at3chnicality · 1 year
The second title I finished for Amazon is now on sale which brings the total up to two! And if you do buy please give me a review to further help the book find it’s audience.
0 notes
onuen · 4 months
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330 notes · View notes
furiousfinnstan · 2 years
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new post on patreon
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capybara-fanatic · 2 years
sold my first ever commission babes
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blackraged · 9 months
MORTAL KOMBAT 1 Thoughts Pt2.
[❌❌contains SPOILERS❌❌]
Continuation from yesterday
Chapter 6
They keep switching between Bromance and Romance for Kenshi and Johnny. Which one is it now???
I adore Johnny being protective of Kenshi, and Kenshi holding onto him while walking.
The way reptile switched from human to lizard, makes it look like he is not actually shape shifting, merely casting an Illusion to seem human.
Nitara is hot and all, love the design, but....who thought it was a great idea to have Megan Fox voice her? No shade but the voice acting is pretty awful.
Kenshi trying to run in with Sento but is pushed back in a comedical way by Ermac SENT ME. I felt so bad but I couldn't stop laughing.
Sento activating in this fight was pretty cool, I will not lie.
Not Jerrod shouting out for Sindel😭😭
Chapter 7
I wonder why Liu Kang didn't get fully rid of Krusty Kronika. Just because he is playing god now doesn't mean she's any harmless. But also wasn't Kronika fully destroyed?
Johnny and Kung Lao trying to knock out Quan Chi in the middle of the street while dressed up in those carneval suits was a sight for sore eyes.
This entire chapter is full of comedic bits, and I'm here for it. We need more stuff like this.
Chapter 8
I like the implication that some things are inevitable, no matter how you think you shaped things differently.
I enjoy Geras and Liu Kang s friendship a lot.
So Liu didn't intend for Kronika to be alive in this timeline after all.
"Father" Is smoke now Bi-Han and Kuais brother??Was he adopted adopted??
Aight but am I the only one who thinks Smoke looks like Elon Musk? Like, for real,, it's freaking me out.
I know Smoke is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal but I keep hearing Troy Baker.
That manipulative parallel from when Shang Tsung was a Merchant still was very clever
Chapter 9
Okay crazy theory, but what if Kronika isn't Kronika, but Alt Shang Tsung in disguise???
Why am I not surprised by the betrayal. Still having hopes that Bi-Han is just bluffing to save Kuai.
Kuai being out for blood is really entertaining. That melting sword scene was so damn cool too.
Scorpion being affected and literally burned by heat somehow doesn't make sense to me. Especially with Subzero seemingly not being harmed by frost and ice. Also Havik recovered from that melt off really fcking fast. Bowing down to you, king.
Bi-Han literally showing up from behind the cold wind was such an amazing entrance. I was even jumpscared a little.
5bucks that new course is the Shirai Ryu
Chapter 10
If the second timeline the ending to aftermath where Shang Tsung won?? If so, that is the coolest decision NRS has ever made so far.
Li Mei is so pretty. I adore her so much.
Have y'all noticed how weird the run animation in this game is. It's so awkward and looks half-assed.
Mileena is such a good fighter but I hate how much she is being babied. I know it's because of Tarkat, but it's kinda silly.
I am very amazed with the character design improvement in this game. I thought MK11 was already damn pretty, but MK1 really put the icing on top. There are so many fine details in the environment and outfits, I am eating this up like desert.
Will hopefully finish the rest of the game tomorrow though! Last and Final thoughts coming in soon!
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daftpatience · 1 year
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this is so cool. went to a bookstore w some friends yesterday and we found a loose LAMY in the stationery section (weirdly, no other LAMYs in sight so it was prob old stock) we found the empty box under the little kiosk (hooray for using my cane to fish stuff outta there) the barrel was nowhere to be found. I just grabbed the thing cus I figured the other half already got swept up and tossed (this was a big chain bookstore so I don't think they'd care)
found a replacement barrel online already (it was like 5bucks plus shipping so yippee) cheapest LAMY I ever got!
95 notes · View notes
karen-chin · 3 months
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goodbye my favorite manga artist
Fuck. First time completely knocked over my watercolor water in 10 years. Internet died.
5bucks CD not bad, how come nobody's seeding
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Buck & Eddie: The Buckley-Diaz Family (Part 4 of 4)
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This post includes CANON detailed character studies and scene analyses from season 5 to illustrate how The Buckley-Diaz Family experienced several challenges during the season but by the end of it, they had overcome several of those challenges. Seasons 2-5 have separate posts and this is part 4 of 4.
