#- shadows merge in with the background
wheucto · 11 months
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greenroze2 · 5 months
your rendering is so good how do you do it
Thanks, I love your rendering too!! Gonna try and make a tutorial ^^
To start off, I'm on Clip Studio Paint and these are the brushes I use! First two for rendering characters (round brushes) and the other two for mostly backgrounds (square brushes)
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I used to do lineart, but it takes too long >:( now I just make a sketch and sorta clean it up!
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Next I fill it in with a gray color. For simpler pieces I just put in the flat colors, but for more paint-y pieces I do grayscale -> color! I'll be doing that here :)
Also, I make 3 clipped layers on top of the gray - two are multiply, and the top one is screen. On the first multiply, I do a soft gradient using an airbrush
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On the next multiply layer, I fill everything in with either a cool-ish or warm-ish gray, depending on the mood ^^
I also determine a light source, and use the lasso tool on the screen layer to block out where (I think) the light hits! Tbh I just do wherever feels right lmao, but I recommend having a reference! I like doing it in triangle patterns
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Then adjust the opacity of each layer to whatever feels right, and merge everything (I don't merge the sketch/lineart yet, I do it before adding colors in!)
Now... rendering. Some tips I have are color pick (greys) off of the canvas and use them to paint! Clean up the sketch more, erase edges, but I save details (like Galaxia's red gem, his eyes, etc.) for the end, or during coloring.
After I'm sorta happy with it, I merge the sketch layer, then duplicate it, and add a gradient map! I did this sunset-y one but changed the hue to yellow-ish, then lowered the layer's opacity ^^
Play around with the hue-saturation-luminosity setting!
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Now go crazy with blending modes! Multiply, overlay, color, glow/color dodge, etc. Feel free to layer them up on top of each other too, and this is to add the character/piece's actual colors in. For example, I used a white-blueish overlay layer for his mask and glove, blue for his cape, blah blah
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Now I clean the sketch up/refine it more. Also, to "harmonize" the color palette, you can add a colored gradient on top. Then set it to multiply, and add overlay/glow dodge layers with any colors you see fit! I like using teal and light/warm orange! Here is an example of a colored gradient:
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Another tip is to add saturated colors on the edges of both lighting and darker shadows, before blending it:
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Also I usually add in a light blue/grey in shadowy areas, and lower the opacity for reflective light:
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Also! You can lasso + use an airbush with a light blue to block out parts of the background (his cape here, for example). It helps with more depth!
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Finally, I like adding sparkles on low opacity :3 And gaussian blur to certain areas! I'm using radial blur on this piece though ^^
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For the background, I like doing blocky shapes!! I use my square brush on 90% ish opacity, to color pick different hues from the piece. For lighting I use a glow dodge layer, here's a mini timelapse as well as the finished art!
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At the very end, play around with the hue/saturation and contrast tools to change the colors :)
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chaoticace2005 · 2 months
Random short of Alastor’s shadow being done with his shit and becoming friends with our favorite losers. ( @xxqueenofdragonsxx @downthegenderriver )
Shadowstor was tired.
So tired.
Contrary to popular belief shadows COULD get tired. And Shadowstor was aware of that early on.
Okay… to be fair most shadows probably can’t get tired. Because most shadows can’t feel.
But Shadowstor was an exception. Because the very reason for it’s exhaustion is the same reason it can think to begin with.
Not the Radio Demon. Because Alastor himself isn’t the Radio Demon, no. Shadowstor helped with that. Helped more than it gets credit for (which is virtually none because of how Alastor likes to posture himself.)
And that’s fine, really. Shadowstor is a shadow for fucks sake. It isn’t made for being directly in the spotlight. Alastor is and Shadowstor fades into the background, being obscured with the focus on it’s counterpart.
The thing that does get Shadowstor exhausted though is the fact that Alastor has the tendency of being an impulsive idiot.
Now, don’t get Shadowstor wrong, Alastor is definitely a large part of why the Radio Demon has a reputation as an unhinged, powerful, scary individual. Shadowstor helped with the powers though, but really it thinks its greatest contribution was the fact that this means the Radio Demon now has some semblance of impulse control.
Alastor may not listen to anyone. But it’s usually kind of hard not to hear out a literal manifestation and source of your powers.
Usually. Because Alastor will still start a fight with pretty much anyone. He’ll go on the air and mock Vox for his crush. He’ll say ducks are an overrated animal right in front of Lucifer. He’ll 1v1 the literally first man. He’ll call Susan’s blouse tacky.
And all Shadowstor can usually do is sit back and watch. Because it’s bound to help Alastor. Bound to be part of the Radio Demon. But that doesn’t stop it from being exhausted every single time Al does start something.
One thing though about being tied to Alastor is you get to know others who are tied to Alastor. Others who are equally exhausted by Alastor.
The Bar Cat was one being Shadowstor could relate to on a deep level. Because Shadowstor has to put up with the ineptness of Alastor. But Husk has to put up with the ineptness of Alastor and everyone else.
It’s because of this when Alastor is sleeping (which, despite Angel Dust’s verbal doubts on the matter does happen, Alastor isn’t an all powerful being, despite how much he pretends to be,) Shadowstor sometimes will go out, going downstairs to the bar that is usually only occupied by the Cat-Demon waiting from his not-boyfriend to come home.
(Sexual and romantic feelings are so weird. Relationships are so weird and Shadowstor is glad it doesn’t have to deal with that.)
After a particularly tiring day of Alastor trying to break into the Vees tower and destroy Vox’s body pillow of him, Shadowstor was exhausted. It had pretty much given up on trying where Vox was involved, because Alastor seemed to get particular joy out of taunting the TV, but it still felt like it had to try. At this point it was a matter of principle. It had fought with Alastor on this for years and it was not stopping to just let him win.
“Oh, my dear, you worry too much.” He said to Shadowstor before merging with it into the shadows and traveling across the city.
Fifteen minutes later Shadowstor had to rush them out if there because Vox had installed a shark filled moat around his office. Which Shadowstor had seen but Alastor walked right into. Because apparently “radio demon” powers extend to wresting sharks in the water (it does NOT.)
So now Alastor was asleep after pretending he had totally-not-been chewed up by some demon-sharks. And Shadowstor went downstairs to the bar.
“You too, huh?” Husk said to it, seeming to notice right when the shadow crossed with threshold. Working with the Radio Demon for years would get a person skilled at picking up changes in shadows quickly.
