#2022 lunar calendar
thewitchystuff · 2 years
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Witchy Calendar 2022  ☆゚.*・。゚
It has a little bit more info than last year, I hope it can help you navigating this year.
☿ Mercury Retrogrades show the Mercury Direct (date of ending).
♒ Zodiac Signs are color coded according to its element.
☆ Solar events (Solstice & Equinox) are filled sparkle ★ and the other fetivities (midpoints) are a simple sparkle ✧︎
**Be sure to double check the dates for your region, since specific dates may vary due to TimeZones (specially for zodiac entries, full moons, etc.)
Let me know if you see any mistakes or have any questions about it!
People kept sending messages about the 2022 witchy calendar even now in April so I wanted to upload it anyway  ☆
Thanks to our patreons and the people who sent messages who impulse us to search for this info and combining it here for all of you!
Go to our Patreon for the complete HD image.
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do-mkokoro · 2 years
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“The moon is beautiful tonight, isn’t it?”
Happy birthday Xingqiu 💖🫶🫶
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helaniara · 1 year
Wheel of the year for beginners <3
The Wheel of the Year is a term used to describe the cycle of the seasons and the holidays that are associated with them in many Pagan and Wiccan traditions. The Wheel of the Year consists of eight major holidays, known as sabbats, which mark the turning points in the solar cycle. These sabbats are:
Yule (Winter Solstice): Celebrated on or around December 21, this holiday marks the longest night of the year and the return of the sun. It is a time of renewal and hope.
Imbolc (Candlemas): Celebrated on or around February 2, this holiday marks the beginning of spring and is associated with the goddess Brigid. It is a time of purification and renewal.
Ostara (Spring Equinox): Celebrated on or around March 21, this holiday marks the beginning of spring and the balance of light and darkness. It is a time of new beginnings and growth.
Beltane (May Day): Celebrated on or around May 1, this holiday marks the beginning of summer and is associated with fertility and growth. It is a time of celebration and joy.
Litha (Summer Solstice): Celebrated on or around June 21, this holiday marks the longest day of the year and the height of summer. It is a time of abundance and joy.
Lughnasadh (Lammas): Celebrated on or around August 1, this holiday marks the beginning of the harvest season and is associated with the god Lugh. It is a time of thanksgiving and abundance.
Mabon (Autumn Equinox): Celebrated on or around September 21, this holiday marks the beginning of autumn and the balance of light and darkness. It is a time of gratitude and reflection.
Samhain (Halloween): Celebrated on or around October 31, this holiday marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It is a time to honor the ancestors and to reflect on the past.
The Wheel of the Year is a way for Pagans and Wiccans to connect with the natural world and to celebrate the changing seasons and is a time to reflect on the cycles of life.
blessed be lovelies <3
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lumiere-angel-90 · 1 year
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Constellation 11 : lunar @thelunararmy
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satsekhem · 2 years
III Shomu - Full Moon 2022
For this month's full moon, I finally did something that I've been both anxious to do and putting off because I am at Burn Out. I finally planted the tobacco seeds and let me tell you... I knew they were small fucking seeds but uh they were infinitely smaller than I remembered.
I lit my full moon candle and tried to think about the full moon in terms of modern pagans. Release. Self-care. Uh... round? I have a hard time with that because the full moon is Khenty-irty to me and nothing else. And two whole eyes of Horus are less about release and more about ma'at-affirming/life-affirming behavior.
That's kind of why I chose this particular thing to do for the full moon. I've been missing out on full moon shenanigans (while somehow remembering the new moon even before my lunar app or Google calendar goes off). And I realized today that maybe the reason I keep forgetting the full moon is because I don't feel like I'm undertaking any ma'at-affirming or life-affirming behaviors lately. So, to make myself green-of-face, so to speak, I figured playing in the dirt to grow green things would be a good way to go.
