#1st Session
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So in love with my new tattoo 🩷🐍
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nekro-aves · 2 years
Tattoo today. I’m not ready to feel like ass while it heals 😭
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sirrencia-the-tubular · 6 months
Well, we had our first session of ICON 1.5! It went okay. Had a couple hiccups with the narrative system, as it’s not anything I’ve used before. Some mild issues with role playing too, because I haven’t done that for nearer to 2 years. The players were a bit confused, but one guy gave it an honest go and helped the others run through it. I will need to watch maybe an actual play to see how I ought to be running the FitD system.
Tactical combat could have gone better, but that’s not a system issue. I rolled insanely well, and I watched 4 players roll well below a six for 2 rounds. The combat ended around round 6, but that was the end of the session. The monster system is really nice, but this combat was built exceedingly simple. Not too much terrain changes or cover, but several tables to flip over. Players didn’t realize how cover worked, so I’ll try to telegraph even more to put that ball in their court.
Main issue was one player who was under the impression that he could just, I dunno, learn via osmosis and not read any reading. No idea how his character worked, no understanding of his traits. We drilled down to it around round 3, and things went much better when 1/4 of the party was willing and able to contribute. Next session is in a couple weeks, theoretically the next one will go better.
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playitagin · 1 year
1938 –HUAC
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In the United States, the House Un-American Activities Committee begins its first session.
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elimuhub-tuition · 2 years
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5 posts!
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eternalsnowfan02 · 1 year
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When I read the vignette for Sebek's Union Birthday card and got to the part where he realizes that Trey reminds him of his dad... I couldn't think of anything but this bit from Brooklyn 99:
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wondercircuit · 4 months
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Post-Qualifying, Spain 2023
[How confident are you? Think you can go faster?] Lance: Yeah well, you can always go faster. Yeah, hindsight's a...you know, a beautiful thing, you can always look at those corners and stuff where you could have done a little bit better, but um… plenty of opportunities for tomorrow, it's a long race so we'll see what we can do.
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weatherwaks · 11 months
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I also made the abandoned Carter Roadhouse from @dailyadventureprompts Thieves We Be Campaign
I'm putting a poison ivy blight out front, sootlings in the fireplace, animated knives and stovetop in the kitchen, and a ragamoffyn on the top floor.
The lockbox holding the deed is a music puzzle that corresponds to a music box found on the top floor.
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letdibtravel · 3 months
put him in the little nightmares 2 cover
Little Nightmares II, Little Nightmares
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corvarrow · 4 months
Well it's finally happened, I grinded FF14 Eureka so hard that my brain just turned into extra mush. I need to work on finishing Bozja since I'm ultimately on the TT jelly toast quest, but like. Man. I just Cannot right now.
So anyway that means I finally ended up starting BG3 over the weekend 👁👄👁 I have only played D&D for approximately 2 (completely unrelated) sessions ever so a lot of the character building is mostly all a mystery to me, but otherwise so far so good.
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themyscirah · 16 days
Reading solicits like
"Oh new series! For a character ive read a few appearances of too! And the cover looks good, and the premise interesting enough! Maybe I should check it ou-"
Written by: TOM KING
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kit-o-nine-tales · 2 years
If you change your mind, I’m here
Fandom: Resident Evil
Pairing: GN!Reader/Leon Scott Kennedy
Summary: Reader muses on the last time they saw Leon - the day they broke up with him.
Read on AO3
  I always think of you when it rains. Are you keeping warm, whereever you are? Do the old breaks still ache?
Stupid question, of course they do. But I wish, for your sake, that they didn't.
"How many times can a body be broken to pieces and put together again?"
I'd asked you that once, and you just laughed.
"I don't know, but I'm on track to find out," you replied.
You said it so easily, too. Like you weren't scared. Like you didn't have nightmares every night about all the things you'd seen.
Maybe it's not raining where you are. Maybe you're not in our state today. Maybe not even our country. Maybe you're out in Spain, or Russia, or China. Out fighting the newest horror to spring up from Umbrella's legacy.
I hope not, for your sake.
"I'm getting too old for this," you used to joke, years ago, back when you were just getting started. Back when the government wasn't giving you a choice.
Do you have a choice now, I wonder? She's old enough to fend for herself now, isn't she? And you are getting older. How much longer do they mean to puppet your strings? Will they use you until there's nothing left? Until you're too broken to put back together again?
Stupid question. When have the people in power ever let someone retire while they still have life in them?
We parted on a day like this. Rainy, with a cloying humidity that made every touch feel tacky and unpleasantly sticky.
