#AND ALSO ALISTAIR how could i forget
jaarijani · 2 months
you can tell i should really be asleep when the only people active on my dash are the north americans
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Me, when Sebastian joins my party for the first time: Okay, this time I'm not going to forget about you, Sebastian. I'm going to make an effort to use you a lot this playthrough so I can better understand you.
Also me, immediately forgetting about Sebastian while finishing Act 2 and making it halfway through Act 3 before I finally notice his Faith quest: ......................Oh. Right. My bad.
#da2#dragon age 2#sebastian vael#listen in my defense..........i don't like bringing sebastian anywhere sksksks#okay look i seriously tried but every time i bring him somewhere i always think man i wish i had brought someone else#and also i do just forget about him! i finally added him to my party at one point and he had 24 points to spend...#that's how long i neglected him after i promised myself i was gonna use him more and then i didn't#it's not that i don't like sebastian as a character though i do tend to side eye him A LOT... it's just that i like everyone else more#even aveline like i'd take aveline over sebastian any day and that's saying something... or is it? i have a lot of feelings about aveline#whereas my feelings about sebastian could maybe fill a thimble...it doesn't help that in my canon run as a mage hawke#i romance anders and well... sebastian wants me to kill anders and my hawke is like 'do i approve of blowing up the chantry? complicated.'#'am i breaking up with anders for this? absolutely. do i still love him? mmhmmm. am i going to kill him sebby? i'd sooner set varric aflame#then sebastian threatens to bring an army to kirkwall and leaves so i can't say i have the greatest opinion on him#even the time where i did kill anders and he stayed in my party he was just... there#and then he glitched out and started t posing while asking if ed ever found out what anders wanted to do in the chantry so..... yeah#but even this playthrough where i'm playing as a lady warrior with a different personality and everything... i'd just rather use anyone els#also keep him away from bethany i do not approve sksksks she's too good for him#i want to understand and see the different angles of him like with the other companions but i've yet to convince myself to do it#also sebastian romancers out there can you like... explain? genuinely can you explain the appeal? i'm curious#because of all the love interests in da2 i look at sebastian and you'd think i'd maybe be more interested? but it's like...#i know about the chaste marriage and everything like that's fine i don't need sex to be a thing in the relationship but it feels less like#an asexual romance and more like... y'know... being with a priest and i guess that's just not one of my kinks? sksksks#i guess there's also the prince angle but i romanced alistair in dao and kept him a grey warden i don't really care about royalty power#and i don't have issues with him being a part of the chantry [well i do but yknow what i mean] since i romanced cullen in dai#and his whole deal with the chantry and magic and shit makes his romance interesting to me but sebastian is just.... a bit too much i think#i don't know i'd like to understand because i really don't but i also keep forgetting about him
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vigilskeep · 7 months
one thing that i think is true about anora is that she’s so accustomed to ruling as anora-and-cailan she’s forgotten that it wasn’t just her. it’s so typically mac tir to forget that diplomacy and winning hearts actually matter instead of simply being the meaningless frippery of politics that someone has to do before we can get to the cold hard work. cailan’s contribution to the partnership was his charm and popularity. anora is blunt, as direct in her ruthlessness and betrayals as she is in her leadership, and too proud to lie or apologise, all of which is her greatest shortcoming as a ruler and certainly the number one reason players and wardens keep her from the throne. and that’s not players and wardens being superficial; this is a major deficiency for a ruler. having the charm to easily convince the warden to like and back her is a skill she could have and doesn’t. having staunch allies in denerim that answer to her not her father is a skill she could have and doesn’t. there’s a reason the epilogue slides for a partnership with alistair emphasise him contributing with the kind of travelling and people pleasing fundamental to medieval kingship, which anora never seems to bother with on her own
i don’t say any of this to put down anora; from a player’s perspective all of it strengthens her character, and from an in-world perspective, alistair’s equally as incapable of doing what she does. i just like to discuss that her style of ruthlessness and directness has its strategic drawbacks—people react to being betrayed and talked down to—and by contrast being friendly and likeable has its strategic value. i like that the mac tir abrasiveness has genuine political consequences left and right, and how especially applicable it is in a choice-based game where the personal response these characters manage to get from you really matters. i also think it’s one of the most compelling arguments for a joint ruler ending that, as the epilogue slides suggest, they can potentially fill in for each other’s lacks
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queen-haq · 10 months
Fic: Grudgingly Yours (Part 6)
Fic: Grudgingly Yours (Part 6)
Summary: You are a general surgeon, working in a hospital that’s slowly sucking the life out of you when one day you’re given the offer of a lifetime.
A.K.A  - An arranged marriage fic :)
Pairing: Billy Russo x You
Rating: R
Masterlist (contains links to my other stories and this one)
You were sitting at your desk in the home office you made for yourself, focused on projections for the urgent care when a knock on the door interrupted your focus. Billy walked in with his usual arrogant gait, his gaze locked on you.
“You look busy,” he drawled, coming over to where you were sitting. Standing beside you, he leaned back on the desk, casually flipping through the excel printouts you’d been reviewing.
“I am busy.” You grabbed the sheets from his hand and placed them back on the desk. “What do you want?”
“What’s all this stuff?”
“Didn’t you cash me in as a golden ticket? Thought that meant you never had to work again.”
“I used you to quit the hospital, not my entire career.”
“Could’ve just switched jobs instead of dragging me into your mess.”
“Then I’d be working for another soul-sucking board of assholes.” You sighed with resignation. There was so much to be done and it felt like time was running out. Part of the reason you’d agreed to Alistair’s plans wasn’t just for financial gain, but also to have access to his wealthy contacts who could be of use when it came to permits and donations. Unfortunately Alistair was still mad and you were drowning in bureaucratic red tape. “At this rate, that’ll happen anyway.”
“What are you trying to get done?”
“Like you give a shit.”
“I don’t. I’m just killing time.” He cocked his eyebrow. “So tell me.”
Sitting back in your chair, you cast a wary glance at the task list on your laptop screen. “Build a clinic in my old neighbourhood.” Dejected, you bit the inside of your cheek. “But that’s gonna be a lot tougher than I thought.”
“Why? Not enough funding?”
“Permit issues. I was hoping Alistair would help with that-
“But he’s pissed.” Billy tipped his head to the side. “And he’s a vengeful old prick.”
“Now you tell me.”
“I know people who can help.”
Surprised, you returned your attention back to him. “Really?”
“Yeah. Same family friends, remember?”
“How could I forget,” you muttered, angling forward. “But why would you help me? What’s in it for you?”
A small smile played across his lips. “Maybe I’m doing it out of the goodness of my heart.”
“You don’t have one. So what do you want?”
The smile transitioned into a fully amused smirk. “There’ s a wedding I have to attend. A good friend of mine. As much as I want to keep this shit between us a secret, he found out about you.”
“Aw, he wants to meet your wife.”
“Something like that.”
Laughing, you stood up. “Will we need to hold hands? Kiss? Pretend we’re newlyweds madly in love?” Looping your arms around his neck, you taunted in a sing-song voice. “Is this a ploy to get me to fall in love with you?”
“You’ve watched too many romcoms.” Despite his grumbling tone, his eyes twinkled with delight. “None of that shit is gonna happen, no matter how badly you want it.” He unlocked your arms from around him but didn’t let go of your hands. “You help me out, I’ll help you out. We have a deal?”
“How do I know you’ll hold up your end?”
There was that perfectly arched eyebrow again, questioning you. “You don’t trust me?”
“Not even a little bit.”
He squeezed your hands, the heat from his touch pulsing through you. “I should be the one doubting you. You tried to seduce me in my sleep.”
“Still telling yourself that lie? You know it’s bullshit.”You tried to back away but his grasp on you remained firm, pulling you closer. You wanted to kick yourself. Yeah you liked toying with him, it was fun seeing him get all worked up, but recently he stopped responding in anger and started pushing your buttons instead, and you didn’t like it. Not when the deep, dark pools of his eyes fixated on you, as if he was trying to absorb all your thoughts and feelings and secrets, and his proximity played havoc with your thoughts.
“Hate to ruin your fantasies, sweetheart, but we’ll be getting separate rooms at the hotel. I don’t want you attacking me again.”
You gave him a forced smile. “Fuck off, Billy.”
He laughed, finally releasing his hold on you. “And when we come back, I’ll introduce you to my contacts.”
“You better.” Needing distance from him, you exited the office and headed to the kitchen to grab a drink. Unfortunately, he followed suit. You did your best to ignore him but it was hard to do that when his gaze followed your every move. “Your friends know the real reason we got married?”
“You mean did I tell them you’re a golddigger?” he remarked dryly, grabbing some pretzels from a jar, and throwing them back in his mouth one by one. “Obviously not. Don’t want to look like a chump.”
“Great,” you groused. “That means I have to be nice to you.”
“Yes, sweetheart. It does.”
“Your friends are gonna be assholes too, aren’t they?”
“Curtis and I served together.”
Shit. Now you felt like an asshole since you’d assumed they were his high society friends.
“He’s saved my ass a few times over the years. I’ve saved his. Now he’s getting married and wants me to be his groomsmen.”
“When’s the wedding?”
“This weekend. In California.”
“Why so soon?”
“I didn’t ask.”
You scowled at him. “I thought you guys were friends?”
“Doesn’t mean we share every fucking detail about our lives. He asked me to be there, so I’m going. Not gonna fucking interrogate the man about it.”
Men, you huffed to yourself. Taking a sip of your drink, you watched as he languidly munched on the pretzels. By now you should have gotten used to his lingering stare but it still caught you by surprise when you found yourself scrutinized by him. These days he was checking you out more and more, and each time it left you unsettled. You contemplated calling him out on it, but with Billy being Billy, he’d probably claim you were being delusional.
Billy slid the pretzel jar back on the island before moving to the sink to wash his hands. Drying them, he sauntered over to where you stood, smoothly reaching over to grab the drink from your hand.
A mischievous smile curved his lips as he took a sip of your drink. “Whole event’s gonna take place over a few days. Bachelor party on Thursday-”
“-Guessing I’m not invited to that?”
“Rehearsal dinner on Friday. Wedding on Saturday.”
“I have an important meeting this Friday.”
“Fly out after. We can meet up there.”
“Hope your friends are not boring, Billy.”
“You can always get them drunk and get ammunition on me.”
You rubbed your hands together with glee. “Oooh, there’s an idea.”
“And I’ll do the same with your friends next time I see them.”
“Absolutely not. Never gonna happen.”
He booped your nose, moving closer. “It’s only fair, don’t you think? You meet mine, I meet yours.”
It dawned on you how intimate the whole encounter was. The two of you teasing each other, being flirty, like an actual couple. And you liked it. You liked this side of him. The realization was unnerving, leaving you feeling suddenly awkward. “I have to get back to work,” you said, feigning a relaxed pose as you quickly put some distance between the two you.
“You alright?” he asked from behind.
You didn’t answer.
You swiped the card and entered the hotel room. Immediately the stunning view of the lush green rolling hills caught your attention. The room wasn’t big; however it was exquisitely designed with bespoke furniture and a Bohemian aesthetic. After unpacking your luggage, you hopped into the shower and got ready for the rehearsal dinner. Your outfit for the night was a chocolate brown cocktail dress that fit you well, with simple jewelry, latte makeup and red lipstick. Gold sandals with midsized heels provided the finishing touches for the look that left you feeling sexy and beautiful. No doubt Billy wouldn’t appreciate the effort but maybe there’d be other hotties in attendance. Hooking up was out of the question but that didn’t mean you couldn’t enjoy the view.
You followed the signs to the restaurant venue, drawing closer to sounds of laughter. Nervousness flitted through you as you walked in, taking in the group of strangers mulling around. You didn’t know these people, and they were bound to judge you as soon as they found out you were married to Billy – it was painfully obvious you weren’t the type of woman he would ever choose.