Shadowstor just nodded and slumped against the wall, putting its hands to its head.
The winged cat nodded in agreement, “I’ll drink to that.” He said as he took a half-full whiskey bottle and chugged it.
Shadowstor wished it could drink.
“What was it this time? Lucifer’s ducks again?”
The shadow shook its head and flat, vertically-aligned hand on top of it, making the sign for “shark.”
“Oh. Vox. Do I even want to know?”
Shadowstor shook its head again because no, Husk really didn’t. It doesn’t even want to start to think about the Alastor-Body-Pillow. Or the Alastor shrine. Or the Alastor fanfiction it found (which Vox should be lucky that Alastor didn’t find that because otherwise there’d be another broken TV screen in this hotel.)
Right then a beaten up pink spider burst through the hotel doors, going right to a stool in the bar and crashing onto it.
“Tough night?” Husk asked, already handing his not-boyfriend a drink that had been prepared even before Shadowstor arrived.
“You know it. Fuckin’ Val.”
Husk made a sound to show he was listening.
“Apparently Vox was pissed today. So that meant Val was pissed today.”
Oh… oops?
Okay, to be fair, if Vox is pissed at Alastor that isn’t really Shadowstor’s fault. It tried to stop him.
The shadow made a face palm again at its counterpart’s need to harass every single person he came into contact with.
“Wha- Smiles?”
Alastor’s here?! Wait… no he isn’t. Cause Shadowstor is here. And Shadowstor would know if Al woke up.
Oh… the spider demon is staring right at it.
Shadowstor shook its head, a bit annoyed at the idea of being confused with that impulsive buffoon.
“Huh? Husk, what—“
“That’s Alastor’s shadow.”
Shadowstor waved.
“Alastor’s what?”
“Shadow? You know? The thing that goes around with him. Helps with his powers. I’m sure he’s manifested it in front of you before.”
“Oh… yeah. So it’s just… here? Where’s Al?”
Shadowstor made the sign for sleeping.
“Sleeping.” Husk translated.
“What? How?!”
“His shadow can leave when Alastor isn’t conscious or controlling it.”
“No. I mean how did you get that from that?!” Angel says as he motions back over to Shadowstor which… rude.
“I know sign language.”
“You know WHAT?!”
“Sign language.”
“Jesus Whiskers, how many languages do you know?”
“Well there’s Russian, Spanish—“
“Wait. No. Back to the point. Alastor’s shadow just comes down here sometimes and talk to you?”
“About what?”
Shadowstor just makes one sign with as much as exhaustion as it can.
“Al— wait,” Angel laughs, “even Smiles’ shadow has a problem with him?!”
Shadowstor starts signing to explain the exact issue it faces with Alastor, Husk working to translate while Angel just nods in response.
“Holy shit. I can’t believe a fucking shadow has some oftha same shitty boss troubles as me.”
Shadowstor gives a shake and growl at that. Because Alastor isn’t it’s boss. It can see Husk about to translate before Angel cuts in.
“Oh… not your boss.”
Shadowstor nods.
“…so you’re like… you’re own person?”
Shadowstor shrugs because who knows. It wasn’t sentient before Alastor but it sure as hell is now.
“… you got a name?”
And Shadowstor pauses because no. It’s just Alastor’s shadow. For as long as it’s been around it’s never had a name. Alastor never deemed that necessary.
“Husk? Does it?” Angel asks when Shadowstor won’t answer which- hey it’s still right here. It can talk for itself. Or respond anyways.
“I don’t… think so?”
Angel turns back to Shadowstor.
“Do ya want one? Like… if you’re separate from Alastor shouldn’t you have a name that isn’t just ‘his shadow.’”
The shadow thinks for a second before slowly nodding, intrigued by this novel idea.
“What about… Tom?”
“Tom?” Husk asks.
“Fuck. Fine, what about… Dusk? Cause y’a know shadows and darkness and stuff…”
Dusk… Dusk… it likes that.
Dusk nods and it can see the spider demon smile.
“Sweet. Nice ta meetya Duskie- oh wait. Duskie… Husky! Aw ya rhyme!”
Dusk can see Husk roll his eyes, and that just makes it even more comfortable in its decision.
“So, you’re only able to really move around at night? When Al is asleep?”
Dusk nods.
“…Husk, what do you think Lucifer and Vox would say about moving our ‘Fuck Alastor’ meetings to nighttime?”
Oh. Oh Dusk likes this one.
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fixing-bad-posts · 5 months
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omg 😂
it doesn’t actually take me too long. tutorial under the cut for anyone who wants to know how to make cut-up style poems like this one:
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so i take a screenshot and put it into ms paint, where i make myself a working space by setting the background to some colour other than black or white. in the example below, i use purple.
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⬆ as you can see above, the left side is a screenshot, and beside it is a working space made of purple. i use the ms paint "select" tool to drag words where i want them.
after i have the text looking how i want it, i once again use the "select" tool to copy + paste my text into GIMP (which is free to download).
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once the image is in GIMP, i make sure that it has an "alpha layer" which basically means that the negative space will be transparent rather than a solid colour.
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then i use the "select by colour" tool to erase all the purple, and leave me with floating text strips.
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new layer time! i create two: one for the shadow, and one for whatever background graphic i want. sometimes, i rename the text layer.
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⬆ arranged like so: text layer on top, shadow layer under that, background graphic in the background.
now, using the "fuzzy select tool" (the one that looks like a magic wand in GIMP), i navigate to "TEXT LAYER" and select everything that is not text. then, i invert the selection using the "select" drop-down menu.
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(the hot pink here indicates what i have selected)
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now that you have your selection inverted, navigate to "SHADOW LAYER" and use the "bucket fill tool" to colour in this inverted selection (which should be an exact shape-match for your text). usually, i will set my "TEXT LAYER" as invisible while i do this, so i can see what i'm doing.
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then i drag the shadow into place, wherever i want it, using the "move tool"
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finally, navigate to "BACKGROUND LAYER" and copy + paste any picture or graphic you want as the background. i'm using a picture of merlin, because i love him and he makes me happy.
