whimsidreams · 10 months
Does anyone ever prefer the crushing phase over the lovey phase? Like whenever I caught feelings for a guy, I would separate myself from the irl situation and treat those feels like a simulation of sorts, a means to fantasize and create instead of treating it like an excuse to go after a relationship. It was all fun and games. Never took it seriously; so whenever my friends would encourage me to initiate something, I'd be like
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u wot m8
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raleydrew · 2 years
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So I was curious, and I'm pretty sure I'm Lithromantic / Akoiromantic / Apromantic
I didn't look into specifics, but the "lith" named one is controversial and has something to do with lesbian appropriation or something like that(? I dunno) so imma just personally use apromantic. Plus it's easy on the eyes, heh
The colors are so nice ^-^
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m4rrii · 4 months
Hi! What does lithromantic mean, if you don't mind me asking? Just want to be educated
Hello! Don't worry I don't mind being asked about that term. It means someone who feels romantic love towards someone but has no desire of having these feelings reciprocated. It's also known as aromantic and apromantic. To put it short A Lithromantic person is in love with someone but doesn't want that feelings to be the same for them.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 8 months
Heartstopper review Netflix
So more like a quick rundowns of the positives and negatives of the show. I'm not doing a summary. Mild spoilers ahead, but no plot specifics.
It shows very well how coming out is a process, rather than all at once. This eliminates the straight gaze pat-on-the back.
I think it shows how being an ally and allies saying things is sometimes really awkward really well.
It shows queer joy very well. I enjoyed that.
It addresses sexual assault well by labeling it for what it is.
It features a lot of different identities at once.
The music is spot on
The explaining of what prejudice feels like is really spot on. Especially long term prejudice.
The parents are also lovely in the show as most of the adults. Honestly makes my queer heart hurt since I didn't get that for the majority of my life.
I like the shades of queer acceptance from family members--that's more realistic.
Honestly, Tao is my favorite character. Feels effortless. I'd love him to be pan or omni... ^^;; If the actor consents.
I love how queerness kisses the line between casual rep yet not token, but never veers into kill your gays, or queer tragic. It's queer joy with a side of nuance.
I like that the jerk is called Harry, seems like a reference.
I like it shows what comes after coming out, so it's not I've come, out now fight with the straight people, and then movie is over feeling. It shows there is hope and process, etc afterwards.
I like show it shows queer adults so it doesn't end with being teens. It talks about being a queer adult and discovering it late.
There are multiples of the identity shown and it talks carefully, but smartly about "passing".
The reference to Pirates of the Caribbean making a lot of people realize they were Bi, I appreciated it, though honestly, hated it for the racism and said so when I watched it. 'cause really disliked the rep on Voudou, and was called uptight for it. (We're no longer friends) And if I'm complaining, and read objections, then yeah, gotta be worse for the ID.
The smooth insert of a wheelchair user. I appreciated that.
Yes to queer solidarity.
The code switching is done really well in both French and Cantonese.
I like how it's mostly discovery, and the conflict is mostly undercut, but if they are together, they feed each other rather than it being one note all the time.
Asian boy gets to date I also like rather than the usual desexualizing.
The discussion of mental health and the intersectionality with queer teens, in particular, I liked.
Talking about consent is some of the best.
Talking about the unpleasantness of being outed without permission is done well.
I think for identities that are not completely one way or another, it kind of skims past them. It's the prominent LGBTQIA (though missing the I and two As.) For example, nonbinary (including agender etc), intersex of any kind, aromantic (She's working on it I think), gray-a (demi included of either ID), pan and/or omni. Feels more like mainstream queer identities. There's also generally queer rather than one. at. a. time. I'd like more shades for series 3 and intersectionality. The creator is not one at a time either. So I have faith they'll get there.
Questioning isn't shown very well. I'm not a fan of that. I thought it was shown by half and how confusing it all is with Nick, but for some reason I felt it was undercut a lot by Ben because he was questioning for much longer and was an AH about it. I thought shades of questioning were left out as well. I did like the whole doom and gloom feel after feeling joy at having a label. I felt that. Some nuance I felt was flattened for this ID. I sometimes get akoiromantic or apromantic from Ben, but I'd prefer him not being an A about it.