Taking a deep breath, you gave yourself a mental shake and a pep talk.
So what if others thought Billy was too good for you? It didn’t matter. It’s not like you had feelings for him or anything, so their opinion didn’t matter. You were here just to put on a show so he’d do you a favour. That’s all. Your eyes scanned the room, searching for Billy, when you were approached by a tall, black hottie.
You flashed him a smile. “Hi.”
“You looking for someone?”
“I’m here for Curtis and Jessica’s rehearsal dinner?”
“You’re in the right place. I’m Omar, Curtis’s cousin. You must be one of Jessica’s friends?” He asked, reaching out to grasp your hand.
Oh, the man had game, with his gorgeous smile and the subtle way his eyes trailed down your body. “I’m married to one of the groomsmen.”
“Too bad. Who’s the lucky guy?”
“Me.” Billy seemed to come out of nowhere, sauntering past Omar to stand beside you.
He may have worn jeans for his own wedding but Billy had put in effort tonight, wearing a perfectly tailored maroon collared dress shirt and trousers. His hair was slicked back, his facial hair perfectly groomed. Everything about him screamed gorgeous.
“Omar, why you still holding my wife’s hand?” Billy demanded.
Immediately Omer eased his grip on you, pressing his palms together in an exaggerated show of apology. “Sorry brother, didn’t know she was yours. Just saw a beautiful woman, and I had to introduce myself.”
“I’m not his,” you emphasized. “I’m just married to him.”
Billy turned toward you. “So you do remember you’re married?”
“Kinda,” you smirked, centering your attention back on Omer. “Billy won’t introduce us, so I guess I’ll have to. I’m Y/N.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/N.” Omer winked, casting Billy a mischievous look.
Immediately you stiffened, taking in his expression. Maybe to everyone else the smile on Billy’s face was teasing but you sensed his agitation right away. Something was wrong. You could practically see him crawling out of his skin. And he was no longer looking at you, instead his focus was directed at another woman across the restaurant. You felt an unexpected wave of jealousy hit you. He appeared to be completely enthralled by the attractive brunette, he couldn’t stop staring. And the spark of envy you felt turned into something much more fierce. ���Who is she? An ex-girlfriend?”
Omer raised his eyebrow. “Dinah’s here already? Thought she was coming tomorrow.” His gaze followed both yours and Billy’s. “Oh, Maria.”
“Yeah, Maria.” Billy’s voice was brittle, a stony expression on his face.
You didn’t know what the hell was going on but you absolutely hated the seething rage that flooded over you. It was crazy and made no sense. You ran into many of the women he slept with over the past few months, but they didn’t arouse such strong emotions in you. Probably because he never looked at them the way he was looking at this one. “Gonna introduce me or what?”
Finally Billy shifted his gaze from her to you. Eyebrow furrowed, he stared at you blankly. “Fine. Let’s go.”
It’s like you no longer existed, you were simply baggage he had to carry around. He walked ahead of you, only stopping when he finally reached the brunette. Next to her was another man who bore a striking resemblance to Omar. Based on that similarity, you deduced it was Curtis.
Curtis and Maria both looked up at Billy, flashing him a smile. You observed the trio quietly, noting the absence of intensity on Maria’s face. Whatever Billy felt for that woman, she didn’t reciprocate.
“Billy,” Maria greeted him with a smile.
“How are you, Maria? You look great.”
You noted how deliberately he masked his reaction with the woman. Carefree, jovial, he was all smiles while he hugged her – yet you saw through the ruse. It was all an act; he was more tense than before.
“And this must be the woman who finally nailed down Billy Russo.” Curtis wrapped his arms around you in a big bear hug, surprising you. Unlike his cousin Omer, there was nothing flirtatious in his smile as he greeted you warmly. “Never thought the day would come.”
You returned his smile. “Me neither.”
“Should we be offended we weren’t invited?” Curtis asked.
“Curtis, stop teasing her.” Maria sent her a friendly glance, seemingly oblivious to the way Billy was still watching her. “Congratulations, Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
You offered a small smile, casting Billy a quick glance. Did no one else notice how on edge he was? His anxiety was through the roof yet Curtis and Maria appeared oblivious to it. It was ridiculous that the false smile on Billy’s face had actually fooled them.
“How did you and Billy meet?” Curtis asked, poking Billy in the chest. “He won’t give us any details.”
“Same old story. His grandfather came to the hospital, I operated on him, and while Billy helped him recuperate the two of us fell in love.” It was the story they had both agreed on and seemed to do the trick.
Maria shot Billy a quizzical glance. “I thought you didn’t get along with him.”
“I don’t.”
“But now they’re best buddies,” you piped up.
“Really?” Curtis asked, taken aback.
“She’s just pulling your leg,” Billy replied dryly. “She does that a lot.”
Curtis laughed. “I can see why he likes you.”
For the first time since you walked in the veil of tension lifted from Billy’s face. An amused smile marked his lips. “May need you to remind me, brother. Sometimes she gets a little too mouthy.”
“Yeah, but you like that,” you retorted.
Curtis chuckled while Maria simply smiled. There was a sadness to her you hadn’t noticed before, and you wondered what she was thinking of. A quick peek at Billy’s uneasy face revealed he noticed it too.
“Maria, can we talk for a minute?” Billy asked. He glanced at you. “In private?”
Th jealousy from earlier returned with a swift vengeance but you kept your face devoid of any emotion as you turned your attention back to Curtis. “Why don’t we get a drink while these two talk?”
“Sounds like a great idea.”
You walked away with Curtis, trying not to let Billy’s close exchange with Maria bother you.
Later that night you were dressed in silk camisole and shorts, braiding your hair, when there was a knock on the hotel room door. You glanced at the clock. It was past midnight. You walked to the door and opened it a crack to see who was on the other side. Billy stood there, hair ruffled, eyes red, the first couple of buttons on his maroon shirt undone.
“Let me in?” he asked.
There was hesitancy in his voice, like he recognized this was an imposition. You contemplated telling him to get lost but couldn’t ignore the wild desperation in his eyes. You swung the door wider, allowing him to swagger past you, watching silently as he strode over to the mini-fridge and pulled out a few small bottles of liquor. “You’re paying for that, Billy.”
“Paying for the whole trip, sweetheart.”
You shrugged your shoulders, and sauntered over to the bed. Sitting down with your back against the headboard, you stretched out your legs and studied him as he finished a bottle. “What’s wrong? You’ve been acting weird the entire night.”
He turned around to meet your gaze, watching you for the longest time. Finally he approached you, taking a seat on the mattress, next to your feet. “No one else noticed.”
“They don’t know your bitchy moods like I do.”
“Guess I can’t hide shit from you.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “You’ve hidden plenty of things, Billy.”
He glanced down at your feet, making you feel self-conscious all of a sudden. “Your chubby toes are weird.”
“So are your demonic eyes,” you snapped.
This time a genuine smile curved his lips. “Weird but cute.”
His fingers pulled at your toes gently, and you started giggling at how ticklish his touch was. “Stop, Billy!” You smacked his hand lightly.
The smile on his face faded away, his eyes glued to your feet. He seemed to be caught in deep thought again, his mind somewhere else.
“The way you were looking at her, I thought Maria was an ex-girlfriend,” you said quietly.
Billy looked up to meet your eyes. “No, definitely not an ex.” Before he spoke again, he scooted forward, drawing closer to you. “She’s… was my best friend’s wife.”
“Curtis told me. Said you, him and Frank did multiple tours together.”
“He tell you Frank’s dead?”
You nodded your head. “What happened?”
“Frank and I got caught in enemy territory.”
Heavy silence followed, the air thick with tension.
“Held hostage for days.”
You didn’t know what to say, feeling queasy at the unimaginable horror he must have suffered. The cars and burn marks on his body flashed through your mind; you flinched instinctively.
“What?” he asked, meeting your eyes.
“Did they kill him?”
“Something like that.”
The darkness in his eyes made your heart ache. Whatever he lived through had been pure hell, but it was apparent from his lack of explanation he didn’t want to talk about it with you.  Unsure of what to do, you started braiding the wavy strands that had come undone back into a braid again when Billy’s hand clamped over yours.
“Don’t,” he commanded, his fingers curling around your hair. “I like it down.”
He stared at your hair as if he was spellbound, his eyes vacillating between your face and strands, leaving you completely unsettled. The air rushed out of your lungs when he moved closer, his breath humming against your skin as he began to pull apart the braid and run his fingers through your hair.
“Don’t flirt with Omar tomorrow.”
The abrupt change in topic caught you by surprise. “I was being nice, not flirting.”
“That’s not what it looked like,” Billy murmured.  
Despite the softness in his voice, you could hear the warning behind his words and it pissed you off. “So what? Who cares?” you fired back.
His eyes locked with yours, the intensity in them so potent you felt trapped. “I care.”
“Why?” You regarded him closely. “Jealous?”
“Don’t flatter yourself, babe. I just don’t want my friends to think my wife is a cheater.”
His refusal to admit the truth irritated you, especially considering how he reacted around Omer. “That’s all it is?”
“Yeah.” Billy’s hand wrapped around the back of your neck, his eyes affixed on your lips. He tugged you towards him, his pull gentle. The invisible connection between you and him was palpable, making your heart race in your chest, electricity jolting through you. Everything was moving at lightning speed yet time had slowed down. It didn’t make any sense. Nothing did.
“So if I told you he walked me to my room tonight and gave me his number, it wouldn’t bother you?” you prodded.
The glint in his eyes hardened, his jaw clenched. “Of course it would. I don’t want him to start asking why we’re not staying in the same room.”
“So nothing to do with you being jealous?”
“Nothing at all,” he drawled.
The magnetic hold he had over you dissipated instantly. You grew up under the stigma of rejection, your own father choosing to abandon you than claim you. And here was Billy, doing the same. There was no way in hell you were going to settle for someone treating you like that. Using every bit of resolve you possessed, you pulled away. “I want you to leave.”
“And risk having Omar find out the truth about us? I don’t think so.”
“Fine. Stay here but keep your distance.”
“You’re the one who crawled into my bed.”
“And you’re the one who almost kissed me just now.”
A cocky smile covered his face. “Wishful thinking on your part, sweetheart?” Like the arrogant jackass that he was, he moved away from the bed and strolled over to the bar. Pouring himself another drink, he leaned back against the furniture to face you. “Any other fantasies you have in mind?”
“This is so fucking pathetic. You don’t even have the guts to own up to what you want. Instead you hide behind mixed signals so you don’t have to risk anything. You’re a fucking coward, Billy.”
His eyes turned cold as ice.
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obsolete-stars-if · 3 months
Shut up I literally cannot stop thinking about drink your villain juice. I'm writing a snippet IN THE TUMBLR APP. It's all I'm thinking about.
@drinkyourvillainjuice for even daring to make Alistair that good???
And also @elegantunknownphantom BCS i know you will live for the angst.
Alistair x mc (masc, he/him, trans)
You reach for the plastic container. He doesn't even get to say Hi. You look at it, penne pasta, in... Pesto? Alis has been getting creative ever since you rejected the lasagna. It's not that you don't trust him — You know you shouldn't.
You open the container, give it a smell. Doesn't smell poisoned, but not every poison smells. You dig around in it for a bit, no weird clumps or any other oddities. You pull one penne out and hold it up to his face. He gives a bewildered stare, "Well... Hello to you too?"
"Eat." You tell him, pushing the penne further into his face. He lifts his hands in defense and takes the single pasta and he eats it. You close the container and watch his face. Alis swallows after some chewing – It's not dangerous to eat.
Satisfied you allow yourself to clean your fingers. It's not a pretty act, at least you don't think it is. Stick in your mouth and get your fingers clean, however, Alis seems to have a different opinion, watching your lips. You stop and look over. He looks away.
It feels weird in a way. You shouldn't expose yourself to him, shouldn't even think about how he looks at you. He has been a terrible influence, you shouldn't even have touched the pasta at all, you should tell him to leave, never come back.