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you may have to fiddle around with image size, and remember to anchor it to the background layer once you're happy with where it sits.
merge all the layers, select all, and paste it into tumblr:
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voilà! hope this helped lol—let me know if you have any questions <3
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youremyheaven · 10 months
Fated Love in Astrology
So, every person has a divine partner that they are meant to be with. Your union with your other half (I hesitate to use the world “twin flame” only because of how misconstrued it is in mainstream astrology/spirituality discourse) depends entirely on both of your individual spiritual awakening and commitment to the spiritual path.
In astrology, the 7th house represents marriage, or, as I like to call it “union”. The 7th house, is the 7th house from the 1st house. It is the descendant to your ascendant. It is the shadow to your ego. Whenever we cross paths with an individual whose luminaries fall to our 7th house, it creates a very magnetic & intense attraction. It’s almost inexplicable what you feel for each other.
With that said, this sort of connection is not logical or rational. It defies all norms. The key to recognizing your divine partner is the intense attraction you feel towards them right away. There is no hesitation or second guessing, you’re simply awestruck by them. Nowadays, we all have a very tedious approach to relationships (due to our collective trauma and bad experiences), everybody walks around with a checklist to find someone who will fit their criteria but that is not how Divine Love works. You just know instantly that there is something different about this connection. That is not to say, the nature of the relationship will be easy. Fated connections are never easy and not everyone is meant to find their Divine Partner. 
When such a person comes into your life, it usually triggers your ego death; they become responsible for you losing the shell of identity you held close to you. All your fears, your shame, your vulnerability comes to the forefront and you have to confront everything you’ve ever repressed. It leads to a dissolution of self. 
In Sufism, there is the concept of “fanaa” which can be translated to “annihilation”. In order to merge oneself with God, it is first necessary to annihilate everything that you consider to be you. It’s important to "to die before one dies". Love & Worship are very closely intertwined. This is exactly what “twin flame” connection feels like. You rid yourself of your ego, you dissolve your sense of “self”. Sounds intense? That’s because it is. It irks me when people talk about twin flames in a casual way because a) not everyone has a twin flame b) this is not a fun experience in any way, shape or form c)This is the least casual of experiences
(I am using the word twin flame here only because it is a term that more people are familiar with, I wanted to speak of the spiritual background of that experience whilst using a term that’s already familiar)
In Jungian psychology, there is the concept of anima/animus, which refer to the unconscious masculine aspect of a woman and the unconscious feminine aspect of a man respectively. One aspect of being a “whole” human being is to integrate these unconscious parts into yourself. This is similar to what a twin experiences, your other half seems to be in the shadow, hidden from your view, crossing paths with them, brings that realization to you and now in order to unite with them, you must first dissolve yourself and merge with that unconscious image of them. 
There is a reason why twins “mirror” each other; they are a reflection of you and vice versa. This is why every interaction with them strikes a nerve in you and you feel their absence like a phantom limb. 
If you’re on a twin flame journey or would like to know more about it, I suggest immersing yourself in Sufi philosophy. To a lay person, the Sufi concept of Love may seem dramatic and over the top but for those in the know, it will seem deeply familiar, because ultimately your longing and yearning for your “twin” is your innate longing to seek union with God/the Divine. We were all made in pairs and to know the other is to know God and to know God is to know Love.
These connections are presented to you in order for you to ascend. Why were you chosen for ascension over millions of others? That’s the divine plan, not up to us to question. It is entirely possible to meet such a person at a time in your life when you’re completely spiritually unevolved (this is very common) and they usually trigger your dark night of the soul. This leads to positive disintegration although nothing about this experience feels positive in any way, shape or form.
Actually uniting with your twin and sharing a life with them is a long shot. Its often an unrequited love. It requires A LOT of work by both people. There is a lifetime of purging, integration and inner work before union could ever be a possibility. Most people who use the term “twin flame” are using a fancy spiritual label to describe their excessive interest in someone. You don’t have a twin flame, you’re just manic. 
In Arabic literature, there are 7 stages to love, it is as follows:
1. Dilkashi or attraction
2. Uns or attachment
3. Mohabbat or love
4. Akidat or reverence 
5. Ibadat or worship
6. Junoon or madness
7. Maut or death
If you believe you’re experiencing a twin flame connection, you have probably gone through these stages, maybe not in this order but you’ve probably experienced all of these. 
You experience an inexplicable attraction that draws you to them, regardless of how far you stray from them, your heart clings to them & forms a deep attachment, even though you don't seem to understand it, you're consumed by love for them, without even knowing why, this love morphs itself into reverence and soon enough it's eclipsed even that & embedded itself as worship. Your feelings for them are so strong, intense and powerful even in separation, even in their absence that you feel yourself going mad. This madness is key because it brings you to the death of "self". You lose all sense of who you were before you met them. You're ripped of your ego. You die and die and die again, hoping to taste the love that will give life to you.
There are astrological indicators obviously but just because these aspects/placements are present, does not mean they are your twin flame. The biggest indicator is the deep sense of knowing you have in your soul, you don’t even have to know the word “twin flame”, you’re experiencing a magnetic, excruciating and tortuous kind of attraction. 
Some indicators:
1. Venus in 12h 
2. Venus in Scorpio
3. Primary Scorpio or Taurus placements (the Taurus-Scorpio axis creates the most intense chemistry between two people)
4. Moon conjunct Mars 
5. Opposite signs occupying many placements (Virgo-Pisces, Cancer-Capricorn, Gemini-Sagittarius)  
5. 7h synastry 
6. Bharani nakshatra 
Uniting with your twin can trigger your kundalini awakening. It is not for the faint of heart. Union is a very intense experience. Much has been said about twin flames and tantric sex. Imo? What we call Tantric sex is essentially the heightened feeling and intensity of sexual experience that a Tantric practice brings about. (its possible to feel this way with a non-twin if you have a disciplined Tantric practice). 
Sex is the source and root of everything. It is the cause of creation and nothing less than divine. Eros is the first god that could be conceived by man, he is the creator of all beings and ruler of the universe. He is son of Chaos, the original primeval emptiness of the universe.
Longing, desire and Eros, all go hand in hand. When your soul has longed for someone for so long, the sheer passion and enormity of desire will make it a very one of a kind experience. Short answer being that sex with your twin will be out of this world and life changing.
In Sufism, there is a concept called baqaa which is subsistence through God. Someone who has experienced fanaa, or annihilation of the ego and self, finds God, unites with him and sees him in everything. This is what love of a “twin flame” nature does. It is all consuming and potent, you cannot walk away from it, even brushing with it briefly, transforms you. It purifies you and strips you of your pride, shame, fears and everything that you thought was “you” but the reward for this is understanding through first hand knowledge, a love so all encompassing, expansive, deep and profound that it forever alters the way you look at the world. You begin to love everything and everyone because you’ve tasted true love and its generosity. 
