#Amazing Spider-Man 1999
So that resurrection scene kind of brings up something for the general Kaine vs Ben and Peter debate- it looks like the Jackal did enhance his powers/mutate them beyond what Peter could do? I know there's the argument over whether Kaine is meant to look exactly like Peter/have the exact same powers but this seems to support the idea that he was deliberately designed differently from Ben. And the Other would have resurrected him perfectly; so these secondary mutations he's initially resurrected with are implied to be part of his natural powerset? I've been trying to figure this out for years and no one can agree lmao
Oooooh, thank you so much for sending in an ask, because this is a topic I could talk about endlessly. :D
Disclaimer: the continuity surrounding Kaine and the Clone Saga as a whole is uniquely snarled even beyond typical comic book whackiness, so while I will do my best to back up my reasoning using comic book evidences, I am, at the end of the day, just a person on the internet and you should take everything I say with a grain of salt hahaha Oh, and another disclaimer is that I’ll mainly be drawing from the material I have read for this read-through so far. It has been a couple years since I last read Scarlet Spider vol. 2 or any of the more recent works Kaine has been in, so I may go back and add to this post in the future if I stumble upon any more interesting and relevant material. 👀
The shortest and most direct answer to your first question of if the Jackal specifically made Kaine differently from Ben with the aim of the former being “stronger” than Peter is from the “Echoes” story in Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 2/2009), #1 by J. M. DeMatteis.
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Further supporting evidence in this vein can be found in the story I believe you’re referencing in your ask, “What I Did for Love,” Spider-Island: Deadly Foes (Vol. 1/2011), #1.
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All of these can be editorially explained by the staff scrambling to answer the question of “wait, if we’re going to bring Kaine back in the year of our Lord 2009, how on earth are we going to explain how he, out of all the Parker clones (including Ben at this point), didn’t degenerate when degenerating was one of Kaine’s defining characteristics???” That’s where I believe the narrative of “the Jackal designed Kaine to be stronger” is most definitively explicated; however, I have further “evidences,” musings, and discussion of how The Other changes spider people beneath the cut if any one would like to read more. :D
There are other, even earlier indicators, however, that Kaine was built to be stronger than Peter. The first examples that come to mind are Kaine’s precognitive flashes and the infamous Mark of Kaine. The latter is a more easily defendable claim as, while Peter has demonstrated that in moments of extreme rage like in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #598 and #637 he is not above sticking to someone’s face, those instances seem to be more like examples of extreme adhesion as opposed to the unique burning/acidic quality of Kaine’s “Mark.”
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Peter in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #598 vs. Kaine in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #631 and #636, respectively.
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Now, Kaine’s precognitive flashes actually being Peter’s spider-sense amped up to 11 is a bit harder to defend, as that requires near-apocryphal material as evidence. Specifically, Marvel editor and writer Glenn Greenberg described Kaine’s pre-cog flashes as such in part nine of The Life of Reilly, a joint project with Andrew Goletz and various other Marvel insider interview subjects on the complicated editorial history surrounding The Clone Saga. Greenberg goes on to state in that same part that “it was well established in the stories that Kaine was physically stronger than Peter, and he was clearly much taller and more massive” (qualities we will get back too), but that all of Kaine’s abilities directly paralleling Peter was never actually explicitly stated in the text, much to all of the writers’ chagrin.
So, in light of that statement, I would like to throw my hat into the ring on the “is Kaine stronger/bigger than Peter” debate (what could possibly go wrong hahaha).
As early as when Kaine first revealed himself to be a Parker clone, he was described by multiple sources, including Kaine himself, the aforementioned Jackal, Ben, and Peter, as being stronger.
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Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1990), #60 by Howard Mackie.
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Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1990), #66 by Howard Mackie.
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Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #634 by Joe Kelly.