"Ben?" But by God, when your name leaves his lips, you feel a bit more human, a bit more alive. Like the goop is beaten back, just a little more.
You hum in return. Alis stops for a moment, "Will you get into the program?"
Ah, there it is. The program. Give a man a pinky and he will devour your entire arm – or however that saying goes. Stumbling around the subject has helped in the past, but he has never outright just asked like this, not after the first meeting that is. "Why are you asking?"
"Have you seen the news? It's just– The entire new Altruists? Thing is scary, and I'm concerned with you just living out here-"
You bark a laugh, "You know what you get yourself into in this city. Didn't you come here seeking them out?" You question, your eyes avert, looking around, anything but his upset face, please. "I mean, handing out free pasta to strangers, who knows, maybe you'll hand free pasta out to a parahuman or villain-" Just shut up.
You can hear him upset. "It's this Thorn that concerns me. The way it changed forms, broke those bones, what if it-"
It. That's all you are, isn't it? You knew it too. You were a subject for so long, and just a drop of humanity makes you forget, but your body is disgusting. It's scary. You're scary. You're a monster to all humans. Oh, how it ate you up, from inside out, leaving nothing but a human looking shell, that it inhabits, it's in your thoughts, in every step you take, it is you. And you can't separate yourself. How foolish to think you could. There is no you. It's all it.
"Benedikt?" Alis voice calls.
You don't look up, you don't deserve to look a human in their eyes and pretend to be one.
"I'm fine." You lie.
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Kinktober Day 31: Masturbation- Alistair (Twilight)
Summary: You and your boyfriend Alistair have worked out an alternative to having sex and almost killing you
Word count: 1, 635
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‘Lunch, two hours, home, lunch, two hours, home’ is all you could find yourself chanting in your head as you waited in line at the lunch bar. Usually you weren’t super antsy to get home, but tonight was different.
You and Alistair had been seeing each other for almost five months now, and it had been unlike any relationship you’d had before. The main difference was that Alistair was a vampire, but besides the vampiric things that made your relationship different and sometimes difficult, he was a blessing.
Being from a different time and not being used to being around other vampires, let alone humans, was at first a difficult thing to overcome, but it has been worth it. Romantic moonlit picnics, museum trips and piggyback rides through the forest were just some of the ways Alistair had woo’d you. This was very new for him, but since finding you as his mate, he did everything in his power to make you feel loved, well except one thing.
Vampires were a lot stronger than humans and that fact weighed on Alistair constantly. It had been the reason you hadn’t had sex with each other yet, but you had seemed to come up with a good work around.
Preparing for this night you had made sure to not just pick out new lingerie but also new body lotions and bedsheets, you wanted it to feel special for the both of you. Knowing how nervous Alistair was, you thought these things would help him forget about his worries and just enjoy the evening.
As five o’clock rolled around, you were hurriedly waving a goodbye to your coworkers as you race to your car. You tried really hard not to speed home but the excitement in your stomach and core demanded you be a little faster.
Seeing the headlights of your car and being able to smell you as you turned onto your street, Alistair quickly hid out of view. You told him to be over at 6:30 so you could have time to get ready, but he’d been there since you left this morning. He was too filled with both anxiety and excitement to go anywhere else.
He’s never seen you move so fast, he couldn’t help but chuckle as he saw you sprint inside, getting undressed as you stepped through the door. Even though Alistair could easily look at you as you got dressed, he was ever the gentleman and waited for you to call to him.
The second you walked into your bedroom you got to work getting ready for the night. You showered, shaved, moisturised, got into your new lingerie and even did hair and makeup. It was exactly 6:30 on the dot as you approached your window, dressed in your robe, and called down for Alistair.
You smirked down at him as you saw him approach under your window within 10 seconds. Smiling back up at you, you took a step back so he could climb up into your bedroom.
“You’ve been waiting there all day haven’t you?” You ask smirking at the blonde vampire before you, slowly approaching to stand in his embrace.
He knew he couldn’t lie to you and was a little embarrassed he’d been caught.
“Well if I knew you’d smell and look so good, I would have waited in the house.” He smirks down at you, his eyes beginning to darken as he pulled your robe away to reveal the surprise underneath.
Many believe Alistair to be cold, harsh and anxious, but once you get him comfortable, he can make you melt with his sweet words. Perhaps that’s why you hadn’t minded waiting for anything intimate, he always managed to leave you satisfied with his soft touches, sweet words and heated kisses.
“Seems a little unfair to be the only one standing here in my underwear.” You sass him, breaking him from the trance your body had put him in.
“Mmm, let me just look at you a little while longer.” He whispered, mesmerised by the body before him.
He was scared to hurt you in any way, so his touches were light as they traced along your body. His eyes moved all over you, his touch getting slightly harsher as he grabbed you by your hips and pulled you in for a bruising kiss. Alistair had never kissed you with such heat and passion before and you couldn’t get enough. As your hand grabbed a hold of his hair, something in Alistair switched. He grabbed you up by the backs of your thighs and dragged you both back into the large arm chair you’d set up for him.
Now sitting with you straddling him in the arm chair, his hands roamed all over your body. It wasn’t until you broke the kiss and started kissing down his neck, opening up his shirt that he realised how far you’d both gone. He began to slightly panic as he let out an uncontrollable moan from the way you were grinding on his hard cock.
“St-stop, darling. Please, y/n.. Stop! Stop!” He had to shout, scaring you slightly.
“I’m sorry, love, I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He apologised sweetly, ashamed of how he made you feel.
“Did I do something wrong?” You ask him.
“No, no, no. You were doing everything right, trust me,” he deliciously grinned at you, red eyes filling with passion, “but I can’t have you like that just yet. What we planned is best for now. I can’t stand a single second longer not hearing what your beautiful moans must sound like, but I can’t hurt you.” He stared lovingly into your eyes, a gentle hand on your cheek.
“Okay, baby.” You gently reply, kissing the hand that rested on your cheek and standing from his lap.
Looking into his eyes, you bite your lip as you begin to remove your bra. As his eyes move from your gaze to your chest, he lets out a deep moan. His eyes become sensual and dangerous as they come back to yours. Smirking at him you crawl onto your bed, making sure to poke your ass out a bit more than needed as you go.
Reaching the head of your bed, you lay down comfortably on the soft mattress and stare at the man in the chair in front of you, a noticeable tent already growing in his pants.
Your hand began to reach down to the top of your panties, already feeling your warmth and wetness. The moment you felt your fingers on your clit you let out a soft moan, continuing to rub softly and slowly.
“You make such sweet noises, darling. I want to see all of you.” Alistair purred at you from across the bed, his hand beginning to move slowly up and down his now exposed cock.
With one hand you continue to play with your clit and wetness, while the other pushes your panties down. Spreading your legs wide for him, you could hear his hand speeding up at the sight.
“Oh fuck, you look so perfect. Look at me, darling, let me see your pretty eyes.” He seductively coaxed you.
Opening your eyes and raising your head, you are met with the sight of Alistair naked and pumping himself quickly. The beautiful scene before you causes you to moan loudly, his red eyes pinning you to your place, the only thing moving is your fingers speeding up on your clit.
“You’re just as gorgeous as I thought you would be, darling. Your moans are the best thing I’ve heard in 700 years. Oh fuck!”
“All my moans are for you, Alistair. I’m yours, baby. My mouth is yours, my pussy is yours. Fuck I bet you’d feel so good inside me. Your cock is so big.” You pant back to your immortal love.
You and Alistair hold each others gaze as your body heats and trembles, your end coming soon. All you wanted and all you could think of was the cock in Alistairs hand, thrusting into you over and over. The thought alone of what he could do to you made you moan even louder and desperately. You were so close and all you wanted was to feel Alistair.
“Alistair! Finish on me, baby, please! I need to feel you!” You desperately shouted out to him.
Before Alistair had a moment to question himself, you shouted out another plea for him. Seeing you so desperate for him, he couldn’t help but use his inhuman speed to pounce on the bed between your legs.
At seeing and smelling you so close, he couldn’t help the loud animalistic moan that left him. Both of your moans were getting louder and your hands both moved faster, looking into each others eyes with hunger.
“I’m so close. Cum with me, baby.” You desperately moaned out, eyes about to close as you’re on the edge of pleasure.
“Cum for me, my darling!” Alistair moans out in reply.
At his command you feel your body rush with warmth and shudder as you scream out a desperate moan. Alistairs head is thrown back at the same time as he shouts his own release, his warm cum landing all over your chest and stomach.
You lay beneath him panting as he watches your relaxed and pleasure filled face. Alistair didn’t have to catch his breath, so he just enjoys watching your beautiful face and body. A warm feeling of joy fills him, seeing you so at peace and covered in his release, you’re so perfect.
“I love you, darling.” He gentle whispers down to you.
“I love you.” You say as your eyes open and smile up at him lazily.
“Should we have a shower, my darling?” He asks you gently as he strokes your hair back.
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sapphim · 11 months
Hi! Pardon a potentially obvious question, but I struggled to dig up an answer myself, and seeing your recent post thought, maybe you know (feel free to ignore etc)
Do we know if a Templar recruit is allowed to participate in a Harrowing only after their vigil/taking lyrium? Or could younger recruit's will to do what 'needs to be done' be tested prior to their official acceptance?
(also wiki states that according to Alistair recruits are taught to master their abilities before moving on to sword training etc etc, long before the vigil, but like... if all their abilities are based on lyrium intake, what is there to practice prior)
Sorry I'm just perpetually confused as to how the early templar training goes and how far a recruit goes before being tied to lyrium (aka while potentially being able to desert)
I'm sure Alistair talks about it but I'm definitely forgetting things from the first game...
yeah I mean in truth we quite frankly don't have a lot of solid information on how templars operate, and quite a lot of what we do know directly contradicts itself. like, IS the ingestion of lyrium required for anything templars actually do? inquisition broadly implies yes, origins broadly implies no. has the source of templar abilities been retconned? is alistair just unusually fade sensitive and doesn't realize? we'll probably never get a straight answer.
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xdaddysprincessxx · 5 months
The Year Max Lord’s Wish Came True
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Moodboard by me!
Max Lord x teacher f reader
Merry late Christmas angel!! @iamasaddie I hope this is everything you wanted! I loved writing this! It’s my first time writing Max so a tad nervous but as a fellow Max Lord lover, I hope I captured him just right ❤️
The prompt: Max tried to get his life back together, working doubles at a law firm. He has no time for anything again, even his son, but the pretty young thing from Alistairs school makes sure he isn’t sad. One day Max forgets to pick Alistair up so reader takes him home herself and decides to make sure Max isn’t sad and tired too.
Warnings: Dom!Max, p in v (wrap that dick friends!), age gap (48,26), daddy kink, sprinkle of belly humping, food, spanking, nipple sucking, praise, sprinkle of degradation, little bit of miscommunication/assuming, ends on a sweet note, alistairs room is on the other side of the apartment he was asleep with a sound machine on and door closed he heard nothing. Not beta’d, very lightly edited; any mistakes are mine! If I missed anything lmk!❤️❤️
Words: 3714
Maxwell Lord, the king of infomercials! What a joke. He isn’t the king of anything. He’s a failure. His marriage failed, his oil business failed. He has even failed his son. That one is what hurts his heart the most. His son, Alistair, is his world. The human embodiment of his own heart outside of his body.
After the dream stone debacle, most of society had practically shunned him. He apologized and continues to pay the price for the wrongs he committed. But luckily for him he still had a few fans. One of those fans, Mr Jackson Smith, just so happened to own a law firm and extended a job opportunity to Max. He is forever grateful for Mr Smith hiring him and showing him basic human decency when a good majority of the world refuses to move on from his past actions. Now he lives in a small two bedroom apartment where he has Alistair full time. The young boy just started kindergarten this year, going full day so Max can work while he’s at school.
