fullcravings · 4 months
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3-Ingredient Flourless Chocolate Cake
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
Leap day was made so I have 24 more hours to work on Akutagawa's birthday
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inniave · 3 days
me when candied pecans
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b-blushes · 1 year
LOVE to feel excited for tomorrow! i'm gonna eat PIZZA! >:)
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saturnsuv · 1 year
doesnt a pastry have to be made with pastry dough like isnt that why its called a pastry
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fangirling-heart · 2 days
I'm trying to prove a point to my parents, so do me a solid and reblog with 3 or more of your food-related quirks.
I don't mean allergies or intolerances, I mean stuff that are more specific to you. Like, you can eat a food only if it's cooked in a specific way or in a specific combination. Or you don't like something that everyone else does etc.
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all-fitness-world · 4 months
Greek yogurt 3 ingredient cake
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hardcandy-h · 6 months
every girl in the world should have mug cake ingredients available to her at all times
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geezerwench · 8 months
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Don't forget the potper, egs, and fear!
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fullcravings · 1 month
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3-Ingredient Lemon Crinkle Cookies (Cool Whip Cookies)
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ms-demeanor · 6 months
Hey also you know that post about getting better at cooking and handling meat and stuff?
Meat is really expensive and it goes bad pretty quickly.
If you're a new cook and you're trying to figure out how to pan-fry something so that it tastes good, might I recommend tofu?
I'm not saying "treat tofu like meat and try to replace all your favorite meat dishes with tofu" (though, I mean, if that sounds good - go for it), I'm saying "it's a lot easier to practice heating a pan and flipping objects in a pan for a meal and seasoning objects in a pan when the objects in the pan cost two dollars instead of ten dollars."
Tofu lasts a lot longer in the fridge than meat does, is easy to season, and you can easily learn how to pan-fry it into a tasty snack (or main course) and only requires a little extra prep. You can also pretend that the tofu is raw meat (the texture isn't dissimilar) and start practicing for things like how to take it out of a package or cut it on a sanitizable surface, etc.
My favorite way to cook tofu is to press extra firm tofu for at least half an hour (you can get a cheap tofu press for around ten dollars, or you can put it between two plates with some books on the top plate - this is that extra prep i was talking about - tofu cooks best if you press the excess water out), then slice a 14oz cake of it into 8 slices. I lay these flat and sprinkle cayenne pepper, mushroom powder, and smoked paprika on all of the slices, then I rub it in and flip the slices and season the other side the same way. I cook it in a frying pan with a thin layer of avocado or olive oil over medium heat, flipping every two minutes until the flat sides start to crisp up a little. Just before the last flip I add about a tablespoon of tamari sauce (you can use soy sauce, I've just got allergies) to the pan, sprinkling it over the tofu so that both sides get a little bit of sauce on them.
I have that with steamed vegetables and with jasmine rice (with two teaspoons of rice wine vinegar per 3 cups of dry rice and 4.5 cups of water). I also make a honey-siracha-mayo sauce that I dip the tofu in.
It's really good. And now I end up eating leftover rice and sauce with fried eggs for lunch at least two days a week and that's also really good.
This has become one of my go-to low spoon foods because it's so easy to make, it's filling, it tastes good to me, and it has become extremely easy for me to keep a stock of tofu in the fridge compared to the effort of keeping un-expired meat in the fridge.
I find that a 14oz pack of tofu feeds two adults for one meal, though I can stretch that to three meals if I'm the only one eating.
It makes a very cheap, filling, easy dinner that I can keep the ingredients around for without too much concern for food waste or anything going bad (the tofu that I get lasts about a month in the fridge and these days I just buy three packs every time I'm at aldi and cycle in new stock - it costs $1.50 per pack)
If you're interested in becoming a better cook, rather than worrying about actual high-risk products like raw chicken that can be seriously dangerous and also cost a fair amount, tofu has a pretty low barrier to entry while also being a good way to learn on a new ingredient that has some similar properties to raw meat.
