ghoul-haunted · 1 year
'if you hate inquisition so much why are you playing it,' do not underestimate how badly I want to fuck cullen, also it's almost good. like, the mission pacing sucks but if you rearranged the order of the main quests a bit and made trespasser in the game proper instead pulling a dead rising 4 (derogatory) and making it a dlc, it's almost good. if trespasser had been in the base game on release, it literally would have been alright. a solid 70 on a hundred point scale.
that said, the parts of it that are bad are astoundingly bad and it's partially because the game is trying to be both a linear story to set up d4 and an open world rpg.
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 22}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Occasional surprise chapters could be posted at miscellaneous times. Chapters will be posted on both my and Shelby’s blogs! >> @snelbz​​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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Cassian was happier than he ever thought he’d be.
Over the past few weeks, he, Nesta, and Nyx had really become their own little family. It seemed that after all the heartache, after all the awkwardness, everything was falling into place. 
Since that night they had slept together, again, Cassian had spent every night with Nesta in her bed, and awoken to her face every morning. 
Cassian had been training his replacement at the bar, and the opening of his bar in Nesta’s restaurant was quickly approaching. 
Everything was going perfectly. 
It was a Saturday and both he and Nesta had off, which meant they got the rarity of spending the entire day together, just the three of them. 
And it was Halloween.
There was a little Halloween carnival going on downtown, just outside of the Rainbow along the Sidra. 
And although Cassian was happier than he ever thought he’d be, he did feel completely and utterly ridiculous as he looked in the mirror and saw his reflection, dressed in the Halloween costume that Nesta had bought for him. 
It could have been worse, he decided, donning the floppy hat it had come with. He didn’t have paint all over his face and he wasn’t dressed as a dog, like Rhys had been the year prior. Just a smidge of eyeliner Nesta had coerced him into letting her put on him. And he may only have one hand, thanks to the “hook” he had to wear, but at least he had a bad ass looking sword.
Even if it was plastic.
Nesta appeared in the doorway, wearing a green dress and matching slippers, complete with white balls of fluff adorning the toes. “You about ready to go, Captain Hook?”
He slowly turned to look at her. “Is it the hair? Hmm? Are you one of those girls where long hair automatically means pirate?”
Nesta raised a brow as she crossed her arms. “Are you complaining?”
Cassian blinked. “These leather pants are so tight that I don’t think my balls are going to survive the day.” 
Nesta’s grin was feral. “I promise to make it up to the boys once we’re back home.”
Cassian’s eyes narrowed. “Tease.” 
“Not a tease,” she crooned. “A promise.”
She gave him a wink before leaving the room and walking down the hall. After a curse about how turned on he now was, Cassian followed. 
At the bottom of the stairs in the living room, Nyx was standing up in his little Peter Pan costume. Cassian laughed, quietly. “You put the poor kid in tights.” 
“He looks adorable!” Nesta hollered, from where she had disappeared in the kitchen. 
Nyx looked at Cassian for a moment, slightly confused, but then recognition lit his eyes and he giggled, reaching up for his uncle. The second Cassian picked him up, Nyx was playing with his floppy hat. 
“Pretty damn cute, alright,” Cassian said, chuckling. “Ready, Nes? Bands start playing soon. A couple of local bands I know will be playing, I think you’ll like them.”
Nesta swept out of the kitchen with a tiny cooler bag full of water, juice, and snacks. “Then let’s get going.” 
After a short ride and a short walk, they entered the carnival and spotted Elain, Azriel, and Seph sitting in the grass, listening to the music. Azriel was dressed as Tigger, Elain was Pooh, and Seph was the cutest Piglet they had ever seen.
Cassian plopped down by Azriel and chuckled. “And I thought my costume was bad.”
Azriel looked over at him. “Shut up, Captain Jack.”
Cassian gasped indignantly. “I’m Captain Hook, you heathen.” He held up his left hand and shook the cheap, plastic hook in his face. “Get your pirates straight.”
The cousins were instantly squealing at each other, Seph having recently started crawling and Nesta couldn’t help but smile down at them as she sat next to Cassian. He slung an arm around her and pulled her into him, kissing the top of her head.
Nesta looked at Elain and caught her small smile, even though she tried to turn away before her older sister caught her. “What?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
Elain shook her head, but that smile was still on her face. “Nothing.”
“Tell me,” Nesta said, leaning forward to see her around Cassian and Azriel.
“It’s just…” Elain blinked and Nesta could’ve sworn she saw tears shimmering in her sister’s eyes. “It’s just nice to see you happy.”
Nesta stilled for a moment. Was she happy? She supposed she was. It had all happened so quickly that Nesta hadn’t hardly realized.
She was happy. 
Judging from his laughter with Azriel, and the way his fingers brushed along her skin, Nesta assumed that Cassian was happy, too.
“It’s a good thing, you know,” Elain whispered, when Nesta said nothing. “A very good thing.”
Nesta remained quiet, but she leaned into Cassian’s side with a little smile of her own.
The music began to play, and Nyx was having the time of his little life. He stood and danced, having no idea what was going on, but loving every second of it.
There were small tents set up around the carnival, passing out candy and other little toys and treats for the kids. Helion was there, at a tent sponsored by Nesta’s restaurant, handing out cookies and brownies she’d spent the past few days baking. Nesta had always loved Halloween, and having Nyx to enjoy it with made her love it all the more. They walked around while the bands continued to play, Nyx’s little bucket filling up with more candy and treats than the little boy could ever eat. Cassian ensured Nesta that it would not go to waste, but she just rolled her eyes.
“You know, I’ve always been a fan of Tinker Bell,” Cassian said, while they were eating candy apples.
Nesta looked at him, brow raised. “Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for Hook.”
Cassian chuckled, looking at Nyx while he nibbled on some goldfish that Nesta had packed in the cooler bag. “And what about Cassian?” Cassian asked. “Are you a fan of him?”
Nesta laughed, softly. “Are you asking me if I like you, Nazari?”
Cassian’s eyes lit with amusement. “I care about you, Nesta. That’s what I’m saying.”
The words she longed to say got stuck in her throat. The truth she’d wanted to tell him since his birthday over a month ago, when they’d finally succumbed to their desire for each other. But she wouldn’t. She couldn’t, not here, not right now, with strangers around them. Elain and Azriel weren’t far, but…
Something about those words. She wanted it just to be the two of them.
So Nesta chose to smirk instead, reaching over and rubbing caramel off his cheek. “You aren’t half bad, I guess.”
He sighed, dramatically, looking up into the sky. “I knew it, you’re only in it for the sex.”
“Cassian!” She blushed furiously, hoping no one had overheard him.
Grinning, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. Nyx threw a goldfish at them, hitting Cassian in the side of the face.
Nesta couldn’t stop her laughter as she pulled back.
Even after a month, Nyx didn’t like Cassian kissing her. The fit he threw the first time he’d seen them kiss on the couch while he was playing with his toys on the floor and they watched a movie would go down in history as the worst meltdown the two of them had seen.
Nesta thought his continued, but lessening, tantrums were hilarious. Cassian could only roll his eyes.
“Was that necessary?” Cassian asked.
“Da,” Nyx said, popping a goldfish into his mouth. It was the closest thing he’d come to yes thus far.
“He used to like me, you know,” Cassian said, looking at Nesta, “before the two of us were together.”
Nesta shrugged. “He’s protective, what can I say?”
“You can say, to him, that you like it when I kiss you,” Cassian replied.
Nesta laughed as Nyx threw another goldfish at Cassian. “He’s smart, Cass. He may be a baby, but he knows you’re talking smack over here.”
“I would never talk smack about a baby,” Cassian said, taking a bite of his caramel apple. “Even if it’s true.”
It wasn’t too much later that Nyx was falling asleep, his little, green cap long forgotten and tucked into the pocket of Cassian’s obnoxious coat. He gently rubbed Nyx’s back as he slept on the blanket they’d laid out on the lush grass. Footsteps and a groan alerted him to Azriel’s presence as he sat down next to Cassian. Seph, in a carrier strapped to his chest, had been asleep for nearly an hour already. Cassian couldn’t help but smile at his brother and niece.
“So you two are actually making this work, huh,” Azriel said, smiling down at Nyx.
Cassian’s laughter sounded as if even he had a hard time believing it. “I guess so. It’s just…so easy with her.”
“I get it. I completely get it,” Azriel said, looking at something over Cassian’s shoulder, and from the way his eyes softened, he knew his brother’s gaze had found Elain.
“I think she feels the same way,” Cassian said. “She’s hard to read, though. Easier than she used to be - thank the Mother - but sometimes… I just want to grab her by the shoulders and ask her what the hell is on her mind.” 
Azriel snorted. “Nesta is…”
When he didn’t complete his sentence, Cassian raised an amused brow.
“An interesting woman,” Azriel finished, at last.
Cassian laughed, quietly. “Yeah, she is. But, that’s what I like about her. She’s not a surface-level person, you know? She’s like an onion.”
Azriel blinked. “An onion?”
Cassian nodded. “A lot of layers.” 
Azriel laughed, quietly. “I would keep that one to yourself. Not sure how Nesta would feel about being called a vegetable that makes you cry.” 
Cassian chuckled, and shrugged. “I think it sounds nice.”
Azriel grinned and looked down at Seph. “Do you see it working out long term, then?”
“You make it sound like a legal document,” Cassian replied, snorting.
Azriel shook his head. “Fine. I’ll ask it simpler, then. Do you love her?”
He hesitated. “It’s only been a month.”
“And?” Azriel asked. “You’ve lived together for half a year. You've known her for over five years.”
Cassian was quiet. He contemplated Azriel’s question, watching the gentle rise and fall of Nyx’s breathing. “I don’t know.”
“You still think Rhys and Feyre didn’t know what they were doing when they set you up all those years ago?”
Looking up at Azriel, Cassian wasn’t expecting to find him smiling softly. “I still think they were bat shit insane,” he chuckled. “But… No. I get it now. They… They just wanted to give us the chance to be as happy as they were.”
“And are you?” Azriel asked, curiosity on his face.
Cassian looked around, finding Nesta laughing with Elain and Mor and Emerie and Gwyn. The smile as he watched her wasn’t faked. “Yeah. I am.”
Azriel’s smile was as genuine as his own. “Then I think you know.”
It had been a good day, and an even better night. 
Nyx fell asleep in his carseat on the way home, and Nesta had gotten him out of his costume and into a fresh diaper and pajamas without him hardly stirring. After that, when Nesta meandered into her bedroom, she found a half-dressed pirate with a mischievous glint in his eye. He had made a show of taking Nesta’s costume off with his hook, which had her unable to stop the wide smile, the giggling, that escaped her control. 
It was all sweet, adorable play until his lips found her skin, and then Nesta’s giddiness faded away as complete euphoria took control of her body. 
They laid together as Halloween faded away and November 1st approached. Nesta’s fingers danced over his bare chest. 
“Today was a fun day,” she said, quietly, as she watched her fingers move along his tattoos. 
“It was,” he murmured, already half asleep, his arm wrapped around her, tucking her into his side. He had spent most of his day chasing down Nyx, while Nesta had watched, a smile on her face, as Elain took picture after picture. She’d promised to email the best ones to Nesta as soon as she’d edited them.
She could tell Cassian was exhausted as she looked up into his handsome face, the eyeliner still smudged under his eyes. Sensing her gaze on him, he cracked an eye open and looked at her. “What?”
She shook her head, laying it back down on his chest. “You still have make-up on,” she chuckled.
“What?” He asked. “You don’t think I look pretty?”
Snorting, she nestled into his warm body, settling as his calloused fingers scraped over bare waist. She felt his lips press against the top of her head and in that moment, she realized that this was how it was supposed to be. Nothing had ever felt as…right as this did. As being with him did.
He grunted in answer, and Nesta realized he was just about asleep.
She decided not to reveal the bit of truth she’d been about to, not when he very well might not remember it the next day.
Instead, she settled her head back on his chest, and said, “I had fun today.”
He mumbled something that sounded like me too, but within seconds, his breath had evened out, and he was asleep.
She wouldn’t reveal that bit of herself, not tonight. But tomorrow…
Tomorrow, she would tell him.
And she prayed he felt the same way.
It was hardly after eight when Nesta woke up and found Cassian beside her, in bed, with a sleeping Nyx on his chest. He was scrolling through his phone, his back propped up against the headboard, his sweatpants nearly blending into the navy blue comforter. 
Nesta blinked a few times before she yawned and said, “Good morning.”
Cassian’s eyes darted away from his phone, to her. He smiled. “Good morning. Little man woke up about an hour ago. Fell asleep again five minutes ago or so. Apparently he got worn out yesterday.”
Nesta chuckled. “I’d say so.”
“I was going to put him in his crib but he seems comfortable,” Cassian said. “I can, though, if you want me to make breakfast.”
Nesta shook her head as she propped herself up on her elbows. “That’s okay. I can make breakfast. I was in a french toast type of mood.” 
“Sounds good,” Cassian crooned, and Nesta reached up to kiss him, softly, before dragging herself out of bed. After slipping on some cozy shorts and one of Cassian’s oversized t-shirts, she was headed downstairs. 
Sunday mornings were her favorite, nowhere for either of them to be. Just time together and time with Nyx. She was humming quietly to herself after she’d made a pot of coffee, pulling what she needed to make French toast and bacon out of the fridge when there was a sudden knock on the front door.
Nesta froze, listening to ensure she had in fact heard—
Another knock, just as insistent as the first.
“Was that the door?” Cassian was carrying Nyx downstairs, the baby’s pacifier barely staying in his mouth as he sleepily leaned his head on his uncle’s bare shoulder.
“Yeah,” she replied, eyebrows furrowing as she reached the door and opened it.
Nesta froze as she found Alis Birch on the other side.
“Ms. Archeron, good morning,” she said, eyeing her choice of attire.
“Ms. Birch, good morning. What a surprise,” she said, trying not to panic.
“I hope it’s a good time,” she said, looking past Nesta to see what chaos she could find. “This is the last of my surprise visits.”
“I see,” Nesta said, then cleared her throat as she stepped aside. “Come in, please.”
Alis did not need to be told twice. She swept past Nesta and into the foyer, where Cassian caught sight of her. He stopped as their eyes met, and he hesitated.
“Ms. Birch,” he said, as if it were a pleasant surprise. “Nice to see you again.”
“You too,” she said, looking at Nyx. “Big Halloween, was it?”
“Fun Halloween,” Cassian corrected. “We were at the carnival downtown for most of the day. He had a blast.”
Alis nodded, but said no more.
“Have a seat,” Nesta said, gesturing to the living room furniture. “Please.”
Alis sat in a chair while Cassian carefully and slowly sat back on the couch, Nesta sitting beside him.
Before anyone could say anything else, Alis said, “The two of you have become intimate.” 
Nesta swallowed roughly while Cassian could only blink. After a moment, she collected herself. “I—We…”
“It’s fairly recent,” Cassian admitted, taking over when it was clear Nesta was floundering.
She wanted to demand how she could tell, but she was very clearly wearing his shirt while he wore nothing at all, aside from his sweats. They were cooking breakfast while the baby dozed. It was all so…domestic.
Alis would have been blind not to notice it.
She hummed once before opening her notebook and scribbling a few notes down. “The two of you have come a long way in a few months then, since you were barely even friends the last time I was here.” She threw Nesta’s own half-drunk words into their faces.
“Things have changed,” she breathed, yearning to reach over and take Cassian’s hand, but not wanting to look weak in front of the woman.
The woman who controlled whether or not they’d be keeping Nyx.
