otteritos · 1 month
I FINALLY GOT AROUND TO WATCHING THE TOH PILOT ITS SO GOOD??? i totally see why the show was greenlit with that good of a pilot. it's so fucking epic and completely encapsulates the whole vibe that they were going for in the show. AHHHH
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jess-the-vampire · 2 months
honestly out of all the pilot/pitch stuff that was removed/changed, i am the most sad about william's removal if anything
arguably his character was later transformed into hunter, but i can see why dana claims technically his character was removed entirely because everything we get on him showcases him to mostly be wildly different from hunter
he's younger, from the 16th century so he's apparently centuries old, the concept was he and luz seemed to be the only humans on the isles, he's also basically everyone's idea of like.....baby philip with the witch hunter aspect more prevalent.
Honestly his pitch design even looks more like baby Philip then hunter.
how he went from this design to the more prince-like design down the line is worth asking. Cause by the time we got to the animation test he was known as "Prince william" (Idk, maybe in the pitch he was gonna be secretly a prince who regains his memories or something?)
he's just a weird kid who lives nearby and screams at the clouds.
apparently he also had a memory problem that would regain over time and reveal he and obron (pitch belos) are family and i assume had some past that probably explains them both being so freaking old and how william fell asleep with memory issues.
Maybe obron was responsible for william's condition, or maybe someone else did this and it led to obron's actions in modern day? i wonder how this would of played out had it been in the final draft.
also their relation, would it have been another nephew-uncle situation? would their relation have been way different, maybe they're brothers who were witch hunters and this was transformed into the wittebane backstory instead? william's also been asleep for centuries so it's been awhile since they've seen each other so their relationship would have a different vibe to it overall.
it's quite interesting, sad we never got to see where it would go but it would be cool if maybe a future project might go through with the unused concept someday.
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Any thoughts on the TOH pitch bible and pilot episode that were leaked? Anything you thought it was better than in the final product, or that the final product improved on?
Here is the pilot episode along with a lot of other Disney shows for those that missed it.
And the pitch bible
There were quite a few things I liked about the pilot better: the biggest being that Luz is actually bullied for her interests instead of pulling dangerous stunts that just make her look bad. Also, there's actual bigotry against humans in the Boiling Isles! Luz has to wear a disguise when sneaking into witch school! Lilith is more of a threat in this pilot than she was in the show! Luz and Eda feel more natural in the pilot; Eda still proclaims herself as the most powerful witch in the isles but it's obviously her ego talking while it's taken more seriously in the show. It feels like it's having more fun with itself instead of having an air of self importance.
A few things the actual show did better: Luz entering the Demon Realm. In the pilot, she just stumbles into it after trying to return Amity's passport (who is still a witch just attending a human high school for some reason). Luz trying to get her book back from Owlbert and being led directly to Eda works better for her character and the themes of the show. Also, in the pilot, Eda could just easily conjure a door to the human realm, which lowers the stakes a bit.
As for the pitch bible, it certainly is ambitious with how its world is set up: beta Belos was called Obron and was a councilor to the real ruler of the world, Emperor Pupa, who is currently in larval form and only its councilor's can understand what it's saying. Naturally, Obron is the real power behind the throne and plans on invading the human realm by possessing the Titan's body and he apparently needs a human soul to do that...
Yeah, I can see why this was simplified in the final version.
I do like some of the designs in the pitch bible better. For example, here's Willow, a.k.a. Paulina:
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Here's Tibbles:
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And lastly, even though everyone says this is beta Hunter, look me in the eyes and tell me that's not Baby Philip "Kill All Witches" Wittebane:
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Come on, red outfit, blue eyes, hatred of witches, really hundreds of years old, the FREAKIN' DAGGER/SWORD.
That's a proto-Philip who was split into 3 characters, he's not simply beta Hunter.
Overall, both the pitch bible and the pilot are a mixed bag; the pitch bible has some overly ambitious ideas that (thankfully) became more grounded, but it also has more interesting character designs. The pilot has a lot going on in a mere 20 minutes but it's more fun to watch imo simply because it's not taking itself too seriously.
Despite all of these what-ifs, a show is only as good as how well it carries out its ideas. Toh has a lot of creativity and compelling concepts but its biggest struggle was always in its execution.
(P.S. any accusations that Disney made Dana add Hexside are now null and void because both the pitch bible and pilot had Lilith as the Headmaster of Amity's magic school)
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Arcane x TOH Pilot/Pitch?