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notskinnyyenough · 5 months
bc you skinny bitches deserves to eat <3
apple & meringue (98 cals)
half an apple (70g)
nuts (5g)
1 egg white (35g)
some stevia
cut the apple and the nuts, put them in a dish that can go in the oven. (personally I like to add cinnamon on it), whip the egg white with some stevia into peaks, then put it on the apple. bake for 15min a 180°C and enjoy !!!
Cookies (recipe is for 20 parts, they're 58 cals per cookies)
low fat yogurt (100g)
honey (10g)
nuts (35g)
oatmeal (30g)
apple (140g)
flour (75g)
salt and cinnamon (as much as you want)
1 egg (70g)
2 bananas (300g)
start by cutting the apple and the bananas and mix them with flour, salt and cinnamon, oatmeal and egg. bake for 20min at 190°C. Cut the nuts, and mix them with yogurt and honey, you can add it on top of the cookie !!
blueberry muffins (my fav!!!) (recipe is for 4 muffins, 57 cals per muffin)
banana (150g)
half an egg (35g)
oatmeal (37g)
baking powder (2.5g)
blueberries (25g)
crush the banana with a fork, add the egg and whip them together, then add the oatmeal and and the baking soda and mix. add the blueberries. bake for 5min at 220°C, then 10min at 190°C
Strawberries/raspberries smoothie (90 cal)
strawberries (100g)
raspberries (100g)
coconutwater (100ml)
lemon juice (5ml)
ice (50g)
put everything inna blender and voila !
chocolat cake (recipe is for 4 parts, 90 cals per parts)
red beans (127g)
oatmeal (17g)
half an egg (35g)
low fat milk (35ml)
low fat cottage cheese (50g)
cocoa powder (8g)
baking powder (2,5g)
add stevia as you like
rinse the red beans 2-3 times so they won't taste in the cake. blend the oatmeal to make it look like flour. mix everything with a blender. put it in a plate and bake for 25min at 180°C
peanut butter cookies (recipe is for like 20 cookies, but one is 56 cals)
dark chocolate (15g)
protein powder (60g)
oatmeal (85g)
peanut butter (40g)
2 bananas (300g)
crush the bananas and cut the chocolate in tiny pieces then mix all the ingredients together in a blender. make little balls and bake them for 12-15min at 180°C
peanut butter energy balls (recipe is for 15-16 balls, 1 is 57 cals)
peanut butter (60g)
cocoa powder (45g)
coconut flakes (30g)
almond powder (20g)
stevia as much as you want
mix everything but the coconut flakes in a blender. then make little balls and roll them in the coconuts flakes. store them in the refrigerator until you eat them
Granola bar (recipe is for 7 bar, 1 is 94cals)
oatmeal (100g)
almond milk sugar free (50ml)
peanut butter (20g)
honey (5g)
banana (150g)
mix everything in a blender, then spread it on a plate and bake for 15min at 160°C. Cut it in bar once it has cooled down
Strawberry sorbet (recipe is for 2 parts, 1 is 52 cals)
strawberries (175g)
water (75ml)
honey (10g)
lemon juice (25ml)
mix everything in a blender until it looks like a puree. put it in the freezer for at leats 3-4 hours then you can eat it !
spinach and feta muffins (recipe is for 3 muffins, 1 is 79 cals)
spinaches (125g)
1 egg (70g)
feta cheese (40g)
salt and pepper as you like
cook the spinach on the stove. then put them in a bowl and add the egg, the feta and salt and pepper if you want and mix together. put the mix in moulds and bake for 25-30min at 160°C
hot chocolate (really my fav drink!!) 95 cals only !!
vanilla bean (0.5g)
water (200ml)
honey (5g)
cocoa powder (20g)
cinnamon powder as you want
in a pot mix the vanilla with the water, the cocoa powder and honey for like 5mins on low heat, then add the cinnamon and enjoy !!
that's it for now, will probably add more later !!!
don't forget you deserve to eat and stay hydrated babes <3
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dsiiress · 19 days
everybody knows that im a good girl officers!