Karmic Partnerships
These are extremely common and almost everyone has one. They need not strictly be romantic. Many non-romantic associations can be karmic. These people to put it very plainly, come into your life, to teach you lessons. They need not explicitly be “bad relationships” but the energy is definitely not light hearted and its absolutely not meant to last a lifetime. You are meant to learn your lessons and move on from them and break the karmic cycle. However there are people who do not do this and stay stuck in the same patterns and perpetuate the same cycles.
Some indicators of Karmic Partnerships in astrology:
1. 12h synastry
2. 8h synastry 
3. Saturn aspects 
4. Capricorn/Libra placements
These are the most wholesome, fulfilling bonds between two people. Soulmates need not always be romantic. The bond is kind of instant and inexplicable. You just get each other. It feels fulfilling, empowering and light. It fills you up. There is no angst and there’s no chaos. 
Some indicators:
1. Moon signs that are compatible with each other
2. Moon aspects that are positive
3. Venus-Ascendant aspects
4. 5h synastry
5. Strong Venus or Jupiter aspects
6. Element compatibility (fire & air vs water & earth)
I’m sorry if I sound a little too esoteric on this post 😭😭😭idk how else to talk about this stuff and I tried my best to make it sound as simple as I could 😭I hope this was interesting and if you guys have any questions feel free to ask me💛💛
Further reading:
1. Plato’s Symposium
2. Sufi philosophy and poetry 
3. Carl Jung’s works
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beastwhimsy · 5 months
Would you ever share your process or even part of your process for your glowy/exhibition pieces? I totally get it if you don't want people to reproduce the work but I've been interested in compositing drawing with real images and don't know where to begin! Or if you have any good guides for similar stuff and effects you know. Thanks for reading your art is gorgeous ^^
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here's a guide for my favourite piece in the style you're referring to!!
if the text is hard to read:
Main image! I applied bloom + gaussian blur before setting to hard light (HL)
Duplicate main image, gaussian blur it to DEATH + bloom, set to overlay! this gives it a nice halo of soft light. overlay is your friend!
Shadow! duplicate main image, make it dark, distort, blur, set to HL (note: lower the opacity!!! adjust opacity of all layers to your liking.)
(TIP: merge all layers and SLIGHTLY blur + add noise when done.)
several overlay layers for the light on objects, in this case the ground. 2-3, one way more blurred + bigger,
just the background!
"bloom" is a procreate feature, it makes things look glowy. I'm not sure if theres a similar feature in other applications!!
my other tips are just. definitely play around with layer effects such as overlay, hard light, divide etc. they're super useful!! also, you want your glowy creature to match the background. if your photo is slightly blurry, blur the creature to match the blurriness of the background!!
please show me if you make something like this, I'd love to see it! and don't be afraid if you think its too similar, I don't mind people taking lots of inspiration from my work!
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mangocustard16 · 4 months
HII!! i love your writing sm (seriously helps sm after a long day) and i was just asking if you had the time or were inspired could you do how svt would react if their introvert s/o is like socially exhausted (ive had to go to important social events everyday for two weeks straight and i am absolutely exhausted). (If you cant do svt then maybe coups?) Again thank you so much for the content and if you cant do it its perfectly fine.(Idk whether youre taking requests rn, so if you arent im so super sorry for bothering you)
genre: fluff warnings: skinship,petnames lmk if i missed something w.c: 400 a/n: anon! thank you for liking my rambles<3 i hope you feel much better now<3 sorry i took me this long to reply TT TT
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The city lights glittered below as you wearily stepped through the front door of your cozy apartment. Your shoulders slumped, burdened by the weight of a socially taxing week that had left you emotionally drained. The air inside the apartment felt like a refuge where you could finally breathe freely.
Sensing your arrival, your boyfriend Seungcheol looked up from the couch as you locked eyes. There was an unspoken understanding between you as he rose to greet you with a warm hug, his gaze filled with warmth and compassion.
"Rough day?" Cheol asked, his voice a soothing balm.
You just nodded mindlessly, slipping out of your coat, your eyes reflecting a mixture of fatigue and gratitude. "I just need a break from it all, Cheol. A moment to forget about the outside world."
He took your hand, leading you into your living room where soft music played in the background. The atmosphere exuded tranquility, an intended escape from the chaos beyond their walls. He guided you to the bathroom, where a fragrant bath awaited, its steam rising like a promise of relaxation. "How about we take a break from the world together?" he suggested.
The room was dimly lit, flickering candles casting dancing shadows on the walls. Cheol poured you a glass of your favorite wine with a tender smile. The warm water embraced you, melting away the tension that clung to your body.
As you settled into the tub, Cheol gently massaged your shoulders. His hands worked magic, kneading away the tension that had accumulated throughout the week. The water enveloped you in warmth, creating a cocoon of serenity. You closed your eyes, surrendering to the soothing sensations that enveloped you. The water became a haven, a sanctuary where time seemed to stand still.
"You know, babe," you murmured, your eyes closed, "this is exactly what I needed. Thank you for understanding me so well."
Cheol smiled, running his fingers through your hair. "Anything for you, love. We all need a break sometimes."
After the bath, you retreated to your bedroom, where soft candlelight painted your walls in a warm glow. You lay on the bed, wrapped in each other's arms, a symphony of heartbeats merging into one.
While Cheol traced delicate patterns on your palm, his touch ignited a spark that surpassed words. The room was filled with an intimate silence, broken only by the whispers of your shared dreams and the gentle rustling of the sheets.
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licollisa · 1 year
Im so so so so sorry for the dm but I gotta do, how did you do the lighting for these two??
https://twitter.com/Licollis_a/status/1657703869068234754 https://twitter.com/Licollis_a/status/1657631596198125569
(dm wouldnt send on twitter so I'll send it here!)
Be not afraid, for I will reveal my secrets in rendering step by step.
1. After I'm finished with lineart, I added the base color. It's faint, but putting in gradient will make it pop.
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2. In order for the whole thing to look harmonious with each other, on top of the base color I added a multiply and overlay layer. The color I use for multiply is usually desaturated, kinda pastel-y. The overlay one is more saturated (see alternative colors below).