So I rewatched Arcane and I’ve also been looking into the TOH pilot/pitch bible and I just did what came naturally: I made an AU!!!
ACT 1: Luz and William are siblings, with Luz being older by 5 years, and they lived in the 1600s, so obviously their family was accused of witchcraft due to racism and that shit so Luz and William’s parents were burned at the stake but Luz managed to take Baby William and run off into the woods. One of the witch hunters followed them and cornered them against a rock. That witch hunter was - you guessed it - Caleb!!! He was intending on bringing them back to Gravesfield so they could suffer their parents’ fate but seeing Luz’s scared little face overwhelmed him and in the end, he couldn’t do it. He led them further into the woods where they met up with Evelyn, who was a real witch. Caleb and Evelyn agreed that the kids could seek shelter in the Demon Realm, and that Evelyn and her family will raise them. A rebellion and sibling rivalry later, 13-year old William wants to help his adoptive father and sister fight against Philip but Luz tells him to stay behind. Thinking his sister didn’t want him, poor William has a meltdown but then comes up with an idea. He would sneak off to where Caleb and Philip were gonna fight, light a match, and throw it at Philip, burning him alive and saving the day. But instead, he missed Philip and it fell to the ground, starting a fire. Caleb was distracted by the sudden fire and Philip took this as a chance to stab him. Caleb and Luz share a heartbreaking loss moment and William comes out of the shadows, telling Luz he saved them…only to find out he killed Caleb. Enraged, Luz slaps him and tells him to leave and never return. William is horrified and heartbroken but does as she says, walking off into the distance. William finds Philip’s cave and seeks shelter there, and he’s found by the guy. Philip decides to put William to sleep…forever. He didn’t kill him, if that’s what you’re asking, he simply put his body in a little glass coffin and put a memory-erasing spell on him.
ACT 2: Fast forward to 2 years later. Luz is 20 now and she discovers a time pool which sends her hundreds of years into the future. By then, William had been awaken by Belos and grew up besides Hunter. The two have a brotherly relationship and William doesn’t even remember Luz’s name. Luz is heartbroken by this and decides to go back through the time portal because as long as he’s happy, she’d be fine. But the time pool is gone!!! So she has to team up with Eda the Owl Lady, her adoptive mother’s descendant, in order to create a new time pool that leads back to the 1600s. In her journey, she’ll meet many new friends and properly reunite with her little brother once again.
That’s all for now. I’ll update this post once I figure out the plot for ACT 3, but it’s obviously supposed to be based on what happens in Arcane.
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(art is by @brother-bon3s , go check out his account! He’s super talented and feeds me all the yummy William content I crave for hehe)
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wayhavenots · 13 days
if you designed a sitcom starring your four favorite ocs, what would it be like? (~agentnatesewell)
Ahhh beloved Mar thank you for this fun question!!! <3
Hmm for the purposes of smooshing them together in a sitcom, I didn't include any of the ocs who I really can't imagine out of their original universe/backstory. So it would be Avery, Luz, Freddie, and Rider.
Potential premise: Rider returns to his hometown to run a bar that he inherited from his late father (essentially Rook). He doesn't know anything about running a business and tries to find someone to help him...but anyone who knows him knows that he's irresponsible and never really grew up.
But during his search for potential business partners, he does meet some new people: Luz, a friendly surgical resident who vows to help him find a business partner just because; Freddie, a mysterious drummer without a band; and Avery, who is having an existential crisis and doesn't really want to talk right now. By the end of the pilot, Avery becomes Rider's temporary business partner (her qualification: she knows how to fix the cash register :) ) and they are all on the way to becoming one of those slightly codependent sitcom friend groups.
They're all kind of on a quest to "grow up." Rider is trying to prove himself by running this bar successfully. Avery is biding her time until she works up the courage to meet her biological mother (it wouldn't be Avery without abandonment issues :) ). Freddie is trying to be independent from their family. Luz is trying to be the best surgical resident :) and friend!
Usually, Luz and/or Rider drag the rest on some kind of wacky misadventure. Occasionally, Avery drags the rest on an astronomy themed adventure. Any Freddie-led adventures are very reluctant.
(To be transparent I'm imagining the tone as essentially How I Met Your Mother, with Rider and Luz essentially analogues of Ted and Barney respectively...except not awful.)
No romance among the four...probably.
...Like in any sitcom obviously there's kind of a will they/won't they energy with Rider and Avery because they work together and Rider is very charming/earnest and Avery is love-starved. But they won't.