This is a long post but it had to be long to fully illustrate all the things that happened with The Buckley-Diaz family during season 5 which starts with Eddie’s panic attacks.
Please note: To fully understand part 4 of this series, parts 1, 2 and 3 should be read first and to learn more about how Christopher Diaz has 2 dads, the link to that post has also been included below.
“Buck & Eddie: The Buckley-Diaz Family (Part 1 of 4)”
“Buck & Eddie: The Buckley-Diaz Family (Part 2 of 4)” 
“Buck & Eddie: The Buckley-Diaz Family (Part 3 of 4)” 
“Buck & Eddie: Christopher Diaz has 2 dads” 
Season 5
Buck and Eddie were in relationships with other people and Eddie had his first panic attack in 5x1 “Panic” while he, Christopher and Ana were inside of a suit store. They were shopping for a suit for Christopher so that they could attend Ana’s sister’s baby christening but when the salesman mistook Ana to be Christopher’s mother, Eddie had a panic attack. He was taken to the hospital and Dr. Salazar, a cardiologist, told him he had a panic attack not a heart attack. He said, “It’s not possible, I don’t panic” and Dr. Salazar said, “Why because you’re a guy?”  Then she asked him all the standard questions about if he’d recently experienced any trauma related incidents or any new stressors. Christopher spoke up and said, “You got shot”, then Ana spoke up and explained how Eddie had been shot by a sniper four months earlier.  Eddie said, “He’s dead and I’m not. I don’t even think about him anymore”. Dr. Salazar said, “It could be called repression” and Eddie said, “Or just moving forward”.   The doctor gave him a pamphlet to read so that he would be able to recognize the symptoms of a panic attack when he was about to have one and even though Eddie took it, he didn’t want to.
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The 118 arrived at the air traffic control tower for a call about a guy named Nick who had a heart attack. He was already on the floor because his manager had been doing CPR on him before the team arrived.  Once everyone was in position, Chimney started doing chest compressions on Nick, while Eddie was supposed to be preparing the defibrillator pads so they could be placed on his chest.  But when Eddie looked at Nick, he immediately started having a panic attack.  He was able to control it so that no one noticed.  He put the pads on Nick and while he was charging the machine, he bumped his leg into Buck’s leg and after Nick came back from being unresponsive, Eddie noticed another guy having chest pains and when he got up, he rubbed his hand across Buck’s shoulder.
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While Buck and Eddie were wheeling a patient into the hospital, Dr. Salazar recognized Eddie and she spoke to him.  She asked him how he was feeling and Buck inquisitively looked at Eddie as if to say, ‘what is she talking about?’  Eddie said he was fine and they continued wheeling their patient in the direction of where they planned to deliver them.  While they were bagging patients with oxygen in the ICU, Buck asked Eddie, “Hey? What was with that doctor on the way in? Why is she asking if you’re alright?”   Eddie replied, “It was nothing. I wasn’t feeling well so she checked me out” and Buck said, “She’s a cardiologist in a hospital. Are you saying you had a heart attack? Then Eddie said, “No, I’m not saying I had a heart attack. I’m saying I had the opposite. I’m saying I didn’t have a heart attack”.  Buck replied, “But you did think you were having a heart attack?” and Eddie said, “Can we just drop this?” Buck got upset and told Chimney and Hen that Eddie didn’t need to be overexerting himself when they asked if they could take over bagging the patients with oxygen for them.
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The Buckley-Diaz Family were together briefly in 5x2 “Desperate Times” during the blackout.  Ana took Christopher to the firehouse so that he could visit with Eddie and to deliver three different kinds of salad for him to eat.  After Eddie greeted them, he picked up Christopher and walked down past the ladder truck and sat Christopher down directly in Buck’s line of sight.  Buck and Ravi joined them and Buck picked up Christopher and hugged him the exact same way Eddie had done a few seconds earlier.  All five of them stood there and then Eddie introduced Christopher to Ravi which caused Christopher to ask Ravi if he was a firefighter.  Ravi explained that he was a probationary firefighter and that caused Christopher to say, “Did you do something wrong?” and Buck replied, “Constantly”.  Everyone got quiet as Ravi waited for Eddie to introduce Ana but he didn’t.  Buck never spoke to, addressed or acknowledged Ana (read blog post: ��Buck & Eddie: Petty Eddie vs. Jealous Buck” to learn more about how Buck and Eddie acted towards each other’s girlfriends) because he kept his eyes focused on Christopher, Eddie and sometimes Ravi.  Ravi asked her if she was Eddie’s wife and Christopher spoke up and said, “Not yet”.  Buck noticed something was wrong with Eddie because he started to look weird so he kept watching him.  Eddie was having a panic attack but he hadn’t told Buck about them yet even though Buck had previously asked him what was wrong with him while they were at the hospital.   After Eddie was able to make himself stop panicking, he mentioned to Ana since it was her first time visiting the firehouse, that Ravi could take her and Christopher on a tour.  He took the salads upstairs to the kitchen but Buck was still curious about the strange way Eddie had been acting.
