-        What the fuuuuuck
-        I – MM is making a dolls house? That’s so cute
-        Oh shit smuggled people
-        Homelander is nuts with power
-        Uhhhh who is Carol and why is she staring at Kevin while he sleeps
-        Finally an archer who is honest about how useless they can be once they run out of arrows
-        Oh noooo are they gonna try brainwash Kevin with homeopathic stuff? And why do they keep offering him Fresca
-        Oh Hughie has grown a pair since last season. Good for him
-        Where’s Butcherrrrrrrr
-        Body gore porn dude is called Gecko that’s too cute a name for him
-        Stormfront seems like fun
-        She’s gonna be pissing off Homelander so much I like her already
-        I like Stan
-        Giving Homelander the dressing down he needs
-        I know it’s convenient for Toni to wear the padded suit all the time but does Homelander ever wear anything else
-        Oh hiiii Becca I still think you’re a bitch and Butcher deserved better
-        “Daddy’s home”
-        I’m dead. It’s official.
-        The fuckin smirk and the voice I’m fuckin dead
-        Is he making shroom tea
-        Why is Patton Oswalt voicing Kevin’s gills this is delightful
-        Atrain is awake again that’s not good
-        I’m cracking up at Sad Kevin and his singing gills
-        Homelander is gone way off the deep end oh boy
-        Awwww soft Maeve in the hospital with her girlfriend
-        I want to like Becca but I can’t shake the bad feeling
-        Homelander is a terrible father
-        I mean I know he has no role models to base his parenting on, but yikes
-        It’s like if Scar was raising Simba instead of Mufasa
-        ….are the gang raiding a party city store
-        I love how Frenchie always looks a mix of horrified and amazed whenever Kimiko kills someone
-        Oh shiiiiiiiit
-        You were right this season is weird
-        I like Kimiko’s brothers bedazzled denim jacket
-        Butcher don’t punch Hughie wtf
-        Starting with Hughie listening to the same song again, nice
-        Butcher is terrible at apologising it’s so cute
-        I’m sorry did Hughie just fall over trying to throw a punch
-        The kid’s a dandelion omg
-        Why are they on a boat? Did Karl just decide “I like being on boats lemme go on a boat”?
-        I see what you mean about Homelander being scary
-        He’s completely insane
-        Why does this storyboard guys shirt say assbinder
-        Chace Crawford is an excessively veiny man
-        Or possibly laughing
-        Hard to tell when they have no face
-        Annie actually leaked all the compound V stuff good for her
-        Homelander is gonna get this kid killed tryna make him fly
-        Honestly the kid looks more like Hughie
-        Oop there’s the laser eyes
-        Oh Homelander is back at the Tower and freaking Maeve out
-        Hughie don’t do it
-        Oh ok I thought he was gonna jump off the boat
-        Kevin and the cult weirdos are up to something
-        Hughie no you don’t call the girl you like crying over Billy Joel lyrics
-        Oh god boyo you don’t then drop the L word in the same voice message!
-        He’s hopeless
-        Oh nooooo Kevin is attacking the boat goddammit Kevin
-        OH FUCK A WHALE
-        For fuck sake Kevin
-        Ewwwww
-        Butcher what the fuck
-        Hughie having a nervous breakdown inside of a whale
-        No but why is Karl so hot covered in blood
-        Actually I didn’t even need to include the blood part of that question
-        Oh boy here we go, the 7 show up to find Sad Kevin crying over spilt whale
-        ….why is Stormfront tryna get all up in Homelander’s ass?? I thought she was cool but now she’s all lemme suck that radioactive dick
-        OH NO
-        Poor Kevin he’s worked so hard to accept his gills and now Homelander has knocked him back down
-        Oooo dear Atrain is having a heart attack again this isn’t good
-        Oh fuck is Hughie gon get caught
-        Oh no it’s Annie it’s ok
-        OH FUCK
-        ANNIE WHY
-        Oh I do NOT like Stormfront holy fuckin shit what’s wrong with this woman
-        Poor Kimiko
-        What’s with the random woman talking about calling off her wedding?
-        Why is Frenchie taking drugs
-        What the FUCK is thiiiiis
-        Is he dreaming or is this the shapeshifter tryna stay alive by granting Homelander some sick wish
-        Yikes I feel bad for Doppelganger
-        I am fascinated by whoever and whatever the fuck Black Noir is
-        MM sees right through everyone’s bullshit
-        I feel so bad for Annie
-        Ooooo Atrain getting fired
-        MM having to put up with Hughie and Annie having a we didn’t start the fire singalong 😂
-        Ok who’s in the weird group therapy sesh with these women with strange views on love
-        Vending machine date so cute
-        Omfg ahahahaha the girl with the Ed Sheeran tattoo
-        I really want to like Becca cause she stands up to Homelander but I can’t shake the suspicions about her
-        I feel bad for Butcher
-        Homelander is a scary good liar
-        Oh shit interviewer lady is pulling out the diversity questions
-        OH FUCK
-        Poor Maeve what the fuck
-        Ugh Stormfront
-        Shut your racist hole bitch
-        Oh shit Kimiko on the warpath
-        Frenchie! Kimiko listen to him he’s tryna help
-        MM is doing a lotta sharing this episode
-        Ohhhh something bad is gonna come out about this Liberty lady they’re looking for oh fuck
-        Stormfront is like 70????
-        She’s really good with social media for an old bird
-        Ohhh fuck Homelander is pisssssssssed
-        Christ you’d know Homelander was an only child
-        Bitch you better not be fucking Butcher over
-        Got her goodbye fuck then called the supercops on him cause he’s a little broken? FUCK BECCA
-        Oh no Annie don’t give Hughie the “we can’t do this” talk
-        Pick your emo ass up and stop being melodramatic
-        All these women are chatting to Kevin?? Why??
-        Also this most recent one is super weird
-        This cult thing is so fuckin weird omfg
-        Oh gross not the Doppelganger shit again
-        Doppelganger is really bad at flirting
-        ….
-        WHAT THE SHIT
-        Nonononono don’t do the selfcest
-        Not even Homelander is that fucked up
-        This is super weird
-        Why is Homelander crying
-        Uhhhh are they doing a lesbian scene in a vcu movie
-        Christ that was terrible and way too on the nose
-        “Strong female lesbians”
-        Homelander you himbo fuck what other kind of lesbian do you get
-        I feel bad for Ashley
-        She just wants to do her job well
-        Poor Butcher. His lil heart is broken
-        Oh no baby you’re hurt and upset? That’s so sad let me suck your dick about it
-        Oh no what’s he gonna do
-        I mean it’s really fuckin hot but still
-        There’s always a cut on the cheekbone
-        “They’ve been moving her around like a Catholic priest” omg HUGHIE
-        Aww he called Hughie his canary
-        Oh shit are Frenchie and Kimiko missing?
-        Doggiiiiie
-        Awwwww soft Butcher with his dog
-        Aaaand now I feel bad for Atrain cause he’s being kicked to the curb
-        Oh gross this interview with Kevin and his cult wife
-        This is so cringe holy fuck
-        Bring back the Patton Oswalt gills
-        Why are the gangsters discussing musicals specifically Hamilton
-        Ahahaha the boys showed up at Butchers aunties house
-        The dog’s name is Terror that’s so cute
-        Hahahaha Hughie was holding the fuck pig
-        Why is there a sniper on the roof
-        Oh shit it’s Black Noir
-        Ugh what does Annie’s mom want and why is Stormfront being her friend
-        Oh hey it’s dickless
-        These two writer dudes are hella irritating
-        Poor Elena getting dragged into this shit
-        Yes Maeve scheme against his ass
-        Heartbroken Butcher is so tired
-        He needs a hug
-        Hughie give Butcher a hug please
-        Why is Kimiko in a church
-        Oh hey its Frenchie’s other girlfriend
-        Oh ok Kimiko is doing hits that’s fair
-        The old man just looking away like “I do not see it”
-        Aw no Frenchie don’t break up with Kimiko
-        Oh fuck off Cult Kevin
-        Stormfront again?????
-        Does this bitch ever fuck off
-        Wait why is Homelander giving an unapproved speech
-        This is gonna end in someone getting murdered isn’t it
-        OH FUCK
-        That’s a lot more murder than I expected
-        Ohhhh phew ok he was just daydreaming
-        Ashley is gonna go bald from stress
-        I adore grumpy Butcher
-        Omg auntie Judy is a drug dealer I love her
-        Ohhhh shit Homelander is having a nervous breakdown
-        BOBBY FROM X-MEN????
-        Uhhhh why is Homelander talking to Stormfront this can’t be good
-        Ooh MM set a trap this gon be good
-        Oop Lenny is dead
-        The random explosions as Black Noir trips the traps
-        Oh shit Butcher locked the others out to face Black Noir alone
-        YES MM
-        OH NO MM
-        YES HUGHIE
-        Oh fuck did he KO Butcher
-        Shiiiit shit shit shit
-        Yes Butcher save your Hughie
-        Oh good they all survived
-        For fuck sake Kevin stop with the cult shit
-        Maeve please save Kevin from the cult
-        Annie why are you sneaking around don’t do it
-        There’s a lot of shots of Annie’s bum
-        What the fuck is Sage Grove
-        Stormfront needs to go choke on a bag of dicks
-        Oh fuck no not Homelander again
-        Uhhhhhhh
-        Stormfront x Homelander was not what I was expecting
-        These two have the WEIRDEST relationship
-        They’re gonna do some really fucked up supe bdsm shit aren’t they
-        Frenchie is Betty White. Fair enough
-        Wait what is happening. Why is Annie letting Frenchie at her with a lil saw
-        Ohhh the chip
-        “This might sting a little” FRENCHIE IT’S A FUCKIN SAW
-        Oh fuck that’s a big chip
-        Oh look it’s loves psychotic dream
-        Well that’s suitably gross
-        Aww Kimiko hugging Annie
-        Butcher is so menacing I love him
-        Kevin tryna be helpful to his buddies he’s so cute
-        Kimiko with her brass knuckle
-        Oh man, flowers??? Homelander has it BAD
-        Annie back the fuck off and leave Butcher alone
-        What the fuck is going on at this hospital
-        Oh shit who got let out
-        What does Cindy do
-        Aaaaaaand now they’re all out
-        Good job, guys
-        Ewwwwww acid vomit
-        OH NO HUGHIE
-        Are you kidding me?? Annie can’t go all Starlight unless there’s a power source in the immediate vicinity??
-        What kinda fuckin shite superpower is that
-        Aha Butcher agrees with me
-        Ok so I’m guessing Homelander went berserk on set
-        Uhhhh apparently Cult Lunch is a therapy sesh?
-        Atrain get outta there
-        This cult leader guy is an arsehole
-        Hospital escape lookin like a horror survival game
-        Awwww flashbacks to happy times
-        Omfg Butcher with the slicked back hair
-        Welp, Annie just killed a guy
-        Oh shit a baby seat
-        Annie is gonna have a bad case of the guilts now
-        Oh fuck ok Lamplighter killed the kids by accident
-        So Frenchie went to save his friend instead of tailing
-        Oh god that’s the penis isn’t it
-        Stormfront to the…rescue? Maybe? She’s gonna kill Lamplighter isn’t she
-        Oh, no ok she didn’t kill him
-        Aw no sad Butcher cause Hughie’s hurt
-        Oh nooooo Elena found a video from the plane
-        Mallory gon kill sad Lamplighter?
-        Stormfront is coming clean to Homelander? Whaaaa
-        She was buddies with the Nazis??? SHE WAS MARRIED TO THE VOUGHT FOUNDER GUY
-        Oh fuck the head burster is still alive
-        A montage of how Stormfront is brainwashing people into racist attacks, nice
-        I hate Annie’s mom so much
-        Black Noir has just fuckin LAMPED Annie
-        Butchers mum called him 😂😂
-        Oh shit his dad died
-        Why are Hughie and Lamplighter watching knock off supe porn
-        Oh boy a racist rally
-        Homelander just threw Annie under the bus
-        Hughie that’s a really weird pep talk
-        And he’s gonna get Lamplighter killed
-        Oh shit it’s Denethor
-        And he’s not dead
-        Oh fuck he’s why Lenny died?
-        Shit Lenny shot himself
-        Butcher was SAS???
-        Ah fuck he’s bringing stepmommy Stormfront to meet the kid
-        I have an urge to run my fingers through Butchers beard
-        Frenchie and Kimiko are too cute she’s teaching him her sign language
-        Is this a cult birthday party?
-        Poor Eagle the Archer. He pissed off the cult so he’s gon be excommunicated
-        Uhhhh kiddo made a Lego film?
-        Good for him
-        I know it shouldn’t be sexy when Butcher starts threatening to brutally murder people in his growly voice, I know, but hear me out: sexy growly voice
-        11/10 would let Karl Urban murder me
-        Oh FUCK Lamplighter killed himself
-        Poor Hughie
-        Why do all the bad things happen to him, like having to saw off a dead guy’s hand with a broken whiskey decanter
-        Annie versus Black Noir, beat his/her ass girl!
-        YAY MAEVE
-        Black Noir has an almond allergy that’s such an off the wall weakness
-        Annie’s favourite chocolate bar saved her life
-        Well Maeve did, technically. But still
-        Omg Hughie accidentally saving Annie’s mom
-        Hughie and Annie are too cute
-        Oh shiiiiit Homelander screwed the pooch and showed the kid everything
-        Butcher in his lil jumper
-        For a non-American, this school safety psa video is supremely weird
-        Annie’s mom critiquing her choice in boyfriends while in mortal danger is gas
-        And typical
-        The lads going nuts with weapons they’re so happy look at them
-        And Butcher in his lil jumper again he looks so comfy
-        I would very much like to cuddle him in the soft jumper and give him beard scritches
-        Annie ffs let Hughie enjoy his Billy Joel, that’s a good choice
-        Ahahaha Maeve just called Hughie a twink
-        She’s not wrong
-        Oh fuck off Becca
-        Uuuuugh OF COURSE Mr Edgar is in with the cult
-        Oop Atrain overheard all of that
-        Poor Ashley she’s going bald from stress
-        The kid is gonna have a meltdown
-        Poor Hughie with his mom leaving
-        I wonder if she’ll pop up at some point and turn out to be a supe that would be fun
-        Hold the phone is Homelander actually being a good dad for a minute
-        What the actual fuck is Stormfront on with this white genocide shit
-        Ahahaha the news broke
-        Uh oh the Vought soldiers got caught by Homelander
-        OH SHIT
-        MM BETTER BE OK
-        Becca fuckin constantly squawking about Ryan is so annoying
-        It’s adorable but still
-        Oh FUCK she snapped her neck
-        She’ll be fine
-        She’s like a wolverine, snapped neck won’t keep her down
-        The lads just watching them kicking the shit out of her like uhhh
-        Oh hey Becca did something useful and stabbed the Nazi in the eye
-        Huh. The kid melted Stormfront
-        Good for him
-        I mean yeah, heartbroken sad Butcher isn’t nice to see, but Becca sucked
-        Aaaand now Homelander covered in blood has arrived to listen to Stormfront babble in German
-        This is like in those scenes where it’s like oh who will the dog go to
-        Ayyy Atrain got back into the 7
-        Aww poor Kevin getting rejected again
-        See Kevin this is why we don’t join cults
-        Annie thought he was breaking up with her, girl don’t be daft
-        Butcher and the kid, not awkward at all
-        The one lesson Butcher can teach a kid – “don’t be a cunt”
-        Aww happy endings for all the boys
-        Aaaaand a “happy ending” for Homelander too by the looks of it
-        Oh ffs a corrupt politician in with the cult, what a surprise
-        Wait the politician lady is the head burster? I’m so confused
-        Confusion may have been aided by it being almost 3am
-        Hughie getting a real job, bless him
-        Too bad it’s with the head burster
-        Oh this is such a good song to end the season with
-        Welp, now begins the long wait for season 3, I guess
-        Should I sleep or find fic to read
-        Body says sleep, heart says fic
-        That’s a lie, heart says Butcher
-        ….Butcher fics it is
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harringrovetrashrat · 4 years
Pretty Boy
“This is so boring.” Heather popped her gum, smacking slightly, and blew a curl out of her eye. She and Billy were in her dorm, studying together. Her roommate Robin was lounging in her loft, ignoring them, but it was a comfortable thing. Billy sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Switch it up then. Stop with Stats and work on Bio or something,” he suggested. He turned the page in his Art History book, trying to focus.