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pairing: . ݁₊ ⊹ .: sukuna ryomen n’ toji fushiguro
synopsis : . ݁₊ ⊹ baking gone wrong! (or maybe right in your case?)
contains: sexual content MDNI, spanking, degradation, full nelson position, double penetration, blah blah blaaaah.. wc: im honestly not even sure
header from: . ݁₊ ⊹: lady k and the sick man
a/n :BABE WAKE UP, DSIIRES FINALLY POSTED 🗣️‼️ but all jokes aside, hii loveliess im back 😊!! i decided to finally post something, and since this was sitting in my drafts, why not post it? i do admit the ending is kind of rushed, so please forgive me🙇🏽‍♀️ but i hope you all enjoy, comments and requests are gladly appreciated! <3
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sweet, sugary, scents of vanilla and cinnamon danced throughout the air as sunlight streamed in through your lace curtains, casting warm, golden hues upon your kitchen countertops.
baking flour dusted your cheeks as a determined glint shined in your eyes, precisely measuring the ingredients for the cake you were baking. it was your best friends birthday, after all. what better way to surprise her than with a home-baked cake?
once the cake pans were safely in the oven, you let out a sigh of relief. this morning had been dedicated to baking, and you were longing for a moment of relaxation. retrieving your cellphone, you settled onto the couch, letting your mind wander as you scrolled away through the screen to pass the time for a few minutes.
but minutes turned into moments, and the once familiar, sweet aroma began to fade away. a faint whiff of something burning wafted into your nose, snapping you out of your current reverie.
panicked, you rushed to the oven, heart pounding in your chest. smoke billowed from the oven, tendrils curling ominously towards the ceiling.
with a gasp, you yanked open the oven door, greeted by a charred mess where your sweets once stood. panicking, you frantically reached for your phone and dialed the fire department.
standing anxiously outside your house, you clutched her phone tightly, desperately awaiting for the distant sound of sirens to signal the arrival of the fire department.
soon enough, the welcoming wail of an approaching engine filled your ears—and within moments, the fire truck came to a brief halt in front of your home. two firefighters emerged from the truck, and as they stepped onto the pavement, their imposing figures caught your attention.
the first firefighter, with a rugged build and striking pinkish hair, exuded confidence as he surveyed the scene. beside him, stood his colleague, tall and commanding with dark black hair, his presence radiating confidence as well as cockiness.
the males strode up to you, their boots echoing against the pavement. the salmon-haired one with distinct facial tattoos— who’s badge read S. RYŌMEN, glared at you with annoyance while his counterpart surveyed the area.
"alright, what's the deal here? we got a call about some sorta emergency, but I'm not seeing any flames. don't tell me we rushed over here for nothin’.” he spoke, his deep voice carrying an air of authority.
the raven-haired officer's— who’s badge read T. FUSHIGURŌ—eyebrows knitted together, his deep, husky, voice tinged with irritation. "are we being pranked here, girl?" he questioned snarkily, his skepticism evident as he glanced around the seemingly ordinary surroundings. however, as you apologized and ushered them inside, their expressions softened slightly, replaced by a mix of curiosity and concern.
as they stepped into the kitchen— their boots leaving faint imprints on the linoleum floor— a wave of smoke greeted them, swirling lazily in the air. the acrid smell of burnt pastries hung heavy, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere in the room. ryōmen coughed lightly, his hand instinctively reaching for the collar of his uniform to cover his nose.
fushigurō sighed heavily as his gaze fixed on the charred remnants of what was once a baking sheet. "well, would you look at that? someone tried playing chef but ended up setting the kitchen on fire," the black-haired officer he muttered, his annoyance palpable in the air as he casually observed the smoke-filled chaos before him.