Also occasionally includes Harry, Rider's older more responsible brother, and Ejin, Harry's baby daughter. (...Could see Avery having a thing with Harry which also doesn't work out.)
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full-on-sam · 11 months
Nine People Tag
I was tagged by the lovely @writernopal here. Thank you so much for tagging me!
Feather light tag to @bluberimufim, @squarebracket-trick, @angelicminds and @rbbess110!
Three Ships
Amity and Luz (The Owl House) since I watched it the first time, they are so cute!
Crowley and Aziraphele (Good Omens) second season here we go!
Korra and Asami (TLOK) they make me bawl and sob, my babies.
Bonus: Fiero and Mis by @angelicminds! They make me lose it in a good way!
Currently Listening
Message Man by Twenty Øne Pilots
Last Movie
Currently reading
I have started Dracula and Poe's short stories but I put them on hold to read Days at the Morisaki's bookshop! It's really great! Also I am planning to reread The Path to the Spider's Nest by Italo Calvino. I studied it un school and I am basing some trait of my OC Katz on Pin!
Currently watching
Right now nothing because I am patiently waiting for the new Barbie movie and for the second Good Omens season. Patiently
Currently Consuming
I juuust finished a chocolate cake for breakfast!
Currently Craving
A nice, long, Genshin Impact session. I have been to busy and tired to play all week and I really miss that!
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Owl House Reviews: For the Future: The Rise of Terrance
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Hello all you happy witches! We're in the middle now, we're in the middle of the ride but every thing everything will be just fine but everything everything will be all right. But for now we're into my look at our middle part which like some middle parts isn't as good as the start or the finish but damn if it still wasn't great. Follow me undre the cut for a review ith full spoilers. And if your feeling jaunty I cooked up a playlist for the episode if you want to put that in your earbox while I go on and on about this episode. Let's begin.
Luz and Camilla: To Be Understood
As I figured, Luz's arc wasn't quite done yet, as while the pep talk helped enough to get her through the portal, she's still fully commited to going home in her guilt. Camilla tries her best to convince her but being on top of a giant corpse where people eat rats (you have to remove the inner heads), fly on brooms and behind every lampost is a new friend is a hard adjustment. It's not helping but you can't blame her: even Luz, as much as she wholly embraced the place, had a lot of adjusting to do. She's trying.
We also see lots of nice momming from Camilla as she tries to help everyone and does try to get Luz's attention it's just dealing with puppetgeddon, unruly teens and kiki
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Means there isn't much time for it, but it's nicely there the whole episode: Luz pulls away from Amity's attempts at comfort as she likely feels guilty she's leaving but the rest of her guilt is too strong to stop. It's there. IT's hard to once again see Luz so drained of everything she loved. It makes it that much more cathartic when Camilla, after trying all episode finally DOES get a moment to get Luz to stop and listen.. even if Kiki is right on top of them
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The following speech is .. beautiful and hilaroius as Camilla bluntly points out Luz can't keep beating herself up because of one mistkae. She's made mistkaes; having a root canal before her wedding, having road rage at luz's principal, and the one that deserves it's own spinoff selling energy drinks for a pyramid scheme for three years. Which luz is aware of. I.. I need to know everything about this. But the bigger one..was not standing up for Luz, was being so afraid of Luz having the hard time being a nerd she did as a teenager, that she didn't accept her for the werido she was. The show once again takes Camilla's less than stellar pilot characterization and spins it beautifully, making it Camilla's greatest mistkae and the thing that's apology finally gets Luz to realize what she wanted, somethign I heartbrekaingly understnad having been a neurdivergent awkawrd teenager myself: to be understood. It's the harest thing in the world to get.. to just have someone… try to understand you, to really get you. It's..frustrating as it can often feel like even the most well meaning person doesn't get you and that feeling of your parent really knowing you.. is one ot treasure.
Thus Luz unlocks her power.. which is both terrifying as it should be for her friends.. and glorious.. and also leads to this lil lady
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ALL HAIL. I seriously have to look at that picture at least once a day. Look at her. She's perfect. As is Camilla cuddling with all her babies. Luz is finally herself again.. and just in time for a god's temper tantrum. But first, TERRANCE
Terrance: The Man? The Myth The Legend
Am I really dedicating an entire section to this presumibly one off blob on a light post?