Now, whether Kaine is actually stronger or just more willing to cut loose and use his strength to its full lethal capabilities is an argument I am definitely willing to entertain, as there is no doubt that Peter is strong, but willfully holds himself back (I don’t think I’ll ever forget that time Peter held up the entire Daily Bugle building on his back in Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1990), #98 or the time he beat Firelord, a herald of Galactus, in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #270, and he is a self-proclaimed juggler of cars according to Peter Parker: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1/2017), #6). (…and then there’s that whole debacle with the “““superior””” Spider-Man and the Scorpion’s jaw).
As for if Kaine is physically larger, I stand by Greenberg’s statement that Kaine was consistently drawn as larger than Peter throughout the 1990’s and most of the 2000’s, with even the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man (2005) listing Kaine as being 6’4” while Peter has reliably been 5’10” for ages (or as listed in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: A-Z (2009) if you want a specific source hahaha).
In fact, from what I have gathered, Kaine wasn’t portrayed as being physically similar in size to Peter until Slott’s Spider-Island event in 2011 (which,,,I feel like critics might be able to make a snide comment from that about how much Slott cares about the Spider-Man franchise, but that is WAY too far afield hahaha).
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Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #672.
Okay, so after all that, I also wanted to discuss what you brought up about the Other and resurrecting Kaine with his innate skill set. The facetious answer would be “yes, kind of???”, but considering Peter’s own experience with being connected to the Other, the powers Kaine developed post-resurrecting are not all actually as unique as, say, his precognitive flashes or his Mark.
Interestingly enough, a lot of the powers we associate with post-encountering-the-Other Kaine were actually explored with Peter in the early and mid-2000’s, with each power being unlocked after investigating Peter’s connection to the Spider-totem concept or other inherent spider-related matters.
Namely, Ezekial Sims first hints that by tapping into the totem Peter could communicate with spiders in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2/1999), #32 by J. Michael Straczynski.
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That concept is further expounded upon and made to be a reality in Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 2/2003), #20 by Paul Jenkins, when the Spider-Queen enhanced existing spider-like qualities and DNA in Peter (in a rather horrific arc that solidified my hatred for the Spider-Queen but that’s just me hahaha)
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During that same arc, Peter also got organic webbing.
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Finally, Peter did briefly have a pair of Kaine’s infamous wrist bone blades (pictured here from Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (Vol. 1/2005), #3 by J. Michael Straczynski), but, being the kind of guy who typically tries to avoid disemboweling people (Morlun here is an exception since he broke MJ’s arm), Peter just didn’t use them all too often.
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So anyway, tl;dr, what happens with Kaine post-resurrection could definitely be described as “enhancing powers that were already there if perhaps inert,” but there is a compelling argument (if you take all comics from all eras as equally valid/canon), that those powers are buried within Peter’s DNA/totemic connection(???) as well and were thus passed onto his enhanced clone.
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funkinmadnesss · 5 months
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going through my gallery and trying to find stuff to post LMAO
Panel redraw I did a couple of months ago! (Plus some personal additions <3)
OG panel + Silly aftermath:
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ao3-anonymous · 6 months
Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (10/30/2023)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
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xionthelostpuppet · 9 months
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Happy Birthday Rhys Ifans (July 22 )
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big-gay-apocalypse · 10 months
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// Spider-Man: Big Time: The Complete Collection Vol. 1
21 notes · View notes
Blog Intro
Ok guys I may or may not have done this a while ago but here we go!
Hi I'm Chan! Here's the current frequent frontiers/hosts: Chan, Felix, Chorok, Casper, Michael, Sam Colby. There's a few more but eh.
System name: Viridian Forest Collective or Forest Collective
Body age: 19
Number of headmates: Unknown but its a lot
General system pronouns: all of them switching it up is appreciated
Collective gender: Fluidflux
Collective sexuality: Omnisexual, demiromantic
System hobbies: art, gaming, writing, learning random things, rick riordan, wings of fire, dragons, diy, witchcraft, anime, vikings, greeks, romans, etc.