“So, this is not a fling, then?” Alis asked.
Cassian opened his mouth, but it was Nesta who politely said, “I’m sorry, but I’m not sure how our romantic life is an appropriate topic-.”
“Oh, it is most appropriate,” Alis assured them both. “If this is nothing but a fling, it could create a lot of drama in the home, which could in turn affect Nyx’s well being. However, if this is love, something that will become steadier day by day, then I could not be more overjoyed.”
You don’t sound overjoyed, Nesta wanted to say, but didn’t. 
“We are aware that everything we do affects Nyx,” Cassian said, not unkindly. “We thought it through before we decided to get together.”
Nesta almost wanted to laugh. Thought it through? They hooked up twice, and the second time it stuck. She wasn’t sure that was exactly thinking it through. In fact, there hadn’t been much thinking at all.
It just kind of...happened. 
Nyx had indeed lost his pacifier at some point and patted Cassian on the cheek.
“Babababa,” he chanted, which the two of them had learned meant he wanted his bottle and Cassian stood.
“Excuse me, I’ll be back,” he said, carrying Nyx into the kitchen.
Alis held Nesta’s stare, eventually asking, “Does Nyx have a support system, outside of the home?”
She blinked. “I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
Alis set down her pen and looked at Nesta as if she were the child in this situation. “Let’s say things don’t last. Let’s say whatever is between you and Mr. Nazari isn’t a love match and it falls apart. Aside from the two of you, does Nyx have other people who could step in to take care of him?”
“I don’t see why he would need it,” she replied, her voice cold. “Even if things don’t work out, Cassian and I will still take care of him. Nyx is our responsibility now. We love him.”
“And will you do that from one home?”
“We… I…” Nesta shook her head. “Ma’am, with all due respect, we haven’t even had time to figure out what exactly this is between us.”
Alis scooped up her bag and tucked her notebook against her chest as she stood. “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of. And I’d like the two of you to have that figured out before my next visit. I’ll reach out a few days before, so you can expect me. But I’d like this…” She gestured around her, “situation to be more straightforward before I return.”
She turned and headed for the door.
When Cassian came back, Alis was gone. He blinked, Nyx now awake, downing his milk. “Where’d she go?”
“She left,” Nesta said, quietly. “She’ll let us know when she’s coming next time.”
Cassian’s brows furrowed as he sat next to Nesta on the couch. “What’s wrong?”
Nesta hesitated, then said, “I think she thinks that us getting together is a mistake.”
Cassian looked at Nesta for a moment, then snorted. “She also thought that us living together, unromantically, and raising Nyx was a mistake.” 
Nesta said nothing as she watched her hands, quietly.
Cassian’s smile faded away. “What? You don’t think us getting together is a mistake, right?”
“No, of course not,” Nesta said, but it lacked passion.
Cassian watched her. “Nesta.”
“She brings up some good points, Cass,” Nesta breathed.
Cassian’s jaw ticked. “What does that mean?”
Nesta closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Well, what if we don’t work out? What will happen? We should at least have a plan.”
“You don’t think we’re going to work out?” Cassian asked. 
“I don’t even know what we are, Cassian,” she breathed, opening her eyes, but continued staring at her hands. “Am I your girlfriend? Are we exclusive? Is this just what’s convenient for us both?”
Cassian was staring at her, unable to think of anything to say, barely able to understand what had happened in the past thirty minutes since he’d gotten out of bed. “This sure as hell isn’t just about convenience, not for me. But if it is for you, I guess I’d like to know now.”
She still didn’t look at him. “I don’t know, Cass.”
He had no idea what to say, no idea what to do. He shook his head. “I’m going to take Nyx on my jog with me. When we get back, you let me know if this is still convenient for you.”
His voice was colder than she’d heard it in months, barely recognized it as he silently made his way up the stairs. She didn’t move, could hardly think as she heard him get changed and then dress Nyx as well. 
Her face fell into her hands.
This isn’t how she wanted the morning to go.
As she laid in bed with him the night before, listening to the steady beating of his heart after he fell asleep, she had a long list of things she wanted to say to him today, had a long list of emotions she wanted him to feel.
Pissed wasn’t one of them.
Unsure wasn’t one of them.
Nothing was going as planned.
It wasn’t until Cassian was carrying a babbling Nyx back down the stairs that Nesta looked up. Cassian wouldn’t meet her eyes.
“Cass-,” she began, but he strode through the living room and out the door, the door closing just a little too hard behind him.
No, this wasn’t how she wanted the day to go.
She didn’t get to tell Nyx goodbye.
She didn’t get to tell Cassian goodbye, or any of the other things she had planned.
But maybe it was for the best. Maybe things would continue to fall into place, just not the place that she had planned.
Nesta sat back on the couch, her face falling back into her hands.
As the first tear fell, she wondered if this was a part of Feyre’s plan. 
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grapefruitsketches · 4 years
Night Has Fallen, And So Should We
For fytheuntamed’s Untamed Fall Fest Day 17: Falling
Rated T, 1,383 Words. Pre-Nielan, Post-Sunshot, Fluff, NMJ is very pro Letting LXC Rest
Also available on AO3
It started with a just a simple slip. Lan Xichen was sure that he had placed the teacup on the table, but the clattering sound, the trickle of tea creeping slowly towards where he knelt, said otherwise.
“Xichen?” Nie Mingjue raised an eyebrow his way.
Xichen let a smile flicker across his face, though his jaw was still clenched in confusion, “I’m sorry da-ge, must have let myself get too distracted.”
“Mm,” Nie Mingjue nodded, turning back towards the various correspondence he was meant to be answering.
Xichen stood, brow furrowed slightly as he looked down at the cup, rolling gently side to side. Playful, almost, despite its recent betrayal.
He sighed, “I’m going to go get something to clean this up. I’ll be right back.”
“Mnm,” was again Mingjue’s only answer.
And Xichen could only hope that the other man was focused enough on his work that he hadn’t noticed the slight stumble to Xichen’s step as he walked to the vanity, finding the soft cloths he looked for.
Night had long fallen when the quiet sounds of brushes sweeping against paper was next interrupted. This time, by a long, unselfconscious yawn.
“I think I’m about ready to turn in for the night, Xichen,” Mingjue said, standing up from the desk and stretching out his arms, shaking out his cramping hands, “What about you?”
Xichen stared at the lines of writing in front of him a few moments longer, trying to make sense of it. He had wanted to finish at least the inventory reports. And if not that, then at least enough of them to last the month. Failing that, he had expected to at least be done this one page.
But the words were blurring at the edges, and he squinted close. He couldn’t for the life of him figure out if the kitchens were complaining that they were low on wood or low on rice. Maybe both? He couldn’t tell.
He bit his lip, “I… I need just a bit more time. Maybe I’ll meet you for tea later?”
Mingjue laughed, “I can wait. I know how you are – if I leave you here now, I might not see you until morning!”
Xichen let the corners of his mouth tick up just a bit, but didn’t take his eyes off the page. Just this one report. He could finish this one report.
He could hear Mingjue moving about the room, each step reverberating in his head. He pulled the page up close to his face with one hand, and the other moved up to his temple, massaging it lightly.
It was wood. It was definitely wood they were asking for. Ok. All he would have to do is write a quick note, sign it, and then one of the kitchen staff could go and place the order on the sect’s behalf. He pulled a blank sheet of paper over, blinking tiredly. All he had to do was write the order. Copy the requested amount of wood. Sign his name. Then he could go.
He swallowed and cleared his throat lightly before beginning.
Moments later, he was staring at the most childishly scrawled out characters he had seen since grading one of the disciples’ history essays. He set the brush down and set the paper aside. Once it had dried, he would use the back as scrap paper in something else.
He started again, biting on his tongue, trying to keep himself awake as he moved the brush painstakingly over the page, lingering just a bit too long here and there, leaving lines a hair too thick, the odd stroke just a little wobbly.
He compared the two drafts, sighed, and chose the second as the marginally better option. He just didn’t have it in him to try a third time. He set the chosen note aside, and promised himself he would notify the kitchen staff to pick it up from him first thing the next morning.
Shoulders slumped, he sighed in relief at being done this simple, but for some reason exceedingly tiresome task. He looked up.
And met Nie Mingjue’s eyes, which were watching him carefully.
“What is it, da-ge?” Xichen asked politely, rearranging the brushes, the ink, the papers on his desk, trying to get them back to the way he liked them.
“What’s wrong?” Mingjue asked, crossing his arms.
Xichen frowned, “Nothing’s wrong, that just… took longer than usual,” he pulled his lips back into a smile, “I’m sorry, you must be hungry. We can go now?”
Mingjue let out a grunt of frustration and shook his head, kneeling so that he was now eye-to-eye with his sworn brother, “You’re not going to get off that easy,” he pointed to a spot on the bridge of his nose, “Look at me. Right here. Now, follow my finger.”
“Da-ge, I don’t know why…” But Xichen tracked the finger anyway, moving his head side to side, up and down, blinking to keep it in focus, “I’m fine.”
Mingjue looked at him skeptically, “Xichen, in case you’ve forgotten, I have a stubborn younger brother too. I’m years past ‘I’m fine’ working on me,” he lowered his hand, “You’re delayed. You’ve been working yourself too hard.”
Xichen sighed, still smiling gently, “I’ve had just a bit of a headache, maybe, and I’m a little tired. That’s all. But really, da-ge. It’s nothing to worry about. I just need a good night’s rest.”
“Alright,” Mingjue slapped his hands decisively on his thighs as he stood, reaching a hand out to Xichen, “Then go get a good night’s rest. Then I won’t worry.”
Xichen chuckled, still tidying up the piles of paper, “Fine. I will, just let me…”
“No,” Mingjue insisted, “No ‘just.’ Now.”
Xichen raised an eyebrow in Mingjue’s direction.
“I’m serious,” Mingjue said, “Come on, Xichen, I know you know I know you well enough to know that if I leave you alone now, you’ll just go right back to work.”
Xichen smiled, teasing note to his voice, “Maybe you’re right, but certainly I’m allowed, as sect leader, to decide when I stop working for the night?” But despite the apparent protests, he placed his hand in Mingjue’s offered one, letting himself be pulled up. He stumbled, and was glad, even if slightly embarrassed, to have Mingjue’s chest there to catch him.
“Sure,” Mingjue shrugged, but spoke quietly, almost tenderly as he led Xichen over to his bed, “You may be allowed, but I seem to remember you saying at one point that Cloud Recesses prides itself on its hospitality? Well, I’m a guest, and I would like my host to go to bed.”
Xichen chuckled even as his eyelids fluttered, suddenly very heavy. He yawned, “And I’m nothing if not a good host, I suppose, but…” he forced his eyes to stay open, catching Nie Mingjue’s gaze, eyes twinkling even through their tired haze, “But I hope you don’t still only see yourself as a guest here, da-ge?”
Nie Mingjue let out a breath of laughter, “You Lans. Always so vague,” he helped Xichen pull off his heavy outer robes and pulled back the blankets on the bed, letting Xichen slip underneath the covers. He smoothed Xichen’s hair back, pulling the pin out of his hairpiece and setting the ornament aside, “Sleep now. You can explain how I should think of myself in the morning, alright?”
“Mmhm,” Xichen hummed, eyes closed, already seeming half asleep.
But as Mingjue began to withdraw, Xichen’s hand caught his again, “Thank you,” the dozing man whispered, clenching the Mingjue’s hand tightly.
At the words, at the peaceful smile on Xichen’s face, Mingjue had the sudden urge to lean down, to kiss the sleeping man’s forehead. But the Lan ribbon stood in his way. And despite any knowing glances from Huaisang, despite the reddened cheeks Mingjue sometimes thought he noticed on his friend when they happened to catch each other’s eyes at sect leader meetings, and even despite the fact that Mingjue, and seemingly Mingjue alone, was invited to work late into the night in the Hanshi, Mingjue couldn’t know for sure yet whether “not being just a guest” meant enough that he could touch it.
So instead, he simply squeezed his friend’s hand back.
“Anytime, Xichen,” he said, “Sleep well.”
And Xichen did.
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richkidznation · 4 years
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Title- Uh, oh. Sinopse- Bolt should've been more careful Genre- angst and a bit of fluff at the end??? Characters- Bolt, Dani, Wasabi, their parents, manager, and Queenie (Daichi) from @infntyroyal​ Warning(s)- Fainting, swearing, they go to the hospital, Bolt has to take care of his health better oof- don’t do what he did pls akhfds Note- “Italics are for Korean, normal text is for Portuguese!” - Long post ahead this bitch HUGE- anwyays enjoy!! ^^ // Set in 2016, explanation of my last post!
    Bolt was stupid, no one could deny that, not even himself.
    But today, he broke his record of stupidity. 
    The boys all trained for their debut, everyone had been practicing for weeks now. Like usual, they'd just finished rehearsing the choreography when Bolt asked to sit down for a moment.
    "... You okay?" Wasabi kneeled in front of him, shaking his hand in front of his face and got no reaction. Bolt just stared blankly in front of him.
    Truth is, maybe he didn't sleep well, or didn't eat well, or didn't care about himself at all these days, or weeks, he wasn’t sure anymore. He thought he could pull an all-night here and there and maybe, just maybe, he went too far. But now wasn't the time to rest and sleep, he couldn't leave his brothers alone to take a nap or have a snack, right?
    "I'm fine, let's keep going." He stood up, staying still for a few seconds, he felt dizzy, but quickly dismissed it. "Just one more, yeah?" He looked at Dani, who nodded. "Then we'll have lunch." The elder explained before turning the music back on, they got in place and came back to dancing.
    But somewhere while dancing, maybe he moved his head too fast, maybe it was the twist, or jumping, he didn't quite remember. All he knows is that everything went black suddenly, he felt his body shut down and fall on the ground and the last thing he heard was both the other boys calling for his name.
    Once he regained consciousness, the first thing we saw was Dani's face close to his, Wasabi, and their manager shaking fans at him to help him breathe. He was dizzy and disoriented. "What's happening? Why is our manager here?" Bolt asked groggily, Dani sighed, relieved he had woken up.
    "We're taking you to the hospital, dude, you blacked out." Dani took a streak of his hair out of his face, holding it back to his hair wouldn't be in the way, Bolt felt a streak of sweat fall through his face. "You just fell in the middle of the song." He seemed worried, his face sweaty as well, not only from the practice.
    "I already messaged our parents," Wasabi warned, blowing gently on Bolt's face, "they want to talk to you once you're feeling better."
    Bolt was about to say something when a staff person entered the practice room, everyone turned to face them and they announced, "The car is ready, do you need help with him?" They asked, both the manager and Bolt's brothers nodded as they all gathered to carefully take him out of the building, his arms wrapped around both his brothers’ shoulders as the manager walked next to them, ready to catch him in case he fell. He complained that he could walk by himself and ended up almost falling once he tried many times until he finally gave up.
    They all sat in the car, the manager driving it as the three boys were on the backseat, the other two doing their bests to make Bolt more comfortable as he fell asleep and woke up multiple times. "I'm alright, I can keep going, I'm not fucking dead." He complained, already annoyed.
    "You keep passing out, dumbass," Dani said, looking out the window to notice they were close to the hospital. "What the fuck did you do? Huh?" He turned back to face the youngest, who just sighed. "Tell me, did you drink? Did drugs? What the fuck, dude?" Bolt whined in response. 
    "No, I didn't… Why would I- You know what? Turn around, I don't need to go to the hospital."
