#( headcanon;; Minki)
minki-moo · 9 months
Oooh, your 'want to want you' fic was so good! I loved it!!
Can you pls write a fic about Chan teaching you to ride for the first time?
Because that's a skill in itself haha, you'll need help the first few times
the way i've been thinking about this for days 🫣
i also had to do research because i myself have also never ridden anyone so im sorry if this is biblically inaccurate
you and chan had been enjoying a relaxing day at home, catching up on a few shows and baking together (or you baking and him watching). but as the day wound down, you both made your way to the bed, lazily making out and running your hands on each others bodies. somehow during all this, you found yourself straddling chan, your hands on his chest and looking down at his swollen lips and wide eyes. you've never seen this view before; chan was always on top of you when you have sex, but you can definitely see the appeal.
"channie?"your face heats up a bit. "can i... ride you?"
chan's eyes widen, his grip on your thighs tightening. you were never really that bold when it came to sex; you knew what you liked and always told chan what made you feel good, but suggesting something new was something you've never done.
"are-are you sure?" you could see the lust and excitement under his concerned expression. you swallow down the doubt you had and nod. "i'm sure. i've never been so sure of something in my life." leaning over, you kiss him and whisper in his ear, "and the view from up here is amazing."
the flustered look on chan's face made you smirk; he was always so composed, but the minute you did anything, he didn't know how to act at all.
taking a deep breath, chan sits up so he's leaning on the bed frame, holing your waist and pulling you closer to his chest. "baby," he says in a low voice, "have you ever ridden anyone before?" you shook your head. chan was basically your first everything, so you never had the chance to try anything sexual with anyone else.
"thought so." he slides his fingers under the waist band of your panties. "can you take these off for me?" raising your hips, you let chan tug them off. once they're off, chan reaches into his boxers and pulls out his already hard cock. somehow, you always forget how big chan is; not overwhelmingly so but it was enough to make you nervous.
"baby," chan's voice is soothing as he rubs little circles into your hips, "it's gonna be ok. just do what feels right."
reaching behind you, you take chan's cock in your hands, lining it up with your opening. taking a deep breath, you slowly sink down, taking him inch by inch. once you finally bottom out, the quiet, breathy moans you were holding in leave your mouth.
"channie, 'm so full." you whimper as you lean your head into chan's shoulder.
"i know baby. fuck, you're so tight. so perfect for me."
when you've gotten used to the feeling, you place your hands on chan's thighs, tentatively raising your hips and lower them slowly, the drag of his cock igniting more pleasure inside you. the moan you hear from chan lets you know you're doing a good job, as he uses his hands to guide you up and down his length. after a few strokes, you start to pick up the pace, bouncing faster as you start to lose yourself in the pleasure. "that's it baby, you're doing so-fuck-so fucking well." chan's strained moans mix with your desperate ones, his fingers digging into your hips. feeling his release coming much faster than he wanted, chan thrusts up into you, making you cry out.
"ch-channie, fuck 'm gonna cum." you start to move frantically, meeting each of chan's thrusts as his cock hits your g spot every time.
chan grabs the back of your neck, pulling you down into a heated kiss. "fuck, that's it. cum for me, baby." his command was enough to make you spiral, your orgasm hitting you hard as you slam your hips down one more time. a loud groan from chan was the only warning you got before you felt his cock twitch inside you, the warmth of his cum giving you another small orgasm.
collapsing on chan's chest, you slowly catch your breath, the pain in your thighs finally catching up to you. "that, was amazing." you giggle at the awe in chan's voice.
"yeah, it really was." you give him a quick peck on the lips before leaning back into him, slowly falling asleep in his arms.
a/n ♡ they definitely slept with his dick still inside
tag list ♡ @kpopsstuffs @bxgylr @notastraykid @stolasisyourparent
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nolovelingers · 10 months
Hi i love you headcanons sooo much 🫶 Do u think you would be able to them for Mindy! I love that girl so much🥹
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ೄྀ࿐ requested ! ˊˎ-
headcanons — // cw ! : fluff ,, fem!readers only ,, some nsfw at the bottom ,, brief mention of drinking & weed ,, no cw’s besides that really i luh this girl too 🫶
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SFW !!