Christmas is right around the corner and Max has been swamped at work, having to bring home a lot of it to finish, losing sleep to stay up and work. He’s hoping to close a few cases soon and be able to take off a couple of weeks for the holidays and spend as much time as he can with his son. Being a single dad, Max drops Alistair off every morning and is in the pick up line at 2:45pm every afternoon. This past week though he’s been struggling to make it there on time. Alistair’s teacher is always standing outside to greet the kids every morning and is there every afternoon. No matter how late Max is running, she always gives him the biggest smile and stays after to wait with Alistair. It isn’t lost on him how kind you are to go above and beyond just to make sure Alistair isn’t alone. It also doesn’t hurt how beautiful you are. He noticed you at orientation, your bright eyes sparkling with joy. He could tell you truly loved what you did. Something about you warmed his heart and always seemed to make his blood rush straight to his cock too. He couldn’t help but imagine what you’d look like on your knees for him, big doe eyes looking up at him with tears streaming down as you struggle to take his whole length down your throat, writhing beneath him as he brought you to orgasm over and over on his cock. Your beautiful perk tits practically begging for his mouth to be on them, sucking on your hard nipples. A part of him, a very small part felt conflicted because you were so much younger than him. He was pushing 48 while you were mid 20s at best. 26 if he had to guess.
It’s finally Friday, next week is Christmas. Max is so close to finishing his last case before he can officially clock out for the holidays. He decided to work from home today so he wouldn’t be distracted by anyone. By lunch time, his eyes were hurting so he laid his head down just for a few minutes to help ease the burn and stave off any possibility of a headache coming on. It didn’t take long before he drifted off to a deep, dreamless sleep.
“Alright kiddos! It’s the end of the day! Bus riders, please start to clean up and grab your belongings and go sit on the carpet, car riders do the same but go stand in line at the door. It’s Friday! Let’s have a good weekend guys!” You announced to your kindergartners. Those little 5 and 6 year olds are your world. You love teaching and your kids make your whole life. They give you meaning and purpose. One student in particular seems to have gotten quite the attachment to you, and you him. Little Alistair Lord. Such a sweet little boy with the biggest heart. Of course you know who his dad is too, the infamous Maxwell Lord. Even after the whole dream stone mess, you still admire him for how hard he worked to build his empire. You also happen to have the worlds biggest crush on him. He has the air of confidence to him that turns you on. Of course he’s also very easy on the eyes too. You’ve spent plenty of nights with your hands between your thighs, rubbing yourself raw to the thought of him having his way with you. Thinking about how he’d feel inside of you, how good his tongue would feel as you rode his face and your hands gripping those overgrown blonde locks of his. You aren’t really sure why he dyes his hair blonde, his dark roots coming through tells you he hasn’t colored it in awhile. You kinda like seeing his natural hair color show more. But even with the blonde still growing out, he looks beautiful.
As the last of the students file out to get on their buses and all of the car riders have been picked up, you notice Alistair sitting on the bench outside by himself and no more cars in line.
“Hey buddy is your dad running late?” You ask the boy.
He looks up at you with worried eyes as he shrugs his shoulders.
“Let’s give him a few more minutes okay? I’ll stay out here with you.” You go to sit down next to Alistair and give him a comforting smile. He smiles back and you can already see some tension roll off his little body.
Poor kid’s probably very anxious and worried, his dad has never been this late. You hope Mr Lord is okay too.
1 hour later. . .
After waiting and still no Mr Lord, you collected your things and Alistair and made your way to his house. They don’t live that far from the school so it doesn’t take long before your pulling into the parking lot of the apartment complex.
“Alright honey we’re here. Which apartment number is yours?”
You give the young boy a smile, “Well Alistair lead the way.”
You walk slightly behind Alistair as he leads you up the walkway towards a set of stairs he begins to climb.
The both of you approach 84B and you knock loud on the door.
A loud knock on the door jolts him out of the deep sleep he has found himself in. His whole upper half snaps up quick as he looks at his watch and sees the time. Alistair! Panicking he jumps up from his desk and runs to the door and throws it open.
Just as your about to raise your closed fist to knock again the door swings open revealing a flustered Max Lord.
“H- Hi Mr Lord I’m Alistair’s teacher,” you say as you tell him your name, “ Um I’m so sorry I sat with him after school and after awhile when you didn’t come I brought him home. We were worried about you.” You explain to the disheveled man as he takes deep breaths trying to steady his racing heart.
“N-no no please I’m the one who’s sorry! I must’ve fallen asleep! I didn’t mean too! Please he’s my world this never happens-“
“Mr Lord it’s okay! I know, you’re a great dad. Things happen! Please it’s no big deal” you interrupt his apology to ensure him everything is fine. You give him your best smile to try and help put him at ease. His blonde locks a mess on top of his head makes you imagine what it’d look like to have your hands run through them as he eats you out.
He smiles back, feeling his cheeks redden slightly. He didn’t expect you to be at his door. It doesn’t help that just last night he had taken himself in his hand and jacked off to the thought of you.
“Why don’t you come in? Please. Let me cook dinner for all of us maybe play a board game? I wanna thank you properly for bringing my son home.”
Smiling shyly at your students father, the man you happen to be harboring a crush on, “Okay yea I’d love to stay for dinner and a game.”
It turns out Mr Lord is an excellent cook. You helped by preparing the veggies he added to make a delicious stir fry. After everyone had full tummies, the three of you sat around and played a game of Monopoly. To your surprise, it went by rather quick as it turns out Alistair is very very good at this game. Soon it was after 9 pm and Alistair was going to bed. You and Max found yourself just sitting in the living room alone. Both of you had been sneaking glances at the other all night. While cooking dinner, Max would come up behind you, his chest just a breath away from your back. You could almost feel his breath in your ear. Now you find yourself sitting next to him on the couch.
“Thank you again for inviting me to stay Mr Lord.”
“Please call me Max. I like to think we’re past the formalities by now.” He says with a chuckle.
You can’t help but giggle at that.
You smile at him before casting your eyes down to the floor, a chunk of your hair falling in your face as you look down.
“Hey,” Max says getting your attention as he pushes your hair behind your ear. His thumb sliding along your cheek, slightly lifting your face up so your eyes meet his.
He leans in closer as his thumb swipes your bottom lip,
“Who takes care of you? Such a sweet young thing like yourself.”
“I- I do. I take care of myself.” You stutter as you glance down at his lips and back up to his eyes.
Max sucked disapproval through his teeth, “Oh my sweet girl you should be worshipped. Men should be falling on their knees at the foot of your alter only to try and be worthy of you.”
Max searches your face for any sign you wouldn’t want this but he can’t find one. All he sees is your beautiful big eyes staring at him with want.
“Let me be rough with you. Let me break you apart sweetly so I can put you back together. Will you let me?” He whispers into your lips. All you can do is nod, seemingly entranced by his lips.
Max closes the small gap between you two and presses his lush lips against yours. It’s been so long since you’ve been kissed at all. Max puts so much passion behind his kiss, as he starts to pull back, you chase his mouth licking his bottom lip hoping for entrance into his mouth.
He grants you permission inside and you eagerly push your tongue in, gently exploring his before taking his bottom lip between your teeth and softly biting down on the plush lip before sucking it.
Your action caused him to moan. That little move set him off and he pulls you onto his lap, your back to his chest. His huge veiny hands caress down your torso, gripping both thighs before spreading them wide open. You had worn your favorite blue dress, made of soft cotton. Max’s lips find your neck and begin to softly suck that sensitive spot right below your ear. His hands move back up your body, grabbing your breasts and giving them both a squeeze, Pushing them together, holding them fully in his hands.
A wanton moan falling from your lips. Max pulls the top of your dress down, causing you to spill out.
“Be quiet hermosa, do I need to gag your pretty little mouth? Hmm?”
You bite your lip and shake your head no despite how much the thought of being gagged made you gush.
Your panties are ruined. The air hitting your slick cunt sending shivers up your spine.
Max notices you shiver, giving your boobs one last squeeze before running his hands down your ribs to your stomach back down to your thighs.
“Oh you poor thing, already making a mess aren’t we?” He says as he begins to rub his hands up and down your thighs. His right arm wrapping around your torso, holding onto your left boob as his left hand cups your pussy through your panties.
You can feel Max smile into your neck as he rubs his nose up and down, right behind your ear,
“Hermosa,” he tsked, “what am I going to do with you? I welcome you into my home, shared a meal with you. And you got my lap all wet. I can’t just let this go. You need to be punished.”
You twist your head to look at him, mouth agape. You can barely think, your pussy throbbing.
“S-spank me p please D-“ You quickly shut your mouth, unsure if Max wants to be called daddy in a sexual way.
“Say it. Say my name little girl.”
“Mmm that’s it baby. So good. Your being so good for me.”
Max licks into your mouth, wrapping his lips around your tongue, sucking on it as he begins to rub up and down your soaking cunt.
You let another moan slip, this one quieter more breathy.
Max breaks the kiss and removes his hand, “Didn’t I just say ‘be quiet’? You’re a teacher, no? I thought you’d be smarter than this. Able to follow directions.” He makes a clicking sound with his teeth as he yanks you down over his knee. Your dress pushed up around your hips as he pulls your panties down pooling just below your buttcheeks. One arm over your back as he holds you on his knee, his free hand rubbing the globes of your ass
Whack! Whack! Whack!
Three swats to your ass before he rubs over the spot his hand just reddened.
“Can you be my good girl? Hmm? Have you found your manners yet hermosa?”
Your mouth is hanging open in a silent scream, dying to be vocal from the pleasure your receiving from him. You’ve never been one for vanilla sex and it’s been so long since you’ve had a real man properly fuck you rough and hard just how you like. The way he’s talking to you, the sweet praise with the sting of degradation, the way he physically manhandles you. You’ve gone cockdumb before you’ve even had his cock.
“Y-yes daddy! I’ll be quiet! I-I’m sorry daddy it feels so good.” You loudly whisper, doing your best to please him.
“Mm it feels good? What feels good? Use your words baby. What feels good?”
“T-th-t -“ you stutter
“I said Use. Your. Words.” He said as he spanked you after each word.
“I like when you spank me!” You manage to spit out as quietly as you can.
“There she is.” You can hear the smirk in his voice
“Come here baby” he says as he helps you up off his knee to stand in front of him. Max stays seated as he looks up at you. His hands running up and down your sides before he reaches up and pulls your cardigan off your shoulders and lets it fall to the ground. Then he pulls the straps of your dress down and slowly rolls it down your body along with your panties. Standing naked in front of Max while he was still fully dressed made you extremely aware of yourself and all you wanna do is hide yourself. Not knowing what to do with yourself you wrap your arms over your chest.
“Don’t hide from me hermosa, come here.” He says as he pulls your arms down exposing your breasts to him again before placing his hands on your hips and pulling you in between his knees.
His warm hands run up your sides, finding purchase under your boobs as he leans forwards wrapping his lips around your hard nipple. He lightly bites down before licking and sucking on it again. You cradle his head, carding your fingers through his hair, holding him close to you. Pleasure rolling through your whole body in waves as he suckles on your tit. Your pussy getting even wetter, unable to control yourself you push your body against his, grinding your pussy ever so slightly against his belly, desperate for relief.
Max makes a wet popping sound as he releases your nipple, “Mm does that feel good honey? So good you have to hump my belly like a bitch in heat?” He says in a condescending way. He knows it makes you feel good, his own cock painfully hard needing to feel you before he cums in his pants. You look down at his shirt and see you left a wet spot on his shirt from where you were humping him. His eyes follow yours, seeing the mess you made.