    "Yes, you do." Bolt scoffed at Dani's answer, "Why?" Dani replied harshly, "Because I fucking told you so, Renan. Now shut up." Dani looked out the window, still holding Bolt's hair back, an awkward silence kept going in the car until they arrived at the hospital, Bolt felt a streak of sweat run down his face. 
    "It's nothing too bad, he just needs to rest. We also did some tests and apparently he has an iron deficiency, but nothing too terrible." The doctor reassured the two other boys who stood outside Bolt's room. "You have to keep an eye on him, he hasn’t eaten or slept for too long." They look around before looking back at the two men. "You can go see him now, but be careful." They smiled weakly before walking away.
    They enter the room to find Bolt sitting at a chair, taking serum and looking away from his brothers as his leg bounced up and down anxiously.
    "... Hey, Renan." Wasabi walked towards him, his voice was sweet and quiet, "are you feeling better, dude?" He spoke in their mother tongue, choosing the words carefully. "Look, what- why did you do this? The doctor said- they said you haven't eaten or slept well in days dude, like, wha-" he's cut off by Bolt, who gives him a death glare. "Sorry…" the middle brother looks down and takes a step back.
    "Don't be sorry." Dani steps forward, hands on his hips and an annoyed but concerned expression on his face, "what the hell were you thinking? Why did you just, I don't know- forget about your fucking basic needs? For what?" Bolt stayed silent, not looking at Dani. "Look at me, I'm talking to you Renan. What the fuck where you th-"
    "I don't fucking know, okay?! I don't- I just- I thought… I could pull it off for a while-" He sighed, "I didn't want to do bad-"
    "Then what if something worse happened? I mean, thank God you're well, would you like to, I don't know? Be put on hiatus because you can't get out of our fucking studio for ten seconds to sleep? Huh?" Dani's words came out harshly. "What if you had to stop performing all together? Huh? What if?"
    Silence took all the room as Bolt and Wasabi looked down, Wasabi didn't want to fight, and Bolt was ashamed of himself. Not because of him overworking himself, but because he got caught- he'd be more careful and hide it better next time, for sure. Dani grabbed his phone from his pocket and started typing something. "I'm calling our parents."
    "Don't-" Bolt's felt a rush of anxiety through his body, but was cut off my Dani. 
    "I will. We already told them, they need to know their son isn’t fucking dead.” He looked down at Bolt coldly before dialing the number and handing the younger his phone, “Talk.” He demanded, Bolt sighed and grabbed the phone as the two boys left the room to give him privacy.
   “... Mom?-” He got cut off but his mother’s voice on the phone. “What happened, my son? Are you okay? What did you do?-” He cut her off.
   “I’m fine… Just- taking some serum but it’s okay-”, he was cut off again. “Oh God, are you okay? My son…”
   The room fell silent for a moment, Bolt sighed. His mother couldn’t see, but tears started falling from his eyes. “I’m okay, mommy. I just- I was stupid, I didn't eat well, but now I’m okay- I won’t do it again, I promise.” His voice cracked, the last thing he wanted was to worry his parents, especially his mom. “I’ll be careful, okay? Don’t worry- no, mommy no…” He felt another anxiety rush through his body when he heard a sniff over the phone, shit- he made her cry. Bolt made her fucking mother cry, “wait, no- mommy. I won’t do it again, I promise.” Now he was crying harder, hearing his mother cry because of him was easily the worst thing he could hear and it hurt more than any stomach pains he’d been feeling for the last few days, he’d never get over it. “Mommy, please don’t cry…” The pain in his chest was sharper as the seconds went by as he realized this was all his fault, his mother couldn’t say anything, just cry with him over the phone.
   “... Why did you do it?” She asked, finally being able to speak. He whispered back and could barely be heard. “I… Thought I’d do better if I stayed a little longer, I'm sorry.” The guilt was overwhelming, she took a deep breath, “Don’t do this again, please.” He nodded as he used the back of his hands to dry his tears, “I won’t, I won’t mommy, I promise.” He played with his lip piercing as he heard her mumble something to another person, “Your father wants to talk to you, please be careful. I’ll pass to him.” His mom gave the phone to his dad, and they were silent for a while.
   “Are you okay?” His father’s voice was lower than he’d expect, he seemed worried rather than angry or disappointed, even if he could spot a little bit of anger on his voice. “... Yes.” He kept playing with his piercing, his voice was quiet and it came out almost as a mumble, “I’m sorry dada.” He mumbled again, “It’s okay, Renan. Just don’t- don’t do this again, baby.” Bolt smiled at the way his father called him and nodded, “I won’t, don’t worry.”
   “Go talk to your brothers, take care, okay? Call us if you need anything.” His dad continued and he could hear his mother on the back, “I love you, Renanzinho!” He smiled warmly and felt his eyes tear up again, “I love you… You two.” He heard his dad’s airy laugh, “We love you too, baby. Go talk to your brothers, tell them we love them too, bye.” Bolt whispered a “goodbye” with a voice more lovely than he expected and hung up, the two older boys entered the room right after.
   “Hi…” Wasabi approached Renan, who just stared at him, once they got close enough, Bolt pulled him to a hug. Using only his free arm, he wrapped it around Wasabi’s waist, who hugged his head and shoulders. “Hey, buddy.” Wasabi pat the younger’s head.
   Dani approached his brothers and pat Bolt’s head too, “Sorry for… Talking to you like that before- I was- I was worried.” Bolt looked up to Dani, “It’s okay, come here, old man.” Dani laughed at Bolt’s nickname and joined a warm group hug that would last a while.
    The next day, Bolt was already out of the hospital. Their manager said Bolt had to rest for a few days before coming back to practice and he decided to stay home. His aunt had been cooking him big meals every day and followed him to his room in fear he'd come back to do it. He woke up to the noise of plates clicking together, “Oh, it must be lunchtime.” he thought, he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands before sitting on the bed, trying to see through the little crack on the door, no success. He got up and walked slowly to the door before opening it slowly. He walked to the kitchen to be greeted by his brothers and friends, they were all decorating the dining room with his aunt.
   “Oh look at who’s awake!” Wasabi was the first one to notice him standing there and he felt all eyes on him. He quickly ran his fingers through his hair trying to look presentable, his face getting a slight pinkish tone once he realized all his closest friends were there because of him. “... Hi.” He waved slightly at the people there, most of them being Royal Entertainment trainees. Daichi, a Japanese trainee around his age, was the first one to walk to him. “Hi, Daichi… Uh, how’s it going?” Bolt smiled awkwardly at the boy, who stared at him for a few seconds before pulling him to a hug.
   “I’m glad you’re okay, dude.” Bolt hugged him back, his eyes wide in surprise as he recognizes every single face in there, he felt like crying- but he would never do this in front of so many people. “Thanks…” Was the only thing he managed to mumble before Daichi pulled off o the hug. He followed his friend to be with the others as they all said “Welcome back”s to him as they met again. He was still confused since he’d just woken up, but at that moment, he knew he had people who’d care about him, and this made him feel even more stressed somehow.
   That was even more people to not disappoint now.
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Watford Cove
Chapter 10: everything back and more
Rating: T
Genre: Fluff/angst
Word count: 2580
Chapter: 10/13 [All chapters]
Summary: Simon and Baz have some time before exams start. They decide to go on a date before the storm begins.
Read on AO3
AN: Okay okay omg two amazing people made fan art of this fic and I'm so happy and grateful. There's this fantastic piece of my punk Baz by @neck-mole and this wonderful art of my pastel and punk beauties by @jessethejoyful. I love them so much and I'm still freaking out about it so thank you to those two again. Now onto the chapter. It's more fluff cause my boys need it tbh. Also I posted this to the wrong blog for like 30 seconds because I’m an idiot sorry!
Tagging: @wayward-son-61 @jeansjeansjeansjeans
“You and your boyfriend are gross.”
I plant myself on the picnic table with a thunk, giving Niall a curious look. “And good afternoon to you too, mate.”
“I’m serious,” he says, arms crossed. “You two are disgusting.”
I raise an eyebrow. “Huh, didn’t peg you for a homophobe, Niall.”
Niall rolls his eyes and shoves my leg. “Fuck off, you know that’s not what I mean. You two are snogging everywhere all the time. Didn’t you just get caught in the gym closet yesterday?
That’s unfortunately true. We did get caught, with Simon’s legs around my waist and my hand up his shirt. Coach Mac was certainly not amused. He made us reorganize said closet as punishment. It was totally worth it though.
After our talk last week, I assumed Simon and I wouldn't be around each other as much, no longer afraid that our relationship would end abruptly. But it’s the exact opposite. We sneak off between classes, after school if I’m not with Bunce, at night if we both can’t sleep. He’d be here right now hanging with my friends if he didn’t have a makeup chem lab to do with Bunce. I don’t know exactly why. Maybe it’s something about our promises, the trust we gave each other. Confessing our fears and understanding them.
Or maybe we’re horny teenagers who like to snog and cuddle. That would also make sense.
“He’s my first boyfriend, give me a break.” I snatch Dev’s cigarette carton and take a stick out for myself. “And I might not see him again for a year if exams go badly.”
“We get it, man,” Dev says. “And we’re happy for you. But you’re also snogging 24/7 and it’s gross.”
I take a deep drag and grin. “Yup.”
Niall sighs and leans back, his stupid aviators slipping down his face. (He thinks they’re cool. And I hate that he’s right.) “Whatever, fine. Be gross. But I have some questions for you.” He points his cigarette at me very dramatically.
“One: if you go to Switzerland, how the hell are we going to contact you?”
“Simon said he’d mail me. You know, snail mail. You two can do that as well.”
“Good. Two: Are you going to come home for the holidays?”
“Probably not. Only if I behave maybe.”
“That sucks. And three: can I have your bike while you’re gone?”
I blow smoke in his face. He coughs, Dev laughs loudly. “No, you git. My beloved motorcycle will be stored in Simon’s garage so my father can’t dispose of it while I’m away.”
Niall groans pathetically. “That’s not fair. I’ve wanted that thing for ages and now I don’t even get it if you’re gone? Rude.”
“You’ll crash it.”
“Will not.”
“Will to. Simon is scared to ride it without me, so I know he’ll just leave it alone. Unlike you.”
Niall pouts, crossing his arms. “You and your stupid responsible boyfriend.” He lowers his sunglasses and gives me a curious look. “Have you two horny idiots even been on a proper date yet? Or are you just defiling everywhere you go?”
I open my mouth to protest, but quickly have to shut it. With all the excitement and exam cramming and sneaking around, we haven’t remembered to do something so simple as a date. That is a grave injustice. And I must correct it.
I pull out my mobile and open Simon’s contact in my phone. He’s still listed as “Pretty Moron”. I’ve refused to change it even since we’ve started dating.
Baz [12:36] Hey wanna going on a date after school? If so, meet me outside the north entrance.
Pretty Moron [12:37] ok sure this is kinda out of the blue luv
Baz [12:38] Do I need an excuse to want to go on a date with my boyfriend?
Pretty Moron [12:38] no it’s just odd and spontaneous
Pretty Moron [12:38] i like it tho
Pretty Moron [12:39] i’ll meet you then <3
Baz [12:40] See you then. Now go back to your chem lab idiot.
Simon doesn't reply, thankfully. He needs to pass his classes as well. This is perfect actually. Exams start tomorrow. Simon and I can have a good time before mentally dying. I lean back, eyes closed and smiling.
“Ugh he looks all lovesick again,” Niall groans. “Gross.”
I kick his shoulder, nearly knocking him off the bench. Dev snorts.
“Careful, Niall,” Dev says, “he’ll tease you just as much when you get a girlfriend.”
"If he gets a girlfriend,” I say flatly.
Niall punches my feet. Dev roars with laughter. Fuck, I’m going to miss these two if I leave. I wish I’d put my pride aside earlier, and given myself a better chance of staying. I only hope it will work out now.
Simon saunters out of the north school entrance with his typical sunshine grin. He’s wearing floral shorts, mismatched floral shirt, a rosebud bracelet, and his checkered Vans because he has no regard for fashion norms whatsoever. It's amazing. Bunce is by his side, holding her heavy textbooks. When Simon spots me, he runs up and wraps his arms around my shoulders, planting a wet kiss on my cheek.
“Hi, darling,” he purrs.
“Hello, love,” I reply hushed.
Bunce promptly ruins the mood by fake retching onto the sidewalk. I roll my eyes. Simon chuckles. “Thanks, Pen.”
“I can’t believe I agreed to help Basilton just so you two could be gross for longer.”
I shrug. “Well, I certainly do appreciate the help. Thank you, Bunce.”
“Aw,” she drawls sarcastically. “You’re going to make me actually sick up.”
Simon sticks his tongue out and holds onto me tighter.  “You think he’s going to ace his exams tomorrow, Pen?”
“If he follows my brilliant teaching? Yes.”
“I’ll do my best,” I say genuinely. Because I will, no doubt. Because I have too much to lose if I don’t. Bunce notices, observant as she is, nodding with a genuinely kind expression.
“So,” Simon says, “are we off to our date now?”
I grin wolfishly, excitement brewing in my gut. “As soon as you get on my bike, yes.”
Bunce sighs, already turning on her heels. “Bye, arseholes. Don’t defile too many places, please.”
Simon shrugs. I flip her off. He swings his legs over the back of my bike and wraps his arms around my middle automatically. Two engine revs, and we’re off.
Originally, I thought about taking him to Mount Olympus. But that’s too predictable. Simon and I need more than one place to call our’s. So we don’t head north towards my neighbourhood, but west, towards the Wavering Wood.
It’s another secluded area in town, surrounded by willow trees and thick brush. Most people avoid it. But I know of somewhere perfect for us. With some brilliant manoeuvring and and careful driving by me, we end up in a small clearing by a pond. The grass is soft and flat. Willow trees give us just enough shade to be comfortable. The water sparkles in the sunlight like something out of a dream.
“Wow,” Simon gasps, “this is gorgeous.”
“Our little town is full of surprises. And,” I pull out a large plastic bag from my knapsack, “so am I.”
I bring out the plastic tablecloth first. It’s white and red checkered, like something out of the fifties. Then I take out the roast beef sandwiches and sour cherry scones. Cousin Pritchard was more than happy to give me some fresh ones for free. Simon’s eyes light up beautifully at those. I spread out my arms with flourish.
“Ta-da,” I announce.
“A picnic by the water?” Simon giggles. “Really?”
“I’m feeling romantic. Sue me.”
He quickly plops himself down cross legged on the crinkly plastic. “Hey, I’m not complaining. Especially if there’s food.” He opens the takeaway container, grinning at the roast beef. “When did you get all this? At lunch?”
I sit down too, stretching out to lounge next to him. “No, free period at the end of the day. I broke many speed limits getting all of it.”
“Baz! You’re supposed to study during free periods!”
I sigh, shaking my head. “Simon, exams start tomorrow and I’ve been studying intensely for three weeks. If I’m not ready, then neither Bunce or I are as smart as we think we are.” Simon still looks concerned. I reach out and grab his hand, running my thumb over the back of it. “I’ll be alright, love. Trust me.”
His expression finally breaks, a corner of his lip pulled up. He stretches out next to me, not letting go of my hand. “Okay.”
Simon digs into his food. I laugh at all the crumbs around his mouth. Part of me wants to kiss or lick them off, but I settle for just brushing them. Simon giggles and blushes, making my heart soar. He goes after the scones almost immediately after finishing his sandwich. Of course he inhales them like a vacuum cleaner.
“Leave some for me, Salisbury,” I grumble.
“Fine,” he groans, handing me a pastry.
“Sorry I’m not letting you eat all of the sugary treats, love. I know it’s a sacrifice.”