“No, I mean,” she scoffed, “I mean, like, studying is boring. We should take a break.”
“I’m not taking shots Heather--”
“I’m just saying--”
“I actually need to finish this--”
“Well, I need to do something else--”
“Oh my god,” Robin groaned, leaning over the side of the bed. “Whatever you guys do, would you be quiet about it?” Billy stuck his tongue out and she rolled her eyes before turning back towards the ceiling. Heather eyed her, tongue swiping over her bottom lip unconsciously, and Billy smiled slightly. She was so obvious.
“Hey,” he suggested slyly, “Didn’t you say you had a new lipstick you wanted to show me? Said it screamed Fuck Me?” He ignored the slightly choked sound that came from Robin’s loft and instead focused on Heather’s rapidly flushing face. She gave him a look that said I know what you’re doing, but stood and went to her dresser anyway.
“It’s this gorgeous red, and I also have a gloss I thought would look good with it, but I wanted your opinion.” She pulled out a tube and Billy tossed his textbook to the side, leaning back slightly. He caught movement from the corner of his eye and saw that Robin had turned so she was facing the room and not the wall. He smirked to himself. Lesbians were so oblivious to each other, it was almost infuriating. Almost. “Alright,” Heather said, popping her lips. She turned and gave him a bright smile. “What do you think?”
“Oh yeah, girl,” he said with a grin, “That’s a fuck me red, if I’ve ever seen one.” It was a bright red, like Christmas holly or a cartoon candy apple. The gloss looked like it was close to dripping down her chin, shimmery and sheen. Billy licked his lips and Heather’s grin turned sly.
“Oh I have the best idea.” She grabbed her makeup bag and plopped back beside him on the futon, turning to face him. Billy raised a brow.
“We’re giving you a makeover,” she said with delight. Billy rolled his eyes.
“Oh come on! Please? It’s 2019,” she begged, pouting. “Guys wear makeup now and you have the best eyes for makeup I swear. I am so jealous of your lashes you don’t even know, Billy.” He laughed at that, and then shook his head.
“Alright, fine. You’re right, I do have amazing eyes.” He heard shuffling and a thump, then Robin was behind Heather, a wide grin on her face.
“This is gonna be good.”
“Pull your hair back,” Heather said, tossing him a baby blue velvet scrunchie. He pulled his hair into a pony on the crown of his head, watching her pick through her various makeup bags. “Alright, close your eyes, Billy,” Heather cooed, picking out an eyeliner. He did, reluctantly, but his heart thudded in excitement. He’d never really tried out makeup before. Sure, he’d done eyeliner and some mascara, because he did have the best eyes for makeup, but anything more? His father had made sure he knew there’d be hell to pay if he ever tried. And once he got to college, well, he’d been too busy with schoolwork and keeping his scholarship that he didn’t really think about what it meant to be out from under his father’s roof. To be in control of himself. It wasn’t like he really wanted to do drag or anything either, but he’d always loved how he looked. Spent too much time staring at himself in the mirror, probably. And he knew, he fucking knew, that he’d look good in makeup.
“If you make me look like shit, Heather, I’m taking all of your scrunchies,” he warned, a smirk pulling at his lips. He heard her gasp, offended.
“You’ve seen my makeup--”
“Yeah, exactly,” he teased.
“I’m gonna give you orange eyeshadow if you don’t shut the fuck up,” she hissed.
“I’d still look good.”
“I dunno, Hargrove,” Robin drawled. “You’re not looking at this orange.”
“Dunno when I asked for your opinion, Buckley.” She snorted at that, and he imagined she probably rolled her eyes too. Billy liked Robin. She was quick witted, funny, and had a really special knack for making ‘dingus’ sound like a compliment. Also, she was friends with one Steve Harrington.
Steve was something else. He and Robin had been friends in high school, making the move out to Berkeley together. He’d helped Robin move in, like Billy had helped Heather, and the minute he had seen him, Billy had been obsessed. Steve was cute, fucking adorable, and then he’d run his hand through his hair and Billy had nearly short circuted imagining doing that himself. Then Steve had opened his mouth and proved himself to be so far out of Billy’s league. He was kind, goofy, but also stubborn and loyal, like a puppy. He was smart, if not a little naive, and he was funny. Pretty much the perfect fucking package.
But Billy knew that he’d ruin him. That he’d taint the goodness that was inherently in Steve, so he kept his crush to himself. And it proved fucking helpful just last week, in late October.
“Halloween is fine enough, I just had a bad breakup with my ex at a party in high school last year and it’s just a little tainted still.” Steve frowned as he sucked on the joint. Billy watched his lips intently, snapping his eyes up as Steve handed it to him.
“Oh?” Billy busied himself with taking a hit so he wouldn’t ask. He wasn’t sure Steve wanted to talk about it.
“Yeah,” he sighed, still looking up at the ceiling. “She got really drunk and kinda, let me have it? Then slept with someone else?” Billy exhaled sharply, eyes widening slightly. He ignored the clenching his chest at the revelation of it being a girlfriend.
“Yeah,” Steve croaked. “We made up, but like, it’s not a great memory anyway.”
“Well,” Billy offered, licking his lips, “We could hang out if you want. On halloween. Nothing big. Just get stoned and watch some horror movies or some shit.” His stomach was full of butterflies and he tried to squish them, trying to keep his hopes fucking down. Steve was most likely straight, and Billy really should have seen this coming. Still, it was kinda like a date and he’d never really been on a date before. Not with a guy, at least. Steve smiled a little.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Billy’s heart fluttered in his chest before sinking when Steve said, “Could I bring Robin?”
“Yeah, of course.” And that had been that. Billy had taken that as a rejection and tried his darndest to not think about Steve and his long fingers, longer legs, and his mesmerizing brown eyes. He didn’t do a very good job of it.
“No, no, no.” He zoned back in to Robin and Heather bickering.
“But the blue would look so good with his eyes!” Robin said.
“Well, duh,” Heather replied. “But gold fits Billy so much better! See, if I do golds and this coral here, his eyes will just pop!”
“Okay, okay,” Robin relented. “But if his eyes are gonna be all done up, you should really add some highlighter.”
“Oh yeah,” Heather nodded, “You’re so right.”
“Do I get an opinion?” Billy said, eyes still closed.
“No,” the girls replied in unison, and he smiled.
Steve was having the worst fucking day.
He’d spilled his coffee all over his notes that morning, had been late to his shift at the school store after a shitty phone call with his father, and was now being sexiled from his own dorm. He thunked his head against the hallway wall, wondering if the world could just swallow him up.
Plus, he’d been anxious about not hearing as much from Billy the past couple of weeks.
When he had invited Robin to the Halloween hang out, she had laughed at him for a full minute. He was confused until she brought up that Billy had been asking him on a date. Which didn’t make sense because Billy was obviously straight. Not that Steve was one to go on stereotypes, but Billy was a natural flirt and he’d just figured he was comfortable enough in himself to flirt with guys too. That he didn’t mean it. Because, well, look at him.
Billy was the kind of hot that slapped you in the face. When Steve had first seen him, muscles bulging as he carried a box on his own, his mouth had gone dry. He hadn’t looked away from his ass until Robin coughed pointedly. Then they had talked, and Billy had been smart and charming, and Steve was a sucker for both of those things. Hell, he’d gotten fucking hard listening to Billy theorize about his English homework a month ago.
And then Robin had rolled her eyes and said that Billy was gay as fuck, that he and Heather were best friends, not dating like Steve had assumed. So Steve held his head in his hands and groaned. Robin had laughed at him again, but told him that she would come if he really wanted her to.
“I mean, I want it to be him being interested so bad,” Steve groaned. “But what if you’re wrong?”
“Trust me,” she had dead panned, “I’m not.”
But Steve had made mistakes before. He’d been so positive about Christian, and that had ended so poorly. He really didn’t want to take any other chances. So she came and brought Heather, who Billy had invited. And it had been a fun evening and Steve had thought that maybe, just maybe, Billy was into him.
But then they hadn’t talked for a while, what with midterms coming up, only meeting when the whole group got together for study sessions with alcohol. It wasn’t super unusual, but Billy and Steve had been texting regularly, pretty much everyday, and suddenly it took him hours to respond, sometimes even a day or two. It wasn’t like it was pressing stuff, but Steve’s earlier hope and excitement at Billy’s possible interest was quickly dissolving.
And what sucked is he couldn’t even complain to Robin about it. Because she would fucking laugh at him and remind him it was his own damn fault. It also didn’t help that after he’d gotten a C and B on his last tests (which were some of his best and most steady grades in years, thank you very much), his father had used the phone call to resume his quest to get Steve to major in business instead of social care. Had talked over Steve’s excitement with disappointment in his voice that Steve still hadn’t chosen ’the right career’.
Steve sighed, thunking his head against the wall again, feeling sorry for himself. He needed a pick me up. He needed a drink. Robin was good for both. He took a deep breath and made his way to her dorm, wondering if Heather was there too. She was always good for a drink and maybe seeing Robin fail to talk to her crush could make him feel minimally better.
Also if she had just so happened to message him earlier that Billy was there to study, that was no one’s business. Steve would have gone there anyway.
He knocked when he arrived, waiting to come in since he hadn’t texted ahead of time. Robin opened the door, a weird and intense smile spreading on her face when she saw him.
“Oh no way,” she breathed. “This is perfect.”
“What?” Steve furrowed his brow. She pulled him into the room, smile still wide.
“Steve’s here!” She announced, way too perky. Steve started to get nervous.
“Oh great! He can tell me what he thinks!” Heather cheered. There was a strangled sound from next to her and once Steve had his bearings, he focused on Heather and-- promptly choked on his own spit. Billy was staring at him, hair up, face fucking glowing. Heather had her makeup spread out on the bed between them, her red lips pulled into a cheery smile. But Steve couldn’t focus because Billy’s lips were also so red and shiny and his eyes were breathtaking--
“So?” Heather asked, a knowing grin on her face. Steve opened and closed his mouth, trying to get back the ability to talk.
“I think he likes it,” Robin chuckled. Steve gave a nod, swallowing thickly. Billy was blushing, Steve could tell by the tips of his ears, and he let out a shaky breath.
“Uh, y-yeah, it’s great. It’s, uh, really great!” His voice shook a little because Billy’s fucking lips were just like, there.
“Thanks!” Heather said, ignoring the way Billy and Steve were staring at each other. “I could do your makeup sometime!”
“Sure,” Steve replied absently, not listening to a word she was saying. Heather rolled her eyes with a smile and crossed her arms.
“Oh my god, I actually can’t take this anymore, just fucking get it over with!” She said, exasperated but having fun. Both boys snapped out of their trance, looking at her with furrowed brows. Heather and Robin locked eyes before rolling them. “You think he looks fucking hot, right?” She directed this to Steve, who spluttered and turned bright red.
“O-Oh, I, uh, yeah? Uh, I mean, uh--”
“This is so embarrassing for you,” Robin said, almost in awe.
“Shut up,” Steve hissed.
“Uhm.” Billy’s voice cut through the tension, and everyone’s attention turned to him. He looked to Steve, still blushing. “You think I look hot?” Steve opened his mouth and Billy, obviously flustered, cut him off with, “I mean, of course you do, I’m a fucking snack.” He sniffed, trying to act unaffected. Heather looked to Robin, wondering if she should put them out of their misery.
“He also wants to suck your dick,” Robin added, making Steve gasp and turn on her, shocked.
“Robin! What the fuck!”
“You do?” Billy’s eyes were wide, but excited. Steve looked at him, shocked.
“What-- I-- Well, yeah.” He rubbed the back of his head and smiled a little awkwardly. Billy smiled.
“Holloway, I need to talk to Steve in your room for a--”
“Oh no, you are not making out in here--”
“Oh come on,” Robin said, grabbing her arm. “Just use the fucking futon, you animals.” And she closed the door behind her. When Heather and Robin returned, having grabbed some pizza and beers for the evening, Steve and Billy were on the futon; Steve’s hair was wild and he had lipstick and gloss smudged around his lips, while Billy’s, lipstick ruined, were stretched into a smug smile.
“I think it’s time you two talked.”
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anotherashley · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Give Me Thunder // 1988
Summary: When you’re part of rival fraternities the last thing you’re supposed to do is fall for the enemy, but then, Patrick’s never known anyone like Jonathan Toews before.
In retrospect, Patrick really should’ve known better.
Homecoming is a huge night for most fraternities, including his own, the Delta Chi house. They’re known for going absolutely balls to wall with the planning, preparation, and execution of their parties. It’s an event. An evening to remember if you will. And where’s Patrick? Wedged in some hallway at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon mansion drinking shitty overpriced beer from a keg, sweating his nuts off, and listening to fucking Chumbawamba playing from their high-priced stereo system.
This disgrace of a party deserves no attendees, and yet, the house is packed, every little inch and every single corner filled with Sigma Alpha brothers, their dates, and friends. A house of garbage monkeys. A house of ill repute.
"It's not that bad," Dayna says, exasperated.
Dayna, the reason he’s in this shithole in the first place.
Patrick narrows his eyes, watching her and the room suspiciously. "Oh, but it is, my friend. It is."
“You’re overreacting,” she says and grins.
Patrick frowns. He’s not usually one to get overheated, but it’s like a sauna in this joint. He pulls at his tie to loosen it, listening to some Billie Eilish song come on next. "I can't believe you made me come here."
"And I can't believe you wore a hot pink tie when I told you specifically I was wearing a royal blue dress, so I guess we're even."
Patrick surveys the slinky strapless number she’s sporting and his own shimmering tie. It’s not...awful. "I think it looks good together,” he shrugs.
She snorts. “You would.”
“I'm taking that as a compliment.”
“It's not one,” she fires back.
Dayna’s fun and gorgeous, wicked smart. They met last spring in Linear Algebra and became fast friends, partly out of necessity because the math department was full of dull assholes, and partly because they got along so easily. There’s this pressure to find dates for every Greek event, someone to hook up with or to show off, and Patrick just wanted - wants - to relax, hang out, have a good time and not be plagued the entire night with what might happen at the end or if his date will be disappointed. It’s why he asked Dayna in the first place - there are no strings. 
He hadn’t really counted on her betraying him in this obscene of a manner, however. Sigma Alpha? Really?!
“I'm sorry,” she says, rubbing his shoulder, but she seems distracted. She’s been looking off into the crowd as if she’s trying to find someone, ever since they arrived. 
Patrick tickles at her arm to get her attention and when she turns, smiling, he says. “It’s okay. I forgive you.”
“Will you forgive me for ditching you? Because I'm about to do that too.”
Patrick blinks. “What?”
She scrunches her nose, just a little, and takes his wrist as if in apology. “It's not you, it's me.”
Patrick barks out a laugh. “You're not serious. Here? Now?!”
“I know,” she says, and begins patting his hand like she’s his goddamn grandmother or something. “I'm the worst, but it's really not you.”
“It must be a little me.”
“It's mostly Brent.”
Patrick gasps. As far as reactions go, it might be slightly overdone, but still. “Brent Seabrook? A fucking Sigma Alpha. Dayna!”
Dayna manages to at least look contrite. Sort of. She drops his hand gently. “I can see you're mad. Understandable. I'm gonna go...over there. And hopefully, when I see you Monday you'll be less mad. Bye Pat!”
“Bye Traitor!” he yells. He hopes the whole party hears it over the awful music playing in this awful house on this awful night.
Patrick watches her walk over to a table with a group of guys centered around Seabrook. They took up camp there shortly after Patrick and Dayna arrived. And more and more people have gathered around since. People always seem to gravitate to Seabrook, so Patrick really shouldn't be surprised that Dayna is too. The guy is huge in that cuddly bear sort of way, but with perfect hair, and the kind of laid back attitude that most people never really achieve.
Too bad he's a fucking Sigma Alpha.
Patrick hates Sigma Alphas.
He's not joking when he tells this to everyone, and he means everyone: from the freshman rushes to his TA, Marian, from his Tuesday-Thursday biochem lab, to Lee, his favorite delivery guy, to generally anyone who passes him on the street. Sigma Alphas are self-obsessed, shitstain, egomaniacs, that ruin everything and have no concept of fun. They’re the absolute worst.
So, of course, it only makes sense on this wreck of a night that Patrick runs into the very worst one of them all after Dayna abandons him.