I used the dirt from the corn doll graveyard I crafted for the Osiris Mysteries last year. I had to shove my hands deep into the earth to find the dollies and pull them out for ritualistic burning on Midsummer with the Solstice Squad and my fish replicas for Treading the Fishes. They were in surprisingly good condition if a little dirty. -bahdumchiss-
There's still dirt left over but far less than I was expecting. I had hoped I would have enough to at least start the wheat for the Beautiful Reunion but alas. What's left of the doll graves will sow the top of the wheat containers in memory of the Mysteries.
I made a mess. A big huge, kind of muddy but not really mess. My hands were covered passed my wrists. My nails still have dirt under them. If I didn't need to wash my hands thoroughly before I wash my face tonight, I'd leave it there.
My inner child seemed happy though. Playing in the dirt elicits memories of mud pies in the side yard in the circle that never grew a damn thing. It became my brother's monster truck pit for his cars and stuff later. But it was my mud pie bakery first. Was there anything more satisfying than creating a mud pie that jiggle-jiggled when you smacked it just right? Just me?
I may have overseeded each little container. I was told "8-10" per little... pack... thing... plant containers are made of. But like... these shits are damn small. 8-10 seems so puny, so. So. Insignificant. I didn't count a single fucking time. As with garlic, I let my heart tell me when enough was enough.
I misted them, tucked them in [metaphorically], and now... we wait.
I need a little room to breathe
You're making this hard for me
When all I need is to be set free
I need a little time to think
- Room to Breathe by You Me at Six
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bluebayard · 2 years
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breelandwalker · 1 year
2023 Witch's Calendar
For all my witches out there, here's a handy list of the 2023 dates for the major holidays, full and new moons, and special events. I've listed my sources at the bottom. Dates and times for all events are calculated for Eastern Standard Time, USA, Northern Hemisphere. Adjust for your location as needed. Enjoy!
WOTY Holidays and Solstices
February 1-2 - Imbolc
March 20 - Spring Equinox / Ostara
May 1 - Beltane
June 21 - Summer Solstice / Midsummer
August 1 - Lughnasadh
September 23- Autumn Equinox / Mabon
October 31 - Samhain
December 21 - Winter Solstice / Yule
Full Moons
January 6 - Wolf Moon ♋
February 5 - Snow Moon ♌
March 7 - Worm Moon ♍
April 6 - Pink Moon ♎
May 5 - Flower Moon ♏
June 4 - Strawberry Moon ♐
July 3 - Thunder Moon (aka Buck Moon) ♑
August 1 - Sturgeon Moon ♒
August 31 - Blue Moon ♓
September 29- Harvest Moon ♈
October 28 - Hunter's Moon (aka Blood Moon) ♉
November 27 - Frost Moon ♊
December 26 - Cold Moon ♋
Fun Fact: The title of Harvest Moon is given to either the September or October full moon, whichever falls closest to the autumn equinox. In 2023, as in 2022, that month will be September.
New Moons
January 21 ♒
February 20 ♓
March 21 ♈
April 20 ♈
May 19 ♉
June 18 ♊
July 17 ♋
August 16 ♌
September 14 ♍
October 14 ♎
November 13 ♏
December 12 ♐
Special Events
February 20 - 2nd New Moon in lunar month
April 20 - Solar Eclipse
May 5 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
August 30 - Blue Moon
September 29 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
October 14 - Solar Eclipe (Annular)
October 28 - Lunar Eclipse (Partial)
Mercury Retrogrades (in case you need them)
Dec 29, 2022 - Jan 18, 2023
April 21 - May 14
August 23 - September 15
Dec 13, 2023 - January 1, 2024
Moon Info - Full Moon 2023
Calendar-12.com - Moon Phases 2023
Full Moonology - Full Moon Calendar 2023
Moon Calendar - Full Moons and New Moons in 2023
Yearly Horoscope - Mercury Retrograde 2023 Dates and Times
Your Zodiac Sign - 2023 Astrology Calendar
The Pagan Grimoire - The Wheel of the Year: The 8 Festivals in the Wiccan Calendar
If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊
EDIT: Updated Jan 6, 2023 to correct full moon signs and include additional celestial events. Enjoy!