He glares, but the weight of it is lessened by his bulging chipmunk cheeks filled with crumbly pastry. I just keep smiling as I bite my singular scone.
Once we’re done, I end up on my back with my eyes closed, Simon half resting on my chest. He uses an index finger to slowly run over my collarbone. I trace circles in the small of his back. His strong chin digs into me slightly, but I’m fine. Really, I’m fantastic. I’ve sitting by a pond, resting in willow tree shade, all with a gorgeous boy pressed against me. This might be heaven. But I wish Simon seemed to feel the same.
“Simon,” I sigh, “stop looking at me like that.”
I can practically hear Simon frown in confusion. He knows I can’t see him, but I’m incredibly perceptive. I can feel it. “Like what?”
“Like I’m going to disappear the second you close your eyes. I’m still here, and I’m not going anywhere just yet.”
“O-Oh.” He lowers his head, putting his arms around my middle and his cheek over my heart. “Sorry.”
I sigh, petting his hair. “It’s alright, love, I understand. Everything starts tomorrow. Just...” I wrap both my arms around, trying to get him even closer. “Just don’t start letting me go until I’m actually gone.”
Simon growls slightly, like a defensive animal. He scoots up and buries his face in my shoulder. His grip on my waist tightens. I can feel his every huffy hot breath.
“I’m not letting you go ever,” he whispers harashly. “I promise.”
I chuckle, amused by his affection and determination. “I know, love. Me neither, and I’m going to fight like hell to stay. I promise.”
He starts moving around. I can’t see what he’s doing from my angle. Suddenly, Simon is lifting up my hand and putting something around it.
“Simon, what are you-”
“It’s for good luck,” he blurts. “For tomorrow.”
I lift up my wrist. It’s a rosebud bracelet like the one he's wearing. But strangely, the flowers are black instead of pink. It looks handmade. The roses are meticulously hand coloured, each flower obviously glued on one by one. I strain my neck down to kiss the top of Simon’s soft hair. He squeezes my sides
“Thank you, love,” I whisper.
Simon hums in approval. I fall back and look back out the sky. We go quiet again, and I bask in the moment. This perfect moment just before the storm really starts. With Simon against me, my fingers in his hair, him breathing softly, gripping my shirt, and everything calm around us.
For a long while I thought I wanted to burn the whole world down. But now, I think I could be content just staying here forever.
Watford is looming over me even more than usual. I feel like the whole building is going to lean down and fucking eat me. Students walk in without noticing me. Most look like they’ve been hit by a bus, with messy hair, baggy eyes, and piles of loose notes in hand. I try to look calm, but my hand is fiddling like mad, spinning Simon’s bracelet over and over. The smooth glide of it is comforting. I try to focus on that. Until something crashes into me so hard I nearly fall over.
“Fuck!” I wheeze.
Suddenly, a familiar freckled face pops in front of me. “Hi.”
“Bloody hell, Simon,” I breathe out harshly. “You scared me, arsehole.”
“Sorry,” he chuckles, absolutely not sorry at all. He’s wearing his rose flower crown again. He does tend to wear it when he’s excited. “You seemed really deep in thought, love.”
I sigh, running a nervous hand over my hair. “Just, this is it. Whatever I do starting now decides my fate. Ugh, Christ, that’s so over dramatic.”
“It’s fine, I understand. And don’t worry.” He reaches down to squeeze my hand, the one with the bracelet on, his matching one right next to it. “You’re going to do great.”
“You better! Or I’m going to have to deal with a very weepy Simon.”
Penelope Bunce saunters her way up to us, pushing her glasses up her nose. Simon grins and throws his arm around her shoulders. “Well, if you taught him well, then we all should be fine, right?”
“Teaching can only get you so far depending on the person.” She flashes me a smug as all hell look, and if Simon wasn’t in my way, I swear I’d kick her. But that smug smile soon becomes genuine, and to my utter surprise, she walks in front of me, stands on her toes, and ruffles my hair. What the hell?
“Good luck, Baz,” she says. “You might not want it, but I’ll give it anyway.”
Huh, not what I was expecting. But I certainly appreciate the sentiment. I nod. “Thank you.”
She nods in reply, then turns to walk into the school. Simon and I are the only ones left outside. I feel him lean against me, his arm perfectly lined up with mine.
“Good luck,” he whispers. “I don’t think you need it, but I want to say it.”
I kiss the top of his head. “Thank you, love. Good luck to you too.”
In a split second, before I can register what happens, Simon reaches up, turns my head, and kisses me. It’s insistent and passionate. He’s obviously holding nothing back, so I don’t either. I put hands on his hips and pull him against me. Simon’s arms wrap fully around my neck, pressing us together even more. If I could, I'd never let go.
But we do have to pull apart eventually, though our faces stay close. I keep my eyes closed and lean my forehead against his. He breathes heavily. The smell of cherries tickles my nose.
“Good luck,” he whispers.
“You already said that,” I reply. He smacks my head lightly.
“Shut up.”
“Nope. If I do well, you’re going to be stuck with me and my smart mouth.”
He pulls back, letting his arms fall down until we’re holding hands. “Yeah, I know. So go ace those goddamn tests.”
I start walking us towards Watford, fingers laced together, so tight and unwilling to part. “As you wish, love.”
AN: I know this chapter may feel like filler but I wanted it really badly. Baz needed to settle shit with his friends of course. And Simon and Baz need some normalcy through all this craziness. Like, I wanted them to have a calm moment before exams. I also felt like I needed to show them being normal. Just them go on normal dates with no snogging and being happy together. Sorta shows they could continue after this insanity and excitement, hm? Hope that got across. This is probably unnecessary but I always feel the need to explain my writing. Thank you for reading! And thank you again to the amazing fan artists! :D
Chapter title is from "War" by Sum 41
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youkaiangel · 5 years
A Royal Affair Ch1 - Wizardess Heart OC Fic
Chapter 1: Will you be my plus one?
Ships: Elias x Luca, Hiro x OC, Klaus x OC, Alfonse x Elaine (later), some others get a mention.
Chapters: 8 (?)
Genre: Drama mostly, but also angst, fluff, and suggestive
A/N: This is a Wizardess Heart OC Fic I have been working on for a couple months now (don’t assume that because I’ve been working on it for months that it is any good though). I figured since I have actually written a good amount of it, I might as well finish and post it. Some basic info about this OC and AU, because this is no where near the start of her story, is in the notes. It’s non-essential info though, at least for the first chapter.
As always, feedback is welcome!
The bell rang, signalling the end of the last class for the day.
I packed up my books and things while Professor Schuyler said something about the homework for the next class. No sooner had Schuyler finished his speech than one of the students was rushing from his seat for the door to burst forth from the room far too excitedly. As the boy scarpered though, a magic note came fluttering in the room. It had probably been tapping at the door for a few hours now, but it wouldn’t have been heard over the dull drone of Schuyler’s voice. The note wafted in and landed on Elias’ desk.
I picked up my bag and crossed over to his desk, curious about the note. It hadn’t escaped Luca’s usually absent attention either, but where it came to Elias he seemed to always have an eye on what was going on, so I wasn’t surprised when he came up beside me with a sly wink to sneak up behind his boyfriend.
As we approached I caught sight of the magic note, and it looked to be an invitation, the words Cordially Invited written in a cursive script across the top of the page. I scanned the page quickly, a few words jumping out at me. ‘Royal Palace’, ‘First Eve of Fall’, ‘Guests and Partners’
‘What’cha got there, Prince?’
Elias jumped a good two inches out of his chair at the voice behind him before stuffing the note face down on the desk and shuffling his books over the top of it with a suspicious ‘nothing!’
‘Looks like an invitation,’ I teased, reaching for his books.
‘It’s nothing!’ Elias insisted, packing his books away and slipping the note into his backpack. ‘Just a message.’
‘What’s the matter Prince?’ Luca teased. ‘Scared of a party? Afraid you might have fun?’
‘It’s nothing alright?’ Elias grabbed his bag and jumped up, rushing from the room and leaving Luca and I standing there with the other students still filing out.
Lately, Elias hadn’t really been so worked up about Luca’s teasing, he’d blush and try to ignore it, but this little outburst was like we were back to the old days, when he refused to acknowledge that he was completely smitten and mildly obsessed with Luca. Luca and I shared a glance and I wondered for a second if he had seen as much on the note as I had. I asked, ‘did you see what it said?’
He shrugged and shook his head. ‘Just that it was an invitation. Guess he doesn’t want to go.’
I shrugged and murmured in agreement. ‘Probably.’
However, part of me suspected that Elias was nervous because of the ‘and Partners’  bit.
I headed out to the courtyard and scanned the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of him waiting for me, but he wasn’t there yet, so with a sigh I found a seat near the usual spot where the Night Class students came from, and took out a book while I waited.
It had become a daily ritual for Hiro and I, each day when I finished with the Day Classes I would wait for him in the courtyard. Sometimes he’d wake up early and he’d be there waiting for me, but usually he was late. A month now we’d been dating, and it had been rocky beginnings, but these little rituals were helping to draw us closer together, so I didn’t mind waiting. Hopefully he wouldn’t be long.
I read through the entire chapter on medicinal herbs that Alfonse had assigned as class reading before the two Night Class prefects showed up, walking side by side and talking between themselves. It must’ve been a good day for odd behaviour, because seeing Zeus talk so quietly was a rarity. As they approached though, Zeus’ voice rose up to its usual level, booming across the courtyard, ‘no, she doesn’t have a date, that’s not the point!’
‘Well then, what does it matter if you don’t have a date?’ Hiro retorted.
I cocked my head and looked up at the pair as they came to stand in front of me. ‘Who doesn’t have a date?’ I asked, eyes mainly on Zeus.
‘My sister, Athena.’
‘You have a sister?’
‘Yes,’ Zeus responded, as though it were common knowledge. ‘I have two younger brothers too.’
‘Oh god, poor girl,’ I teased.
‘What’s that supposed to mean?!’
I just smiled and shook my head at the poor dense Zeus. ‘What do you need a date for?’
Hiro sat down beside me, his leg brushing against the side of mine and sending tingles of warmth and happiness running through me. It wasn’t much, but I was starting to figure out all these little things he did, all the small signs of affection, and it was everything I loved about him.
He showed me the piece of paper in his hand, another magic note, identical to Elias’. I took the note and finally had a good read of it.
 You, Hiro Tachibana, are
Cordially Invited
as the King’s Personal Guest
to the Royal Palace for a Fall Gala.
Guests and Partners are requested to be present
at the palace at 7pm on the First Eve of Fall.
Warm formal wear is required.
 ‘A Fall Gala at the Royal Palace, oh la-di-da!’
‘The Brundle House has been invited as the King’s personal guests,’ Hiro murmured, taking the note back off me.
‘Elias got one too.’
‘Tch,’ Zeus scoffed. ‘Of course the Goldsteins are going.’
‘What’s wrong with that?’ I asked. It was a dumb question, I knew perfectly well that Zeus did not get along with two out of the three Goldstein brothers, Alfonse being the exception. But I was still trying to help him see that his attitude was irrational, and the Goldstein brothers weren’t all bad.
‘What a perfectly good way to ruin what could’ve been a fun evening!’ Zeus complained, throwing his hands up in the air. ‘The last thing I want is to have to spend my time with that pompous jack off who thinks he’s better than everyone else.’
I shrugged and suggested mildly, ‘then don’t go.’
‘Don’t go?’ Zeus repeated. ‘I’ve been invited as the King’s Personal Guest! I have to go!’ He stormed off a few steps before commencing pacing in a circle as he ranted, ‘to make matters worse, Hiro and my brothers all have girlfriends now! I’ll be the only one without a date!’
‘But you said your sister doesn’t have a date,’ I argued.
‘She’s a girl, she doesn’t count!’
My head dropped, and I gave him a well-rehearsed scathing look. ‘Please,’ I said in my best sarcasm, ‘try to sound more chauvinistic. It’s the best way to get a date.’
He stopped his pacing and shot a glare at me. ‘Yeah, alright.’
‘If you’re that worried about not having a date, then just ask someone to go with you,’ I suggested.
Zeus resumed his pacing as he sighed with frustration. ‘It’s not that simple. I can’t just ask someone to go with me, then everyone will think we’re dating!’
I furrowed my brow at him, a little confused by his words. ‘Is that not the point of having a date?’
‘It’s complicated,’ Hiro murmured. I turned my confused look to him, so he explained in brief, ‘when you’re that famous, you can’t just show up to an event with some random person and not raise questions.’
I glanced at the invitation in his hand again, wondering what this meant for us. We hadn’t been dating long, and this was a formal event. Would it raise questions if I went with Hiro? Or would it be better if I didn’t go at all?
‘Will you go with me?’
Hiro’s voice cut into my worried train of thought, as though he had known exactly what I’d been thinking. I smiled at him and teased, ‘you want me to be your plus one?’
He just smiled back at me, that soft smile that reached up to his eyes and lit up his face. ‘Will you be my plus one?’
I couldn’t help but grin at his cheesy way of asking, even if I had prompted it. ‘Of course.’
His smile widened a fraction as he placed his hand around my waist on my lower back and leant in to give me a swift kiss, his warm lips pressing gently against mine. All these little gestures and smiles helped to reinforce that he really did love me.
‘That’s enough, love birds!’
The brash voice brought us out of our little moment, Hiro drawing back from me.
‘I don’t want any of that lovey-dovey crap at this gala!’ Zeus snapped, brandishing his invitation at us. ‘You don’t need to rub it in!’
‘You’ve got two weeks to find a girlfriend, better start looking,’ Hiro teased.
Zeus pointed a finger at Hiro. ‘That’s enough out of you.’ He turned on his heel, heading back towards the Night Class. ‘Let’s go!’
Hiro turned back to me and asked, ‘coming to class tonight?’
I glanced down at the book in my hands, contemplating if I should take the night off from the extra classes and finish my homework for Schuyler’s class, or go with Hiro to class, and probably the Night Café afterwards. As usual, spending time with Hiro won over, and I’d already finished half of my Day Class homework while waiting for him. ‘I’ll come,’ I announced and stood up.
‘Cool,’ Hiro stood up with me, and as he slid his hand into mine we started walking after Zeus towards the Night Class. ‘So how was your day?’
Chapter 2: You have to promise not to call me that
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auroraphilealis · 6 years
Too Tense to Be Undone (7/7)
Too Tense to Be Undone (7/7) | Dan’s never had an orgasm before. Despite being in a relationship with his ex-girlfriend for three years, he’s just never been able to finish. The doctor’s don’t know what’s wrong with him, so Dan’s mostly put it out of his mind. Until his gap year, when he starts talking with AmazingPhil, and accidentally admits that he’s never come before. Phil’s happy to help with more than just convincing Dan to post YouTube videos, if Dan will just give him the chance. | Phan | Explicit | Slight Friends with Benefits, Pining, Eventual Smut, Very Explicit Smut, Dirty Talk, Flirting, Getting Together, 2009, Skype | 12,841 Words This Chapter
Extra big thanks to @imnotinclinedtomaturity for being the most supportive friend ever who gets excited about my fics and reads them six times over everytime I make a new edit yikes. I hope that I can show Kat how much I love her in return because she’s amazing and I’ve decided she’s mine.
Hello friends! The long awaited, promised, chapter 7 (that was never supposed to happen *cough* kat *cough*). The story has officially concluded with an update that I HOPE will make all your dreams come true ;) Definitely expect some more smut tbh. But also, I just hope you overall enjoy what I’ve put into this chapter because I wanted to keep building their actual relationship as well as everything else going on. I think you’ll love it! The story is OFFICIALLY 75K in total, which is fucking insane how did that happen, and… you should maybe look out for a sequel in the future (no promises on when, but I think it’s definitely coming).