“Oh mierda hermosa, me hiciste un desastre,”
(Oh shit beautiful, you made a mess all over me)
“Come here I need to be inside you baby”
Max pulls you down and lays you on the couch as he gets up and pulls his pants down and pulls his shirt off. His thick cock bobs, the tip an angry red. Your mouth salivating, wanting to take him in your mouth. He crawls on top of you, you pull his face towards yours as you kiss him. Max takes himself in hand and begins to rub his cock through your folds, gathering your slick on his dick before slowly pushing into you. You moan into his mouth, already feeling the stretch of his cock. Max slowly, achingly slowly pushes all the way in to the hilt. Letting out a deep grunt as he bottoms out inside of you. Letting his dick throb inside of you as he grinds deep, causing your mouth to drop open as you let out a soft ‘Oh’.
The weight of him on top of you, the fullness of having him inside you, all you can do is take what he gives you.
Max covers your mouth with his hand as he brings his face close to yours, “gotta be quiet baby, just take it. You can take it honey,” he says as he begins to ram his cock in and out of you. Your whole body lit up, a fire set ablaze under your skin. You can feel your whole body heat up as you hang onto to him, biting down on your lip.
“Just feel it baby, feel every fucking inch little girl,” he grunts as he doubles his efforts in pounding your pussy. His hand gripping your face harder, tears falling from your eyes from the sweet pain from his grip on your face and the divine ecstasy his cock gives you. Max reaches down with his free hand, his thumb finding your clit. He starts rubbing circles on your nub, heightening the already euphoric feeling he was giving you. It took no time before you could feel your inevitable orgasm approaching.
“Mmx m comin” your words muffled but max heard you loud and clear.
“Yea baby I know. I can feel you sweet girl, oh god does my thick cock feel good stuffed inside this sweet cunt? Huh? Who makes this sweet little cunt cum?”
Max moves his hand and drops his face into the nook of your neck. Your face next to his ear, “You daddy oh god you. You make me cum ooohh oh fuck daddy I - I. . . “ you say in a rushed whisper as your orgasm washes over you. Your pussy gushing, the pressure of your orgasm pushing Max out.
Max’s eyes roll back as he grunts in your ear, feeling your pussy try to push him out as it squeezes the fuck out of his cock. He continues pounding into you, his own orgasm so close.
Soon his thrusts start to stutter as he paints your walls with his thick load. You can feel his warm cum coat your insides. Max comes to a stop, resting his forehead on yours. The two of you breathing hard as you come down from your high.
Max looks down at where your bodies are connected, his softening cock slipping out. He sits back on his legs to watch his cum leak out of your abused pussy.
“So goddamn beautiful honey,” he says with a smirk before leaning down to kiss your sensitive clit. The kiss causes your whole body to shake, you try to close your legs but Max holds them open, “nuh uh hermosa, let me admire you. Such a sweet good girl for me.”
Max gets up and goes down the hallway. Unsure of what to do or where he went, you get up and start getting dressed. Feeling used a bit and confused as to why he just got up and walked away, you decide to just sneak out as you pull your dress up.
Max walks back into the living room to see you up and dressed, your back to him.
“H-hey let me at least clean you up hermosa.”
Max’s soft voice making you jump as you turn around to see him standing there in boxers holding a wet washcloth.
“Oh! Oh I um oh I am so sorry. I thought you went to bed or something. And wanted me to go.” You say shyly as you look down feeling embarrassed.
“Why would I leave you? Tonight has been one of the best nights I’ve had in years. I’ve really enjoyed your company. And the sex was well it was amazing,” he says with a shy chuckle.
You smile at him realizing the little miscommunication, “I’m sorry Max I’ve been used before. I shouldn’t have just assumed you’d do the same. Tonight has been lovely. Truly. I enjoyed spending time with you.”
You walk over to him, taking his free hand in yours as you reach up on your tip toes and kiss him on the cheek.
“Maybe we can do this again?”
“I’d love that hermosa.”
You and Max smile at each other, feeling a deep, warmth inside excited for the future.
A/n: I hope this was good and you enjoyed! It was fun to write! Love you angel!! @iamasaddie ❤️❤️
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athena-xox · 5 months
Eah ships and their Taylor Swift song
Tailor Quick
Dexven - The Archer
I could have said enchanted but that’s a copout. Anyways when I first listened to lover and heard the archer I immediately thought of them. “I cut off my nose, just to spite my face” is so Raven and her relationship with her mom. “I’ve got a hundred thrown up speeches I almost said to you” is also literally dexter. “All of my heroes die all alone” raven mfn queen. I could literally quote any lyric and related it to dexter raven or their relationship.
Dizzie - King Of My Heart
You know how in songs people don’t say normal things? And how they say like metaphors, rhymes and weird extra or missing words? That’s literally riddlish. And komh feels very Lizzie coded. And the title speaks for itself.
Dappling - Paper Rings
I also thought this immediately when I heard the song that it was very much apple and Darling. The fact that paper rings literally says darling in it… The archer is from both raven/dexters perspectives but paper rings is specifically Apples perspective of Darling. “I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this” I rest my case.
Bribelle - Don’t Blame Me alternatively I Can See You
I literally don’t have to say anything. For either song.
Huntlynn - Love Story
Forbidden love. Sneaking out to a garden is so Huntlynn coded. Just like the visuals of it all>>
Heartlockes - You Are In Love or “Slut!”
And historians will call them roommates. “One night he wakes, strange look on his face, pauses then says, you’re my best friend. And you knew what it was, he is in love” but like replace he with she. My fav friends to lovers. Unrelated but I was so shocked when I found out so many people hate Blondie. Also I could see this song from either perspective. And with slut it’s basically the same song just sm more aesthetic and well I feel like people would probably call Cupid a slut (my poor baby) because god (fairygod? Narrative? Gods? Grimm?) Forbid a goddess of love talk about… love.
Farrahlynn - tolerate it
Istg they need a better ship name. But no one ships them !! *Sighs* I see them as tragic unrequited in love with your childhood best friend who has a boyfriend and is now popular. Literally any song off of evermore fits them. I want more people to ship them!! If I had to give a happy (ish) song I’d say snow on the beach.
Dexpid - Foolish One
I like to forget Cupid ever had a crush on dexter. But if I had to acknowledge it it’s fs foolish one.
Bunnistair - Wonderland
I mean we knew it was coming. Also wtf is their ship name. Going with my personal hc (aka my canon ‘rearrangement’) I like to think that Alistair wasn’t also a wonderlandian and that he found wonderland (lmao Chissy Columbus) after Lizzie, Kitty, Maddie, Hatter and the White Queen had already left. And like he fulfilled his whole destiny literally missing the mad hatter, Cheshire Cat, and Queen of hearts. And that he lowkey went insane there.
Crystlynn - Forever Winter
More of athena rearranging canon; evil crystal!! And like basically the snow queen and crystal (snow king erasure bc what was the point in making him be the one who goes all crazy instead of the literal snow queen) purposefully mad it winter forever because they’re villain (Jackie Frost and Northwind erasure because they’re fucking useless and annoying). But like Crystal deep inside doesn’t want to be a villain and Ashlynn slowly starts melting (haha) her cold exterior. But then Crystals like sike and that’s when this song takes place. (I beg people to start shipping Ash/Crystal and Ash/Farrah more)
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Bad Descriptions of All My Characters (part 2 technically)
Power Doesn't Guarantee Glory:
Aria Allen (they/she):Short little girl liker who is somehow friends with everyone and is a constant presence in the story even when they aren't truly there
Alex Ruinde (he/they):He read too much twilight as a kid and the aloof mysterious aesthetics seeped into his brain, also they probably listen to hozier
Mathew Mckoy (he/him):A 15 year old who thinks he could beat god in a fistfight. He's absolutely correct.
Salveria Ramel (she/her):Simultaneously the least and most plot important character
Eli Roile (he/him):So much cringy middleschooler energy
Frey Ruinde (she/her):A 12 year old girl already holding the weight of her family's issues on her shoulders
Oriana Mckoy (she/her):She deserves to be a little bit of a judgemental bitch. As a treat.
Inora Luis (she/her):Religiously traumatized librarian
Lani Morina (any pronouns):Butch lesbian who probably ate dirt as a kid
Built on Bones and Flowers
Antoine Villeneuve (he/him):He's trying okay? It's not his fault his parents were aristocratic assholes
Vixen Valentine (any pronouns):Overdramatic goth researcher who's gender is whatever happens to be funniest at the moment
Celestine Maxwell (they/fae/she):Proof all you need in your life is a transfem inventor girl
Arden Clayborne (xe/he/they):The definition of "how could someone so smart be so dumb...?"
Melian Doyle (he/him):Former depressed fuckboy alcoholic, current depressed married coffee addict
Analie Villeneuve (she/her):Elegant sword lesbian
Silas Doyle (he/him):Would let a man stab him if the guy was pretty enough
Alexandra Slater (she/they):Butch sword lesbian
The Inhuman Fascination With the Human Mind
Orion (he/him):Freaky little automaton dude who throws rocks at kids
Oz (they/he):They're everything society hates and he loves it
Opal (they/them):Stereotypical horror movie child
Nathalie (she/her):Simultaneously a doll pretending to be human and a human pretending to be a doll
Corrupted Royalty WIP
Casimir Clement (he/xe):Flower shop owner soul in the body of a prince
Fletcher Clement (he/him):Spoiled brat pretending to be a gentleman
Celeste Clement (she/he):Bigender bisexual in the sense that she is simultaneously a he/him lesbian and a she/her gay man. Also he was accused of murder and everyone went "yeah she would do that"
Alistair Evans (they/he/she):Therapy and a relationship with a slight power imbalance would probably fix them but that's not what happens
Cordelia (she/fae):Beautiful, elegant, mysterious woman who knows a suspicious amount about the royal family for the leader of a criminal group trying to take down the monarchy
Rigil (he/it):So chill and down to earth you almost forget he's wanted for murder
Cyrus (he/him):This baby can fit so many metaphorical skeletons in his closet
Fredge (any pronouns):Woah turns out the closest thing this group has to a mechanic/doctor/chef is a 15 year old who says shit like "actually im gender evil"
Tip (she/her):Bloody little girl. Will bite if you steal her snacks.
Tagging: @literatureisdying @gently-decaying-flowers @imslowlydisintegrating @clearcloudlesssky @olive-riggzey @serendipminiewrites @asoulsreverie @talesfromtheunknowable @j-snapdragon @holdmyteaplease @lordcatwich @sm-writes-chaos @enne-uni @sneebl @sixthesnek @leisoree @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies @the-stars-sing @shadow-of-tea-and-tea (sorry guys i just think you might be interested in my writing lmk if you want me to not tag you in stuff like this in the future)
please feel free to send asks about my writing i thrive off of answering questions
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ambersock · 5 months
Do you know if anyone ever got into how long Soulless was in the cage? We know Sam’s soul was in the cage for at minimum 180 years based on Dean and Alistair’s hell time description, yet if we go based on Sam’s own description it is significantly more (2-3 minutes equating to a week, give or take).
The show itself never gives us any concrete information about how much Hell time Sam spent in the cage. In 6x14, Sam does say that he felt like the two or three minutes of Earth time felt like "about a week, give or take". But he also said he felt "like I got hit by a... planet", so you could put it down to exaggeration.
Most people tend to apply Dean's time metric (1 month Earth time == 1 year Hell time) to Sam, which would be 180 years. Other people consider time meaningless in the cage, with Lucifer being in control of the flow of time in there and altering Sam's perceptions to however he sees fit. I think people have actually worked out the scale from 6x14, and you're talking millennia.
As for how long Soulless was there before being pulled out, the only information we have is from 6x01 is that Soulless was back for "about a year". So Cas could have pulled him out almost immediately after Dean drove away. Or, if we assume that Cas left with Dean, it could have been right after their conversation in the car, probably a few hours later. Or it could have been a few weeks after that.
Canon really doesn't pinpoint it for us, so it's basically whatever headcanon makes the most sense to you.
My personal headcanon is that Sam and Lucifer shared the body until Cas pulled it out. Lucifer, considering the vessel to be nothing but property and irrelevant, would have focused all of his ire on Sam's soul. The body must have been ripped out very early on to explain why Sam didn't forget things like English or how to drive a car. His brain was running around on Earth almost the entire time that his soul was languishing in the cage, whether it was decades or centuries or millennia.