MINDY MEEKS MARTIN AS YOUR GIRLFRIEND . . . helped you realize just how important and cared for you really are in this world.
there is never a single day that goes by where she doesn’t remind you how much she loves you, holding your face with her hands as she just admires your features with a relaxed look in her eyes and a maladaptive smile.
she seriously never lets you forget it, whether it’s through words or small actions. she’s always expressing her affection in some subtle way.
her arm is always wrapped around you, behind your shoulders, hand on your hip or tucked warmly in your hands. she needs her own reassurance that you’re there by her side and aren’t going anywhere.
she’s a huge film fanatic and movies dates are an absolute must. she does enjoy horror but gets the slightest bit sensitive to it after all the ghostface attacks go down and while she’ll still engage in time to time it’s better for you to encourage her to turn on something more light hearted without saying the exact reason why. if you express you’re worried about her she’ll get defensive and only be determined to watch it more, later waking up in the middle of the night through vivid nightmares and breaking a cold sweat.
she’s big into marvel and will have *lighthearted* debates about it with you if you prefer dc, and if you’re clueless to the both of the fandoms you can expect her to force you to sit down and make you watch all the movies in the film timeline order.
she doesn’t own any of her own comics but has always wanted to get into them, so if you own any of your own, whether if it’s a whole collection to just a few you can expect her to be borrowing them from you constantly.
other than that she’s not a huge book reader, her patience short and hard to keep her attention span captured. she wouldn’t mind it if you ever read her to sleep though, your voice helps lure her into a calm rest.
makeouts are a must and one of her favorite things to do. she’s an extremely experienced kisser and knows exactly what she’s doing. they don’t have to lead to anything spicy but she just adores when your lips are on hers and could kiss you for hours.
saying she’s protective over you is an understatement, she’s extremely paranoid and suspicious of everyone around her and is constantly acting as your guard dog. she’s always making sure you have some sort of weapon on you when you go out and that you always remember the location of at least 2-3 exits around you no matter where you are.
she wants you to keep your location on 24/7. not cause she’s being a clingy or jealous girlfriend but she’s very afraid of something happening to you while she’s not there to help. she checks it almost every hour when she knows you’re out and will shoot a message to make sure you respond.
being close friends with chad is also a given. as much as she hates to admit it, her brother is one of her best friends and if you have his approval it just makes her love you so much more. she can never hide the smile that erupts on her face whenever she witnesses the both of you getting along or playfully teasing each other.
she ties your shoes for you when the laces come undone, opens cans or jars for you if you can’t (or if you get them done, when your nails are too long), has polaroids of you decorated along the walls of her bedroom, and will buy the both of you some form of matching thing. like a keychain, or a piece of jewelry.
she’ll randomly ask you to sign stuff, acting like you’re a celebrity as she teasingly begs for you to write your name on her backpack, a plain tee shirt she owns, the back of her hand, an old pair of shoes she owns, etc.
if you have a job she’ll find any excuse to come and visit you while you’re working, whether it’s by pretending to be a customer or just sneaking in to chat for as long as she could.
one of her favorite things is when you sit in her lap, facing her with one of your free hands practically petting her hair and her arms wrapped around your lower body, rubbing your back or resting her hands on your ass. once again, nothing sexual needs to come from it, she just honestly can’t resist the temptation of her hands wandering. if you’re not comfortable with it she’ll immediately stop and apologize.
and to correspond with this, she likes it when you sit in her lap but loves it when she lays in yours. your thighs are absolutely perfect, it literally doesn’t matter the shape, size or feeling of them shes obsessed with resting her head in your lap and there’s nothing you can do to stop her.
the both of you have a tendency to go to hot topic together and check out the couples jewelry. and she can’t resist going through the pins and sneaking a few she’d think you’d like in her back pocket. she’ll pay for everything else in the store but just doesn’t feel like paying so little for a cheaply made pin. but she loves putting them on her jackets, her backpack and her bags. she also gets so excited when she finds a particular one she’d think you’d like.
making each other a playlist is a must, and she has a problem where she just makes you a new one almost every other month. it’s a routine at this point and if she ever forgets or just doesn’t have the time to one month it gets you a bit sad, thinking maybe she’s finally lost interest. she’ll remember to do it the next time she opens her music app though.
she practically lives at your dorm/place at this point. if you live at the dorms you asked the school to make you a new key, pretending you lost yours, and then gave it to her. now she’ll come over all the time without even asking, send you a random text she was on her way over without discussing it first or that she was already at the door. sometimes you would come home after being gone for hours just to find her lounged on your couch; your snacks in her hands (and in her mouth) while watching a movie.
one of her favorite activities to do with you is to drink and just hang out. she gets very sappy, affectionate and when she drinks most of the time she doesn’t hold back since it’s not like a frequent thing. she likes to get blackout and you’re forced to take care of your girlfriend; who has now become a koala bear as she drunkenly holds onto your leg and cries and giggles about how much she loves you. she’s also a very clumsy drunk and almost always ends up hurt the next day, falling into things, running into walls and tripping over air. then the next day when the hangover hits she swears up and down she’ll never get drunk again in between groans of agony just to do it again in a week.
getting high together is also something she loves to do. it’s such an awakening experience that just deepens her love for you as she feels very comfortable and relaxed in your presence. she also loves the very dumb conversations you have together about the most meaningless things.