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The 118 was traveling to an area where animals from the zoo were freely roaming the streets.  Buck asked Bobby why they were called to the scene instead of animal control and Bobby explained how they weren’t available and that’s why they were dispatched to handle it.  Buck tried to tell them about all of the wild animals they have at the zoo which caused Eddie to speak up and say, “He takes Christopher there all the time. He has the whole place memorized”.
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Buck approached Eddie at the firehouse while he was laying on a cot trying to sleep.  He wanted to continue their conversation they had while they were inside of the hospital, after Dr. Salazar recognized Eddie.  He asked Eddie how he was feeling and if he was having any chest pains.  Eddie gave him the side eye and said, “I’m fine Buck” and Buck got angry and said, “People who are fine don’t go see cardiologists. Look man you need to tell me if something is wrong.”  Eddie sat up and said, “Alright. It was a panic attack, not a heart attack. Panic”.  Buck replied, “Since when do you panic?” and Eddie replied, “That’s what I said, I don’t panic. But I did”.  They continued their conversation and Eddie said, “If I’m being honest with myself. I think it was Ana.” and Buck said, “I thought things were great with her”.  Eddie proceeded to tell Buck how Ana was the only woman he had wanted to spend that much time with since Shannon but the idea of having a “ready-made family” with her was what he thought was causing the panic.  Buck said, “So what are you going to do?” and Eddie replied with “Stick it out”.  Buck shook his head and said, “Stick it out. That’s not the way you talk about someone you’re in love with” and Eddie replied, “My kid loves her!” and Buck said, “Is that enough? Eddie, I have been Ana. I know what’s it’s like to be in love with someone who isn’t all the way in, deep down you know it and it hurts. It hurts worse than the truth. So if you don’t want to hurt Ana, you owe it to her to be honest”.  Eddie said it was a lot and Buck got up and said he didn’t have to decide right then because it wasn’t like they were going home anytime soon.
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After the blackout was over, Buck and Eddie were preparing to leave the firehouse and Buck said, “I thought you would be the first one out the door. Does Christopher know you’re coming?” and Eddie replied, “Not yet. I haven’t figured out what I’m going to say when I get home.  To Ana.”  He broke up with her after he got home and she left (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: Breakups-Eddie & Ana vs. Buck & Taylor” to learn more about Eddie and Buck’s first time breaking up with someone).
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Eddie went to Buck’s loft to provide medical treatment to Buck’s eye after Chimney punched him.  They had a conversation about how Buck believed Chimney didn’t know Maddie the way that he knows her and Eddie told him, “Maybe you don’t know her the way he does”.  He continued to explain how Maddie spent a lot of time taking care of Chimney but maybe that wasn’t who she was at the moment because she may be in need of being taken care of by Chimney.
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After leaving the prison to transport a patient to the hospital, Buck and Eddie were held hostage by two escaped convicts.  Originally, they believed they were transporting a prisoner but he was a guard. The men who were dressed like guards were the actual convicts so they commandeered the ambulance with guns and told Buck and Eddie to get out.  The convicts were named Mitchell and Dom and they took their wallets and cellphones from them.  While Buck and Eddie discussed what they thought the convicts wanted, Mitchell took a picture of Christopher out of Eddie’s wallet and said, “Cute kid. Yours? I’m guessing he lives with you at 4995 S. Bedford St” and Buck said, “Hey man don’t…”.  That’s when Dom whacked Buck over the head with the butt of his gun.  They continued on to the hospital and Mitchell told Dom to take Buck with him while Eddie would remain inside of the ambulance with him.  After the police tried to negotiate, Eddie assisted Mitchell so that he could complete his plan of donating his heart to his sick son who was inside of the hospital.  When Mitchell shot himself in the head, Buck thought he’d lost Eddie to a gunshot wound but he learned once he ran outside that Eddie was ok.  Eddie went home after the transplant and rested with Christopher while Buck returned to his loft where his girlfriend was waiting.
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Eddie had a panic attack outside of the hospital when he thought the two children, they went in to save had died in the fire.  When Eddie asked Buck “What are we supposed to do with that?”, Buck replied with, “We put it away and save the next one”. He didn’t try to comfort Eddie.