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station-aspenville · 8 months
Chapter 4.
- Good evening, Aspenville! Today is November 9th 1960, I am your host - Alistair Mayers, and welcome to today’s audition!
Another week had passed - I assumed this schedule to become a norm from now on - and Alistair seemed to have taken a more professional approach to his program since he began his work with Virgil Montgomery. I wasn’t sure whether I prefer it over the less organized and more spontaneous feel of the past auditions, but knew that there’s nothing I can do but accept it. I could just assume his reasoning behind this sudden change.
- The weather today appears slightly more foggy than the last time we spoke, yet the sky is still a lot clearer than would be expected from our lovely town - the host went on - The wind also seems to be more present lately, which I personally do not mind; cold weather always helps me think. Speaking of which, I’ve been thinking a lot the past few days. I’m doing my best to stay focused on my work no matter what. Now that I have a great scientist helping me out I cannot allow myself any distractions. I can’t risk slowing us down, after all we’re talking about the survival of the human race. Dr. Montgomery says that we’re the only ones who can save the world, only ones not ignorant enough to to forget how many human lives are at stake, not blind enough not to see the massacre happening around us and not cowardly enough to do nothing about it. He says that the two of us are superior to all of those who decided to give up already. I know that he says it purely to motivate me, in case I did decide that what we’re doing is pointless, yet I have to admit, his view on the role we’re playing in all of this is rather terrifying to me. I never viewed my actions as a matter of being exceptional as opposed to simply trying to help people out and make the best out of our current situation. I never viewed myself as a god or anything alike, and I never wanted to do so. The idea of taking control over other people’s fate deeply disturbs me. I just don’t want any more innocent people to die.
This short monologue of Alistair’s was enough to reassure me in one of my earlier judgments - I do not like Virgil Montgomery one bit. As much as I respected his dedication to his work, the motivation behind it seemed entirely wrong to me. I trusted Alistair, because I saw how pure his intentions are. Every radio audition, all the effort he had put into this project, his seemingly undying hope and the ever-present optimism. It might not have been a long time since the calamity started and Alistair’s will power is yet to be put to a test, however most of us never even considered fighting, he was right about that. Alistair did fight. Not out of the selfish desire to survive of simple fear, but out of love for the people. And then… then there was Virgil. I could empathize with his desire for his work to be understood and recognized. It was likely wrong of me to judge his actions and mindset without knowing the background behind them, and yet I found it incredibly difficult to trust a person who puts himself before all else. Could Alistair be in the wrong for trusting him?
- I may not fully agree with Dr. Montgomery’s worldview, but nonetheless I do have the utmost respect for him and his work. I find it admirable that even at times when most scientists have already given up, quietly avoiding any mentions of the problem and hoping for it to simply fix itself, he decided to stick to what he believed was right and get to the bottom of it at all costs. It might be foolish of me to think so, but I sincerely believe that there must be more to his motif than simply wanting to play god. I don’t know whether he loves this town and its people the same way that I do, I can’t assume how pure his intentions really are, however what I do know for sure is that he is already doing more good for our current situation than most would ever bother to. Even if his reasons may not be the most noble, his actions are, and that is why I’m not going to give up on working with him any time soon. We have a common goal and our differing worldviews shouldn’t be getting in our way to achieving it.
After all the terrible things he saw and experienced lately, after all the trauma he’d been through, his soft and even temperament felt odd or even bizarre. I find it nearly intriguing how despite how horribly this world may seem he never fails to see the good in it; to see the good in its people. Where most would see a stranger Alistair sees a potential ally, what may seem like danger to others to him looks like an opportunity. His pure and innocent naivety likely comes from a place of fear and yet paradoxically it might end up putting him in more danger than if he simply kept to himself. 
- Oh listeners, what am I even doing? - Alistair interrupted my ruminations with a noticeable shift in the tone of his voice - This broadcast had been going on for so long and I haven’t even touched on what I was actually about to share with you. Silly me, just rambling and rambling without mentioning anything of any actual meaning - I wouldn’t consider his previous words meaningless - As for our research, Dr. Montgomery is currently working on some major discovery in regards to Strangers’ DNA and potential origin. Unfortunately, I cannot share with you any more details of it since I haven’t been made aware of them quite yet. Dr. Montgomery says that he doesn’t want to confuse me and have me disturbing his work, and as much as I understand the reasoning behind this decision, shouldn’t it be considered a contradiction to the transparency rule we agreed on? Well, it doesn’t matter either way. After all, I’m here to spread his research to the wider public, not to question his methods. From what I am allowed to share with you, we were to observe some recent weather anomalies, if you can even call them that. The two of us decided to have a closer look into it, because of the late absence of fog around Aspenville, as well as a means to collect some data for the potential verification of the sunflowers theory (which I’m still not in favour of). He asked me to plant the seeds of two different kinds of flowers which both aren’t currently in season. I chose narcissus and white lily as our test subject, since they were the only ones I could find around the station. After several days of observation nothing had happened to the white lily, just as expected. The narcissus however, much to my surprise, actually began to grow!
We still don’t understand the reason for this development and we’re still trying to figure out its potential connection to Strangers and the sunflower theory. In the meantime, I will be checking on both flowers and reporting every change I notice to Dr. Montgomery. After all, we still need a significant amount of time for the flowers to bloom. No matter how much we desire to see the development, we have no means of shortening the waiting time. Even if the suspense and uncertainty feels draining, we have no choice, but to stay patient and hope for the best outcome. And with that thought, I think we should call it a day. A lot has been going on lately and I understand the overwhelming nature of the late events, however please keep in mind that losing hope is the worst we can do right now. Until next, listeners!
And all of a sudden the day turned into night.
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canyouhearthelight · 1 year
The Miys, Ch. 222
Sorting out actual new followers from bots has become.... very time consuming. You can’t see me, but I am pinching my nose right now.  I love giving readers shout-outs, and the nasty little buggers are making it a challenge.
(That said, please be on the lookout for a post from @ areasontobreathe, my main blog, regarding fighting back against the bots. I’ll be sharing it here, but want to make sure the interactions don’t get mixed up.)
So, after much digging, reader shout outs this week go to: @asters-veil, @wings-of-indigo, @nao-eragon, @ann-aha, @lil-dabbler, and a special shout out to @dierotenixe, who is by no means a new follower but who I appreciate very much!
Also, as always, thank you to @baelpenrose for your beta-readership and help with the day to days. Huge huge help!
“This is frustrating,” Hannah sighed, gesturing towards the image projected above the table. “When is Parvati coming back?”
“When she’s ready,” I repeated for the sixth time that shift.
“And not a moment before, I should hope,” Alistair sniffed. “And if I feel that she’s been pressured to come back earlier than that, I will send her home and box each of you upside the heads. None of you take care of yourselves.”
My eyes nearly rolled out of my head. “I’ve been this way longer than you’ve known me,” I retorted.
“But there was no need to teach it to them!” he mock-cried, gesturing at Hannah.
She tried to hide a smile behind her hand. “Not to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m fairly sure I accepted the mentorship because I care for others.  I certainly didn’t just learn it on the job.” Turning back to the projected map, she groaned again, dropping her hand. “This I did, though, and it’s still eluding me.”
Stepping around my desk, I moved to sit beside her. “Let’s take a look. What’s up?”
“I’m trying to balance currently-large families with soon-to-be-large families. Some of these spaces are fine for several adults, but not once children are added to the mix.  Add storage areas, workspaces, and classrooms, and it just - “ she slowly stretched her hands apart and made a whoosh noise. “It just blows up.”
“Got it,”I nodded. “You’re forgetting one key factor.”
“There’s more!?”
“Less, Hannah,” I emphasized. “Less.”
“No, I accounted for everything,” she insisted.
“Hannah.” I set my hand on hers and gently shook it. “There won’t be any children for five years. People can move quarters as needed once that starts happening.”
Alistair sat across from us and pivoted the map. “Huynh will need to confirm, but it’s likely that we can expand some spaces.  Will need to, more likely.” He glanced at me, questioning.
“He and Xio have been making noises about needing to at least smooth some walls out,” I confessed. Reaching with both hands, I zoomed and adjusted until I found one of the caves they had evaluated. “Look here. The cave is stable if these scans are accurate - which we believe they are since this one doesn’t vary between any of the scans. But the surfaces are very jagged. They think they can smooth it out, make some more space, and use the debris for construction material in other areas. There’s hundreds of spaces like these. Once the engineers have eyes on, we’ll know for sure.”
Hannah stood and leaned in, squinting. “Nosy thing. How do you find all this out?”
“Conor’s lead on the project,” I murmured. “He and Maverick go on for hours about it every night, like it’s a competitive sport or something.”
She slapped my shoulder. “And you didn’t think to get any prospective maps?”
“Ow!” I laughed, rubbing the spot. “They don’t have any yet! How dare you think I didn’t ask!”
“I’m not apologizing,” she insisted primly. “You still could have told me something sooner. I’ve been struggling with this for over a week.”
“You needed distraction,” I insisted. “We’ve all been worried about Parvati, and now we know she’s fine and coming back eventually. She even told me to tell all of you for her, to get it out of the way. So… not as much distraction needed. Instead, you need to focus.”
“I hate it when you’re devious,” she muttered, calling up her datapad to make notes.
“Devious, but right.”
“That’s even worse.”
I smirked and looked back at the map. Something looked wrong. After adjusting and turning it, then confirming it was oriented correctly, I pointed to it and turned to Hannah, darting eyes between her and Alistair. “Are we certain this is oriented correctly?”
Alistair nodded. “Crust, core, To, From, all oriented correctly.”
“There is no thermal mapping?”
So slowly that I swear I could hear her neck creaking, Hannah turned to face me, wide-eyed. “Thermal… mapping?”
“Yes? Where the heat from the surface and the hydrothermal vents are? Don’t want to assign someone to live in the bath.”
When she stared at me in panic and confusion, I glanced at Alistair. No recognition at all. “You have got to be shitting me,” I groaned. “You’ve been doing this with the thermal mapping off?”
The information seemed to have finally hooked into their minds, as Hannah dropped her head and growled in frustration. “You mean I have to start over completely?”
“I doubt it?” I offered gently. I pulled up my datapad, made sure the most recent scans were being used, then started adjusting the projection. Blues, greens, oranges, and reds filled the network of caves. After a couple more adjustments, springs and aquifers were overlaid. “There.”
Peeking up at the map, Hannah steeled herself and started cross checking caverns.  Only a dozen or so caverns needed to be entirely vacated, while a few needed to be adjusted so that currently-larger families were in more appropriate quarters.
“There,” she said firmly after several minutes. “That’s much easier.” Dismissing it all, she leaned back and shoved her hair out of her face. “Probably best if I put it down for the rest of the day and come back fresh tomorrow.  Trying to do this while frustrated isn’t going to get me anywhere.”
“Accurate,” I agreed. “What’s next on the agenda?”
It was Alistair’s turn to check his notes. “Updating work assignments has already been assigned to Tyche. Suggested locations of public works is part of the housing assignments… somehow. I assume that makes sense to Sophia.” Scrolling and mumbling to himself, he eventually stopped the list abruptly. “Decommissioning of the quiet rooms?”
Puffing out my cheeks, I blew an overwhelmed breath. “As close to last as we can manage,” I advised. “And I would like to keep the materials, take them with us. So we should do a full inventory of each one, to start, and see what can come with and what can’t.”
“We’ll need new lights in most,” Alistair observed offhand. “Only a handful have been converted over to Miss Harper’s bio-bulbs.”
“We have them,” Hannah clarified for him. “They were placed in storage as soon as we came out of relativistic space, since we would just have to take them down and relocate them six months after installation, anyway.”
“Good to know.”