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Look I'm a man of many werid taste but I love a creature with a bunch of eyes, I love blobs, so an eye blob just sitting there int he middle of a creeply silent street and only just kind of .. blinking at camilla confused, possibly okay with what she just did, had me spining. We need 30 seasons of terrance. I think that's his work lampost and at the end of the day he puts on a little fedora, pulls out a briefcase and slithers home to another lampost just across from there. Has he been doing this since the titan first formed him? Probably. Does he have a family? Possibly. I stil lneed to work on my pitch to disney. The point is expect the year of terrance baby and feel free to hit me with yoru ideas.
The Collector and the King: Knowing Me Knowing You
So now we're actually back on the isle we found out what was going on, as my field reporter checked in
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It's essentially been the COllector playing mario and luigi with king every day using terra as the boss until she finally snapped today and got puppeted. Everyone's a puppet now, including Willow's dads!
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As you can probably guess being the plaything of a mad god hasn't been easy for King, whose job has mostly been "hanging out, down the street, same old thing we did last week".. only same old thing is "Keep the collector from doing far worse the best he can and hope they can find a way out of this". On the bright side Odalia has also been stuck in her own personal hell: having to actually be a parent while having on actual power while the collector apparently reguarlly taunts her with the puppets to remind her what happens if she keeps pushing him. Not even Belos wants to bodyjack her, she's fallen that low and I love everything about this.
The Collector himself though is as intresting as I found him last time. I also got a real sense of
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Yes he's still a fairly terrifying little chlid making living persons into his playthings and he does need to be stopped.. but like me the show sees not just the terrifying power he wields.. but the child wielding them. He's like Anthony Belmont of It's A Good Life if the kid still had a possible chance to be taught empathy. Said vindcation also comes from @jess-the-vampire's biggest sticking point: The genocide. Even I coudln't really defend that but I figured it was more complicated or if he had then he'd be properly punished.
Turns out he likely didn't participate as the Collectors.. .WERE AN ENTIRE SPECIES. They were also deeply terrifying monsters, amazzing and perserving thigns much like this puppets.. and if a world objected well they got burned to the bone for their troubles. So the collector we saw do in the owl beast was likely not the one we know, not that it helped the creature rage against him less.. and the Titans clearly did not take them doing this as well, leading to their extinction but the collectors mostly going out. It also raises the question did King's dad seal the collector we know because they were that dangerous.. or because of that plus he didn't want to murder a child. Did he seal king as a counterballance? to protect him from the genocide? There's a lot of answers we don't have: the only promising one is King's magic CAN cancel out the collectors, so there is hope.
What we do know now is Eda is KINDA safe. The most danger is , as tended to be the case before all this started, herself as she can't resist triggering the security puppets to see Rahne again.
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Also the design for the collectorfied puppets is both mildly unsettling and aweosme, especially Rahne who gets a spiffy haircut and new outfit…. proably for obvious plot reasons but still it's clear they put effort into every puppet not just his and it must've taken a LOT of time to design all these. It was entirley worth it and even as we approach the end I marvel at this series care and craft.
Lily is likewise helping and while her potions taste awful, the fact is she can make them from scratch, so their curses aren't an issue. WHat is an issue is both clearly plan to seal or kill the collector… and King.. dosen't want to do that.
And the reason is simple: King empathizes; Both are the last of their kind, both have tremendous power, and King… wasn't so diffrent. He also used to lack empathy, and what he had was thanks to having a strong loving mother to help raise him. Had king had what the collector has, he might never of gotten Eda to raise him the way she has and instead bullied her into submission the way the collector has. All the collector has had for parents is a race of genocidal entitled assholes, and a singular genocidal entitled racist asshole what manipulated him into working with him for centuries. He has no real sense of what's really right or wrong or even how fragile the beings he's abusing are. It dosen't remotely make what he's doing okay, he needs to stop and fix what he's done, but King can empathize with what he is. He needs to be talked down and talked into fixing what he did. It dosen't mean he shouldn't be punished, but it does mean simply locking a child away again wont' solve anything and may just leave it open for another oportnistic asshole to manipulate him.
It's really a message the show has slowly been building to: That kindness and empathy.. are more important than hate. That undrestanding each other is the most important thing at all. We can be better and are better than we think. Though it also has the hard truth to this: Some people can't change, won't change, and can't be reasoned with, and are just consumed by their hatred, bigotry and general stupidity. You all know wher ei'm going with
Belos: All My Sins Be Remembered
Belos thankfully did not have a great time for the first half of the episode for once, having to crawl with his legs giving out, and being haunted by appirtions, real or imagined, of his brother and all the golden guards he murdered. Chillingly and fittingly they dont' speak: they just stare at him, Caleb in paticualr having a bloody knife above him firmly confirming what we knew… and with belos weakly justifying it as "trying to save your soul". But Caleb says nothing, simply judging him silently, knowing that in his heart Belos knows what he did was wrong but can never admit it and thus never be free… as it should be.