Some of our system blogs: @seaweed-brain-bullshit, @mythomagic-nerd, @doctors-orders-death-boy (so far only the pjo fuckers have decided they want personal spaces on tumblr) (in the process of giving the moon boys a blog)
The other blogs we have that aren't system based are: @viridian-beetle (art blog), @forest-finds (forest themed and witchcraft central), @kip-kinstar (star wars but mainly mando blog)
See here for our stance on endos and syscourse
In terms of canonmates, doubles are welcome, we are looking for anyone and we mean anyone from the following sources:
-> Riordanverse
-> Wings of Fire
-> The Selection
-> Throne of Glass
-> Divergent
-> Spiderverse
-> Moon Knight
-> The Mummy (original 2 movies)
-> The Stanley Parable
DNI: anti-mogai, anti-lgbtqia+, anti-agere (and the pet one), anti-pagan, anti-system, anti-fictive, anti-xenopronouns, anti-nounself pronouns, anti-neopronouns, anti-omni/pan, anti-ship, etc. You all know who you are.
Here is who we have from these sources:
-> Riordanverse
-> Percy Jackson
-> Annabeth Chase
-> Grover Underwood
-> Nico di Angelo
-> Will Solace
-> Hazel Levesque
-> Jason Grace
-> Glamrock Freddy
-> Glamrock Bonnie
-> Glamrock Chica
-> Roxanne Wolf
-> Montgomery Gator
-> Sundrop
-> Moondrop
-> Adult Gregory
-> Child Gregory
-> Michael Afton
-> Phone Guy
-> Wings of Fire
-> Deathbringer
-> Glory
-> The Selection
-> Maxon
-> Throne of Glass
-> Dorian
-> Divergent
-> Four
-> Spiderverse
-> Peter Parker (ultimate spiderman)
-> Harry Osborn (mix ultimate spiderman and amazing spiderman 1)
-> Venom (ultimate spiderman)
-> Moon Knight
-> Marc Spector
-> Steven Grant
-> Jake Lockley
-> The Mummy (original 2 movies)
-> Tauhotep (oc)
-> The Stanley Parable
-> Stanley
-> The Narrator
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
After 441 issues, The Amazing Spider-Man was relaunched with issue 1, vol 2 (Cover date January, 1999). The Human Torch tries to summon Spider-Man, but Peter Parker has retired from crime fighting. He also is looking to get a job with Tri-Corp Research Foundation. A young girl named Martha Franklin has decided to take up the Spider-Man mantle. Besides introducing Martha, Howard Mackie and John Byrne also created in that issue the Tri-Corp Foundation with it's members Terry Kwan, Walter Thorson, Javier Caldrone, Stan Hardy, Chantal Stone, and Ted Twaki, as well as the character Sally Boy. ("Where R U Spider-Man", "Rebirth", "The Secrets of Spider-Man", The Amazing Spider-Man 1# vol 2, Comic Book, Event)
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badcomicsrph · 9 months
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In the link you will find 108 RP icons of Mary Jane Watson-Parker. Those icons are sized 100x100 px and 150x150 px. You can find the two folders in the zip. They are free (pwyw) & capped from Marvel Comics. They were capped from Amazing Spider-Man V2 #39 to #50
Icons are free for use, please share/like the tumblr post if you intend to use, and do not resize under 100x100px for accessibility
Possible triggers: N/A (let me know if you find any)
Ethnicity: white (AFAIK) Sexuality: undefined (AFAIK) Other: N/A
Artist: John Romita Jr Writer: JMS
Made for @spinxeret as part of the Birthday giveaway
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keycomicbooks · 1 month
The Amazing Spider-Man #7 (1999) John Byrne Pencils and Cover Art, Howard Mackie Story, 1st Appearance of Spider-Man (Quentin Beck (Earth-TRN921))
#TheAmazingSpiderMan #7 (1999) #JohnByrne Pencils and Cover Art, #HowardMackie Story, 1st Appearance of #SpiderMan (#QuentinBeck (Earth-TRN921)) The Perfect World, pt. 1: Heroes & Villains. Includes Marvel "Got Milk?" trading cards at center.  SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA https://rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/The%20Amazing%20Spider-Man%201999.html  #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks #MarvelComics #MCU #MarvelUniverse #ComicBooks #NerdyGifts #KeyIssue
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spiderverseconceptart · 3 months
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Earth-42 "Villain City" and The Bar With No Name (both cut) concept art for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse by Peter Chan ( 1, 2.)