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Eddie and Hen were having a conversation about her mother’s long-lost love that she met while they were on a call.  Eddie told her Clive and Toni definitely had hooked up and he referenced the telenovelas his abuela watches and how she would be excited to hear about their story.   When Eddie said, “My abuela would eat this up.  She loves a good telenovela.” Buck replied, “Oh cause uh you don’t?  Come on. I know you watch them with Christopher”.  And Eddie said, “That’s how we practice our Spanish”.
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Christopher started having nightmares and Eddie got worried.  He talked to Buck about them and when Buck asked, “So what did the doctor say?” Eddie replied, “One nightmare isn’t necessarily a reason for concern. It could be an isolated incident but…” When Buck said, “But?” Eddie continued, “I don’t think it’s an isolated anything”.   Buck told him that Christopher was missing his mother and Eddie considered that but after he responded, “So much for the most wonderful time of the year, huh?” he walked away. 
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Eddie was trying to figure out how he could help Christopher but after he had a conversation with Carla, he decided he was going to quit (read blog post: “Eddie Diaz: He is a great dad” to learn more about how Eddie will do anything for his son).  She told him that he loved being a firefighter but he had already made up his mind.  Eddie talked with Bobby and announced to Buck, Hen and Ravi that he was leaving the 118.
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Eddie started working as an LAFD Liaison for their Twitter account and he was stationed inside of the dispatch center.  He would workout, have breakfast with Christopher, take him to school and then Eddie would go to work.  Initially it started out ok but as time progressed, Eddie wasn’t getting much sleep.
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The Buckley-Diaz Family had dinner together and Taylor was there too because Buck brought her.  After some light conversation, Eddie got up from the table and took some dishes into the kitchen.  Buck followed him and asked him, “Hey. You ok?” and Eddie said, “Yeah.”  Buck then said, “You look tired.”  They continued and Eddie finally told Buck he needed to “move on” because he had. Buck looked concerned after Eddie said that.
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Eddie assisted the 118 with a rescue of a car that had a bomb attached to it but Josh was mean to him and told him he was a “guest at dispatch”.  He was invited to join the 118 at the bar following their successful rescue but when he arrived, he saw Buck laughing and having fun with the team, so he left and went home. He started isolating himself after that and wasn’t talking to anyone about how he was feeling.
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He was sitting in the kitchen later that night and Christopher came in to check on him.  He asked Eddie if he missed being a firefighter and Eddie replied, “I guess I do” which caused Christopher to ask him why he quit.  He said, “I thought you wanted me to quit” and Christopher responded, “I never said that”. That’s when Eddie said, “You said it was scary for you Chris”. Christopher explained how he knew Eddie was brave and how he could be brave too.  Eddie thought that was all he needed to hear from his son in order to return to the 118 but when he went to Bobby’s house to ask to be transferred back, Bobby told him no and that he needed to go to therapy.  Eddie blew up at Bobby and stormed out of his house.
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Eddie reluctantly returned to therapy, he was given an assignment to complete and when he attempted to do it, he learned all of the people he served with in the Army that he saved from the downed helicopter had died (read blog post: “Eddie Diaz:  He’s going to therapy so that he can be better for himself” to learn more about Eddie’s assignment and therapy).  He lost it and started smashing his furniture with a baseball bat and punching the walls inside of his bedroom with his fists.  Christopher heard the noise over his video game and when he went to check on Eddie, his bedroom door was locked.  Christopher immediately called Buck who rushed over and broke down Eddie’s bedroom door.  When he entered, he called for Eddie twice and after he heard him crying, he rushed over to him.  He asked him what was wrong and Eddie said, “They’re all dead” and Buck said, “Who’s all dead?” and Eddie replied, “Everyone I saved. They’re all dead”.  Buck went to check on Christopher and put him to bed.  He then joined Eddie in the dining room so they could continue their conversation. Eddie explained how he had been given a therapy assignment and when he tried to contact everyone, he learned they were all dead.  He then told Buck, “I’m afraid” and Buck said, “Ok. What are you afraid of?” and Eddie replied, “That I’m never going to feel normal again”.
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After Eddie’s breakdown, The Buckley-Diaz Family was together again because Buck became almost a permanent fixture inside of the Diaz home (read blog post: “Evan “Buck” Buckley: HUSBAND vs. HIMBO” to learn more about how Buck acts like a HUSBAND when he’s with Eddie).  He asked Bobby to come over and stay with Eddie while he took Christopher to school.  Eddie was asleep on the couch and when he woke up from a nightmare, Bobby was there with him.  He asked, “Where’s Chris?” and Bobby told him Buck had taken him to school.  They had a conversation and Eddie said he was ready to stop feeling the way that he was feeling and Bobby told him that his brain was trying to process the trauma.