facemasks are also a must. she loves it when you do her skincare because she doesn’t have a routine for herself and so on occasion you’ll do some treatment for her. she hates those paper masks because they feel slimey and cold against her skin but she’ll do them if you have them. she likes when you put a charcoal or clay mask on her skin and acts like some sort of strange creature.
constantly making movie references that you don’t understand most of the time. and when you don’t get one of her comparisons she’ll force you to watch the film immediately and explain in detail what she meant.
if you try to talk during one of the movies she picks she’ll hush you immediately, wanting you to pay total attention to it unless it’s one the both of you have seen before. but when it’s her turn for her to watch a movie of your choice she’s yet to see but you have she’ll be a total hypocrite, talking and adding loud dialogue the entire way through. she’s also the type to ask you questions about a plot to a movie you’ve both never seen before and actually expecting you to be able to answer.
you have a long snapstreak going with her that you both mourn anytime it’s reset. and she’s got a highlight of you on her instagram that she updates once or twice a week.
she’ll ask you what your favorite marvel character is and if it’s one she doesn’t like she will fight you. (not really, but she’ll trash talk the character and get super defensive if you try to do the same to hers.)
she’s actually very trusting of you in the relationship and the only times she ever gets jealous is if a girl is outwardly flirting with you even after being aware that you’re dating someone.
random kisses constantly, she’ll gently turn your chin to face her or cup your chin and bring you into a kiss without any warning before hand.
she loves to do cute challenges with you. for example the chapstick challenge, where you buy a pack of flavored/scented chapstick and kiss the other while they try to guess the flavor. or doing the same thing with lipstick, but instead of trying to guess the flavor just seeing if it was kiss proof or not. but she doesn’t own makeup except for maybe a cheap mascara and a thing of eyeliner she almost never touches; so it would have to be yours or just not one you partake in.
going along with the no makeup thing, she would gladly let you do hers if you have any. she’d be the perfect little test subject for practicing your makeup skills on others if it wasn’t for her randomly goofing off and trying to eat the lipstick or the wands.
there’s definitely been at least a time or two where she does actually get jealous over chad if you have a good relationship with him. it doesn’t matter if you’re lesbian, bi, pan, omni or unlabeled she with subliminally have the thought that you’re gonna leave her for her twin brother. you of course reassure her and remind her of the love you hold for her. she’s not ever the type to blame you for her jealousy. she wouldn’t ignore you or get angry because of her own feelings and actually much prefers to talk it through with you than suffering alone or in silence.
she’s not afraid to speak her mind or be bold. it can get a bit embarrassing from the occasional time to time if you’re out in public with strangers but you’re quick to laugh about it.
pda is a must with her and if you ever receive looks or judge mental comments she’s quick to reply and call someone out on their behavior and won’t back down till they apologize or walk away. she loves showing you off and that doesn’t change whether it’s behind opened or closed doors, but it definitely does simmer down. but like don’t be surprised if she randomly wants to make out with you even though you’re at a friends house together and hanging out with multiple other people.
she’s quick to warn you about her suspicions of ethan to alert you; which saves you a lot in the long run. you avoid him and try not to hang out with the group when you’re lead to believe ethan may be there or suspiciously couldn’t make it only for everyone to get attacked by ghostface the same night.
she loves to dance with you. and not like a slow dance, im talking jumping up and down, bobbing her head, shouting the lyrics and swinging her arms up and down while hopping around you to shit like ‘lovefool’ by the cardigans.
the both of you have tried every two player mobile game known to man and could spend hours day on the couch with her legs in your lap playing things like fashion frenzy on roblox to game pigeon.
if you ever get sick she’ll want to stay with you the entire time till you’re feeling better and once you finally do now she’s the one under the weather and expects you to do the same as she did with you. she’s actually grown to love it when she gets ill cause it’s basically a guarantee she’ll be the only one or thing with your attention for at least a few days and if she feels that attention drifting from her she’ll act like such a little kid and act like she’s dying.
she’ll never admit it but she loves to be babied by you.
overall she’s just a very straight-forward person who gives someone her entire body and soul when she cares about them. but she is also a very independent person who can survive when left on her own.
im definitely getting more top/dom vibes from her.
she knows what she wants in the bedroom and has a lot of experience from past relationships. she’s able to find all the ways to please a woman immediately and have her head buried in your cunt with your thighs clutched around her curls, muffled moans leaving her lips as she watches the way your back arches and legs shake in pleasure.
she’s willing to try almost everything at least once.
she loves eating you out, it’s almost like an obsession at this point. it’s one of her favorite things to do and anytime you let her she’s quick to shuffling between your legs with an eager smile.
when she’s on the receiving end she’ll talk you through it, telling you what feels good and what doesn’t with no shame. she’s also got a decently high sex drive and is able to last through at least 3-4 good orgasms as long as there’s some short break time inbetween.
she loves to tease you, especially when cuddling. one of her favorite things to do is be the big spoon and slide one of her legs between yours, bringing her knee up to your clit that still has fabric protecting your core and move just slightly, taking pleasure in seeing you try to desperately dry hump her leg.
started 08.08.23. finished 08.08.23.