Sadly.. Belos dosen't die, though it fits as he's the real big bad here: the collector is the main THREAT.. but as I said he's a stupid star children. The person who manipulated him, the person who caused all of this, the person who required FREEING him in the first place… is the one who should be the last threat our heroes face and being belos he falls back on the one tool he has: manipulating children. Using the Rahne puppet, he simply gaslights the poor kid again , making him think his powers made the puppet alive and then turning him against Luz and King. We do get the cliche only hearing part of it thing with collector listneing in on king but not hearing king wanting to talk.., but it works here: King is the only friend the Collector's ever had and this betryal would hurt deep.. witht he kid not understnading that of course King would want the rest of his family.. but it dosen't mean he dosen't care about the kid. Once again Belos has his finger on the triger and it's going to take a miracle to stop him… but he's loosing. That said WHY DID HE HAVE TO PICK RAHNE WHY WHY. DONT' LET THEM DIE FOR THE LOVE OF TITAN DON'T LET HIM D…
Huntlow (Featuring Gus): We won? We won WE WON!
We got a nice chunk of Willow Focus this episode, and it's nice she got some again before the series ran out. This one focuses on her tendency to be a pillar for her friends, and while it's an admirable trait.. you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else. It seems kind of obvious but between this, steven universe, encanto and countless other shows it's a common theme if one that bears repeating, and one even I struggle to take to heart at times against my better judgement. It's well done as we can see the pressure build, and Camilla, TRIES to help.. it's just the focus on you know, canceling the apocalypse means no one really noticies till willow puts everyone in plant jail. She's so focused on fixing Hunter's problems she can't see her own. Hunter isn't even to blame: It's understandable he's in a bad place emotoinally after belos and while his only drive right now is kick his green ass… he's not actulaly proceesing it. It's understandable she want sto help her sorta boyfriend not melt down but it's sad because you can tell things aren't oging to end well
The actual resolution is also sweet: Hunter finally opens up and admits he needs them both he's just not good with this sort of thing, and Gus gets willow to admit that sure she's a pillar to lean on but she needs people too. As a result.. the episode almost ends with hunter and willow holding hands, blushign adn willow basically confessing in short
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Granted the Anti's are still a swarming but like.. shit's cannon now. It clearly was before but ther'es now mor ethan enough evidence. And look i'm not bragging becaus e"my ship's better than yours", ships are ships and unless their incest, pedophila or actively abusive, any ship is fine. But don't be a dick, and for the love of god don't be a biophobic asshole. Hunter being with willow dosen't mean he can't be into men if you want just as Luz being with a woman dosent' mean she's not attracted to men.. it's just who their with. It's what being bisexual means and I shoudln't HAVE to bring this up.. but I do because the biphobia in the fandom is obnoxious. YOu guys shoudl know better. Fucking stop.
A very well done arc. Now for
I Think Kiki Should Leave
So let's get this out of the way: Kiki should not be in this episode. She shoudln't. I get needing an action set piece to appease the mighty overlords who canceled the show in the first place, because Disney rarely makes sense. And I get it being a showcase for Luz's wand.. but my reaction to her coming back was the same as Luz's. It worked in season 2 both due to her constant humilations and her very personal rivlary with hunter, and her sad end, finding out her boss never cared about her and getting even was great. The problem is while she COULD be vital to this episode, as she did unleash the collector.. in practice she's just.. trying ot be belos. She has no ambition and thus there's no real threat. That might've been the intent but like.. when the character resolutions are so much more intresting and never really REQUIRED her to be…
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Boshca by contrast.. was an unexpected elight, as finding out she's hung up on amity, and ruled the school was neat. And like.. if you wanted an ambointon for the boss just hav eboscha find one. It's not like Alador didn't make a LOT. I know Kiki's is a special model that's super powerful but like… Boscha is more intresting. Of course she'd put her own selfish desires over things, of course she'd have ptsd and whlie her face turn was suprising it was neat. Kiki by contrast does nothing we haven't seen and thus feels like sh'es just kinda there.
Other stuff:
Matt was amazing, from finding out his and Steve's last names are tholomule, to everyone's reactions to "Mantholmule": Camilla find sit adorably hilarious, Luz, Willow and Hunter are mortified and Amity and Gus are just done with this. I also love the super rad bump statue.