“Amazing,” a smug voice says from behind him.
It’s truly unfortunate Patrick recognizes that voice so well seeing how he can’t stand Jonathan Toews. One of life’s evil jokes, apparently, because Toews is the very embodiment of gum under his shoe, or a flat tire on a rainy day, or some other horrible Alanis Morissette analogy.
The point is...he’s terrible.
Patrick turns slowly, already annoyed when he sees the amusement written all over Jonny’s stupid, grinning face.
“It's not you, it's me,” he mocks. “I didn't know that was a thing people actually still said.”
“Well, that’s what happens when no one will go out with you, Toews,” Patrick fires back with a wink. “No one talks to you.”
Jonny’s smile fades. “Says the guy who just got dumped.”
They’re not exactly standing near each other, but the music is loud and to keep from shouting Patrick takes a step closer, having to tilt his head back just a bit when Jonny moves in too.
“At least I had a date.”
“A date that dumped you for one of my friends.”
Patrick clenches his fist at the smug expression on Toews’ stupid face. “What, you think you can do better?”
“I don't think, I know I can do better.”
“Oh really,” Patrick scoffs.
“Absolutely,” he says. “I could get any girl’s number in here before you.”
It’s a ridiculous statement. Inane. Besides the fact that Jonny has a clear advantage since this is his house and he probably knows half of these girls, it’s a dumb bet to make to prove he’s somehow, someway, better at not getting dumped. Which was the original argument? Maybe? Fuck, Patrick isn't even sure any more he’s too pissed off.
But he takes one look at Jonny’s smirking face and knows he’s going to rise to the challenge. He hates himself a little for not being able to just walk away.
“Go ahead then,” Patrick says, sealing his fate. “Show me your moves.”
Jonny eyes him, nonchalant. “You couldn't handle it.”
“Couldn’t handle what? You haven’t even declared a wager yet. That confident in your moves?”
Jonny straightens his back, stands tall, and pauses for a moment like he’s gathering himself, then he looks down at Patrick, down into his goddamn soul and smirks, calm, confident, cocky. “Hey,” he says. “What’s up?”
“Uh,” Patrick says, confused.
Jonny moves in closer, the corners of his mouth curving up and up as he leans in. “I’m here now. What are your other two wishes?”
Did he just…?
Patrick laughs, can’t help himself. “Good god that’s an awful pick-up line. F minus. You’re supposed to be impressing me - I mean her, dude. That just makes you look like a stuck up jackass.”
Jonny’s brow furrows, displeased. “Okay, what about: Does your left eye hurt? Because you've been looking right all day.”
Less awful, but Patrick can do better. “Are you a 90-degree angle? 'Cause you are looking right!”
“Was that a math joke?”
Patrick glares. “Maybe.”
Jonny snorts.
“Don't shit talk math.”
He waits for Jonny to say something else, now that Patrick’s exposed a weakness, but instead he taps a finger against his chin, as if in thought again.
“I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?” he tries.
Patrick shakes his head. “Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material.”
This time Jonny laughs, vivid and real, and it brightens his whole face in a way Patrick’s never seen before, not this close up. His eyes are almost black in this dimmed corner of the house and they sparkle when the light hits them. He takes another step in, closer, so they’re just a foot away from each other. When he catches Patrick’s gaze he says low, voice softer, “I'm sorry, I don't think we've met. I wouldn't forget a pretty face like that.”
Patrick swallows and pulls at his collar. It’s really fucking hot in this house. It probably shouldn’t be this hot in September.
“That’s um,” he coughs. “That’s not terrible.”
“It’s the one,” Jonny says, lips curving.
He’s more pleased with himself than he has any right to be, the arrogant dickbag. He thinks he’s already won this thing and they haven’t even ironed out all of the details yet.
Patrick purses his lips. “Anyway, what do I win if I get a number first?”
“You have to win first.”
Patrick steps forward, determined, until they’re only inches apart and whispers, “Watch me.”
Jonny doesn’t cede any ground, tall and looming, too casual. He makes Patrick’s skin itch in the worst way. If he could just get Jonny to break,  just a little, it’d be worth all this shitty night has wrought upon him.
He shoulders past Jonny roughly, using his upper body strength to edge Jonny a step back as he passes. It’s a small victory, but he relishes it as he looks around the room for a willing participant. Almost everyone is already clustered in groups or pairs so the pickings are slim. He’s about to turn into the next room when he sees two girls tucked away against a bay window, one texting on her phone and talking, the other, curvy, cute and brunette, looking bored beside her.
She’s wearing one of those side strap dresses that are incredibly sparkly, and her feet are shoeless. When Patrick steps up to her, smiling, she’s still almost as tall as him.
“Hey,” he says, cool, calm.
He’s got this. No problem.
“No,” she says, bored expression unchanging.
“I just-”
“No,” she repeats. She’s not even looking at him, which is a little rude.
Patrick drops the chill guy act and goes for something more sincere, genuine, as he bites his lip.
“Look, you want to maybe-”
“No,” she says again, this time sharper. “No, go away.”
“Well, alrighty then. You have a nice night,” Patrick salutes her, spins on his heel and walks away.
That was a dumpster fire.
He can already see Jonny laughing from across the room. Goddamnit fucking bullshit fuck. A weak-ass effort, and of all the times.
He trudges back to their original spot expecting the gloating of a lifetime, but Jonny has his chin tilted up and is already passing Patrick by, headed for somewhere and someone in particular.
Patrick’s eyes trail him, riveted to the way Jonny moves through the crowd like he owns it, as if the room bends to his will.
There’s a petite strawberry blonde with black gauges in her ears and dark red lipstick painted on her mouth, chatting with some skinny kid that's clearly trying too hard. She turns to Jonny when he steps up, her smile curious, but her arms crossed. Patrick can't look away, watching them talk back and forth, the way her expression shifts from curious to suspicious to amused. He barely says more than a handful of words to her before she’s writing her number on his palm.
And where did he even get a pen? Did he just have the pen on him? Who carries pens on a night like this?!
“How the fuck…,” Patrick murmurs to himself, and receives a weird look from one the Sigma rushes, as they walk by. 
Before Patrick can blink Jonny’s returned, standing straight and smug in front of him as he holds his hand up.
“Here ya go, slick.”
Slick? This guy is so lame. 
Patrick sighs. “Double or nothing?
“No way,” Jonny says. “Don’t filch on the bet now, Kane.”
It was worth a shot.
“Fine,” he shrugs, mentally preparing himself for whatever humiliation is about to come his way. “What do you want?”
Jonny hums. “Loser gives winner a blowjob?”
Patrick tries to replay the words Jonny just said, again, like it’s a recorded message and if he can listen to it closely enough he’ll understand. They’ll make more sense if he can hear them one more time. 
There might be a 404 ERROR message currently running through Patrick’s brain.
He needs a rewind button. 
He can’t...
Patrick coughs his way into a laugh. “Uh...what?!
It's not that it's a secret either of them are into guys. Patrick's seen Jonny around campus getting friendly with both men and women more than a few times. Still, it's quite the leap to assume Patrick, a Delta Chi, and therefore a superior species is interested in him, a mere peasant.
“Are you serious?” he asks, still laughing. It might be a bit of a hysterical laugh. It’s pretty high pitched.
Jonny doesn't look insulted, the cocky asshole. His expression is more impatient, if anything, as he steps into Patrick's space and says, “Do I look like I’m fucking with you?”
Not yet, Patrick thinks and feels his dick twitch. Jesus. It's too goddamn hot in this house. Sweat gathering at his temples and his tie too tight around his neck. He pulls it looser and tries to shake off his jitters.
“That's a bold assumption you're making, dude.”
“Are you saying you don't want to?” Jonny asks.
The truly gross part is how Patrick only hesitates a second before looking him over, really takes a moment to let his eyes wander up and down the length of Jonny’s long body, his muscular arms, the broad shoulders, the ruddy tint to his cheeks, the sculpted jaw, his pink lips and dark brown eyes. The kind of eyes that are warm and so so intense, and currently trained all on him.
On Patrick.
Patrick’s traitorous dick thickens in his pants, his own body enacting a mutiny upon him.
He swallows roughly. “Uh...no.”
“Let’s go up to my room then,” Jonny says.
Patrick should leave. He should leave.
Instead, he follows.
Walking up the stairs to Jonny's room the only thing Patrick can think about is that he wishes he'd had more to drink. He’s not even buzzed enough to realistically blame this error in judgment on alcohol. But he refuses to blame himself either so it's pretty obviously all Dayna’s fault, and Brent Seabrook’s. Which means it's Sigma Alpha’s fault. 
So there, the world makes sense once again.
The upstairs is less crowded than the rest of the house, most of the bedroom doors shut, probably locked to prevent outsiders from fucking on house members beds. Jonny’s room is at the end of the hall, tucked away next to the bathroom. Jonny lets them both in, ushering Patrick inside first and flipping the lock behind them.
It’s a single, which shouldn’t be surprising since Jonny is the Sigma President, but it catches Patrick off guard all the same. He has to take a few beats to gather himself as his gaze travels over the room. It’s every inch what Patrick would’ve expected, from the collection of Apple products scattered over his desk to the trophies and medals pinned to his bookshelf. There’s an econ textbook on his dresser beside his overpriced watch and Armani cologne. Sports gear looks to be thrown in a pile by his closet almost artfully. It’s like his bedroom is a set for a fucking Abercrombie and Fitch ad. Patrick gags a little. Almost.
If that was all there was to Jonny in this room Patrick wouldn’t be surprised one iota. But it’s not.
There’s also framed photos of his family everywhere, pictures of him fishing with his brother, of their family dog, of his grandma knitting him a Christmas sweater. The floor is a mess with socks and crumpled paper, a thousand post-it notes of things he’s written to himself tacked up everywhere. He’s got anatomy posters on his walls and a signed Canadian hockey jersey framed over his bed, the forest green sheets are rumpled and soft to the touch when Patrick takes a seat on his bed. It’s a bit much to take in all at once especially with Jonny’s attention still on him as he removes his tie and unbuttons his shirt at the collar.
“I need a drink,” Patrick says, warm everywhere and restless.
Jonny pulls an unopened Absolut Vodka bottle from his dresser, unscrewing the cap, and handing it over.
“Here,” he says, and begins rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. “I don’t have any clean cups.”
“Anything to chase it with?” Patrick asks, staring at the veins running along Jonny’s toned forearms, the skin golden and his hands large.
“You need a chaser?” Jonny says like it’s a dare.
“Oh fuck off,” he mumbles, shrugging out of his own jacket. He fists the bottle by the neck, using his free hand to wipe at his sweaty brow, averting his attention. He takes a breath, in and out, feels the way his stomach flutters. “Bottoms up!”
Jonny snorts as Patrick takes a long pull. It tastes horribly bitter and burns all the way down his throat. He takes another drink, and then two more, and then again one last time for good measure.
When he hands the bottle over to Jonny he licks his lips, catching a stray drop of vodka at the corner of his mouth and utterly staggered by the way Jonny’s staring at him, eyelids heavy and pupils blown wide.
The overhead light is turned off, just a small desk lamp left to softly illuminate the room, everything a soft yellow glow.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Patrick mutters, even if the idea of it all seems less crazy now with a glass of vodka in his system and Jonny’s bare forearms in view.
“Or you can’t believe you lost?” Jonny volleys back, taking a few swigs of his own.
“Do I have to choose?”
Patrick reaches for the bottle again, wiggling his fingers in a ‘gimme’ gesture. Jonny holds out the bottle for a moment, offering, but the instant Patrick actually touches it Jonny snatches it back, teasing, baiting.
“No,” Jonny says, low. “But you could come closer.” He tilts his chin up, gesturing Patrick to him, movements like dripping honey.
There’s this tension in the air, something that’s always been between them, but it’s different now. No less heavier, but still challenging, still stuck deep underneath his ribcage and tight. It’s sizzling through his skin now, making goosebumps pop up all across his overheated skin. He waits, just long enough to see Jonny shift on his feet before he stands - until they’re both standing. It’s a little victory, but he enjoys it, even more for the way Jonny meets him in the middle, stepping into Patrick’s space again and slotting a leg between both of his.
Jonny’s legs are long, full of thick corded muscle and his thigh hot to the touch. When it presses up against Patrick’s dick he can’t help the way a small gasp escapes his lips.
“This is so stupid,” he says, even as he pushes closer.
“Is it?” Jonny murmurs, rocking forward until they’re chest to chest, faces only a breath away.
“Because I hate you,” Patrick says, huffing out a laugh at the absurdity of the question, of this entire night.
“Well,” Jonny, says, nose barely grazing the edge of Patrick’s jaw and the sensitive spot behind his ear. “I hate you more.”
Patrick shivers. “Impossible.”
“You wanna bet?” he chuckles.
He’s so goddamn annoying Patrick wants to shove him away and storm out. He wants it so bad he can taste it, the tips of his fingers practically tingling. So it makes absolutely zero sense that he fists his hands in Jonny’s dress shirt, yanks him close, and spins them both around to tumble back onto the bed.
“Just,” he groans. “Just shut up and let’s get this over with.”
Jonny stretches his arms wide, crosses them under the back of his head as he spreads his legs. “Pretend all you want, Kane, but I know.”
“Know what?” Patrick asks, settling between Jonny’s tree trunk thighs and unable to keep his eyes off the considerable bulge in Jonny’s pants.
“You’re hard too. You want this too.”
His voice is a deep timber and it slides over Patrick like a silky wave. Almost calming despite Jonny’s provocative words. He wishes he could deny them, flip the script on Jonny and show him he’s not as hot as he clearly believes he is. The truth is he can’t. His own dick is a hard line inside his boxer briefs, the need to rub himself over the bedding becoming a problem he won’t be able to avoid for very long. Especially not with the way Jonny’s stupidly perfect body is right within reach of taking.
“Stop talking,” Patrick snaps, fitting his hands over Jonny’s hips and moving them up. He can feel the buzzed flush at the tips of his ears spreading down his neck. Jonny’s own throat is covered in a glossy sheen of sweat and smooth enough to lick. Fuck.
Patrick frowns.
Jonny mimes zipping his lips, locking them, and throwing away the key. It’s disgustingly endearing and Patrick gives up any pretense right then, gives all the way in. 
He reaches for Jonny’s pants, opening them up and then peeling Jonny’s silver-gray boxer briefs over his hips and the plush curve of his ass, his cock slapping back against his stomach. There’s foreskin, which is new. Not much, just enough to cover part of the rosy-colored crown. Patrick's never been with an uncut guy before. That's not what causes him to pause. Jonny’s cock is long too and so so thick, fat enough it’s difficult for Patrick to get his fingers around. The tip is slippery wet and perfectly shaped. It’s an unfairly gorgeous dick, as far as dicks go. Patrick wonders if he can hate a guy for being so well endowed while still wanting to see exactly how far he can deep throat him. It’s not a question he thought he’d be asking himself on Homecoming night.
When he takes Jonny in hand he’s pleasantly surprised to see the way his hips arch up off the bed, just a tiny sign of need. Patrick runs his hand up and down the smooth length of him, dragging up the foreskin and pulling it down as he goes, then thumbs over the slick slit. Jonny hisses, moaning in the back of his throat and Patrick grins to himself evilly.
He could do this all night, he thinks, as he works Jonny up with the twist of his hand and the tongue that’s swiping out over his lips. Leaning down to lick a stripe up the length of him from root to tip he relishes the way Jonny keens, reaching out and then digging at the sheets instead. Patrick does this a few more times, just to see the way he silently begs for more.
All of it has his own dick leaking inside his pants, balls tight and snug. He presses into the mattress for relief as he mouths at the head, breathing over it hotly, but not taking it inside.
“C’mon!” Jonny growls, impatient.
Patrick hums wickedly and doesn’t move. “Ask nicely.”
“Fuck you,” he spits, propping himself up on his elbows.
“That wasn’t part of the deal,” Patrick sings, biting at his lip. He tries not to imagine another time, another deal, where it could happen, where Jonny could be the one pressing Patrick down into his mattress right now and filling him up.
Jonny whimpers a little, hand coming up like he wants to yank Patrick down on his cock, before falling to his side again. “Will you just...please?”
He says it almost sweetly, his expression shifting into something soft, earnest. It could all be a play to make Patrick do what he wants. It’s embarrassing how well it works.