*ೃ༄ a / n : thank you for the request anon ! i love opening the app to seeing new messages or prompts and i hope that this is to your liking. requests are open and if you’ve already sent in one it’s currently being worked on ! <3 im sorry about the nsfw section being so short , i was getting kinda sleepy more than halfway through this and felt like the quality was slowly declining so i didn’t wanna keep digging myself a hole LOL
( scream masterlist )
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©️nolovelingers 2023
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snorpdawg · 1 year
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I, for one, am a big fan of the headcanon/theory that Cromdo is actually Gramble’s dad
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sailorheadcanons · 16 days
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Chibiusa is a fan of Minky Momo.
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lemonthepotato · 2 years
Asexual/Acespec Minkie Pie Icons
• this has been in my drafts for a while. like 3 months pfft.
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thewildfl0wer · 2 months
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—¿Cómo ha sido tu experiencia llevando dos semanas aquí, Amber? —
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—Si, Seúl es un lugar muy extraño, Maiky. No se porque los señores mayores me miran tanto y cuchichean cuando paso al lado de ellos. Últimamente he sentido una vibra algo extraña...pero nada que una limpia no lo resuelva. Quizás esa amiga tuya me haya hecho un mal de ojo con esas sacerdotisas que tienen...es algo dodgy pero entiendo perfectamente que le pasa.—
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—No entiendo mucho eso último ¿Podrías ser clara?—
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—...Lo que quiero decir...que te enfocas tanto en tus maquetas y ser del centro de estudiantes ...que no te percatas de los deseos de una mujer que claramente le gustas... te comportas como un niño...que tierno e ingenuo eres.—
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pillowxtalk · 5 months
hc + 💕 for a loved-themed headcanon for Minki— @clubwnderland Jangmi
Thematic Headcanons
hc + 💕 for a loved-themed headcanon
Minki is a sucker for holding hands with his partner no matter where they go. It doesn't matter whether they just go groceries shopping or a walk in the part holding hands is a must if it's possible. He will even start to playfully pout if his significant other doesn't search for his hand as soon as they leave.
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indigodreames · 1 year
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seonho met jenny when he was in high school. when he was in a really shit place mentally and emotionally from the constant neglect from his own family. he was easily drawn into jenny’s seemingly nice and caring side. not realizing it was just a ploy to him attached to her and to be able to use and abuse him ‘in the name of love’ for a whole decade.
since seonho didn’t have good relationships with people growing up he really hung into jenny like a lifeline. she seemed to love him and so he fell hard for her, so much so that despite there being so many red flags about her gaslighting, abusive and manipulative behavior in their relationship he just didn’t see it.
when jenny finally told him about her being a vampire he didn’t believe her. he didn’t believe in vampires. and she wasn’t having it. so she forced him to drink her blood, killed him and turned into a vampire. at the time he didn’t know that it was so they could have a stronger connection since she would be his sire. when seonho woke up after being killed and turned it was like a wakeup call for him. he began to realize just how bad jenny was for him. and all the terrible shit she’s done to him up until now.
despite this, he stayed with jenny for well over a decade because he had no one except her. he didn’t know how to transition from being a human to being a vampire so he had to depend on her. plus. even with the wakeup call he still believed that he loved her.
seonho met jenny when he was in high school. when he was in a really shit place mentally and emotionally from the constant neglect from his own family. he was easily drawn into jenny’s seemingly nice and caring side. not realizing it was just a ploy to him attached to her and to be able to use and abuse him ‘in the name of love’ for a whole decade.
since seonho didn’t have good relationships with people growing up he really hung into jenny like a lifeline. she seemed to love him and so he fell hard for her, so much so that despite there being so many red flags about her gaslighting, abusive and manipulative behavior in their relationship he just didn’t see it.
when jenny finally told him about her being a vampire he didn’t believe her. he didn’t believe in vampires. and she wasn’t having it. so she forced him to drink her blood, killed him and turned into a vampire. at the time he didn’t know that it was so they could have a stronger connection since she would be his sire. when seonho woke up after being killed and turned it was like a wakeup call for him. he began to realize just how bad jenny was for him. and all the terrible shit she’s done to him up until now.
despite this, he stayed with jenny for well over a decade because he had no one except her. he didn’t know how to transition from being a human to being a vampire so he had to depend on her. plus. even with the wakeup call he still believed that he loved her.