“i'm so sorry for the false alarm," you apologized, your voice filled with genuine remorse. "I was trying to bake a cake and—well—things got a bit…out of hand…”
the pair exchanged glances, then moved swiftly, their practiced efficiency a stark contrast to the mess you had inadvertently created. they quickly ventilated the room, opening windows and turning on fans to dispel the lingering smoke. as they moved, they checked for any remaining embers or hotspots, ensuring that the fire was completely out and that there was no risk of it reigniting.
as the firefighters continued their work, you couldnt help but stare. their tall, bulked figures were much larger compared to your own. the way you could hear their subtle grunts as they finished up their job…
lets just say, your mind definitely started to wander elsewhere..
ryōmen kneeled down and inspected the oven, his brow furrowing deeper. "looks like yer’ cake batter overflowed and caught fire," he remarked, his voice tinged with frustration. "next time, keep an eye on the oven temperature."
yet of course, you werent paying him any attention listening, too deep in the wet daydream that was playing idly in your mind. the pink-haired officer stood up and cleared his throat, “miss?”
you jumped, his voice snapping you out of the “daydream” you were having. you nodded vigorously, feeling the heat of embarrassment flush your cheeks. "i will—i promise. thank you both so much for coming so quickly."
you hurried to your cupboard to get them some water. rummaging through your cabinets, you managed to find a couple of clean glasses, and filled them with cool water from the tap. when you returned, they were just finishing up, their equipment neatly packed away.
"here," you said, offering the glasses. "please, have some water. it's the least i can do."
fushigurō took a glass with a nod of thanks, while his partner accepted the other with a grin. "thanks," he said, "surprised ya’ didnt burn the water this time…”
you couldn't help but chuckle softly, the tension of the situation easing slightly with the joke. "i try my best," you replied, a small smile playing on your lips. "but m’ really sorry for the trouble. is there any way i can make it up to you both?"you offered, hoping to ease the tension in the room and show your gratitude for their prompt response.
ryōmen glanced at his partner before responding, his expression twisting mischievously.
he placed his glass down as he leaned back on the kitchen table, his tall figure towering over you darkly.
“you said you’re really sorry, hm?” he spoke lowly, his crimson eyes now lowering, gazing onto you.
you nodded eagerly, unsure of what he was implying. “um, well— yes of course-“
the officers lust-laced voice spoke words you doubted you would ever hear…
"then prove it."
so here you were— half-naked in your living room, in a standing full nelson position, sandwiched between the two men that were once standing in your kitchen—now both pounding you silly.
your helpless mewls mixing with the lewd squelches your cunt made filled the empty silence in the room. fushigurō’s long, thickness was so prominent as it kneaded itself against your g-spot, making you fall into a cock-drunk daze.
"that feel good, huh'?", toji muttered, gazing lasciviously into your eyes while supporting your legs high. it was so intimate— but so naughty too, the way he was so filthy..
you nodded in reply, clearly too overstimulated to speak properly. luckily, sukuna was quick to amend your actions—sending a swift, sharp, strike against your ass.
"didn't he ask you a question? say it properly, slut, don't make us waste our breath like you did our time now," he snarled behind you. his strokes were so rugged and mean, much meaner than tojis (which was unsurprisingly fitting for the man), making you whimper breathlessly from the pleasure.
"f-feels s'good tojiiiii—“ you whined out the name in reply, hiccuping. it was true, the way they both grinded against each other, inside of you, leaving you trembling, aching with pleasure. this position requiring them hit harder, deeper, inside of your soaked, throbbing slit— it was too much.