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alliofthevalleyy · 2 years
Everyone: I’m sad that Pride month is over 😔😔
Asians with their Lunar calendar:
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apod · 6 months
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2023 October 21
Quarter Moons Image Credit & Copyright: Marcella Giulia Pace
Explanation: Half way between New Moon and Full Moon is the Moon's first quarter phase. That's a quarter of the way around its moonthly orbit. At the first quarter phase, half the Moon's visible side is illuminated by sunlight. For the Moon's third quarter phase, half way between Full Moon and New Moon, sunlight illuminates the other half of the visible lunar disk. At both first and third quarter phases, the terminator, or shadow line separating the lunar night and day, runs down the middle. Near the terminator, long shadows bring lunar craters and mountains in to sharp relief, making the quarter phases a good time to observe the Moon. But in case you missed some, all the quarter phases of the Moon and their calendar dates during 2022 can be found in this well-planned array of telephoto images. Of course, you can observe a first quarter Moon tonight.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap231021.html
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heatherwitch · 2 years
Bedridden witch: Space edition
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Set up:
Hang a lunar calendar
Hang posters of the solar system/planets
Hang constellation maps
Decorate your room with stars, moons and space-themed decorations or planetary symbols.
Create constellations/galaxies with glow in the dark stickers on your walls and ceiling
Collect crystals that you associate with the moon and other planets, or ones that are star/moon shaped
Get a moon lamp or a star/galaxy projector light
Create altars for the different planets
To do:
Make moon or sun water
Cleanse and charge objects under the moon (and sun, if safe for the objects)
Track the moon phases through an app
Observe the lunar cycle and the different energies it brings
Create a lunar month journal and note how each day feels
Determine what celestial events/phases bring you the most energy and use that time to recharge yourself or do more energy-intensive magic.
Charging items using celestial elements
Watch space documentaries
Explore NASA’s website and other information sites
Open your window at night, even if you can’t see the night sky.
If you can see the sky, stargaze or watch the moon using your bare eyes, binoculars or a telescope.
Use an app to see the night sky (Stellarium, Sky Guide, SkyView, etc.)
Use planetary symbols as a way to connect to each planet/s energy
Use The Sun, The Moon and The Star tarot cards as a base for a spell, enchantment or energy connection.
Meditate and picture yourself under the night sky/among it.
Galaxy energy work
Visualize planetary energy around yourself to help with warding
Make constellation sigils / other example / celestial sigils
Observe and honor cosmic events (even if you can’t physically see them)
Study astrology
Make a cosmic spell (electric) candle
Create art inspired by the stars, planets, etc.
Space-themed tarot spreads [X] [X] [X]
You may also like:
Everyday magic for the cosmic witch
Cosmic altar and room ideas
Planet worship
Grounding methods for cosmic witches
Cosmic ambient tracks / mynoise.net + space
Bedridden witch: nature edition
Bedridden witch: weather edition
Bedridden witch masterpost
With contributions from:
@thatsleepymermaid, @whichwitchami, @she-who-treads-on-water and @baduhennasraven, thank you!
Last updated July of 2022, please inform me of broken links via askbox!
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respectthepetty · 1 year
*I'm going to be completely normal about Moonlight Chicken. I'm just going to watch and enjoy it. I'm not going to look deeper. I'm not going to think about..*
Moonlight Chicken's Symbolism and Background Noise
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The series has several Chinese influences and begins on September 10, 2022, which an actual full moon fell on that day. It is the Moon Festival also known as Harvest Moon, Mid-Autumn Moon, or Mooncake. It is meant to be spent with others. In the lunar calendar, it's the mid-point of the year. We know this date from Jim's beer.
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The brand of the beer is Full Moon, and he and Wen drink it throughout the first episode.
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Jim and Wen discuss what is normally seen in the moon. Jim sees a woman (which there is legend about a woman and the moon, but it's too much for this space), but Wen states it's a rabbit. A rabbit normally represents the full moon because both symbolize longevity, peace, and prosperity.
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That's why mooncakes are given during this time. They represent well wishes to the receiver and those shared with a long peaceful and prosperous life.
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Ginger, which Wen shared with Jim, also symbolizes longevity as well as passion and strength.