Created by Mark Gruenwald and Paul Neary, The Bar With No Name debuted in CAPTAIN AMERICA (1968) #318. The location was originally intended as a peaceful place for villains to hang out. There’s even a policy against fighting, which has been on several occasions been enforced against heroes trying to bust villains For example, in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1999) #563, Peter Parker entered The Bar With No Name in search of a villain. The location’s bartender stopped a fight and made clear that Spider-Man was welcome to drink at the establishment, provided he didn’t start any trouble. - via: Marvel.com
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autisticredhood · 2 years
Aunt May finding out peter is spider-man and immediately going 🤨🤨🤨 why are you letting your hero name be slandered. my nephew is a nice young man not a menace!!! & then canceling her newspaper subscriptions & writing to a bunch of talk show hosts about how spider-man is misunderstood. Aunt May you are the realest!!!!!
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the amazing spider-man (1999) #38, #39
7K notes · View notes
wr3hart · 7 months
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #560 - PeterMJ edition.
109 notes · View notes
pascallatte · 1 year
Get to know Y/N L/N
Born Y/N M/N L/N *day* December 1987 (32) Madrid, Spain
Education The Juilliard School
Occupation Actress
Years active 1999-present
Y/N M/N L/N (born on December *day*, 1987) is a Canadian actress. Known for her independent films and series participation. Born in Madrid, Spain to F/N L/N and M/N Md/N, L/N had been introduced to the film industry at a young age but never participated in any until she was recruited at the age of 9. She had a minor role in the 1999 Star Wars film; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace as Sabe. Her breakthrough into the acting industry was when she played Sarah Altman in the Thriller/Crime film Panic Room (2002) and went on to achieve global stardom by playing Elizabeth Swann in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series, beginning in 2003, and as Mary Winchester in the American drama series, Supernatural from 2005 to 2013.
Early Life and Education
Y/N M/N L/N was born on *day* December 1987 in Madrid, Spain’s fashionable residential area of Chamartín, Madrid to engineer F/N L/N and journalist M/N Md/N. Her father is of French and Canadian descent and her mother is Spanish. She has two younger brothers, whose names are unknown. Her mother’s connection in the industry had introduced her to the film industry at a young age but never sparked her interest.
L/N and her family moved from Madrid, Spain to Montreal,Quebec, Canada at 6 for her father’s job. She and her family had switched between living in Canada and Spain, specifically staying in Canada for her and her siblings' education. There she attended primary school up until high school. She is known to speak three languages: Spanish(fluent), French(semi-fluent), and English(fluent). Her notable feature as a child was her curly blond hair that had landed her roles in The Sixth Sense, Star Wars, Panic Room and The Pirates of the Caribbean film series, however, it turned into a deep brown as she grew older, inheriting those of her mother's. At the age of 17, she moved to New York after being granted a scholarship at The Juilliard School in 2004.
The Sixth Sense (1999) - Kyra Collins
Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace (1999) - Sabe
Panic Room (2002) - Sarah Altman
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) - Elizabeth Swann
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) - Elizabeth Swann
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) - Elizabeth Swann
Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011) - Martha
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) - Gwen Stacy
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) - Gwen Stacy
The Man from UNCLE (2015) - Gaby
Collateral Beauty (2016) - Amy/ “Love”
Pirated of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) - Elizabeth Swann
Ocean’s 8 (2018) - Daphne Kluger
Knives Out (2019) - Marta Cabrera
Chernobyl (2019) - Lyudmilla Ignatenko
TV shows
Supernatural (2005-2013) - Mary Winchester 
Narcos (2015-2017) - Catalina “Lina” Mendoza
The Witcher (2019~) - Yennefer of Vengerberg
Upcoming films/shows
Personal life
Y/N L/N is one of the celebrities who can keep their private life under wraps despite being under the spotlight at age 11. During her rise in stardom, she has only been linked to a few fellow actors and only has one confirmed relationship.