Tao mostly mentions American and UK movies. He speaks Cantonese, and Cantonese movies have subs, so I'm kind of surprised he's not shared them with his friends. I mean Kung Fu Hustle, objectively is a great movie. Stephen Chow? There's also plenty of Cantonese Language Rom Coms too for him to love. We live in an era where you can get subs on anything. Take advantage of it. For me as an Asian I also like watching shows with people of my own nationality and face. He has the internet and computer.
I feel somewhat 50/50 on some of the animation because sometimes it feels added as if it doesn't trust the actors to deliver, rather than added because it adds something. I think in series 2, it got a bit better so it enhances, rather than shows a lack of trust. That said, the animated cut aways I really like--where it animates around imagined things said in prejudice, etc.
Asexual extroverts also exist? Almost all of the Aces I've seen on TV tend to be introverts, outcasts and weirdos. But I'd also like to see ambiverts, aces that like flirting (which also exist), gray-aces (including demis), and aces that get along with other people in their friend groups very well. Black Stripe isn't the only way to "prove aceness" the majority of aces just don't feel primary sexual attraction or it goes away later (demis and some gray-a's feel secondary sexual attraction). It doesn't come with other personality traits like "hating other people" or are all introverted. I'd like to see this challenged. What's step 2 after coming out? 'cause there is ace joy too.
Race isn't handled as well as the queer rep. I don't feel the same degree of race joy that I do queer joy.
Where are the desis besides Farouk?
All of the PoCs are paired with different race PoCs? The only same race couples are white. And I'm not saying that PoC/PoC interracial dating is "wrong" but I'd like to also see the reality that some PoCs also date same race too.
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cobrastrikes421 · 10 months
Pride month 2023
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Pansexual - Pansexuality is sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction towards people of all genders, or regardless of their sex or gender identity.
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Asexual - Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity. It may be considered a sexual orientation or the lack thereof. 
Sapphic - lesbian, bisexual, and pansexual trans femmes, mascs, non-binary folks, and cis women. Relating to, or being a woman who is sexually or romantically attracted to other women, used especially as an umbrella term for all women who are attracted to women.
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Non binary - The range of language and labels used within non-binary communities means that non-binary has become an inclusive umbrella term.
Grey sexual - only experience sexual attraction some of the time, and sometimes not at all. Their level of sexual attraction could fall anywhere from “not normally, but sometimes,” to “enjoys sex only under very specific circumstances”.
Gender-fluid - Someone who is fluid -- also called gender fluid -- is a person whose gender identity (the gender they identify with most) is not fixed. It can change over time or from day-to-day.
Genderqueer - The term “genderqueer” emerged in the 1990s (see Whittle, 1996). It can be defined as “any type of trans identity that is not always male or female. emerged in the 1995 spring newsletter released by The Transexual Menace, a transgender rights activist organization founded in New York City in 1993. 
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Demiboy - An identity that describes someone who identifies with both Male and Agender genders. They do not necessarily identify with both equally, but always identify with both and only Male and Agender.
Trigender -  defines their gender identity in a third category, which is not situated in between man/woman. Second, trigender can also mean a person who feels that they are a blending of three gender identities. 
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Lithromanic - romantic love towards someone but has no desire of having these feelings reciprocated. It's also known as aromantic and apromantic. This term also falls under the aromantic spectrum where a person doesn't desire to be in a relationship.
Andlogyne - someone who neither identifies with, nor presents as, a man or woman.  when a female possesses both stereotypically female and stereotypically male characteristics—she may dress in clothing typically associated with a man, or express herself in a more aggressive or assertive manner.
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Demi romantic -  someone who only develops romantic feelings for another person when they have a strong emotional connection to them. Demiromantic people can be of any gender identity or sexual orientation.
Abrosexual - may also have changes in their sexual orientation over time. For example, a person who is abrosexual might be sexually attracted to men at one point, then not sexually attracted to anyone weeks later. 
Aromantic - Aromantic people can still love their friends, family, children, pets, and their partners. A common myth is that aromantic people, especially aromantic asexual people, are cold and robotic.
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Transgender - a person whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth. For example, a transgender person who was assigned female at birth may identify as male, a combination of male and female, or neither.
Bear brotherhood - A bear within gay male culture refers to a large-sized hairier man who projects a sense of “rugged masculinity”. The Bear Brotherhood pride flag was meant to represent the bear subculture within the wider LGBTQ+ community.
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Bigender - Androgyne and Bigender people often use the They/Them set of pronouns, both He/Him and She/Her sets, or They/Them, He/Him, and She/Her sets.