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After Eddie returned from therapy one day, Buck was still there caring for Christopher.  Buck asked him, “How was it?” and Eddie said, “Usual, crack myself open for fifty minutes, walk out feeling like I was hit by a bus”.  Buck said, “I think that means it’s working”.  Then Eddie asked Buck, “Where’s Chris?” and Buck said, “He’s in his room doing his homework.”  Eddie noticed two drawings were on the table and he picked them up.  He said, “Chris drew this?” and Buck replied, “Uh, no. That one’s mine. I misunderstood the assignment” (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: Buck Misunderstood the Assignment” to learn more about the assignment). His drawing was of a heart with a smiley smirk on it while Christopher’s drawing was of an anatomical heart. Eddie asked Buck if he thought it was worth it, not the therapy but their jobs.  The things they do that make them need therapy and Buck just listened. He started trying to think of a way to help Eddie (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie vs. Hen & Chimney: Relationship vs. Friendship” to learn about the difference between Buck and Eddie’s partnership when compared to Hen and Chimney’s).
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Buck asked Taylor to help him find someone when he returned to his loft.  He wanted to locate Charlie, the boy Eddie and Buck went to save on the day of The Shooting in 4x13 “Suspicion”.  The Buckley-Diaz Family went on a family outing to Equine Therapy because Buck took Eddie and Christopher there so that Christopher could see the horses and so that Eddie could see Charlie. Buck tried to bring up The Shooting but Eddie turned his head to show that he wasn’t ready to discuss it (read blog post: “Eddie Diaz:  He’s going to therapy so that he can be better for himself” to learn more about the traumas Eddie hasn’t discussed in therapy yet).
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There was a fire at the dispatch center and Eddie called it in.  Once the 118 and other firehouses arrived on the scene, Bobby was the Incident Commander and he asked Sue how many people were left inside.  When he asked her if May made it out ok, she said she forgot that she put her and Claudette in the quiet room.  Bobby turned to Eddie and told him to get some turnouts.  Once he had them, Bobby told him to work with Buck.  It was the first time they had worked together as partners since before 5x5 “Peer Pressure” after Chimney left and Eddie was partnered with Hen while Buck was partnered with Ravi.
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Eddie and Buck had a conversation about Eddie going to visit his parents while they were inside of Christopher’s bedroom.  Buck said, “As someone who also comes from a screwed up family”, Eddie quickly replied, “My family’s not screwed up. Just my dad”.  Eddie and Christopher went to El Paso and Buck remained in L.A. Taylor betrayed Buck after she made a promise to him that she wouldn’t run the Jonah story but she did it anyway (read blog post: “Evan “Buck” Buckley:  Promises are very important to him” to learn more about promises and their importance in Buck’s life).
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While repairing the walls in Eddie’s bedroom, Buck told Eddie about the problems Bobby had since he hired Jonah.  Eddie said, “Taking responsibility for something he didn’t do wrong. It’s a bad road to go down. You lose sight of things, who you are.”  Then Buck replied, “I just wish I could…” and Eddie interrupted him with, “Fix it?” and Buck said, “Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m the guy who always wants to fix everything”.  Eddie then said, “Hey, it comes in handy when you have a bunch of holes in your wall.”  Eddie changed the subject and Buck started explaining how angry he was with Taylor since she ran the Jonah story.  Eddie told him that he shouldn’t let all that anger build up because if he did, he would explode.  Buck returned to his loft after he and Taylor had been avoiding each other.  He broke up with her because he said he didn’t want to keep making the same mistakes.
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When Eddie was preparing to return to the 118, Christopher told him, “Talking about it makes it less scary”.  The season ended with Eddie walking next to Buck as they proceeded to the trucks along with the rest of the 118.
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The season started with Buck and Eddie in relationships with other people. Eddie was still dating Ana but he started having panic attacks at the thought of her becoming Christopher’s stepmother which according to him, during his conversation with Buck in 5x2 “Desperate Times”, it would have made them a “ready-made family” and he said he wasn’t ready for that.   When they were at the hospital and Eddie was talking to the cardiologist, it appeared Ana suspected something was wrong within their relationship because of the look on her face when Eddie said, “Nothing, it’s been great right?” in 5x1 “Panic”.  This was after the doctor asked him if he’d had any new stressors.  Based on the number of panic attacks Eddie had and when they occurred, it appears Ana was only a trigger not the underlying cause because she wasn’t even there for his second and fourth panic attacks. He had one at the air traffic control tower while he was at work and he had his fourth attack in 5x8 “Defend in Place” and that was long after he had already broken up with her (read blog posts: “Eddie doesn’t panic. OK!” and “Buck & Eddie: Eddie panics about losing Buck” to learn more about Eddie’s panic attacks and the possible cause of them).  When they were at the air traffic control tower Eddie was probably having a flashback to The Shooting because Nick looked like Buck did the day Eddie got shot.  He had his third attack when Ana and Christopher showed up at the firehouse and Buck joined them with Ravi.  