Sucking Jonny down is overwhelming. He tastes salty and hot and he’s heavy on Patrick’s tongue. He can only take so much inside, working by half inches as he bobs up and down in a continuous rhythm. When he can feel Jonny at the back of his throat he’s still got one hand inelegantly stroking the base where two could fit. He can’t take much more, even with his truly enviable skills.
It doesn’t seem to matter anyway as the movements he’s making are enough to have Jonny arching off the bed and groaning deeply as he comes. There was a half-assed warning in the flapping of Jonny’s hand, but Patrick doesn’t let up, sucking him down until he’s jerking weakly. He's not really sure why he swallows, he certainly doesn't owe it to Jonny after all. That was never part of the bet. But it might be the way his own dick aches when that first splash of come hits his tongue, filthy and tangy, so clearly all of Jonny. Or it might be the way Jonny's eyes roll back in his head when he sees Patrick suck harder on the crown, instead of pulling back, shuddering all over and letting out a breathy punched out ‘fuck’. He’s not sure why and he’s not going to question it further. Instead, he eases back lazily, wiping at the edges of his mouth and watching Jonny stretch out across his bed, murmuring happily.
“You're welcome,” Patrick says, heart pounding and skin prickly.
“Oh yeah, thank you,” Jonny smiles, eyes closed. “That was great.”
“I know.”
“Mmm. Made me all sleepy.”
Patrick watches him settle back into his pillow, body slack, relaxed even with his shirt askew and his pants still unzipped. “Are...are you actually falling asleep?”
“I could.”
“Right now?”
“Why?” Jonny asks, breezily. “Did you want something?”
Was this guy for fucking real?
“Nah, man. I'm good. See ya later,” Patrick bites out, twisting to move off the bed. He doesn’t make it far.
“Shut up and c’mere,” Jonny laughs, looping his arms around Patrick's middle and pulling him back down. Then he kisses Patrick long and bruising, stealing all the air from his lungs and licking the taste of himself off of Patrick’s tongue. “Your breath smells like dick.”
“Your dick.”
“Mmm yeah, it's good,” Jonny says, and sucks on Patrick’s bottom lip for another few long beats.
“You're a weird one, Toews, but you're hot as fuck.” It shouldn’t be said, but Patrick can’t not say it. His buzz is really starting to kick in now.
“Thank you?” Jonny asks like he's unsure if Patrick's insulting him or not.
Patrick nods, dizzy drunk and skin tingling. “You’re welcome.” 
A large hand settles hot over his cloth covered dick, rubbing in circles that make Patrick whine with the need for skin on skin. Luckily Jonny doesn’t make him wait, flicking open his pants and shoving his hand inside until he can grasp Patrick good and tight. He’s a sticky, wet mess, precome slick all over his boxers. Jonny uses it to ease the way, grip firm and surprisingly deft. He leans close to bite at Patrick’s bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth again as Patrick shudders out his release. It’s better than it has any right to be.
When Jonny pulls his hand free he licks some of the come from his palm, lapping at it slowly, making a show. Patrick's so mesmerized he doesn't realize Jonny's wiped the rest of the jizz on his thigh until he feels it start to seep through the material.
“You're fucking rude,” he spits. Or tries to with the way he’s attempting to catch his breath.
“You liked it,” Jonny grins, still smug as ever.
“That second rate handjob? I've done better with a bottle of Jergens on my own, pal.”
Jonny flips over onto his front, throwing an arm over Patrick’s middle as he pushes his face half against his pillow, lips just inches from Patrick’s temple. “You know how I know you’re lying?”
“Mmm?” Patrick mumbles, limbs heavy and the room a little spinny. Maybe he needs a quick nap before he hikes it the fuck out of here. Just a quick catnap.
“Every time I touch you...you tremble,” Jonny whispers.
Patrick doesn’t shiver.
He doesn’t.
Because if he did that would be embarrassing and this night has already ruined him.
He’s wrecked and he can’t think about it.
Patrick lets his eyes flutter shut, let’s himself float into the hazy warmth of it all and doesn’t think, only murmurs, “You wish.” And then he’s blessedly asleep.
Patrick wakes the next morning to a buzzing in his pocket and a dull headache. Jonny’s knocked out beside him, breathing deep and pressed heavily along Patrick’s side. His face is soft in sleep, all of his edges rounded out, gentle. There’s no conceivable reason why Patrick should spend any time looking at Jonny or even be in Jonny’s bed. He shouldn't have landed himself here in the first place, and yet here he is, still, easing himself out of the enemy’s bed, and his room, and making the walk of shame home stained in disgrace.
It’s lucky Sharpy called him when he did, early enough that Patrick can escape the Sigma house without being detected. He’s not even sure what he’d say if he was caught or what they’d do to him, especially if Backes or Kesler were the ones to cross his path.
There’s other people out walking at this hour too, if only just a few. Patrick passes a couple of them on his way down the block. They look as unkempt as he feels, hair ruffled and clothes out of place. The sun is too cheerful bright the sky too blue for his dehydrated mind to process and he realizes he’s still got a come stain on the side of his pants, chalky and stiff to the touch. Awesome.
The Delta Chi house, when he walks through the lawn to the front door, looks a bit worse for the wear after last night. There are streamers and Solo cups strewn across the yard and trailing inside. Patrick kicks past some glittery confetti shit, pulling his phone from his pocket as it buzzes. It’s Sharpy again. His tenth text since last night and three missed calls. Yikes. Who’s about to get a lecture? Two thumbs for this guy.
Patrick considers trying to evade him for a few hours, maybe take a nap first. Unfortunately, he only makes it to the staircase before he’s caught.
“Where the fuck were you last night?” Sharpy says, face pinched and a mostly empty bag of trash in his hand. “You were supposed to help me with the pledges or did you forget?”
“Oh shit,” Patrick sighs. “Sorry, man. I...yeah. I totally forgot. Dayna dragged me to a Sigma Alpha party and well....”
Sharpy’s eyes go comically wide. “Sigma Alpha?!”
“Yep. And then she sorta bailed”
“The hell?” Sharpy says, stepping up to him.
The house has brothers scattered all over it in various levels of passed out, most of them too drunk to know better because if they did they’d be up safe in their rooms and not out in the open where anyone could mess with them. Shawzy’s plastered on the leather couch in front of the flat screen, some cartoon on that he’s probably seen twenty times before, Chaunette’s head pillowed on his lap. Phil’s smoking a cig by the window, even though he knows he’s likely to incur the wrath of their house mother for it. Buff is spread eagle on the floor, underneath the fancy shag rug that Soupy left them before he graduated last fall, a girl on each side of him. What a pimp. And on the green couch is G-Money, drooling from the corner of his mouth, and a dick in the shape of a J, for his first name, scrawled across his cheek.
Patrick’s going to have to wake him up in a minute. Hopefully, he doesn’t puke everywhere. 
“Yeah,” he shrugs in Sharpy’s direction. Then he sighs.
Sharpy chucks him on the shoulder. “Sorry, man. But wait. Why didn't you just come back here then? Did you...you got laid, didn't you? Aww Kaner, good job, buddy.”
His smile is so weirdly proud that Patrick has to shove him away with an eye roll. “Stop acting so surprised, shithead.”
“Was she hot?” Sharpy waggles his eyebrows.
“He was...very,” Patrick admits, even if he’s not sure why.
“Nice. Name?”
The thing is Patrick could tell Sharpy, probably. That it was a Sigma, that it was Jonny. He’d catch no small amount of hell for it, but Sharpy wouldn’t actively judge him like the rest of the brothers would, at least not in any real way that would have consequences. The downside of telling Sharpy would come when he inevitably opened his fat mouth and told everyone Patrick’s business, probably by accident, but that would be moot once it slipped out.
So Patrick knows he can tell Sharpy, but he won’t. Instead, he shrugs, mind still too fuzzy sleep worn and foggy from the alcohol.
“Did you at least suit up?” Sharpy asks, like he’s Patrick’s father.
“Umm,” Patrick says, fidgeting under Sharpy’s scrutinizing stare. How's he supposed to tell Sharpy no, they had not, in fact, used a condom, because Patrick didn't want latex between his tongue and that gorgeous cock? But he’s pretty sure if anyone is squeaky clean on this campus it’s definitely Toews' lame ass.
Sharpy frowns and digs in his pocket, pulling out at least five foil packets. He shoves them into Patrick’s hand. “Hey! No glove no love, okay.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Won't happen again.”
They break off after that to begin cleaning, Patrick shuffles to the kitchen to grab a few black garbage bags and collects empty Solo cups and balled up napkins off the floor. Other brothers slowly join in, if a bit reluctantly, grumbly and moaning about headaches and begging to know where the Tylenol is located. Once the majority of the mess is under control Patrick leaves the rest of the pledges to it and escapes upstairs for a long needed nap. On his way he passes a framed picture of the unofficial house rules.
RULES TO NEVER BREAK (EVER!) (unless you’re shawzy and don’t give a fuck)
don’t sleep on the green couch. you’ll wake up with a dick drawn on your face.
never let a Sigma in the house
don’t leave your shoes by the door, they’ll be thrown out.
laundry days are on friday. wash your fucking clothes you, filthy animal!
the strawberry yogurt is kaner’s. don’t touch or he’ll glue your ass to the toilet seat. right, shawzy?
sharpy gets the TV every thursday from 7pm-9pm for The Bachelorette. no, you can’t watch your shitty Cardinals game. DON’T ASK.
I repeat, never let a Sigma Alpha in this, our home and refuge
if reggie is around feed reggie.
stop putting forks in the microwave, you morons.
david backes is satan. never look him directly in the eyes.
312-664-7440 Dominos Pizza - ask for Malynn NOT Bree for the 25% discount
don’t give carbomb grey goose after midnight. or you’re cleaning the second story bathtub.
Seriously. Under pain of death DO NOT let a Sig into this house or you will forthwith be banished from the kingdom.
He taps his finger against the glass of the frame as he passes it by, a reminder to himself where his priorities lie.
In his room he face plants on his bed and dreams weird dreams of being kicked out of Delta Chi, then college, then his parents' house to live a lonely, shameful life on the streets of Chicago all because he let Jonathan Toews put his dick in his mouth. When he wakes, more clear-headed and less hungover he makes a vow to forget last night and never think of it again, like it never happened.
It’s for the better. It has to be.
213 notes · View notes
shan2-d2 · 4 years
As the garbage fire year of 2020 continues, I have been struggling to find something to fill the Schitt’s-Creek-sized hole in my heart.
Which, come to think of it, replaced the Parks-and-Rec-sized hole in my heart prior to that.  I’ve always been a sucker for “soft” television, but with everything going on the world, whatever tolerance I had for heavier fare has disappeared completely.  Like, yeah, I’d love to catch I May Destroy You or I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, but I just. Can’t. Handle. Them. Right now, anyway.  
I do have some old standards to fall back on-- Bob’s Burgers, The Good Place, The Great British Baking Show, and Kim’s Convenience (bless you, Canada) work just fine.  But with so much time at home, I’ve been getting antsy for new, soft, comforting content.
Then I watched Julie and the Phantoms on Netflix.
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And I loved it SO. MUCH. 
(Warning, since this is a family-friendly show: profanity ahead.)
Which, I have to admit, I’m kind of embarrassed about.  Like, look: I fully own up to the fact that my tastes aren’t exactly refined or mature.  I’m one of those contemptible “childless millennials”, after all.  There are things on my Netflix and Spotify lists that would make film buffs and hipsters cry.
But what I will give myself a pat on the back for is that I’m extremely open-minded when it comes to any sort of art consumption.  My tastes are super-varied, and I don’t have the burden of worrying about what is “socially acceptable” for me to watch.  I can watch Barry and Fleabag just as happily as I can watch Sarah & Duck (literally, a show for preschoolers that works better than any anti-anxiety medication I’ve tried) and old episodes of Tiny Toon Adventures.
Regardless, there’s embarrassment. Which is not about the fact that it’s a cheesy, High-School-Musical-esque, pre-teen friendly series, actually (... okay, maybe a little), but because the aging freakout is real, my friends.  Hitting the “Oh-My-God, I’d-Have-To-Play-the-PARENT” period of your life is fucking rough.  
Basically, in the words of Roger Murtaugh... I’m too old for this shit.
But I’m trying to tell myself that 1) Generation Z is delightful and I refuse to feel guilt for appreciating them, 2) god knows we’re all watching Stranger Things without embarrassment, and those kids are, like, twelve, and 3) now that I’m apparently ANCIENT, I’m supposed to stop caring about what other people think.
So: Julie and the Phantoms made my heart grow three sizes and I loved it a whole lot.
Quick synopsis: Julie, our hero, is a performing arts school student who is grieving the death of her mom and unable to continue making/playing music because of it.  One day, three ghosts of teenage boys who were in a mid-90’s rock band show up in her garage.  They form a new band (insert title of show here) and help Julie rediscover her love of music, while she helps them navigate the afterlife.  Bonding occurs, lessons are learned, the power of friendship is discovered, you get the idea.
And okay-- at its surface, it’s family-friendly entertainment, you know? Cute story, funny moments, the music is catchy, the whole cast is super talented (and, hey, can actually play their instruments! Whaddaya know!).
But the CHARACTERS!  THE SOFTNESS! THE REPRESENTATION!  If this is how young adults are going to written from now on, sign me the fuck up.
First of all, the two female leads of the show are women of color-- Julie (Madison Reyes) is Latinx and her best friend, Flynn (Jadah Marie), is Black.  That alone is (sadly, STILL) noteworthy, but I literally wanted to stand on my couch and yell about how wonderfully self-assured, smart, mature, strong, and competent these girls are.  Julie, in particular, is just… she’s just so cool, you guys. She never once has to rely on anyone else but herself to get shit done, and she takes responsibility for her own actions.  The girl very clearly knows her talent, capabilities, and worth, and PHEW, do we need to see more young women like her on our screens!  Like, yes, the boys support her, but they’re complete equals.  Julie doesn’t need any male saviors up in this business. She’s got this.  I LOVE HER. I SOMEHOW WANT TO BE HER WHEN I GROW UP, EVEN THOUGH SHE’S LIKE HALF MY AGE (oh GOD. I’m so OLD).
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In fact, throughout the series, the importance of honesty, respect, and healthy support is repeatedly emphasized.  There’s no dependency issues here, and lying of any kind is clearly forbidden.  Which I loved, because the whole “teen lying to everyone” storyline has been done to death.
Then there’s the three boys of Sunset Curve-- Luke (Charlie Gillespie), Alex (Owen Joyner), and Reggie (Jeremy Shada), i.e. the messengers of destruction for toxic masculinity.  THIS IS THE MALE FRIENDSHIP PORTRAYAL WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR, PEOPLE.  They’re so nice to each other! They’re so supportive! They’re tactile, openly emotional, and completely devoid of judgment of any interests or behaviors that don’t follow male social standards.  Bless the Age of the Soft Boys, may their reign be unbreakable and everlasting.
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Oh, and Alex is openly gay.  It’s not just hinted at-- he’s out and proud, with an adorable crush/pre-relationship with a skater boy named Willie (Booboo Stewart).  And, apart from a quick mention about Alex’s parents being homophobic, the show pretty much takes the Schitt’s Creek route-- all love and acceptance, with not much of a thing made of his sexuality at all (in fact, there’s enough evidence that none of the boys are completely straight, and I’m here for that, too).
And if all of that isn’t enough of a cuddle to the heart for you, THERE’S MORE:
Julie’s supportive, soft dad
Reggie’s immediate, one-sided bond with Julie’s supportive, soft dad and her brother
Julie and Luke totally have crushes on each other and it’s SO SWEET but completely age-appropriate, good job guys
I’m a sucker for good harmonies and the band HAS ‘EM IN SPADES
Flynn being HBIC the entire series
Julie’s crush Nick being very realistically awkward and dopey in the shadow of Luke’s arms (Nick, dude, lose that HAT, I beg of you)
A surprisingly moving side-plot/song about Luke’s parents
Alex just wanting to dance, and also being a high-key feminist and calling out the others when they slip up
So yeah. Shut up. It’s wonderful and pure, and I WILL TAKE ANY SOFTNESS I CAN GET IN THIS HELL YEAR, WHEREVER I CAN GET IT.
In conclusion, Kenny Ortega can have my entire soul if he wants it, for not only this but also Hocus Pocus and Newsies.