L/N’s first relationship rumour was back in 2004 at only 17, with a childhood friend and ‘The Sixth Sense’ co-star, Trevor Morgan. Both parties denied this rumour and stated they were only close friends— siblings at most.
She dated The Amazing Spider-Man co-star, Andrew Garfield from 2011 to early-2014. The two are still great friends.
She was then linked to Narcos co-star Sebastian Vega (2015-2016) before being proven wrong when rumours and evidence of her dating co-star and long-time friend Pedro Pascal (2017) surfaced.
The pair, Pedro Pascal and Y/n L/n had confirmed their relationship via Instagram. They've been reported to have started dating in early 2015, 3-years after being introduced by mutual friend Sarah Paulson.
updated: December 31, 2019
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A/N: Hello just wanted to put this out before the next fic comes out so everything will be in order.
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knghtlock · 2 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
my beloved blorbo, hotaru ( multiverse oc primarily set in des/tiny )
that's it
genshi.n ocs ( mochizuki haruka my beloved defense attorney and percival engarde my beloved asshole prosecutor, yes they are a.ce att.orney references yes mochi has cross examined a parrot )
wrioth.esley ( genshin impa.ct )
dnd / tri.gun oc ( ariz.ona re.dd with a big iron on their hip )
dest.iny hunter oc ( two of them! nyx and hesti.a ! )
arthur, the excali.bur warf.rame from warfra.me 1999 except i'm the warfr.ame player that doesnt know every scrap of lore so i'm making my own.
mer.yl stryfe ( trigu.n ) ( loml )
spider-p.unk / ho.bie brown ( comics / ats.v influence bc he's my favorite spider-m.an and his universe is SO COOL okay-- )
a few others i can't immediately think of
tsukino usag.i / sai.lor moon
chiba mamor.u / tu.xedo ka.men
l.ink ( twilight p.rincess / mixed canon and botw )
peter par.ker / spi.der-man ( tas.m and comic influences, we love the amazing garfman here )
the dooms.layer ( flynn d. gardener ) ( get it . his last two initials are dg for doomgu.y FDHLKGJ )
billy from the mmp.r 2017 movie!
j.efferson from ou.at ( for like a week )
ten'oh haruka / sailor u.ranus ( also for like a week )
a la.vellan i.nquisitor oc and a half-elf grey warden oc from dragon ag.e
peter pa.rker
doomsl.ayer / flynn d. gardener
tagged by: @gunnvash, thanks billie! tagging: @afraidofchange , @arcanumsolitude , @foolshoujo, @iobartach , @mindhallow , @glorykill , @exiler , @iconaclysm , @gunbash, @vh1ral , @starlyht , and YOU !
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big-gay-apocalypse · 10 months
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// Spider-Man: Big Time: The Complete Collection Vol. 1
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nevenkebla · 3 months
Cristal irrompible
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #522
Guionista: J. Michael Straczynski Dibujante: Mike Deodato Jr.
— Peter Parker: ¿MJ? ¿MJ? — Logan: Morritos la ha cagado bien. — Peter Parker: Ni una palabra, Logan. En serio. — Logan: Eh, no es culpa tuya lo que haya hecho. Si tuviera tanto cerebro como belleza, no estaría contigo, ¿no? — Luke Cage: Sabes que se supone que es cristal irrompible. ¿Verdad? — Jessica Drew: Lo sé… — Luke Cage: Stark tendrá que pedir que le devuelvan el dinero. — Jessica Drew: Eso parece. Qué forma tan curiosa de coger un taxi, ¿no? — Luke Cage: Mola.
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