We met for coffee. One of your rare days off that lined up with one of mine. I knew, going in, how our conversation would end. The answer you would give the question I planned to ask. But even so, I asked anyway. Even so, I held on to hope, as small a hope as it was.
If you sensed something was off, you gave no sign of it. You met me with a tired but true smile, my favorite already in your hand, sitting at our usual table. It almost made me change my mind. How could I even consider —
But then I noticed the mostly-faded bruises on your wrists, and the way you winced as you shifted a little too far to the left, and my resolve revived.
I gave you a smile, or at least, I tried to. Your return expression made me wonder how successful I was. Not very, I would guess. I took the drink you held out to me, and stared down at it as I took that first sip. Did my hands shake? Did you see it if they did?
Stupid question. Of course you did. You always had a way for noticing things like that.
"Some rain," you said. Your long bangs (impractical, but so endearing) were practically pasted to your forehead.
It managed to get a chuckle out of me. "Bit of an understatement," I replied. I dug through my backpack, and handed you a dry towel.
You smiled fondly at me as you took it. "Over-prepared as always."
"One of us should be," I replied teasingly.
A familiar exchange. One I miss more than I thought I would. It was a bit of a joke. In most cases, you were far more prepared for disaster than I was. But in the small things, I had you beat.
I watched as you patted your hair dry, leaving it messier than it started, sticking up at odd angles, melting my heart. You looked younger like that. Less jaded by the world.
When you were done, you looked at the towel for a moment, as if unsure whether to hand it back or hold on to it. You met my eyes, and then, nodding to yourself, handed it back.
"Say it," you said. Your face was neutral, but your eyes were sad. You knew. We both did. But neither of us could change a thing.
I swallowed. "I.... Would you quit? Retire?" I'd had a speech. Arguments and evidence, all eloquently arranged. But looking at you, I lost it all. You always did have a way of making me speechless.
You exhaled slowly, closing your eyes.
We'd talked around this before. I'd worried about you. The injuries, the close-calls. Spain had been a bad one. Almost an argument. You'd nearly lost yourself to the monsters you fought. But I always let the subject drop. Because I knew that what you were doing was important. That no one else could do it. That it needed to be done. But... it had been years. There were others now. Others who hadn't been so hurt. Others who didn't wake in cold sweat every night, who didn't drink themselves to sleep in the first place.
It didn't have to be you anymore. You could pass the torch, surely. Take time to heal, to rest.
But I knew, even before I asked, what your answer would be. Your heart, despite everything, was too good.
Sometimes I think maybe it's more than that. Sometimes I think —  maybe —  you just don't know any other way to live any more. That if you tried to settle into one place, to drift into the average everyday of groceries and appointments and tv... you wouldn't know what to do with yourself. Whatever hobbies you'd once had, whatever aspirations, wishes, or daydreams —  had all been lost. Eroded by years of fight-run-survive that left no room for such things. All you knew were monsters, terror, and blood.
And me.
At least, so I'd flattered myself sometimes, back then. I'd hoped that maybe I could be enough. That I could be there for you through it, if you would just lay your burdens down. If you would just let me.
But even still, I knew. And so did you.
You opened your eyes, sad, steely blue. And you shook your head.
I bit my lower lip, and stared back down the straw of my drink. I wasn't going to cry. Not because of pride. But because I didn't want to hurt you any more than I had to. I took another sip, swallowed, and then a deep breath.
"I love you," I said firmly. "But I can't watch this destroy you any more."
You winced again, your brows drawn together in pain. And slowly, you nodded.
"I understand," you said. You took a deep pull of your own drink.
I wondered if you had spiked it before I arrived. I felt certain you had.You never shared your drinks with me. You'd joke that it was because you might be contagious, but I knew. It was the alcohol.
"I'm sorry," I said. My heart clenched in my chest at the thought of never seeing you again. But I had to. Stars help me, I had to.
Maybe it would change things. maybe you'd change your mind with time, and someday I'd find you, standing at my doorstep, sober and free.
It hasn't happened yet.
"Don't be," you said, your voice thick. "I understand," you repeated.
"If... If you ever..." I tried. My own voice swimming with the tears I wouldn't shed. At least, not in front of you.
"Yeah," you murmured. "I know." You met my eyes again, then, and forced a smile. "If you ever need me... you know my number."
I laughed. A wet, sad thing. "I know." I said.
If the zombies ever found their way to my door, or stars know what else, you were the one to call. If I survived long enough to make the call. I didn't rate my chances very high. You'd always believed that I'd surprise myself, if the time came. Said that I had all the right instincts.
I rose from my chair, and walked over to you. I pressed a kiss to your cheek. "Stay safe. Please."