Placiosexual -  is a micro-label on the asexual spectrum defined as someone who enjoys performing sexual acts for other individuals but does not want them to be reciprocated. Placiosexual individuals may be sex neutral or sex-repulsed when it comes to performing sexual acts on them.
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Pangender -  is sometimes used as a synonym for pangender, but sometimes is defined as experiencing almost all genders. 
Neptunic - the attraction that describes the sexuality often associated with non-binary people being attracted to women, neutral non-binary individuals as well as feminine non-binary persons.
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avysc · 6 months
The term lithromantic refers to an individual who feels romantic love towards someone but has no desire of having these feelings reciprocated. It's also known as aromantic and apromantic. This term also falls under the aromantic spectrum where a person doesn't desire to be in a relationship.
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trickstertox · 3 years
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Some akoi koi fish!
I tried. ;w;
Edit: Feel free to use as wallpaper!
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I feel like lithromantic is just a person falling in love with the idea of someone, not the actual person themselves. So once you actually get together, that illusion of them is shattered and your left with a real person. Someone with lots of unpredictable flaws of their own. This makes them unattractive to you and you no longer want to be with that.
This is what I feel like happens to me and why I call myself lithromantic. Do any of you feel the same?
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Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you're Already flying through the free fall
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I don't like that flying feels like falling till the bone crush
no, I don't like a gold rush
Like the colors in autumn, so bright just before
they lose it all
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His love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street
🖤💜🤍 this is acelor where we document every time Taylor has looked like the asexual flag (black, grey, white, and purple stripes) or aromantic flag (green, black, grey, white) 🤍💚🖤
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jaistsuperior · 3 years
So,, how do you find other apromantic people... I am not a social person 🥺😤 so come find me and lets be friends!! I just wanna sometimes talk 💚
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avenpt · 5 years
This is a cute animation by Alex Unite that explains their experience as lithromantic. :) Lithromantic, also known as akoi- or apromantic, is a part of the aromantic spectrum. The definition, according to Aromantic Wiki:
Somebody who is lithromantic can feel romantic attraction towards others and also enjoy being in romantic relationships but only in theory. They do not need the affection to be reciprocated, and as such do not usually feel compelled to seek out a relationship with someone they are interested in. Some lithromantics may also stop feeling their romantic attraction once in a relationship.
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thestarsintheknight · 5 years
does anyone else ever just feel like there’s just something... wrong? just with like how you are. 
I don’t know how to explain it but I think it’s just something I’ve been coming to terms with but all my siblings have partners. A good amount of my friends have partners as well. But for me I don’t. Not because I can’t get one (lol) but because anytime I’ve had a relationship with someone, I just get grossed out despite liking the idea of a relationship.
But that’s the thing, I like the idea of it but I hate being a part of it. Which i found was called Lithromantic. i felt at ease when I found out about this but the thing is it still feels like i’m missing out 
i’m trying to come to terms that i’ll probably never find someone who i can be with romantically without getting grossed out but at the same time it’s like, why not? the only person i’ve ever felt comfortable even kissing was my friend but that was purely platonic and it’s just-idk i’m confused and it feels like im broken when i know i’m not and it’s hard to come to terms with that. and it’s something i’ve been trying to for the past four years. 
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akoiromantic asexual + space for anon
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lithromania · 6 years
“alone and sublime” by mother mother helped me out a lot with understanding/coming to terms with lithromanticism if anyone is struggling rn or looking for some songs that touch on it ! the lyrics are very beautiful and i don’t know if it’ll help anyone else but just thought i’d share :)
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catsdonthavenames · 6 years
Hello, I need help
with a school project. I have been assigned to make a podcast on asexuality and aromanticism. For my project I would like to include some of the things asexuals, aromantic, and a-spec people hate hearing when they tell people about being aromantic, asexual or a-spec. Also what are things you wish to heard when you tell others about asexuality ot aromanticism. Either reblog this with the comment or message me. 
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trickstertox · 3 years
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Offering both versions because they are equally messy in my opinion. I tried.
Anyway, akoiromantic/sexual (or lithromantic/sexual, whichever you prefer) fruit aesthetics. Because I will happily make content that will lift spirits and anger akoiphobes/lithphobes. <3
Thinking of doing vegetables and non-food ones. Non-Food definitely, but I don't know if anyone would want a vegetable version.
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