We also have Eldric, who looses every bit last shred of cool he had imitating the bandage guy from spongebob, and cheerfully describing how the well he fell down had rocks in it> I mean I love this new dork version of my newly adopted son.
So that about does it. This was an excellent episode and i'm sorry this review is so fucking late getting out. This week.. was a long mental struggle. Thanks for reading and i'll see you for the finale in apparently april!
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wormshirt · 2 years
In the pilot Luz was shown performing necromancy on a dead baby bird and by God if they don't bring that back for Flapjack I will cry So Hard.
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drabbles-of-writing · 4 years
P!Luz was the first of their sisters that discover that witches purr, she and P!Amity where in their secret hideout reading and cudling, then P!Amity begin to purr without noticing it and P!Luz just stare at her like it was the cutets thing in the world.
P!Luz has such starry eyes when she notices P!Amity leaning on her is Purring. P!Amity doesn’t even realize until she glances up and notices P!Luz staring n then shes just “ah,,,,a h” n shes all embarrassed but P!Luz is just cooing n cuddling up to P!Amity again as Close As She Can n then P!Amity is just purring on instinct of that n its just. Shes bapy n P!Luz is having the time of her life
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dumbtheoriez · 3 years
those pics of Baby Luz tho!! She was so cute!!!!
okay but Camila saying she gonna give someone a pow-pow is the funniest shit to me bc thats literally how my hispanic/Latine family jokes around with the kids when theyo are tryna cheer one up after they get hurt (“do you want me to give the lego un pow-pow for hurting you?” And then throwing the lego on the floor and the kid starts laughing and stops crying) or in the context Camila was using. Idk just thought it was cute thing they added
Why does Luz have a Bunk bed??
Crazy apocalypse supplies? Lmao
How did she rip the glove like that?? IS THAT AN ABOMINATION HEAD? IN A JAR???
That door looks fucked up as hell
The traps tho? Thats a little excessive, no?
that reflection scared the shit outta me 😭😭
Luzs’ accent when saying her moms name is so cute aww
Why is her dad blurred out in the pic?
I too, Camila, will never get anime 😭
Ok, so Luz is reasonable. Good to know and at least this basilisk isn’t evil
is that a statue of Phillip? And someone else? Or is that actually something in Connecticut
Witch obsessed guy?
Eda got rid of all her decks? How many did she have?
She made friends at camp 🥺
But that reading? Really fucking scary
under new management?
Her “Yes please” was so cute tho
I love her voice omg
Aww Camila came back for her to take her there instead 😭
Get this guy outta here
This -
This dumbass istg
Omg I hope he gets put in his place
No not another therapy needing character 😭😭😭
Get this dumbass outta here ommfg
Omgggg im so fuckin done with these superhero “I can protect humanity” type asshats. Get a fuckin lifeeee
Reminds me of Kiteman from the Harley Quinn show
Might just be the voice or I shouldnt have binged the whole thing before watching this 😭
Camila is so nice to her awwww
She can project into the rain thats so cool
She’s crying omg-
Im crying omgggg
No she doesnt hate living with you no camila-
Oh look my heart has been impaled
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The Owl House-Echoes of the Past Recap
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King takes Luz and Lilith to his home Spoilers below.
The episode begins with Luz discovering an invisibility spell, which is cool but never comes up again during the episode. A weird inversion of Chekhov's gun but whatever. Lilith and Hooty continue to be the best besties.
King is talking about his past as the king of demons, which is nice since they haven’t touched that since the pilot. Lilith and Hooty mock him so he decides to take them to the place where Eda found him.
Hooty wants to come too, so he removes himself to the door and puts himself into a little carry house. We don’t see it, but we do hear it, and it sounds very wet and crunchy. We also see Luz, King, and Lilith’s faces and it is great.
King directs them to an island that no one has seen. Lilith dismisses King’s claims until she sees some hieroglyphics featuring what looks like a big King. Lilith’s ass kissing is interrupted by a monster attack. Eda pops up and tells them how she met King. Eight years ago she came here hiding from Belos and found a baby king making little rock stacks. Eda takes him prompt the monster to attack, causing King’s horn to chip. She took him home where he continued stacking stuff and lording over it. So she calls him King which he starts mimicking, much to Eda’s surprise. So King is a literal baby.
Luz finds a room with broken egg shells. King realizes that this is where he was hatched and the big creature in the hieroglyphics is his father, or at the very least a parent. So they return, complete with the monster that stopped moving. So he might be less of a king and more of a prince. Luz glues his chipped horn back. I get the symbolism but the chipped horn looked so good. I’ll properly get used to his new look in a couple episodes but still.