Buck was still dating Taylor and even though she was spending a lot of time at his loft, he still made spending time with Christopher a priority.  Eddie told Chimney, while the 118 was on their way to capture animals that got out of the zoo in 5x2 “Desperate Times” during the blackout, “He takes Christopher there all the time, he has the whole place memorized”.  It’s obvious Buck loves Christopher just like Eddie does and it showed when Ana and Christopher arrived at the firehouse. Eddie picked Christopher up and hugged him and a few seconds later, Buck picked up Christopher and hugged him just like Eddie had done a few seconds earlier (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: Christopher Diaz has 2 dads” to learn more about the identical ways Eddie and Buck parent Christopher).  After Eddie and Buck had a conversation about Eddie’s panic attacks and his relationship with Ana, Eddie decided to break up with her.  Since he said he was going to “stick it out” it seemed like the only viable option for him because he wasn’t all in and she probably wasn’t either.  Neither of them was willing to talk about all of the red flags that were present within their relationship (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: Buck & Eddie’s Kitchen Scene vs. Their Kitchen Scenes with Ana and Taylor” to learn more about the issues in their relationships).  
There weren’t any additional Buckley-Diaz Family moments included in the remainder of 5A but Buck and Eddie had several moments together that included some important conversations.  Eddie’s comment to Buck in 5x4 “Home and Away” about Maddie needing to be taken care of made it seem like he was trying to tell Buck that he needed to be taken care of too.  He was struggling after The Shooting but he kept trying to hide it.  Also when Eddie was leaving the hospital in 5x6 “Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1” he looked at Buck like he wanted him to follow him but he didn’t.  Buck didn’t try to help Eddie with his panic attack in 5x8 “Defend in Place” and it illustrated how the distance between them since The Shooting had continued to widen.  Even though they had a conversation about Christopher’s nightmares in 5x10 “Wrapped in Red”, Eddie looked like he wanted Buck to step in like he’d done in the past to help him make a decision but he was still with Taylor. Eddie quit the 118 without talking to Buck about it but he did talk to Carla about his feelings.
Eddie started his new job in 5x11 “Outside Looking In” but the longer he stayed there, he looked like he wasn’t enjoying it.  He wasn’t sleeping and he started to look worn down.  He invited Buck for dinner and he brought Taylor with him. Eddie was looking at Buck eat the food he cooked like he was trying to impress him.  When Eddie told Buck to “move on” because he had, it’s obvious he didn’t mean it because of how he reacted after he saw Buck having fun at the bar. Eddie continued to isolate himself and he wasn’t talking to anyone about how he was feeling.  After Christopher told Eddie that he didn’t tell him to quit the 118, Eddie tried to get his job back but Bobby said no and ordered him to go to therapy. Bobby could tell by Eddie’s appearance that he wasn’t ready to return to work but Eddie told him he wanted to come home.
While Eddie was struggling, Buck was too but his struggle was different.  Instead of isolating himself, he reverted back to being Buck 1.0 when he allowed Lucy to kiss him and he kissed her back.  He was still in a relationship with Taylor so he shouldn’t have allowed her to kiss him.  He should have ducked and told her that he had a girlfriend but he didn’t.  He continued spiraling after he asked Taylor to move in with him instead of admitting what he did wrong.  Then he actually let her move her stuff into his loft and finally told her what he did.  She said he trapped her but he didn’t see it that way.  They still didn’t trust each other but Taylor forgave him and they said there wouldn’t be any more lies between them. Buck and Taylor’s relationship wasn’t working because they couldn’t trust each other. It was evident throughout the entirety of 5A that their relationship wasn’t working but they both kept clinging to each other. Even after Maddie returned in 5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia”, Buck lied to her and said he loved Taylor even when she tried to get him to admit the truth behind why he asked Taylor to move in with him.  Maddie and Buck said they were a pair because they both cling to people.