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Jim's green truck's license plate states frog in Thai. Frogs are a symbol of prosperity and good luck.
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Li Ming, whose name means (bright) dawn, wears an Ohio State Buckeyes Football Shirt. Buckeyes are a type of nut and symbolize good luck (thanks college football for that nugget of info!).
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However, this show is doing well with subtle foreshadowing, so Li Ming might run into some bad luck with driving (Heart around) without a license.
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We get some foreshadowing with the DVD Wen picks up at Jim's. This movie is about two lovers who meet in Hong Kong after relocating there from other parts of China. Their lives take them on separate paths, only for them to reunite ten years later in America. The ending shows that they actually sat back-to-back on the train ride into Hong Kong over a decade ago. Aka, they were fated lovers.
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Jim has an Idiot's Guide to Starting a Home-Based Business and Reader's Digest collection of books - Dick Francis' Comeback (about a man who gets entangled with a stranger on his route to his new job), Frederick Forsyth's The Deceiver (about a British agent who is set to retire, but one of the main plots is an affair), and Alexandria Ripley's Scarlett (which continues the story of Scarlett and Rhett from Gone with the Wind, who are estranged, but at the end, reunite). *Also, the condom package is amazing. The C of "condom" is actually the condom. I just think it's neat!
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Wen has Eric Hall's Monster (which is about famous sport agent Eric Hall who was known for being a money monster). This is likely to be Alan's book because the apartment is filled with art, which is due to Wen being an art director. He was also drinking because of his job but didn't state anything specific about the reason.
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Wen and Alan's apartment is more modern, while Jim's is more traditional.
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When Jim and Wen met at the restaurant, it is Saturday going into Sunday. In Thailand, Sunday's color is red, and its unlucky color is blue. However, In China, red represents good luck, and blue represents longevity. We see these colors often around Jim and Wen (scroll back up).
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Jim was shown mostly in or highlighted by red the first episode with Wen in or highlighted by blue.
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Even Jim's aprons are red. They say Hungry? with a little chicken peaking out of the pockets.
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We also see the blues and reds around Heart and Li Ming. *peep the elephant tusks which are encasing the family and symbolize power*
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The bottle Heart drops is Snake Bite Whiskey, and a snakebite shot simply consists of whiskey and lime juice aka it hurts like an actual snakebite.
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Modern Thai Sign Language was influenced by American Sign Language (which was greatly influenced by French Sign Language). It seems as if Heart is telling Li Ming his face scared him, but I'm unsure of the last sign since that is not the ASL sign for surprise, scared, or angry. The second portion seems to consist of Heart saying YOUR MISTAKE, but once again, the second sign is different than ASL's mistake because of the breadth of the movement. *I love that this wasn't captioned because it allows the audience to feel Li Ming's confusion and Heart's frustration.
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We end the episode back at night with another shot of the moon. As others have pointed out, the colors at night are more crisp and vibrant compared to the day.
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But based on Li Ming's name, and the symbols, I think Moonlight Chicken is attempting a similar theme as Big Dragon - The Moon and the Sun have to meet at Dawn. These lovers won't work in their current situations. They have to compromise and find balance, which is why they met in the middle of the year. They have to meet in the in-between.
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lunarah-artistry · 3 months
Year of the Emerald Wood Dragon, 2024
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Happy Lunar New Year! 🐉🧧🏮
2024 is the year of the Emerald Wood Dragon 💚
Emerald is going to be a lucky colour this year!
This is an addition to my continued tradition of making art to celebrate the new year in the Lunar calendar!
2022 was Water Tiger, & 2023 was Water Rabbit! Each piece has the year incorporated into the artwork. 😊
I really wanted to push myself on this piece with forced perspective and light sources.