"good fuckin' girl, look at ya'— squeezin' us so tight. yer takin' us so well," fushiguro commented, leaning in for a kiss. his scarred lips passionately met your own, letting out a soft, suppressed groan. he went deeper into the kiss, his tongue dominating your mouth.
his hands gripped your hips tightly, pulling you closer to him as he continued thrusting into you from the front. meanwhile, his counterpart pounded away at your stuffed cunt relentlessly; each stroke sending shockwaves of pleasure through every nerve ending in both your bodies.
you found yourself lost in this sensual haze of double penetration bliss— moaning uncontrollably into toji’s mouth while feeling your hole being stretched to its limits by these two. your entire world consisted of nothing but the rhythmic movement between your legs and the taste of salty sweat on fushigurō's lips as ryōmen whispered dirty nothings into your ear that only fueled your desire even more.
sukuna’s hands gripped tightly onto your hips as he pounded into you harder than before, his breathing becoming ragged in your ear with each passing second. toji followed suit by grabbing one of your legs and lifting it up high enough for him to hit a new angle inside of you— sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout every inch of your being.
“filthy whore— paying your debt with—ngh.. dick,” sukuna began, still thrusting into you, but at a much irregular pace now. “who knew such a seemingly innocent thing like you could be so dirty.. starin’ us, shit, up and down like slabs of meat..”
as the intensity of their movements increased, so did the intoxicating pleasure coursing through your body. you felt like you were on the brink of orgasm yourself— and apparently so did ryōmen and fushigurō. both men let out loud grunts, no longer holding back, and began to thrust deeper. it was painfully clear that they were close to reaching their climaxes.
“damn, m’so fuckin’ close— ya gonna let us cum inside? knock up this— fuck, tight ass cunt of yers’?” toji grunted.
"please," you begged between gasps for air, "cum inside me...need it..so badly.” your voice was hoarse from the countless moans and whines that ehshshsh. your whiny, raspy pleas and helpless cries were enough to send both men over the edge. so, with one final push from fushigurō and a deep moan from ryōmen, both men came inside of you simultaneously - painting every crevice with their warming, sticky ropes of essence.
as they both released inside of you, your body was hit with an overwhelming wave of pleasure unlike anything you had ever experienced. your cunt clenched tightly around their cocks as they emptied themselves into you, milking every last drop from their swollen, pulsating shafts.
your eyes rolled back into your head— a mixture of pain and ecstasy that left you breathless moments afterward. tears streamed down your face from the sheer intensity of the orgasm that coursed through every inch of your limp body.
the room was silent for a moment as the three of you caught your breath. you could feel their cum slowly dripping out of you as the two men pulled out, leaving behind a sticky mess beneath them.
looking up, toji’s lust-filled stare met your own, a small scar-ridden smirk decorating his face. “that was fuckin’ incredible, god,” he said before ryōmen spoke teasingly behind you..
“but you know, theres better ways to get fucked then damn near burning your house down..”
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merakidoll · 2 months
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in which Gojo, Nanami, and Toji love the intimacy dates bring.
warnings : black chubby reader. semi public sex? dom nanami. toji’s women is a baker ( yall already know what’s about to go down ) pet names : baby, princess, love, nana, ! reader calls toji a good boy! overstimulation. SMUT! 17+ thank yew <3
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gojo loved two things. eating, and seeing you dress up in the clothes that he got you. so of course dinner dates where his favorite. he always picked the best restaurants, with the lowest lighting. one, so no one could hear you, and two, so no one could see what the vibration of the panties were doing to you. “what do you want to get love?” his skimmed the expensive menu nodding to himself at all the options. looking up at you, a smirk grew on his lips. your head laying on your arms hmm’s falling from your lips, the vibrating noise tuning everyone out.