Thank to you every single person who commented, sent an ask, or reblogged this story. I can’t believe it got so much happy feedback, and while I might not have answered each and every comment, I treasure everyone.
(previous chapter) (ao3 link)
Christmas 2009
The moment Phil’s door fell shut behind him, Dan slumped down on Phil’s bed with a “umph” of pleasure, eyes falling closed and small smile curving the corners of his lips. It felt so good to lay down after the long day of traveling to Manchester Piccadilly, Phil’s house, and then spending time with Phil’s family, and even better to lay down in Phil’s bed. It it had been far too long since Dan had been here.
“Alright there?” Phil asked with a little giggle. Dan moaned out a half response, and nodded his head, rolling onto his side to curl up with Phil’s pillow. “You look comfortable,” Phil continued, shuffling around his room.
“I am,” Dan replied without opening his eyes.
“Good, I’m glad. But I’d be even more glad if you took your snow covered jacket off rather than rubbing the mess all over my bed,” Phil teased. A lump fell on top of Dan, and Dan opened his eyes to find that Phil had dropped his coat on Dan.
“Rude,” Dan complained, sitting up and tossing Phil’s sodden coat to the floor.
“Hey!” Phil protested, laughing. “Don’t put it on my floor! Now it’s going to be all wet!”
“Your mum’s wet.”
“Daaaaan, don’t talk about my mum like that!” Phil complained, making a face as he leaned over to strip off his socks as well. Dan snickered, secretly a little proud of himself for cracking a your mum joke that actually made sense, and shrugged out of his own winter jacket.
“Anyway,” Phil said, haphazardly tossing the socks to the floor before collapsing on the bed next to Dan. “Did you have a good time?”
“Yeah,” Dan agreed, dropping his coat and settling back down on Phil’s bed, long limbs pressing up along Phil’s warm side. “Your family’s pretty cool, Phil. I’m jealous.”
Phil snorted, but found Dan’s hand on the bed, entwining their fingers together gently. Dan felt warmth shoot through him, rushing from the tips of his fingers to the tips of his toes. He smiled.
“They’re alright I guess,” Phil said modestly, words a soft sigh as he settled into the bed. Dan shifted his hips closer so he and Phil were touching all along their sides, and rolled his eyes.
“They’re amazing, Phil,” Dan shot back, squeezing Phil’s fingers for good measure.
He and Phil had spent the last couple of hours outside, as Phil’s family gathered on the porch to to watch the snow fall. Mr. and Mrs. Lester had sat on the double rocker with two mugs of coffee in hand, and three abandoned mugs of hot chocolate on the table in front of them. Dan, Phil, and Phil’s brother, Martyn, had been playing in the snow, making a mess of each other, and generally causing mayhem in the backyard.
They hadn’t been the only one’s in the neighborhood taking advantage of the snow, though. Dan didn’t know what it was, but something about Rawtenstall seemed to bring out the childhood Christmas spirit in everyone, because most of the neighbors were either sat on their porches, or playing in the snow as well.
It had been nice, a far better afternoon than Dan would have had at his own home in Wokingham, and the Lesters had made Dan feel more than welcome.
Of course Dan knew that the Lesters took Christmas really seriously and it was usually a family-only event, but Dan was going home on the 23rd so he wasn’t really intruding.
And, well, it helped that Phil had introduced Dan to his family as his boyfriend. That might have been the highlight of Dan’s return trip to Phil’s home this weekend, considering he hadn’t expected as much so soon when he’d first booked the train tickets. Phil’s family had pretty much adopted Dan as one of them the moment the words were out of Phil’s mouth either way, so it didn’t really matter in the long run.
“You know Dan, my… boyfriend,” Phil said, giggling a little as he wrapped his arm around Dan’s shoulder casually, dragging him into Phil’s side. Dan stumbled a little at the sudden movement, and, while he’d known that Phil had eventually planned to tell his parents about their relationship, he hadn’t been expecting it to happen now.
His eyes went wide as Martyn and Mrs. Lester, who’d been sat on the living room sofa finishing up afternoon tea, stared wide eyes and a little owlishly at the two of them. Mrs. Lester nearly dropped her tea in shock, the sight a terrifying one to Dan.
Fuck, Dan hadn’t mentally prepared for this. He didn’t know what to make of Martyn and Mrs. Lesters’ expressions, or what to expect. Phil had talked plenty about his family, but he’d never properly set Dan’s expectations for this moment. Maybe Phil didn’t know himself.
Dan knew that Phil’s parents were perfectly accepting of the fact that Phil was gay, but Phil had also said he’d never brought home a boyfriend before - mostly due to the fact that he’d never had a boyfriend. What if a boyfriend made the whole situation more real to them, and they kicked Dan out on the spot?
As Dan’s thoughts spun in desperate, horrified circles, Mr. Lester began to laugh, breaking the silence that had fallen over the five people in the lounge. Dan’s heart leapt into his throat as he wondered whether or not that meant Mr. Lester thought this whole thing was a joke, and tried not to let himself jump to any conclusions.
That was far easier said than done, unfortunately.
Then Martyn burst into laughter as well, and Dan glanced at Phil to find his boyfriend grinning. Something tight started to loosen up in Dan’s chest, and when he looked back towards where the rest of the Lesters were sat, he found Mrs. Lester standing and rushing over to him.
Before Dan could prepare himself, Mrs. Lester was gathering him up into a huge hug, the force of which knocked Phil’s arm away from Dan’s shoulder. For a moment, Dan could do nothing but let his arms hover awkwardly at Mrs. Lester’s side, unaccustomed to such affection, before he finally relented and hugged her back.
Her arms were just as warm as Phil’s always were, if not warmer, and Dan suddenly understood why Phil was such a good hugger. He’d clearly learned it from his mum. Dan sighed, allowing himself to tuck his face into Mrs. Lester’s hair, and breathing in deeply in order to savor this moment.
“Thank you,” Mrs. Lester whispered into Dan’s ear. “For making my boy happy. I’ve never seen him like this with anyone, before you. I thought he’d never find someone. I thought he’d never bring someone home for us to meet. You can’t imagine what a godsend you are, dear.”
The weight of Mrs. Lester’s words took Dan by surprise, and he found his mouth falling open in a little “o,” his eyes wide once again. Maybe Mrs. Lester hadn’t meant to sound like she was assuming he and Phil were going to be together forever, but that was what Dan heard. Or maybe it was just what he’d wanted to hear.
As Mrs. Lester pulled away from Dan, not so surreptitiously swiping tears away from her eyes, Dan glanced over at Phil to find that Martyn had reached them and was clapping his brother on the back good naturedly. His eyes were twinkling with mirth as he wiggled his eyebrows at Phil, an expression Dan couldn’t quite understand.
Phil seemed to get it though, because he went bright red, and swatted at Martyn, slapping his brother on the arm wordlessly. Martyn laughed, swatting at Phil back, the two boys beginning to wrestle like siblings who got along far too well and rarely actually got truly angry at each other.
Then Mr. Lester stepped into Dan’s space, clapping a hand on Dan’s shoulder, and dragging Dan’s attention away from Phil altogether.
“About time, son,” he said, smiling at Dan, but very clearly speaking to Phil. “You know,” he added conspiratorially, “He’s never brought a partner home that he intended to actually stay.”
Dan’s cheeks went dark red as the words registered in his mind, and the realization that Phil’s family knew all about Phil’s… escapades.
“Nigel!” Mrs Lester reprimanded, as Phil groaned. Wide eyed, Dan turned back to Phil, completely floored, eyes twirling with questions. Phil met his gaze for less than a moment before shying away.
“No, but really,” Martyn added before anyone else could speak up. “It’s about time Phil asked Dan out. Did you know he hasn’t stopping talking about you in months? Dan this, Dan that,” he teased, voice going high pitched in a mock of Phil’s voice. Phil reached up to smack Martyn on the head, and caught him in a headlock. Martyn yelped in a fashion far too similar to the noise Phil made when Dan did the same thing to Phil.
“Shut up, Martyn!” Phil whined, masking his embarrassment as indignation.
Unable to help himself, and overcome with relieved elation, Dan started to laugh, reaching up to cover his mouth and praying that the tears beginning to prick at the corners of his eyes would just stop.
A warm hand touched Dan’s shoulder, and he turned to find Mrs. Lester smiling at him again.
“Welcome to the family, dear.”
Dan suddenly hoped that Mrs. Lester really had meant to imply that she thought this would last forever, because Dan hoped it would too.
“I wasn’t expecting them to accept me so easily,” Dan admitted, squeezing Phil’s fingers in his. “I wish my family were so cool with… everything. When I was going to specialists because of the,” Dan made a vague jacking-off gesture with his hand, blushing a little, “and the doctors first suggested I might be gay and I admitted I was bi… well, my parents were technically fine with it. At least, I think they were mostly fine with it. I’ve always thought… they were secretly holding out hope that I’d end up with a girl.” Dan bit his lip at the admission, the suspicion one Dan had yet to admit out loud.
Phil turned his head on the pillow next to Dan’s, a soft frown on his face. Dan tried to ignore it, terrified that Phil was staring at him in pity, but rolled his head to look at Phil anyway. Dan could never resist the call of Phil’s gaze on his.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine, Dan. I’m sure they just want you to be happy.”
Dan shrugged his shoulders noncommittally. It was a conversation he and Phil had had before - not about the whole sexuality thing, but the thing about Dan’s parents being so hard on him only because they wanted him to have a good life. Dan had heard all of the excuses before, and while he suspected that Phil was probably right, that didn’t stop his parents stubborn refusal to just let Dan be himself from hurting.
Dan’s dad was just kind of… not the easiest person to get along with. And his mum, well, she was great, but she worried far too much and always seemed to want Dan to stay on the safe, well-traveled path, where everyone went off to work in an office and made sure they got their taxes done on time. There was no room for adventure with Dan’s mum, no room for chasing dreams, no room for taking chances.
“Easy for you to say,” Dan sighed. “Your parents have always been supportive of everything you wanted to do, even YouTube, and they had no idea if that would pan out.”
Phil frowned, but didn’t argue the point. It was true that when Dan’s parents had found out he was pursuing YouTube, they’d been less than supportive. They’d agreed to let Dan keep it up as a hobby if and only if he agreed to go to law school in the fall. Dan’s agreement had been… taciturn, to put it lightly.
Nevertheless, he’d started applying to schools, the University of Manchester being his number one hope. He likely wouldn’t hear back until the summer, but it didn’t matter. Dan had made his parents happy, and gotten them off his back about filming videos.
“It’s okay, Phil. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad,” Dan said after another awkward moment had passed. He reached up with the hand not holding Phil’s to cup his cheek, and nuzzled Phil’s nose with his own. Phil’s eyes fluttered shut. The pale lids of Phil’s eyes and his freckle-dotted cheeks were a wonderful sight, considering that Dan had gone ages being so far away from him.
Leaning in gently, Dan pressed a chaste kiss to Phil’s lips, before drawing away.
“I missed you,” he whispered against Phil’s mouth. Phil’s lips quirked up, his breathing already accelerating from the one little kiss (and wow, Dan was never going to get over how he could take Phil apart, now).
“I missed you, too,” Phil reassured Dan, and kissed him again.
This time, Phil drew them into something deeper, something with a little more weight and feeling to it than the chaste kiss from before. Phil’s unoccupied hand moved to Dan’s hips, drawing their bodies closer, and he tightened his fingers around Dan’s hand in his. His tongue nudged at Dan’s bottom lip, encouraging him to let Phil press in close and suck at his bottom lip, moving their mouths together in a rhythm they were beginning to learn with each other.
Kissing Phil was becoming second nature - at this point, Dan knew how much pressure Phil liked, where Phil liked Dan to put his tongue, how Phil preferred long kisses to short ones - but, regardless, kissing Phil still sent shivers down Dan’s spine each and every time.
After Dan’s long absence, being back in Phil’s arms, back in his home, and back in his bed felt amazing. He’d only gotten to see Phil in person a few times: once on October 19th for three days when they’d officially gotten together, again on October 31st for the YouTuber Halloween Gathering, and then a once more in the middle of November for a weekend visit to Phil’s. The first trip had been something special that Dan would never forget, but the second had been… far too public for Dan’s taste, and had left him with a severe case of blue balls that he’d been too embarrassed to admit to Phil.
They’d stayed at one of Phil’s friends flat in London, before Dan had taken off on the seven o’clock train the following morning at his parents’ behest. He’d had an afternoon shift at the law office Dan’s father had gotten him an internship at, much to Dan’s displeasure, but he hadn’t complained. He’d gotten to see Phil again - just a week after he’d had to say goodbye. Even without hot sex and a rewarding orgasm at the end, Dan had been given the chance to not only cuddle his boyfriend, but to hug and kiss him in the darkness of the guest bedroom that night.
It was hard to be too disappointed at the night’s lack of sexual gratification when Dan so rarely got to see Phil in the flesh at all, so despite the awkward sensation of arousal Dan got from merely lying in bed with Phil, Dan had put up with the blue balls graciously enough (even if he did go home and try to wank immediately, the sensation a terrible disappointment when Dan got nothing but that horrible oversensitized sensation that had driven him away from masturbation in the first place).
The third time had been just as sexually unsatisfying. Phil’s parents had been home, and Dan had spent the majority of his time trying to win them over so that when Phil officially introduced Dan to them as his boyfriend, they wouldn’t already hate Dan altogether. If this afternoon was anything to go by, Dan’s efforts had definitely paid off, because not only had the Lesters been overjoyed to hear Dan was Phil’s boyfriend, but they hadn’t even argued against Dan staying in Phil’s room for the next two nights.
Still. Two months of blue balls after having gotten a good… uhm, couple orgasms at Phil’s that first visit had felt like entirely too much. Despite the fact that masturbation didn’t have a track record of successfully getting Dan off, he’d… well, tried again.
The sexual desire surging through him had just been too much.
Not long after Phil had first taught Dan that he needed to be penetrated, and practically ignore his cock, to reach orgasm, Dan had snuck out during his lunch break at the law office to visit an inconspicuous sex store he’d looked up on the internet, and bought himself a vibrating dildo. The packaging had been just as inconspicuous, enough for Dan to get it from the shop to his work to his bedroom without too much prying, but he hadn’t actually given the object a try until a few days after Halloween and the unsuccessful wank he’d had before buying the toy.
See, once Dan had gotten a taste for what it felt like to actually orgasm, it had become difficult for him to not crave that sensation again. Dan knew from years of experience, coupled with the comparison to what it felt like to actually get fucked, that a quick wank wouldn’t be enough to satisfy him, but Dan did know that fucking himself with a dildo might. So, after being deprived of any sexual attention after the Halloween gathering, Dan went home the next day, bought the toy a few days later, and after an agonizing shift at the law office, locked himself in his bedroom to try the vibrator out.
Suffice to say, it had worked.
It had taken a couple articles on how to have anal sex, and a lot of lube, to figure out how to fit the thing inside of him without hurting himself, and then he’d… well… gone off.
The resulting orgasm had been lackluster in comparison to the feeling of it being Phil inside of Dan, but it had been something, almost a moral booster to Dan, who’d been afraid that finally coming had all been a fluke. The sensation… hadn’t really been worth the hours of awkward fumbling around, however, and though Dan knew it would become easier with practice, he’d kind of given the toy, and wanking, up for the following two months.