I hope you love her as much as I do! 💚🐉
Time spent: 27 hrs
Layers used: 65
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talonabraxas · 2 years
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Lunar Phases August 2022 https://www.moongiant.com/calendar/august/2022/?fbclid=IwAR1_3hch5sHgfO51xB2ip20stTMPIn9jARMSEU1qccfnfRMfxO7GOFvaQFk 2022@cthonicbacchae
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thebleedingwoodland · 3 months
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^ Ignore the incorrect grammar on the graphic above, it supposedly says
恭賀新禧 (Gōnghè xīnxǐ) = Best Wishes for Happy New Year
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Lunar New Year Update 2019
Lunar New Year Update 2022
✨ There will be upcoming Chinese New Year held on 10 February 2024, which is Year of Wood Dragon. ✨
Recently I opened The Sims 4 game again on Steam --- Yes The Sims 4 Base game is free of purchase on Steam --- Finally I can see soothing and relieving representation of Chinese culture in-game unlike sore eyes disaster what The Sims 3 team had done on Shang Simla for The Sims 3.
Definitely there's something positive on this representation of Lunar New Year updates for 2019 and 2022 that I can give applause to EA👏 , that this company team finally made consultation to actual Chinese (and Korean) people.
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Lunar New Year is a celebration of the arrival of spring and the beginning of a new year on the lunisolar calendar. It is the most important holiday in China, and it is also widely celebrated in South Korea, Vietnam, and countries with a significant overseas Chinese population.
Commonly known as the Spring Festival in China, Lunar New Year is a fifteen-day celebration marked by many traditions.
Not just celebrated in China, Korea and Vietnam celebrate Lunar New Year. So yes, we celebrate New Year twice, Gregorian New Year (1 January) and Lunar New Year (10 February, China Year 2575) in 2024.
I can only review about the Chinese New Year stuff part. I can recognize easily there's steamed fish, noodles, and Nian Gao (年糕) . And the most important part of Chinese New Year is....
🧧 Red Envelope (紅包)🧧
🧧 Hóng Bāo in Mandarin Chinese language.
🧧 Ang Pao in Hokkien Chinese language.
Who doesn't love money? You Westerners like money, don't you? On Christmas Day, Westerners have tradition to give wrapped present gift to people.
In Chinese New Year, we're Chinese people have tradition of giving Red Envelope with money inside the envelope. The person who give Hong Bao at Chinese New Year event is from married person to unmarried family members.
Wrapping lucky money in red envelopes is expected to bestow more happiness and blessings on the receivers.
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There's addition of Round Table, Red Envelopes on Kumquat Tree and Orange fruit with Red Envelope on box. Yes Chinese culture is all about being prosperous and giving money gift in Red Envelope. I can tell you the representation is very good and authentic to us Chinese people that we can relate.
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I can tell you team who worked in this update made consultation to Chinese people, that there are Han Zi (Chinese writing). 無魚不成席 which translates as "No Feast Without Fish" . Fish makes important meal in Chinese dining.
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Here is more addition info:
Fish — an Increase in Prosperity
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In Chinese, "fish" (鱼 Yú /yoo/) sounds like 'surplus'. Fish is a traditional Chinese New Year dish on the Chinese New Year dinner menu. Chinese people always like to have a surplus at the end of the year, because they think if they have managed to save something at the end of the year, then they can make more in the next year.
Steamed fish is one of the most famous Chinese New Year recipes. What fish should be chosen for the New Year dinner is based on auspicious homophonics.
Crucian carp: As the first character of 'crucian carp' (鲫鱼 jìyú /jee-yoo/) sounds like the Chinese word 吉 (jí /jee/ 'good luck'), eating crucian carp is considered to bring good luck for the next year.
Chinese mud carp: The first part of the Chinese for "mud carp" (鲤鱼 lǐyú /lee-yoo/) is pronounced like the word for gifts (礼 lǐ /lee/). So Chinese people think eating mud carp during the Chinese New Year symbolizes wishing for good fortune.
Catfish: The Chinese for "catfish" (鲶鱼 niányú /nyen-yoo/) sounds like 年余 (nián yú) meaning 'year surplus'. So eating catfish is a wish for a surplus in the year.
Eating two fish, one on New Year's Eve and one on New Year's Day, (if written in a certain way) sounds like a wish for a surplus year-after-year.