And there goes the theory that all the demons were turned cute somehow. I do also find it weird that King was born from an egg despite looking like a mammal. i know, I know magic creature but still. 
Great look at King. Everyone played off each other wonderfully. The episode does a masterful job at making someone who is normally comic relief a center of an episode.
3 ½ out 4
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otteritos · 1 month
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ambenya · 4 years
The Owl House Characters Singing Karaoke
Disclaimer: Some of these songs are not friendly for all ages and some might even be considered NSFW. Some of the artists who perform these songs I know are not exactly the best people. However, we kept in mind the ages of the characters and the kind of things someone their age would sing even if they aren’t aware of what the song is actually about. Also, feel free to add to this list with your own ideas. I know not everyone will feel the same way as I do on some of these choices but this was just for fun and I might do another list if people request it. I should say our age and music taste probably show too. 
Despacito by Luis Fonsi ft. Daddy Yankee
Fight Song by Rachel Platten
Shaky Shaky by Daddy Yankee (Ed&Em back up dancers)
Die Young by Kesha
Rude by Magic
Take It Off by Kesha
Light ‘Em Up by Fall Out Boy
Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey
One and Only by Morning Musume ‘15
Pika Girl 
Sweet but Psycho by Ava Max
Chop Chop Slide by ICP
F*ck The World by ICP
Go Cops by Rucka Rucka Ali
Paper Planes by M.I.A.
Country Song by Seether
Seven Nation Army by White Stripes
Just Like You by Three Days Grace
Teenagers by My Chemical Romance
Uno Dos Tres Cuatro by Don Omar
Lost Boy by Ruth B.
Heathens by Twenty One Pilots
The Kids by Eminem
Kill You by Eminem
Black Horse and a Cherry Tree by K.T. Tunstall
Bad Blood by Taylor Swift
Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift
Sober by Pink
Every Rose Has Its Torn by Poison
When Doves Cry by Prince
Brick By Boring Brick by Paramore
Baby Shark 
The Gummy Bear Song
The Purple People Eater by Sheb Wooley
Gravity by Sara Bareilles
Stupid Girls by Pink
Angel of Darkness by Alex C. feat. Yasmin K
Little Miss Perfect 
B*tch by Meredith Brooks
Numb by Linkin Park
Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez
Everytime We Touch by Cascada
Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne
Bullet by Hollywood Undead
She F*cking Hates Me by Puddle of Mudd
America by Motionless In White
Voices by Motionless In White
Voodoo by Godsmack
Most Avril Lavigne Songs
Family Portrait by Pink
Good Form by Nicki Minaj ft. Lil Wayne
Barbie Girl by Aqua
Boss A*sb*tch by Nicki Minaj
Let Her Go by Passenger
Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
Sail by Awolnation
Others (Specified):
(Emira and Amity) Rainbows and Stuff by ICP
(Emira and Edric) Shy Ronnie by Rihanna and The Lonely Island
(Emira and Edric) Shy Ronnie 2: Ronnie & Clyde by Rihanna and The Lonely Island
(Emira, Edric and Amity) Pretty Girl Cheat Codes x CADE Remix by Maggie Lindemann
(Luz and Amity) Mind by Skrillex & Diplo feat.Kai
(Eda and Lilith) Coconut by Harry Nilsson
(Amity and Edric) Actin Like You Know by Mackenzie Nicole feat. Tech N9ne
(Luz, Gus, King, Edric, Willow) It’s Gonna Be Me by ‘N SYNC 
(Luz, Gus, King, Edric, Willow) Really any ‘N SYNC and Backstreet Boys songs
(Edric, Emira, and Amity) The Time Warp 
(Singing: Amity; Rap: Edric and Emira) In The End by Linkin Park
(Everyone) Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
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buttercupart · 3 years
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pilot luz.... baby
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mysteriouslee · 3 years
Sister bonding time
Owl House time baby
Prompt 25 26 27 and 28
also sister au Lucia- Beta Luz she/her bisexual Luka- Pilot Luz She/They Bisexual
me and my friend @mysteriousblogger though that since the sisters are in the same universe they can't all like the Blights cuz if Luz marries Amity then the others will become family so
the sisters, they are all switches
Eda is a Ler
Let us commence
Luz was grumpy today, she failed her test in potions and Boscha tripped her down the stairs, Luz just plopped onto her bed in a sad pout