Now he was back at Phil’s, though, with his boyfriend right next to him, his entire family downstairs, and it was beginning to look like there was no hope for any intimacy with Phil these next couple of days.
Groaning against Phil’s lips, Dan pulled away as he realized he was starting to grow... interested just from the kissing alone. Getting hard just from kissing wasn’t new to Dan, but it did hurt more this time considering how many times Dan had neglected to get off since the aborted dildo attempt. His dick just couldn’t take too much more teasing before it would explode.
How had Dan spent so long getting his girlfriend off without getting anything in return, but now he couldn’t handle going more than a few weeks without Phil? Dan was going insane, and it had only been two months. That was nothing compared to 18 years. Maybe it was because his body knew what it was missing now, but the longing was driving Dan mad.
“What’s that noise about?” Phil asked, stroking his fingers along the smooth,hairless side of Dan’s face, and breaking Dan from his thoughts. Lips parted, Dan stared up at Phil regretfully, and shook his head.
“It’s nothing,” he lied, subtly shuffling his hips slightly farther away from Phil. How was he supposed to tell his boyfriend that he wanted to jump Phil’s bones, and the fact that he couldn’t was making his entire body absolutely ache? Dan scrunched up his nose in frustration, and sighed again.
Phil laughed at the expression, and reached a finger over to poke Dan’s nose. Dan’s face relaxed, and he smiled almost on instinct at the touch.
“You look cute when you do that.”
“Shut up,” Dan whined, releasing Phil’s fingers and rolling over. He pressed his face into Phil’s pillow, knees tucked against Phil’s thighs, and peeked out with one eye. “I’m not cute,” he said, hiding a smile.
Phil rolled his eyes. “Alright, you aren’t cute. You’re fit. You’re the sexiest man I’ve ever known,” he murmured, leaning in close as his voice lowered. His eyes were twinkling with mischief and his grin was more of a smirk as he moved so his face was as close to Dan’s hidden one as possible.
Narrowing his eyes, Dan peered out of the corner of his eyes at Phil suspiciously. Something wasn’t right…
Before Dan could so much as attempt to defend himself, Phil leaned in and nipped at his ear lobe.
“Hey!” Dan yelped, affronted. He reached for his ear to block it from any other attacks, and rolled over again so he was on his side, facing Phil. “What was that for!?”
“You’re avoiding my question,” Phil taunted, grinning unapologetically. “What’s going on in that silly little head of yours?”
Dan sighed. It was stupid, really. He should just be happy he was getting to spend any time with Phil, not complaining that he wasn’t getting any sex. He needed to stop thinking with his dick, and appreciate what the universe was giving him. The fact that his parents had let him book more train tickets so close to Christmas had been a miracle in and of itself, but Dan had been ready to throw a fit if they’d said no.
“It’s silly,” Dan stubbornly replied, burying his face back into Phil’s pillow. This time, he rolled over completely so that he was on his stomach and Phil wouldn’t be able to weasel anything more out of him. Or notice the semi that Dan was sporting.
Dan was sorely mistaken about Phil’s stubbornness, though.
The bed shifted as Phil moved. Dan wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but in the next moment, Phil’s fingers had found his sides, and he started tickling Dan mercilessly. Dan yelped, trying to curl in on himself and twist away from Phil’s fingers, but Phil wasn’t having any of that. He shuffled until he was straddling Dan’s bum, effectively pining him in place, and continued the movements of his fingers on Dan’s ribcage.
“Phil!” Dan whined.
“Tell me what’s bothering you, or I won’t stop!” Phil crowed back. His voice was a mixture of smug and amused as he laughed at Dan, fingers digging almost gently into Dan’s sides. The feeling in Dan’s abdomen they were creating was anything but gentle, though, and Dan found himself cackling hysterically into Phil’s pillow as he squirmed under Phil.
His lungs burned with the continued feeling of Phil’s torturous tickling, but Dan refused to give in. The confession was embarrassing and completely awkward, Phil didn’t need to know that Dan was desperate for Phil’s cock. Their relationship was supposed to be about more than sex, after all.
Unfortunately for Dan, being tickled was not the only thing he had to worry about. The feeling of Phil literally sitting on him seemed to be enough to get other parts of his body fully engaged in the current situation, and Dan found himself unexpectedly wheezing out a little moan as his quickly-hardening cock ground into the mattress below him.
Phil’s movements abruptly stopped, and Dan slumped into the pillows below with a relieved inhale of breath.
His chest was heaving, he was completely breathless, and his cock was quite literally throbbing in his jeans.
So much for keeping a hold over himself.
“Dan?” Phil asked, his voice a cautious question. “Are you okay?”
Dan shook his head, burying back into Phil’s pillow despite his current difficulty breathing, because he didn’t want to answer the question.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Phil asked, clearly unsure. Dan squeezed his eyes shut, because he hated that sound in Phil’s voice, hated knowing he’d made Phil feel like he’d done something wrong, when Phil never did anything wrong.
Except when he was being a tease over Skype, but they’d talked about that.
Turning his head a little for a quick inhale of air, Dan whispered, “No.”
Dan could practically feel Phil frowning on top of him. He was still sat on Dan’s bum, a warm weight on Dan’s arse, completely unaware of how that was affecting Dan.
“Then what’s wrong?” Phil asked, fingers finding the base of Dan’s skull and beginning to knead gently at the muscles there. Dan moaned, hips rocking against the mattress and body relaxing under the touch that Phil knew Dan liked a little too much. Damn him for using Dan’s weakness against him.
Dan’s dick pulsed in his jeans, and he groaned, burying his face back into Phil’s pillow.
Phil’s fingers kept kneading.
“Is this… turning you on, Dan?” Phil asked, voice soft, non-judgemental. “Are you maybe… a little sexually frustrated?” he continued. Dan expected Phil to sound teasing, the way he got on Skype sometimes when he knew that Dan was getting a little too excited about Phil’s flirting, but he didn’t. Instead, Phil sounded sweet, almost understanding, and it only made Dan’s cheeks heat up even more.
Slowly, he nodded his head.
Maybe, if he was just honest with Phil, Phil would understand and get off of his arse already. They couldn’t exactly… get up to anything with Phil’s entire family downstairs, after all.
Phil hummed thoughtfully in reaction, but he didn’t climb off of Dan. In fact, he seemed to settle more firmly on Dan’s bum, his fingers continuing to knead at the base of Dan’s skull. The touch sent shivers up Dan’s spine and made him feel boneless as he relaxed against the bed.
Dan turned his head so he could breathe, and let himself given in to the touch.
The room fell into a somewhat comfortable silence as Phil continued his ministrations, unoccupied hand moving to knead at Dan’s shoulder blades a little, working out the pain in the muscles. Phil didn’t seem to have a response to Dan’s little problem, and while he wasn’t doing anything to make it better, at least he wasn’t annoyed with Dan.
Some part of him still feared he’d wake up one day and Phil would be sick of dealing with him, or that he’d start acting like Dan’s ex, who’d cheated on him and never cared to put in any effort get Dan off. More often than not, Dan had just seemed to annoy her. The last thing he wanted was to annoy Phil, too.
Especially with this.
It wasn’t Dan’s fault he’d never been able to orgasm before. Phil was just… really good at pleasuring Dan, and had been the only partner to ever bother trying to help Dan, much less the only person to have ever been successful with that particular task. It made sense that Dan would want to continue that trend as often as possible. And besides, Phil was really fit. It was hard not to look at him and remember what it felt like to be kissing him, touching him, filled with him. Dan shuddered even just thinking about it, and bit his bottom lip in the hopes that the surge of pain would help calm his erection down.
It didn’t.
Phil didn’t seem to notice Dan’s thoughts had gone (even more) awry, though. He just continued to sit on top of Dan’s bum, knees on either side of Dan’s hips, and rub soothing circles into the base of Dan’s skull and his shoulder blades. It was actually kind of a lulling sensation, and despite the fact that Dan hadn’t been tired earlier, he was starting to feel a little bit drowsy. He hummed out a soft sound of contentment, and let Phil continue to pet him.
Dan wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that. Phil didn’t push the matter any further than he had earlier, allowing a comfortable silence to settle, and helping Dan to calm down as best as he could. It would have helped more if Phil had climbed off of Dan, but if Dan was being honest, he didn’t really want that either. He was far too invested in the wonderful feeling of Phil being pressed up against him in any way, regardless of how painful that made Dan’s balls as they tensed up against him in desire.
Eventually, though, Phil drew his hand free from Dan’s skull, and shifted down. Drifting a little in his half-state of unconsciousness, Dan didn’t have it in him to complain, and besides, Phil seemed to be draping himself over Dan’s back like a blanket, and that was definitely nice. Phil tucked his face into Dan’s neck on the opposite side to his face, close to where his fingers had been before, hot breath fanning out against sensitive skin.
Dan felt goosebumps rise on his skin, and he sighed. He hoped Phil wasn’t planning to move, because Dan rather liked this position. Soft lips grazed against Dan’s neck, warm and a little bit wet. There was an answering twitch from Dan’s cock, and then the familiar feeling of a wet tongue sliding along his throat, and warm lips settling in to suck at Dan’s neck.
“Ph-Phil?” Dan stuttered out, starting to regain awareness. His eyes flew open in surprise, and he tried to shift under Phil, confused and a little bit nervous, but Phil kept him pinned in place with his body. His hands had shifted to slide up and down Dan’s torso on top of his shirt, just under his armpits, while his mouth began to work at a spot a few inches below Dan’s ear.
“Mm?” Phil asked, voice amused. Dan shuddered at the way the sound rumbled against his skin, and added another layer to the slow building pleasure starting to scorch its way through Dan’s veins.
“Wha-what are you doing?” Dan asked, tripping over the words as a soft moan slipped past his lips. Dan ducked his face into the bed, trying to muffle the soft sounds he was beginning to make, while Phil laughed on top of him.
“Giving you what you wanted,” Phil finally replied after another few lazy kisses had been pressed to the back of Dan’s neck. Dan shuddered at the words, groaning into Phil’s sheets, and bucking his hips down. His cock twitched in his pants, very, very interested now. This was hardly fair. Phil was getting Dan worked up while his parents were downstairs. Wasn’t he afraid they were going to hear?
Dan wasn’t exactly quiet, and besides, the door was still cracked open. Phil hadn’t tried very hard to shut it when they’d walked in, after all.
Regardless of this embarrassing knowledge, Phil’s lips moved from Dan’s neck and trailed up the back of his head to the space behind Dan’s ear. His breath was hot there, causing Dan to let out a surprised whoosh of air, before Phil began speaking again.
“I wonder how quiet you can be, Daniel,” Phil whispered, snaking his hands under Dan’s body and pressing his fingers against his chest. At first, the movement felt aimless, but then Dan realized what Phil was looking for when his fingers passed insistently over Dan’s nipples. Dan hissed out a whimper of pleasure, body twitching against his will.
“Fuck, Phil, I don’t…” Dan shook his head. God, was he really about to argue against doing this, when it was all he’d been able to think about for two months? He hadn’t gotten even remotely enough intimate time with Phil, and skype sex had been completely off the table on Dan’s orders, which Phil gracefully obeyed. Now, though, now Dan was terrified of the fact that Phil’s family was home.
What was the point of all of Dan’s hard work spent getting Phil’s family to like him if Phil was going to fuck Dan under the same roof as them? If Phil was going to risk them hearing exactly what Dan and Phil sounded like during sex?
Yeah. No thank you.
Except - yes please. Dan’s body was screaming for it. He and Phil had gone another round (or two) before he’d had to leave for his train that last day when they’d had the house to themselves, but that hadn’t been nearly enough to Dan’s starved body (or his mind, because let’s be real, Dan was just as much mentally into this as he was physically). Saying no to finally getting what he wanted was fucking hard. Impossible.
“Phil, you asshole,” Dan muttered as Phil continued to press kisses against the back of his neck, his ear, the rough line of his throat where it was exposed, the sharp crevice of his shoulder… Phil’s lips were molten heat against Dan, an incredible feeling that was ultimately going to make Dan give in.
Phil chuckled, but still didn’t respond. Not verbally at least. He did, however, latch onto a spot just beneath Dan’s shirt and suck insistently. He seemed far too intent on breaking down Dan’s resolve, and if Dan was being honest with himself, Phil had already won.
Dan just didn’t want to cave that easily, so he whined a little and arched his back against Phil’s body, shrugging Phil’s mouth off his shoulder. Phil followed the movement, fingers still dancing along Dan’s torso, and reaching down to catch on the hem of his shirt. Dan’s body froze at the touch, a little surprised at how forward Phil was being, and wilted back into the bed.
“Ugh, fuck, Phil, fine, just… jesus fuck, please,” Dan whined, rocking his hips forward. “I’ve been waiting months for you to fuck me again, so just get on with it.”
“Eager, are we?” Phil asked, clearly amused, a husky laugh rasping against Dan’s skin. “I didn’t realize you wanted me so much,” he teased, licking a little stripe of Dan’s skin. “But I mean it, Dan. You’re going to have to be quiet if you want this.”
Dan nodded his head instantly, already knowing that he was going have to focus on reigning in his inability to be silent in intimate moments such as these. At this point, he’d do anything to feel Phil inside of him again, and he moaned as softly as he could when Phil shifted off of him so he was sat on Dan’s thighs, rather than draped over his back.
Phil’s fingers, already grasping the hem of Dan’s shirt, yanked it upwards. Dan arched his body with it, desperate to have the restricted clothing off of him already, and shuffled his arms around so Phil could tear it off of him. It was a bit of a struggle to remove the fabric, something that made Phil laugh and Dan huff out in annoyance, but eventually it was flung off the bed and Phil had returned to leaning over Dan, fluttering kisses across his now-bare shoulder blades.
Fuck, fuck, what if someone chose that moment to walk in? What were they doing fucking with the door cracked open?
“Mm, how do you want it?” Phil asked, lips trailing back up to Dan’s ear so he could whisper the question there, words erasing all worries from Dan’s mind. “What did you like best last time?”
Dan’s mouth fell open at the very thought of the last few times. Phil had taken him in every position Dan had known existed (and a few that Dan hadn’t), but there was one thing they hadn’t actually tried.
Despite Dan craving the idea of Phil taking him rough and hard from the very beginning, discarding the gentle, perfect, in-control part of his personality and replacing it with something more akin to the passionate flirt Dan knew Phil could be, they hadn’t actually gone at it in anywhere close to too rough. Phil had been far too careful for that, and Dan had revealed in the affectionate touches.
Now, though… now seemed like the perfect time.
“From behind,” Dan blurted out. He was panting just at the thought of it. Phil had taken him that way before, the morning after, but that had been slow and sweet and consisted of Phil laying on top of Dan. This time, Dan wanted something different. “Doggy style,” he added, feeling a surge of heat rush through him when the words made Phil choke.
Dan hoped it was a good choke.
“I want you to fuck me hard, Phil. I want to still be able to feel you when I get home.” The words, a lot less sexy when spoken aloud, were nonetheless a sentiment that Dan couldn’t help holding onto. He wanted some kind of reminder that Phil was his, some kind of reminder that this had happened, and it was real.
So yeah, Dan wanted rough, and he didn’t even mind if it hurt to sit for a couple of days afterward.
Phil groaned at the words, biting down on Dan’s shoulder where his lips had moved while he’d waited for a response from Dan. His hips shifted on top of Dan a little, nudging Phil’s bulge into the cleft of Dan’s arse, and reassuring him that Phil was just as interested in that idea as Dan was.