“i said what do you want to eat baby?” rising up, your low eyes stared daggers into him, while you shook your head no. gojo took that as a sign and cranked the vibration higher making you gasp loudly, clamping your legs shut even tighter. he rose his eye brow sending a que for you to answer him. “p-pastaaa!” you cried as you came.
dates with nanami are always very small and intimate. it’s usually done in the walls of your home, you both basking in the touches of one another. for todays date it was a reading marathon - well only for the blond haired man. “oh princess, he was the killer!” he sound surprised, his glasses resting on his nose that he was too busy to fix, intrigued with the ending. you on the other hand humped your cunt again his slack covered thighs making a mess on not only him, but the leather reading chair.
you craved his attention, your skin hot for him to pay attention to you and not the stupid book. “n-nana” you whimpered on his shoulder, soft voice causing him to hmm still not paying you any mind. “m-me. p-pay attention to me!” you cried taking your shaky hands and gripping the book throwing it across his office. “that’s not nice” he said sternly. making you raise up as he caressed your cheek. “you wanted my attention? you got it” he grabbed your waist pushing you harder into his thigh. “you’re gonna keep cumming until i tell you to stop”
as baker you loved your job. so a lot of you and toji’s dates revolved around new recipes that you could put in the bakery. this idea for date night came to you in a dream, it was on your mind so heavily that you had to do it. “good boy” a big bowl of chocolate cake batter sat on the counter while toji stood in front of it. his hard length out, small droplets of pre cum getting into your home made recipe but you wanted more.
your squeezed him, slowing pumping all of the cum out. “need more toji” your pouted looking up at him making him make a moany sigh. “o-okay princess” he bit his lip as your jerks got faster. hand becoming cramped, but your kept going already tasting the sweet treat in your mouth that was be just for you. you got in the zone with adding the special ingredient that one load didn’t seem enough- you needed more. toji was slowly losing his mind, overstimulation by the constant cumming and dirtiness of it all. how you were so eager to have your cum cake.
“t-that’s enough princess, i-i need a break”
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emacrow · 3 months
Alfred was about to go on his annual grocery shopping excepted... he didn't count on bringing a baby in a basket home. Pt 1
It was that time again for alfred to get some much needed groceries replenishment as he has noticed a great shrinkage in the food pantry..
Going to his annual favorite grocery store that had his favorite teas, exotic spices and blueberries cheese cake that was to die for.
Collecting 3 carts full of ingredients, food and snacks with the new assistance workers help of a nice young ladies with blue flaming like hair and orange hair.
He was done with his groceries shopping in less then 3 hours and had his groceries helped back in his personal car by the two young workers.
He make sure to tip them extra generously, the young lady with the orange hair look up to him with a almost misty light blue eyes as she cling to the money to her chest.
"Thank you.." She whispered quietly but he heard it well enough as he nods getting in his car and driving back to Wayne Manor. Unaware of a extra basket added in the backseat with other groceries bags.
Once he arrived around 6am in the morning , he picked each groceries bags and brought to the kitchen along side help of sleep deprived Tim who was only here to get his Death wish Coffee espresso that he just ran out yesterday.
He was now just organizing everything in the correct place until there was only the last thing left was in a brown basket..
Tim had just escaped with his freshly brew cup of death coffee.
That was when Alfred heard a distant noise... coming from the basket.
A coo.. that he haven't heard in decades.
A little baby coo.
Alfred walk softly towards the basket as he peek in a bit forward to see a tiny little fluffy of blue baby cap with a small baby suckling onto a galaxy theme pacifier, tiny yet bright blue eyes and a scatter of freckles.
Along with a letter addressed to him as grandfather Pennyworth. Signed by his great great great granddaughter.
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ghostlysoupcan · 2 years
the closest i get to feeling any kind of romance is the homestuck kismet kind for fictional characters like. yeah lets be enemies and fight and have this tension that never gets resolved because we're both too high off the feeling of rivalry and competition to ever stop yet having it built on the foundation of respect and knowing what lines shouldnt be crossed and being helpful and soft or even tender sometimes to immediately turning around and being smug the next in order to drive the other person to better themselves Specifically to get one over on you. for Spite.
and yet, not having it be e.nemies to lov.ers cause they turn into lov.ers at some point and stop being enemies and its like What the Fuck Where is the SPICE WHERE DID IT GO ITS TOO BLAND. YOUVE REPLACED IT ALL WITH FUCKING M I L K
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