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3. The result should be kind of dark. Which is what I'm after, because what you're seeing is already shadowed. So instead of adding the shadow to the base color, I'm adding the light.
On top of the multiply layer, I added an overlay layer. I keep in mind where the light source is coming from (see the blue arrows). The color of the overlay can be whatever -- it depends on the vibe you're trying to make (e.g if they're in waterfall, I'd use light cyan).
Also, see that normal layer clipped onto my overlay? It's how I added my "fringe" (aka subsurface scattering). I often use pink. Just line it on the edges of the light.
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4. Now I added a multiply layer again, just to give the piece more depth and details (like the skin)
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5. Now I'm adding what's called reflective light (google to see examples irl). Basically, I covered the darkest parts of the drawing with something lighter. For this one I just added pastel purple in the normal layer, but there are other layer types to lighten it up!
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6. Now, I colored the lineart through clipping. I usually just matched the surrounding colors by adding a darker one (e.g dark red for skin).
Optional: I like to make 2 copies of the lineart, make one red and another cyan, and respectively slide it to left and to right. Sometimes it doesn't even look good tho....
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7. Highlights time! To do this I disable the background so it's transparent, click right and choose 'merge visible to new layer'. Which flattens the visible image onto a new layer. Now I can add in these white lights by clipping on top of it!
(It's a lil tricky to do this right with a brush, so I used the lasso fill tool.)
To top it off, I add some sparkes. My simp art is done <33
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Edit: I forgot!! By the end of it all you can add a texture by setting said texture into overlay with low opacity (on top of the finished art). In CSP you can add a perlin noise, one of these:
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You can use other kinds of textures for ur artwork, like watercolor etc.
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cheseely · 5 months
Hi, I'm sure you get this often but I really love your recent genshin artwork, do you think you could explain your painting process? I love the colouring effect in that piece especially. Thank you.
Thank you so much! I got a few messages like this from my previous piece (thank you guys for the staff pick & blaze btw, I really didn't expect all the support😭) so I thought I'd share a bit of my process below as thanks.
I always do my lineart first because it feels less daunting to me when applying colours. I will do some rough colours first so I can easily adjust it to my liking.
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Next, I make sure to separate each character into different layers when I clean it up. I like to work one character or object at a time, it's less overwhelming for me that way, and I can use clipping masks for ease of rendering.
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I'll usually apply some adjustment layers on top of the base layer for shadows and highlights. When I say base layer, I just mean a layer of the colour without any effects.
I like using 'hard light' for shadows, and 'screen' for highlights, but you can really use whatever clicks with you.
Rinse & repeat this process for every character in the illustration. Note that I make Furina the focus so everything behind her will be less rendered than the elements in front of them (Neuvillette is a lot less rendered compared to Furina, and the painting in the back barely has much shading).
Once I render out each asset in the illustration and add shadows & highlights to my liking, I then to merge foreground/ midground/ background elements so I can make the overall illustration clearer to read. I don't want it to feel messy or overcrowded, and I think it's easy to get tunnel-visioned in small details and lose the clarity of the entire illustration.
Make sure to zoom out constantly and make your illustration B&W to check the values to see if the drawing is clear.
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I created a simple S curve with the values for readability, and have the foreground elements have darker values & contrasts.
As for the BG, I wanted to add more textures into the drawing, particularly the painting in the back. Here's an image of it when I only added in the base colours.
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I use the smudge tool to create more texture once I fill in the base colours. Since I don't really 'paint' anything with the textures in, I just put in the base colours and take a textured brush to smudge it. However, over-smudging can lose the painterly texture I want, so I usually smudge vertically or horizontally in a single stroke to create a sense of movement.
Another thing to note is that I only textured the BG, I thought it would help it blend into the background a bit better. I usually wouldn't do this for the foreground because I want those elements to be clearer.
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At the very end, I tend to spend a fair bit of time just fiddling with more adjustment layers, various filters (such as blur, or noise), or liquify small details to really finalize the piece. Just vibes...basically this is me
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Anyway, I hope that was helpful & it made sense!! Feel free to message me if you have any other questions & I'll try my best to answer! I might've glazed over a lot since I didn't wanna make this too long.
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
I was wondering how achieve such a wonderful textured finish on your pieces? They are wonderful and I love their resemblance to aged photographs and the speckles of colors in the backgrounds. Your art is mesmerizing :)
you can see some of the texture brush sets i use in my #info_asks tag but i have some more (procreate) tips aside from just brushes
also hi i made this whole thing and then stupidly hit ctrl z to erase ONE word and i lost the entire bottom half of the post and all my image descriptions so fuck you tumblr i had to make this twice
to get a faded photo or old digital screen look, consider duplicating the canvas (once all the layers are merged) and using a gaussian blur tool on the new duplicated layer. then set that to low opacity to add a misty sort of look. looks nice in combination with some chromatic abberation and a small bloom effect. then a subtle noise filter on top:
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for faded print effects, it's really worthwhile to learn how to use layer masks. you can use a layer mask to non-destructively 'weather' blocks of colour or lineart, without erasing the layer itself. the weathered ink/block print effect here was made using layer masks which means that if i just hide the mask, the lineart becomes solid black again and easy to alter or colour in:
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for old paper effects you can just set a paper texture on multiply over the art sure, but you can also combine it with the blur & bloom thing, a really subtle drop shadow and canvas tilt, and highlights to make it look like an aged photograph of a card. this originally had a transparent bg but i'll post it here with a white bg so that the drop shadow is more obvious. the scuffed edges of the card (left) were hand drawn, simple white stucco brush. the bigger patch of scuffed ink (top right) was a texture stamp.