it takes seonho realizing that jenny is turning others into vampires the same way she did with him for him to really snap to it and realize just how toxic jenny was and that he couldn’t…no wouldn’t stay with her anymore. without even saying anything to her, he just upped and left. wanting to get as far away from her as possible. realistically she could have gone after him, it wouldn’t be all that difficult to find him but she didn’t. maybe a part of her really did love him, even a little. letting him go as an act of mercy. but if you asked her she would say it was because he wasn’t worth the effort to chase after.
after leaving jenny’s side seonho finds his place in another city, trying to help newly turned vampires. either ones that jenny had turned or other vampires had turned. he has turned a few himself over the years but the number is small. he’ll never turn anyone without their consent. he’ll do it if its something they really want and he’ll make sure he’s with them every step of the way when transitioning.
not long after seonho is alone trying to find his own path by himself he becomes close with hong minki, another vampire who was turned by jenny and was one of his friends. after minki found out about seonho leaving he followed after him. he was never attached to jenny enough to want to stick around her anyways. seonho on the other hand, he’d follow him wherever he went.
for the first couple of years seonho and minki were inseparable. together they helped newly turned vampires along their path. minki worked as a bartender and seonho bar manager at the local club where they housed some vampires as well as themselves. their sort of hideout.
while seonho and minki had a very platonic relationship, it did take a turn a few times. out of sheer plus and pleasure they’d slept together. they said it’d only happen once but it happened a few more times after that. however, minki was quick to shut it down before things got too far. neither of them wanted to be in a romantic relationship together and didn’t want to complicate their relationship because of sex.
seonho and minki are very much platonic soulmates and consider each other their other half. when seonho starts going by ‘sun’ so it’s easier than correcting people who mispronounce his name, minki ends up chosing to go by the alias ‘moon’ to match him. but when they’re together they call each by their korean names. sometimes they’ll even jokingly call each other “yeobo” or “jagi” which are terms of endearments usually for people in relationships.
minki ends up leaving in search if more vampires that need help. when he first tells seonho about this he tries to convince minki to let him go with him. but he firmly rejects the offer. because seonho needs to stay here to provide a safe space and a leader to turn to for guidance for the vampires that are here and for the ones that he’ll eventually bring over. it takes about a week of seonho sulking for him to agree.
when minki leaves its hard for seonho to be by himself. not used to being alone. he doesn’t like himself when he’s lonely or alone. often times negative thoughts and memories of his parents or jenny will resurface which he hates. so while minki is away he does his best to keep himself busy with the club, bar and the vampires. minki does come back every three to six months sometimes even a year but rarely that long, with new vampires, and whenever he does come back seonho will drop everything to spend what little time he has with him until he has to leave again.
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mollymauk-teafleak · 4 months
Do you have any huskerdust headcanons? Either related to being dads or just in general?
Oh I Always have huskerdust head canons, don't you worry! And thank you for asking!
Sorry to start off with angst but Angel Dust has always had nightmares, especially if he's sleeping sober. And when he's expecting and after the kids are born, suddenly his nights become full of images of Exterminations with his twins in the firing line, of Val getting his hands on them, of Heaven taking them away and suddenly the kids hate him and don't want anything to do with them. He jerks awake, panting and struggling to get his breath, unable to remember whats real and what isn't. But now he has Husk right there, holding him and promising him that he's safe, their kids are just down the hall, everything's okay. Sometimes if he's really rattled, Husk will wrap him up in his robe and take him to quietly look in on the kids so he can see they're tucked up and dreaming.
Husk hasn't done much magic in a long time but Angel loves his old Vegas stories, all the scrapes he used to get into and how he got out of them by the skin of his teeth. And Angel presses him for more about his act and suddenly Husk is showing him some of his tricks, making Angel laugh and teasing him gently by not explaining how they work (not that Angel really wants him too, he likes the mystery). And of course when Husk mentions that he used to play the saxophone, Angel asks to hear him play but Husk gets shy and awkward. He hasn't played in so long, he doesn't even know if he can with his paws. Angel won't push it but that night, he's in his room and he hears this soft, emotional saxophone music coming from Husk's balcony. He listens for hours and hours and it's the most beautiful thing he's ever heard
Husk helps Angel Dust with his addictions but it works the other way too. Knowing he still feels that pull towards gambling, Angel will start playing with him on the bar but they stake things other than money, things like kisses or who gets to top or Angel wearing a certain lingerie set that really gets Husk going (he might possibly have lost that one deliberately)
This one is straight from @minky-for-short but one of my favourite things is Husk being quite old fashioned, given the time he's from and his age when he died. So even after everything they've been through together, he still wants to court Angel properly so he shows up in one of his old overlord suits with a bouquet of flowers to take Angel on a real date. And Angel has never gotten to be romanced before so he's just overjoyed by it all. He loves dressing up nice for their dates, he loves Husk putting a flower behind his ear, he’s in heaven
I love the idea of Cherri Bomb getting to give Husk a shovel talk. Because of course she knows he makes her best friend happy and takes care of him and is good to him but she still needs to tell him that if he ever breaks Angie’s heart, she’ll neuter him with two bricks
Angel has to get used to being with a guy who isn’t a possessive, jealous asshole. Like one night he comes home from the studio but Husk is out for one reason or another. Seeing he needs some putting back together, Charlie says oh! Well the girls were going to have a movie night in our room, isn’t that right, Vaggie? And of course they’d love for you to join them! And Vaggie just sighs and starts rounding up Cherri and Nifty. But they do end up having a great time, a proper little sleepover but when Husk gets back and comes to check on Angel, Angel jumps up apologetically, saying he’s sorry, he’ll come with him. Husk just blinks, realising and reminding him gently that it’s completely fine, you stay and have fun with the girls, just come find him when you’re done? Angel has such a huge, soft smile on his face as he sits back down and cuddles against Charlie, getting to remember that he doesn’t need to be afraid anymore
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spoopyblues214 · 4 months
Vicious Valentine's
Mud Dogs valentines headcanons lesgo
Also, reminder that my requests are open, just send an ask lovelies!