Stars,I miss the warmth of you. I can still remember the texture of your cheek beneath my lips, though time does its level best to steal that from me.
You swallowed. "I'll do my best," you replied.
"You always do," I said. It just wasn't enough.
"Take care of yourself," you told me.
I sniffed. The tears would come as soon as I left the shop. "I'll try," I said. I was never very good at that. Over prepared backpack aside.
We were both disasters in our own ways. But the gaps in me had lined up well with the gaps in you, and together we'd managed to muddle into something solid. But not solid enough to withstand the way you were coming apart at the seams.
I left the shop.
I haven't seen you since. Haven't heard your voice. Not even on the phone. I’ve heard about you a few times. Though not as much as I'd like. Claire doesn't hear from you often either, even if she does hear more than I do.
But I think of you all the time. On rainy days like today. On days when the clouds make the world feel like an impermanent dream. And I wonder: how much more can a person withstand? How long until the news I hear sends me to my knees in grief? Or will I never even hear about it? Maybe you'll meet your end in some far-off continent, alone, and in secret. Would they tell me? Would they tell Claire, or her brother, or any of the other people you know? The people who care for you? Stars, I hope they tell us. But most of all, I hope you won't meet your end alone like that.
I hope, despite everything, that one day I'll find you outside my door. Older and worn, with new aches and scars, but alive and wiser. Alive and free.
I would open my door for you, no matter how long it takes. And I would raise my eyes to yours, and there you would find all the adoration that had ever been there, as though not a day had gone by since we parted.
That, at least, I can promise.  
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nebulaeyedfish · 1 year
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Silly drawings of my dnd character are always the best stress release. Shockingly, Reddwin actually kind of did cool stuff in combat last session?? Sounds fake but okay!
See pinned for commissions
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scratching92 · 2 months
So I've been working a bit on my Currently-Unnamed Lancer Module, and I feel I've hit a bit of a wall as of late with regards to what, exactly, I want it to be about.
When I started writing some background for the setting my module takes place in, I basically wanted to hit two particular notes; firstly, that the setting was a former colony that had gained independence (in this case from SecComm). Secondly, that after the revolution, the planet devolved into infighting between the various factions that had participated in that revolution, resulting in on-again-off-again warfare across the planet.
I thought this would be neat to write about because, well, as much as I love a good story of plucky rebels fighting off their oppressors and liberating themselves, I'm also from a country that actually did have, in a certain sense, a bunch of plucky rebels fighting off their oppressors and liberating themselves, and... Well, look. I'm never going to say we were wrong to fight a war of independence, but we did kinda fight a civil war immediately afterwards. Life is just messy like that. And so I wanted to kind of touch upon that sort of thing a little.
But also, after I had written that setting lore, I looked back at my outline and realized it didn't really have much synergy with what I had written, beyond that it was, presumably, one of many wars since that initial collapse into in-fighting amongst the revolutionaries. So I figured "Fair enough. Let's throw out this current outline and draft up something that does!". So I did. And I think the new outline I have is decent! But... Once again, I'm finding myself wondering if my current outline is a little too far in the other direction. I'm worried now that it's no longer about the relationship between the various factions on the planet, but about the planet's general relationship to modern Union (and the complicated relationship between ThirdComm and SecComm, with ThirdComm both being a rejection of SecComm while also in a strange sense an inheritor of it (or, at least, an inheritor of the problems it made)). And it's making me consider throwing out what I've written again.
It's possible I'm just massively overthinking it, and a lot of my problems are just things that are always going to have to be left up to a GM to prep anyway even when working from a pre-written module. I'm planning on running the first session of a playtest pretty soon, so maybe I'll feel different once I've run my current outline with an actual group and it's no longer just abstract ideas on a page. I dunno. I guess we'll see in like... two months or however long it takes me to run this playtest game.
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kristylae · 2 months
Been thinking the last few days about my main pc in BG3 Aranna. And how I think she'd fit in Kingmaker far more. The story of BG3 just doesn't fit her too much imo. At least not with how I imagine her life and how she is at that point.
She is a skilled sorcerer, can wield magic and weapons very effectively. But where she excels in is politics, and diplomacy. Earning a barony and slowly transforming it into her own kingdom, and everything that entails is something that fits her.
I'd be able to play her far better there. I like BG3 but I never was able to play Aranna right there. Apart from the Minthara romance and a few bits here and there she doesn't really feel right.
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ringoarchive · 4 months
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Sheena Ringo with SOIL&"PIMP"SESSIONS, Takeshi Kurihara and Kenta Hamano at the backstage of the 70th edition of NHK’s Kōhaku Uta Gassen, December 31th, 2019.
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