“Yeah, yeah, okay,” Phil whispered, releasing Dan’s skin and kissing over it. “Not gonna hurt you though,” Phil added, like the gentlemen he was, and leaned back up to kiss at the side of Dan’s neck. Before Dan could get too into the touch, Phil rolled off of Dan, and got off the bed entirely.
Dan turned to watch Phil move, eyes drawn to the bulge in his jeans and the fact that Phil was just as excited as Dan. The fact still managed to amaze Dan sometimes, despite the absurd amount of times they’d had sex over the course of three days alone, and the skype calls where Phil admitted to being late because he’d had to take care of… something in the bathroom.
His cheeks were always gloriously flushed, and his body adorably relaxed. Dan couldn’t decide if he was more jealous or happy in those moments, but he figured both was a fine middle ground.
Phil shuffled around his room, thankfully finally noticing that the door was open, and closed it softly. Dan heard the distinctive sound of a lock turning, and then Phil was moving to dig around in the bottom drawer of his dresser where he’d promised to keep the lube, condoms, and latex gloves from now on. He’d claimed it was just less embarrassing to have them in the restroom than his mum finding them hidden in his bedroom, but Dan did not give a shit. They needed to be closer for future events.
Such as this one.
Once the items had been retrieved, Phil returned to the bed and dropped them next to where Dan was laying. Rather than joining Dan, however, Phil started to scramble out of his clothes, messily pulling his shirt over his head before beginning to shimmy out of his jeans and pants. Despite not wanting to move, Dan rolled over to follow Phil’s movements, and attempted to drag his own jeans off of his legs.
Phil finished undressing before Dan despite the fact that Dan already wasn’t wearing a shirt, and pressed in close to kiss him, preventing Dan from getting the jeans any further down than his thighs. Phil’s lips were wet and open as he showed Dan just how excited he was. The sight of his erect cock had been proof enough, but Dan wasn’t going to complain about the kiss when it felt so good. He hadn’t gotten nearly enough kisses from Phil today.
He’d arrived at noon at Manchester Piccadilly, and had spent the entire afternoon with Phil and his family, so there hadn’t really been anytime for making out. Dan was definitely content to make up for lost time now.
Dan continued to fumble with his jeans, though, desperate to have them off. His body was already surging with arousal, the memory of what it felt like to be with Phil both fresh and not fresh enough. He was so fucking ready to feel it again, to have it ingrained in his memory. Dan hoped one day there wouldn’t be enough time between intimate moments like this for Dan to forget how good Phil felt inside of him.
As Phil kissed Dan within an inch of his life, Dan struggled with his jeans, groping unattractively under Phil. His knees flailed a little, nearly jabbing Phil in a very, very sensitive place, but it only made Phil laugh and pull away. Dan’s cheeks were flushed in a combination of embarrassment and arousal, but he found himself smiling back at Phil anyway.
His boyfriend was doing that thing with his tongue where he bit down on it a little when he laughed, part of the cute little muscle sticking out the side of his mouth. It was absolutely adorable, and so fucking human that it made moments like these feel so much more real. When Dan and his ex used to have sex, it had always been a bit more awkward, a bit more clumsy, and with far less humor. The goal had been nothing more than getting off. Well, or trying to at least.
Sex with Phil was fun, though, and even being nearly kneed in the balls wasn’t enough to turn Phil off.
This was how sex should be.
“Here, let me help you,” Phil insisted, crawling off of Dan and reaching for his jeans. He was far more successful at getting the skin tight fabric free from Dan’s legs, but he wasn’t trying to do so while someone else kissed the life out of them. Dan chose not to comment, however, and once he was fully stripped of his clothes and completely naked, he reached for Phil once more and drew him into another kiss.
Phil’s body fit wonderfully against Dan’s. It had been nice when he’d been draped over Dan’s back earlier, and nice when he’d first climbed over Dan to kiss him, but being naked with Phil was something else entirely. The way their bodies seemed to fit was just perfection, skin on skin, and cocks rubbing against cocks. Dan’s hips undulated upwards as Phil’s rocked downwards, encouraging a little bit of frottage that they honestly never got to do nearly enough, all while Dan got his fill of Phil’s mouth.
Dan knew that once he rolled over, he wasn’t going to get to kiss Phil again for some time, so he was taking advantage of the moment. Phil wasn’t complaining, though, fingers rucking up through Dan’s hair and pulling lightly while they kissed, his bodyweight entirely rested on top of Dan so that he could touch him everywhere while they kissed.
Dan’s hands scrabbled at Phil’s waist, groping his bum a little because he never got to touch Phil there enough, and skimming up to tease at his lower back and his ribcage. Phil, true to his word so long ago, was very sensitive there, groaning into Dan’s neck and rocking his hips down particularly hard that time. The motion further encouraged Dan, who kept the movements of his fingers up, dancing alongside Phil’s ribs, and working him up into as much of a frenzy as Dan could manage.
His own cock was beginning to ache with arousal. The feeling of slick skin against slick skin was soon to be both too much and not enough, Dan was sure, but he thought he could put up with a bit more for the sake of staying in this moment. He quite liked how Phil felt against him, on top of him, grinding into him and shaking at the feeling of Dan’s fingers on his sides. Any chance to make Phil fall apart was a win in Dan’s book, and worth any kind of oversensitivity he might get as a result.
Besides. Even if the touches to his dick became too much, both Dan and Phil knew how to take care of Dan so that he’d finish anyway. It wasn’t the issue that Dan had always worried it would be, and he was eternally grateful.
Phil started to pant against Dan’s mouth, the kisses becoming more and more sloppy as Phil’s movements became a little less coordinated. Clearly giving up on making out, Phil trailed his lips across Dan’s chin, and started to nibble at his jaw.
“Are you trying to wind me up?” he asked, voice practically a growl. Dan had to restrain himself from biting out too loud of a sound in reaction to that, and nodded his head, deliberately running his hands along Phil’s ribs again.
“Is it working?” he whispered, the sound half a gasp. Phil groaned in response, and bit down harder on Dan’s jaw line.
Dan reached up to shove his hand into his mouth, slamming his eyes shut to prevent himself from whining loudly.
God, he wasn’t used to having to be discreet during sex. It had never felt as good as it did with Phil, so Dan had never really had cause to force himself to be silent before, but now, now. Phil was going to kill him.
Dan needed to shut up.
Chuckling as he noticed Dan’s move to silence himself, Phil trailed his mouth lower over Dan’s jaw, and down to his neck, where he pressed another few kisses before drawing away entirely.
Dan had to muffle a groan of protest, and stared up at Phil, wide eyed.
“Turn over,” Phil insisted. “I don’t think I can… God, Dan. I really want you.”
The words went straight to Dan’s dick. His balls curled up against him, so fucking full already, and pleasure ricocheted throughout his body. Dan’s body was wracked with a full body shudder as he moved to roll over. He knew exactly what Phil had stopped himself from saying.
He couldn’t wait any longer. But neither could Dan.
Who needed foreplay when he was about to be filled with Phil.
Besides, wasn’t two months without this kind of touch enough foreplay?
Once on his stomach, Dan shifted to get up on his hands knees. Phil reached around him to encourage Dan to rest on his elbows instead, pushing down on his low back to help get him into position, and forced Dan’s legs further apart. His touches were a little more rough than Phil usually allowed them to be (not that Dan minded), revealing just how turned on Phil currently was.
Dan hoped that meant Phil wouldn’t take it easy on him this time. Dan really wanted to know what it would feel like to have Phil completely fall apart inside of him.
“Try to stay like that or you might fall. I don’t want to hurt you,” Phil insisted. His voice was gravelly with desire as he shifted behind Dan, presumably grabbing a glove and the lube. Far beyond caring about the mess it could make to have anal sex, Dan didn’t say a word of complaint, and merely waited for Phil to get started.
He could feel goosebumps of anticipation forming on his skin already. He was shivering a little, tense with desire, cock beginning to twitch angrily between his legs. It had been so long since Dan had gotten off, now… he was so fucking ready for it.
Dan wondered if he’d go boneless like the first time, if his vision would black out and he’d give in to the natural desire to relax completely when his orgasm rushed over him, or if he’d muddle through it while he and Phil curled up together, mind very much so aware of the feeling coursing through him.
Dan whimpered at the thought, and had to shove his face into the sheets below him to muffle the sound.
“Shh,” Phil whispered. It sounded like he was grinning, or suppressing laughter. Dan was tempted to reach behind himself and flip Phil off.
But he wasn’t supposed to move. He was supposed to stay just like this… God, the thought of obeying Phil’s every order was hot. Maybe they should try that out sometime. Right now, though, Dan needed to focus on relaxing his body some, because he could hear the telltale sounds of Phil slicking up his fingers, and Dan was not in the mood for the prep to take all night.
One of Phil’s hands found Dan’s hip, nudging into the cleft and holding on tight, while his thumb reached down to spread Dan’s arse cheek and expose him to Phil’s sight, which always made Dan’s cheeks pink. It just seemed so… intimate.
Slowly, Phil began to circle a finger around Dan’s rim, and leaned in close to press a litter of kisses against the small of Dan’s back.
“Relax, sweetheart,” he whispered, “I’ve got you.”
The words sent a spark of affection and lust straight through Dan, who did his best to calm his body down enough to accept Phil’s finger. Dan wanted this so badly, however, it was difficult to do at first, and he ended up having to take a few deep breaths to untense his body. Phil waited patiently all the while, unwilling to press forward until he knew that Dan was comfortable.
Phil seemed to know Dan’s body pretty well though - or maybe he could just feel it - as the moment Dan relaxed, Phil pressed one finger inside, and began to stretch Dan open.
The feeling of Phil’s finger inside of Dan was never going to get old. Dan shoved his face into Phil’s bed at the first nudge of it against his walls, pleasure spiking through him faster and faster each time they did this. It was like Dan’s body knew what was coming and didn’t care to work itself up anymore, sending Dan head first into bliss before they’d even properly gotten started.
It made prepping him easier, though. Dan was coming to learn that the more they did this, the easier it would get, and the more frequently, the less tight Dan’s body would be. Overtime, it would start to tighten back up, but that was fine, because it wasn’t difficult to get it used to the feeling again. Dan had learned they would always need lube, though, and that condoms were the easiest source of clean up, even if bareback did sound good. Maybe someday.
Sinking into the feeling of Phil stretching him open, Dan did his best to muffle his sounds into Phil’s bed covers. He was still loud to his own ears, though, and a few times even heard Phil chuckle and shush him from behind, working diligently to prepare Dan for his cock. Dan felt kind of bad for being so loud, but it was hardly his fault.
Phil was the one who’d shown Dan what real pleasure could feel like.
As Phil moved to shift a second finger inside of Dan, and begin to press deeper inside, looking for that special spot inside of Dan, Dan started to grind his hips backwards. From this position, on his hands and knees, it was easier than ever before, and Dan moaned loudly into the bed.
“Dan!” Phil reprimanded, “You have to be quiet, baby. Come on, we don’t want my parents to hear you, right?” he added, partially teasing.
Dan gurgled in response, eyes rolling to the back of his head at the feeling of Phil inside of him. It was just so fucking good, and he knew he needed to shut the fuck up, but it was hard. It had been so long since Dan had gotten to feel this, and it was so much better than he’d remembered, so much better than his own awkward exploration when he’d tried the toy on himself. It sent intense waves of gratification up and down Dan’s body, making his cock ache as it hung between his legs, unable to even get any satisfaction by rubbing against the fabric of Phil’s sheets.
It was for the best. Dan could feel himself starting to dribble precum, leaking onto the covers beneath him, and he really didn’t want to get over sensitive before Phil had even had a chance to fuck him like he’d promised.
Forehead beaded with sweat, hair probably a fucking mess, Dan nonetheless ground his hips backwards harder still. Dan wondered for a moment how he looked to Phil, if Phil was staring at him with lust filled eyes, or if he was humping the air unconsciously with the desire to be inside of Dan.
The thought sent another wave of arousal through Dan’s veins, and he did his best to muffle a grandiose moan into the sheets.
“Holy fuck, Dan, I haven’t even found your prostate yet,” Phil grunted. His lips, which had left Dan’s body to focus on the task at hand, returned, biting down on the little dip in Dan’s back, and sucking a mark there. Phil’s mouth was harsh and wet, and it was obvious he was beside himself with desire for Dan. The thought made Dan moan again, shoving himself backwards even harder on Phl’s fingers.
Finally, the pads rubbed against Dan’s prostate, waking the nerves up, and causing Dan to dig his nails so hard into Phil’s bedsheets he thought he was going to tear them. It took monumental effort it took to stay noiseless .
“That’s it,” Phil whispered, “That’s it, baby. Fuck yourself on me,” he gasped, still mouthing along Dan’s back, lips trailing up further, and then back down, until he was back where he’d started, nibbling on the same bit of skin he’d first marked. Dan imagined it would be a horrible, wonderful purple by the time they were finished tonight, but he didn’t care. It just meant Dan would go home with a reminder of Phil seared into his skin. He’d have to make sure his shirt didn’t ride up in front of Phil’s family, though.
The words, though, the words were… a lot. Phil hadn’t tried to hard to talk dirty to Dan since they’d messed around on Skype, always seeming either too overwhelmed or too in control to say much to Dan. Now, though, it was like that guy Dan had thought was a fucking sex god was back, and it was beyond seductive. Phil was fucking hot, provocative not just in his movements, and his touch, but in his words, too, and Dan didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky.
Now that Phil had found his prostate, he didn’t seem inclined to move away from it. He quirked his fingers to rub roughly against the bundle of nerves, pressing deeper and deeper inside of Dan still, all while Dan did his best to keep up the rocking motion of hips and keep the satisfying feeling of fucking Phil’s fingers surging through him. His eyes were closed, breathing a goddamn wreck as he panted into Phil’s bedsheets, a constant stream of nonsense falling from his lips.
Phil wasn’t shushing him this time, so Dan assumed he was doing a pretty good job of keeping hushed.
Phil finger fucking him seemed to last forever. For a moment, Dan was so lost to the sensation that he was starting to wonder if he wasn’t going to get that prostate massage after all, but eventually, Phil pulled his fingers free, much to the displeasure of Dan, and rolled the glove off his hand.
The sound of a condom wrapper opening, followed by the bottle of lube, sent another shiver of desire up Dan’s spine.
He wondered if Phil’s hands were shaking, and groaned into the bed.
“Fuck. You’re such a fucking cockslut, Dan,” Phil rasped, voice fucking wrecked. “So fucking ready for me, aren’t you? Can’t fucking wait,” he added, gasping the words out as his hand slipped over his dick. Dan could hear the wet sounds of Phil jerking himself off, and whined as he shoved his face further into the bed, and thrusted his arse backwards in an attempt to entice Phil.
Clearly it worked.
Phil let out a growl at the sight, and finally reached for Dan again. One hand found Dan’s ribs, holding him still, as Phil’s cock head nudged at Dan’s rim, already beginning to spread it open lightly. Dan shuddered at the sensation, fucking gagging for it. Phil felt so good against him. He wasn’t lying against Dan the way he’d laid on him the last time they’d fucked in a similar position, but he seemed to be standing on his knees, ready to fuck into Dan the way Dan had seen pornstars do it. Dan couldn’t deny that the mental image sent another shock of desire through him that nearly caused him to throw his head back, but he forced it to stay planted firmly against Phil’s bed lest he scream out Phil’s name.