Completely Unnecessary Afterword:
Being old enough to remember 1995-- and, specifically, what was popular that year-- has brought up some important questions regarding the Sunset Curve boys:
We know they died in ‘95, but like… when? Did they get to see Empire Records, for Christ’s sake?! Did they see Casper, because, I mean, they’re basically the Devon Sawas of 2020?  Were they spared their contemporaries’ fate of constantly over-quoting Billy Madison and Tommy Boy?  
What are each of the guys’ favorite song off of Boyz II Men’s “II”? This is possibly the MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION.
Did they die before Jagged Little Pill came out?  That would kind of break my heart.  Not that I expect Julie to start portraying Alanis-levels of anger/angst, but ‘95 was a YEAR for women in rock.  Garbage, Hole, No Doubt, PJ Harvey, The Cranberries, Veruca Salt, Bjork, and countless others-- they all had massive hits that year.  I love the idea of Julie and the guys sitting around the garage listening to all of those women for inspiration.  Can we have a resurgence of female-led rock bands taking over the charts, please?
On a much more serious note, given where the AIDS crisis was in ‘95, it’s no wonder Alex is a nervous wreck. It’s not really something I expect the show to delve into, but man… getting transported to 2020 might’ve been a bit of a blessing (not that things are great now, but y’know, medical progress).
How in the world did none of them fall victim to the whole “white boys dressing hip-hop” trend back in ‘95? I mean… Clueless got it right. (Wait, did they make it to Clueless??)
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spnreactions · 4 years
15x18: Despair
Alright guys. I’m so pumped, but also so scared, because I couldn’t watch it live, and my mom and I are about to watch it on the app, but all of my friends sent me spoiler free reactions and I’m kind of freaking out now that I know how much they were dying. 
Let’s do this. 
Oh boo. They didn’t show the speech. 
Cas omg that’s not gonna help. I love you and I know you’re panicking, but no. That’s like when I’m having an anxiety attack and people are like “just calm down”. But anyways. 
Dean is panicking again OMG!! It’s nice to see him openly caring about his son again! <3 <3 <3 
I’m still a little upset with him, but that’s a good start. 
Jack noooo baby! We’re not doing that! 
Awww baby. :’( :’( :’( :’( :’(
“Don’t let me hurt you.” I’M ALREADY ABOUT TO CRY OH MY GOD! :’( :’( 
“We’re not giving up on you.” THERE’S THE DEAN I KNOW AND LOVE!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
Okay actually save Jack. 
But also SHUT UP! 
Yeah? And? 
It was SAVED because of them! Shut up! 
Cas is so desperate omg. :’( :’( :’( :’( 
They’re all so worried ahhhh.
Noooooo no no no no. 
That’s bad. 
No likey. 
NO NO NO!!! 
Their faces. :’( :’( :’(
...maybe? That’s a good thing, right? RIGHT?! 
God, I hate her so much, but da** Lisa Berry is good at playing the villain. 
Really? WONDER WHY!! 
Haha me too Dean. 
...they keep saying “not without being summoned” in regards to the Empty and it’s making me nervous. 
Just give it back if it means getting Jack back. 
Ugh. Her sass is so good and I hate it but I love it. 
And I kind of figured, but a part of me was nervous, okay? 
BABY! <3 <3 <3 
...oh no. 
Big uh-oh. 
We be petty in this house. 
...okay AND??!! 
“Interesting”??? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??!! 
...that was close. 
We’re not doing that. 
I LOVE THIS FAMILY!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
Awww...Jack. :’( 
Cas running right over to him. 
Most of Cas’s lines so far have been “Jack” oof. XD :’( <3 <3 <3 
Okay so...this is...kind of a good thing, right? Like, obviously, Billie is still an issue, and obviously, Chuck is still an issue, but the FAMILY is TOGETHER again!! This is GOOD!! Why are my friends so upset about this episode?? What could possibly happen? (Anything. Anything could happen. Why would I even ask that?) 
Wow. That’s an awesome camera shot.  <3 
The smoothness of that omg I love them.  
(I mean, he still kind of owes Jack an apology, but, like, based on his character, everything he just did for Jack was his biggest way of saying sorry. <3 <3) 
Also it’s true. 
It’s okay! Because YOU GUYS are the heavy hitters! 
“To somehow.” <3 <3 <3 <3 
...hoh boy. 
Billie is MAAAD. 
...no likey. 
OMG MY GIIIIIRL!!! <3 <3 <3 
I know it’s AU!Charlie, but STILL!! <3 <3 <3 
“Like a date.” A date only hunters could do lol. 
I love it. <3 <3 
They’re the cutest omg. <3 <3 
“Rubbery trash eggs.” I LOVE HER!! XD XD <3 <3 
...what the...
...did she just...vanish?? 
NOOO POOR CHARLIE!! She finally had another relationship! GOD DA**IT!! 
...poor Charlie. :’( :’( :’( 
I remember Stevie from the second episode of this season. I didn’t remember her name though. 
...they don’t seem that surprised. Uh-oh...
...poor Charlie. :’( :’( :’( :’( 
Awww... <3 <3 
Awww...baby. :’( :’( :’( 
Baby it’s okay. We’d rather have you here, we promise. 
He’s choking up oh my goodness Alex how dare you be such a good actor. 
“We care about you because you’re you.” OH MY GOD I’M GONNA CRY THAT’S SUCH A GOOD LINE!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 
Jack that should’ve made you smile so much more than it did please stop beating yourself up you deserve happiness and love and they’re giving it to you because they love you gosh darnat. :’( <3 
AWWW!!! :’( :’( :’( 
They need to hug. 
Hug please. 
That’s okay. I’ll still take that. Good scene. 
Well, okay, Sam. Don’t sugarcoat it. 
Okay but, like, gotta be honest...I don’t think it’s Billie. Cause...these people are vanishing just like Becky did...like Chuck made her. 
Charlie... :’( :’( :’( :’( 
Charlie no! It’s not like that. 
:’( :’( :’( :’( :’( 
...no likey. 
She has to be fine. 
My ending has Sam ending up with Eileen at the end. She better not be dead. 
Oh thank goodness. That’s a text thread. Good. 
But, like...if people are vanishing, what do they do? How do they protect her? 
....it’s gonna stop isn’t it.
Please Eileen...please let it be a fluke. 
...she’s not standing there. 
It’s not a fluke. :’( :’( :’( :’( 
THEY WERE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!! :’( :’( <3 <3 <3 <3 
GOD DA**IT SUPERNATURAL!! :’( :’( :’( :’( 
...poor Sam. :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( 
Dean’s little supportive “Sammy” oh my god. 
Oh my god Sam. :’( :’( :’( :’( 
I’m crying already ahhh. :’( :’( :’( 
Sam you’re so strong omg you poor thing. :’( :’( :’( 
Okay that’s awesome though. 
But also don’t split the party. 
Well frick. 
Oh frick. Something is SOO gonna go wrong, with a hug like that. 
And Sam just leaning into it because he totally needs it but he’s trying not to break down but also that’s such a beautiful, subtle thing and I love it. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
That little look and nod just made a tear slip down my cheek (as if I wasn’t already blurry-eyed and crying). 
“Let’s go reap a reaper.” PROMO LINE!! <3 <3 <3 <3 
DONNA!! <3 <3 <3 <3 
Sam being a protective dad and being distracted by checking in on his son I love it. <3 <3 
I love my three protective dads in this it’s adorable. 
Whoa. That music change. That was intense. 
NICE SHOT OF DEAN!! <3 <3 <3 <3 
“Hiya kid.” “Hey.” So soft omg. <3 <3 <3 <3 
Awww baby... 
AWWW DONNA!!! :’( :’( :’( <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
“Anything you need.” I freaking love Donna. She’s such an under-appreciated character. <3 <3 
MY GIRL! <3 <3 
Poor thing...
But also I love you and I’m proud of you. 
God all of my favorite characters are suffering and losing so much I hate it. :’( :’( :’( :’( 
Ha! Bobby omg. XD XD 
It probably won’t given our luck. 
Awww Sam.... :’( 
...there are kids in there. 
...which definitely means it isn’t gonna work. 
But I’m gonna be optimistic and let myself get crushed anyways. 
Awww Donna.... 
Awww Jack..... :’( 
What just happened?? 
That is so not cool. 
That is completely against everything Jack is what? 
Not okay. 
Don’t tell me he destroys anything he touches now. 
I don’t know how that would’ve happened. 
But no. 
....uh oh. 
That’s too easy. 
Run boys. 
But also run because this is too easy. 
God she’s such a good villain, but also screw you Billie!! 
We can’t do anything about that....
I over-analyze those promos way too much lol. 
Wait...for what? 
It has to be! 
NOOOO. No likey. 
CHARLIE NOOOOO!!!! :’( :’( :’( 
Oh no. 
No no no no no. 
Not Donna. 
Don’t you dare. 
Tell me it’s not true. 
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( 
Wait nooooooo. 
That’s bad! 
Nope nope nope. 
Run you two. 
OMG that little moment. 
Cas stepped protectively in front of Dean, and then Dean immediately pulled him back and out of harms way. <3 <3 <3 
Good call. 
But also how do you run from a cosmic entity??
Oh my god...
Jack’s face... 
Sam’s face...
:’( :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( 
Dean talking to himself. <3 
PROTECTIVE CAS! <3 <3 <3 <3 
“I’ve got you.” <3 <3 <3 <3 
It’s never time. 
Shut up Billie. 
SO PROTECTIVE I LOVE IT!! <3 <3 <3 <3 
...uh oh. 
....no likey. 
Come on you two...you can do this. 
YES CAS! <3 
Dean...don’t do that to yourself. :’( :’( :’( :’( 
Not now baby. We need you. You need to be strong. You can do this. 
Awww Dean. :’( :’( :’( :’( 
I feel a big emotional scene coming. 
Dean honey. :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( 
Dean. :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( 
Cas’s look...
Dean’s so sad. :’( :’( :’( 
The Empty??
Oh wait...
Is he...
Dean’s face...
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I’M CRYING!!! :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( 
MISHA’S ACTING RIGHT NOW OMG!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
“You raise your little brother for love.” :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
OH MY GOD CAS!!! :’( :’( :’( <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
....my reactions might wind up getting slim because I’m really starting to cry.... :’( :’( :’( :’( 
“Because of you.” :’( :’( :’( <3 <3 <3 <3 
“You changed me, Dean.” <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
WAIT NOOO!!! CAS NOOOO!!! DON’T DO IT!! :’( :’( :’( :’(
“I love you.” <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
“The one thing I want, it’s something I can’t have.” <3 <3 <3 
“Don’t do this, Cas.” :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( 
THE HANDPRINT!!!! :’( :’( :’( :’( 
I can’t...
I can’t type...
I’m hyperventilating.
There are tears just streaming. 
I can’t type...
Just so we’re clear. 
I am writing this review portion. 
A good two hours after watching that episode. 
And I’m still crying. 
Even thinking about everything that just happened. 
Okay, let me try this again, and I’m gonna try extra hard not to burst into tears this time. 
Oh my god. 
Between all of the s**t that’s going down in the world (and yes, I saw all the memes), THIS was the LAST thing I was expecting. 
I...I can’t even process. 
Destiel is canon. 
Supernatural is Avengers: Infinity War. 
Jack destroys anything he touches. 
And meanwhile, Nevada is still counting votes, and Putin stepped down. 
Man. This is a day.  
Everything hurts. 
And I’m still crying. 
Despite all of the emotional trauma that this has caused, I’m going to try really hard to analyze this episode like I usually do. 
Let me just start with: wow. 
The cinematography in this was incredible, and Richard Speight’s acting was genius. Everything about this episode--visuals, music, set, everything--was just so brilliantly done and flowed so beautifully together. The scene changes, the transitions, the build-up of tension--it was beautiful. 
They hit those emotions right from the start, in big ways and subtle ways. Between putting beloved characters in danger, to killing some of them off entirely, to little hugs and smiles and words spoken, I was just as shaky and teary-eyed as I was last week. 
And all of it--all of it--culminated into one of the most beautiful scenes that this show has ever created. The amount of raw emotion that was in that Destiel scene was beautiful. The facial expressions of Cas and Dean were so clearly conveying how they felt--how deep Cas’s love truly was, and how scared and confused Dean was. The script. Those lines. The delivery. All of it put meticulously together, piece by piece, in a terrifying, emotional, tension-filled sequence that made something happen that the show has needed for years.
We finally got Destiel. 
And then to have it ripped away, just like that, because Cas was finally happy. Cas was finally happy because he told Dean how he felt, and because he could go out doing the one thing he’d always wanted to do--love him so much that he had to save him. 
I was not a Destiel shipper from Day 1, okay? I wasn’t. I always saw their relationship as a brotherhood, and a friendship, and a special bond. 
But as the years went on, and I continued re-watching old episodes and comparing them to new ones, I started to see the Destiel relationship for what it was. 
And let me tell you right now: this scene? This was the final icing on the cake. 
If you didn’t already see the Destiel, then this...this should’ve done it. 
Because wow.
And while we’re talking about “wow”...
Misha Collins. 
Holy god almighty. 
That was an INCREDIBLE acting moment. 
That was an Oscar-winning, Emmy-winning, stardom performance from a true legend. 
The way he conveyed all of that raw emotion, and the way the tears fell as he just let it all out. Every pronunciation fo every word was so deliberate and done in just the right way. 
And to end it all with the most satisfied, happiest look as his character gave his life for the man he loved. 
As he pushed his lover away and left a bloody handprint behind. 
Misha F***ing Collins is a F***ing Rockstar. 
Holy sh**. 
That could not have a been a better ending for Castiel. 
All of the parallels, and all of the callbacks, and everything that has happened between Cas and Dean came to a head in that very moment. 
And as much as I cried, and as much as I will still be crying for a long, long time...
It was beautiful. 
Then, after all of that, to just top it all off with everyone disappearing, Infinity War style, and to end on that scene of Dean crying, head in his hands, on the floor, weeping, his only remnant of his lost love staining his shoulder. 
And Sam and Jack, just staring into the nothingness that is the rest of the world before staring at each other, lost, and confused, worried that the rest of their family is dead and gone and they’re the only ones left. 
I have no words. 
I cannot describe how incredibly horrifying, and hurtful, and emotional, and beautiful that entire episode was. 
From start to finish, it was a true masterpiece. And I cannot say that enough. 
With two episodes left, I have no idea where this is going to take us next. 
I don’t know if Cas is going to come back. 
I have a feeling he isn’t. Not with an ending like that. At least, not in a way we might expect. 
But I do think we’ll get a resolution to the Destiel moment. I think Dean will have a moment where he wishes he could’ve had the courage to say it back, or a moment where all we see is him grieving, just as Sam grieves Eileen. 
And I wonder if, when all is said and done, Cas will come back in some other way--in heaven, or in dreams, or in some form. Because that would be a good way to do it, in my opinion.
But beyond that, I don’t know what’s next for Sam and Dean and Jack. 
I have a feeling that, like Infinity War (I’m sorry, but that’s totally what it reminded me of), not everyone will stay dead. My hope is that they’ll be brought back somehow. After all, that’s what our boys are all about, right?
But honestly, I don’t know anymore. 
Any theories I had about the deaths of future characters or the survival of others was thrown out the window by Cas’s death in this episode, and honestly, I’m going to be crying about that for the foreseeable future. I’ll never get over it, but at the same time, I won’t even not love it, because it was perfect, and with it came Destiel. 
That’s honestly all I can say. The tears are still falling, and my heart is still aching, but god da**it, that was a good episode. 
My Rating: 25/10 (These numbers are just going to keep getting higher and higher, aren’t they? I probably should’ve started lower...) 
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P.S. I honest to god am still trying to process all this, so I’ll react to the promo tomorrow night. <3 
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Emotions (pt. 10)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Billy reevaluates his relationship, and the both of them spiral.
Word Count: 2009
Chapter 1 • Chp. Masterlist • Chapter 11
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"I can explain!"
"What the fuck was that?!" Billy yelled, freaked out.
"Billy, please calm down." You felt like you almost couldn't breathe. It felt like panic was taking over you and squeezing your heart. You really wanted to cry. What was this feeling? "Please."
He took some deep breathes and pointed at Neil. "How the fuck did you do that?"
"Please don't freak out–"
"Friends don't lie!" He shouted. You could feel your nose beginning to burn and the stinging in your eyes were starting up. "Tell me the truth!"