“I want Sam and Conor consulted on who should help with relocating the plants in those rooms,” I continued. “Apparently they are very delicate, and I’ve been forbidden to do anything but pet them gently.”
“Duly noted,” Hannah let me know. “And you’d rather we consult with Conor and Sam than with, say, Grey? Technically, botany falls under their purview.”
“And they will refer us to Samuel, who will consult Mister MacMaoilir,” Alistair pointed out. “Unorthodox as it seems, it’s much shorter. Councilor Hodenson’s suggestion, actually.”
“Grey got very huffy and asked if we were idiots,” I whispered loudly to Hannah. “I know you are on good terms with them, please ask them going forward rather than perpetually stealing ten minutes of my time at a go. I am sure it occurred to you.”
“Ooo, very snippy,” she giggled. “Pillows and the rest, I think Sophia and I can pack.”
“And Alice, and Maverick,” I confirmed. “Lazybones that they are.”
Alistair rapped firmly on the table. “Neither of you are fooling anyone, calling those two lazy.”
I arched an eyebrow. “Arthur is my brother, not you. You don’t have to defend my partners from me.”
“I don’t have any brothers,” Hannah snorted. “Unless you count Derek as a brother-in-law.”
“I do.” Turning back to Alistair, I pushed down my habitual need to tease him. “That’s twice today that you’ve been very defensive of the people who work in this office.  What is going on?” He opened his mouth, clearly about to bluster and object, so I held my hand up and turned my face away. “Don’t deny it.  First you were salty about the fact that none of us take care of ourselves in the way you wish we would, and now you are making sure we know our partners pass muster. What is going on?”
Consternation clouded his face for a moment before he stood and started tapping his jawline with one hand. “I never had a family,” he blurted out. “And when I started reporting to this office, the sheer abandon with which Sophia bandied about the term was appalling. Just… Inconsiderate, uncouth. As though family were trinkets to be collected.”
“That explains why you hated Arthur so much,” I murmured.
“No, that was simply because the man is insufferable,” Alistair corrected, deadpan. “Nonetheless, over the years… Very simply, if they weren’t so open about the fact that their shared history goes back a full lifetime, I would never know that Tyche was the only biological family Sophia had on this Ark. And I am still unconvinced that Miss Harper is not playing a prank on me to hide the fact that she is the third Reid.”
“You yourself pointed out that I’m not a good liar,” I reminded him. “So did Miys.”
“Hence why I consider the fact it could be true,” he admitted. “But now, finding myself… enveloped in this appalling but genuine bastardization of family…”
“You want to be part of it,” Hannah finished. “Not just watch.”
He sighed. “Unfortunately. It’s… tenacious. Insidious, even.”
Several deep breaths enabled me to keep from laughing at his very genuine show of vulnerability. “So, you’re saying that you like us. You really do like us.”
Another scowl, though this one included a hint of a smile, and he shook his finger at us. “I will deny it until my dying breath.”
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
! in light of that oc post you rb'd. consider this an opportunity to talk about ur ocs. basics, dnd alignment, ur fav things you've come up for them, what makes you/their LI deranged abt them, top moment living rent free in ur head for them, (free space here) hehehe
You are too kind. 💙
Truly, when it comes to player characters I have too many. Rather than one "canon" world state I have an ever-growing pile of them, which I sit atop like a dragon on its treasure hoard.
So today I think I'll take this as an excuse opportunity to talk about Noble Hearts, even though I don't currently have any fic written for any of them. Generally for each world state I pick a theme, and each character is a variation on it, so the theme of this one is nobility.
Brenna Aeducan
How it started:
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How it's going:
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Brenna Aeducan starts out in full Noble Asshole mode, does not speak to commoners, etc. Over the course of her journey, she falls in love with Alistair, puts him on the throne, and sacrifices herself to kill the archdemon.
Her arc is about learning the true meaning of nobility. It's a journey from Lawful Evil to Lawful Good.
Favorite Brenna moments:
She puts Bhelan on the throne.
Bhelan, you outplayed me. You won. I will not allow House Aeducan to fall simply to spite you. I will see you on the throne. But never forget who put you there.
Connor dies. Brenna knows nothing about magic. She takes the Knight-Commander at his word when he says the Circle is lost. She accidentally reveals Morrigan as an apostate and Wynne attacks them, forcing Brenna to kill her and leaving her no further reason to consider sparing the mages. So when they subsequently go to Redcliffe, there is no third option, and she's not about to do a blood magic ritual, so the child has to die. (This ends up being a very rough patch in her relationship with Alistair.)
Favorite romance moment: When she realizes that Alistair's destiny is to rule his people, and she will never be his queen... and puts him on the throne anyway. And Alistair's goodbye in Denerim, where he knows damn well what she's about to do: "I won't forget you. I'll make sure they don't forget you."
The Warden for Awakening is also a dwarf, Devari Kader, who was born casteless before leaving and becoming a Grey Warden. She finds it absolutely bonkers to be not only a noble but a noble ruling humans. Also baffled by the fact that everyone keeps calling her "Orlesian."
Emilia Hawke
The one I call Terrible Hawke (affectionate and derogatory).
How it started:
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How it's going:
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Emilia Hawke starts out protective of her little sister, though maybe with a bit of resentment brewing under the surface. She loses Bethany in the Deep Roads. Over the course of her arc she slides toward more and more extreme pro-templar behavior until Leandra's murder just sends her completely off the rails. By Act III she is a full-on anti-mage fanatic who believes that magic is a curse and it was a blessing from the Maker that he called Bethany back to his side before she could fall to corruption.
Emilia was an exercise in "Let's make a Hawke who sides with the templars at the end and fully believes they're doing the right thing."
If you ask her, she's Lawful Good. (I'd call her Lawful Evil, lol.)
Favorite Emilia moments:
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Bethany's death truly is the beginning of her long downward spiral, because she really did love her sister. With Bethany gone, over time her memory in Emilia's mind is twisted into an idealized portrait of the "Good Mage." One who was meek and righteous (neither of which accurately describe who Bethany really was), never gave into temptation, and most importantly, died young and pure. That distorted image of Bethany helps her rationalize things later that Bethany would never have approved of, without ever admitting to herself how deeply she has dishonored her sister's memory.
Romance: She romances Sebastian and ends up taking those Chantry vows with him. They're a chaste and devout religious power couple who enable some of each other's worst traits and mutually cockblock each other so hard (Emilia constantly encourages him to keep his Chantry vows despite clearly wanting to bang him) I have to say that both of them on some level get off on denying each other and themselves. They deserve each other. 💙
Incidentally in addition to taking Chantry vows, Emilia has the Templar specialization. Which means that for a brief time, Kirkwall has a Viscount who is an actual Chantry Sister and "unofficial" templar. Love that for them.
Theodore Trevelyan
How it started:
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How it's going:
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Theo is "the spare" of his family, and he knows it. So when this "Herald of Andraste" thing drops in his lap, he seizes it with both hands. Why yes, I am the Chosen One! Thank you for asking!
And he wants so badly to believe it.
Alignment: Lawful Stupid. Would in theory like to be Good but is completely unpracticed at any kind of complex moral reasoning.
Favorite Theo moments:
His confidence takes its first big hit at Halamshiral, where he makes a fantastic cock-up of it and ends up with Gaspard as Emperor not by choice but because he can't make a decision and just stands there gawping while his people are waiting for orders, and Celene gets stabbinated in front of him. And then everyone praises him and acted like he made this happen on purpose. He does not walk away feeling good about this.
And then the Fade is like "Yeah you weren't saved by Andraste lol."
Incidentally, Emilia's anti-mage fanaticism unnerves even bland milquetoast pro-templar Theo to the point that it contributes to him leaving her in the Fade, even though he feels really guilty about it because of Varric.
Also a big fan of the scene where he gets yelled at by Solas, who is deeply unimpressed with him.
Romance: He falls hard for Cassandra, which really makes things awkward when he starts to doubt his Chosen-ness because deep down he knows there's nothing else remarkable about him and he's not handsome or charming enough to get by on that alone, and what if she only ever liked him because she thought he was chosen by the Maker?
Probably his greatest moment of character growth is when he learns that Cassandra is a candidate for Divine, and realizes that if he supports her, he's probably going to lose her. And he decides to support her anyway because he loves her and can't stand in the way of her calling if it's the Maker's will.
Thanks for letting me introduce you to my awful children!
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crypt-tids · 2 years
A Gift Unto the King
Morning couldn’t come soon enough. At some point in the wee-hours, Lucas had managed to doze off, but it was hardly what he would call a restful sleep. Within the few, fleeting moments of slumber he was granted, he dreamt of horrible things. Everywhere he turned in his twisted dreamscape, he was met with gut-wrenching carnage. His village burned, and blood soaked the streets. Charred and dismembered corpses were strewn about everywhere he looked, and no matter how desperately he cried out, there were no survivors there to hear him. He’d try to run away, but each time he did, his dream would loop him right back to where he started. It was like existing in his own personal hell, and the sour taste of it all lingered heavily on his mind. In all his life, he hardly remembered ever suffering from such a severe night terror. It felt so real, he almost wondered if there was something more to it.
Having been startled awake, he now sat up in bed, wrapped in his blanket, attempting to forget about the rough night he’d had. His muscles were sore, but not as sore as usual, which he appreciated, and for the first time in weeks, he didn’t have morning sickness nagging him out of bed. Aside from being incredibly exhausted—and a bit traumatized from his vivid night terror—it was shaping up to be a moderately decent morning.
Unable to ignore the dryness in his mouth any longer, he slid out of bed, and fetched a cup of water. Once his thirst had been quenched, he decided to shuffle back to bed. Just before crawling in, he stopped himself. With a touch of curiosity, and an equal amount of nerves, he drew a deep breath, and slowly lifted his shirt. Pushing the waist of his pants down slightly, he inspected his lower belly. His heart skipped a beat as butterflies fluttered in his stomach. There, resting softly between his hips, was a tiny bump. Small and unassuming, but there nonetheless. Frantically, he ran his hands over it, unable to believe his eyes.
It can’t be! He thought to himself as he poked at the little swell. There’s no way…
Unconsciously, he sat down on the bed, his attention still fully focused on his belly. There it was, the confirmation he’d been waiting for on bated breath. No longer could he trick himself into believing it wasn’t true, because it was. Resting beneath his hand was the undeniable proof of that.
The emotions competing for dominance within him left him feeling overwhelmed and conflicted. He had received the answer he’d been dreading ever since Alistair’s diagnosis; and yet, it was also the answer that his heart was begging for. To have a family of his own had always been a silent dream of his, but as a knight, he’d accepted it wasn’t possible. But here he was, staring down at the impossible that had taken up residence within his womb. Eventually, the shock gave way, and his eyes welled with tears.
He’d never imagined he could ever be filled with so much joy and so much fear all at once. Growing within him was a gift more precious than diamonds and gold. A gift bestowed unto him by the man he loved, but a gift he could never share with him. The child would grow up never knowing their father, and Lucas would have to accept that; but as much as that fact weighed on him, he knew he wanted the baby, even if he had to go through it alone.
Stroking his small belly with his thumb, he smiled.
“Your life may not be easy, little one,” he whispered affectionately, “and I hope you’ll forgive me for that someday. But the world can be a wonderful place, too… sometimes.” He half laughed. “And I’d really like for you to see it.”
Aoife slept clear through the night in Vin’s bed, forcing him to catch what little rest he could in the solar. He didn’t sleep much, though, as every time he closed his eyes, he’d see her drained, weakened body in his arms. Even though he knew she was safely recovering in his chambers, the guilt of what he had done wasn’t fading, and likely never would.