Eddie had allowed all of his trauma related experiences to pile up and the top blew off his emotional box just like Frank told him it would.  He had a breakdown and Christopher heard some of it.  He called Buck and he rushed over to help both Diaz boys. Buck broke down Eddie’s bedroom door and entered.  He was panicked at the thought of Eddie having hurt himself but he was a bit relieved when he heard Eddie crying.  After they talked, Buck stepped in like he’s done in the past and helped Eddie by taking care of Christopher.  He even made sure that Eddie would be taken care of whenever he would be away for any amount of time.  It’s obvious that Buck called Bobby in 5x14 “Dumb Luck” and asked him to come over while Eddie slept so that he wouldn’t wake up alone.  Who else would have called, Christopher?  Nope, Buck is the only logical choice because Christopher would have called Pepa or someone else (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: Bobby already knows how much Buck loves Eddie” to learn more about how Bobby probably knows about Buck and Eddie).  Buck even did a quid pro quo transaction with Taylor to help Eddie.  He went to his loft and asked her to find Charlie but she wanted him to do something in return to which he replied “No!”.  After Buck learned where Charlie was, he organized a Buckley-Diaz Family outing to Equine Therapy.  He took Eddie there so that he could see Charlie and Christopher so that he could see the horses.
Buck and Eddie were partnered to fight the dispatch fire in 5x16 “May Day” and they hadn’t been partnered together since before 5x5 “Peer Pressure”.  After the fire, Eddie went to El Paso to reconcile with his father while Buck was still in L.A.  Buck spoke with Chimney, Hen and Taylor about the Jonah situation and he asked Taylor to promise him that she wouldn’t run the story but she did it anyway.  Buck helped Eddie repair the walls in his bedroom (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: Buck said, “This is Eddie’s house, I’m not really a guest” to learn more about how Buck will probably become a permanent resident at Eddie’s house) and they talked about the guilt Bobby was feeling over hiring Jonah and Buck avoiding Taylor. Buck broke up with her after he finally defined what love meant to him (read blog post: “Buck & T@ylor: Here’s why they are headed for a break-up” to learn what Taylor did wrong).  Eddie returned to the 118 and he was back to being Buck’s partner again.
The Buckley-Diaz Family ended the season in a place where they were almost back together again like they were in season 3.  There’s still a lot for them to discuss but they are working on it.  Eddie and Christopher are still in therapy but Buck hasn’t mentioned his sessions with Dr. Copeland since season 4.  Buck and Eddie need to discuss all of their shared traumas including The Well, The Shooting, The Will, The Hostage Situation and Eddie’s Breakdown (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: The Will & Legal Guardianship” to learn more about how they aren’t ready to discuss it yet).  It’s been more than a year since The Shooting happened and the two times Buck’s tried to talk to Eddie about it in 5x2 “Desperate Times” and 5x14 “Dumb Luck”, Eddie avoided the subject.  
Will the showrunners, writers and producers allow them to finally discuss The Shooting in season 6?  Will Frank be the therapist they use so that both of them can visit the street where it took place like he did with Maddie in 3x10 “Christmas Spirit”?  How much longer will the audience have to wait for them to talk about all of their shared trauma related issues?  Only those in charge of the show can answer those questions.
All four blog posts are active and can be read in sequence. If The Buckley-Diaz Family scenes continue in season 6, the next portion of this series will be posted sometime after that season ends.
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lille-rcord · 1 year
Wed, 14 Dec 2022
my first log here is about me telling you what has happened today.
today's morning was somewhat normal. well... if you'd overlook the fact that me randomly woke up at 11pm-ish after fell asleep at 6pm as then went back sleep a couple of hours later only to wake up at 5am for morning prayer. at least thats pretty much what i remember. i didnt get a blink of sleep since.
morning was meh. i got to do morning walk with mom to nearby 24h cvs to buy sugar, cup ramens, a family sized white bread, kewpie mayo, and bottled chili sauce. kewpie mayo was an impulsive buy since they offered a bogo sale. idk whether it was a good decision or not. we bought 2 cup ramens from different brands, thought we could compare and see which ones tastier.
we went home, i proceed to cook the cup ramen and pan-toasting a slice of bread with grated chocolate. the bread took the cherry by a miles, i didnt know a warm toasted bread smothered with melted choco could be so comforting. but the calories and gluten were haunting.
around 9am-ish i got a message from uni that said my yudisium was scheduled on 10:30, and i was like bruh why is this announcement came out of nowhere?? i told mom about this, asking for her help to quiet down anyone cause i got yudisium to attend. mom was delighted. the event was something we've waited so long since my thesis defence. she was like "oh i havent ordered those graduation sash, if only you told me earlier... " yes, i always oppose to the idea of buying it cause i see no need for that thing, yes its a once in a lifetime event but i do just fine without it. it only serves as decoration purpose anyway and it costs quite a lot of money. ive been well aware of how sensitive our economy has been, we practically have debt left and right its getting harder to breathe each passing day. so why should we buy that thing?