"Okay. Okay, um, I have powers. Like, like an ability to do something that, um, regular people can't do."
"You telling me that you're some kind of mutant?" He looked at you with an expression that he's never given you.
"No. I'm not a mutant. I was just born like this. My mother had experiments done on her and she died in labor. I, I just came out with my ability."
"And what the fuck is that ability?"
You've never felt this bad about yourself, you don't think. The way he was speaking to you, looking at you. The love of your life was looking at you like a monster. It was almost too much to handle. "Um, I can alter emotions." You squeaked.
"Emotions?" You nodded, and Billy paced around the room and ran his fingers through his hair. What if you were controlling his feelings? You could knock someone out from sleepiness, so you'd be able to do it, right? Was your whole relationship a lie? "Have you ever used that shit on me?"
"Well, once but it was an acci–"
"Get out."
"Billy I–"
"Get out!" You said nothing as you looked at his angry eyes, and walked out. You walked down the street, sobbing uncontrollably. As you walked towards the woods, it began to pour. You walked over to a telephone pole, and tried to think. Hopper's at work. Who else would you call?
It was about a few minutes until Joyce came rushing with her car. You got from the ground where you were sitting, and got into the car. "Jesus y/n you're soaking. Are you okay?"
As you told her everything she took you home and had you take a shower. She got you comfortably seated on your bed and let you listen to the radio that she got you for your birthday. She was the one who decided when your birthday should be, after all. You felt like a burden right now, and you didn't have to tell her anything for her to say that it wasn't any trouble when it came to you.
El saw this, and called Mike, who called everybody else. Jonathan drove everyone there, and soon they piled up in your room to check up on you. Everyone each got their turn to say something, whether it was helpful or not. "I knew he was a fucking piece of shit from the start." Dustin stated as they all looked at you on your bed.
"Yeah, he was a jerk anyways." Lucas said.
"Like, he just speaks out his ass most of the time." Max commented.
"Don't worry five," Mike said. "We got your back."
Jonathan ushered everybody out to talk to you. He sat on your bed while you still laid there in silence. "I called Steve. Maybe he could cheer you up." You nodded. "How're you feeling?"
"Like a monster." You sat up and rubbed your eyes, which were still puffy and red. "I just wanna be normal."
"You are normal." Jonathan said. "You just have something in you that others don't, but you only use it for good. That just makes you a good person."
"I don't want something extra. It doesn't matter how I use it. I'm either a monster or a freak."
"No, you're just y/n. The one who's always happy and nice to jerks. When I look at you, all I see is my friend." You gently smiled at him, and he smiled back.
"I'm here!" Steve said, storming into your room. "Oh my God, that asshat really did it this time." He rushed over to you, grabbing your arms. "You're not hurt, are you? Your face..." He trailed off, trying to get you to laugh at how puffy your face was.
"Yeah, well you look like you just ran a marathon and I'm not even gonna start about your hair, so I wouldn't be talking." The three of you chuckled. "Thanks for being here guys."
"Your welcome!" Dustin called out from the other room.
"Hey, dickhead, way to ruin the mood!" Steve called out.
Just then Hopper walked into the house, and looked around. "Does anyone wanna tell me why my home is a day care center right now?"
Joyce grabbed her keys with Max trailing behind. "Talk to Jonathan. I'm going to take Max to get her stuff. She's sleeping over with everybody else."
"Every– what is happening?!"
As Jonathan and Steve explained everything that happened, Joyce and Max left. When they stormed inside the house, they saw that Billy had just put Neil on the couch. He looked at Joyce. "Who are you?"
"Who am I? I'm a friend of Hopper, and a friend of y/n buster." Joyce crossed her arms and pointed at him. "C'mon Max, get your stuff."
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Billy took a step towards Max.
"I'm sleeping over at y/n's to make sure she's okay."
"Max, you don't–"
"I know about it all dipfuck!" Max yelled. "About her powers and everything!"
"Yeah!– woah, language." Joyce said.
"Sorry, sorry. It's just cause he, like, really deserves it."
"Well yeah he does deserve it and he is one, but just, y'know."
"Yeah. Totally get it. I'll watch my language next time."
"Max!" Billy yelled, stopping the bickering between the other two. "You knew?!"
"Yeah, I knew. What does that matter? She wouldn't use it for bad things. She's a good person Billy. She's been through enough cra– um, stuff, for her to become, like, a supervillain or something, but she chooses to be nice and better."
"She's admitted to using it on me before though."
"Well did you let her explain the situation?" Joyce asked, causing Billy to fall silent. "Sometimes she gets so full of emotion that it just radiates off of her. She's not used to being so happy, but you wouldn't know that."
"Don't you have kids? You're really okay with them hanging with someone who could toy with them if they wanted to?"
Joyce got close to his face and pushed his shoulder. "I'll have you know that her and her sister were the ones who helped save my son's life. It is not their fault they were born that way, and they just want to be like regular people."
"Her sister..." He trailed off.
El. Billy didn't think about her until now. It actually explained a lot of things. Her lack of speaking fluently. Her shyness. Why she wasn't in school. He thought that she was homeschooled because of past foster parents or something. But it wasn't a foster program. It was a lab. She couldn't even be a kid.
This caused Billy to think differently. He had a soft spot for El, and it made him think about you. You were once like that. You must have struggled to make complete sentences at some point. When he met you, you were pretty shy. You probably didn't know anything about anything in school, and yet somehow caught up and even excelled.
You had to learn everything from the start and work hard because of it, yet you were bullied from it. Unlike El, you didn't really find any die hard friends. You had that one guy, but felt like you couldn't be around his without bothering that girl. And now all Billy did was make you feel a hundred times worse.
"Shit." He muttered.
"Yeah, now you actually start thinking. We're gonna leave you here to think. We gotta go comfort y/n now." Joyce said. "At least Jonathan and Steve are there with her right now."
Steve. He was probably hugging you, maybe making you laugh right now. He could picture the two of you together watching TV as you were snuggled up against him, smiling. And you needed that right now, thanks to Billy. He wasn't the one you were going to right now in your time of need. Damnit.
"Have fun with your guilt asshole." Max flipped him off.
"Okay okay. That was the last time, I swear."
As they came back, everybody had situated themselves to where to sleep. All the kids slept in El's room, Hopper insisted Joyce take the bed while he was on the couch, and Steve and Jonathan were on the living room floor, where they had put a bunch of blankets for cushion.
They all let you have your privacy tonight. As you got ready for bed, you grabbed the jean jacket that had been thrown on your chair only a week ago. Billy had forgot it, and when you put it on as a joke, he said that you should have it. That you looked cute in it.
You put it on. It smelled like him, and felt comforting like him. It made you think of the memories you have with him. You could almost feel him brush your hair away from the back of your neck, giving it loving kisses. You could almost smell his cigarettes, when he tried to kiss you, but you were quick enough to dodge it and kiss him on the cheek.
Would any of that have still happened if he had known from the start? Would he had still loved you? Maybe it was really just a lie?
Billy went to his bedroom and opened his bottom drawer. He took out the small teddy bear with a leather jacket on and cigarette in hand, which you called Damien. He opened his top drawer and took out the polaroid pictures of you. Some were just of you smiling, some had the both of you, and some were of you unaware that he was taking pictures. There were also a few naughty polaroids of you, but Billy suddenly felt like he shouldn't be looking at you so exposed, so he put those back.
He laid down on his bed, with the polaroid pictures of you spread out next to him, and with Damien in his arms. He snuggled his head into the bear, and silently cried.
Billy was never really a crier. He would get choked up sometimes when he was being vulnerable with you, but never full on cried. He always had you to make him feel better. You'd clean off the blood from his face, and put some Band-Aids on him. You even bought him a first aid kit for his car. He can almost feel you lean up to kiss his forehead, tracing your thumb over his jaw. He could remember the gentle hugs you gave, so gentle it was almost as if you were afraid to hurt him.
You never messed with his head. If you had then those crappy feelings about himself and his dad would go away, but they never fully did. Even around you, he had some anxiety that he'd mess things up. If you really were controlling him, wouldn't he just have been happy all the time?
It wasn't a lie. You weren't lying.
As you were in your bed and recalled your fond memories with Billy, you decided that this was your fault. You shouldn't have dated in the first place. All you did was drag a good person into your life and issues, and that was selfish of you. Billy would be your one and only love, but you needed to give that up.
As Billy was in his bed and recalled his fond memories with you, he decided that this was his fault. He should have listened more instead of getting angry. All you did was try to be happy with him like a normal couple, and he couldn't see past your flaws. That was selfish of him. You would be his one and only love, and he's not giving that up.
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lesbianlovelanguage · 4 years
hey tay! how about: situation #28, sentence #15, person(people) steve/billy 😊 thank you!
Hi bb!!! Sorry this took forever, it just kind of kept going haha. 
Enjoy! 28. Love Confession and 15. “If you think I don’t have feelings for you, you’re dumber than I though.” (I also added college!au because why not?) 
Billy had thought moving to college would have meant freedom from Hawkins, from his dad, from the memories of a certain kiss in the dark. He had packed his camaro and never looked back as he sped out of that shit hole town. It wasn’t until he was unpacking his couple of boxes that it finally hit him. He had done it. He was out.
Then he walked into his second college class, Forensic Science 101, and spotted that damn head of perfectly styled gravity defying hair, and met wide brown eyes. They stared at each other for a whole minute before Steve was tugged away by some spunky looking blonde with a jean jacket that was more patches than denim. 
Billy watched them take a seat towards the front of the hall, and then deliberately made his way to the back. He hoped that this would be the only incident of bumping into an old face, but when had he ever had that much luck? 
The second item listed in the syllabus, written in bold 12 point times new roman, was a group project due at the end of the semester, and the professor just had to announce that they were assigning partners by last name. When the list was projected up Billy could have screamed. 
Of course.
Of fucking course, on his first day of college, when he thought he was finally safe and free from Hawkins and all that came with it, he had to get paired up with King Steve for a fucking semester-long assignment. 
By the end of class, Billy’s pencil was chewed to bits and his anxiety was through the roof. The bell caught him off guard, and as the rest of his classmates were filing out of the hall, he was slowly packing up. It wasn’t until he picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder that he saw Harrington waiting at the end of the aisle Billy was in. He looked equally nervous, bottom lip red and puffy from biting it. Billy started thinking about other ways he could make Steve’s lips look like that, thoughts steering to Tina’s graduation party and a shady corner in the backyard. Before he could dig himself too deep of a hole, a soft cough brought him back to reality. 
“So, I guess we’re partners?” Harrington asked hesitantly.
Billy just replied with a grunt and pushed past Harrington to leave the lecture hall. He didn’t have time for Harrington’s ridicule and judgemental looks. But before he could ditch him, Billy felt a hand grab his jacket sleeve and tug him backwards, prompting him to spin around and face Harrington again.
“Don’t fucking touch me, Harrington,” he growled. Harrington dropped his hand as if he had been burned. 
“Jeez, sorry. Who pissed in your cheerios, Hargrove?”
“Piss off.” Billy started walking away again, until Harrington jumped in front of him.
“Wait, wait. I’m sorry. We do need to work on this project together though.”
“Yeah? Well we haven’t even gotten an assignment sheet yet,” Billy shrugged. Steve dug into his bag and pulled out a thick packet. 
“Um, hate to be the bearer of bad news Billy boy, but we actually did?”
“Fine. We can figure out some time to meet and go over this stupid project.” 
“Great! I was thinking three times a week? at like 6?”
“Mmm, ‘fraid not Princess. Once a week, on Thursdays, at 7. Meet in the library. Final offer.” 
“Jesus,” Harrington said, “You really haven’t changed. Still the same asshole who’s too good for anyone?”
“No, Princess. Just too good for you,” and with those parting words, Billy pushed past Harrington and snached the packet out of his hands. He heard Harrington squawk in protest, but before he could pull another stunt to stall his departure, Billy was ducking out the door and striding through the quad.
And thus, their schedule was set. Billy successfully avoided Harrinton in the classroom by sneaking in at the last minute and sitting in the very back in order to be one of the first out with the bell. During their study sessions, Billy remained quiet and aloof, responding to all of Harrinton’s questions with biting cynicism and witty insults. He finally stopped trying four weeks in, and now they simply met, put a couple hours into their project, and then left. 
This lasted until the second to last meeting they had. The Thursday after Thanksgiving break found the two boys in the library like every other Thursday of the semester. They were going over every detail, reviewing their conclusions, and finalizing their presentation for next Friday. 
Billy was packing up his stuff, getting ready to go home when he heard Harrington clear his throat.
“Hargrove, wait. I-I uh, I can’t make it next week.” Billy froze.
“Harrington, are you kidding? We present the next day, what the hell?” Billy couldn’t believe it. All semester Harrington had been riding his ass about being on time to their stupid little meet ups, and now he wanted to just ditch it right before the end? 
“I’ve got another commitment,” Harrington said, and Billy noticed his ears were bright red. That’s when it hit him. 
“Oh, I see.” Billy felt a downright nasty smirk take over. “King Steve’s got a date huh? Tell me Stevie, is she another Wheeler bitch, or is she the spunky blonde you’re always with? What’s your type these days Pretty Boy?”
“Fuck off Hargrove. God, why are you such a dick all the time?” Harrington complained, sounding every part the spoiled brat he was. 
“Just part of the charm, Princess.” The smirk only got bigger, started to resemble a sneer with the way his lip curled up and his teeth showed.
‘Never let them see you hurt.’ he thought, feeling jealousy pool in his stomach. 
“So who is it Pretty Boy? Ice queen or punk band reject?” Billy sneered. 
“It-it’s not a date.” 
“Oh, please. You’re redder than a fucking tomatoe. C’mon Harrington, what’s a little gossip between pals?”
“We are not friends,” Harrington growled, finally reaching the end of his patience, “and if you refused to answer my questions after Tina’s party, I don’t see why I have to answer any of yours.” Harrington crossed his arms and pursed his lips.
“What the absolute fuck are you talking about Harrington? You didn’t ask me shit after that night.”“Yeah, because you never let me!” Steve practically shouted. He quieted down after a sharp glare from the pruny old librarian behind the desk. “You practically disappeared after that night.”
“Yeah, because I already knew what you were going to say, and I didn’t need that shit from some bumpkin fuck right before I got to leave that tiny shit town.” Billy leaned forward as he practically spit the last words, getting up into Harrington’s blank face.
“Oh, if you’re so smart, what was I going to say Billy?” Harrington seemed unmoved by Billy’s presence, only scrunching up his nose a little and shifting his shoulders.
“Fuck this. I don’t need your interrogation now. Enjoy your date, and just make sure your fucking essay is finished.” Billy adjusted the strap of his bag, and pushed past Harrington to leave him behind. Unlike their first collegiate interaction, Harrington didn’t follow. Billy made it all the way out of the library and around the corner before having to stop and take a few deep breaths. He didn’t know how, but Harrington had the innate ability to get under Billy’s skin. Ever since that Halloween party, where he gave Billy one glance over and moved on to follow some prissy looking ice princess. 
After some deep breaths, the urge to punch something slowly faded to a simmer, at least enough to make his way back to his dorm. 
Monday came, and with it Forensic Sciences 101. He pulled the usual routine of coming in late, only to find a certain mop of brown hair sitting in his usual seat. Billy made the educated decision to tuck tail and beat it. There wasn’t an attendance policy anyway, skilling wouldn’t hurt.
Using that logic, he also skipped Wednesday’s lecture just to be safe. He decided to use the time to study for another final coming up, and headed to the library. He was deep in the zone, reading about the historical significance of guinea pigs in ancient South American culture when suddenly his textbook was ripped away from him.
He jerked up to see who the thief was. Standing before him was the same blonde that hung around Harrington so often, and she looked pissed.
“Can I help you?” Billy asked, raising an eyebrow and staring her down. She didn’t even flinch as they suddenly ended up in a silent staring match. After a few tense moments, she suddenly smiled and plopped down in the seat next to him. 
“Name’s Robin. You’re Billy Hargrove right?”
“Yeah, what’s it to you?” 
“Okay, listen. I’m friends with Steve, basically his only friend on campus,” she said with an exaggerated eye roll, “and I’m here to tell you to talk to him, please. The little pining sulky thing he’s got going on was cute at first, but now it’s just kind of sad and annoying, so whatever happened between you two? I don't care, just fix it.”