As he listened to the birds chirping outside the window, his mind drifted to Lucas. He hated leaving him alone on the full moon, but Lucas had made himself clear, and he had to respect that. Even so, he couldn’t help but feel that there was more tension between them than there should have been. As if Lucas was forcefully distancing himself, and for what reason exactly Vin couldn’t quite grasp. Even if they were forbidden from being lovers, they were still friends long before that, and Vin hoped that on some base level, they’d be able to return to that if nothing else. However, he couldn’t help the sinking feeling in his chest that told him the foundation of their entire relationship had been upended, and he’d lost Lucas forever. No matter how many times he tried to convince himself that Lucas just needed time, he couldn’t bring himself to believe it. There was something more to it, just beyond the veil of his sight, and he wasn’t sure if he’d ever see it. Even still, the small glimmer of hope he’d forced on himself was the only thing holding him together.
As Vin got up from the chair, he smoothed out his hair, grabbed his cloak, and headed down the hall to the stairs. It was still early in the morning, so breakfast wasn’t ready yet, but he wasn’t hungry anyways. Instead, he decided to go for a morning stroll around the grounds. Just as he was about to don his cloak, his mother stopped him.
“Ah, my darling, up early I see.” She smiled softly, but her aura was uneasy.
“Yes, I thought some fresh air would do me good.” Vin said flatly, paying her fairly little mind.
“A wonderful idea! But first, there is someone I’d like you to meet.” Marion’s voice was laden with nerves. “Princess Carmilla!”
From around the corner emerged a young woman, close in height to Vin, wearing a deep burgundy gown, belted with gold casted leaves and vines. A matching circlet rested on her head, the vines converging on her forehead to frame a sizable opal. Her black hair fell just past her shoulders in tight ringlets, which had nearly swallowed the circlet completely.
“It’s an honor to meet you, Your Highness.” Carmilla bowed slightly.
“Likewise.” Vin responded, glaring at his mother.
“Elvenwood has done us the honor of aligning themselves with us in the coming war.” Marion said, clearing her throat.
“Then Elvenwood holds my deepest gratitude.” Vin nodded to Carmilla with a small smile, which she returned.
“Indeed.” Marion smiled, hands clasped tightly in front of her. “Well, don’t let me stand in the way of you two acquainting yourselves.” She directed her attention back to Carmilla. “I’ll have your things moved into your chambers, and someone will show you the way upon your return.” With that, Marion bowed slightly, and then scurried off.
Vin did his best to conceal his current discontent, however, that well ran deep.
“If you would rather, I can stay behind. I don’t wish to impose.” Carmilla spoke calmly.
“Of course not. I’d be honored if you’d accompany me.” Vin gestured to the large oak doors, currently being held open to allow the servants easy passage as they transported Carmilla’s personal effects.
Carmilla nodded, and the two of them walked side by side out of the castle. They strolled quietly for a while, taking in the fresh air, the morning dew glistening in the sunlight.
“It’s a lovely morning.” Carmilla broke the silence, smiling as a little brown bunny darted across the lawn.
“It is.” Vin replied, before the two fell back into silence.
There was an awkward tension between them, but Carmilla hid her feelings well. However, Vin quickly noticed her twiddling her thumbs nervously. He hadn’t spent much time thinking about it, but he supposed that she may not have been exactly comfortable being thrown into this arrangement either.
“So,” Vin tried to initiate some small talk, “do you have any siblings?”
“I do. All brothers. Two older, one younger.”
“Must’ve been hard growing up surrounded by boys all the time.”
“Growing up with them was the easy part.” Carmilla shook her head and gave a half-hearted smile. “It wasn’t until we became adults that we realized how fundamentally different we are.”
“How so?” Vin asked, and Carmilla adjusted her gaze to meet his. Her dark brown eyes studied his face for a moment.
“I’m here, aren’t I?” Any hint of a smile had faded from her deep cherry lips. The sunlight haloed around her coiled hair, her pointed ears poking out ever so slightly.
Vin wasn’t quite sure what to say. Instead he just stared at her. Long after she turned away, his gaze stayed fixed on her. Elves were always said to be incredibly beautiful, blessed by the gods themselves, but Vin hadn’t realized until now the ethereal beauty they possessed.
“My apologies, I didn’t mean to sound insulting to you or your kingdom.” She continued after a moment, afraid she had misspoke.
“Not at all.” Vin assured. “If I had it my way, you wouldn’t be here at all.”
Carmilla stopped and turned to Vin, her eyes inquisitive.
“And why is that? Is this alliance not important to you?”
“It’s not the alliance.” Vin stopped as well. “I’m grateful for that, please do not believe otherwise.” The two began walking again.
“Then what is it?”
Vin thought for a moment. He knew what he wanted to say, but not how to say it in a way that wouldn’t sound insulting. After a brief moment of contemplation, he formulated his answer.
“Respectfully, I have no desire to take a wife.”
“Nor I a husband.” Carmilla retorted. “But we all have our roles to play.” She gazed off towards a nearby tree, watching a squirrel scurry up the branches.
“Hm-” He half laughed. “I can see why my mother chose you.” Vin’s voice was low, more to himself than to her.
“She chose me only because Elvenwood had the most to offer.” She replied, matter of factly.
“And what exactly does Elvenwood gain from this arrangement?”
Carmilla briefly glanced at Vin, and drew a deep breath. Her full lips were slightly pursed as she focused her attention away from the king.
“Protection, of course. Free passage through Valkevilla for our merchants. A stronger trade relationship, and,” she paused for a moment, “the entirety of the fallen kingdom.”
“Honterra?” Vin’s gaze snapped to the princess. “Elvenwood wishes to claim Honterra, even though it rightfully belongs to Valkevilla?” His tone was sharp.
“The only reason Valkevilla exists at all is because the elves allow it. Perhaps you’ve forgotten that this entire continent once belonged to us.” Carmilla returned, clearly unamused by his claims. After a moment, she sighed, her voice softening into melancholy. “Two-thousand years have passed since the elves were cast from their lands, and I’d bet you anything that not a single text in your library bears any mention of it.” She stared at the ground, her brows furrowed over saddened eyes. “It seems the elves are the only ones left that haven’t rewritten the past.”
Vin’s body relaxed slightly. He could feel the pain radiating from her. To be so far from the only home she’s ever known, now a political accessory to a kingdom that had once belonged to her people; it was something he could never hope to understand. He watched as a gentle breeze tussled her coils, her dark skin shimmering in the sunlight. Carmilla drew a deep breath, and regained her composure, her face flat and soft, as if it had never displayed any emotion at all.
“You should understand that when I say the fallen kingdom will return to Elvenwood, I am also referring to Valkevilla.” Carmilla stated firmly.
Shocked, Vin’s eyes snapped to hers. A pit formed in his chest as his heart began to race. He was at a loss. The queen had drafted the agreement with Elvenwood and now there was nothing he could do. They needed the elves to win the war, but now there was a much greater risk on the line than he’d anticipated. It was beginning to feel like even if they won, the victory would be hollow and the alliance would quickly oxidize. If they craved the return of their lands so much, what would stop them from turning on Valkevilla? And if they did, where would his people go?
“Do you intend to take Valkevilla?” Vin asked.
“In a manner of speaking, we already have it.” Carmilla replied. “We are more than happy to reclaim this land through succession rather than war. But if Valkevilla does fall-”
“The elves will reclaim the rubble.” Vin finished.
“We would rebuild Valkevilla and return it to its former glory, just as it was centuries ago.”
“And what of my people?” Vin spat. “Where will my people go? This is the only home they’ve ever known, the only safe haven for curse-borns on the continent.”
“Please, do not fret.” Carmilla raised a hand to calm him. “Your people will be able to remain in Valkevilla should they so choose.”
Vin relaxed and he felt his shoulders untense. But he still felt uneasy. The implication of the agreement was that in order to avoid war with the elves entirely, he would have to produce an heir of elven blood. Eventually, Valkevilla would be ruled once again by the elves, and what guarantee would there really be in the coming centuries that the descendants of his people would be safe here.
“If I may speak plainly,” Carmilla started, “I know what I’ve said here may seem harsh, but it’s not intended to be so. This agreement is founded on the protection and preservation of Valkevilla. I have no desire to destroy what your family has built.” Carmilla stopped, as did Vin, and she gently took his hand. “In every sense of the word, we are allies, you and I. As of today, the people of Valkevilla are as much mine as they are yours, and I will defend them until my dying breath. But this only works if we play our roles.”
The weight of the elf’s words weren’t lost on him. As much as he wished to avoid the whole affair, he was running low on both time and options.
“Valkevilla will welcome you as queen, but I cannot take you as my wife.” Vin stated flatly, laying claim to the last bit of control he had in this arrangement.
“And as for an heir?” Carmilla inquired.
“I will give you a child, but once you conceive, never again will I share a bed with you.”
“Excellent.” Carmilla smiled softly. “I have no desire to share a bed with you either.” She stared into the vampire’s eyes, her face calm and gentle. “May the gods bless us with a quick conception.”
Vin couldn’t help but return a smile. She certainly was cute, and not exactly what he was expecting. In all honesty, he wasn’t quite sure what to make of her. He wasn’t used to women being disinterested in him, or speaking to him so boldly. It was refreshing. But even so, he was still on edge about it all. Having a child for political purposes never sat well with him, especially when they were destined to be raised by parents that could hardly stand each other. However, with any matter of luck, the two of them would at least reach a point where they could raise their child in a love-filled environment, even if they’d never share that love with each other.
“Cheers to only doing it once.” Vin grinned, causing Carmilla to giggle softly. Unable to hold it back, the king joined in, and the two of them had a good chuckle.
Perhaps it won’t be so bad, after all. Vin thought to himself, taking in Carmilla’s intoxicatingly gorgeous smile.
The two spent the rest of the walk in near silence, calm and mostly at peace. Neither one wanted to be in this situation, and they both took comfort in that. At the very least, if nothing else, they’d be able to rely on each other—to be each other’s allies—and just maybe they’d be able to get through it together.
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gumjester · 11 months
👩‍🏫 - favourite + least favourite faculty member?
favourite faculty member has to be baba yaga 🤞there's something so great about The Witch Who Eats Children working at a high school, but also she seems to just be good at her job? everyone's pretty chill with her even if she is a bit of a royalist (which tbh get a grip lady. the girlbossery is compromised by this) and she like puts socks in the punch at thronecoming for her own personal vibes... raven has to chase down her fucking office in tsol because baba yaga does not see fit to have a stationary point of contact for any student... she's great. my idol
least favourite.. i could say grimm but honestly a) cop out. everyone hates grimm and b) i genuinely kind of love him 😭 he sucks so bad its entertaining. its great whenever he just gets hit in the fuckign face for no reason. so least favourite is rumpelstiltskin. HE SUCKS NOT EVEN IN A FUN WAY HE JUST USES CHILD LABOUR TO BUILD HIS CRYPTO EMPIRE OR WHATEVER. WHYYYYY do you need bitches to spin straw into gold is your paycheck not already covering the rent for your little fuckin caravan you manlet
👩‍👧 - favourite + least favourite parent?
i tried to subvert expectations with my faculty answer but my favourite parent can't not be the mad hatter which is THE basic answer. but girl let me have this i forget good fathers exist its nice to have my faith restored whenever his friendly little face is on screen. great bow tie ! great voice ! he's a king
👤 - favourite backgrounder + which fairytale do you think theyre from?
AGAIN!!! THAT LITTLE GOTH BITCH <3 my memory of fairy tales has depleted somewhat recently but i saw the wiki say she might be death???? from a tale called godfather death and i like that idea :) i would like to think death looks as awesome as her
🪞 - which character is most like you and why?
my pfp is maddie for a reason!! i have always seen myself in her, and my friend used to compare me to her all the time which just solidified it further. i've always been spacey and spoke weirdly and a lot of the time the way i think of the world doesn't match up to what other people perceive, and seeing that in maddie was always rlly comforting. plus i love riddles, wonderland and tea. so i get her fr 🤝
i will also give an honourable mention to alistair, at least my characterisation of him. to me he is perpetually charlie day at the corkboard. i know how you feel, al
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