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for block print looks you can move the colour layer out of alignment by a few pixels - but only after you're absolutely sure you're done with it, otherwise you'll get something like this -
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i forgot to erase out her eye before i moved the red layer so now her eye defeats the 'look' of a misaligned print. the black lineart and red layer were also given the same layer mask treatment as described above to make them look faded or like the ink didn't stick down right to the paper
you can do this with multiple colour layers too. if the colour layers are separated and set to multiply (as in this cmyk example), it'll leave halos and edges around each shape which mimic old comic book print
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just to show what you can do WITHOUT any special brushes, here's a piece of one of my mez tarot cards from before i got any extra brushsets at all. for this one, i added a green tint over everything to mimic a sun-bleached or faded print (my actual goal wasn't 'medieval illustration' but actually 'trading card from the 60s that got left on someone's windowsill for decades'). the background texture is the procreate noise brush. the texture under the green lion drawing is the procreate concrete brush (to make it look painted onto a wall). the lettering and lineart is procreate's 6B pencil. but to properly aim for The Look of it being a printed physical object, i also used a perspective blur so that the edges are out of focus, and metallic gold highlights which don't match the lighting of the actual illustration and appear to be catching some other external light. that texture was made from the procreate noise brush
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it's pretty simple compared to my later stuff but i still really like the effect
in terms of colours, you need to keep them unified so that they all appear to be acting under the same external light source, like if someone is holding up a torch to a painting then the painting colours will be glazed with firelight even if there's no painted fire. a really easy way to do this is to slap a multiply layer over everything in one shade - grey-yellow for a weathered paper look, or greenish blue for sunbleached photos. this unifies all the colours of the drawing. or you can apply a gradient map at a low opacity so that there's only a subtle change. or just do it by hand - if you want everything to be slightly tinted yellow, just pick the colours you normally would, but move the colour wheel towards yellow to get a yellowfied version of the base colour. easy
it's really important to consider how fading and weathering can affect printed colour. white paper yellows, black fades. you will rarely see pure black or pure white. which means you can use pure black or pure white to add external effects like the white scuff marks on the hierophant card. if the whole drawing is yellowed from age but there's some white somewhere, it's an easy shorthand to show that the scuff mark or whatever was not originally part of the drawing (great way to add some nasty stains lol)
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hbystuff · 7 months
Process breakdown #1
Here is a breakdown of the butterfly animation. This was originally posted as a twitter thread, but a real blog post seems to be a much better format for it.
Step 1: Static Drawing
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I've long wanted to experiment with Bokeh effect in pixel art as a way to avoid drawing background. It ended up being a lot more challenging than just a normal background 😂. Still an interesting experiment nonetheless and I might use it for some other stuff in the future.
Step 2: Rough Animation
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I traced the static drawing with a contrasting colour, then roughly sketched the other frames. Seeing it in motion made it clear to me that the form was very obviously incorrect, but I thought I'd adjust as I go.
Step 3: Refined Animation
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Before I got to this point, I naively tried to put in the colour. I quickly realized making the "veins" look consistent would be very hard without guides. So I looked up pictures of actual Morpho butterflies to study the wings in detail. Also made the shapes (mostly) correct and doubled the frame count once I was happy with the shapes.
Step 4: Colours
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This was the most fun part. I conceptualized the wings as two blue tinted, matte, textured mirrors rotating in 3D space. When two mirrors come together, they start reflecting each other. The closer they get, the less the lighting from the surrounding world contribute to the colours you see. Eventually, nearly no light from the outside world make into the gap and all you see is dark blue/black.
It started looking almost like mirrors as I figured out the rough movements of the reflections; then a shimmering mess of colours as I threw in more details from the static drawing. The key trick to making the complex colours look consistent was to pay attention to every "partition" of the wings to make sure the dark colours creep in and out smoothly.
I also gradually filled in the eye spots and details on the backside of the wings, not sure if many people noticed them but I was pretty happy with how they looked.
Step 5: Shadow
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A big part of realism comes from how a moving object affects the lighting around it. In this case: the shadow on the flower. This is a rough version of the shadows as I worked on it. Wasn't too concerned about making it look 100% correct, since the wings probably catch all the attention anyway.
Step 6: Final Touches
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I spaced out the movements so it didn't feel quite so frantic. Instead of using the last frame as the resting frame, I used the second last, and only briefly showed the last frame at the begging and end of the motion to add a bit of realism (although in reality, butterfly wings probably don't have enough mass for that to happen, but hey, 🤷‍♀️).
Also spent some time to reduce the palette down by merging similar looking colours. Also reused the darker, subtler yellow in the background to create the illusion of more flowers out of focus.
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isadoresmuse · 11 months
Obsidian Desires
Warning: The following fanfiction contains mature content and is intended for readers who are 18 years old or above. Reader discretion is advised.
Reader is only referred to as “you”/ Gender Neutral.
Word Count: 737
Yandere Mafia OC x (Gender Neutral) Reader
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, enveloping the cozy little café in a warm embrace. (Y/N), a talented barista, expertly worked behind the counter, effortlessly crafting the perfect cup of joe. The bustling city of Milan provided a constant hum in the background, the perfect symphony for (Y/N)'s daily routine.
Unbeknownst to them, an enigmatic figure had taken notice. Luca Salvatore, the charismatic and ruthless Italian Mafia boss, concealed his dark allure behind a well-tailored suit. His sapphire eyes were entranced by (Y/N)'s grace and the subtle charm that emanated from every movement.
Day after day, Luca found himself drawn to the café, watching (Y/N) from afar, his desires entwining with his dangerous nature. The flicker of passion ignited within him, transforming his love for them into something sinister—a manic grip on their heart.
On a particularly busy day, (Y/N) caught sight of Luca standing by the café entrance. Their eyes met briefly, an electric spark surging through their veins. Unbeknownst to (Y/N), this fleeting connection would ignite a blaze they were ill-prepared to face.
Luca approached the counter, his voice dripping with a mixture of authority and subtle seduction. "Cappuccino, please," he requested, his voice resonating with an air of dominance.
As (Y/N) prepared the beverage, their hands trembled slightly, sensing the intensity radiating from Luca. The exchange was brief, yet it left an indelible mark on both their hearts.
Days turned into weeks, and Luca's infatuation with (Y/N) grew exponentially. He couldn't bear the thought of another man touching them, let alone stealing their heart away. His mind became a canvas of possessive fantasies, dark and intoxicating.
Luca's sinister nature led him down a path of obsession, his dangerous tendencies entwined with his desires. He began to use his power and influence to ensure (Y/N)'s safety, pulling the strings from the shadows. He dispatched his most loyal underlings to protect the café and ensure that no harm would befall (Y/N).
One evening, as the café closed its doors, (Y/N) found themselves alone, surrounded by the silence of the space. They were unaware of the lingering presence outside, the sound of Luca's footsteps drawing closer.
With a sudden gust of wind, Luca appeared in the doorway, his eyes burning with a mixture of urgency and danger. The air thickened with unspoken desire as he approached (Y/N), a predator closing in on its prey.