“God, you look good like this,” Phil gasped, rocking against Dan, but not quite pushing in just yet. “Wish you could see yourself…” Phil let out a soft grunting noise that bordered on a moan, a sound of which Dan treasured. He felt his mouth loll open, and felt himself beginning to drool, but there was really no stopping it at that point.
Phil had completely and utterly destroyed Dan, and he hadn’t even pressed inside of him yet.
“Actually fucking you is so much better than watching myself fuck you,” Phil admitted, and finally started to press inside of Dan. The combination of words, the confession that Phil still watched their inadvertent sex type, and the sensation of Phil stretching Dan open with his cock, forced another lewd noise out of Dan that Phil had to shush. Dan couldn’t seem to help it, though. He had next to no control over the volume of his voice at this point, let alone whatever came out of it, and it was, when it came right down to it, Phil’s. Fucking. Fault.
Dan wasn’t going to say that, though, because that would mean Phil not fucking him, and hell if they were going to get this far without the main event.
Just as slowly as ever, Phil pushed inside of Dan, rocking his hips gently and trying his best not to hurt him. Over the sound of Dan’s own loud breathing, he thought he could hear Phil grunting, holding his breath and gritting his teeth as he fought to maintain control. As much as Dan appreciated it, he couldn’t wait for Phil to let go in a moment.
He hoped to god that Phil would let go.
Each slow push of Phil’s cock into Dan was near torture. The sparks of pleasure were amazing, but Dan knew they could be so much better, and he wanted to get to the part where Phil fucked him already. At the same time, everything felt so good that Dan couldn’t, in his right mind, complain. He just wanted to live in this moment forever.
He couldn’t believe he’d missed out on this for two fucking months. How dare the universe keep this from him? Didn’t it know how wonderful this felt? Clearly not.
By the time Phil stopped moving, hips flush with Dan’s arse, Dan was already a little bit out of his mind, and completely out of breath. Phil’s hands had both moved to grip tight to Dan’s hips, the touch much rougher than it had ever been before. Phil’s breathing was uneven and far breathier than normal, hinting that Phil was losing it too, and Dan could feel the edges of his vision beginning to blur, even in the darkness of the covers where he’d pressed his face.
The world was shaking, just a little bit. Or was that Dan?
“God, Dan,” Phil groaned. His vocabulary seemed to be reduced to nothing more than that. He ended up grunting out another sound, but no words formed, and Phil’s hips jerked a little, but remained mostly in place.
Why wasn’t Phil fucking him yet?
Dan shoved his arse backwards, reveling in the way it made Phil whimper, and did it again, and again, and again, because he was sick of waiting.
Phil leaned over Dan’s body and nipped his shoulder.
“Gonna fuck you,” Phil grunted.
When he pulled back, Dan couldn’t help whimpering in protest. He liked how it felt to have Phil towering over him, covering Dan’s body with his own. All thought of protest fled his mind, however, when Phil started to move.
Phil’s hips jerked back, a little uncontrolled, and then shoved back in, the pace unexpected and rather sudden, even for Dan. It wasn’t bad though. No, far from it. It was fucking sexy, and Dan had to muffle his cries of pleasure into Phil’s bedsheets as Phil set a brutal pace.
The sound of their skin slapping together echoed in the little room. Dan wondered if it was this loud anywhere else, but couldn’t focus long enough to worry, because Phil was giving Dan exactly what he’d wanted. He wasn’t taking it easy, he wasn’t taking it slow. This was raw, and desperate, and good. So fucking good.
Everything with Phil was good.
Dan wanted to fucking worship him.
Tears sprang to Dan’s eyes as pleasure coursed through him, building faster and faster with each passing moment. The feeling was different from when Phil had fucked him more calmly the last few times, far more in control then than he was now, but it wasn’t necessarily a better different. It was just different. In the same way Phil fucking him had felt different to Dan fucking his ex-girlfriend, in terms of the way the pleasure built inside of him, Phil fucking Dan like this felt different.
Just as good, but far more unexpected.
Dan didn’t know what was going to happen. All he knew was that Phil better not run out of energy before he’d fucked Dan to orgasm, or Dan thought he might strangle him (later, when Dan was a bit more sound of mind, he’d take that back, because he knew that Dan was much harder to please as a lover than most others, but in that moment, Dan didn’t give a damn).
Phil’s thrusts seemed to speed up as the moments slipped by, his hips slamming faster and faster into Dan’s, cock brushing against Dan’s inner walls with increasing tension. He hadn’t quite found Dan’s prostate yet, which was a bit frustrating, so Dan started to shift his hips around in the hope that he could help Phil find it.
Phil didn’t protest. He tightened his fingers around Dan’s hips, but let him move as he would. Phil was gasping, hands sweaty, and movements a little less coordinated than Dan was used to. The rhythm was off, especially when Dan seemed to get a hold of himself enough to start fucking Phil back, mostly just stuttery and overall messy.
It didn’t matter, though. It only seemed to add to the moment for Dan. Phil’s balls were slapping against him, and Phil had completely lost control. It was a side of Phil that Dan wanted to see more of in the future, even though he did love the affectionate, sweet Phil that he was starting to see more and more of these days as well. He loved that side of Phil dearly. In terms of sex, though, Dan wanted to see every version of Phil he could get.
Finally, Dan seemed to shift into just the right position, and Phil’s dick started to rub against his prostate with every thrust. The feeling increased Dan’s pleasure tenfold, and he practically howled into Phil’s bedsheets, preventing the sound from traveling by biting down hard on his bottom lip, and shoving his face so roughly into the bed that he nearly stopped his own breathing. Phil let out a whimpery little gasping sound in reaction, making it clear that he’d heard Dan’s noise, and began to fuck him harder, holding Dan tightly in place so Phil drove his cock into the same spot over and over and over.
Phil’s fingers started to spasm on Dan’s hips as his orgasm neared. It was a tell Dan was becoming familiar with, and one that made his heart swoop with disappointment. Phil, who’d been holding himself up on his knees, collapsed onto Dan’s back, shifting so that his hips were more angled, brushing against his prostate instead of hitting it, so that Phil could hold himself up a little while he fucked into Dan. Dan didn’t complain, so long as Phil didn’t stop fucking him.
He knew that was going to become a problem soon, though. Phil’s thrusts had become completely uncoordinated, and so sloppy that he was pressed inside of Dan more often then he was out. That building pressure in Dan’s abdomen was still building, faster than ever before, and yet not peaking like Dan had thought it would. It just kept going, burning like molten heat in his stomach and making Dan feel so close to oversensitive but not quite. Instead, he just felt overwhelmed with the desire to touch himself.
He didn’t, though. He wanted to hold onto this moment, wanted to come untouched like he had every other time with Phil, wanted to keep himself from tipping over into that horrible place where the orgasm ebbed away forcefully, suddenly, and left Dan feeling raw to the bone. He wanted the feeling to keep building, and he wanted to tumble over the otherside with no further help.
Phil moaned against Dan’s neck.
“Can-Can’t Dan, I’m gonna…”
Dan whined, upset at the words. Phil had held out so well for him the last few times. Dan didn’t want Phil to come before him, didn’t want Phil to stop fucking him, and yet at the same time, Dan knew it was inevitable. He shoved his face into the covers, and relaxed further, nodding his head as best as he could to let Phil know it was okay.
Phil groaned in relief, and started to fuck Dan harder, grinding his hips into Dan’s, and letting himself become even more uncontrolled. His dick pressed deeper and deeper into Dan, and as Phil refused to pull back and thrust properly anymore, Dan knew Phil’s orgasm was coming.
When it washed over him, Phil bit down on Dan’s shoulder with an almost-too-loud moan that Dan would never tire of hearing, and slumped on top of Dan.
Dan, for his part, collapsed onto the bed, disappointed. He hadn’t even known if he was close, but he hadn’t wanted to stop, and -
“Get on top of me,” Phil insisted, breathless. Dan felt his body shake as he tried to roll off of Dan, gasping as he managed it and collapsed on the bed next to him. “Dan - fucking - ride me!”
Cock throbbing between his legs, Dan did his best to scramble on top of Phil and do as he’d been told, the idea growing inside of Dan and making his cock twitch between this legs. His thighs shook and he nearly fell on top of Phil in his rush to mount him, but Dan was too fucking gone to care. He didn’t look back, he merely reached behind himself blindly and wrapped his fingers around the latex covered cock, and did his best to ignore what the condom most likely had on it.
Now was not the time to worry about that. Now was the time to find release.
Shifting his hips backwards, and trying to find the right position without Phil’s help, Dan did his best to nudge Phil’s cock back inside of him. It took a lot more work than Dan would have liked it to have, but Phil was completely out of it below him, eyes closed, fringe pushed back in a quiff, face red and covered in sweat.
Dan couldn’t expect anything from Phil post orgasm like that.
But he was definitely going to ride Phil to his own orgasm.
Finally managing to get the angle right, Dan shifted his hips down, and groaned as Phils cock filled him. Hands now officially unsanitary, even after wiping them on the covers, Dan bit down hard on his bottom lip to maintain his noises, and started to ride Phil in earnest, bracing himself with both palms pressed firmly to Phil’s thighs.
The sounds Phil made in response were…. tantalizing. The seemingly unconscious, breathy little whimpers shook Dan to his core as he fucked himself down on Phil’s cock, riding him as best as he could when his thighs were twitching and his body was clenching down, ready to come. His orgasm was right there, right there, Dan was sure of it, he just couldn’t quite find it.
Dan couldn’t believe Phil was allowing Dan to ride him like this. Dan couldn’t even begin to imagine how overstimulated Phil must be. He’d just come, and with every little whimper Dan became more and more aware of what Phil was giving Dan in order for Dan to come. He couldn’t be any more grateful.
Dan’s prostate was hiding from him, making reaching oragasm even harder. Dan didn’t have it in him to go on a proper search, though, so he merely fucked himself on Phil, and let it all happen. His hands landed on the bed on either side of Phil’s body as Dan pitched forward, angling his body more to take more of Phil’s dick, and really got himself going. Dan could hear the slick slide of Phil in and out of him, could feel the way his body was gaping around Phil, and it was good, it was so good.
Dan just wanted to come. He never wanted this feeling to end but at the same time he wanted that release, that feeling of euphoria exploding through his veins, that wonderful sensation of an ending that made his toes curl and his breath catch in his throat.
He just needed a little more. A little more, fuck, please, please.
Dan bit so hard on his bottom lip that he started to bleed. He could taste it. But it was the only way to keep himself muffled without shoving a dirty hand into his mouth, and even if Dan was half out of his mind with pleasure, there was no way he was doing that.
Phil would just have to kiss it better later.
Heat coiled tighter and tighter inside of Dan, buliding beyond a place Dan thought it could build. His cock was weeping between his legs, desperate to come, and Dan couldn’t blame it. He was desperate too. He wanted nothing more than release, but it was so fucking hard.
Dan would have felt bad for Phil if he weren’t so busy feeling bad for himself.
And then it happened. Dan shoved his hips backwards onto Phil’s cock, and consequently struck his prostate dead on. His eyes flew open as he gasped, the sound next to breathless, and empty.
Dan felt his vision start to blur, and his head go light and dizzy, that familiar tug in his abdomen pulling tight, as release washed over him. The feeling was like a punch in the stomach, pulling Dan under before he could properly see it coming. His dick twitched and spurted as he came all over Phil’s stomach and chest, his body melting as heat surged through his veins.
Dan groaned, releasing his bottom lip, as he pitched forward on top of Phil, and rode his arse backwards to work himself through his orgasm. He could feel his thigh muscles tightening up and beginning to cramp, but even that was adding to the sensation of pleasure coursing through Dan’s body, making the high that much better, as Dan panted against Phil’s neck. His toes curled as he fucked himself down one last time, forcing Phil to bury his cock deep, and relaxed, breathless, on top of his boyfriend.
Everything about the orgasm was better than Dan had remembered, everything about Phil’s body pressed tight to his, and his cock buried deep, was better than the last time. God, had Dan missed this. Dan never wanted to let this go, never wanted to pull away from Phil or go another day without him.
But he knew he would have to. At least for a little while longer.
If Phil’s words could be believed, then one day, they’d live together and never have to leave each other’s sides again.
Below him, Phil let out a huge sigh as he reached up to wrap his arms around Dan’s body, dragging him in closer still.
“Fuck,” he croaked out.
Dan laughed, the sound giddy and out of it, as he pressed a kiss to whatever part of Phil he was currently laying on top of.
“Fuck, indeed,” Dan agreed. He tucked his face against the crook of Phil’s neck, and kissed his neck lazily. “God, Phil, that was hot.”
Phil hummed, turning his head to drop a kiss on top of Dan’s head. “Not as hot as you are.”
Dan rolled his eyes. Phil was chuckling softly at his own lame joke, and Dan was grinning, because Phil… Phil was something special. He made sex feel like something they could joke about, and something they could relax from in each others arms without any awkward worries or conversations afterwards.
Then Dan remembered the state of his hands, and the fact that he’d wiped them all over Phil’s bed, and he giggled.
“Wait until you see the mess we’ve made.”
Phil groaned, but his arms tightened around Dan’s body, so he figured Phil didn’t really mind. Dan allowed himself to snuggle further down against Phil’s chest, but he did his best to refrain from touching Phil with his dirty hands.
They were really going to need a shower in a second.
Before Dan could so much as fully process that thought, a knock came at Phil’s bedroom door. Phil tensed underneath Dan, and Dan felt his heart stop dead in his chest.
This was it. This was the moment. Phil’s parents had heard, and Dan and Phil were fucked. Dan sucked in a terrified breath, convinced Mrs. Lester was going to ask to see them downstairs, and then Dan was going to be sent on his merry way, home far earlier than Dan had wanted.
Had the sex been worth their time being cut short?
Now was not that time for Dan to ask himself that.
“Hey loverboy, dinner’s ready. Hurry up and get cleaned up before you come down. You’re lucky mum sent me up rather than coming herself, and you’re lucky I’m used to hearing you with your paramours or I’d be far less inclined to knock on your door before mum came looking herself. Glad this one’s at least staying.”
It took a moment for the realization that it was Martyn at the door to sink in, and even longer for Dan to understand what he’d actually said, but once he did, he found himself melting instantly on top of Phil. Phil groaned, his neck turning a deep shade of red, as he, too, let Martyn’s words sink in.
“We’ll be out in a sec!” Phil shouted back, voice high pitched with embarrassment. He didn’t acknowledge anything else that Martyn had said, but Martyn didn’t call him out for it. Instead, he laughed, the sound fading away as he very clearly retreated back downstairs.
Dan, high on the fact that they’d hopefully gotten away with the events of the evening, just snuggled further into Phil, and laughed, because the entire moment just felt so fucking surreal.
“So… you brought a lot of boys home, then?”
Phil groaned again, and shoved Dan off of him, face and neck such a dark shade of red that Dan almost felt bad for teasing him.
“What, your family all seem to be pretty happy I’m not just another one night stand,” Dan taunted, though there was a part of him that was overjoyed with that fact too.
“Dan!” Phil reprimanded, turning to frown at him, despite the fact that he looked embarrassed as fuck. “I - just - don’t mention that!”
Rather than agreeing, Dan just laughed.
Like hell was he giving up that kind of fodder for the future. Dan was going to hold that one over Phil’s head for the rest of his life. Dan arched his neck, and pressed a soft kiss to Phil’s lips, giggling against his mouth, and wishing they could just stay here.
But they had a dinner to attend, and some clean up to take care of before they went down. Besides, Dan really, really needed to get himself back on Phil’s parents’ good side, because he had a terrible feeling they hadn’t managed to be quiet at all.
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