 “And what makes you so sure it’s me he’s pining over or whatever? It’s probably that chic he has a date with tomorrow.” Billy leaned back in his chair, trying to feign nonchalance.
“Because,” she stretched out the word, “Dingus abandoned me during Forensics to sit in the back, even though his eyesight is terrible, all because he knew a certain blond always sat in the back. And then when you ditched, he was silent for like, an hour.” 
“Yeah? Wow. Real compelling evidence you got there chief. Unfortunately, I’ve known Harrington for longer and I know that’s not the case. There’s nothing going on between us.” Billy shrugged his shoulders. “Now can I please have my textbook back?”
“Not until you agree to talk to him,” she fired back.
“Oh yeah, I’d love to have that discussion.”
“What, big tough guy like you scared of what a dingus has to say? What’s got your panties in a twist Billy Joel?”
“None of your business. Now scram.”
“Nope,” she said, popping the p. “I need my best friend back. Besides, don’t you guys have a presentation on Friday? I can guarantee unless you two talk whatever out, he’s gonna be practically useless.”
“You don’t even know what’s going on!” His volume began to raise, only to be lowered again in the face of the librarian. He leaned closer to Robin instead. “You don’t know what you’re asking for. It's. Not. Happening.” 
“Fine. I guess it’s not what I’m thinking. After all, what do I, a lesbian from a tiny town in rural Illinois, know about mutual gay pining?” She said, leaning in to Billy too. They were practically bumping heads at this point, exchanging harsh whispers. But, as the term ‘mutual gay pining’ came out of her mouth, Billy squinted his eyes and smirked menacingly. 
“I see. You’re just some dyke who’s projecting her failed love life onto her bff in hopes of not being so lonely. Guess what buttercup? You’re dead fucking wrong. So fuck off, and go draw more tits on your shoes.” Robin leaned back in mock offense, before matching Billy with her own wicked smile.
“Oh okay. First off, fuck you, but I’m going to let it go because I know you probably have some deep seeded internalized bullshit. I had to help Steve through the same shit this semester. You’re from Hawkins too right?” One manicured eyebrow popped up, before she continued on her tirade. “Secondly, I’m never wrong. I saw the way you straight up stared at his lips that first day. Fantasizing about what it would be like to kiss him? Real no homo of you.”
“Are you done?” Billy asked, preparing to pack up and piss off. He didn’t need this shit, he had too many finals coming up. 
“Sure, if you’re ready to talk to Steve?”
“For the last time, take your psychoanalytical routine and fuck off.”
“Fine, whatever. Enjoy your pining anguish and ruined project.” She stood up, and prepared to turn away, before shooting over her shoulder, “By the way, I’m not sad or lonely. I actually have a girlfriend cause I’m not a pussy.” With that, she walked away, leaving Billy floundering for a scathing retort and coming up empty handed. He huffed and settled into his seat again to study, but suddenly he couldn’t focus on the guinea pigs. Sighing, he packed up and went to eat dinner.
Over the next two days, Billy tried to go about business as usual, but found himself staring off into space a lot more, Robin’s words echoing in his ears. Finally, Friday came about and Billy had to face the music. Or at least Harrington.
He got to the hall 30 minutes early, in order to sort his papers and double check all of his notecards were in the right order. Apparently, Harrington had the same idea, because he was already seated in the second row, head bent in concentration as he fussed over a stack of papers. 
Billy walked down the aisle, hands in his pockets. When he reached the row where Harrington sat, he cleared his throat. When Harrington’s head shot up in surprise, Billy was taken aback for a moment by the positions they found themselves in, reversed from that first day. 
Billy’s eyes flicked downwards before he shuffled through the seats and flopped down into the seat next to Harrington. 
“I uh, I got my papers. Gimme a sec, and we can put them all together.” His voice came out rougher than he intended, quiet so as to not break the hush an empty lecture hall seemed to require. 
“Okay.” Harrington’s voice was equally as soft. Billy began rifling through his bag to pull out the folder containing his portion of the project, but out of the corner of his eye, he could see Harrington squirm nervously, bouncing his leg and chewing at his thumbnail. Robin’s words came back to him, “he’ll be practically useless.” 
Billy pulled out the folder and sighed as he turned to Harrington. Here goes nothing. 
“How was your date yesterday?” he asked, wincing a little at his choice of conversation starter.
“I told you, it wasn’t a date,” Harrington snapped, continuing to bounce his leg rapidly. 
“Fine, fine. How was your commitment?”
“Fine,” Harrington said, clipped. They lapsed into another bout of tense silence.
A few minutes passed before Steve finally broke.
“What did you think I was going to say to you?” he asked, but he resolutely didn’t look at Billy. He chose instead to focus on his hands as he picked at his cuticles.
“Oh, okay. I guess.” He paused to clear his throat. “I guess you were looking for me to say it was an accident, a drunk mistake or whatever. Didn’t need to get rejected in person when I knew it was coming anyway.” 
Suddenly, Harrington burst out laughing. It wasn’t very long, but just enough to piss off Billy.
“What’s so funny Harrington?”
“You thought I was going to reject you?”
“Yeah. Brush it off as a drunken mishap and go back to fucking ice princess or whoever.”
“Oh my god, Billy.” His first name rang in his ears. It was the first time he could remember Harrin-Steve calling him by it. “If you think I don’t feel anything for you, then you’re more stupid than I thought.” Steve’s voice carried the boisterous laugh until it began to dwindle into quiet timidness as Billy just sat there, blinking, before shooting up. 
“See you’re already insult- wait, what?” He faltered, and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“I said, if you think I don’t feel anything for you, if you think I regret it or brushed off what happened as some drunk mistake, you’re more stupid than I thought.” Steve said, the last part holding a light teasing tone.
“You... but… you’re…” He trailed off, unsure of what to say.
“I’m not what? Not gay?” He paused before reaching out to gently offer his hand. “I’m not. I’m bisexual? I think? Robin’s better with the terms or what not, but um, basically I like both?” 
Billy sat down heavily before hesitantly grasping Steve’s outreached hand. 
“I guess that makes sense, but you really like me?”
“Yeah. I mean, you are an asshole, but I also saw how you were with Max and El, and even Will sometimes. You have a soft side, er. Well, softer.” Billy cracked a smile.
“I like you too Pretty Boy. Have since that one Halloween.”
“God, we’re dumbasses, huh?” Steve moaned. “Robin's going to hold this over me forever.” 
“I think she’s just going to be happy we’re not ‘mutually pining dinguses’ anymore.” Steve snorted, before looking up and squinting at Billy.
“Wait. Did she talk to you?”
“Yeah, she cornered me in the library Wednesday. You know, she kind of reminds me of a pitbull, all protective of you.”
“Yeah. I’m still gonna chew her ass. I told her specifically not to talk to you!” Before Steve could go into a full on tirade against his best friend, other classmates began to trickle in. Steve and Billy dropped hands and faced forward, prepping for their presentation again. However, just before the professor officially began class, Billy leaned over and whispered in Steve’s ear.
“You know anywhere we can talk after class? Privately.” He emphasized the last word, blowing a little puff of air, and watching Steve shiver.
“Yeah, yeah. I, uh, I have an apartment,” he stuttered.
Hope y’all liked it! As always, my askbox is always open to prompts, it might just take a minute to get them out.
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Zero to Six ~ Chapter Eleven.
CSorry, this feels really lame but I tried my best, then I was about to upload it when tumblr went down.
Here’s chapter Eleven though! enjoy <3 
Again, let me know if you want to be tagged.
Warnings: Swearing.
tags: @i-am-sarah​ , @whothefuckstolemykeds​ , @drowsyrrog​ , @culturefiendtrashqueen​ , @rogue-barnes-16--main-account​–main-account , @alliwantfromyouistomakelovetome, @valerie-weasley​ , @sueeatstheworld​ , @bleona2808​ , @pippin248​ , @myfatbottomedgirls​ , @httpfandxms​ , @cooliosmosh​ , @speckles-s​ , @walking-disgrace​ , @itsmeaudrieee​ , @fight-the-freaking-fairies​ , @irrelevant-pumpkin​ , @captain-sparkles-who​ , @podcasts-8-my-heart , @foulvintagenature​ , @imjustboredso​ , @loophoria​
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“So Billy eh, I mean it’s cute but it’s a little common.”
We were driving through a forest, Four in the driving seat with Five in the passenger seat. I was sat in the back in the middle, leaning against the seat with my tinted blue sunglasses on.
Four just scoffed.
“Well we can’t all be like you, miss my names unique.”
Five turned in her seat to smirk at me.
I looked from Five to the rear view mirror to find Four staring at me, I just smiled and raised my eyebrows. “Well I didn’t have a choice in picking it did I?”
“Well Neither did I with mine, sweetheart.”
I leaned forward, putting my hands on his shoulders. I was essentially back hugging his seat.
I leaned into his ear and whispered. “I love when you call me that.”
He peered over his shoulder at me as I sunk back, biting my lip.
He just shifted uncomfortably in his seat, double taking at Five who gave him a shocked but stern look.
“Hey you don’t have to tell me. She’s the one riling me up!” Billy defended.
“Let’s just get this over and done with, no distractions please Zero.” She looked at me pointedly.
“Sure.” I said with a smirk, catching Billy’s eye in the mirror again.
We got to the location about an hour later, parking 30 minutes out as to not cause suspicion.
We kept low in the brush when we finally reached the communications disc on top of Turgistan Mountains.
Guards where just at the top of the base but that wouldn’t be a problem.
“Hey, you afraid?” Five said breathlessly as Four got the wire cutters out of the bag.
He just looked at her with an unreadable expression and cut the chain. She looked to me, I just sighed giving her my best smile.
I managed to hack the cameras getting the screens up while also being in a position where I could keep an eye on the guards. Four had already started his acsent up the big disc.
In and out with no disasters, just how I like it.
On the way back Five decided to get in the back seat while I was packing the gear in the trunk.
Which meant was was sitting shotgun, about 10 minutes into our journey back she’d fallen asleep.
Four coughed shuffling in his seat. “You okay?” He grabbed my hand from my lap with his free hand.
“I’m fine, what about you.” He interlocked our fingers and rested them back on my lap.
“Am good just a little nervous. Listen about us? What are we.”
I stared at him. Why was he doing this now.
“I like you Billy.” I laughed. “Dam I’ve liked you from the first insult you threw at me.” He raised his eyebrows at me. “Crazy I know.”
Now was his turn to chuckle. “But?”
“I think we should finish what we started here first.” I raised our hands so I could lean my chin on them. “We never know how a mission is going to go, we’re nearly there though.”
I kissed his knuckles and he just sadly smiled at me.
“I guess you’re right. But as soon as this is over and we both come out of it alive. Which we will! I’m taking you on the best date you’ve ever been on. And if you’re lucky at the end.” He leaned in to me trying to be all seductive.
“I’ll give you that decking you’ve been asking for.”
I let go of his hand scoffing. “You’re such a cocky little shit.”
He just give me puppy dog eyes, to which I rolled mine and interlocked our hands together again.
“Happy now?”
He just deeply hummed at me and kissed my cheek.
I smiled at him, deciding I too would nap. We had along way to go.
Finally the day of the dead came, I just hope all the preparations where going to be worth it.
“And this is yours.” I looked up from where I was sitting to see Two holding up a very expensive looking green velvet dress.
“Oh shit, it’s gorgeous.”
“Fours going to die when he see’s you.”
“I think everyone will be too focused on the mission to care what’s on my body.” She just shrugged in agreement then left to get changed herself.
I just looked at the dress, sighing before changing and doing a natural but darker makeup.
Our first job was to accompany the same man, one woman on each arm. I stayed quiet while I examined the scene and let Two do the wooing.
He pulled me in by my waist, it took all the strength in me to not show how uncomfortable it was. I just started a conversation about how beautiful the boat was.
Hoping to god the guys would get here fast so we could get this show on the road. Luckily Two was here with me.
Suddenly a load explosion came from across the water, everyone stood shocked while me and Two just looked at each other. A faint smirk came across her features.
Everyone started running in a panic, we just stayed where we were. Calmly we made our way deeper into the boat.
We finally made it into the control room, as Two delt with the guard I started messing with the controls.
“Side doors open.” I mumbled flicking the final switch. God I hope Billy gets on board safely.
“Coms cut, we’re good.” I let out a sigh of relief at his voice coming through my ears.
We climbed back up going to meet the rest of the team, when Two opened the door she was met with a gun in her face curtesy of Seven.
A round of heys and we were back on track.
“Hey Papi, don’t you ladies look nice.” Three came hobbling out of another door, winking at us.
I just stood there awkwardly while One and Three started having a little tiff.
“Children please, god and you have a go at me and Four for starting things.”
“Because that’s awkward.”
“What and this childish bickering isn’t?”
“I hate that she gets sassy and more sarcastic everyday.” Three groaned.
“Yeah I wonder where she learns it from.” One looked between Two and Three.
Two just raised her hands in a ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’ position.
One stormed away.
I pointed between Two and Three. “Best adopted parents ever.”
We all followed One out.
Following Two again we made our way to the kitchen area, champagne glasses in hand this was where the acting classes would kick in.
Putting on our best drunken ‘am a lost guest’ act, I surveyed the area and found the back door to Rovach’s suite, radioing the information to the others.
I looked around to make sure the space was clear enough before I learnt against the wood, Two was about to take the men down that were surrounding Three and honestly I was excited for the show.
I’d heard and see little bits of how amazingly skilled this woman was, obviously watching now I was kind of wishing her skills were in something a little less violent.
She walked up to me to check I was okay.
“Why don’t I have a gun? I think I need a gun.”
They both just started laughing at me.
“What? What’s so funny?”
“Am not giving you a gun Princess, I know you’re probably fully capable. But! I’m definitely not giving you a firearm until we’ve fully tested you back at base.” Three lectured me.
“So how exactly am I supposed to protect myself?”
Three looked around and found a metal pole from god knows where. “Here, use this.”
I just stared at him, mouth open. “What. Am I the all powerful Rey now?”
“Hey don’t mock Rey! She’s amazing in Star Wars, plus she really knows what she’s doing with that stick.”
I just tilted my head and squinted at The tall dark dumb idiot.
“Enough with the movie references!” Two shouted, dragging Three away.
“Guess it’s just you and me now.” I looked down at the metal pole and prayed for the best.
Chapter Twelve
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geeky-marie · 4 years
Hi! Can I request a fluffy fic with Dewey Finn and the reader, Horace Green’s art teacher crushing on each other and the kids trying to get them together?? I just think it would be so cute, and the kids would probably be really teasing to Dewey 😋😊
Dewey Finn 
School of Rock Musical 
A/N: Thank you for your request, I really like to write it since I’m an artist so the idea came easily. I hope you will like it and you will ask me to write for you again ! 
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.
The kids had a plan, a perfect plan. 
For weeks now, they saw the little dance you and Dewey were dancing, walking in the corridor together, making jokes and failing to properly flirt . For days, they been each at their turn remove briefly of your class by their music teacher under a stupid pretext, because the man wanted to see you a little bit and having a little ray of sunshine to the rest of his day. For hours, they saw both of you smile like idiots, too shy or not confident enough to make the first step. For minutes now, they were looking if Dewey, lost in his thought, would notice that they had stopped playing their instruments.
The idea came for Summer. As the manager of the band, she proposed that she could talk to Dewey about refreshing the School of rock logo and maybe , absolutely, involve Miss Y/L/N in the project. As an Art teacher you were more able to have some kick ass ideas and draw them beautifully. In this manner, you will both have to collaborate on something and have a real chance to talk and come to the point that you should go on a date. 
“ It’s gonna not work” Zack interrupted playing with his mediator. “ Did you hear him speak to her ? He jokes, failing his attempt to ask her out by changing subject and compliment her Art, but never her. She probably doesn't know he daydreams about her. And put them in a project will don’t change that” 
“ Then, we will have to make him compliment her. My mom always became more flirty with my dad after he told her something nice about her look.” Billy replies.
“ I think I have an idea for that “ Summer continu. “ I will go see Mister Finn after class, maybe he will decide to talk to her directly and we will not have to do all these efforts and we...” 
But the voice of Dewey raised for his desk, taking them by surprise, forced them to put the plan in action sooner.  