Gifts received
Mickey would buy you heart box chocolates as well as many other themed candies and a stuffed animal
Leonard knows the meanings behind flowers and their colors so he would plan out a bouquet gift for you
Danny would be extravagant and get you minky coutre and jewelry, necklaces, earrings, bracelets
Special dinner
If we're talking all three care about you, they are working their asses off in the kitchen trying [and failing] to make you your favorite dinner
You end up needing to help them anyway, but you don't mind, finding the gesture cute
Just Mickey would probably make a soup for valentines day dinner
Leonard would grill or make fried food, meat lovers delight [though of course grilled onion and pepper or fried cauliflower for my vegetarians]
Danny's making pasta. Sorry, it's all he knows. You could request a specific one though?
Giving them gifts
As for getting gifts, Mickey would like things that he can display, art, photos, stickers.
Reminders of you in his room/the hideout make him giddy
Leonard would like preening items or clothes, smells that you like on him automatically become his favorite scent.
He also has a secret sweet tooth. If you got him his favorite treats he's a blushing mess
Danny, in spite of his large/expensive gifts, really only cares about thought. If you got him a book/record he had shown interest in, you're a winner
He'd melt into a puddle, though, if you got him a handkerchief or pocket square for his suit, being able to display a piece of you wherever he goes
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ja3hwa · 2 years
Mingi As Your Bf | Headcanon
「Synopsis」 :  What Would Mingi Be Like As Your Boyfriend.
「Word count」 :  384
-> Genre: Suggestive, Smut, Fluff.
Paring: Mingj x Gender Neutral Reader
[Warnings] : Mention of riding, Swtich!Mingi [Hints of Dom Mingi], Sexual punishments, Rope Bunny, Overstimulating,
Note: Thank you to my anonymous reader for this request. I hope you enjoy reading. ♡
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- Two words Absolutely Cutie.
- Mingi is the type of person to keep his attention fair. But when you are in the room, it's like one else is.
- His mind, body and soul are yours and you have him wrapped around your finger.
- Movie dates are his favourite, but not going to the movie house, no no. He wants to lay on his or your bed, snuggled so close with legs tangled and hands gripping everywhere.
- Even better if you throw blankets on the floor making a nest you're the both of you to just bask in one another while a movie of your choice plays softly in the background.
- Another thing he would love to do is play games with you, and not teach you but actually play a game with him.
- Minecraft? You will have your dream house while he protects you from every bad mod but let's face it, you end up killing them cause he always gets scared when a creeper starts chasing him.
- He is a certified simp for you. Winning battles, he will always make sure to scream into the mic, “THAT'S MY PARTNER RIGHT THERE!!”
- He isn’t much different in bed as he is in day-to-day life. He’s cheeky, silly and always making the experience fun and enjoyable for both of you.
- Neither of you are in charge (Unless you piss him off)
- You ask for something, he’ll do it.
- His favourite position is whenever you are on top of him.
- God he will groan, whine, scream, and pant while you ride him.
- Just watching you bounce up and down or grinding on him. He will be putty in your hands.
- When he is mad though, you better be in for a night of overstimulation.
- He would never deny you anything, but that doesn't mean there aren't other ways to bring punishment.
- Tied to the bed, oh yes he wants that.
- Being able to do whatever he wants to you while you cannot run, turns him wild.
- He won't stop until you are crying and whimpering for forgiveness.
- But other than that Mingi is yours and yours alone. You say Jump and he will always reply "How High?"
- He loves you with all his heart and there's no changing that.