so then, mom made the sash from papers. she wrote my name on it along with my newly obtained degree behind my full name and proceeded with coloring it with highlighters. she made a couple of mistakes on placing the punctuations. i cant imagine how proud she was, her only child graduated college after so longg, also her child being the first one to gradute college among her cousins from mom side of the fam. when i had done attending the event i hug her and gave news that my final gpa is 3.85 out of 4.00, i'm 0.05pts short compared to my lifetime rival cousin. she forced me to take photos, smiling and posing with her handmade sash:')
then my old bro came home, much later than usual. mom told him the news abt me graduating. would have been a lie if i didnt expect some sort of present from him but we've been very disappointed after what happened two weeks ago.
later on the evening we called dad to convey the news. i asked him for some money cause i want to buy a handcream. the one my friend got me was really nice but it wasnt as hydrating as i wanted it to be, kinda felt underwhelmed with the effect, mind you it was a body shop product. it comes with price higher than my roof. so i want to buy another from different brand, korean, this time. shouldnt be surprised when he didnt give me anything and told me to be patient *sigh*. anw i had a blast talking with dad, sure its quite sad, so sadd cause i wanted to buy something for only 5bucks for my graduation present yet i wouldnt get it till idk when.. probably till i forget i ever want it.
lianne, logging off.
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lucifer-kane · 2 years
New leggings I bought at Walmart (5bucks) and a lil outfit with them bc I can finally wear a skirt without bare legs
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rusted-sun · 4 months
does anyone wanna see the cute tiger rug i just got for 5bucks
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ispeaktoomuc-h · 1 year
first time hearing gunshots in the neighborhood & 5bucks says its only b/c the jags might be going to the playoffs lol
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beherelongtime · 1 year
Them's Fightin' Herds WINTER HOLIDAY ART PACK is out NOW!
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Hello yall! I was busy doing the first ever art pack project, and it's out now. You can see mine and other great artists' art works dedicated to TFH characters enjoying winter holidays in this art pack. So please consider buyng it if you are interested
Selling it on itch.io for 5bucks
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lonespektr · 2 years
Oct 24th Guillermo Del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities E 1
Lot 36 & Graveyard Rats
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Tim Blake Nelson plays a disgruntled white vet during the Bush Sr. Administration who listens to con talk radio and is mean to senior citizens latinas
He is broke in debt and buys random storage units for cash
He lands a unit in which inevitably nazi gold but also occult shit
Gets a lead from a nice guy (which he is ungrateful for) to a real collector instead of a 5 and dime because he is on the hook for big money and somebody roughed him up in the storage unit lot (loan shark goon)
Takes a seance table and 3 volumes which turn out to be peak occult shit to the buyer who in turn calls another buyer who will pay BIG money more than anybody would need back in year whatever access a fuck ton today
To locate vol no 4 and sell the whole set (even though the first three he is like 92% square with the loan shark tbc he still has an entire unit to sort through he could sell the other shit for 5bucks a pop till he made the difference he there was plenty with the 3 books to cover even with his tight deadline
They go back to the until to find book no 4 on the way the buyer talks the history of the books which include a missing sister
They bang around in the unit find a secret room (smol) it is a storage until
Containing none other then book no 4 the corpse of the Sister carrying a demon locked in a , you guessed it pentagram trap which as we all know requires a salt circle
The buyer warns him off choosing the circle, taking the book ( now that he sees it is being currently used to lock down a demon ) but of course he wants money and the demon busts out
Classic moralistic tale
TBN is his classic jaded asshole who hints at vulnerability just below the surface
The graphics are solid the intro has elaborate on theme cabinet of mystery figurines and leather bound volumes
Background on the show it's an anthology series completely different era, concepts, directors,
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how am i getting roxies for 5bucks
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theaverageshooter · 4 years
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The coolest stamp I’ve ever paid for. . #5bucks #nfa #sbr #freesbr #nostamp #excluded #c96 #mauser #wwi #ww1 #german @weaponsfanatics @weaponspromo @weaponsdaily @weaponusa @the_greatest_weapons @firearms @gunsdailyusa @gunfanatics @gunsdaily @gundosellc @guns_fanatics_ @fuckyeahguns @brownellsinc @2agun @gunfreaks @bossweapon (at Fayetteville, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAgguPnJXb7/?igshid=hu2heodjz72a
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