If only one catfish is eaten, eating the upper part of the fish on New Year's Eve and the remainder on the first day of the new year can be spoken with the same homophonic meaning.
Fish is an auspicious Chinese New Year symbol.
Glutinous Rice Cake — a Higher Income or Position
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Chinese New Year cakes
Glutinous rice cake (年糕 Niángāo /nyen-gaoww/) is a lucky food eaten on Chinese New Year's Eve. In Chinese, glutinous rice cake sounds like it means "getting higher year-on- by year". In Chinese people's minds, this means the higher you are the more prosperous your business is a general improvement in life. The main ingredients of niangao are sticky rice, sugar, chestnuts, Chinese dates, and lotus leaves.
Longevity Noodles — Happiness and Longevity
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Longevity noodles (长寿面 Chángshòu Miàn /chung-show myen/) unsurprisingly symbolize a wish for longevity. Their length and unsevered preparation are also symbolic of the eater's life.
It is a lucky food eaten on Chinese New Year Day in North China. 
They are longer than normal noodles and uncut, either fried and served on a plate, or boiled and served in a bowl with their broth.
Good Fortune Fruit — Fullness and Wealth
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Certain fruits are eaten during the Chinese New Year period, such as tangerines and oranges, and pomeloes. They are selected as they are particularly round and "golden" in color, symbolizing fullness and wealth, but more obviously for the lucky sound they bring when spoken.
Eating and displaying tangerines and oranges is believed to bring good luck and fortune due to their pronunciation, and even writing. The Chinese for orange (and tangerine) is 橙 (chéng /chnng/), which sounds the same as the Chinese for 'success' (成). One of the ways of writing tangerine (桔 jú /jyoo/) contains the Chinese character for luck (吉 jí /jee/).
Chinese Dumplings — Wealth
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With a history of more than 1,800 years, dumpling (饺子 Jiǎozi /jyaoww-dzrr/) is a classic lucky food for new year, and a traditional dish eaten on Chinese New Year's Eve, widely popular in China, especially in North China.
Chinese dumplings can be made to look like Chinese silver ingots (which are not bars, but boat-shaped, oval, and turned up at the two ends). Legend has it that the more dumplings you eat during the New Year celebrations, the more money you can make in the New Year.
Source: LinkedIn by Manette Chen
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As for fashion... I'm not woman so I am not expert about women fashion, I can tell this clothing is not Chinese Qi Pao. My girlfriend and female family members do not wear that kind of Qi Pao. This is more like Ao Dai, Vietnamese traditional dress. There's skirt beneath dress. Source: Wikipedia
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The rest of clothing is typical modernized clothing, which is much more realistic because we Chinese when at Chinese New Year gathering we wear red coloured modern clothing and not dress like in ancient times. Usually kids who wear Qi Pao because they are very cute to dress like that.
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kodiescove · 13 hours
How did you come to Islam?
I am glad you asked!
So the year is 2018/2019, there abouts.
I made my first Muslim friend!
I found this out by asking the most terrible question I've ever asked anyone ever "hey since you have x name, does that mean you're Muslim.?"
He said yes. He was SUPER chill about me being like innocently racist. I still cringe about this exchange. I am currently cringing typing this all out.
But I was like 19/20, and racial etiquette was new to me.
Now, I knew nothing, and I mean NOTHING about Islam.
For quite a few years, it was just something my super cool "got me through my abusive relationship" online best friend practiced.
Iiiiiinnnnnnn 2022? Around there.
I was at Michael's, the crafts store, and there were these GORGEOUS stickers for Ramadan. I immediately sent a picture of them to him talking about how beautiful they were, lamenting about how I'd love to get them, but that would be cultural appropriation. I think he said it would be fine if I got them, but I still didn't get them, it didn't feel right because at the time I wasn't Muslim(obviously.)
Sometime later, it's Christmas and I'm in one of my "I need to start a business or else I'm always going to be in poverty" moods. Don't ask me why this was a thing, because I very clearly cannot produce enough of anything to run a business. Anyways. I'm thinking about making Christmas cards and then my brain goes "Well what if I make something for Muslims? I don't want to leave them out of things."