Ateez Masterlist
Taglist : @yunhofingers @softforqiankun @violetwinters @kpopmademygradesgodown @lmhmh01 @strangertides @purrhwa @1stray-kids-cb @joti17 @jess-1404 @pinki-minki @whatudowhennooneseesyou @glossyeon @yesv01 @minkiflwr @seonghwarizon @rielleluvs @hwastoes @dilfjohhny
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rhodeybugg · 4 months
Okay so
I was laying here playing sky and talking in a digital dnd campaign and snuggling my v plushie
And i had an idea
Disassembly drones that are sent to cold planets like copper-9 probably need a way to keep themselves and their systems warm, right?
Consider my headcanon.
A very thin layer of soft minky "fur"
Fuzzy V, N and J
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
heyyy isnt it wild how when characters say that mk "literally never listens" that is Also a case of unreliable narration. mk listens a lot actually!! he listens to macaque's "you don't use a weapon, you ARE the weapon" monologue in 1x09. he listens to mac again in shadow play (since he was able to quote back the "then be a warrior!" bit). actually now that i think of it there are a lot lot lot of times when mk deliberately echoes someone else's dialogue and clearly he had to have been listening to them and internalizing it bc otherwise he wouldnt be able to repeat it (things like "chose the wrong successor," "to pain," and "harbinger of chaos" come to mind). the thing is tho that mk usually tends to listen to + internalize things that hurt him or otherwise confirm his own fears. so its actually worse in the long run for him!! :D
imagine you are MK. most of your life before this whole story began was you working under Pigsy, your boss/dad, and hanging out with Mei, your best friend in the world.
constantly, you will have Pigsy screaming up a storm about employee etiquette and how MK should clock in on time and “if you ever come to work late again, i’ll fire you!” or you have Tang telling you beautiful stories in exchange for free food because every tale he spins is magical and adventurous. or you have Mei who is a little bit like the little devil on your shoulder egging you on to another game or arcade or movie or outing because both of you never truly had a friend until you met each other and never know when to end your time hanging out.
and we see this in the second episode of season 1, where MK feels pulled in every direction with his job, spending time with Mei, helping out Sandy, and training with the Monkey King. EVEN BY S1 HE IS AT THE END OF HIS ROPE!!! And did anybody truly notice????? DID THEY????
and yeah, Pigsy, Mei, and Minky King are the big contenders for telling MK he isn’t listening, and honestly MK does have a problem with understanding the intent and meaning behind what his friends are saying as he’ll only take in the superficial. however, when it comes to the most stressful and dire times, MK is all ears.
he absolutely understood LBD’s words when she put him and his self worth down, he understood Macky’s ire and vitriol (and was able to piece together that most of Macky’s words are a shield), he understood SWK’s aversion for allowing MK and the gang’s help with finding the rings because of their mortality
here is my assumption of what MK is learning from the people around him (bc my personal headcanon is that MK learns and understands how to behave and react from the people in his circle):
he’s learning that his friends’ needs are more important than his own
he has learned that a lot of his worries are meaningless because they typically get brushed off
in addition to that, he learned that if he has any issues, it would be better to keep them to himself because it truly is no big deal and will find some resolution eventually
he learns that nobody is fully certain he can do things on his own
he learns that many people (the villains) believe he’s someone they can mold into their own
MK is internalizing a lot of shit. and we see a snippet of that behavior I think in s3 where he bemoans about not being good enough for SWK and Pigsy’s is like “woah, wait a minute….did that asshole really say that to you???”
and the thing is, Wukong didn’t say that nor would he ever intend to say something that would make MK think little about himself; however, Wukong has his own issue of never elaborating on shit, so while he may have said “listen, bud, this journey is super dangerous and life threatening, and you’re still mortal so it would be best if you stayed here” what MK heard was “since you’re still a weak mortal, this mission isn’t cut out for you”
and yeah it just eloquently shows how MK internalizes the worst of people’s words (hey, like mentor like student, am I right? 👀) which is why it is so easy for the antagonists to creep into his head (LBD, Mac, Azure, Ink!MK, possibly PIF???)
but yeah, what you said, bestie
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lgcminki · 2 months
and we’re back! excited for everything minki is a part of… woooooo. he has his own feelings about making it to NKND after thinking this was his last shot at ever making it. BUT we’re here to meet reqs not talk about minki’s feelings *kicks them aside* so without further ado… here’s my semi-monthly “PLEASE WRITE WITH MEEEEE” post. ummm… like this post if you wanna plot??
trainee mission 017 (JUNE 29, 2024)
preparation: @lgcjiho [threading]
performance: solo [completed]
review: solo [completed]
NKND (JULY 6, 2024)
shorts (i will be running to you at fast speeds): filmed by @lgcsaem [threading], filming @lgcxjasper [threading]
solo performance: solo
i would LOVE to thread with the other NKND members whether core or trial!! if not, i’d love to chat and come up with little headcanons for the future ❤️ — @lgchxneul [threading], @lgcwenjun [threading], @lgcbk [writing starter]
friends who are willing to listen to minki’s worries about the future please step up — @lgcyura [threading]
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comvi · 4 months
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wrong fucking gif
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urg macaronic is pretty darn good……. You got me right in the heart there………..