“ Hey dudes, what’s happening ? Why do you look like you were planning a bad prank ? “ 
“ Well, actually we were telling that our logo was getting old” The little manager quickly answered, turning on her chair to face him. “ People will become tired of seen it, we should change it “ 
“ The logo is fine Summer, and it’s not always good to change a logo people recognize.” Dewey brushes away, getting up to reach his guitar in his support.
“ Yes but we wanted to ask Miss Y/L/N if she had some ideas for refreshing him at least” Zack continu, giving a supporting look at Summer who’s nod of the head. “ She could help us on this” 
Sitting on the corner of his desk, a now soft smile playing on his lips at your mention, Dewey was playing absently the first chords of Here’s come the Sun from The Beatles.
“ That’s a pretty great idea. I will try to talk to her about it before leaving school…” Dewey agreed, continuing to play the song.
“ Mister Finn, did you correct our test ? My mom wait for it and she’s start to be impatient” The voice of Billy ask from the back of the class, shortly after he gave a look to Summer.
“ Shi...No...I didn’t Billy I will do it tonight” He disappointingly confessed, passing a hand on his face. “ I guess I will have to talk to Y/N tomorrow “ 
A concert of exclamation and joyful noise welcome his answers. 
“ It’s Y/N now then ?” Zack tease, a playful smile brightens his little face. 
“ You should ask her out ! “ Alysha shouted. “ And gave her flowers, us girls love flowers !” 
Getting up from the desk, Dewey raise is hand in a calming sign. 
“ Woah woah woah….Yes Zack for me it’s Y/N, and she’s way out of my league guys...Now stop trying to plays cupid and start to rock “ 
But the kids hadn’t finish to interfere with his love life yet. 
You were staying late at school like always,trying to finish a painting, when Summer entered your class. You weren't really surprised to see her there since the young lady had an overbooked agenda and liked to be in many interscholastic activities. 
“ Miss Y/L/N can I talk to you for a minute ? “ She politely asks you, silently appreciating your almost finished painting. 
“ Of course Summer “ You reply, putting down your brush. 
“ With the band, we wanted to refresh our logo and we think of you to do it.” She annonce, looking like always more adult than many women you know.
A strange sensation seemed to arise in your belly at the mention of the famous band of Horace Green. And more particularly their teacher. You finish by understanding that it was a little deception that he hadn’t come himself to ask you to work on that project. Dewey Finn was awesome, and he totally didn’t know. You have a crush on him, his joke, his wonderful smile, his brillante energies and he didn’t know either. And you will certainly not start to think of his strong arms helping you by lifting your heavier box of material, like he did last week. Not with a too bright young lady at your side.     
 “ I’m really flattered you thought about me to do it Summer. Did you guys have some ideas for me ?” You ask, trying to chase the memory of Dewey of your mind. 
“ Actually Mister Finn had made a list of our ideas, but he had the best so far. He’s in his class right now, come with me we will go see him.” She replied, a strange urge on his voice. 
Your heart since to skip a beat. Dewey was still here ? Getting up from your seat, you follow the little girl, trying without her notice that you were secretly putting your clothes in order. Since the class was over, you had changed into a more artistic and simple attire composed of a shirt, jeans and your old pair of Converse. 
“ Try to stay discrete please, he corrects our copies and he tends to make mistakes if we interrupt him, he will tell us when we can talk” Summer whispers loud enough to you to hear when you stop in front of the open door. 
Entering the room, you follow the path of the little girl. There, sitting at his wooden desk, only god can know how much you have thought of him and this damn desk, Dewey was correcting the paper like Summer had mentioned. His brown lock falling on his forehead, a bored expression on his face. 
“ Mister Finn, I will not bother you for long, I just forgot my notepad.” Summer suddenly said, surprising you, what’s happened to the waiting that he talked to us first ? “ Mister Finn, did you notice that Miss Y/L/N was particularly pretty today ? “ 
The initial surprise was now transformed into shock, at what this little miss was playing. Opening your mouth to interfere, you close it when you heard he answer.  
“ Stupid affirmation Summer. Y/N’s always gorgeous, even with paint in his cheeks. I tell you to don’t play cupid, I'm not enough“ Dewey mutterings without even lifting his eyes from the papers.
A warm feeling seems to burst in your chest. Without being able to stop yourself, you protest. 
“ What, of course you are enough ! “ 
In an instant, Dewey was on his feet, his cheeks red of embarrassment.
“ Oh, hey, Y/N !” He too loudly tells, trying to compose himself.
It then hit you too.
“ Wait you think I'm gorgeous ?” The red reaching now your own cheeks. The marvelous student now forgotten. “ I thought I was the one who was not enough...you were only joking and helping, but you never really do a move or something like that…”
Get around his desk, he was now standing in front of you, his hand passing nervously into his hair. 
“ I was kind of scared you rejected me, look at you. Even in jeans and t-shirt you look like an art goddess. And your so talented.Rock band sing song about girls like you “ 
Smiling, you couldn’t resist longer. Putting your hand on his chest, you slowly kiss his lips. It took him a few seconds, the initial shock passed, to respond to your embrasse. Taking your waist on his hand, He proceeded to give you one of these kisses you remember all your life.
Your eyes closed, your mouth still at only a few inches, you couldn't stop smiling. 
“ Yess ! “ A small voice exclaim bursting your quiet bubble. 
Turning on your heels, you discover Summer, her phone in front of her recording. 
“ Summer, did you...Oh god it’s the prank you were conspired in class today !” Dewey realized.
“ Congratulations Mr Finn, Miss Y/L/N See you tomorrow “ The young girl said before running out, his laugh of joy echoing in the corridor. 
Turning on the arms on Dewey, who never makes a move to let you go, you bite your lips. 
“ So…” You start.
“ A drink ? Now…? “ Dewey suggests. 
“ Finally…Yes “ You joke, kissing his lips for the second time. 
The next morning, all the class was excited. The video taken by Summer having made the tour. So, when Dewey passed the door, an unusual smile on his lips so early in the morning, they couldn’t resist teasing him a little.
“ Hey Mister Finn, you have a really pretty Girlfriend “ 
“ You look happy Mister Finn, did you see your Girlfriend this morning ?” 
“ Did she kiss you before you came in class ? “ 
Laughing, Dewey removed his coat, handling his guitar. 
“ Ok ok guys, Thank you, Yes she kissed me before coming here and she’s beautiful. Today we will learn the opposite of Stick it to the man. Kick ass love songs “  
Two classes away, showing your morning student how to draw the light reflecting in an object, you could suddenly hear Dewey playing, I was made from loving you by KISS. You were, indeed, made for each other.   
@sofabearr @beetlebitchywitch
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lambvein · 4 years
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Cheerful Host-part 9 (Reupload)
The past months have been hell on earth. A nightmare come true. These dumb fucking bimbos have been training me to reply to their every command whether it be to finger my pussy or fondle my nipples or bounce up and down to make my massive knockers bounce in public…but I wont give in to their orders!…unfortunately I have a bad feeling my decision to disobey will prove fruitless and harmful to me and my assets.
“Where are you taking me? Why are we going back to the mall, havent you embaressed me enough in that victoria’s secret earlier? What else could you sluts possibly want?” I spoke to the hive of bimbos in an annoyed tone.
Juggs responded “well a perfect bimbo needs a perfect makeover isnt that right ladies? And what better place to start than getting those already fat lips pumped up even more hehe!”.
“What?!?! No, please I already have ridiculously fake, plastic jugs and booty please I cant handle any more implants!” I begged the bimbos.
“Thats exactly the point silly billy! We, like already pumped up your tits and ass so now we need to top off this bimbo cake with some big, fat, fake dick sucking lips!” ariana spoke in a mocking voice.
I began to tear up at the thought of how goofy I would look with massive fake lips and how hard it would be to speak or communicate
“Please ladies, dont do this to me I will do anything…anything at all!”.
“Awe mega mountains thats cute, if we want something from you we will make you do it…speaking of which…play with us right now! Hands on your tits and pussy, girl!” Juggs demanded.
“WHAT!?!? Were in the middle of a fucking mall are you crazy?!?!” I whispered into my cleavage as to not seem crazy infront of the crowd of mall-goers bustling the crowded building.
“EXACTLY!” The bimbos all shouted at once.
I then began to feel the all too familiar feeling of my pussy and nipples swelling up…it felt…AMAZING.
“wont you play with us now, mountains…come on you know you want too” nicki spoke in a seducing, childish tone.
“Hurry up bitch, were not letting you go anywhere until you obey us!” Jugs shouted in the back of my mind.
I gave in to the feelings and dove my hands into my tight top and shorts and began to play with myself. My attempts to stifle my moans proved to be no help as every passing pedestrian either looked at me disgusted, whistled at me or copped a feel themselves.
“Hmmmm these horny guys grabbing a feel gives me an idea, mountains present your huge jugs to the next chick that walks by and beg her to feel you up hahahaha!” Juggs suggested, the other 59 bimbos controlling me all laughed at my situation and decided to pump up the sensitivity in my delicate areas.
The slightest brush from my tight clothes was enough to bring up an accidental squeal in ecstasy. Without hesitation I hefted my titties up to an approaching goth high schooler who had just exited the mall’s hot topic.
“Please, please play with my tits! I need release so bad!” I shouted at the young lady as my knees were shaking and my arms were swiftly giving out from attempting to carry my enormous knockers.
“What the fuck!?!? No way you dumb bimbo!” The goth hissed at me before storming off, dissapearing into the dense crowd of shoppers.
“Girls, please make this end. My shorts are soaking wet and im so tired from hefting my boobs around in everyones faces amd playing with myself for the past hour” I begged the bimbos.
Juggs replied “Okay fine mountains…we will save this for later when your makeover is done!”.
The bimbos all squealed at my suffering as they swiftly brought me back to my feet out of my puddle of pleasure and strutted me over to the mall’s lip injection clinic. The sluts strapped me down to a leather chair in the back of the store as a curvy nurse holding several needles appeared.
“Oh my god can we please talk abou…” my speech was cut off by the nurse pumping the needles into my face all at once.
The sensation of my lips filling to the brim with silicone felt terrible. It took several minutes to finish her injections and by the time she finished half of my view was obstructed by my now cartoonishly large top lip.
“Mmpppff mmppff mmpppfff!” I lost the ability to open my mouth enough to create words.
My lips have become too fat and heavy to be able to open my mouth. “Perfect! I have never done silicone injections that large before but I made a special case for you so you better enjoy it!” The nurse said to me in a cheerul tone as she grabbed a handful of my bottom lip to test its thickness.
“This is perfect! No more backtalk from miss mega mountains!” Nicki interjected.
The sluts all cackled at my inability to speak as I was lifted up off the leather seat and out of the nurse’s office.
“Next stop, a new wardrobe!” Jugs announced.
“Mmmmmppppfff!” I attempted to plead to the sluts.
“Silly mountains theres no point in rebelling. We just took away your one way of communicating with the outside world. You are all ours now” juggs said with a triumphant jiggle of my colossal titties.
“Now play with us…or else…” Nicki demanded.
I didnt hesitate and quickly stuffed my hands down my bra and worked my nipples as best as I could to satisfy the bimbos. Several people passing by either gave me a dirty look, blushed, looked away or hollered at me like some kind of dog. After several minutes and many awkward interactions we approached a lingerie shop I had never noticed in the mall before.
“Alright ladies GO WILD!” Juggs announced to her hive of sluts as I was forced to sprint into the sex shop as my big boobs hit me in the face several times.
The sluts selected several outfits: a christmas themed bikini, a sexy nun costume, a leopard print bodysuit, an obviously too small tracksuit, a latex devil outfit and a tiny pair of panties with an equally miniature bra to go with it. I was practically pushed into the change rooms by my swarm of sluts to the confusion of the clerk at the store and got a look in the mirror at my current situation. I felt like breaking down crying.
I looked like a cartoon character, I barely fit in the change room with my enormous caboose and fat melons attached to me and to top it off I now sported the biggest pair of fake lips I have ever seen, they reached past my chin and rested just below my eyes “MMMMMPPPPFFF!”.
“Like what you see, mega mountains?” Juggs taunted.
“Yeah, we are all pretty sexy together arent we, I suppose you should be thanking us that there is no reverse spell to separate us…yeah…were one big bimbo together forever.” Juggs mocked as I stared in utter shock at what I had become.
“Ummm excuse me if you are done, like, pouting we have some outifts to try on” kim said in a spiteful tone.
The girls then reached for their first outfit…the santa bikini. All the outfit consisted of was a red mini bikini with a santa hat. The bimbos finished dressing me up and proceeded to put me in as many lusty poses as they could think of, it was so degrating watching my now ruined body being paraded around like this. Every single one of my private bits were on full display…my large and in charge nipples are easily distinguished from the tiny fabric of the bikini top, the bottom of the bikini served as nothing other than a string of cloth rammed up my ass and served no other use other than to split my fat pussy lips. After several minutes the bimbos decided to move on to my next outfit…a sexy nun outfit…compared to my last get up this outfit was actually quite conservative. The costume consisted of a regular nun’s cap and robe with the main draw being the large frame in which the purpose is to display as much cleavage as humanly possible and of course the sluts spared no time as they adjusted my boobs until as much titflesh was spilling out as possible. They became bored of the maid outfit rather quickly probably due to how much skin it covered. The next suit the bimbos decided to stuff me into was a leopard print bodysuit, after zipping up the suit my breath was sucked away as the suit hugged and pushed up all of my curves.
“MMMMPPPPFPFF!” I tried as best as I could to communicate to the bimbos that I couldnt breathe under all my titflesh but my begs were of to no avail as the sluts continued to pose me in any way they pleased without a hitch.
“Damn girls look at our tits! This cleavage goes on forever and ever!” Ariana spoke in a lustful tone to her fellow sluts.
My next outfit was an extremely tight tracksuit. My enormous junk in the trunk was tucked into the extra small tights resulting in a brought up squeal from the cameltoe being firmly set in whilst the tights run deeply into my own ass crack, next the track jacket was zipped all the way up resulting in my titties looking like beanbag chairs stuck in a suit.
“Ooooohh I like this outfit! And it seems like mountains is enjoying it as well. Look how much shes blushing!” Kim pointed out.
“I know what will really get mountains going” juggs said as she took over my whole body.
I felt my lips open as I was forced to speak into the mirror…wait how was she making me talk with my fat, fake lips?!?!
“Hey samantha…enjoying the ride? I sure hope you are because its going to get so much sweeter…we will never stop recruiting sluts to join our hive and you will never escape being the host of our hive. You will never be rid of your massive knockers, your big fat booty or us…so get used to it bitch because you are under new management. The bimbos management” Juggs finished her speech and returned to her respective consiousness in my jugs.
I felt like crying but my big fake lips only allowed me to hold a ridiculous duck face as I stared full view at my figure. Whilst I was distracted the sluts undressed me from the tracksuit and quickly suited me up into a hot red latex bodysuit and attachable devil horns. The slut squad stuffed my extreme assets into the bodysuit to the point of deriving severe discomfort from within the suit. “Perfect!” Jugs announced as she assessed the fruits of her labour by fondling my tight implants and injections.
“Yes, a million times yes! Lets roll girls!” Juggs announced to her fellow bimbos as I strutted out of the sex shop.
“Mmmmppppfff mmmpppff!” I tried conveying to the sluts my terrible discomfort due to the constraints of the bodysuit but my begs and moans fell on deaf ears as they kept bouncing me along like some kind of pornstar preparing for a shoot.
I looked absolutely ridiculous, I looked like jessica rabbit going to a bdsm convention.
“*ahem* we need some attention down here mountains, come on dont you know how to be a good guest?” Jugs spoke in a sharp, snarky tone.
I stuffed my hands down the front of my suit which only made my discomfort more extreme and began working my nipples to please the bimbo hive.
“Now don't you dare take your hands off your tits until we say so or you will feel the wrath of the bimbos” juggs hissed.
I continued playing with my mountains as I was forced to walk through the entire mall as if to display to everyone what I had become, this is so fucking humiliating. My face was burning red by this point which only further put my heavy makeup job front and centre. It took several minutes to exit the mall and by the time we had my pussy was ready to burst but the sluts refused to supply me release. With my new outfit pushing up my knockers and booty combined with my new fat lips I now felt even more embarressed to be seen in public. The people only see me as a bimbo now and now with my massive lips I cant even talk back…I am now a passenger to my own body at the horny hands of 60 bimbos, sluts, whores and strippers….wait why are we going back to the strip club!?!?!…
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