So I message my friend, asking if that would be okay.
He explains that Islam doesn't have a winter holiday like Christmas, that Muslims go off a lunar calendar and he tells me about Ramadan.
And I'm like "mhm. Okay. What's Ramadan?"
And so I spent the literal rest of the night (literally HOURS) researching Ramadan and Eid. I read THE ENTIRE wiki page for both /including/ the parts that explain the different ways different countries and regions celebrate Ramadan and Eid.
Fall 2023 I find out that what I thought was an Indian take out restaurant (because I get curry there don't hate me I was told it was an Indian place) was acting, specifically, a HALAL restaurant and I'm like "mhm. Okay. So what does that mean?"
And again, I spend hours on Google with those drop down "similar questions" just learning a little bit about Islam.
And like through these experiences I learn a basic principle that I have embodied since becoming Muslim "Islam is a religion of love and peace"
Come to 2024.
I think February. Really wanna say February. My sense of time and time keeping is really bad.
But it's the beginning of the year. I'm having a real ROUGH time of it. I'm having intrusive thoughts of self harm. I'm constantly being triggered by Tumblr because of the I/P conflict. I'm constantly triggered by trumblr because of talks of transphobia of kinds. I'm triggered by Tumblr because of the porn. My best friend is increasingly becoming a bad friend. IM NOT COPING. To the point I was hospitalized twice, and should have been a third time (thanks Brylin for never calling me back for that admission)
And through it all, I'm praying to the universe. I'm like, I'm lost, I'm suffering, I need some guidance. Please someone, anyone, give me a sign.
And there was this feeling.... this VERY distinct feeling. It was in my chest and in my belly. I can't really describe it other than light and energy radiating. Like a pulling feeling. It felt like a calling. And something inside me kept saying "turn to Islam. Turn to Allah."
I was apprehensive at first. Yknow, being a pagan witch at the time and all. It felt... well, why would Allah be calling to me.? I'm a pagan witch!
But I don't know. I won't lie and say I never found comfort in being pagan. But there's something.... different in Islam. I can sit and listen to the Quran and crochet and I just feel... at peace. I can watch videos discussing Islam and the thoughts usually racing in my head just... stop. I'm fascinated by Islamic history in a way that other periods in history haven't fascinated, /and I say this as someone who loves history/.
I will admit, there's part of me that doesn't feel good enough for Allah, for Islam. But then I remember how many times the Quran says "Allah is the most forgiving, the most merciful" and that's... that's what I need. Someone to forgive the parts of me that can't keep up because of my disability, and is understanding (see, merciful) for all the things I am not.
So tldr: basically I had a friend who started my interested and then Allah answered my prayers.
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thegrapeandthefig · 4 months
Hi there!
I'm putting together my calendar for the year, and i'm noticing thst the dates are shifting pretty far back. I know that the intercalatary month exists, but my question is who decides when it is? Is it just an individual by individual basis, or is it always, say, the fourth year in an olympiad?
Thanks for your input!
The dates shift because lunar movements don't fit seamlessly on a solar calendar like the ones we use today. When it comes to the intercalary months and the other intricacies of the method, we owe the system to Meton of Athens, who made the initial calculations for it and the system was officially adopted by Athens mid-5th century. This system is now known as the Metonic Cycle and is still the basis of some modern calendars today.
However, since the discovery of the Antikythera Mechanism, we know that by the 2nd century BC the system was used outside of Athens (Corinth, in particular).
Now, when it comes to the Olympiad system, they're periods of 4 years that used to match with the Olympic Games. According to these two reconstructions (numachi & episteme academy), we're currently in the 700th Olympiad.
700.1 (aka the first year of the 700th Olympiad), started on July 2021. 700.2 -> June 2022 700.3 -> July 2023 700.4 -> July 2024 The date of the New Year being on the 1st of Hekatombaion, it typically happens on the new moon of July. The month-long discrepancy last year was due to it being an intercalary year.
So we're currently in 700.3 aka the third year of the 700th Olympiad until next July.
Hope this helps!
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