"(Y/N)," he whispered huskily, his voice a velvet caress against their ear. "You're mine."
Before (Y/N) could react, Luca's lips captured theirs in a consuming kiss, a passionate union of two souls tethered by fate (or was it something more disturbing that chained their lives together). The taste of coffee mingled with the hint of danger, igniting a fire within them that they couldn't resist.
Luca's world and (Y/N)'s merged in a tempestuous whirlwind of passion and danger. Love, lust, and violence became intertwined, their desires intertwined in a dance that knew no boundaries.
The café became their sanctuary, a place where (Y/N) could embrace Luca's dangerous world while still retaining their independence. Under the guise of serving coffee, (Y/N) discovered the darkest depths of love, reveling in the adrenaline that coursed through their veins each time Luca entered the homely bistro.
Yet, the sun grew hotter the closer they got and eventually started to burn; the whispers of reality grew louder. The fine line between love and possession blurred, leaving (Y/N) torn between their desire for freedom and the allure of Luca's vicious embrace. Icarus plummeted into the unkind waters below.
Luca and (Y/N) existed in a world of secrecy and sin, bound together by an unyielding passion and the ever-present danger of Luca's underworld. Their love, tainted with obsession, proved to be a volatile concoction, threatening to consume them both.
In the depths of the night, as (Y/N) lay tangled in Luca's arms, they couldn't help but wonder if their souls would forever be shackled by the intoxicating grip of their lover shrouded in crime.
And so, their journey continued, a dance of dominance and submission, fueled by their undeniable connection. Only time would reveal if their love could withstand the tempestuous storms that lay ahead, or if it would succumb to the sinister desires that lurked in the shadows of their hearts.
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ashwii · 10 months
Thanks for answering! Could you go into how you paint? It's always the trickiest part for me
Hehe sure thing! I even recorded some of it, bc for me personally, i learn a lot easier when it's visualized like that, aha.
So first off, we'll start off with our base!
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Personally, I like a lot of gradients and color variations to start off with, but these can be solid base colors of you prefer :3. From this, ALL layers are gonna be merged down into one, no separate layers here yet :D
Going forward, I have a video done here kinda showing what I do :DD. I'll explain below the video in more detail what I do
First the base shadiws and highlights — for the shadows I'll usually pick from the color wheel (a darker, more saturated tone, plus I'll also shift the hue some) and draw right on the canvas. For the base highlights, i'll almost always use a bright orange on whatever adjustment layer makes your color nice and bright and glowy (for PTS it's Luminosity, and for CSP and Procreate I usually use an Add layer).
THEN I DO SOME MESSY BLENDING OUT, nothing pretty yet, just getting some of the colors blended out hehe
Afterwards, the drawing usually looks like this :0 very messy lol
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NEXT !!! PAINTING TIME !!! As show in the video, it's allllll about color picking and going over what you've already done. For a lot of it I use a softer brush, letting the colors blend together more softly, and then for other portions I'll use a harder pen for where I want more of the color that I picked to show through. Sometimes I'll draw over the line art all together if I don't think it's needed, or i"ll draw the line art back in after painting over it if I want those lines still :0
And there's just a looooot of drawing over and painting over. The 20 seconds you saw of painting and blending usually goes on for like 3-6 hours, depending on the drawing XD.
After ALLLL of that, I get smth like this
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AND this was pretty much just working on leo. Now to work on the background elements >:3c same progress, just for the atmosphere and not the character!
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YAY NOW THAT'S DONE !! Now all the paintings done soooooo
Color correction and final touches >:3c no more painting, now there's just a bunch of fun glowy layers we add on top of this heheheeh
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I hope that helped some djejwjww. Tbh, the way I learn the most is if an artist im trying to learn from straight up just streams what they’re doing, but I don't rlly know anywhere i could stream or who would be interested ;w; but I hope this helps enough anyway!
If there are any other questions, I'll be happy to answer! Ive said before I rlly like playing art teacher heheheheh <33
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a-narcissists-warren · 5 months
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THE GIIIRRRLL :) suitcase gijinka
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her and the background separated minus the little extra filters i put
her shadow remains because i merged the layers... woops
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owlpellet · 10 months
If not for the 3 paged book, what details on the image itself gave it away?
Let's look at it! For those who missed it, this is the image in question:
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we already have a bad habit of disconnecting this sort of over the top high fantasy work from its creators (Angus McBride, Dave Mattingly, etc), which makes it easy to pass around in a memetic manner and kind of forget it's art in the first place. We tend to think of it almost as clipart, something generic, thomas kincade for people who play d&d. this makes it easily replicable and ripe for misuse, because people are less likely to seek out the source for something that already feels familiar and ubiquitous-- surely this is just public domain stuff, right?
Well, of course not. These days its easier than ever to just slap in a prompt that gives you something ALMOST familiar but not able to be meaningfully reverse searched, and that's how you end up with the current crisis on print sites and sellers like craggyscorner dot com, from where this image comes.
So how can you tell the familiar from the outright false? Some of the other images on the site this is from have better examples, but I'll stick with this one. Here are a few things to spot!
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1.) I'll get the meaty, weird hand out of the way first. Hands aren't a reliable tell every time, but the fucked-up little thumb makes this one nice and obvious for us.
2.) There is hair randomly visible despite his being hooded; the ripples of the fabric and the hair also seem to merge.
3.) The columns do not match in pattern or width, nor do the capitals on them make any sense. The brickwork also follows no pattern-- mistakes not made by someone of this ostensible rendering skill.
4.) His knees extend way, way far out from his body and he appears to have three of them.
5.) This is a big one: AI struggles with defining edges on things, and often contours edges of background items to warp and match ones in the foreground-- think of how edited instagram photos warp bricks behind the subject. The visual is similar to that. This can be seen to a lesser degree in many places on the image, such as the book by the hand, or the bricks along his backside.
6.) Escher architecture. Again, not a professional mistake.
7.) ?????? He does not appear to have feet. The image politely fudges itself behind the text.
8.) Lastly, the robes are just a mess. AI doesn't really understand seams, or layers, or really how clothes work at all, which is how he ends up with what appears to be two hoods and a chiffon wrap around his waist. The folds and shadows are busy enough to be believable at a glance but they hide that nothing appears to look.... correct.
Also just for fun I tried to do my most charitable drawover of his anatomy. Yeah.
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Can you spot more problems? You probably can.