HMRRR OKAY………. I dont feel in the “infodumping” headspace rught now BUT i can give some headcanons of mine for lampert, perrhaps?
vvvv under cut (cause this was longer than i initially planned)
-his body is sewn and plush-like, with a polyester(?) stuffing, and pellets/beads in places like his tummy and feet, so hes very light (which also means easy to grab….. QUUIKC PICK HIM UP AND SPIN HIM IN CIRCLES!!!)
-unsure what specific material/fabric he would be made of, but i think something from sherpa fleece or boucle, to frosted minky.
-if he cut himself on accident, or somehow tore his body, he can usually just stitch some new fabric right on it and itll close up to normal in a few hours-days depending on how big the tear was.
-the light he emits in the day is usually warm/a yellowish-orange colour, and when its night it changes to a cool blue-hue. but he can change it to a more red-ish colour if he’d like to (as warmer colours are better for sleep, so i imagine he’d do this while trying to get his loved ones to sleep nd whatnot)
-he loves to collect SOFT thigns like plsuhes CAUSE I SAID SO!!!!!!!!! i imagine he has like. a lil nest of them all stored somewhere. hes like a weird chipmunk to me,.
-fat and gay of course. hope my art of him has gotten this across LOL
-i dont personally think he *can actually* eat (due to being a plush and whatnot). if he ate something, especially a liquid, it would just make him dirty/soggy, and hes a germaphobe canonically if im right so…. right not very ideal for him
-very unfamiliar with the internet and almost never uses it except for when infected/kasper is around. because of this he understands some very specific internet slang/terms, but also doesnt know a LOT.
-his home is the ikea he comes from, so he has a little fort there he sleeps in/thats basically his home. but every now-and-then he likes to go over to infecteds/kaspers house and just sleep on his couch. for fun.
-^if he DID have his own house, i think it would be made of wood with a carpet flooring (so its comfortable/wont risk splinters from the wood on his feet, since hes made of a soft material). lights would be off other than when people are around because he enjoys it that way.
-ACTUALLY hes not very much of a people person. rooted in being neurodivergent, hes unsure what specifically though.
-he knows a lot about different fabrics but HE HATES VELVET!!!!!!!!!! i dont like velevwt…..
-he has trouble using his hands/holding things/etc due to their stiff/unmoving position (due to being a plush. his hands are glove-like)
-has symptoms of chronic fatigue no im not explaining this one.
-he has a little heart stitched onto his chest, got it with infected/kasper. this would kinda be like the plush equivalent of a tattoo/piercing/that kinda stuff for him, i’d think.
-LOVES playing puppet combo games, and games with those kinds of graphics/style. plays other games like nintendo ones with other people like split sometimes too.
OKAY DONE!!! SORRY for any spelling mistakes and how LONG this is once i started i just COUDLNT STOP.
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thewildfl0wer · 11 months
Querida Hawnun:
Trata de sonreír, busca las pequeñas cosas buenas, incluso si tienes un mal día. Cuando sientas que te estas ahogando o te abruma algo, date un minuto apreciando tu alrededor.
El te necesita fuerte, tienes que ser su incondicional apoyo...                                                      
                                                                                  Te abraza,  Y.H.N                                                                      
Verano de 1980
Me estaba dando nauseas regulares, comía mucho menos es estos dos últimos meses...después de que te fuiste ¿Por qué necesitaba comer si él no está? Todo me parecía desabrido, me daba asco incluso ver caramelos...¿De qué servía verme bonita si no estaba para ser recibida por su cálida sonrisa? No tenía sentido bañarme...ni levantarme...
Me llevaron a urgencias, Yong Doosan estaba de visita así que me acompañó. Se veía mejor que yo. Entre tantos estudios, entre tantas vías y personas con delantal me evaluaban con sus miradas...Una simple frase me dejó helada...petrificada...
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—¿Embarazada...de cuatro meses?— Ni yo me lo creía. Sentí la mano de Yong Doosan en mi hombro, acariciándolo, mientras mi padre, el Comandante de la Fuerza Aérea, Baek Inho, maldecía al aire, furioso, siendo calmado por el doctor. 
El médico en guardia no tenia ni idea de la dura verdad que cargaba, pensaba que Doosan y yo éramos muy jóvenes para tener un bebe en tiempos así...cuando yo era la única que iba a ser madre...
               ...Minho...te necesito tanto...¿Por qué nos dejaste solos? ¿Por qué tenias que irte?
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