Luka: hey sis what's going on here
Luz only mumbled
Lucia: what's gotcha down Luz
Luz: It's just I hate Boscha
Lucia: Woah strong words there, where did this Luz come from and why didn't they come out sooner
Luka: this isn't funny Lucia, Luz are you ok
Luz: I also failed my potions test
Luka: aww man Luz we studied it for hours
Luz started to cry and wave of sympathy hit her sisters
Lucia: woah woah kiddo, no need to cry
Luka: sorry for yelling at ya Luz, please don't cry
Luz: I just feel so stupid
Lucia: you aren't stupid Luz
Luka: have more faith in yourself, in fact i don't like that you are talking about yourself that way, I think she needs to be taught a lesson
Luz attempted to squirm away because she knew what was about o happen but Luka had her in a tight
Lucia: Hey hooty can ya lend me a feather
Hooty: sure hoot hoot
after hooty left Luka and Lucia had Luz pinned between them on the floor
Luz: guys wait lets talk about this
Luka: we alright then Luz we are gonna tickle you til you feel better got it
Lucia: yup now let's begin
Luz: wait let's
Luka: talk about it, but we already did
Lucia took the feather and tickled Luz's neck and ears and the hispanic otter with a dark side let out giggles
Luka then started to squeeze her sides and ribs
Luz: nohoho guys stahahap
Luka: never muahaha
Lucia: we don't approve of your strong words
Luka: but you use strong words all the time though
Lucia: I'm trying to prove something to Luz no shut up dumbass
Luka: gasp you wound my soul
Lucia: I'll wound more than your soul, better yet
Luka was pushed to the ground a pinned to floor then Luz's foot was trapped between Lucia's thighs
Lucia caressed the feather on Luz's foot while Lucia clawed on Luka's tummy
Luka: Lucihahaha Fahahahwk nohoho
Lucia: such language, you hearin this Luz
Luz: stohohop Luciahaha
Lucia: stop what
Luz: im nohot fallin fohohor thahahat
Lucia pinned Luka's arms over head and moved the feather in her hollows and then Lucia began scribbling on the back of Luz's knee
Luka: stahahap stahahap
Lucia: Luz do ya feel better
Luz: yehehes now plehehease merceehehe
Lucia: hmm you don't convince me Amity simp
Luz: >:0
Lucia: Luka I'll stop if you tell me I'm a higher being than you and you are a skater flower simp
Luka: >:0
Luka: nohoho
Lucia: all right then tickle tickle tickle
Lucia let out bunches of teases and switched her tickling techniques around their body, she eventually let Luz go out of pity but still had Luka to her mercy
Luka: lehehet go
Lucia: then say what I want you to say
Luka: n-no
Lucia: all right
Lucia: I wonder if should call Winona (pilot willow) over and let your little girlfriend see you like this
Luka: no!! all right I'm a skater flower simp
Lucia: and?
Luka: and you are a shitty being beneath me
Luka only stuck out her tongue
Lucia: tsk tsk- what! Luz what are you
Luz: revenge!!
Luka jumped up quickly and joined Luz in trapping the older
Luz: now its your turn
Luka: just admit that you called Eda mom last week
Luz: she said that
Luka: yeah, you were too busy on a date with Amity to know
Luka: just admit and we'll let ya go
Lucia: screw off
Eda: thats not very nice, it looks like you can barely contain her so let me help
Eda turned into a harpy and got right to work on Lucia
Lucia squeaked and let out giggles due to Eda's fast fingers and her feathers attacking her
Lucia: Edahaha get offa mehehe
Eda: naw
Lucia: leahehehve me alone
Eda: you didn't your siblings so why should I
Lucia: im sohohorry im begheheging ya to stohop
Luka: damn you even got her saying sorry, mind if we join in
Eda: the more the merrier
Lucia: nooooooooooo
Luka attacked Lucia's hips as did to her knees
Lucia: ya kihihling mehehe
Eda: just call me mom and I'll let ya go
Luz and Luka: ooohhhhhhhhh
Eda: you two as well
Eda had now double crossed the younger two and began tickling them too
Luz: betryahahal
Eda: now bow before and except your fates
Luka: stop stop staahahap
Eda: you know to do
the three siblings in unison: NEVER
Eda: well then-
Raine: hey guys, bye guys
Eda: where do you think you're going Rainstorm
Raine only looked back with a look that says you kids owe me now run
The girls took Raine's advice and escaped through the window
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soyalexnajera · 4 years
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