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fatalheart0 · 9 months
'Silence' Part 1
Fanfic written for @sleepyconfusedpotato for Jade and Ghost.
Warnings: Angst
Originally, I was going to make this extremely sad by having ghost find out jade was KIA. But I didn't have the heart to do it.
Ignore any grammar mistakes. I'm a bit sleepy, lol.
"It's too silent-..."
Ghost quietly sulked behind the back of the pick up truck he and soap just escaped in, from Graves and his men. When the ambush happened Jade, Ghost and Soap were quick to break off to avoid capture, unfortunately Vargas was caught. Throughout the remainder of trying to avoid Shadow company they all continued to have small talk through their coms. I guess you could say it was a way for them to keep their heads on right, especially soap who was injured.
But after a while, Jade had gone silent. Not one word was spoken from her end. Ghost figured she was in a tight spot and had to remain with 0 contact to avoid being spotted, but that was difficult for him. Memories of the small moments they shared rushed into his head and he immediately tried to brush them off. She was a strong woman, she would be okay. Right?
He pondered in silence on whether they should turn back to pick jade up, but that risked getting them both caught and soap needed medical attention.
Ghost turns his head to soap who is still standing there clutching his bleeding shoulder. They had made it to a safe house Vargas showed Ghost on a map, one he made sure to keep a mental note of in case anything went to shit. And what do you know? It did. Ghost remains silent and nods, getting off the truck and making his way back inside with Soap following in suit.
Rudy, who had been holed up in the safe house greets them once again to which soap offers a nod.
"Why is it so silent?.."
Is all Ghost can think, the radio silence bugged him. He should have heard from her by now. It shouldn't be this silent- but at the same time it felt so loud. The world around him began to ring in his head, the voices of the past haunting him. Her voice haunting him. He could barely hear the conversation between Rudy and Soap, who was helping him with his fresh wound.
3 hours pass -
It was very visible.
No one could not see it.
The irritability Ghost wore was like this giant cloud of darkness swarming around him. At the first hour mark, they still heard nothing from jade and Ghost had begun to worry. By the 2nd hour Ghost became antsy, the smallest things setting him off to argue with everyone who was now gathered at the safe house. When the 3rd hour hit, Ghost had become unwilling to work with people, even Gaz and Price. He was starting to lose the grip on himself that he worked so hard to build. Why hadn't she called in yet? What is her location? Did her radio break? Is she too far away to use her radio? Is she hurt? What if she's screaming for him right now and he's sitting here doing nothing.
So many questions rushed through his head, how was he supposed to keep himself calm in this storm when she was the very thing that helped him through the rough waves of a vast ocean or the dark abyss from swallowing him whole. She was the very thing he needed all his life, every fear, every doubt, every dark thought that plagued his mind was instantly gone with just her presence alone.
For the very first time Ghost felt weak and helpless. He should be doing something, not just sitting here. Not sitting here. Ghost's eyes lit up for a moment as he quickly made his way outside. Merging with the shadows he effortlessly made his way to a truck without being seen. He takes a deep breath, the engine revs loudly as he turns the key. He speeds off leaving price and the others yelling to become distant background noise until it's gone. He didn't care if he got reprimanded for his actions, the woman he loved- truly loved was out there and needed him.
For hours on end he searched the last place they were at, going through every house and every room checking under staircases, in dumpsters. Anywhere she could've hidden herself from view to stay safe. He felt all hope vanishing as he dropped to the floor. Was this his reality? Did he really have to let go of her and move on? He could feel the tears well up in his eyes and he lowered his head to the ground.
The slight shimmer that bounced off the ground reflecting in the corner of his eyes grasps his attention, saddened eyes slowly drift to the sparkling speckle within the short distance fron him. The longer he stared the more he could make out, he quickly crawled over picking up the item and let out a strained sigh of relief. What had been shining in his eye was the bullet necklace he had given Jade one day off duty. Ghost was silent as tears flowed down his face as he realized through all the bodies he'd seen, not one was hers. Not a single one.
But that left him with one question. Where was she? There was no signs of Graves men having been present in the area, giving Ghost a moment to attempt to call for jade.
"Jade. This is ghost do you read me?"
And once again silence. He huffs out an annoyed sigh and stands back up looking around taking in his options. He can't give up yet.
"Jade this is ghost do you copy"
His head perked at the slight noise that echoed from a small alleyway. Pressing his radio button he holds it then releases it, and he hears it again. A beeping noise, one that happens when radio signals bounce off each other when they are close. Quickly he dashes around the corner and looks around. Nothing but dumpsters and trash. But there, on top of a few garbage bags slightly covered with trash was a flashing light. It was small but easily visible. Moving the trash away he picks up a entire radio set and ear peice. He reads the number that's used to keep track of the radios on base. Jade's radio number was #12095.
Slowly he read them off before tightly holding the radio, he brings it to his chest. Holding it there, happy knowing there was still a chance she slipped away. Suddenly prices voice comes out into his ear piece.
"Ghost we need you back here at the safe house. We have located jade. We will discuss more when you get here"
'Don't need to tell me twice' ghost thought as he bolts back to the truck speeding back to the safe zone. Once there, he bursts through the front door. "Is she alive?" Was the first thing to leave his lips as he shoulders rise and fall with every deep heavy breath.
"Alive yes, but she's been caught by Graves and his men. She's being held in Vargas' base. The same one Graves took control over." Ghost can feel the blood moving through his body. He clenches his hands, knuckles cracking. "Let's do this.."
Nothing more needed to be said. For the rest of the night, the group planned how to storm the base, where the guards were posted up in towers and the places that could hold prisoners. Nothing was going to stop ghost from reaching Jade. Nothing. Not even the devil himself could stop him from getting to her.
The next morning was miserable without jade there. Even though he knows she's alive, it still doesn't make the empty feeling go away. Throughout the day ghost did nothing but train and check to make sure equipment was clean and operational. Nothing was allowed to go wrong, not on this mission. When night fell, everyone went over the plan once more.
To start was to take out the guards in the towers, climb over the wall, and quietly make their way inside without alerting anyone of their presence. The battle was to be fought when they left with Vargas and Jade, so they weren't moved or killed on sight. Everything was in order, and the 141 set out to get their team back.
Authors note: if I kept writing, I probably would've filled out tumblrs' word limit, so to keep it safe and in order I will make a part 2.
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